

Contact Report 795第795次接觸報告



英譯版本:20220322日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20220326日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu











This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Here I am again. Greetings, Eduard, dear friend.



Ah, welcome back, Bermunda. It's good to see you, and greetings to you too.



Yes. Unfortunately, I have been busy and also absent, which is why it was not possible for me to come earlier.



It's good, it is just that you cannot always do what you would like to do and so it is the same with you not being able to just come here because other things are taking up your time.



That is so, but I had enough time to make an effort to do 2 drawings that I was able to do of Nokodemion and Isaiah. While I am not particularly gifted with drawing, I think I did a good job on the two sketches I made of the images we have in our ancestral repository. Here, these are …



… Yes, I think they are really good and our experts can make something out of them, by which I mean that the drawing artists who will work up these drawings and make good pictures out of them can make good use of these sketches, as you say. If you could beam them over to me, as Ptaah does each time, on the photocopier, then I can copy them. How to do that, I mean, how that works, I can teach you.

... 是啊,我認為畫得確實很好,我們的專家可以用它們來做一些事情,我的意思是,正如妳所說的,那些繪畫藝術家可以好好利用這些草圖進一步加工完成為畫像。如果妳能像Ptaah每次做的那樣,把它們用影印機複印給我,那麼我就可以保留一份。至於如何操作,我可以教妳。


That is good.



OK, let us see …



… Very simple actually, … but a primitive technique that you still have to understand to be able to deal with it.

... 這實際上非常簡單, ... 但卻是一種早期的技術,你仍然必須瞭解操作手續才能處理好。


All that is just our earthly and not Plejaren technology.



Unfortunately still very primitive. On the other hand, however, it is precisely in the form of technology that you find the real reason for your being harassed and hindered in an evil way in your important work. But I will say what is necessary about that later.



Good. – As I have just said, technology is not Plejaren, it is earthly, and it will be a long time before the earthlings will be as advanced as you. The future does not look very rosy and hopeful that one day Earth will have what is commonplace with you Plejaren today. Here on Earth, unfortunately, the metier of illogic, lack of understanding and unreason prevails. Therefore, between America, which is addicted to world domination, and Russia, there is again open stink.



By that I suppose you mean differences?



Yes, that's what I mean. But enough of that, because first something else, when I have copied these drawings of yours and put them away. …







But I notice you are not quite in good health. …



… You also notice everything. – Good, it hit me again last Saturday, I mean it 'folded' on me; by that I mean I collapsed as a result of dizziness and stuff. Eva immediately mobilised Atlantis, who took me to the hospital in Wetzikon, where I was of course medically examined for hours, the waiting time being quite long – as usual. My pulse rate dropped to 20 beats per minute, so the head doctor said it was a miracle that I survived at all. Very quickly, unfortunately, my otherwise already low heartbeat or pulse rate is labelled as a simple or usual cardiac arrhythmia, as old Dr. Flachsmann once told me a good 40 years ago, saying that I should not let myself be fooled if I was led to believe that I was only suffering from mild cardiac arrhythmia. Knowing me as he does – he also prescribed me the permanent medication that I have to take for the rest of my life and without which I cannot exist because otherwise my head would go crazy – he said that I am actually a human being who knows what to do for my health, which is why he no longer prescribes and gives me medication, but I myself should always tell him what I need.

... 妳也都注意到了。是啊,上個禮拜六我又發病了,我是說我的身體“垮”了;我的意思是,我因為頭暈之類的原因而倒下了Eva立即催促Atlantis,他們一起把我送到了韋齊孔Wetzikon)的醫院急診,當然我在那裡接受了幾個小時的醫療檢查,等待的時間就和往常一樣,相當漫長。當時我的脈搏下降到每分鐘20次,所以主任醫生說我能活下來是個奇跡。不幸的是,我本來已經很低的心跳或脈搏,很快就被診斷為常見的心律不整cardiac arrhythmia),也就是Flachsmann老醫生在四十年前曾經告訴我的那樣,他說如果有人讓我相信我只是患了輕微的心律不整,那我就不該讓自己上當。像他那樣瞭解我的人 —— 他還為我開了永久性的藥物,我必須終生服用,沒有這種藥物我就無法生存,因為否則我的腦袋就會發瘋 —— 他說,實際上我是一個知道該為自己的健康做些什麼人,這就是為什麼他不再為我開處方和給我藥物,但我自己應該隨時告訴他我需要什麼。

So, I know that my heart beats slowly or irregularly as a rule. You should explain something about that. Well, they really wanted to keep me in the clinic and give me a pacemaker or operate on me on Monday, i.e. yesterday, but I did not want that. So I had to sign a statement that I was leaving the hospital at my own risk and going home, and I also had to stop taking the 'Beloc Zog'. The head doctor also said that it was dangerous and that it could happen that I suddenly just dropped dead.

所以,我知道我的心臟跳動緩慢或不規律是常有的事。妳應該解釋一下這方面的情況。好吧,他們真的想把我留在診所,給我一個心律調節器pacemaker),或者在星期一,也就是昨天給我動手術,但我不希望這樣。所以我不得不簽署一份聲明,表示我自願離開醫院回家,並將自行承擔風險,而且我也必須停止服用“Beloc Zog”[中譯者註:Beloc Zog在網路上找不到資料,疑應是“Beloc ZOK”;中文名稱是“舒壓寧控釋錠”]。主任醫生還說,這樣很危險,可能會發生我突然死亡的情況。

That is what I know, what happened and why I am still not feeling so good, that the discomfort is still written all over my face and my speech has become worse. Unfortunately, I have a huge problem with this, because suddenly I can no longer formulate the correct words. They are in my head, but I simply cannot pronounce them, which is why there is a confusion of speech that fortunately is immediately resolved when the human beings I am talking to helpfully say what I actually want to say. Mostly it's names, whereas with other things they just wait until I can say what I actually want to say. Unfortunately, what we and the other Plejaren can do together, they cannot do together. You as a doctor could actually explain to me what low pulse is really about. How dangerous it is, etc. You can explain it to me as it is called on Earth, since, as you once said, you learned the medical Latin words etc. of Earthly medicine.



Good, I will do that. The whole thing must have been another attack of your brain, a stroke of the brain, which threw you down. Also …

好吧,我會這麼做的。整個情況一定是你的大腦又一次發作了,也就是大腦中風讓你摔倒了。還有 ...


… That's what Eva meant, too.

... 這也是Eva的看法。


Yes, she's probably right about that. – So obviously the heart was also involved, and that is really extraordinary in the way you describe it – really very extraordinary overall. The fact that the pulse rate dropped to 20 beats is what I would call bradycardia in earthly terms, which means a slow heartbeat. Because of this – and this is not good for your body's circulation – it has not been able to get along for long with only about 20 beats per minute. Let me explain the following: If you had a slow heartbeat, it was not harmless and had to be treated. I will explain the following: A bradycardia does not supply the body and the brain with enough blood and oxygen, which results in shortness of breath, tiredness and dizziness, but can also lead to fainting. If the pulse rate falls below 40 per minute, intervention is necessary, if necessary with a pacemaker, as you were told, but the question was whether the pulse would return to normal or not. It also had to be clarified whether the slow heartbeat was due to medication or not, such as beta blockers or calcium antagonists. Since this was so in your case, a dose reduction or a change of medication had to be considered immediately.

