Contact Report 802/第802次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年05月21日,星期六,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年05月28日,星期六,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
You are here early. But be welcome and greetings, dear friend.
Greetings also, my friend, Eduard. Yes, I am early today.
But then I have to leave quickly, in about 15 or 20 minutes, because I have to clear something with Michael, which will take about 10 minutes, then I will be back here and I will not be disturbed. But what makes me wonder: What happened with the 3 men and the CD car from Ukraine?
Unfortunately, the clarification took much longer than expected, which is why my late arrival is also only today. However, it is a matter of …, which we should not discuss in such a way that you call it up later and write it down, because …
很遺憾,澄清這件事的時間比預期的要久,這就是為什麼我延到今天才來。然而,這是一個 ... 的問題,我們不應該以這樣(公開)的方式來討論,也就是在你之後接收後寫下來時要注意,因為 ... 。
That's what I thought, because I suspected something like that.
Then I can tell you the following about that …
那麼我可以告訴你關於這方面的情況如下 ...
Then the 1st car with the 2 persons can be ruled out and really has nothing to do with the 2nd. And besides – the loud-mouthed America lackey in Kyiv is obviously living dangerously when I see this loud-mouthed A… in his own ranks, …
那麼第一輛車的2個人就可以排除了,和第二輛車真的沒有關係。此外,當我看到這個大聲說話的A ... 在他自己的團隊中,…,那麼在基輔那個到處放話的美國鷹犬顯然活在危險之中。
That is so, also what I told you. The Ukrainian military commits crimes on its own people, but to blame it as authorship on the Russian military. This is a continuation of what I predicted to you last year in the month of November, and which is being steered secretly by America as a whole, and moreover by its dark state leadership, in order to deliberately falsely accuse the Russian side with false information in order to arouse sympathy for the defenders of Ukraine among the non-thinking and therefore stupid America-friendly state leaders and their peoples. The result is that the Ukrainian president is unjustly 'exalted', whom we judge to be a war criminal, because through his actions and his speeches he is fuelling and prolonging the disaster of war and thus of killing and destruction, with America and, moreover, its dark state leadership pulling the strings for this behind the scenes. They are unable to grasp the fact that every weapon supplied by those stupid and therefore non-thinking and incompetent state leaders of those states achieves exactly the opposite of what they imagine in their delusion and non-thinking. All arms suppliers are truly irresponsible participants in the war, who are promoting and prolonging the Ukraine war, as a result of which more and more deaths are being mourned and the senseless destruction continues. But all the stupid people are unable to see the whole picture because they are stupid and therefore unable to think. They believe that they are having a positive influence on the war in Ukraine, but they are achieving exactly the opposite of what they actually want to achieve. First and foremost, they are promoting the continuation of the war in Ukraine and ensuring its prolonged continuation with their arms deliveries, as they are also indirectly promoting the acts of murder and destruction. This, while on the other hand, with their ill-considered arms deliveries, they are acting in accordance with America's secret warfare in Ukraine and its ambitions and, moreover, they are supporting the secret actions of the American dark leadership, which is influencing everyone in the US leadership in such a way in order to achieve world domination. And those fallible state leaders of Ukraine, first of all the American-friendly lackey Selensky, who is influenced by the Americans that the state should join the murderous organisation NATO, are non-thinkers and thus fools, all of whom cannot grasp the truth of the whole thing. They are also unaware that the war against Russia is being waged with the secret involvement of the US military in Ukraine, that this once powerful state is to become a vassal state of America in its bid for world domination.
The fact that Selensky, in his stupidity, is neither able to recognise nor understand the consequences of the future in and for itself and the future for Ukraine, is on the one hand due to his stupidity and therefore his inadequate thinking, and on the other to his megalomania and striving for power, as a result of which he unconsciously paves the way for America and its NATO organisation to be able to integrate Ukraine on the one hand and Russia on the other into America's world domination mania. In his stupidity, he is paving the way for America to achieve its secret goals, for which the dark state leadership is secretly pulling the strings in the background.
But what more is to be said about the incident at the biotope car park and the closer connections can be summarised in the following explanations: …
I know all that, but there's probably no point in talking about it openly. Let's leave it at that, that we also only talk about it privately. In my opinion, what you said about the USA, the NATO assassination organisation and Ukraine should also be put simply with dots …
這些我都知道,但公開談論這些可能沒有意義。就這樣吧,我們也只能私下裡談一談。在我看來,你說的關於美國、北約暗殺組織和烏克蘭的事情也應該簡單地用點來表示 …
… no, not in that case, what I addressed regarding America, its dark-state leadership, Ukraine and Selensky, that was said by me fully consciously, and in such a way that it is unambiguous. In our opinion, Selensky, the President of Ukraine, is a war criminal and, moreover, a liar who is believed by all those stupid people who are themselves capable of lying and who, in their stupidity, i.e. in their inability to think, are unable to recognise the truth. It is thereby all those stupid ones of the state leaders and of the peoples who react favourably to his presented acting and suggestive speech actions in public media to his pretences of his lying 'cries for help' and 'victory over the enemy' etc., which, according to America and its dark state leadership and its propaganda, is going on exactly as they want it. The fact that everything is being done according to America and its dark state leadership, whereby slowly but surely all of Europe is also being subverted and becoming a vassal of America, will undoubtedly come about if this action of the USA is not consciously, quickly and vehemently withdrawn from power. There is still time for this, also for the EU dictatorship and Switzerland, which is already dependent on the EU, to finally place its existence as a state under the flag of America. And what I have said about America and its machinations, I have mentioned explicitly so that you can later call it up and write it down, so that what Earth-humans need to understand can be said clearly and openly, as well as what the real truth is about what America, as well as the dark state leadership working secretly in the background with its subterranean and infamous ways of acting in Ukraine and in the whole world in general, are really doing and striving for in the future. This shall be mentioned openly for once, and only what I have explained concerning the car and the 3 men, you shall not name, but leave out.
… 不,在這種情況下,我對美國、其黑暗國家領導人、烏克蘭和澤連斯基的講話,是我完全自覺地說的,而且是以一種毫不含糊的方式說的。在我們看來,烏克蘭總統澤連斯基是一個戰爭罪犯,而且是一個騙子,他被所有那些愚蠢的人所相信,而這些人本身就會撒謊,而且由於他們的愚蠢,也就是由於他們欠缺思考能力,無法識別真相。因此,正是所有這些愚蠢的國家領導人和人民,對他在公共媒體上呈現的演技和暗示性的言論,對他假裝的“呼救”和撒謊的“戰勝敵人”等藉口做出了積極的反應,根據美國及其黑暗的國家領導層和它的宣傳,這正是他們希望的。如果美國的這一行動沒有被有意、迅速而強烈地從權力中撤回,那麼一切都在按照美國當局及其黑暗國家領導層的要求進行,而整個歐洲也在緩慢但肯定地被顛覆,成為美國的附庸,這一事實無疑會發生。這仍然還有時間,歐盟的獨裁者和已經依賴歐盟的瑞士,是否最終將成為依附於美國旗幟之下的一個國家,也還有時間挽回。我所說的關於美國和它的陰謀,我已經明確提到了,以便你以後可以接收它並寫下來,這樣地球人需要理解的東西就可以明確且公開地說出來,關於美國當局以及在後台秘密工作的黑暗國家領導層在烏克蘭和整個世界隱秘而無恥的行動方式,其實際真相是什麼,還有他們在未來到底要努力做什麼,這將被公開提出一次。只有我所說明的關於那輛汽車和那3個人的事情,你不應該說出名字,而且略過內容不要提。
That, so far I thought, should be my business alone as a statement and naming of reality, of facts and naming of the truth in this respect. That Selensky is sitting on a 'hot seat' and that his surrounding 'co-rulers' are not all of his wicked opinion of might and war, that may be said, may it not? The majority of newspapers and other public organs are silent about the truth or only tell lies, because only a few report what really is. For example, only talks about what really is. That Selensky is a warmonger and liar is now finally clear to me since I know what it is about the guys at the Biotop and that he is therefore not very popular with his own people, who apparently put more of a good face on the bad game …,
到目前為止,我想,作為對現實的陳述和對這方面真相的描述,這應該是我一個人的事。目前,澤連斯基正是一個“熱門人物”,但他周圍的“同儕”並不都認同他那強權和好戰的邪惡觀點,可以這麼說,不是嗎?然而大多數報紙和其他公共機構都對真相保持沉默,或者只說謊言,因為只有少數報導真實情況。例如,只有《》談論了什麼是真實的情況。澤連斯基是一個好戰份子和騙子,現在我終於明白了,因為我知道了關於生態社區那些人的情況,因此他在自己人的圈子中不是很受歡迎,顯然,他們在這場糟糕的賽局中還是要表現得很賣力 ... 。
Thou shalt not speak of it, for … That is well correct, that may be said, but further thou shalt not say anything concerning what I explained concerning the three men and the car. But what I want to say now: For once I also want to speak out and say what is reality and truth – it simply forces me for once to say what I know and what moves me mentally and emotionally, even if it puts me outside the framework of what I normally do not talk about openly, but only privately about the intrigues of the earthly leaders, leaving the peoples in the dark and hiding from them what is secretly discussed and decided, so that there is no transparency for the peoples in relation to what is really going on in the state leaderships. Thus all the peoples of the earthly states are kept ignorant and stupid by their state leaders in all important matters, which already begins there that state leaders are elected to the head of state who are absolutely unfit for this office.
你不能提起這件事,因為 ... (在信中)可以這麼說,而這完全是正確的,但是你也不能再提我說的那三個人和那輛車的事情。而我現在想說的是:這一次,我也想公開說出來,說出什麼是現實和真相 —— 這只是迫使我這一次說出我所知道的,什麼在精神和情感上觸動了我,即這讓我置身於我通常不會公開談論的範圍之外,而過去只是私下談論地球上那些領導人的陰謀,他們讓人民蒙在鼓裡,對人民隱瞞他們秘密討論和決定的內容,這樣,人民就無法瞭解國家領導層的真實情況。因此,地球上所有國家的人民,都被他們的國家領導人蒙騙,以便在所有重要的事情上保持無知和愚蠢的狀態,這已經早就開始這麼做了,那些被選為國家元首的國家領導人,但他們絕對不配擔任這個職位。
That is true, but should I really …
那是真的,但我真的應該 ...
… yes, I do, because for once let it be said openly what is to be said. It is correct that we do not discuss political matters in our conversations, because it is sufficient if we discuss the existing facts of reality and truth privately, which you then also call truthful and bring up. That is all that is needed.
... 是的,我願意,因為這一次,讓我們公開說說該說的話吧。我們在談話中不討論政治問題是正確的,因為如果我們私下討論現實和真相就足夠了,然後你也將真相提出來。這就是所需要做的一切。
Then we could actually move on to another topic, but I still want to address the USA, namely in this respect that the America-obsessed Earthlings should think about what the USA alone has done on Earth in the last 250 years by waging wars or being involved in such wars. And for many earthlings it would be important to think about how many governments have been overthrown by the USA, although the Americans had no business in foreign countries, but did everything only to be able to ultimately seize world domination, which they are also doing now in Ukraine, by secretly directing and leading the war against Russia in order to achieve their and the shadow government's goal of world domination in a roundabout way. But the rulers of the countries of the world are so thick as thieves that in their lack of thinking and in their America-friendliness they cannot smell the roast that the USA and its secret shadow government are secretly frying. But with that I have actually said everything in this regard. First of all, I have a question about the Corona plague, because I have already been asked several times, such as the following question, which I cannot answer myself, so I want to ask you:
I wonder why the group of patients who were infected with Delta seem to be less infectious now. Because it is relatively rare to hear of many, many human beings infected with Delta now. I cannot understand the reasoning behind this, because I think that a person who is infected with the virus can pass it on to others at any time as long as that person is alive. How is it that epidemics are rampant for only a while and then subside?
Thank you for reading my email and I wish Billy good health and good luck to everyone living at the FIGU Centre.
ZuoBO, from China
You know we generally do not want to respond to question-answers, because our job is not compatible with such concerns.
I already know that, and as a general rule I also stick to not asking questions that I am supposed to address to you. You have also said that I should not answer questions that are not strictly spiritual. The reason you give for this I can of course understand, but the question at hand, however, interests me personally, which is why I want to ask you whether you want to answer me and whether I may also pass on this, your answer?
If it is only this one question that is really also in your interest, then I can answer it, and you can also retrieve it later and write it down, consequently you are also allowed to pass it on in the discussion report. In this sense, I would like to take a stand and say the following: Unfortunately, the corona delta mutation has resulted in countless deaths, as well as long-term and also lifelong suffering, which, however, as you often say, is hushed up. The very questionable vaccine, which has neither been seriously proven to be effective nor legally tested, but has been used or 'marketed', as you have said several times, for profit-minded and totally irresponsible reasons, has caused more harm than real benefit. Our research also proves that so far none of the so-called vaccines, which are in truth so far none of value, have been able to create any form of immunity, even partial, against the Corona virus and its various mutations.
