Contact Report 005/第005次接觸報告
接觸時間:1975 年 2 月 16 日,星期日,23 時 41 分
英譯版本:2019.09. Stefan Zutt, Joseph Darmanin, James Moore
中譯改進:2020.10.21. James Hsu
在本次會面中,Semjase 向 Billy 說明了一些與地球相關的遠古到近代的變遷史。其中主要敘述由一顆被稱為「毀滅者」的星球,在數百萬年前曾肆虐過 Plejaren 的家鄉星球,造成這個行星失去了三分之二的人口,使他們又回到原始時代的發展狀態(但後來在歷經不到九個世紀,他們就再度發展到高度進化的階段)。但這顆「毀滅者」星球卻在我們太陽系造成了兩件宇宙最奇妙的天文事件,經過概述如下:
在數百萬年前,第一件奇妙的天文事件發生了,那就是一顆矮行星的一個較大的碎塊,穿過了一個由高度發達的人類所建造的「維度門」,進入了無際宇宙中遙遠的銀河系內,而更妙的是,它後來被我們所在的太陽系吸引進入其範圍,竟然闖入了當時的地球軌道。在當時僅僅用了 34 天,這顆矮行星(之前的碎塊)就被地球捕獲而開始環繞它運轉。從那時起,它便成為了地球的月亮。
而另外一件奇妙的天文事件竟僅僅發生在約 4,900 年前(以 2020 年算起),當時「毀滅者」再度侵入了太陽系,在它的後面跟隨著一顆被帶著走的行星,而這顆行星相當於地球的大小,它被太陽的引力場所捕獲。經由太陽的引力,迫使這顆行星進入了水星與地球之間的軌道。從那時起,這顆被“移植遷徙”而來的行星,就成了我們所熟知的金星。
Semjase explains some things to Billy he mostly already knew, completing that knowledge.
Semjase 向 Billy 說明了一些他大多已經知道的事情,但讓這些知識更加完整。其中包括:
● Earth has plenty of intellectuals, but that however the founding inciting knowledge transactions originate with the sensitive individuals; who involuntarily retrieve that information from their rich incarnation legacy and heritage.
● The only very slightly wrong, even if fundamentally, historical timeline presented in the Christian chronology.
● Comet of 1680 (they call Destroyer) in reasonably stable orbit since ancient times, which intersected Earth's orbit, inducing those gigantic forces of congruency and consistency, with later contiguous reproduction in the various religiose myths about flooding, disaster etc.
1680 年的那顆彗星(他們稱為「毀滅者」),自古以來就是在相當穩定的軌道上,它與地球的軌道相互干擾,這與後來在各種宗教與神話中有關洪水與災難等的那些重大外力,產生了巧合和一致性。
● True origin of Earth's Moon, and subsequent origin of the Moon.
● The large fleet of spaceships with beam-drive we had in prehistoric times, and in the same places we live today.
● A terrestrial chronology (history of Earth before records began) which doesn't marry with anyone else's on Earth because we don't have the technology to retrieve it like they do.
This is the entire contact. It is an authorised and official translation and may contain errors.
1. We have noticed that you are already trying to publicise our cause, much faster than we had actually planned to.
2. Nevertheless, we are glad about that, and we have nothing against your rush.
3. But it might have been better if you had still waited some time.
It seemed to me that I could already do the hard preparatory work, since this one certainly takes a lot of effort.
4. That is certainly true, because everything will not be very easy.
5. Fundamentally speaking, we have also nothing against it, because we want to leave everything to your own decision.
Thanks. The trust of you and yours honours me; however – do you not expect somewhat too much of a good thing from me?
6. You have a healthy sense of humour.
Do you think so?
7. Sure, because truthfully one can never really have too much confidence in you, because you always give your best and try to make the best of everything you approach.
You flatter me.
8. Certainly not, because it's just the truth.
Already enough, Semjase, because certainly you did not come here, so that we grapple with flatteries and the like.
9. You're right, because just today I would like to tell you something that will not only interest you, but all human beings.
10. It is a somewhat strange story, which will however stir up a lot of dust due to the interest of the human beings, because it sounds too fantastic for all those who have not yet discovered or developed their spiritual-conscious-based thinking.
