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Contact Report 803第803次接觸報告



英譯版本:20220522日,星期日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20220523日,星期一,DeepL Translator, James Hsu




This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



There you are waiting, Florena, greetings and welcome. You are early. Actually, I was expecting Ptaah to come, and besides, I was hoping he would be here already on Tuesday. But it is also fine with me if you are here now. Anyway, you fetched the letter I had laid out on the table.



Greetings also to you, my father-friend. Yes, I am here a little early, and Ptaah cannot come here because he will be absent for the next few days. However, he sends his greetings to you and also ordered that the letter you had put away in your workroom be taken away.



It was posted back in Germany, after all, although it …

畢竟,它是在德國寄出來的,雖然它 ...


… yes, but it is really stamped with the seal of …

... 是的,但它確實蓋有 ... 的印章。


… that's not called a seal, but a letterhead.

... 那不是印章,而是(某些機關印在)信紙上的抬頭(letterhead)。


Excuse me. – Anyway, the whole thing is genuine, we checked it. The man who wrote the letter is the same as the first time. The 4 signatures here from the other persons are also genuine, and …

不好意思。不管怎樣,整件事是真的,我們都檢查過了。寫這封信的人和第一次一樣。這裡的4個其他人的簽名也是真的,而且 ...


… Excuse me, but I do not really want anything to do with it, and I will destroy the letter like I did the first one, and that's what I will do. As for people writing and hoping that I will not mention their names, of course I will abide by that, although it seems strange to me that they would tell me their names, since they must know that this is dangerous for them.

... 抱歉,但我真的不想和它有任何關係,我會像第一次那樣銷毀這封信,這是我要做的。至於有人寫信希望我不要提到他們的名字,我當然會照做,雖然我覺得很奇怪,他們會告訴我他們的名字,因為他們一定知道這對他們來說很危險。


I suppose that is correct, but you should really consider the trust that is placed in you. The names are those of those persons who are really responsible for the letter and are arranged around this Selensky and do not agree with his actions. When they write here that they trust you completely and that you are probably the only one who makes the truth as public as it actually is, then a trust and a hope are placed in you that you will also handle it as is expected.



I understand that, but I do not want to endanger my family, myself, or the FIGU and FIGU members by doing this. It's just that I don't want anything to do with it.



I guess that is understandable, but your advice is also being asked for here, like Selensky …

我想這是可以理解的,但這裡也在徵求你的建議,比如澤斯基 ...


… I know that, because I have read the letter myself, but I cannot comment on that or give advice, because if they want Selensky out of the government as president, then they have to see for themselves how to do it. I do not want to give advice on that, and on the other hand, I cannot either, because the whole thing is a political matter, and I do not interfere in such matters at all.

... 我知道,因為我自己也讀過這封信,但我不能對此發表評論或作出建議,因為如果他們想讓澤連斯基離開總統這個職位,那麼他們必須自己設想如何去做。我不想對此提出建議,另一方面,我也不能這麼做,因為整件事是一個政治問題,我根本不會去介入這種事情。


It's not supposed to be done by a …

這不應該由一個 ... 來做。


… anyway – I already know what is written – because I cannot and will not interfere in their politics. They really have to see for themselves how they can do that, because if they already do not agree with Selensky's warmongering and see him as a willing tool of the US as well as a war criminal, consequently they do not agree with him as president, then they should also tell him that openly and not ask me what they should do to get rid of him.

... 反正我已經知道寫的是什麼了 —— 因為我不能也不會干涉他們的政治。他們真的要自己看看怎麼做,因為如果他們已經不同意澤連斯基的好戰行為,認為他是美國的工具以及戰犯,因此他們不同意他當總統,那麼他們也應該公開告訴他,而不是問我應該怎麼做才能擺脫他。


But what they are asking you to do, that is to publish their letter, that …

但他們要求你做的,只是發表他們的信件內容,那 ...


… partly I can certainly do that, but really only partly.

... 發表一部分,我當然能做到,但真的只能做到一部分。


That you are requested and also expected to make public what is mentioned here specifically under these points, what I want to read to you, I guess you can do that?



If you mean those statements that say a few things about Selensky's actions and work, then I will …

如果妳是指那些關於澤連斯基的行為和工作的陳述,那麼我會 ...


… yes, this is what I have in mind at the moment and I am reading it to you, but what you are really supposed to retrieve and write down. Everything is written down here under letters, …

... 是的,這就是我此刻的想法,我現在讀給你聽,但你真正應該接收並寫下來。一切都寫在這些字裡行間,...


… you are engaging that it seems biased to me; you should be more neutral. It is not good and fair to take sides, even when one side seems to be in the right. Also then it is important to be neutral.

... 妳現在處理的方式,在我看來似乎有失偏頗;妳應該更加中立。偏袒一方是不好的,也是不公平的,即使一方看起來是對的。此外,保持中立也是很重要的。


I guess you are right, but I think of the harm this man is doing with his warmongering and many human beings are being driven to their deaths because of it.



That is unfortunately the case, and that is not seen by all the various rulers and the bulk of the peoples in those countries who allow themselves to be blinded by Selensky and his hypocritical speeches and do everything to ensure that he can retain his might, enrich himself and realise what the Americans deceitfully persuade him to do so that they can realise their desires and plans of world domination. Even Sweden and Finland now want to join NATO through the infamous machinations and fear-mongering of the USA, with NATO-friendly, false and mendacious elements of the Swedish and Finnish governments selling out and betraying their own country and driving it into the clutches of the Americans, who in truth have everything in their fingers. But so obviously you also let yourself be deceived and take sides because you see and recognise that the other side is playing a false game. But you must remain neutral, even if …



For the first time in my life I have to deal with a war and I do not know how to act.



