The Military Industrial Complex, Part 2-1
March 31, 2022
Guest Article by Berk Gümüs
客座文章作者:Berk Gümüs
WARNING: This Is NOT Your Usual Internet Conspiracy Fluff
The real truth about what the government really does is far more disturbing than anyone even imagined
The Black Budget of the Military Industrial Complex
In the USA there are two kinds of science financing, first the official scientific researches which are financed by the government and suffer more and more cuts. And second there are still the scientific researches which are financed from a black budget and annually about 30 billion dollar amount, and which stands naturally not under national supervision. From this black budget, Mind Control technologies, military UFO researches, the development of advanced propulsion systems, computer technologies, the building of military underground bases and exotic High Tech. Weapons.
在美國,有兩種科學資助,第一種是由政府資助的官方科學研究,並遭受越來越多的削減。第二種是由黑色預算資助的科學研究,每年約300億美元,自然不受國家監督。從這個黑色預算中,專門從事心智控制技術(Mind Control technologies)、軍事UFO研究、先進推進系統的開發、電腦技術、地下軍事基地與特殊高科技武器(exotic High Tech. Weapons)的建設。
Six Hundred and Nineteenth Contact
Thursday, 2nd April 2015, 10:47 hrs
…Then that’s done, too. Thank you, my friend. Then I would like to ask you what Zafenatpaneach said about earthly development in relation to computer and electronics, weapons development and general engineering. You told me some time ago that he and Quetzal would be interested in how these things percentage in comparison between what is revealed and known to earthly population and what is hidden from humanity.
... 那麼這也就完成了。謝謝你,我的朋友。然後我想問你,關於地球上的電腦和電子、武器開發和總體工程的發展,Zafenatpaneach是怎麼說的。你前段時間告訴我,他和Quetzal對這類事物對地球人類而言,所知道的部分與保密的部分之間的百分比感到很有興趣。
18. A large percentage of what results overall in all areas of computer and electronic technology, weapons technology and general technology can be classified as secret.
在電腦和電子技術、武器技術和總體技術(general technology)的所有領域中,有很大一部分成果是被歸類為秘密的。
19. What the general public knows about the development of these factors amounts to only 35-45 percent of the total, while the remaining percentage of all development forms mentioned, i.e. computer and electronics technology, weapons technology and general technology, is kept secret.
20. Computer, electronics and weapons technology in particular are highly developed, with the USA leading all other countries in this respect…
NSA Surveillance Network
The NSA has built an electronic surveillance network that monitors the entire electromagnetic spectrum. This technology allows the NSA to record, monitor and influence computers, telephones, radio and video equipment, printers, etc., and even people’s electrical fields. The electromagnetic emissions from computers contain digital information. Specialists at the NSA can decode these emissions and therefore gain access to computer information without having to know the password or perform traditional hacking. They can also use the reverse method to influence the emission from the outside and change the data or programs stored in the computer.
美國國家安全局已經建立了一個電子監控網路,監控整個電磁波譜。這項技術使國家安全局能夠記錄、監測和影響電腦、電話、無線電和視頻設備、印表機等,甚至是人的電場(people’s electrical fields)。電腦的電磁輻射包含數位資訊。國家安全局的專家們可以對這些發射進行解碼,從而獲得電腦資訊,而不必知道密碼或進行傳統的駭客攻擊。他們還可以使用反向方法來影響來自外部的發射,並改變存儲在電腦中的資料或程式。
Six Hundred and Sixty-fourth Contact
Saturday, 19th November 2016, 14:57 hrs
2016年11月19日,星期六, 14時57分
…As you have known for a long time, there have been more and more unwanted things going on in my computer since some time ago, which emanate from large cult organizations and intelligence services, as you have explained. Zafenatpaneach has also said something about this, namely that the worldwide espionage network ‘Echelon’ has its dirty fingers in it, which is a worldwide espionage network of the intelligence services of the USA, as well as Australia, Great Britain, Canada and New Zealand.
… 正如你所知道的那樣,從前段時間開始,我的電腦裡出現了越來越多不想要的東西,這些東西來自大型邪教組織和情報部門,你已經解釋過了。Zafenatpaneach對此也說過,即全世界的間諜網路“梯隊系統”(Echelon)有其骯髒的手在裡面,那就是美國以及澳大利亞、英國、加拿大和紐西蘭的情報部門的全世界間諜網路。
32. That is correct, and through the system of this spy network, fax connections, countless Internet data and telephone conversations are registered, tapped and evaluated by authorities, state offices and authorities as well as by corporations, companies, the military and all kinds of business sectors.
Radiation experiments on the population
A 1994 commission of inquiry set up by U.S. President Bill Clinton found that the U.S. Department of Defense, the CIA, the NAVY, the Department of Energy and other agencies exposed thousands of Americans to radiation, nerve agents, LSD and other biological warfare agents without their knowledge between 1944 and 1975, in addition to countless other experiments on the general population.
Three Hundred Fourth Contact
Monday, 25th June 2001, 16:32 hrs
2001年6月25日,星期一, 16時32分
10. …The truth, however, is that – as is customary in America – one’s own people were deceived and misused for testing purposes.
… 然而,事實是 —— 正如美國的慣例 —— 自己的人民被欺騙並被濫用於測試。
11. As a rule, these secret tests were and are handled in America in such a way that even those responsible in the government are not aware of them, as has happened in many other cases.
12. So among other things also with tests of radioactive substances and with atomic bomb tests, by which completely consciously radioactive radiation was set free and thus just as consciously humans in large numbers were contaminated, because they were resident in the respective test areas or were ordered into these…
Hypno-programmed agents/artificially created multiple personalities/Satanic rituals
After World War II, the U.S. brought German and Japanese scientists to the U.S. (England and Russia also acted in this manner) through Project Paperclip. Many of the later methods of brainwashing came from these imported scientists. Project CHATTER was created by the US Navy in 1947 to find the perfect truth drug. One of the leading scientists of this project was Professor Richard G. Wendt. He conducted experiments with barbiturates, amphetamines, alcohol and heroin. In addition to the Navy and the Army, the CIA, which was founded in 1947, soon got involved in mind control research. The first project was called Bluebird, and in August 1951 Bluebird was renamed Project ARTICHOKE. The CIA used LSD, sodium pentothal and other drugs in conjunction with hypnosis for Project ARTICHOKE.
二戰後,美國透過「迴紋針行動」(Project Paperclip)將德國和日本的科學家帶到美國(英國和俄羅斯也採取了這種方式)。後來的許多洗腦(brainwashing)方法都來自這些進口科學家。「CHATTER專案」(Project CHATTER)是由美國海軍在1947年創建的,目的是在尋找完美的真相藥物。這個項目的主要科學家之一是Richard G. Wendt(暫譯為理查.溫特教授)。他用巴比妥類藥物(barbiturates)、安非他命、酒精和海洛因進行了實驗。除了海軍和陸軍,成立於1947年的中情局也很快參與了心智控制研究。第一個項目被稱為“藍鳥”(Bluebird),1951年8月,“藍鳥”被改名為「ARTICHOKE專案」(Project ARTICHOKE)。中情局在ARTICHOKE專案中使用LSD、硫噴妥鈉(sodium pentothal)和其他藥物與催眠相結合。
[中譯者註:上述兩項專案(「CHATTER專案」與「ARTICHOKE專案」)後來轉換為著名的「MKUltra計畫」(Project MKUltra),後者是指由美國中央情報局統籌的一項人類思想控制試驗計劃。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
A 1952 CIA memorandum describes the successful outcome of an interrogation of two Soviet double agents using narco-hypnotic methods. The two agents were taken to a hospital and interrogated using ARTICHOKE techniques. After the interrogation, total memory loss was induced using posthypnotic commands. The memorandum reveals that the drug sodium pentothal and the stimulant desoxyn were used to aid the hypnosis program. Experiments were also conducted that caused loss of speech, loss of pain, and loss of memory and willpower. Project ARTICHOKE was incorporated into MKULTRA and MKDELTA in the mid-fifties. Project MKDELTA involved covert operations using biological chemical warfare agents. Project MKULTRA, like ARTICHOKE, dealt with drugs brainwashing and hypnosis. One ARTICHOKE MKULTRA collaborator was the psychiatrist Dr. Evan D. Cameron. He researched new methods to completely erase a memory, using electric shocks, sleep deprivation and drugs such as LSD. After these shock therapies, his victims no longer knew where they were and why they were hospitalized. The victims’ traumatic memories often resurfaced in their consciousness years later. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and other MKULTRA personnel obtained all information regarding LSD and experimented on unknowing people in 1957 to test their memory, reaction time, and inability to move under LSD influence. In the 1960s, the CIA used students and patients in hospitals as test subjects for their LSD experiments.
1952年中情局的一份備忘錄描述了使用麻醉催眠方法審訊兩名蘇聯雙面間諜的成功結果。這兩名間諜被帶到一家醫院,使用ARTICHOKE技術進行審訊。審訊結束後,使用催眠後的指令誘發了完全喪失記憶。備忘錄顯示,藥物硫噴妥鈉(sodium pentothal)和興奮劑甲基苯丙胺(desoxyn;其結晶形態俗稱冰毒、黑話「豬肉」,是一種強效中樞神經系統興奮劑,主要被用於毒品。)被用來幫助催眠程序。還進行了造成失語、失痛以及失憶和意志力的實驗。在1950年代中期,ARTICHOKE專案被納入MKULTRA和MKDELTA。MKDELTA專案涉及使用生物化學戰劑的秘密行動。而「MKUltra計畫」(Project MKULTRA),像ARTICHOKE一樣,則涉及了藥物洗腦和催眠。ARTICHOKE MKULTRA的一個合作者是精神病學家Evan D. Cameron(暫譯為埃文.卡麥隆)博士。他研究了完全消除記憶的新方法,使用電擊、剝奪睡眠和藥物,如LSD。在這些電擊療法之後,他的受害者不再知道他們在哪裡,以及他們為什麼被送進醫院。受害者的創傷性記憶往往在幾年後重新出現在他們的意識中。Sidney Gottlieb(暫譯為西德尼.戈特利布)博士和其他MKULTRA人員獲得了有關LSD的所有資訊,並在1957年對不知情的人進行了實驗,測試他們的記憶力、反應時間和在LSD影響下的行動能力。1960年代,CIA利用學生和醫院裡的病人作為LSD實驗的對象。
That LSD by the MKULTRA researchers reached the streets via small groups of professors who provided their lessons with LSD. One of the researchers with MKULTRA connections was Timothy Leary. He conducted a research project at Harvard University that was funded by the CIA. But he also experimented in prisons on prisoners and with artists. He wanted to find out if LSD increased creativity. Among his test subjects were people like Miles Davis, John Lennon, Aldous Huxley, Jim Morrison, Arthur Koestler and many painters, sculptors, gurus, mystics and media stars. The CIA was completely responsible for the psychedelic movement in the sixties.
