Contact Report 066/第066次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年08月04日,星期日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年06月10日,星期六,ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu
五、根據Plejaren的調查,目前(1976年)有兩股不同的勢力企圖暗殺Billy;其中之一是由一個秘密的、以色列基督教組織的成員執行的,其主要原因是在於他對《以馬內利的教誨》(the Talmud Jmmanuel)一書的傳播。另外的勢力是由一個在戰爭結束後在巴西定居的納粹團體組成的,而他們對Billy的存在感到恐懼。
六、報告中所附上的一篇資料,是在這次接觸十幾天之後,由Joh. Martin Sorge先生針對Michael Arends先生之前的錯誤觀點而寫給他的一封「公開信」,內容涉及“金星和月球的起源”與“太空飛行技術”等重要議題,值得用心閱讀。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
First of all I have to bring you this huge package with giant greetings.
1. ???? What does it contain?
???? 這裡面是什麼?
You will have to find that out for yourself. It is a gift from Herbert, for whom I bring it to you with very dear greetings.
2. You know that I should not take any gifts.
It is something completely different and it is not a gift, but a present.
3. Is there a difference?
Certainly, because a gift is like a donation, while a present corresponds to the desirous feeling of love or joy, because in love and joy you want to give someone love and joy again.
4. You express this wonderfully, but it does not correspond to the ideas of the Earth-humans, as I know.
5. It might only be your and a few like-minded one's values of observation.
Possible. I know that humans generally only give gifts because they feel obliged to do so, you know, mostly only in mutual exchange.
6. I know that.
7. I know the difference between a gift and a present, but I felt the need to hear your opinion about it.
Oh so, you thus made a small test. That's a good thing. You know, the last weeks I had a lot to explain to Martin and Mara, especially regarding the evaluation of different word terms. As you know, I break down the word terms into their special and appropriate values, which is why misunderstandings constantly occur in communication. I can only always find the real value for myself in one word, which is then not understood by the others, because then we talk past each other, as it were, because humans are still completely unaccustomed to thinking in the real word value and the real sense of the word.
8. This may bring you bad misunderstandings, but the humans of Earth will learn from it, at least for the time being those who maintain contacts with you.
That may be, but it always needs long explanations.
9. That will be so.
10. But as I know you, you are very patient in explaining.
11. But let me now please see the contents of the package …
現在請讓我看看包裹的內容 ...
Here – you can open it yourself, that is your job, because it is for you.
12. Thank you.
(Semjase is busy opening the package.)
13. Oh – what is this?
哦 —— 這是什麼?
14. – How pleasant this is, so fine …
這是多麼令人愉快啊!如此精緻 ... 。
15. Ah, that is very sweet.
16. How fine it is, and how warm.
17. Many, many thanks. – – –
18. I am happy to keep it, yeah?
19. I am so happy.
Of course you should keep it, it is for you, you do not have to ask me if you can keep it.
20. I am a bit confused.
21. – It – – bring Herbert my grateful love – I am so happy.
這 … 請代我向Herbert表達我感激的喜悅 —— 我太高興了。
22. He is very sweet.
I notice that. You are confused, but for sheer joy, it seems to me. So Herbert hit exactly the right thing. That makes me happy for you and him. Where do you want to put this fuzzy bear? Ah, do you not have any things of this kind yourself?
23. He shall remain here in the ship as a constant reminder of the solidarity and the certainty that we also have love and good friends on the Earth.
Okay, and what about my second question?
24. Oh yes, no, we do not have things like that.
That's unfortunate, but let's talk about something else. I have some questions. You know we have certain symbols for our sun, I mean the SOL, and for all planets, right?
25. Sure.
Okay, can you tell me how or where they came from?
26. Sure.
27. – The symbols were already coined about 12,000 years ago by our ancestors.
28. However, they were changed several times in the course of time and were even lost.
29. Again and again, however, they were found and then re-incorporated into their original form.
30. So they have been preserved until today, so they also exist again in their original form.
31. Each individual symbol contains very particular and special values which are peculiar to the planet in question, but which are also transmitted to all forms of life in terms of vibration, according to which they align themselves in their characters and exhibit corresponding characteristics which are expressed in the physical, psychical and consciousness-based realms.
行星 |
天體 |
國際天文聯會縮寫 |
符號 |
Unicode代碼 |
Unicode字符 |
釋義 |
H、Me |
U+263F |
☿ |
V |
U+2640 |
♀ |
維納斯的項鍊或手持的鏡子 |
E、T |
U+2641 |
♁ |
U+1F728 |
⨁ |
M、Ma |
U+2642 |
♂ |
瑪爾斯之矛與盾 |
J |
U+2643 |
♃ |
S |
U+2644 |
♄ |
U |
U+26E2 |
⛢ |
鉑元素 |
U+2645 |
♅ |
發現天王星的威廉·赫歇爾姓氏首字母「H」結合地球儀 |
N |
U+2646 |
♆ |
U+2BC9 |
⯉ |
字母「L」和「V」結合地球儀,兩字母代表發現海王星的奧本·勒維耶 |
Aha, so these are already the astrological aspects, are they not?
32. Sure, but all planets as well as the SOL star and the galaxy central sun are important in this respect, whereby time plays a very dominant role.
33. In the exact astrological determination value, the determination of time up to the second value is of enormous importance.
34. A factor which is unfortunately not considered by the earth astrologers, because they only want to calculate their evaluations according to minutes, which inevitably leads to inaccurate or only approximately correct results.
You mean that the horoscopes are not very accurate?
35. Sure, only in isolated cases are they very accurate, namely when the number of seconds is combined with a full minute number.
Then how is it with human beings, for example; what has to be considered as birth time?
36. The exit of the skull of the newborn.
This means that the time of birth is not the moment when the new-born human being has already left the womb completely, but the moment when the new-born person, as you say, presses his/her skullcap through the cervix and is practically confronted with the outside world?
37. Sure.
But why is that? That the human is not born yet, because the birth process is still taking place.
38. You do not consider that the importance of the process lies in the fact that as soon as the skull of the newborn is exposed to the environment, its influences become noticeable in concentrated form and penetrate through the skull of the newborn.
39. This can actually only happen with the moment of the release of the skull or the skullcap, because still embedded in the womb, a natural protective belt prevents this process, whereby the nascent human being is able to develop his/her basic character in the womb in peace and quiet, which is already tuned to his/her time of birth.
40. The external influences of fully effective radiations and vibrations complete the whole thing and round it off.
I find that ingenious. Therefore, many birth time data might not be correct thereby.
