


Contact Report 865第865次接觸報告



最初英譯:20231006日,星期DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20231014日,星期ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu









This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Greetings, Eduard, my dear friend.



Nice to see you again, you have not been here for days. But be welcome and also greetings, Quetzal, my friend.



That is so, because I have been busy all these days orienting myself regarding the persons who have been here from Mexico to do their extensive work regarding the interviews, as well as what has been happening elsewhere all around. Also, I have been busy getting to know a little bit about planet Earth and its structures, which I am going to ask you a few things about then and hope you can educate me a little bit.



Yes, there was a lot going on. There was also quite obviously spying going on, and in quite a primitive manner and so conspicuous that it could not remain hidden.



I also noticed that, and I think the whole thing is really ridiculous. As I have already been informed by Semjase in this regard, this ridiculousness was already practised when you and those close to you inhabited the Centre some 45 years ago. Even then, you were spied upon and harassed, as well as harmed, because you were not only foreigners here, but you also openly acknowledged that you were in contact with us; therefore, you in particular were hostile and also monitored from various quarters.



Yes, it was like that. On the one hand, there were the 'foreign fools' here, as we say, which is why some persons from the surrounding area did us harm, while others were well-disposed towards us, like those who saw your beamships, like certain people in Schmidrüti, but who kept silent towards the local residents because they were afraid that they would be declared crazy and even put into a mental institution, like e.g. … from Schmidrüti. … from Schmidrüti, who saw 3 of your beamships hovering over our house, as also Erwin Mürner from Winterthur. This was also the case when Ernst Keller from Schalchen and others were here at the Centre at that time for a lecture and you still let yourselves be seen on certain occasions. Also …, from Schmidrüti, saw Semjase's beamship on several occasions, and …, also from Schmidrüti, saw Semjase when she came to Sirrwies with her beamship and picked me up. At that time, it was just that you did not shield yourselves as you suddenly did when the spying became more and more intense. The joke is that after 45 years or so, people are still frequently circling our Centre and unsettling the area, like people being roped off into the trees in the forest all around. And the fact that two weeks ago spies were 'pushed' for hours on the square in front of the Freihof in Schmidrüti, when the Mexico team was here in the Centre for film and sound recordings, that was more than just ridiculous. This fact is of course again vehemently denied, although film footage was taken in this regard, just like the repeated incidents when visitors from America photographed everything as they were being manoeuvred around and men were being roped down into the trees. This is probably denied as well as when Semjase's beamship was chased around for a good 10 minutes in Maiwinkel, which has been denied throughout, although there is a photograph of it which proves everything and has been widely circulated and is therefore known worldwide.

是的,就是這樣。一方面,這裡我們是所謂的“外星蠢蛋”(foreign fools),這就是為什麼周圍地區的一些人非常敵視我們,但也有另一些人對我們很友善,例如那些看到過你們飛船的人,像是Schmidrüti的一些人,但他們對當地居民卻保持相當的低調,因為他們擔心自己會被說成為瘋子,甚至被送進精神病院,例如來自Schmidrüti ...他看到你們的三艘飛船在我們家上空盤旋,還有來自溫特圖爾Winterthur)的Erwin Mürner也看到一樣的場景。當時,同樣有來自沙爾興Schalchen)的Ernst Keller和其他一些人也來中心參加講座也是如此,在某些場合你們甚至還讓人們看到了自己。還有 ... ,來自Schmidrüti ... ,有幾次看到了Semjase的飛船,還有 ... ,也是來自Schmidrüti ... 就在Semjase駕著她的飛船來到Sirrwies接我時,當時就看到了她。那個時候,你們還沒有像後來那樣隱藏自己,但當監視活動變得越來越密集時,情況就突然發生了變化。可笑的是,大約四十五年後,我們的中心仍然經常被監視,使這一地區不得安寧,那些負責監視人就像被繩索捆綁在周圍森林的樹上一樣。而且就在兩週前,在SchmidrütiFreihof前廣場,當墨西哥團隊來這個中心進行拍攝和錄音時,有長時間的監視活動,這實在是荒唐至極。當然,儘管有關的錄影證據,以及多次的事件,當時有美國訪客在四處繞行拍照並有人被繩索捆綁到樹上,這些事實再次被極力否認。這也像當初發生Maiwinkel的事實一樣,當時Semjase的飛船被追逐了大約十分鐘之久,還有一張證據照片存在,證明了這一切,並且被廣泛傳播,所以這已經是全球知名的事實,但照樣被否認。






Everything in this regard is really ridiculous, as you say. It is worth mentioning, and we have talked about this many times, which you have then also retrieved and written down several times, as well as disseminated as reports of conversations, that our presence cannot be located or otherwise established. Consequently, this is also known to the spies, who, as we discovered a long time ago, are interested in recording and reading your reports. Therefore, it is well known to them that their really very primitive technology is completely useless to be able to somehow locate or otherwise detect our presence. Furthermore, I want to explicitly mention this in particular, we have no interest whatsoever in interfering in any matters of terrestrial concern.



I know that, also that the times are definitely over when you resp. Sfath, Asket, Semjase, Pleija and Ptaah still let yourselves be seen here and there. But at the end of the seventies and in the eighties, unfortunately, so many unpleasant things happened, also with the idiotic and ridiculous spying, that you 'disconnected' everything.



Unfortunately – – yes, you can say that, but it was necessary, because for us it became …

很遺憾 —— 是的,你可以這麼說,但這是必要的,因為對我們來說,這成了 ...


… I know that, you do not have to say it specially. Besides, when I start to expose political facts, it does not mean that I am politicising, but just stating what really is. But that has nothing to do with playing politics, because what is really being said is what is factual and what is being revealed. But before I come to that, I want to say this: You have nothing to do with the foreigners and their UFOs, consequently nothing is to be expected from you regarding interference in earthly affairs or any concerns, nor that you would in any wise endanger security or bring danger. This is the opposite of the Earthlings themselves, because the war in the Ukraine, which Russia started because the Americans pushed everything so far that it went bang, because they want to make a pig out of Russia and take it, proves enough. And how lowly intelligent and simple-minded many rulers and parts of the populations of about 50 countries are, who supply weapons and money etc. to the fanatical warmonger Zelensky, proves on the other hand that the Earthlings themselves are the great danger and that it does not come from you. All this proves that the Earthlings, in their greed for power, stupidity, dimwittedness, as well as in their discord and above all in their inability to develop themselves into true human beings, are waging wars and enmities and are still biased in this respect. There has been enough proof of this for thousands of years, for war has been going on on Earth in this wise since time immemorial. And that it is the same with the war in Ukraine, that is undoubtedly, and that it is not recognised by the stupid ones as well as the governments involved in it and also the howling parts of the population that Zelensky, who is begging for weapons etc. all over the world, is just as much a NAZI as Hitler was, only that Zelensky acts in a perfidious, underhanded, greasy and other wise, that the stupid and stupid ones of his supporters do not see and recognise, however. As elsewhere, they also do not see that Zelensky has his own plans for world domination, which he strives for much more perfidiously than hegemonic America does. This is despite the fact that he is a puppet of America and will be dropped or murdered when he is no longer needed and has done his duty, but before that he will be abused as a Jew by America without noticing it in his lowly intelligent and simple-mindedness and ultimately spreading Jew-hatred worldwide once again. But he can still win over many lowly intelligent and simple-minded people around the world who are believers in his art of persuasion. It will …