MKULTRA研究人員的那份LSD通過提供LSD課程的教授小團體傳到了街頭。與MKULTRA有關的研究人員之一是蒂莫西.利里(Timothy Leary)。他在哈佛大學進行了一個由中情局資助的研究項目。但他也在監獄裡對囚犯和藝術家進行了實驗。他想弄清楚LSD是否能提高創造力。在他的試驗物件中,有邁爾士.戴維斯(Miles Davis;美國20世紀最有影響力的音樂人之一)、約翰.藍儂(John Lennon)、阿道斯.赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley;《美麗新世界》的作者)、吉姆.莫里森(Jim Morrison)、阿瑟.庫斯勒(Arthur Koestler)以及許多畫家、雕塑家、大師、神秘主義者和媒體明星等人。中情局對60年代的迷幻運動完全負責。
The CIA wanted to create, besides a truth drug, remotely controllable political killing machines whose behavior was controlled by their clients and who carried out orders without knowing it, much like in the films The Manchurian Candidate and the Jason Bourne trilogy.
中情局除了想製造一種真相藥物外,還想製造可遠端控制的政治殺人機器,其行為受客戶控制,在不知不覺中執行命令,就像電影《滿洲候選人》(Manchurian Candidate)和《神鬼認證:傑森包恩》(Jason Bourne)三部曲中一樣。
Many of these mind control methods developed under Project MKULTRA involved hypnosis. CIA-funded psychiatrist Dr. Morse Allen hypnotized two of his secretaries on February 19, 1954, ordering one to shoot her colleague. Dr. Allen placed an unloaded pistol next to the hypothetical perpetrator, whom he put into a sleep-like state. The would-be assassin inevitably carried out Dr. Allen’s orders. She took the pistol and shot her colleague. After he brought her out of her trance, she was unaware of what she had done. She even denied that she shot at her colleague. With this experiment Dr. Allen succeeded in proving that a person can be programmed to become an ignorant killer by means of authoritarian hypnosis commands. After these successful experiments, the ARTICHOKE team saw the creation of a perfect political killer approaching.
在MKULTRA專案下開發的這些心智控制方法中,有許多涉及催眠。1954年2月19日,中情局資助的精神病學家Morse Allen(暫譯莫爾斯.艾倫)博士對他的兩名秘書進行了催眠,命令其中一人向她的同事開槍。艾倫博士將一把沒有子彈的手槍放在假設的犯罪者身邊,讓他進入類似睡眠的狀態。這位可能的刺客不可避免地執行了艾倫博士的命令。她拿起手槍,向她的同事開槍。在他把她從恍惚中喚醒後,她並不知道自己做了什麼。她甚至否認她向她的同事開槍。通過這個實驗,艾倫博士成功地證明了一個人可以通過專制的催眠命令被程式設計成為一個無知的殺手。在這些成功的實驗之後,ARTICHOKE團隊看到一個完美的政治殺手的誕生正在接近。
Further experiments included cover memories induced by hypnosis, as these were very important for covert operations. It was not known whether the amnesia produced by hypnosis would withstand interrogation, during which hypnosis and drugs were used. One possibility that psychiatrists considered was the separation of an imaginary person, for example, the imaginary playmate of a child. This imaginary person can become a second personality through appropriate treatments. The hypnotist communicates with the schizophrenic part of the subject and suggests an order to him. The main personality does not know about this procedure. During dreaming, information could be exchanged. To prevent this, a skilled hypnotist can create cover memories.
Dr. Martin One also conducted hypnotic mind control experiments at Harvard University in the 1950’s and 1960’s. He believed that a person who develops very good posthypnotic amnesia is also susceptible to hypnotic influence. The resulting amnesia can be filled with cover memories.
1950年代和1960年代,Martin One博士還在哈佛大學進行了催眠心智控制實驗。他認為,一個人如果出現非常好的催眠後失憶症,也很容易受到催眠的影響。由此產生的失憶症可以被掩蓋的記憶所填滿。
Another rumored project called Monarch is based on artificially created traumas that are responsible for splitting the personality of the victim.Project Monarch has its clock spring in World War II, among German psychiatrists who worked in Germany during the war, and which was known as Marionette Programming (MP). The Monarch doctors then prepare a personality that performs actions on behalf of the secret service that the original person knows nothing about. Since children are best suited to create multiple personalities after a terrible event, this program is particularly shocking. Therefore, they are forced to participate in Satanic rituals and are sexually abused. These rapes and shocks are repressed by the child because it creates another personality that does not know about these terrible experiences. There are indications that military mind control experts are involved in satanic cults and child porn rings in order to obtain new recruits for the Monarch Project.
另一個傳聞中的項目叫Monarch Project(暫譯為君主計畫),是基於人為製造的創傷,這些創傷負責分裂受害者的人格。君主計畫的發條是在第二次世界大戰中,在戰爭期間在德國工作的德國精神病學家中,這被稱為Marionette Programming(MP;暫譯為牽線木偶程式控制)。然後,君主計畫的醫生們準備了一個人格,代表間諜機構執行原來的人所不知道的行動。由於兒童最適合在可怕的事件後創造多重人格,這個程式特別令人震驚。因此,他們被迫參加Satanic rituals(暫譯為撒旦儀式)並受到性虐待。這些強姦和衝擊所造成傷害的影響被孩子壓抑下來,因為它創造了另一個不知道這些可怕經歷的人格。有跡象表明,軍事心智控制專家參與了撒旦邪教和兒童色情集團,以便為君主計畫招募新的成員。
Knowing that the US Army PSYWAR, Colonel Lieutenant Michael Aquino, is the founder of a satanic cult called Temple of Seth, and child porn rings like those in Belgium have contacts to the judiciary and politics, or like Jeffrey Epstein, who was a billionaire alleged investment banker on Wall Street, and had contacts to the CIA and the Mossad and acted in the highest social circles of the elite among presidents, members of the royal family, etc., and was accused and convicted of multiple abuses of minors. These rumors also seem to be no longer so far-fetched, which is clarified even more clearly in the following lines…
知道了美國陸軍心理戰(PSYWAR;Psychological warfare)的Michael Aquino(暫譯為邁克爾.阿基諾)中校是一個名為Temple of Seth(暫譯為賽特神廟)這種撒旦邪教(satanic cult)的創始人,就像比利時的兒童色情集團與司法部門和政界有聯繫,或者像傑佛瑞.艾普斯汀(Jeffrey Epstein)這種華爾街的所謂投資銀行家,與中情局和以色列情報及特殊使命局(the Mossad;俗稱摩薩德)都有聯繫,他活躍在總統、皇室成員等精英的最高社交圈中,並被指控多次虐待未成年人且被定罪。這些傳言也似乎不再那麼牽強附會了,這在下面幾行敘述中得到了更清楚的釐清...
[中譯者註:有關撒旦邪教(satanic cult)方面,事實上就有所謂的撒旦教會(Church of Satan),那是一個信仰在撒旦聖經中提出的拉維撒旦主義的國際宗教組織。
In 1926, Dr. Morton Prince was elected Chairman of the Department of Abnormal Psychology at Harvard University. There, together with hypnotist Dr. George Estabrooks, he conducted research and experiments on the artificial generation of multiple personalities. Dr. Estabrooks has worked for various intelligence agencies such as the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the CIA, Naval Intelligence, the FBI, and the Royal Canadian Mountain Police.
1926年,Morton Prince(暫譯為莫頓.普林斯)博士被選為哈佛大學非正常心理學系的主席。在那裡,他與催眠師George Estabrooks(暫譯為喬治.艾斯塔布魯克斯)博士一起,對人工產生的多重人格進行了研究和實驗。艾斯塔布魯克斯博士曾為各種情報機構工作,如OSS(戰略事務辦公室)、CIA、海軍情報局、FBI和加拿大皇家山地員警。
Dr. George Estabrooks came to the conclusion that by using special hypnosis techniques, multiple personalities could be programmed for special secret missions, thus creating the perfect agent.
In the early fall of 1940, Police Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mountain Police (RCMP), Stuart Wood, received a letter from psychology professor Dr. George Estabrooks offering to use his hypnosis skills to transform prisoners of war into loyal spies.
1940年初秋,加拿大皇家山地員警(RCMP)的警察局長Stuart Wood收到了心理學教授喬治.艾斯塔布魯克斯博士的一封信,提出利用他的催眠技術將戰俘轉化為忠誠的間諜。
Dr. George Estabrooks was a Canadian who was working in the U.S. at the time as a professor at Colgate University near Hamilton, New York.
喬治.艾斯塔布魯克斯博士是一名加拿大人,當時在美國工作,是紐約州漢密爾頓(Hamilton)附近的柯蓋德大學(Colgate University)的教授。
Dr. George Estabrooks claimed that it was possible for him to create hypno-programmed secret agents or secret couriers. At that time there were thousands of prisoners of war and disloyal Canadians of German descent in Canadian internment camps. From this potential, Dr. Estabrooks wanted to create a network of hypno-programmed agents and secret couriers with the help of the RCMP.
According to Dr. Estabrooks, Germans or Italians from World War I internment camps were to be hospitalized, and he and his colleagues were to create multiple Canadian loyal personalities in them. In the waking state they sympathized with the enemy, and in the subconscious they were supposed to spy for the Canadian government.