41. Sure, but do not worry, yours is of correctness.
42. It was Sfath's concern at that time that the right moment was captured.
You mean, 11:00 hrs is exactly right?
43. Sure.
Okay, it is not that important.
44. It is, in fact, of enormous importance for you.
That does not interest me very much, what seems more important to me is the question whether you also have a certain symbol for Erra and that you draw it?
45. Sure, we have a symbol for Erra, like for all the other planets and the stars.
46. I will record it for you.
47. Do you have a pencil there and a paper?
Of course, just a moment. – Here, is that enough?
48. Sure – now look here –, – so –, you see –, – – so, this is the symbol for Erra.
當然 —— 現在看這裡 …,… 所以 …,你看 …,這就是Erra星的符號。
49. Take that with you and transfer it to the contact report later.
I will. But tell me, I find this sign quite strange, it has so much in common with those symbol signs we have for our planets and the sun. How is that possible? And above all, what does this sign mean?
50. I already explained to you that your planetary and celestial symbols trace back to our ancestors, who made them according to the vibration and radiation values of the individual planets and the relevant celestial bodies.
51. In other words, this means that the signs were made according to the individual celestial and planetary state of evolution, so that each individual sign records the state of evolution or the level of evolution of the respective celestial body and planet.
52. This is also true for Erra, my home planet, whose signs are composed of various ancient symbols of our ancestors, i.e. the same signs that were used for the stars, the galaxy central sun and your sun, as well as for the planets of the SOL system, and are now common again with you, except for the symbol of the galactic central sun.
53. The lying form of our symbol now represents the middle between above and below, the balanced.
54. Compare therefore the symbols of the sun and the planets of the SOL system, because that which is equalised does not come to the fore, but always the dominating in the negative or in the positive.
I understand to some extent, because Martin Sorge has explained a lot about it to me.
我在某種程度上理解,因為Martin Sorge已經向我解釋了很多這方面的問題。
55. He will also be able to explain to you the meaning of the symbol, which you should then also classify as written form in our reports, for information and knowledge for all.
Okay, I will ask him.
56. A detailed explanation of the individual symbol parts would be important, please ask him about it.
57. In his field he is unusually thorough and knowledgeable, which makes him stand out very pleasantly from the usual mass of astrologers, which you have surely noticed.
[中譯者註:以下部分就是Martin Sorge對Erra星符號的詳細解說,由於原文版本將這一段放在Semjase談話的第66句之後,譯者認為應放在目前這個位置較為恰當,尚請讀者先進諒察,若有不妥,請予以指正,感謝!]
About the Planetary Symbol of Erra
(Explanations on the Semjase Report)
If I correspond here to Semjase's wish to analyse the planetary symbol below, it is as if I had to explore an unknown country. Such a symbol says so much about the nature and level of development of a celestial body. But what do we Earth human beings really know about the planet Erra, about its position in the Tayget system? The symbol stands before us as a mysterious message, completely encoded, also giving only hints to those who know. Like faint light signals from a distant lighthouse. And yet all our longing is directed towards this beacon from a world in the depths of space, because human beings also live there. Human beings who could perhaps first teach us how to be human beings! So what can the symbol tell us about their world?
Its individual parts resemble the planetary symbols of our solar system. Proof that these symbols go back to common ancestors, to a primordial knowledge. Nevertheless, the derivation of our celestial symbols cannot simply be transferred to the Taygete system. So I have to proceed step by step. Semjase may ultimately decide how far the interpretation experiment has succeeded!
In order not to go too far in the explanations, I refer to my essay in the December 1976 issue of "Aquarius Time" on astrological symbolism (pages 7-15). The planetary symbols of the Sol system described there are almost all arranged vertically one above the other. This means that in each case one area dominates and another is dominated by it, i.e. that there is a state of tension between above and below. Only one symbol makes an exception to this, namely that of Jupiter. It is true that here too the left part (the soul) is somewhat elevated in relation to the substance. But Jupiter is for us the clearest principle of natural order, lawfulness and harmonious balance. He is considered the "most fortunate" star of our system; the human being, born under his sign, is most capable of following the laws of creation, if the correct attitude towards them is attained.
為了不作過多解釋,我在1976年12月的《水瓶座時代》(Aquarius Time)雜誌上的證明文件中提到了有關星象象徵的內容(第7-15頁)。在那篇證明文件中,我描述了太陽系的行星符號,它們幾乎都是垂直排列的。這意味著在我們這裡,某個領域佔主導地位,另一個領域則受其控制,因此在上方和下方之間存在著一種緊張狀態。只有一個符號例外,那就是木星的符號。雖然在這裡,左側部分(靈魂)稍微高於物質。但是對於我們來說,木星是自然秩序、合法性和和諧平衡方面最明顯的原則。它被認為是我們太陽系中「最幸運之星」,在這種符號下出生的人,如果能夠達到正確的態度,最能遵循造物法則(laws of creation)。
In analogy to this, Erra's symbol would have to represent even more clearly the balance resting in itself, the "equality" of the different planes and thus the practically perfect realisation of the idea of creation in consciousness. For here all parts are arranged next to each other and connected in unity. – So much for the position of the whole symbol. Now to the meaning of the individual parts:
In the centre is the spirit symbol, corresponding exactly to the sign for our sun. On Erra, the orientation towards a cosmic Centre means for the individual the actual purpose of life around which everything else is aligned. However, it is difficult to put into words what this central idea is like. Perhaps it is purely abstract, somehow energetic. By no means to be understood in the sense of an earthly concept of God (spirit as a divine spark in human beings). Rather in the form of the physical field concept, in which the nuclear forces can be thought of at the centre, and the orbiting energy at the periphery. The emptiness in between, between the Centre and the "orbit", however, creates the essence of the spirit as the all-unifying force. This may be how the common ancestors of the Errans and Terrans found the spirit symbol. In the Erra symbol this spirit now connects the spiritual and material realms with each other in equal harmony.
在符號的中間是靈魂符號,與我們太陽的符號完全相同。對於Erra星的個人而言,朝向宇宙中心的方向意味著生命的真正目的,其他一切都圍繞著這個目的而展開。然而,這種中心概念很難用言語表達。也許它是純抽象的,以某種能量形式存在。絕不能理解為地球上對神的觀念(將靈魂視為人類內在的神聖火花)。更類似於物理場概念的形式,其中核心力量位於中心,周邊是環繞的能量。然而,介於中心和“軌道”之間的空虛,創造了靈魂的本質,作為所有統一的力量。也許Erra星人和地球人的共同祖先發現了這個靈魂符號 …。在Erra星的符號中,這個靈魂連結著心靈和物質領域,達到平等的和諧。
The left side of the symbol appears as a moon-shaped structure, but different from the soul symbol on Earth. In a sense, there is an intensification through the doubling. The Errans probably have "older" souls than we do, which have more than just a recording and registering function. They can probably create something themselves from the absorbed forces or they are able to regenerate soul energies. Some of the absorbed forces or impressions are probably used to control life processes. This could explain, for example, the much older age of the inhabitants of Erra. We already find hints of this in certain Earth human beings, who are able to maintain a youthful appearance thanks to their spiritual receptivity and readiness.
