Contact Report 780/第780次接觸報告
英譯版本:2021年10月29日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2021年11月09日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
It is exhausting walking around here in the countryside if you do not stay on the paths.
That is so, but we are just in a rugged world here. But it was still nice that we could sit together again somewhere other than my office and talk privately. But what I told you about is this. If you want to read it, it is much more detailed than I told you. Besides, Christian has asked permission for me to print and use it. The gentleman in charge of 'Schweizerzeit' kindly gave his permission, where the article was first published in 'Schweizerzeit', No. 18 of 24.9.2021 ( As this is a Swiss edition, I think that events such as those described by Ms Isabel Villalon in her article belong in the public domain, but are not widely enough disseminated in the 'Schweizerzeit'. This is precisely because the newspaper does not go out to the whole world, but only has a small circulation and mainly only reaches persons who are interested in it. Unfortunately, this is only a small part of the Swiss population, and in addition, important information is mainly concealed in Switzerland, which would really inform and orientate the people about what is really going on in the country. This story is also part of it and proves that the Swiss population is not kept up to date as much as it should be. Everything is simply concealed or trivialised, or it is published in newspapers or mentioned in the national news in such a trivial way that the main thing is not brought up and the people are kept stupid and uninformed.
事情就是這樣,我們這裡正是一片崎嶇不平的地方。但我們能再到我辦公室以外的地方坐一下私下談談,還是很不錯的。但我告訴你的是這個資料。如果你想看的話,它比我口述的要詳細得多。此外,Christian已經徵得我的同意,可以列印和使用這份資料。而《Schweizerzeit》報的負責人,他也欣然允許讓這篇文章首次發表在《Schweizerzeit》報的2021年9月24日第18期(上。由於這是一份瑞士版的報紙,我認為像Isabel Villalon女士在文章中描述的事件屬於公共領域,但在《Schweizerzeit》上傳播得不夠廣泛。這正是因為這份報紙並沒在全世界發行,而發行量很小,主要只有對它感興趣的人才接觸得到。遺憾的是,這只是瑞士人口的一小部分,此外,主要是重要的資訊在瑞士被掩蓋了,而這件事將讓人們真正瞭解這個國家的實際情況。這個故事也是其中的一部分,它證明了瑞士人民沒有跟上時代的發展。所有的事情都被掩飾或淡化了,只是在報紙上發表或在國家新聞中以一種瑣碎的方式提到,而主要的事情卻沒有被披露出來,人們一直處於愚蠢和不知情的狀態。
Yes, that is unfortunately the way it is in beautiful Switzerland, where I feel comfortable and live, but now have to reckon with the fact that I will once again be listed in the 'fiches' of the 'Swiss security services' – if not worse – because I dare to speak the truth openly.
是的,不幸的是,在美麗的瑞士就是這樣,我在這裡感到舒適而愉快,但現在不得不考慮這樣一個事實:我將再次被列入“瑞士安全部門”的“黑名單”(fiches)中 —— 如果不是更糟的話 —— 因為我敢於公開說出真相。
Well, what happened, as Mrs Villalon describes it in her article, should probably not happen in Switzerland of all places, and besides, I find it a toupee, an indecency and an impertinence beyond compare that a person who is obviously incapable of his office is not relieved of his office after such an incident, as he himself does not resign. But if a human being lacks correctness of conduct, how great and comprehensive must be the indecency!
Yes, that is true. But now I want to read this one first.
A deep fall
Berset, 'Tigris' and the Women
by Isabel Villalon, mechanical engineer specialising in energy
作者:Isabel Villalon,專門研究能源的機械工程師
Anti-terrorist units are special police forces. The best of the best, trained to perfection, equipped with the latest weapons, vehicles and technology. The German anti-terrorist unit GSG9, for example, enjoys a legendary reputation, as do the Spanish GEOS or the French RAID. They are used in particular for hostage rescues, fighting Islamist terror, and secret operations in the Middle East and Africa.
In Switzerland, we also have a powerful task force called Tigris. It is subordinate to the Federal Police Fedpol and, like its foreign counterparts, will be deployed in particularly dangerous threat situations in connection with terrorism and organised serious crime. Conclusion: The protection and integrity of the country is guaranteed by tough guys – often shown in action films. Stop – Film Break …
在瑞士,我們也有一支強大的特遣部隊,名為“底格里斯”(Tigris)。它隸屬於刑警組織聯邦員警,與外國同行一樣,將被部署在與恐怖主義和有組織嚴重犯罪有關的特別危險的威脅情況下。結論:國家的保護和完整是由硬漢保證的 —— 經常在動作片中放映。停 —— 斷片...
Terrorism and organised crime? Not quite. The duties of the Swiss anti-terrorist special task force Tigris now apparently also include the storming and subsequent house search of more or less romantic love nests in the Swiss capital. You know – the classic story: the artist living in modest circumstances with the 'grand homme de pouvoir', our pandemic minister. Without a condom, because he especially craved unprotected intercourse, wants to feel the unrestrained sexual might, without an annoying rubber in between. A sex therapist would justify this behaviour with a deep aversion to consociational democracy. In bed, finally, indulging wild urges without having to involve the pesky other six. Caesars don't like senators.
恐怖主義和有組織犯罪?不儘然。瑞士反恐特種部隊“底格里斯”的職責現在顯然還包括突襲和隨後搜查在瑞士首都或多或少浪漫的愛情巢穴。你知道 —— 這個經典的故事:藝術家與“大人物” —— 我們的衛生部長(pandemic minister)生活在溫柔鄉中。不戴保險套,因為他特別渴望無阻礙的性交,想感受無拘無束的性能力,中間沒有惱人的橡膠。性治療師會為這種行為辯護,因為他們對協合式民主(consociational democracy)有著強烈的反感。在床上,最後,放縱狂野的欲望,而不必牽涉到討厭的其他六個人。凱撒不喜歡參議員。
Only Might counts
No Caesar, just Minister of Health. No matter, only might counts. The health thing for Helvetia is staffage, something in the package insert that you carelessly throw in the bucket and never read. Sexual prevention and protected intercourse are for teenagers, anyway. Who says that a health minister should also be a role model in protected sexual practices?
Weltwoche' detonates the bomb, 'Inside-Paradeplatz' follows suit. The rest of the Swiss press remains silent. Hundreds of millions of francs in subsidies for publishers' villas on Swiss lakes, including tennis courts, weigh too heavily. Hours pass, telephone wires glow, as do the heads of spin doctors and communications consultants with sweaty armpits in Hugo Boss shirts at 280 francs a piece (the fees are paid by the taxpayer). A plausible explanation must be found, Operation 'Saving Private Ryan' – immediately.
