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The Gizeh/Bafath Intellgences, Part 1
April 29, 2022
Guest Article by Berk Gümüs
客座文章作者:Berk Gümüs
Seven Hundred and Sixty-eighth Contact
Monday, 15th March 2021, 22:36 hrs
OK. See here, I received it from a Mrs. Sch…, though she does not want her name to be mentioned publicly. She also does not want it mentioned where she lives, etc. And what is also to be said: The woman told me – she is now 79 years old – that she was terribly ashamed of her parents, precisely because they belonged to this sect and took part in everything against me. But read now, please.
好的。請看這裡,我收到了一位Sch... 女士的來信,雖然她不希望公開提到她的名字。她也不希望提到她住在哪裡等等。而且還要說的是:這位女士告訴我 —— 她現在已經79歲了 —— 她為她的父母感到極度的羞愧,正是因為他們屬於這個教派,參與了一切反對我的活動。但現在請讀一下這封信。
Yes, …
Translation of the Letter:
Dear Fritz,
What I write to you must remain between us and therefore you must preferably burn this letter after you have read it. Together with Alois, I have news for our group, but it must always remain secret and serve our cause and really must remain secret for all time, just as it must never become public that I have something to do with the whole affair. Also, no one in the office must learn anything about the fact that I only go to church for the sake of appearances, because in this way I prevent myself belonging to all of you. For we have also those in the office, who help this dirty ruffian, because they are well minded towards him, which is not understandable. Therefore, we must also encourage Hans to at the school point out to the pupils, and these then to the others, that they should not call this mean scoundrel Edi, but as has already been done for a long time, simply as little-fight-Meier and filthy-Meier, so that he already now and also in his further life does not have any rest. But what I want to tell you is that we interrogated Meierhofer, who is always seen together with this dirty guy, and he said that this dirty dog Meier would be the new prophet and furthermore that the New Testament would be a book of lies. This, however, must not be spread by this guy in our little town and must also not be taken out into the world. For this reason, we in the office and also through the help of our brother in faith, the vicar, but also of our brothers and sisters in faith living in various other countries, and through our connections, have undertaken and been able to achieve everything, to ensure that for all time this scribbler, should he really ever accomplish to go abroad, then he will be decried in every country by the embassies and will also be dealt with as a dirty ruffian, because it is unacceptable that he denies our Saviour and God, which is however not good and meanly defamatory, for which he must be punished. And for this our dear Saviour will surely stand by us and help us. And how we were able to do that, and for it to actually work, if the scoundrel will be able to do what he says, then our plan must be able to be carried out until far into the future, and it must also work out. That is what Alois and I want to tell you next Sunday evening at 8 o’clock at a meeting, when we meet at your place in the Waage, for which you should then close the restaurant, because we have to be among ourselves and no one will hear anything.
我寫給你的信件必須保密,因此你最好在讀完這封信後就把它燒掉。我和Alois一起,有消息要告訴我們的團體,但必須永遠保密,為我們服侍的目標,真的必須永遠保密,就像我與整個事件有關的事情決不能公開一樣。另外,辦公室裡的人不能知道我只是為了裝裝樣子而去教堂的事實,因為這樣我就不能再和你們大家在一起了。由於我們辦公室裡也有一些人,他們幫助這個骯髒的無賴,因為他們對他心存善念,這是不可理解的。因此,我們還必須鼓勵Hans在學校裡向學生們公布,然後再告訴其他人,他們不應該叫這個卑鄙的無賴Edi,而應該像長期以來所做的那樣,直接叫他little-fight-Meier和dirty-Meier,這樣,他現在和以後的生活中就沒有好日子過。但我想告訴你的是,我們盤問了Meierhofer,他總是和這個骯髒的傢伙在一起,他說這個dirty dog Meier將成為新的先知,而且《新約》是一本謊話連篇的書。然而,這句話不能由這個傢伙在我們這個小城中傳播,也不能被傳到外面的世界。為此,我們在辦公室裡,也透過我們的信徒兄弟 —— 牧師的幫助,以及生活在其他國家的信徒兄弟姐妹的幫助,並通過我們的關係,已經承諾並保證這個胡說亂寫的人永遠不會出現。如果他真的出了國,那麼他將被每個國家的大使館公開譴責,也將視為一個骯髒的無賴來處理,因為他否認我們的「救世主」(Saviour)和「上帝」(God),這是不可接受的,是糟糕而卑鄙的誹謗,為此他必須受到懲罰。為此,我們親愛的救世主一定會站在我們身邊,幫助我們。而我們如何能夠做到這一點,並且讓它真正發揮作用,如果這個無賴真能做到他所說的,那麼我們的計畫就必須要能夠實施,直到遙遠的未來也必須能夠發揮作用。這就是Alois和我想在下週日晚上8點的會面中告訴你的,屆時我們將於你在Waage的地方見面,為此你應該關閉餐廳,因為在我們之間,必須沒有人會聽到任何東西。
This is outrageous. – – This corresponds to an unparalleled character and moral depravity. I have no other way of expressing my outrage at this vicious and vile piece of wiping.
You see, this is just one small example of how I was dealt with. But for that I thought I would submit it to you and then also put it on the internet with the report of the conversation.
That’s in addition to all the things you have clarified.
I think so too, but the question is what the descendants of this person will say when they come across this thing, which is legibly signed with the family name. The woman told me that this person had worked for the authorities as a … … and that there were indeed descendants living who … … ….
我也這麼認為,但問題是這個人的後代看到這個東西會怎麼說,這個東西上有清晰的姓氏簽名。那個女人告訴我,這個人曾經為當局工作過,是個 ... …,而且確實有後代生活在…… ...。
You can still bring the letter in the interview report, though you should make the signature illegible.
Will do…..
Seven Hundred and Ninety-seventh Contact
Saturday, 26th March 2022, 14:27 hrs
…They will be able to do some things, but probably not much, to tame the energies arising from religious belief, which are collected and concentrated with a special device. These are then amplified with the same device, after which these energies and forces are concentrated and directed towards human beings, and tremendous damage is done to them, which can be related to damage to health, as well as of a variety of other natures. What has affected you more and more since you moved into the Centre in 1977 is not by chance, just as what happened in your workroom when Semjase and various other persons were affected by it. What has been bothering you more and more in your work from 2003 onwards due to strange influences and unfortunately continues to do so, because the Ziltoner cannot put a stop to it, which unfortunately cannot be changed, because our directives do not allow us to intervene in things that are not directly related to us Plejaren and our Federation. However, I will give you more details about that later – maybe tomorrow. The whole thing that is happening is very maliciously directed at you alone, which practically harms you to such an extent that you can only do your work with a great deal of effort and patience, which will continue to be the case, and it causes you great difficulties, consequently you can only retrieve and write down the reports of the conversations with great difficulty. However, we will have a lot to talk about this later, but you should keep quiet about it….
… 他們將能夠做一些事情,但可能不多,主要是馴服由宗教信仰產生的能量,而這些能量被收集起來,用一個特殊的裝置集中,然後用同樣的設備放大這些能量和力量,之後這些能量和力量被集中指向人類,對他們造成巨大的傷害,這可能造成健康的傷害,也可能有其他各種性質的損害。自從你在1977年搬進中心以來,這方面對你的影響就越來越大,但這不是偶然的,就像在你的工作間發生的事情一樣,當時Semjase和其他許多人都受到了影響。從2003年起,由於奇怪的影響,在你的工作中越來越多地困擾著你,而且遺憾的是,這種情況還在繼續,因為Ziltoner(暫譯為“齊爾頓人”)無法制止它,不幸的是,這種情況無法改變,因為我們的指示不允許我們去干預與我們Plejaren和我們聯邦沒有直接關係的事情。然而,我稍後會給你更多關於這方面的細節——也許是明天。正在發生的整個事情是非常惡意地針對你一個人的,這實際上是對你的傷害,以至於你只能用很大的努力和耐心來做你的工作,這將繼續下去,它給你帶來很大的困難,因此你只能非常困難地接收和寫下談話的報告。然而,我們以後會有很多關於這個問題的討論,但你應該對此保持沉默。...
….In the main, it is that through their research they now know that the whole of the lowliness against you goes back to your childhood, because a woman hated you because you told her your opinion about religion and faith when you were a boy. However, this woman was a fanatically strict believer and belonged to a faith community to which she complained about you, consequently some lengthy consultations took place and then attempts were made to win you as a member of this community. The smaller group somehow came into contact with beings that were alien and called themselves Umigos, although it is not yet clear how this was possible. These alien beings were originally also fanatical believers in an all-creating higher might, which they called Selidan and worshipped. In the course of time, however, they fell away from this erroneous belief and turned to Christianity and sought like-minded people far and wide, which they also found in your hometown, among others. But how the connection with the woman came about, who became the actual origin of your lifelong embrace, has not yet been clarified.These Umigos were vicious and fanatically hostile to everything that did not correspond to their views and their faith, therefore they tried to secretly undermine the faith of all human beings, which was different and strange to them. This was done imperceptibly in such a way that with the help of their devices brought from their homeland, they influenced almost all believers – with unnamable exceptions – of the earthly religions worldwide through their electronic micro-technology, which was still absolutely unknown on Earth at that time, and its possibilities in such a way that they gradually lost control over their own thinking and became largely incapable of thinking for themselves and also unstable. Furthermore, they influenced the believers in such a way that they fell prey to malice and blood lust, whereby they created enmities again and again, which led to evil wars, to religious murder and all imaginable evil. In the course of time, however, it came to pass that the Umigos, through the influences of the Earth-humans’ faith in Christianity, became doubtful of their higher might, ultimately repugnant and apostate from it, consequently becoming more and more foreign to their faith, which ultimately led them gradually to turn to the earthly religion of Christianity and to acknowledge the God of that creed. Something that also happens today with Earth-humans who are lulled by religious platitudes or who very quickly change their faith through coercion or benefit and become believers in another religion. With the Umigos, however, it was a lengthy process that took a long time. But when Christianity began to spread, they finally turned to it and stuck to it. ….
....主要是,通過他們的研究,他們現在知道,對你不利的事情可以追溯到你的童年,因為有一個女人憎恨你,這是由於你在小時候告訴她你對宗教和信仰的看法。然而,這個女人是一個狂熱虔誠的信徒,屬於一個信仰團體,她向這個團體抱怨你,因此發生了一些長時間的磋商,然後試圖爭取你成為這個團體的成員。這個較小的團體以某種方式接觸到了自稱為“Umigos”的外星生命,儘管目前還不清楚這些都是怎麼回事。而這些外星生命最初也是狂熱的信徒,他們相信一種全能的更高力量,他們稱之為Selidan,並崇拜這種力量。然而,隨著時間的推移,他們脫離了這種錯誤的信仰,轉而信仰基督教,並在各地尋找志同道合的人,他們在你的家鄉找到了這些人。但他們與這位女士的關係是如何形成的,而造成這位女士成為了你一生糾纏不清的真正來源,這些事至今還沒有弄清楚。這些Umigos對不符合他們觀點和信仰的一切都充滿了惡毒和狂熱的敵意,因此他們試圖暗中破壞所有人類的信仰,因為這對他們來說是不同的和陌生的信仰。這是在不知不覺中進行的,在他們從外星家園帶來設備的幫助下,他們通過他們在當時的地球上還是絕對未知的電子微技術(electronic micro-technology)影響了幾乎所有的信徒——除了不可名狀的例外——世界各地的地球宗教,其可能性是這樣的,他們逐漸失去了對自己思維的控制,基本上沒有能力獨立思考,思想變得也不穩定。此外,他們以這樣的方式影響信徒,使他們成為惡意和血腥欲望的獵物,從而一次又一次地製造敵意,導致邪惡的戰爭,宗教謀殺和所有可以想像的邪惡。然而,隨著時間的推移,Umigos在地球人對基督教信仰的影響下,對他們更高的力量產生了懷疑,最終厭惡並背棄了它,因此對他們的信仰越來越陌生,這最終導致他們逐漸轉向基督教的人間宗教並承認該信條的上帝。這種情況今天也發生在地球人身上,他們被宗教的陳詞濫調所哄騙,或者通過脅迫或利益迅速改變信仰,成為另一種宗教的信徒。然而,對於Umigos來說,這是一個漫長的過程,需要很長的時間。但當基督教開始傳播時,他們終於轉向了基督教並堅持了下來。...