When such a hypno-programmed agent receives flashbacks from a mission, Dr. Estabrooks wants to treat him again in a hospital. He emphasizes that only the programmer has access to the secret information contained in the hidden personalities, and only he can retrieve it with the help of a code word. Such an agent would be perfect, since not even his core personality knows that he is a spy.
當這樣一個被催眠程式控制的間諜收到任務的「倒敘」(flashbacks;又稱「病理性重現」、「閃回」)時,伊斯塔布洛克斯博士想在醫院裡再次為他治療。他強調,只有程式師能接觸到隱藏人格中的秘密資訊,而且只有他能在暗語(code word)的協助下接收到這些資訊。這樣的間諜是完美的,因為連他的核心人格都不知道他是個間諜。
Dr. George Estabrooks published the 1944 novella Death in the Mind, which described the training and use of such super-spies in war. Later, evidence emerged suggesting that such spies were in use during the late 1930s. In 1951, Dr. Estabrooks turned his attention to the creation of hypno-programmed spies in civilian life for PSYWAR operations at home.
喬治.艾斯塔布魯克斯博士在1944年出版了長篇小說《Death in the Mind》(暫譯為《心靈之死》),描述了在戰爭中對這種超級間諜的訓練和使用。後來,出現的證據表明,這種間諜在1930年代末就被使用了。1951年,伊斯塔布洛克斯博士將注意力轉向在平民生活中創造催眠程式的間諜,用於國內的心理戰行動。
In 1954, the CIA began a project to train unwilling and unknowing individuals to become unsuspecting political killers.
Mind control researcher and trauma specialist Dr. Collin Ross believes that Dr. Estabrook’s techniques were improved as a result of the mind control projects using hallucinogenic drugs and implants. In Dr. Estabrook’s book, The Future of the Human Mind, published in 1961, he advocates the use of brain implants in all people to guide the development of humanity in what he believes to be the right direction. In his book he writes: >Hypnosis is good, but not infallible. As always, once you put an implant in a person’s brain, that person is under control for life.<
心智控制研究者和創傷專家Collin Ross(暫譯為科林.羅斯)醫生認為,由於使用致幻藥物和植入物的心智控制專案,伊斯塔布魯克博士的技術得到了改進。在艾斯塔布魯克斯博士1961年出版的《The Future of the Human Mind》(暫譯為《人類心靈的未來》)一書中,他主張在所有人身上使用腦植入物(brain implants),引導人類向他認為正確的方向發展。他在書中寫道:「催眠是好的,但不是無懈可擊的。一如既往,一旦你在一個人的大腦中植入了植入物,這個人就會終生受到控制。」
In 1971, Dr. Estabrooks wrote an article for Science Digest magazine, claiming that he helped American intelligence create hypno-programmed spies. In this article, Dr. George Estabrooks described how he split the personality of a Navy lieutenant into two personalities, one personality being an outspoken Communist and the other Loyal to the U.S. In waking life, this personality-split hypno-programmed spy immediately won the sympathy of the Communists.
1971年,艾斯塔布魯克斯博士為《科學文摘》(Science Digest)雜誌寫了一篇文章,聲稱他幫助美國情報部門創造了hypno-programmed(暫譯為「催眠程式控制」)的間諜。在這篇文章中,喬治.艾斯塔布魯克斯博士描述了他如何將一名海軍中尉的人格分裂成兩個人格,一個人格是直言不諱的共產黨人,另一個是忠於美國的人。在清醒的時候,這個人格分裂的受控間諜立即贏得了共產主義者的同情。
Under hypnosis, the part loyal to America told the communist secrets it had picked up. Other experiments were conducted for the creation of hypnosis spies. When a hypno-programmed spy with a split personality was caught by the enemy, no one could extract his secret from him. Only its creator knew how to retrieve the personality that was prepared as a secret carrier.
在催眠狀態下,忠於美國的那部分告訴了它所掌握的共產主義秘密。還有其他實驗是為了創造那些催眠間諜(hypnosis spies)而作的。當一個被催眠程式控制的人格分裂間諜被敵人抓住時,沒有人能夠從他身上套出他的秘密。只有它的創造者知道如何取回被作為秘密載體而準備的人格。
The Canadian Mind Control Researcher Dr. Collin Ross began in 1985 to examine patients with multiple personalities (MPD) more closely and came across interesting traces that can be traced back to Dr. George Estabrooks.
加拿大心智控制研究者科林.羅斯(Collin Ross)醫生在1985年開始更仔細地研究有多重人格(MPD;又稱為解離性身分疾患)的病人,並發現了有趣的痕跡,這些痕跡可以追溯到喬治.艾斯塔布魯克斯博士。
Dr. Ross described a typical case in which a patient said that her father had been killed by the Mafia and that she had been taken to a child brothel. Afterwards, the severely traumatized patient claimed that she was forced to participate in satanic rituals. The more information Dr. Ross gathered, the more facts and evidence he found that satanic cults and intelligence agencies were creating trauma-based hypno-programmed couriers and agents for various services. The connections could be traced all the way back to Allen Dulles, the Gehlen Group, Paperclip scientists and finally to Dr. George Estabrooks and the American CIA mind control projects.
羅斯(Ross)醫生描述了一個典型的案例,其中一個病人說她的父親被黑手黨殺害了,她被帶到了一個兒童妓院。之後,這個受到嚴重創傷的病人聲稱她被迫參加撒旦儀式(satanic rituals)。羅斯醫生收集的資訊越多,他發現越多的事實和證據表明,撒旦邪教和情報機構正在為各種服務創造基於創傷的催眠程式的信使和代理人。這些聯繫可以一直追溯到艾倫.杜勒斯(Allen Dulles)、Gehlen Group(暫譯為蓋倫組織)、“迴紋針”(Paperclip)科學家,最後到喬治.艾斯塔布魯克斯博士和美國中央情報局的心智控制專案(mind control projects)。
An ARTICHOKE document from the 1950s describes a successful hypnosis experiment in which the subject was hypnotized into a different identity, defended her new identity during the experiment, and knew nothing afterwards. In the document it was suggested that hypnosis should be used for special political agents, because their actions can be completely controlled.
In other released documents, one can read that there were thoughts about how to protect hypno-programmed agents from the detection of enemy forces. This was the reason for research into amnesty blocks and the creation and penetration of artificially generated cover memories. In any case, on the basis of other ARTICHOKE documents released by the FOIA law, one can see that subjects in the 1950s were successfully programmed with fantastic false memories disguised as dreams.
在其他公佈的檔案中,人們可以讀到有關於如何保護被催眠程式控制的間諜不被敵軍發現的想法。這就是研究特赦區和創造並滲透人工生成的偽裝記憶的原因。在任何情況下,根據《資訊自由法》(FOIA;Freedom of Information Act)公佈的其他ARTICHOKE檔案,人們可以看到,1950年代的受試者被成功地程式設計控制為令人難以置信的虛假記憶,並將其偽裝成夢境。
Lynne Moss-Sharman was born in Halifax, Canada in 1947 and spent her childhood in Ontario. She still remembers being picked up from home as a child and taken in cars, small private and military planes to various Canadian military bases near Ottawa and New York. In recent years, her memories came back to her consciousness step by step. The most horrible memories she has are of the so-called Playhouse. As a child she had to endure various experiments in a horror chamber. Lynne was bandaged all over her body and locked in a box as a child to isolate her from all environmental influences. With these isolation techniques the will of the Mind Control victim is broken, in order to be able to reprogram afterwards the consciousness.
Lynne Moss-Sharman(暫譯為琳恩.莫斯.沙曼)1947年出生於加拿大哈利法克斯(Halifax),在安大略省度過了她的童年。她仍然記得小時候被人從家裡接出來,用汽車、小型私人飛機和軍用飛機帶到渥太華和紐約附近的各個加拿大軍事基地。近年來,她的記憶一步步地回到了她的意識中。她最可怕的記憶是關於所謂的遊樂場。作為一個孩子,她不得不在一個恐怖的試驗室裡忍受各種實驗。琳恩小時候全身都纏滿繃帶,被鎖在一個箱子裡,與所有環境影響隔絕。用這些隔離技術,心智控制受害者的意志被擊潰,以便能夠在事後對意識進行重新程式設計操控。
Scientists implanted a foreign body through her right nostril. Electric shocks controlled her movements against her will. She was reconstructed into a human robot. Other memories involve isolation from the environment, electroshocks, drug trials, sexual abuse and other experiments. Prof. Alan Schelfen obtained a lot of documents from the CIA through the FOIA act about the behavior control experiments as experienced and repressed by Lynne. Many of these projects were directed by Dr. Evan Cameron of McGill University in Montreal.
科學家通過她的右鼻孔植入了一個異物。用電擊方式在違背她的意願下,控制她的行動。她被改造成了一個人類機器人。其他記憶還涉及了與環境隔絕、電擊、藥物試驗、性虐待和其他實驗。Alan Schelfen(暫譯為艾倫.舍爾芬)教授通過《資訊自由法》從中央情報局獲得了許多關於琳恩所經歷和壓抑的行為控制實驗方面的文件。這些項目中有許多是由蒙特利爾市區(Montreal)麥基爾大學(McGill University)的Evan Cameron(暫譯為埃文.卡梅倫)博士指導的。
Lynne found that most of the experiments on her were conducted in laboratories at the University of Rochester during the 1950s. Navy and Air Force personnel were involved in these experiments. It was proven that over 100 military experiments were conducted at Rochester with a direct link to Los Alamos.