At the same time, the repetition of this left part of the symbol is reminiscent of a swinging wave; ))) which on Erra would make the term "soul" essentially different from ours. It should be remembered that today's concept of soul on Earth is shaped by the Christian religions. That there is no such thing as an "immortal soul" in this sense, but that spirit and soul are quite illogically linked together. Soul in the Erra symbol, on the other hand, means the oscillating, the concave mirror that picks up sensations and radiations, focuses them and throws them back or processes them in Bich itself.
Finally, the right-hand part of the Erra symbol is probably able to convey the most interesting insights for us earth dwellers. We find a similar part of the symbol in a rarer spelling for Uranus, namely. It is supposed to mean the "H", the first letter of the discoverer of Uranus, the astronomer Herschel. However, this explanation does not lead us any further – we would then have to ask ourselves again why this "H" was combined with the Uranus symbol in this way.
It is likely that the similarity to the spelling of Erra played an unconscious role in this. In any case, here we can see the connection of the symbol for the material form (cross) with the "dipole". And now our "journey of discovery" becomes breath-taking! Up to this point, the scientifically trained mind could still follow and explain. Now something else takes over. A dipole is not only the well-known antenna shape, but also the switching element in electron computers that says "yes" or "no", or the north and south magnetic polarity of the particles in iron, or any "+/- part" in a force field.
And now this in connection with matter, which is so compact for us? How does it suddenly become changeable, transparent? How sovereignly the Errans must master not only the destruction of matter into energy, but also the reversal of this process! They must be able to build up force fields from dipoles, gravity fields (for us inseparably connected with matter) must be able to be neutralised. Thought images are created, light is subjugated, it is surpassed.... what a world opens up in this sign, how colourful the space suddenly becomes, flooded with force fields! Light begins to write, not only as we do on the fluorescent screen, but in free space. And time, linearly and irreversibly connected with our matter imagination, becomes a continuum that can be roamed in all directions...........
現在,與對於我們而言如此緊湊的物質相結合,它如何突然變得可變、透明?Erra星人必須不僅能夠將物質轉化為能量,還必須掌握這一過程的逆轉!他們必須能夠建立由偶極子組成的力場,使重力場(對於我們而言與物質密不可分)能夠被中和。思想圖像被創造出來,人類掌控了光,也超越了它 …,在這個符號中,開啟了什麼樣的世界,空間突然變得多彩,充滿了力場!光開始書寫,不僅如我們的螢光屏上那樣,而是在自由空間中結合。而時間,與我們對於物質的線性和不可逆轉的理解相聯繫,成為可以在所有方向上遊走的連續體 … …。
Let us conclude and return to our Earth! First we had the crosses on the churches. Today, our roofs are adorned with the dipoles of antennas. Will we succeed in combining these two seen as symbols in such a way that we arrive at a new concept of matter? A concept that takes less account of density and more of the transparency of mass?
Surely the path leads via the language of symbols, the tireless light signs of truth that that distant lighthouse is trying to send us......... Will we then also write the planetary symbols of our solar system in horizontal form one day?
毫無疑問,這條道路是通過符號的語言,以及那遠方燈塔傳遞給我們不倦的真理之光信號,將引領我們 … …。那麼,我們是否有一天也會以橫向形式書寫太陽系的行星符號呢?
Certainly, I …
58. You shall not talk about it.
59. I know the circumstances, your connectedness and the effects you have had.
60. They have been preordained in such a manner for a long time, so have the things to come.
You are very mysterious. Why did you never tell me anything about it?
61. You should not know certain things beforehand, not even these.
62. If you knew them prematurely, your emotional world would suffer.
63. You would prepare yourself for it as usual, but in this case this should not be the case.
All right, I do not want to know.
64. That is good.
65. Your dreams are your medicine.
Oh, girl, this looks so familiar to me – I just wrote this recently.
哦,姑娘,這對我來說太熟悉了 —— 我最近剛寫過這句話。
66. It is familiar to me, and I enjoyed it.
You were listening.
67. Sure, you do not control your block.
68. Your dreams are wonderful.
69. I feel deep joy for you.
Thank you. – But is it really just joy?
謝謝你。—— 但這真的只是喜悅嗎?
70. Sure, it is definitely like that.
71. You made the feelings of joy and happiness ring out in me.
Then I rejoice with you. Thank you very much, dear girl, in two forms.
72. You think and speak in similarity.
How could I be different? – The main thing is that it is understood.
我怎麼可能不同呢?—— 最重要的是,它能被理解。
73. Certainly.
Well, thank you very much. – But now I have some other questions. Do you have enough time?
好吧,非常感謝你。—— 但現在我還有一些其他問題。你有足夠的時間嗎?
74. Today yes, but I still have important things to tell you.
I expected that. But can I ask my questions first?
75. Just ask, I am not in a hurry.
That is really good, because your answers could take a long time: Look here, these are two pages of questions from Mara and Martin. I will read them to you if you agree?
76. Sure.
Thoughts about the emotional life of the Plejadians.
Martin and Mara talked to me about this topic on the evening of the 26th of October 1976. Semjase and the Pleiadians are human beings like us and so they will also have feeling-impulsations like love, friendship, sympathies and antipathies. But since they are more than 3,500 years ahead of the Earth's inhabitants in their development, we wondered how this might have affected the manner in which they feel. Had fine-feeling life been developed to the same extent as the spiritual life, science and technology? And is it perhaps that with this development the intensity of the feelings diminished, that love and the desire to be together with certain other beings are less pronounced and are replaced by knowledge and intellect?
Perhaps it is also the case that although the strength of the feelings has been preserved, these powers cause different physical or psychical reactions than in today's terrestrial human beings. But perhaps there are also peoples or races among the inhabitants of Erra that are more passionate and emotional, and others that appear cooler and more unemotional? Similarly as on Earth, e.g. the cool Englishman in contrast to the passionate Southerner, etc.