《Weltwoche》引爆了炸彈,《Inside-Paradeplatz》也緊隨其後。其他的瑞士媒體保持沉默。為出版商在瑞士湖邊的別墅提供的數億法郎的補貼,包括網球場,負擔太沉重了。幾個小時過去了,電話線快燒斷了,就像那些穿著一件280法郎(費用由納稅人支付)的雨果博斯(Hugo Boss)襯衫、腋下冒汗的醫生和通訊顧問的頭也暈了。必須找到一個合理的解釋,“拯救雷恩大兵” —— 立即行動。
Threatened by Terrorists?
Then, in the evening, the redeeming story from the communicative Märlistube in Bern. The newspaper 'Blick' acts as mouthpiece: they had just thought that the magistrate's former mistress was a terrorist, because Alain had been threatened by terrorists. Calls from Germany. The former mistress was apparently also in Germany on one or two occasions. Really? How do we know that? Was the lady's domicile not only stormed like a movie, but was the young woman also shadowed for months? On whose behalf? With what justification? The question of the costs is superfluous, because we know who pays for such things.
I would have liked to see the face of the Tigris commander when he received the order to storm the small flat, including a briefing before the operation: "Men, today we are storming the flat at Bümplizstrasse 37 in Bern-Belp, dangerous terrorists are in the building, the security of Switzerland is at stake. You secure the streets, you rope down and smash the balcony door. You provide fire protection from the roof of the house opposite!" Somehow reminiscent of penetration without a condom, brutal power play of a reckless daredevil.
First printed in the 'Schweizerzeit', No. 18 from 24.9.2021 (www.
That really says more than you mentioned only briefly. For my part, I find the whole thing like a detective story, and besides, I cannot understand why persons continue to be tolerated in their positions who are unworthy of their office. Also, such a person really lacks all decency and moreover, it is a disgrace to the whole country that such persons are even employed in a state office and not removed from office, not to mention that such a person – as you correctly said – has the impudence and indecency not to resign from office himself.
這確實比你剛才提到的要多。就我而言,我覺得整件事就像一部偵探故事,此外,我不明白為什麼繼續容忍那些不稱職的人。這確實缺乏體面,而這樣的人受雇於國家機關而不被免職,這對整個國家來說都是一種恥辱,更不用說這樣的人 —— 正如你所說的 —— 有厚顏無恥和下流的行為。
That is just the way it is and it cannot be changed. I knew that when I was still with Sfath. Only back then it was not as bad as it is nowadays. Nowadays everything has changed in such a way that things are getting worse instead of better, so you can spread information about correct behaviour as much as you like, but neither those in power nor the common people listen to it. Even the fact that the Earth is alive and sends out its pulse beat, which sounds like a pulsating hum – as I recently described to someone from the core-group, but who cannot perceive any of it – which is apparently only perceived by a few earthlings, has changed agonisingly and points out how the planet is suffering due to the overexploitation of its resources. Since my earliest youth I have heard this sound, which sounds increasingly agonising. Sfath explained to me that I hear the groaning of the Earth, which comes from the overexploitation of the ores, the Earth's petroleum and the escaping Earth gases, as well as the Earth's resources of all kinds. But the earthlings would only notice the whole thing when it was too late, when overpopulation had already robbed and destroyed the planet of its resources to such an extent that it could no longer be changed. But when it is recognised one day, the whole of the Earth's groaning will not be recognised as such, but will be attributed to industrial technology and thus trivialised and not recognised as the planet's cry for help. As a result, the destruction of the Earth through the machinations of overpopulation will continue – which will make the companies, corporations and private individuals rich, because they fulfil the needs, desires and luxuries of humanity and thereby destroy the planet down to its foundations. And that this is happening is something I have been hearing since my earliest youth, and it is sounding worse and louder. Unfortunately, it is only individual human beings who care, who take it all in and try to do something better. However, this does nothing for the mass of humanity, certainly nothing for the huge overpopulation, because of which or as a result of whose machinations – which are fulfilled by money-greedy companies, corporations and private individuals, as I have said before and of which I am reminded again and again by hearing the groans – the Earth is being completely destroyed and tormented to such an extent that it is groaning and its climate is changing, whereby warming will also increase not only by 1 or 1.5 degrees in the foreseeable future, as is erroneously assumed, but towards 3 degrees. But this will not be the end of the destruction song, for the more numerous the overpopulation becomes, the more not only the heat of the battered planet increases, but also the religious delusion, which makes the earthlings think and act more confusedly and creates enmity against their neighbour. Consequently, more and more murders will occur, with the victims and perpetrators becoming younger and younger and acting out of sheer and uncontrollable hatred, as a result of rejection or fear, etc. This is because in more recent times, in so-called civilised countries, a knife, other cutting instrument or stabbing tool will be used, because the possession of firearms will be dealt with more strictly by the authorities. Only in poorer countries will the handgun still have its sad importance for daily murder, whereby countless human lives will be extinguished.
甚至地球是有生命的,並發出它的脈搏跳動,聽起來像脈動的嗡嗡聲 —— 正如我最近向核心小組的人描述的那樣,但他們都感受不到 —— 顯然只有少數地球人能夠感知,這一點已經發生了痛苦的變化,並指出了地球是如何由於過度開發其資源而遭受痛苦的。從我年輕的時候起,我就聽到了這種聲音,它聽起來越來越令人感到痛苦。Sfath向我解釋說,我聽到的是地球的呻吟聲,這來自於對地球的礦石、石油,以及氣體的逸出等各種地球資源的過度開採。
因此,通過人口過剩的疏失對地球的破壞將繼續下去 —— 這將使那些公司、企業和私人暴富,因為他們滿足了人類的欲望和對奢侈品的需求,從而摧毀了地球的根基。
然而,這對人類大眾毫無幫助,當然對龐大的過剩人口也毫無幫助,因為人口過剩或由於對人口過剩的忽視 —— 正如我以前說過的,而且我聽到的呻吟聲一再提醒我 —— 地球正在被徹底摧毀和折磨,以至於它正在呻吟,而它的氣候正在改變,據此,在可預見的未來,氣候暖化不會像人們誤認的那樣,僅增加1或1.5度,而會達到3度。
圖片資料來自:The Washington Post
As for the Earth suffering through the overexploitation of its natural treasures, and as for the harassment of the planet by the human beings of the Earth, the Earth is less and less able to cope with it all, consequently its pulsating grumbles and groans are becoming worse and worse, indicating that it is suffering. This will certainly and well be recognised, but will be completely misinterpreted by the 'all-knowing' scientists and attributed to the use of hard-working technology, consequently nothing will be done about it, but everything will remain with the further and time-honoured destruction of the planet.