…..How the Umigos came into contact with the woman and this religious community in your hometown has not yet been investigated by Arlion and his followers, to which he also said that this was not really important, because the only thing that was important was what resulted from it, and that was what haunted you throughout your life. The said woman was a strict believer, but as vicious as the Umigos themselves, who si…
... Arlion(暫譯為“阿里昂”)和他的同伴們還沒有調查過Umigos是如何接觸到那個女人和你家鄉的這個宗教團體的,對此他也說,這其實並不重要,因為唯一重要的是由此產生的結果,而這就是困擾你一生的事情。所說的女人是一個嚴謹的信徒,但就像Umigos自己一樣邪惡,她...
…like goes with like, as we say.
... 就像我們說的,物以類聚。
That is aptly said, yet I have never heard those words until now. – Good – just now I was talking about this woman being a strict believer, regarding the Christian faith, yet she was as vicious in her disposition as the Umigos who had set up their headquarters deep under the main pyramid at Giza in Egypt.
Something dawns on me, namely the Giza Heinis, who were then caught and deported by the Plejaren. Am I right?
Yes, they were, a splintered group of a criminal tribe of our Federation that found passage into this universe and likewise to Earth, because they had our through…
… because they must have been secretly following the Plejaren when they came to Earth to join us. Bermunda, that’s about the way it was, isn’t it?
... 因為他們來到地球加入我們時,一定是在秘密跟蹤Plejaren。Bermunda,事情就是這樣的,不是嗎?
Yes, that is how it was, as I have been oriented in that regard. But now hear further what Arlion explained. – There were, besides the spiteful and wicked woman …
Horat, was her name, but I do not know exactly how her name is spelt correctly, just whether this name has an additional H or not. I also want to mention that the majority of all believers are probably deeply unbalanced in their character and in such a way that all evil immediately breaks through to the outside and these human beings quickly become active in the respective form, up to and including hatred and killing etc.
The extra hrs is not important. But what you say regarding the evil deep in the character, that is undeniable. – Now, Arlion related that there were 11 other persons, men and women, with this numerous faith community who revealed a nature that was strictly devout, but like the woman, they were also evil, but maintained good relations with some of the local government, specifically 2 men named … and … who had intimate relations with the woman, although all 3 were married. This woman also had an intimate relationship with your teacher … with whom you spent 1 year in Year 4, who often beat you mercilessly in front of all the students and …
是否有額外的H並不重要。但你說的關於性格內心深處的邪惡,那是不可否認的。現在,阿里昂說,在這個眾多的信仰團體中,還有11個人,有男有女,他們都有著一絲不苟的虔誠信仰,但和這個女人一樣,他們內心也是邪惡的,而這個女人與當地政府的一些人保持著良好的關係,特別是叫 ... 和 ... 的兩個男人,他們與這個女人有親密的關係,儘管這三個人都已經結婚。而且這個女人還與你的老師 ... 有親密關係,你在四年級時與他相處了一年,他經常在所有學生面前無情地打你,而且...。
I remember that, and furthermore, I once saw him and the woman you are talking about on the so-called ‘Volebers’ when they …
這我記得,此外,我曾經在所謂的“Volebers”上看到他和妳說的那個女人,當時他們 …
That will not have pleased them both, but let me report further. Arlion explained that the woman and the other 11 persons hated you and wished you to die, which of course did not come to pass, so it was arranged that very evil was done to you and that you were shouted down. Intrigues were devised and carried out against you with the help of the community officials and the police, with teachers also helping, but they honestly supported you, but they were forced to …
這不會讓他們倆人高興,但讓我進一步報告。阿里昂解釋說,那個女人和其他11個人都恨你,希望你死,當然這並沒有實現,所以就註定了非常邪惡的事情將發生在你身上,你被詛咒了。他們在社區官員和員警的協助下,設計並實施了針對你的陰謀,一些教師也在幫忙,但他們是真心支持你的,不過他們被迫 ...
… to howl with the wolves, otherwise they would have been out of a job, like teacher Lehmann, I know, because he told me himself.
... 和狼一起嚎叫,否則他們就會失去工作,比如Lehmann(暫譯為萊曼)老師,我知道,因為他親口告訴我的。
Yes, that’s how it was, but I do not have to tell you about that, because you know yourself what happened and how you coped and coped with everything. But Arlion said that in the whole affair the Umigos were very much involved, so in their wickedness and Christian fanaticism they did much to harm you how and where they could. They succeeded very well with the help of the influenced members of the local government, but your will to resist was stronger than their intrigues and all the malice that was shown to you. Besides, I must also mention, the Umigos used 2 of their 5 devices, which they possessed and handed over to the woman, to maliciously influence many human beings in your hometown. These devices, powered by electrical energy, produced an electronic micro-vibration that could be widely broadcast and adjusted to certain human beings. One of the devices was given in 1948 by a man of the 11 group, namely …, to an American friend whom he did not know belonged to the Dark Government of America. Since then, the latter have been using the virtually indestructible device to this day to influence or even kill certain persons according to their will and benefit. The Umigos brought these devices with them from their homeland, and they are constructed of metal unknown on Earth, which the experts of the dark government have not yet been able to analyse. The devices can be used in many ways, e.g. to induce hallucinations in human beings that seem so real that the people concerned firmly believe that what has happened to them is real. This happened, for example, with Semjase and other persons in your workroom, as Arlion explained. They also have many other efficacies, one of which is how they are used to attack your electronic devices and negatively affect your work and damage everything when you work with them. The emanations of the electronic microwaves also work in other ways, such as how you described to me the strange occurrence that happened in the kitchen of the centre. But in another way, the second device was used by the group in your hometown to influence various persons in such a way that they did everything that was harmful to you, which ultimately led to you being taken everywhere and harassed. You, however, did not let yourself be influenced and always remained yourself, as you had learned from Sfath to defend yourself against foreign swinging waves of various kinds and to simply neutralise them. This is the reason why you were never affected by malicious swinging waves and consequently all attacks of any kind against you were ineffective. However, it is different with regard to the electronic devices and other materials that you have to handle for your work, for these naturally react to the negative influences that are directed towards them, consequently they no longer work correctly for you when you work with them, while other persons can use the same devices without any problems. How it works in this way is because all the swinging waves are aligned with your personality, but are deflected by your defences and transferred to the equipment or material you are working with.
是的,事情就是這樣,但我沒有必要告訴你這些,因為你自己知道發生了什麼,你是如何應對和應付一切的。但是阿里昂說,在整個事件中,Umigos參與得非常多,所以在他們的邪惡和基督教的狂熱中,他們在能做到的地方做了很多傷害你的事情。在當地政府受影響成員的幫助下,他們取得了很大的成功,但你的抵抗意志比他們的陰謀和對你的所有惡意要強。此外,我還必須提到,Umigos用他們擁有並交給那個女人的5個裝置中的2個,惡意影響了你家鄉的許多人。這些設備由電能驅動,產生一種電子微振動(electronic micro-vibration),可以廣泛傳播並調整到某些人的身上。其中一個裝置在1948年由11人中的一個人,即 ... ,給了一個美國朋友,他不知道他屬於美國黑暗政府(Dark Government;也可說是“美國深層政府”)。從那時起,後者至今一直在使用這個幾乎不可摧毀的裝置,根據他們的意願和利益來影響甚至殺死某些人。Umigos從他們的外星家鄉帶來了這些裝置,它們是由地球上未知的金屬構成的,黑暗政府的專家們還無法對其進行分析。這些裝置可以用在很多方面,例如,在人類中誘發幻覺,這些幻覺看起來如此真實,以至於相關人員堅信發生在他們身上的事情是真實的。例如,正如阿里昂解釋的那樣,在你的工作間裡發生的Semjase和其他人的情況就是這樣。它們還有許多其他功效,其中之一就是它們被用來攻擊你的電子設備,對你的工作產生負面影響,並在你工作時破壞一切。電子微波的發射物還以其他方式發揮作用,比如你向我描述了發生在中心廚房的奇怪事件。但從另一個角度來看,第二個設備被你家鄉的那群人用來影響不同的人,讓他們做一切對你有害的事情,最終導致你到處被抓,受到騷擾。然而,你沒有讓自己受到影響,始終保持自己的信念,因為你已經從Sfath那裡學會了抵禦各種外來的振蕩波(swinging waves),並直接化解它們。這就是為什麼你從未被惡意的振蕩波影響,因此所有針對你的攻擊都是無效的。然而,對於你在工作中必須處理的電子設備和其他材料來說,情況就不同了,因為這些設備自然會對指向它們的消極影響產生反應,因此,當你使用這些設備時,它們不再為你正常工作,而其他人可以毫無問題地使用同樣的設備。它是如何以這種方式工作的,因為所有的振蕩波都指向你個人,但被你的防禦措施所偏離,並轉移到你正在工作的設備或材料上。
Aha, that finally explains to me why suddenly even wrong letters and strokes etc. occur when writing with a biro etc., which is why for a long time Eva has had to write me everything that has to be handwritten.
That is unquestionably due to these swinging waves. But towards what Arlion explained to me is that the transmission of the whole thing expanded more and more, to such an extent that later you were under constant control even in other countries, because a whole network was created that constantly controlled you wherever you were. It was not enough, however, because it was taken so far that your life was to be ended, but the persons hired for this purpose did not succeed.
Now, Arlion further explained that the woman and 8 of those persons died in the following 34 years, but their 9 descendants were so influenced by their parents that they became equally fanatically religious-believing and hostile to you that they obsessively sought to harm you in the most diverse ways. And so it came about that many attempts were made to end your life, consequently the attacks in this regard increased, but you only reported them to the police about 3 times, because there were also third persons who urged you to report them. To my knowledge it was the 1st time in Mehrauli in India because the President of India was standing by when you were shot and injured. A…
… yes, it was Dr. Radakrishnan and Dr. Sharma, but there were also 2 women there, and that was Mrs. Fisk and Miss Rogers. In Switzerland it was in Hinwil and before Saland when I was shot at. In Hinwil it was on the first floor, where I was printing writings, in the presence of Rosa Gautschi, who insisted that I report this incident of being shot through the window to the police. But since the police were not present, I reported the incident to the governor, who issued me with the weapon carrying licence each time, but the matter simply passed without anything being done, just like the shot in Saland into the windscreen of the car, which would have hit me if it had not ricocheted. The car was driven by Silvano at the time, and he also insisted that the incident be reported to the police, which is why we immediately drove to Pfäffikon and went to the police, showed the windscreen and explained everything. But we were only fobbed off ridiculously and sent away again. Not even a photo was taken of the windshield, which clearly showed what had happened. And the fact that we had even seen the shooter with the small-calibre rifle was dismissed with the argument that we had been dreaming, and so on. But one person, the one who almost hit me in Hinwil, came to the centre one day and apologised, saying that unfortunately he had been misled by the sect … but had now freed himself from it and realised that a belief in a God etc. was nothing more than lying etc. in order to maintain a money-making dependency.