11. Unfortunately, intellectual greatness is not enough to be able to grasp this story.
12. But especially intellectual human beings are in abundance on the Earth; and of all people they are often the ones who lack spiritual-consciousness-based knowledge and who are therefore unable to muster understanding for the real and for the logic.
13. However, in this context also those are to be mentioned, who are led into the unreal by religions and those, who have made neither intellectual nor spiritual-consciousness-based far progress.
14. All of them are the most evil opponents of the truth, the real and the irrefutable creational logic.
他們全部都是真相、現實和無可辯駁之造物邏輯(creational logic)的最邪惡敵人。
15. But their criticism and their denial of certain things distinguish them – as human beings living in primitive foolishness.
16. Earth-humans who always claim to know everything better, but who are in truth more unknowing than the ape beings that populate your primeval forests.
17. By the denial of facts or possibilities they openly expose their consciousness-based limitedness and their primitivity.
Those are very hard words, Semjase, even though, in my opinion, they correspond to the full sad truth.
18. Exactly, and you know that this is really so.
19. And that this is in fact the case is proved by you yourself in your book, which you have dressed in even harder words.
Of course, because the truth can only be said in hard words, as diplomacy would be pure lie and would trivialise everything.
20. Of course, you just have to ensure that you can make that understandable to the human beings.
21. They have indeed already been weakened too much and become addicted to unreality, to still be able to recognise and digest honest undiplomacy as truth.
22. They have become weak and stunted in the thinking, acting and speaking, so that they rebel and defend themselves against everything that sounds like hard truth.
23. But the truth can only be spread through firmness, just as peace can only be enforced through naked gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit.
但是真相只能通過尖銳的話語來傳播,就如同和平只能通過毫不掩飾的「強制性非暴力」(gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit;德語)來實現一樣。
I know – unfortunately. But you told me something about a story you want to tell me today. What then is this story supposed to be? Does it have something to do with the human being, or is it simply an unimportant story?
24. I will let you decide about that, as well as all those to whom you will pass on this story.
So it's supposed to be some kind of history of the humankind?
25. Sure.
Well, then I am curious, because I have thought about this a lot during all my lifetime.
26. I know, and you have found the truth or the approximate truth in many things.
27. Of course, not all events and dates are precisely known to us, but we are largely informed about this.
28. So heare the story, then:
29. Your earthly calculation of time is not very accurate, and it is only partly directed according to the facts.
30. Your own calculations are not exactly correct either, but they are the most accurate ones ever calculated by a human being on the Earth.
31. Your calculations vary only by the trifle of about 200 years, while the calculations of your scientists and researchers show faulty times in the order of several thousand years.
你的計算誤差只有大約 200 年左右,而你們科學家和學者的計算結果則有數千年的誤差。
32. A fact that you can recalculate at any time based on my information that I will give you here.
33. Many researchers of the Earth have been trying since ever to calculate the exact time of the Flood known to you through the Bible, but so far without any noteworthy success.
長久以來,很多學者都試圖計算你們聖經所描述「大洪水」(the Flood)的年代,但是至今沒有什麼值得一提的突破。
34. Indeed, according to today's Christian calendar, the Flood took place exactly 10,079 years ago. .
根據你們現有的基督教大事記的紀載,大洪水發生在 1 萬 0,079 年前。
35. It was triggered by a worldwide catastrophe of cosmic origin, when a gigantic comet threw the Earth out of its orbit and changed its period and direction of rotation.
36. At that time, one Earth day amounted to more than 40 hours, and the Sun didn't rise in the east like it does today.
那時候,地球上一天有 40 多個小時,而且太陽也並不是像現在這樣的從東方升起。
37. Such changes in rotation time and direction of rotation have afflicted the Earth two more times after the Flood, but they have not brought such devastating catastrophes as with the mentioned Flood.
38. The last radical change of this kind took place 3,500 years ago, of which however I will still speak later.
最後一次這樣的改變,發生在 3,500 年前,關於這個,我稍後再說。
39. The Flood 10,079 years ago (related to the year 1975) was caused by a gigantic comet, which has already caused a lot of damage and has been traversing the universe since time immemorial.