琳恩發現,對她的大部分實驗是在1950年代在羅徹斯特大學(University of Rochester)的實驗室進行的。海軍和空軍人員都參與了這些實驗。事實證明,在羅徹斯特進行的100多個軍事實驗與洛斯阿拉莫斯(Los Alamos)有直接聯繫。
[中譯者註:位於美國新墨西哥州中北部的洛斯阿拉莫斯,就是著名的「洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室」(Los Alamos National Laboratory)的所在地,該實驗室建立於1943年「曼哈頓計畫」期間,最初負責原子彈的製造,是世界上最大的科學和技術研究機構之一,它在國家安全、太空探索、可再生能源、醫藥、納米技術和超級計算機等多個學科領域都在進行研究。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
Lynne recalls that she and other children participated in experiments that split their personalities. Interestingly, a connection has been established between the University of Rochester, where MKULTRA psychiatrist Dr. Evan Cameron worked, and Colgate College in Hamilton, New York. At Colgate College worked the previously mentioned Dr. George Estabrooks. Lynne can remember Dr. Estabrooks, Dr. Cameron and a Dr. Hendricks.
琳恩回憶說,她和其他兒童參加了分裂他們人格的實驗。有趣的是,在羅徹斯特大學(MKULTRA精神病學家埃文.卡梅倫博士在那裡工作)和紐約州漢密爾頓的科蓋德大學(Colgate College)之間建立了關聯。在科蓋德大學工作的是前面提到的喬治.艾斯塔布魯克斯博士。琳恩記得還有艾斯塔布魯克斯博士、卡梅倫博士和Hendricks(暫譯為亨德里克斯)博士。
In March 1995, trauma therapist Valerie Wolf appeared with two of her patients in Washington before the U.S. Presidential Advisory Committee to testify about her knowledge of secret government projects. Wolf told the committee that she had nine patients in treatment who gave identical descriptions of experiments performed on them and that they had been abused as children by the military and the CIA to create multiple personalities that would later be used for espionage purposes.
1995年3月,創傷治療師Valerie Wolf(暫譯為瓦萊麗.沃爾夫)與她的兩名病人在華盛頓出現在美國總統諮詢委員會面前,就她對政府秘密專案的瞭解作證。沃爾夫告訴委員會,她有九個正在接受治療的病人,他們對在他們身上進行的實驗有相同的描述,他們在兒童時期被軍方和中情局虐待,以創造多重人格,後來被用於間諜活動。
Chris Denicola was made available by her father to government agencies for experiments similar to those Lynne described. They wanted to train her to be a political assassin. The experiments were performed on her between 1966 and 1976 and split her personality. Chris Denicola remembers through the current reunion of her split personalities that she unknowingly participated in secret missions and courier services.
Chris Denicola(暫譯為克里斯.德尼柯拉)被她的父親提供給政府機構進行與琳恩描述的類似的實驗。他們想把她訓練成一個政治刺客。這些實驗是在1966年至1976年期間對她進行的,並分裂了她的人格。克里斯.德尼柯拉通過現在的重逢記得她的分裂人格,她在不知情的情況下參加了秘密任務和信使(courier)服務。
The other witness, Claudia Mullen, recalls similar procedures to Chris Denicola. She was locked in filled isolation tanks and treated with hallucinogenic drugs. After Valerie Wolf shared her information with the Washington Commission of Inquiry, 40 other therapists came forward to treat patients with the same symptoms and experiences. The classic techniques used with her patients are post hypnotic suggestion, hypnosis techniques, drugs, isolation from the environment and reality distortions.
另一位證人Claudia Mullen(暫譯為克勞迪婭.馬倫)回憶起與克里斯.德尼柯拉類似的程式。她被關在填充的隔離池中,並接受致幻藥物治療。在瓦萊麗.沃爾夫與華盛頓調查委員會分享她的資訊後,另有40名治療師站出來,治療有相同症狀和經歷的病人。她對病人使用的經典技術是催眠後暗示、催眠技術、藥物、與環境隔離和現實扭曲。
Every trauma and torture serves a purpose. Some Mind Control victims recall being locked in a cage charged with electricity and exposed to flashing lights. The electric shocks and light effects create an effect where the victim believes they are being transported to another dimension. The victims described that their bodily functions were monitored with the help of computers and medical equipment. The red-green flashing lights create the personality split or help the experimenters to get to a psycho-programmed personality.
Most of the patients were used for the experiments as children, sometimes with the consent of their parents. Many have been experimented on with the help of electroshock to create a basis for a new personality. Others were selected from pedophile groups because they had developed multiple personalities due to sexual abuse.
Valerie Wolf and other therapists recognize an advance in various mind control techniques. Reports of spin programming, isolation tanks, strobe lights, implants and underground research facilities are common recollections.
It must be said, however, that there are many people who have succumbed to the neurotic illusion of being victims of government experiments. Not all people are alleged victims of such experiments, since FOIA documents can be used to prove that there really have been and must still be victims.
Valerie Wolf, Claudia Mullen, Chris Denicola on March 15, 1995, before the US Presidential Advisory Committee, in Washington D.C.
Many mind control researchers and trauma therapists come across evidence that these psycho projects have the code name Monarch. The artificially created traumas invoke the amnesia, the mental protective wall that builds up around the programmer to protect him from detection. On the other hand, this dream barrier prevents the main personality from discovering that he has been abused and has multiple hypno-programmed personalities.
許多心智控制研究人員和創傷治療師遇到的證據表明,這些心理項目的代號是君主(Monarch)。人為製造的創傷會引發失憶症,也就是在程式師周圍建立起心智保護牆(mental protective wall),保護他不被發現。另一方面,這道夢境屏障(dream barrier)使主要人格無法發現他曾被虐待,而擁有多個催眠程式控制的人格。
Monarch victims or satanic ritual abuse victims exhibit PTSD over time. When the mind control slave is actively working for an intelligence agency or cult, the PTSD symptoms such as social withdrawal and self-destruction are hidden in artificially created personalities. When the victim is no longer actively engaged, these pent-up frustrations and depressions can lead to suicide. In some cases, the PTSD damaged personalities are programmed to drive the victim to suicide when a therapist finds out that his patient is a mind control slave.
君主制受害者或撒旦儀式虐待受害者隨著時間的推移會表現出創傷後壓力症(Post-traumatic stress disorder,簡稱PTSD,又稱創傷後遺症)。當心智控制奴隸積極為情報機構或邪教工作時,社會退縮和自我毀滅等創傷後壓力症的症狀會隱藏在人為創造的人格中。當受害者不再積極工作時,這些被壓抑的挫折感和抑鬱症可能導致自殺。在某些情況下,當治療師發現他的病人是心智控制的奴隸時,創傷後壓力症受損的人格就會被編入程式,促使受害者自殺。
Each trauma-generated personality is surrounded by an amnesia-based mental wall of protection. The creators of these personalities have access to each shell of consciousness through certain hypnotic commands. Each shell is a separate personality, to which one can assign an individual identity. The whole personality complex is called a consciousness system. Since each personality has certain abilities and talents, personalities access the most diverse abilities of the complete consciousness system. If a personality has a photographic memory, another personality of the system can access this ability.
每個創傷產生的人格都被一個基於失憶的心智保護牆所包圍。這些人格的創造者可以通過某些催眠指令進入每個意識外殼(shell of consciousness)。每個外殼都是一個獨立的人格,人們可以給它分配一個單獨的身份。整個人格複合體(personality complex)被稱為一個意識系統(consciousness system)。由於每個人格都有一定的能力和天賦,所以人格可以獲得完整的意識系統中最多樣化的能力。如果一個人格有照相式記憶(photographic memory),系統中的另一個人格就可以獲得這種能力。
The initial intact personality is called the core. The emergence of the various personalities is systematically directed from the early stages by the programmer. If one connects a Mind Control victim with multiple personalities to an EEG, one sees that each personality causes different spikes.
Several therapists have discovered personality structures in different victims of the Monarch Project that can be addressed with the same code names. This fact suggests that the programmer left his signature on different victims.
Alpha programs are owned by each Monarch victim. This programming contains the basic commands with the help of which certain personality structures of the complete system are activated via telephone calls, letters, drawings or certain code names and word phrases. Certain code names and word phrases are activated.
In the Beta program, victims are taught certain sex practices to blackmail enemy agents or politicians by photographing them performing explicit sexual acts with a Monarch agent placed on them.
>Investigations have made it increasingly clear that Jeffrey Epstein (along with Ghislaine Maxwell whose father was a known MI6/Mossad spy, and also had blackmail programs going on) was running a blackmail program, as he had bugged his places of residence – whether his New York apartment or his Caribbean island domicile – with microphones and cameras to record the salacious interactions of his guests such as high-ranking politicians, scientists and other important people with the underage girls he was using. Apparently Epstein kept much of this blackmail material in a safe on his private island.
「調查表明,傑弗里.愛潑斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)[與格希萊恩.麥克斯韋爾(Ghislaine Maxwell)一起,而她的父親是著名的軍情六處/摩薩德(MI6/Mossad)間諜,也有勒索計畫在進行]正在運行一個勒索計畫,因為他在他的居住地 —— 無論是他的紐約公寓還是他在加勒比海島的住所 —— 安裝了麥克風和秘密攝影頭,記錄他的客人(如高級政治家、科學家和其他重要人物)與他所使用的未成年女孩之間的骯髒互動。顯然,愛潑斯坦將這些勒索材料的大部分保存在他私人島嶼的一個保險箱中。
Allegations of Epstein’s connections and involvement in an elaborate, well-funded sexual extortion scheme have surprisingly prompted few media outlets to investigate the history of intelligence agencies both in the U.S. and abroad that ran similar sexual extortion schemes, including many involving underage prostitutes.
It appears that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were involved in a Monarch-like program that, among other things, trained hypno-programmed agents for the above purposes, or at least had something to do with it.<
Delta Programmed Monarch victims are trained as political killing machines. Other programs are tailored to secret couriers or computer specialists.
Dr. Croydon Hammond presented a paper on military and cult mind control programming techniques at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality in Alexandria, Virginia on June 25, 1992. Dr. Hammond, in the course of treating patients, came across a special type of mental programming called Green programming.