... 是的,當時是拉達克里希南(Radakrishnan)博士和Sharma博士,但也有兩名婦女在場,那是Fisk夫人和Rogers小姐。在瑞士,我被槍擊時是在欣維爾(Hinwil)和到Saland(暫譯為薩蘭德)之前。在欣維爾,我是在一樓印刷著作,當時Rosa Gautschi在場,對那次從窗戶外發射的槍擊事件,她堅持要我向警方報案。但由於員警不在場,我就向市長報告了這一事件,市長每次都給我頒發了攜帶武器的許可證,但此事就這樣過去了,沒有採取任何措施,就像那次在薩蘭德(Saland)有人向汽車擋風玻璃開槍一樣,如果沒有彈開,就會擊中我。當時開車的是Silvano,他也堅持要向警方報案,所以我們立即開車到普費菲孔(Pfäffikon)去找員警,出示擋風玻璃,並解釋了一切。但我們只是被可笑地推脫了一下,又被打發走了。甚至連一張擋風玻璃的照片都沒有,而擋風玻璃清楚地顯示了所發生的一切。就連我們甚至看到了拿著小口徑步槍的槍手這一事實也被否定了,說我們是在做夢,諸如此類。但有一個人,也就是在欣維爾差點打中我的那個人,有一天來到中心向我道歉,說他很不幸被這個教派誤導了 ... 但現在他已經從教派中解脫出來,意識到信仰上帝等,不過是為了靠此賺錢而撒謊等等。
This is known to me, as also our Plejaren folks know all, for your life story has been broadcast several times planet-wide for information. However, as to the attempts to deprive you of life, I will say that by a providence all the attempts proved to be futile again and again, which is why the descendants then sought another way to harm you otherwise. When the last three of the first adversaries died of old age, and then also two of the descendants, so that today there are only seven persons left, two of whom, however, are struggling with death because they are afflicted with the Corona plague, the three of them, who have extraordinarily good knowledge and abilities concerning electronics, took out again the futuristic device that had been stored for a long time for them, which at that time the woman had received from the Umigos and with which various persons had been influenced, and made it functional in order to harm you. The Umigos could no longer be asked because they were deported, and so the descendants worked so persistently on the futuristic device until it became functional again and they found out how they could use it. Since then it has been used to do you such harm that you should get into trouble with the human beings, and in such a way that it is very difficult for you to prove that the incidents that occur are not of your making. This already started when you returned to Switzerland in 1969, and since then there have been repeated attempts to deprive you of your life, which even … tried to do. It has happened 24 times so far, but every single attempt on your life failed as a result of inexplicable providence.
這些事我知道,我們Plejaren也都知道,因為你的生平事蹟已經在整個地球上傳播了好幾次。然而,關於剝奪你生命的企圖,我要說的是,根據天意,所有的企圖都被證明是一次又一次的徒勞,這就是為什麼他們的後代子孫後來尋求另一種方式來傷害你。當第一個對手中的最後三個人因年老而死亡,然後還有兩個後裔,所以今天只剩下七個人,然而其中兩個人因為感染了冠狀病毒而正在死亡線上掙扎,他們中的三個人,在電子方面有特別好的知識和能力,再次拿出了為他們儲存了很長時間的未來主義裝置,當時這個女人從Umigos那裡得到了這個裝置,並且有很多人受到了影響,為了傷害你們,他們使其發揮作用。因為Umigos被驅逐出境,所以不能再問他們了,於是後人就這樣堅持不懈地研究這個未來的裝置,直到它再次發揮作用,他們發現了如何使用它。從那時起,它就被用來對你造成這樣的傷害,使你應該陷入人類的麻煩,而且以這樣的方式,你很難證明所發生的事件不是你造成的。這在你1969年回到瑞士的時候就已經開始了,從那時起,有人一再試圖奪取你的性命,甚至 ... 試圖這樣做。到目前為止,已經發生了24次,但每一次對你謀殺的企圖,都因為莫名其妙的天意而失敗。
I guess that was the ‘lucky’ thing, as we say, or the ‘lucky nothing happened’ thing. What you said, but mentioned about …, I know because it happened in the kitchen of …, with a knife that was supposed to hit me in the back, but was seen at the last moment by …, who was just able to snatch the knife from … as she struck. She only told me years later what had happened at the time, because I really had not noticed anything about the whole incident. This and 2 other incidents that were the work of … are not counted in the 24 murders. But now I think that’s enough palaver. So let’s go now, you can talk while flying.
我想這就是我們所說的“幸運”的事情,或者說是“幸運的沒有發生”的事情。但妳剛提到關於 ... 的事情,我知道,因為這是發生在 ... 的廚房裡,有一把刀,本來要從背後捅我,但在最後一刻被 ... 看到了,她在出手時正好能從 ... 手中奪下刀。她多年後才告訴我當時發生的事情,因為我確實沒有注意到整個事件。這起事件和另外兩起由 ... 所為的事件,並沒有被算在24起謀殺案中。但現在我認為這已經說的夠多了。所以我們現在走吧,妳可以邊飛邊說。
Seven Hundred and Ninety-fifth Contact
Tuesday, 8th March 2022, 22:01 hrs
…Unfortunately, since the little ones have been here, new things have been happening and confusing everything. These include the fact that all the interference of the foreign forces is also affecting my health, in addition to the fact that the forces are causing the computer to go haywire and are constantly destroying my work, while other persons can work normally on the machine. And that I am not telling fibs, and that everything is really as I say, people can prove that, also you and the others, if they stand by and see that I am not doing anything wrong, but nevertheless everything is going wrong and wrong….
...不幸的是,自從“小傢伙們”(little ones)來到這裡,新的事情就不斷發生,讓一切都變得混亂。其中包括所有外星勢力的干擾也在影響我的健康,此外,這些勢力還導致電腦失靈,不斷破壞我的工作,而其他人卻能在機器上正常工作。而我沒有說假話,一切真的像我說的那樣,他們可以證明這一點,包括妳和其他人,如果他們站在旁邊看到我沒有做錯什麼,但儘管如此,一切還是在出錯又出錯。...
But I was on another subject before, which I now want to take up again: what is happening now as an effect of the sectarian machinations with you and what is happening now with regard to the impairment of your health, that has been investigated in the meantime by the Ziltonians who were with you on 4.1.2022. Arlion, the Ziltonian who is leading the whole thing, has now reported to us that they have been able to fathom that the energies and forces that are causing everything in relation to your work, the computer devices, as well as now in relation to the impairment of your health, are the subsequent effect of the lifelong attacks on you. The religious-vicious machinations of those people of faith of the former time, when you were not yet resident in the Centre, but were travelling far and wide in many states on Earth, but were nevertheless at the mercy of all the hatred and vengeance of the sectarians, was transferred to their descendants, who were incited against you by their parents and are still trying to get you out of the world, as you once called it. Four of these descendants, who unfortunately also believe in religious fanaticism, have joined forces and, with the help of others, have been able to work out a development on a technical basis that allows religious energies and their powers to have such an independent effect that they are able to harm a certain person in every way when applied and directed at him or her. Through the efforts of the believers or the sectarians of …, their efforts have, so to speak, become independent in the form of very strong religious energies and forces and automatically work against your computer and against you personally through a certain apparatus. However, it is not possible for the Ciltonians to counteract this, for they too cannot perform miracles in spite of their high level of evolution, consequently they are bound to what is possible for them at present. They too need a great deal of time to fathom the possibilities and to devise and manufacture the corresponding apparatuses which will then be really effective in putting an end to what the religious forces of faith of the sectarian fanatics have brought about and which now, unfortunately, has such an effect that you and your work are cramped, which has become very troublesome. And as for the time before the Ciltonians can really tackle and terminate these religious energies that have been released and their forces, that will take a very long time and probably longer than your life will last, Arlion said.
但我之前在另一個話題上,現在我想再談一下:那就是關於你因為受到那些宗派陰謀的影響,造成你健康損害的最新調查情況。在這段期間,那些於2022年1月4日和你在一起的齊爾頓人(Ziltonian)已經調查過了。領導執行整個任務的齊爾頓人阿里昂(Arlion)現在向我們報告說,他們已經能夠推測出,造成與你的工作、電腦設備有關的一切的能量和力量,以及現在與你的健康受損有關的能量和力量,都是針對你的終身攻擊的後續影響。早期那些信徒的宗教惡毒陰謀,當時你還沒有居住在「中心」,而是在世界許多國家四處旅行,但還是受到所有深陷仇恨和教派報復的人所擺佈,這些陰謀後來被轉移到他們的後代身上,他們被他們的父母煽動起來反對你,並且仍然試圖讓你離開這個世界,就像你曾經說的那樣。這些後代中,有四個人不幸也有宗教信仰的狂熱,他們聯合起來,在其他人的幫助下,已經能夠在技術基礎上,研究發展出一種使宗教能量及其力量具有如此獨立的效果,當應用和指向某個人時,能夠在各個方面傷害他或她。通過信徒或 ... 教派的努力,他們的努力可以說是以非常強大的宗教能量和力量的形式獨立出來,並通過某種儀器自動對你的電腦和你個人進行打擊。然而,齊爾頓人不可能與之抗衡,因為他們也不能創造奇跡,儘管他們的進化層級很高,而他們也是被約束在目前可能的範圍內。他們也需要大量的時間來探索各種可能性,並設計和製造相應的設備,這樣才能真正有效地結束教派狂熱者的宗教信仰力量所帶來的影響,而現在,遺憾的是,這種影響使你和你的工作受到擠壓,這已經變得非常麻煩。而至於在齊爾頓人能夠真正解決和終止這些被釋放出來的宗教能量及其力量之前,那將需要很長的時間,據阿里昂說,可能比你的生命還要長。
So the whole thing is still relevant from my youth, just as it has followed me everywhere. And now it continues in this way, because the descendants of the perpetrators of all the evil at that time are also working today to get me hammered. The religious hatred that was brought into the world against me at that time by the Horatins – which has also brought 24 assassination attempts on me so far – will probably only come to an end when I am no longer here, I must say. The fact that now the whole thing is based on technology, I mean the attacks on my writing utensils, which are important for me, and on my health and personality, etc., that probably cannot be changed. Apparently one person, or several persons of this sectarian, is extraordinarily ingenious and so inventive in the electronic-technical field that something so futuristic can be invented, constructed and put into use. How else could it be that a production was invented by this person or by several persons, so that a ‘hell machine’ could then be built, so to speak, and is now being used against me and my work. I suppose this is something that even the Ziltonians can do nothing about?
因此,從我年輕時起,整件事就與我息息相關,就像它一直伴隨著我一樣。而現在,這種情況還在繼續,因為當時所有邪惡肇事者的後代到今天仍然在想方設法打擊我。我必須說,當時Horatins(暫譯為“霍拉廷家族”)帶給這個世界對我的宗教仇恨——到目前為止還帶來了24次對我的暗殺企圖——可能只有在我離開這個世界時才會結束。現在整個事情的基礎是技術,我指的是對我的寫作工具的攻擊,這對我很重要,還有對我的健康和人身安全等等,這可能無法改變。顯然,這個教派中有一個人或者幾個人,在電子技術領域格外聰明,而且很有創造力,以至於可以發明、建造並投入使用如此先進的東西。否則,怎麼可能由這個人或幾個人發明了一種產品,可以說是建造了一台“地獄機器”(hell machine),從而現在正被用來對付我和我的工作。我想這是連齊爾頓人(Ziltonians)都無能為力的事情吧?
