Contact Report 797/第797次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年04月04日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年04月09日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Hello, Bermunda, pleased that you can come here already, because today I want to give you …
妳好,Bermunda,很高興妳能來這裡,因為今天我想給妳 ...
Yes, I am alright. Actually I wanted to come later, but your request that you told me, I would like to take that into consideration. Greetings though.
Same to you, I am afraid I forgot. So welcome and greetings to you. How can you also … Then we can start right away. As always, I am interested in the whole thing, because I have always been interested in volcanoes and their activity, and now that Taal has erupted in the Philippines, which is only about 300 metres high, if I remember correctly, I would like to see how it behaves. I am also interested in Etna, which has been spitting since mid-February. Also what is really going on in Ukraine.
我也是,恐怕我忘了。所以,歡迎妳,向妳問好。妳怎麼能 ... 那我們就可以馬上開始了。像往常一樣,我對整個事情很感興趣,因為我一直對火山及其活動感興趣,現在菲律賓的塔阿爾火山(Taal)爆發了,如果我沒記錯的話,這座火山只有大約300公尺高,我想看看它是如何噴發的。我還對埃特納火山(Etna)感興趣,它從二月中旬開始就一直在噴發。還有烏克蘭那裡到底發生了什麼狀況。
But what you do not want to comment on, or am I wrong? What else do you have here in the computer? That is not correct, because I remember the last one was number 183.
Ah, then I have not added the number yet, wait – yes, you are right. I will tell Bernadette right away, because she already has the new Zeitzeichen she's working on. – Bernadette, Bermunda says that the number on the Zeitzeichen is wrong, it is 184. She said that she had already seen it and corrected it. But what you are addressing about commenting, I am not going to do that. What I want to say, however, is that if I go on to consider that the Corona plague is not yet over, but that there is not enough sense and reason in the governments to declare the necessary wearing of breathing masks and the equally necessary keeping of distance as obligatory, then with such incompetent rulers Lucifer and otherwise all evil and mischief are indeed at the helm themselves. Everywhere human beings walk around without the necessary respiratory masks, although there are thousands of new infections and also deaths every day in Switzerland, for example, because of the Corona epidemic, and in Germany even hundreds of thousands and hundreds of deaths.
啊,那我還沒有把數字加進去,等等 —— 是的,妳是對的。我馬上告訴Bernadette,因為她已經有了新的時間標記(德語:Zeitzeichen)。
— Bernadette,Bermunda說,時間標記上的數字是錯的,應該是184。
Unfortunately, every word is of no use when you say something and spread it informatively via the internet, because the lack of understanding and the lack of reason are not only widespread among the leaders of the state, but also among the majority of the population. In this regard, I should also suggest to you the advice recommended by Ptaah, as he also emphasises again and again, that you should not let yourselves be misled and thus use the protective masks wherever you come into contact with or in the vicinity of human beings who do not belong to the actual close circle of those with whom you are in daily contact.
That is unfortunately the case, but we follow Ptaah's advice. Besides, I know from my time with Sfath …
遺憾的是,妳說的情況確實如此,但我們聽從了Ptaah的建議。此外,我從我與Sfath在一起時就知道 ...
I know that, but to remain silent is …
I also know that. So let us go.
Yes, but first I must say a few things, namely, that you are right to abide by what Ptaah advises concerning the wearing of masks, for the imprudence of those who listen to the foolish orders of the leaders of the state and no longer use the protective masks and keep their distance from their fellow human beings are effectively playing with their health or even with their lives.
I know this only too well from the 1940s when I saw the future with Sfath. For this reason alone, common sense and reason say that we should not listen to the idiocy of those in power and their idiotic orders. So in our country, the respirator mask continues to be worn in any necessary encounter with fellow human beings who do not belong in one's own narrow circle of interaction.
I did not expect otherwise, because I know too well how you …
我沒有想到會是這樣,因為我太清楚你是如何 ...
… it's good, you do not have to say any more, because I already know what's coming resp. what you want to say.
… 沒關係,妳不用再說了,因為我已經知道接下來會發生什麼或者妳想說什麼了。
Yes. – Then I want to say now what Arlion had to report. – Well, he explained that they – the Ziltoner – after more than 50 years, through the correspondingly very arduous investigations and research, were able to fathom 4 days ago what is the real origin of the fact that you, since you returned to Switzerland in 1969, have found no peace from attacks. They will also be here on Earth for the next few months, also at the Centre, but you will not see them, for as usual they will keep a low profile. Arlion, however, will contact you directly, but I cannot tell you in advance when this will be. Their work includes the task they have been carrying out for a long time in relation to you, in order to master the energies which are directed against you, because you are particularly predestined to define the effective truth of religious faith so precisely and to explain it to Earth-humans that those who are still somehow able to think for themselves will educate themselves in this respect and become fully and comprehensively capable of their own thinking. And if I now explain a few things about which you have kept silent all your life, because you got into the habit early on with Sfath of holding back and were not willing and are not willing to put yourself in the foreground, I will now say a few things. There is no need for you to justify yourself in between etc., because Ptaah basically ordered that it has to be. So you want me to say why you are here at this time. For this will lead in the future to the fact that the religions, which are led and maintained by lies, deceitfulness and greed for profit, will lose more and more believers, which will bring in the distant future that the Earth-humans – who will reduce themselves by reason as a result of their overflowing mass – will at last turn to reality and begin to think, decide and act for themselves, and that without any religious faith still misleading them. This will then create the possibility of real, true peace among Earth-humans and, accordingly, also of power-hungry and war-mongering elements no longer attaining state leadership. This has already been striven for by many ancient prophets, as well as by those from your line of origin from Nokodemion. They all sought to pacify the Earth-humans through their teachings. However, everything failed at all earlier times, because the possibilities of reproducing the Scriptures were not yet possible within the scope of production and, moreover, worldwide dissemination was also not yet possible. This, however, has changed so considerably as a result of the progressive technical development that a mechanical duplication of the written teaching and a world-wide distribution became possible, but this only came about when you were born and wrote the necessary writings, so that in the present time the teaching has become a valuable content of life for many Earth-humans around the world. So that this could actually happen and henceforth continues to happen, that is why you have come here and are here today and are so persistently fulfilling your task.
好吧,那我現在想說的是Arlion(暫譯為“阿里昂”)的報告。—他解釋說,他們 —— Ziltoner(暫譯為“齊爾頓人”;也就是那些來自仙女座星系中Zilton行星上的人) —— 經過五十多年的時間,通過非常艱苦的調查和研究,直到4天前才弄清楚從你自1969年回到瑞士後,一直沒有擺脫被攻擊的真正原因。在接下來的幾個月裡,他們也會在地球上出現,也會來到中心,但你們不會看到他們,因為像往常一樣,他們會保持低調。然而, Arlion將會直接與你聯繫,但我不能提前告訴你這將是什麼時候。他們的工作包括他們長期以來與你有關的任務,以掌握針對你的能量,因為你特別命中註定要如此精確地定義宗教信仰的實際真相,並向地球人作出解釋,使那些仍然以某種方式能夠自行獨立思考的人,在這方面教育自己,並具備完全和全面獨立思考的能力。如果我現在解釋一些你一生都保持沉默的事情,因為你很早就和Sfath養成了隱忍的習慣,過去不願意而現在也不願意把自己放在前台。我現在想說一些事情,而你沒有必要在中間為自己辯解等等,因為Ptaah基本上的指示必須如此。讓我來告訴你為什麼在這個時候來這裡,因為這將在未來導致這樣一個事實:那就是由謊言、欺騙和對利潤的貪婪所引導和維持的宗教將失去越來越多的信徒,這將在遙遠的未來帶來地球人類 —— 由於他們氾濫的數量,他們將通過理性減少自己 —— 最終轉向現實,開始為自己思考、決定和行動,而且沒有任何宗教信仰仍然可以誤導他們。這將創造出地球人類之間真正和平的可能性,因此,渴望權力和戰爭的人也將不再獲得國家的領導權。這已經是許多古代先知,以及你們來自Nokodemion血統的那些人所努力爭取過的。他們都試圖通過他們的教導來安撫地球人類。然而,在早期的時候一切都失敗了,因為在生產技術上還不可能複製經文,此外,向全世界傳播也還不可能。然而,由於技術的逐步發展,這種情況已經發生了很大的變化,以至於複製書面教導和在全世界傳播成為可能,但這只是在你出生並寫下必要的著作時才出現的,所以在目前,教導已經成為世界各地許多地球人的寶貴生活內容。為了使這種情況能夠真正發生,並從今以後繼續發生,這就是為什麼你來到這裡,今天在這裡,如此堅持不懈地完成你的任務。
All the good teachings of the old prophets were fundamentally falsified by liars and deceivers at all times, even during the lifetime of the bringers of the teachings; but even more so after their demise, because the falsifiers no longer had any inhibitions to interpret everything according to their own meaning and to give free rein to their fantasies. In part, the old prophets themselves were fantasised into gods, such as Jmmanuel (note Billy: Jesus Christ as the Son of God), so that the most diverse religions, sects and false teachings came into being, through which the truth of reality was never able to penetrate. This, however, shall now slowly change through you and your written and worldwide spread teachings, precisely until that time when all that is foreseen will be fulfilled.
When you were born and taken under the protection of Sfath, it was already the first time that he secured your life, when this became necessary for the first time at your age of 6 months. You do not remember this, of course, nor do you remember other incidents that occurred, but which Sfath has listed in his annals, which is why we know more about your early life than you do. So I also know about many other things, for example, why the little ones are here, as you call them. They will be able to do some things, but probably not much, to tame the energies arising from religious belief, which are collected and concentrated with a special device. These are then amplified with the same device, after which these energies and forces are concentrated and directed towards human beings, and tremendous damage is done to them, which can be related to damage to health, as well as of a variety of other natures.
What has affected you more and more since you moved into the Centre in 1977 is not by chance, just as what happened in your workroom when Semjase and various other persons were affected by it. What has been bothering you more and more in your work from 2003 onwards due to strange influences and unfortunately continues to do so, because the Ziltoner cannot put a stop to it, which unfortunately cannot be changed, because our directives do not allow us to intervene in things that are not directly related to us Plejaren and our Federation. However, I will give you more details about that later – maybe tomorrow. The whole thing that is happening is very maliciously directed at you alone, which practically harms you to such an extent that you can only do your work with a great deal of effort and patience, which will continue to be the case, and it causes you great difficulties, consequently you can only retrieve and write down the reports of the conversations with great difficulty. However, we will have a lot to talk about this later, but you should keep quiet about it.
自從你在1977年搬進中心以來,這方面對你的影響就越來越大,但這不是偶然的,就像在你的工作間發生的事情一樣,當時Semjase和其他許多人都受到了影響。從2003年起,由於奇怪的影響,在你的工作中越來越多地困擾著你,而且遺憾的是,這種情況還在繼續,因為Ziltoner(暫譯為“齊爾頓人”)無法制止它,不幸的是,這種情況無法改變,因為我們的指令不允許我們去干預與我們Plejaren和我們聯邦沒有直接關係的事情。然而,我稍後會給你更多關於這方面的細節 —— 也許是明天。正在發生的整個事情是非常惡意地針對你一個人的,這實際上是對你的傷害,以至於你只能用很大的努力和耐心來做你的工作,這將繼續下去,它給你帶來很大的困難,因此你只能非常困難地接收和寫下談話的報告。然而,我們以後會有很多關於這個問題的討論,但你應該對此保持沉默。
But now we can talk elsewhere, because I have some more news to tell you about Arlion, which I want to bring up before we leave. Of course, I cannot give everything verbatim and exactly as he explained it to me, and besides, it would take too long to explain everything in such detail that has been fathomed by the Ziltonern. In the main, it is that through their research they now know that the whole of the lowliness against you goes back to your childhood, because a woman hated you because you told her your opinion about religion and faith when you were a boy. However, this woman was a fanatically strict believer and belonged to a faith community to which she complained about you, consequently some lengthy consultations took place and then attempts were made to win you as a member of this community. The smaller group somehow came into contact with beings that were alien and called themselves Umigos, although it is not yet clear how this was possible. These alien beings were originally also fanatical believers in an all-creating higher might, which they called Selidan and worshipped. In the course of time, however, they fell away from this erroneous belief and turned to Christianity and sought like-minded people far and wide, which they also found in your hometown, among others. But how the connection with the woman came about, who became the actual origin of your lifelong embrace, has not yet been clarified.
