

Contact Report 830第830次接觸報告



最初英譯:20230110日,星期DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:20230114日,星期六,DeepL Translator, James Hsu




二、但從根本上說,挑起戰爭的通常不是人民,而是政府中掌握軍隊的一個或幾個人,然後他們被要求拿起武器對付所謂的敵人 —— 通常對不服從的人給予嚴厲的懲罰 —— 實際上,這些人並不是有關人民的真正敵人,而是締約國中掌權者的敵人






This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Greetings and welcome, Ptaah, dear friend.



1. You too, Eduard, be thanked for your welcome, as also be greeted, dear friend.



Right at the beginning of our conversation I want to mention that the contact reports are corrected first by Bernadette, then by Christian and Daniela.


This is because I was asked afterwards why the contact reports are only published a week or even later after the conversation.


It is to be said that on the one hand I cannot call up and also write down what was said immediately after the conversation, but sometimes only 2 or 3 days later, because I have other work to do than just calling up and writing down the conversation reports.


But once I have done that, the correction work is done by Bernadette and the further corrections are made by Christian and Daniela, before the contact report can be released onto the internet and to the interested parties 10 or 15 days after the conversation – depending on the situation.

但是,一旦我完成了這些工作,修正工作就由Bernadette完成,進一步的校正工作由ChristianDaniela完成,然後接觸報告就可以在互聯網上發佈,並在談話後10天或15天向有關各方發佈 —— 這取決於個別情況。

Depending on the length of the conversation and therefore the number of A4 pages it takes, it can take longer or shorter.


In addition, everything is even more difficult because my work is constantly being interfered with by those energies and forces that are so vehemently at work that I cannot write a single sentence without wrong letters, signs and numbers creeping into various words, so that I have to correct almost every written word and 'free' it from wrong letters, numbers and signs.


This is not a joke, but meant seriously and corresponds to the facts, which can also be witnessed by those persons who can also observe this.



2. Unfortunately, this is not to be changed, as I know, because still the little ones, as you call them, have not found a solution to counter the attacks against you and the interference with your work.


3. It would take a very long time to effectively oppose these energies with their powers, for it was something that was completely unknown to them and had only been recognised through laborious research.


4. The fact that you can still work, also with great difficulties, is only because they were able to construct – you probably call it an energy protection screen – through which you are somewhat protected in a certain wise from general energy influences.

你還能工作,也有很大的困難,只是因為他們能夠構建 —— 你們可能稱之為能量保護屏 —— 通過它,你在一定程度上受到一般能量影響的保護。

5. However, this is only generally directed at very little, consequently the majority of the energy influences remain, consequently, somewhat weakened, nevertheless everything remains and influences your work heavily.


6. But the important thing is that you can work and say and explain all that is necessary for Earth-humans to learn from it.


7. And they need this more than ever before, which is why from now on you will have to say and explain much more and in a much more definite manner than before.


8. Your new book will contribute something to this, but it will not be enough, so that after your departure it will be the task of the members of FIGU to continue the mission, within the framework that you have done so far, and without one member elevating himself/herself above the other and wanting to rule and direct, because that would inevitably be the downfall of the FIGU association.


9. There must be order all round, but it must never be the case that one person elevates himself/herself above others, directs others and sets a 'must' that something should be done.


10. It should always remain a 'request' and a 'should', but never a command that something should be done.


11. However, if there is a person who does not understand this or wants to change it, then he/she is to be reprimanded or excluded from direct membership, because otherwise FIGU could not exist and operate in the manner that is required.


12. And this also applies externally with regard to the required openness, which means that all that is required to be said, disclosed and explained is said and explained.


13. In all cases, however, it is to be stated in a neutral manner, but never in a commanding tone, for this would inevitably immediately evoke negation.



There I have to ask you, however, if I may once openly say what really is with America and their NATO as well as with Selensky and the Ukraine as well as with Russia?


I think that it should not be concealed what various governments are really hiding from the public, lying to them in an incendiary manner and deceiving them and even falsifying conference treaties in order to be 'right' later when they do the opposite of what was verbally agreed upon.


And the fact that hatred and racism against Russia and the Russians is rampant must also be spoken about.


In the written media as well as on television, there is only one-sided reporting of the war events in Ukraine, and usually only in favour of Ukraine and the lying actor Selensky, who is tremendously bellicose and is in America's service and can give free rein to his racism and hatred against Russia and the Russians without the human beings recognising the dirty game he is playing for the hegemony of America.


But referring to the general Russophobia of many human beings, the following is to be said for once:


With the earthly humanity, a true Russophobia is an anti-Russianism based on a negative attitude towards Russia and Russian culture.


All this is based on xenophobia, which results from fear and is actually called xenophobia resp. fear of foreigners in Greek.


Hardly any of the human beings who suffer from this Russian phobia, if I may say so, know why it exists at all, not even those who sit in government offices and spread their fear and the resulting hatred and criticise Russia and its people in every conceivable manner.


But I would like to say what the real origin is, namely once again religion and thus the delusion of a 'dear God' – how could it be otherwise – in the form of the polytheism 'Trinity', which is presented to the stupid believers by the religious powers as 'monotheism'.

但我想說的是,真正的起源是什麼,那就是再一次是宗教,因此是“親愛的上帝”的錯覺 —— 怎麼可能不是這樣 —— 以多神教“三位一體”的形式,被宗教勢力作為“一神教” 呈現給愚蠢的信徒們。

This, although it is really about a polytheism in the form of 'Father, Son, Holy Spirit', which the idiots in chief illogically want to have declared as a unity.


This is in addition to the fact that – at least in Catholicism – Mary and dozens of 'saints' are still worshipped and adored resp. 'idolised'.


But in order to get to the bottom of the matter and thus to explain how xenophobia and the hatred of foreigners, hatred of Russians resp. anti-Russianism developed in the Middle Ages and in early modern times, whereby Russia and its peoples have been consciencelessly humiliated by these degenerations ever since, the following should be said and explained:


In truth, all the negative portrayals concerning Russia and the Russians are based on religious reasons – precisely; how could it be otherwise – which date back to the 13th century.

事實上,所有關於俄羅斯和俄羅斯人的負面描述都是基於宗教原因 —— 沒錯;怎麼可能是其他原因 —— 這可以追溯到13世紀。

In this respect, the context was that the 'Teutonic Order' and the 'Schismatimus' strictly practised in the East were at loggerheads.

在這方面,背景是「條頓騎士團Teutonic Order)和在東方嚴格實行的“分裂主義”(Schismatimus)處於對立狀態。

There was the Occidental Schism, as well as the so-called Great Schism resp. The Great Occidental Schism, and it was a temporary schism that took place within the Latin Church of the Catholic Church, with competing papal claims in Rome and Avignon from 1378 to 1417.

有「天主教會大分裂」(Occidental Schism),以及所謂的「大分裂」(Great Schism);也就是「東西教會大分裂」(The Great Occidental Schism),它是發生在天主教會的拉丁教會內的暫時性分裂,從1378年到1417年,羅馬和亞維農Avignon)的教皇主張相互競爭。

The word 'schism' is Greek – correctly 'schism' in origin – and means something like 'division' resp. 'separation', which today is actually understood to mean secession from an existing denomination.

「分裂」(schism)一詞是希臘語 —— 正確地說是“分裂”的起源 —— 意思是類似於“分裂”或“分離”,今天實際上被理解為從一個現有教派中分離出來。

So the German Order and Eastern schismatism at that time brought with them theological differences, as well as rebellion against certain authorities.

