Contact Report 777/第777次接觸報告
英譯版本:2021年9月14日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2021年9月30日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
一、由於Ptaah 在Billy的電腦內看到記錄有關在1990年代發生在SSSC內的一些靈異現象,於是Billy對這種所謂「流體能量」的現象作了一番解釋… 但真正清晰而易懂的說明,恐怕還不到和盤托出的時候。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Greetings, dear friend, Eduard. Today I come here because I want to talk to you about certain things that are wrong with the way the Swiss leader, Federal Councillor Alain Berset, is breaking his word and acting contrary to what he promised the Swiss people. You as a citizen of this state should speak openly about what is not right. It i…
你好,親愛的朋友,愛德華。今天我來到這裡,是因為我想和你談談這位瑞士領導人,也就是聯邦委員阿蘭.貝爾塞(Alain Berset),他違背了對瑞士人民的承諾,而在某些方面的錯誤之舉。作為這個國家的公民,你應該公開談論那些處置不當的事情。那就是...
Excuse me, but I do not want to get involved in politics because it is too dirty for me to get involved in. It is beyond me to get involved in this dirty business more than by saying what is done right and what is done wrong. But I do not want to deal with it directly, and certainly not with any particular person. But be welcome, and also be greeted. It is really unusual that you are here at such an early hour.
You are right that you do not want to deal with politics in that form and only speak about it in general and without naming names in each case, but I think that in this case, which is why I am addressing the whole of the incidents, you should follow everything carefully and speak out, because it confirms your observation that certain state leaders in your home country are incapable of governance. This is also seen in foreign states, and furthermore – as you say in each case – this Federal Councillor Berset 'mimics' what in foreign states their inadequate leaders do to their citizens of injustice instead of ordering the right thing.
你不想以這種方式處理政治問題,這是對的,只是在一般情況下談論它,而且在每個案例中都不點名,但我認為,在這件事上,也就是我對整個事件有意見的原因,你應該仔細關注每件事,並且說出自己的看法,因為它證實了你的觀察,那就是你的祖國某些國家領導人沒有能力治理國家。這在外國也可以看到,此外 —— 正如你在每個案例中所說的 —— 這位聯邦議員貝爾塞“模仿”了外國國家中那些失職的領導人,沒有指導其人民去做正確的事情,而是反其道而行。
Just what I have seen in your computer under the receipt of your e-mails that Achim … sends you from Germany, and just what I follow from Swiss politics, clearly proves to me that you are thinking in the correct way with your foresight with regard to the incompetence of the majority of the state leaders of the Earth and the folks.
我在你的電腦上看到了Achim... 從德國發給你的電子郵件,以及我從瑞士政治中瞭解到的情況,向我清楚地證明,你對地球上大多數國家領導人的無能和人民的無知,這些看法都是正確的,而且頗有遠見。
Aha, I did not know that, just that you go through the emails addressed to me in my computer. But nevertheless, I do not officially deal with politics, and that is also when I may give my opinion in relation to certain political things.
I guess you do that for your own protection?
No, it is my firm opinion and attitude.
As we also follow the machinations that are being engineered against you in the background, such as those of D… G… and your …, as well as those of your …, who unfortunately had the same visions in your workroom, as my daughter Semjase, Professor Bender, Silvano, Engelbert, his wife Maria, Hans Benz, Elsi Moser, Amata and Olga, Marcel Hirt, who broke another rib in the process, and various other persons.