1 萬 0,079 年前(從 1975 年算起)的大洪水是由一顆巨型彗星所引起的,它從很久以前就穿行在宇宙中,並造成了很多很多的破壞。
40. We call it the "Destroyer", and we know that it has already been racing through outer space for millions of years.
41. According to your calculation of time, this dangerous comet has an orbital period of 575 ½ years and in the year 2255 of your calculation of time it will again enter the realm of the Earth in a very dangerous way, unless its orbit is changed or even destroyed by some cosmic circumstances or by our planned efforts.
根據你們的紀年法,這顆危險的彗星的公轉週期為 575.5 年,除非它的軌道改變甚或被其他宇宙環境所破壞,再或者被我們的努力計畫所改變,否則它會在西元 2,225 年再次與地球十分接近,相當危險。
42. The last passage of this comet took place 295 years ago (calculated from 1975), namely in the year 1680.
上一次近距離擦肩而過是發生在 295 年前(從 1975 年算起),也就是西元 1680 年。
43. 10,079 years ago, this giant comet, which had originated from a natural cosmic catastrophe, got very close to the realm of the Earth and almost destroyed it.
但在 1 萬 0,079 年前,這個由自然災難造成的彗星,與地球十分接近,幾乎摧毀了地球。
44. Only the knowledge and ability of our ancestors, who had settled on the Earth and had begotten their descendants here, prevented the terrible end.
45. Also in the following millennia the giant comet has always been a great threat to the Earth - and it will remain so too until one day it will be destroyed or diverted away.
46. The last major catastrophe that emanated from this comet was about 3,500 years ago, as I have already mentioned.
我剛才說過,上一次由該彗星引發的全球性災難,發生在大約 3,500 年前。
47. To be precise, it was 3,453 years ago according to your calculation of time.
按照你們的紀年法,從現在往回算,準確時間是在 3,453 年前。
48. Due to this comet, an event took place, which is very rare in the universe, namely a planetary transplantation:
隨著這顆彗星,發生了一件宇宙中極罕見的事件,也就是“移植行星”(planetary transplantation)到遙遠的星系:
49. By the monstrous Gewalt of this giant comet, a planet, just developing life in a very distant planet system of the SOL system, was flung out of its orbit and driven out into the outer space, in a trajectory parallel to that of the destructive giant comet.
50. For more than 130 years this planet then trailed far behind the giant and deviated only infinitely slowly from its path.
這顆行星跟著這顆巨型彗星運行了 130 多年,僅僅十分緩慢地偏離了彗星的軌道。
51. Then, 3,453 years ago, the Destroyer penetrated the terrestrial solar system and brought the planetary orbits into disorder by its gigantic forces.
就在 3,453 年前,「毀滅者」侵入了太陽系,擾亂了其行星的軌道。
52. Passing close to Earth, it enshrouded latter in its huge tail and shook it very hard.
53. Immense storms and volcanic eruptions were the result.
54. Human beings and animals died in large masses, mountains were shifted and the ocean depths changed.
55. In the Mediterranean Sea, the magma walls of the Santorini volcano were torn to pieces deep down, and large quantities of water penetrated.
56. This caused an immense catastrophe since the volcano exploded thereby and destroyed the island.
57. The explosion created a gigantic storm surge, which grew nearly 2,000 metres high into the sky and swept over the sea like a primeval monster.
這次爆炸產生了巨大的海嘯,它像一頭大海上的太古怪獸,咆哮升至 2,000 公尺高。
58. Everything in it was killed and crushed, and the water turned blood red.
59. In Egypt, this storm surge flooded vast areas and caused all sorts of epidemics, while the tidal wave receded and continued racing northeast across the sea, to destroy vast areas and all port cities on the eastern shore of the sea, in present-day Syria.
60. The comet, however, shot through the terrestrial solar system and raced around the Sun again off into the outer space to return in 575 ½ years.
那個彗星穿過太陽系,又重新飛入茫茫宇宙,575.5 年之後才又會出現。
61. But the slower following planet, carried along in its wake, which was about the same size as the Earth, shot past the Earth at a distance of about 600,000 kilometres and was captured by the attraction force of the Sun.
在它的慧尾裡,跟隨著一顆被帶走的行星,這顆行星相當於地球的大小,它在距離地球約 60 萬公里的地方經過時,被太陽的引力場所捕獲。
62. By its tremendous power, it forced the new planet into an orbit between its closest satellites, namely between Mercury and the Earth.