That is unfortunately so, besides they are not allowed, as we are not, to interfere on Earth in any matters of nature or in matters of human beings and so on.
It really might be more and more difficult for me to still work on the computer. The whole thing of interventions also has an effect elsewhere, namely also when I am over in the kitchen or in the living room etc.. For example, if I want to set a channel on the TV, it does not work, or something else appears on the screen than what I have just set. It is also the same with writing by hand; it often happens that my handwriting is automatically distorted to the point of illegibility, so that I myself can no longer decipher what has actually been written, and often the wrong letters appear on the paper. Of course I write them myself with my hand, but unintentionally and without being able to do anything about it. Sometimes it is enough to drive you crazy. Maybe it would be good if the little ones could come here again and do something about it. Since the last time they intervened here, things have really improved with the writing on the computer. But other things have happened since then, like putting the wrong words in the wrong places in what I am writing. But it often happens that texts simply disappear or move elsewhere, etc. The same thing happens when I write. The same thing also happens when I put it on a flash drive to pass it on.
對我來說,在電腦上工作真的越來越困難了。受到干擾的領域也擴及其他地方,那就是當我在廚房或在客廳等地方時也會受到影響。例如,如果我想在電視上設置一個頻道,但就是不起作用,或者螢幕上出現了與我剛剛所設置不同的內容。手寫也是如此;經常發生的情況是,我的筆跡自動扭曲到難以辨認的地步,以至於我自己再也無法認出實際上寫了什麼,而且經常在紙上出現錯誤的字母。當然是我自己用手寫的,但卻是無意的,而也無能為力。有時這足以讓你發瘋。如果小傢伙們能再次來到這裡,並對這方面做些什麼,也許會是件好事。自從他們上次清理這裡後,電腦上的書寫情況確實有所改善。但是從那時起也發生了其他事情,比如在我寫的東西裡把錯誤的用詞放在錯誤的地方。但經常發生的情況是,文件就憑空消失或移動到其他地方等等。同樣的事情在我寫作時也會發生。當我把資料存放在隨身碟(flash drive;又稱快閃記憶體)上再傳給別人時,也會發生同樣的事情。
Also, otherwise very strange things happen, which are sometimes also seen or somehow perceived by other persons, like Daniela, for example, when she was working next to the road in the garden, heard and saw Michael driving by in his car, although he was still far away at the time, in Bauma or Bäretswil or something, and only came about 20 minutes later, which Daniela of course saw again and heard the car driving. When Silvano and I drove down to the ‘Würmli Sprung’, the post bus was just coming out of the forest, so we drove aside and waited, because the bend is not suitable for the post bus and our PW to cross. But the post bus did not come up the 40 metres or so towards us and so did not pass next to us, which is why we looked – but the post bus had simply disappeared and vanished into thin air. Also, 2 expensive books disappeared in the bookcase at my place, one about 4 or 5 years ago, but now also a 2nd one, about 6 months ago. I cannot buy another copy because they have been out of print for decades and are not reprinted. Recently, I also lost a folder that was important for me because of taxes, and now again one that contained very important documents, and both have not turned up until today. All searches remained fruitless, but instead, out of the blue, something kept falling on my desk, such as old pieces of jewellery, etc. Also, money that had been counted several times disappeared without a trace from the deposit wallet, just as a 200 franc note disappeared before Patric’s and my eyes when we were doing his monthly accounts together. So it also happened with a bundle of 50 notes, 10 at a time, during the accounting work, together with Pius. It is also worth mentioning that I was always in the office when these large sums of money disappeared, even up to Fr. 1000. Sometimes there were also people with me, such as Silvano, Patric or Pius etc., who saw and witnessed themselves how the banknotes etc. simply disappeared without a trace from the table top etc. Once Michael even saw how a piece of money suddenly materialised behind my left ear and then fell onto the table.
另外,還有一些非常奇怪的事情發生,這些事情有時也會被其他人看到或以某種方式感知到,比如Daniela,當她在花園的路旁邊工作時,聽到並看到Michael開車經過,儘管他當時還在Bauma或Bäretswil之類很遠的地方,大約要20分鐘後才會到達,但Daniela確實是看到並聽到汽車行駛的聲音。還有當Silvano和我開車到“Würmli Sprung”時,郵政巴士剛從森林裡出來,所以我們把車開到一邊等著,因為這個彎道不適合郵政巴士和我們的PW會車。但是,郵政巴士並沒有從四十多公尺遠處向我們開過來,也沒有從我們旁邊經過,這就是為什麼我們要四處看了看——但是郵政巴士就這麼消失了,消失在空氣中。另外,我家裡的書櫃裡有兩本昂貴的書也消失了,一本大約是四、五年前買的,而現在又有第二本,大約是六個月前買的。我無法再買一本,因為它們已經絕版幾十年了,而且沒有再版。最近,我還遺失了一個對我來說很重要的資料夾,因為有交稅要用的資料,現在又遺失了另一個裝有非常重要檔案的資料夾,這兩個資料夾直到今天都沒有找到。所有的搜尋仍然沒有結果,但出乎意料的是,突然有一些東西不斷落在我的桌子上,如舊的珠寶等。還有,已經清點過幾次的錢從錢包裡消失得無影無蹤,就像我們一起計算Patric的每月帳目時,一張200法郎的紙幣在Patric和我的眼前就這麼消失一樣。另外,在和Pius一起做賬的過程中,也發生了一捆50張紙幣,每次消失10張的事情。還值得一提的是,當這些大筆資金消失時,我總是在辦公室裡,消失的金額甚至達到了1000法郎。有時還有人和我在一起,如Silvano、Patric或Pius等,他們看到並親眼目睹了鈔票等是如何從桌面上消失得無影無蹤的。有一次,Michael甚至看到一塊錢突然出現在我的左耳後面,然後掉在桌子上。
Even Ptaah himself witnessed such strange happenings in your workroom, as we could also see on our records how the one book of yours was stored in the bookcase and just suddenly disappeared.
Yes, I remember because I was not allowed to go to the rack for a week when you installed your device there that recorded everything, so you could see how the book suddenly just disappeared without a trace. Strange things like that also happened to many persons who were suddenly groped or approached in a lewd manner, who then thought it was me, such as Semjase, Prof. Bender, then above all Marcel, who fell off a chair and broke his ribs.
Yes, I am aware of that because Semjase told me about it, she was after all the first person to be lewdly attacked and approached.
Yes, she was the first.
That’s right, she told me everything, also that at first she thought you were the one lewdly addressing her and touching her, even though you were on the other side of your work space and not in her circle. She was unfortunately startled and only realised after a while that it could not be you because you were not in her immediate vicinity.
It was still very embarrassing.
I am sure it was for everyone else too.
You can probably say that, because starting with Semjase, if I may name them again, then Hans Benz, Engelbert, even Prof. Bender, then also Dr. Fraude, Marcel, Silvano and also the women, like Elsi, Olgi, Maria, Amata, Dorit, Bruni, Frau Gautschi and Margret, it was the same. At first they all thought that I was the guilty one, which is why they left and even took me to court. But then the time came, which took 3 years, when they apologised to me, and Jacobus even had to drive me to St. Gallen to accept Amata’s apology. Olgi came here to the centre and apologised, Bruni too, Prof. Bender too, Mrs. Gautschi telephoned and apologised in this way. Dorit also came here, Maria came together with Engelbert. Dr. Fraude excused himself on the spot, Hans Benz too and Silvano as well.
妳也許可以這麼說,因為從Semjase開始,如果我可以再說出他們的名字,然後是Hans Benz、Engelbert,甚至是Bender教授,然後還有Fraude博士、Marcel、Silvano,還有那些女人,像Elsi、Olgi、Maria、Amata、Dorit、Bruni、Gautschi夫人和Margret,都是一樣的。起初,他們都認為我是嫌疑犯,這就是為什麼他們都陸續離開了,甚至把我告上了法庭。但後來終於還我清白,這花了三年的時間,他們紛紛向我道歉,Jacobus甚至不得不開車送我去聖加侖(St. Gallen)接受Amata的道歉。Olgi來到中心並道歉,Bruni也來了,Bender教授也來了,Gautschi夫人也打電話來,以這種方式道歉。Dorit也來了,Maria和Engelbert也一起來到這裡。Fraude博士當場請求原諒,Hans Benz和Silvano也是一樣。
Maybe there were some others who just kept quiet, but I do not know, but that was certainly the case, because they tried to sue me after about 30 years, and they did … but it was rejected because of ‘statute of limitations’. Probably an act of revenge by D. G. was the decisive impetus for this, because I do not agree with him about Darwin and he hates me because of that.
也許還有一些人只是保持沉默,但我不知道,但情況肯定是這樣的,因為他們試圖在大約三十年後起訴我,他們確實 ... 但由於“訴訟時效”而被駁回。可能D.G.的報復行為是這一事件的決定性推動力,因為我不同意他對達爾文(Darwin)的看法,他因此而憎恨我。
This is well known to me, for I am well informed of all the evil that has been done against you in your native land since your boyhood and later in many states of the Earth, as well as all the lies and deceit that are commonplace around you today. I must say that this is more than a human being can bear and cope with, and it is puzzling to me how you were actually able to survive everything? It is really beyond my comprehension that you have not changed and remained the human being you need to be for your works, despite the assaulting and lying, the cheating as well as the maliciousness directed at you…
This person who perpetrated this attack in Hinwil on Billy, as mentioned above in Contact Report 797 as follows:
>But one person, the one who almost hit me in Hinwil, came to the centre one day and apologised, saying that unfortunately he had been misled by the sect … but had now freed himself from it and realised that a belief in a God etc. was nothing more than lying etc. in order to maintain a money-making dependency.<
「但有一個人,也就是在欣維爾(Hinwil)差點打中我的那個人,有一天來到中心向我道歉,說他很不幸被這個教派誤導了 ... 但現在他已經從教派中解脫出來,意識到信仰上帝等,不過是為了靠此賺錢而撒謊等等。」
was a fanatical Jehovah’s Witness, as you can read in the 264 Contact Report:
他是一個狂熱的耶和華見證人(Jehovah’s Witness),你可以在《第264次接觸報告》中看到。
I thought it was just one. The second attack was carried out by a fanatical Jehovah witness who tried to shoot me in Hinwil through my office window. Another time, the Giza twerps were involved in an attack when lightning struck me out of the blue, and so on. Once Jacobus Bertschinger and the brothers Hans and Konrad Schutzbach were there when a bullet hit me on the armour plate in front of my chest. Once Silvano Lehmann stood next to me as a bullet hit the ground next to my feet. And also Wendelle Stevens was once there when a shot was fired and the bullet hit only a few centimetres next to my head in the wall etc.
我以為只有一個。第二次襲擊是由一個狂熱的耶和華見證人信徒進行的,他在欣維爾試圖通過我的辦公室窗戶向我開槍。還有一次,那些吉薩蠢蛋(Giza twerps)也捲入了一場襲擊,當時閃電突然擊中了我,諸如此類。有一次,當一顆子彈打在我胸前的防彈鋼板上時,Jacobus、Bertschinger和Hans、Konrad Schutzbach兄弟都在場。有一次,當一顆子彈擊中我腳邊的地面時,Silvano Lehmann站在我身邊。還有一次Wendelle Stevens(暫譯為溫德爾.史蒂文斯)也在場,當時有人開槍,子彈就打在我頭部旁邊只有幾公分的牆上等等。
These 2 of the 5 devices the Umigos handed the woman appear to be some kind of electromagnetic microwave weapon and some kind of remote neural monitoring technology.
