Contact Report 796/第796次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年03月24日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年03月30日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Glad you can still come here. Welcome and greetings, and thank you for coming today at all. Here I have the last contact report from the 8th of March, which Bernadette corrected for me, but where I see that some things are not right, because once again it was obviously mixed up for me. By that I mean that it has been changed again on the stick. So I think it would be good if you could help correct it. What do you think, can you do that today?
Yes, I am able to do that because for the next 1 to 2 hours someone is taking over my task so I can come here for that time. Thank you for your welcome, and also greetings to you. Then in the night I want to announce my visit to you anyway, because …
… of course, you are always welcome. But for now, let us correct this report here, because I can see it's going to be all kinds of work.
... 當然,我永遠歡迎妳。但是現在,讓我們在這裡修正這份報告,因為我可以看到這將是件繁瑣的工作。
Then let us begin … …
那我們就開始吧 ... ...。
… That is now done, and I still have some time left before I have to leave again. Therefore, if you have anything else to say, I am all ears.
... 現在已經完成了,在我不得不再次離開之前,我還剩下一些時間。因此,如果你還有什麼要說的,我洗耳恭聽。
Actually, I do have something, and it's about the war in Ukraine. Because now is the time when it's getting quite precarious, because if I remember correctly, which I have since the days of Sfath, now is the beginning of another dangerous phase. This will be that America will now start agitating against Russia in such a way that bio- and chemical weapons can be used from this side. This will be a deliberate, deceitful invitation to Russia to actually do so. On the other hand, there will be an open threat from America that nuclear weapons will be used against Russia.
[中譯者註:就在這篇報告英譯版3月24日發布後的過兩天,也就是26日,在《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)的頭條新聞刊出:
(資料來自《Mail Online》)]
美國總統拜登放棄了改變美國長期以來的核理論的公開誓言,而將接受現行政策,保留美國在第一輪打擊情況下使用核武器的權利。(圖片資料來自:《Mail Online》)
That is not what I am fa…
…familiar, I suppose you mean to say. But it is still in my memory and I also know what is going to happen. The whole thing is geared towards Russia losing its nerve and actually resorting to what America wants, in order to achieve by this means what officially is not yet being done, but which is to be, namely that NATO should intervene after all. The worldwide agitation against Russia has already resulted in a great deal of unbelievable hatred and vengefulness against Russia on the part of the majority of peoples and their governments. This is what Sfath and I noted at the time, precisely that this is coming and almost the whole world will react in a partisan way instead of staying out of it in this way and simply being helpful to those who are trying to escape it or otherwise need help. Switzerland and its government is also maliciously playing a part in this, as it has made a pig of Swiss neutrality through its partisanship by adopting the sanctions of the EU dictatorship and implementing them against Russia, thus destroying Switzerland's neutrality. Unfortunately, this is what happens when incompetents sit in government who are not educated enough to instruct and lead a country and its people within the framework of what is fundamentally correct and should be done. Unfortunately, this is the same in Switzerland as everywhere else in the world: incompetents are in charge of the government, even though they have no idea of what really needs to be done in this or that matter. This is especially true here in Switzerland, because how else could it be that the neutrality of the country is carelessly and thoughtlessly disregarded and thrown overboard? It is scho…
... 熟悉(familiar),我想妳想說的是這個字。但它仍然在我的記憶中,我也知道將發生什麼。整件事都是為了讓俄羅斯失去耐性,真正去做美國想要他們去做的事,以便通過這種手段實現官方尚未促成但即將促成的事情,那就是北約最終應該進行干預。全世界對俄羅斯的鼓動已經導致大多數國家的人民及其政府對俄羅斯產生了大量令人難以置信的仇恨和報復。這就是Sfath和我當時注意到的,準確地說,這即將到來,幾乎整個世界都會以盟友的方式作出反應,而不是置身事外,只是對那些難民或其他需要幫助的人給予幫助。而瑞士和它的政府也在其中扮演了一個糟糕的角色,因為它透過黨派把瑞士的中立角色變成了裡外不是人,採納了歐盟獨裁者的作法,並對俄羅斯實施制裁,從而破壞了瑞士長久以來的中立性。遺憾的是,當不適任的人坐在政府裡,沒有足夠的智慧在根本上做正確和應該的事情,在合理的架構下指導並領導一個國家的人民,就會發生這種情況。不幸的是,這在瑞士以及世界上其他地方都是一樣的:儘管那些無能之輩不知道在各方面問題上真正需要做什麼,但他們卻在掌管著政府。在瑞士尤其如此,因為不然的話,國家的中立性怎麼會被如此大意而無知地往海裡扔?這是學校...
