Contact Report 866/第866次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年10月16日,星期一,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年10月21日,星期六,ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu
五、在報告中附有幾篇由Bernadette Brand(核心小組成員)所寫的文章(當然主要出自Billy的指導),由於部分內容頗為冗長,目前暫時並未全部譯出。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
There you are already my dear friend. Greetings and welcome.
Greetings also, Eduard, my friend.
And here I have work to do in a moment, because Bernadette has written up some things for you to read. Here, this is it:
Yes, that is good and correct, but some things still have to be added, which we will do together in a moment. You can write and at the same time we will discuss together what is to be formulated further. It is still necessary to mention at least one of the prayers that can be used for meditation as well as for personal use and that do not have anything to do with religion or faith in any wise, but are addressed to one's own personality and are meant to serve self-development. So I will begin by saying that there is something of importance to be added to Bernadette's description of the whole thing, which I will do and now briefly add: You were supposed – as we know – to be bribed with money etc. in order to gain certain advantages. As happened, among others, in the case of a Japanese billionaire named Sasakawa, who, as our records prove, offered you 20 million dollars during the conversations outside on the garden seat, which you, however, refused, after which the billionaire, dismayed and furious, sped off with his 2 very expensive luxury cars and his accompanying 11 lackeys, a secretary, a clerk and a language translator and disappeared within less than 2 minutes. After that you never heard from this man or any of his crew again.
That is right.
For the time being, this is what needs to be completed further in Bernadette's work and what I am about to photograph to send to Ptaah for inspection, which I will arrange immediately if you will wait that long? For that I must return to my flying apparatus, because only from there is it possible for me to send the photograph to Ptaah.
Of course, that is not a problem.
Then – well, it will be transient –
那麼 —— 嗯,這不會耽誤很多時間。
It is clear. In the meantime, I want to –
Here I am again. Ptaah will return to me what has come to him in some time, though by your term it will be several hours to wait.
Sure, that is no problem. But then I will probably only insert Bernadette's once Ptaah has reviewed it. But then I will still give what I have written according to your instructions back to Bernadette so that she can correct it.
Yes, that will be good.
Then I will wait until you can tell me what Ptaah has to say, so that I can add it.
I can add it. But I want to say something that I told you recently, because I mentioned that Zelensky, as a Jew, is inciting the whole world and the enemies of the Jews against the believers in the Jews and therefore against all of Judaism, just as the Nazis did and persecuted and murdered the Jews, just as happened in the last world war. But as it has been for hundreds of years, namely that Judaism and with it the Jewish believers are persecuted, harassed and even murdered, it will continue with the help of today's neo-NAZI thinkers who think just like the NAZIs back then. But they are so stupid and lowly intelligent that they do not realise that they neither realise nor understand that they are NAZI-like thinkers and doers and that with their stupid attitude, their lack of understanding, their support and the supply of weapons etc. to the warmonger Zelensky, they are promoting unparalleled hatred of the Jews. This is because Zelensky, being of Jewish origin, is successful with his arms begging etc. and his successes in this respect with about 50 countries and their idiotic governments and parts of their populations. This, of course, is very badly and hatefully received by the Jew-hating elements around the world, who will roar furiously and more than ever against Jewry. The great complicity in all that is happening in Ukraine and in the hatred and evil still to come concerning Jew-hatred is thus shared by all those idiots of rulers and all supporters from the populations concerned who biasedly supply and endorse weapons to the war fanatic and warmonger Zelensky, whereby the war and the massacres, rapes, prisoner shootings and other war crimes etc. can continue unchecked. The ultimate consequence of this, and this is absolutely certain, will be that politico-religious criminal organisations – such as Al-Qaeda and others – will interfere, which is already happening secretly, but which will become public.
What is to be revealed, however, is that in the forefront is undoubtedly the government of Germany with America in the background and that part of the idiotic supporters from the people who can think as little as those parts of those in power who are neo-Nazis in their mindset – without actually being aware of it – as is also the case in other countries. And the fact that the cross-headed Foreign Minister of Germany is pouring petrol on the fire around the world by distorting the effective truth and making propaganda for Zelensky is just the last straw.