所以當時的德國教團(German Order)和東方分裂主義(Eastern schismatism)帶來了神學上的分歧,以及對某些當局的反叛。

The schism of the Church is presented with the term 'schism', and actually means a split of faith within an established religious denomination, and without the formation of a new theological view, which is also called heresy, a deviation from the official opinion of the Church, which is supposed to correspond to a 'damnable opinion', which is called with the word 'heresy'.


According to the religious struggle of the Teutonic Order against the 'schismatics' of the East, the Russians, who were devoted to schismaticism, were called infidels and thieves for allegedly plundering the lands of those Christians who held the faith of the Teutonic Order.

根據「條頓騎士團」(Teutonic Order)對東方“分裂主義者”的宗教鬥爭,致力於分裂主義的俄羅斯人被稱為異教徒和小偷,因為據說他們掠奪了那些持有條頓騎士團基督信徒的土地。

Then came the turning point around the 16th century when the Russian-Lithuanian War took place between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Grand Duchy of Moscow over the inheritance of Kievan Rus.

然後是16世紀左右出現的轉折,當時立陶宛大公國the Grand Duchy of Lithuania)和莫斯科大公國the Grand Duchy of Moscow)之間為爭奪基輔羅斯Kievan Rus)的繼承權發生了莫斯科-立陶宛戰爭Russian-Lithuanian War)。

The main issue was that the Rurikid princes of Moscow claimed to be able to rule over the whole of Rus, but this met with stiff resistance from the Polish-Lithuanian personal union.

主要問題是,莫斯科的留里克王子(Rurikid princes)聲稱能夠統治整個羅斯,但這遭到了波蘭-立陶宛個人聯盟的激烈抵抗。

It went so far that the king – his name was probably Sigismund, if I remember the name correctly – turned to the Pope and to the European rulers resp. rulers and claimed that the Muscovites were enemies of Christianity who wanted to destroy it, which is why they had conspired with the Tartars and the Turks.

事情發展到這一步,國王 —— 如果我沒記錯的話,他的名字可能是西吉斯蒙德Sigismund —— 轉向教皇和歐洲統治者,聲稱莫斯科人是基督教的敵人,想要摧毀基督教,這就是他們與韃靼人Tartars)和土耳其人合謀的原因。

Incidentally, I would also like to say that with the Livonian War, Europeans travelling to Russia reported of a great tyranny that the Russian Tsar 'Ivan the Strict' – which erroneously circulates in history under 'Ivan the Terrible' – exercised over his people, who had over 5,700 human beings executed during his 37-year murderous tyranny.

順便說一下,我還想說,隨著立窩尼亞戰爭Livonian War)的發生,前往俄羅斯的歐洲人報告說,俄羅斯沙皇“嚴酷的伊凡”(Ivan the Strict —— 在歷史上錯誤地以“恐怖伊凡”(Ivan the Terrible;也就是伊凡四世)的名義流傳 —— 對他的人民實行了嚴酷的暴政,在他37年的血腥暴政中,有超過五千七百人被處決。

As a result, the tsar's actions became widespread and the image of an extremely repressive Russian rule was created, which made Russia and its peoples even more infamous.


But the actual anti-Russian views only really emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries, in France, when in Europe the Enlightenment and recognition – despite all the negativities against Russia and its peoples – still had a good and positive relationship overall.

真正的反俄觀點只是在1819世紀的法國才真正出現,當時在歐洲,啟蒙運動和承認 —— 儘管對俄羅斯及其人民有種種否定,但總體上仍有一種良好的積極關係。

While some of the human beings of Europe still had a somewhat acceptable opinion of Russia, Napoléon Bonaparte stirred up the bad against the peoples of the Russians and called them barbarians.

當歐洲的一些人對俄羅斯仍有一些可接受的看法時拿破崙一世Napoléon Bonaparte卻挑起了對俄羅斯人民的惡感,稱他們是野蠻人。

He proclaimed that the Russians in general were not only backward, but also primitive, but that his ideas were liberal and revolutionary, which the Russians stood in the way of realising.


This probably also led to the fact that the French soldiers in the Russian campaign – which was probably in 1812 or so – showed a particular disrespect for the Russian people and their cultures as well as a hostility towards Russians that could not have been dirtier and more murderous.

這可能也導致了這樣一個事實,即大約在1812年左右的俄羅斯戰役(Russian campaign;又稱俄法戰爭)中,法國士兵表現出對俄羅斯人民及其文化的特別不尊重,以及對俄羅斯人的敵意,這種敵意是再骯髒、再兇殘不過的了。

The French troops knew neither decency, mercy nor respect and dignity, because they not only plundered monasteries and churches in all conquered areas, but they also completely robbed the citizens, raped women and girls - as is currently happening in the war in Ukraine because the Ukrainian military rapes women and girls and then murders them to keep them silent, only to blame it on the Russians, who are doing the same but are also supposed to be to blame for what the Ukrainian military are doing, and they are also causing destruction, which they then also pass on to the Russians – and incidentally they used the Russians’ houses as horse stables, military camps and whorehouses, resp. brothels.

法國軍隊既不懂體面、仁慈,也不懂尊重和尊嚴,因為他們不僅在所有被征服的地區掠奪修道院和教堂,而且還徹底搶劫公民,強姦婦女和女孩 —— 就像目前在烏克蘭戰爭中發生的那樣,烏克蘭軍隊強姦婦女和女孩,然後謀殺她們以保證她們的沉默,結果卻將責任歸咎於俄羅斯人,俄羅斯人也在做同樣的事情,他們也在造成破壞,但烏克蘭軍隊也應該為他們的行為負責,他們會將其責任推給俄羅斯人 —— 順便說一下,他們將俄羅斯人的房子用作馬廄、軍營和妓院。

Then it happened that Napoleon tried to blow up the towers in harassed Moscow, which had always been the landmark of the Kremlin.






However, after Napoléon's and thus the defeat of the French Napoléon army, the hostile attitude of France and its population towards Russia and the Russians grew, because the defeat of Napoléon and the French army bored into the brains of the French.


The latter were able to spread their hatred and racism towards Russia and the Russians very quickly throughout Europe, and it was adopted by countless Europeans and festered on and spread in such a manner that it had practically become the standard of very many Europeans, which still has an uninhibited effect today, and without the haters and racists knowing why they are actually doing it.



14. All that you have said and explained also corresponds to the truth, as I know.


15. But it will increase the dangerousness of the attacks against you and your life if you openly reproduce your words in the report of the conversation and do not replace them with dots.


16. You should remember that if your words and thus our conversation are to be published on the internet, if I understand correctly, then e…?

你應該記住,如果你說的話以及我們的談話要在互聯網上發表,如果我理解正確的話,那麼,你應該 ...


… yes, I am thinking of that, but what this Selensky and his military will get up to this week should be known by those governments supplying arms to this fake guy, as well as those from the populations friendly to this fake heinous twerp.

... 是的,我正在考慮這個問題,但這個澤連斯基和他的軍隊本週會做什麼,那些向這個虛偽傢伙提供武器的政府,以及那些對這個令人髮指的虛偽傢伙友善的民眾應該知道。

As I know from my recollection with Sfath, Putin will arrange from the Russian side to stop the war activities for about 24 hours when the time of Russian Orthodox Christmas comes, which will be next week.