是的,她可能是對的。所以很明顯,這也涉及到心臟,就你的描述來看,這真的很不尋常 —— 整體上真的非常特別。脈搏下降到每分鐘20次,在地球上稱之為「心律過慢」(bradycardia),意思是心跳過於緩慢。正因為如此 —— 這對你的身體循環不利 —— 在每分鐘只有20次左右的情況下,這已經無法長期維持生命了。讓我解釋一下,如果你的心跳過於緩慢,這是有害生命的,必須要即時進行治療。我將說明如下:心律過慢不能為身體和大腦提供足夠的血液和氧氣,從而導致呼吸短促、疲倦和頭暈,也可能導致昏厥。如果脈搏低於每分鐘40次,就必須進行醫治,必要時將使用心律調節器,正如醫生告訴你的那樣,但問題是脈搏是否會恢復正常。還必須弄清楚心跳緩慢是否是由於藥物引起的,如β受體阻滯劑beta blockers)或鈣離子通道阻滯劑calcium antagonists)。既然你的情況是這樣,就必須立即考慮減少劑量或更換藥物。


Now, please tell me what a low heartbeat and pulse rate actually is, as well as what common arrhythmias are.



Simple or common cardiac arrhythmias are also called a heart beating too slowly or irregularly. However, cardiac arrhythmias are very diverse, and the vast majority of disorders are not immediately problematic or very dangerous. Only more severe manifestations impair the quality of life, and so only really threatening disorders are dangerous, such as when the heartbeat drops so low, for example to only 20 beats per minute.


Slow heart rhythm or bradycardia is when the heart beats too slowly. This is actually the correct Latin term, as I said before. The clock generator is the sinus node, which can be diseased, or the transmission of the electrical impulses to the heart chambers in the so-called AV node is disturbed, the so-called AV block, although this disturbance can be corrected by a pacemaker those in the electrical conduction system.

心律緩慢或心律過慢bradycardia)是指心臟跳得太慢。這實際上是正確的拉丁用語,正如我之前所說。clock generator(暫譯為“時脈產生器”)是竇房結sinus node;是心臟內一個組織部位,又稱為節律點),它可能生病了,或者所謂的房室結中電脈衝的傳輸受到干擾,即所謂的房室傳導阻滯,儘管這種干擾可以通過心律調節器那些在電傳導系統中得到糾正。

A normally healthy heart beats 60 to 70 times per minute at rest. During physical exertion, high excitement or psychological stress, it can beat up to 180 times, depending on age. Within 24 hours, the heart beats an average of 100,000 times and pumps about 60 ml of blood per beat into the body, thus supplying it with about 6,000 litres of oxygen and nutrients per day. The heart chambers must be in tune with each other, regularly contracting and expanding again, because this is the only way that the blood pumping can function smoothly. In this process, the natural pacemaker, the sinus node, as it is called, in the right atrium of the heart plays the clock, because it generates electrical impulses that travel on, all the way to the AV node. From there, the heart muscle is excited in a coordinated way via the so-called His bundle and other electrically conducting fibres, causing the heart chambers to contract and the blood to be pumped out of the heart chambers into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. It is also called arrhythmia when the heart beats too slowly, too fast or irregularly, whereby regular electrical impulses in the sinus node are transmitted too fast or too slow to the ventricles, which is called conduction disorder.

一個正常健康的心臟在休息時每分鐘跳動6070次。在體力消耗、高度興奮或心理壓力下,它可以跳動到180次,取決於年齡。在24小時內,心臟平均跳動10萬次,每次跳動向身體輸送約60毫升的血液,從而每天為身體提供約6000公升的氧氣和營養物質。心腔必須相互配合,定期收縮和再次擴張,因為只有這樣才能使血液輸送順利進行。在這個過程中,心臟右心房的天然心律調節器,即所謂的竇房結,發揮著時脈的作用,因為它產生的電脈衝一直傳遞到房室結AV node)。從那裡,心肌通過所謂的希氏束His bundle)和其他導電纖維以協調的方式被激發,導致心室收縮,血液從心室抽送出來,進入肺動脈和主動脈。當心臟跳動過慢、過快或不規則時,竇房結中有規律的電脈衝被過快或過慢地傳送到心室,這也被稱為心律不整,這就是傳導障礙(conduction disorder)。

… … …


Atrial fibrillation, which I must mention, is a heart rhythm disorder that is very common and appears as atrial fibrillation. It causes a kind of electrical storm in the atria, which then causes the heart to beat chaotically and irregularly and often also too fast, which can be intermittent or permanent. Although atrial fibrillation is not immediately dangerous, it should still be examined by a doctor because it can have serious consequences, such as a stroke or heart failure. Preventive treatment with blood thinners is usually indicated and unavoidable.

我必須提到的心房顫動Atrial fibrillation),是一種非常常見的心律紊亂,表現為心房顫動。它在心房中引起一種電風暴(electrical storm),然後導致心臟混亂而不規則地跳動,並且經常過快,這可能是間歇性的,也可能是永久性的。儘管心房顫動不會立即產生危險,但仍應由醫生進行檢查,因為它可能產生嚴重的後果,如中風或心臟衰竭。使用血液稀釋劑進行預防性治療通常是必要的,而且是不可避免的。


I know about that because I also have to take blood thinners, and aspirin adjusted for that.



I am aware of that, and that you are taking that remedy is very good I know.



Anyway, it works to the extent that it has to.



Atrial flutter is the next one to mention. This is also the atria, from which a rhythm disturbance is caused, whereby this occurs in the right atrium and leads to a rapid pulse. However, the pulse is often regular, which is the opposite of atrial fibrillation. However, atrial flutter also leads to symptoms of varying character, such as palpitations as well as a depressed chest or a drop in performance. Blood thinning is usually the same as in atrial fibrillation. In order to treat atrial fibrillation, the same medicinal options as for atrial fibrillation are used, whereby an intervention in the form of a catheter ablation is preferable to a medicinal therapy for atrial fibrillation in the vast majority of cases, because good healing results can be achieved in this respect.

下一個要提到的是心房撲動Atrial flutter)。這也是由心房引起的心律紊亂,從而這發生在右心房,導致脈搏加快。然而,脈搏往往是有規律的,這與心房顫動相反。然而,心房撲動也會導致不同性質的症狀,如心悸以及胸部壓抑或性能下降。血液稀釋通常與心房顫動的情況相同。為了治療心房顫動,使用與心房顫動相同的藥物選擇,因此,在絕大多數情況下,以catheter ablation(暫譯為“導管消融術”)進行干預比心房顫動的藥物治療更可取,因為在這方面可以取得良好的治療效果。

I must also explain the following:


Causes of cardiac arrhythmias can be very diverse, just as they can also occur unexpectedly and for no apparent reason at any age. However, it is a fact that with increasing age, the risk of suffering a cardiac arrhythmia also increases. It may also turn out that a cardiovascular disease is the actual cause, such as high blood pressure, a heart attack or even hormonal imbalances. Alcohol, drugs or medication can also trigger heart valve disease, as can too much caffeine, so also a large amount of coffee drinking can be a possible cause of heart failure, as can a rhythm disorder.


Heartbeat and pulse are decisive for the health of human beings, whereby a heartbeat that is too fast or too slow, as well as an irregular heartbeat, can often be felt by the pulse. However, a more precise diagnosis can be made by means of an eletrocardiogram, whereby …



That's called an ECG for short.



Correct, I was supposed to say that, but I left it out. But thank you for pointing it out. What also needs to be mentioned is that X-rays, echocardiography and an electrophysiological examination can also be carried out to clarify the whole thing. A harmless cardiac arrhythmia does not need to be treated, just as it is not a cause for concern, because the so-called vagnus manoeuvre can bring the heart rhythm itself back to normal.

正確,我應該這麼說的,但我漏掉了。謝謝你指出來。還需要提到的是,還可以進行X光、心臟超音波檢查echocardiography;又譯為超聲心動圖)和電生理electrophysiological)檢查來釐清整個狀況。無害的心律不整不需要治療,也無須擔心,因為所謂的“vagnus manoeuvre”(暫譯為“迷走神經操作”)可以使心律本身恢復正常。

However, if the disorder occurs more frequently, it can very well attack and impair the quality of life, and various methods can be used to treat the condition, depending on the extent of the disorder. For example, the arrhythmia can be normalised by effective medication, but in the case of certain disorders, catheter ablation can be successful, whereby certain parts of the heart tissue are obliterated. This is usually done with several electric shocks, because one alone may not be enough. It can also be done with corresponding medication, which gives a kind of 'restart', so that the rhythm is stimulated to function correctly again.