... 我知道,你不必說出來。此外,當我開始揭露政治事實時,並不意味著我在參與政治,而只是在陳述真實情況。但這並不代表我們在進行政治活動,因為我們只會講述事實並公開揭露事實。但在我繼續之前,我想再說一句:你們與外星人和他們的不明飛行物沒有關係,因此,我們不會指望你們干涉地球事務或任何事情,你們也不會以任何方式危及安全或帶來危險。這與地球人自己形成鮮明對比,因為烏克蘭戰爭是由俄羅斯開始的,是因為美國人把事情逼得太過頭,他們想要對俄羅斯進行貶低和制裁,這已經有足夠的證據。另一方面,大約五十個國家的政府和人民,他們愚蠢到向狂熱的戰爭販子澤連斯基(Zelensky)提供武器和金錢等,這證明地球人自己才是巨大的威脅,而不是來自你們。所有這一切都證明,地球人由於貪婪權力、愚蠢、昏庸、不和,尤其是他們在自我發展方面的無能,導致了戰爭和敵意,而且在這方面仍然存在偏見。數千年來,這方面已經得到了充分的證明,因為自古以來,地球上就一直在以這種方式進行戰爭。毋庸置疑,烏克蘭的戰爭也是如此,而那些愚蠢的人以及參與其中的政府和跟著吶喊的部分民眾並沒有認識到,在全世界乞討武器的澤連斯基就像希特勒一樣是納粹分子,只是澤連斯基以背信棄義、暗箱操作、卑鄙無恥等方式行事,而他的支持者中那些愚蠢的人卻沒有看到和認識到這一點。同樣,他們也沒有意識到澤連斯基擁有自己的世界統治計畫,他比霸權的美國更狡詐地為之奮鬥。儘管他是美國的傀儡,但當不再需要他或已完成他的任務時,就會被放棄或殺害,然後他將被美國作為一個猶太人濫用,而他卻未能在自己的愚蠢中察覺,最終再次在全球散播對猶太人的仇恨。但他目前還能夠通過他的說服力贏得全世界許多智力低下、頭腦簡單的人,讓他們成為他的的信徒。這將...


… Excuse me, but it is to be said that it is not recognised that, as Bermunda and I have noted, Zelensky is running a NAZI-style NAZI regency in Kiev, with those indoctrinated by Zelensky being of the same mind as him and thus having NAZI-like views. Furthermore, we have also clearly established that like-minded NAZI elements of the Ukrainian leaders have connections with various leaders and parts of the population of the arms supplying states, and I would like to mention in particular those in Germany. This is a fact which is not recognised due to the lack of recognition of the partisan responsible state leaders and that part of the population which is unthinking and falsely well-meaning towards America and Zelensky. All of them, due to their all-embracing and thinking limitations, can also not see and recognise what Zelensky actually wants, namely that he is striving for the domination of Earth, which he wants to achieve with the help of America working in the background, whose state leaders and parts of the population are also so ignorant that they do not recognise this. All the others, however, who are righteous and not biased but honest thinkers and doers and thus not of the same mind as the NAZI thinkers, find no means whatsoever to counteract the evil. Something that has already happened in likewise, when Chancellor Merkel in Germany proclaimed the so-called 'Willkommenskultur' (welcome culture), according to which the worldwide wave of refugees from the so-called underdeveloped states to the rich northern states has begun. However, as a result of her stupidity, this woman will continue to propagate her insane welcome culture and will continue to push the refugee system and the migration of peoples, as you yourself know very well and have experienced together with Sfath. But these waves of refugees cause many deaths, as well as the introduction of diseases that are common in foreign states, so that they can also spread in the rich northern states. The fact that this will result in mass migrations, as you called it years ago in the wise, that 250 to 350 million refugees from poor and underdeveloped states will invade the rich states of the North, is based on the unreasonableness and stupidity of today's state leaders. They are making wrong and completely ineffective decisions in their incompetent, situation-incompetent and governance-incompetent thinking and are trying to implement them through wrong actions, so that they are not successful and the rich northern states are flooded with refugees from poor and underdeveloped states. And this was triggered years ago by a person who was absolutely incapable of running a state, namely Chancellor Merkel, who was in every respect as incapable of running a state correctly as, according to our observations and findings of today, around 96.3 per cent of the Earth's leaders are absolutely and therefore completely incapable of their office. But this has been the case since time immemorial, which is why only greed for power, hostility, greed for wealth, hatred, revenge and retaliation, as well as war and terror, etc., have steadily been in the foreground, which has remained so until today and for the time being there is no hope whatsoever that this will change for the better.

... 請原諒我打斷,但必須指出的是,人們未能認識到,正如Bermunda和我發現的,澤連斯基在基輔以納粹方式統治著一個納粹政權,而被澤連斯基所灌輸想法的人們與他意見一致,因此擁有納粹式的觀點。此外,我們還明確發現,烏克蘭國家領導人的志同道合者與多個國家的政府和人民,特別是德國,有著各種聯繫。這是一個事實,由於有利於一些有偏見的負責國家領導人和部分民眾缺乏認識,這一事實沒有得到承認。這些人不思考,並且錯誤地對待美國和澤連斯基。由於他們的全面和思維局限,他們也無法看到和認識到澤連斯基的真正目標,那就是他想要掌握地球的統治權他打算借助背後的美國實現這一目標,而美國的國家領導人和部分人民也同樣愚昧,無法認識到這一點。然而,其他那些正直、不偏袒、誠實思考和行動的人,以及與納粹思想不同的人,卻找不到任何方法來阻止邪惡。這已經在德國總理梅克爾Merkel)宣佈了所謂的“歡迎文化”(Willkommenskultur)時發生,根據這一文化,來自所謂的不發達國家的全球難民潮開始流向富裕的北方國家。然而,由於她的愚蠢,這個女人將繼續宣傳她那瘋狂的歡迎文化,並將繼續推動難民制度和人口遷移,正如你和Sfath自己清楚知道的那樣。這些難民潮造成了許多死亡,同時也帶來了在外國常見的疾病,因此這些疾病也可能在富裕的北方國家傳播。事實上,這將導致大規模移民,正如你們多年前所說的那樣,2.5億至3.5億來自貧困和欠發達國家的難民將入侵北方富裕國家,這一事實是由於當今國家領導人的不合理和愚蠢造成的。他們在思考、應對情況和領導國家方面缺乏能力,做出了錯誤和完全無效的決策,並試圖通過錯誤的行動來實施這些決策,因此失敗了。這導致富裕的北方國家被來自貧窮和不發達國家的難民淹沒。而多年前,這一切是由於一個絕對無能的國家領導人引起的,那就是梅克爾總理,她在所有方面都無法正確地領導國家,根據我們的觀察和現在的認識,地球上約96.3%的國家領導人都絕對無法勝任他們的職位。這種情況自古以來一直存在,因此權力欲望、敵意、貪婪、仇恨、報復、戰爭、恐怖等等一直是決定性因素,直到今天也沒有任何改善的希望。