In the war in Ukraine, of course, there can be no talk of one side alone, because firstly America is to blame for the whole thing, because if it had not been for its idiotic and criminal desire, Russia would never have attacked Ukraine. So Russia is also involved in the crime of the Ukrainian war, like the idiotic and murderous mercenaries who are doing their mischief in Ukraine, whereby America is also involved in this. This is an effective fact, which is, however, concealed from the outside world, also from the ruling and cheering populations of the 50 or so countries, who are biased, lowly intelligent and ignorant about what is actually going on in Ukraine. That with everything that these 50 or so countries – with Germany and America in the lead – are doing together, without even suspecting in their low intelligence that America is only surreptitiously pushing its hegemony plans further towards realisation with the Ukraine war, this clearly reveals the stupidity of the arms suppliers and their supporters. And since a strange world war is actually being waged in a sneaky way – precisely because around 50 countries are supplying weapons to Zelensky through America's insidiousness – this war may yet become open, because the continuation in the Middle East is already beginning for this, in which America will interfere, as well as religious-political murderer organisations, such as Al-Qaida, as I have already said. However, all those idiots who supply weapons to Zelensky or support this are obviously not aware of this, but also unconsciously and lowly intelligent support America's striving for hegemony and even actively help to achieve this goal. This is just as the Europeans conquered the great country on the other side of the sea with murder and manslaughter and turned it into America, mercilessly slaughtering the indigenous people, almost to the point of extermination – as the Spanish did in South America for the sake of gold – and deprived them of their ancestral citizenship of their own country, which was 'graciously' granted to their distant descendants again at the beginning of the second millennium. And the fact of the matter is that at that time countless Europeans made the stolen land across the sea into America, with military and murder, massacre, manslaughter, destruction, annihilation and extermination – just think of the buffalo massacres by William Cody alias Buffalo Bill, through whose initiative and killing mania millions of buffalo were senselessly shot and the buffalo herds disappeared, so that in the end only 325 animals remained.
當然,在烏克蘭戰爭中,不能僅歸咎於一方,因為首先,美國對整個情況難辭其咎,因為如果不是因為其愚蠢和罪惡的欲望,俄羅斯就不會入侵烏克蘭。但現實是,俄羅斯確實參與了烏克蘭戰爭的罪行,就像在烏克蘭肆虐的那些愚蠢而充滿殺意的僱傭兵,與此有關的還包括美國。這是一個確鑿的事實,但卻被外界和五十多個國家的統治者和盲目支持者所掩蓋,他們對烏克蘭實際發生的一切抱有偏見,真是愚蠢而無知。這些大約五十個國家,以德國和美國為首,共同參與的一切,實際上都在進一步推動美國的霸權計畫,這種計畫是在背後進行的,這清楚暴露出武器供應國和他們的支持者的愚蠢。由於這個原因,一場隱晦的世界戰爭可能會開始,那就是通過美國的陰謀,大約五十個國家提供武器給澤連斯基。這場戰爭可能會變成公開戰爭,因為它已經在中東地區展開,美國將介入,宗教政治殺手組織,如基地組織,也將參與,正如我之前所說的那樣。然而,所有這一切顯然都不被那些供應武器給澤連斯基或支持這樣做的傻瓜所意識到,他們不知不覺地支援了美國的霸權企圖,甚至積極幫助實現這一目標。這就像幾個世紀前歐洲人通過謀殺和暴力奪取大海對岸那邊的巨大土地並將其變成了美國,他們無情地屠殺了當地的原住民,幾乎消滅了他們,就像西班牙人為了黃金而在南美洲所做的那樣。他們剝奪了原住民在自己國家的合法權益,直到第二個千年(second millennium)之初,他們的遙遠後裔又被“仁慈地”授予了公民權。而事實是,當時無數歐洲人通過軍事和謀殺、屠殺、誤殺、破壞、消滅和滅絕,將偷來的土地漂洋過海變成了美國。回想一下威廉.科迪(William Cody)(別名水牛比爾)提倡的野牛大屠殺,他瘋狂的屠殺導致數百萬頭野牛被無情擊斃,野牛群消失,最終只剩下325頭野牛。
It is also an indisputable fact that since America came into being, its vehement delusion of hegemony has arisen all over the world and America's army has interfered everywhere in the world, which has not always been without war. Already in the 1st World War from 1754 to 1763 – which has since been denied as such and is only called a 7-year war – America was at the forefront with interventions and war in foreign countries, which has remained so ever since and continues to this day under the cover of NATO. This murderous organisation was founded by US President Harry S Truman and is still directed by America today – albeit behind the scenes. And what the immigrants from Europe did to the indigenous peoples in America when they stole the land and began to dominate it was really the last straw.
還有一個不爭的事實是,自從美國誕生以來,其強烈的霸權妄想就在世界各地興起,美國的軍隊在世界各地進行干涉,而世界上並非總是沒有戰爭。早在1754年至1763年的第一次世界大戰(也被稱為七年戰爭)中,美國就在世界各地積極參與了外國事務和戰爭,這種參與一直持續到今天,並以北約組織(NATO)的名義繼續運作。這個兇手組織是由美國總統哈里.S.杜魯門(Harry S Truman)所創立,直到今天仍然由美國幕後操控。來自歐洲的移民竊取了美洲的土地並開始統治這片土地,他們對美洲原住民的所作所為,真的是讓人忍無可忍。
Massacring Indian wars were waged and the indigenous people were literally slaughtered when war was waged against them, the Indians, after which the indigenous people were deprived of all rights and became practically stateless in their own country. This was finally remedied in 1924, after the US government had until then vehemently tried to systematically destroy the cultures of the supposed savages and exterminate the Indians. But this also happened when the British 'conquered' Australia, made it a prison island and denied the indigenous people, the Aborigines, all rights – as was done to the Indians in America. The Aborigines were finally granted citizenship rights in 1967, but this remains only half-baked.