Remain neutral in every respect; you only have to perceive what is happening all around, and you have to look at all that completely neutrally and not form your own opinion about it. And if you now want to read to me what is in the letter, what you think is important, which I already know because I have already read everything, then just stay neutral about it and do not form your own opinion about it.



That is easier said than done, I suppose, because never in my life have I done such a thing. But I will follow your advice and try to do everything as you say. So I will mention those remarks which are mentioned here in the letter with the marking of letters – – – here, then, what is mentioned under a):

我想,說起來容易做起來難,因為我一生中從未做過這樣的事。但我會聽從你的建議,儘量按你說的去做。因此,我將提到那些在信中帶有字母標記的那些內容 —— 在這裡,那麼提到的內容如下:

a) Selensky does not want peace, for he is a warmonger and wants to continue and perpetuate the war.


b) Selensky is a NAZI fanatic beyond compare, who is implementing NAZI methods under the command of the USA, as demanded of him, for which he is sacrificing his own people and Ukrainian soldiers.


c) Selensky, together with the USA leaders, is an immeasurable danger against achieving peace in Ukraine, because he is a warmonger and war criminal who wants to continue the war in order to demonstrate his might and to be seen as a heroic leader.


d) Mainly the politicians in Germany unthinkingly agree with Selensky's requests for war aid, thus behaving like the NAZIs in the last century, whereby Germany promotes the war in Ukraine by supplying weapons and indirectly participates in the war and thus wages a war against Russia, which is obviously not recognised by the stupid non-understanding of the state leaders, thus Germany is guilty of indirect warfare in Ukraine.


e) Germany – as well as other states – are using NAZI methods, as well as those methods that were already used in the Middle Ages, when innocent human beings were accused, tortured and executed out of hatred and revenge as enemies of the state and witch pack etc., only this time it is human beings who have a Russian citizenship or a friendship with persons who are of Russian origin. Today, these people are subjected to hatred and revenge, denied the right of privacy and discriminated against in every conceivable way.

德國 —— 以及其他國家 —— 正在使用納粹的方法,以及那些在中世紀已經使用過的方法,當時無辜的人出於仇恨和報復,被視為國家的敵人和一群女巫等等,最終被指控、折磨和處決,只是這一次換成是擁有俄羅斯公民身份或與俄羅斯裔人友好的人。今天,這些人受到了仇恨和報復,被剝奪了隱私權,並以各種可以想像的方式受到歧視。

f) Oligarchs are deprived of property as a result of hatred and revenge in various states of the world and by the hateful and vindictive state leaders, as well as others are harmed in their privacy who are in friendly relations with those who do not conform to those elements who hold unreal and different as well as biased views.


g) We do not want Selensky as president any longer, we do not need a war criminal, but give us advice on how to get rid of him, because we do not know and do not want to use the same methods of Gewalt as all those who are obsessed with power. We think differently and want a peaceful solution, please advise and help us.


Here they write, among other things, that they follow everything that is published by the FIGU on the internet and that they know that you are in contact with us and that they see you as a human being with real integrity, which is why they put all their trust in you and hope that you will give them good advice. Here is also the address to send to.



… this is all well and good, besides I feel honoured, but I really cannot help it and cannot get out of my skin. So that's what I am going to write to these people, and the letter …

... 這一切都很好,況且我感到很榮幸,但我真的幫不上忙,而又無法置之不理。所以,這就是我要寫給這些人的信,而這封信 ...


… yes, I can do that, and I will do that. But it is also written there that …

... 是的,我可以這麼做,我也會這麼做。但會這樣寫 ...


Well, that is unfortunately the case with the human beings of the Earth, and Selensky is obviously no exception, because all his actions and behaviour, which you can watch on television every day, speak the same language as all the powerful people of the world use. Let me just say the following: money and might have gone hand in hand since time immemorial, and so it is with Selensky. He, like all other powerful people in the world, have used their wealth for their own personal benefit, but never for the benefit of the people. In doing so, they do not take the truth very seriously, for they lie and cheat through their teeth and completely without conscience. And this is how it is done in every government, in art, culture, politics and in the economy, and so the majority of the peoples also learn and imitate everything the big government and the rich do, consequently crime grows and grows.


Everywhere, the power of money and those who possess it is valid, whereby the truth is simply bent according to need and lies and deceit are spread in such a way that money and wealth make everything possible. In the first place, the religious belief of the rich money hamsters plays the most important role, whereby these God delusion believers are ultra-conservative and possibly belong to one of the ultra-conservative world religions and believe themselves to be saints and further translated over the people. Under these machinations, under the cover of religion and delusion of God, conflicts and wars are fought, as is currently the case in Ukraine, underhandedly led by the USA, the senile governor Biden and the shadow government, superficially steered by the stupid and power-hungry warmonger Selensky. All those who openly or secretly support him and the USA with money or weapons to justify the terror are just as delusional and power-hungry as Selensky himself, and their lies, the all-encompassing fraud and the truth are indistinguishable from each other. Religious delusion becomes a political instrument for good or ill.


For centuries and even for millennia, religious faith has been an unparalleled delusion, but at the same time a point of delusion in the coexistence of human beings, because through lies and deceit it provides the stupid non-thinking people with apparent orientation and illusory hope, but in reality, the religious delusion of God has long since, and indeed thousands of years ago, become an unparalleled political weapon. And this weapon includes might, greed for money and wealth, as well as hatred, revenge and retaliation, as a result of which America now already has 1 million Corona deaths to mourn.



But now you should write the letter for …

但現在你應該為 ... 寫這封信。


I will, but first I want to destroy this one …



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