And what about what is said here, that one seldom hears about those infected with the Delta mutation? Has this flattened out or even disappeared?
Neither of what you have mentioned applies, because the existing fact of continued existence is simply hushed up, as you like to say. This is also the case with the existence of the corona plague in countries that conceal such information. Especially China, the actual country of origin, where the corona plague began to develop in the mid-1970s out of vindictiveness and on the initiative of the American … is not impressed by the full truth and largely conceals it. This is the same as North Korea's silence about the fact that the Corona disease is also rampant in this country, but this is concealed both within the country itself and externally, and is therefore hushed up. Human beings afflicted with the disease were even executed in this state in order to conceal the fact that Corona was rampant in the country and the truth could be made public, but this will change in the future because the practice cannot be maintained for a long time.
你提到的這兩點都不是事實的,因為繼續存在的現有事實只是被掩蓋了,正如你喜歡說的那樣。在那些隱瞞此類資訊的國家,冠狀病毒疫情的存在也是這種情況。特別是中國,這個病毒實際的起源國,那是在1970年代中期,出於報復,在美國人的提議下,冠狀病毒開始發展 ... 對完整的事實不以為意,並在很大程度上隱瞞了真相。這與朝鮮對冠狀病毒疫情在該國也很猖獗的事實保持沉默是一樣的,但這在朝鮮內部和外部都被掩蓋了,因此被隱瞞了。患有這種疾病的人甚至在這種狀態下被處決,以掩蓋冠狀病毒疫情在該國猖獗的事實,使真相無法公開,但這種情況將來會改變,因為這種做法無法長期維持。
All this is explained by you so far, but what about the question of 'passing on' as it is still posed here?
If the corona plague is survived as such and a recovery takes place, then the pathogen has thus become ineffective, but is still present in terms of impulses, as our research proves, but unfortunately this is not ascertainable for earthly medicine.
The impulse is also no longer as unstable and attackable as before, but it has largely flattened out and become less aggressive, which also means that it has stabilised and is more repellent against a new infection. But this does not in any way mean immunisation, because such an immunisation is illusory at present. This is also the case for all of you in the Centre, so there is no further danger of internal infection if everyone has survived the Corona epidemic and nothing is brought in from outside that could reactivate and activate the virus impulse. If, however, the last person in the Centre has overcome the infection, then it can be said that 'everything has gone well', so that internally there will be no further risk of infection. However, as far as the possibility of infection from outside is concerned, each person should make every effort to ensure that no such infection occurs. The Corona epidemic is still a danger that must not be underestimated, and therefore the irresponsible orders and decrees of state leaders that declare the wearing of respiratory masks and the keeping of distance between human beings and their neighbours to be no longer necessary should not be taken into account. Wearing FFP2 respirators is still necessary, as is keeping a proper distance. It is also important to note that each FFP2 mask carries 2 to 4 per cent uncertainty, just as uncovered eyes pose a certain risk.
The persons from the internal area are therefore exempt from wearing respiratory masks among themselves as far as no new infection occurs through a new introduction, whereby however the distance from one human being to another should nevertheless be kept as good as possible, simply as a given measure of safety. This, while on the other hand, when going out, contrary to all governmental and really irresponsible instructions, which declare the wearing of respiratory masks of the quality FFP2 as not necessary, should strictly not be followed. Also the observance of distance rules towards persons of foreign origin should continue to be observed if there is no certainty of non-Corona infection.
As we were able to find out, contrary to our initial findings, the corona impulses only become acute and active again after a new infection, which has changed since the outbreak of the corona epidemic in such a way that the corona virus impulses are still present, but have changed in such a way that they only become acute and active again after a new infection. The reason for this has not yet become apparent, so we do not yet have any insights into how the change could have occurred. Similarly, it is as yet inexplicable to us that corona virus impulses are able to develop and be deposited in the immune system, for this is a hitherto unknown phenomenon to us, which we have never been able to detect in all the viruses and bacteria known to us, consequently we have also had no knowledge of the fact that this possibility of impulse deposition existed at all.
Aha, but that is already a realisation, as is also the fact that the impulse deposit of the virus can no longer become active independently, but only again through a new infection. But can you perhaps still explain how it actually relates to all the trimmings regarding the fighting, the dissipation or disappearance etc. of an epidemic or pandemic?
A longer explanation is needed on this. – What needs to be said is that an epidemic or pandemic can indeed be stopped, eliminated or eradicated, but only depending on its nature. Thus, one epidemic or pandemic may be over quickly, while another may prove to be protracted, depending on the ongoing circumstances. Epidemics and pandemics can be mitigated by vaccination, for example, but a truly suitable vaccine requires years of research and many tests before it is finally safe enough to be put to beneficial use. Unfortunately, this is not the case with the 'vaccines' for the Corona pandemic or Corona epidemic, because the unsuitable and partly life-threatening 'vaccine' was used immediately after the Corona epidemic became known, which unfortunately resulted in many deaths and still does today. Those who were vaccinated against the Corona epidemic and did not die or did not suffer any permanent damage to their health can consider themselves lucky.
How an epidemic or pandemic ends depends on the pathogens, because these can be very diverse and, depending on the case, remain current for centuries and even millennia, while others only spread for a short time and soon disappear again as if by themselves. Ideally, human beings would even be able to eradicate the pathogens of an epidemic or pandemic by means of some kind of medication or vaccine, but this is extremely rare, because the pathogens of epidemics or pandemics, such as viruses and bacteria, are very insidious and long-lived. In particular, those pathogens of epidemics and pandemics are of special insidiousness, which are artificially produced, which tend to mutate much faster and more frequently than viruses and bacteria otherwise do, but which can always trigger new diseases and epidemics.
An epidemic or pandemic can sometimes also be effectively stopped and even ended by nature, so that at some point, just sooner or later, it can be declared to have run its course or to have ended. Other epidemics or pandemics persist over long periods of time, even, as already mentioned, centuries and millennia, and remain active in such a way that they never end and appear again and again from time to time with new variations – often claiming many human lives. Basically, human beings cannot do anything about them and therefore inevitably accept them, as is the case, for example, with the flu virus, which appears every year as a new variation and claims many lives. The flu virus, which actually comes from the Spanish flu that raged in 1918 and 1919 and claimed around 60 million lives, has never disappeared since then and keeps appearing in new mutations. It is true that this H1N1 virus has weakened to become the 'normal' flu or influenza, which every year is again rampant around the world and claims its victims, because it is and remains dangerous in its variations. But human beings have become so accustomed to it that they hardly say a word about it and stoically accept everything that is connected with it.
The Corona plague – a virus that was created in various laboratories and that has been changing and spreading in different variations since the mid-1970s, because it was carried around at the time and caused a lot of harm and often mutated – only developed dangerously into a pandemic in 2019 due to a new carry-over, which quickly resulted in new mutations worldwide. And so this epidemic was not simply 'there overnight', as is claimed, and it will continue to exist, and for a very long time, consequently the epidemic will not simply disappear, but will continue to exist underground for a very long time. Of course, the acute spread can disappear just as suddenly as it appeared, but to eradicate the pathogen of this pandemic, unfortunately, will not be the case, because the virus is already nesting underground … consequently it will last for millennia and can suddenly strike in a new mutation.
冠狀病毒是一種在各個實驗室創造出來的病毒,自1970年代中期以來一直在以不同的變異形式變化和傳播,因為它當時到處傳播,造成了很多傷害,並經常發生變異 —— 由於2019年才再次傳播,發展成為一種危險的疫情,這很快導致了新的變異在世界各地出現。因此,這種流行病並不像人們所說的那樣簡單地“一夜之間就出現了”,它將繼續存在,而且存在很長一段時間,因此,這種流行病不會簡簡單單就消失,而是將繼續在地下存在很長一段時間。當然,急性傳播可以像它出現時一樣突然消失,但要根除這種疫情的病原體,可惜不會出現這種情況,因為病毒已經在地下築巢 ... 因此,它將持續幾千年,並能在新的變異中突然發作。
Simply eradicating the virus of an epidemic or pandemic sounds like the most attractive way of combating it, but this virus will not simply be gone one day, because it will continue to exist underground for a very long time and wreak havoc in the future, but in a completely different way than is currently the case.
Even if this still ongoing pandemic will indeed come to a 'happy' end, it will not be the case that it will not bring with it consequences to be coined on the corporations.
The Corona virus is not only transmitted from human to human, but it has animal intermediate hosts in which the pandemic pathogens can survive and even be passed on, also to human beings. Furthermore, recovery from the Corona virus might not make one immune, but rather infection can occur again and the virus can be passed on again. The Corona virus cannot also be vaccinated away because the corresponding effective vaccine does not exist. Furthermore, as already mentioned, no immunity against the Corona pathogen can be proven – at least not yet. Our research does not yet show whether worldwide immunity can be established at all, nor whether lifelong immunity against the pathogen is possible and can also be inherited.
冠狀病毒不僅在人與人之間傳播,而且它還有動物的中間宿主,疫情的病原體可以在其中生存,甚至被傳遞給人類。此外,從冠狀病毒中恢復過來可能不會使人免疫,而是會再次發生感染,病毒會再次傳播。由於不存在相應的有效疫苗,冠狀病毒疫情也無法被接種。此外,正如已經提到的,不能證明對冠狀病毒病原體有免疫力 —— 至少現在還不能。我們的研究還沒有顯示出是否可以建立全世界的免疫力,也沒有顯示出對病原體的終身免疫力是否可能,以及是否可以遺傳。
The Corona virus is currently weakening to such an extent that the pandemic seems to be running out. In our opinion, however, this is currently only an illusion, which can change again through a new mutation and break out again. Moreover, this must be borne in mind: The Corona virus is a virus that spreads within the first few days of infection, even before severe symptoms appear in the infected human being. It makes absolutely no difference whether or how quickly an infected person dies of the disease, because the very aggressive Corona virus can also continue to spread for the first time after the body dies.
So if the infected die early, they can still spread the disease, at least that seems to be the strategic aim of the Corona virus, created by human beings, according to our findings, as well as the fact that this also results in the cause of a mutation, i.e. a change in the virus, consequently the whole thing is calculated in advance and not based on a coincidence.
However, the whole of the true circumstances is, of course, concealed due to the financial greed of the manufacturers of medicines and vaccines, as well as by the responsible money-grubbing state leaders, such as, for example, that from the very beginning the currently more than just dubious vaccines are partly lethal in their effect, because they were simply thrown onto the 'market of medicine' out of greed for profit and have been used unscrupulously ever since.
Well, there is probably nothing more to be said about this, but there I have a question that I can actually answer myself, because I have already been taught by Sfath that 'possession' in the old manner is usually a delusion, an alleged taking possession of a living being, such as a human being, whereby the latter is then supposed to speak, act and behave in a strange way. This is when the 'possession' refers to the fact that a demon or something like that has 'possessed' or taken possession of the human being. It was assumed – which was of course religiously conditioned – that the human being was 'possessed' by the personality of another person to whom he was powerless and controlled by him.
好吧,關於這個問題可能沒什麼好說的了,但我有個問題其實我自己也能回答,因為我已經被Sfath教導過了,老式的“附身”(possession)通常是一種錯覺,一種所謂的佔有一個生命體,比如說一個人,然後後者應該以一種奇怪的方式說話、行動和表現。這時的“附身”是指惡魔或類似的東西“附身”或佔據了人。人們假定 —— 這當然受到宗教的限制 —— 人類被另一個人的人格所“佔有”,他對這個人無能為力,並受他的控制。
The whole of this obsession, however, has nothing to do with the obsession when, for example, the human being becomes obsessively addicted to a fellow human being or a thing with passion, trying, for example, to compensate for one's own problems with the personality of the adored fellow human being. In the past, earthlings believed that a 'possession' by an evil being or the devil, a spirit or God determined the actions of the person concerned. It was believed that evil had 'entered' the human being, or a being or supernatural forces that expressed themselves in a pronounced state of excitement. The term 'possession' was created for this purpose. This is a term from early history that was coined to explain some clinical pictures that were not understood by human beings.
Thus, possession is an ancient term from the early history of mankind, whereby the clinical pictures basically belong to the field of psychopathology for explanation, because possession according to the old sense, when it was still considered a 'religious extreme state' and in former times in many cultures and religions the human beings were considered to be possessed and controlled by a spirit or a deity, the possessed were even tortured and handed over to death. The ancient and misguided belief of the earthling was that the human being suffered the possession of a being that had entered into him or supernatural forces that had a determining hold on him and put him into a pronounced state of arousal. The occurring and very pronounced behavioural disturbances and the change in consciousness were attributed in some faiths and religious communities to the intrusion of a demon – by which was usually meant the devil/Satan himself – an evil spirit or even a deity, which drove the possessed human being insane and generally completely dominated him.