然而,如果這種疾病發生的頻率過高,就會大大影響生活品質,根據疾病的程度,可以採用各種方法來治療這種疾病。例如,心律不整可以通過有效的藥物治療而恢復正常,但是在某些病症的情況下,導管消融術(catheter ablation)可以取得成功,由此心臟組織的某些部分被消除(obliterated)。這通常是通過幾次電擊完成的,因為僅僅一次電擊可能是不夠的。它也可以配合適當的藥物治療來完成,這可以給人一種“重啟” 的感覺,使心律受到刺激而重新正常運作。

A heartbeat that is too slow can in any case be counteracted with a pacemaker, although in the case of dangerous cardiac arrhythmias it is necessary to implant a defibrillator, known as an ICD for short. In a truly threatening situation, it is necessary, if necessary, to overstimulate the heart with an electric shock. Also many really harmless cardiac arrhythmias show no negative influence on life expectancy, consequently a normal life is possible without treatment and fear despite the harmless disturbances that often occur.


This is what I want to explain in a nutshell, although much more could be explained, but this would lead too far and would require a correct treatise. However, I think that what has been explained will be enough to understand what the various cardiac arrhythmias and their treatment are actually about. But what has happened to you, it seems to me, is that in this the main origin of the collapse was due to the overstraining of the brain and was really not harmless.



Which is perhaps really the case. We will find out in the near future, but now there are other things that need to be discussed. I wonder if you have found out anything about the paedosexual serial killer Jürgen Bartsch, who was actually called something else but was later adopted. I would like to know why he died so suddenly when he was only 30 years old. Ptaah once said that this man was murdered, which is why I asked you if you could clarify that.

或許真的是這樣。我們將在不久的將來找到答案,但現在還有其他事情需要討論。我想知道妳是否發現了關於戀童癖(paedosexual)連環殺手尤爾根.巴奇Jürgen Bartsch)的情況,他其實叫別的名字,但後來被收養了。我想知道為什麼他在只有30歲的時候突然死亡。Ptaah曾經說過,這個人是被謀殺的,所以我才問妳是否可以澄清一下。


He was indeed murdered, and it was through a deliberate overdose of the vaporising agent used for anaesthesia at the time. The doctor responsible was a death penalty advocate and acted at his own discretion and carried out what he considered to be a just punishment for a serial killer.



Unfortunately, since the little ones have been here, new things have been happening and confusing everything. These include the fact that all the interference of the foreign forces is also affecting my health, in addition to the fact that the forces are causing the computer to go haywire and are constantly destroying my work, while other persons can work normally on the machine. And that I am not telling fibs, and that everything is really as I say, people can prove that, also you and the others, if they stand by and see that I am not doing anything wrong, but nevertheless everything is going wrong and wrong.

不幸的是,自從“小傢伙們”(little ones)來到這裡,新的事情就不斷發生,讓一切都變得混亂。其中包括所有外星勢力的干擾也在影響我的健康,此外,這些勢力還導致電腦失靈,不斷破壞我的工作,而其他人卻能在機器上正常工作。而我沒有說假話,一切真的像我說的那樣,他們可以證明這一點,包括妳和其他人,如果他們站在旁邊看到我沒有做錯什麼,但儘管如此,一切還是在出錯又出錯。


The other day I wanted to write something about America's Area 51 and Area 52, then also about 'Wright Patterson', the 'Montauk Project' and the 'Philadelphia Experiment', as well as about Antarctica, the truth about the Maya, whom Sfath and I visited, as well as the Muisca people and so El Dorado with Lake Guanitavita, or whatever it was called, in which they sank the alloy gold. And the same thing happened with the computer as when I also wanted to write something about the USA shadow government, that it has already existed since 1767 and controls American politics without the great ones in government noticing or knowing anything about it, consequently they are influenced unknowingly, decide wrongly and also act accordingly and do what is in the sense of the shadow rulers. But everything is thoroughly 'abverheit' to me, for my computer went so mad that I could do nothing.

有一天,我想寫一些關於美國51Area 51)和52區(Area 52)的東西,然後也寫關於“賴特.帕特森”(Wright Patterson)、“蒙托克計畫”(Montauk Project)和“費城實驗”(Philadelphia Experiment),以及關於南極洲,關於瑪雅人Maya)的真相,Sfath和我訪問過他們,還有穆伊斯卡人Muisca people),以及黃金國El Dorado)和瓜塔維塔湖Lake Guanitavita;正確名稱是Lake Guatavita),或者不管它叫什麼,他們在那裡沉沒了合金黃金。當我想寫一些關於美國影子政府shadow government)的東西時,電腦也發生了同樣的事情,它1767年就已經存在,並控制著美國的政治,而政府中的大人物卻沒有注意到或知道任何事情,因此他們在不知不覺中受到影響,做出錯誤的決定,也相應地做了影子統治者的事情。但對我來說,一切都徹底“abverheit”(德文;意思是“停擺”)了,因為我的電腦太瘋狂了,我什麼都做不了。


It's getting worse and worse with the whole thing, which goes back to what started in your youth by the cultists and viciously haunted you throughout your life. But I will say something about that later, because there are other things to talk about now.



Something similar has been happening for years with Julian Assange, who is being accused of treason by the Americans for spreading the truth about the criminal US machinations in wars etc., and also by Sweden for alleged rape. England is still playing the intrigue, because it had him arrested when he was kicked out of the embassy in London, where Assange had found asylum for years, by the deceit and meanness of the new president of Ecuador. For about 3 years now he has been languishing in an English prison, always fearing that England will treacherously hand him over to America, where he will serve at least 175 years – if he is not executed. This is all because America is furious with Assange for exposing American war crimes.

類似的事情已經在朱利安.阿桑奇Julian Assange;洩密網站《維基解密》的董事與發言人)身上發生了很多年,因為他傳播了美國在戰爭等方面的犯罪陰謀的真相,他被美國指控為叛國罪,在瑞典也因涉嫌強姦而起訴。英國仍然在玩陰謀詭計,因為厄瓜多Ecuador)新總統的欺騙和卑鄙,讓阿桑奇被趕出了他多年來尋求庇護的倫敦大使館,而因此被捕。大約三年來,他一直在英國監獄裡受折磨,總是擔心英國會背信棄義把他移交給美國,如果他不被處決,他將在美國服刑至少175。這都是因為美國對阿桑奇揭露美國的戰爭罪行而感到憤怒。


Which, in terms of his arrest and charges, his treatment and imposition, corresponds to a disgrace as well as an injustice as well as an inhumanity beyond compare.



The rulers and the bulk of the people do not care, especially those who belong to the Republican party. It is also clear that there are people among the Democrats who go along with it and demonise Assange.



But I was on another subject before, which I now want to take up again: what is happening now as an effect of the sectarian machinations with you and what is happening now with regard to the impairment of your health, that has been investigated in the meantime by the Ziltonians who were with you on 4.1.2022. Arlion, the Ziltonian who is leading the whole thing, has now reported to us that they have been able to fathom that the energies and forces that are causing everything in relation to your work, the computer devices, as well as now in relation to the impairment of your health, are the subsequent effect of the lifelong attacks on you.


