

Russia’s Strange Past with UFOs & Aliens-1


April 13, 2022
Guest Article by Berk Gümüs

客座文章作者:Berk Gümüs

1. The Voronezh Incident


Two Hundred and Thirty-fifth Contact
Saturday, 3rd February 1990, 00:04



That would actually mean all that is necessary again. So we can move on to the next question that I have in stock: For quite some time now, the talk has been about UFO sightings and alleged encounters with extraterrestrial life forms again with the human being of the Earth. Especially in Russia, a story about this had turned out to be a big one, namely in Voronezh or what the name of the village should be. Recently, however, entire squadrons of UFOs have been ghosting through the polluted skies in Belgium as well, turning police officers into UFO persecutors. But also the population seems to be in love with the hype, as it is the case in England and several other countries on our planet. Can you tell me more about this?



87. Of course, but truthfully it is hardly worthwhile to say a word about it.


88. The occurrences are partly extraterrestrial, as in Voronezh and partly also in Belgium, but also quite earthly.


89. A certain amount of attention should be paid to the extraterrestrial origin of aircraft.


90. But it’s not worth talking about it either.


91. More attention should be paid to the fact that some phenomena are related to the USA and South America, where you made your own experiences when your life was threatened.


92. But discussing these things wouldn’t be an advantage, so it’s not worth talking about them – for your own safety.

但討論這些事情也不會有什麼好處,所以不值得談論 —— 這是為了你自身的安全。

中譯者註:以上事件被稱為「沃羅涅日UFO事件」(Voronezh UFO incident),1989927日在蘇聯沃羅涅日一群兒童報告的所謂UFO和地外外星人目擊事件。該地區一直受到UFO獵手的青睞。


Artificial impression of Voronezh UFO landing



Well, that’s enough. So behind some of this there’s also fraud and deception along with the truth. That’s probably how it should behave here in Switzerland, with the alleged UFO sightings in Ticino?



93. It doesn’t behave differently than in other countries.


94. In fact, if one wanted to believe the UFO believers and UFO swindlers and similar swindlers and phantoms, then the Earth would be teeming with aircraft of extraterrestrial origin.


95. With the SOL system, however, the Earth lies so far away from a galaxy arm of the Milky Way that it is considered an enclave and has only a sparse influx of other inhabited stars.

然而,由於太陽系的位置,地球離銀河系的一個星系臂galaxy arm太遠了,以至於它被認為是一塊飛地enclave,只有少數恒星上的外星人會過來

96. It is simply not interesting enough to be visited by foreign life forms on a large scale.


97. Truthfully, it is practically always the same visitors from the vastness of space who fly in and out of the Earth, as we do, for example; two to three times a year, perhaps strangers come to Earth.


FIGU Bulletin 004 Information: UFOs in Russia Excerpt

FIGU公告004資訊:俄羅斯的UFO 摘錄

…However, let us return to the UFO incidents in Russia. The then still Soviet news agency TASS reported highly officially that a UFO had landed in a park in Voronezh. The report read:

... 然而,讓我們回到俄羅斯的UFO事件。當時還是蘇聯的新聞機構塔斯社TASS)高度正式地報導了一個UFO降落在沃羅涅日的一個公園裡這項消息。報導中寫道:

‘Several Soviet scientists confirmed the landing of an Unknown Flying Object in a park in the Russian city of Voronezh.They examined the landing site and found traces of extraterrestrials getting out of their flying craft and briefly walking around the park. At least three times after nightfall this place was visited by the aliens, as local residents reported.


According to the information provided by Voronezh citizens, the missile was a large, shiny sphere that hovered over the park and then lowered and landed. Then a door opened and two or three large human beings and a smaller robot came out. The aliens were between 3 and 4 meters (10 feet to 13 feet) tall and had very small heads. Near the sphere, their flying machine, they walked around, then disappeared back inside. So reported witnesses, who suffered from a strong feeling of fear for several days after the incident.


The head of the Voronezh Geophysical Institute, Genrikh Silanov stated, “The landing site was examined by us with the help of bio-location, and we found a circle 20 meters (65 feet) in diameter and 4-5 centimeters (1.5 inches to 2 inches) deep imprints 14-16 centimeters (5.5 inches to 6.3 inches) in diameter. They were very distinct and were at the four corners of a rhombus. We also found two puzzling pieces of rock that at first glance looked like dark sandstone. However, mineralogical analysis showed that this material does not occur anywhere on Earth. However, it must be said that further investigations are still needed to make a definite statement.”

沃羅涅日地球物理研究所所長Genrikh Silanov(暫譯為根里克.西拉諾夫)說:「我們在生物定位(bio-location)的幫助下檢查了著陸點,我們發現了一個直徑20公尺的圓形範圍,以及(四個)直徑1416公分而45公分深的痕跡。它們非常明顯,位於一個菱形的四個角上。我們還發現了兩塊令人費解的岩石,乍一看像是深色砂岩。然而,礦物學分析表明,這種物質並不存在於地球上的任何地方。但不得不說,還需要進一步的調查才能有一個明確的說法。」

Silanov made use of the so-called bio-location (biological tracing) to locate the path the extraterrestrials had taken in the park. The eyewitnesses did not notice anything about it, but the analysis showed that their statements agreed with the scientific results.