另外我們也在關注那些背地裡對付你的陰謀,例如D... G... 和你的...,以及你的...,他們不幸在你的工作室裡都感受到了同樣的異象,我的女兒Semjase、Bender教授、Silvano、Engelbert、他的妻子Maria、Hans Benz、Elsi Moser、Amata和Olga以及在這個過程中還斷了一根肋骨的Marcel Hirt,還有其他一些人所經歷的的類似異象。
Evil visions. – Yes, I know, it lasted until the 1990s, when the 'Andromedans' came and put an end to the haunting, as they had already done in the cellar, where Bernadette was still able to photograph the helmet of one of them. They also 'redeemed' Engelbert, who had been rushing up to the attic with his loaded Winchester rifle every second or third week for years, but found no one to make a ruckus, so he left again, after which there was peace again – for 2 or 3 weeks, after which the theatre started all over again with the rumbling in the middle of the night and Engelbert 'saddled up' his Winchester again. I would like to explain what a vision actually is and that such a vision can also be perceived as a fluidal force phenomenon, which is not recognised as such, but is experienced as real:
那些邪惡的異象(Evil visions)!—— 沒錯,我知道,它一直持續到1990年代,當時那些“仙女星系人”(Andromedans)來到這裡而結束了鬧鬼的現象,就像他們曾在地窖裡經歷過的那些狀況,Bernadette還拍到其中一個鬼魂的頭盔。他們還“解救”了Engelbert,因為多年來每隔一、兩週或三週,他就會帶著裝滿子彈的溫徹斯特步槍(Winchester rifle)沖上閣樓,但發現沒有半個鬼影之後,他就再度離開了,隨後又恢復了平靜 —— 但在兩三個星期之後,同樣的戲碼又開始了,半夜裡傳來隆隆怪聲,於是Engelbert又“上膛”了他的溫徹斯特步槍,往閣樓上沖。我想解釋一下這種異象究竟是什麼,這樣的異象也可以被認為是一種「流體能量」(fluidal force)現象,這現象並不被認為是真實存在的,但感覺像是真的:
As a vision, the term comes from the Latin 'visio' = 'appearance' or 'sight' and expresses a subjective pictorial experience that is recognised sensually – i.e. visibly or in terms of belief – but is not effectively perceptible in the form of tangibility. This, however, leads up to imagination through personal fantasy and is usually assumed to be real, whereby, however, through inner and outer influences – such as indoctrinating persuasions, etc. – the effect of 'true experience' arises, consequently the difference between vision and reality becomes blurred and the sensual becomes the object of the imagination of effective reality and truth.
這是一種幻象(vision),這個名詞來自拉丁文的“visio”=“外觀”(appearance)或“景象”(sight),傳達了一種主觀的圖像經歷,這種經歷會被感官認出 —— 也就是在視覺或信仰的角度 —— 但並不能以實體的形式被實際察覺。然而,這透過個人的幻想導致產生了想像,並通常被認為是真實的,於是,通過內在和外在的影響 —— 例如灌輸性的說服等等 —— 產生了“真實經驗”的效果,因此,幻象和現實之間的區別變得模糊,而感官認出的景象成了實際的現實和真實想像的物體。
Vision, as explained, comes from the Latin 'visio' or German 'Erscheinung' or 'sight' and is experienced as a subjective pictorial experience of something sensual that is not perceptible. However, it is something experienced that appears real to the visionary person. With religious people, everything takes place in religious belief, namely that the visionary influence is due to an otherworldly power, which of course corresponds to absolute nonsense, because the reality is that everything is based solely on deposited fluidic forces left behind by human beings, which remain effective for a long time after they have moved away or after their death – often for centuries or millennia, depending on their strength. Depending on their nature, these then manifest themselves in ways that can be completely harmless, aggressive-aggressive, neutral or pretending, etc.
正如所解釋的那樣,幻象來自拉丁文的“visio”或德文的“Erscheinung”或“景象”,它被視為對無法察覺到的感知物的一種主觀圖像經歷。然而,對於感知有異象的人來說,這種經歷過的事情,顯得很真實。對於宗教人士來說,一切都發生在對宗教的信仰之中,也就是異象的顯現是由於冥界的(otherworldly)力量,這當然是絕對的無稽之談,因為現實是,一切都完全基於人類留下所沉積的「流體能量」,這些能量在他們離開後或在他們死後仍然在很長一段時間內發揮著作用 —— 往往長達幾個世紀或幾千年,這取決於能量的大小。根據能量的性質,隨後會表現為完全無害的、侵略性或攻擊性的、中立的或偽裝的,等等。
[中譯者註:有關「流體能量」(Fluidal Energy;又稱Fluidal Powers;這裡稱fluidal force),詳請參閱《靈識教導 - 流體能量》]
I could not have explained the whole thing any better. But who am I telling, because ….
It's good, you do not have to go on, it is already clear what you want to say, because it's also so clear what you want to say, and you can do without that.