Oops, all this raises something new to think about, but the rulers of Germany and 50 other countries are probably incapable of doing so, as they were from the very beginning when the war was started, which would have ended after only about 14 days if it had not been for the idiots who supplied weapons etc. from the start – and continue to do so. The war, however, has been raging for a long time now, and on both of the warring sides it is constantly claiming many dead, which, however, the arms suppliers and Zelensky supporters and Russia haters do not care about at all, because they are far away from the gun that they – for the time being – are not hit by a bullet. However, all those who are really the idiots of the world cannot understand that the war is continuing, for which actually only America with its NATO murder organisation is to blame, as well as those who supply the weapons etc. to Ukraine resp. to Zelensky, as well as the other Zelensky supporters. They also do not know that foreign military forces have been secretly fighting in Ukraine against the Russians for a long time, but this will become official in the near future, just as Switzerland will interfere again, namely by wanting to spend money on mine-clearing operations in Ukraine, which means a new breach of neutrality is imminent. But if Bern continues to act politically in this wise and in other wrong ways, it is already absolutely certain that the country will not grow as old as it has since 1291. At that time, when the Bundesbrief was created – which emerged at the beginning of August 1291 as Switzerland's oldest constitutional document, in which the inner-Swiss valley communities of Uri, Schwyz and Nidwalden assured each other of mutual assistance against all those who wanted to do them violence or injustice – it was still correct and also steadfast Swiss who joined together as a security alliance for the country. This is in contrast to the fact that it is quite obvious that certain elements of the Swiss government are now only absolutely incapable of government and as such are useless in any way. Effectively, they advocate their hostility towards Switzerland in order to sell out the country to foreign powers, first and foremost to the EU dictatorship and the murderous organisation NATO, which actually and truly embodies America's army of murderers, with which the American desires for hegemony are satisfied. Effectively, it is a fact today that the Swiss – woman as well as man – have to be ashamed to still have Swiss citizenship, because what is being politically self-importantly pursued by certain rulers in Bern has in no wise anything to do with freedom and peace, but more and more with slavery and coercion, as in Vogt's time. This is in addition to the fact that treacherous members of the government are flirting with foreign powers with regard to a merger, whereby the uninformed population is then persuaded to vote in favour of the traitorous party or other party in the referendum by means of false information. This, however, has nothing to do with Swiss freedom, but corresponds to a mean and rotten indoctrination aimed at the Swiss people, who, trimmed with bias, then believe the false information and accordingly unthinkingly agree to what is being propagated. However, it should be clear that the vote is not cast according to the will of the people, but according to the indoctrinating influence of the party that corresponds to the whole, but this is not recognised by the people due to their ignorance. However, those lowly intelligent and simple-minded elements of the government who are traitors to neutrality take advantage of this in their greed for power, as a result of which they can work treacherously throughout the country and, so to speak, pour petrol into the blazing fire. But in this way, those fallible and unfit rulers – who have nothing but a big mouth, bask in their posts and undeservedly collect horrendous salaries, and who also allow themselves to be idolised by the stupid and shamefully like-minded of the people – manage to ensure that many of the people also lose all sense of good and correct responsibility for Switzerland, as well as all logic, understanding and reason, to such an extent that the future of free Switzerland is called into question. This is absolutely certain if Bern continues to muddle along in this wrong way and all the good things about Switzerland are demonised and betrayed. This is also due to the fact that they continue to flirt with America and the EU dictatorship, as well as the fact that there are not the correct and responsible persons in the government who know how things should really go politically according to the right. What is happening here in Switzerland again due to inept government officials is shown by the following article, which states that Switzerland's neutrality is already being made a pig of again, from the highest echelons of the government, the Federal Council:

哎呀,這一切都引發了一些新的問題,值得思考,然而,德國和其他五十個國家的領導人可能無法做到,就像一開始戰爭爆發時一樣,如果當初不是一些運送武器等的白癡,戰爭可能已在大約14天內結束了,但現在戰爭已經持續了很長時間,並且在兩個交戰方都造成了大量的死亡,但對於武器供應商、澤連斯基的支持者和仇恨俄羅斯的人來說,這一切都無關緊要,因為他們遠離炮火,目前尚未受到子彈的打擊。然而,戰爭的繼續進行,實際上只有美國及其北約殺手組織有責任,還有那些向烏克蘭和澤連斯基提供武器等的人,以及其他支援澤連斯基的人,這一切都超出了那些真正是世界白癡的人的理解範疇。他們也不知道,已經有外國軍隊秘密在烏克蘭對抗俄羅斯,但這將在不久的將來正式化,同樣,瑞士也將再次介入,並計劃在烏克蘭進行清除地雷的行動,因此將發生新的中立政策違反。但如果伯恩Bern;是瑞士事實上的中央政府所在地)和其他地方繼續以這種方式以及其他不正確的方式進行政治活動,那麼現在已經絕對確定,這個國家將不會像1291年以來那樣長盛不衰。12918月初,《聯邦公報》作為瑞士最古老的憲法文件問世,瑞士境內的烏里Uri)、施維茨Schwyz)和下瓦爾登Nidwalden)等山谷社區在該檔中相互保證,將互相幫助,共同對抗所有想要對他們施暴或不公正對待的人。與此形成鮮明對比的是,很明顯,瑞士政府中的某些人現在已經完全喪失了執政能力,因此在任何方面都毫無用處。實際上,有些人竟然倡導反瑞士的立場,以將國家出賣給外國勢力,首先是歐盟專制和謀殺組織北約,這實際上真實地代表了美國的殺人軍隊,以滿足美國的霸權欲望。事實上,當今瑞士人 —— 無論男女老少 —— 都不得不為擁有瑞士公民身份而感到羞恥,因為伯恩的某些統治者在政治上自以為是地追求的根本不是自由與和平,而是越來越多的奴役和脅迫,就像Vogt(封建領主)時代一樣。除此之外,一些叛國的政府成員正在考慮與外國勢力聯合,然後在公投之前,他們將通過虛假資訊欺騙不經思索的民眾,以贊成國家背叛者或其他選項。然而,這與瑞士的自由毫無關係,而是一種針對瑞士人民的卑鄙和腐朽的灌輸,他們在偏見的修飾下相信虛假資訊,並因此不假思索地同意了所宣傳的內容。然而,這與瑞士的自由無關,而是一種卑鄙、卑劣並針對瑞士人民的教育,然後被政黨所操縱,民眾相信了虛假資訊,因此不經思考地支援了宣傳的內容。然而,人們可能很清楚,這不是根據人民的意願進行的,而是根據相應政黨的洗腦影響,但由於人民的無知,他們未能意識到這一點。然而,這些蠢笨的中立叛徒政府成員利用了這一點,因此他們一直在從事背叛國家的活動,可以說是火上澆油。但這樣一來,這些不合格和無能的政府官員 —— 他們除了會說大話之外一無是處,他們坐在自己的職位上,領取高昂的薪水,並且受到愚蠢、無知和同情民眾的崇拜,以至於對瑞士的責任感、所有邏輯、理性和理性都不復存在,自由瑞士的未來受到質疑。如果伯恩繼續以這種錯誤的方式渾渾噩噩地發展下去,瑞士的一切美好事物都被妖魔化並遭到背叛,這一點是絕對可以肯定的。其中一個重要因素是繼續與美國和歐盟專制國家合作,特別是政府中沒有正確和負責任的人,他們知道政治應該如何正確運作。下面這篇文章指出,由於政府官員的無能,瑞士的中立已經再次被政府的最高層 —— 聯邦委員會 —— 受到損害:

This Is How the Swiss Defence Minister
Tramples on Swiss Neutrality


By: Christian Müller, 24th September 2023

作者:穆正德Christian Müller),2023924


Holding hands at the WEF in Davos: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Federal Councillor Viola Amherd, who is responsible for the security of the WEF participants with her army.