Perhaps also certain tasks cause a change of the emotional sphere. Does Semjase correspond to the average of the inhabitants of Erra in her kind of emotional impulses? Or, whether her activity as a beamship pilot and teacher of the creational teaching requires a repression or a special reshaping of feelings?
It could also be, however, that the difference between Pleiadians and Earthlings in the emotional sphere is much smaller than in the standard of living, consciously or technologically. It would perhaps be desirable, in addition to emphasising the great difference in development between Erra and Terra inhabitants, to highlight possible parallels, if any. This would give us a human understanding of the extraterrestrials. The danger to regard them as 'divine beings' or as 'conquerors' or future 'rulers' of the Earth would be less. The ground would be removed from the religious 'sensationalism' around the extraterrestrials. But perhaps this would also reduce the 'effectiveness' of the task (e.g. Semjase's)?
Finally, an important consideration: On Earth, understanding and technology have developed tremendously in the last 4,000 years. At the same time, psyche and emotional life have more or less remained at the same point. Perhaps the ability to love has even lost sensitivity and expressiveness. Does this side of the human being need a much longer period of development? Or is this tendency perhaps only typical for the Earth, whose cosmic symbol ( )[looks like upside down symbol for female] places the material (+) above the spirit (o)? Then it could possibly be different in other cosmic systems (Tayget) also with the development of the emotional life? The predominance of material things on Earth manifests itself among other things in the emotional life also in the form of jealousy and possessive thinking. One believes to have to have the beloved person exclusively for oneself, one tries to chain them to oneself and to be 'secure' with him. Certainly the reduction of such jealousy and the gradual complete liberation from it is an indicator for the psychical and emotional development of a person. So jealousy should perhaps already be largely unknown to the people of Erra?
And finally, a direct question: Does the overcoming or mastery of gravity, the antigravity of the beamships, etc. presuppose that one has at the same time freed oneself from such effects of 'gravity' in one's consciousness-based or emotional-based development? That one can only work physically with these forces when one has reached the inner stage of development in the aforementioned sense?
These, dear girl, are the questions. Can you give me an answer? And look here, there are two short questions. One of them you already answered earlier with the Erra symbol, while you can still answer the other one in private.
77. Sure, I understand.
78. We will talk about it later.
79. To the best of my knowledge, I will answer the questions that have been put to you.
80. I will begin with the last question concerning the control of gravitational forces:
81. The natural cosmic laws require a uniform and consistent development within the framework of all evolutionary concerns of all levels.
82. This means that the spiritual as well as the material-consciousness-based development constantly progress in harmony with each other and must always be in harmony with each other in accordance with the consistency of all things.
83. In the case of the control of gravity, the rules of the laws are ordered in such manner that primarily the consciousness-based evolution is of decisive importance for the development of technilogical aids for the control of gravitational forces.
在掌握重力的情況下,法則的規定(the rules of the laws)是如此有序,主要是意識進化對於研究和掌握重力的技術工具具有決定性的意義。
84. Thus, as a rule, the application of the power of consciousness to paralyse the gravitational forces first leads to technological coping, and only at a much later point in time, with the corresponding development of the power of consciousness, does the possibility occur through which a human being can move weightlessly through space.
85. You call this state produced by the power of consciousness a levitative moment, which means nothing else than that a levitation process takes place, in other words a levitation.
86. At the ur-beginning point this state is evoked in an unconscious form to the human being, and only gradually does he/she learn to master it consciously and to purposefully steer it.
87. If the human being has learned to master these powers, only then will he/she be able to devise and construct highly technological aids.
88. Thus the control of gravity at its ur-primary and primary point is based first and foremost on the evolution of consciousness, which means that physically the above-mentioned powers can only be mastered when the human life-form has freed itself from the 'heaviness' of unknowledge and non-consciousness-based matters.
89. According to your linguistic usage, however, I must now explain:
90. Exceptions confirm the rule, even if this exception is not easily recognisable and precedes in a form that does not appear very frequently.
91. Such an exception is the Earth-human:
92. He/she is not yet capable of mastering consciousness with all its consequences, and yet they are already capable of finding their way in the field of gravitational-force research to a great extent.
93. This exception rests in the confusing fact of a very rare erroneous development, which has fundamentally shifted the potential of the rectification of consciousness and the material realm overall, whereby the material realm has become overpowering and dominates in relation to the evolution.
94. This explains why the material realm has come to the fore and has become dominant in terrestrial human beings, whereby evolution takes place primarily in this direction, while the purely consciousness-based evolution lags behind at a disadvantage, as you yourself once said.
95. This is why technology on Earth is far more developed than the evolution of the consciousness.
96. It should be noted, however, that especially since 1937, the strong influences of the new age have led this mismatch of the material realm throughout the world into much lighter and more moderate paths, whereby the difference between the prosperity of consciousness and pure materialness is no longer as great as is generally assumed.
97. Many spiritual and consciousness-based directions have led to the attainment of great insights of enormous importance and great value, which are decisively reflected in the development of technology and, interestingly, lead to good success, although the normal course of compliance with the law is disturbed.
98. This can be explained, however, by the fact that the new knowledge of consciousness, gained elsewhere, almost fully replaces the lawful rule, which means that the Earth-human, despite his/her barbarian nature, has progressed very much in every respect since 1937 and, although often unconsciously and only caused by the cosmic vibrations, approaches the real evolution very rapidly and begins to fulfil it.
99. The background of this development can already be determined with the first day of the breakthrough of the Age of Aquarius on the 3rd of February 1844 and during the subsequent time up to the year 1937, since from the 3rd of February the second half of the transitional period began to show its powerful effect, whereby it can be said with the greatest probability that the desired value of the Earth-human in relation to his/her determination of evolution will probably be reached at the earliest in a period of 800 years.
100. An attempt to reduce this to a shorter period of time, as you know, has unfortunately failed.
101. But it would be unfair to claim that the Earth-human is largely to blame for this failure of the experiment, because in truth it is only those who were destined to spread the knowledge of the truth.
You may have strayed from the actual topic, but I see certain connections in it. After that, it seems to me that we barbarians from Earth are not as bad as your speeches often said, right? You know, I myself feel very much at home in my barbarian skin, and for the time being I do not want to have it any other way, although I often have bad difficulties when I return from you to my world.
102. I must admit that the impression of my words may often have been a little troubled, but a hard language is necessary to name the facts, because only through this hard language itself can the Earth-human become thoughtful.