在美國的移民者與當地原住民相遇時,他們竊取土地並開始統治的過程中,進行了大規模的滅絕性戰爭,直接屠殺了印第安人,並剝奪了他們的一切權利,使他們幾乎成為自己國土上的無國籍人。直到1924年,這一問題才得以解決,而在此之前,美國政府曾強烈嘗試系統地摧毀所謂的野蠻文化並滅絕印第安人。但這也發生在英國“征服”澳大利亞的時候,英國把澳大利亞變成了一個監獄島,並剝奪了土著人的一切權利 —— 就像美國對待印第安人一樣。原住民終於在1967年獲得了公民權,但這仍然是不完整的。
With regard to the hatred of Jews, it is still to be said that with the idiotic behaviour of those who are friendly to Zelensky and thus also those who are friendly to America – first and foremost, of course, America itself and Germany, and then the subsequent 50 or so other countries wrapped around their fingers – promote hatred against Judaism and thus against those who believe in Jews, without themselves knowing it, because they are lowly intelligent and thus incapable of logical thinking, of understanding and of reason. This is because Zelensky, who is of Jewish origin, who begs for and receives weapons from all over the world, is now doing the same thing as the NAZIs did, only this time a Jew-believer himself is stirring up hatred among the NAZI-remainers against the Jews. This insidiousness is due not only to the fact that those in power – especially in Germany – are idiotically and unconsciously perpetuating the attitudes of the NAZIs and thus vehemently promoting the build-up of hatred against Jews. But these idiots are effectively not concerned about this, because their boundless low intelligence is not sufficient for this.
關於對猶太人的仇恨,應該說,那些對澤連斯基友好的人 —— 當然首先是美國本身和德國,然後是跟隨他們的其他五十多個國家 —— 他們的愚蠢行為,在不知不覺中助長了對猶太教的仇恨,因此也助長了對那些信仰猶太人的仇恨,因為他們愚蠢,因而沒有邏輯思維能力、理解能力和理性。這是因為,猶太人出身的澤連斯基從世界各地乞求並收受武器,現在卻在做著與納粹分子同樣的事情,只不過這次是一個信奉猶太教的人自己在煽動納粹分子餘孽對猶太人的仇恨。這種陰險的做法不僅是因為當權者 —— 尤其是德國的當權者 —— 愚蠢而無意識地延續著納粹黨人的態度,從而極力助長對猶太人的仇恨。但這些白癡實際上並不關心這個,因為他們無下限的愚蠢不足以解決這個問題。
Their illusory thinking does not allow for any logic, understanding and reason, but only their behaviour of power addiction, violence and the exuberant tendencies of enslaving the peoples by inventing, in their low intelligence and lust for power, always new laws, prohibitions, guidelines, regulations and ordinances etc. in order to stand above the people in their lust for power. And everything happens in such a manner that it is always the people and the individual citizen who has to spoon out the soup and take the rap for their actions and possibly die in a nonsensical war.
And those unthinking participants of the people who then go to war for unscrupulous rulers and murder fellow human beings unknown to them, whom they neither know nor who have done anything to them, are just as lowly intelligent and simple-minded as their rulers. The latter keep a low profile and remain in the background, so as not to be humiliated, but it is precisely they, as the culprits of the whole, who should be facing each other and fighting it out with each other. But the lowly intelligent of the people simply let themselves be bullied by the powerful of the governments, possibly lick their butts and die for them, because they are fundamentally of the same mind and the same character as the latter, and at the bottom of their being they are immediately ready for violence and killing, if even one louse crawls over their liver.
Well, once more it must be spoken of, for now Jew-hatred is again beginning to run rampant in the world. It has been idiotic and, moreover, reprehensible since time immemorial, for within this framework everything was done in the same manner even among the religious believers, and in part it is still being done now and then. And now what I told you the other day is coming true again in Israel, namely that hatred of the Jews is again beginning to spread openly, and this time because a lunatic and warmonger and war fanatic named Zelensky – himself a Jew-believer – is inciting the lowly intelligent and mad rulers of some 50 countries around the world by arousing pity and demanding weapons in order to be able to pursue his passion for warfare. He has got the lowly intelligent rulers of all these countries under his thumb, as have many sections of the populations who do not smell a rat about what is really going on. They also do not realise that America is behind it all, directing everything in its insane and reprehensible hegemonic behaviour and laughing up its sleeve. Namely because Zelensky and all the rulers and parts of the populations of around 50 countries are doing exactly what is expected of them by all those in bondage to them around the world. And that what I have said is now happening through Hamas and is the actual starting signal for what is coming in the Middle East and in the world – whereby in time Switzerland will also be affected with the destruction of its neutrality – that can no longer be stopped. Hamas, too, is a murderous organisation, just as any military is, just as Al-Qaeda, which will once again become openly active and will now also be directed against America. Everything will unfortunately carry over into the future in an unpleasant way, as I know and have experienced with Sfath, and that will not be able to be changed – at least not if reason does not come, which is unlikely. Israel will act as brutally and criminally when weapons are seized and used against Hamas, as the Americans did in Vietnam and the NAZIs in the last world war. So Israel too will know no pardon and act in the same way as Hamas, whereby many innocent human beings will also die as a result of Israel's resistance, and as I have seen together with Sfath, it will even be Israeli citizens, but this will then be mendaciously attributed to Hamas. Israel will be just as ruthless in committing murder after murder and in causing destruction and annihilation as Hamas, with the uninvolved population of Palestinians suffering as a result.