Croydon Hammond(暫譯為克羅伊登.哈蒙德)博士於1992年6月25日在維吉尼亞州亞歷山大市舉行的第四屆東部地區虐待和多重人格會議上發表了一篇關於軍事和邪教心智控制程式設計技術的論文。哈蒙德博士在治療病人的過程中,遇到了一種特殊的心智控制程式設計,稱為格林程式設計(Green programming)。
Dr. Wilson Green was a specialist in psycho-chemical warfare at Edgewood. His ideas went so far as to suggest that the food of the inhabitants of an enemy country be laced with psycho-chemical substances or hallucinogens in order to ruin it economically. There are several indications that he was a Paperclip scientist, originally called Green or Grünbaum, who anglicized his name to remain undetected in the USA. His technique used Kabbalistic mysticism, such as multi-colored Kabbalistic trees. Individuals programmed with this technique had personality traits that could be accessed through code words such as Wisdom, Diana, Zelda, Black Master, or Foundation.
Wilson Green(暫譯為威爾遜.格林)博士是埃奇伍德(Edgewood)的心理化學戰專家。他的想法甚至建議在敵國居民的食物中摻入精神化學物質或致幻劑,以便在經濟上破壞它。有幾個跡象表明,他是一個迴紋針科學家,原名格林或格倫鮑姆(Grünbaum),為了在美國不被發現,他把自己的名字改為英文。他的技術使用卡巴拉神秘主義(Kabbalistic mysticism),如多色生命之樹(Kabbalistic trees)。用這種技術程式設計的人有一些個性特徵,可以通過暗語(code words)訪問,如智慧(Wisdom)、戴安娜(Diana)、塞爾達(Zelda)、黑師(Black Master)或基礎(Foundation)。
All these code words can be found in the Kabbalistic Tree. If you find these clues in a patient and know the code words, you can retrieve the secrets behind the different personalities. Dr. Green has additionally provided such a person with suggestion techniques that therapists call Ultra Green programs.
所有這些暗語都可以在生命之樹上找到。如果你在病人身上找到這些線索並知道這些暗語,你就可以檢索到不同性格背後的秘密。格林博士另外還為這樣的人提供了暗示技術,治療師稱之為超綠方案(Ultra Green programs)。
Dr. Hammond found out how to create this hypnotic block. In one specific case, the victim was tied to a table at the age of 8 and given a syringe of hallucinogen similar to LSD. When the victim began to hallucinate, the suggestions about horror scenarios, reinforced by the drug effect, were started. The messages were that if someone wanted to snatch the secrets, the memories of the drug effects would take full effect, so that the victim would go crazy. These procedures are repeated at a certain period of time and make it impossible for an uninitiated person to reprogram the victim. The deeper the therapist penetrates into the artificially created personality structure, the sooner the Ultra Green suggestions begin to take effect, and the patient goes insane.
Another mind control programming technique is called spin programming.
另一種心智控制程式設計技術被稱為旋轉程式設計(spin programming)。
Dr. John Covern found this technique in seven of his patients who had a history of ritual abuse. Spin programming produces pain, painful emotions and similar feelings throughout the personality system. In this technique, the victim is placed on a rotating device and made to rotate. Through the rotation process, the pain or various traumatic memories are simultaneously transferred to all split personalities.
John Covern博士在他的七個有儀式性虐待史的病人身上發現了這種技術。旋轉程式設計在整個人格系統中產生疼痛、痛苦的情緒和類似的感覺。在這種技術中,受害者被放在一個旋轉裝置上並使其旋轉。通過旋轉過程,痛苦或各種創傷性記憶同時轉移到所有分裂的人格。
Spin programming can be used to program suicidal intent into the entire personality system in case a deprogrammer wants to get their secrets. Mind control specialists use this technique to complicate the psychotherapy of older victims or to create a personality system of a new victim and totally control it. The symptoms described above for mind programming techniques have also been experienced by satanic ritual abuse victims.
The dream therapists Valerie Wolf and Dr. Colin Ross have among their patients persons who have pretended personalities and who remember satanic rituals, although the other personalities describe typical military mind control techniques.
夢境治療師瓦萊麗.沃爾夫(Valerie Wolf)和Colin Ross(暫譯為科林.羅斯)醫生的病人中就有假裝人格的人,他們記得撒旦儀式,儘管其他人格描述了典型的軍事心智控制技術。
It is not uncommon for ritual acts in which young people are abused to be performed by adults in disguise. There are descriptions of abuse victims dressed in clown, ghost, knight, cowboy or comic character costumes.
Children are relatively easy to involve in rituals through games. If this is linked to familiar figures and disguises, the perpetrators can protect themselves from recognition. Abuse victims who tell of cowboys or animals in human form are not taken seriously by parents, fellow humans or investigators. It is considered proven that in cults that are serious about their beliefs, the masquerade is an ancient tradition.
Satanic ritual abuse victims develop over time split personalities based on trauma and repression, which are then trained by trained cult members, similar to military mind control projects, for cult internal actions.
One page of the ARTICHOKE/CIA manual describes how to use electric shocks for brainwashing and in combination with drugs for conditioning. It is interesting to note that some victims of satanic ritual abuse also reproduce these intelligence techniques in detail.
Katherine Sullivan (pseudonym), like many other trauma victims, has multiple personalities. Katherine Sullivan recalls that she was used as a drug mule, weapons smuggler, and to deliver secret messages. She made trips to South America and some island nations. It is also common for hypno-programmed individuals to be placed in terrorist organizations or used for tasks that no normal person would perform.
Katherine Sullivan(暫譯為凱薩琳.蘇利文)(化名),像其他許多創傷受害者一樣,有多重人格。凱薩琳.蘇利文回憶說,她被用作毒品騾子(drug mule)、武器走私者,以及傳遞秘密資訊。她曾到南美洲和一些島嶼國家旅行。被催眠程式控制的人被安置在恐怖組織中,或被用來執行正常人不會執行的任務,這也很常見。
Katherine has traumatic flashbacks and personality structures that correspond to the ideas of right-wing militias and the most radical American neo-Nazi organizations, the Aryan Brotherhood. Interestingly, she also has memories of alien programs. In these programs, alleged UFO abduction experiences are programmed into the mind control victim’s memory as cover memories. According to Katherine, these cover memories have recently been fed into the consciousness of the victim using virtual reality devices, large screen monitors, and drugs. Like Lynne Moss Sherman, she was programmed to be a political assassin on military bases and in hospitals.
凱薩琳(Katherine)有創傷性的閃回和人格結構,與右翼民兵和最激進的美國新納粹組織Aryan Brotherhood(暫譯為雅利安兄弟會)的思想相一致。有趣的是,她也有關於外星人專案的記憶。在這些項目中,所謂的UFO綁架經歷被編入心智控制受害者的記憶中,作為掩護記憶。據凱薩琳說,這些掩護性記憶最近被用虛擬實境設備、大螢幕顯示器和藥物輸入受害者的意識中。像琳恩.莫斯.沙曼(Lynne Moss Sherman)一樣,她被程式設計為在軍事基地和醫院裡的政治殺手。
Other personalities, as suggested by Dr. George Estabrooks, have been used for clandestine courier services by various intelligence agencies. These courier services include drug transportation, diamond smuggling, and even child trafficking for powerful, pedophile politicians.
Her therapists found that she also has personality structures that indicate satanic ritual abuse. These personalities recall men dressed in black robes as they performed acts on her. These satanic acts include disgust training and other procedures common to SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) victims to create artificial multiple personalities.
During the investigation of the Presidio scandal it turned out that the closest associates of the Temple of Seth also belonged to the military intelligence. In addition to him, an Army Intelligence document mentions a woman named Willie Brawning, who is a captain in the U.S. Army Reserve, and a lieutenant who was also involved in intelligence activities. The case of Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Michael Aquino is a prime example of the involvement of high-ranking military mind control specialists in satanic cults.
在調查Presidio(暫譯為普雷西迪奧)醜聞期間,發現賽特神廟(Temple of Seth)最親密的夥伴也屬於軍事情報部門。除了他之外,一份陸軍情報部門的檔還提到一個名叫Willie Brawning(暫譯為威利.布朗寧)的女人,她是美國陸軍預備役的上尉,還有一個中尉也參與了情報活動。邁克爾.阿基諾(Michael Aquino)博士中校的案件是高級軍事心智控制專家參與撒旦邪教的一個典型例子。
Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Michael Aquino
In late 1977, Blanche Chavoustie was working in a hypnotic therapy center where she was put under hypnosis several times by the director. Recent investigations revealed that this director worked as a hypnosis agent for the CIA and wrote that he needed about six months to program a political assassin using hypnosis.
1977年底,Blanche Chavoustie(暫譯為布蘭琪.查沃斯蒂)在一家催眠治療中心工作,她被主任多次催眠。最近的調查顯示,這位主任曾擔任中央情報局的催眠員,並寫道他需要大約六個月的時間來使用催眠術對一名政治刺客進行程式設計。
Blanche Chavoustie found out in 1989 that she was unknowingly being used in these experiments, at which time she was receiving strange phone calls and messages on her answering machine. She did not know who was sending her the messages on her answering machine. She did not know who was leaving her the messages and what they meant. Soon after these calls, she noticed that strangers were showing an interest in her, that they were watching her.
After several months of intense harassment, she was abducted to the hospital by a Cornell Medical Center employee in a private car and pumped full of drugs for no reason. She now knows that the doctors labeled her mentally ill in order to keep her in the hospital. Blanche Chavoustie confirms that she freaked out during the kidnapping because she thought that her kidnapper belonged to a cult.
經過幾個月的強烈騷擾,她被康奈爾醫療中心(Cornell Medical Center)的一名員工用一輛私家車綁架到醫院,並無緣無故地被灌滿了藥。她現在知道,醫生給她貼上了精神疾病的標籤,以便將她留在醫院裡。布蘭琪.查沃斯蒂證實,她在綁架過程中嚇壞了,因為她認為綁架者屬於邪教。
After 21 days of involuntary hospitalization, she was released and subsequently filed a lawsuit against Cornell Medical Center that continues to this day. In the meantime, she received about 1200 pages of her medical papers. It turned out that the main reason for her abduction was a gynecological examination. She has no recollection of this examination being performed on her. She also does not know the reason for it.