The world itself and the whole of nature, its fauna and flora and all ecosystems and thus also the atmosphere and the climate will be completely changed and even destroyed, and this will continue in spite of the lax efforts of the governments, which will now come so far as to slowly take care of these facts and also realise that the atmospheric air and thus the air we breathe is changing digitally and thus in stages, dissolving in individual steps in the old form and making way for a new species, which means that it will change in its composition and density resp. in its consistency and thus also the respiratory organs of the life-forms change – in which the human being is also included. This fact is also recognisable in the physical changes and behaviour of life-forms living in the wild, such as birds and mammals, amphibians, as well as butterflies, mice and insects, etc., which, by the way, are appearing more and more in our countryside and bringing life to the centre.
地球本身和整個自然界,它的動物和植物以及所有的生態系統,包括大氣和氣候將被完全改變,甚至被破壞,這將繼續下去,儘管政府的努力不足,但現在已經到了慢慢關注這些事實的程度,也意識到大氣層的空氣和我們呼吸的空氣正在發生比例上的變化,這是分階段進行的,在個各階段中,舊的形式逐漸消失,而為新的物種鋪路,這意味著,大氣的成分和密度將發生變化。因此,生命體的呼吸器官也將發生變化 —— 人類也包括在其中。這一事實也可以從野外生物的物理變化和行為中看出來,如鳥類和哺乳動物、兩棲動物,以及蝴蝶、老鼠和昆蟲等,順便說一句,它們越來越多地出現在我們的農村,並給「中心」帶來了新生命。
Unfortunately, it is the case with those in power that, due to their greed for power, only a few think about it now and then, but otherwise it is such that they only make big words in order to be able to enjoy their power. Today, politicians have reached the point where they only scrounge and lie at election events for the sake of their might, i.e. they do not show their true convictions, but spread nonsense against their true thinking in order to appear better than they really are. Everything is getting worse in this respect, also with the fact that many politicians in various states are grabbing taxpayers' money and rewarding themselves for their falsehood with stolen taxpayers' money and bribes. And in the cities, wealth is growing, while in the countryside poverty is growing, just as the city dwellers move out into the countryside and have it built up, robbed, make a good life for themselves at the expense of the population living in the countryside – and in their crazy belief in their 'Lord God' let him be a good man. And they act as if the Earth itself belonged to them and they were allowed to abuse and destroy it at their whim, just as they please.
在這方面,一切都變得越來越糟,還有一個事實是,各國的很多政客都在搶奪納稅人的錢,用偷來的納稅錢和賄賂來獎賞自己的虛偽行為。在城市裡,財富在增加,但在農村,卻是貧窮在增長,因為城市居民搬到農村,讓農村被消費、掠奪,讓生活在農村的人生活的更好,而犧牲生活在農村的人口 —— 在他們對自己「上帝主人」(Lord God)的瘋狂信仰中,讓那些政客成為好人。而且他們表現得好像地球就是屬於他們的,只要他們願意,他們可以隨心所欲地虐待和破壞它。
The rulers themselves act completely confused and do not know what to do in this and that situation, also not with regard to the Corona plague, which claims more human lives than they really know. Also the fact that false digital vaccination certificates and other proofs of vaccination in the millions are already in circulation, of which only a few hundred or thousands are recognised as fakes, is only a drop in the so-called 'hot stone' that already exists in this regard and makes the 'experts' live in euphoria and hope that their G- (geimpft, genesen, getestet = vaccinated, convalesced, tested) nonsense is effective. The fact that exactly the opposite is true of what the rulers and 'experts' intend with their people-dumbing down and people-terrorising dictatorial measures does not trigger correct and healthy thoughts and a clear and firm willingness to do the right thing in the people, but only reluctance, hatred and querulation. It is just as wrongly acted and determined as it was at the beginning of the Corona epidemic, consequently the epidemic at that time could degenerate into a pandemic and claimed millions of lives, which will still continue. Indeed, it is not yet recognised that a new mutation of the plague is already striking again – especially in England – which will claim its victims and spread further throughout the world.
統治者自己表現得完全混亂,不知道在這種和那種情況下該怎麼做,也不知道該怎麼處理冠狀病毒疫情,因為它奪去的人命比他們真正知道的要多。另外,虛假的數字疫苗接種證書和其他疫苗接種證明已經在市場上流通,其中只有幾百或幾千份被認定是假的,這只是在這方面已經存在的所謂“滾燙石頭”(hot stone)上的一滴水,使“專家”生活在欣喜之中,希望他們的「G-(geimpft,genesen,getestet = 疫苗接種,療養,測試)廢話」(G-nonsense)是有效的。
事實上,統治者和“專家”用他們愚弄人民和恐嚇人民的獨裁措施的意圖恰恰相反,這並沒有引發人民正確和健康的思想以及明確和堅定的意願去做正確的事情,而只是勉強、仇恨和爭吵。這就像在冠狀病毒疫情開始時的錯誤行為和決心一樣,因此,當時的疫情開始惡化為大瘟疫,奪走了數百萬人的生命,這種情況仍將繼續。事實上,人們還沒有發覺到,疫情的新變種已經再次襲來 —— 特別是在英國 —— 它將造成更多的受害者,並進一步向全世界蔓延。
Everything is really getting worse, more aggressive and dirtier than it used to be and even better. And what is even worse is that the people are becoming more and more indifferent in every respect to their fellow human beings and to nature, its fauna and flora, the climate and the entire ecosystem, as well as to the fact that they don't care about what the higher-ups are doing wrongly and without decency, and are being paid horrendously for it, as is shown, for example, by the case that Mrs Villalon mentioned in the 'Schweizerzeit'. And the woman who was harassed by the state-paid forces, because she was right to defend herself, because she was treated unfairly and exploited and, moreover, dragged through the mud, will not fail to be punished for this. The person behind the action of the special squad is a public official, and all rights are granted to him or her anyway – even if this 'right' is an injustice. In such cases, the ultimate victors are always those who have the higher leverage – and these are the officials who are granted more 'rights' than the ordinary citizen who is under the thumb of the official mould. I have known this from my own experience since my youth, because the victors have always been the authorities or their personalities and their religiosity, with which they justify themselves for all time and absolve themselves of any guilt. And so it will also be in this case, so that the woman in question will sooner or later 'come last'.