These Umigos were vicious and fanatically hostile to everything that did not correspond to their views and their faith, therefore they tried to secretly undermine the faith of all human beings, which was different and strange to them. This was done imperceptibly in such a way that with the help of their devices brought from their homeland, they influenced almost all believers – with unnamable exceptions – of the earthly religions worldwide through their electronic micro-technology, which was still absolutely unknown on Earth at that time, and its possibilities in such a way that they gradually lost control over their own thinking and became largely incapable of thinking for themselves and also unstable. Furthermore, they influenced the believers in such a way that they fell prey to malice and blood lust, whereby they created enmities again and again, which led to evil wars, to religious murder and all imaginable evil. In the course of time, however, it came to pass that the Umigos, through the influences of the Earth-humans' faith in Christianity, became doubtful of their higher might, ultimately repugnant and apostate from it, consequently becoming more and more foreign to their faith, which ultimately led them gradually to turn to the earthly religion of Christianity and to acknowledge the God of that creed. Something that also happens today with Earth-humans who are lulled by religious platitudes or who very quickly change their faith through coercion or benefit and become believers in another religion. With the Umigos, however, it was a lengthy process that took a long time. But when Christianity began to spread, they finally turned to it and stuck to it. This also remained the case when Islam and its faith arose later, which was actually a continuation of Christianity and was also supposed to lead back to the truth. However, this failed thoroughly because the human beings misunderstood the teachings from the very beginning and, contrary to Muhammad's teachings, adopted, worshipped and began to worship the new God of the Christians, just as the Christians had been doing for several centuries, only in Islam he was called Allah. The Prophet fought against this throughout his life, but all his efforts were unsuccessful. When he passed away, scribblers took up the pen and falsified the doctrine from the ground up in such a way that it became a religious misconception just like Christianity. Unfortunately, this created a boundless hatred against the Jewish believers for the reason that the Jewish priesthood had Jmmanuel (Billy: alias Jesus Christ) crucified with the permission and assistance of the Romans. Jmmanuel was regarded by the new religious doctrine of Islam as Muhammad's preceding prophet, and as such he was practically untouchable. Unfortunately, Muhammad's doctrinal efforts were a complete failure, for the doctrine of effective reality and its truth, as with Christianity, became a confusion of beliefs and misconceptions among human beings, whereby the whole thing lost all rational control, which has remained so to this day. Thus, the Islam religion not only became a might, but a delusion was created, through which bloody wars arose, as well as special rites of worship of Allah, whereby special features were also included in the prayers. This belief inevitably led to torture and murder, as well as the rape of women and children, as has been the case with Christianity from the very beginning and has been preserved, especially in Catholicism, up to the present day. Although this has often changed in Christianity to hidden machinations and executions, it still exists secretly, as does the hatred against the Jewish believers, which sometimes comes to light openly, but is usually carried out secretly. This is roughly the basic story that Arlion told me, which I will now pass on to you in a quick manner and not in as much detail as it was explained to me.
這些Umigos對不符合他們觀點和信仰的一切都充滿了惡毒和狂熱的敵意,因此他們試圖暗中破壞所有人類的信仰,因為這對他們來說是不同的和陌生的信仰。這是在不知不覺中進行的,在他們從外星家園帶來設備的幫助下,他們通過他們在當時的地球上還是絕對未知的電子微技術影響了幾乎所有的信徒 —— 除了不可名狀的例外 —— 世界各地的地球宗教,其可能性是這樣的,他們逐漸失去了對自己思維的控制,基本上沒有能力獨立思考,思想變得也不穩定。此外,他們以這樣的方式影響信徒,使他們成為惡意和血腥欲望的獵物,從而一次又一次地製造敵意,導致邪惡的戰爭,宗教謀殺和所有可以想像的邪惡。然而,隨著時間的推移,Umigos在地球人對基督教信仰的影響下,對他們更高的力量產生了懷疑,最終厭惡並背棄了它,因此對他們的信仰越來越陌生,這最終導致他們逐漸轉向基督教的人間宗教並承認該信條的上帝。這種情況今天也發生在地球人身上,他們被宗教的陳詞濫調所哄騙,或者通過脅迫或利益迅速改變信仰,成為另一種宗教的信徒。然而,對於Umigos來說,這是一個漫長的過程,需要很長的時間。但當基督教開始傳播時,他們終於轉向了基督教並堅持了下來。後來伊斯蘭教及其信仰出現時,情況也是如此,伊斯蘭教實際上是基督教的延續,也被認為是要回歸真理。然而,這徹底失敗了,因為人類從一開始就誤解了教義,與穆罕默德的教義相反,採用、崇拜並開始崇拜基督教徒的新上帝,就像基督教徒幾個世紀以來一直在做的那樣,只是在伊斯蘭教中他被稱為真主(Allah)。先知一生都在與之鬥爭,但他的所有努力都沒有成功。當他去世後,草率的抄寫員拿起筆來,從頭到尾篡改了教義,以至於它成為一種宗教誤解,就像基督教一樣。不幸的是,這造成了對猶太信徒的無限仇恨,原因是猶太教祭司在羅馬人的允許和協助下,將Jmmanuel(比利註:別名耶穌基督)釘在十字架上。伊斯蘭教的新宗教學說將Jmmanuel視為穆罕默德的前任先知,因此,他幾乎是不可觸及的。可惜穆罕默德在教義上的努力完全失敗了,因為實際的現實及其真理的教義,就像基督教一樣,成為人類信仰和誤解的混亂,據此整個事情失去了所有的理性控制,直到今天仍然如此。因此,伊斯蘭教不僅成為一種強權,而且還產生了一種錯覺,通過這種錯覺產生了血腥的戰爭,以及對真主的特殊崇拜儀式,據此,在祈禱中也包含了特殊的內容。這種信仰不可避免地導致了酷刑和謀殺,以及對婦女和兒童的強姦,就像基督教從一開始就有的情況一樣,並且一直保留著,特別是在天主教中,直到今天。雖然這在基督教中經常變成了隱秘的陰謀和處決,但它仍然秘密存在,就像對猶太信徒的仇恨一樣,有時會公開曝光,但通常是秘密進行的。這大致是Arlion告訴我的基本故事,現在我以快速的方式轉述給你,但並不像他向我解釋的那麼詳細。
How the Umigos came into contact with the woman and this religious community in your hometown has not yet been investigated by Arlion and his followers, to which he also said that this was not really important, because the only thing that was important was what resulted from it, and that was what haunted you throughout your life. The said woman was a strict believer, but as vicious as the umigos themselves, who si…
…like goes with like, as we say.
... 就像我們說的,物以類聚。
That is aptly said, yet I have never heard those words until now. – Good – just now I was talking about this woman being a strict believer, regarding the Christian faith, yet she was as vicious in her disposition as the Umigos who had set up their headquarters deep under the main pyramid at Giza in Egypt.
這句話說得很恰當,但我直到現在才聽到這些話。很好 —— 剛才我說到這個女人是一個嚴謹的信徒,關於基督教信仰,但她的性情就像Umigos一樣兇惡,他們把總部設在埃及吉薩的主金字塔深處。
[中譯者註:由上述訊息顯示,所謂的Umigos,就是Plejaren所稱的「吉薩精靈」(Giza intelligences)。]
Something dawns on me, namely the Giza Heinis, who were then caught and deported by the Plejaren. Am I right?
Yes, they were, a splintered group of a criminal tribe of our Federation that found passage into this universe and likewise to Earth, because they had our through….
是的,就是他們,是我們聯邦的一個犯罪部落的分裂團體,他們找到了進入這個宇宙的通道,同樣也找到了地球,因為他們有我們的 ...。
… because they must have been secretly following the Plejaren when they came to Earth to join us. Bermunda, that's about the way it was, isn't it?
... 因為他們來到地球加入我們時,一定是在秘密跟蹤Plejaren。Bermunda,事情就是這樣的,不是嗎?
Yes, that is how it was, as I have been oriented in that regard. But now hear further what Arlion explained. – There were, besides the spiteful and wicked woman ….
Horat, was her name, but I do not know exactly how her name is spelt correctly, just whether this name has an additional H or not. I also want to mention that the majority of all believers are probably deeply unbalanced in their character and in such a way that all evil immediately breaks through to the outside and these human beings quickly become active in the respective form, up to and including hatred and killing etc.
The extra hrs is not important. But what you say regarding the evil deep in the character, that is undeniable. – Now, Arlion related that there were 11 other persons, men and women, with this numerous faith community who revealed a nature that was strictly devout, but like the woman, they were also evil, but maintained good relations with some of the local government, specifically 2 men named … and … who had intimate relations with the woman, although all 3 were married. This woman also had an intimate relationship with your teacher … with whom you spent 1 year in Year 4, who often beat you mercilessly in front of all the students and …
是否有額外的H並不重要。但你說的關於性格內心深處的邪惡,那是不可否認的。現在,Arlion說,在這個眾多的信仰團體中,還有11個人,有男有女,他們都有著一絲不苟的虔誠信仰,但和這個女人一樣,他們內心也是邪惡的,而這個女人與當地政府的一些人保持著良好的關係,特別是叫 ... 和 ... 的兩個男人,他們與這個女人有親密的關係,儘管這三個人都已經結婚。而且這個女人還與你的老師 ... 有親密關係,你在四年級時與他相處了一年,他經常在所有學生面前無情地打你,而且 ...
I remember that, and furthermore, I once saw him and the woman you are talking about on the so-called 'Volebers' when they …
這我記得,此外,我曾經在所謂的“Volebers”上看到他和妳說的那個女人,當時他們 …
That will not have pleased them both, but let me report further. Arlion explained that the woman and the other 11 persons hated you and wished you to die, which of course did not come to pass, so it was arranged that very evil was done to you and that you were shouted down. Intrigues were devised and carried out against you with the help of the community officials and the police, with teachers also helping, but they honestly supported you, but they were forced to …
這不會讓他們倆人高興,但讓我進一步報告。Arlion解釋說,那個女人和其他11個人都恨你,希望你死,當然這並沒有實現,所以就註定了非常邪惡的事情將發生在你身上,你被詛咒了。他們在社區官員和員警的協助下,設計並實施了針對你的陰謀,一些教師也在幫忙,但他們是真心支持你的,不過他們被迫 ...
… to howl with the wolves, otherwise they would have been out of a job, like teacher Lehmann, I know, because he told me himself.
... 和狼一起嚎叫,否則他們就會失去工作,比如Lehmann(暫譯為萊曼)老師,我知道,因為他親口告訴我的。
Yes, that's how it was, but I do not have to tell you about that, because you know yourself what happened and how you coped and coped with everything. But Arlion said that in the whole affair the umigos were very much involved, so in their wickedness and Christian fanaticism they did much to harm you how and where they could. They succeeded very well with the help of the influenced members of the local government, but your will to resist was stronger than their intrigues and all the malice that was shown to you. Besides, I must also mention, the umigos used 2 of their 5 devices, which they possessed and handed over to the woman, to maliciously influence many human beings in your hometown. These devices, powered by electrical energy, produced an electronic micro-vibration that could be widely broadcast and adjusted to certain human beings. One of the devices was given in 1948 by a man of the 11 group, namely …, to an American friend whom he did not know belonged to the Dark Government of America. Since then, the latter have been using the virtually indestructible device to this day to influence or even kill certain persons according to their will and benefit. The Umigos brought these devices with them from their homeland, and they are constructed of metal unknown on Earth, which the experts of the dark government have not yet been able to analyse. The devices can be used in many ways, e.g. to induce hallucinations in human beings that seem so real that the people concerned firmly believe that what has happened to them is real. This happened, for example, with Semjase and other persons in your workroom, as Arlion explained. They also have many other efficacies, one of which is how they are used to attack your electronic devices and negatively affect your work and damage everything when you work with them. The emanations of the electronic microwaves also work in other ways, such as how you described to me the strange occurrence that happened in the kitchen of the centre. But in another way, the second device was used by the group in your hometown to influence various persons in such a way that they did everything that was harmful to you, which ultimately led to you being taken everywhere and harassed. You, however, did not let yourself be influenced and always remained yourself, as you had learned from Sfath to defend yourself against foreign swinging waves of various kinds and to simply neutralise them. This is the reason why you were never affected by malicious swinging waves and consequently all attacks of any kind against you were ineffective. However, it is different with regard to the electronic devices and other materials that you have to handle for your work, for these naturally react to the negative influences that are directed towards them, consequently they no longer work correctly for you when you work with them, while other persons can use the same devices without any problems. How it works in this way is because all the swinging waves are aligned with your personality, but are deflected by your defences and transferred to the equipment or material you are working with.