…Excuse me for interrupting you, but I really cannot understand why, in a hitherto neutral country like Switzerland, of all places, such persons are elected to the leadership of the state?
... 請原諒我打斷你,但我真的不明白,為什麼在瑞士這樣一個長久保持中立的國家裡,會有這樣的人被選為國家領導人?
After all, they are not elected, at least not the colonels, because they are juggled by the colonels themselves, whereby party affiliation plays an important role on the one hand, as does sympathy on the other.
That does seem to be the case.
Yes, that is so, that is why incompetents are at the helm. That's also why Switzerland's traditional neutrality is suddenly made a pig of, because people only talk big but do not think, so that stupidity and stupidity rule, but not logic, understanding and reason. But if there is an inability to think, then this cannot simply be remedied, because, as is well known, this has to be learned and worked out laboriously. This takes a very long time and requires a good Intelligentum,[1] which is obviously lacking in those who are incapable of understanding what neutrality actually means. Not to mention that these people have no idea and no knowledge of what the ability to govern actually is. But the question is really how a human being wants to come to this knowledge if he is already incapable of neutral behaviour, let alone knowing what neutrality actually means and is.
Yes, that is indeed as you say. It is good that you are talking about it. Thank you for that.
You certainly do not need to thank me for that, and that what has been said and explained will be helpful to those who will seriously look into it, that is undeniable. But I want to say something else that I want to start with right away, namely what has been on my mind after your last visit and departure, the balance of human beings. In this regard, something is sometimes said about this on television, but as usual, not what all would be important to say. Obviously, these 'experts' who presented this programme do not know how important the inner balance of human beings really and truly is, and that it is responsible for the morality they display, which is mostly just an act, but does not correspond to what really is. Not a word has been said about what is actually hidden behind this displayed everyday morality of the human being and how very important real morality is for the human being.
妳當然不需要為此感謝我,已經說過和解釋過的東西對那些會認真研究它的人有幫助,這是不可否認的。但我還想說點別的,我想馬上開始說,也就是在妳上次來訪和離開後我一直在想的事情,那就是「人類的內在平衡」(the balance of human beings)問題。在這方面,有時會在電視上說一些這方面的內容,但像往常一樣,並不是所有會說的內容都很重要。顯然,這些介紹這個節目的“專家”不知道人類的內在平衡到底有多重要,也不知道這是他所表現出來的道德的原因,而這種道德大多只是一種行為,但並不符合真實的情況。沒有一句話是關於在這種人類日常道德的背後究竟隱藏著什麼,以及真正的道德對人類是多麼的重要。
The most important thing in the daily life of human beings is inner balance, so that they can assert themselves before themselves. This was also correctly presented and explained, and that this inner balance can be achieved by rest, meditation and chanting on the whole, and that the human being can thereby become content and sociable. Unfortunately, however, it was not said and explained that inner balance leads much further and is responsible for the true and effective morality of human beings, which also includes logic, understanding and reason, the instinct of self-preservation in a correct way, as well as the correct behaviour of human beings. All this contains facts and values that lead much further than empty words that no one hears because they are empty and hollow. The fact is, however, that inner balance not only determines the morality of human beings, but also their effective and actual thinking in logic, understanding and reason, and consequently also their will to live, their way of life and their self-created sense of life.