一切真的越來越糟,比以前更有侵略性,更骯髒,甚至更惡化。而更糟糕的是,人們在各方面都變得越來越冷漠,對他們的人類同胞和大自然、動植物、氣候和整個生態系統都漠不關心,也不關心上級領導的錯誤和不正經的行為卻為此得到可觀的報酬,例如Villalon夫人在《Schweizerzeit》上提到的案例就是證明。而這位被國家部隊騷擾的婦女,因為她有權為自己辯護,因為她受到了不公平的待遇和剝削,而且還被拖進了泥潭,會因此而受到懲罰。特別小組行動背後的人是公職人員,無論如何,所有的權利都賦予了他或她 —— 即使這種“權利”是不公正的。在這種情況下,最終的勝利者總是那些擁有更高權柄的人 —— 而這些人就是那些被授予更多“權利”的官員,而不是那些被捏在手下的普通公民。我從年輕時就知道這一點,因為勝利者總是當局或他們的人和他們的宗教信仰,他們用這些來為自己辯護,並為自己開脫任何罪責。在這種情況下也是如此,所以有關的婦女遲早“最終”會出現。
It is effectively a disgrace what is generally haunting the brains of the majority of humanity today and destroying the world along with its diverse life. Just as the last century saw the rise of many movements and groupings, such as hippyism in the 1960s and then the ABBAs etc., which disappeared again after a short time and gave way to other movements for a new boom, which were such that they loosened up and made people happy, these have been overtaken by the disharmonious 'modernity', which makes the earthlings really aggressive. This, in addition to the fact that the religious is again gaining strong and stronger power and destroying everything that used to be better and good and making everything pass away, like the dictatorial European Union, the EU, will pass away again in the future and give its place to a new form. And as this will be, political behaviour will also change and bring women to power, but this will not change anything about the whole evil of state mismanagement, because the inexperience of women, who have been oppressed for millennia, will blossom wildly and awaken in them the lust for power, which will cause violence and murder and manslaughter and thus strife and armaments, as has been characteristic of the world of men for millennia. This is already proving to be the case today, as women in governments are responsible for the military and its armament, demand the latest armaments, war vehicles, war material and new fighter planes, which are then purchased, as well as ordering military operations and praising the murder of the military by the women in power, then one knows what the future will bring in this respect. This must be said once, of which your father Sfath already spoke, and not to mention what the male rulers will also do in the future, whose power behaviour will know no bounds, as has been the case since time immemorial, as will soon happen in Turkey through the dictator, in Afghanistan through the IS, and in White Russia, which is now called Belarus, through the airs and graces of the dictator, and with refugees from Arabia, etc. But to say more about this is as much as carrying water into the Rhine so that it has enough of this liquid.
If you consider that in the wild every 4th genus or species of the world of living beings – that is, animals, beasts and other life-forms, according to your statements – is threatened with extinction, while the earthlings, however, speak of 5 species, then it looks more than just bad for nature and its fauna and flora. Whether they are also talking about the plants, that unfortunately does not emerge from their calculations, but I think that they are only assuming the self-moving living beings, and so not also the plants, which are also life-forms.
如果考慮到在野外,根據你的陳述,生物世界的四個屬或物種 —— 也就是動物、野獸和其他生命形式 —— 都面臨著滅絕的威脅,而地球人卻說有五個物種,那麼這看起來不僅僅是對大自然和它的動物和植物不利。他們是否也在談論植物,不幸的是,在他們的計算中並沒有出現,但我認為他們只假設了能自行移動的生命體,所以並不包括植物,而它們也是生命體。
That which is created as a calculation from the terrestrial forces, that is unfortunately unknown to me, but I can imagine that they do not include the plant world in their thoughts, which actually does belong.
Exactly, I also think so. But it is easier to observe and judge only the living world of the self-perpetuating than the whole of nature and its fauna and flora. What is being wiped out in terms of plants and everything else in nature, as well as what is being destroyed and irrevocably ruined on and in the Earth, is not being discussed. Nothing is considered and judged as a whole, but always specifically and separately. This is also the case with fauna, flora and this and that, whereby it is completely forgotten that everything forms a unit and that everything belongs together in one way or another. So it's mainly ornithology, or the study of birds, to which entomology, or the study of insects, belongs. But there is also biology, which includes botany or phytology, or plant science, as well as mammalogy, which deals with mammals and is a special branch of zoology. Botany is mainly concerned with the study of plants, which also includes ethnobotany, geobotany and forest botany.
沒錯,我也這麼認為。但只觀察和判斷自生自滅的生命世界比觀察整個自然界及其動植物更容易。在植物和自然界的其他一切方面,以及在地球上和在地球上被摧毀和不可逆轉地毀壞的東西,都沒有被討論。沒有什麼是作為一個整體來考慮和判斷的,而總是具體和單獨的。動物群、植物群和這個和那個的情況也是如此,據此,人們完全忘記了一切都構成了一個單元,但一切都以某種方式屬於一個整體。因此,主要是鳥類學,或對鳥類的研究,昆蟲學,或對昆蟲的研究,都屬於這個範疇。但也有生物學,其中包括植物學(botany)或植物學(phytology),或植物科學(plant science),以及哺乳動物學(mammalogy),它涉及哺乳動物,是動物學的一個特殊分支。植物學主要涉及對植物的研究,其中還包括民族植物學(ethnobotany)、地植物學(geobotany)和森林植物學(forest botany)。
But seen in a rounded way, the whole of the individual fields of knowledge only considers, treats and protects something unilaterally, but not the whole of what actually belongs inseparably together, namely the planet itself, without whose proper functioning neither the one nor the other can exist. None of this, however, is referred to in all the specific research of the individual disciplines, but everything is referred to, researched and dealt with in relation to the thing in question, but not the main thing, namely the planet itself, without which the corresponding thing cannot flourish if everything does not function correctly on and in it. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that only that which concerns the end product or the end organism is treated and protected, but not the actual origin of the whole, which is basically the Earth itself, by which I mean the planet and the soil outside and inside as well as the atmospheric and climatic influences that are necessary for the whole to thrive, exist and live at all. Any protection must therefore begin where the actual origin is, with the planet or the Earth itself, because this is the most important thing that anything can thrive at all. But this is primarily destroyed by human beings, whereby the actual basis for the growth of all life, i.e. the fauna and flora, including the habitat for human beings, is destroyed. So-called 'nature conservation' alone is based on false premises, because it ignores the horrendous damage and destruction of the planet, both internally and externally, through the irresponsible exploitation of the earth's resources, as well as the underground construction of tunnels and ammunition depots and the hollowing out of the shore rocks of the sea and the internal construction for the purpose of a submarine harbour, which is being carried out by China, for example. But there is also the poisoning of fauna and flora, as well as the poisoning of the atmosphere and thus of all life-forms, including human beings. The latter suffers more and more from cancerous tumours and dies – as a result of the poisoning of the air we breathe, which inevitably has to be inhaled together with all the manifold toxins contained in it, invisible and life-threatening as well as life-destroying.