現在,仇視猶太人的情緒又開始在世界上肆虐。自古以來,這種行為都是愚蠢而應該受到譴責的,因為在這個範圍內,一切都以同樣的方式進行,甚至在宗教信徒中也是如此,而且在某種程度上,這種行為現在仍然時有發生。現在,我前幾天告訴你的事情在以色列再次成為現實,那就是對猶太人的仇恨再次開始公開蔓延,而這一次是因為一個名叫澤連斯基的瘋子、戰爭販子和戰爭狂熱分子 —— 他本人也是一個猶太信徒 —— 他正在煽動全世界約五十個國家無知而瘋狂的政府,引起他們的同情,要求提供武器,以追求他的戰爭熱情。他掌握了所有這些國家的無知政府,以及其中部分民眾,他們不知道情況的真相。他們甚至沒有意識到美國正暗中操控一切,並且在其瘋狂和不道德的霸權行為中進行指導,並為此而偷偷高興。也就是說,澤連斯基和大約五十個國家的所有政府以及部分民眾,他們正在做美國期望全世界去做的事情。我所說的一切現在正通過哈馬斯(Hamas;又稱為伊斯蘭抵抗運動)發生,是中東和全球未來事態的真正開端 —— 屆時,瑞士也將受到影響,其中立性將遭到破壞 —— 這是再也無法阻止的。哈馬斯也是一個恐怖組織,就像任何軍隊一樣,也像基地組織(Al-Qaeda;又譯為蓋達組織)一樣,他們將再次公開活動,現在也將針對美國。很不幸,我知道,而且是與Sfath一起經歷過的情況,一切都將以一種令人不快的方式延續到未來,這將無法改變 —— 至少在理性沒有到來的情況下無法改變,但這是不太可能的。當武器被用於對付哈馬斯時,以色列將採取殘酷和邪惡的行動,就像美國人在越南和納粹在上一次世界大戰中所做的那樣。因此,以色列也將不會給予任何寬恕,而會採取與哈馬斯相同的行動,這將導致許多無辜的人死亡。就像我和Sfath一起看到的那樣,甚至會有以色列公民受害,但這又會被惡意地歸咎於哈馬斯。以色列將像哈馬斯一樣無情地進行報復,並將造成破壞和毀滅,從而影響了巴勒斯坦人的無辜民眾。
Unfortunately, this will be the case in the present war in Israel-Palestine, because the great mass of earthly humanity is so wickedly inclined in its deepest character that it is brutely uncontrolled in its self-preservation behaviour to kill immediately as soon as a situation arises that requires self-defence. In the majority of Earth-humans, the perception of responsibility for life and the development of their character is anchored in such a way that they immediately resort to violence and killing as soon as a situation of self-defence arises. As a rule, unfortunately, through the upbringing of the legal guardians and as a result of the lack of self-education, life-appropriate learning is not learned at all or only in a half-value way, or even less, as a result of which the character is not formed rightly. Thus all of the character's life-importance lies completely unworked, is given over to bad moods, uncontrolled and wrong thoughts, as well as the bad feelings that arise from them and the bad and evil emotions that also result from them, which in turn give rise to bad feelings. This also means that we do not learn to honour and protect foreign life in the correct way, but only our own, and that through thoughtless and conscienceless killing and murder. In doing so, however, many kinds of justifications and appearances come into play, but all of them are null and void, for there is never an acceptable reason for killing resp. murdering a human being. Thus, all killing-murdering methods fall away, be it the death penalty, killing and murdering in wars, killing and murdering in the heat of the moment, out of advantage, desire for wealth, jealousy, lust, fear or joy, as well as out of self-defence, revenge, retaliation or pity etc. etc.. But this is precisely what human beings do not learn through the education they receive or through their self-education, that they should never kill and murder under any circumstances, because everything and anything should always and normally be regulated in life-affirming logic, with a clear mind and the highest reason. But only a vanishingly small minority of the Earth's human beings do this, true human beings who really deserve this designation with regard to true human beinghood, as well as human beings who are consciously on the path to true human beinghood and seriously strive to become true human beings and not to kill and not to murder, but to protect life.
