

Contact Report 191第191次接觸報告



最初英譯:20091024日,星期六,Benjamin Stevens

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20240120日,星期六,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu


這次接觸會面, Semjase 1981 3 26 的第 144 次接觸之後,相隔近三年之後,再次也是最後一次的正式會面之前主要是因為任務的不得已,而之後則是因為健康因素的遺憾。這次談話的重點摘要如下:

一、談到比利在 1982 11 月發生了一次嚴重的摔跤事故,而比利卻能奇蹟式地自行掙扎起身前行,並在幾個月後逐漸大致康復。但在此期間還是不能正常接收與寫出數十次的接觸報告,並且總共累積了一百多篇沒有完成。

二、談到OM一書中,描述了地球上開始出現了一段邪惡的起源,書中談到來自 LYRA 星系中的 Semjasa 和他的追隨者在地球人類中製造了災難。還敘述了Semjasa 和另一位領導者 Asasel 互相摧毀,他們引發了地球上的前兩次核戰爭相互消滅了自己和他們的人民


四、在報告的最後,附錄了一篇由 Florena 2004 1 22 日提出的《關於 Semjase 的資料》;在資料中簡要說明了 Semjase 參與 Plejarens 在地球上任務的緣起與經過,值得參考。


This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Really, it gives me great pleasure to see you once again. Be welcome in my humble abode.



1. Be greeted, dear friend.


2. I am also delighted to see you again.


3. It has been so long since the last time we talked with one another.


4. But today, I did not want to neglect to visit you briefly, as we have always done on this day.


5. It is just that today, unfortunately, you are clouded in your joy because your youngest brother has now been buried.



That’s true, unfortunately. But on the other hand, this fatal accident may also have its good side, when I consider that my brother only had terrible pain and that it would have been much worse for him if his parents had died before him, which will now also soon be the case. But you know, on the other hand, the anniversaries of my birthday have been unpleasant from the beginning because all too often at this time, or a few days before or after, things have happened that were very sad or otherwise malicious or harmful. Furthermore, I also had an appropriate dream about ten days ago, and although initially, it was a little unclear to me, I still became aware early enough of what I should expect to hear when I went to the telephone in order to receive the message of the death of my brother.



6. Sure, but I find the kind and wise to be very awful as to how your brother was separated from life.



That is also what burdens and occupies me, and I wonder why such young fellows are allowed to drive a car when they race as vicious thugs and killers over the streets.



7. You think like we do because we also cannot understand these things.



It is not to be understood, but we should not continue to talk about it because everything is now an established fact, which can no longer be changed.



8. Sure, I still have a question for you, which is how do you feel?


9. Through Quetzal and Taljda, I know of your accident, which took place in November of 1982.

Quetzal Taljda 那裡,我知道你在 1982 11 月發生了一次事故

10. But how you made it, that you woke up again after that nasty fall, got up, and continued on, it speaks against all logic after our discretion.


11. Quetzal also explained to me that you suffered various mutilations in the cerebellum and in the inner lobes and also the consequent pains and other ills.

Quetzal 還告訴我,你的小腦和腦葉內部(inner lobes)都受了不同程度的損傷,並由此引起了各種疼痛和其他不適。


Yes, that is true, and how I managed to wake up and get up again, I do not know. I am only aware of the fact that I was half unconscious for more than one and a half months at the beginning and was tossed about by dizzy spells and long-term vertigo, like a ship in a wind force of twelve. Also, my memory and all my concentration were gone, so I had to try very damn hard during all the time since then to rebuild everything that is of importance. Two or three months ago, I even discovered that I can now keep my wrecked brain on track and can educate it as I rage war with a computer in a game of chess. At first, only the computer arose as victor from every match, but now, I have progressed so far that the computer loses practically every game.



12. As usual, you simply will not let yourself go, but rather strive with all of your available strength.


13. That may also be the reason why you are still alive after your fall.



It may be, but something else probably came into play, like what we call here on Earth luck or good fortune.



14. A little of that would have been present here, but now listen: starting from today, it should be that you write the reports of our conversations again, when we transmit them to you.


15. Are you in a position to do so?



It should be possible, but concerning this, I am also happy when we have something in writing again. There have been so many conversations in the meantime, but almost no word has been written of these.



16. Sure, unfortunately, that is true, for as I was guided by Quetzal, there have been 34 contacts that were not written down and this only since the middle of the year 1983.