He will arrange for this to actually take place, but Selensky will not abide by this, but through his military will break this fighting calm unilaterally arranged by Putin and launch attacks against the Russians, who will then logically defend themselves and so fighting will take place.


Selensky will call Putin's ceasefire announcement a lie, and in order to make this lie appear correct, he will order the Ukrainian military to launch attacks against the Russian forces, who will of course repel the attack and retaliate by force of arms.


This in turn will be used by Selensky to validate himself and his lies, which will be believed unthinkingly by Selensky-friends all over the world, and Russia will be made to look all the more like a pig, as the anti-Russia ones have done since time immemorial.



17. This should certainly be correct, but really fraught with great dangers, for the truth of political intrigue and deceit should never come out in the open among earthly leaders.



I know that, and they will certainly deny everything, besides the fact that I run the risk that now also in this respect the devil will be in the roof, as they say.


The truth is always countered and silenced, especially when someone dares to expose dirty political dealings that are kept secret from the public.


This is also why various human beings go crazy and turn into anarchists or assassins, just as religious backgrounds also play a part in this, as will be the case, for example, in about a week's time when Islamist fanatics – which, if I remember correctly – will attempt to launch a bio-toxic assassination in Europe on behalf of the Islam-fanatic Persian regime.

這也是為什麼許多人都瘋了,他們會變成無政府主義者或刺客的原因,就像宗教背景也在其中起作用一樣,例如,大約一週後,伊斯蘭教狂熱分子 —— 如果我沒記錯的話,將試圖代表伊斯蘭教狂熱分子波斯(Persian;也就是現代的伊朗)政權在歐洲發動一場生物毒素攻擊(bio-toxic assassination)。

The Islam fanatics in the Persian government who execute young human beings for demonstrating and demanding freedom will, after all, turn against those, such as Germany, who dare to be rebellious against the murderous methods of the Persian regime.


Especially the young, inexperienced, uneducated and stupid Foreign Minister Baerbock has such a big mouth, drooling with low intelligence, that it is heard in Persia by the religious fanatical dictators and arouses even more hatred in them, enjoining them to hang more human beings on ropes in the name of Allah, because they are obsessed with the delusion that this is the correct manner to defend the faith in Allah and his laws.


But Muhammad did not say these 'Allah's laws' and never brought them, for he spoke of true love, but never of killing and of torture and murder, as he also tried to prevent wars shamefully instigated and waged in his name, etc., with which he never had anything to do, but which are slanderously attributed to him.

穆罕默德Mohammed)沒有說過這些“阿拉的法律”(Allah's laws),也從未帶來過這些法律,因為他說的是真愛,但從未說過殺戮和酷刑及謀殺,因為他還試圖阻止以他的名義可恥地煽動和發動戰爭等等,這些戰爭與他從來沒有關係,但卻被誹謗歸咎於他。

But there is more to be said:


It is not for nothing that journalists are murdered every year, who are on the verge of telling the truth, but can no longer say anything because they are killed first.


But certain media, as I also know, are so dependent on politics that they shirk the truth and simply keep quiet when it comes to spreading the truth.


If someone tells the truth, then vehement action is immediately taken against the human being in question and attempts are made to silence him/her – if nothing other is possible, by murdering him/her.

如果有人說了實話,就會立即對這個人採取激烈的行動,並試圖讓他閉嘴 —— 如果沒有其他辦法,就把他殺了。

Practically, a witch hunt is immediately organised against every person who dares to tell the truth, as it was already at that time when those were also accused of witchcraft and murdered and executed who stood up for the innocence of the alleged witches and sorcerers, because through their protestations of innocence they took up the defence for the innocent women and men accused of witchcraft.


There was also no record of the fact that the few human beings who spoke out in defence of the human beings accused of witchcraft were often also accused of witchcraft as accomplices and murdered.


It happened as usual; whoever dared to speak up in defence of a person accused of witchcraft gambled with his life and was himself accused of witchcraft and handed over to torture and death.


A fact that is still concealed today, as well as the fact that human beings are still playing with their lives today, suspected of being witches and sorcerers and therefore murdered in a murderous manner.


But that is not enough, because even today in Africa, in Kenya among other places, official state-justified witch trials take place, in which the alleged witches and sorcerers are publicly executed, as I was able to see for myself together with Florena.


But that is only in passing, because I actually want to talk about something else.


None of those rulers who supply weapons to Selensky resp. to Ukraine, or who support this, are concerned about the fact that they bear the entire and comprehensive responsibility for the fact that the war in Ukraine can continue to rage, and that it is claiming a great many human lives and thus deaths.


This war is actually made possible by those irresponsible lowly intelligent idiots who partisanly supply weapons to Selensky or even advocate this.


Selensky, who turned out to be a great war supporter and is a passionate warmonger of the highest order, uses his cleverness to hypocritically make the people believe in the war as a free Ukrainian victory, etc. with words and his big mouth.


And one wonders how lowly intelligent those human beings actually must be who believe him and do not realise that his words are aimed solely at hatred, power addiction and belligerence, as well as the fact that he is walking over corpses by senselessly chasing human beings into war, which was actually fundamentally provoked by America with its NATO.


And all this only in order to destroy Russia and ultimately to be able to incorporate it into the long-cherished hegemony, in which Selensky – he assumes – then intends to play an important role.

而這一切只是美國為了摧毀俄羅斯,並最終能夠實現那覬覦已久的霸權,而澤連斯基 —— 他認為 —— 可以在其中發揮重要的角色。

But all the stupid governments that supply weapons do not notice this, and neither do the supportive sections of the population, who are biased and unilaterally court Selensky.


Of course, this does not mean that Russia resp. Putin should be regarded as a 'holy lamb', because what is being done from his side is also murderous devilry and therefore not correct, because neither hatred, war nor retaliation or revenge, nor annexation, murder and destruction or other hostile and unjust actions of any kind can ever be right, but only wrong and unjust as well as inhumane.


Consequently, Putin's irresponsible actions and his war are also to be condemned and in no wise endorsed or even justified.


Everything of a war is never based on logic, clear understanding and on reason, righteousness and humanity, but only on hatred, revenge, retaliation, massacre, murder, torture and manslaughter, as well as on the destruction of human achievements and vital cultivated land, this while nature in general and its fauna and flora are also severely affected and damaged, harassed, demolished, ruined and also killed.


But none of the guilty parties gives the slightest thought to this, not the irresponsible arms suppliers, nor also their lowly-intelligent simple-minded supporters.


All the irresponsible arms suppliers and their supporters of the populations are guilty that the war continues senselessly, that human beings are tortured to death, that thousands of human beings die, that many become cripples, that women and girls are raped and often murdered afterwards, often by their own people, by the military, who then lyingly blame the enemy for these atrocities.


And so devastating destruction is wrought, just as cultivated land and planted food is destroyed, just as human beings fall into misery and suffer hardship.


Every person who supplies weapons and those who support them in the population must be thinking irresponsibly: "You will not be killed yourself, and your own things will not be destroyed.


Let them bash their heads in, because it does not affect me."


Well, how would it be if all these fools, the very arms suppliers and supporters of arms being supplied, were themselves those who were being raked with these arms, or that they themselves were on the front line and the bullets of their supplied arms were flying all around their skulls?


If the earthling were to consider everything of a war rationally, then the question would automatically arise: What would it be like if the loud-mouthed and power-hungry who want to provoke or have provoked a war, or those who want to unleash a war or have unleashed one, or those who, loud-mouthed, war-enthusiastic and full of war mania, wage a war and call on the people to murder and destroy and make big noises, or simply supply weapons for a war or advocate it, had to fight the war themselves personally with the weapons supplied or advocated?