63. And since then, this "transplanted" and "immigrated" planet has been known to the Earth-humans, and s/he calls it "Venus."
Fantastic, Semjase.
64. Sure, but I'm not finished yet, because I want to tell you even more primordial things now; the prehistory of this comet so fateful for the Earth, which also brought the satellite, the Moon over here - the fragment of a small planet from a very distant solar system.
65. The Earth's moon, which originates from a small planet 4.5 million years older than the Earth.
地球的月亮,原來是一個比地球古老 450 萬年的小行星。
66. It was millions of years ago.
67. Deep in the unknown space, in a space-time shifted solar system of the Milky Way, a solitary star floated far away from the normal orbits of the satellites orbiting the Sun.
68. It was a dark star, devoid of any life, very dangerous in its unpredictable path, into which it had been flung by an immense eruption of its original sun.
69. This was when its original sun burst through all-shaking explosions and, in its destruction, partially destroyed the satellites orbiting it or hurled them as dangerous projectiles into the dark space.
70. The sun itself then collapsed into itself and tore a hole in the outer space.
71. Its material pressed itself together with monstrous Gewalt and was compressed into a small mass.
72. While the sun in its normal pulsating state had a diameter of eleven million kilometres, it now shrank down to a concentration of only 4.2 kilometres.
當那顆恒星在正常活動狀態時,直徑有 1,100 萬公里,現在縮小到只有 4.2 公里(直徑)。
[中譯者註:我們的太陽目前直徑約 139 萬公里]
73. As a result, the material was compressed in such a way that a single cubic centimetre weighed several thousand tons.
74. Since then it has hovered in space as a dark, gaping hollow, which tears everything within millions of kilometres of its perimeter into itself, whatever it is capable of seizing and what falls under its spell.
75. The dark star, which got flung away by it at that time, got caught again in a neighbouring solar system and orbited it in an unpredictable path.
76. In the field of the force of the huge sun, it orbited the sun's satellites for many millennia as well as the sun itself, testifying to the fact that it would sometime cause a catastrophe to fall upon the system.
77. Yet still far away from the actual worlds, the dark planet, bare of any life, roamed through space.
78. Powerfully and unapproachably, it drifted through the icy cold of the universe – as an outcast, as a wandering planet, as a stranger in a foreign system; dark, dangerous, and deadly.
79. Within the hold of the far outstretched force-arms of the sun, it came closer and closer over the course of thousands of years to the actual area of the system of satellites, which it had already been orbiting for such a long time at an ever-increasing speed.
80. Imperceptibly, however, its course always became narrower and narrower, and year by year the extent of its danger grew.
81. After the thousands of years, it then rushed suddenly and unexpectedly into the closest sphere of influence of the sun and its planets.
82. Like a greedy monster, it emerged from the blackness of the universe and announced deadly destruction.
83. Initially it was only like a silhouette out of nowhere; but then it was recognised in a hazy and blurred way as a half-dark round disc.
84. Now already illuminated by the reflecting rays of the sun, it approached the orbit of the outermost planet at tremendous speed.
85. But it was still millions of units away from the actual hearth of the peaceful calm, which though, due to its gigantic size, it soon had to transform into a seething hell, once it penetrated into the silence of this harmony.
86. But still some time went by at first, until the giant finally strayed from his path and had moved into the most dangerous proximity.
87. Now already recognisable as a round sphere, the Destroyer reflected the sunlight while dragging a fine veil of luminous particles behind it.
88. Still only a few hundred units away from the next worlds, it evoked hellish storms in these, which destroyed large areas that had been cultivated by the human beings peacefully emerging there.
89. With trembling for their arduously gained goods and their already hard lives, they suddenly found themselves exposed to the immense and uncompassionate forces of the universe.
90. Helpless, doomed to be handed over from life to death, they stared out into the sky, to the gigantic wandering planet which raced towards them as a cosmic mortal projectile.
91. It was no more than a question of time before the forces of the cosmos had to unfold their monstrous powers.
92. On the night of the third day after the incursion of the Destroyer into the planetary pathways, the middle of the night may just have passed, the drifter from outer space entered the elliptical orbit of the sixth planet.