So then back to what I was addressing at the beginning. Whether you like it or not, there are a few things to be said about it, namely, first of all, that it is very regrettable that such state leaders are in power over the peoples. And it is an irresponsible rule by those who favour those who crawl willy-nilly to their superiors, who do not think for themselves and who are too …
… have 'yes and amen' on their lips to everything, as soon as the superiors say and demand something, because they are at their feet, do not think themselves and are in bondage to them. And this is especially true of those female and male Swiss who are believers – especially believers in those in power and the various religions – instead of thinking for themselves and making their own decisions and acting accordingly. But if you are incapable of doing this, if you only have a big mouth and slimily accept and do what is ordered from above, then you have lost everything. It is also of no use to them if they cowardly try to ingratiate themselves with dissenters in the background or for the sake of the love child, because in their rotten basic attitude they remain the same cowards, false duck mice and obedient to authority without an opinion of their own. For what I say and what corresponds to the truth, the secret service or 'state security service' and all those who are too cowardly to form their own opinion in relation to it, to publicly represent and speak what is and would be correct for governance, will come after me again.
... 只要上級說了什麼,要求什麼,他們就會跟著說“是”和“阿門”,因為他們在上級的麾下,不會自行思考,只會服從他們。而對於那些信徒 —— 尤其是信奉掌權者和各種宗教的瑞士善男信女人來說,更是如此,他們從不會獨立思考,自己作出決定並採取應有的行動。但如果你沒有能力做到獨立思考,只有一張大嘴,唯唯諾諾地接受和執行上面的命令,那麼你就會失去一切。如果他們試圖掩飾自己的懦弱,對那些用假話表達不同想法的人微笑,也是沒有用的,因為在他們腐敗的基本態度中,他們仍然是一個懦夫、膽小如鼠,對權威唯命是從,沒有自己的意見。因為對於我所陳述符合事實的東西,特勤單位或“國家安全局”和所有那些不敢對它表達自己的意見,不敢公開表示正確和適當治理方式的人,他們將再次對我下手。
Those who are only outwardly 'good' and 'righteous' citizens – or want to be -, those, in German, who all profit from those, but pester them and make a pig of them, who are really the good and righteous – the real citizens. They honestly go about their hard work every day and do it without grumbling, thus keeping life and the state high above water. The others, however, who are only profiteers, who give hell to the workers and make life difficult for them, are those who are at their core the cowards and the unjust and unrighteous. They are those who cheat the state and live at the expense of the health of the workers, who go down the mine every day for the sake of meagre wages and 'cripple' themselves to death – and have to pay more and more taxes, fines and fancy taxes to the authorities, because those who come to the 'helm' of the government want to make a monument for themselves with these new fancy incomes for the 'common good'. And no one resists, because the people are obedient to the authorities and accept what the government's superiors order and do, because the common people do not dare to say and do what is right and what, as a free people, would be their very own duty.
那些只在外表上是“善良”和“正義”的公民 —— 或者想成為那樣 —— 的人,那些在德國,都是想從一些人身上獲利的人,但卻折磨著他們,把他們當豬耍,但他們才是真正善良和正直的真正人民。他們每天老老實實辛苦去做自己的工作,而且毫無怨言,從而使國家生活維持在高水平上。然而,其他的人只是奸商,他們讓工人生活像在地獄,讓他們的生活變得無比艱難,這些人的內心是懦夫,是不公不義的人。他們是那些欺騙國家,以犧牲工人的健康為代價的人,而那些工人卻為了微薄的工資,每天走入礦坑,幾乎把自己“弄殘”到死 —— 而不得不向當局支付越來越多的稅金、罰款和五花八門的稅收,因為那些在政府“掌舵”的人,想用這些五花八門新出台的稅收為自己建立一個“公共福利”的紀念碑。但沒有人反抗,因為人民對當局都言聽計從,接受政府上級的命令和作法,普通人不敢說出和做正確的事情,也不敢做他們作為自由人民最應該做的事情。
In the Swiss government I know of only one force that really works for the good of the people, and that is the one that has the finances under its control with understanding and reason, but whose work is rendered null and void by the unjust. That is what I have to say from my point of view, even if it is certainly not what you wanted to say, because you surely had something else on the tip of your tongue. But the oats just pricked me, consequently once had to be said what I think and see when I look at what goes and runs here in our country.
That's not what I wanted to say, but it expresses more or less what was on the tip of my tongue, as you say. Actually, what I was going to say is that in addition, it should be noted that profiteering plays a major role in everything and that state leaders are not immune to it.