Umigos交給那個女人的5個裝置中的2個,似乎是某種電磁微波武器(electromagnetic microwave weapon),具有某種遠端神經監控技術(remote neural monitoring technology)。
Because electromagnetic weapons would explain how this group of 11 could influence various people to do anything to harm Billy, to attack his electronic devices (computers, televisions, kitchen appliances, etc.), and to negatively influence his work. And because Billy can neutralize these electromagnetic vibrations that are directed at him, they bounce off him, so to speak, and are deflected onto the equipment or materials he is working with.
These negative influences on his electrical equipment then cause it to stop working properly.
And why other people can use the same devices without any problems, may be due to the fact that each person has a specific bioelectric field, and therefore each person reacts to a certain frequency, as even Bermunda mentions above in the 797 contact report that it is about electronic microwave weapons.
>They also have many other efficacies, one of which is how they are used to attack your electronic devices and negatively affect your work and damage everything when you work with them. The emanations of the electronic microwaves also work in other ways, such as how you described to me the strange occurrence that happened in the kitchen of the centre.<
Excerpt from The Military Industrial Complex 2
…Electromagnetic weapons can be used to make individuals and large groups of people respond robotically to electromagnetic commands without relying on an implant.
... 電磁武器可以用來使個人和大群人對電磁指令做出機器人式的反應,而不需要依靠植入物。
American science fiction author and research director at the U.S. Global Strategic Council Janet Morris traveled to Russia with colleagues in 1991 to study Russian technologies for commercial development. While there, she was invited to a demonstration of mind control technology. During one demonstration, an unknowing group of workers was irradiated outside on the grounds in front of the hospital. The researchers sent them an acoustic psycho-correction message through their machine, which instructed the workers to immediately put down their tools, knock on the door of the hospital, and ask if there was anything left for them to do. The workers behaved in exactly the same way. The machine transmits the acoustic psycho correction message by means of infrasound (ultra low frequency electromagnetic waves) through the bone conduction.
美國科幻小說作家和美國全球戰略委員會的研究主任Janet Morris(暫譯為珍妮特.莫里斯)於1991年與同事一起前往俄羅斯,研究俄羅斯的商業發展技術。在那裡,她被邀請參加心智控制技術的演示。在一次演示中,一群不知情的工人在醫院門口的場地上接受了照射。研究人員通過他們的機器向他們發送了一個聲學心理矯正訊息(acoustic psycho-correction message),指示工人們立即放下他們的工具,敲開醫院的門,並詢問是否還有什麼事情需要他們做。工人們的行為完全相同。機器通過骨傳導的次聲波(超低頻電磁波)傳輸聲學心理矯正訊息。
So earplugs cannot stop the message. The message passes the conscious level and is executed within under a minute after sonication….
…In the early 1960s, biophysicist Dr. Allan Frey of Cornell University’s General Electric Advanced Electronic Center made a discovery that became known as hearing by microwaves. He found that a person’s auditory system was sensitive to certain electromagnetic frequencies, and when they were exposed to low-frequency electromagnetic waves, they heard buzzing and thumping sounds in their heads. Even deaf people could hear these sounds, proving that the brain is something like a powerful receiver. In 1973, Dr. Joseph Sharp conducted experiments with pulsed microwave audiograms. He had an isolation chamber locked and irradiated with these waves, after these experiments Dr. Sharp heard voices in his head. After this discovery, Dr. Robert O. Becker of the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), now called DARPA, said that these experiments could be useful for covert military operations, and that artificially generated voices in an enemy’s head could drive him crazy. In addition, microwave-transmitted post-hypnotic commands could be used to trigger action by political assassins….
… 1960年代初,康奈爾大學通用電氣先進電子中心(General Electric Advanced Electronic Center)的生物物理學家艾倫.弗雷(Allan Frey)博士有一個被稱為微波聽力的發現。他發現一個人的聽覺系統對某些電磁頻率有反應,當他們暴露在低頻電磁波中時,他們會聽到頭腦中嗡嗡和砰砰的聲音。即使是聾子也能聽到這些聲音,證明大腦是一個強大的接收器。1973年,Joseph Sharp(暫譯為約瑟夫.夏普)博士進行了脈衝微波聽覺圖的實驗。他讓一個隔離室鎖定並照射這些電波,在這些實驗之後,夏普博士聽到了他腦中的聲音。在這一發現之後,高等研究計劃署(ARPA)(現在稱為DARPA)的Robert O. Becker(暫譯為羅伯特.奧托.貝克爾)博士說,這些實驗可能對秘密軍事行動有用,在敵人的頭腦中人為產生的聲音可以使他發瘋。此外,微波傳輸的催眠後指令可用於觸發政治暗殺者的行動。...
[中譯者註:本段前述的生物物理學家艾倫.弗雷(Allan Frey)博士與一項研究有關,那就是「微波聽覺效應」,又稱弗雷效應。
在冷戰期間,美國神經學家艾倫.弗雷(Allan Frey)研究了這種效應,並且成為第一個發表微波聽覺效應的人。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
Further it says in the contact report that a man of this 11er group, to an American friend, who belonged to the dark government respectively shadow governments, handed over one of these devices, and that this equipment had many possible applications like e.g. to release hallucinations with humans, which seemed so genuine, that the concerning firm opinion was, it was reality which happened to them. This all sounds like some kind of remote neural monitoring technology, which is mentioned in my article The Military Industrial Complex, Part 2, as follows:
此外,在接觸報告中說,這個11人集團中的一個人,向一個屬於黑暗政府(影子政府)的美國朋友,交出了這些設備中的一個,這個設備有許多可能的應用,例如釋放人類的幻覺,這些幻覺看起來如此真實,以至於相關的堅定信念是,這是發生在他們身上的現實。這一切聽起來像是某種遠端神經監控技術(remote neural monitoring technology),在我的文章《軍事工業複合體》第二部分中提到:
….The NSA can register a person’s biomagnetic field and exploit it for surveillance purposes.
... 國家安全局可以記錄一個人的「生物磁場」(biomagnetic field),並利用它進行監視。
The bioelectric field of a person can be monitored and influenced from a distance.
一個人的「生物電場」(bioelectric field)可以從遠處被監控和影響。
The surges produced by the neurons are transmitted in an EEG ( electroencephalogram) and the signals are decoded. Stimulation of brain waves has been researched since Project MK Ultra. This research was called Radiation Intelligence. The NSA has developed RNM technology as a result of bioelectronic warfare projects and has long since established the link from the brain to the computer. With this technology it is also possible to create the symptoms of wavies, artificial possession and muscle control.
由神經元產生的電湧(surges)在EEG(腦電圖)中傳輸,信號被解碼。自MK Ultra計畫(Project MK Ultra)以來,對腦電波的刺激一直在研究。這項研究被稱為Radiation Intelligence(RINT;暫譯為輻射情報)。作為生物電子戰專案的成果,美國國家安全局開發了RNM(Reference Network Model)技術,並早已建立了從大腦到電腦的連結。有了這項技術,還可以創造出瓦解(wavies)、人工附體(artificial possession)和肌肉控制(muscle control)的症狀。
Each person generates a specific bioelectric field, and therefore each person responds to a specific frequency, and therefore a person standing next to an RNM Mind Control victim does not perceive anything that is happening.
RNM users can pick up the electrical emissions generated in the visual cortex of the brain, amplify and decode them, and display them on a screen. So the NSA sees what the person being monitored perceives without being connected to it by wires or electrodes. Those who doubt this statement should consider that in a pilot project in China, the brain waves of students were continuously monitored by means of an electronic device worn on the head to determine whether the students are in a good or bad mood, and whether they follow the lessons with interest. Any distraction is reported to the teacher and immediately forwarded to the parents via SMS. This is a technology that is available to the public, so to speak. What the elites of the Military Industrial Complex are not showing us is exactly this kind of RNM technology.
RNM使用者可以接收大腦視覺皮層(visual cortex)中產生的電子放射(electrical emissions),對其進行放大和解碼,並在螢幕上顯示。因此,國家安全局可以看到被監控者感知到的東西,而無需通過電線或電極與之相連。懷疑這種說法的人應該考慮到,在中國的一個試驗性專案(pilot project)中,學生的腦電波通過戴在頭上的電子設備被持續監測,以確定學生的情緒是好是壞,以及他們是否有興趣聽課。任何分心的情況都會報告給老師,並立即通過短信轉發給家長。可以說,這是一種大眾都可以獲得的技術。軍工複合體的精英們沒有向我們展示的正是這種RNM技術。
It is also possible for the RNM operators to insert images into the brain of the person being monitored in order to create a virtual reality scenario.
UFO researcher Dr. Karla Turner investigated a case in which there were three witnesses to a virtual UFO abduction. Two witnesses were awakened in their hostess’s apartment by her screams. When they ran into the bedroom, they saw a bluish light completely enveloping the woman. Their friend Amelia (pseudonym) was in a trance state and seemed to be talking to someone. After a few minutes, the light went out, releasing her from a state of paralysis. Amelia told her friends that the event began after she heard a helicopter noise over the house. She felt as if she could see through the roof of her house. She claims that she saw the helicopter before it disappeared. Afterwards, she saw a reptilian and a small blue-black creature standing next to the bed. Her two guests, on the other hand, saw no other creatures in the room. For Amelia, however, this virtual reality (VR) scenario was completely real. Mind Control researchers have several people among their victims, who experienced such VR scenarios. The Lammers tell us in their book Covert Operations that a person named Ed Light always experiences a VR scenario when his consciousness is abruptly altered and he suddenly perceives a different environment. After that, he sometimes sees people, can perform actions and walk through virtual landscapes. During these scenarios, Ed and his fellow sufferers can no longer distinguish what is real and what is not.
UFO研究者Karla Turner(暫譯為卡拉.特納)博士調查了一個案例,其中有三個證人目睹了虛擬的UFO綁架事件。兩個證人在女主人的公寓裡被她的尖叫聲驚醒。當他們跑進臥室時,他們看到一道藍光完全籠罩著這個女人。他們的朋友Amelia(化名;暫譯為阿米莉亞)處於恍惚狀態,似乎在與人交談。幾分鐘後,燈光熄滅,將她從癱瘓狀態中釋放出來。阿米莉亞(Amelia)告訴她的朋友們,事件是在她聽到房子上空有直升機的聲音後開始的。她覺得自己似乎可以透過房子的屋頂看到。她聲稱,在直升機消失之前她看到了它。之後,她看到一個爬行動物和一個藍黑色的小生物站在床邊。而她的兩位客人則在房間裡沒有看到其他生物。然而,對阿米莉亞來說,這個虛擬實境(VR)場景是完全真實的。精神控制研究人員在他們的受害者中,有幾個人經歷過這樣的VR場景。Lammers(暫譯為拉默斯)夫婦在他們的《秘密行動》(Covert Operations)一書中告訴我們,一個名叫Ed Light(暫譯為艾德.萊特)的人總是經歷一個VR場景,當他的意識被突然改變,他會突然感知到一個不同的環境。此後,他有時會看到人,可以做一些動作,並在虛擬的場景中行走。在這些場景中,艾德(Ed)和他的同伴們再也分不清什麼是真的,什麼是假的。
Possibly, the intelligence-controlled Men in Black received this device of the Umigos from the shadow government through this American friend.