93. Causing immense cosmic storms, it flung the planet belonging to the orbit a few units off its direction and brought it on a dangerous course towards the sun.
94. Monstrous eruptions and storms tore apart the peaceful appearance of the planet thriving in its magnificence.
95. Letting mountains collapse and casting seas out of their beds, it sought a new path around its sun for itself.
96. Full of horror and consternation over the immense forces of nature, the human beings fled into the vast plains that covered the planet in great numbers.
97. But the unleashed forces of nature were stronger than the will and the saving idea of the human beings.
98. Two thirds of the humankind that inhabited the planet was killed and destroyed in the unleashed hell of nature.
99. Wild waters tore away large parts of the mainland, while exploding volcanoes buried vast areas beneath glowing lava and turned them to rubble and ashes.
100. The planet's daily rotation time doubled, and it circumnavigated the sun in the opposite direction.
101. Forced by cosmic determinations, the survivors had to find a new beginning - devoid of any culture - set back to a primordial time of the development.
102. The Destroyer, however, continued racing through the system, spreading hell, death and destruction.
103. It crossed the path of the fifth planet; a world that was about to give birth to first life.
104. Fortunately, at the time of the event, the latter was too far away from the point of crossing its orbital path to be seriously affected.
105. Apart from mighty storms and minor quakes on land and at sea, there were no notable incidents on it.
106. The fourth satellite of the system, however, would find its destruction in the battle of the worlds.
107. As the smallest of all satellites, it stoically traversed its orbit, and from the perspective of anticipatory calculations, it had to cross the flight path of the wanderer exactly when facing it head-on.
108. And that's exactly what happened:
109. It got into the irresistible destructive power of the giant.
110. Like two wild monsters, the two planets raced towards each other; a giant and a dwarf.
111. But before both of them could collide, immense explosions tore the lifeless dead dwarf planet apart.
112. Its fragments were hurled out into the endless expanses of outer space, where they were captured as shooting stars or meteors by the forces of other stars and, burning up in their atmospheres, found their final end.
113. Further parts of the dwarf were torn into the sun and were atomised.
114. Other parts were torn into the Destroyer and became there a part of itself.
115. As if hurled by a giant's fist, one half of the dwarf planet shot away and through a dimensional gate created by the hands of highly developed human beings into the unending expanses of the Milky Way's space towards a very distant target.
就像被巨人的拳頭擊中一般,矮行星的一個較大的碎塊,穿過了一個由高度發達的人類所建造的「維度門」(dimensional gate),進入了無際宇宙中遙遠的銀河系內。
116. Several times on its path it got into the realm of suns and planets, was shaken, was hit by meteors and shooting stars and thereby changed its shape.
117. Already after a few centuries it had reached an angular roundish shape.
118. It was dead and barren, however, covered by many small as well as huge, deep craters, and was incapable of supporting life.
119. By the forces of various systems its speed was gradually slowed down and it changed its course several times, until one day it was attracted by the sun of a system and broke into its sphere of influence.
120. As dark, dead planet it traversed all planetary orbits of the outer rings without causing any damage.
121. It was not until the inner rings that it collided with some fragments of a destroyed planet, which nevertheless only tore deep craters into it.
122. However, this caused its course to change once again slightly, with the result that it was driven parallel to the orbit of the second planet, which was already creating its first primitive life.
123. A planet covered by large seas and dense primeval forests, primordial, deadly and yet gruesomely fantastic.
124. From this point in time, only 34 days were still to pass before the dwarf caught up with the planet, namely the Earth, and was held captive by it.
從這一刻開始,僅僅用了 34 天,這顆矮行星(之前的碎塊)就被這顆行星;也就是地球;捕獲而開始環繞它運轉。
125. The forces of the planet were sufficient to bind the dwarf to itself and let it circle around itself as a new satellite, on an ever-changing elliptical path.
126. Since then it has orbited the Earth as Moon; 4.5 million years older than its mother celestial body.
從那時起,它便成為了地球的月亮;但比地球古老了 450 萬年。
127. In the distant solar system, however, the Destroyer continued to rage.
128. Destroying everything in its path, it flung the planet closest to the sun with unimaginable force towards the sun, in front of which it destroyed itself at a millionfold distance by immense eruptions and fell into the sun as smallest fragments and atomised.