I do not think that's so much the case with the rulers of Switzerland, which may be more the case with some members of the authorities. But in my opinion, the rulers and their henchmen are more likely to be bought off by underhand promises from the EU or the European dictatorship, which 'blesses' its treaties with deceit and thus screws Switzerland. Our Federal Councillor is unfortunately not immune to this, and there are also elements in him and in his entourage – as I know from you personally – who are flirting with the EU; unfortunately, I have to say. Unfortunately, parties are also EU-friendly and, moreover, ready to sell off Switzerland to the European dictatorship as quickly as possible in a traitorous manner.
我不認為瑞士的統治者也是如此,對一些權威人士來說,情況可能會更好。但在我看來,統治者和他們的追隨者更有可能被來自歐盟或歐洲獨裁政權的私下承諾所收買,他們用欺騙手段來“保佑”其條約的效用,從而使瑞士陷入困境。我們的聯邦委員不幸也不能倖免,他和他周圍的人中也有一些人 —— 我從你那裡知道 —— 正在與歐盟互通款曲;很遺憾,我不得不這麼說。不幸的是,各黨派也對歐盟友好,而且,準備以背叛國家的方式儘快將瑞士出賣給歐洲的獨裁政權。
See, you are interested in politics after all, even if you do not want to talk about it.
That is only what I inevitably notice, because I am interested every day in what is going on in the world. So I also get to see what's going on in Bern, in Switzerland and in the EU and in the world. In that sense you can talk about interest, but that's as far as it goes for me, if I refrain from thinking about it, but I usually keep it to myself, because talking about it with other human beings, i.e. politicising it, is something I keep away from.
I am aware of that, but now open your emails in your computer and see what Achim has sent you that you obviously have not gone through before.
OK, there are the emails.
Look at these, these are the ones I want you to insert here in our conversation. This one, this one and this one – this one too, and this one. That's all it should take to make it all clear how it really is and what it's actually about.
看看這些,有些是我想讓你在我們的談話中加入的內容。這封,這封和這封 —— 這封也是,還有這封。這就是應該讓大家都清楚的實際狀況,這到底是什麼目的。
Why is there graphene oxide in Covid Vaccines,
what else is in them and who is responsible?
還有什麼東西在裡面,誰該負責?, 9th September, 2021,2021年9月9日
Dr Robert Young spoke to Stew Peters EXCLUSIVELY, about his past and his findings after examining the vials from Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca that contain the 'secret' contents of the COVID syringes that are called 'vaccines'.
Robert Young博士接受了Stew Peters的獨家採訪,講述了他的過去,以及他在檢查了輝瑞(Pfizer)、莫德納(Moderna)、嬌生(J&J;Johnson & Johnson)和阿斯特捷利康(AstraZeneca)的小瓶後的發現,這些小瓶中含有被稱為“疫苗”的COVID注射器的“秘密”內容。
Microscopy expert Robert Young analysed vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen and found chloride, sodium, but also graphene oxide. His investigations also revealed that the vials contained nanoparticles consisting of magnesium oxide and aluminium oxide.
顯微鏡專家Robert Young分析了輝瑞、莫德納、阿斯特捷利康和嬌生的疫苗,發現了氯化物、鈉,但也發現了「氧化石墨」(graphene oxide)。他的調查還顯示,這些小瓶含有由氧化鎂和氧化鋁組成的奈米顆粒。
"This is the most worrying thing. These are the most toxic," Dr Young said on the Stew Peters Show. He explained that other research has shown that such oxides are 'cytotoxic and genotoxic'. In other words, they damage the body's cells and DNA.
Young博士在Stew Peters節目中說:「這是最令人擔憂的事情,這些是最有毒的。」他解釋說,其他研究表明,這種氧化物具有“細胞毒性和基因毒性”。換句話說,它們會損害身體的細胞和DNA。
He also found parasites called trypanosomes in Pfizer's vaccine. "They may claim that this is a contamination that occurred during production, but this type of parasite is not normally found here."
He said he has also studied flu vaccines in the past and that oxides in nano form have been added to vaccines since 2016. "The Russians, Chinese and Americans have been researching this for some time," he said.
The World Population could drop by 10 to 15 Percent as far as B.G. is concerned
Who's behind it? Young quoted Bill Gates, who stated during a TED Talk in 2010 that he believes the world's population could decline by 10 to 15 per cent.
誰在背後支持?Young援引比爾.蓋茲(Bill Gates)的談話,2010年的TED演講中表示,他認為世界人口可能下降10%到15%。
Seventy to eighty percent of particles end up in the reproductive organs, Young said. "In women, this leads to sterilisation; in men, it leads to reduced sperm quality."