Just as what has been said so far applies to human beings, it also applies with regard to the behaviour of human beings towards animals, creatures, fish and living beings of all genera and species in general. Of course, these are and have been since time immemorial part of the food for human beings, but these 'meat suppliers' should be appreciated and treated accordingly and not desecrated and tortured, and this also when it becomes unavoidable that their lives are ended. The correct thing would be for the human beings of Earth to at last endeavour to feed themselves in an acceptable natural way, and if it must be meat, that it should be artificially and wholesomely produced, so that animals and creatures and other life-forms etc. need not be slaughtered.
That would be good, but these are wishes that will remain such for a very long time.
I know that, because what is being produced as a meat substitute so far is something cheap and does not even come close to real meat, and besides, I know when I was with Sfath …
Well, you should …
… yes, of course, I have thought of that, that is why I am going to dot my I's too.
... 是的,當然,我已經想到了,所以我會在報告中以省略符號(…)來表示。
Good, then I want to talk to you about some things that are for our ears only. After that I will leave and come back when I have received everything back from Ptaah. Until …
Wednesday, 11th October 16:20 hrs
Here I am back. It took a little longer than I had expected. But Ptaah asked me to explain a few things to you, and also to greet you from him, Semjase, Asket, Florena, Bermunda and Yanarara.
Greetings dear friend, and thank you for coming back and greetings from Ptaah and the 5 girls.
Of course, I omitted to do that. – Greetings, Eduard, dear friend.
It is good, it also happens to me. It can happen when you have other things on your mind.
So you know that indulgence is in order here and there. But listen to what Ptaah had to say when he read what Bernadette had written. What he commented on was the following, which you can hear here. It is not very much, but it seems enlightening enough to me:
Ptaah Wiretapped
Firstly, I want to say that it is obviously very important that it is specifically mentioned again openly and made really clear that we are not connected with the foreigners who have been observed and seen for many years in Earth-humans' so-called UFOs in Earth's airspace. We effectively have nothing whatsoever to do with either the foreigners or their UFOs, consequently we also have no contact of any kind with the foreigners who navigate these flying apparatuses, nor do we have any other liaison with them.
In Hinwil, when the first contacts with my daughter Semjase took place, it was recorded by her, as a result of facts that had taken place, that very serious attempts were made by various sectarians to persuade Billy to persuade us Plejaren to testify and admit that we were God's messengers and should therefore bring certain earthly persons to Erra in order to be able to live in the 'Kingdom of God' itself and with Jesus Christ. The first persons to appear in this way were Anna and Karl Veit, who were connected with the press organ 'UFO News' and who also made personal representations to Billy, as did various other persons. In the course of all the years since contact was established, our permanent records have so far registered 41 incidents of this kind, whereby without exception requests were made to be allowed to contact us or to be taken to our world, as was apparently the case with Anna and Karl Veit for fanatical-religious reasons.
在欣維爾(Hinwil),當我女兒Semjase的第一次接觸發生時,她記錄了當時發生的事實,由於一些邪教分子嘗試說服比利,強烈要求我們Plejaren承認我們是神的使者,因此應該將某些地球人帶到Erra星,以便他們可以在“神的國度”中自己和耶穌基督一起生活。首次提出這種要求的人包括Anna和Karl Veit,他們與新聞刊物《UFO新聞》(UFO-Nachrichten)有關,他們還親自向比利進行了陳述,其他一些人也是如此。自建立接觸以來的這些年來,我們持續記錄了這類事件,迄今已經共有41次,而且無一例外,他們都提出了想與我們取得聯繫或被帶到我們的世界的要求,就像Anna和KarlVeit,這顯然就是出於狂熱的宗教原因。
I would also like to mention that our equipment also registered other incidents of fanatically religious human beings and their kind of faith, also in a similar context with threats against Billy's life and limb, about which, however, he kept silent – as we have clarified in detail. Various believers of different religious communities tried, sometimes very intensively, to get into contact with us through him, as well as attempts were made to address us with ideologies that were absolutely and completely unrealistic illusions and extremely confusing, e.g. concerning alleged 'spirits', etc. Persons of this and other kinds also appeared, offering Billy large sums of money to oblige him to question us about certain techniques and knowledge, as well as about space travel and radiation weapons and systems in particular. However, these were not only individuals, but several times there were 2 or 3. Once there were even 9 persons from America, after which they committed suicide together with others, as did some others of a group in Europe, and only because their nonsensical request was rejected. Others, on the other hand, tried to achieve their desires by resorting to the courts and by lying and cheating, as a result of which many things were affected. All of them, however, were without exception believers in religious communities, such as members of the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Church, as well as the Methodists, Evangelicals of America, Mormons, Church of the Kingdom of God, Church of Christ, Heaven's Gate of America, Mennonites, New Apostolic Church, Bhagwan Rajneesh Movement, Ananda Marga, and others. Some others committed suicide in connection with our appearance here at the Centre or in the surrounding area. What has been said is probably important, which is why I mention it, so that it is understood what is also happening behind the scenes around our presence here, and what Billy also has to deal with.