103. But I have answered the question, the answer should be sufficient.
104. What was another question?
105. Oh yes, jealousy.
106. I have talked about that before.
107. From the point of view mentioned above, however, it is worth further dissection:
108. The material thinking of the Earth-human is indeed very decisive for the emotional and feeling life.
109. The more the human being of the Earth got caught in material thinking in former times, the more they influenced their emotional life with greed.
110. Thus they gradually coupled their material thinking with the core of their feeling-center, so that they inevitably became one feeling-thought complex.
111. Consequently, especially the feelings of hatred and love, which are generated by thinking and appear as feelings of the inner being, were impregnated by material values, which created themselves as greed of possession of both forms, namely into the greed of possession of love and into the greed of possession of hatred.
112. In both forms an ego-related greed for possession develops, which must inevitably lead to a third form of greed for possession, also produced by the human being himself/herself, namely the greed for possession of the love-hate.
113. In all cases, a possessiveness appears, triggered by material thinking, which exacts a right to the possession of love or hate, and a right to the human to whom love or hate applies, whereby this right is again considered property.
114. The generating of jealous possession thinking depends exclusively on the form of the level of consciousness and on the emotions; it is universally uniform and thus not earthbound, whereby I would like to emphasise, however, that on Erra these lower levels of consciousness no longer exist and jealousy is no longer known to our people, or, as I better can explain, no longer pertains, because in earlier times our peoples also had to go through these stages.
115. The more immaterial the human's thinking becomes, the more he/she distances himself from possession thinking, which is also called feeling-thinking.
116. So the norm of liberation of every level of consciousness in relation to the jealous as well as the material and other possessive thinking is actually considered to be the yardstick of the evolutionary stage.
117. A completely anti-materialistically thinking, feeling-based and emotionally balanced and truly consciously developed human being is no longer able to generate jealousy in himself/herself, because his/her thinking has become all-embracing thinking, which in reverence regards all possessions as venerable and in love and joy elevates them to the common good, but always in the sense that a venerable bond is given in observance of the laws and recommendations, and indeed, from every side.
A very good explanation, but how do you think about marriage? Is there then a right to the partner?
118. Your question is very illogical.
119. You know the laws and recommendations and know their values very well.
120. So why do you ask?
You do not want to treat me to anything. Of course I know, but I find that you could calmly give an explanation for all those people who are not yet capable of this knowledge.
121. Then your question is not illogical.
I think so too – you were illogical because you asked without thinking, and that is exactly what you did, was it not? Your answer just came too fast.
我也這麼認為 —— 倒是你不符合邏輯了,因為你毫不考慮就回答,不是嗎?你的回答來得太快了。
122. I cannot hide anything from you?
Do you think that is right?
123. No, I want to answer the question:
124. If two people join together to form a marriage bond, this does not mean a taking possession of the partner, but simply that they join together in a bond.
125. So there are no rights of ownership, but only love, understanding and joy in the pleasure of the other.
126. Each partner remains completely free in his or her own actions and in allowing the laws and recommendations to be fulfilled, while in purely conjugal actions and letting things be, as in decisions etc., one acts in mutual agreement with all interests.
每一位伴侶在遵守法則和建言(the laws and recommendations)的履行方面保持完全自由,而在純粹的婚姻行為和決策等方面,則是在雙方共識下處理所有事務。
127. In the fulfilment of the laws and recommendations in an evolutive sense, and in every respect concerning this, mutual clarifications and agreements are necessary, which is given by certain rules of order.
Well said, but how many human beings understand this in our world of barbarians? Let us not do that, it is still too early to discuss these things. Better answer the other questions.
128. As you like.
129. I, like my people, are human beings like your Earth-humans.
130. We also have feelings and fine-spiritual perceptions such as love, friendship, sympathies and antipathies, just as they are also characteristic of you Earth-humans.
131. In certain respects, however, they are much finer than with you, more sensitive and more profound.
132. Over the past centuries, this has led us to exercise too much control over them and to learn to encapsulate our feelings.
133. We assumed that we had to do this to protect ourselves from those more advanced.
[中譯者註:本句是依據原(德)文翻譯,與英文語意顯然不同,現將德文列於下:“Wir nahmen an, dies tun zu müssen, um uns gegenüber Tieferentwickelten zu schützen. ”請讀者先進諒察。]
134. This is because in the course of the evolution all fine-spiritual perceptions and feelings refine and therefore require more intensive control in the higher realms.
135. This intensification expands in the same measure as the entire concomitant material development and proves everything worthy that can be grasped.
136. Thus also the love and the desire to be together with others of equal evolution becomes more and more pronounced, but also the less developed are considered equally, because simply the desire for them inexorably occurs.
137. So these feelings are not replaced by knowledge and intellectual activity, but result from them.
138. These feelings can only be created and brought to bear through knowledge and the activity of the intellect.
139. Therefore it is also not the case that certain tasks cause a change in the feeling realm, because since these are highly developed and controlled, they cannot be classified as changes other than those of further evolution.
140. However, this is different with the Earth-human, whose development in these areas is still rather low and why he/she can be influenced by fields of activity, after which, e.g., with a prison guard, aggressive changes of feeling appear.
141. We made the mistake of controlling our feelings too much, which meant that we made analyses according to pure probability values.
142. This was wrong, which we realised very soon after your acquaintance, you, who often lets yourself be guided only by your feelings.
143. This showed that it was wrong to encapsulate our feelings from more profoundly developed intelligences through an all too tight control, which is why this damage was repaired in the course of the last year.
144. It was already clear from this that the blocking of the feelings expanded and began to have an effect in one's own ranks.
145. So we found our way back, through you, in time and were able to correct the evil in a few months, before an evolutionary blockade of feelings would have certainly appeared, as is the case with other peoples.
You mean with those who belong to your cosmic federation?
你是指那些屬於你們宇宙聯盟(cosmic federation)的人嗎?
146. No, that is not the case.
147. These phenomena do not exist among our peoples and races.
148. The people of Erra are the most developed in the federation and are therefore the most advanced in these matters.
149. A comprehensive council decision has averted the evil, whereby attention will be paid in the future also to the fact that still more lower developed peoples and races do not make the same mistake.
150. I therefore speak of alien races and peoples, alien to us, in the vast universe.
Aha, and what about the question here about passion, etc.?
151. Depending on the state of evolution of the consciousness, these concerns also change, because as a rule passions, sobriety and coolness are based on the consciousness-based level of evolution, since they are special character traits of a certain development.
152. So also among our peoples and races there are enormous differences in this respect, as it is also the case on the Earth.
153. In this respect the Errans are also ever fundamentally different among themselves, because passions and similar phenomena only diminish with the dissolution of the physical body, only that exactly these become more and more refined depending on the higher development of the consciousness-realm, as long as it is still present, however, as well as the physical body still exists.