因此,附身是一個來自人類早期歷史的古老用語,據此,診斷景象基本上屬於精神病理學(Psychopathology)領域的解釋,因為根據古老的意義,當時附身還被認為是一種“宗教極端狀態”,在以前的許多文化和宗教中,人類被認為是被靈魂或神靈附身和控制,著魔者甚至被折磨至死。地球人古老而錯誤的信念是,人類遭受了進入他體內的生命或超自然力量的佔有,這些力量對他有決定性的影響,使他進入明顯的興奮狀態。在一些信仰和宗教團體中,發生的非常明顯的行為紊亂和意識變化被歸結為惡魔的入侵 —— 通常是指魔鬼/撒旦本人 —— 惡靈甚至是神靈,它使著魔的人精神錯亂,通常完全支配著他。
Long before there was any scientific-clinical research into the phenomenon of possession, human beings, in their search for the causes of abnormal and thus deviant behaviour over which human beings obviously had no control, blamed demons, evil spirits, a deity or supernatural forces.
In analogy to various natural phenomena to which Earth-humans have been exposed since time immemorial, such as storms of all kinds, a solar eclipse, lightning and thunder, as well as floods etc., these were very often attributed to the wrath of various gods. This was also the case with some behavioural anomalies of human beings, for which the wrath of the gods was held responsible. Furthermore, in demonology it was assumed that more or less autonomous evil demons, spirits or gods, as well as other beings and supernatural forces, had taken up residence in possessed persons and determined their deviant and abnormal behaviour. In this way, people in various cultures of antiquity were of the opinion that illnesses, accidents and misfortunes were caused by a demon that had taken up residence in human beings and controlled them. Human beings were thus possessed by a demon, whereby a 'cure from possession' was only possible by making the body uninhabitable in order to expel the demon. To this end, prayers, rituals, noise, deprivation of food or evil-tasting drinks were used, as well as torture and other evil violence, sexual abuse and coercion of all kinds, with fatal consequences not uncommon. Examples of this still exist today, because the religious delusion of possession by demons, mainly by the prince of hell Satan himself, as well as by evil spirits, gods and supernatural forces, still exists in the delusional thinking of believers in religion and God and haunts the brains of believers in the delusion of God.
Of course, from time immemorial, an exorcism was inevitable, as were many other delusional religious rituals, whereby enormous noise, prayers as well as torture, deprivation of food or foul-tasting drinks were associated with it, for the human beings were also delusional believers in God at that time, consequently all imaginable things were used by the priests and other demon exorcists, who let themselves be paid handsomely for it. This was despite the fact that it was not uncommon for an exorcism of 'evil spirits' to end with the 'possessed' passing away and being buried. Something similar happened in Ringwil ob Hinwil in 1966, when I once lived with my parents in Ringwil for a short time, just at the time when only about 200 metres away in a cult chalet, 17-year-old Bernadette Hasler from Singen/Germany was beaten to death because the devil was to be cast out of her. The sectarians were punished and imprisoned for this murder, but the sectarians in Singen, where the sect centre actually was, continued with their exorcisms, after which in 1988 two sisters, Magdalena Kohler, 73, who had already been convicted once for exorcism resulting in death, and Hildegard Röller, 70, indulged in their devil spook and their cruel torture craft as exorcists and did their mischief. It was only when the body of the widow Anna Wermuthäuser, 66, was found in the house at Erzbergerstrasse 23 after an anonymous call to the police that the religiously based exorcism became public knowledge. Little by little, the truth came to light. Namely, that the pensioner had been tortured to death in a martyrdom lasting almost 5 years, as a result of an exorcism.
當然,自古以來,驅魔是不可避免的,就像許多其他妄想的宗教儀式一樣,巨大的噪音、祈禱以及酷刑、剝奪食物或惡臭的飲料都與此有關,因為當時人類也是妄想的上帝信徒,因此,所有可以想像的東西都被牧師和其他驅魔人使用,他們讓自己得到豐厚的報酬。儘管驅除“邪靈”的工作以“著魔者”的去世和被埋葬而告終,但這種情況並不罕見。1966年,類似的事情發生在Ringwil ob欣維爾(Hinwil),當時我曾和父母在Ringwil住過一陣子,就在這時,在200公尺外的一個邪教小屋,來自德國辛根(Singen)的17歲的Bernadette Hasler被毆打致死,因為要把魔鬼從她身上趕走。教派成員因這起謀殺案受到懲罰和監禁,但教派中心所在地辛根的教派成員繼續進行驅魔,此後,1988年,73歲的Magdalena Kohler(暫譯為瑪格達蓮娜.科勒)和70歲的Hildegard Röller(暫譯為希爾德加德.羅勒)兩姐妹作為驅魔人沉溺於他們的魔鬼幽靈和殘酷的折磨中,進行對被害人的傷害。直到66歲的寡婦Anna Wermuthäuser(暫譯為安娜.韋爾穆索斯)的屍體在匿名報警後被發現在Erzberger strasse(暫譯為埃爾茲貝格大街)23號的房子裡,這場基於宗教的驅魔儀式才被公眾所知。漸漸地,真相浮出水面。也就是說,這位養老金領取者在持續近五年的殉道中被折磨致死,這是驅魔的結果。
Then there was also the case – I think it was in Aschaffenburg – where the regional court sentenced 2 Catholic priests to 6 months imprisonment on probation each, because the two ecclesiastical exorcists, who had been appointed by the then Würzburg Bishop Josef Stangl, tortured the 23-year-old Anneliese Michel from Klingenberg on the Main for 10 months, and handily summoned various demons to come out of the girl's body. After about 70 exorcistic sessions against the Satanic spawn Judas, Lucifer, Cain, Nero and Hitler, the girl, who actually suffered from psychotic epilepsy – which was judged by the church to be 'possession by the devils' – was emaciated to around 31 kilos and died. For the fact that the girl was brutally murdered by the devil exorcists, the direct murderers each received just 6 months' conditional imprisonment, while the supreme chief, who ordered the exorcism and thus gave the order to murder the girl, got off completely scot-free. Then, a year later, in 1979, Cardinal Höffner, who was then chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, said that the Catholic Church 'adheres to the existence of the devil and demonic powers', whereby, according to Plejaren calculations, around 63 percent of the population are so religious that they believe in a devil incarnate. According to the Plejaren, they have also observed that the exorcism of evil in the flesh is much more widespread than is generally assumed by the population and religionists.
然後還有一個案件 —— 我想是在阿沙芬堡(Aschaffenburg) —— 地區法院判處兩名天主教神父各6個月的緩刑,因為這兩名由當時的維爾茨堡(Würzburg)主教Josef Stangl(暫譯為約瑟夫.斯坦格爾)任命的教會驅魔師,對美因河畔克林根貝格(Klingenberg on the Main)的23歲的安娜莉絲.米契(Anneliese Michel)折磨了10個月,並順手召喚了各種惡魔從女孩的身體裡出來。經過大約七十次對撒旦的化身猶大(Judas)、路西法(Lucifer)、該隱(Cain)、尼祿(Nero)和希特勒的驅魔治療後,這個實際上患有精神性癲癇的女孩 —— 被教會判定為“被魔鬼附身”—— 憔悴到大約三十一公斤然後死去。由於女孩被魔鬼驅魔師殘忍地殺害,直接兇手每人只被判處6個月的有條件監禁,而下令驅魔並因此下令殺害女孩的最高長官卻完全沒有受到懲罰。一年後的1979年,時任德國主教會議主席的紅衣主教Höffner(暫譯為霍夫納)說,天主教會“堅持魔鬼和惡魔力量的存在”,根據Plejaren的計算,大約63%的人口非常虔誠,相信有魔鬼的化身。根據Plejaren的說法,他們還觀察到,用肉體驅魔比一般人和宗教人士認為的要廣泛得多。
[中譯者註:有關安娜莉絲.米契(Anneliese Michel)的驅魔事件,電影《驅魔》(The Exorcism of Emily Rose 2005)就是根據她的故事改編的。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
Long before there was scientific clinical research, the term 'possession' was used by those human beings who, in stupidity and stupidity, had turned to religions and thus to the belief in God. However, the causes for the strange behaviour of human beings were not fathomed and it was not understood why human beings were apparently no longer able to exercise control over themselves. In the religious delusion of faith, supernatural forces were held responsible and it was assumed that the human beings were controlled by evil forces that had invaded them and made them incapable of using their senses in a controlled manner. It was assumed that a foreign might, something evil, had taken possession of him and that his being was now 'possessed' by a foreign subject, precisely an evil, a demon, by the devil and Satan personally, by a spirit or God, and so on. Being possessed very quickly became the term 'possession', which then also meant that certain natural phenomena were to blame for causing the strange behaviour of human beings. For example, lightning and thunder, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, floods and storms etc. were held responsible for this, although even in earlier times the behavioural anomalies of 'possessed' human beings were sometimes also attributed to the wrath of the gods, for it was taught in the demonology of the time, as already mentioned, that more or less autonomous evil beings take possession of human beings and thus make them possessed.
早在有科學的臨床研究之前,“附身”這個詞就被那些愚蠢的人類所使用,他們在愚蠢的情況下轉向宗教,從而轉向對上帝的信仰。然而,人類奇怪行為的原因並沒有得到深究,也不明白為什麼人類顯然不再能夠控制自己。在宗教信仰的錯覺中,超自然的力量被認為是罪魁禍首,人們認為人類被邪惡的力量所控制,這些力量入侵了他們,使他們無法有控制地使用自己的感官。人們認為,一種外來的力量,一種邪惡的東西,已經佔據了他,他現在被一個外來的主體“佔有”,正是一個邪惡的,一個惡魔,被魔鬼和撒旦本人,一個神靈或上帝等等。著魔很快就變成了“附身”一詞,然後也意味著某些自然現象要為造成人類的奇怪行為負責。例如,閃電和雷鳴、日食、月食、洪水和風暴等都被認為要對此負責,儘管即使在早期,“著魔”的人的行為異常有時也被歸咎於神的憤怒,因為如前所述,在當時的魔鬼學中教導人們,或多或少自身邪惡的人(autonomous evil beings)佔有人類,從而使他們著魔。
Since I have been involved with religions, religious faith or the delusion of God and all kinds of faith-based practices since my earliest childhood, so even today, I myself have also gained insights into faith-based practices etc. that are actually never known to the ordinary citizen. So I have looked around in Christianity, in Protestantism, in Catholicism and in many Christian sects, I have registered in Islam, so also in Judism, in Hinduism and in Buddhism, as also in their countless sects, but everywhere I have only found delusions of faith, but not reality and truth. Sfath was an irreplaceable helper in this, through whom I was given the opportunity very early in my life to gain direct insight into the most diverse religious faiths, and even to join the various communities of religious faiths as a member, but always only endeavoured to educate myself in knowledge about religions and sects as well as their customs and practices. Sfath, however, said that I should keep quiet about it and never derive journalistic value from it, but only broaden my knowledge and benefit from it for myself. This, he said, because becoming public would inevitably lead to everything being changed in such a way that ultimately a commercial and self-exalting moment would arise from it, which would inevitably lead the human beings negatively to see the limelight as their habitat, without which they could no longer live. And when I think about his words then, and think about them today, then I come to the same conclusion as before, that Sfath was absolutely right, consequently I also disregard journalism today and stick to the fact that only what I myself teach on the one hand in the inner circle and what I myself write down without mentioning anything that would not correspond to the truth should become known. And that it has become a matter of course for me never to express an opinion of my own, but always to reproduce everything and everything without judgement according to how it actually behaves and how I have witnessed and experienced it as reality and truth, that has become an unbreakable duty for me.
What I would like to say, however, is that an 'invocation' of 'evil spirits' or of the 'devil' or 'Satan', as is still the case in the Catholic Church, is based on a 'great' or 'solemn exorcism'. There it is assumed that if there is a 'possession by the devil' or by any other evil demons, that the following, for example, is helpful to expel the body or other demons from the body and consciousness of the 'possessed': Breathing on and laying on of hands, passing the cross of Christ over the body, making the sign of the cross, saying prayers, giving orders by the exorcists to the devil or Satan or other demons that he or they should leave. Firm fisticuffs are only rarely common, but their occurrence is undeniable, as I have seen and experienced myself.
然而,我想說的是,對“邪靈”或“魔鬼”或“撒旦”的“召喚”,就像天主教會中仍然存在的那樣,是基於“偉大”或“莊嚴的驅魔”。在那裡,人們認為,如果有“魔鬼附身”或任何其他邪魔附身,例如以下的做法有助於將身體或其他魔鬼從“著魔者”的身體和意識中驅逐出去:呼吸和按手(Breathing on and laying on of hands),在身體上傳遞基督的十字架,做十字架的手勢,祈禱,由驅魔人向魔鬼或撒旦或其他惡魔下達命令,讓他或他們離開。激烈的打鬥很少發生,但它們的發生是不可否認的,正如我自己所看到和經歷的那樣。
Recently, the human being has become a little more humane in exorcising alleged demons in 'possessed' people, so that in Europe priests and others who work as exorcists consult doctors and psychiatrists before diagnosing a human being as 'possessed', although even today – in an age of supposed enlightenment of all things – the exorcism of the devil or any other demon is more tolerated than encouraged by the official church. But exorcism truthfully still exists, and more than the citizen knows, because the delusional belief in a 'dear God', and that the devil or Satan and evil demons can take 'possession' of human beings and make them 'possessed', continues to exist unhindered. This is why traditionalist associations and various groups on the right-wing fringe of the Church continue to cultivate exorcism, as for example in the movement of the apostate archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, where exorcism is a firm part of the faith.