我還想提及的是,我們的設備還記錄了其他狂熱的宗教人士及其信仰的事件,在類似的情況下,比利的生命和安全也受到了威脅,但他都對此保持沉默 —— 我們已經進行了最深入的調查。不同宗教團體的信徒試圖通過他與我們取得聯繫,有時甚至是以非常激烈的方式,他們還試圖向我們灌輸一些意識形態,這些意識形態絕對是完全不切實際的幻想,而且極具迷惑性,例如關於所謂的“靈魂”(spirits)等等。此外,還出現了其他類型的人,他們向比利提供巨額資金,以要求他向我們提問有關某些技術和知識,特別是太空旅行、射線武器以及其系統的相關問題。這些人不僅僅是個人,有幾次是兩、三個。有一次甚至有9個來自美國的人,但之後他們卻和其他人一起自殺了,還有來自歐洲一個小組的人也自殺了,而這僅僅是因為他們的無理要求遭到了拒絕。另一方面,還有一些人試圖通過訴諸法庭以及謊言和欺詐來實現他們的願望,結果很多事情都受到了影響。然而,所有這些人無一例外都是宗教團體的信徒,包括天主教會、福音派教會(Evangelical Church)、循道宗(Methodists;又稱衛斯理宗)、美國福音派(Evangelicals of America)、摩門教(Mormons)、神國普世教會(Church of the Kingdom of God)、基督教會、美國天堂之門(Heaven's Gate of America)、門諾派(Mennonites)、新使徒教會(New Apostolic Church)、巴格萬.羅傑尼希運動(Bhagwan Rajneesh Movement;也稱為奧修)、阿南達瑪迦(Ananda Marga)等。還有一些人因為我們出現在中心或周邊地區而自殺。我提到這些事情是因為它們很重要,這樣大家就會明白,在我們出現在這裡的背後還發生了什麼,比利還需要面對什麼。
Ptaah went on to explain that with regard to what he explained at the beginning, he was mandated by the panel to tell you that specifically so that it would be visibly mentioned in the first place on your website.
We have already done something like that, but we can add what is requested.
That will be correct. But here I want you to read again what Ptaah said was good. Ptaah thinks it is important that all this is said openly once, so that it is understood what is going on in the background, in order to prevent the truth from being spread.
Good, I can do that.
Dangerous Mind Games
by Bernadette Brand
作者:Bernadette Brand
Here at the Centre – in Billy's haze – the core group members are not so rarely confronted directly with what interested people, FIGU friends, passive members and visitors are thinking. Of course, this usually comes up in the visitors' room in the Centre when various things are discussed and questions of all kinds are put to the core group members on duty, but the thinking of the writers also comes to light in letters and e-mails. Be it that alleged contactees want to talk to Billy and are of the opinion that they have a right to talk to him personally, be it that some religious believers are visibly 'down in the dumps' and they switch off completely shocked within fractions of a second when we tell them that God is only a fantasy figure and does not exist, but that they themselves determine their fate with their thoughts and that no 'almighty God' turns everything to good. In this wise, the core group members learned a lot about human beings and their ways of thinking, for it even happened that, for example, a Japanese billionaire named Sasakawa wanted to bribe Billy with a very large sum of money in order to gain certain advantages. When Billy told him that he could not be bought, the man immediately called his entourage together and they all immediately got into their expensive black limousines and disappeared from the centre grounds, engines roaring, never to be seen again. This was not the only such incident, of course, but it was probably the most blatant, for others also demanded that Billy take them to meet his contacts, or harangued him to intercede on their behalf because they wanted to take a 'tour' with the Plejaren.
在「中心」,也就是比利的所在範圍內,核心小組成員有時會直接面對那些因興趣而來的人、FIGU的朋友、被動成員和來訪者他們的想法。當然,這通常是在中心的訪客區,當值班的核心小組成員在面對來訪者討論各種事情和提出各種問題時才會出現,但有些人的想法也會表達在信件和電子郵件中。無論是所謂的與比利有過聯繫者想要與比利交談,並認為他們有權與他親自交談,還是一些宗教信徒明顯會“情緒低落”,那是當我們告訴他們上帝只是一個虛構的人物,並不存在,而是他們用自己的思想決定自己的命運,沒有“全能的上帝” 能夠將一切變好時,他們在一瞬間就完全驚呆了。在這個過程中,核心小組成員學到了很多關於人和人的思維方式的知識,甚至發生了這樣的事情:例如,一個名叫笹川的日本億萬富翁想用一大筆錢賄賂比利,以獲得某些好處。當比利告訴他,他不可能被收買時,這個人立即召集了他的隨從人員,所有人迅速坐上他們的昂貴黑色轎車,在引擎的轟鳴聲中從中心場地消失了,從此就再也沒有出現過。這當然不是唯一的一次,但可能是最明目張膽的一次,因為其他人也要求比利帶他們去見他所接觸的人,或者糾纏著他,拜託他為他們說情,因為他們想與Plejaren一起,來一趟“太空之旅”。
Again and again, Billy's words and his explanations of the doctrine of creation are confirmed, which say that human beings bring everything and also the smallest and seemingly most unimportant things into being themselves with their thoughts and also produce the consequences of their thinking themselves.