This with opponents with whom they are not personally at loggerheads and do not know why they should massacre, torture and kill fellow human beings who are completely foreign to them?


This is only because vindictive and power-hungry government idiots want it so and abuse the people in order to be able to play out their personal might.


But fundamentally, it is usually not the people who provoke the wars, but a person or persons in the government who have military at their disposal, who are then called upon to take up arms against the alleged 'enemy' – usually with a severe penalty for non-compliance – who in reality is not an effective enemy of the people in question, but an enemy of the contracting state power or powers.

但從根本上說,挑起戰爭的通常不是人民,而是政府中掌握軍隊的一個或幾個人,然後他們被要求拿起武器對付所謂的敵人 —— 通常對不服從的人給予嚴厲的懲罰 —— 實際上,這些人並不是有關人民的真正敵人,而是締約國中掌權者的敵人

The rule is, in fact, that it is individual or small groups of state powers or other power groups, power fanatics or religious delusionists, etc., who seek or provoke war.


It does not matter to the war mongers for whatever nasty, fanatical, self-opinionated, power-hungry, religious, money-hungry or any other reasons they seek to enforce with war what is conceived, exists and is to be fought for by them as a justification, and without any quarter given to murder and manslaughter, destruction and annihilation, and without any consideration for losses.


All those involved in the delivery of weapons, the governments and the supporting sections of the population, are effectively guilty of the thousands of murders and all the enormous destruction of vital cultivated land, as well as the general impairment of nature and the fauna and flora.


And it is these lowly-intelligent resp. non-thinking ones, all together – those in power and those in favour – who, with regard to the arms deliveries to Selensky, do not give a thought to the fact that they have triggered an indirect world war and also let it be waged unilaterally, because they deliver or affirm arms deliveries to Ukraine – in truth to the war fanatic Selensky.

正是這些愚蠢而所有沒有思想的人 —— 那些當權者和其支持者 —— 在向澤連斯基運送武器的這個問題上,絲毫沒有考慮到他們已經引發了一場間接的世界大戰,而且還讓它單方面進行,因為他們向烏克蘭 —— 實際上是向戰爭狂人澤連斯基提供武器。

They are so lowly-intelligent, conscienceless and unbiased, as well as so incapable of thinking, that in their partisanship they are incapable of recognising that they are playing into the hands of the warmonger Selensky and the war-mongering Americans – who in reality want to destroy Russia and incorporate it into their hegemonic delusion.

他們是如此的愚蠢、沒有良心和不公不義,以及如此的沒有思考能力,以至於在他們的黨派之爭中,無法認識到他們正被戰爭販子澤連斯基和好戰的美國人所利用 —— 他們實際上想要摧毀俄羅斯並妄想將其納入他們的霸權版圖。

What I can say is that, as far as I know, this is how things are, although I cannot swear that everything actually corresponds to the correctness.


However, it is said – which, as I said, I cannot swear to and therefore cannot prove – that contrary to what was said, promised and decided at the conference in Munich at that time, there was no eastward enlargement of NATO and Russia would therefore never be affected by such an enlargement.

然而,有人說 —— 正如我所說的,我不能發誓,因此也不能證明 —— 與當時在慕尼黑會議上所說的、承諾的和決定的相反,北約沒有東擴,因此俄羅斯永遠不會受到這種軍事擴張的影響。

If this is or was really the case, the word was shamefully broken and is now vehemently denied.


And the Ukraine war, which was started by Putin a year ago in a completely irresponsible manner, took place because America, together with its NATO, which despite what was said to the contrary – if this was really said – acted contrary to the promise that an eastward expansion of NATO would never take place.

而一年前由普京以完全不負責任的方式挑起的烏克蘭戰爭,發生的原因是美國和它的北約,儘管有相反的說法 —— 如果真的有這樣的說法 —— 行動上違背了北約永遠不會東擴的承諾。

If this is indeed the case, then Russia has been provoked, and if Ukraine is now to be admitted to NATO, then the promise made will be broken, which for the time being has irresponsibly triggered the war in Ukraine, which of course is in no kind and wise to be advocated or justified.


War is never justified at all, and such a war has always been instigated and triggered by one madman, with so and so many other madmen gathering around him who are in bondage to the one madman.


And the hammer is that those of the able-bodied people join in and go to war and practise their imparted blood craft by murdering, torturing, raping, destroying and ultimately enjoying it because they can act out at their whim and according to what lurks deep in their character and can now be released uninhibited and unpunished.


All these degenerate creatures still dare to call themselves human beings, although they degenerate much worse than any 'outrageous predator', as we used to say in India when rabid wolves mauled human beings, because rabies was rampant then and the critters sometimes killed human beings.


In German, what was said means something like 'degenerate predator'.


Well, America with its NATO – because this is America's work, namely Harry S Truman's – has from the very beginning not kept the promise made by the then US Secretary of State not to expand NATO eastwards.

好吧,美國與它的北約 —— 因為這是美國的工作,即哈里.S.杜魯門Harry S Truman的工作 —— 從一開始就沒有遵守當時的美國國務卿所作的承諾,不向東擴展北約。

Even if the promise was only verbal, it was still a promise.


However, it quite clearly shows what a given word is worth to those in power in the USA, because in any case the promise should have been dealt with officially.


Even if it was only a verbal assurance or pledge, and even if it was not part of the substance of the negotiation at the time and not part of the treaty that was drafted at the time, and therefore was not brought up in this regard and consequently was not mentioned in writing, it was still a promise from an authoritative man whose word carried weight.



18. As we have ascertained through our very precise investigations, in any case, not a syllable was mentioned by the man during the negotiations and consequently also not recorded in the contract.


19. This is, in any case, the wheel of confusion of the whole, lacking guidance as to a tactical written means of establishing that the promise was indeed made, but that this truth was neither mentioned nor negotiated, let alone recorded in writing, during the negotiations.


20. This is, in my view, a dirty procedure and consequently ensured that everything could later be simply twisted and turned according to whim, fancy and need as it was desired, necessary or convenient at the time.


21. That was not a problem, because in any case it was already pre-programmed in the 1990s that sooner or later there would have to be an escalation, which is what has now happened with the Russia-Ukraine war.


22. Wrong was already done back then with the promise before the negotiation of the state treaty, and again last year, this time by Selensky, who some time ago appeared with the desire to admit Ukraine to NATO.


23. An aspiration that mobilised Russia resp. Putin, who intervened against Selensky's desire, unfortunately ultimately with the nonsensical war that Putin irresponsibly unleashed because he apparently saw no visible success of his intervention.



The authoritative world-domination-addicted rulers resp. politicians in America, as well as the autocratic rulers in those countries that biasedly supply weapons to Selensky or impose sanctions against Russia, as well as the biased supporters from the populations that are against Russia – unfortunately also in Switzerland – have to pretend to be even more lowly-intelligent in their bias, falsehood and deviousness than they really already are.

美國那些沉迷於世界統治的權威統治者和政客,以及那些偏向於向澤連斯基提供武器或對俄羅斯實施制裁的國家的專制統治者,以及來自反對俄羅斯的民眾的偏見支持者 —— 不幸的是在瑞士也是如此 —— 不得不假裝他們的偏見、謊言和狡猾比實際上更加愚蠢。

This is because they have to represent the hostile measures of the partisan governments and the parts of their supporters from the likewise partisan and foolish part of the population and behave as if they were ignorant, so that they appear as innocent in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and are considered good.