Video at
… …
"You've been warned!":
Unvaccinated Australians should be imprisoned
未接種疫苗的澳大利亞人應該被關進監獄, 9th September, 2021,2021年9月9日
Population control and or New World Order (NWO)
Australians who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 will remain locked up indefinitely, while those who have been vaccinated will have some of their freedoms restored, Premier Gladys Berejiklian told unvaccinated Australians: "You have been warned!"
國務院總理格拉迪斯.貝爾吉格利安(Gladys Berejiklian)告訴未接種疫苗的澳大利亞人,沒有接種COVID-19疫苗的澳大利亞人將被無限期地關起來,而那些已經接種疫苗的人將恢復一些自由。“你們已經被警告了!”
The announcement was made at the same press conference where Dr Kerry Chant revealed that COVID contact tracing was part of the 'New World Order'.
這一宣佈是在Kerry Chant博士透露COVID接觸追蹤是“新世界秩序”(New World Order)的一部分的同一新聞發佈會上作出的。
New South Wales state officials unveiled a plan to gradually lift the region's brutal lockdown, calling it a 'roadmap to freedom' that does not include human beings who refuse to be vaccinated.
Once 70 per cent of Australian adults are vaccinated, up to five persons will be allowed to meet in their homes, only if everyone is fully vaccinated (wow).
Up to 20 persons can gather outdoors, and some domestic travel will be allowed.
Unvaccinated human beings, however, will continue to be kept under lock and key and will forever be second-class citizens, as Berejiklian lectured them like little children.
"Living with COVID means a cautious and gradual reopening once high vaccination rates are achieved in the adult population," Berejiklian said.
"We have of course consulted the national plan and also sought advice from our health experts and stakeholders to ensure that resumption of vaccination at 70 per cent of the double dose is done in a safe manner and is only for vaccinated persons," she added.
"So you are warned! If you are not vaccinated, get vaccinated, otherwise you will not be able to participate in the many freedoms that human beings with 70 per cent vaccination coverage have," Berejiklian said. Those who are fully vaccinated will still have to wear masks, and Berejiklian said the most draconian restrictions could be reintroduced at any time.
"Those who have received the double dose will have a free hand, but if there is a rush or unexpected events occur, the government will advise that human beings in certain areas or cities will have to restrict their movement so that they are not all over the country," she said. The two-tier society will, of course, be enforced via vaccination cards that exclude the unvaccinated from all social life and eventually also from general shopping when the Communist Chinese social credit is introduced in Western countries.
Now you are beginning to understand what Dr Kerry Chant meant by the term 'New World Order' when she said it.
現在你開始明白Kerry Chant博士所說的“新世界秩序”是什麼意思了。
In public Comments, Doctors
and medical Professionals'crucify' COVID Vaccines
和醫療專業人員為COVID疫苗而“苦惱”, 9th September, 2021,2021年9月9日
Nearly 2,000 comments – and growing – on the Medscape site asking about medical professionals' concerns about COVID vaccines show that a significant number of doctors are not as supportive of the vaccines as lay people might think.
在Medscape網站上有近2000條評論 —— 而且還在增加 —— 詢問醫務人員對COVID疫苗的擔憂,這表明相當多的醫生並不像普通人想像的那樣支援疫苗。
From doctors calling the vaccine a 'poison called graphene oxide' to others saying "there is more than a preponderance of evidence to justify immediately halting the administration of the vaccine", experts had registered 1,782 comments by 9 o'clock in the morning on Tuesday the 7th of September 2021, with hundreds questioning the vaccines or reporting personal experiences of adverse effects from them.
One doctor said the vaccine was 'deliberately dangerous, disabling and deadly'. Another said she refused to even call them 'vaccines' because "as most people and health care providers now know, vaccines are not sterilising and do not confer immunity, so the regulations and pressure to vaccinate every human being arm on Earth make no sense to me."
"At any other time in my career when a vaccine has had so many problems (RSV, H1N1, dengue, HIV, rotavirus, deadly measles and several others), the vaccines have been withdrawn," said another doctor. "Considering that more than 99% of human beings who get COVID survive, the current situation of forcing vaccinations with products that have side effects that can end careers or lives is more than worrying."