It happens that human beings, when they concentrate very intensively and unconsciously on a subject, can produce a vision from which they are then able to extract certain details. Unfortunately, they then imagine certain accompanying circumstances that have not the least to do with the actual possibilities and truth and are nothing more than fantasies and imaginings that come about due to ignorance or false ideas and exaggerated self-assessment as well as the absolute overestimation of one's own abilities.
The impression of being outside one's own body during a vision or in a meditative immersion always and without exception arises from an imagination that comes about through a false perception, because the human being in question is unconsciously and uncontrollably in a meditative immersion and cannot (yet) control it. If the consciousness were actually outside the body or able to go outside the body, then the body would instantly fall prey to death because its creation energy form could no longer animate it the moment it was removed from the body. The body and the creation energy form of the human being are inseparably connected with each other as long as the human being lives – whereby the real revival resp. the entry of the creation life energy into the new human body takes place on the 21st day after conception.
Alleged extrasensory phenomena, such as e.g. alleged teleportation or telekinesis, door opening noises and even the feeling that someone else is in the house, states of very strong fear because someone else seems to be in the room but cannot be seen, seem to be as real as it can be, but cannot be controlled and are purely imaginary, They are nothing more than self-productions that manifest themselves through unconscious self-influence and take over the control of one's own reality in order to make illusory visions, desires and goals 'come true'. These can even appear effectively as sound events or voices and noises and can even appear as tangibly active, such as rumbling noises, movements, moving of chairs, shifting of objects, etc., whereby these phenomena, becoming visible, can also be photographed, such as 'orbs' resp. certain earth gases. Perceptions of this kind are not real, but are impressions that can arise and manifest during sleep or wakefulness through unconscious thoughts, hopes and desires, which only come about through uncontrolled and thus unconscious thinking and inaccurate perception, or, according to Billy, are delusions and obsessions that are forced or produced through non-reality-related and imaginary thinking.
所謂超自然現象(extrasensory phenomena),例如所謂的瞬間移動(teleportation)或念力(telekinesis),門的開合聲,甚至感覺屋子裡有別人,因為房間裡似乎有別人卻看不見而產生強烈的恐懼感,這些現象看似真實,卻無法控制,純屬想像。這些現象甚至可以有效地表現為聲音事件或聲音和噪音,甚至可以表現為有形的活動,如隆隆聲、運動、椅子移動、物體移動等,這些現象變得可見,還可以被拍攝下來,如“光球”(orbs)和某些地球氣體。這類感知並不真實,而是在睡眠或清醒時通過無意識的想法、希望和願望產生和表現出來的印象,只是由於無法控制的、因此無意識的思維和不準確的感知而產生,或者根據比利的說法,這是妄想和強迫觀念,是由於不符合現實的想像思維而被迫產生的。
Some human beings get carried away with the assumption that they have a kind of 'talent' for visions and then begin to interpret any impressions as such, completely losing the ground under their feet and surrendering to such chimeras completely uncontrollably. Without thinking, they take sensory illusions, mirages, imaginings and fantasies at face value and still consider themselves great and capable, because they simply believe that what supposedly 'reveals itself' to them arises from their imagined 'higher abilities' and should be taken seriously. Unfortunately, instead of reflecting on reality and questioning their delusionally produced 'abilities' and judging everything in the light of reason, they then begin to consciously-unconsciously bring about such deceptions and try at all costs to discover a deeper meaning in them or to give these imaginings a deeper meaning. They begin to play negligently, irrationally, consciously-unconsciously and carelessly with the health of their consciousness forces by trying with all their might to extract information and impulses from their unconscious and subconscious and to influence their work because they are under the illusion that they can influence these levels with their – usually exceedingly modest or even non-existent – logic or that they have to bring them onto the 'correct path'.
In such cases, too, they are by no means real visions, but unconsciously induced imaginings, illusions, fantasies or uncontrolled sleeping or waking dreams that come about because of real imaginings, or impulses from processing procedures. As a rule, however, they are nothing other than delusions and obsessions. Colour impressions can also play an important role and completely confuse perception.
According to Billy, real visions are extremely rare and hardly ever occur. Everything else, as already explained, are dreams, imaginings, illusions, fantasies, delusions or compulsions, which occur due to wrong, not reality-related thinking and through unconsciously guided thoughts and which can also be caused in the waking state, when the human being consciously compulsively thinks in such directions and then unconsciously produces such impressions. In other words, they are nothing more than non-reality-based phantasties.