154. With us, however, the passions are no longer to be found in the form in which they are still deeply and wildly anchored in you Earth-humans.
That is to be understood. We are still the barbarians after all. But after your statement I would now like to conclude that on average you Errans are still quite the same in your emotions as we barbarians, even if everything is refined and sensitised in you, right?
155. Certainly.
156. It corresponds to the words you say.
157. But that does not mean, as Martin asks, that our task or even my task will be affected if I acknowledge this.
158. What is correct is that through the discussion and explanation of these things more understanding is created for the fact that we Errans are human beings like their terrestrial counterparts.
You said that well. Then well, this question here still, oh no, you answered it earlier in another context. Then we have this question for now. Here now, look, that is also for you, of course with kind regards. You also have something from Herbert there.
159. I will discuss it with you later.
Okay – ah, now I forgot something after all. Something from Guido, I will bring it next time.
好吧 —— 啊,我還是忘了一件事。那是Guido的東西,我下次會帶來。
160. Is it a gift again?
161. You should not bring any more gifts.
162. I would have to reject them.
163. I just want to make an exception with this bear here.
Okay, I get it.
164. That is good, and now let me explain something to you:
165. Everything in you is still resisting the security measures spoken of by your friends.
166. You should follow them.
167. Everyone is very troubled and concerned about you, and rightly so, as you will soon see when I explain the facts to you.
168. For my part I would like to thank all your friends, through you, for their great help and understanding.
169. Especially Olga I would like to express the feelings of my thanks, because she has made a great effort for your safety.
170. Through her initiative those steps are finally taken which have been necessary for a long time.
171. I could see that during the last week, but especially at the weekend.
172. But thanks are also due to all the others who are very understanding and very anxious.
173. But now listen:
174. Father has clarified the concerns about the mysterious events of the last months, because among other things they tried to kill you three times.
175. The attacks themselves lead back to two different groups with completely different interests.
176. The first attack was carried out by elements of a secret Israeli-Christian religious command. (Israeli-Christian means that these are Christian forces in the Israeli state).
177. The reason for this lies in the spread of the Talmud Jmmanuel, whose first finder and translator, Isa Rashid, was found and killed by the same elements in Baghdad in March of this year.
其原因是在於對《以馬內利的教誨》(the Talmud Jmmanuel)一書的傳播,該書的第一個發現者和翻譯者Isa Rashid在今年三月份於巴格達被同樣的組織發現並殺害。
178. There is still a danger for you that this command will track you down in secret and try to carry out its will.
179. So be very attentive and extremely careful.
180. They have already once destroyed the truth, if it took thousands of years, before it can now be brought anew.
181. The worldly greed for might of the sects and religions is boundless, which is why every means will do for them to realise it.
182. But you represent a danger to them, for your spreading of truth in general and especially about them, especially through the Talmud, very much endangers their belief and domineering plans.
183. Beware, therefore, of the secretly burrowing religious ones.
184. The two other attacks were carried out by a Nazi group that had settled in Brazil after the end of the war.
185. They robbed German and Canadian plans for the construction of flying disks with which they are able to fly almost effortlessly into the earthly space today.
186. They also came into the possession of a foreign spacecraft of a human race from a distant galaxy.
187. The interstellar drive, however, was destroyed beyond recognition, so they could only use the antigravity drive for planetary flight.
188. With this ship, which offered them many possibilities, they also tracked you.
189. It was the same ship that you recently tracked down in Winkelriet near Wetzikon, but which had landed there weeks before when you found the mysterious tracks.
190. The crew of the ship that had used the aircraft to fly to the Earth is dead.
191. They all died after their breathing apparatus became empty and could not be refilled.
192. They were poison gas respirators.
193. A gas that is still unknown on the Earth.
194. Over time, their ship, in the hands of the Nazis, could have had dire consequences for the Earth-humans, which is why we were forced to destroy it completely when they left it unattended for a few moments.
195. These, dear friend, are the facts that have emerged from our research.
196. Beware of these Nazists or neo-Nazis, as you call them, because they too fear for their existence through you.
197. Always think about being wary and about the fact that the enemy is also in Germany, especially in those circles that openly work against you.
That is nice news.
198. In an old prophecy it is written that around the world an evil enmity will be built up against you.
199. Consider these words, for they are of great importance.
200. The truth is to be destroyed by all means, by might-hungry and greedy ones, who often unconsciously use dubious and misleading elements such as Bertossi, Jacob and Arends, among many others, and make them allies.
Muralto, 25 Nov. 1976
Joh. Martin Sorge
Via Orselina 13
CH-6600 Muralto
Postal address: P.O. Box 56,
CH-66O1 Locarno
Joh. Martin Sorge
CH-6600 穆拉爾托
郵政地址:P.O. Box 56,
CH-66O1 洛迦諾
Mr. Michael Arends
P.O. Box 49
D-8211 Rimsting
Michael Arends先生
P.O. Box 49
D-8211 里姆斯廷
Subject: Your documentary "EDUARD MEIER - PROPHET OF THE NEW TIME?
======== Published: September/October 1976
主題:你的證明文件《愛德華.邁爾 —— 新時代的預言家?》
======== 發表於:1976年9月/10月
Dear Mr Arends,
Your above-mentioned documentation was sent to me. As a connoisseur of the Semjase reports and the TALMUD IMMANUEL as well as a scientifically educated person (chemistry and physics, ETH Zurich) I have read the four parts of your explanations very thoroughly. The fact that extraterrestrial intelligences manifest themselves and send us messages, but that on the other hand a lot of fraud has already been perpetrated with such contacts, is in my opinion important enough to objectively examine everything connected with it.
This attitude prompts me to write to you, especially since you ask at the end whether there are "other interpretations available" than that Mr Meier is either a fraudster or a deceived person. The importance of the matter also requires that you declare this letter as an "open letter" and send a photocopy of it to the "Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien" in CH-8621 Ettenhausen, Postfach 100.
這種觀點促使我寫信給你,特別是在你最後問到,除了邁爾先生是騙子還是受騙者,是否還有其他解釋。由於這個問題的重要性,我決定將此信定性為「公開信」,並將其中的一份影印本寄給位於瑞士8621 Ettenhausen,郵政信箱100號的「自由邊緣和精神科學與飛碟學研究協會」(德文:Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien;也就是FIGU)。
You call your remarks a documentation, which surely means that you, dear Mr Arends, want to arrive at a factual, logically and analytically constructed opinion in it. Unfortunately, it seems to me that you have not succeeded in this, neither in some astronomical and physical considerations, nor with regard to the TALMUD IMMANUEL and the other material presented by Mr Meier. In the following I will prove this with various examples, which are taken from all four parts of your documentation.