This is because they have to pretend to be ignorant of the ongoing political intrigues that are going on in the governments of the world – or because these sections of the population are so stupid that they do not perceive the government intrigues.

這是因為他們必須假裝對世界各國政府正在進行的政治陰謀一無所知 —— 或者是因為這些人太愚蠢了,他們沒有察覺到政府的陰謀。

This is no different in the USA than everywhere else in those other countries that are in favour of the murderous organisation NATO and in favour of America's wrong policies and hegemony, whereby especially many Americans are addicted to megalomania and believe that America and NATO alone are the saviours of the world, and only because they have done everything that the world still exists.


Effectively, there are many lunatics and madmen who believe this, in all countries, as well as mainly in America itself, who probably still follow the lunatic Donald Trump, who had the Capitol stormed, that is ever…

實際上,在所有國家,而主要是在美國,有許多瘋子和狂人相信這一點,他們可能仍然追隨瘋子唐納.川普Donald Trump)而襲擊了國會大廈,這是前所未有的 ...


24. … it is to be said that our efforts took us back to the time when the relevant negotiations for the aforementioned treaty were conducted, which fundamentally had nothing whatsoever to do with NATO's eastward enlargement, but with Germany's future membership of NATO, to which Russia agreed.

... 應該說,我們的努力使我們回到了為上述條約進行相關談判的時候,從根本上說,這與北約的東擴沒有任何關係,而是與德國未來加入北約有關,而俄羅斯也同意了。

25. This conference, which we, following your questions backwards, listened to directly and unrecognised, was, as we found out, aimed at the reunification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, which had become due, coming into force by means of a state treaty.

根據你的問題,我們直接聽取了這次會議,但我們發現,這次會議的目的是德意志聯邦共和國Federal Republic of Germany;現通稱德國,當時稱為西德)和德意志民主共和國German Democratic Republic;簡稱民主德國或東德)的統一,這已經到期,並以國家條約的方式生效了。

26. Aligned with this, Russia withdrew, which, however, remained a one-sided affair, for America remained in Europe, namely in Germany, true to its undeniable striving for world domination.


27. Our undoubted records prove that the then US Secretary of State of America, James Baker, verbally and effectively bindingly formulated to Edward Shevardnadze of the USSR – which our records prove, which absolutely also corresponds historically to the truth – that the assurance was given by the representation of the West that no NATO expansion eastwards from the external border of the German Democratic Republic, which was to be abolished, would take place if henceforth the German Democratic Republic no longer existed.

我們毋庸置疑的記錄證明,當時的美國國務卿詹姆斯.貝克James Baker向蘇聯的愛德華.謝瓦納茲Edward Shevardnadze口頭上並有效地作出了具有約束力的表述 —— 我們的記錄證明,這也絕對符合歷史上的事實 —— 西方的代表保證如果從此德意志民主共和國東德不再存在,北約不會從將被廢除的德意志民主共和國的外部邊界向東擴張

28. This promise-like commitment was given privately in front of 3 listening witnesses, such as Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Douglas Hurt and Roland Dumas, who were present as representatives at the time when the State Treaty was drawn up for Germany and the GDR by America, France, England and the Soviet Union.

這一承諾是在三位證人面前私下作出的,他們是漢斯-迪特里希根舍Hans-Dietrich Genscher)、道格拉斯赫德Douglas Hurd)和Roland Dumas(暫譯為羅納德.迪馬),當時美國、法國、英國和蘇聯為德國和民主德國起草國家條約時,他們作為代表在場。

29. So if it is claimed to the contrary that this was not said, then this corresponds to a serious malicious lie, because this promise was effectively given verbally at the so-called Two-plus-Four negotiations, but only privately and in no official naming and recording.


30. In any case, the promise was made, but shortly afterwards none of the witnesses wanted to know anything about it.



I do not want to have anything more to do with this, which is why I distance myself from it, because I cannot prove the lies of politics anyway, because the truth is vehemently denied throughout, and politics is perfect at that, so to speak.


So it's testimony against testimony, and that is simply not enough to prove anything.


What you say, I just take as what you say, which I know that you have probably fathomed the truth, but which I cannot prove, because I was not there myself at the time and therefore cannot judge anything.


So it is sufficient for me what you say, but which I cannot judge, but can only understand neutrally as information given by you, which you have probably clarified concerning my question, for which I thank you all, but which, as I said, I can only understand as information on your part and yours, but cannot judge, but just take it as valuable information and classify it in my trains of thought.



31. I am sure that is a good thing.



Good – I can only say with certainty what I know effectively from my own experience and thus from personal experience.

很好 —— 我只能肯定地說,我從自己的經歷中實際瞭解到的情況,因此是個人經驗。

It is not possible for me to do otherwise because I was not there myself, so only your direct notes would help me.


But I do not really want to know that, because it is not my thing to get involved in dirty politics.


What I do know for sure, however, is that since 2019 I have been on the move quite frequently alternating with Florena and Bermunda, and have seen and experienced for myself in situ what really happened, that i… …

不過,我可以肯定的是,自2019年以來,我一直在頻繁與FlorenaBermunda之間交替行動觀察,並在現場親眼目睹和體驗了真正發生的事情,我 ... …


32. … they told me about that several times – also that Karin told you …

... 他們告訴我好幾次了 —— Karin也跟你說過 ...


… yes, yes, that had to come – yes, she often cut my hair, because of course it grew back in my absence from the Center, which was a bit conspicuous, because nobody knew about the time travel.

... 是的,是的,那必須要來 —— 是的,她經常幫我剪頭髮,因為當然是我人不在中心的時候長出來的,這有點顯眼,因為沒有人知道時間穿梭的事。

But I do not want to talk about that, because that is not important.


More important is the worldwide confusion that has been created since the outbreak of the Corona epidemic with the useless vaccinations, which for many human beings became a factor that brought not protection from the epidemic but long-term suffering or death.


Especially now the country of origin of the epidemic is being afflicted by it, and so China will be the subject of much talk in the near future, for now the time has come for the great dying as a result of the epidemic to begin.


Although attempts will be made to suppress the truth, as is politically customary, it will not be possible to conceal it completely.


Apart from the mendacity with the fraud of vaccinations as well as with the various vaccines, which were not tested at all or only in a very slipshod manner – with which the vaccine manufacturers were able to amass immense fortunes – there has also been a veritable escalation of measures with promises of health preservation that have crept into the minds of humanity.

除了用接種疫苗的欺詐行為以及各種疫苗(這些疫苗根本沒有經過測試,或者只是以一種非常草率的方式進行測試 —— 疫苗製造商能夠利用這些疫苗積累巨大的財富)進行欺騙之外,還有一種名副其實的升級措施,承諾保護健康,這些措施已經悄然進入人類的腦海。

Many of these steps were just dodges that did not deliver what they were supposed to; however, there have been many deaths of those who got vaccinated even though they did not know whether their immune systems were suitable for the vaccine in question.


Others became sufferers, possibly for the rest of their lives, while for others the vaccination was simply as good as useless.


All in all, vaccination does not protect against being susceptible to any variation resp. mutation of the corona disease, which is why repeated vaccinations were also recommended.


It was obviously known that everything was nothing more than a ploy to lull the general population into a false sense of security, in the hope that they would remain calm and not go crazy.