… … …
You have read through everything? – And?
It is all correct, as Bernadette has written it. I do not think I need to say more. But I do want to say something about this question that was put to me and which I think it is important that I answer in this way, in conversation with you, as I told the woman when she telephoned me. In this way, I think my answer can also be informative for many other human beings. Besides, I think you can also add a word.
If that should be necessary, then I will comment.
Good, there is a question whether animals also have a memory similar to human beings, and I also have the following to say about this, which I have not only learned from Sfath, but have also experienced and experienced myself during my life. I have clearly and unambiguously ascertained, experienced and learned that not only animals of all genera and species have an excellent and profound memory, but also plants, all animals and other life-forms. Of course, I could not determine this with the many millions of genera and species, but with the help of Sfath I experienced that not only animals have different forms of memory according to their genus or species, but also all animals, all plants and all other life-forms, down to the tiniest microbes. The animal forms – which only include the mammals – have a form of memory that is connected with an actual and certain partly conscious form of thinking and thus also with a form of feeling, but also with an instinctive consciousness, as it is similarly with human beings, consequently also a good partly conscious judging and likewise a partly conscious learning is given and thus also a faculty of memory. In animals, on the other hand, everything is largely based on instinct, and consequently the memory also functions in this wise and is oriented according to species and kind, so that here too there is a diversity which we human beings cannot survey. The same applies to all other life-forms, which for the most part only live and react impulsively, such as living beings, which basically belong to the realm of plants of all genera and species as well as insects, worms, caterpillars, maggots and down to the microbes.
很好,這個問題是:動物是否也有類似人類的記憶力。對此我也有以下看法,這不僅是我從Sfath那裡學到的,也是我在生活中親身經歷和體驗到的。我非常明確發現、體驗和瞭解到,不僅各種各樣的動物,而且植物、所有的生物和其他的生命形式都有卓越而深刻的記憶。當然,我無法通過數以百萬計的不同種類生物來確定這一點,但在Sfath的幫助下,我體驗到,不僅動物不同種類的生物。動物 —— 只包括哺乳動物 —— 具有與實際和某種程度的半自覺思維形式以及某種形式的情感相關的記憶形式,同時也與一種本能意識相關,類似於人類,因此還存在一種相當自覺的判斷和半自覺的學習以及因此具有一種記憶能力。然而,在其他動物身上,一切主要都基於本能,因此在這種方式中記憶工作,具體取決於種類和類型,因此也在這裡存在一種多樣性,這是我們人類無法理解的。同樣的情況也適用於其他所有生命形式,這些生命形式主要以脈衝方式生活和反應,例如基本上屬於各種各樣植物以及昆蟲、蠕蟲、毛蟲、蛆蟲甚至微生物。
What is also to be said concerns the human being's memory, which has nothing to do with the fact that all knowledge is stored in the creation-life energy block, for the purely material functions of the brain are designed to store the life memory factors and as a whole form the memory of the living body resp. of the whole organism, as well as the high and low values of character, behaviour, ethics and morals etc.. These values, which are formed through education and self-education and thus through learning, and which are stored in the material brain as values as well as unvalues, determine the earthly being of the human being, thus the wise of his behaviour and his bodily memory. This is separated from the creation life energy, which stores in itself the learned real and true knowledge and inexorably expands it when it works through occupation in the form of consciousness in a next personality. What is thereby stored in the creation-life-energy itself corresponds to a creation-energy memory which exclusively stores only the evolutionary values, consequently the new personality is not burdened by its consciousness in any negative form and can develop further according to the given state of the given knowledge of consciousness. What is decisive, however, with regard to further evolution is the measure and the kind of education and the absolutely indispensable self-education. That is actually what I want to explain.
值得補充的是,這涉及到人類的記憶,與「造物生命能量領域」(creation-life energy block)中存儲的所有知識無關,因為大腦的純物質功能目的在儲存生命記憶因數,並作為一個整體形成生命體的記憶,以及性格、行為、倫理和道德等方面的高低價值。這些價值觀是通過教育和自我教育以及學習形成的,它們作為價值觀和非價值觀儲存在物質大腦中,決定著人在地球上的本質,因此也影響了他的行為和身體記憶方式。這與造物生命的能量是分開的,造物生命的能量本身儲存著所學到的真正的知識,當它在下一個人格中以意識的形式發揮作用時,就會不可阻擋地擴展這些知識。因此,新的人格不會受到任何負面意識的影響,可以根據既定的意識知識狀態進一步發展。然而,對進一步的進化,至關重要的是教育和絕對不可或缺的自我教育的程度和方式。這就是我要解釋的內容。
Your detailed answer actually concerns a very important factor of the creation energy theory.
That is so, and it is, after all, my task to teach this to the human beings of the Earth.
Of course, but now I have something else to discuss with you, which, however, must remain between us.
Then so be it. – What does it concern?
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