是的,事情就是這樣,但我沒有必要告訴你這些,因為你自己知道發生了什麼,你是如何應對和應付一切的。但是Arlion說,在整個事件中,Umigos參與得非常多,所以在他們的邪惡和基督教的狂熱中,他們在能做到的地方做了很多傷害你的事情。在當地政府受影響成員的幫助下,他們取得了很大的成功,但你的抵抗意志比他們的陰謀和對你的所有惡意要強。此外,我還必須提到,Umigos用他們擁有並交給那個女人的5個裝置中的2個,惡意影響了你家鄉的許多人。這些設備由電能驅動,產生一種電子微振動(electronic micro-vibration),可以廣泛傳播並調整到某些人的身上。其中一個裝置在1948年由11人中的一個人,即 ... ,給了一個美國朋友,他不知道他屬於美國黑暗政府(Dark Government;也可說是“美國深層政府”)。從那時起,後者至今一直在使用這個幾乎不可摧毀的裝置,根據他們的意願和利益來影響甚至殺死某些人。Umigos從他們的外星家鄉帶來了這些裝置,它們是由地球上未知的金屬構成的,黑暗政府的專家們還無法對其進行分析。這些裝置可以用在很多方面,例如,在人類中誘發幻覺,這些幻覺看起來如此真實,以至於相關人員堅信發生在他們身上的事情是真實的。例如,正如Arlion解釋的那樣,在你的工作間裡發生的Semjase和其他人的情況就是這樣。它們還有許多其他功效,其中之一就是它們被用來攻擊你的電子設備,對你的工作產生負面影響,並在你工作時破壞一切。電子微波的發射物還以其他方式發揮作用,比如你向我描述了發生在中心廚房的奇怪事件。但從另一個角度來看,第二個設備被你家鄉的那群人用來影響不同的人,讓他們做一切對你有害的事情,最終導致你到處被抓,受到騷擾。然而,你沒有讓自己受到影響,始終保持自己的信念,因為你已經從Sfath那裡學會了抵禦各種外來的振蕩波(swinging waves),並直接化解它們。這就是為什麼你從未被惡意的振蕩波影響,因此所有針對你的攻擊都是無效的。然而,對於你在工作中必須處理的電子設備和其他材料來說,情況就不同了,因為這些設備自然會對指向它們的消極影響產生反應,因此,當你使用這些設備時,它們不再為你正常工作,而其他人可以毫無問題地使用同樣的設備。它是如何以這種方式工作的,因為所有的振蕩波都指向你個人,但被你的防禦措施所偏離,並轉移到你正在工作的設備或材料上。
Aha, that finally explains to me why suddenly even wrong letters and strokes etc. occur when writing with a biro etc., which is why for a long time Eva has had to write me everything that has to be handwritten.
That is unquestionably due to these swinging waves. But towards what Arlion explained to me is that the transmission of the whole thing expanded more and more, to such an extent that later you were under constant control even in other countries, because a whole network was created that constantly controlled you wherever you were. It was not enough, however, because it was taken so far that your life was to be ended, but the persons hired for this purpose did not succeed.
Now, Arlion further explained that the woman and 8 of those persons died in the following 34 years, but their 9 descendants were so influenced by their parents that they became equally fanatically religious-believing and hostile to you that they obsessively sought to harm you in the most diverse ways. And so it came about that many attempts were made to end your life, consequently the attacks in this regard increased, but you only reported them to the police about 3 times, because there were also third persons who urged you to report them. To my knowledge it was the 1st time in Mehrauli in India because the President of India was standing by when you were shot and injured. A…
… yes, it was Dr. Radakrishnan and Dr. Sharma, but there were also 2 women there, and that was Mrs. Fisk and Miss Rogers. In Switzerland it was in Hinwil and before Saland when I was shot at. In Hinwil it was on the first floor, where I was printing writings, in the presence of Rosa Gautschi, who insisted that I report this incident of being shot through the window to the police. But since the police were not present, I reported the incident to the governor, who issued me with the weapon carrying licence each time, but the matter simply passed without anything being done, just like the shot in Saland into the windscreen of the car, which would have hit me if it had not ricocheted. The car was driven by Silvano at the time, and he also insisted that the incident be reported to the police, which is why we immediately drove to Pfäffikon and went to the police, showed the windscreen and explained everything. But we were only fobbed off ridiculously and sent away again. Not even a photo was taken of the windshield, which clearly showed what had happened. And the fact that we had even seen the shooter with the small-calibre rifle was dismissed with the argument that we had been dreaming, and so on. But one person, the one who almost hit me in Hinwil, came to the centre one day and apologised, saying that unfortunately he had been misled by the sect … but had now freed himself from it and realised that a belief in a God etc. was nothing more than lying etc. in order to maintain a money-making dependency.
... 是的,當時是拉達克里希南(Radakrishnan)博士和Sharma博士,但也有兩名婦女在場,那是Fisk夫人和Rogers小姐。在瑞士,我被槍擊時是在欣維爾(Hinwil)和到Saland(暫譯為薩蘭德)之前。在欣維爾,我是在一樓印刷著作,當時Rosa Gautschi在場,對那次從窗戶外發射的槍擊事件,她堅持要我向警方報案。但由於員警不在場,我就向市長報告了這一事件,市長每次都給我頒發了攜帶武器的許可證,但此事就這樣過去了,沒有採取任何措施,就像那次在薩蘭德有人向汽車擋風玻璃開槍一樣,如果沒有彈開,就會擊中我。當時開車的是Silvano,他也堅持要向警方報案,所以我們立即開車到普費菲孔(Pfäffikon)去找員警,出示擋風玻璃,並解釋了一切。但我們只是被可笑地推脫了一下,又被打發走了。甚至連一張擋風玻璃的照片都沒有,而擋風玻璃清楚地顯示了所發生的一切。就連我們甚至看到了拿著小口徑步槍的槍手這一事實也被否定了,說我們是在做夢,諸如此類。但有一個人,也就是在欣維爾差點打中我的那個人,有一天來到中心向我道歉,說他很不幸被這個教派誤導了 ... 但現在他已經從教派中解脫出來,意識到信仰上帝等,不過是為了靠此賺錢而撒謊等等。
This is known to me, as also our Plejaren people know all, for your life story has been broadcast several times planet-wide for information. However, as to the attempts to deprive you of life, I will say that by a providence all the attempts proved to be futile again and again, which is why the descendants then sought another way to harm you otherwise. When the last three of the first adversaries died of old age, and then also two of the descendants, so that today there are only seven persons left, two of whom, however, are struggling with death because they are afflicted with the Corona plague, the three of them, who have extraordinarily good knowledge and abilities concerning electronics, took out again the futuristic device that had been stored for a long time for them, which at that time the woman had received from the Umigos and with which various persons had been influenced, and made it functional in order to harm you. The Umigos could no longer be asked because they were deported, and so the descendants worked so persistently on the futuristic device until it became functional again and they found out how they could use it. Since then it has been used to do you such harm that you should get into trouble with the human beings, and in such a way that it is very difficult for you to prove that the incidents that occur are not of your making. This already started when you returned to Switzerland in 1969, and since then there have been repeated attempts to deprive you of your life, which even … tried to do. It has happened 24 times so far, but every single attempt on your life failed as a result of inexplicable providence.
這些事我知道,我們Plejaren也都知道,因為你的生平事蹟已經在整個地球上傳播了好幾次。然而,關於剝奪你生命的企圖,我要說的是,根據天意,所有的企圖都被證明是一次又一次的徒勞,這就是為什麼他們的後代子孫後來尋求另一種方式來傷害你。當第一個對手中的最後三個人因年老而死亡,然後還有兩個後裔,所以今天只剩下七個人,然而其中兩個人因為感染了冠狀病毒而正在死亡線上掙扎,他們中的三個人,在電子方面有特別好的知識和能力,再次拿出了為他們儲存了很長時間的未來主義裝置,當時這個女人從Umigos那裡得到了這個裝置,並且有很多人受到了影響,為了傷害你們,他們使其發揮作用。因為Umigos被驅逐出境,所以不能再問他們了,於是後人就這樣堅持不懈地研究這個未來的裝置,直到它再次發揮作用,他們發現了如何使用它。從那時起,它就被用來對你造成這樣的傷害,使你應該陷入人類的麻煩,而且以這樣的方式,你很難證明所發生的事件不是你造成的。這在你1969年回到瑞士的時候就已經開始了,從那時起,有人一再試圖奪取你的性命,甚至 ... 試圖這樣做。到目前為止,已經發生了24次,但每一次對你謀殺的企圖,都因為莫名其妙的天意而失敗。
I guess that was the 'lucky' thing, as we say, or the 'lucky nothing happened' thing. What you said, but mentioned about …, I know because it happened in the kitchen of …, with a knife that was supposed to hit me in the back, but was seen at the last moment by …, who was just able to snatch the knife from … as she struck. She only told me years later what had happened at the time, because I really had not noticed anything about the whole incident. This and 2 other incidents that were the work of … are not counted in the 24 murders. But now I think that's enough palaver. So let's go now, you can talk while flying.
我想這就是我們所說的“幸運”的事情,或者說是“幸運的沒有發生”的事情。但妳剛提到關於 ... 的事情,我知道,因為這是發生在 ... 的廚房裡,有一把刀,本來要從背後捅我,但在最後一刻被 ... 看到了,她在出手時正好能從 ... 手中奪下刀。她多年後才告訴我當時發生的事情,因為我確實沒有注意到整個事件。這起事件和另外兩起由 ... 所為的事件,並沒有被算在24起謀殺案中。但現在我認為這已經說的夠多了。所以我們現在走吧,妳可以邊飛邊說。
Let's go then. – It you un… – … – This is as Mount Etna.
那我們走吧。——如果你不… … ——這裡看到的就是埃特納火山(Mount Etna)。
- No different than I remember this one from before.
Then we'll go on now. – It only takes a very short time, – here we are. -
那我們現在就繼續吧。這只需要很短的時間, —— 我們到了。-
- Horrible, as I've known it since the First World War. – That's enough – that's all I need to see. We'd better fly on …, but wait, – there's obviously looting going on. – If, as I see correctly …
可怕,因為我從第一次世界大戰以來,就知道情況。這就夠了 —— 這就是我需要看到的一切。我們最好繼續飛 ... ,但等等, —— 顯然正在進行搶劫。—— 如果,我沒有看錯的話 ...
… they come there and just shoot at the 3 human beings – they are obviously hit, because they fall down. – It is really horrible what is happening down here. It is – for me … -
... 他們來到那裡,向三個人開槍,他們顯然被擊中了,因為他們倒下了。——這裡發生的事情真是太可怕了。這—— 對我來說 ... -
You should not look when this kind of thing is happening, because I can see you're very affected. – Your face is white as chalk and you're shaking all over. The three are probably dead, at any rate they are no longer moving. –
Is this the first time you have seen this? Get a hold of yourself, – talk. –
這是妳第一次看到這種情況嗎?控制好自己的情緒, —— 說話啊。
- Never have I seen such a thing. – War and the murder that goes with it, yes, but this – but I do not know this and have never seen it either. – Normally I do not look at what's happening either – because it is only my job to carry out the control flights, while the apparatus automatically produces records of what's happening far below. – These are then revised by our specialists for evaluation, and I can sometimes see small parts of them. However, it has never happened that I have witnessed …
我從來沒有見過這樣的事情。這種戰爭和隨之而來的謀殺,是的,但是這個 —— 但是我不知道這個,也從來沒有見過這種場面。通常我也不看正在發生的事情 —— 因為我的工作只是執行控制飛行,而設備會自動記錄遠在下面發生的事情。然後由我們的專家對這些記錄進行修改評估,有時我可以看到其中的一小部分。然而,我從來沒有親眼看到過 ...