Inner balance is first of all about consciously and also clearly building up the state of healthy self-preservation of one's own consciousness, body and metabolism, which should be done with all activities that keep the body healthy. Running, walking, walking and running in the open air must also be in the most important place and taken into account, as well as any physical activity of any kind that requires some physical movement.
Unfortunately, human beings are not taught – as was not mentioned at all in the television programme I saw – that the metabolism plays a decisive and even very important role in inner balance, because this also controls the instinct for self-preservation. It is true that the whole of inner balance is imparted to the consciousness and the body to a very great extent on the path of calm meditation, but everything is based on independent thinking, which is necessary so that through its energy and power the necessary building up is actually done for the consciousness and the body as well as for the metabolism. Metabolism transforms all chemical substances, such as food, in the body, so that all food is transformed into intermediate products and end products. These biochemical processes serve primarily to build up and maintain the health of the material body, but equally importantly and subsequently to build up inner balance, because this is automatically impaired when a feeling of hunger arises and is suffered from. Thus, what is very important, the effects of the smooth working of the metabolism serve the inner attitude and stability and thus the consciousness, which in turn retroactively keeps the inner balance in order simply by the fact that the metabolism functions well and correctly. All the chemical transformations of substances in the body alone bring about inner stability, which in turn stimulates and determines the consciousness in its activity, so that these biochemical processes not only serve the body, but also inner balance. In order to maintain this, it is also necessary to keep the metabolism in order, which is unfortunately always forgotten in explanations that deal with the inner balance of the mood.
可惜我在電視中完全沒有看到有這樣的節目,教導大家「新陳代謝」(metabolism)在內在平衡方面,具有決定性甚至是非常重要的作用,因為這也控制著自我保護的本能。的確,在平靜的冥想道路上,整個內在平衡在很大程度上被傳授給意識和身體,但一切都基於獨立思考,這是必要的,以便通過其能量和力量,為意識和身體以及新陳代謝實際進行必要的建設。新陳代謝轉化了體內的所有化學物質,如食物,所以所有的食物都被轉化為中間產品和最終產品。這些「生化過程」(biochemical processes)主要是為了建立和維持物質身體的健康,但同樣重要的是,隨後建立內在的平衡,因為當饑餓感產生和遭受饑餓時,這種平衡會自動受損。因此,非常重要的是,新陳代謝順利工作的效果有助於內在的態度和穩定,從而有助於意識,而意識又恰是經由新陳代謝運作良好和正確這一事實來保持內在的平衡。僅僅是體內物質的所有化學轉化就帶來了內在的穩定,這反過來又刺激和決定了意識的活動,所以這些「生化過程」不僅為身體服務,也為內在平衡服務。為了保持這一點,還必須保持新陳代謝的有序進行,可惜在涉及情緒內在平衡的解釋中,這一點總是被遺忘。
[中譯者註:上述「生化過程」(biochemical processes)中的「生化」是「生物化學」(biological chemistry)的簡稱,顧名思義是研究生物體中的化學進程的一門學科。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
It has already been explained that metabolism is responsible for all chemical transformations of substances in the body, mainly the transformation of food into intermediate products, so-called metabolites and end products. However, the fact that these biochemical processes are important for inner balance, and that they serve to maintain the body substance through the fibre metabolism and the energy production for all energy-consuming activities and thus the maintenance of the body functions and thus of life, is not mentioned when supposedly 'psychologically founded' the importance of inner balance is spoken of in such an important way.
已經解釋過,新陳代謝負責體內物質的所有化學轉化,主要是將食物轉化為中間產物,也就是所謂的代謝物和最終產物。然而,這些生化過程對內在平衡很重要,它們通過纖維代謝(fibre metabolism)和所有耗能活動的能量生產來維持身體物質,從而維持身體功能,進而維持生命,但在所謂的“心理學基礎”(psychologically founded)上,以如此重要的方式談論內在平衡的重要性時,並沒有提到這一方面。
Inner balance is mainly psychologically researched and linguistically treated by the earthling, but it is, as said, also of great importance in connection with metabolism. So inner balance can and must also be understood and interpreted in this respect, as the order of the whole. Living beings, such as the human being, increase their inner balance and order by consuming energy, which is produced by the metabolic organism. For this purpose, it is necessary to drink a lot of water and other foodstuffs that stimulate the metabolism and can help in the whole process of life and inner balance. Green tea as well as coffee can also effectively stimulate the metabolism, although a lot of proteins are necessary for the metabolism to be able to maintain and function at all.