While searching for the meaning of these actions and harassments, she came across many strange events in her past, for which she only now finds explanations. With the help of therapists and friends she found out that she is a MKULTRA victim and the experiments on her are still going on.
It turned out that since her childhood her life was controlled by different authorities and persons. A therapist found evidence of Greenbaum and Beta programming in her. Between 1966 and 1972, she received several images from supposed friends who later disappeared from her life, which contained subconscious messages to run various mind control programs.
Blanche Chavoustie provides evidence that she was irradiated with pulsed microwaves or similar electromagnetic energies, and developed strange spontaneous burns or reddish spots on her chest. The dermatologist is perplexed because the burns and redness often appear overnight and form perfectly symmetrical structures she has X-ray images on which you can see small foreign bodies.
Dr. John Lilly experimented with isolation tank research and brain implants in the 1950s. In his book the Scientist, he wrote that in the early 1960s, isolation tank research and brain implant experiments became a military political issue. At that time, scientists and physicians who worked for the Army and the CIA kept coming to Dr. Lilly and asking him if his research could be used for brainwashing or interrogation.
John Lilly(暫譯為約翰.利利)博士在1950年代進行了隔離池研究和大腦植入的實驗。他在《科學家》(Scientist)一書中寫道,在1960年代初,隔離池(isolation tank)研究和腦植入物(brain implant)實驗成為一個軍事政治問題。當時,為陸軍和中央情報局工作的科學家和醫生不斷來找利利博士,問他的研究是否可以用於洗腦或審訊。
With careful control and stimulation of a subject in an isolation tank, one can steer their worldview in a desired direction. Suspended states greatly increase a person’s suggestibility. If additional subconscious messages, visual or audiovisual information are fed into an isolation tank, they will be fully accepted by the test person.
通過仔細控制和刺激隔離池中的受試者,人們可以將他們的世界觀引導到所需的方向。懸浮狀態(Suspended states)大大增加了一個人的暗示性。如果額外的潛意識資訊、視覺或視聽資訊被輸入到隔離池中,它們將被測試者完全接受。
Dr. John Lilly was absolutely sure that secret services or the military would use his research results in interrogations and for mind control experiments.
Baltimore Sun journalists Gary Cohn and Ginger Thompson, while researching CIA activities in Latin America, found evidence that CIA agents had a close relationship with Honduran officers who commanded death squads and carried out torture. They found that there were CIA manuals that the Honduran officers used for their interrogations. In this manual, as noted by Dr. John Lilly, isolation tanks are recommended for interrogation of captured spies. The manual even describes some isolation tank experiments as follows:
《巴爾的摩太陽報》(Baltimore Sun)記者Gary Cohn(暫譯為加里.科恩)和金格.湯普森(Ginger Thompson)在研究中情局在拉丁美洲的活動時,發現有證據表明中情局間諜與指揮行刑隊和實施酷刑的洪都拉斯官員關係密切。他們發現,有中情局的手冊,洪都拉斯官員在審訊中使用。正如約翰.利利博士指出的那樣,在這本手冊中,建議用隔離池來審訊被俘的間諜。該手冊甚至對一些隔離池的實驗做了如下描述:
>Two subjects were completely immersed in a hot water tank. The water flowed slowly and had a temperature of 34.5 degrees Celsius. Both subjects wore black out masks, which encompassed the entire head and allowed only breathing. The noise level was lowered so that the subjects were only aware of their own breathing. Neither subject remained in the tank for more than 3 hours. Both of them got an insatiable hunger for perceptions…they began to fantasize and developed visual impressions that corresponded to hallucinations…<
「兩名受試者被完全浸泡在一個熱水箱中。水流緩慢,溫度為攝氏34.5度。兩名受試者都戴著遮光面罩,面罩包住整個頭部,只允許呼吸。噪音水準被降低,以便受試者只知道自己的呼吸。兩名受試者在水箱中停留的時間都不超過3小時。他們都對感知有一種永不滿足的饑渴感... 他們開始幻想,並產生了與幻覺相對應的視覺印象...」
After the subjects were taken out of the isolation tank, they no longer had any sense of time. After this procedure, a subject recognizes the one who interrogates him as a kind of confidant, because he longs for a human contact. An interrogator thus becomes a reassuringly longed-for counterpart. A short-term isolation stay produces the same symptoms as locking a prisoner in solitary confinement for several weeks or months.
In May 1994, the Baltimore Sun filed a FOIA request to obtain information about these manuals. In 1996, the CIA released some relevant documents and an interrogation manual written in 1963 called the KUBARK Counter Intelligence Interrogative.
1994年5月,《巴爾的摩太陽報》提交了一份《資訊自由法案》申請,以獲得有關這些手冊的資料。1996年,中情局公佈了一些相關文件和一本寫於1963年的審訊手冊,名為《庫巴克反情報審訊法》(KUBARK Counter Intelligence Interrogative)。
An ARITHCHOKE document from the 1950s proves that one can influence the hypnotizing ability of a person with certain drugs or isolation experiments.
Dan Harr’s grandfather worked at the Badger Ordinance Plant near Barbe, Wisconsin during World War II and between 1947 and 1948. This plant housed Paperclip scientists shortly after World War II. He also later worked for the government and possibly the CIA. Dan Harr claimed that in 1984, while a student, he was sought out by a CIA man who identified himself as Charlie McBride. This man offered Harr this offer for a special program. At first, Harr declined the offer. Later, financial problems forced him to accept. McBride took Dan to a farm in Virginia. There he participated in a training program of the Non Official Cover (NOC). During the training, Dan Harr’s memory was erased and cover memories were programmed into him. In the mid-nineties, he had traumatic flashbacks that provided some insight into his NOC training. He became heavily involved in electronics, computer hacking and operating intelligence equipment. After that, he came to Mare Island. There are several CIA and National Security Agency (NSA) research facilities in the area. Dan Harr cannot remember what happened to him during his eight-month stay in Mare Island. As a result of requests, Senator Herb Kohl’s office received several documents about Harr, some of which were heavily redacted and mainly classified as top secret. Some documents also had a censored additional designation. Dan Harr believes he may have received treatment at Oakland Naval Hospital. He has worked through clear memories about an interrogation with the help of therapists. According to his description, he was in a rectangular room. In this room were an armchair, a movie screen, strobe lights, a door, and a window that may have been a Venetian mirror. There was at least one other person in the room besides him. Dan Harr was tied to the armchair. Several wires ran from his right hand, and he could hear various drug names such as sodium, pentothal, etc. While the lights were shining in his face, he was asked various questions by a male. Other memories involve a movie he saw. This movie contained alternating good and bad scenes. Dan, meanwhile, also has flashbacks about satanic rituals in which he was the focus. In these rituals, three men in red hooded cloaks and candles play a major role. Dan Harr can’t tell if these rituals were part of the NOC program or if they took place during his childhood. More flashbacks suggest that, unbeknownst to Dan Harr, he had been participating in mind control programs such as Monarch since childhood and had been carrying out various assignments. In December 1988, Dan Harr left the NOC program. His wife at the time noticed that he subsequently identified with the ideas of far-right Christian fanatic militias. He had nothing to do with these people before that, nor did he represent their opinions. Today he believed that he was being infiltrated into these circles as a spy. In the beginning of 1995, he had the last missing period for a period of about 24 hours. He can only remember sitting in a restaurant in Madison. Across from him was an unfamiliar woman who said to him, “Good to have you back.” A little later, he noticed a pinprick on his right arm and a pinpoint swelling on his right hip.
Dan Harr(暫譯為丹.哈爾)的祖父在二戰期間和1947年至1948年期間在威斯康辛州巴拉布(Baraboo)附近的巴傑軍械工廠(Badger Ordnance Plant)工作。這個工廠在二戰結束後不久安置了“迴紋針(Paperclip)科學家。他後來還為政府工作,可能是中情局。丹.哈爾聲稱,1984年,當他還是學生時,一個自稱Charlie McBride(暫譯為查理.麥克布萊德)的中情局人員找到了他。這個人向哈爾(Harr)提供了這個特殊項目的機會。起初,哈爾拒絕了這個提議。後來,經濟問題迫使他接受。麥克布賴德把丹帶到了維吉尼亞的一個農場。在那裡他參加了非官方臥底(NOC;Non Official Cover)的培訓項目。在培訓期間,丹.哈爾的記憶被消除,掩護記憶被編入他的體內。在九十年代中期,他有過創傷性的病理性重現(flashbacks;又譯為閃回、倒敘),對他的NOC培訓有了一些瞭解。他開始大量參與電子、電腦駭客和操作情報設備。之後,他來到了馬雷島(Mare Island)。該地區有幾個中情局和國家安全局(NSA)的研究設施。丹.哈爾不記得他在馬雷島的八個月期間發生了什麼。由於他的請求,參議員赫伯特.科爾(Herb Kohl)的辦公室收到了幾份關於哈爾的檔案,其中一些被大量刪減,主要被列為最高機密。有些檔還帶有刪減的附加指定。丹.哈爾認為他可能在奧克蘭海軍醫院(Oakland Naval Hospital)接受過治療。他在治療師的幫助下,通過對一次審訊的清晰記憶。根據他的描述,他當時在一個長方形的房間裡。在這個房間裡有一張扶手椅、一個電影螢幕、一些閃光燈(strobe lights)、一扇門和一個可能是威尼斯鏡(Venetian mirror)的窗戶。除了他之外,房間裡至少還有一個人。丹.哈爾被綁在扶手椅上。幾根電線從他的右手中穿過,他可以聽到各種藥物名稱,如鈉、硫噴妥鈉(pentothal)等。當燈光照在他臉上時,他被一個男性問了各種問題。其他記憶涉及他看過的一部電影。這部電影包含好的和壞的場景交替出現。同時,丹還閃回了關於撒旦儀式的記憶,他是其中的焦點。在這些儀式中,三個穿著紅色連帽斗篷的人和蠟燭扮演著重要角色。丹.哈爾無法判斷這些儀式是NOC計畫的一部分,還是發生在他的童年時期。更多的閃回表明,在丹.哈爾不知道的情況下,他從小就參加了諸如“君主”之類的心智控制計畫,並執行了各種任務。1988年12月,丹.哈爾離開了NOC專案。他的妻子當時注意到,他後來認同了極右翼基督教狂熱民兵的思想。在此之前,他與這些人沒有任何關係,也不代表他們的觀點。今天他認為自己是作為間諜被滲透到這些圈子裡的。1995年初,他最後一次失蹤,時間約為24小時。他只記得自己坐在麥迪森(Madison)的一家餐廳裡。在他對面的是一個陌生的女人,她對他說:「很高興你回來了」。過了一會兒,他注意到自己的右臂上有一個針孔,右臀部有一個針孔腫脹。
No one knows how many retrievable monarch victims there are in the U.S. or around the world. Estimates run into the thousands, anyway.As written above, the CIA began a project in 1954 to train unwilling and unknowing individuals to become unsuspecting political assassins. Since that time, there has been much speculation regarding political assassinations in which hypno-programmed killers may have played a role as for example with Sirhan Bishara Sirhan.