在達沃斯世界經濟論壇上:北約秘書長延斯.史托騰伯格Jens Stoltenberg)和聯邦委員維奧拉.阿姆赫德Viola Amherd)親密握手,她的軍隊負責維護世界經濟論壇參與者的安全。

Switzerland's neutrality is centuries old and has spared Switzerland from several wars. And because Swiss neutrality has also been recognised and appreciated internationally, Switzerland has often also been able to contribute to peace as a welcome mediator in international conflicts. The Swiss Defence Minister Viola Amherd, however, simply does not give a damn. She propagates and promotes close cooperation with NATO. Without asking the people's opinion!

瑞士的中立性已經存在了幾個世紀,使其免受了多次戰爭的侵襲。由於瑞士的中立性也得到了國際社會的承認和尊重,因此瑞士在國際衝突中經常能夠作為受歡迎的調解者為和平做出貢獻。然而,瑞士國防部長維奧拉.阿姆赫德(Viola Amherd)似乎對這一切都不關心。她宣傳並促進與北約的密切合作,而沒有徵求人民的意見!

Viola Amherd, a member of the seven-member Swiss government since 2019, heads the Department of DDPS – Defence, Civil Protection and Sport.


An honest politician?


One may doubt. The federal decision of the two chambers of the Swiss parliament on 20 December 2019 to approve a budget of 6 billion Swiss francs for the purchase of new fighter jets for the Swiss Armed Forces was successfully challenged in a referendum, which led to the referendum that then became necessary. Which fighter jets were to be purchased was, it was said, still being evaluated. Under discussion were the F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet from Boeing in the USA, the F-35A from Lockheed Martin in the USA, the Rafale B from Dassault in France, the Eurofighter from Airbus, BAE-Systems and Leonardo, produced in Germany, Great Britain, Spain and Italy, and finally the Gripen E from Saab in Sweden.

有理由懷疑。在20191220日瑞士兩個議會議員通過的決議,批准了為瑞士軍隊購買新戰鬥機並撥款60億瑞士法郎的預算,成功發起了公投,隨後進行了必要的全民公決。關於購買哪種戰鬥機的問題仍在評估中。在討論中包括了來自美國波音公司的F/A-18E/F超級大黃蜂、美國洛馬公司的F-35A、法國達索公司的飆風BRafale B)、來自空巴、英國航太系統BAE-Systems)和Leonardo公司(分別在德國、英國、西班牙和義大利生產)的歐洲戰鬥機,以及瑞典紳寶集團Saab)的鷹獅EGripen E)。

The result of the referendum was one of the narrowest in Swiss history: 50.1% or 1,605,700 votes said yes to the purchase of new fighter jets, 49.9% or 1,597,030 votes said no. The difference was 8670 votes out of more than 3.2 million voters. But, according to the Swiss government at the time: "A vote is a vote.


Only after the vote did the DDPS announce that the evaluation had been completed and that the 'winner' of the evaluation was the F-35, the fighter jet that, unlike others, is also capable of transporting nuclear bombs – which is why it is also preferred by Germany.


This in turn prompted the opponents of fighter jets to become active again, especially since the vote also took place on the very day of the start of the war in Armenia, on 27 September 2020, a war that showed in a very short time that nowadays it is not fighter jets that decide a war, but the quality and number of drones. Moreover, it was revealed that the evaluation decision in favour of the F-35 had already been made internally ? before ? the ? vote. vote, but was deliberately not made public so as not to motivate those doubters who might still accept fighter jets from Europe but would reject the purchase of a US jet to vote against. It is important to know, however, that the manufacturer of a fighter jet can, due to the built-in systems, remotely render any jet inoperative, i.e. put it out of service, within minutes at the push of a button.


And what was the pious Viola doing 'at the cooker'? In order to stifle these discussions, she signed the purchase contract with the USA and Lockheed Martin in a hurry, arguing that otherwise the price would go up. That took the issue off the table. Democracy à la Viola Amherd from the canton of Valais.


And what has been learned from this story in Bern, the Swiss capital?




Now, on the 21st of September 2023, the DDPS ministry put the following announcement on the official website of the Swiss executive. Literally:


"Partnership for Peace: The objectives of cooperation between Switzerland and Nato for 2023 and 2024 have been set."


Bern, 21.9.2023 – Switzerland and Nato have defined the objectives of their cooperation for the years 2023 and 2024 in a non-legally binding document, the 'Individually Tailored Partnership Programme' (ITPP). The conclusion of this ITPP takes place within the framework of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) and contributes to the implementation of the Federal Council's intention to strengthen international cooperation in the area of security policy.

伯恩,2023921 —— 瑞士和北約在一份不具法律約束力的文件 ——“量身定制的夥伴關係計畫”(Individually Tailored Partnership Programme ITPP)中確定了2023年和2024年的合作目標。該計畫是在“和平夥伴關係”(Partnership for Peace PfP)框架下完成的,有助於落實聯邦委員會在安全政策領域加強國際合作的意圖。

Switzerland has participated in the Partnership for Peace (PfP) since 1996. The PfP is a programme for bilateral cooperation between NATO and individual partner states. It enables partner states such as Switzerland to pursue tailored cooperation with NATO in the area of security and defence policy. For Switzerland, the PfP is an instrument thanks to which it can cooperate with the states in its regional environment according to its needs and interests and contribute to stability and security in its surroundings. Participation in the PfP is compatible with Switzerland's neutrality.


Cooperation between Switzerland and NATO in 2023 and 2024


All cooperation between Switzerland and NATO takes place within the framework of the PfP. The Federal Council defines the thematic focal points and priorities of this cooperation, for the last time in March 2022. On this basis, Switzerland and NATO then draw up a non-legally binding document for two years entitled the 'Individually Tailored Partnership Programme' (ITPP).


The ITPP for the period from 2023 to 2024 was recently completed. It outlines the objectives of the cooperation. It sets out general objectives, such as the continuation of political dialogue, as well as more specific objectives, such as the development of cooperation in the areas of new technologies and innovation; resilience; women, peace and security (WPS); disarmament; non-proliferation; and cyber defence. Several goals concern the strengthening of interoperability, for example in the air force or communication systems. It is also planned to increase Switzerland's participation in NATO's Centres of Excellence and to second staff officers to NATO structures.

20232024年期間的ITPP已於近期完成。該計畫概述了合作的目標。它列出了一般目標,如繼續政治對話,以及更具體的目標,如發展新技術和創新領域的合作、復原力、婦女、和平與安全(Women, Peace and Security WPS)、裁軍、防擴散和網路防禦等領域的合作發展。多個目標涉及增強互通性,例如在空軍或通信系統方面。此外,計畫加強瑞士參與北約卓越中心(Centres of Excellence)並派遣軍事幕僚參加北約組織。

With its military attack on Ukraine, Russia has destroyed the foundations for a rule-based peace order in Europe. Against this background, the ITPP contributes to the implementation of the Federal Council's intention to strengthen international cooperation in the field of security policy while maintaining neutrality (sic!), as stated in the Supplementary Report to the Security Policy Report 2021, which was adopted by the Federal Council on 7 September 2022." (End of the official message from the DDPS.)


And all this goes under the name 'Partnership for Peace'. Where and when has NATO already done something for peace?


Neutral Switzerland is striving for 'interoperability' with NATO!


The word 'interoperability' – known internationally as 'interoperability' – means nothing more than that an army can and should work closely with NATO. Or, to give a concrete example, exactly what NATO has been doing successfully with the Ukrainian army for years: same calibre of ammunition, same cadre levels in the officer corps, at least one common language (in Ukraine, for example, English), same communication systems, joint military manoeuvres, etc., etc. In the French-language document on this DDPS decision, the word 'interopérabilité' appears ten times!