However, the flying sphere, also described as a spherical flying disc, was not the only object observed by Voronezh citizens, as TASS reported that a banana-shaped flying object was also spotted in the sky with a large sign shining down from it.


The industrial city of Voronezh has about 900000 inhabitants and is located southeast of Moscow, about 500 kilometers (310 miles) away. The incident occurred at 6:30 p.m. on September 27, 1989, in Yuzhniy Park, Mendeleev Street. There were several children playing in the park at that time and about 20 adults at a bus stop when they suddenly noticed a pink light in the evening sky from which a dark red sphere emerged that first seemed to hover and then slowly descended. It may well have been a minute during which the sphere floated down to about 15 meters (45 feet) above the park and slowly circled above it while the grass of the park was whipped down by unseen forces. Shortly thereafter, the sphere, which was about 10 meters (30 feet) in diameter, shot away.


A few minutes after the sphere disappeared, another UFO appeared and hovered down, while now all the people present were watching everything, fascinated and mostly from a safe distance. They saw a hatch open above a group of poplars by the flying object, a giant-like being with bronze-colored boots and dressed in a silver jumpsuit appeared and surveyed the surroundings. This being had no actual head, but something like a hump between its shoulders, in which three glowing eyes could be seen, the middle one of which was looking intensely back and forth. As the creature disappeared, the hatch closed again, and then the craft, humming loudly, came lower and closer. It stopped only about a meter above the ground and swayed back and forth with hovering movements, while it glowed brightly. Then four landing legs extended from under the object and touched down on the earth.


Now it could be accurately observed that it was oval and egg-shaped, about 15 meters (45 feet) long and about 6 meters (18 feet) wide. There was an H-like sign on the side of the object, with the crossbar looking like a Cyrillic ‘zh’. There were also hatches attached to the object. However, when this was viewed head-on from the top, the UFO appeared to be a sphere. Shortly after the UFO landed, a hatch slowly opened, from which a ladder ramp then emerged. And shortly after that, two eerie-looking figures got out, one of which was 3-4 meters (10 feet to 13 feet) tall, the very being that had been looking out of the hatch before, when the object was hovering over the poplars. It now moved very stiffly, almost like a robot. This being was followed by another, a box, so to speak, with arms and legs and glowing buttons on its chest. Then the first creature made a strange sound, whereupon a luminous rectangle appeared on the floor, about the size of .75×1.30 centimeters (2.5 feet by 4 feet). And again a noise sounded from the giant, after which the glow disappeared again. Then the smaller creature pressed a button on the chest of the larger one, whereupon its eyes and three lights on its belly began to glow. This was the moment when a boy from the group of playing children cried out loudly in fear, whereupon the large being looked at him with its middle eye without moving its head, at which point a light shot out of the eye and hit the boy, who was unable to move for several minutes. The two beings then got back into their flying machine and the eyewitnesses thought that they would now disappear. After a few minutes, however, they reappeared, and the giant now had in its hand a silver tube about 1.20 meters (4 feet) long, which it pointed at a 16-year-old boy who had dared to get too close to the flying object. The effect was that, to the horror of all eyewitnesses, the boy suddenly simply disappeared without a trace. The creatures then turned and slowly walked up the ladder ramp to their flying object, entered and closed the hatch. The object set down from the ground, rose into the air and shot away with increasing speed, tilted to the side and shot away over a tall apartment building, disappearing very quickly in the sky. And Just as it disappeared, the witnesses reported, the 16-year-old boy also reappeared unharmed in the square.

現在可以準確地觀察到,它是橢圓形和蛋形的,長約15公尺寬約6公尺。該物體的側面有一個類似H的標誌,橫桿看起來像西里爾字母Cyrillic;又稱斯拉夫字母)的“zh”。該物體上還附有一些艙門。然而,當從頂部正面觀察時,該UFO似乎是一個球體。在UFO著陸後不久,一個艙門慢慢打開,然後從裡面出現了一個梯子坡道。不久之後,兩個長相怪異的人走了出來,其中一個有34公尺高,正是之前物體在白楊樹上盤旋時從艙門裡看出來的那個人。它現在動作非常僵硬,幾乎像一個機器人。緊隨其後的是另一個生物,可以說是一個盒子,有手有腳,胸前有發光的按鈕。然後第一個生物發出了奇怪的聲音,這時地板上出現了一個發光的長方形,大小為0.75 X1.3公分。而巨人再次發出了聲音,之後發光體再次消失了。然後,較小的生物按下了較大的生物胸部的一個按鈕,這時它的眼睛和腹部的三個燈開始發光。這一刻,一群玩耍的孩子中的一個男孩害怕地大聲哭了起來,這時,大生物用它的中間的眼睛看著他,沒有移動它的頭,這時,一道光從眼睛裡射出,擊中了這個男孩,他在幾分鐘內都不能動彈。然後這兩個生物回到了他們的飛行器中,目擊者認為他們現在會消失。然而,幾分鐘後,他們又出現了,巨人現在手裡拿著一根大約1.2公尺長的銀色管子,他用它指著一個膽敢過於靠近飛行物的16歲男孩。其結果是,令所有目擊者驚恐的是,這個男孩突然消失得無影無蹤。然後,這些生物轉過身來,慢慢走向他們的飛行物,並走上舷梯,進入並關閉艙門。該物體在原地收回起落架,再慢慢升到空中,然後以越來越快的速度離開,飛向側邊一棟高大的公寓大樓上空,接著非常迅速地消失在空中。而就在它消失的同時目擊者報告說,那個16歲的男孩也毫髮無傷地重新出現在廣場上