1st part. "Origin of Venus and Moon". You cite the Bode-Titius rule as proof that Venus (contrary to Semjase's statement) must have formed at its present location during the formation of the solar system, because it fits into this rule in terms of size and distance from the Sun. However, I may point out that other orbits of our solar system, where according to Bode-Titius a planet should actually belong, are not occupied by such a planet. This could also have originally been the case for the orbit of Venus. However, such a "free place" has a similar effect as a free valence in an atom: it seeks to saturate itself. If a foreign world body enters such an incomplete system, then it must swing into one of these free orbits, namely where it fits in according to its mass (gravitational law). Certainly, this does not disprove the possibility that Venus could have already formed when our system was formed. But just as little does it disprove the B.T. rule that Venus could have entered our solar system from outside at a later date. By the way, there is another theory, namely that Venus could have separated from Jupiter and later swung into its present orbit. In any case, a flyby of Venus by Earth not too long ago would explain various major catastrophes on Earth very well.
第一部分:“金星和月球的起源”。你引用了提丟斯-波德定律(Bode-Titius rule)作為證據,認為金星(與Semjase的說法相反)在太陽系形成時必須形成在其現在的位置,因為它在大小和與太陽的距離方面符合這一定律。但我想指出,根據提丟斯-波德定律,我們太陽系的其他軌道,應該也應該有一顆行星,但實際上沒有。這最初也可能是金星軌道的情況。然而,這樣的“空缺”類似於原子中的自由價電子:它們試圖填滿。如果一個外來的天體進入這樣一個不完整的系統中,它必須轉入其中一個自由軌道,而且應該是符合其質量(重力定律)的軌道。這當然並不能否定金星在我們系統形成時的可能性。但是,提丟斯-波德定律同樣也不能否定金星在稍後時間從外部進入我們的太陽系。還有另一種理論,即金星從木星上脫離,並在後來轉入其現在的軌道。無論如何,不久前金星與地球的接近在地球上造成了各種災難的解釋。
2nd part. "Summary." About the ideological explanations in this part of your documentation, one can have different opinions depending on one's attitude. It is also not quoted in detail anywhere. And the Semjase reports also do not give any concepts that can be directly transferred into earthly thinking (which I will come back to in another place). But if you recommend as a conclusion not to get involved with these extraterrestrials because they want to conquer the Earth, then this is deliberate misleading. For you too must have read again and again in the reports that Semjase and the Pleiadians primarily have a mission to fulfil in the spiritual realm, that they do not interfere forcibly with the decisions of human beings and are not allowed to impose any development on us. Dozens of passages can be cited for this. So here I certainly miss the objectivity necessary for a documentary; it sounds more like a personal controversy, into which the last part of the "summary" unfortunately also ends.
3rd part. "Space Technology." You deal with the terms "photon propulsion" (up to the speed of light) and "tachyon propulsion" (faster than light), which are said to develop insufficient thrust according to the recoil principle, and claim that alien spaceships are "propelled" by gravitational fields. This is quite a confusion of terms, which would require an in-depth physics treatise to clarify. Here is a simplification that is also understandable to the layman:
Prof. B. Heim, Director of the Institute for Force Field Physics and General Cosmology in Northeim, developed a comprehensive theory which allows all spatiotemporal structures to be described. Through this mathematical theory it is possible, among other things, to link fields and quanta (matter) with each other and to establish a generally valid force field theory through an extension of Einstein's approaches. This leads to a "mesofield", which causes a dynamic interaction, e.g. between a gravitational field component and a matter field component. This results in a dualistic conception of the mesofield, which Heim calls the contrabaric and dynabaric state. In the contrabaric field state, electromagnetic radiation energy can be converted into gravitational acceleration. To cut a long story short: if a spacecraft has built up a contrabaric field that overcompensates for the earthly gravitational field, then photons, which also represent electromagnetic radiant energy, can very well cause propulsion up to the speed of light within a relatively short time.
在諾特海姆(Northeim)的宇宙學研究所所長B. Heim教授,他的力場物理學(Force Field Physics)開啟了一個全面的理論[中譯者註:又稱「海姆理論」(資料來自《維基百科》)],允許描述所有時空結構。通過這個數學理論,我們可以將場和量子(物質)相互關聯起來,通過擴展愛因斯坦的理論,建立一個統一場論(Unified field theory;generally valid force field theory)。這樣可以得出一個“中間場”(mesofield),它導致了重力場組分和物質場組分之間的動態相互作用。由此得出了中間場的二元觀點,Heim將其稱為對偶場(contrabaric)和動態場(dynabaric)狀態。在對偶場狀態下,可以將電磁輻射能轉化為重力加速度。簡而言之,如果一個太空船建立了一個對偶場,以超越地球重力場的補償,那麼光子(photons),作為電磁輻射能,確實可以在相對較短的時間內推動太空船達到光速。
The same section and "Travelling with UELG". Your assumption that spaceships could also travel near the Earth (you even say "in the Earth's atmosphere") at the speed of light or faster than light because they "suddenly could no longer be found", is a rather peculiar reasoning. Assume that a spaceship "only" flew with a speed of 30'000 km/sec. Even then it would have disappeared from sight in a fraction of a second, only at one tenth of the speed of light. So we don't even need to bother with the speed of light to explain the "suddenness" of the disappearance. And as far as the speed of superluminescence is concerned, it is precisely the extended theory of relativity (from which you wanted to pull the wool over Mr. Meier's eyes) that postulates the hyperspace in which (according to Prof. Feinberg) the "tachyons" are to be sought. According to the language of quantum theory, this hyperspace can be defined as the propagation space of antiparticles. The fact that the possibility of time travel arises quasi as a "by-product" gives me a little schadenfreude, which you will please forgive me, dear Mr Arends.