Two Hundred Nineteenth Contact
Tuesday, 16th June 1987, 01:30 hrs
81. Moreover, these renegades and “Men in Black,” as we also call them, and these have nothing to do with the so-called “Men in Black” who are of earthly origin and, thus, who are secret service-driven Earth-humans, strive to induce real visions and hallucinations through apparatus-driven, suggestive impulses in Earth-humans who are susceptible to these.
此外,這些叛徒和“黑衣人”(Men in Black);我們也這麼稱呼他們;這些人與所謂的“黑衣人”毫無關係,他們來自地球,因此,他們是由情報部門驅動的地球人,他們極力運用儀器的驅動,以暗示性的脈衝(impulses)在容易受到影響的地球人身上誘發真實的幻覺和幻象。
82. Their repertoire ranges from fake sightings and observations as well as alleged abductions up to simulated contacts and sexual intercourse with extraterrestrials, from which alleged pregnancies occur that, if they already appear, are caused quite normally with an earthly partner or by artificial manipulation of a medical nature or one’s own nature….
This could also explain the mysterious circumstances that are mentioned as follows:
…Also, otherwise very strange things happen, which are sometimes also seen or somehow perceived by other persons, like Daniela, for example, when she was working next to the road in the garden, heard and saw Michael driving by in his car, although he was still far away at the time, in Bauma or Bäretswil or something, and only came about 20 minutes later, which Daniela of course saw again and heard the car driving. When Silvano and I drove down to the ‘Würmli Sprung’, the post bus was just coming out of the forest, so we drove aside and waited, because the bend is not suitable for the post bus and our PW to cross. But the post bus did not come up the 40 metres or so towards us and so did not pass next to us, which is why we looked – but the post bus had simply disappeared and vanished into thin air. ..
...另外,還有一些非常奇怪的事情發生,這些事情有時也會被其他人看到或以某種方式感知到,比如Daniela,當她在花園的路旁邊工作時,聽到並看到Michael開車經過,儘管他當時還在Bauma或Bäretswil之類很遠的地方,大約要20分鐘後才會到達,但Daniela確實是看到並聽到汽車行駛的聲音。還有當Silvano和我開車到“Würmli Sprung”時,郵政巴士剛從森林裡出來,所以我們把車開到一邊等著,因為這個彎道不適合郵政巴士和我們的PW會車。但是,郵政巴士並沒有從四十多公尺遠處向我們開過來,也沒有從我們旁邊經過,這就是為什麼我們要四處看了看——但是郵政巴士就這麼消失了,消失在空氣中。。…
as well:
…Strange things like that also happened to many persons who were suddenly groped (Remote Neuronal Technology) or approached in a lewd manner, (Microwave weapon) who then thought it was me, such as Semjase, Prof. Bender, then above all Marcel, who fell off a chair and broke his ribs
... 像這樣奇怪的事情也發生在許多人身上,他們被突然摸到(遠端神經元技術)或以猥褻的方式接近,(微波武器)然後當時他們以為是我,比如Semjase、Bender教授,然後最重要的是Marcel,他從椅子上摔下來,還摔斷了肋骨。
Yes, I am aware of that because Semjase told me about it, she was after all the first person to be lewdly attacked and approached.
Yes, she was the first.
That’s right, she told me everything, also that at first she thought you were the one lewdly addressing her and touching her, even though you were on the other side of your work space and not in her circle. (Remote Neuronal Technology) She was unfortunately startled and only realised after a while that it could not be you because you were not in her immediate vicinity….
Further, in the above mentioned contact report, it is said that these energies influence Billy’s health, for example, when he writes by hand, his handwriting is automatically distorted in such a way that he can no longer decipher it.
> …Of course I write them myself with my hand, but just unintentionally and without being able to do anything about it. Sometimes it is already so that one could go crazy thereby….<
「...當然是我自己用手寫的,但卻是無意的,而也無能為力。有時這足以讓你發瘋,從而 ... 」
Which could be explained by the fact that when the output of these electromagnetic waves is coupled with the central nervous system, one gets effects similar to satanic possession.
These effects are called Remote Motor Control (RMC) as mentioned earlier.
RMC can be used to artificially create heart attacks, simulate choking, and control the muscles responsible for speech by stimulating the muscles to create words that come out of the mouth even though the person does not want to speak.
And why texts simply disappear, move elsewhere, or religious texts and writings suddenly appear on Billy’s computer screen, can also be explained with the following text from the article Military Industrial Complex 2:
…The NSA has built an electronic surveillance network that monitors the entire electromagnetic spectrum. This technology allows the NSA to record, monitor and influence computers, telephones, radio and video equipment, printers, etc., and even people’s electrical fields. The electromagnetic emissions from computers contain digital information. Specialists at the NSA can decode these emissions and therefore gain access to computer information without knowing the password or using traditional hacking techniques. It is also possible for them to use the reverse method to influence the emission from the outside and change the data or programs stored in the computer…..
... 國家安全局建立了一個電子監控網路,監控整個電磁波頻譜。這項技術使國家安全局能夠記錄、監測和影響電腦、電話、無線電和視頻設備、印表機等,甚至是人們的電場。電腦的電磁發射波包含數位資訊。國家安全局的專家可以對這些發射波進行解碼,因此可以在不知道密碼或使用傳統駭客技術的情況下獲得電腦資訊。他們也有可能使用反向方法來影響來自外部的發射波,並改變存儲在電腦中的資料或程式...。
Five hundred Twelfth Contact
Saturday, 1st January 2011, 15:13 hrs
60. …Then I can talk openly thus:
... 那麼我就可以公開談這些事了:
61. Zafenatpaneach explained again that on the Earth a religious-sectarian organisation works together with a certain secret service to manipulate the humans via the television, computers and the Internet as they wish.
62. Not only are television equipment and many monitors manipulated so that the organisation can see directly into the room and observe and listen to everything, where the respective device is located, but the computers are also manipulated at will.
63. This alone in relation to computers means that they can be controlled and affected from outside if the organisation involved desires to do so.
64. This has been the case for many years whereby you also have been affected by it with your computer which was penetrated in order to disturb your work such that with certain writings, articles and books, that deal with religious and sectarian delusion, serious mistakes have been inserted or important facts deleted.
65. Even pure computer disturbances are practised with you, whereby even faults can occur.
66. The whole thing, however, goes even further, because the mentioned secret service-religious-sectarian organisation also intervenes in the lives of all users of televisions, monitors and Internet users and manipulates them.
然而,整個事情還在進一步發展,因為上述的情報-宗教-教派(secret service-religious-sectarian)組織還干預了所有電視使用者、監視器和互聯網用戶的生活,並操縱他們。
67. This organisation which is protected in a secret service manner using all the rules of the art has achieved worldwide admittance by means of it’s countless number of manipulated devices into the consciousness of the people and steers their behaviour in many areas….
這個利用所有技術方式(the rules of the art)而被情報機構保護的組織,通過其無數的操縱裝置進入人們的意識,並在許多領域引導他們的行為,已在全世界運作...。
Six Hundred and Seventy-fifth Contact
Wednesday, 8th March 2017, 14:45 hrs
14. …I know that birds of crows do this when they get used to people and make friends with them, so to speak.
... 我知道,可以說當烏鴉在習慣了人們的生活並與他們交朋友時,是會這樣做的。
15. But before I forget, I have to tell you from Zafenatpaneach and Yanarara that your assumption regarding the strange and partly harmful incidents in the centre and the disturbing and partly malignant changes in the scriptural works you write in the computer are based on religious liberal energies.
但在我忘記之前,我必須轉告由Zafenatpaneach和Yanarara要告訴你的話,你對「中心」發生的奇怪且有時有害的事件,以及你在電腦所中寫的經文作品(scriptural works)中那些令人不安且有時是惡意竄改的假設,是基於宗教教派的能量。
16. These energies, they both explain, have a self-acting power and are very effectively directed towards hindering, distorting and rendering impossible your work, because all your work is directed against the falsehood of the unreality and falsehood of all religious and sectarian matters.
17. And against this religious-sectarian energy and its forces, which are able to penetrate our created protective shields, there is at present no possibility of defence, because they correspond to a nature, which was unknown to us so far and which we have to fathom first.
18. This means that the whole process of its exact analysis and a correspondingly effective defence can take years despite great, extensive and professional efforts and research, which Zafenatpaneach and Yanarara will explain to you themselves in the near future.
19. Unfortunately, nothing can be done from our side against all the annoying, unpleasant and sometimes even damaging incidents that occur in the centre and have been appearing to other centre residents for quite some time….
Six Hundred and Sixty-fourth Contact
Saturday, 19th November 2016, 14:57 hrs
For now, your information will do. Then the next question: As you have known for a long time, there have been more and more unwanted things going on in my computer since some time ago, which emanate from large cult organizations and intelligence services, as you have explained. Zafenatpaneach has also said something about this, namely that the worldwide espionage network ‘Echelon’ has its dirty fingers in it, which is a worldwide espionage network of the intelligence services of the USA, as well as Australia, Great Britain, Canada and New Zealand.
[中譯者註:以上所謂“梯隊系統”(Echelon)也就是上述五個英語圈國家所組成的情報聯盟;又稱“五眼聯盟”(Five Eyes);所開發運用的情報網路系統。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
32. That is correct, and through the system of this spy network, fax connections, countless Internet data and telephone conversations are registered, tapped and evaluated by authorities, state offices and authorities as well as by corporations, companies, the military and all kinds of business sectors.
33. Certain organizations, groups and associations are also among those spied upon, such as the FIGU association, as you know from Zafenatpaneach, who clarified this fact.
34. The system is not only used to listen to conversations and record fax material, etc., because the acquired data is forwarded via satellite to a separate computer centre, where the secretly acquired data streams are evaluated fully automatically.
35. The whole system serves not only the data collection, but also the monitoring of certain persons, companies, state and authority officials, military, corporations, companies and organizations, but also private persons, associations and groupings.
36. And what you have mentioned regarding the strange occurrences in your computer, which occur again and again, since you have been working with it since 2001, that does not come from approximate, because they are deliberate external interventions, the origin and cause of which we unfortunately could not fathom yet.
37. But now Zafenatpaneach, together with his colleague Yanarara, who both …
These devices of the Umigos, the electromagnetic energies arising from the religious faith tame and with these devices collect, concentrate and strengthen in order to direct them then bundled onto humans, can also as it looks apart from the techniques mentioned, also simply things disappear and in air dissolve (like also the Sirian Men in Black from locked rooms, objects etc. to steal could), or like out of the blue, objects like pieces of jewelry, banknotes etc., simply can materialize, as is mentioned in the contact reports.
So I assume that this 11 group respectively the descendants still exist within the Jehovah’s Witnesses sect, which from the beginning were connected with the Giza intelligences, and therefore also with the dark government of the USA. So you can say that the descendants of this 11th group, and the shadow government of the USA, respectively the military industrial complex represent a direct connection and continuation of the Giza intelligences, which is not surprising if you look at the current world situation. Now it also makes sense why in the contact reports which are represented above, it is said that all 24 assassination attempts on the account of this 11er group goes those within the witnesses Jehovah sect exist. Because it does not matter which different groups were behind the 24 assassinations of Billy as mentioned for example in the 264 account report:
所以我認為這11人集團的後裔仍然存在於耶和華見證人教派(Jehovah’s Witnesses sect)中,他們從一開始就與吉薩精靈有關,因此也與美國的黑暗政府有關。因此,你可以說這11人集團的後裔和美國的影子政府,以及軍工複合體分別代表了吉薩精靈的直接聯繫和延續,如果你看一下目前的世界局勢,這並不令人驚訝。現在,這也解釋了為什麼在上面的接觸報告中說,所有24起暗殺企圖都是由耶和華見證人教派的成員所為。因為這並不重要,例如在《第264次接觸報告》中提到的24次暗殺比利的背後是哪些不同的團體:
Two Hundred and Sixty-fourth Contact
Thursday, 14th May 1998, 00:55 hrs
74…. It’s not just an attack, because of the 15 attempted murders so far, eleven truthfully go back to the ‘Men in Black’.