… I am sorry to have …
... 我很抱歉讓妳 ...
Did they steal from their own countrymen who have apparently fled or are dead? – What did you call them?
Looters – but what you saw is unfortunately the case in all wars on Earth, not only do those who fight against each other kill each other because they see each other as enemies, but on the other hand it happens again and again that looting takes place when something useful is still available. The owners of the looted goods are always dead or have fled, as you have already said. If the looters are caught, however, they are simply summarily dealt with, as was the case here, then they are simply shot and killed. Normally, it is the military that does the shooting, as I have observed several times in different countries, but the fact that it was civilians, not uniforms, who did it here is probably due to the fact that the war-mongering president of the country and other rulers have asked the population to arm themselves with weapons and to ensure 'order'.
劫匪 —— 但妳所看到的不幸是地球上所有戰爭的情況,不僅那些互相爭鬥的人因為把對方視為敵人而互相殘殺,而且另一方面,當有用的東西還能用時,掠奪就一再發生了。正如妳已經說過的,被掠奪物品的主人總是死了或者已經逃走了。然而,如果搶劫者被抓住,他們只是被立即處理,就像這裡的情況一樣,然後他們被直接槍殺了。通常情況下,開槍的是軍隊,我在不同的國家觀察過幾次,但在這裡開槍的是平民,而不是身穿軍裝的人,這可能是由於該國好戰的總統和其他統治者要求民眾用武器武裝自己,以確保“秩序”。
This is really terrible and I am seeing it with my own eyes – and so close. It is horrible and very different from when I look at the events later partly as recordings recorded by the devices. – But you are so calm …
這真的很可怕,我是親眼所見 —— 而且是如此接近。這很可怕,與我後來看到的部分由設備記錄的事件感受非常不同。但你卻是如此平靜 ...
That's probably because – it does not matter, it is just the way it is.
那可能是因為 —— 這並不重要,事情就是這樣。
It just is, that's what you say, but your voice sounds funny, so busy –. But let's leave it at that, because I can see that it is working hard in you. – Real intellect and reason are unfortunately lacking in the majority of Earth-humans, otherwise they would neither wage war, nor spread death and suffering on a massive scale, nor cause destruction. In the process, not only human lives are handed over to death, but also the living creatures in the wild, which as a rule is not considered by Earth-humans, just as the planet itself is severely damaged. However, as we know very well, because we have researched all the catastrophic circumstances of the events of this state, the state leadership as well as the big players in the business world are moving in an uncontrollable spiral of corruption. Furthermore, the state now most seriously affected by the war here among us is unfortunately being misled by a state leadership that is undoubtedly to blame for the fact that war has broken out and is being waged here, which …
就是這樣,這是你說的,但你的聲音聽起來很奇怪,好複雜 —— 。但我們就這樣吧,因為我可以看出你內心的掙扎。不幸的是,大多數地球人都缺乏真正的智慧和理性,否則他們既不會發動戰爭,也不會大規模傳播死亡和痛苦,更不會造成破壞。在這個過程中,不僅人類的生命被交給了死亡,而且野外的生物也是如此,這通常不被地球人所考慮,就像地球本身被嚴重破壞一樣。然而,我們非常清楚,因為我們已經研究了這個國家所發生的全部災難性事件,國家領導層以及商界的巨頭正在走向一個無法控制的腐敗螺旋。此外,現在受到戰爭影響最嚴重的國家,不幸被一個國家領導層誤導,而這個領導層無疑要為戰爭的爆發和在這裡發動的事實負責,這 ...
… unfortunately to this … Actually I did not want to talk about it, because it is effectively repugnant to me to deal wordily with this madness that is going on here. Unfortunately, I know wh…
... 不幸在這方面 ... 其實我不想談這個問題,因為對我來說,用文字來處理這裡發生的這種瘋狂行為,實際上是令人反感的。不幸的是,我知道 …
… but you must not call that up and write it down. We are here, as you see. You can also here …
… 但你一定不要把這句話接收下來,也不要把它寫下來。我們到了,你看。你也可以在這裡 ...
… it's good, I'm doing that right now, but it seems that the usual thing is happening here as well, as I've seen in other occurrences in wars. But what you have just said in relation to retrieving and writing down, of course I don't have that in mind, so also not that I write down what I have said. You should know that, besides, I know very well what Sfath said to me, and I have imprinted it in my memory in such a way that it is always present to me. Besides, we talk to each other. But what else did you want to say?
... 好吧,我現在就在這麼做,但似乎這裡也在發生很平常的事情,就像我在戰爭中看到的其他事件一樣。但是妳剛才說的關於接收和寫下來,當然我沒有這個想法,所以我不是要記錄下我說過的話。妳應該知道,此外,我非常清楚Sfath對我說了什麼,而且我的記憶如此根深蒂固,以至於它永遠伴隨著我。此外,我們只是彼此在交談。但妳還想說什麼?
My words were to point out that basically it was the presidency of Ukraine, together with its like-minded people, who, out of high-handedness, with the help of America, wanted to join the international alliance of the murderous mercenary NATO and weaken Russia in this way. This because many of the Ukrainian and Russian people were against the state leadership of Ukraine, for the reason that they cultivated deep friendly relations with the Russia-friendly separatists, although the separatists directed themselves against the Ukraine state through combat actions, which was also as wrong as the war that is now bringing death and destruction to Ukraine and the population through the Russian state leadership. The whole thing, which I must say openly, is a betrayal of the Ukrainian state and precisely of the people, which has been committed and continues to be carried out by the president and his supporters. This president is a warmonger who is gleefully joined by the equally incompetent American president, who greedily uses his word not only in the war in Ukraine, but among all the peoples who are in bondage to him and carelessly raise their voices against Russia and its president without knowing the true background. Like ignorant sheep, as you sometimes say, all the peoples of Europe, as well as the bulk of the people of America, thoughtlessly take up the banner of the lying and treacherous Ukrainian and American leader and their supporters and unthinkingly take their side, although it is they, in truth, who have triggered all the causes that led to the war. A…
我是想指出,基本上是烏克蘭總統及其志同道合的人,出於高壓手段,在美國的幫助下,想加入兇殘的雇傭兵北約的國際聯盟,並以這種方式削弱俄羅斯。這是因為許多烏克蘭和俄羅斯人民反對烏克蘭的國家領導層,原因是他們與對俄羅斯友好的分離主義分子培養了深厚的友好關係,儘管分離主義分子通過戰鬥行動將矛頭指向了烏克蘭國家,這也和現在通過俄羅斯國家領導層給烏克蘭和民眾帶來死亡和毀滅的戰爭一樣錯誤。整個事情,我必須公開地說,是對烏克蘭國家的背叛,準確地說,是對人民的背叛,總統和他的支持者已經犯下並繼續在進行這種背叛。這位總統是一個戰爭販子,他與同樣不稱職的美國總統欣然聯手,後者不僅在烏克蘭的戰爭中大肆鼓吹他的觀點,而且在所有被他束縛的人民中,在不瞭解真實背景的情況下,不經意地高聲反對俄羅斯及其總統。就像你有時說的,歐洲的所有人民以及美國的大部分人民,都像一群無知的綿羊一樣,他們不假思索地撐起了那兩位欺騙與背叛的烏克蘭和美國領導人的旗幟,並站在其支持者的同一邊,儘管事實上,是他們引發了導致戰爭的所有原因。一個 ...
… I have to object again, namely that before the war there were not only friendly relations between the separatists and Russian parts of the population, but also family and kinship relations. This did not suit the corrupt Ukrainian government, nor did it suit the separatists' tendency towards Russia or their desire to be independent. This is something that happens again and again on this world, on Earth, for example in Spain, where the separatists want to proclaim Catalonia as their own state, or in Switzerland, where the canton of Berne had a debacle with separatism years ago, resulting in the canton of Jura.
... 我不得不再次提出一個問題,那就是在戰爭之前,分離主義分子和俄羅斯部分居民之間不僅有友好關係,而且還有家庭和親屬關係。這並不適合腐敗的烏克蘭政府,也不適合分離主義分子對俄羅斯的傾向或他們的獨立願望。這種情況在這個世界上,在地球上一再發生,例如在西班牙,分離主義分子想宣佈加泰隆尼亞(Catalonia)為他們自己的國家,或者在瑞士,伯恩州(canton of Berne)多年前曾與分離主義發生爭執,結果形成了汝拉州(canton of Jura)。
I am not aware of that, because in that way I am not interested in the state system and politics, how everything prevails in that respect on Earth, because I am content with what is my task, which I have to fulfil. In this respect I have for some time been occupied with the many-sided observation of states and thus of politics, of peoples, their way of life, as well as with the agronomy and economy of America, Europe and Asia. This is the reason why I also have a good insight, good knowledge and an overview of things that enable me to make a valuable judgement.
Always something new, because I didn't know that before. I'm not really interested either, by which I mean what your tasks are. What is interesting, however, is everything you find out, by which I mean everything you examine, recognise and become so shaded with regard to what is really going on there, where you make your clarifications and where you make your observations. But go on from where I interrupted you. You were just talking about how the rulers and their supporters of America and Ukraine are the real culprits who provoked the war. Of course, I know that it is all because of the eastward expansion of NATO, which is now being pushed closer to Russia by Ukraine's membership of NATO, thus sealing it off from the West.