的確,這很遺憾,因為根據 Quetzal 的通報,已經發生了 34 次接觸,其中沒有任何書面記錄,而這只是從 1983 年年中開始算的。

17. In addition, there were 116 other contacts since our first meeting, which were also not held in writing.

此外,自我們第一次會面以來,還有 116 次其他接觸,同樣也沒有書面記錄。


A right amount.



18. Sure, but now to something else:


19. Your work with the OM writing is going very well and of course, as usual, faster than we had planned, in reference to the monthly amount of work.


[中譯者註:OM(梵語中的 AUM)是一個古老的詞,源自古老的 Lyrian 語,在地球上早已失傳。古代的 Lyrian 人提到他們關於真理的著作《真理之書》(the BOOK OF TRUTH)也被稱為 OMOMFALONMURADO、生命之肚臍(LIFE'S NAVEL NAVEL OF LIFE)。這篇題為OM的書包含了所有「造物的教導」(Creational teachings),也就是說,這本書把智慧和生命的所有教導都作成了書面記錄。(資料節錄自:Future Of Mankind)]



20. You should work a little more slowly because the strains are yet very large.


21. But my father and we are all very satisfied with everything relating to this, and I especially have to express to you the thanks of my father and his hope that every single one of the group members will do the work entrusted to them to the full extent and to the satisfaction of all.


22. What is addressed by this is that work which is necessary for the interpretations of every single group member and which is to be equally fulfilled by them.


23. These interpretations must be made verse for verse and be rewritten in the now customary and understandable German language, so that never again can falsifications and variations come into being.


24. But this can actually only be prevented by such interpretations, which should not be understood, however, by those who, so far, have not yet understood the full significance of our mission, thus also not the value of the mission.


25. In our opinion, such might no longer be the case among the group members, nevertheless, because so much has happened that every individual must have become perfectly clear about everything.



I hope that everything will work out and that no more exceptions will appear.



26. We may certainly expect that after all these years and after everything.


27. Failures and offences would actually only amount to treason, no matter what kind they would be.


28. And now, in reference to exceptions, you must also finally ensure that no more are made, for now the time begins when any exception has the most serious consequences, which can even cause the destruction of the entire mission.


29. From now on, all tasks and works must be fulfilled according to the best ability and capacity; also, the times of the night watches and other types of services must be started and be finished on time, thus also the times and frequencies of the initiation and the meditation.


30. Through the High Council, we have gotten to know and have received the advice to inform you that in the future, all core group members, starting from the month of April of this year, have to appear in the Center, namely for two Saturdays and two Sundays apiece.


31. This becomes necessary because attempts in a meditative form by the entire group strength must be made to change some very dangerous un-values in the earthly international situation, otherwise, dangerous changes will occur, which will lead to greater destruction than what the Earth and the Earth-humans would be able to bear.


32. Furthermore, you must start calling in your circle of friends, so that as many people as possible participate in this undertaking, but in their own places of residence, for each strength is of utmost necessity.


33. I will give you more exact details in this connection in the near future.


34. In addition, the whole thing is also necessary for the group members because already for about two years, forces became effective in some group members, through which they remove themselves from the mission, but these are associated with the same forces that all of you must be concerned with on a grand scale, and you are also necessary for this.


35. One of our recent analyses has also confirmed to us the fact that some group members remove themselves more and more from the mission because through attitude changes that are incomprehensible to us, they are suddenly no longer able to recognise the responsibility that they must bear, so they also do not see the truth of the mission any more.



But that was already so since time immemorial, that such phases appeared over and over again.



36. Sure, but the success of this has always been that all fallible ones and countless innocent people had to pay for this and were murdered in the most varied ways.


37. But the members of the current core group should now be beyond this and should know their responsibility, and it should otherwise be clear to all of them that for a long time, they make themselves indebted to everyone who is grieved due to their failure or their breach of duty.


38. All of them have received the same obligation with their consent and can no longer set this aside, even if they first received this obligation in this life and not already in the life before, as this is the case with several of them.


39. But if imponderable faults appear, then it will be very bad for the fallible ones, whereby this is entirely foreseen in the process that results in treason, as it will be the case with Thomas.



I may not actually grant it to him.



40. He has to attribute the consequences to himself, and these already begin for him.


41. Unfortunately, he himself is not yet aware of the horror of all things, but this might be the reason why he only once had very loose contact with the group members in a past life and also why, at the present time, he could not create a real connection or bond.



That is well-known to me, but concerning the current mission, the group only had its beginning around two thousand years ago, even though everyone actually belonged to the same clique originally. But all of today’s Earth-humans, who were previously involved in the machinations of primeval times, are culpable for all evil.