最近,人類在驅除“著魔”的人身上的所謂惡魔時變得更加人性化,因此在歐洲,牧師和其他從事驅魔工作的人在診斷一個人“著魔”之前會諮詢醫生和精神病學家,儘管即使在今天 —— 在一個所謂的萬物啟蒙的時代 —— 對魔鬼或任何其他惡魔的驅魔更被官方教會所容忍而不是鼓勵。但驅魔說實話仍然存在,而且比民眾知道的還要多,因為對“親愛上帝”的妄想,以及魔鬼或撒旦和邪惡的惡魔可以“佔有”人類並使他們“著魔”,仍然繼續存在。這就是為什麼傳統主義協會和教會右翼邊緣的各種團體繼續培養驅魔,例如在叛教的大主教Marcel Lefebvre(暫譯為馬歇爾.勒費弗爾)的運動中,驅魔是信仰的一個堅定部分。
The 'great' or 'solemn' exorcism according to the rites of the Catholic Church is and remains the same, so the invocation of the devil or Satan in the case of an assumed 'possession' remains breaths, the laying on of hands, the sign of the cross, prayer and the commanding of the exorcist, whereby, depending on Satan's resistance, it is also allowed to 'reach' more firmly, whereby the demons are to be driven out – whereby the 'reaching' is not to be described in more detail.
根據天主教會的儀式,“偉大的”或“莊嚴的”驅魔是並保持不變的,所以在假定“附身”的情況下,對魔鬼或撒旦的召喚仍然是呼吸、按手、畫十字、祈禱和驅魔人的命令,根據撒旦的抵抗,也允許更堅定地“溝通”(reach),從而將惡魔趕出去 —— 因此“溝通”就不會被更詳細地描述。
Recently, priests usually consult doctors and psychiatrists before diagnosing 'possession'. All the more, however, as explained, traditionalist sects calling themselves associations are practising exorcism on the right fringe of the church. One such sect was the 'International Family Community for the Promotion of Peace', which Magdalena Kohler together with the excommunicated Father Josef Stocker in Singen had founded this community. The Kohler house in Erzbergerstrasse was known as 'Noah's Ark' and as an 'educational home'. The sect had specialised in an imminent end of the world in the Catholic German-Swiss High Rhine area, where about two-thirds of the inhabitants are Catholic, with many delusionists finding their way there. And what was written about the inhabitants of this village and their inhabitants when the cause of the devil's exorcist community became known was:
最近,牧師們在診斷“附身”之前通常會諮詢醫生和精神病學家。然而,更有甚者,正如所解釋的那樣,自稱是協會的傳統派別在教會的右翼邊緣進行驅魔活動。其中一個教派是“促進和平的國際家庭團體”,由瑪格達蓮娜.科勒(Magdalena Kohler)與被逐出教會的Josef Stocker(暫譯為約瑟夫.斯托克)神父一起在辛根建立了這個團體。科勒位於埃爾茲貝格大街(Erzbergerstrasse)的房子被稱為“諾亞方舟”(Noah's Ark)和“教育之家”。該教派在天主教的德國-瑞士高萊茵(High Rhine)地區專門研究即將到來的世界末日,該地區大約三分之二的居民是天主教徒,許多妄想主義者在那裡找到了自己的出路。而當魔鬼驅魔團的原因被人知道後,關於這個村莊的居民和他們的居民的記載是:
"There the faithful not only go to the Church of Our Lady, St. Joseph, or St. Elizabeth, but also frequent such groups as the Old Catholic Church Congregation, the First Church of Christ Scientist, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In this milieu, Magdalena Kohler was able to pursue her mystical mummery inconspicuously in the post-war period together with her partner, the – now deceased – Father Stocker. Although the sect's founders were once forced to flee to Switzerland because of fraud investigations, they returned to Singen shortly afterwards. It was not until a trial in 1969 that the extent of the zealots' devilish work was revealed.
在這種環境中,瑪格達蓮娜.科勒能夠在戰後與她的夥伴 —— 現已去世的斯托克(Stocker)神父 —— 一起不顯眼地追求她的神秘木乃伊。儘管該教派的創始人曾因欺詐調查而被迫逃往瑞士,但不久之後他們又回到了辛根。直到1969年的一次審判,這些狂熱分子的魔鬼行為才被揭露。
Magdalena Kohler, Stocker and four other cult members were sentenced to ten years in prison in Zurich for exorcising a girl to the point of death three years earlier.
They had beaten 17-year-old Bernadette Hasler from Singen, whose parents had fallen for the cult, to death with whips, sticks and plastic pipes. Those who did not want to be cast out of the devil in Singen were taken to the Swiss cult domicile Ringwil in the Zurich Oberland for intensive treatment, where Bernadette Hasler also died.
他們用鞭子、棍子和塑膠管將來自辛根的17歲的Bernadette Hasler(暫譯為伯納黛特.哈斯勒)毆打致死,她的父母已經加入了該邪教。那些不想被辛根的魔鬼趕出去的人被帶到蘇黎世高地的瑞士邪教住所林維爾進行強化治療,伯納黛特.哈斯勒(Bernadette Hasler)也在那裡死去。
Without attracting much attention, Magdalena Kohler, who was expelled from Switzerland after serving her sentence, and Hildegard Röller returned to Singen in the early 1970s, where Anna Wermuthäuser fell under their spell. The Catholic had long sympathised with the Stocker sect, which has since been dissolved, and allegedly worshipped Magdalena Kohler as a 'Holy Mother'. Her husband was also a follower of the sect. After his death in 1983, the widow Wermuthäuser was cajoled into moving into the 'Noah's Ark' house.
瑪格達蓮娜.科勒在服刑後被驅逐出瑞士,她和希爾德加德.羅勒(Hildegard Röller)在20世紀70年代初回到辛根,安娜.韋爾穆索斯(Anna Wermuthäuser)在那裡中了他們的魔咒,但沒有引起多大注意。這位天主教徒長期以來一直同情斯托克(Stocker)教派,該教派後來已經解散,據稱她把瑪格達蓮娜.科勒當作“聖母”來崇拜。她的丈夫也是該教派的追隨者。1983年他去世後,寡婦韋爾穆索斯(Wermuthäuser)被哄騙著搬進了“諾亞方舟”的房子。
According to the investigations, the abuse by Magdalena Kohler and Hildegard Röller lasted for years. The victim, who weighed only 35 kilos at the end, did not want or was not allowed to make herself noticed. Neighbours and acquaintances observed that Anna Wermuthäuser often had bruises on her face and bloodshot wrists, but did not intervene.
At first, doctors certified that the widow had died of natural causes. The Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Fribourg had found injuries and bruises, but no signs of external violence. The body was buried.
起初,醫生證明這位寡婦死於自然原因。弗里堡大學(University of Fribourg)的法醫研究所發現了傷痕和瘀傷,但沒有外部暴力的跡象,於是屍體被埋葬了。
Only after additional investigations by the Singen criminal police were exhumation and a new autopsy ordered. Now the Institute for Forensic Medicine of the University of Tübingen diagnosed that Anna Wermuthäuser had died as a result of massive beatings. Two weeks after the day of death, the sisters were arrested. The accused Kohler, if found guilty by the jury court, can be sentenced to up to five years in prison. But there are no more prosecution witnesses.
只是在辛根刑事員警的進一步調查之後,才下令挖掘屍體並進行新的屍檢。現在,蒂賓根大學(University of Tübingen)的法醫研究所診斷,安娜.韋爾穆索斯死於大規模的毆打。在死後兩週,這對姐妹被逮捕。被告科勒如果被陪審團法庭認定有罪,可被判處最高五年的監禁。但是已經沒有控方證人了。
The only eye and ear witness to the alleged crime cannot be questioned. The sisters owned a parrot named 'Lore' who still squawks the same words he apparently heard often: "Help, help"."
A possession of a human being, Sfath explained, is a multiple personality disorder, now known as 'dissociative identity disorder'. In this, their 2 or more identities alternate in the person suffering from the personality disorder. However, this person is later unable to remember seizures, events and information etc. that occur during an acute dissociative personality disorder, just as everyday memory can also be impaired in other ways.
Sfath解釋說,人的“附身”是一種多重人格障礙,現在被稱為「解離性身分疾患」(dissociative identity disorder)。在這種情況下,他們的兩個或多個身份在患有人格障礙的人身上交替出現。然而,這個人後來也記不起癲癇發作期間的過程和訊息等,就像日常記憶也會在其他方面受損一樣。
Multiple personality disorders are usually accompanied by prior anxiety and depression, just as extreme stress or traumatic and stressful events can also trigger multiple personality disorders.
In the case of an obsession or multiple personality disorder, various foreign identities, i.e. outsiders, seem to be present in a person, as if they were, for example, evil spirits, supernatural beings, a demon, such as the devil himself, a deceased person or a deity who has taken absolute control over the dominated person. While these foreign identities may possibly become active as punishers for past bad actions committed, they are often understood as an evil being, or represent someone who has died in a dramatic way.
In all cases of possession, however, the sufferers speak and act differently than they normally do, because the various foreign identities are obviously not identical with the person possessed.
Causes of multiple personality disorder resp. dissociative identity disorder are very diverse and very often lead back to evil treatments and bad experiences and experiences, which can range from physical abuse to sexual shock effects to emotional loss suffering, etc.
It was not until about 2500 years ago that Hippocrates, who was far ahead of the religious zeitgeist of the time and a true thinker, separated religious delusion from medicine, making it clear that so-called 'possession' was nothing other than a mental illness or – as it was called at the time – a 'mental disharmony'. The consequence of this was that medicine gradually split off from religious mysticism. As a result, the predominant influence of the priesthood and other religious believers, mainly preachers, etc., declined in favour of those who dealt with human medicine, i.e. the doctors of the time. From then on they said that mental illnesses were not due to divine wrath or natural phenomena, etc., but had causes that were also inherent in ordinary physical ailments, so that problem areas of the body afflicted with illness were also to be treated in a way that corresponded to medicine. This is precisely because human beings' behaviour that deviates from normality is a consequence of disturbed activity of the brain or the body, for their impairments or of the 'soma' or the body would lead to abnormal thinking, which would inevitably produce abnormalities of behaviour.
直到大約兩千五百年前,遠遠領先於當時宗教潮流的希波克拉底(Hippocrates)是一位真正的思想家,他將宗教妄想與醫學分開,明確指出所謂的“附身”只不過是一種精神疾病或當時所稱的“精神不和諧”(mental disharmony)。這樣做的後果是,醫學逐漸從宗教神秘主義中分離出來。因此,神職人員和其他宗教信徒,主要是傳教士等的主導影響力下降,而那些處理人類醫學的人,即當時的醫生,則佔優勢。從那時起,他們說精神疾病不是由於神的憤怒或自然現象等造成的,而是有普通身體疾病中也固有的原因,因此,身體上受疾病困擾的問題部位也要用與醫學相對應的方式來治療。這正是因為人類偏離正常的行為是大腦或身體活動紊亂的結果,因為他們的損傷或“軀體”(soma)或身體的損傷會導致思維的異常,這將不可避免地產生行為的異常。
This is actually saying all that needs to be said to explain a 'possession'. You were really a disciple of my father Sfath who earnestly learnt and remembered what was explained to him.
That was the point of learning, but also of observing, in the way that I perceived what really was, which has also remained so until today. Of course, you cannot see and perceive everything, but from what you really perceive, you can judge things as they really are. I have also done this with regard to what I have observed and noticed myself on the one hand, but how I have also taken from it what is happening on Earth. For example, I have compiled a lot of information about the extinction of vital insects, which are disappearing more and more due to the spreading of various poisons by the commercial farms and market gardens, which unfortunately also include the private machinations. I wrote an article about this that I would like to read to you if you want to hear it?
Of course, because I am always interested in what your thoughts are and how you formulate them when you write them.
Then hear what I think and what I have written about what I am aware of:
Climate change is accelerating the death of insects and the
melting of glaciers and poles, raising the waters of the oceans
and destroying vital living and cultivated land for Human beings,
Animals, Wildlife and all Living things in general.
In particular, fewer and fewer insects can be found on land that is heavily used for agriculture, although they are vital and absolutely indispensable for all of nature, its fauna and flora and also for human beings and for the existence of the planet.