沒有人知道在美國或世界各地有多少可收回的君主制受害者。反正估計有幾千人。正如上面寫的,中央情報局在1954年開始了一個項目,訓練不願意和不知道的人成為毫無戒心的政治刺客。從那時起,有很多關於政治暗殺的猜測,其中催眠程式的殺手可能發揮了作用,例如索罕.比沙拉.索罕(Sirhan Bishara Sirhan)。
Wikipedia Information:
Sirhan Bishara Sirhan is a Palestinian convicted of murder for the June 5, 1968 assassination of U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
索罕.比沙拉.索罕是一名巴勒斯坦人,因1968年6月5日暗殺美國參議員羅伯特.F.甘迺迪(Robert F. Kennedy)而被判處謀殺罪。
Sirhan made conflicting statements about his role over the years since the crime. During the trial, he stated that he could not remember the sequence of events himself. He testified in court that he did not regain consciousness until he was arrested a few minutes after the assassination. A diary was found in Sirhan’s hotel room in which the phrase “RFK must die” was written down over and over again in an unusually repetitive manner. Sirhan was initially portrayed in his trial as a “deranged religious fanatic.”
In a 2011 pardon hearing, his lawyers presented the thesis that he had been under hypnosis, so that his mind and inhibitions about committing an assassination, as well as any memory, had been completely shutdown. Sirhan stated in this regard that he was under the influence of a young woman who lured him into the kitchen. His lawyer conducted interviews with him under hypnosis, and in them he stated that a mysterious woman touched him before he shot and then made him believe he was at a shooting range. Under hypnosis, Sirhan also stated that he saw a second gun being fired, a statement he could not confirm without hypnosis, however, because he said he could not remember.
Sirhan stated in his 15th parole hearing in 2016 that he could not remember the crime he was charged with. He said he could recall being at the hotel, walking to his car and returning when he realized he had drunk too much alcohol. He attributed his conviction to his bad lawyer, who had led him to believe he was guilty. He said he could not admit remorse for the crime because he did not commit it.
Six Hundred and Seventy-second Contact
Thursday, 2nd February 2017, 23:11 hrs
List of Conspiracy Theories
48. … Conspiracy to Murder Robert F. Kennedy: The murder of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy shows some inconsistencies regarding the alleged perpetrator Sirhan Sirhan.
… 謀殺羅伯特.甘迺迪的陰謀:美國參議員羅伯特.甘迺迪被謀殺,表明在被指控的肇事者索罕.索罕(Sirhan Sirhan)問題上有些不一致。
149. TRUE
150. There are indeed some inconsistencies concerning the person of Sirhan Sirhan as a result of negligent investigations, but it is undoubtedly established that he was the real perpetrator….
Interestingly, Timothy McVeigh claimed that after returning from the Gulf War, he underwent a personality change following a psychological evaluation for Special Forces. The Washington Post of April 23, 1995, reported that McVeigh told friends that the military implanted a microchip in his buttocks, since his personality change occurred after the examination and possible implantation. Investigations revealed that he also told people in Decker, Michigan, that the implanted microchip caused stabbing pains in his buttocks. In any case, McVeigh stood by his claim that the military was able to monitor and locate him during his deployments by means of this implant. But whether this corresponds to the truth remains of course still open.
有趣的是,蒂莫西.麥克維(Timothy McVeigh)聲稱,從海灣戰爭回來後,他在接受特種部隊的心理評估後性格發生了變化。1995年4月23日的《華盛頓郵報》報導,麥克維告訴朋友,軍方在他的臀部植入了一個微型晶片,因為他的性格變化是在檢查和可能的植入之後發生的。調查顯示,他還告訴密西根州德克爾(Decker)的人們,植入的微晶片導致他的臀部刺痛。在任何情況下,麥克維都堅持他的說法,即軍方能夠通過這種植入物在他的部署中對他進行監控和定位。但這是否與事實相符,當然仍有待商榷。
Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons
In the course of their research, researcher Walter Bowart, Martin Cannon and others came across a psycho-electric method that could play a very large role in covert operations. It seems that CIA scientists have developed a technology called Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHIC EDOM).
在研究過程中,研究員Walter Bowart(暫譯為沃爾特.波沃特)、Martin Cannon和其他人遇到了一種心理電學方法,這種方法可以在秘密行動中發揮非常大的作用。似乎中情局的科學家們已經開發了一種叫作「無線電催眠腦內控制-電子消解記憶」(RHIC EDOM;Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory)的技術。
These techniques can remotely induce hypnotic trance states, suggest commands, or completely erase memory. RHIC requires an intramuscular implant that is stimulated to trigger posthypnotic commands. Rumors of this RHIC EDOM technology first surfaced in the late 1960’s. (If this RHIC EDOM technology does not exist, a similar technology certainly exists under other names.)
這些技術可以遠端誘導催眠恍惚狀態,暗示命令,或完全消除記憶。RHIC需要一個肌肉內植入物,通過刺激來觸發催眠後的指令。關於這種RHIC EDOM技術的傳言最早出現在1960年代末。(如果這種RHIC EDOM技術不存在,類似的技術肯定以其他名稱存在。)
Researchers Walter Bowart and James Moore also received information about this technology. James Moore claims that this technology was developed by the military to create zombie soldiers. Normally, parts of the brain receive various electrical signals from a variety of sources, such as sight, hearing, and so on. These perceptions create emotions. The military could use this technology to stimulate aggression and program a soldier to do his job on the battlefield like a robot, carrying out orders mindlessly. In 1977, hearings were held before the U.S. Congress over illegal CIA drug experiments. Senator Richard Schweizer had a conversation with MK ULTRA physician Dr. Sidney Gottlieb about RHIC technologies. Dr. Gottlieb conflated the MK ULTRA project with RHIC EDOM work before Congress. He said, however, that there was interest in whether people exposed to an electric field are easier to hypnotize. When asked if microwaves could erase the memory of animals, he answered yes.
研究人員沃爾特.波沃特(Walter Bowart)和James Moore(暫譯為詹姆斯.摩爾)也收到了關於這項技術的資訊。詹姆斯.摩爾聲稱,這項技術是由軍方開發的,用於製造僵屍士兵。通常情況下,大腦的某些部分會從各種來源接收各種電信號,如視覺、聽覺等。這些感知會產生情緒。軍方可以用這種技術來刺激侵略性,並對士兵進行程式設計,使其在戰場上像機器人一樣完成工作,無意識地執行命令。1977年,美國國會就中情局的非法藥物實驗舉行了聽證會。參議員Richard Schweizer與MK ULTRA醫生西德尼.戈特利布(Sidney Gottlieb)博士就RHIC技術進行了一次談話。戈特利布博士在國會面前將MK ULTRA專案與RHIC EDOM工作混為一談。然而,他說,人們對暴露在電場中的人是否更容易被催眠感興趣。當被問及微波是否可以消除動物的記憶時,他回答說可以。
A page in the ARTICHOKE/CIA document describes that in the 1950s the CIA possessed a sleep-inducing machine with which a human being could be brought into a hypnotic state and controlled.
In the early 1960s, biophysicist Dr. Allan Frey of the General Electric Advanced Electronic Center at Cornell University made a discovery known as microwave hearing. He found that a person’s auditory system responds to certain electromagnetic frequencies, and when they were exposed to low-frequency electromagnetic waves, they heard buzzing and thumping sounds in their heads. Even deaf people could hear these sounds, proving that the brain is something of a powerful receiver. In 1973, Dr. Joseph Sharp conducted experiments with pulsed microwave audiograms. He had an isolation chamber locked and irradiated with these waves, after these experiments Dr. Sharp heard voices in his head. After this discovery, Dr. Robert O. Becker of the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), now called DARPA, said that these experiments could be useful for covert military operations, and that artificially generated voices in an enemy’s head could drive him crazy. In addition, microwave-transmitted post-hypnotic commands could be used to trigger action by political assassins.
1960年代初,康奈爾大學通用電氣先進電子中心(General Electric Advanced Electronic Center)的生物物理學家艾倫.弗雷(Allan Frey)博士有一個被稱為微波聽力的發現。他發現一個人的聽覺系統對某些電磁頻率有反應,當他們暴露在低頻電磁波中時,他們會聽到頭腦中嗡嗡和砰砰的聲音。即使是聾子也能聽到這些聲音,證明大腦是一個強大的接收器。1973年,Joseph Sharp(暫譯為約瑟夫.夏普)博士進行了脈衝微波聽覺圖的實驗。他讓一個隔離室鎖定並照射這些電波,在這些實驗之後,夏普博士聽到了他腦中的聲音。在這一發現之後,高等研究計劃署(ARPA)(現在稱為DARPA)的Robert O. Becker(暫譯為羅伯特.奧托.貝克爾)博士說,這些實驗可能對秘密軍事行動有用,在敵人的頭腦中人為產生的聲音可以使他發瘋。此外,微波傳輸的催眠後指令可用於觸發政治暗殺者的行動。
[中譯者註:本段前述的生物物理學家艾倫.弗雷(Allan Frey)博士與一項研究有關,那就是「微波聽覺效應」,又稱弗雷效應。
在冷戰期間,美國神經學家艾倫.弗雷(Allan Frey)研究了這種效應,並且成為第一個發表微波聽覺效應的人。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
These mind control victims are called Wavies. The Finn, Martti Kokski, emigrated to Canada in the mid-seventies and was used for synthetic telepathy experiments at the end of that decade. He heard voices in his head for several hours a day, and as time went on, he was increasingly plagued by these voices until he suffered a heart attack. He was hospitalized and treated and had to stay in the hospital for three days and undergo tests. When he took medication, the voices always told him that it was not good for him. After the hospitalization he returned to Finland to escape from his tormentors, but the voices did not stop, they just spoke Finnish, telling him that they were aliens and came from the star Sirius. Martti returned to Canada after a month and a half, and the voice torture continues to this day. He believes that his torturers are behind the Royal Canadian Mountain Police and the CIA because he used to criticize American society.