Unfortunately, it could not be prevented that lunatic and stupid conspiracy theorists appeared in the process, just as it could not be prevented that many human beings believed these idiots and behaved accordingly, consequently they were infected with the Corona plague and died.



33. According to our investigations, the plague has so far claimed almost 9 million lives, thus far more than earthly calculations indicate.



34. The end of the epidemic is not yet over, although the really good measures taken by governments are now being irresponsibly cancelled or have already been cancelled.


35. But talking about it is also useless, because only a few sensible people think about how to continue to protect themselves by wearing respirators when in contact with foreign persons/strangers.


36. But there is no point in discussing this, so something else needs to be addressed:


37. If we look at the last years after Gorbachev, not only at the politics of Russia, but also at the politics of the whole world up to the present day, then it is psychologically inevitable to see and judge that war was lurking everywhere on the whole Earth, i.e. long before even an open threat of war was made.


38. And today war continues to lurk, for a pattern of the establishment of an enemy image can be seen everywhere, and indeed all over the world, for every government group – one can no longer say otherwise – is more or less opposed to the machinations of the rulers of another state, with the public media doing everything in its power to push this enemy image.

而今天,戰爭繼續潛伏著,因為在世界各地,到處都可以看到建立敵人形象的模式,因為每個政府幫派 —— 我們再也不能說別的了 —— 都或多或少地反對另一個國家統治者的陰謀,而公共媒體則盡其所能地宣傳這種敵人的形象。

39. This also applies in a different wise to the demonstrators, who recently call themselves the 'Last Generation' and who stick to the streets just as they destroy expensive cultural property.

從另一個角度來看,最近開始自稱為“最後一代” 的示威者也是如此,他們堅守街頭,破壞寶貴的文化財產。

40. The truth is that these demonstrators, who behave and act in a querulous manner, are lowly intelligent and completely misguided, ignorant and deliberately fomented persons, who really do not know what they are doing and what they are doing it for.


41. They are demonstrating harmfully for something that, in their false championing manner, will not bring success and is, moreover, criminal.


42. They do not see and do not think that it is they themselves who are doing everything to ensure that the whole world is harassed and destroyed because of them, that they themselves are the cause of the fact that slowly but surely all life on Earth is becoming more and more endangered in its existence and is slowly being wiped out.


43. This includes that nature, the atmosphere, the water and the climate lose the possibility of existence and become impossible to regenerate.


44. The truth is such, that only this will thus end everything and make a new beginning, so that a compulsory cessation of births is decreed as soon as possible, because the whole evil is based on the fact that there is an Earth population, according to which all life on the planet Earth will inevitably be slowly wiped out.


45. D …

45. D ...


… interesting, you come up with exactly what I keep saying.

... 有意思,你提出了我一直在說的事情。

The demonstrators should learn to think for once instead of just indulging in illusory thinking, then they would realise that it is in their own hands that the environment is no longer destroyed.


For the more human beings disappear from the world, precisely because fewer are born resp. offspring are prevented – at least for a certain time – the more the evils that destroy the environment disappear.

因為人類從世界上消失的越多,正是因為出生的人越少或阻止了後代的出生 —— 至少在一定時間內 —— 破壞環境的罪惡就消失得越多。

But the process takes years, so it is best to do without offspring until the age of 33 or 35.


Only in this wise is it possible, on the one hand, to urgently and necessarily reduce overpopulation and, on the other hand, to put an end to environmental pollution and thus environmental destruction.


As a consequence, namely, all the companies and corporations will disappear that produce vast quantities of goods that are then bought by the human beings resp. the massive number of overpopulation that throws the waste away into nature.


The exploitation of the Earth's resources – petroleum, gas, rare earths, gold, ores of various kinds, etc. – will be drastically reduced, just as the countless vehicles will disappear from the roads that pollute the air with CO2, making it toxic and destructive and also causing cancer and other diseases in human beings.

對地球資源 —— 石油、天然氣、稀土、黃金、各種礦石等——的開採將大幅減少,就像無數的車輛將從道路上消失一樣,這些車輛用二氧化碳污染空氣,使其具有毒性和破壞性,並導致人類的癌症和其他疾病。

In agronomy – i.e. agriculture and gardening – the spreading resp. fertilising and protecting with poison in the form of chemical agents will disappear, which will also mean the disappearance of chemical factories and chemical companies.

在農學領域 —— 即農業和園藝 —— 用化學製劑形式的毒藥施肥和保護將消失,這也意味著化工廠和化學公司的消失。

Fertile land is freed up and can be cultivated again for natural food.


Forests important for all life are no longer cut down, but destroyed forest areas are replanted and secure the oxygen content of the air.


Dangerous nuclear power plants will become superfluous, because the necessary electricity can once again be produced naturally through hydroelectric power and wind power, etc., just as sufficient food can once again be planted and harvested, so that there will no longer be famine anywhere in the world.


So there are many benefits if there is a sensible reduction in the world's population.


Through the disappearance of overpopulation, a great deal of normality will return, making life worth living again for Earth-humans.


This is to be observed and carried out, not the senseless and destructive demonstrations of those stupid people who really do not think for a second, but shout senselessly around, block the roads, destroy human achievements, cause great damage and rebel against something for which they themselves must bear the blame, because instead of reducing and preventing the evil of ever-increasing and all-destroying overpopulation, they are doing just the opposite, breeding the overflowing humanity that is steadily and inexorably littering the Earth in its ever-increasing and powerful mass.



46. This is indeed as you say.


47. I would also like to mention that we have investigated the origin of this 'Last Generation' demonstration movement and have found out that it has a nasty aggressive-martial-anarchist starting point.

我還想提一下,我們調查了這個“最後一代”示威運動的起源,發現它有一個令人厭惡的侵略性 —— 軍事無政府主義的起點。

48. This means that the members of this 'Last Generation' demonstration movement are being steered, underhandedly and for them unknowingly and unnoticeably, towards an actual anarchism, which is to have the far-reaching aim of undermining the state governments in such a manner that they …

這意味著,這個“最後一代”示威運動的成員被暗中引導,對他們來說,是在不知不覺中被引導到一個實際的無政府主義,也就是具有破壞國家政府的深遠目的,使他們 ...


… you are not telling me anything new, for I have known this ever since we, Sfath, your father, and I together, have seen this and that in the future and have seen quite evil.

... 你並沒有告訴我什麼新的狀況,因為我已經知道了,自從我們,也就是Sfath,你的父親,和我一起,已經看到了未來的種種情況,看到了相當邪惡的事情。

But to talk about it further, or even to ponder it, is useless.


Very few will think about what is to come.


So it is probably wiser for me to talk about something else.


It is now just over 30 years since the end of the 'Cold War', but a 'Cold War' that was really only between the USA and the Soviet Union.

“冷戰” 已經結束30多年了,但這場“冷戰”實際上只發生在美國和蘇聯之間。

Now, however, a new war has been ignited, the war in Ukraine, which was started by Russia resp. Vladimir Putin, but was in fact fuelled and then finally ignited by America's guilt and its NATO.

然而現在,一場新的戰爭被點燃了,那就是烏克蘭戰爭,這場戰爭是由俄羅斯的弗拉基米爾.普京Vladimir Putin)發起的,但實際上是由美國的罪惡感和它的北約所助長,然後最終點燃的。

So Putin was really provoked by America's actions, which together with Ukraine's President Selensky wanted to bring Ukraine into the NATO war criminal alliance 'for the sake of terror'.