This is only one of many UFO incidents in Russia or in the former Soviet Union. UFOs played a weighty role already at the time of Stalin. As did the Americans and the leaders of many other countries, he ordered a comprehensive investigation of the UFO phenomenon and came to the conclusion that the UFOs were not flying machines of any earthly, hostile powers, but missiles of extraterrestrial origin, as he also confirmed scientists commissioned by him for clarification and investigation. Josef respectively Jossif Wissarionowitsch Stalin (the ‘Steely’), whose real family name was Dschugaschwili, born in Gori on 21.12.1879, died in Kunzewo (today Moscow) on 5.3.1953, Soviet revolutionary and politician of Georgian origin, son of a shoemaker, entered in 1894 the orthodox seminary Tiflis, where he occupied himself with revolutionary literature, among other things with the writings of Karl Marx. On Monday, October 1, 1894, he saw for the first time a large, glittering silver disk in the sky, performing wild maneuvers at breakneck speed, then shooting up into the sky at tremendous speed and disappearing. According to his own statements, his observation lasted for a long time, about 15-20 minutes, and he could not explain the phenomenon. The same thing happened again on Friday, November 2, 1894, after which he did not see any more such objects until the First World War, when he made several UFO observations, as he did during the Second World War, after which he began to study the phenomenon intensively, especially from 1947, when the Roswell Incident and the sighting of several UFOs by Kenneth Arnold became known worldwide.

這只是俄羅斯或前蘇聯眾多UFO事件中的一個。在史達林Stalin)時期,UFO已經發揮了重要作用。就像美國人和其他許多國家的領導人一樣,他下令對UFO現象進行全面調查,並得出結論,UFO不是任何地球上的敵對勢力的飛行器,而是源自地外的飛行物,他也證實了他委託科學家進行澄清和調查。約瑟夫.維薩里奧諾維奇.史達林Jossif Wissarionowitsch Stalin),本名德舒加什維利(Dschugaschwili),18791221日生於哥里Gori),195335日死於孔策沃Kunzewo;今莫斯科),格魯吉亞裔(Georgian)蘇聯革命家和政治家,鞋匠之子,1894年進入梯弗里斯神學院(orthodox seminary Tiflis),在那裡他專心研究革命文學,其中包括卡爾.馬克思Karl Marx的著作。1894101日星期一,他第一次在天空中看到一個巨大的、閃閃發光的銀色圓盤,以極快的速度進行瘋狂的動作,然後以極快的速度射向天空便消失了。根據他自己的陳述,他的觀察持續了很長時間,大約1520分鐘,而且他無法解釋這一現象。同樣的事情在1894112日星期五再次發生,此後他再也沒有看到過這樣的物體,直到第一次世界大戰期間,他進行了幾次UFO觀察,就像第二次世界大戰期間一樣,此後他開始深入研究這一現象,特別是從1947年開始,當時的羅斯威爾事件Roswell Incident)以及肯尼斯.阿諾德Kenneth Arnold)所看到的幾個UFO因而聞名於世。

Then Josef Stalin put the secret service KGB and many scientists on the UFO phenomenon, which also happened for the reason that many military pilots and other persons of integrity reported more and more often about unknown flying objects, which they had observed during their flights or otherwise……



The children of Voronezh: Lena Sarokina, Vasya Sorin, Vova Startest and Alisha Nikonov



Witness drawings of the Voronezh UFOs


This being which is described above in the text as follows:


..giant-like being with bronze-colored boots and dressed in a silver overall appeared and surveyed the surroundings. This being had no actual head, but something like a hump between the shoulders, in which three shining eyes could be seen, of which the middle one looked intensely back and forth….

... 穿著銀色連體身衣和古銅色靴子的巨人出現了,並觀察著周圍的環境。這個生物沒有真正的頭,但在它的肩膀之間有一個類似駝峰的隆起,在其中可以看到三隻發光的眼睛,那中間的一隻眼正在緊張地來回觀望...




Is interestingly also almost identical in appearance to several Perry Rhodan series to see:

有趣的是,在外觀上也幾乎與Perry Rhodan(暫譯為佩里.羅丹系列看到的幾個相同:



In this edition, this being has the same stick in the hand as the drawings made by witness information and what is described as follows in the text above so:


After a few minutes, however, they appeared again, and the giant now had in his hand a silver pipe about 1.20 m long, which he pointed at a 16-year-old boy who had dared to get too close to the flying object.





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