129. The Destroyer itself drifted by a few units from its old course and shot past the sun in dangerous proximity, back into the expanses of the space, in order to take the same path as long times before the small planet did, consequently it also passed the dimension gate created by technically highly advanced human beings' hands and came into the space-time configuration of our DERN universe and into the area of the Milky Way and thus also into the SOL system.
130. But due to the unimaginable heat of the blazing sun the surface of the dangerous wanderer liquefied, and the glowing substances and particles flung away by its racing speed created behind it a shining tail hundreds of thousands of units long, shining as bright as the destroyer planet itself, which had now become deadly comet.
131. Due to the zero cold of the universe, the surface of the wanderer quickly solidified again.
132. But its illuminating power remained with it, as did the shining tail.
133. Myriads and myriads upon myriads of smallest particles and substances have covered it ever since, inundating it and following it as long tail when it comes into the realm of a sun; shining and showing the beings of the universe the path of the comet.
134. Due to the continuous sequence of meteor dust, particles, substances and the corpuscular radiation of the suns, it will never lose its illuminating power again until one day it will fall victim to its destruction.
由於這一長條的星塵、微粒、物質和太陽的「微粒輻射」(corpuscular radiation),它的亮度從不會減弱,直到它的生命終結。
135. It will still wander through space for thousands or further millions of years before it itself has turned into dust by the grinding particles or is captured and destroyed by a sun.
136. But perhaps one day human beings will destroy it too, just as it has already destroyed thousand of millions of lives.
137. Millions of years have already elapsed since its emerging, and its course is still unpredictable.
138. Due to all sorts of cosmic forces, it often changes its course in the SOL system quite unexpectedly and endangers, among others, its unfinished solar systems of Jupiter and Saturn.
139. But by and large, its dangerous path is that stable that it passes through the same planetary systems again and again over the course of 575 1/2 years, albeit with variations in the distance of up to one million kilometres.
但總體來說,它危險的路徑,在 575.5 年這個週期內卻非常穩定,雖然在距離上的變化最大達到 100 萬公里,但它總是會一再穿過同樣的行星系統。
140. The humankind of the distant solar system, two thirds of which were destroyed at that time, found a new beginning which was hard and full of privation.
141. Nevertheless, in less than 9 centuries the human beings built up a new civilisation and culture; created and driven out of the hardship arising from cosmic forces.
142. The people succeeded in preventing further cosmic catastrophes and annihilations.
143. Through arduous research, work and voluntary commitment to the very last one, they created plans for their new culture and for a far-reaching technology.
144. Dwellings were built that could withstand the Gewalt of nature, and generation after generation brought together their knowledge and skills.
145. Their spirit and their consciousness and their knowledge refined themselves rapidly, and soon the succeeding generations had reached a technology which, without any imagination, defied all possibilities.
146. And there came the time when the descendants flew out into the unending expanses of the universe in round, plate-like flying ships with beam drives.
147. Other solar systems and planets were flown to and expeditioned.
148. New worlds and possibilities opened up in order to transplant the peoples of the home planet, which had meanwhile become too small for the new humankind.
149. The scientists with their spacecrafts and abundantly provided means of all kinds and fantastic application possibilities used the dimension gate known to them, to (in another space-time configuration of the DERN universe) reach the Milky Way area and explored the space for ever newer things.
他們的科學家們建造了巨大的太空船,並裝備了所有的先進裝備,他們運用了所熟悉的「維度門」,去(位於另一時空結構中的 DERN 宇宙)進入銀河系領域,以探索這地區全新的事物。
150. They found many new habitable worlds and solar systems, which they often made subservient to themselves using their beam weapons in short one-sided fights, in order to conquer them for the settlement of their race.
151. However, apart from their horrendous material and gene-based technology they also perfected their consciousness and their spirit, so that nothing which they wanted to experience remained foreign to them any more.
152. The use of their powers of consciousness became implicitness to them, and so they gradually raised themselves to rulers vis-à-vis their peoples.