This eastward enlargement had already been carried out illegally and contrary to the promise made at the time in Munich in the 1990s, fraudulently and evil as a result of a breach of promise, which was carried out with the help of America and its old secret desire for world domination. I also know that America, addicted to world domination, currently has about 800 or even 900 military installations in other and foreign countries around the world and, as a global superpower, has equipped its military bases partly with nuclear weapons. Beyond its own borders, no other state has as many military bases as the USA. It is true that America is not in first place with its army, for there are others ahead of it, resulting in the following order of the largest armies, as can be seen from Wikipedia:
Rank 排名 |
Country 國家 |
Armed Forces 武裝力量 |
1 |
China, People's Republic (Asia) 中華人民國(亞洲) |
2,190,000 |
2 |
United States of America (North America) 美國(北美洲) |
1,429,000 |
3 |
India (Asia) 印度(亞洲) |
1,360,000 |
4 |
Russia (Europe) 俄羅斯(歐洲) |
1,216,000 |
[中譯者註:以上表列,所謂“武裝力量”(Armed Forces)欄位下的數量,應該是指正規軍人的人數估計值,但現代戰爭的真正武力,還應該包含武器的質與量。
排名 |
國家 |
總分 |
現役軍人 |
坦克 |
飛機 |
攻擊直升機 |
航空母艦 |
潛艦 |
1 |
94.4 |
0.90 |
0.86 |
0.95 |
0.95 |
0.95 |
0.95 |
2 |
80.5 |
0.81 |
0.95 |
0.90 |
0.90 |
0.52 |
0.86 |
3 |
80.3 |
0.95 |
0.90 |
0.85 |
0.87 |
0.76 |
0.90 |
4 |
67.3 |
0.38 |
0.38 |
0.76 |
0.81 |
0.76 |
0.81 |
5 |
65.65 |
0.86 |
0.81 |
0.81 |
0.19 |
0.76 |
0.76 |
6 |
61 |
0.33 |
0.24 |
0.67 |
0.43 |
0.90 |
0.57 |
7 |
58 |
0.76 |
0.57 |
0.71 |
0.71 |
0.05 |
0.67 |
8 |
52 |
0.52 |
0.33 |
0.38 |
0.57 |
0.76 |
0.43 |
9 |
50 |
0.19 |
0.14 |
0.52 |
0.67 |
0.76 |
0.57 |
10 |
47 |
0.57 |
0.67 |
0.57 |
0.57 |
0.06 |
0.67 |
11 |
41 |
0.71 |
0.62 |
0.48 |
0.48 |
0.05 |
0.52 |
12 |
34 |
0.62 |
0.72 |
0.62 |
0.38 |
0.05 |
0.14 |
13 |
33 |
0.43 |
0.52 |
0.43 |
0.76 |
0.06 |
0.14 |
14 |
32 |
0.24 |
0.71 |
0.33 |
0.48 |
0.05 |
0.33 |
15 |
30 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.10 |
0.24 |
0.52 |
0.43 |
16 |
28 |
0.48 |
0.43 |
0.24 |
0.14 |
0.52 |
0.05 |
17 |
23 |
0.14 |
0.48 |
0.19 |
0.29 |
0.05 |
0.33 |
18 |
19 |
0.29 |
0.19 |
0.29 |
0.33 |
0.05 |
0.14 |
19 |
12 |
0.67 |
0.29 |
0.05 |
0.10 |
0.05 |
0.10 |
20 |
10 |
0.10 |
0.10 |
0.14 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.14 |
In addition, it is known that Russia today only maintains military bases in Armenia, Georgia (Abkhazia and South Ossetia), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova (Transnistria), Syria, Tajikistan, Crimea, Vietnam and Belarus, i.e. much, much fewer than America, which is addicted to world domination. But the world population still does not want to understand this, just as it does not want to understand that America is guilty of the 1st World War from 1756 to 1763. This war is euphemistically called the 'Seven Years' War' because the USA does not want to declare itself guilty for this world war. A world war, which is also threatening again today, whereby poison gas and nuclear use may also have to be considered, because America or the senile presidency – as you said – is doing everything with its agitation in this regard to ensure that it really comes to that and that these means are used carelessly. In fact, everything is being done by the stupid American presidency to ensure that what it provokes through its agitation will inevitably happen. However, the fact that it is the treacherous, selfish and autocratic Ukrainian presidency that is the root cause of all this is denied so vehemently by the USA that the truth has long been forgotten and it is called a fib. This is happening to today's events just as it has happened to the whole of American history and to the Indian wars since time immemorial, for the traditions are so riddled with lies and fraudulent statements that the beams are cracking in the rafters. I know all this from my time with Sfath, as well as from Native Americans I have spoken to myself. It is important and appropriate to say something about this, because what is to be said is completely different from what the traditions of America generally say and make those human beings believe who are believers and therefore believe the lies.
此外,眾所周知,俄羅斯今天只在亞美尼亞(Armenia)、格魯吉亞[Georgia;又稱為喬治亞;包含阿布哈茲(Abkhazia)和南奧塞梯(South Ossetia)]、哈薩克斯坦(Kazakhstan;通稱哈薩克)、吉爾吉斯斯坦(Kyrgyzstan)、摩爾多瓦[Moldova;包含聶斯特河沿岸(Transnistria)、敘利亞、塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan)、克里米亞(Crimea)、越南和白俄羅斯設有軍事基地,也就是說比沉迷於世界統治的美國少得多。但世界人民仍然不願意理解這一點,就像他們不願意理解美國對1756年至1763年的第一次世界大戰是有罪的。這場戰爭被委婉地稱為“七年戰爭”,因為美國不想宣佈自己對這場世界大戰有罪。一場世界性的戰爭,今天也在威脅著我們,毒氣和核武器的使用也可能不得不被考慮,因為美國或這位老邁(senile)的總統 —— 如妳所說 —— 正在這方面竭力鼓動,以確保它一切成真,並確保這些手段被“不小心”使用上。事實上,愚蠢的美國總統與其管轄的政府機構(presidency)正在做的一切,都是為了確保它通過煽動挑起的事情將不可避免地發生。然而,正是烏克蘭這個背信棄義、自私自利的專制總統才是這一切的根源,而美國卻極力否認這一事實,以至於人們早已忘記了這一事實,稱其為謊言。今天的事件正在發生,就像整個美國歷史和自古以來的印第安人戰爭一樣,因為傳統中充滿了謊言和欺詐性的陳述,以至於樑柱都在開裂。我從我與Sfath的相處中,同時也從我自己所接觸的美國原住民那裡知道這一切。關於這方面說點什麼是很重要而且恰當的,因為這裡要說的與美國的傳統一般所說的和讓那些信奉者相信的謊言完全不同。
[中譯者註:七年戰爭(Seven Years' War)發生在1754年至1763年,而其主要衝突則集中於1756年-1763年。當時西方的主要強國均參與這場戰爭,其影響覆蓋歐洲、北美、中美洲、西非海岸、印度及菲律賓。在有些國家的歷史中,這場戰爭依照其所在區域發生的戰鬥,被賦予不同的名字:在美國被稱為「法國-印第安戰爭」;在加拿大法語區以「征服之戰」名稱為人所知。而在加拿大英語區則被叫做「七年戰爭」(發生於北美,1756年-1763年)(資料來自《維基百科》)]
First of all, there is the longest war ever waged on Earth, which America waged against the indigenous people, the Indians, and which cost millions of human lives, when the American immigrants and their descendants stole the land through robbery and murder and mercilessly slaughtered the real owners of the land, the indigenous people or the Indians. It started back then, in the 15th century, when the first immigrants from Europe came to the country, often deported by the communities because they were not good people and therefore undesirables in the country. But there were also many refugees from their homeland, sect fanatics, criminals and criminals, and then also poor people who saw the 'Golden Land' of America as a new home or field of activity and settled far into the West, which later became known as the 'Wild West' with cattle ranching states. When America was founded on July 4, 1776, it was inevitable that the immigrants, also supported by the state, robbed the land of the indigenous people and thus provoked deadly conflicts with them, and so the murders began early and everywhere in the country, which practically claimed many murder victims every day, which still happens today, although everything has changed in this respect and the murders are mainly carried out by gangs of criminals, usually involving drugs, money, hatred, prostitution, etc.
首先,有一場地球上有史以來最漫長的戰爭,那就是美國對原住民 —— 印第安人,發動了這場戰爭,犧牲了數百萬原住民的生命。換句話說,當時美國移民和他們的後代通過搶劫和謀殺偷走了土地,並無情地屠殺了土地的真正主人 —— 原住民或印第安人。這一切早在15世紀就開始了,當時第一批來自歐洲的移民來到這塊土地,他們經常被當地居民驅逐,因為他們不是好人,因此在這塊土地是不受歡迎的。但也有許多來自原祖國的難民、教派狂熱者、罪犯和犯罪分子,然後還有窮人,他們將美洲這塊“黃金之地”視為新的家園或活動領域,並遠赴西部定居,後來這裡成為以養牛聞名的“狂野西部”。1776年7月4日美國建國後,移民們在國家的支持下,不可避免地搶奪了原住民的土地,從而激起了與原住民的致命衝突,於是謀殺很早就開始在全國各地發生了,實際上每天都有許多謀殺受害者,這種情況至今仍在發生,儘管在這方面一切都已發生了變化,謀殺案主要由犯罪集團下手,通常都涉及到毒品、金錢、仇恨、賣淫等。
[中譯者註:北美印第安戰爭(American Indian Wars,亦稱印第安人戰爭或原住民戰爭)是指歐洲殖民地以及其獨立後的後繼政權與美洲原住民之間所發生的低強度戰爭。這些武裝衝突從歐洲人最初登陸的17世紀一直間歇性持續至20世紀初。
Then, when the French and the English went at each other and Washington, the 1st President of America, committed murder on a French peace negotiator carrying a white flag before he could even say a word, the murderous machinations against the indigenous people, the very Indians, officially broke out.
It has been said since time immemorial that history is always written by the victors, and in this case it is America, for it conquered the land through robbery, murder and war. In the end, the whole result was that the immigrants were able to book victory for themselves because they almost exterminated the indigenous people or the Indians. In the Indian Wars, the overall victory was of course ultimately won by the immigrants, who called themselves Americans from 1776 onwards, in the name of America, which later became the United States of America. However, the conflicts continued for centuries until finally the war against the indigenous people began, which lasted about 150 years. Although it was ultimately only a war that was no longer fought by force of arms but with paper decrees, there were countless deaths when the debacle began.
The USA or United States of America is economically as well as militarily a might that has always strived for world domination, but slowly in the coming decades and centuries America will lose its importance. America will not last forever despite its lies and deceit and its dirty war mongering that despises human lives. It will be hit by events that will shake the very existence of the state in various ways and ultimately dissolve the very existence of the American community in its basic structures. America, as it still is today, will be defined by its history and dissolved in the following times.
The first human beings to reach the continent of America by sea were very early sea conquerors. They sailed over from Africa and China on fins about 17,500 years ago, while the first human beings reached America over a land bridge from Europe 14,500 years ago. These immigrants, together with the indigenous peoples, formed whole nations that developed into advanced civilisations in much later times, such as the Inca and the Maya, etc., whose early ancestors settled in the south of the continent, whose distant descendants were then robbed and partly also murdered by the Spaniards because of the gold – which was often mixed with copper and therefore not pure.
第一批通過海路到達美洲大陸的人是非常早期的海上征服者。他們是在大約一萬七千五百年前從非洲和中國駕著一些鳍状物(fins)航行過來的,而歐洲的第一批人是在一萬四千五百年前從歐洲通過一處陸橋(land bridge)到達美洲的。這些移民與原住民一起形成了整個民族,這些民族在很久以後才發展成為先進的文明,如印加文明(Inca)和瑪雅文明(Maya)等,他們的早期祖先在大陸南部定居,他們的遠方後裔隨後被西班牙人搶劫,部分還被謀殺,因為黃金 —— 通常與銅混合,因此不純。
When Christopher Columbus sailed to the continent of America in 1492, he was already the umpteenth 'new discoverer of America', because thousands of years before him, other human beings had already come to this continent over land and water and mixed very early with the indigenous people who lived as distant descendants of the early human beings developing on this continent, when the land was still connected with what is now called Asia and Europe. And indeed, it was not the 1st time that human beings from Europe found the sea route to America, for earlier and long before him, the Northmen were in America and settled there, such as the Viking Eric the Red and later also his son, but they disappeared again. In much later centuries, namely in the following period of the rise of Christianity, smaller groups of human beings emigrated from Europe to North America as a result of Columbus' 'discovery' of America, mainly from the Netherlands, but also from England, Scotland, France and Spain. Later, the Germans, Swiss and Italians etc. followed, settling on the new continent and bringing with them serious diseases and infecting the natives with them, so that diseases and epidemics soon spread. Serious conflicts also quickly arose with the indigenous peoples, often because of land theft, but also because of a lack of food, because on the one hand a lot of game was wiped out, and on the other hand because not enough vegetable food could be produced to satisfy the hunger of all mouths. Considering this, it goes without saying that logically many deaths had to be mourned, for which – as human beings are of a very negative nature and do nothing for their humanity – they blamed others, which inevitably led to quarrels, hatred and murder, and finally to persecution, war and destruction.