Insects are crucial for the future of our nature and thus for fauna and flora and all life on the planet as a whole. The useful insects help – always seen from the point of view of human beings, which they judge to be useful, which is not necessarily true in nature – to keep pest species under control. Insects decompose dead material, which in turn enriches and fertilises the soil as nutrients, this, while flying insects are responsible for the important work of pollinating many important food plants, such as they pollinate the blossoms of fruit trees, but also many spices, which can only yield their fruit or spice through this pollination.
However, many genera and species of vital insects are becoming increasingly scarce, especially on the agricultural land that is vital for human beings and is needed to grow the important foodstuffs. But agriculture is geared towards making money – which in reality is more greed than anything else – as a result of which countless tonnages of pesticides of all kinds are applied to the land, along with fertilisers and herbicides, etc., which not only impair the natural growth of plants, but also increasingly decimate the genera and species of vital insects. And all this just for the sake of unscrupulous profit – if only the cash register is right.
然而,許多重要昆蟲的種類正變得越來越少,特別是在對人類至關重要並且是種植重要食物所必需的農業土地上。但是農業總是以賺錢為目的 —— 實際上是貪婪多於其他 —— 結果是大量的各種殺蟲劑被應用到土地上,還有化肥和除草劑等等,這不僅損害了植物的自然生長,而且大大減少了重要昆蟲的種類和品種。而這一切只是為了不擇手段的利潤 —— 只要收銀機沒錯就好了。
All the machinations of agriculture, commercial horticulture, together with all the countless demolishing machinations of other kinds by the building industry, sport, industry in general, as well as all the manifold pleasures of human beings, which destroy the planet, nature, its fauna and flora and even the atmosphere and the climate, only happen because the human being in his madness of breeding offspring has become limitless. The planet and nature, their fauna and flora, the atmosphere and the climate are no longer able to support and nourish earthly humanity in their sheer number of overpopulation in a natural way, nor to fulfil their wishes and needs. Everything is geared towards over-exploitation and exploitation, to such an extent that extinction is inevitable.
It is already the case that the negative effects of climate change are making themselves felt in nature in such a way that the growth of this and that plant species is becoming viable and they are simply disappearing from the previous diversity of vegetation. This, as these and those other plant species change in taste in such a way that it becomes questionable in the long run whether they will remain edible for human beings. But climate change will also mean that in future plants that are edible for human beings will grow side by side with plants that are inedible or even poisonous and that look deceptively alike. Thus it will be – starting in particular with mushrooms, which comprise some 7.6 million genera and species worldwide – that the poisonous and the edible will grow side by side, deceptively identical in appearance, some good, edible and nutritious for human beings, but the others poisonous and even deadly. And so the future will inevitably bring it, just as earthly humanity, seen in the long run, will go the way of self-destruction, and will disappear to a large extent on the surface of the earth, as many great civilisations have already done in the past, because all their possibilities of a further existence collapsed – in many cases because a far too blatant overpopulation arose, through which all possibilities of a further existence were extinguished. Thus, for example, the lack of water will become a catastrophe for large parts of earthly humanity, creating problems that will be as insoluble as the fantasies of emigration into space or only into the SOL system and to other planets. And the long-sufferers will not help here either, for what the human beings of Earth have bred in their unconscionability, selfishness and self-importance in the way of a blatant overpopulation, they will have to spoon out alone in the end. The wars, as well as all the other machinations of all kinds of destruction, annihilation and the extinction of many life-forms of nature, their fauna and flora, and also the destruction of the climate, will mean in the long run that humanity will not be able to continue to keep itself alive in the way it has done so far. The destruction of the planet through resource depletion in the form of Earth petroleum, ores, rare earths, minerals, gas, wood of all kinds and other resources, have brought it to the brink of a collapse that is inevitable and will come sooner or later. Only, the human beings have not noticed this yet, but their carefree and irresponsible as well as reckless 'living into the day' will take its revenge in the long run of time.
現在的情況是,氣候變化的負面影響正在自然界中顯現出來,使得各種植物物種的生長變得可行,它們只是從以前的植被多樣性中消失了。這是因為這些和其他植物物種的味道發生了變化,從長遠來看,它們是否仍可供人類食用是有問題的。但是氣候變化也意味著,在未來,可供人類食用的植物將與不可食用甚至有毒的植物並排生長,這些植物看起來看起來很相似。因此,特別是從蘑菇開始,全世界大約有七百六十萬個屬和種,有毒的和可食用的將並排生長,看起來似乎一樣,有些對人類來說是有益的、可食用的和有營養的,但其他則是有毒甚至是致命的。因此,未來這些將不可避免地出現,正如從長遠來看,地球上的人類將走上自我毀滅的道路,並將在很大程度上從地球表面消失,就像許多偉大的文明在過去經歷的那樣,因為他們進一步存在的所有可能性都崩潰了——在許多情況下,因為過於明顯的人口過剩出現了,通過這種方式,進一步存在的所有可能性都消失了。因此,例如缺水將成為地球上大部分人類的災難,造成的問題將像移居太空或僅僅移居太陽系和其他星球的幻想一樣無法解決。而長期受苦的人在這裡也不會有任何幫助,因為地球上的人類以公然人口過剩的方式,在他們的肆無忌憚、自私和自大中孕育出了什麼,他們最終將不得不獨自承擔。戰爭以及所有其他各種破壞、毀滅和滅絕自然界許多生命形式及其動植物的陰謀,還有氣候的破壞,從長遠來看,將意味著人類將無法繼續以長久以來的方式維持自己的生命。通過石油、礦石、稀土、礦物、天然氣、各種木材和其他資源的枯竭,以及對地球的破壞,已經使地球處於崩潰的邊緣,這種崩潰是不可避免的,遲早會到來。只是,人類還沒有注意到這方面,但他們無憂無慮、不負責任、不計後果“只顧眼前,得過且過”(living into the day)的短視觀點,將在長期的時間中得到報復。
But back to what I have started regarding insects, which are decisive for the future of the life of human beings, the whole of nature, its fauna and flora and thus also for the existence of the planet itself, even if the sciences do not yet want to understand that the planet itself is also dependent on insects. Not only do they help to keep pest species under control – pests to human beings, that is – and not only do they decompose dead material to supply the soil with new nutrients, but they also fulfil many other tasks that make the life of all human beings and the planet possible in the first place.
但是,回到我所開始的關於昆蟲的話題,它們對人類生命的未來、整個自然界、其動物群和植物群,從而也對地球本身的存在都有決定性的作用,即使科學界還不想理解地球本身也依賴昆蟲。它們不僅幫助控制害蟲物種 —— 也就是人類的害蟲 —— 而且不僅分解死亡物質,為土壤提供新的養分,而且它們還完成許多其他任務,使全人類和地球的生活成為可能。
The increasing number of declining genera and species, as well as the total number of insect populations on Earth, is a growing cause for concern. The already blatant loss of insect biodiversity has been endangering the extremely vital ecological functions for some time and increasingly so. This, however, threatens the livelihood and food security of human beings as well as all living beings on Earth in general. Yet hardly any human beings care about this and, despite the already looming ecological catastrophe, live carefree, conscienceless and indifferent lives into the day. Scientists may be aware of this fact, strive to raise awareness and also talk about it in public, but they are only partially aware of the facts, because they only deal with what they find in their field of work. However, they have no idea what is actually happening elsewhere in large parts of the world, and it is becoming more and more precarious that the loss of insects is reaching deep into the primeval forests and remote regions of the Earth, and consequently they also have no idea how bad things really are for the insect world on Earth. There is a huge lack of knowledge about the true extent and forms of insect decline, which can be traced back to the irresponsible machinations that, as a result of gross overpopulation, are causing more and more destruction of the atmosphere and the climate, as well as destruction of the planet, nature and extinction of fauna and flora.
Most of what I know comes from the time when I travelled with Sfath in the future, to all regions of the Earth, and so, for example, I could see in many areas of the Earth that already in the 1970s there was a widespread loss of insects, which has increased rapidly up to the present time and has already become a very serious problem, because the pollinator insects have to a large extent already disappeared and in some cases are almost extinct.
Butterflies, I noted with Sfath at the time, have been almost wiped out in so-called agricultural areas by up to half and more of the normal population due to the use of pesticides and other chemical poisons of all kinds, etc. Sfath even calculated a decline of about 30 percent of all genera and species of butterflies, as well as a decline of flying insects, which are vital for all life-forms, by about 75 percent. Thus it was already clear to Sfath and me at that time that at present the biomass of all insects is being reduced so catastrophically that through the irresponsible use of chemicals and pesticides etc. in agriculture and in commercial market gardens etc., as well as in the private sector, a state of destruction of the diversity of vegetation and the insect world is being created that will hardly be able to be made up for.
In Europe, the main insect groups are probably those of butterflies, bees, bumblebees and wasps, as well as moths, beetles, mosquitoes, flies and ants, etc., with Sfath saying that their genera include hundreds of thousands of species. It was impossible for me then, and is also impossible for me now, to name even a larger number, and besides, Sfath said, he himself did not know how many genera and species there even were on Earth, with hundreds of thousands more undiscovered even in 2030, despite extinction by chemicals, pesticides and other poisons.
Climate change and habitat loss – as we noted back in the 1940s – will take a toll on insects, with many not surviving the emerging climate. So many insect genera and their species are threatened with extinction and extirpation not only by the application of pesticides, insect-killing poisons and other chemicals and poisons of all kinds by agriculture, commercial nurseries and by private users of all kinds, but also by climate change. So not only are they being wiped out by human beings and their irresponsible machinations arising from the desires, luxury cravings and immoderate needs of overpopulation, but they are also being endangered and wiped out by nature itself, on a scale that has never happened before. The biodiversity of vegetation and insects are equally endangered because one affects the other, so both are affected, which is apparently not yet clear to the scientists who should be dealing with these facts. According to the observations of Sfath and myself, I know that vegetation and the insect world do not act in isolation from each other, but one is dependent on the other and must therefore work together if both are to endure and thrive. The loss of one also leads to the loss of the other, so the loss of habitats also leads to the reduction of insects. And the loss of habitats, including vegetation, exacerbates climate change, because every storm gains unhindered attack surfaces and the storm winds can sweep and rage tremendously over the land, as it is otherwise no longer protected against the heat radiation of the sun, because no more shrubs and other plants grow that would provide the necessary shade. This automatically leads to the drying out and infertility of the soil, as well as to the inevitable extinction of the insects of every genus and species that were resident in this area. So all this leads to this endangered area becoming a warmer zone with warmer temperatures, where no vegetation can thrive and no insects can exist.
氣候變化和棲息地的喪失 —— 正如我們在1940年代指出的那樣 —— 將使昆蟲付出代價,許多昆蟲無法在新出現的氣候中生存。這麼多的昆蟲種類和它們的物種面臨著滅絕和滅亡的威脅,這不僅是由於農業、商業苗圃和各種私人用戶施用殺蟲劑、殺蟲毒藥和其他化學品和毒藥,也是由於氣候變化。因此,它們不僅被人類及其不負責任的陰謀所消滅,這些陰謀源於欲望、奢侈的渴望和人口過剩的無節制需求,而且它們還被大自然本身以前所未有的規模瀕臨滅絕。植被和昆蟲的生物多樣性同樣受到威脅,因為一個影響另一個,所以兩者都受到影響,顯然,應該處理這些事實的科學家還不清楚這些。根據Sfath和我自己的觀察,我知道植被和昆蟲世界並不是相互孤立的,而是相互依賴的,因此如果兩者都要生存和繁榮,就必須共同努力。一個的損失也會導致另一個的損失,所以棲息地的損失也會導致昆蟲的減少。棲息地的喪失,包括植被的喪失,加劇了氣候變化,因為每場風暴都會無阻礙的攻擊,風暴會在土地上橫掃和肆虐,而土地將不再能夠抵禦太陽的熱輻射,因為不再有灌木和其他植物生長,提供必要的陰涼。這自動導致了土壤的乾燥和貧瘠,以及居住在這個地區各種昆蟲的滅絕。所以這一切導致這個瀕危地區成為一個溫度較高的區域,沒有植被可以茁壯成長,也沒有昆蟲可以生存。
Climate change is not only destroying the livelihoods of insects, but their species and genera themselves, as well as disrupting the nature of the planet in such a way that the entire natural systems are out of control. This has already been evident for decades in the fact that glaciers around the world are melting, as are the ice masses of the North and South Poles and the permafrost worldwide. Already, more than 50% of the Earth's 'eternal' ice masses have dissolved, causing the waters of the sea heights around the world to rise to such an extent that not only the living space of human beings is endangered and new habitable space is becoming increasingly precarious, but also the more overpopulation increases. Not only is precious beach land being lost due to the melting of the poles and glaciers, but also the habitat of many genera and species of the insect world, which is slowly but surely being driven to extinction. But this is not enough, because the human beings, in their overpopulation mania, are doing everything they can to destroy the planet, its vegetation, as well as its fauna and flora, so that nature can no longer recover. Instead of giving it time to regenerate so that it can recover to some extent, human beings bring more and more offspring into the world, whereby overpopulation increases endlessly, which in turn inevitably requires new nature-destroying and nature-destroying measures, as well as new nature-extinguishing machinations are brought forth in ever greater and more sophisticated ways. This happens in such a way that new irresponsible methods of destruction and annihilation follow, new exploitations of the earth's resources of all kinds, underground as well as above ground, whereby the planet begins to trundle more and more, which has been happening imperceptibly for decades, but has not been recognised by geological science so far, because this research has been neglected so far and does not arouse any interest of the scientists.