Inner balance or equilibrium means inner harmony and inner balance or inner equilibrium. It is therefore something that is exactly in the correct proportion, i.e. a balance that consistently produces relaxation for the body, thoughts, behaviour and morals etc. and is of urgent necessity for a healthy life. The inner balance is therefore not only meaningful, but it is also decisive for the actions of human beings, and it is holistic and satisfying, as well as necessary, so that life can be lived correctly and everything that is conscious, as well as behaviour and morals, can function correctly. That the qualities deeply embedded in the character are of the utmost importance, and that these are built up by logic, understanding and reason in a humanly correct way and must also be maintained in this form, that is of urgent necessity. If these are not fully worked out in a positive way and truly stored deep in the character as a positive value, then only an apparent inner balance or equilibrium is displayed to the outside. This is no more and no less than an evil self-deception which ensures that when the right opportunity arises through an external effect – a word, an accusation, a physical attack, a thing or an event, etc. – the outer façade immediately collapses and the true essence of all that is negative and evil becomes active on the outside, slumbering in the depths of the character and coming to the fore on the outside. The positive effect of a meditation to work out inner balance is based on a path that on the one hand requires the intellect of the human being, but especially the creative energy, which human beings wrongly call 'spirit'. This energy and consciousness are needed to perform meditation, which is necessary to work out the inner balance through which the consciousness and behaviour of the human beings become calmer and the breath deeper. The fact that the human being then feels calm and clear through meditation in the form of self-reflection is caused by the autonomic nervous system, which switches to rest and regeneration. This stimulates the resting or parasympathetic nerve of the nervous system and takes responsibility for the many positive effects of meditation, which affect the organism and give a general feeling of well-being.
內在平衡或均衡意味著內在和諧和內在平衡或內在均衡。因此,這是一種完全處於正確比例的狀態,也就是說,這種平衡能持續為身體、思想、行為和道德等帶來放鬆,對健康生活具有迫切的必要性。因此,內在的平衡不僅是有意義的,而且對人的行動也是決定性的,它是整體的,令人滿意的,也是必要的,這樣才能正確地生活,一切有意識的事物以及行為和道德才能正確地發揮作用。深藏在性格中的特質是最重要的,這些特質是由邏輯、理解和理性以人為本的正確方式建立起來的,也必須以這種形式保持下去,這一點是迫切需要的。如果這些東西沒有以積極的方式得到充分的發揮,沒有真正作為一種積極的價值儲存在性格深處,那麼就只能向外顯示一種表面上的內在平衡或均衡。這無非淪為一種自欺欺人,只要遇到適當的機會,透過外在的影響出現時 —— 那怕是一句話、一項指控、一次人身攻擊、一件事或一個事件等等。表象立即崩潰,所有蟄伏在性格深處那些消極邪惡的真正本質,即刻啟動而在外表顯現出來。冥想對鍛煉內在平衡的積極作用是基於一種途徑,一方面需要人類的領悟力(intellect),但特別是需要「造物的能量」(the creative energy),而人類誤以為這是“心靈”(spirit)。這種能量和意識是進行冥想所需要的,冥想是解決內在平衡的必要手段,通過冥想,人類的意識和行為變得更加平靜,呼吸更加深沉。然後人類通過冥想以自我反省的形式感到平靜和清晰的事實是由自律神經系統(autonomic nervous system)引起的,它切換到休息和再生。這刺激了神經系統的休息神經或副交感神經(parasympathetic nervous system),並對冥想的許多積極作用發生效果,這些作用影響了有機體,使人有一種普遍的幸福感。
But how the actual self-reflective meditation proceeds is very simple, for this form can be practised fully effectively while simply walking, sitting, standing or lying down, for it simply requires stillness as well as independent thought. So it is not the case with self-reflective meditation that a special lying or sitting position has to be adopted, as meditation freaks claim, who usually adhere to Buddhist teachings, but which requires religious belief, even if Buddhism is not seen as an actual religion. This is probably the simplest explanation that can be given concerning the very valuable self-reflection meditation that has had its validity since human beings have existed. But the whole of this meditation is not as simple as it all sounds, for the human being must give up his religious belief in a God-creator and satellite and himself take over the energy, power and might of his own or of his own thinking and decision-making and also act accordingly. But this is decidedly something quite different from simply praying to an imaginary God and his helpers and believing that everything is already done by him so that life functions.