The religious-vicious machinations of those people of faith of the former time, when you were not yet resident in the Centre, but were travelling far and wide in many states on Earth, but were nevertheless at the mercy of all the hatred and vengeance of the sectarians, was transferred to their descendants, who were incited against you by their parents and are still trying to get you out of the world, as you once called it. Four of these descendants, who unfortunately also believe in religious fanaticism, have joined forces and, with the help of others, have been able to work out a development on a technical basis that allows religious energies and their powers to have such an independent effect that they are able to harm a certain person in every way when applied and directed at him or her. Through the efforts of the believers or the sectarians of …, their efforts have, so to speak, become independent in the form of very strong religious energies and forces and automatically work against your computer and against you personally through a certain apparatus. However, it is not possible for the Ciltonians to counteract this, for they too cannot perform miracles in spite of their high level of evolution, consequently they are bound to what is possible for them at present. They too need a great deal of time to fathom the possibilities and to devise and manufacture the corresponding apparatuses which will then be really effective in putting an end to what the religious forces of faith of the sectarian fanatics have brought about and which now, unfortunately, has such an effect that you and your work are cramped, which has become very troublesome. And as for the time before the Ciltonians can really tackle and terminate these religious energies that have been released and their forces, that will take a very long time and probably longer than your life will last, Arlion said.

早期那些信徒的宗教惡毒陰謀,當時你還沒有居住在「中心」,而是在世界許多國家四處旅行,但還是受到所有深陷仇恨和教派報復的人所擺佈,這些陰謀後來被轉移到他們的後代身上,他們被他們的父母煽動起來反對你,並且仍然試圖讓你離開這個世界,就像你曾經說的那樣。這些後代中,有四個人不幸也相信宗教狂熱,他們聯合起來,在其他人的幫助下,已經能夠在技術基礎上,研究發展出一種使宗教能量及其力量具有如此獨立的效果,當應用和指向某個人時,能夠在各個方面傷害他或她。通過信徒或 ... 教派的努力,他們的努力可以說是以非常強大的宗教能量和力量的形式獨立出來,並通過某種儀器自動對你的電腦和你個人進行打擊。然而,齊爾頓人不可能與之抗衡,因為他們也不能創造奇跡,儘管他們的進化層級很高,而他們也是被約束在目前可能的範圍內。他們也需要大量的時間來探索各種可能性,並設計和製造相應的設備,這樣才能真正有效地結束教派狂熱者的宗教信仰力量所帶來的影響,而現在,遺憾的是,這種影響使你和你的工作受到擠壓,這已經變得非常麻煩。而至於在齊爾頓人能夠真正解決和終止這些被釋放出來的宗教能量及其力量之前,那將需要很長的時間,據阿里昂(Arlion)說,可能比你的生命還要長


So the whole thing is still relevant from my youth, just as it has followed me everywhere.


And now it continues in this way, because the descendants of the perpetrators of all the evil at that time are also working today to get me hammered. The religious hatred that was brought into the world against me at that time by the Horatins – which has also brought 24 assassination attempts on me so far – will probably only come to an end when I am no longer here, I must say.

而現在,這種情況還在繼續,因為當時所有邪惡肇事者的後代到今天仍然在想方設法打擊我。我必須說,當時Horatins(暫譯為“霍拉廷家族”)帶給這個世界對我的宗教仇恨 —— 到目前為止還帶來了24次對我的暗殺企圖 —— 可能只有在我離開這個世界時才會結束

The fact that now the whole thing is based on technology, I mean the attacks on my writing utensils, which are important for me, and on my health and personality, etc., that probably cannot be changed. Apparently one person, or several persons of this sectarian, is extraordinarily ingenious and so inventive in the electronic-technical field that something so futuristic can be invented, constructed and put into use. How else could it be that a production was invented by this person or by several persons, so that a 'hell machine' could then be built, so to speak, and is now being used against me and my work. I suppose this is something that even the Ziltonians can do nothing about?

現在整個事情的基礎是技術,我指的是對我的寫作工具的攻擊,這對我很重要,還有對我的健康和人身安全等等,這可能無法改變。顯然,這個教派中有一個人或者幾個人,在電子技術領域格外聰明,而且很有創造力,以至於可以發明、建造並投入使用如此先進的東西。否則,怎麼可能由這個人或幾個人發明了一種產品,可以說是建造了一台“地獄機器”(hell machine,從而現在正被用來對付我和我的工作。我想這是連齊爾頓人(Ziltonians)都無能為力的事情吧?


That is unfortunately so, besides they are not allowed, as we are not, to interfere on Earth in any matters of nature or in matters of human beings and so on.



I understand that – just your directives. So the bullets cannot help either.

我明白 —— 只是你們的指示。所以子彈也幫不上忙。


No, because they belong to our Federation, and so they are not allowed by our directives to interfere. What they are allowed to do is merely what they have already done several times in the Centre with regard to working against forces that fall outside the acute and direct influence of Earth-humans or also inhabitants of other planets. Interestingly, the foreigners also adhere to this, who now and then make their presence known on Earth by their appearance in the terrestrial skies, but with whom we are neither in contact nor give them the possibility of perceiving us in any form at all.



So the foreigners cannot locate you, just as the Earthlings cannot, this was already told to me by Sfath, whose presence on Earth was known only to those whom he contacted directly. And he also explained at that time that this has been kept this way since all times since Plejaren came to Earth, the reason for which, as he said, was that the foreigners could not find their way to the Plejaren in the ANKAR universe. It seems to have remained that way to this day.


It really might be more and more difficult for me to still work on the computer. The whole thing of interventions also has an effect elsewhere, namely also when I am over in the kitchen or in the living room etc.. For example, if I want to set a channel on the TV, it does not work, or something else appears on the screen than what I have just set. It is also the same with writing by hand; it often happens that my handwriting is automatically distorted to the point of illegibility, so that I myself can no longer decipher what has actually been written, and often the wrong letters appear on the paper. Of course I write them myself with my hand, but unintentionally and without being able to do anything about it. Sometimes it is enough to drive you crazy. Maybe it would be good if the little ones could come here again and do something about it. Since the last time they intervened here, things have really improved with the writing on the computer. But other things have happened since then, like putting the wrong words in the wrong places in what I'm writing. But it often happens that texts simply disappear or move elsewhere, etc. The same thing happens when I write. The same thing also happens when I put it on a flash drive to pass it on.

對我來說,在電腦上工作真的越來越困難了。受到干擾的領域也擴及其他地方,那就是當我在廚房或在客廳等地方時也會受到影響。例如,如果我想在電視上設置一個頻道,但就是不起作用,或者螢幕上出現了與我剛剛所設置不同的內容。手寫也是如此;經常發生的情況是,我的筆跡自動扭曲到難以辨認的地步,以至於我自己再也無法認出實際上寫了什麼,而且經常在紙上出現錯誤的字母。當然是我自己用手寫的,但卻是無意的,而也無能為力。有時這足以讓你發瘋。如果小傢伙們能再次來到這裡,並對這方面做些什麼,也許會是件好事。自從他們上次清理這裡後,電腦上的書寫情況確實有所改善。但是從那時起也發生了其他事情,比如在我寫的東西裡把錯誤的用詞放在錯誤的地方。但經常發生的情況是,文件就憑空消失或移動到其他地方等等。同樣的事情在我寫作時也會發生。當我把資料存放在隨身碟flash drive;又稱快閃記憶體)上再傳給別人時,也會發生同樣的事情

Also, otherwise very strange things happen, which are sometimes also seen or somehow perceived by other persons, like Daniela, for example, when she was working next to the road in the garden, heard and saw Michael driving by in his car, although he was still far away at the time, in Bauma or Bäretswil or something, and only came about 20 minutes later, which Daniela of course saw again and heard the car driving. When Silvano and I drove down to the 'Würmli Sprung', the post bus was just coming out of the forest, so we drove aside and waited, because the bend is not suitable for the post bus and our PW to cross. But the post bus did not come up the 40 metres or so towards us and so did not pass next to us, which is why we looked – but the post bus had simply disappeared and vanished into thin air. Also, 2 expensive books disappeared in the bookcase at my place, one about 4 or 5 years ago, but now also a 2nd one, about 6 months ago. I cannot buy another copy because they have been out of print for decades and are not reprinted. Recently, I also lost a folder that was important for me because of taxes, and now again one that contained very important documents, and both have not turned up until today. All searches remained fruitless, but instead, out of the blue, something kept falling on my desk, such as old pieces of jewellery, etc. Also, money that had been counted several times disappeared without a trace from the deposit wallet, just as a 200 franc note disappeared before Patric's and my eyes when we were doing his monthly accounts together. So it also happened with a bundle of 50 notes, 10 at a time, during the accounting work, together with Pius. It is also worth mentioning that I was always in the office when these large sums of money disappeared, even up to Fr. 1000. Sometimes there were also people with me, such as Silvano, Patric or Pius etc., who saw and witnessed themselves how the banknotes etc. simply disappeared without a trace from the table top etc. Once Michael even saw how a piece of money suddenly materialised behind my left ear and then fell onto the table.