因此,普京確實是被美國的行動所激怒,美國與烏克蘭總統澤連斯基一起想把烏克蘭納入北約戰爭犯罪聯盟“去尋死”(德文:um des Verreckenswillen)。

This, contrary to what was said and given as a promise – as just in the 1990s, and privately and unilaterally – but it was a promise to the Soviet Union and Russia respectively, as you have now noted.

這些都與所說的和作出的承諾相反 —— 就像在1990年代,而且是私下和單方面的 —— 但這是對蘇聯和俄羅斯分別作出的承諾,正如你剛才所指出的。

It was a promise made by America, based on a promise made by the American representative, who also openly represented NATO – which is actually the work of America and, contrary to all claims to the contrary, has been directed by it since the very beginning – that NATO was no longer interested in eastward enlargement.

這是美國作出的承諾,基於美國代表作出的承諾,他也公開代表北約,而北約實際上是美國軍事的延伸,從一開始就受其指導 —— 說北約對東擴不再有興趣,但實際卻與這種說法相反。

In doing so, I want to leave out what you said earlier, what you Plejaren have just recorded, that a promise was actually made that there would be no eastward enlargement.


In any case, it is clear to me that the whole thing had to lead to tensions and ultimately triggered the war in Ukraine, which Vladimir Putin rashly, irrationally and irresponsibly launched with a massive Russian troop deployment on Ukraine's eastern border.


The whole thing, however, was obviously because America did not want to deviate from its demands and bring NATO to Ukraine – together, of course, with Selensky, what the senile US President Biden and, in the background, the shadow government have come up with.

然而,整個事情顯然是因為美國不想偏離其訴求,把北約帶到烏克蘭 —— 當然,與澤連斯基一起,由衰老的美國總統拜登和在後台的影子政府所想出來的。

The fact that the existence of this shadow government is officially vehemently denied by America, and that they together provoked everything so nastily that Putin went crazy, lost patience and struck out, that was expected.


But it was really neither intelligent nor correct of him, because it was already obvious in advance that the majority of the human beings of the world will stand by Selensky and help him, because America will pull the strings behind everything.


And this also happened, and so it came about that various lowly intelligent ones from different countries began to supply Selensky with weapons, often encouraged by sections of the population, which triggered a special kind of world war, the likes of which had never been seen before.


This also led to the escalation and prolongation of this war, which is still going on today, for which all those who supply weapons to Selensky or support this must be held responsible.


They are all the culprits who are responsible for every death of Russians and Ukrainians who lost their lives in the war, which would have been over within 16 days if it had not been for the fools who supplied weapons or who otherwise supported it.


All of them – the arms suppliers and the supporters – are the ones responsible for the deaths of many thousands of human beings and the enormous and devastating destruction caused by these weapons.

所有這些人 —— 武器供應商和支持者 —— 都要對成千上萬的人死亡和這些武器造成的巨大的毀滅性破壞負責。

And all this because, on the one hand, America and Selensky, as well as from time immemorial, have been stirring up an unbridled hatred against Russia and this still exists today – although hardly anyone knows why this hatred exists.

而這一切是因為,一方面,美國和澤連斯基,以及自古以來,一直在肆意挑起對俄羅斯的仇恨,這種仇恨至今仍然存在 —— 儘管幾乎沒有人知道為什麼會有這種仇恨。

So also only out of hatred against Russia its military is accused of various war crimes, while the similar crimes of the Ukrainian military are not mentioned at all.


All the war reporting is done only against Russia, while all the crimes and acts of war, etc. of Ukraine are hushed up.


Just as it also happens with the Jew-hatred of ex-Pope Ratzinger alias Pope Benendict XVI, who also made private records about it, but which were simply destroyed and made to disappear after his death.

就像前教皇拉辛格(Ratzinger;又稱教皇本篤十六世Pope Benendict XVI)對猶太人的仇恨也是如此,他也做了相關的私人記錄,但這些記錄在他死後被直接銷毀而使之消失。

The Catholic Church simply passes over this in silence, as was already the case with Pope Pius XII, who was an unparalleled Jew-hater.

天主教會只是默默地將此事一筆帶過,正如教皇庇護十二世Pope Pius XII)的情況一樣,他是一個無與倫比的猶太人仇視者。

But the polytheism of the Catholic Church did not only produce the popes who hated Jews, but also the death penalty for all those who held a different opinion or a different faith – that is why there were also the religious wars, the torture for disrespecting religion, the persecution of witches and heretic courts with the death penalty, and so on. Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands and millions of human beings died, were tortured, violated, tormented, massacred, executed or otherwise miserably murdered – and this always in the name of religion, faith and all-embracing love of the polytheism 'Trinity'.

但是,天主教會的多神論不僅產生了憎恨猶太人的教皇,還產生了對所有持有不同意見或不同信仰的人的死刑 —— 這就是為什麼會有宗教戰爭、對不服從宗教者的酷刑、對巫師和異端法庭的死刑迫害等等。數以萬計,甚至數十萬計和數百萬計的人死亡,受到酷刑、侵犯、折磨、屠殺、處決或其他悲慘的謀殺 —— 而這總是以宗教、信仰和對多神教“三位一體”的全能之愛為名。

And the delusion still prevails that religion, faith, God and prayer, etc. bring and give salvation, with which love is also preached, but in reality torture, murder and sexual abuse have been practised since time immemorial.


Where was the love that has been preached hypocritically since time immemorial, which supposedly a 'dear God' should give and also the believing human beings should cultivate and also give?


Well, the war in Ukraine was preceded by a number of political things about which the public was not or only insufficiently informed, namely that the government in Moscow published drafts of two agreements aimed at stopping the earlier and ongoing eastward expansion of NATO, which had taken place and was now to be expanded with Ukraine.


The desire to bring NATO into Ukraine was clearly connected with a push and truly military annexation of the Atlantic Alliance to the east, which the Russian side had to stop and prevent, like the establishment of further US military bases in Ukraine, which as an independent state – like all others that formerly belonged to the Soviet Union, which in 1990 had not yet been incorporated into NATO – was henceforth to fall under the military command of the USA.

將北約引入烏克蘭的願望顯然與大西洋聯盟向東的推動和真正的軍事吞併有關,俄羅斯方面必須阻止和防範,例如在烏克蘭建立更多的美國軍事基地,作為一個獨立的國家 —— 像所有其他前蘇聯的國家一樣,這些國家在1990年還沒有被納入北約 —— 從今以後將處於美國的軍事指揮之下。

There was also a demand that NATO withdraw its troops, to the 1997 positions.


These drafts also demanded that the USA move its nuclear arsenal away from Western Europe, i.e. remove it.


The USA and NATO, however, responded to Moscow's demands in writing by making it clear in a high-handed and hostile manner that in principle things would remain as they were, because there was no room for negotiation, because each state was free, so each could also decide for itself whether it wanted to enter into an alliance with NATO or not.


Moreover, the …



49. … it was considered, however, that further conversations were possible in each case.

... 但是,人們認為,在每一種情況下都有可能進行進一步的對話。

50. But in my opinion, this all deviates from what we have been able to record.


51. Also here, works of lies found their entrance into the falsehood of politics, consequently the security order of Europe was not only disturbed by the USA and NATO, but the whole thing was shamefully falsified and disregarded by statements of lies.


52. America's presence in Europe on the espionage side existed long before the last world war in 1939 to 1945 – American spies were secretly active in Germany before and after the war, as we know, because the spies were observed and monitored by us.