但實際的自我反省冥想如何進行非常簡單,因為這種形式可以在簡單的行走、坐著、站著或躺著時充分有效地練習,因為它只需要靜止以及獨立思考。因此,自我反省冥想並不是像冥想狂人(meditation freaks)所說的那樣,必須採取特殊的躺姿或坐姿,他們通常堅持佛教教義,但這需要宗教信仰,即使佛教不被視為一種真正的宗教。這可能是關於非常有價值的自我反省冥想的最簡單的解釋,自人類存在以來,這種冥想一直有其有效性。但整個冥想並不像聽起來那麼簡單,因為人類必須放棄對「上帝造物者」及其附屬偶像(God-creator and satellite)的宗教信仰,而要自己接管自己或自己的思維和決策的能量、權力和威力,也要相應採取行動。但這與僅僅只要向想像中的上帝和他的助手祈禱,並相信一切都已由他完成,從而使生命得以運行,顯然是完全不同的。
Truly, it sounds heretical to believers, but it corresponds to the truth, also in the relationship that there is no need for a 'meditation master' in order to meditate oneself, because everyone does this in their own way. What meditation mastery brings is that which unifies meditation schools and thus, in this respect, turns human beings into form-uniform meditators who no longer show any individuality, but meditate according to pattern X, just unified. This is also practised in this way in Swiss monasteries and is therefore taken over from Christianity, so that those who are interested learn the unified Buddhist technique, and consequently the attentiveness and concentration of meditation loses all individuality, which means that a meditation herd-following is given, which Gautama Buddha never wanted.
誠然,這在信徒聽來是異端邪說,但卻是事實,在某種意義上,不需要一位“冥想大師”(meditation master;或一般所稱的“禪修大師”)來指導自己如何冥想,因為每個人都以自己的方式來做這件事。冥想大師帶來的是統一的冥想流派,因此在這方面,將人類變成形式統一的冥想者,他們不再顯示任何個性,而是按照X模式,以統一的方式進行冥想。這在瑞士的寺院裡也是這樣實施的,因此這種形式是從基督教那裡接收過來的,好讓那些有興趣的人學習統一的佛教技巧,因此,冥想的關注和專心失去了所有的個性,這意味著給人一種冥想的群聚性(herd-following),這是釋迦牟尼佛(Gautama Buddha;又稱喬達摩佛、佛陀)從來不想要的。
Meditation for working out true inner balance – which not only works psychologically in such a way that the human being can go through life largely untroubled, does not sour psychologically and does not create suicidal thoughts in himself – is good, but not good enough to be full-fledged. The Rule proves that this form of inner balance is only superficial and does not reach so deeply into the basis of the character that the abysmal evil in human beings would be null and void. This would be the case if, through inner balance, the life-destroying degeneracy stored deep in the character were neutralised in such a way that evil could not awaken deep in the base of the character and penetrate outwards, triggering hatred, revenge, retaliation or violence and causing mischief in the case of excitement or fear, danger or any other external adversity.