另外,還有一些非常奇怪的事情發生,這些事情有時也會被其他人看到或以某種方式感知到,比如Daniela,當她在花園的路旁邊工作時,聽到並看到Michael開車經過,儘管他當時還在BaumaBäretswil之類很遠的地方,大約要20分鐘後才會到達,但Daniela確實是看到並聽到汽車行駛的聲音。還有當Silvano和我開車到“Würmli Sprung”時,郵政巴士剛從森林裡出來,所以我們把車開到一邊等著,因為這個彎道不適合郵政巴士和我們的PW會車。但是,郵政巴士並沒有從四十多公尺遠處向我們開過來,也沒有從我們旁邊經過,這就是為什麼我們要四處看了看 —— 但是郵政巴士就這麼消失了,消失在空氣中。另外,我家裡的書櫃裡有兩本昂貴的書也消失了,一本大約是四、五年前買的,而現在又有第二本,大約是六個月前買的。我無法再買一本,因為它們已經絕版幾十年了,而且沒有再版。最近,我還遺失了一個對我來說很重要的資料夾,因為有交稅要用的資料,現在又遺失了另一個裝有非常重要檔案的資料夾,這兩個資料夾直到今天都沒有找到。所有的搜尋仍然沒有結果,但出乎意料的是,突然有一些東西不斷落在我的桌子上,如舊的珠寶等。還有,已經清點過幾次的錢從錢包裡消失得無影無蹤,就像我們一起計算Patric的每月帳目時,一張200法郎的紙幣在Patric和我的眼前就這麼消失一樣。另外,在和Pius一起做賬的過程中,也發生了一捆50張紙幣,每次消失10張的事情。還值得一提的是,當這些大筆資金消失時,我總是在辦公室裡,消失的金額甚至達到了1000法郎。有時還有人和我在一起,如SilvanoPatricPius等,他們看到並親眼目睹了鈔票等是如何從桌面上消失得無影無蹤的。有一次,Michael甚至看到一塊錢突然出現在我的左耳後面,然後掉在桌子上


Also Ptaah himself witnessed such strange happenings in your workroom, as we could also see on our records how the one book of yours was stored in the bookcase and just suddenly disappeared.



Yes, I remember because I was not allowed to go to the rack for a week when you installed your device there that recorded everything, so you could see how the book suddenly just disappeared without a trace. Strange things like that also happened to many persons who were suddenly groped or approached in a lewd manner, who then thought it was me, such as Semjase, Prof. Bender, then above all Marcel, who fell off a chair and broke his ribs.



Yes, I am aware of that because Semjase told me about it, she was after all the first person to be lewdly attacked and approached.



Yes, she was the first.



That's right, she told me everything, also that at first she thought you were the one lewdly addressing her and touching her, even though you were on the other side of your work space and not in her circle. She was unfortunately startled and only realised after a while that it could not be you because you were not in her immediate vicinity.



It was still very embarrassing.



I am sure it was for everyone else too.



You can probably say that, because starting with Semjase, if I may name them again, then Hans Benz, Engelbert, even Prof. Bender, then also Dr. Fraude, Marcel, Silvano and also the women, like Elsi, Olgi, Maria, Amata, Dorit, Bruni, Frau Gautschi and Margret, it was the same. At first they all thought that I was the guilty one, which is why they left and even took me to court. But then the time came, which took 3 years, when they apologised to me, and Jacobus even had to drive me to St. Gallen to accept Amata's apology. Olgi came here to the centre and apologised, Bruni too, Prof. Bender too, Mrs. Gautschi telephoned and apologised in this way. Dorit also came here, Maria came together with Engelbert. Dr Fraude excused himself on the spot, Hans Benz too and Silvano as well.

妳也許可以這麼說,因為Semjase開始,如果我可以再說出他們的名字,然後是Hans BenzEngelbert,甚至是Bender教授,然後還有Fraude博士、MarcelSilvano,還有那些女人,像ElsiOlgiMariaAmataDoritBruniGautschi夫人和Margret,都是一樣的。起初,他們都認為我是嫌疑犯,這就是為什麼他們都陸續離開了,甚至把我告上了法庭。但後來終於還我清白,這花了三年的時間,他們紛紛向我道歉,Jacobus甚至不得不開車送我去聖加侖St. Gallen)接受Amata的道歉。Olgi來到中心並道歉,Bruni也來了,Bender教授也來了,Gautschi夫人也打電話來,以這種方式道歉。Dorit也來了,MariaEngelbert也一起來到這裡。Fraude博士當場請求原諒,Hans BenzSilvano也是一樣。

Maybe there were some others who just kept quiet, but I do not know, but that was certainly the case, because they tried to sue me after about 30 years, and they did … but it was rejected because of 'statute of limitations'. Probably an act of revenge by D. G. was the decisive impetus for this, because I do not agree with him about Darwin and he hates me because of that.

也許還有一些人只是保持沉默,但我不知道,但情況肯定是這樣的,因為他們試圖在大約三十年後起訴我,他們確實 ... 但由於“訴訟時效”而被駁回。可能D.G.的報復行為是這一事件的決定性推動力,因為我不同意他對達爾文Darwin)的看法,他因此而憎恨我。


This is well known to me, for I am well informed of all the evil that has been done against you in your native land since your boyhood and later in many states of the Earth, as well as all the lies and deceit that are commonplace around you today. I must say that this is more than a human being can bear and cope with, and it is puzzling to me how you were actually able to survive everything? It is really beyond my comprehension that you have not changed and remained the human being you need to be for your works, despite the assaulting and lying, the cheating as well as the maliciousness directed at you.



– What can I say to that – it is just that – well, yes, I mean that it is just what I learnt from father, mother and from Sfath. They all taught me that human beings should be honest, dignified, humble, good and just. Although this did not always go smoothly on Mother's part, it taught me that I could and can also today cope with what usually breaks a human being. That this does not happen, however, is thanks to Sfath, who was my best friend and my true teacher, because he taught me to see everything as it really is. This means that the effective truth behind everything must be seen and thereby recognised and understood, what the real reason is for a statement, a thing, a behaviour or an action of a human being. The realisation of what the real cause is – such as an unjustified accusation, unjustified treatment or behaviour etc. of a human being – makes it possible to recognise whether the person understands what he or she is saying, creating feelings in him or herself, acting or representing etc.. In addition, I have learned through experience that hardly any human beings live out in any form what is really present in themselves in this or that way. As a rule, he releases to the outside, talks and acts, etc., what are only his superficialities, which, however, do not correspond to his true essence, which he can neither find nor live, because the confusion of the environment steers him wrongly – because he allows himself to be steered and does not consciously think, decide and act himself.