當克里斯托弗.哥倫布(Christopher Columbus)於1492年航行到美洲大陸時,他已經是第十三位“美洲的新發現者”了,因為在他之前的幾千年,其他人類已經通過陸地和水路來到這片大陸,並且很早就與作為早期人類在這片大陸上發展的遠方後裔生活在一起,當時這片土地仍與現在的亞洲和歐洲相連。事實上,來自歐洲的人類並不是第一次找到通往美洲的海路,因為早在他之前,北方人已經在美洲定居,如維京人紅鬍子艾瑞克(Eric the Red),後來還有他的兒子,但他們又消失了。在更晚的幾個世紀裡,即在基督教興起的下一個時期,由於哥倫布“發現”美洲,較小的人類群體從歐洲移民到北美,主要來自荷蘭,但也有來自英格蘭、蘇格蘭、法國和西班牙。後來,德國人、瑞士人和義大利人等緊隨其後,在這塊新大陸上定居,但同時他們也帶來了嚴重的疾病,並將這些疾病傳染給當地人,因此疾病和流行病很快蔓延開來。他們與原住民之間也很快出現了嚴重的衝突,這往往是因為土地被盜取強佔,但也是因為食物的缺乏,因為一方面大量的野生動物被消滅了,另一方面也因為無法生產足夠的植物性食物來滿足所有的饑餓。考慮到這一點,不言而喻,從邏輯上講,許多人的死亡是必須哀悼的,但因為人類具有非常消極的本性,對他人毫無人道作為,他們只會責怪他人,於是不可避免地導致爭吵、仇恨和謀殺,最後形成迫害、戰爭和毀滅。
Now, as for the first settlements to be permanently established in America in the New Christ period, these were at Jamestown, in what is now Virginia, in 1606, and at New Plymouth, in what is now Massachusetts, in 1620.
But at the end of what I have to say, it is worth saying that the Native Americans were banished to reservations by America, and these were established at the beginning of the 19th century, which led to resistance from the tribes, but the whole thing of reserving the Native Americans was enforced with deadly Gewalt[1] by the American military. Many tribes still live on reservations since then, as I was personally told by the chief … when he … was with me and also said that the Indians were forced to do so after being defeated in various wars. Even today, there is a Bureau of Indian Affairs, one for administration, which has extensive oversight of the reservation system. But how could it be otherwise in America, for it is part of the US federal government. Chief … told me that many tens of thousands of human beings were killed in the wars on both sides, far more Indians than military men and at all times settlers who robbed the land and were supported by the government to do so. There were terrible atrocities on both sides, with the wars lasting for decades and claiming victim after victim. Myths were falsified in the process, so that it is hardly, if at all, possible to reconstruct what really happened, consequently the chronicle of America is brimming with falsifications. Boundaries were also drawn and legends told to me that could correspond to reality as well as to lies and fraudulent traditions, as the chief said. These speak of tragedy, of courage and heroism, as well as heartbreak and trails of tears and the story of Wounded Knee. He said that it was truly a sad disadvantage for all who took part in the conflict. America's war of terror against the Native Americans, or Indians, which lasted about 150 years, is by far the largest and longest conflict in US history. Imagine that, a long-lasting war conflict that led to the deaths of many millions of human beings for about 150 years. However, America has never come to terms with all these wars correctly, but has basked in the fact that America is 'great', as the majority of Americans imagine it to be. The truth, however, is that the history of the wars with the indigenous peoples, the Indians, is still the least researched, which means that the whole of American history is underestimated and – consciously or unconsciously – falsified. These wars of land conquest and the outright slaughter of the Indians lasted 150 years, and this conflict in its truth is hardly known to any citizen of America – not even in the government, which pursues its policy of world domination and thinks that it is the greatest and that nothing goes beyond it and the US military and secret services. This is because they go along under the delusion of being invincible, righteous and in the faith of God and therefore in perfect right to do whatever they please and benefit.
但在我要說的最後部分,值得一提的是,美洲原住民被美國放逐到保留地,這些保留地是在19世紀初建立的,這導致了部落的反抗,但保留美洲原住民這整件事是由美國軍隊以致命的Gewalt[註一](暫譯為“強迫力”)來執行的。從那時起,許多部落仍然生活在保留地,這是酋長 ... 親自告訴我的,當時他 ... 和我在一起,還說印第安人是在各種戰爭中被打敗後被迫這樣做的。即使在今天,也有一個印第安事務局 (Bureau of Indian Affairs),這是一個對保留地系統進行廣泛監督的管理單位。但在美國怎麼可能不是這樣呢,因為它是美國聯邦政府的一部分。酋長 ... 告訴我,在雙方的戰爭中,有數萬人被殺,印第安人遠遠多於軍人,而且在任何時候,都有定居者搶奪土地,並得到政府的支持來這樣做。雙方都有可怕的暴行,戰爭持續了幾十年,造成了一個又一個受害者。在這個過程中,神話被篡改了,因此幾乎不可能(如果有的話)重建真正發生的事情,因此美國的編年史充滿了偽造的痕跡。正如酋長所說,史料的內容也被劃定界限,傳說告訴我們的,可能符合現實,也可能只是謊言和欺詐性的傳說。這些故事都講述了悲劇、勇氣和英雄事蹟,也講到了心碎和淚水以及傷痕累累的故事。他說,對於所有參加衝突的人來說,這確實是一個可悲的傷害。美國對美洲原住民,也就是印第安人的恐怖戰爭,持續了大約150年,是迄今為止美國歷史上最大和最長的衝突。想像一下,在大約150年的時間裡,一場持久的戰爭衝突導致了數百萬人的死亡。然而,美國從未真正面對這些戰爭,而是沉浸在美國是個“偉大”的國家,正如大多數美國人所認知的那樣。但事實卻是,與原住民、印第安人的戰爭歷史仍然是研究最少的,這意味著整個美國的歷史中,這部分是被低估了,並且被有意或無意地篡改了。這些征服土地的戰爭和對印第安人的公然屠殺持續了150年,而這場衝突的真相幾乎不為任何美國公民所知 —— 甚至連政府也不知道,政府奉行其統治世界的政策,認為自己是最偉大的,沒有什麼可以超越美國以及其軍事和情報機構。這是因為他們帶著不可戰勝、正義和信仰上帝的錯覺,因此完全有權為所欲為並從中受益。
[註一:FIGU詞典網站中Ptaah 對Gewalt的解釋:Gewalt與“heftig”(暴力)和“Heftigkeit”(暴力)這兩個詞沒有關係,因為古Lyrian(暫譯為“天琴座人”)的語言裡關於“Gewalt”的意思是“Gewila”,它被定義為使用所有可支配的強制手段、身體、精神和基於意識的力量、能力和技巧,以實施和完成可怕的行動和行為。]
The country, America, which is only 246 years old, is now gnawing at its doom. It has forgotten the wars that went before and claimed millions of lives, just as it was and still is in modern times. The Indian tribes were part of every major American conflict, just as the American Civil War was an unparalleled conflict, and just as the conflict with crime and all the criminality and narcotics addiction of many sections of the population is nowadays so uncontrollable that it will soon get so out of hand that it will be useless to fight it. This is already because many forces of law and order are themselves involved in these crimes and are not interested in fulfilling the duty entrusted to them. All those, however, who have no knowledge or memory of what the history of America is really based on, are condemned to believe what they are lied to, and so they live with the lie and also die with it.
That's what I wanted to say about America, which is just a small part of what I know from Sfath, and what I've heard from Chief … and seen and experienced for myself.
這就是我想說關於美國的事情,而這只是我從Sfath那裡知道的一小部分,還有我從酋長 ... 那裡聽到的,以及親眼看到和經歷的。
Again, you have said many things that are very revealing to me because I have not known all that you have said. What you say is for me to understand, and everything gives me a brief overview. It was really a lot, but now I want to explain to you what Arlion told me. But it seems outrageous to me that ….
… leave it, it's no use. Now I've actually observed everything I wanted to see, so we can fly back again. But I don't want to order you, because if you want to keep flying over the lands at this slow pace, then please do.
... 別管它了,這是沒有用的。現在我實際上已經觀察到了我想看的一切,所以我們可以再飛回去。但我不想強迫妳,因為如果妳想繼續以這種緩慢的速度飛越這片土地,那就請吧。
I will do that, because I am going about my business in this way, which was given to me minutes ago by this apparatus here. According to your sense, everything that needs to be recorded is automatically registered, consequently we can talk undisturbed.
Aha, so you can also talk in your … never mind, it is your beer. And, can't we be seen or located?
啊哈,所以妳也可以在妳的 ... 算了吧,這是妳的啤酒。還有,我們不會被發現或定位嗎?
You don't have to worry about that. But what do you mean by beer, we don't have any such drink here?
Excuse me, it's just a figure of speech to make it clear that the matter in question is your business and basically none of my business.
Oh, I see, that is the meaning of it. Hear now, however, what I have to say further concerning Ukraine, where the Presidency has forbidden men to flee the country, but on the contrary to remain in the country and defend it by force of arms. They must…
… they practically have to serve as cannon fodder, as they say in our country. But you don't hear a word about the fact that there are also deserters in the military – also on the Russian side – who are shot if they are caught. Not even from those who come from different countries with a lust for killing and who supposedly want to help fight the enemy, but in reality only want to murder. Likewise, one does not hear a sound about climate change, which is causing such blatant changes on the entire planet, in nature as well as in fauna and flora, that it is also affecting human beings, who are also undergoing noticeable negative changes, but this has obviously not yet been noticed by the clever scientists, especially the human scientists or the clever and better-knowing human scientists or anthropologists. In any case, I have been aware of the negative changes in human beings for years, changes that will occur and that will radically change the earthlings as a whole to their own disadvantage.
... 他們實際上必須充當炮灰,正如他們在我們國家所說的那樣。但是妳沒有聽到關於軍隊中也有逃兵的說法 —— 在俄羅斯方面也有 —— 如果他們被抓到就會被槍斃。甚至連那些來自不同國家、對殺戮充滿欲望、據說是想幫助打擊敵人,但實際上只想殺人的人也一樣。同樣,人們也沒有聽到關於氣候變遷的聲音,氣候變遷正在給整個地球、自然界以及動植物界帶來如此明顯的變化,以至於它也在影響著人類,人類正在經歷著明顯的負面變化,但這顯然還沒有被聰明的科學家,特別是那些聰明的、更瞭解人類的人類學家(anthropologists)所發現。無論如何,我已經意識到人類的負面變化多年了,這些變化將發生,並將從根本上改變地球人作為一個整體中的一份子,對他們自己的不利。
If I now consider further that the Corona plague has not yet ended, but that the governments do not have enough sense and reason to explain the necessary wearing of respiratory masks and the equally necessary keeping of distance, then with such incompetent and actually stupid rulers the way is opened for Lucifer and otherwise all evil and mischief to come to the helm. Switzerland in particular will also make a name for itself in this respect, for it will join in the stupidity of other rulers of other countries in Europe and officially end the obligation to wear masks and to keep their distance, etc.
Cannon fodder – that is a term I want to add to my vocabulary because it says exactly what it is meant to express. I guess the deserters thing is also as you say. But now I want to tell you that I actually don't know the more distant past of America very well, but I do know what is happening in more recent times, because we were taught this along with the new history of the earthly states. So I am quite well oriented about what has happened since the beginning of the year 1900. Furthermore, of course, I know everything that you have told me about America, so I can also bring up some things that I know from you.
炮灰 —— 這是我想添加到我的詞彙中的一個用語,因為它說的正是它所要表達的意思。我想逃兵的事情也就像你說的那樣。但現在我想告訴你,其實我對美國早期的歷史不是很瞭解,但我知道近代發生的事情,因為我們在學習地球上各國的新歷史時,被教導過這些。因此,我對1900年以來發生的事情相當瞭解。此外,當然,目前我知道了你告訴我關於美國的一切,所以我也可以提出我從你那裡知道的一些事情。
Now I want to say what is really wrong in this world, at the present time in relation to this war in Ukraine and in relation to what role America is really playing, as we have been taught. Of course, the action regarding a war is completely wrong and imprudent, moreover despising the life of human beings, as well as destructive in all areas of human beings' achievements and nature and its fauna and flora, as you so often cite and call it in our conversations. It cannot be said of the side that has started the war and is now waging it that it is acting rightly, but on the contrary wrongly, illogically, without understanding and unreasonably, as a result of the prevailing inability, the selfish ambitions or aspirations. These have degenerated and are geared towards striving for might and possession, whereby the craving for recognition, the desire for determination and the piercing feeling of revenge as well as the desire to force things are added, which makes it absolutely impossible to have an overview and to judge a matter. However, this is not only the case with the warring side, but also with all other parties that are involved in the whole thing from the ground up. And this is always the case with all those in power on Earth, as it is very well known among us in the Plejaren, for our peoples are informed about everything that goes on and happens on Earth. So we also know, because this has been thoroughly and accurately investigated and repeatedly verified by our experts and established as a fact, that the Presidency of America is 'led' by a very senile man, surrounded by leaders of state with him as well as advisers to him, whereby, however, the concept of leading must receive a special mark of evil and negativity.