但這主要是被人類所破壞的,據此,所有生命成長的實際基礎,也就是動物和植物,包括人類的棲息地,都被破壞了。所謂的“自然保護”僅僅是建立在錯誤的前提之上,因為它忽視了對地球內部和外部的可怕損害和破壞,這些損害和破壞是通過對地球資源不負責任的開發,以及在地下建造隧道和彈藥庫,挖空海洋的海岸岩石為了在內部建造潛艇港口的目的,例如,中國正在進行的工程。但是,還有對動物和植物的毒害,以及對大氣的毒害,從而對包括人類在內的所有生命形式的毒害。後者越來越多罹患癌症並死亡 —— 因為我們呼吸的空氣被毒害,不可避免地要吸入其中包含的各種毒素,這些毒素是看不見的,會威脅到生命,也摧毀了生命。
Unfortunately, this corresponds to the facts, which, however, Earth human beings do not want to admit, and furthermore, they do not give it any thought at all. Only very few make an effort to get to the bottom of the things that arise in order to recognise the effective truth and also to really experience it. For this reason the whole thing also does not find much resonance, although you make great efforts to spread the real truth out into the world through the 'Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation Energy, Teaching of Life'. Only very few Earth human beings who are inclined to intellect and reason grasp and understand the meaning of the whole. But really it is only those human beings who think their own thoughts about everything and anything, consequently they do not allow themselves to be influenced by a belief of a religious or other kind, in order to find the way to the teaching from which they learn by cherishing profound thoughts themselves and working out the meaning of the truth from it.
不幸的是,這些都是事實,但地球人不願意承認這些事實,而且,他們根本不考慮這些。只有極少數人努力去瞭解所出現的事情,以便認識到有效的真相,也真正體驗到它。由於這個原因,整個事情也沒有找到太多的共鳴,儘管你們付出了巨大的努力,通過「真相的教導、造物能量的教導、生命的教導」(Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation Energy, Teaching of Life)向世界傳播真正的真相。只有極少數理智和理性的地球人掌握和理解整個事情的意義。但實際上,只有那些對一切事物都有自己想法的人類,因此他們不讓自己被宗教或其他的信仰所影響而找到學習的方法,他們通過珍惜深刻的思想,並從中找出真相的意義。
However, these human beings are to be sought worldwide, which is also my task, in addition to my usual work, to address these human beings with the Teaching. Nowadays, however, the internet helps me to do this, which unfortunately was not the case in the past when my former personalities carried out this task. At that time – when, unfortunately, misunderstandings and distortions of what was really only half-understood, because the listeners did not listen correctly or were biased by the old, the traditional and thus by faith – religions and sects arose that quickly developed worldwide. Thanks to these misunderstandings and distortions of doctrine, it has become possible for more and more misunderstandings and distortions to arise, which ultimately became delusions and fanaticism, and it has become increasingly difficult for the truth of the effective truth to penetrate the consciousness of human beings. On the contrary, through the increase of religious faith, the consciousness became ever more believing in God and defensive against the truth, consequently the delusion arising from this became so powerful that it was even passed down genetically in a certain way and affected the mind and reason of the human beings from birth. This became more and more pronounced and powerful over the millennia, which today has become a roaring danger due to the mass of the horrendous overpopulation and their religious faith. This in the sense that different believers threaten and endanger each other, whereby Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism in particular, with their special sects, are bent on inflicting harm, destruction and death on those of other faiths. This, while Buddhism and Shintoism as well as the other and sectarian faith communities pretend to be peaceful or halfway peaceful. But through religion alone, the 'sword of Damocles of faith' constantly hangs over earthly humanity, because fundamentally, in every war and in countless many murders and manslaughters as well as hatred, there is always a faith in the foreground – if not a religious one, then just another one. Even jealousy is based on a belief, so are envy and other vexations, resentment, every ill-will, every mimesis respectively imitation of a fellow human being etc.
然而,這些人要在全世界中去尋找,這也是我的任務,除了我通常的工作外,還要向這些人介紹教導。但如今,互聯網幫助我做到了這一點,可惜過去那些我的前輩們執行這項任務時,情況並非如此。當時 —— 不幸的是,由於聽眾沒有正確地聽,或者被舊的、傳統的、因而被信仰所偏愛,對真正只有一知半解的東西產生了誤解和扭曲 —— 出現了宗教和教派,並迅速在全世界發展。由於這些對教義的誤解和歪曲,越來越多的誤解和歪曲成為可能,最終成為妄想和狂熱,實際的真相越來越難以滲透到人類的意識中。相反的,通過宗教信仰的增加,意識變得越來越相信上帝,對真相的抗拒越來越強,結果由此產生的妄想變得非常強大,甚至以某種方式在遺傳上傳遞下來,從出生就影響到人類的思想和理性。
幾千年來,這一點變得越來越明顯和強大,今天,由於可怕的人口過剩和他們的宗教信仰的大量存在,這已經成為一個強烈的風險。在這個意義上,不同的信仰者相互威脅和危害,特別是基督教、伊斯蘭教、印度教和猶太教,以及他們的特殊教派,一心想對其他信仰的人造成傷害、破壞和死亡。而佛教和神道教以及其他和教派的信仰團體則假裝是和平的或半和平的。但是,僅僅通過宗教,「信仰的達摩克利斯之劍」(sword of Damocles of faith)就一直懸在地球上的人類頭上,因為從根本上說,在每一場戰爭和無數的謀殺和屠殺以及仇恨中,總是有一種信仰在前台 —— 如果不是宗教信仰,那也只是另一種信仰。甚至嫉妒也是基於一種信仰,嫉妒和其他煩惱、怨恨、每一種惡意、每一種模仿都是基於對同伴的效仿等等。
That is correct. – As you know, we are not allowed to enter our great library, but we are offered the possibility of obtaining any information from it if we feel we need it. So I learned that today your task is to address the Earth human beings through the Internet, through certain information given in the form of conversations, etc., but also in the form of papers – by which I mean articles and the contact reports, etc. – as written in the old predictions in the library on Erra. In this I think that the writings – as is just stated – are, however, to be given directly to those interested of both sexes. By this I mean that in this respect there is talk of your books and other writings, which unfortunately, due to the high costs of production, can only be given away for a certain appropriate fee or for a certain price, because everything on Earth depends on it. You should not get rich, but the expenses must be covered if everything is to continue. Also, the information in the librarian predictions is such that the emergence of a religion or similarity of religions from the community brought into being by you is to be avoided, consequently only Earth human beings are to be accepted into it who are able to open their consciousness in intellect and reason for the effective truth and search for it, just as they are also willing to banish everything religious and sectarian from their thoughts and consciousness through their own decision.