同一部分和“與UELG旅行”。你的假設是,太空船可以在接近地球的地方(你甚至說“在地球大氣層中”)以光速或超光速旅行,因為它們“突然無法被追蹤到”,這是一個非常奇怪的解釋。假設一艘太空船以每秒3萬公里的速度飛行。即使只是以光速的十分之一的速度,它也會在一瞬間從眼前消失。因此,我們甚至不需要提及光速來解釋“突然消失”的現象。至於超光速(superluminescence),正是擴展相對論(你試圖批評邁爾先生的理論)提出了超空間(hyperspace)的概念,在那裡(根據Feinberg教授)我們可以尋找“超光子”(tachyons;也稱為快子、迅子、速子)。根據量子理論的術語,這個超空間可以被定義為反粒子的傳播空間。我承認,這個理論中還產生了時間穿梭(time travel)的可能性,這讓我感到有些幸災樂禍,但我希望你能原諒我,親愛的Arends先生。
Part 4. "A proof?" You want to prove that a letter important for the authenticity of the TALMUD IMMANUEL is a clumsy forgery because 1) the typewriter type is identical to the typewriter used by Meier. As proof you use the fact that the large umlauts and the "eszet" are missing. Yes, but dear Mr Arends, that is the case with almost all typewriters in the world, except the German machines! Even on my IBM machine I have to write "Ae" or "Ue" and "dass" and I don't hope that this will prove to you that Mr Meier wrote this letter.
Due to this faux-pas, points 2) and 3) of the proof are of course also strongly devaluedc, although these would in themselves be more debatable. But still: no space after comma and full stop and grammatical inconsistencies by someone whose mother tongue is obviously not German do not necessarily prove identity with someone who also does not master the German language without errors.
"Final remark". Here you finally mention, albeit only in passing, the evidence of Mr Meier's contacts, which should have been at the top of every unbiased person's list of considerations, namely the photo and film material! You dismiss this with the expression: "Let others deal with it." Yes, indeed, a great many have already looked into it and have clearly recognised it as genuine. Even people who otherwise condemn Mr. Meier's manner have admitted this, or also the magazine "Esotera" in its otherwise ridiculous essay of October 76. But if these recordings, which really occupy a special position in the ÜFO documentation, are genuine, then E.M. must also have had many contacts of a personal nature with the crews of the beamships, because otherwise such obviously coordinated recordings would not have been possible. Certainly, there is a lot of inconsistency and incomprehensibility in the Semjase reports! But imagine you landed on a distant planet and had to communicate with its inhabitants, whose mentality and way of thinking you did not know at all. Wouldn't those human beings then also often have to hear contradictions in your statements? Even if, or perhaps precisely because, the two technical and spiritual levels of development are very different? – This is not objectively provable, but my personal opinion, which I did not want to withhold from you at the end.
With kind regards
You said that before. Okay – I will be careful. But let us stop now. Because I have another question: Before the landing of the Mars probes, you said that if the devices worked, they would find primitive life on Mars. Well, the first probe failed completely, but the second, as Sfath once said, might make a fantastic observation, that it might detect exotic life. It means that a process of life takes place there that is completely alien to earthly scientists. Asket and Sfath once explained to me that a special kind of bacterial life ate up certain micro-organic life, is that true?
你之前已經說過了。好吧,我會小心的。但現在我有另外一個問題:你在火星探測器降落之前曾說過,如果設備正常運作,它們將在火星上發現原始生命。然而,第一個探測器完全失敗了,但第二個探測器,Sfath曾經說過,可能會有一個驚人的發現,即它可能會探測到異域生命(exotic life)。這意味著那裡正在發生一種對地球上的科學家來說完全陌生的生命過程。Asket和Sfath曾向我解釋說,有一種特殊的細菌會吞噬某些微生物的生命,這是真的嗎?
201. Certainly, that is so.
202. Biological life in your sense does not exist on Mars because it would be consumed by negative influences.
203. But on this planet, as I said before, there are micro-organic life-forms, which, however, earthly science is not yet able to prove.
I would like to know more about it.
204. For you alone I may enlighten you, but not yet at the present time, because a signal call just came that I have to go back to the station.
205. So I will give you clarification if I have enough time.
Well, are you in a hurry?
206. One more question or two I can answer for you.
207. After that there is just time for the other one.
Thank you. – You know, Mercury still gives me a problem. I only came across it again the day before yesterday. When we flew around this lump last year, you told me that it was still contracting. Why is this happening?
208. The metal core of the planet has such a large specific mass that the outer skin, i.e. the outer layers, constantly contract inwards, making the outer layers extremely compact.
Oh yes, you already explained that once.
209. Sure, but now I have something very important to explain to you:
210. Many of the photos taken by you and me in the middle of last year have now found an extremely unworthy aspect.
211. Since then, various pictures you have circulated have been falsified or evaluated in a manner that is probably quite positive, but also pertinent.
212. Some photos have been used to depict the Earth's future interests in a form that is quite monstrous.
213. Your and my pictures were partly faithfully taken up, in order to make research and future demonstration drawings, whereby now the danger exists that you are, or will be, accused of cheating.
214. In the meantime there are drawings in deceptive form of the Jupiter pictures and the picture of the universe barrier, which were faithfully made according to your widespread pictures as drawings.
215. In this respect, people will not consider that our pictures existed much earlier than these drawings were made.
216. So far the Earth-humans do not yet know how to think, this has also been proven with the pictures of Venus and Mars.
Oh dear, another one of those things. But what should I do about it?
217. The unreasonableness of the Earth-human will leave you no possibility of defence, for the real facts will not be recognised by reason.
218. Unreal scientists as well as film and photo forgers and draughtsmen will be believed sooner than you, who will be depicted as a fantasist.
219. You will experience this already tomorrow, when you get copies of our pictures put into your hands.
Good grief, has it really come to that?
221. – You should not try to defend yourself first.
222. Shroud yourself in silence, for every attempt would be pointless.
223. The Earth-human favours thinking and acting along other paths than those of the truth.
224. But something else:
225. Often you are also reproached that my and other messages are written very much according to your own writing style.
226. Explain to the honestly interested person in this regard that this is a consequence of the transmission, since you must dress every picture symbol recording in word values and thus automatically express it in your manner of speaking and writing.
227. Furthermore, I have to inform you that recently more and more extraterrestrial intelligences are sending robot- and android manned ships to the Earth in order to be expeditionally active here.
228. This has been the case for many years now, but this activity is currently being greatly increased, and Earth-humans are often used as experimental and test objects.
229. So be on your guard, because they could harm you if you fall into their hands unexpectedly.
Good. It seems to me that what you say is important, but again not so much that I could forget another question: May I still ask it?
230. There is not enough time, because I still have other things to discuss with you.
It is just a question about Carlo Disch. Did he have any knowledge about Elhoa?
這只是一個關於Carlo Disch的問題。他是否對Elhoa有任何瞭解?
231. I will have to clarify that first, I will report it to you tomorrow.
Okay, then this is where the contact report ends?
232. Sure, but still I would like to send my best regards to all of you and thank you for your love and effort.
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