42. Sure, but just because of this, all Earth-humans should concern themselves more over the fact that they fulfil their duties in full and that at other times, they do not cause the same or similar disasters by the fact that they breach their duties.



They just do not know that.



43. You have given no clarification about this?



No, for I thought it was better like this. On the other hand, how should I enlighten all Earth-humans?



44. Maybe it was actually so, but now, everything comes to language for those across the Earth in the OM writing, so you should create awareness.



Actually, you could do that, for then, they can read about everything in the contact report. Also, it would be easier for you than for me, with my head.



45. Sure, I can do this favour for you, thus, I direct my words to all Earth-humans in this way:


46. The origin of the beginning of sorrow and all evils on the Earth is described in the OM writing by the prophet Henoch, in which he speaks of Semjasa and his followers who, at that time, went with him among the Earth-humans and caused disaster.

先知 Henoch OM一書中描述了地球上開始出現悲傷和一切邪惡的起源,他在書中談到 Semjasa 和他的追隨者,這些人當時和他一起在地球人類中製造了災難

47. Semjasa and some others originated from a planet in the LYRA system, but others were natives of other worlds that are listed as NAKAR planets in the old registers and which belonged to a remote system with the name USOL and which were completely destroyed by acts of war shortly after the flight away.

Semjasa 和其他一些人來自 LYRA 星系中的一顆行星,但其他人是其他世界的原住民,這些世界在古老的記錄中被列為 NANAR 行星,屬於一個名為 USOL 的遙遠星系,那裡在他們逃亡後不久就被戰爭徹底摧毀了。

48. The planet in the LYRA system was named NAGAL, and the other worlds: DEJMA, SENAS and TRJBOL.


49. Semjasa was the supreme leader of all, and Asasel was first secretly and then openly his adversary.

Semjasa 是所有人的最高領袖Asasel 一開始是暗地裡反對他,後來則是公開與他為敵

50. Through the incidents, as they are described in the Book of Henoch, they brought all evils to the Earth in their beginning, whereby the first two nuclear wars were released on Earth, as Semjasa and Asasel mutually annihilated themselves and their people.

這些事件如《Henoch 之書》所述,由於 Semjasa Asasel 互相摧毀,他們將所有不幸帶到了地球上,引發了地球上的前兩次核戰爭Semjasa Asasel 相互消滅了自己和他們的人民

51. After their rebirth, they were taken away by their former brothers and sisters on Earth, so in the course of time, they converted to the truth again and committed themselves to work on the Earth in the future, according to the strictest performance of duty, for so long until all damage and all errors were removed again, which they had caused in their incomprehensibility at the beginning of their time on Earth.


52. Throughout many lives, they slowly prepared for this task, which they then took over for the first time approximately fourteen thousand years ago, so at least some of them, while the rest of them were not yet ready.


53. But in order to be able to change everything, it was also necessary that everyone would change themselves into the thinking of the Earth-humans and, thus, forget their entire past, which has fully happened in the meantime.


54. A memory of this would not have been useful because as a result of any knowledge of the spectacular past, one might be inclined to take measures that would provoke renewed catastrophes.


55. Therefore, the advantage of the memory that they all possessed slowly had to sink into ignorance.


56. Many of today's Earth-humans, in the early days of the beginning of evils on the Earth, belonged to the group of Semjasa, who was their supreme leader, as was already explained.

今天地球上的許多人,在地球上的邪惡萌芽之初,是屬於 Semjasa 集團,正如已經解釋過的,他是他們的最高領導人。

57. The fact of today’s group members and of those who were culpable at that time, in reference to the same spirit-form, is:


58. 1)A s a s e l(= The Obstinate)

1) Asasel= 固執己見者)     

59. 2)B a t r a a l a(= She who loves the Muses)

2) Batraala= 熱愛繆斯女神者)

60. 3)T e m e l a(= Guardian of Honour)

3) Temela= 榮譽的守護者)

61. 4)S e m j a s a(= The Demigod)

4) Semjasa= 半神)

62. 5)B a r a k a l a(= One who Looses Shyness)

5) Barakala= 無懼者)

63. 6)S a t a n a(= The Lovely)

6) Satana= 可愛的人)

64. 7)A s a e l a(= The Pliant)

7) Asaela= 順從者)

65. 8)A r m e r a(= The Cozy)

8) Armera= 溫馨者)

66. 9)U r a k i b a r a m e e l(= The Strong Leader)