那是正確的。如你所知,我們不被允許進入我們偉大的圖書館,但如果我們覺得需要,我們有可能從裡面獲得任何資訊。所以我瞭解到,今天你們的任務是通過互聯網,通過某些以對話等形式提供的資訊,以及以檔案的形式 —— 我指的是文章和接觸報告等 —— 向地球人類陳述,正如在Erra圖書館的舊預測中寫的那樣。
在這一點上,我認為這些著作 —— 如剛才所說 —— 是要直接給那些感興趣的男女。我的意思是,在這方面,有人談到你的書和其他著作,遺憾的是,由於生產成本高,只能以一定的適當費用或一定的價格提供,因為地球上的一切都取決於金錢。你不應該在這個過程中牟取財富,但如果一切要繼續下去,就必須要求支付費用。
Thus, via the Internet, the necessary information material should actually be disseminated for reading, nothing more, for it should not be animating, but informative and in such a way that the Earth human being reading this information begins to cultivate independent thoughts and thus, in the course of time, finds the effective truth, which is arranged very far from any religiosity and sectarianism. Mouth-to-ear information is also to be done, through which those Earth human beings will become aware of the Teaching who really want to think for themselves and find the way to the Teaching. But everything should not be such that it equals a conviction, but everything should always only be informative, consequently it should only appeal to those Earth human beings who understand and know how to use their intellect and reason independently and therefore are not believers. That is in the predictions and instructions I have received so far from the library.
Yes, I understand, and besides, I already know all this since Sfath told me everything. But with regard to the term conviction, I would like to make it clear that this term is completely wrong when it comes to the fact that human beings should turn to their own world of thought and consciously work out and realise their own thoroughly conceived resolutions.
A conviction is always wrong and unworthy, for, as the term indicates, conviction is the factor of a passing over in relation to one's own opinion. This means that in this respect a 'convincing' or a superimposition of one's own view, opinion or one's own way of looking at things, one's own attitude, one's own judgement and state of mind takes place. With regard to one's own opinion and personal view of a matter, a devastating and thoughtless renunciation is made, whereby a conviction is brought about by passing over or manipulating, blurring and counteracting etc. against one's very own opinion, so that one's own personal opinion is erased altogether and replaced by a foreign one. This is done by convincing or destroying one's own opinion and replacing it with a 'convinced' or 'hammered-in' one and accepting it without hesitation under all circumstances. This means that one's own thoughts are not put into it, but that what is 'convincing' is simply accepted as good and correct and as a new opinion without hesitation.
「信念」總是錯誤的和不值得的,因為,正如這個詞所表明的,信念是與自己的意見有關的一個經過的要素。這意味著在這方面發生了“說服” 或強加入自己的觀點、意見或自己看問題的方式、自己的態度、自己的判斷和心態。對於自己的觀點和對某一問題的個人看法,會做出破壞性的、不假思索的放棄,通過對自己的觀點進行超越或操縱、模糊和抵消等方式來實現信念,從而使自己的個人觀點被完全抹去,並由一個外來的觀點所取代。這是通過說服或破壞自己的意見,用“堅定”或“錘入”的意見取代它,並在任何情況下毫不猶豫地接受它。這意味著自己的想法並沒有被放入其中,而“被說服”的東西被簡單地接受為好的和正確的,並作為一個新的意見,沒有任何猶豫。
That, honestly, I could not have explained better. You have really been so instructed by my father Sfath in regard to explaining something that no further questions about the corresponding fact are required and just necessary.
The responsible ones for the state are acting completely headless, confused and scatterbrained with their G (geimpft, genesen, getestet = vaccinated, convalesced, tested) or other regulations, which they enact/issue to the populations. The vaccination pass order and all the resulting criminal consequences in the populations are neither thought through in advance, nor is it recognised that they tempt otherwise upright and blameless citizens into criminality. This is apart from the fact that countless false vaccination certificates and vaccination passports are being circulated and are already in use, which falsify the whole of the control of the vaccinated persons to such an extent that it already goes into the several millions who have supposedly been vaccinated but are not. There are also millions of Earth human beings who have been and are being vaccinated with vaccines that are in part far too ineffective and offer little or no protection against infection. This is in addition to the fact that 'vaccinations' have taken place – as is still done fraudulently in some cases today – which consisted of mere distilled water and were mixed in between the real vaccines. This was practised by at least two corporations, as we have been able to ascertain, which brought them a lot of profit through fraudulent machinations. Involved in these criminal machinations, however, were actually 2 corporations, as we were able to find out, which unscrupulously enriched themselves at the expense of the affected Earth human beings – many of whom succumbed to the virus. This is just as true as those criminals who make great profits by producing millions of false vaccination certificates and vaccination cards and distributing them to those willing to be vaccinated, which also increases the number of those supposedly vaccinated by the millions, to which the vaccination fraudsters themselves also contribute, who supposedly carry out vaccinations, but only do so for appearance's sake and make a profit from it. This, while the epidemic will again start and claim many new infected and dead people, because the stupidity of the state leaders is already causing exactly the opposite of what should be ordered and done correctly. This is our observation, which we have been able to observe for some time, and which proves to us that the profiteers on Earth know no scruples. The further proof, however, is that which relates to the leaders of the state themselves, who do not know and do not see what they are doing in their stupidity.