And what does this have to do with our Swiss neutrality? Nothing, nothing at all. It is a living break with the historically grown neutrality. In other words, let us Swiss also pursue politics according to the guidelines of the USA! Horribile dictu! It is simply horrible!


But what can we do against this anti-democratic and anti-neutrality policy of our Defence Minister?


One thing above all: sign the current collection of signatures for the neutrality initiative! Here you can find the signature forms!


A quicker way would be to vote this lady out of office in the Federal Council elections on 13 December. But unfortunately there is no hope for that, especially since the party that brought her into the Federal Council, the so-called 'Die Mitte' – formerly the CVP, the 'Christian Democratic People's Party' – may even become the third strongest party in Switzerland in the parliamentary elections on 22 October, with perhaps even two instead of only one member in the seven-member Federal Council in future.

更快捷的方法是在1213日的聯邦委員會選舉中將這位女士落選下台。但遺憾的是,這種希望渺茫,尤其是將她帶入聯邦委員會的政黨,即所謂的“Die Mitte —— 前身是CVP,“基督教民主人民黨” —— 有可能在1022日的議會選舉中成為瑞士第三大政黨,甚至有可能在未來的七人聯邦委員會中擁有兩名而不是僅有一名成員。

PS: By the way, where are the city and canton of Geneva, which will lose their international reputation as an ideal – because neutral! – neutral! negotiating venue in the shortest possible time? The ICRC is already in the process of cutting hundreds of jobs in Geneva …


Source: https://globalbridge.ch/so-tritt-die-schweizer-verteidigungsministerin-die-schweizer-neutralitaet-mit-fuessen/


All this means, as I know the future, that at last thoughts must be nurtured in correct and valuable ways, such as that human beings come to the helm of government who 1. in their actions and in their thoughts are not partisan and throughout truly represent Switzerland in complete neutrality. 2. must not, and never must, flirt with an alliance in any wise with foreign powers, or even enter into any treaties which would in any way violate our Swiss neutrality. 3. rulers must never have the right to take and implement any decisions without the neutral consent of the people, because in Switzerland, as a completely neutral democracy, only in accordance with the will of the people may anything be determined and implemented, which also concerns the appointment of government officials, so without exception by the National Council, the Council of States and the Federal Council. If this is handled differently, then it corresponds to a dictatorial act, as when elsewhere the electorate of the population is influenced before a vote by propaganda with tracts and advertising material and thereby a vote is influenced in favour of a party or government office.


Now, if from now on the government does not act in a truly neutral and politically correct and impartial manner, as well as if persons who do not have absolute integrity lead Switzerland into the future, then it cannot be avoided that the day will come with absolute certainty when the 'Mathäi am Letzten' will be exceeded for Switzerland. There is still some time until then, but it is becoming more and more urgent to do the right thing, because suddenly the inevitable will happen if we continue to muddle along, and then it will no longer be possible to change anything for the better. And this is not a prophecy, but a prediction that will inevitably come true if the people of Switzerland continue to tolerate what is being done high-handedly and wrongly by the government in Bern. This also applies to the war in Ukraine, which … However, this does not mean that Russia's actions in launching and waging the war are any better, because such actions are also as reprehensible, criminal and unacceptable as they are a danger to all humanity, as are the NATO criminal-murdering organisation and America. And that through idiotic supporters this clique of murderers …, the world public does not know, just as it does not know that they are completely … However, nothing may be said openly about this yet, but it is to be said that of course, to a lesser extent, all countries that have military armies belong to this, especially those that station their military in foreign countries in order to provide for alleged 'order' there in a military presence, but in reality exercise their military might, which should actually be recognised and understood by the lowest of all lowly intelligent people.

現在,如果不採取真正中立、政治正確和非黨派化的政府行動,也沒有完全正直的領導人來引領瑞士走向未來,那麼瑞士不可避免地將迎來一個不可逆轉的時刻。雖然還有一些時間,但現在更加迫切需要採取正確的行動,因為如果繼續瞎忙活下去,那麼不久之後將會迎來必然的災難,屆時將無法再做出改善。這不是一種預言,而是一種必然發生的預測,如果瑞士人民繼續容忍伯恩政府的自私和錯誤行為,那麼它將不可避免地實現。這也適用於烏克蘭戰爭,烏克蘭戰爭 ... 然而,這並不意味著俄羅斯發起和發動戰爭的行為會好到哪裡去,因為這種行為也是應受譴責的、犯罪的和不可接受的,因為它們是對全人類的威脅,就像北約這個犯罪殺人組織和美國一樣。然而,對於這些罪犯的支持者 ... 世界公眾並不瞭解,也不瞭解他們 ... 不過,現在還不能公開說這些,但可以說,當然,也有一些規模較小的國家,擁有軍隊的國家都屬於其中,特別是那些在外國部署自己的軍隊,聲稱是為了維護所謂的“秩序”,但實際上是在行使自己的軍事力量,這實際上是最愚蠢的人都應該認識和理解的事情。

As for the foreigners with their UFOs, that is another matter, but I do not want to say anything about it, for it is none of my business, just as you also remain neutral in every way and distance yourselves completely from them and do not want to have anything to do with them, just as you do with the earthly military and security forces. And you do this in such a way that even the foreigners with their futuristic technology and their other possibilities could not locate you, because the Sonaer technology is much more highly developed than that of the peoples who whiz around in earthly airspace with their UFOs.



That is what I was also going to say earlier, although in slightly different words, but what you are is exactly what corresponds to the truth. And that you are saying what will come to pass ….

這也是我剛才想說的,儘管措辭略有不同,但你所說的確實符合事實。而你說的,將會成為現實 ...


I know that, and I also said that. It is also to be said concerning you Plejaren that you are not here to make yourselves haters on Earth, but only because I am fulfilling the mission here and am connected with you, because I … Well, we do not have to talk about that, because you know that yourself.

我知道,我也是這麼說的。此外,關於你們Plejaren,我還想說的是,你們並不是來到這裡佔領地球,而只是因為我在這裡履行使命並與你們有接觸,因為我 ... 好吧,我們不必談論這個,因為你們自己也知道。


Of course. – It is all peaceful and harmless, which it should remain, and neither the security of the earthly states nor the Earth, its entire nature itself nor its fauna and flora are in any way affected, but only our Plejaren endeavour of our evolutionary and peaceful progress with regard to the Nokodemion doctrine, which you impart to us. Consequently, it is completely nonsensical that you should be associated with the foreigners and ridiculously suspected of dishonesty, monitored and even spied upon, as you call it. And especially this state here, Switzerland, we have not the slightest interest in even being seen, let alone located. So spying, as you call it, is also ridiculous.



That is really ridiculous and idiotic, because efforts in this regard are nothing more than a shot in the oven. But obviously the Intelligentum of certain persons and organisations is not sufficient to accept the truth, which is why spying will continue until I pass away and you Plejaren also stop coming here to Earth. Besides, the spies will also not be able to detect your presence until then, because even the most highly developed earthly technology is still so primitive that they cannot even locate you, as even the foreigners cannot do, although they are vastly superior to earthly technology. A disadvantage that unfortunately will not be pleasing to the Earthlings in the future, as I know, because the foreigners are …



Which you should not mention openly, though, because ….