冥想是為了實現真正的內在平衡 —— 它不僅在心理上產生作用,使人在生活中基本不受干擾,在心理上不變質,不會產生自殺的念頭 —— 這是好的,但還不足以讓自己達到完全成熟的程度。這項規則(The Rule)證明,這種形式的內在平衡只是表面的,並沒有深入到性格的底層,以至於對存在人類身上那深不可測的邪惡是無效的。但如果能通過內在平衡,使沉積在性格深處那種破壞生命的墮落被中和,讓邪惡無法在性格的底層深處覺醒並向外滲透,並不會在興奮或恐懼、危險或任何其他外部逆境的情況下造成惡果,且不致引發仇恨、復仇、報復或暴力,那就會是另一種狀況。
In truth, it is not the case that a quiet and calm place must necessarily be chosen to perform the self-reflection meditation, for in principle it can be performed in any position and in any place and location. Of course it is good to meditate in a quiet place where there is no disturbance of the environment, but this is not granted to every human being to have such a place available for meditative use and to be able to practise his self-reflection undisturbed, which is fundamentally vital for the human being to truly develop as such. It is all very well to have a place for meditation where one is not disturbed, neither by one's partner, nor by foreigners, nor by children, nor by a mobile phone or a house phone, etc. Some people try to set up a small place for meditation. Some human beings like to set up a small meditation place where they feel comfortable and undisturbed and arrange the place according to their taste. Some like candles, flowers, nice cushions, others prefer other things. Depending on the preferences of the human beings, this ranges from a sober environment to flowers, to a comfortable place to sit or lie down and/or candles, etc. For many, such a place of tranquillity makes everything much easier for meditation, if this place is personal as well as furnished according to one's own taste. But if this is not possible, then self-reflection meditation does not explicitly demand this, because it is only dependent on the reflection itself, but not on a certain place or a certain body position, so it can be done and carried out everywhere.
Finding one's own centre or inner balance ultimately leads to knowing oneself, but also to being humble, but to accepting, understanding and loving oneself as one actually is. The inner centre alone gives the feeling of being oneself, which comes from the deepest self-confidence, which is never disturbed when the environment or one's fellow human beings are spiteful, hateful, malicious, slanderous, lying and deceitful. Truly, when the true centre or the true inner balance is found and the evil emotions etc. deep in the character are inactive and dissolved and consequently no longer penetrate to the outside and can no longer cause mischief through violent assaults or betrayal etc., then the inner balance is only true reality, which can no longer be harmed by any externalities. And this inner serenity can be specifically worked out and constantly trained through logic, understanding and reason, through a clear consciousness as well as through a real and honest will, whereby the human being becomes more and more serene and balanced. In fact, he maintains and gains control over himself, over the might of his very own ability to decide and act. And for the human being to achieve this, all that is necessary is for him to work out the inner balance, although he must be clear that he wants to let go of everything that can trigger in him fear, excitement, anger or rage, lies, deceit, hatred, revenge, slander, retaliation and Gewalt,[2] and so on. All the roots of these evils lurking deep in the ground of character are the cause of the unhappiness of human beings, make them find only an apparent inner balance, which is bearable for them, but not really satisfying.
[註二:FIGU詞典網站中Ptaah 對Gewalt的解釋:Gewalt與“heftig”(暴力)和“Heftigkeit”(暴力)這兩個詞沒有關係,因為古Lyrian(暫譯為“天琴座人”)的語言裡關於“Gewalt”的意思是“Gewila”,它被定義為使用所有可支配的強制手段、身體、精神和基於意識的力量、能力和技巧,以實施和完成可怕的行動和行為。]
If the human being really wants to work out inner balance, then he must set clear visions for himself, overcome his fears, work out trust in himself and cultivate his devotion to it. He must learn to understand everything that is unknown to him and also to take it in and enjoy it, and he must take in everything that is important to him, such as the rhythm and the basses of the melody of life, in order to live with everything. He must do this if he really wants to live the inner balance honestly and truly, if he has let all evil in the depth of his character become inactive and does not listen in the silence of harmony to that which brings unrest and discord. Only true inner balance allows the human being to find real and effective peace, both within himself and also in the whole world. True peace means living in harmony with oneself. In this sense, inner balance is also the foundation stone for finding peace on the outside and carrying it out into the vastness of the world.