After Pfizer injection, 30-year-old after 6 Months
of neurological Complications is still looking for Answers
的神經系統併發症仍在尋找答案。, 9th September, 2021, 9 September, 2021 In an interview with 'The Defender', Dominique De Silva described her frustration in trying to get answers about the neurological complications she developed after her first dose of Pfizer's COVID vaccine, and with doctors who dismissed her symptoms and refused to acknowledge the vaccine as a possible cause.在接受《衛報》(The Defender)採訪時, Dominique De Silva 描述了她在嘗試獲得有關她在注射第一劑輝瑞公司COVID疫苗後出現的神經系統併發症的答案時的挫折感,以及醫生對她的症狀置之不理並拒絕承認疫苗是一個可能的原因。
Dominique De Silva, 30, is still seeking answers from doctors after developing a long list of debilitating conditions following her first dose of Pfizer's COVID vaccine, including severe neurological complications, pain and being unable to walk at times.
30歲的Dominique De Silva 在注射了輝瑞公司的第一劑COVID疫苗後出現了一長串衰弱症狀,包括嚴重的神經系統併發症、疼痛以及有時無法行走,她仍在向醫生尋求答案。
In an interview with 'The Defender', Dominique, who introduces herself on Instagram as @QueenCityDom, said she was moving from Las Vegas to North Carolina to start a new life, get married and open her real estate practice when she decided to get vaccinated. Having only one living parent, she wanted to protect her mother and other human beings she loved.
"This virus took such a toll on me that I wiped down my food with Clorox wipes, covered myself everywhere, stayed away from my friends, used hand sanitizer 24/7 and lived in complete fear of getting sick," Dominique wrote in an update on her Go Fund Me. "When I had the opportunity to get vaccinated, I naturally took it as soon as I could because I wanted my life to go back to the way it was before."
Dominique在她的Go Fund Me上寫道:「這種病毒對我造成了巨大的傷害,我用Clorox濕巾擦拭我的食物,到處遮住自己,遠離我的朋友,每週7天24小時使用洗手液,完全生活在對生病的恐懼之中。當我有機會接種疫苗時,我自然會儘快接受,因為我希望我的生活能恢復到以前的樣子。」
On the 18th of March – two days before her big move – she and her now-husband received their first and only dose of the vaccine from Pfizer.
3月18日 —— 在她的大搬家前兩天 —— 她和她現在的丈夫接受了輝瑞公司第一劑;也是唯一的一劑疫苗。
Shortly after, Dominique felt the typical fatigue she had been warned about before the vaccine, but she also noticed changes in her vision. "I think I just dismissed it because maybe it was just ironic," she said. "It felt like everything was super bright and too much to handle."
Dominique said she felt terrible, but thought she might be tired because she was preparing to move across the country. "I felt like my brain was sick," she said. "That's the best way I can describe it because I've never felt like that before."
The next day, Dominique got on the tram to the airport and said it felt like an elephant was sitting on her chest. "I didn't know what was happening to my heart, but it didn't feel good," she said. "Before I got on the plane, I got the first signs of a migraine and saw spots in my field of vision, but the migraine never really came."
Within two weeks of receiving the Pfizer vaccine, Dominique noticed cramping pains in her legs that felt like growing pains late in the evening. The next morning, the leg pain returned.
Dominique said, "I got up and had to hold onto the wall because my legs were giving way and the pain was coming back. So I walked around my bed to the bathroom and it took a really long time to get from A to B. I had to get out of bed. My legs were weak and numb and I had difficulty walking. At that moment I realised that the vaccine had done something to me."
The pain did not go away, and after seven days Dominique decided she couldn't wait for her new insurance to kick in before seeing a doctor.
"My husband took me to the hospital that same evening where I was admitted," she said. "I informed the doctor that I had been vaccinated two weeks and three days ago, but he waved me off and said that what I was experiencing was absolutely not related to the vaccine."
After a full MRI scan of the brain and spine, as well as numerous blood tests, the neurologist on duty could not find the cause of Dominique's symptoms. Although a number of conditions were ruled out, her symptoms were neither treated nor resolved and she was told to see a neurologist.
After waiting months for an appointment with three different neurologists, she experienced numerous other symptoms, including dizziness (vertigo), insomnia, leg pain, shooting pains, dull aches, weakness, difficulty walking, brain fog, short-term memory loss, visual disturbances, anxiety attacks, sensory disturbances throughout the body, out-of-body sensations, problems with depth perception, internal vibrations, trembling of the right hand, tinnitus in the right ear, muscle twitching, deep pain in the brain stem, tics, vocal utterances and involuntary eye movements.