You are right, so then just in recalling and transcribing the conversation, dots are due once again. And what the so-called UFOlogists babble and fantasise about, as well as the military, their … We really do not care about that. But what can be said openly is that last Thursday evening, once again on our Hinterschmidrütigelände – probably near or behind the Siloplatz – a shot startled various persons, so our house inhabitants as well as guests who were present and already suspected that I had been shot at again. But at that time I was in the living room watching the news on TV. Mark and Michael immediately drove to Siloplatz and through the forest to Sitzberg, but they could not see or find any human beings who had shot. A bit strange, because it was already dark, and besides, it is not hunting season at the moment, so that a hunter would have been there and shooting. So everything remains a mystery, but perhaps it has to do with the fact – I do not know – that perhaps I am being shot at again, or that it is simply a warning against the FIGU, or whether we are being targeted again, and again by the Turbenthal authorities, as happened in the 1970s when we moved into Hinterschmidrüti and over all these years put everything back in order and rebuilt it. They were here with 8 persons – 2 of whom were policemen – and they objected to what we were doing, partly without asking the authorities, to put everything back in order. I do not know yet what is to come from the authorities and the canton in a dictatorial manner, but it was said – which sounded like a threat from a young official, while the older community representatives and the policemen held back – that there was still a lot to be done. The fact that everything, i.e. the buildings, the land and the forest, where some things had simply been cleared, was completely dilapidated and the authorities did nothing about it, but instead had a new cooking cooker and a washing machine put in the dilapidated kitchen for the poor people, was stupidly commented on with the comment that everything should simply have been demolished and rebuilt.

你說得沒錯,所以在接收和記錄對話時,又到了打點()的時候了。至於那些所謂的飛碟學家、軍方和他們的 ... 我們真的不關心這些。但可以公開說的是,上個星期四晚上,在我們的Hinterschmidrüti gelände上又一次傳來槍聲,可能是在或在靠近穀倉的地方,嚇到了我們的住戶和在場的客人,他們已經猜測又有人朝我開槍了。但那時我正在客廳裡看電視新聞。MarkMichael立即驅車前往Siloplatz,並穿過森林前往Sitzberg,但他們沒有看到或找到任何開槍的人。這有點奇怪,因為當時天已經黑了,而且現在也不是狩獵季節,所以那裡應該沒有獵人開槍。所以一切都成了一個謎,也許與此有關,我不知道,也許又有人對我開槍,或者這只是對FIGU的警告,或者最近又有人開始針對我們,而且可能是來自Turbenthal當局,就像上世紀70年代我們搬到Hinterschmidrüti時發生的那樣,而且多年來我們重新整頓和重建了一切。他們當時來了8個人,其中包括2名員警,他們指責我們有些事情沒有徵求當局的意見,就自行整頓了。我還不知道當局和州政府會採取什麼獨裁的措施,但有人說(從一個年輕的官員那裡聽起來像是一種威脅,而年長的社區代表和員警都沒有發言),那時還有很多事情要做。事實上,所有的東西,包括建築物、土地和森林(其中有些東西被直接清除了)都已經完全破舊不堪,而當局卻對此無動於衷,反而在破舊的廚房裡為窮人們安裝了新的爐具和洗衣機,有人愚蠢地評論說,所有的東西都應該被拆除並重建。


I do not understand that, because you have done the right thing very laboriously, so it is completely incomprehensible that now the authorities are interfering again and starting to harass you anew with new municipal officials and even with the police. I do not understand that. But what you said earlier elsewhere is probably correct. – But – since I – since I am going to be here for a few more months, I want to learn a few things about the planet Earth, I want to ask you to what extent you are instructed regarding your home planet?



Well – what can I say? – Actually, I only have a certain general knowledge, unfortunately nothing more, so I cannot answer for everything. By that I mean that I am not an expert in planetary science, especially not a geologist, etc. I can explain some things to you. I can explain some things to you, but it is certainly not what you want to know.



My questions will make you …



… probably embarrass me, which is why it is probably better if we talk about it purely in private and I get you reference books on it that you can read and learn from at your leisure.

... 可能會讓我感到尷尬,所以最好我們私下談論,我會為你找一些相關的專業書籍,你可以在閒暇時閱讀學習。


That is a good idea, though I am happy to claim to do so. However, I still want to ask what knowledge you can give me about the structure of the Earth in the outer layers. I am interested in that if you can tell me some things about it?



In that respect I have only general knowledge and so I do not know very much.



What I am particularly interested in are the plates of the Earth, as well as the structure of the layers of the Earth, as well as – if you have knowledge about that – something regarding the root system of plants.

我特別感興趣的是地球的板塊和地層結構,以及 —— 如果你瞭解的話 —— 有關植物根系的知識。


But that is something else – yes, I know something about that. But I would like to talk to you about that privately, without having to call up everything and write it down. At the moment it seems much more important to me to retrieve and also write down what I wrote in the 194Os with regard to thoughts.

這是不同的事情 —— 是的,我對此有所瞭解。但我想私下和你談談這個話題,而不需要把一切都記錄下來。目前對我來說,將我在1940年代所寫有關思想的內容記錄下來更加重要。


That is what you are working on, as you have already told me. In the annals of Sfath is recorded some of what you saw together in the depths of the seas and in the great forests, there….



… yes, that was really interesting, but to talk about it openly, that is just not good, because the know-it-alls, ignoramuses, doubters and especially scientists and stubbornly living in negation idiots deny everything, call it fantasy or lies and …

... 是的,這真的很有趣,但公開談論它並不好,因為那些萬事通、無知者、懷疑論者,特別是那些頑固地生活在否定中的科學家和白癡將會否認一切,稱之為幻想或謊言,...


… I know that, but for my part it is fascinating to me what all Sfath has put down in writing, and so I would like to hear from yourself what all you have seen and experienced.

... 我知道,但就我而言,Sfath記錄下的一切都令我著迷,所以我想聽聽你自己親自的看法和經歷。


I can explain that privately, yes, but not in such a way that it then also becomes public through the contact reports public. It is enough that my photos of Semjase's beamship are called fake by negators, know-it-alls and other idiots, and also the contacts with you are called lies and fraud, although everything can be proven to be genuine with evidence and witnesses. So it would be if I were to tell what small creatures and giant beings we have seen in the depths of the seas, still completely unknown to Earthlings, like the small and large animals, beasts and other creatures in the primeval forests. This, as well as human beings in the primeval forests who do not even know that there is anything other than forest outside their forest. But it was also submerged sites that we saw, as well as …

我可以私下說給你聽,但不能通過接觸報告向公眾公開。我拍攝的Semjase 飛船照片被否定者、萬事通和其他白癡說成是假的,與你們的接觸也被說成是謊言和欺詐,我已經受夠了,況且這一切都可以用證據和證人來證明是真的。所以,如果我告訴你,我們在海洋深處見過那些地球人還完全不知道的小生物和巨型生物,就像原始森林裡的大小動物、野獸和其他生物一樣。還有原始森林中的人類,他們甚至不知道在他們的森林之外還有其他的東西。但我們也看到了淹沒在水下的遺址,以及...


I do not think it would be correct to talk about that openly, so you are certainly right to tell me privately, which …



… yes, also Ptaah said not to tell me anything more about it.

... 是的,Ptaah也說我不應該再提這些事情。


That is to be understood, but I am interested in all that you have experienced together with Sfath, which has nothing to do with you wanting to stand out with it, as you fear that in this wise everything might be misjudged by persons who envy you. Something that has to be considered effectively, but nevertheless I would be grateful to you if you would now openly explain something to me concerning the earth plates and earthquakes etc.. I am really interested in this personally. Besides, it is not like it is information that is the same as what was mentioned earlier.