這些心智控制的受害者被稱為Wavies。芬蘭人Martti Kokski(暫譯為馬爾蒂.科克斯基)在七十年代中期移民到加拿大,並在那個年代末被用來進行合成心靈感應實驗。他每天都會在腦海中聽到幾個小時的聲音,隨著時間的推移,他越來越受到這些聲音的困擾,直到他心臟病發作。他被送進醫院接受治療,不得不在醫院住了三天並接受了檢查。當他吃藥時,那些聲音總是告訴他,這對他沒有好處。住院後,他回到芬蘭,想逃離折磨他的人,但那些聲音並沒有停止,他們只是說芬蘭語,告訴他他們是外星人,來自天狼星(Sirius)。一個半月後,馬爾蒂回到了加拿大,而聲音的折磨一直持續到今天。他認為折磨他的人是加拿大皇家山地員警和CIA的幕後黑手,因為他曾經批評過美國社會。
Besides producing synthetic telepathy, microwaves can also be used to induce behavioral changes. Electromagnetic mind control procedures are the most effective methods available. Electromagnetic radio waves and pulsed microwaves have great advantages in warfare, because a person or the inhabitants of an area have no knowledge of the procedure being performed. If one does not know that such a process is being used, even the subconscious remains uninformed. There is no risk of confrontation between the persons involved, allowing the users to remain completely anonymous.
除了產生合成心靈感應,微波還可以用來誘發行為變化。電磁心智控制程式(Electromagnetic mind control procedures)是目前最有效的方法。電磁電波和脈衝微波在戰爭中具有很大的優勢,因為一個人或一個地區的居民對正在進行的程式一無所知。如果一個人不知道正在使用這樣的程式,即使是潛意識也是不知情的。所涉及的人之間沒有對抗的風險,允許使用者保持完全匿名。
Electromagnetic mind control can be used over the cellular network or locally from the ground or from the air by targeting specific individuals with psychotronic weapons. Different frequencies of these weapons affect different areas of the brain. The frequencies of the used radio and microwaves penetrate walls, floors, roofs of buildings without leaving any traces.
電磁心智控制可以通過蜂巢式網路(cellular network;又稱行動網路)或從地面或空中針對特定的個人使用精神電子武器在本地使用。這些武器的不同頻率影響大腦的不同區域。所使用的無線電和微波的頻率可以穿透牆壁、地板、建築物的屋頂而不留下任何痕跡。
Electromagnetic weapons can be used to make individuals and large groups of people respond robotically to electromagnetic commands without relying on an implant.
American science fiction author and research director at the U.S. Global Strategic Council Janet Morris traveled to Russia in 1991 with colleagues to study Russian technologies for commercial development. While there, she was invited to a demonstration of mind control technology. During one demonstration, an unknowing group of workers was irradiated outside on the grounds in front of the hospital. The researchers sent them an acoustic psycho-correction message through their machine, which instructed the workers to immediately put down their tools, knock on the door of the hospital, and ask if there was anything left for them to do. The workers behaved in exactly the same way. The machine transmits the acoustic psycho-correction message by means of infrasound (ultra low frequency electromagnetic waves) through the bone conduction. The message passes the level of consciousness and is executed within less than a minute after the sounding.
美國科幻小說作家和美國全球戰略委員會的研究主任Janet Morris(暫譯為珍妮特.莫里斯)於1991年與同事一起前往俄羅斯,研究俄羅斯的商業發展技術。在那裡,她被邀請參加心智控制技術的演示。在一次演示中,一群不知情的工人在醫院門口的場地上接受了照射。研究人員通過他們的機器向他們發送了一個聲學心理矯正訊息(acoustic psycho-correction message),指示工人們立即放下他們的工具,敲開醫院的門,並詢問是否還有什麼事情需要他們做。工人們的行為完全相同。機器通過骨傳導的次聲波(超低頻電磁波)傳輸聲學心理矯正訊息。該訊息通過意識層面,並在聲音響起後不到一分鐘內被執行。
Five Hundred and Twenty-ninth Contact
Thursday, 3rd November 2011, 22:17 hrs
2011年11月3日,星期四, 22時17分
25…. These inhumane techniques were and are also used by the earthly secret services, and today forbidden ‘research’ is being carried out, particularly with electromagnetism, to erase the human being’s memories and replace them with new ones.
... 這些不人道的技術過去和現在也被地球上的秘密機構所使用,今天正在進行被禁止的“研究”,特別是用電磁學來消除人類的記憶,用新的記憶來代替。
26. But it is also a matter of using drugs, hypnosis and magnetism to turn the human beings into murder machines that kill on command, with a code word programmed into them….
In a 1992 lawsuit filed by John St. Clair Akwei, he claims that the NSA has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or conduct covert psychological control operations to diagnose a person’s mental illness. He is absolutely correct, because when the output of these electromagnetic waves is coupled to the central nervous system, effects similar to satanic possession are experienced. These effects are called Remote Motor Control (RMC). The operator of this weapon is able to remotely control various muscular responses such as speech. RMC can be used to artificially create a heart attack, simulate choking, and control the muscles responsible for speech by stimulating the muscles to produce words that come out of the mouth even though the person does not want to speak. If these electromagnetic weapons are used correctly, groups of people can be made to respond robotically to electromagnetic commands. But if you use these weapons in the wrong way, you can make people’s heads explode or their internal organs boil or completely destroy the genetic makeup of a population.
在1992年John St. Clair Akwei提起的訴訟中,他聲稱國家安全局有能力秘密暗殺美國公民,或進行秘密的心理控制行動來診斷一個人的精神疾病。他是絕對正確的,因為當這些電磁波的輸出被耦合到中樞神經系統時,會出現類似撒旦附身的效果。這些效果被稱為遠程電機控制(RMC;Remote Motor Control)。這種武器的操作者能夠遠端控制各種肌肉反應,如說話。RMC可以用來人為地製造心臟病發作,就像是窒息,並通過刺激肌肉來控制負責說話的肌肉,使其產生話語,即使這個人不想說話,也能從嘴裡說出來。如果這些電磁武器使用得當,可以使一群人對電磁指令做出機器人式的反應。但是,如果你以錯誤的方式使用這些武器,你可以讓人們的頭顱爆炸或內部器官沸騰,或完全摧毀一個群體的基因構成。
Many Americans and people of other nations have been killed without their consent in the development and testing of such weapons.
One victim of such electromagnetic weapons was the Briton Antony Verney and his wife. In 1983 Antony Verney and his wife began to hear strange noises, high-pitched sounds and disturbances in their electrical equipment. A short time later, the couple, who lived in the county of Kent, could not sleep. On December 26, 1983, they saw horseshoe-shaped luminous apparitions in the morning sky. The sightings were repeated several times until January 5, 1984, when the couple began to experience headaches, disorientation symptoms, and the sounds in the nearby Sandbit Forest ceased. There was a ghostly silence. Nearby was a farm that was strangely hidden behind a high fence. Antony Verney found out that the phone number of the farm was classified, which looked like a secret building of the British MI5 or MI6. On April 2, 1984, they sold their house and fled the area. Mrs. Verney had to undergo chemotherapy six months later and died in 1996. Antony Verney’s teeth fell out and his body produced many more red blood cells than white, and he has since died.
這種電磁武器的一個受害者是英國人Antony Verney(暫譯為安東尼.維尼)和他的妻子。1983年,安東尼.維尼和他的妻子開始聽到奇怪的聲音,高亢的聲音和電氣設備的干擾。過了不久,這對住在肯特郡的夫婦無法入睡。1983年12月26日,他們在早晨的天空中看到了馬蹄形的發光幻影。這種景象重複了幾次,直到1984年1月5日,這對夫婦開始出現頭痛、迷失方向的症狀,附近的沙比特森林(Sandbit Forest)的聲音也停止了。出現了一種幽靈般的寂靜。附近有一個農場,奇怪的是它被隱藏在高高的圍欄後面。安東尼.維尼發現,農場的電話號碼是保密的,看起來像英國軍情五處或軍情六處的秘密建築。1984年4月2日,他們賣掉了自己的房子,逃離了這個地區。維尼夫人不得不在6個月後接受化療,並於1996年去世。安東尼.維尼的牙齒脫落了,他的身體產生的紅血球比白血球多得多,他後來也死了。
Three Hundred Fourth Contact
Monday, 25th June 2001, 16:32 hrs
2001年6月25日,星期一, 16時32分
14…. However, the human beings too can be affected if they are shot at with the wave-weapons, of which also more handy and human portable weapons have already been developed.
... 然而,如果人類被電磁波武器射中,也會受到影響,其中也已經開發出了更方便人類隨身攜帶的武器。
15. First and foremost, there is the factor of the human brain being heated up and malfunctions of consciousness as well as thoughts and feelings occurring.
16. As a result, the psyche may also be destroyed and insanity may be caused, and ultimately the death.
Are the Americans the only ones who build and test these devil weapons?
17. No. –
18. Russia, Japan and other states are also working in the same direction.
Unpleasant. But as usual, you cannot change anything.
31. This unfortunately corresponds to reality…
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