All this is the bare reality and its truth, which, however, the majority of humanity does not want to accept, even well-known and big-talking politicians and thus many of the majority of the peoples. Many of those who publicly demonstrate against all the worldwide environmental pollution, against CO2 emissions and against air pollution, as well as against the use of pesticides, chemicals and poisons of all kinds, and also against all wars, the production of and trade in weapons, etc., do not know what they are really doing this for. In truth, they have no idea whatsoever of what is really behind everything and how bad things are for the future of humanity, for all life as well as for the existence of the Earth itself. But hardly any human beings want to accept everything as it really is, and many crazy know-it-alls and otherwise stupid people even deny all the evils and dangers looming in the fateful sky of the Earth. Not only in the majority of non-thinking and uneducated peoples, but even in politics and in the sciences of all kinds, there are renowned negators of the truth who, in their stupidity and stupidity, vehemently deny the truth of anthropogenic climate change and the anthropogenic destruction and annihilation of the planet and its nature, as well as the manifold destructive machinations of overpopulation, and also the extinction of many species of fauna and flora caused by mankind.
Furthermore, as a result of the growth of human overpopulation, more and more enormous tonnages of life-destroying pesticides, herbicides and other poisons and chemicals are being applied to nature, driving commercialism and thus the profit motive of all food cultivation taking place in the wild, destroying the fauna and flora as well as the habitat of the very important insect world and ultimately wiping them out. Nobody thinks about the fact that the climate is changing more and more as a result of this, because the stupidly stupid view even prevails that the climate change that is already taking place is the climax of the whole thing – which in truth already started in the 19th century from what is happening today and will still come.
此外,由於人類人口過剩的增長,越來越多大量破壞生命的殺蟲劑、除草劑和其他毒藥和化學品被應用於自然界,推動了商業化,因利潤而推動了所有在野外進行糧食種植的動機,破壞了動物和植物以及非常重要的昆蟲世界的棲息地,最終使它們滅絕。沒有人想到氣候正因此而發生越來越多的變化,甚至因為愚蠢的觀點盛行,認為已經發生的氣候變化是整個事情的高峰時期 —— 事實上,從今天發生的事情來看,19世紀就已經開始了,而且仍將繼續。
Sfath and I knew this back in the 1940s, and so I also know that it will not be the truth and not the height of climate change, just as I do not know that the world temperature will only increase by 1.5 degrees, because as Sfath and I have witnessed in the future, temperatures in Switzerland alone will rise to 5 and even at times over 6 degrees.
Anthropogenic, i.e. man-made climate change, however, is hardly heard by the peoples, but everything is only exploited politically and sometimes completely ridiculously, and in ways that would bring purely nothing of value and the planet and its nature what it really needs, namely a reasonable time to regenerate, at least as far as it is still possible. But that part of the politicians who are only big-nosed, but who do not care about the truth and the continuance of the world and its entire nature, as well as the fauna and flora, and the true existence of human beings, but who only 'care' about their power, as well as about not earning their money with their hands' work, but who 'care' about their horrendous salaries and 'exercise' their office, do not really care about the upcoming problems of the planet, its nature, its fauna and flora, all ecosystems, the atmosphere, the climate and the human beings.
The time of regeneration, however, would take many centuries, and this would be connected with a radical reduction of worldwide overpopulation and the drastic and also worldwide dismantling of all industry of every kind to an appropriate degree. Bear in mind that a planet like Earth is designed for a human population of about 530,000,000, which is the opposite of the present number of over 9.2 billion and thus nearly nine times that.
Even the so-called 'experts' who deal with the phenomenon of climate change do not seem to know that the whole of it is only what is emerging as a precursor to climate change, because in its long run it will cause such changes in the whole of nature that scientists are unable to imagine.
For the first time in the history of mankind on earth, this science is coming to recognise the importance of the interactions in our global biodiversity, but it is not thinking far enough, and thus not one iota of the fact that gross overpopulation is equally to blame for all the misery of all the destruction and annihilation of the planet, nature and the extinctions in fauna and flora. This, as already with the permanently disturbed and impaired atmosphere, in which the CO2 is deposited in such a changing way that it becomes precarious over time.
Truly, I am neither a prophet – this designation is completely wrong anyway – nor a world saviour, but simply a herald of reality and its truth, and I say what will come and be for a long time to come.
誠然,我既不是預言家 —— 無論如何這個稱呼是完全錯誤的 —— 也不是世界的救星,而只是一個現實和真相的使者,我說的是未來很長一段時間內會發生的事情。
Sfath's findings, which he has compiled, prove that the decline of insects in areas of agricultural and commercial horticultural enterprises, as well as in private areas, is becoming more severe, and especially where the effects of climate change and habitat loss combined are most severe. Because agriculture and commercial horticulture are becoming more intensified, the impacts of climate change are also increasing. More and more natural habitat is being destroyed and climate change can strike unhindered, while in areas used for agriculture and commercial horticulture many insect species are becoming fewer and fewer. In the 1940s, Sfath found that in many agricultural areas and also commercially used horticultural areas, most of the natural habitats of insect species are being destroyed because they are particularly vulnerable to climatic influences. Thus, areas affected by climate change are particularly hard hit, resulting in insect mortality being particularly rampant in such places, with the application of pesticides, chemicals, herbicides and all manner of poisons exceeding what nature is still capable of enduring.
Habitat loss for insects of all genera and species is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, yet very few human beings really care. Yet the impact of insects is effectively vital to all existence on Earth, for without them all life on Earth would effectively become extinct.
Insect extinction also includes deforestation and other longer-term habitat destruction; added to this is climate change, which is also causing the death of many tree species because they can no longer withstand the changing and warmer climate – especially in Europe.
昆蟲滅絕還包括森林砍伐和其他長期的棲息地破壞;此外還有氣候變化,這也導致了許多樹種的死亡,因為它們無法再承受不斷變化和變暖的氣候 —— 尤其是在歐洲。
The ever-quickening threat of climate change, above all due to the irrationality and irresponsibility of human beings, has become a decline of precarious proportions for the biological diversity of the insect world, not only in Europe, but already worldwide, with this destructive run and extinction madness already reaching into the deepest depths of the primeval forests, as e.g. in Borneo, in the Mediterranean, in the Mediterranean and in the Pacific. For example, in Borneo, in parts of Africa, and above all in the primeval forests of Europe and especially in the rainforest of Brazil, where the primeval forest is being plundered and cleared by hook or by crook, thus destroying the habitat of the insect world more and more and ultimately wiping it out. This is especially due to the approval and encouragement of the irresponsible Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro.
氣候變化不斷加快的威脅,首先是由於人類的非理性和不負責任,已經造成昆蟲世界生物多樣性不穩定比例的下降,不僅在歐洲,而且已經在全世界,這種破壞性的運作和滅絕的瘋狂已經深入到原始森林的最深處,例如在婆羅洲,在地中海,在地中海和在太平洋。例如,在婆羅洲,在非洲部分地區,首先是在歐洲的原始森林,特別是在巴西的雨林,那裡的原始森林正在被不擇手段地掠奪和清除,從而越來越多地破壞昆蟲世界的棲息地,最終使其滅絕。這尤其是因為不負責任的巴西總統雅伊爾.梅西亞斯.博索納羅(Jair Messias Bolsonaro)的批准和鼓勵。
The pesticides, herbicides, as well as the thousands of poisons and chemicals of all kinds, as well as the rising temperatures and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events are also having an extremely negative effect on the insect world. Periods of drought and also other changing weather conditions, such as rainstorms and other storms, are phenomena that have an extremely negative impact on the populations of many insect species. It is already the case that climate change alone is having a very large and severe impact on many areas of the Earth, and temperatures have also become very unstable by nature, which is not conducive to various genera and species of insects. However, many insects are not accustomed to rapid temperature fluctuations, as a result of which they cannot survive climate change and the changing climate has a lethal effect on them. In particular, groups of insects such as butterflies, bees and moths, but also wasps, ants, beetles, flies, bugs, dragonflies, mosquitoes and other lesser-known groups are particularly at risk. This, while various other insects are more resilient, but still do not escape extinction or decimation because their habitat is destroyed by agriculture, commercial horticulture farms and many private individuals through the application of pesticides, herbicides, poisons and chemicals of all kinds, and vegetation is also made to disappear over time. Thus, all around, there is a change in the biodiversity of insects and vegetation, and it is not foreseeable that the human beings of the Earth will, on the whole, assume their responsibility for all life and the continued existence of the planet.
There would be a great deal more to say in relation to the vitality of insects, but one makes the other, and ultimately all that needs to be said is so much that books would have to be written about it.
What you have written are words that ought to be submitted to the public, for what you have written corresponds to the full truth and ought to be made known.
I also realise that, but many human beings will neither read the article nor even think about the matter. Basically, most people just live in the day and do not even think about where their daily bread comes from. It is already too much to ask to think about this question just once. Therefore, very few will think about what I say and write.
Yes, questions, I must come back to that, because it is really not acceptable for you to get involved in answering those that do not directly relate to the teaching of the spirit. So you should not get involved in answering those or getting involved in discussions like this one that is on your table. Really stick to only dealing with questions that explicitly relate to the doctrine of mind. You will overburden yourself if you get involved in addressing questions elsewhere. It is therefore to be desired that you do not answer any questions other than pure spiritual doctrine questions. Remember also that everything has become very much more difficult for you since the foreign forces elsewhere are acting upon your working apparatus and upon yourself, which our allies have still not been able to master.
I know that, but I just think …
… you should not do that, because questions like this one, for example, are not relevant for you to deal with.
... 你不應該這樣做,因為像這樣的問題,與你處理的問題無關。
Yes, you're right, and I will also abide by what you say in the future regarding questions directed at me. But I have something very personal: What do you think about the fact that Earthlings are so concerned with astrophysics and look for foreign stars or suns around which planets orbit, which are somewhere outside our SOL system and many light-years away? Apparently, the astrophysicists have the crazy idea that the earthlings could emigrate to foreign planets somewhere there one day. If you consider that so far – if you disregard our sun – Alpha Centauri is the nearest known star to Earth, then as far as I know it is about 4.25 light-years away. That means that it is 4.25 times about 9.5 trillion kilometres from Earth to there, which is about 40 trillion kilometres, which in turn corresponds to about 268 astronomical units, if I make a rough calculation. If you consider that from Earth to Mars an unmanned probe needs about 9 months – for a manned 'spaceship' even 15 to 16 months are calculated, and this for about 210 million kilometres, which are on average between Earth and Mars, if this is approached. However, this is not the closest proximity to Earth, because if one considers the closest proximity between Earth and Mars, then this is about 52 million kilometres, because the planet orbits the Sun, just like the Earth does, resulting in a farthest and closest distance. The fantasy that by means of a laser drive a manned rocket could explore planets outside the SOL system remains for the time being nothing but a fantasy, because this laser drive is at least at present nothing but an idea, which moreover can never be realised in such a way that it could be used for intergalactic excursions, etc.
是的,你是對的,對於針對我的問題,我今後也會遵守你所說的。但我有一些非常私人的問題:對於地球人如此關注天體物理學,並尋找行星繞行的系外恒星或太陽,而這些恒星或太陽在我們的太陽系之外的某個地方,而且在許多光年之外,你對這個事實怎麼看?顯然,天體物理學家們有一個瘋狂的想法,那就是地球人有一天可以移居到那裡的某個系外星球。如果你考慮到目前為止,不考慮我們的太陽,南門二(Alpha Centauri;又稱半人馬座α)是離地球最近的已知恒星,那麼據我所知,它大約在4.25光年之外。這意味著從地球到那裡是4.25乘以約9.5萬億公里,約為40萬億公里,如果我粗略計算一下,這又相當於約268個天文單位。如果你考慮到從地球到火星,一個無人探測器需要飛行大約9個月,而對於一個載人“飛船”來說,甚至可以計算出需要15到16個月,而這大約是2.1億公里的距離,這是地球和火星之間的平均距離。然而,這並不是離地球最近的距離,因為如果考慮到地球和火星之間最近的距離,那麼這大約是5,200萬公里,因為火星像地球一樣繞著太陽運行,導致最遠和最近的距離。幻想通過雷射驅動,載人火箭可以探索太陽系以外的行星,目前仍然只是一個幻想,因為這種雷射驅動至少在目前只是一個想法,如果用於星系間的旅行等,永遠不可能以這樣的方式實現。
Indeed, the whole thing is more than illusory for a long time to come, for that the Earth-humans, as emigrants into interstellar space, will ever reach outside the SOL system with their still very primitive technology, also in the future, is something that probably does not need to be talked about.