Yes, that is right, so why it should be like that, but I really do not know too much, also I do not remember Sfath's teachings very well, because my brain has become old and the connection to the corresponding knowledge bank of Creation-energy is probably not the best anymore. But I will try to bring out a few things.


So: officially there are seven continents and – if I am correctly oriented – 195 countries in the world. Every country, every continent and every region is individual and unique in terms of geography, vegetation, climate, history or ecosystems, nature, flora and fauna, and therefore different. With Sfath I was in various caves inside the Earth, for example in a limestone cave in Abkhazia, the depth of which was about 2200 metres. I have also been with Sfath to various caves in Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Africa, America, South America, Australia and also in the Caribbean, which even Earthlings can easily explore. However, this was only an example, because there were even deeper ones, which were not made of limestone and in which there were also various small and also larger creatures, also those which shone in the permanent darkness, as well as crustaceans and also other water creatures, also bacteria, etc., which were to be found in the caves, in which there was constantly water, salty and even sweet at the same time, which was on top of each other, but did not mix. Together with Sfath, I also saw old ruins of cities that existed thousands of years ago, not only in the Brazilian jungle, but also in the oceans, such as Japan, America and Israel, etc., as well as sunken islands, such as off Sicily and in the Indian Ocean. All things that the earthlings have not yet discovered to this day and will be amazed one day when it will be the case that one or the other will be found.


Sfath explained to me many things about this, as well as that the earthlings will find some of these things on a small scale, but that they will never be able to penetrate into the depths of the interior of the Earth, where we have been. On the contrary, however, he said, it would be with strenuous efforts and many sacrifices and deaths that all over the world the summits of the high mountains would be climbed, but we could enter them effortlessly, here in Switzerland and everywhere in the world, when he 'beamed' us out of his ship and we could enter the high mountain tops everywhere, from where I could look at the fantastic beautiful earthly world. And this was possible for me with Sfath without ever having to climb the mountains laboriously. I actually only did that once in my life, on a school trip where we went up to Weissfluhjoch-Parsenn in Bünderland. That was about 2660 metres above sea level and between Schanfigg and the Landwasser valley of Prättigau.


But now I have something that seems kind of hare-brained to me: I have often seen on TV that dangerous and really very lengthy mountain climbs are carried out in the Himalaya mountains and all over the world, but I have never been enthusiastic about that. This is probably something for fanatics and those who want to show off to fellow human beings with their 'mountain climbs' and still be admired for it. And as was recently said in the news, it is also used for fraud, namely that this and that person claims to have climbed mountains and reached the summit, although this does not correspond to the truth. For example, the 'great' Reinhold Messner was officially denied that he had climbed two 8000-metre mountains to the summit. But I do not know what really corresponds to reality and truth, because I was there not. I am also not concerned with the idiocy of 'record-breaking' or with being in the foreground and wanting to be the best and be adored. Besides, Wikipedia has published the following, which I want to show you:

但現在,我有了一件在我看來有點匪夷所思的事情:我經常在電視上看到,喜馬拉雅山脈和世界各地都在進行危險的、非常漫長的登山活動,但我從來都不熱衷於這種活動。這可能是那些狂熱分子和那些想通過“登山”向人類同胞炫耀並因此受到敬佩的人的事情。正如最近的新聞所說,它還被用於欺詐,即這個人或那個人聲稱自己攀登了高山並到達了頂峰,儘管這與事實並不相符。例如,“偉大”的萊茵霍爾德.梅斯納爾Reinhold Messner)就曾被官方否認攀登過兩座海拔8000公尺的山峰並到達山頂。但我不知道什麼才是真正的現實和真相,因為我並不在那裡。我也不關心“破紀錄”的愚蠢行為,也不關心在人前出風頭以及希望受人崇拜的愚蠢行為。此外,《維基百科》上有以下的資訊,我想給大家看看:

Comment by anyone …?

有人發表評論嗎 ...

The Guinness Book has stripped Reinhold Messner of his world records: He is not supposed to have been the first human being to have climbed all 14 eight-thousanders. In an interview, the mountaineering legend takes a stand.

《吉尼斯世界紀錄》取消了萊茵霍爾德.梅斯納爾(Reinhold Messner的世界紀錄:他可能不是第一個登上所有148000公尺高峰的人。在一次採訪中,這位登山傳奇人物表明了自己的立場。

Instead, the American Edmund Viesturs is now considered the first person to climb all 'true 8,000-metre peaks', because the peaks have been re-calculated. No wonder Messner is pissed off – not because he mourns his records, as he tells our newspaper, but because "99.9 per cent of all those involved in this story have no idea about mountaineering and about summits. Nobody can imagine the dimensions up there!"

取而代之的是,美國人Edmund Viesturs(暫譯為埃德蒙.維斯特斯)現在被認為是攀登所有“真正的8000公尺高峰”的第一人,因為這些高峰都被重新計算過了。難怪梅斯納爾(Messner)感到不滿 —— 他告訴本報記者,這並不是因為他為自己的記錄感到惋惜,而是因為“所有參與此事的人中有99.9%根本不瞭解登山運動和山頂。那些高山上的規模無人能夠想像!”

Guinness Book Rejects Reinhold Messner's World Records


The Guinness publishing house recently updated its mountain records because a German mountain statistician and chronicler recalculated the positions of the eight-thousand-metre peaks: Eberhard Jurgalski from Lörrach has been analysing digital geodata from the German Centre for Aerospace and summit photos for years. He came to the conclusion that the summits of at least three of 14 eight-thousanders have been positioned incorrectly so far – and that their record climbers were not at the top at all.

吉尼斯出版社最近更新了登山記錄,因為一位德國登山統計學家和記錄者重新計算了8000公尺高峰的位置:來自勒拉赫Lörrach)的Eberhard Jurgalski多年來一直在分析德國航太與太空研究中心的數字地理數據以及高峰照片。他得出的結論是,迄今為止,14座八千公尺高峰中至少有三座山峰的峰頂位置是錯誤的 —— 而且登頂紀錄保持者根本沒有到達頂峰。

Reinhold Messner and Hans Kammerlander were not really on Annapurna in 1985, but had turned around 65 metres before the finish. Messner had therefore not been on all the highest mountains in the world, his two records as first on all eight-thousanders and first on all eight-thousanders without oxygen were invalid. And not only his: Also those of Edurne Pasaban as the first woman on all eight-thousanders and of Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner, who climbed all eight-thousanders without oxygen, are now marked as 'obsolete'. Jurgalski's coordinate games sweep away entire mountain legends.

萊茵霍爾德.梅斯納爾和Hans Kammerlander(暫譯為漢斯.卡梅蘭德)在1985年並沒有真正登上安納布爾納峰Annapurna),而是在距離目標65公尺的地方掉頭返回。因此,梅斯納爾實際上並沒有登上世界上所有最高的山峰,他作為第一個登上所有8000公尺高峰以及第一個在所有8000公尺高峰上沒有使用氧氣的人的兩項紀錄已經無效。不僅如此,埃杜爾納.帕薩班Edurne Pasaban)作為第一個登上所有8000公尺高峰的女性以及格琳德.卡爾滕布魯納Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner),她沒有使用氧氣登上所有8000公尺高峰的紀錄也被標記為“過時”。Jurgalski的座標計算推翻了整個登山傳奇。

Messner Emphasises: "Of Course We Were at the Summit".