But I still have to explain how inner balance can be created, which is why you have to be patient until I have explained what is necessary. In addition I have 10 points which Sfath taught me and which I have expanded on at my own discretion since then, and these are the following:
1. Inner balance can be achieved meditatively, but this has nothing to do with meditation in the sense in which it is known and spread as 'true meditation' in religious form, which truthfully has a religious touch of Buddhism one way or the other. Meditation in the sense of life as well as the working out of inner balance means nothing else than devoting oneself to thoughts and the experience of them in peace and without stress. Something that human beings actually do every day during their waking hours, but wildly, without concentration, superficially and unconsciously, etc., so that as a rule they neither perceive it nor that it brings them any benefit, and consequently no inner balance.
內在的平衡可以通過冥想來實現,但這與宗教形式的冥想,也就是在某種意義上,是以宗教形式傳播的“真正的冥想”(true meditation)沒有關係,實事求是地說,冥想在某種程度上帶有佛教的色彩。生命意義上的冥想以及內在平衡的工作,無非是指在平靜和沒有壓力的情況下將自己投入到思想和體驗中。人類在清醒的時候每天都在做這件事,但都是漫無邊際的,不集中的,膚淺的,不自覺的等等,所以一般來說,他們既沒有感覺到它,也沒有感覺到它給他們帶來任何好處,因此也就沒有內在平衡。
2. Inner balance requires real meditative relaxation on the part of the human beings, in such a way that they consciously and regularly allow themselves small breaks and meditate in this respect. However, this should not be done in such a way that he should give himself over to the fanaticism and delusion of religious faith, but rather to a quiet, neutral, thoughtful going into oneself in such a way that good, valuable, beautiful and neutral things move in one's thoughts, which have a loosening, pacifying and balancing effect.
3. It is necessary to take time regularly for self-reflection, for actual reflection and consideration with regard to the character traits that are allowed to come to the fore and those that must be brought under control, reduced and thus dissolved in order to free oneself from them.
4. During the meditative rest, personal needs can be taken into account, so that there is no need to be closed to them.
5. Physical activity is necessary to achieve inner balance, because this has a great influence on the well-being of the body, as well as on thoughts, morals and behaviour.
6. Singing, humming or whistling melodious tunes is appropriate, for through these not only morals and behaviour are positively controlled, but above all they form the inner balance and regulate the state of physical well-being.
7. Inner balance requires that one's negative and positive feelings be consciously perceived and brought under control in such a way that they are controlled.
Feelings that trigger the instinct of self-preservation in the case of extreme excitement, fear, etc. must never degenerate into anger, rage or even physical Gewalt,[2] but must be controlled in such a way that, in the maximum case, a logically founded physical defensive action or counter-defence, or a justified raising of one's voice up to the point of shouting, takes place.
8. Inner balance requires reflecting on one's own stress reactions, as well as controlling and training one's own inner composure in every situation and situation that arises. Above all, it must be realised that ultimately only prudence, restraint, discipline, control and responsibility can tame and neutralise stress of any kind.
9. The really very mindful handling of oneself, and the regular alternation between tension and relaxation is elementary for inner balance, because this also creates the balance for consciousness and mental and physical health. This is especially true in difficult and uncertain times, because there the energies and their powers are particularly challenged.
10. The experiences, memories and experiences, emotions and other impulses from one's own life, which have been described and symbolised and which have arisen in terms of experience, as well as the important whole spectrum of intense feelings, from happiness and sadness, but also unbridled joy, abysmal pain, intuition and curiosity, various feelings, abandonment, fear, anger and rage etc. are factors through which life is shaped and which can bring about inner balance.
With that I have now said and explained everything that I wanted to add and explain regarding inner balance.
What you have presented is very impressive and instructive. Unfortunately, however, the time is advanced, so I must leave, although I would still like to talk to you about it. But we can still do that when I come back here around 22:00 hrs. I want to know more about everything you have said, because what you have presented is much more than I have learned. But now I am afraid I have to go, and so I say goodbye.
Take care, see you again later.
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