我能說什麼呢 —— 這只是 —— 嗯,是的,我的意思是,這只是我從父親、母親和Sfath那裡學到的東西。他們都教導我,人應該誠實、有尊嚴、謙虛、善良和公正。雖然在母親那裡,並不總是一帆風順,但這教會了我,今天我也可以應付通常讓人崩潰的事情。然而,這並沒有發生,這要感謝Sfath,他是我最好的朋友,也是我真正的老師,因為他教我看到了一切的真實面目。這意味著必須看到一切背後的實際真相,從而認識和理解,人的一句話、一件事、一個行為或一個動作的真正原因是什麼。領會事情真正的原由 —— 例如對一個人的無理指責、無理對待或行為等 —— 就有可能認識到這個人是否理解他或她在說什麼,造成在他或她身上的感覺、行為或表現等。此外,我從經驗瞭解到,幾乎沒有人以任何方式活出自己身上真正存在的方方面面。通常情況下,會向外表達、談論和行動等的部分,只是他的表象,然而,這並不符合他的真正本質,他既找不到也不能如此生活,因為環境的混亂誤導了他,因為他允許自己被誤導,而不去自覺性地自己思考、決定和行動。


What you say, I understand very well, but whether many Earth-humans will understand, I dare to doubt. I am thinking especially of those who judge and believe according to earthly defective psychology …

你說的這些,我非常明白,但我敢懷疑,是否有很多地球人能夠理解。我特別想到了地球上那些相信並根據有缺陷的心理學來判斷的人 ...


… that they have eaten wisdom with shovel diggers.

... 他們的智慧被世俗的愚昧所扭曲了。[直譯是:他們用挖掘機吃掉了智慧。]


That's what Switzerland's leaders also seem to think, and they could not truthfully do stupider things than they have done. We at Erra, through our public communication channels, have put the question to our people regarding the fact that Switzerland, as a neutral country, has taken over the sanctions against Russia from the EU dictatorship, as you rightly call it. For this we have received a general identical answer, which is not very pleasant.



So, what was said by the people? And the question still, does that refer only to a particular country or to the total population of the people of Erra?



It relates to the entire population of Erra, and their unanimous opinion is that it is never compatible with neutrality to take an order from one state against another and enforce it. By the fact that the leaders of your home country, Switzerland, have taken over the sanctions of the European Union against Russia and, what is more, have had them carried out, not only has Switzerland's neutrality been violated in the worst possible way, but the state with the seal of neutrality has not only been rendered untrustworthy, but with this stupid action has lost its neutrality and put itself on an equal footing with those states of Earth that do not know neutrality. But the fact that this was done by the Swiss 'leadership' clearly proves that it is unfit for its office. It does not understand what real neutrality is in a state and private way, which is why I want to state this, as follows:


Neutrality means politically that a state never joins another political organisation, but if a need for cooperation arises, it is absolutely neutrally mutually contracted, and without any special clauses of punitive orders, etc. As also a special clause of immediate and indefinite neutrality means that no sanctions may ever be taken against other states, religions, private persons, companies or corporations, groups, communities and organisations of any kind, a cancellation or termination of the treaty, either by one party or the other.


Neutrality means that politically or privately, it never allows solidarity to be entered into with regard to a state, a party/faction, a person, a group or a community, because true neutrality never leaves a path open for solidarity, because this means in every case and without exception a violating and even annulling or thwarting neutrality through partisanship.


Neutrality also means that no sanctions are ordered, issued or taken against the economy of any kind, against individual human beings or against peoples, regardless of their nature. Sanctions are always based on hatred, revenge and retaliation, Gewalt[1] and coercion, are never beneficial and only bring violence and suffering.


[註一:FIGU詞典網站中Ptaah Gewalt的解釋Gewalt與“heftig”(暴力)和“Heftigkeit”(暴力)這兩個詞沒有關係,因為古Lyrian(暫譯為“天琴座人”)的語言裡關於“Gewalt”的意思是“Gewila”,它被定義為使用所有可支配的強制手段、身體、精神和基於意識的力量、能力和技巧,以實施和完成可怕的行動和行為。]

… … …



That is clear. In any case, my sincere thanks for the comments, which are valuable and state what neutrality really is and should be observed by the Swiss government in Bern in particular, but which it has not done in its ineptitude. It is, after all, irrelevant whether these government unfitnesses are members of the Federal Council or their advisers, or persons in the National Council or the Council of States.

這很清楚。無論如何,我真誠地感謝妳的評論,這些評論很有價值,說明了中立國的真正含義,特別是伯恩Bern)的瑞士政府應該遵守,但他們卻沒有能力做到這些。畢竟,這些政府的不稱職者,是聯邦委員會Federal Council)的成員或他們的顧問,還是國民院National Council)或聯邦院Council of States)的人員,這已經不重要了。


You speak the correct words, but unfortunately there are also many more human beings in Switzerland and in Bern among the state leadership itself, i.e. the Federal Council, National Council and Council of States, there are persons who do not know what neutrality actually is, how far it goes and what it all entails. Many human beings in Switzerland and the entire population of the world do not know what true neutrality actually is and what it basically entails. These human beings also do not know and do not understand what neutrality really is, because all of them do not think about what real neutrality means – not exclusively in political and military terms – that in all areas, but especially politically, no interference of any kind whatsoever in the affairs of other states may take place, just as no sanctions or other measures of foreign states and governments etc. may be taken over and exercised by a neutral state. But since this has been done by Switzerland, precisely in the case against Russia – which is waging war in Ukraine – Switzerland has not only made itself untrustworthy and treacherous with regard to its neutrality, but has also thrown its neutrality into the mud of treason and joined the ranks of the non-neutral states.

你說的很對,但遺憾的是,在瑞士和伯恩的國家領導層中,也就是聯邦委員會、國民院和聯邦院中,還有很多人不知道中立到底是什麼,它能走多遠,它意味著什麼。瑞士的許多人和全世界的人都不知道什麼是真正的中立,以及它的基本內涵。這些人也不知道和不理解什麼是真正的中立,因為他們都沒有想過真正的中立意味著什麼 —— 不完全是政治和軍事方面的中立 —— 在所有領域,特別是政治方面,不得對其他國家的事務進行任何形式的干涉,正如中立國不得接管和行使外國國家和政府的制裁或其他措施等。但由於瑞士這樣做了,恰恰是在針對俄羅斯的情況下 —— 俄羅斯在烏克蘭發動戰爭 —— 瑞士不僅使自己在中立問題上變得不可信賴而背信棄義,而且還將其中立性扔進了背叛的泥潭,加入了非中立國家的行列。


This is unfortunately so because there are incompetents in government in Bern who believe that they have shovel-fed their imagined wisdom and knowledge and understanding, yet they are bean-straw stupid in their non-thinking because their intellect is so sub-zero that it is impossible for them to see reality as it really is.



They should be told that because they cannot remedy their stupidity without being told and told the truth of their stupidity or their non-thinking.



Unfortunately, they are conceited and are unlikely to be taught. As usual, know-it-allism prevails, as it is with those who are delusional about their position and therefore just as unlikely to accept the truth that there is no God. All of them, however, talk so importantly and make big words, yet they are dependent on their religious delusional beliefs and, moreover, biased, just as – if I may digress from those who are involved in politics – medical research is biased only towards men, but not towards women. Practically most of all medical research is done for the benefit of men's health, very little for women. Most of all medicine is actually designed for the male organism to function, but not for the female organism, which reacts completely differently to everything than men. It is nevertheless the case that the immune system of women is stronger than that of men. But it is still the case that every same illness has to be treated differently in women and men.

可惜他們自負,不太可能受教。像往常一樣,萬事通主義(know-it-allism)占了上風,就像那些對自己的立場有妄想的人一樣,因此一樣不可能接受沒有上帝的真理。然而,所有這些人都說得那麼重要,說得天花亂墜,但他們卻依賴於他們的宗教妄想信念,此外,還帶有偏見,就像 —— 如果我可以從那些參與政治的人那裡岔開話題 —— 醫學研究只偏向男性,但對女性沒有。實際上,大部分的醫學研究都是為了男性的健康而進行的,對女性的研究非常少。最重要的是,醫學實際上是為男性機體設計的,而不是為女性設計的,女性對一切事物的反應與男性完全不同。儘管如此,女性的免疫系統還是比男性的強。但情況仍然是,每一種同樣的疾病在女性和男性身上的治療方式都是不同的


That is indeed so, but the majority of Earth-humans know nothing about it.