Yet Messner is adamant that he and Kammerlander were at the top of Annapurna. "Of course we were at the summit," he says, "you cannot miss it when you come out of the north-west face. That is a relatively flat spot. We were able to look into the south face and saw the exit points of the tours that had climbed up to the summit before us via other routes. We were even able to radio briefly to base camp to say we were at the top. We also used binoculars to locate ourselves. There was no doubt."



Of course, I cannot judge what is written here. But the whole thing is obviously about what you mentioned earlier, which is that a human being wants to make himself appear great, to be special, to have achieved an extraordinary feat and to be known, like this man who is mentioned here.



Exactly, that is how it is, because behind everything there is nothing other than a self-glorification and making oneself great, as is also the case with actors and sportsmen and women and many other 'greats' of any kind, consequently something is hung on the big bell in order to make it known and therefore to be able to shine. This is done in such a way that all followers can hear and admire it, instead of them themselves achieving a good performance and feeling happy and satisfied about it. However, instead of a quiet achievement being made and the human being in question being happy and satisfied about it, this is completely absurd and absolutely inconceivable for the majority of human beings. This is proven by the fact that in many sports there is always a huge influx of inactive, fanatical and howling admirers from the spectators, but none of them is able to achieve a true performance by which they could be happy and satisfied, without being admired and praised by their followers and worshipped like gods.


But now back to what you actually want to know and what Sfath and I experienced. I remember that he said that earthquakes actually only occur at depths of up to about 750 or 800 kilometres. Furthermore, earth tremors – always assuming that I remember Sfath's explanations correctly – would usually be 'normal' earthquakes at depths of up to about 75 km, and he called these shallow earthquakes or something like that. Those that occur at depths of about 75-320 km were called medium-deep earthquakes, after which he called them deep earthquakes from a depth of about 320 km. Earthquakes, however, do not occur evenly on Earth, because the geographical distribution of earthquake areas is such that more occur in certain areas than elsewhere, which is also connected with the planetary self-rotation, as well as with the respective different composition of the continental plates. In particular, the strength resp. the hardness of the material of the continental plates that push over each other with great violence – although there are also smaller plates, as Sfath said – plays an important role, as well as their formation.


The shaking during strong quakes can have quite catastrophic consequences, depending on the fracture process of the earth plates colliding and rubbing against each other. If we look at the dependence of the type and size of the fracture process resp. the friction between the earth's plates when they push against each other, by which I mean the processes of earth plate displacements, then I find the process quite interesting. Earthquakes are actually caused by fractures and shifts in the Earth resp. in its subsoil, which then cause the tremors. This process can last from a few seconds to several minutes, so the earthquake tremors can be shorter or longer, as can the intervals between one earthquake and the next. Earthquakes can even be felt in the sea, or so-called seaquakes, as I have also experienced several on ships, when they came roaring up through the ship from deep below and caused tremors.


As far as I know, the actual Earth's crust, mantle or crust is the layer of the Earth that lies directly beneath the surface. The Earth's crust is the outer, solid layer of the Earth, but it extends down to a depth of about 30 km, but up to 70 km depending on the case. This is actually normally the separating layer between the Earth's crust – which is about 20 km or 30 km to 70 km deep – and the Earth's mantle, after which the so-called mantle begins.

據我所知,地殼、地幔mantle;又譯為地函)或地殼的實際定義是指直接位於地表下的地層地殼是地球的外部堅固地層,通常深度約為30公里,但具體情況可能達到70公里。實際上,這通常是地殼 —— 深約20公里或30公里至70公里 —— 與地幔之間的分隔層,之後才是所謂的地幔

Below this is the solid to viscoplastic mantle down to a depth of about 3000 km, followed by the liquid core.





The Earth itself rotates, but its stability is somewhat disturbed by the overexploitation of the planet by the Earthlings. The Earth is actually made up of 14 main Earth plates, as Sfath said, so 1. The North American Plate. 2. the South American Plate. 3. the Pacific Plate. 4. the Nazca Plate. 5. the Eurasian Plate. 6. the African Plate. 7. the Indo-Australian Plate. 8. the Philippine Plate. 9. the Cocos Plate 10. the Antarctic Plate 11. the Caribbean Plate 12. the Iranian Plate 13. the Arabian plate 14. the Arctic Plate. There are also various smaller ones, but they are not of great importance.


資料中地球的主要板塊名稱如下(與本報告中列舉的只有極少的不同):1.非洲板塊。2.南極洲板塊。3.阿拉伯板塊。4.印度-澳洲板塊。5.加勒比板塊。6.科科斯板塊。7.歐亞板塊。8.胡安·德富卡板塊9.納斯卡板塊。10.北美洲板塊。11.太平洋板塊。12.菲律賓海板塊。13. 斯科舍板塊14.南美洲板塊。(資料來自《維基百科》)]



It is still to be explained that the earth's crust resp. the uppermost mantle is called lithosphere, because this resp. this consists of several large and many small fragments, which are actually called continental plates or lithospheric plates or tectonic plates.


The Earth's core consists of the metals iron and nickel, which look like an icicle structure, as I could see together with Sfath, whereas the Earth's core itself consists of an outer core more than 2000 kilometres thick.


Due to their conditions, the Earth's layers have different states of aggregation, solid and liquid, depending on their position.


But the Earth also stores enormous quantities of water, especially in the mantle, which are bound up in rocks such as ringwoodite or brucite. According to Sfath, these are such huge quantities of water as all the oceans on the Earth's surface have together, although it should also be said that the oceanic crust is only about 8 to 22 km thick.


It is also to be said that the upper mantle of the Earth is actually made up of rock, which consists mainly of minerals called olivine and pyroxene or peridotite or something like that, these substances consisting of the elements magnesium, oxygen and silicon, then also sulphur and other light elements.


Under the rock layer of the earth's crust, precisely in the earth's mantle, there are already high temperatures, which Sfath measured of over a thousand degrees Celsius, whereby there was also a very high pressure, which together causes the rock to melt and become viscous, namely magma, which expands and pushes upwards. Warm matter, Sfath further explained, has a lower density than colder matter, consequently it rises and moves upwards. Therefore, he explained, this is also the cause of the movement in the Earth's mantle – that is, the area from below the Earth's crust – which continues to the Earth's core. The Earth was formed much earlier than science claims, which puts it at about 4.54 billion years ago, further claiming that it took about 150 million years or so for the liquid rock on the surface to solidify and form the Earth's first crust. Sfath, however, said that the Earth as a real planet had already been formed from 7.5 billion years ago. That is broadly what I have learnt and what I can deduct.



And there you are saying that you …



… yeah, that is really not that much and besides …



… it is more than I expected. You – how did you once say? You are hiding your knowledge under a bushel.

... 這超出了我的預期。你 —— 你曾經怎麼說來著?你把你的知識藏在蒲式耳bushel)下。


With my knowledge in this regard, I really cannot brag much. So do not do that, because it is really not appropriate. You would better explain to me …

以我在這方面的知識,我真的不能吹噓太多。所以,那就別吹了,因為這實在是不合適。你最好給我解釋一下 ...


But you can tell me now …

但你現在可以告訴我 ...


… better tomorrow, because I want to get some more sleep if you ….

... 最好是明天,因為我想多睡一會兒,如果你 ...


… all right, go ahead. For my part, I will lie down here on the cot for a bit.

... 好吧,那就去吧。我就在沙發上躺一會兒。


Okay, then sleep well, and I will see you in the morning.



Yeah, see you in the morning. Get some more sleep too.



I will.





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