那些對國家負責的人,在他們向民眾發佈的G(geimpft、genesen、getestet = 接種疫苗、療養、測試)措施或其他法規時,完全是毫無頭緒而混亂不堪的行為。疫苗接種證命令以及由此產生的所有刑事後果,既沒有事先考慮過,也沒有認識到它們會誘使原本正直和無罪的公民陷入犯罪。
此外,還發生了“疫苗接種” —— 今天在某些情況下仍在欺詐性地進行 —— 這些疫苗僅是蒸餾水,被混在真正的疫苗之中。據我們瞭解,至少有兩家公司採用了這種做法,通過欺詐手段為他們帶來了大量利潤。然而,正如我們所發現的那樣,參與這些犯罪陰謀的實際上是兩家公司,它們不擇手段地以犧牲受影響的地球人為代價,使自己發財,其中許多人被病毒感染。這就像那些犯罪分子通過製作數以百萬計的假疫苗接種證和疫苗接種卡,並將其分發給願意接種的人,從而獲得巨大利潤一樣,這也使那些所謂的接種者人數增加了數百萬,接種欺詐者自己也為此做出了貢獻,他們所謂的進行疫苗接種,只是為了外表而進行,並從中獲利。
The state leaders, who on the one hand have learned nothing from the consequences of the last great pandemic – from the influenza pandemic, the so-called 'Spanish flu', which broke out in 1918 and which, moreover, raged for years – on the other hand brought no reason whatsoever into the consciousness of the state leaders of that time, nor into that of the state leaders of the present Corona era. A valuable realisation of what really had to be ordered and done without fear to contain the pandemic at the beginning and what has to be done now is lacking in those responsible for the state. On the contrary, the effective truth is distorted in favour of the lies of the vaccine manufacturers and the partly really ineffective vaccines, by launching a government vaccination campaign that generally arouses reluctance in the population and more harm than good. What is downright ridiculous – if it were not really crying – is that the vaccines are not really effective in the way they should be, and that is because they are only being tested, worldwide, on peoples who know nothing about them and have full confidence in the vaccinations. They are not concerned about why several vaccinations have to be given over a long period of time and why the antibodies still dissipate and vaccine breakthroughs occur. The vaccine manufacturers deliberately keep the Earth human beings stupid and unthinking about the Corona plague and the vaccines, because a lot of profit can be made in this way.
一方面,國家領導人沒有從上一次大流行病 —— 從1918年爆發的流感大流行,即所謂的「西班牙流感」(Spanish flu) —— 的後果中吸取任何教訓,而且還肆虐了數年,另一方面,那次沒有把任何教訓帶給當時的國家領導人的意識中,也沒有帶給目前冠狀病毒時代的國家領導人的意識中。那些對國家負責的人缺乏一種有價值的洞察,也就是在開始的時候,為了控制這種流行病,真正必須下令並毫無顧忌地執行一些措施。反之卻是實際的真相被扭曲,而有利於疫苗製造商的謊言和部分真正無效的疫苗,通過發起政府的疫苗接種運動,普遍引起民眾的反感,弊大於利。的確荒謬 —— 如果它不是真正迫切的話 —— 疫苗並沒有真正發揮其應有的效力,這是因為它們只是在全世界對那些對其一無所知並對疫苗接種充滿信心的人們進行測試。他們並不關心為什麼要在很長一段時間內接種幾次疫苗,以及為什麼抗體仍然會消散,疫苗會出現突破性感染。疫苗製造商故意讓地球上的人類對冠狀病毒疫情和疫苗保持愚昧和不加思考,因為這樣可以獲得大量的利潤。
According to our very exact records, if I want to mention something about it again, the Spanish flu epidemic claimed 116,931,423 dead, and that to the furthest corners of the Earth, so also the natives of the jungle areas, who were still called primitives and savages by the Earth human beings, were afflicted and handed over to death.
So it's not true that 'only' 50 million were killed by the Spanish flu? And all that stuff you just said about multiple vaccinations, I think that's really the kicker.
No, it doesn't correspond to the truth in terms of the number of deaths in the Spanish flu. Our records correspond to very accurate numbers, down to the last denominator. We have had the possibility for several thousand years to find out and count a population of a planet down to the last person still born up to a certain point in time. And this was also done with regard to influenza in the years 1918 to 1921, because what emerges from earthly records is very inaccurate, also the epidemic's duration, which in truth lasted until 1921, but which was not recorded earthly-historically.
Even then, those responsible for the state failed – as was also the case at other times with pandemics that were rampant on Earth – because in their inability to behave correctly and to make the necessary correct decisions as well as the correct orders to the respective population, they failed so completely, as is also the case today with the Corona epidemic. Just as at all times in the past those responsible for the state were incapable of correct logical thinking and thinking ahead, so are today's state leaders still incapable of this, which they try to make up for with nonsensical orders, confused declarations and words. In this way they all make the whole affair of the epidemic even worse, because 1. the blatant overpopulation and 2. their own short-sightedness set the populations and thus the individual human beings – the vaccinated and the unvaccinated – against each other. This makes the vaccinated and the unvaccinated insecure, which leads to disputes, demonstrations and violence, and also to the vaccinated falling prey to the delusion that they are now armed and immune from further consequences of the disease, which is not true, at least not in the case of this epidemic, which is extremely insidious and mutation-rich, as well as having the property of continuing to exist as contagious impulses, which is completely unknown to earthly virology science. And the fact that the epidemic also brings with it, after the dubious and partly completely ineffectual vaccinations, the fact that despite these, vaccine breakthroughs occur on a large scale and many deaths result from them, is simply passed over and kept half silent. It is well reported, but the full truth is stubbornly concealed. Something that is withheld from the Earth human beings as information, just as the fact of the full truth is also withheld from them, that the Corona virus as a pathogenic agent in the body can only be paralysed, but not killed, because viruses cannot be killed as a result of this, because they are not living beings, but organic structures that can only be paralysed and switched off in their function. So in this respect, a vaccine lie is in general need of enlightenment, so that for that bulk of Earth human beings who have no medical as well as no virological knowledge whatsoever, they become aware that they are being attacked with a virus by a disease-causing organic structure that does not correspond to any life-form and therefore cannot simply be fought with normal medicines and put out of function, but that special means are needed for this, which as a rule have to be researched for years and administered by injections.
即使在那時,那些負責國家的人也失敗了 —— 就像在地球上猖獗的大流行病的其他時期一樣 —— 因為他們不能正確行事,不能做出必要的正確決定,也不能向各自的人口發出正確的命令,他們完全失敗了,就像今天的冠狀病毒流行病一樣。正如在過去的任何時候,那些負責國家的人都沒有能力進行正確的邏輯思考和超前思維一樣,今天的國家領導人仍然沒有能力這樣做,他們試圖用無意義的命令、混亂的聲明來彌補這一點。
這樣一來,他們都使整個流行病事件變得更加糟糕,因為:一、公然的人口過剩;二、他們自己的短視使人口,從而使人類個體 —— 接種疫苗者和未接種疫苗者 —— 互相對立。這使得接種疫苗的人和未接種疫苗的人缺乏安全感,從而導致爭端、示威和暴力,同時也使接種疫苗的人陷入錯覺,認為他們現在已經被武裝起來,可以免於疾病的進一步後果,這是不正確的,至少在這種流行病的情況下是如此,它極其陰險,突變豐富,同時還具有作為傳染性脈衝(contagious impulses)繼續存在的特性,這是地球上的病毒學科學完全不知道的。
Years of research, yes, that is good. If you think about it, it's only now that a vaccine against malaria tropica has been found, which took more than 100 years of research.