I know that, but the majority of earthlings do not know many things. But there are still many things, living beings and other things that the earthlings have not yet discovered or found, both in the primeval forests, on the mountains, on the land and in the normal forests and in the water. I think especially of all that I have already seen with Sfath in the normal ocean waters and in the deep sea. It surpasses anything that researchers and scientists even know. I remember, for example, how I was spanked by teacher Frei with the blackthorn gag when I told him that deep in the sea there were columnar limestone and stone formations from which smoke rose, and that there were also fish down there, such as sharks, but many other small and very large creatures and also turtles and algae that produce their own light and glow. And once he beat me up because I said that a curse did not exist, but was only a superstition and a conceit of the believers and the human beings who reacted hysterically. Sfath just showed me things on Earth, in the atmosphere, in the waters of streams, rivers and lakes, on the mountains, in the forests, meadows and moors, in the seas as well as in the deep sea, etc., and also outside our world, early in the 1940s and until his departure, which were discovered or found many years later by our earthlings or will be discovered only now or in the future.

我知道,但大多數地球人對很多事情都不瞭解。但是仍然有很多東西,生物和其他東西,地球人還沒有發現或找到,無論是在原始森林,在山上,在陸地上,在普通的森林和水中。我特別想到了我和Sfath在正常海域和深海中所曾看到的一切。那甚至超過了研究人員和科學家所知道的領域。例如,我記得,當我告訴Frei老師在海的深處有柱狀的石灰岩和石頭構造,從中升起煙霧,而且下面還有魚,比如鯊魚,但也有許多其他小型和非常大型的生物,還有海龜和藻類,它們自己會產生光而發光,我因此就被Frei老師用黑刺棍子(blackthorn gag)打了屁股。還有一次他也打了我,因為我說詛咒並不存在,只是信徒和人類的迷信和自負,他們的反應是歇斯底里的。Sfath只是向我展示了地球上的東西,在大氣層中,在溪流、河流和湖泊的水中,在山上,在森林、草地和荒野中,在海洋以及深海中,等等,也在我們的世界之外,早在1940年代,直到他離開,這些都是我們地球人多年後發現或發現的,或者現在或將來才會發現。

[中譯者註:在本段中所描述的“在海的深處有柱狀的石灰石和石頭構造,從中升起煙霧”,依據《維基百科》資料,應該是指「海底熱泉」(hydrothermal vent);也就是一般所謂的“海底黑煙囪”(submarine black chimney)。




I am aware of that. He left very many descriptions in this regard, such as about how he made you see the central stars in 3 galaxies and what the actual energy and matter are that make up the DERN universe. It is very much more than science d… …

我是知道的。他在這方面留下了非常多的描述,比如說關於他如何讓你看到3個星系galaxies;如銀河系)的中心恆星系central stars;如太陽系),以及構成DERN(暫譯為“德恩”)宇宙的實際能量和物質是什麼。這是遠遠超過了科學的 ... ...


… That's enough said, you do not need to mention more, besides he told me emphatically to keep quiet about what he taught me, because scientists have to find out for themselves what really is. The 3 central stars, which we simply call 'black holes', have been 'discovered' in the meantime, but the full reality of this is not yet known to earthly scientists, nor is the real truth of the energy of the existence of the universe, nor the basic matter of the universe, which they call 'dark energy'. Years ago I once talked to Ptaah about this, but I did not say what this matter actually is in truth, because officially I am not supposed to talk about it. The clever ones have to find out everything for themselves, and only slowly, slowly, because too much knowledge, too much too soon, only brings harm. The truth of this fact is proven by the far too rapid technical development alone, whereby the murder instruments weapons have been brought to such a level that with them the Earth can fly apart into the infinity of the universe. Fortunately, it is not yet possible for the earthlings to penetrate into the other 6 universes of Creation, although they suspect that these exist, but see their existence as dimensions of the future and past and do not know that the 6 universes are their own spatialities and precisely universes of Creation.

... 這就夠了,妳不需要再提了,此外,他強調告訴我,要對他教給我的東西保持沉默,因為科學家必須自己找出真正的東西。在此期間,我們簡單地稱之為“黑洞”(black holes)的3個中心恒星系已經被“發現”,但地球上的科學家還不知道其中的全部真實情況,也不知道宇宙存在的能量的真正真相,更不知道宇宙的基本物質,他們稱之為暗能量」(dark energy)。幾年前,我曾經和Ptaah談過這個問題,但我沒有說這個物質的真實情況,因為不允許我正式談這個問題。聰明的人必須自己發現一切,而且只能慢慢地,慢慢地,因為太多的知識,太早的知識,只會帶來傷害。這一鐵錚錚的事實僅透過過於迅速的科技發展就得到了證明[中譯者註:這裡指的是二戰時期的「原子彈」],由此,殺人武器已經達到了這樣的水準,有了這些科技[中譯者註:這裡指的是由「核裂變」科技而發展出的「核聚變」科技應用],地球人類就可以飛向無垠的宇宙。幸運的是,地球人還不可能滲透到其他六個創世宇宙」(universes of Creation;也譯為「造物宇宙」、「造化宇宙」等),雖然他們懷疑這些存在,但把它們的存在看作是未來和過去的維度不知道這六個宇宙就是他們自己的空間,就正是那些創世宇宙」。

[中譯者註:依據《維基百科》資料,「暗能量」(Dark energy)是某種作用於時空結構本身的能量,並且是種均勻的負壓力,會導致時空結構膨脹。




想像中的宇宙邊界(圖片資料來自:TECH EXPLORIST


Yes, I know you are often silent for too long, which is why during your life you could be held liable for things that others commit….



… We really don't need to talk about that.

... 我們真的不需要談論這個問題。


Of course, I know that you …

當然,我知道你 ...


… Really, I don't want to talk about that. So forget about what you were going to say.

... 真的,我不想談這個。所以忘掉妳想說的話吧。


Actually, I do know – – well, I'm not saying anything more in that regard, but may I certainly address that you have learned an unusual amount from Sfath's instruction. This especially when I consider your real age.

事實上,我確實知道 —— 好吧,我不會在這方面多說什麼,但我可以肯定地說,你從Sfath的指導中學到了不尋常的東西。特別是當我考慮到你的真實年齡時。

[中譯者註:有關Billy的真實年齡,據2020 7 27 日的《第 748 次接觸報告》中Ptaah4149句談到的內容,尤其在第48句中透漏:Billy 1937 年出生到今天(指的是接觸當天)已是遠遠超過他目前在地球壽命 83 ½年的兩倍(也就是按照地球計算時間的方式,Billy 實際的年齡至少已有 167 歲以上!)。]


Sfath also experienced this, so his real age was to be calculated with more years. But with him I not only learned a lot through journeys into the past and the future, which prove to me today that many things are not true what the scientists assume and spread as truth. Many things were really quite different from what they claim, for example, what actually happened with the Maya, or with other ancient peoples, and that foreigners really did come to Earth from other worlds, from far away and outside the SOL sphere of influence, from the distant expanses of the DERN universe – also the Long Skulls. What I wrote at that time, when it was, I don't remember, in response to a request to … after which … began. The Long-skinned were also in Babel, in Egypt, in South America and in Asia, where they ruled, whereby Sfath gave me the opportunity to check everything. Also, when I was a young boy, Sfath taught me a great deal concerning nature and natural creatures, such as that the mammoth and the elephant can sense impending earthquakes and move to safety by pressing the trunk fingers, that is, the extensions of the trunk, to the ground, thus sensing the Earth's seismic swinging waves. This, in the same way as, for example, birds sense the coming weather and behave accordingly, flying high or low, orienting themselves according to the stars when flying from the north to the south and vice versa, and so on. He also taught me that a great many living beings, such as animals and creatures, as well as water creatures, amphibians, turtles, snakes and other creepers of all kinds and certain other living beings have natural magnetic sensors as well as magnetic senses, although water creatures of all kinds are also equipped with them. Since salt water in particular is a good conductor of electrical signals, all aquatic creatures have no problems orienting themselves and 'going their own way'. However, when water creatures, such as whales and others, strand individually or in large numbers and die on land, this happens because in those water areas – usually it is the sea – the salt water changes its consistency and the creatures lose their orientation and strand. As far as I know, scientists still know about this today and cannot find the crucial point, namely why the stranding of aquatic life occurs, which is really only due to the fact that the consistency of the salt water changes in such a way that the aquatic life loses its orientation and becomes stranded. Even small creatures are so mobile due to magnetism that they are practically infallible, such as the pill borer or the dung beetle, which orientates itself by the stars. Moreover, the earth's magnetism is – together with the stars – the most important orientation factor of all for all natural creatures.