... 這不僅僅是一次襲擊,因為到目前為止的15次謀殺未遂中,有11次實際上可以追溯到與“黑衣人”有關。
I thought it was just one. The second attack was carried out by a fanatical Jehovah witness who tried to shoot me in Hinwil through my office window. Another time, the Giza twerps were involved in an attack when lightning struck me out of the blue, and so on. Once Jacobus Bertschinger and the brothers Hans and Konrad Schutzbach were there when a bullet hit me on the armour plate in front of my chest. Once Silvano Lehmann stood next to me as a bullet hit the ground next to my feet. And also Wendelle Stevens was once there when a shot was fired and the bullet hit only a few centimetres next to my head in the wall etc….
我以為只有一個人。第二次襲擊是由一個狂熱的耶和華見證人信徒進行的,他在欣維爾試圖從我辦公室的窗戶向我開槍。還有一次,當閃電突然擊中我時,那些吉薩蠢蛋也參與了一次襲擊等等。有一次,當一顆子彈打在我胸前的防彈鋼板上時,Jacobus-Bertschinger和Hans、Konrad Schutzbach兄弟都在場。有一次,當一顆子彈擊中我腳邊的地面時,Silvano Lehmann就站在我旁邊。還有一次,當有人開槍時,溫德爾.史蒂文斯(Wendelle Stevens)也在場,子彈擊中了離我的頭部只有幾公分的牆上等等...。
For all the groupings ultimately belonged to the Giza Intelligences, be it the Sirians, Pegasus refugees, Saban people, Ashtar Sheran and consorts, poison gas breathers, Brazilian group, etc. They have been from the beginning, and still are, so to speak, planting their ideas in the minds of the leaders of the world and let the soldiers attack on their orders. They are everywhere at the same time, coming quietly but with power, controlling people’s thoughts while they are asleep in the waking state, changing people from the inside and making them different people, turning people into them, and the best part is that while it is happening they don’t even realize it. So the saying that the Third Reich has been resurrected in America takes on a whole new meaning.
因為所有的組織最終都屬於吉薩精靈,無論是天狼星人(Sirians)、飛馬座難民(Pegasus refugees)、薩班人(Saban people)、阿什塔.謝蘭(Ashtar Sheran)及其配偶、毒氣呼吸者(poison gas breathers)、巴西集團(Brazilian group)等等。他們從一開始就在,而且仍然在,可以說是在世界領導人的頭腦中植入他們的想法,讓士兵們按照他們的命令進行攻擊。他們同時無處不在,悄然而至,但卻擁有強大的力量,在人們清醒的狀態下控制人們的思想,從內部改變人們,使他們成為不同的人,把人們變成他們,最重要的是,在這一切發生時,他們甚至沒有意識到。因此,“第三帝國在美國復活”的說法有了全新的含義。
The Religious Sectarian Artificial Intelligence
Five Hundred and Seventy-ninth Contact
Thursday, 16th January 2014, 15:03 hrs
….Consciousness also develops its own energy, which is mobilised by the human being’s thoughts and feelings. Depending on the thoughts and feelings, the corresponding energies are formed in consciousness and become active. If there are millions and billions of human beings who control their thoughts and feelings in the same way, for example in relation to a religious sectarian belief, then these thought energies accumulate and deposit themselves wherever religious sectarian practices are cultivated, such as in churches, temples, monasteries, chapels, mosques and synagogues etc. Especially in such places the energies of faith accumulate and have a very strong effect on all the human beings who visit these places, whereby the deposited vibrations make them more and more dependent on the religious-sectarian delusion of faith, without those affected noticing. Human beings, however, who resist all religious sectarianism and against the delusional belief in God and against the vibrations and impulses of this belief energy, are attacked by this tremendously strong delusional belief power and are threatened under certain circumstances of life, as has happened to me several times in my life, for example when I had to be carried out of the Einsiedeln monastery and brought back to the Centre because of this. Something with the same energies and forces also happened in the Centre on 20th August 1982 (see Volume 4, ‘Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports’, Contact No. 114, pages 443-444), but with the Giza intelligences and their allies at work, but with religious-sectarian energies being concentrated and used, which even manifested visibly, as you Plejaren also proved. But besides these events, there were others in the same context, several times also in mosques, churches and chapels and in a monastery near Corinthos in Greece. So I have had quite bad experiences with the religious sectarian energies, vibrations and their impulses in my life and have had experiences from them which were quite life threatening. This is actually the most important thing I can explain.
... 意識也會發展出自己的能量,這些能量是由人的思想和感情調動的。根據思想和感受,相應的能量在意識中形成並變得活躍。如果有數以百萬計、數以億計的人以同樣的方式控制自己的思想和情感,例如與宗教教派信仰有關,那麼這些思想能量就會積累並沉澱在培養宗教教派信仰的地方,如教堂、寺廟、修道院、小教堂、清真寺和猶太教堂等等。特別是在這些地方,信仰的能量積累起來,對所有到訪這些地方的人產生了非常強烈的影響,據此,沉積的振動使他們越來越依賴宗教教派的信仰妄想,而受影響的人卻沒有注意到。然而,抵制所有宗教宗派主義、反對妄想信仰上帝、反對這種信仰能量的振動和脈衝的人,會受到這種極強的妄想信仰力量的攻擊,並在某些生活環境中受到威脅,正如我在生活中多次發生的那樣,例如,因為這個原因,我不得不被抬出艾恩西德爾恩(Einsiedeln)修道院,並被帶回中心。1982年8月20日,中心也發生了同樣的能量和力量的事情(參閱《第114次接觸報告》第443-444頁),但吉薩精靈和他們的盟友在工作,但宗教教派的能量被集中和使用,這甚至明顯表現出來,你們Plejaren也證明了這一點。但除了這些事件,還有其他同樣的事件,有幾次也是在清真寺、教堂和小教堂以及希臘科林斯(Corinthos)附近的一個修道院。因此,在我的生活中,我對宗教教派的能量、振動和它們的脈衝有過相當糟糕的經歷,這些經歷對生命有相當的威脅。這其實是我能解釋的最重要事情。
57. You forget, however, that with regard to these malignant negative energies and vibrations of religious and sectarian form, it also happens in the same way that the human beings in general are affected by it when they deal with religious-sectarian writings, utensils or thoughts.
58. The corresponding oscillations cause that slowly but surely good and order-preserving attitudes and actions, as well as the sense of reality and truth, etc., which have been created slowly but surely and are recognised as correct and followed, are affected by these degenerated energy oscillations.
59. Subsequently, valuable orders and rules are also objected to and abandoned, which were thought up in a valuable way in existence and in life and which led, organised and charged everything into the correct forms.
60. This means that the human beings slowly but surely begin to doubt their good decisions, guidelines and behaviour once they have been made, and slowly but surely begin to doubt their correctness, and to detach themselves from them, in order to unconsciously drift more and more into the spell of the negative vibrations and impulses of religious sectarianism.
61. Those affected by the energetic vibrations in this way lose the relationship to their own values and ideas with regard to recognised or self-created good and positive behaviours which have been built up in reason and responsibility and which have been recognised and followed as correct.
62. This is a fact which is, however, not noticed by the affected persons and is therefore also denied when trying to explain it to them.
63. And this happens very quickly and also continues for years when the preoccupation with religious and sectarian matters is abandoned, such as working through religious-sectarian writings or dealing with similar cultic utensils or with the delusion itself.
64. The only way to counteract this is by reorienting oneself towards a healthy and rational attitude and knowledge, also towards good, positive and valuable behaviour that is in harmony with reality and its truth.
65. If this is not done in a conscious and controlled way, then drifting away and distancing oneself from the effective reality and truth is ultimately the malignant conclusion of the whole.
66. As a consequence, the human being then lives there in a dichotomy, which on the one hand causes him to behave badly and on the other hand leads him to segregation and to arrogance and dishonesty towards his fellow human beings, which inevitably affects the correct way of life as well as the evolution of consciousness.
67. But the whole of religious-sectarian energy, its vibrations and impulses have been building up on Earth for a very long time, which has led to political and sectarian-fanatic religious wars in various parts of the world, as well as to terrorism and millions of deaths.
68. Earthly world history is full of such atrocities, for even in ancient times the religious sectarian belief in God has developed into a very dangerous power and has made itself a global factor spread by the atmosphere, with the whole of this power working its way up to a new peak in the present and future.
69. Thus it is inevitable that all those human beings who are negatively influenced and affected in their thoughts and feelings, in their minds and reason, and in their actions and behaviour by the religious sectarian energies and their vibrations and impulses, will inevitably go against their own minds and their own reason.
70. And this happens without those affected noticing and without the confused assumption that they would decide everything for their own and others’ benefit.
71. But this is an evil fallacy, precisely because everything happens unconsciously and is not perceived consciously.
72. Thus the human beings are captivated by the religious sectarian energy and its vibrations, which have been spreading around the world for a long time and which have developed into an enormous power.
73. People who are particularly unstable in their delusions of faith, as well as many people who falsely believe themselves to be independent of religious sectarianism, usually do not control their thoughts and feelings, only weakly or inadequately, because their delusions or self-deception make them think they are better than their fellow human beings, and as a result they are particularly weak in the face of religious sectarian energies, vibrations and impulses and are therefore very strongly attacked.
74. So they either fall into a religious, sectarian belief in God or into a personal belief which has nothing to do with reality and its truth.
75. By doing so, however, the human beings deceive themselves and become subject to the erroneous assumption that they would act correctly in their wrong behaviour.
76. Further on, however, these energies, vibrations and impulses, which originate from religious sectarian beliefs and have long since become independent, cause the human beings affected by them to question all that is good and regulated, that has proven itself, and to act accordingly wrongly.
77. In addition, it is not uncommon for people to thirst for revenge and retribution for all sorts of things, freely according to the sectarian principle ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’.
78. But this is the source of hatred and jealousy, terrorism and war, and all kinds of other evil, because the sectarian religious delusion and its energies and vibrations are in fact the very evil that has spread all over the Earth and is taking its toll.
79. And especially in the present day, it is happening with increasing vehemence and to a great extent that all religions and their sects are making very, very great efforts to ensure that the faithful do not continue to run away from them, as is the case in the new age, because the human beings are trying more and more to free themselves from the religious-sectarian yoke.
80. Subsequently, a large scale missionary work is being carried out, especially among children and young people, in order to find new believers in God and to bind them to religions and sects.
81. It is unavoidable that the old and medieval people are also not left out of the missionary efforts.
82. The new religious-sectarian efforts in this regard make the matter of vibrations much worse than it used to be.
83. With each new delusional believer, the religious-sectarian energy and power grows.
84. And when you consider that today more than six billion, indeed almost seven billion delusional believers in God have become addicted to religions and sects, then it is no longer surprising that the malignant energy of faith with its vibrations is a tremendously malignant power, which among many other things also ensures that the overpopulation is growing ever faster.
85. In this respect, there is indeed a deep connection between the religious sectarian energies, vibrations and forms of belief and the uncontrolled increase in overpopulation, which is hardly or not at all understood by many Earth-humans and is even assumed to be impossible.