在等待三個不同的神經科醫生的預約數月後,她出現了許多其他症狀,包括頭暈(眩暈)、失眠、腿痛、刺痛(shooting pains)、隱隱作痛、虛弱、行走困難、腦霧(brain fog)、短期記憶喪失、視覺障礙。焦慮發作、全身感覺障礙、體外感覺障礙、深度感知問題、內部振動(internal vibrations)、右手顫抖、右耳耳鳴、肌肉抽搐、腦幹深層疼痛、抽搐、發聲和不自主眼球運動。
The first neurologist Dominique saw was very open to the possibility that the vaccine could be the cause, she said. "He said he had seen some strange things related to vaccines before, but he wasn't sure what to do about it," Dominique explained.
Next, Dominique went to see a traditional neurologist. "As soon as he heard me say that I had been vaccinated two weeks before the symptoms appeared, it seemed like he cancelled the appointment," she said. The neurologist looked at Dominique's MRI and said there was nothing to see here and she needed to see a therapist. "We go to these people we trust who have told us to get these injections, but if there is something wrong with us, we are told it is in our head," she said. Dominique then went to see a functional neurologist who listened to her loud and clear, she said. The neurologist told her, "This is definitely something that the vaccine has triggered in you."
The doctor told Dominique that she was experiencing dystonic storms and recommended glutathione, turmeric and other supplements to treat her dystonic movements and inflammation.
醫生告訴Dominique,她正在經歷肌張力障礙風暴(dystonic storms),並推薦穀胱甘肽(glutathione)、薑黃和其他補充劑來治療她的肌張力運動和炎症。
According to the 'Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders', a dystonic storm is a frightening hyperkinetic movement disorder. Clinical features of a dystonic storm include fever, tachycardia, tachypnoea or changes in breathing, hypertension, sweating and autonomic instability. Dystonia may be tonic (i.e. sustained posturing) or phasic (i.e. irregular twitching). Pain is common and often requires aggressive symptomatic control.
根據《臨床運動障礙雜誌》(Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders),肌張力風暴是一種可怕的高運動性障礙。肌張力障礙風暴的臨床特徵包括發燒、心動過速、呼吸過速或呼吸改變、高血壓、出汗和自主神經不穩定。肌張力障礙可能是強直性的(即持續的姿勢)或階段性的(即不規則抽動)。疼痛是常見的,往往需要積極的對症控制。
Dominique changed her insurance and had a specialist examine and diagnose her at a reputable hospital, but it was to be another four months.
Her symptoms became so bad that she went to the emergency room to be treated more quickly. There she waited 22 hours until a 'seizure' occurred and the staff finally performed a CT scan to rule out a stroke.
"The result of the CT scan was clear," Dominique said. "The doctor started slapping my face, pinched me to make the seizure stop and recommended anti-seizure medication."
Dominique said the doctor did not recognise the adverse reaction and said there was no test to confirm it was caused by the vaccine even if it was. However, a doctor's assistant and a nurse recognised that it was a vaccine injury.
At the hospital, Dominique also underwent a D-dimer test to look for blood clots. The result was positive, but she was not taken seriously, she says.
在醫院,Dominique還接受了D-二聚體測試(D-dimer test),以尋找血凝塊(blood clots;又稱血栓)。她說,結果是陽性,但她沒有被認真對待。
Dominique then went to see a movement specialist, who also couldn't figure out what was wrong with her and recommended she see a therapist.
"She looked at the MRI from April, the CT scans, the EEG and the office exam," Dominique said. "She came back and said, 'You're not going to like what I have to say, but I think this is psychosomatic and you should see a therapist.'"
"Why would another doctor tell me I'm imagining it?" Dominique said, "It is not in my head." Dominique contacted two functional neurologists and a doctor in New York, who ran blood tests and extensive tests that had not been done before. Dominique's PET MRI, EMG nerve exam, nerve conduction test and skin biopsy all yielded abnormal results.