Now, the party at war in Ukraine, the Russian party, is the one that ultimately failed in the required patience and wrongly took up arms without thinking, while fundamentally, however, it was first the Ukrainian presidency and its dependents that laid the foundation for the whole thing to begin in the first place and now degenerate into war. Then next came America, where governance is mismanaged by a man as president who makes ill-advised mis-speeches against the presidency of Russia, the mis-speeches of the American presidency being such that they sound stupidly inciting Russia to use poison gas, cluster bombs and nuclear weapons. This in the background hope that America can appear as a world saviour, intervene and use nuclear weapons and other evil war material itself. The world domination addiction always plays a part in this, which is also secretly controlled by the shadow government of America, of which the actual state leaders have no idea and are not aware that they are influenced by the shadow government, which has already been pushing everything for America to become the world ruler for over 240 years. As far as what is happening in Ukraine is concerned, the artificially created and old, unthinking, diverse and controlled hatred of Russia by countless Americans of both sexes serves to conquer Russia as an American satellite state. This is what the inciting hate-mongering controlled by the American shadow government has been used for since time immemorial, which has afflicted the majority of the American population and now also a large part of the Earth-humans and leaders of many states of this world. In addition, these are really stupid and unwilling to think for themselves and therefore in their stupidity are unable to perceive the effective truth.
All of them are idiotic, and not one iota evidences reason and sanity.
Thank you, that is really correct to say. But I wanted to say that these Earth-humans are not only stupid and do not see the truth, but that as a result of this fact they are not able to recognise that they alone follow what is pretended and thus lied to them.
That is unfortunately the case, and that will … lead. And before you tell me that I am not allowed to call this up officially and write it down openly, I want to tell you that I will not do that, but only tell you. But the world does not talk about the fact that – and here I come back to America – the USA has the most enormous dirt of all meanness on its hands. What many soldiers of the USA, and thus also of NATO, do in the course of their war activities is enough to knock the hat off their heads. And what is happening especially with regard to the many acts of torture – as, for example, very little of the whole thing has become known, especially because of Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantànamo in Cuba, as of many other torture camps that America maintains in other states around the world, as well as other illegalities, because human beings, for example Julian Assange, who has been in prison in England for years 'waiting' to be extradited to the USA for publicly reporting atrocities committed by the American military, as well as Edward Snowden, who now lives in Russia, because his life, or at least his freedom, is also threatened in America. The murderers acting on behalf of NATO – because, of course, American military or USA-NATO mercenaries are also involved – indulge in evil not only out of hatred, but also out of pure contempt for human beings, as well as out of joy and pleasure in the torture and rape of human beings, men and women who, for better or worse, are unconditionally or unreservedly, completely and utterly helplessly at their mercy. Some of the military of other states – when a war is waged by them and those soldiers go berserk, resorting to torture and rape and taking pleasure in the degenerate – do the same, hence the same as happens in every war. Torture and vicious sexual abuse of their victims are the order of the day in practically every war, if some of the killers indulge their ambitions in this regard, which is also the case, by the way, with the mercenary types who exist elsewhere in this sad world.
很不幸,情況就是這樣,這將導致 ...。在妳告訴我我不能正式接收這些並公開寫下來之前,我想告訴妳,我不會這麼做,而只是告訴妳。但是世界上沒有談論這樣一個事實 —— 在這裡我又回到了美國 —— 美國手上有所有卑鄙行為中最嚴重的污點。美國的許多士兵,因此也包括北約的士兵,在他們的戰爭活動中的所作所為,足以讓世人驚掉下巴。特別是在許多酷刑行為方面正在發生的事情 —— 例如,整個事情鮮為人知,特別是因為伊拉克的阿布格萊布(Abu Ghraib)和古巴的關塔那摩(Guantànamo),以及美國在世界其他國家設立的許多其他酷刑營,還有其他非法行為。因為人類,例如朱利安.阿桑奇(Julian Assange),他因為公開報導美國軍隊的暴行而在英國的監獄裡“等待”被引渡到美國,還有愛德華.斯諾登(Edward Snowden),他現在住在俄羅斯,因為他的生命,或者至少是他的自由,在美國也受到威脅。代表北約行事的兇手 —— 當然,因為美國軍隊或美國參與的北約雇傭兵 —— 深深沉溺於邪惡,不僅是出於仇恨,也是出於對人類的純粹蔑視,以及出於對人類的折磨和強姦的喜悅和快感,這些人無論好壞,男人和女人都是無條件或毫無保留地、完全無助地任其擺佈。其他國家的一些軍隊 —— 當他們發動戰爭時,那些士兵會變得瘋狂而訴諸酷刑和強姦,並以墮落為樂 —— 也會這樣做,因此在每場戰爭中都會發生同樣的情況。如果一些殺手在這方面放縱自己的野心,對受害者實施酷刑和惡毒的性虐待幾乎是每場戰爭的家常便飯,順便說一下,在這個可悲的世界上其他地方存在的雇傭兵類型也是這種情況。
Another thing that is important to mention in America is racism, which is mainly directed against human beings with brown or black skin. Often, murderers in the USA get away with murdering human beings of a different colour. This is just as, for example, the Ku Klux Klan, which is still active in America today, has been secretly carrying out this kind of evil since time immemorial, untroubled and unscathed by the law. But there is also the religious hatred directed against those of other faiths, mainly against those who believe in Allah, i.e. against Islam – which has nothing to do with Islamism and the Islamist state and also distances itself from the latter, because Islamism is a religion-fanatic criminal organisation. In this organisation there are also many degenerate European murderers and murderesses, as also from other countries, who, if they find their way back to their homeland through any circumstances, are treated by the authorities and the law as if with kid gloves. But also the Jewish believers are not welcome human beings by many Americans and are discriminated against.
在美國,另一件值得一提的事是種族主義,它主要是針對棕色或黑色皮膚的人。通常情況下,美國的謀殺犯在謀殺不同膚色的人時都能逃脫懲罰。這正如今天仍然活躍在美國的三K黨(Ku Klux Klan)一樣,自古以來一直在秘密地進行這種邪惡的活動,不受法律的約束。但也有針對其他信仰者的宗教仇恨,主要是針對那些信仰真主(Allah)的人,也就是反對伊斯蘭教(Islam) —— 這與伊斯蘭主義(Islamism)和伊斯蘭國(Islamist state;IS)無關,也與後者保持距離,因為伊斯蘭主義是一個宗教狂熱的犯罪組織。在這個組織中,也有許多墮落的歐洲殺人犯和女殺手,也有來自其他國家的,如果他們在任何情況下找到了回到自己祖國的路,當局和法律都會像對待孩子一樣對待他們。但是,猶太信徒不被許多美國人歡迎,他們受到歧視。
Well, the believers of all religions and their many sects are simply human beings, just like all religious believers. Although they are human beings, even if they all fall into the trap of stupidly delusional belief in God and are therefore stupid or do not think for themselves, they are still human beings.
But it never gives them the right – not even to the American believers in their religion and their various sects – to judge people of other faiths and colours and to persecute or even kill them. There is never an excuse for that, just as there is never an excuse for what the American presidency is doing in the matter of Ukraine, where you say that the current presidency of the USA is senile, i.e. no longer fully capable in its consciousness physically and in terms of creative energy due to its age. In his senility, the president is therefore no longer conscientious in his statements and orders as well as in his actions, but more or less childish and therefore no longer fully sane. And indeed, this is more than a disgrace for the USA that the people allow themselves to be governed by such a presidency, moreover, the people will allow this insane man in his senility to release the oil reserves that America has stored for times of need completely unnecessarily in a short time.
但這從來沒賦予他們對其他信仰和膚色的人去評判、迫害甚至殺害他們的權利 —— 即使是其他各種教派的美國信徒也不例外。這永遠沒有藉口,就像美國總統在烏克蘭問題上的所作所為永遠沒有藉口一樣,妳說美國現任總統已經老態龍鍾,也就是說,由於年齡的原因,在身體意識和創造力方面不再完全有能力。因此,由於他的高齡,總統因此不再認真在他的聲明和命令以及他的行動,但或多或少的孩子氣,因此不再完全理智。事實上,這不僅僅是美國的恥辱,人民允許自己被這樣的總統統治,而且,人民將允許這個年老的瘋子在短時間內,完全不必要地釋放美國為需要而儲存的戰備儲油。
That the senile head of government, with the backing of the majority of the American people, still interferes in foreign affairs and threatens to involve the whole world in a fourth world war with his stupid and inflammatory speeches against Russia, is indeed incomprehensible. But in the USA, as in all countries of the world, it is not only the incompetent rulers who cannot think logically, intelligently and rationally and are therefore stupid and dumb, but also the majority of the people. Against this, however, the small part that is really capable of logic, understanding and reason and does not agree with it cannot do anything, because what the rulers do is approved by the stupid and stupid majority of the people who agree with them.
The senile US supremacist has driven the hatred of the stupid majority of the American people and the world against Russia to such an extent that it has resulted in the war between Russia and Ukraine. This was because everything was nonsensically and deliberately put on the back burner, and the populations of many states could thus be incited more and more against Russia, and this until the president of Russia lost patience with the stalling, just as America's constant threats and lies and the warmongering of the president of Ukraine became too much.
Now, there is no excuse for the Russian presidency to have initiated and started the war that is now costing many human lives and causing immense destruction in Ukraine, but the compulsion for this was created first and foremost by the presidency and its fellow travellers in Ukraine, and then in the second place by the American presidency, which is undoubtedly culpable. Both are liable for this, because they and their fellow travelers managed with their war-mongering – which is still going on – that in the end everything escalated and inevitably the war came out of it. The truth is that volunteers from various countries are arriving in Ukraine to take part in the war by arming themselves and enjoying the pleasure of killing human beings, even in the ranks of the side they are supposedly 'defending'.
現在,俄羅斯總統沒有任何藉口發起這場戰爭,這場戰爭正在奪去許多人的生命,並在烏克蘭造成巨大的破壞,但這一強迫行為首先是由烏克蘭總統及其在國內的同路人造成的,其次是由美國總統當局造成的,而美國總統當局無疑也應受到譴責。兩者都有責任,因為他們和他們的同路人用他們的戰爭宣傳 —— 現在仍在繼續 —— 設法使一切最終升級,以致不可避免地產生了戰爭。事實是,來自不同國家的志願者正在抵達烏克蘭,通過武裝自己和享受殺人的樂趣來參與戰爭,甚至加入他們所謂的“保衛”一方的行列中。
Another factor in this nonsensical war – nonsensical like any war, which only brings death and destruction, suffering, famine and misery and is never justified – is that all around the rulers and their fellow travellers are going crazy and crying out for rearmament of their military, again nonsensically diverting millions and billions from taxpayers' money to finance the madness of acquiring the latest weapons. On the one hand, this is only so that they can conceal their cowardly fear, on the other hand, however, in order to satisfy their irrationality as well as their stupidity or their inability to think, but also so that their favourites in the military leadership can play 'warriors' with the new deadly weapons and have their soldiers murder. This instead of the senselessly squandered money being used for good purposes and for the good of the people. Moreover, and this must also be said, the rulers of various countries are so stupid, dumb-witted and simple-minded that, in addition to murdering human beings, they supply all kinds of weapons to the opponents in the war zones, which only makes all hell break loose and increases the murderousness instead of ending it. And these arms deliveries, which are carried out in a partisan manner, are consequently delivered to one or the other warring party, as the case may be, and strengthen them for the war. This corresponds to a truly irresponsible behaviour, and it prevents the war from being brought to an end all the more. But as long as incompetent rulers are placed in their high positions of power, nothing will change for the better, as certainly nothing will lead to true peace. Switzerland's long-standing right-wing and well-cultivated neutrality is also no exception, as it has now been made a pig of by the stupidity of the government in Bern, namely by adopting and applying the sanctions of the EU dictatorship, whereby Switzerland has outed itself as a partisan country and made itself vulnerable. And for this, the Swiss people still pay taxes, so that such incompetent rulers who do not keep Switzerland neutral can be paid horrendous sums of money and the military armament with new weapons can be financed. The oath of the old Confederates and the good and valuable righteousness of Switzerland make one wonder how it is that incompetent rulers can dare to push neutrality into the mud of the EU dictatorship? Rightly – or wrongly? – the thought arises that something is wrong in the country, whether perhaps an ambition is at play that is flirting with membership of the EU dictatorship? This makes it seem as if Switzerland is to become a slave to the dictatorship of the European Union by stealth, controlled by elements who are not only clueless but also stupid and have still not grasped that the EU really is a dictatorship.