9) Urakibarameel= 強大的領袖)

67. 10)R a m u e l a(= One who is not Self-adorning)

10) Ramuela= 不推辭者)

68. 11)L u n e e r a(= One who Shines in the Light)

11) Luneera= 在光明中閃耀的人)

69. 12)A r j j s a(= The Builder)

12) Arjjsa= 建設者)

70. 13)Tu r e l a n(= The Miraculous)

13) Turelan= 奇蹟者)

71. 14)Ta m i e l a(= The Exalted)

14) Tamiela= 敬畏者)

72. 15)A r a z j a l(= The Lovingly Gentle)

15) Arazjal= 充滿愛心者)

73. 16)U r a l a n(= One like a Suit of Armour)

16) Uralan= 堅定者)

74. 17)L a r j j s a(= One who Looks after the Stars)

17) Larjjsa= 凝視星空者)

75. 18)J o m a e l(= The Flower-lover)

18) Jomael= 喜愛花卉者)

76. 19)U b r a l a(= The Carefree)

19) Ubrala= 無憂者)

77. 20)S a m s a f e l(= The Loyal Companion)

20) Samsafel= 忠誠的夥伴)


Thanks, it was easier like that. But it is still to be said now that in this life, some of our group members belong to the group for the first time, but in former times, others were already here, in firmer or very loose forms, as other personalities.



78. That is correct, and it should also be taken into account that there are others living on the Earth at this time who belong to this original group, but who have departed from your group or have not yet joined you.


79. In addition, this is the first time since the beginning of the great evil that in the present life until now, still no member has degenerated or received harm in such a manner that one has met a forcible death or has loaded death-guilt upon himself, which can still happen, however, with one or others who are already strangers to today's group again.



That, then, is not our thing, and we can really do nothing about it.



80. That meets the facts, but now, I do not want to trouble you any longer because for the first time, I do not want to overload you already.


81. So I just want to give you and the group members all the dear greetings that were laid upon me by my father, by Pleija, my sister, but also from the entire spirit leadership of Erra, then also from Taljda and Quetzal, who are currently on Erra, and from all others.

因此,我只想向你和小組成員致以我的父親、我的妹妹 Pleija 以及 Erra 星上的全部靈性領導,以及目前在 Erra 星上的 Taljda Quetzal 以及所有其他成員所給予的誠摯問候。

82. Everyone gives you their feelings of love and hope that no more grievances will cloud our two-sided relationship.



Many dear thanks are also returned.



83. Then until we meet again, and see you soon.



Take care, girl. Bye.


Data about Semjase

關於 Semjase 的資料:

With the date of the 28th of January 1986, the planned 11-year period for the ongoing contacts with Semjase had expired. But this only means that no other contact reports between Billy and Semjase will be published for the group and for the general public and that no other questions can be placed by these to the Plejaren, etc., while the contacts between the Plejaren and Billy would continue to exist, nevertheless, and it was not planned to conclude these. Thus, many more contacts between Billy and Ptaah, Quetzal, Taljda, Menara as well as Pleija, etc. have taken place since then, but the contact reports have not been officially published up to the new millennium.

1986 1 28 日,比利與 Semjase 規劃接觸的 11 年期限已到。然而,這只意味著比利與 Semjase 之間的接觸報告將不再向小組和公眾發表,也不能再向 Plejarens 提出問題等,而 Plejarens 與比利之間的接觸仍在繼續,也沒有計劃結束接觸。從那時起,比利與 PtaahQuetzalTaljdaMenara Pleija 等人之間有了更多的接觸,儘管接觸報告直到公元兩千年才正式公佈。

Semjase spent the time from February of 1965 to June of 1973 with Asket’s people in the DAL Universe, without any contact with our universe. After her return to Erra from the DAL Universe in June of 1973, she came to the Earth in July of 1973 and resumed her task, which she had already taken up here earlier.

Semjase 1965 2 月到 1973 6 月與在 DAL 宇宙中與 Asket 的人在一起,沒有和我們宇宙有任何接觸。1973 6 月,她從 DAL 宇宙返回 Erra 星後,於 1973 7 月來到地球,並恢復了她早些時候已經在這裡承擔的任務。

After that, the first contact with Billy took place on the 28th of January, 1975.

之後,與比利的第一次接觸發生在 1975 1 28 日。

Out of all earthly languages, Semjase only mastered the German language and also learned no others during her stay on Earth up to November of 1984.