153. They called themselves kings of wisdom with the word JHWH, which is on the Earth translated as God.
154. Far superior spiritually, and in terms of knowledge as well as consciousness to the normal people, they soon dominated it in evil dictatorial form.
155. Yet after centuries, having grown tired of the godlike scientists, the people rose against them initially in silent revolution.
156. Oppressed, however, by the spiritual and consciousness-based powers and by the tremendous knowledge of the gods, the people had to submit to their rulers.
157. But the will for freedom made them secretly prepare for the fight.
158. It glowed like a smouldering ember for four centuries, to flare up in the given moment as untameable wild conflagration.
159. According to the earthly calculation of time, it was about 230,000 years ago when the liberation war broke out.
160. Evil fightings covered many planets and much was destroyed.
161. A scientist named Asael used the opportunity to make himself self-reliant and flee.
這時候,一位名叫 Asael 的科學家,趁此機會宣布獨立並逃離了。
162. Secretly he managed to bring a large fleet of spaceships into his possession, to man them and to flee under heavy acts of fighting.
163. With 183 wide-bodies and almost 250 reconnaissance ships with a total of 360,000 human beings on board, he fled from his home system.
帶領著 183 艘巨型太空母艦和大約 250 艘偵蒐型飛船,以及艦上容納的 36 萬人,他離開了他的家鄉星系。
164. For years they were restlessly roaming through the expanses of the space before one day they found a solar system that offered them opportunities to live, far away from their home system.
165. It took three hundred of years after they seized the planet because they created a new humankind.
166. Afterwards they settled on two more planets of their new home system, to then again traverse the outer space while exploring.
167. In doing so they came across the system of the earthly Sun.
168. They settled here on three different planets, namely on the Earth, on Malona and on Mars, and began with the building of a new culture.
在這裡,他們分別登陸在三個不同行星,也就是:地球,Malona 星和火星,並開始建立起新的文明。
169. But the planets were still rather inhospitable and often hostile.
170. So they left the planets again and paid them visits only now and then.
171. When, then, on the second planet, the Earth, first intelligent life started moving, they came back and lived there.
172. But in accordance with the human being's reflecting, power struggles broke out again, and they left the Earth.
173. From the new home planet, however, the development of the Earth was constantly monitored and expeditioned year after year.
174. From time to time, it was tried again and again to settle the planet.
175. Also, beings were deported to the Earth and these were simply left to their fate without any technology and help.
176. They became stunted, wild, and bestial.
177. Then finally the time came, when the major step was finally ventured.
178. A certain culture was built up on the Earth, which lasted for several millennia.
179. But again, greed for power broke out, and everything was destroyed.
180. So the Earth fell again into its old existence.
181. Then it took again several millennia, before a new attempt was made, this time however no more in the sense of an actual expedition:
182. On the home planet once again differences of opinion arose, because the scientists again elevated themselves to gods and subjugated the peoples to servitude.
183. From this it resulted that a group of scientists and other human beings who thought differently banded together and seized various spaceships.
184. Almost 70,000 human beings fled and settled on the Earth.
大概有 7 萬人從那顆行星逃離,來到地球定居。
185. Their highest leader Pelegon was freely recognised by all as JHWH (God) and led a tight regiment.
他們的首領,名字叫 Pelegon,被大家推舉為 JHWH(智慧之王;被稱為“神”),他領導的是一個管理嚴密的一群人。
186. He had nearly two hundred subleaders, each of whom was responsible for a special field of knowledge.
他手下大概有 200 位次級首領,他們各自負責一個專門的科學領域。
187. They were, so to speak, sub-gods, or also called guardians.
188. On the home planets, however, war broke out and much was destroyed again.
189. But the human beings finally achieved the freedom and the peace.
190. That has remained so ever since and will also never change again.
191. According to the earthly time calculation, that was around 50,000 years ago.
根據地球紀年法,這發生在大約 5 萬年前。
192. Only on the Earth itself things were not always so peaceful, and many mistakes were made.
193. And by one of these mistakes the primal human races of the earth were procreated, whose descendants still live today and are about to commit the same mistakes as did our ancestors.
That is completely fantastic, Semjase. But how did everything go on then? I am looking forward eagerly to it.
194. That I believe you readily, but as for today I cannot tell you any more, because my time is up.
195. Next time you shall come to know more.