Unless the 'foreigners', as we now call them, intervene and help, as you once said, the Earth-humans will never, ever reach galactic space with 'emigration ships'. The 'foreigners' have been particularly active again in the last 2 decades, as you keep saying, isn't there a possibility that they could help you Plejaren …
除非那些“外星人”(foreigners)(我們現在如此稱他們)進行干預和幫助,正如你曾經說過的,地球人將永遠不會用“移民飛船”(emigration ships)到達銀河系的太空區域。在過去的20年裡,“外星人”又特別活躍,就像你一直說的那樣,難道他們沒有可能幫助你們Plejaren ...
…. no, because our technology is far superior to that of the 'foreigners', so they cannot even locate us, even if we penetrate closely into their direct range. There is really no possibility whatsoever for them to be able to locate us with their apparatus, and that too with their highly developed technology, for ours is absolutely secure against any possibility of being located.
.... 沒有,因為我們的技術遠遠優於那些“外星人”,所以他們甚至無法定位我們,即使我們緊密滲透到他們的直接範圍。他們真的沒有任何可能用他們的儀器來定位我們,而且還是用他們高度發達的技術,因為我們的技術絕對安全,不會有任何被定位的可能。
You have said that several times all this time over the last few years, because the Sonaer technology that you use is, according to your explanations, so perfect that it really should be absolutely impossible to detect your presence in any way.
This is indeed so, and it was already so in those early days when you were still able to be photographically active and take the proof photos and films, as well as when various witnesses were allowed to observe our flying apparatus, such sightings being far more than 130 arranged by us for the purpose of observation by FIGU members and FIGU visitors. However, as we know very well through our security measures, this was not observed or registered in any way by the 'foreigners', consequently they were also not given the opportunity to detect our presence on Earth.
So the 'foreigners' are still in the dark about your presence on planet Earth. This has been the case for thousands of years.
That is so, and it will continue to be so, besides it has been some 2 decade millions of years since our distant ancestors first came to Earth, and they kept themselves largely covered up, as did those who followed them all this time after. This has remained so to this day because it was forbidden even then, which has remained so to this day, for the Plejaren to spread out into another universe of Creation than just their own dimension. A special regulation arose very early with regard to the sister universe or the DAL universe, consequently 2 Plejaren peoples were allowed to settle there, so the Sonaer and those you know as the people from whom Asket originated.
的確是這樣,而且會繼續如此。此外,從我們遙遠的祖先第一次來到地球開始,已經有大約兩千萬年的時間了,他們在很大程度上掩蓋了自己,就像後來的那些人一樣。這一點一直保持到今天,因為即使在那時,也禁止Plejaren人擴展到另一個造化宇宙(universe of Creation),而不僅僅是他們自己的維度,這一點也一直保持到今天。關於姐妹宇宙或達爾(DAL)宇宙,很早就出現了一個特殊的規定,因此有兩個Plejaren人被允許在那裡定居,所以Sonaer人和那些你知道的Asket民族的人。
Yes, I know all this from Semjase, for she already told me everything. Sfath, your father, has also told me a lot, and so I also know that the Plejaren used to be warrior peoples and only became peaceful a little more than 52,000 years ago with the appearance of the orb, which you were then able to enforce throughout the Federation. It would be nice if this could also be or become the case on Earth, but it would be illusory to hope for that. The 10 billion human beings that will soon be on this earth alone, of whom about 14,000 die every year due to environmental pollution, as you said at the end of last year, is a huge problem, because the majority of this human being is unfortunately still deeply attuned to murder and manslaughter, which comes to the surface at every possible and impossible opportunity. No one teaches them that they must consciously change for the good, that they must bring themselves under control, consciously, with regard to their evil ambitions lurking deep in their character, in order to become truly human beings. I have been aware since Sfath's time that the so-called 'free will' of human beings is absolutely illusory and that this is therefore non-existent, for truly they must create it for themselves, for it is not naturally given to them. In addition, many external influences are pressing upon him which stifle his free will to such an extent that it is impossible for him to simply have it, consequently he has to work hard to acquire it, which is only possible if he is able to bring himself under his absolute self-control. This means, however, that he must seal himself off from the outside world in every conceivable way and must consciously and profoundly reduce all his evil, false and therefore negative ambitions that are deeply embedded in his character to such an extent that they can no longer unconsciously break through to the outside world and cause mischief.
是的,我從Semjase那裡知道這一切,因為她已經告訴了我一切。Sfath,你的父親,也告訴了我很多,所以我也知道Plejaren曾經是戰士,只是在五萬兩千多年前隨著球體的出現才變得和平,然後你們就能在整個聯邦內執行。如果地球上也能這樣或成為這樣的情況就好了,但希望這樣做是不切實際的。僅僅在這個地球上很快就會有一百億人,其中每年約有一萬四千人因環境污染而死亡,正如你在去年年底所說的,這是一個重大的問題,因為這個人類的大多數不幸仍然深深習慣於殺戮和誤殺,在每一個可能和不可能的機會上都會浮現。沒有人教導他們,他們必須有意識地往好的方面改變,他們必須有意識地使自己控制住潛伏在他們性格深處的邪惡野心,以便成為真正的人。從Sfath時代起,我就意識到,人類所謂的“自由意志” (free will)絕對是虛幻的,因此這是不存在的,因為真正的自由意志必須由他們自己創造,因為這不是自然賦予他們的。此外,許多外部影響壓在他身上,這些影響扼殺了他的自由意志,以至於他不可能簡簡單單就擁有自由意志,因此他必須非常努力才能夠擁有自由意志,這只有在他能夠將自己置於絕對的自我控制之下才有可能。然而,這意味著他必須以各種可以想像的方式將自己與外部世界隔絕,必須有意識地、深刻地減少他所有邪惡的、虛假的、因此是負面的野心,這些野心深深根植於他的性格中,以至於它們不再能夠無意識地突破到外部世界並造成禍害。
Well, human beings believe that they can decide freely in this and that way, but conscious decisions are always preceded by certain processes that are determined or pre-determined, e.g. by given rules, orders, behaviour or laws etc. Free will resp. freedom of will, as I learned from Sfath, is that it is not a conscious decision of the will that determines the actions of human beings, but an unconscious activity of the brain, which means that it is causally resp. dependent with regard to cause and effect and reacts accordingly. If this is not consciously controlled, then the result is that the ambitions that are deeply anchored in the character break through to the outside in a flash and trigger the corresponding action, which as a rule are ambitions of the bad, evil, negative and of murder and manslaughter, hatred, revenge and retaliation, war and discord, etc.. Also included are the lust for power, the lust for domination, the lust for recognition, profiling, jealousy, as well as every other addiction and everything else that is harmful to the personality and character, and also outside influences of every kind, etc., and they break through immediately at the slightest unconscious activity or stirring of the brain and trigger the action laid down in it. If, however, this ambition, which lies deep in the character, is not consciously controlled and neutralised, then the activation of an impulse in the brain inevitably takes place, and consequently the corresponding action inevitably results. The result is that the human being has no freedom of will or free will, because the negative ambitions stored deep in the character – also the positive ones – have not been reduced in a controlled way and so, as a rule, maliciously break through through an unconscious activity of the brain. However, to eliminate these in a controlled manner, so that they are dissolved and neutralised, requires the human being's conscious control, which he must laboriously acquire in such a way that he himself and willingly decides to take this control upon himself and to positively bring his own free will to bear against all other-willing activities of the brain, precisely in such a way that in this respect a personal freedom of will is given, which cannot be controlled by an unconscious independent activity of the brain, but in a controlled self-willed manner. If this does not happen, then the evil, bad and negative ambitions that are deeply embedded in the basis of the character, such as hatred, revenge and retaliation, murder and manslaughter and all evil in general, which the human being has not consciously and willingly brought under control and dissolved and controlled in such a way that they are not triggered by any impulses, external influences, emotions, etc., nor by any activity of the brain, automatically break through through an unconscious activity of the brain. And this process of control and that logic, understanding and reason can come into play requires that the human being creates for himself what his freedom of will really is, for this alone guarantees what he can work out as 'free will' and 'freedom of will'. This is the only kind of free will that the human being really has, for no other freedom of will is given to him, and this he must work out for himself.
好吧,人類認為他們可以自由地決定這樣或那樣的事情,但有意識的決定總是先於某些決定或預先確定的過程,例如由給定的規則、命令、行為或法律等等。自由意志與意志自由,正如我從Sfath那裡瞭解到的那樣,決定人類行為的不是有意識的意志決定,而是大腦的無意識活動,這意味著它在因果關係方面是依賴於原因和結果並做出相應的反應。如果這方面沒有得到有意識的控制,那麼結果就是深深紮根於性格中的野心在瞬間突破到外部,並引發相應的行動,這些野心通常是壞的、邪惡的、消極的以及殺戮和誤殺、仇恨、復仇和報復、戰爭和不和諧等的野心。還包括對權力的欲望,對統治的欲望,對認同的欲望,對剖析的欲望,對嫉妒的欲望,以及其他每一種成癮和其他一切對人格和性格有害的東西,還有各種外部影響等等,它們在大腦最輕微的無意識活動或攪動下立即突破,引發在其中的行動。然而,如果這種深藏在性格中的野心沒有被有意識地控制和中和,那麼大腦中的脈衝就不可避免地被啟動,從而不可避免地產生相應的行動。其結果是,人沒有意志自由或自由意志,因為儲存在性格深處的消極野心 —— 也包括積極野心 —— 沒有以受控的方式減少,因此,作為一項規則,通過大腦的無意識活動,惡意地突破。然而,要以有控制的方式消除這些,使它們被消解和中和,需要人類有意識地控制,他必須以這樣一種方式努力獲得,即他自己心甘情願地決定把這種控制權交給自己,並積極地把自己的自由意志用於對抗大腦的所有其他意志活動,正是以這樣一種方式,在這方面給予個人意志自由,這不能由大腦的無意識獨立活動控制,而是以有控制的自我意志方式。如果這一點沒有發生,那麼深藏在性格基礎中的邪惡、不良和負面的野心,如仇恨、復仇和報復、殺戮和誤殺以及所有一般的邪惡,人類沒有自覺和自願地將其置於控制之下,並以這樣一種方式將其化解和控制,即不被任何脈衝、外部影響、情緒等所觸發,也不被大腦的任何活動所觸發,而自動通過大腦的無意識活動突破。而這種控制的過程,以及邏輯、理解和理性能夠發揮作用,需要人類為自己創造他的意志自由,因為只有這樣才能保證他能夠制定出“自由意志”和“意志自由”。這是人類真正擁有的唯一一種自由意志,因為沒有賦予給他其他的意志自由,他必須為自己解決這個問題。
That is correct, but whether the bulk of Earth-humans will grasp this is questionable.
Sfath has already said that.
But if I go back to what was discussed earlier: What will be of a purely technical nature with regard to Earth-humans – as you call it – and with regard to what will be possible for Earth-humans one day to want to fly out into the real world-space, their primitive technology will not be nearly enough for that. What will be necessary to allow Earth-humans to reach outside the SOL realm will not be what fantasists make up. Besides, it would be more necessary, important and correct that the immeasurable billions of financial sums are not and never will be spent on such pointless-useless 'research', which is in no way necessary or beneficial, but only adds to the knowledge regarding astronomy and astrology, etc. In the long run, it really only expands knowledge, but it effectively brings no significant benefit apart from considering certain findings that have an impact on daily life and medicine.
但如果我回到之前討論的問題。關於地球人 —— 如你所說 —— 的純技術性質的東西,以及關於地球人有一天想要飛到實際外太空的可能性,以他們的原始技術將遠遠不夠用。讓地球人到達太陽系領域之外所需的東西將不是幻想家所編造的。此外,更有必要、更重要、更正確的是,不可估量的數十億資金不會也永遠不會花在這種毫無意義的“研究”上,這種研究沒有任何必要或好處,只是增加了有關天文學和占星術等方面的知識。從長遠來看,它確實只是擴大了知識,但除了考慮某些對日常生活和醫學有影響的發現之外,它實際上沒有帶來任何重大的好處。
It would be good, valuable and correct to use the immense amounts of money that are senselessly wasted on astronomy and astrophysics for the necessary restoration of the present damage to the planet, to nature and its fauna and flora, as well as to the atmosphere and the climate, in order to repair it as best as possible. The evils, destructions and exterminations caused by Earth-humans to planet Earth, to its nature, fauna and flora, as well as to all ecosystems in general, and also to the atmosphere and the climate, are immeasurably extensive and great, so that it alone would be correct to use the immeasurable financial resources that have been senselessly wasted for possible reparations, instead of wasting them on research into astronomy and astrophysics. This also includes the more than ridiculous machinations of so-called space exploration with the 'space station', through which some scientific but no valuable knowledge can be gained for galactic or intergalactic space flight possibilities, as well as on how all the horrendous problems can be solved, which more and more endanger all life and generally the existence of planet Earth.