多年的研究,是的,這很好。如果你想一想,直到現在才找到預防熱帶瘧疾(malaria tropica)的疫苗,這需要100多年的研究。
Yes, but whether it is effective for all 3 species, i.e. tropica, tertiana and quartana, and how it really works, that is not yet clear, as far as I know. You are also affected by one of the less dangerous ones, after all.
Yes, unfortunately, the thing lasts for life, so every now and then there is a breakthrough, which triggers changeable fever, chills, gastrointestinal difficulties and cramps, and also quite annoying aching limbs, also nausea and diarrhoea, and so on. I was diagnosed with this form of malaria – it is called 'quartana', if I remember correctly – at the Insel-Spital in Bern. At first I was told that it would disappear after 5 years, then it was gradually increased to 20 years, then to 40 years, and finally I was told that I would have to 'suffer' from it for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, I caught this disease on my travels somewhere in Africa, from an Anopheles mosquito, but for the life of me I don't know where it was, because I was abused by all kinds of creatures as a food or egg-laying place. It just happened that way when you travel the world as a globetrotter or something, no matter whether it was with your daughter Semjase, with your father Sfath, with Asket from the DAL universe, or whether I was also alone. Anyway, it got to me at some point, and sometimes a fit just comes along again, which makes life difficult for me, but I keep quiet about it.
是的,不幸的是,這種東西會持續一生,所以每隔一段時間就會有一次突破,引發多變的發燒、寒戰、胃腸道困難和痙攣,還有相當惱人的四肢酸痛,也有噁心和腹瀉,等等。我是在伯恩(Bern)的Insel-Spital醫院被診斷為這種形式的瘧疾 —— 如果我沒記錯的話,它被稱為「三日瘧」(quartana)。起初,我被告知5年後會消失,然後逐漸增加到20年,然後是40年,最後我被告知我將不得不在我的餘生中“忍受”這種疾病。不幸的是,我在非洲某地旅行時染上了這種病,是被按蚊傳染的,但我這輩子都不知道是在哪裡,因為我被各種生物虐待成了食物或產卵地。當你作為一個環球旅行者或其他東西環遊世界時,它就那樣發生了,不管是和你的女兒Semjase,和你的父親Sfath,和來自DAL宇宙的Asket,或者我是否也是獨自一人。總之,它在某些時候影響了我,有時又會出現一種適合的情況,這使我的生活變得困難,但我對此保持沉默。
That is known to me, and you are a master in silence, this also, what moves you health-wise and emotion-wise.
There is nothing to talk about, because that is my business. – But as far as current affairs are concerned, that is probably more important to mention than my little 'bebes', which 1. are not important to me and 2. are not so earth-shattering that they should really be mentioned. So I will come to the point that, as a result of the refugees that have been pouring into Europe from Africa, the Orient and Asia for years, an unparalleled mishmash of peoples is developing. In particular, the EU states that are still in existence should be mentioned in this regard, which are presenting themselves as reception camps for the refugees, especially Germany, the Scandinavian states, France, Italy and others, as well as England, which has sensibly already left the EU dictatorship. Switzerland is also in danger from the EU fanatics, who want it to become a member of this dictatorship and will do everything in their power to ensure that it does not lose its neutrality. A European mixed race is threatening to emerge, namely by many of the refugees obtaining the citizenship of a country in Europe and mixing with Europeans, whereby mongrel people emerge when 2 from differently pigmented peoples or from different ethnic groups reproduce with each other and thus mix.
沒有什麼可談的,因為那是我的事。但對時事而言,這可能比我的那些“小問題”( bebes)更值得一提,那些問題一則對我不重要,再則並不值得那麼大驚小怪,真的不該被提及。所以我要說的是,由於多年來從非洲、東方和亞洲湧入歐洲的難民,一個空前的民族混雜局面正在形成。在這方面,尤其應該提到仍存在的歐盟國家,它們正以難民接待營的身份出現,特別是德國、斯堪地那維亞(Scandinavian)國家、法國、義大利和其他國家,以及已經明智地離開了歐盟的英國。瑞士也處於歐盟狂熱者的危險之中,他們希望瑞士成為這個獨裁政權的成員,並將盡其所能確保瑞士不會失去其中立性。一個歐洲混血兒正面臨著出現的威脅,即許多難民獲得了歐洲某國的公民身份,並與歐洲人混合,當兩個來自不同膚色的民族或不同種族的人相互混合並繁衍時,就會出現混血兒。
That is what will happen, no doubt, because when the measure of the tolerable is exceeded, then what you say happens. But now we should discuss those things that …
毫無疑問,這就是會發生的事情,因為當超過可容忍的程度時,就會發生你所說的那種情況。但現在我們應該討論... 那些事情了。
Yes, of course. Then you can …
On 26th October at 23:30 hrs I received the following by fax:
The following refers to the editorial in Zeitzeichen, 2nd October, 2021.
(Exact word-for-word reproduction of the information sent to Billy)
Salome Billy,
For your information
He has already been sacked. Yesterday in RTDE
He unpacked – now he has to go: SWR staffer Ole Skambraks suspended without explanation.
他打開了行李 —— 現在他必須離開了。SWR工作人員Ole Skambraks被無故停職。
26th Oct. 2021, 21:09 hrs
2021年10月26日, 21時09分
We have posted his contribution in Zeitzeichen:
Corona: An ARD editor voices criticism
In an open letter about the public broadcasters.
Ole Skambraks/, 07 Oct. 2021, 17.13 UTC
Ole Skambraks/, 2021年10月7日17時13分UTC
In an open letter, an ARD employee expresses his criticism of one and a half years of Corona coverage: 'Ole Skambraks has been working as an editorial employee and editor at the public broadcaster for 12 years. I can no longer remain silent. I can no longer accept without a word what has been happening for a year and a half now at my employer, the public broadcaster. Things like 'balance', 'social cohesion' and 'diversity' in reporting are enshrined in the statutes and media state contracts. What is being practised is the exact opposite. A true discourse and exchange in which all parts of society can find each other does not exist.
ARD(德國廣播電視聯合會;德語:Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,縮寫:ARD)的一名員工在一封公開信中表達了他對一年半來冠狀病毒報導的批評:「Ole Skambraks在公共廣播公司作為編輯員工和編輯已經工作了12年。我不能再保持沉默了。我不能再無聲無息地接受我的雇主 —— 公共廣播公司一年半以來所發生的事情。報導中的“平衡”、“社會凝聚力”和“多樣性”等內容都被寫入了法規和媒體國家合同。但實際情況卻恰恰相反。一個社會各階層都能找到對方真正的對話和交流並不存在。」
中文翻譯借助Deepl Translator的協助