在所有地球上的語言中,Semjase 只掌握了德語,在 1984 11 月之前,她在地球上逗留期間也沒有學過其他語言。

Her field of work was restricted to the European territory, and she had no authority to interfere with any concerns or to take up contacts in the areas of the two other existing Plejaren groups working on the Earth, so in Asia and America.

她的工作領域僅限於歐洲領土,她無權干涉在地球上工作的另外兩個 Plejarens 組織(位於亞洲和美洲)的任何事務,也無權與他們接觸。

On the 15th of December 1977, Semjase had a life-threatening accident at the Centre, after which she was taken to Erra for medical treatment and for recovery and then came back to the Earth again on the 20th of May 1978 in the 107th Contact. She had ongoing contacts with Billy until the 144th Contact on the 26th of March 1981.

1977 12 15 日,Semjase 在中心發生了一起危及生命的事故,隨後她被緊急送往 Erra 星等地接受治療後,逐漸恢復了健康,然後於 1978 5 20 日在第 107 次接觸時再次返回地球。直到 1981 3 26 日的第 144 次接觸,她與比利一直保持接觸。

From the end of March of 1981, Semjase was absent from the Earth until January of 1984 as a result of other tasks.

1981 3 月底開始,Semjase 因其他任務離開了地球,直到 1984 1 月。

3rd February 1984, 191st Contact: Last contact of Semjase with Billy.

1984 2 3 的第 191 次接觸(也就是本次接觸), Semjase 與比利的最後一次接觸

中譯者註:不過後來 2004 年的 2 3 (也就是比利 67 歲生日當天的第 352 次接觸),Ptaah為了給比利帶來驚喜,無預告的帶著 Semjase 連同 Asket 一起來看望他。]

In early November of 1984, Semjase suffered a brain collapse as an after-effect of the accident on the 15th of December 1977. She was immediately taken to Asket’s people in the DAL Universe, where she became healthy again through the assistance of her and her friends (Sona/Sonaer).

1984 11 月初,Semjase 1977 12 15 日事故的後遺症而出現腦部衰竭而崩潰的現象她隨即被送往 DAL 宇宙中的 Asket 那裡,在她和她的朋友(Sona/Sonaer)的協助下,她再度逐漸恢復了健康。

The complete regeneration of the brain and all consciousness powers, abilities, and memories, etc., which were lost as a result of the collapse, will likely take up a period of 70 years, as Ptaah explained, and during that time, Semjase remains in the DAL Universe.

正如 Ptaah 所解釋的那樣,Semjase 的大腦因崩潰而失去的所有意識、能力和記憶等,要完全再生很可能需要 70 年的時間,而這段時間,她將仍然要繼續留在 DAL 宇宙中

According to the Contact Report of the 30th of March 1984, the core group of 49 performs the peace meditation in the Semjase Silver Star Center. Meanwhile, also other FIGU groups abroad, as well as many friends of FIGU all over the world and 500 million people of the Plejarens, participate in the peace meditation on every 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month at 18:30 hrs CET and 20:00 hrs CET (standard time) and on each following Sunday at 20:00 hrs CET (standard time), in order to acquire peace on Earth.

根據 1984 3 20 日的《第 192 次接觸報告》,49 人的核心小組在 SSSCSemjase 銀星中心)進行了和平冥想。目前,國外的其他 FIGU 小組以及全球許多 FIGU 朋友以及 Plejaren 的五億人口,每月的第一個和第三個星期六,歐洲中部時間 18:30 20:00(標準時間),以及隨後的星期日 20:00(標準時間),都參與了為實現地球和平而進行的和平冥想。

Out of all 3 Plejaren groups (Europe, Asia, America) on Earth, only one person was named Semjase, namely the Semjase of the European group, who took up contact with Billy. Apart from Billy, she never had contacts with other Earth-humans on all continents (except a chance encounter in the Persian desert in the vicinity of Zahedan with a young German woman named Elsa Schröder, which only lasted for a few minutes), and this will remain so in the future.

在地球上所有三個 Plejaren 組織(歐洲、亞洲、美洲)中,只有一位名叫 Semjase,那就是與比利接觸屬於歐洲組織的 Semjase。除了比利,她從未與各大洲的其他地球人有過接觸(除了在伊朗扎黑丹附近的沙漠中,與一位名叫 Elsa Schröder 的德國年輕婦女,曾有過只持續了幾分鐘的偶遇),這種情況在未來仍將如此。

Presented by Florena on 22nd January 2004

Florena 2004 1 22 日說明




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