Sfath也經歷過這種情況,所以他的真實年齡也要比表面計算的更多。但是和他在一起,我不僅通過對過去和未來的旅行學到了很多東西,這些東西今天向我證明,許多事情並不是科學家們假設並作為真相來傳播的那樣。許多事情確實與他們所聲稱的大相徑庭,例如,瑪雅人或其他古代民族的實際情況,外星人確實來自其他世界,從太陽系影響範圍之外的遙遠宇宙,從德恩DERN宇宙的遙遠地帶來到地球 —— 也包括長頭骨族”(Long Skulls)。我當時寫的東西,什麼時候寫的,我不記得了,是為了回應 ... 的一個要求,之後 ... 就開始了。長頭骨族也在Babel(暫譯為“巴別”;來自「巴別塔」),在埃及,在南美洲和亞洲,他們在那裡統治, Sfath給我機會觀察這一切。另外,當我還是一個小男孩的時候,Sfath教我很多關於自然和自然生物的知識,比如猛獁象mammoth;又稱長毛象)和大象可以感覺到即將發生的地震,並透過將象鼻的手指(也就是象鼻的延伸部分)按在地上,就能夠感覺到地球的地震搖擺波”(seismic swinging waves),從而移動到比較安全的地帶。這與例如鳥類感知即將到來的天氣並採取相應的行為一樣,飛得高或低,從北方飛到南方時,是根據星星來確定方向,反之亦然等等。他還告訴我,大量的生物,如動物和生物,以及水生物、兩棲動物、烏龜、蛇和其他各種爬行動物以及某些其他生物都有天然的磁性感應器(magnetic sensors)以及磁感覺(magnetic senses),儘管各種水生物也都有。由於鹽水尤其是電的良好導體,所有水生生物在確定方向和走自己的路方面沒有問題。然而,當水生生物,如鯨魚和其他生物,單獨或大量擱淺並死在海灘上時,這是因為在這些水域 —— 通常是海裡 —— 鹽水改變了濃度,生物失去了方向並擱淺。據我所知,科學家們今天仍然知道這個問題,但無法找到關鍵點,即為什麼會發生水生生物的擱淺,這實際上只是因為鹽水的濃度發生了變化,使水生生物失去了方向而導致擱淺。即使是小的生物也會因為磁力而移動,以至於它們實際上是無懈可擊的,比如說pill borer蜣螂dung beetle),它們通過星星來確定自己的方向。此外,地球的磁力和星座,是所有自然生物最重要的定向參考要素


Sfath was really a good teacher and friend to you.



That was indeed the case.



Alas, he is no more, for he would surely know a solution to this, to combat the alleged and false 'peace sign' which is still prevalent on Earth and forms an incentive for strife, discord and war. Unfortunately, the 'death rune' is still used, which causes the most serious unrest and discord in the world and thus wars. This obviously does not want to be understood, even though you have retrieved and created the correct peace sign, which has been prevalent among us on Erra and in our Federation for many millennia, conveying peace that is real and firmly exists.

唉,他已經不在了,因為他肯定會知道一個解決方案,以打擊所謂的和假的和平符號”(peace sign),這在地球上仍然盛行,形成了對紛爭、不和和戰爭的刺激。不幸的是,“死亡符號”(death rune仍在使用,它造成了世界上最嚴重的動盪和不和諧,從而引發了戰爭。這顯然不想被理解,儘管你已經接收並建立了正確的和平符號,它在我們Erra星和我們的聯邦中已經盛行了幾千年,傳達的和平是真實而堅定的存在。

[中譯者註:關於“和平符號”(peace sign)與“死亡符號”death rune),請參閱下兩個符號圖案。





That is admirable, but that it could also work on Earth, Earthlings would have to think a little further than they do. Most people only think about money, personal wealth, personal might and their own weal and woe, but not about their fellow human beings, nature, fauna and flora, nor about all ecosystems, and therefore not in any way about creating peace and harmony among humanity. Everything among human beings is geared towards taking everything for themselves and leaving nothing good for their neighbour, so that he or she can be harassed to the hilt. So everything is always geared towards attacking the neighbour, but never towards peace, love and harmony.



Your words correspond exactly to what really is, which has also been confirmed, especially for the last 30 years or so, by what declares itself and is understood as music and song, which in reality corresponds to purest disharmony. What is called music and song is so deviant and so deforming the attitude and the psyche of Earth-humans into the negative that it gives rise to a resistance to the normal and the good at the deep bottom of the character, which is expressed at every opportunity. There is no longer any harmony in the whole of what is called music and song, but only disharmony, quarrelsomeness and malignity, from which inevitably arise discord, falsehood, lies and deceit, as well as criminality and ultimately war, destruction, as well as hatred, murder and other mischief. And all this degeneracy of all kinds is brought to the attention of the populations in the daily information organs, whereby the human beings increase all the more their hatred against this and that and against other human beings and peoples. The situation is no better with the belief in a God who is supposedly love, justice and peace itself, whom the faithful are supposed to emulate, but who in reality does not exist, because his alleged existence corresponds only to a human invention and fantasy. And in this delusion people form hatred against those of other faiths, and again there is discord and even war or other murder, for every delusion sooner or later leads to hysteria in many human beings, as a result of which there is then unrestrained murder and also war.



The human beings of the Earth have unfortunately forgotten to think for themselves, to decide and to act according to logic, reason and rationality. The majority of humanity is in bondage to the religions and governments and is very afraid of bearing the responsibility for this and that, as a result of which they allow themselves to be led astray by lies and deceit and no longer have the initiative to look for the real truth behind everything and to act accordingly. The human beings have already discarded their independent thinking thousands of years ago and have completely forgotten it with the passage of time, so that they have become bondmen of the state powers, of religions and of liars and deceivers; believers who are no longer capable of still recognising reality in its true reality, consequently they are lied to, deceived and exploited in their faith regarding religion and governments and even become murderers when they turn to hatred, revenge and retaliation or the military and take part in it.



Which unfortunately cannot be changed because the human beings' own Intelligentum[2] decides whether they want to be stupid or truly knowledgeable. Stupidity is and remains a non-thinking, on the other hand real knowledge – and how do you say in each case –, correct switching and switching, is based on true own thinking, as well as on logic, understanding and reason. And this alone corresponds to the correctness that everything does not correspond to a belief but to what is effective truth and thus expresses reality.

可惜這方面是無法改變的,因為人類自己的Intelligentum[註二]”(暫譯為“智慧”)決定了他們是想成為愚蠢的人還是真正有知識的人。愚蠢是而且仍然是一種不去思考,另一方面,真正的知識是基於 —— 你在每種情況下如何看待它 —— 正確的轉換和調整,基於真正的自我思考,以及邏輯、理解和理性。而僅僅這方面就符合了正確的作法,也就是一切都不屬於信仰,而是符合實際的真相,從而表達了現實。



Well said. And it is indeed so.



But now is enough for today, consequently we want to end our conversation here.



So be it.





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