The knowledge that there is no valuable knowledge about the fact that all higher living beings have a consciousness is unknown to the majority of Earth-humans, which means that many let the living beings die miserably and do not consider that these beings also feel pain. Here we must speak of animals, beasts, lizards, creeps, snakes, fish, frogs and toads of all genera and species, birds and certain insects, etc., to which also belong many other higher entities capable of life, which also possess a consciousness through which the corresponding life-forms also have a sense of pain, which is given in higher or lower spheres, depending on the type and formation of consciousness, but is undoubtedly present. This therefore clearly states that the corresponding life-forms perceive pain and react to it according to their genus or species. This can, however, also be extended to plants, which, depending on their genus or species, exhibit a higher or lower sense of pain and are even classified as plant-psychic sensations. It …
I know this from my own experience, as I have experienced, for example, in my office, that a mimosa always aligned itself with me, for which there are various witnesses who have observed how the plant aligned itself with me when I entered the office and then went back to its original position when I left my work table, where it then waited until I re-entered the office to then align itself with me again. The 15 or so orchids also felt very much at home in my office, after which, however, they all died and withered within 3 weeks, including the mimosa, when I suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of … after which Eva gave me … when I … Three days later, Jacobus and Elsi then took me to the vicinity of Schalchen, where your daughter, Semjase …
我從自己的經驗中知道這方面的事,因為我經歷過,例如在我的辦公室裡,一株含羞草總是朝向我,為此有不同的證人觀察到,當我進入辦公室時,這株植物是如何面向我的,當我離開工作室時,它又回到原來的位置,然後等到我重新進入工作室時,它會再面向我。十五種左右的蘭花也在我的工作室裡興興向榮,然而之後,它們都在三周內相繼死亡並枯萎了,包括含羞草,那是因為當時我由於 ... 而精神崩潰,之後Eva給我 ... 當我 ... 三天後,Jacobus和Elsi帶我到沙爾興(Schalchen)附近,在那裡你的女兒Semjase ... 。
I am aware of that because that is what my daughter oriented me about. But we have deviated from what we discussed, namely, that in the way presented of the still partially possible reparation to the planet and to all life, something useful and valuable would really be done with the horrendous sums of money that are senselessly and uselessly wasted in order to increase the knowledge of the astronomical and astrophysical scientists, etc. The earthly human being is still a long time away. Earth-humans are not yet capable for a long time of creating the technical conditions that may one day be necessary to leave the SOL system. At present, however, and into the distant future, everything in this regard looks bleak, for the machinations that are given as a result of the ever more rampant overpopulation, and which are constantly arising more and more, make the future of Earth and its humanity appear in a light that is losing more and more of its luminosity and already shows a flickering. It is also questionable whether the 'foreigners' will ever intervene with their more highly developed technology and help the Earth-humans so that they can really leave the Earth and SOL space one day. At any rate, it does not yet look as if the 'foreigners' will do anything of the kind, although we do not know whether any plans or arrangements have been made on their part for this, which may not be pleasant for the Earth-humans, because …
我知道,因為我女兒向我說過這個情況。但我們已經偏離了我們所討論的內容,也就是在提出的對地球和所有生命仍有部分可能的補償方式中,為了增加天文和天體物理科學家的知識而毫無意義和無用地浪費的驚人的資金,而那些資金確實可以做些有用和有價值的事情。地球上的人類還有很長的路要走。地球人類在很長一段時間內還沒有能力創造可能有一天離開太陽系所需的技術條件。然而,在目前,以及在遙遠的未來,這方面的一切看起來都很暗淡,因為由於越來越猖獗的人口過剩而出現的惡果,使得地球及其人類的未來看起來越來越暗淡,已經開始閃爍不定。同樣值得懷疑的是,“外星人”是否會用他們高度發達的技術進行干預,幫助地球人類,使他們有一天能夠真正離開地球,進入太陽系空間。不管怎麼說,現在看來“外星人”還不會做這樣的事情,儘管我們不知道他們是否已經為此制定了任何計畫或安排,這對地球人來說可能並不愉快,因為 ...
That is all clear to me, but we are talking about something else, because at the moment the term 'solidarity' is once again on everyone's lips, because it is apparently misunderstood and associated with the Ukraine war. But tell me what you understand by the term 'solidarity', because it is being talked about a lot lately, especially because of the war in Ukraine, as I said before, because especially those who supply weapons declare themselves to be in solidarity. For my part, according to what I have learned from Sfath, I understand that solidarity is misunderstood by the earthlings, namely that it is connected with an unconditional adherence to the same ideas, interests and views, actions and goals, which creates a uniformity and binding commitment to a cause, but disregards any neutrality. Solidarity refers exclusively to a 'togetherness' that can only be given among human beings who cultivate a close bond among themselves, such as spouses, human beings who cultivate a close friendship, siblings and relatives, etc., who really cultivate a 'sense of togetherness', etc. I learnt solidarity from Sfath and in those times from those human beings who at that time still understood and also lived the term 'solidarity' in its real sense. This was long before the term was falsified and wrongly evaluated and translated by would-be know-it-alls, so that today the real meaning is disregarded and fouled up and therefore completely wrong and extended and interpreted to all possible things and directions. As a result, the term 'solidarity' is nowadays fundamentally misused and used for unvalues that have not the slightest thing to do with solidarity, consequently its value is today truly thrown into the mud and trampled underfoot.
這對我來說都很清楚,但我們談論些別的東西,因為此刻“團結”(solidarity)一詞再次出現在每個人的嘴邊,因為它顯然被誤解了,與烏克蘭戰爭聯繫在一起。但請告訴我你對“團結”一詞的理解,因為它最近被談論得很多,特別是因為烏克蘭戰爭,正如我之前所說,因為特別是那些提供武器的人宣佈自己是在團結。就我而言,根據我從Sfath那裡學到的東西,我理解團結被地球人誤解了,即它與無條件地堅持相同的想法、利益和觀點、行動和目標有關,這創造了一種統一性和對事業的約束承諾,但無視任何中立性。團結專指一種“和睦相處”(togetherness),它只能在人類之間培養密切的聯繫,如配偶、培養親密友誼的人、兄弟姐妹和親戚等,他們真正培養了一種“和睦感”(sense of togetherness),等等。我從Sfath那裡學到了團結,在那個時代,我從那些在當時仍然理解並在真正意義上生活著“團結”一詞的人那裡學到了團結。這是在這個詞被偽造和錯誤的評估和翻譯之前的很長時間,所以今天真正的意義被忽視和破壞,因此完全錯誤,並被擴展和解釋為所有可能的事情和方向。因此,“團結”一詞如今從根本上被誤用,被用於與團結沒有絲毫關係的無價值事物,因此它的價值如今真的被扔進了泥潭,被踩在了腳下。
What you have learned from my father is correct, because a solidarity excludes any neutrality, because to declare solidarity with the idea, a cause, with interests or actions as well as with goals of another human being, a grouping or an organisation, etc., is under the condition that what appears as a solidarity factor requires a firm bond.
A solidarity implies a togetherness that binds human beings together emotionally, which is only possible in close limited circles such as family and smaller circles of friends. An extension of solidarity to include other things outside these boundaries, such as ideas, interests, actions, opinions and, above all, political alignment or partisanship, political agreement and acceptance of responsibility, etc. is not permissible for the concept of solidarity. These extensions, which are supposed to express solidarity, are fundamentally wrong and fall exclusively under the name 'partisanship', which Earth-humans, as a result of misunderstanding and misinterpreting the term 'solidarity', have changed in such a way that the unworthiness and misinterpretation of equality and partisanship has arisen from it. A misinterpretation of the term 'solidarity' that unfortunately causes a lot of mischief because completely wrong views and actions arise from it that are never responsible.
In this way of misunderstanding and misinterpreting traditional terms, which unfortunately persist for centuries with their misinterpretation, many misunderstandings and much disaster have arisen on Earth since time immemorial, which bring not only suffering and misery, but also immense damage, discord, discord and even war.
When you refer to neutrality in solidarity, which is completely disregarded, then this refers only to political machinations, because in these the moment of partisanship is co-determining, which inevitably and fundamentally involves the misinterpretation of solidarity. The concept of solidarity can therefore never be reconciled with politics or even with political concerns, just as it cannot be reconciled with neutrality, which requires that everything and every occurrence in a solidarity be judged absolutely neutrally, whereby no opinion whatsoever may be added, but only a neutral assessment of a matter, an occurrence or otherwise may be brought to bear.
Thank you for your explanation, which is in line with what I learned from Sfath and the human beings who still used the term correctly and knew what they were talking about in the first place. This is contrary to what earthlings today understand by this term, which is completely contrary to what human beings used to understand by it. But there are other things, such as that various places are mentioned where the so-called 'grail' or the 'chalice' is supposed to exist and be kept, from which Jmmanuel drank wine at the so-called Last Supper. But as it is, mainly with Christians, they are lied to and deceived, especially with alleged relics that are attributed to Jmmanuel – alias Jesus, as he was never actually called. So it is with the alleged grail or chalice, which he never had in his hand, just as he also never drank wine, because he did not like this drink. The 'grail' or 'cup' used in the circle of his disciples at that time was a simple stone bowl, but the disciple Philip, who was somewhat clumsily inclined, dropped it while taking his meal and broke it into 3 pieces, consequently the broken drinking bowl was discarded. So, since Jmmanuel did not drink wine because he did not like it and did not drink any throughout his life, he never had the drinking bowl in his hand, so the lie about the 'grail' or 'chalice' already begins there, which was followed by the deception and is maintained until today that the 'grail' or 'chalice' is kept there or thereabouts. The stupid believers are eager to take the nonsense of lies and fraud at face value and swear that they have seen the 'real' 'grail' or 'chalice' there and then. This is because they have just been shown an object of deception – which will also continue to be so – because it is precisely the delusional belief in the earthlings that displaces all logic, reason and understanding, that he is so caught up in his delusion of belief that he remains stupid and thus cannot think for himself.
謝謝你的解釋,這與我從Sfath和那些仍然正確使用這個術語的人類那裡學到的東西是一致的,他們首先知道他們在說什麼。這與今天地球人對這個詞的理解相反,這與人類過去對這個詞的理解完全相反。但是還有其他的事情,比如說提到了各種地方,所謂的“聖杯”(grail)或“聖爵”(chalice)[中譯者註:由於德文“Gral”與“Kelch”與英文“grail”與“chalice”,中文都是“聖杯”的意思,因此在下列相關名詞的中譯,一律以“聖杯”一詞表示。]應該存在並保存在那裡,在所謂的最後的晚餐上,以馬內利(Jmmanuel)從那裡喝了葡萄酒。但事實是,主要是基督徒,他們被欺騙了,特別是在所謂的遺物方面,這些遺物被歸於以馬內利 —— 別名耶穌,因為他實際上從未被這樣稱呼過。所謂的聖杯也是如此,他從未拿過聖杯,就像他從未喝過酒一樣,因為他不喜歡這種飲料。當時在他的門徒圈子裡使用的“聖杯”是一個簡單的石碗,但門徒腓力有點笨手笨腳,在吃飯的時候把它摔成了三塊,因此這個破碎的酒碗被丟棄了。因此,由於以馬內利不喝酒,因為他不喜歡喝酒,而且一生都沒有喝過酒,所以他手裡從來沒有拿過酒碗,所以關於“聖杯”的謊言已經從那裡開始了,接著是欺騙,一直維持到今天,“聖杯”被放在那裡或附近。愚蠢的信徒們急於相信謊言和欺詐的無稽之談,並發誓他們在那裡看到了“真正的”“聖杯”。這是因為他們剛剛看到了一個欺騙的物件 —— 這也將繼續下去 —— 因為正是地球人的妄想性信仰取代了所有的邏輯、理性和理解,他陷入了信仰的妄想中,以至於他仍然很愚蠢,因而無法自行思考。
What you are saying is what my daughter Semjase told me, for she was anxious to connect you with Jmmanuel …
你說的是我女兒Semjase告訴我的,因為她急於把你和以馬內利聯繫起來 ...
… yes she was, and thanks to her I know that there never was a 'grail' or 'chalice' that Jmmanuel held in his hand or drank from. Leonardo da Vinci then also understood this after some explanations, when he created the painting 'Last Supper' on behalf of Duke Sforza and just left out the alleged 'grail' or 'chalice'.
... 是的,多虧了她,我知道從來沒有一個“聖杯”被以馬內利拿在手裡或喝過。李奧納多.達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)在經過一番解釋後也明白了這一點,當時他代表斯福爾扎公爵(Duke Sforza)創作了《最後的晚餐》(Last Supper)這幅畫,只是沒有提到所謂的“聖杯”。
Yes, that is also how my daughter Semjase explained it to me. But now I have other things to discuss with you, because …
是的,我的女兒Semjase也是這樣向我解釋的。但現在我有其他事情要和你討論,因為 ...
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