這場荒謬的戰爭的另一個因素 —— 像任何戰爭一樣荒謬,它只會帶來死亡和破壞、痛苦、饑荒和苦難,而且永遠沒有理由 —— 是周圍的統治者和他們的同路人都在瘋狂地喊著要重新武裝他們的軍隊,再次荒謬地從納稅人的錢中挪用數百萬和數十億美元來資助購買最新武器的瘋狂行為。一方面,這只是為了讓他們能夠掩飾他們的怯懦恐懼,然而另一方面,為了滿足他們的非理性以及他們的愚蠢或無力思考,也是為了讓他們在軍事領導層中最喜歡的人能夠用新的致命武器扮演“戰士”,讓他們的士兵殺人。而未能將毫無意義的揮霍金錢用於好的用途,為人民造福。此外,還必須指出的是,各國的統治者是如此的愚蠢、愚昧和頭腦簡單,除了謀殺人類之外,他們還向戰區的對手提供各種武器,這只會讓一切都變得混亂,增加了殺氣,而不是設法結束戰爭。而這些以黨派方式進行的武器運送,也因此被交付給交戰的一方或另一方(視情況而定),並加強他們的戰鬥力。這相當於一種真正不負責任的行為,它更加阻礙了戰爭的結束。但是,只要不稱職的統治者身居高位,任何事情都不會好轉,當然也不會帶來真正的和平。瑞士長期以來的右翼和精心培養的中立性也不例外,因為它現在已經被伯恩政府的愚蠢行為弄成了豬八戒,也就是通過和實施歐盟的制裁措施,瑞士因此暴露出自己是一個黨派國家,使自己處於劣勢。為此,瑞士人民仍在交稅,這樣,那些不能保持瑞士中立的無能統治者就可以得到巨額的金錢,並為使用新武器的軍事武裝提供資金。舊邦聯的誓言和瑞士的善良可貴的義舉,讓人不禁要問,無能的統治者怎麼就敢把中立推向歐盟獨裁的泥潭?這是正確還是錯誤呢?人們認為這個國家出了問題,是否有一種野心在作祟,想加入歐盟的獨裁政權?這讓人覺得,瑞士似乎要成為歐盟獨裁政權的隱性奴隸,被那些不僅無知而且愚蠢的人所控制,他們仍然不明白歐盟其實是一個獨裁政權。
America has now made a mess of trust in Russia worldwide and provoked a general hostility of the government bums of many countries and large parts of their populations who are incapable of thinking for themselves. Hate was unleashed instead of truly helping to bring about peace. Helping the war refugees alone is not enough, and it is based on pity, but fundamentally on hatred against Russia and the majority of its population. But in truth, they are not at all bellicose and do not agree with what the presidency has done and will also continue to do. It was all caused by imprudence, as well as by the senseless hatred and power-grabbing behaviour of three state leaders who have lost their minds and are no longer in their right minds. Although I respect and dignify them as human beings, as is right and must be, they are all unfit rascals as rulers who do not belong in charge of a country, not even if they otherwise do good for the state and thus for the population. The decisive factor is correct and well-considered decisions and actions when it comes to maintaining peace all around and worldwide, in every respect, 1. for one's own people, but 2. also for the world and all its states, and to do what is due to them in terms of justice and welfare, etc., that must be the duty of every government person.
However, a head of government who is a war-monger beyond compare, like the one in Ukraine, who idiotically seeks membership in the murderers' mercenary guild NATO and in the EU dictatorship, contrary to all previous agreements and promises made in Munich in the 1990s, does not belong in a position of government. Neither does a senile president and such a warmonger in the USA. This is because another president is misgoverning there, who is also senile, as you said, who childishly orders the wrong things and rants against Russia in a war-mongering manner, while obviously trying to bring his own combat units to Europe by land and air. This once, as well as the fact that through stupid speeches he has driven Russia to the point where it is now waging war in Ukraine. His stupid speeches that Russia could possibly use poison gas, cluster bombs, supersonic bombs and also ultimately nuclear weapons, etc., that's what the idiot does until it becomes too much for the president of Russia and he actually resorts to what the senile US president puts into his brain. Then the teased president of Russia who ordered the criminal war in Ukraine, for which there is no excuse whatsoever, is actually the one who goes completely berserk. The consequence of this is evil hatred, which has also spilled over to Russians who live in other countries around the world and have possibly found a new home there. Human beings who are innocent of what was hatched and unleashed or caused by the wrong policies of three incompetent presidents, namely that an evil war is raging in Ukraine today. This, as also through this war the prices of all goods for sale are being driven up without hesitation, but as also vital goods from the war zones can no longer be produced, cultivated and sold. And hunger is also breaking out because no more food can be produced and sold, apart from the fact that food shortages have already been going on worldwide for months because the rampant overpopulation is consuming more than can be produced. Likewise, the problem of energy scarcity is becoming more and more precarious, especially electrical energy, which has recently been idiotically misused to charge the suddenly very many electric vehicles with electricity and make them roadworthy. One wonders what will happen when, as a result of the hatred and the war, gas, coal and heating oil, for example, as well as petrol and diesel oil, are hardly available any more, if at all?
How will food, which is becoming increasingly scarce, then get to the places where it can still be purchased through expensive prices? And how, when it gets lousy cold, will the oil heaters still be operated if heating oil can no longer be supplied? This raises many questions that no one can answer.
When I look at all the big players in government and human beings, all I see is that they rail and curse about other human beings, but present themselves as faultless and clean. They want to give the impression that they can't harm anyone, but they harbour exactly the opposite deep in their character, which breaks through to the outside world at every suitable opportunity and causes mischief. And when I see that, it makes me sick to my stomach. I see the same picture, as I just said, not only in the majority of the rulers and humanity of this world, but also in the 3 presidents who are guilty for the war in Ukraine, including the Pope in Rome, who is probably the biggest slimy sneak of humanity and drives it, at least in the Catholic area, with his lies and deceptions of the delusion of God into error and confusion and leads to the fact that the faithful are not able to think, decide and act for themselves. Furthermore, through his 'lenient' actions, he promotes the sexual abuse that priests and pastors commit against children and adolescents, but also against nuns and believing women, who not infrequently become pregnant and have to have an abortion, or if they give birth, the newborns are simply suffocated and buried. To prove to me that this was indeed true, Sfath had already let me see a 'silent cemetery' in a women's convent in Switzerland where newborn babies were 'buried'. As Ptaah explained to me, it has been established by the Plejaren that the majority of Catholic priests, bishops and the rest of the actual hypocritical rabble who fulfil their sexual lust in this way are those liars and deceivers who publicly claim not to belong to the degenerates themselves, but in reality do exactly the same as those whom they publicly pillory. According to Ptaah, this effectively concerns the majority of Catholic 'worshippers', as is also the case in other religions, as I myself have experienced and seen, for example, when newborn babies were simply laid out in forests or in the desert and killed and eaten by wild animals. It was mainly women who were forced to do this by their husbands or religious leaders, as well as young women who were secretly pregnant, had their stomachs tightly tied and after giving birth secretly 'disposed of' the newborn before anyone found out about the whole thing, otherwise the girl or woman would have been murdered by their own relatives. This was precisely because a secret love affair of a daughter or sister was contrary to the family honour and was punished by murder, namely by their own father or brother, and sometimes even the mother, in her religious family delusion of honour, extended her hand. I myself experienced and saw this in many places, mostly together with Sfath, and later when I was travelling alone for years, which once almost cost me my life in a bus when I was travelling to the town of Kars in Turkey and wanted to intervene in such a murder of a young girl, because I simply could not restrain myself when she was strangled by two of her brothers. And there were religious believers who belonged to Christianity, Islam or Hinduism or even Buddhism, as well as sectarian religious communities, there was really no difference. But to go on discussing these things is pointless, which is why it is probably better that I keep my mouth shut.
當我看到政府和人類中的所有大人物時,我所看到的是他們對其他人類的抨擊和詛咒,但卻把自己表現得毫無瑕疵和乾淨。他們想給人一種印象,即他們不會傷害任何人,但他們的性格深處卻隱藏著完全相反的東西,一有合適的機會就會向外界突破,造成禍害。當我看到這一點時,讓我感到反胃。正如我剛才所說,我看到了同樣的景象,不僅在這個世界的大多數統治者和人類身上,而且在對烏克蘭戰爭有罪的三位總統身上,此外還應包括羅馬的教皇,他可能是人類最為卑鄙的小人(slimy sneak),用他的謊言和欺騙上帝的錯覺驅使人類,至少在天主教地區,使其陷入錯誤和混亂,導致信徒們不能獨立思考、決定和行動。此外,通過他的“寬大”行動,他助長了神父和牧師對兒童和青少年的性虐待,也助長了對修女和有信仰的婦女的性虐待,她們不乏懷孕而不得不墮胎,或者如果她們生下孩子,新生兒就直接被悶死和埋葬。為了向我證明這確實是事實,Sfath已經讓我看到了瑞士一家女修道院的一處“無聲墓地”(silent cemetery),那裡“埋葬”著許多新生嬰兒。正如Ptaah向我說的那樣,Plejaren已經確認,大多數天主教神父、主教和其他實際是虛偽的烏合之眾,都是以這種方式滿足性欲的騙子,他們公開聲稱自己不屬於墮落者,但實際上卻和他們公開譴責的人做得一模一樣。根據Ptaah的說法,這實際上涉及到大多數天主教的“崇拜者”,其他宗教也是如此,例如,我自己就經歷和看到,新生嬰兒被直接放在森林或沙漠中,被野獸殺死並吃掉。主要是婦女被丈夫或宗教領袖強迫這樣做,還有一些年輕婦女秘密懷孕,把肚子綁得緊緊的,生完孩子後,在別人發現整件事之前,秘密地“處理掉”新生兒,否則女孩或婦女就會被自己的親戚謀殺。這正是因為女兒或姐妹的秘密戀情有悖於家庭榮譽,會受到謀殺的懲罰,即被自己的父親或兄弟謀殺,有時甚至母親在宗教家庭的榮譽妄想中也會出手。我自己在很多地方都經歷和看到了這種情況,大多是和Sfath一起,後來我獨自旅行多年,有一次我在公共汽車上差點丟了性命,當時我正前往土耳其的卡爾斯(Kars)鎮,想干預這樣一起謀殺一個年輕女孩的事件,因為當她被她的兩個兄弟勒死時,我根本無法克制自己。還有屬於基督教、伊斯蘭教或印度教甚至佛教的宗教信仰者,以及宗派宗教團體,真的沒有什麼區別。但繼續討論這些事情是毫無意義的,這就是為什麼我最好保持沉默。
But it is all interesting though, and besides, what you said corresponds to reality. Frankly, though, I don't like to hear such inhumanities when you tell them.
Excuse me, but I didn't know that. But that is unfortunately the case, of course, you have to talk about such things; sometimes it comes up as if automatically, but the whole of the real truth is only perceived and also understood by those human beings who seriously think about it and who are truly still capable of thinking for themselves and are therefore not believers. Here I am not necessarily thinking of God-delusion, but of faith in general.
I understand that correctly. – But now it is time for me …
我完全能夠理解。但現在是我到時候了 ...
Of course, and I don't want to get you in trouble. So …
當然,我也不想給妳惹麻煩。所以 ...
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