Dominique說:「為什麼另一個醫生會告訴我是我的想像?這不是在我的腦子裡。」Dominique聯繫了兩位功能神經科醫生和紐約的一位醫生,他們進行了血液測試和廣泛的測試,這些測試以前都沒有做過。Dominique的PET核磁共振成像、EMG神經檢查、神經傳導測試和皮膚活檢(skin biopsy)都得出了異常的結果。
Dominique was diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a condition she did not have before the vaccination, and autoimmune chronic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy – a rare type of autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the fatty sheaths of fibres that insulate and protect nerves.
Dominique被診斷為體位性直立性心動過速綜合征(Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome;POTS),這是她在接種疫苗之前沒有的疾病,以及自身免疫性慢性脫髓鞘多發性神經病 —— 這是一種罕見的自身免疫性疾病,身體會攻擊絕緣和保護神經的纖維的脂肪鞘。
She also had neuropathy and abnormalities in her brain scan.
Dominique said her doctor in New York believed in vaccines, but she had 'obviously had a bad reaction'. Dominique sent her results to the neurologist at the prestigious institute, who said her symptoms were 'all in her head'.
Dominique had not previously been exposed to COVID and suffered from autoimmune Hashimoto's thyroiditis, although she has been in remission since 2019. She is currently undergoing further tests to determine the extent of her injuries.
Dominique之前沒有接觸過COVID,並患有自身免疫性橋本氏甲狀腺炎(Hashimoto's thyroiditis),儘管她自2019年以來一直處於緩解期。她目前正在接受進一步的測試,以確定她的受傷程度。
CDC and Pfizer ignore Vaccine injuries
Dominique contacted a local member of Congress about her vaccine injury, who told her to contact VAERS, the CDC and the manufacturer – none of whom followed up.
Dominique就她的疫苗傷害聯繫了當地的一位國會議員,後者讓她聯繫VAERS、CDC和製造商 —— 他們都沒有跟進。
Dominique filed a report with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and contacted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about her vaccine injury. She also contacted Pfizer, which sent her a questionnaire, which she returned by mail.
She also reached out to Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who is a fierce advocate for government transparency and has acknowledged others who have been harmed by COVID vaccines.
她還聯繫了參議員羅恩.詹森(Ron Johnson;R-Wis.),他是政府透明度的積極宣導者,並承認有其他人受到COVID疫苗的傷害。
Dominique mustered up the courage to share her story on Instagram and it went viral, but she was also harassed, bullied, received hate messages and death threats. She said she has since met many human beings who have the same problems and are forced to do their own tests and pay for their injuries.
Dominique has set up a Go Fund Me page to raise money for her medical expenses, as there is no financial support for human beings injured by vaccines outside of the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which almost never provides compensation.
Dominique建立了一個Go Fund Me頁面,為她的醫療費用籌集資金,因為在對抗措施傷害賠償計畫之外,被疫苗傷害的人類沒有任何經濟支持,該計畫幾乎從未提供賠償。
Dominique has spent thousands of dollars on lab tests, scans, her PET MRI, skin biopsies, hospital visits – which go into collections – and radiology bills, which she posted on her Instagram and Go Fund Me page.
Dominique在實驗室測試、掃描、她的PET核磁共振成像、皮膚活檢、醫院就診 —— 這些都進入了收款範圍 —— 和放射科帳單上花費了數千美元,她在自己的Instagram和Go Fund Me頁面上公佈了這些帳單。
"I'm not here to tell you to do or not do anything with your own body," Dominique said. "Do your own research and make your own decision. I was not given this information and I also did not have the opportunity. The human beings who are hurting and suffering every day and have no jobs need help."
Dominique no longer drives a car and has put her real estate practice on hold. She is not sure if she will ever start again. She got married and said it was a 'good day' for her symptoms, but she had to figure out how to make room for a wheelchair.
On her Go Fund Me page, Dominique said:
在她的Go Fund Me頁面上,Dominique說:
"I will never regret why I got vaccinated because I did what I thought was correct for myself and for everyone around me. I had the best intentions when I rolled up my sleeve and got my first dose. I knew there wasn't much data on these very new vaccines, but I trusted the science behind them. Unfortunately, my body reacted terribly to it and put me in the situation I'm in today.
Although Dominique said she believes in freedom of choice, neither she nor her husband will receive any more doses of a COVID vaccine. "It happens to a lot of human beings, they just do not want me to talk about it, she said.
According to the latest data from VAERS, a total of 14,485 cases of dystonia, dystonic tremor, neurodegenerative disorders, neurological symptoms, neuropathy, polyneuropathy and tremor were reported after COVID vaccination.
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