86. This connection consists in the fact that the energy vibrations of religion and sects influence the human beings very strongly to produce offspring, because this is a factor of religious and sectarian heresies.
87. Furthermore, these aggressive energies and vibrations are directed against all that is good and positive, because the heresies are consistently directed towards hatred, revenge, punishment and retribution, in the opposite direction to that in which peace and love are demanded.
88. This contradiction, however, leads to the fact that the strongest always comes to the fore, and thus the evil, the bad and the thoroughly negative.
…The fact that it is much easier and also more self-satisfying for the human being to become abusive, angry and rageful and to cry out for punishment, revenge and retribution than to turn to love, peace, freedom and harmony in a controlled way and to cultivate and cherish these most important forms of behaviour….
... 事實上,對人類來說,變得暴虐、憤怒和暴躁,並大聲疾呼要懲罰、報復和報應,要比以有控制的方式轉向愛、和平、自由和和諧,並培養和珍惜這些最重要的行為方式要容易得多,也更能自我滿足...。
Five Hundred and Seventy-ninth Contact
Thursday, 16th January 2014, 15:03 hrs
Oh, and what is general about the human beings, since they are also affected by such vibrations?
22. That is a completely different matter, was explained to Asket when she asked about it.
23. The human beings can still be hit by those vibrations that are transmitted through the atmosphere, but it is in the interest of every single human being to consciously control these vibrations and not to let them become effective in their own world of consciousness, thoughts, feelings and psychology and in their actions and behaviour.
But the vibrations are very aggressive and powerful and, as you said, they can cause a lot of damage and even disaster, also in the form of discord, through quarrelling, jealousy, hatred, disharmony, enmity, criminality, crime and all other forms of violence, up to war, murder and terrorism etc. One can see and hear what is happening in this way in the world outside and that it is getting worse and worse in this respect.
24. This is correct, because the vibrational impulses lead to thoughtless and unrestrained thoughts and feelings, which then cause the very unpleasant degenerating effects.
25. And as many Earth-humans tend to overestimate themselves, to be arrogant and uncontrolled, the effects can be accordingly malicious, negative and unjust, often only as a result of trivialities, because the human beings do not control themselves and therefore are not able to control themselves, but usually only because they do not make the effort to do so.
26. And they do this despite the fact that they know that their aggressive reactions are wrong and disharmonious, and that this leads to quarrelling and discord.
27. So in this relationship they act against their better knowledge, which is especially true in the interpersonal sphere, and consequently uncontrolled, unthoughtful attacks and malice break out and cause a lot of harm in terms of behaviour.
28. However, if the human being consciously and willingly fights back, he is able to avert evil.
29. Unfortunately, however, it is the case that the human beings who are overconfident, uncontrolled and arrogant, etc., do not realise that certain of their such and other impulses are especially strongly induced by the power of such vibrational impulses.
30. And since they do not think about their wrong behaviour in this respect, they assume that their actions and their attitude and mood etc. are correct.
31. As a result, they also never consider that they are behaving wrongly, but they invent a guilt for some things and actions and shift it onto those fellow human beings with whom they are dealing at the moment.
32. It must also be taken into account that the uncontrolled growth of overpopulation is leading to more and more people falling into religious sectarian delusion, which in turn increases the malicious-aggressive vibrations that affect especially those human beings who overestimate themselves and who are arrogant and unrestrained.
These religious and sectarian vibrations are also evil in themselves. But until the human beings of Earth understand this, a catastrophe must also befall mankind in this respect.
Six Hundred and Eighty-first Contact
Wednesday, 17th May 2017, 18:04 hrs
9. We were finally able to analyse these unknown energies and swinging waves and their forces, and in doing so we were also able to ascertain that it is mainly a matter of 5 different types of energy and swinging waves of different strengths, whereby the 2 strongest ones can penetrate the 3 protective shields uninhibitedly and trigger the disturbing and harmful phenomena, which are very detrimental and dangerous and also cause unrest and discord.
10. And these energies and their swinging waves are brought about by the forces of consciousness and thus by the forces of thought of the great mass of Earth-humans who are addicted to thoughts and feelings of religious faith and who in this way unconsciously and thus without their knowledge attack through their forces of consciousness everything that is not compatible with their delusion of religious faith.
11. In this way all unpleasantness in the Centre is triggered, precisely by the religious believers caught in religious streams of consciousness and thoughts, or by their forces of consciousness.
4…. Your voice sounds troubled, my friend.
... 你的聲音聽起來很不安,我的朋友。
5. But what you say is an indisputable fact, as I know from all the information available to me in this regard.
6. And before you ask, the various energies and their swinging waves and forces are 5 different forms, which are also of different strengths, about which I will give you further explanations later….
Seven Hundred Second Contact
Sunday, 4th February 2018, 12:41 hrs
I think so too, and we could do without such, because it always creates like… oh, again, and I thought it ended with the number 13. But you are scared and now you are making a face like a big question mark. You should not be frightened because, on the one hand, I do not think there is any danger in that and, on the other hand, you get used to it.
我也這樣認為,我們可以不用這樣的東西,因為它總是會產生像 ... 哦,又來了,我還以為是以13這個數字結束。但是妳很害怕,現在妳的表情就像一個大大的問號。妳不應該害怕,因為一方面,我不認為這有什麼危險,另一方面,妳會習慣它的。
8. … That is strange and really frightened me.
... 這很奇怪,真的嚇到我了。
9. Ptaah told us about his experience, but we could not imagine what was explained.
10. And the fact that I myself saw and experienced how something suddenly materialised in front of your face and fell onto the work table, that really startled me.
11. What is that and how does something materialise in that way?
The 200-franc note that fell on Billy’s desk in front of Florena.
Unfortunately, I also do not know, therefore I cannot explain it either. Ptaah also witnessed such an incident on the 1st of February when these jewels fell on the table in front of me. He was as perplexed and a big question mark as you are now, Florena. But look here, all these coins and these rings have materialised and fallen on the table in front of my face in the last 3 months. And this little cloth rose, that also suddenly materialised out of nowhere next to my son Atlantis some time ago and fell next to him on the sofa. And the one that materialised now and is lying here in front of me is a money note worth 200 francs.
Billy with all the objects that materialised in front of his face until the 4th of February 2018 and then fell on his desk.
12. I do not understand, why is this happening to you?
Really, Florena, I do not know, and I do not have an explanation for it either, just as I do not have an explanation for all the other strange occurrences that have been happening again and again for years, which also affect the functions of my computer and thus my work. For some time now, such strange effects have also been occurring with Bernadette, as a result of which she too has been unpleasantly harmed in relation to her computer work.
Five Hundred and Seventy-eighth Contact
Thursday, 9th January 2014, 22:48 hrs
5. Which will probably be correct, because your concerns do indeed have their reasons.
6. So now listen to what we were able to fathom:
7. The whole thing is about religious sectarian fanatical energies, which are emitted in billions of times the number of human beings affected by delusions of godliness and which accumulate.
8. In this way they become a huge power, which accumulates worldwide in carriers of electricity and causes such phenomena as you have described to me repeatedly.
9. The origins are the sectarian-religious thoughts that send out electromagnetic impulses that are inserted into the carriers of electricity, especially into the generators, transformers and distribution stations of the power stations, from where they spread through the electrical carriers and produce their strange and manifold effects wherever anti-religious and anti-sectarian efforts appear.
10. In this way, the energies in question become independent and become a power that acts independently in the sense of the believers who are afflicted by the delusion of faith, in the way you have described it several times in the past.
11. In the same way, this powerful energy also has a direct effect on all the human beings who are unstable in faith, billions of times over, so that they are so influenced by religion and sectarianism that they are unable to free themselves from their delusions of faith, while other unstable believers fall into delusion and become unrealistic and untruthful.
12. This also results in religious sectarian terrorism, as was the case, for example, with the Christian crusaders and witch-delusionists as well as with Islam and the Cali sect in India and various other religious sects, but is also the case today with Islamist and political terrorism etc.
13. Religious sectarianism wields tremendous power and leads the human beings to seek revenge and retaliation in the name of their faith, as well as to commit delusional murders and mass murders of many kinds, proving that a religious sectarian faith is absolutely not harmless.
14. It is also a fact that many death penalty claims are attributed to religious and sectarian believers, with many of them invoking the false and inhumane principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which is contrary to natural creative laws and commandments.
還有一個事實是,許多死刑要求都是由宗教和教派信徒提出的,其中許多人援引了“以眼還眼,以牙還牙”的錯誤和不人道原則,這違背了「自然造物法則與建言」(natural creative laws and commandments)。
15. The power of the religious-sectarian thought-vibrations, which are electromagnetic in nature, are thus combined with the vibrations of electricity, which are the actual factor of carrying and spreading, and since all possible and impossible things worldwide are based on electrification, this is the best medium to spread and allow the dangerous religious and sectarian vibrations to work everywhere.
16. And finally, there are also the mobile phones, which you call Handy, through which the vibrations are transmitted directly into the human beings.
最後,還有你們所說的行動電話(mobile phones),通過它,振動直接傳到人的身上。
17. This enables the religious, sectarian, offensive vibration to manifest itself in the consciousness, causing much behavioural harm to unstable human beings, because they cannot control the accompanying aggressiveness, but rather implement it thoughtlessly through correspondingly evil actions and deeds, which can lead to anarchism and the harassment, bullying, beating and even the killing and effective murder of fellow human beings.
18. And in order to ward off all these evil and negative effects, there are unfortunately no countermeasures that could be taken, because it should be possible to block every single degenerated thought impulse of the religious or sectarian delusional believers.
19. This is impossible, however, because the number of religious or sectarian delusional believers is estimated at more than six billion.
So, every single person of the six billion or more would have to be … Well, from what you say, the whole thing has been in evidence since earlier times, because you said that the Christian crusaders and the witch-delusionists etc. were also influenced by the religious-sectarian vibrations, but less so than today. Furthermore, I notice that you use more and more of my ways of speaking, terms and words.
那麼,這六十多億人中的每一個人都必須是 ... 好吧,從你所說的來看,整個事情在早期就已經很明顯了,因為你說基督教十字軍和女巫妄想者等也受到了宗教教派振動的影響,但沒有今天這麼嚴重。此外,我注意到你越來越常使用我的說話方式、用語和用字。
20. That is correct, I mean on the one hand, in terms of the use of your ways of speaking, terms and words, because they say much more in their power than the simple forms that have diplomatic features.
21. So I have made it a habit to use your many expressive ways of speaking, terms and words.
22. On the other hand, it is also correct that even in earlier times everything was on a smaller scale in terms of impact, because there were fewer human beings, whereas today there are several billions, and also the electricity, which as a perfect carrier, encompasses the whole world and uncontrollably amplifies and spreads the aggressive vibrations.
23. Unfortunately, it is impossible to counteract all this in any technical way, even for us, but also for the Sonaer, who do not have any technology that would make this possible.
24. The only thing that could be effective would be the final dissolution of all religious sectarian beliefs, in connection with the teaching and learning of the effective reality and its truth, to which Earth-humans would have to turn through understanding and reason.
25. There is no other possibility, and if this is not considered and implemented, then everything will become even worse, also in relation to the growing overpopulation, because large parts of the delusional believers believe that religious sectarian heresies are a right to unlimited procreation, through which in turn new delusional believers are bred…..
The more religious a person is the more he believes, the more he believes the less he thinks, the less he thinks the dumber he is, the dumber he is the easier he can be controlled…..
Guest Article by Berk Gümüs, a blog member who joins us from Germany
特邀文章:來自德國的博客成員Berk Gümüs。
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