美國在歐洲的間諜活動方面的存在,早在1939年至1945年的上一次世界大戰之前就存在了 —— 美國間諜在戰前和戰後都秘密在德國活動,我們知道,因為這些間諜都被我們所觀察和監視。

53. The espionage activities were carried out under the patronage of the USA President Franklin D.

間諜活動是在美國總統富蘭克林.D.羅斯福Franklin D)的贊助下進行。

54. Roosevelt and the USA Vice President Harry S Truman.


55. Only the 2 of them and very few other people knew about this, because Roosevelt and Truman were concerned that no one should find out about the espionage activity against Adolf Hitler and the NAZIs, consequently the whole thing remained secret and also no written records were made of the whole espionage enterprise.

只有他們兩個人和其他極少數人知道這件事,因為羅斯福和杜魯門擔心沒有人會發現針對阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)和納粹的間諜活動,因此整個事情都是秘密的,整個間諜活動的進行也沒有書面記錄。


Sfath already spoke of this, but his order was to keep quiet about it, which I also did until today, and I do not want to say anything about it either.


What I will say, however, and what I do know, is that Russia was always anxious – and I think rightly so, given the American hegemony mania – to intervene against the American presence in Europe in order to limit its spheres of influence on the continent.

然而,我要說的,也是我所知道的,那就是俄羅斯一直存在的顧慮 —— 我認為這是正確的,因為美國的霸權狂熱 —— 他們要對美國在歐洲的存在進行干預,以限制其在歐洲大陸的影響範圍。

The USA, however, has always vehemently opposed this, which Russia never accepted, because it smelled a rat very early on about the American desire for world domination, which became recognisable to Russia in 1992 at the latest, but which was not acceptable to the masters in the Kremlin, not even to Putin, who could not accept that Ukraine, on Russia's doorstep, should now also become a NATO country.


His wrong and thoughtless reaction as a result of losing patience was the beginning of the war, which America, however, hoped for, as America's shadow government also secretly aspired to, according to which the war addict Selensky came in very handy for them, who consciencelessly incited the Ukrainian people and thereby prolonged the war thanks to the arms deliveries.


This is also connected with the fact that other states are unhesitatingly and biasedly taking up the banner against Russia and supplying weapons to Selensky, which cost enormous amounts of money and which the people will have to pay off and repay with high taxes for many years and decades after the war.


Indeed, it is not to be assumed that the arms suppliers will give the many weapons to Selensky as a 'gift', but that they will charge for them later.



56. In my opinion, this will also be the case, as Selensky will privately be the profiteer and enrich himself.


57. From the Russian point of view, the unilateral security order controlled by America with the US military in Europe, as it has crystallised and developed since 1992, is not acceptable to the Kremlin under Putin.


58. Russia wants to create a 'cordon sanitaire', i.e. a buffer zone resp. a security strip, between itself and the West.

俄羅斯希望在自己和西方之間建立一條“警戒線”(cordon sanitaire),也就是一個緩衝區或安全地帶。

59. This is so that Russia can remain independent and exist in peace.



That is also to be understood when the military world domination ambitions of the USA are considered, which obviously still have not recognised the stupidity of the governments of various countries, although they are very clever in their hypocrisy – because for these ones of low intelligence it is not enough to think correctly.

當考慮到美國的軍事統治世界的野心時,這也是可以理解的。顯然,美國仍然沒有認識到各國政府的愚蠢,儘管他們非常聰明地掩飾自己的虛偽 —— 因為對這些蠢貨來說,不足以正確思考。

Only very few in the governments are really human beings who are capable of correct thinking and who, moreover, see with open eyes and senses what reality and its truth is.


But we should really have talked enough about these things of the whole theatre, which is nonsense anyway, because there are other things to talk about.


For example, I have a question concerning the 'Pranima', as Sfath once called it, when he said that it could also be produced on Earth from … and compressed in such a manner that it would be over 160 times harder than the diamond we know, although the product in its basic unit would not be bigger than an atom.

例如,我有一個關於“Pranima”的問題,Sfath曾經這樣稱呼它,他說它也可以在地球上從 ... 生產出來,並以這樣的方式壓縮,它將比我們知道的鑽石硬160倍以上,儘管產品的基本單位不會大於一個原子。

My question is this: What is this product used for by you?



60. This material is used by us by thickening the outer shell of our flying apparatus with it and making it invulnerable in every kind and wise.


61. This completely protects the flying apparatus as well as the occupants from any natural and technical influences, as well as from any possibility of damage or destruction.



The various alloys that I had received from your daughter Semjase, which were of various alloy stages, you build your spaceships with this metal alloy.


Are they all then coated with this 'Pranima'?



62. They will, which will ensure our safety.



And if your ships were fired upon, what would happen?



63. Nothing. – Projectiles of any kind would ricochet harmlessly due to the hardness of the metal, if they would reach them at all, which will never be the case, because the energetic protection that is applied around the respective flying object repels any foreign object.



Aha, and how far does this protective shield surround your beamships, if I may say so?



64. By terrestrial masses you would calculate the energy protection to be something around 3 metres.



And this protective shield is really such that purely nothing can reach and damage a beamship?



65. Yes, there is no possibility at all.


66. Furthermore, it is necessary that we discuss the following … … … But you are not supposed to call it up and write it down.

此外,我們有必要討論以下問題 ... … … 但你不應該把這些接收下來並寫出來。


Then be it.


Prophets (Preparation of the Drawings)


Note: The photorealistic renderings of the original drawings of Semjase, Bermunda and Ptaah published here were prepared by Berke Tepe and reviewed and accepted in this form by Bermunda.

註:這裡公佈的SemjaseBermundaPtaah的原始圖紙的逼真效果圖是由Berke Tepe準備的,並由Bermunda審查和接受這種形式。

Any alterations or revisions are therefore considered forgeries.



Nokodemion, drawing by Bermunda


/tmp/phpwvX9MA   /tmp/phpsfYaNO

Nokodemion, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

Nokodemion, Berke Tepe的寫實版本

/tmp/phprMuufm   /tmp/phphID1c8

Enoch, drawing by Bermunda               Enoch, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

以諾Bermunda的描繪版本                 以諾Berke Tepe的寫實版本

/tmp/phpKHme4k   /tmp/php95DUj4

Elia, drawing by Bermunda                    Elia, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

以利亞Bermunda的描繪版本                     以利亞Berke Tepe的寫實版本。

/tmp/phpUgfgZV   /tmp/phpAy1k8p

Isaiah, drawing by Bermunda          Isaiah, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

以賽亞Bermunda的描繪版本                  以賽亞Berke Tepe的寫實版本

/tmp/phpBmhFnD   /tmp/phpo0aDfU

Jeremiah, drawing by Bermunda           Jeremiah, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

耶利米Bermunda的描繪版本            耶利米Berke Tepe的寫實版本。


Jmmanuel, drawing by Semjase


/tmp/phpehZcSQ   /tmp/phpKG12aw

Jmmanuel, drawing by Christian Krukowski   Jmmanuel, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

以馬內利,Christian Krukowski的繪圖版本              以馬內利,Berke Tepe的寫實版本

/tmp/phpReKWM9   /tmp/php7xDWC0

Mohammed, drawing by Bermunda      Mohammed, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

穆罕默德Bermunda的描繪版本            穆罕默德Berke Tepe的寫實版本

/tmp/phpmcq92t   /tmp/phpFDPs8G

Judas Ischkerioth, drawing by Ptaah   Judas Ischkerioth, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

加略人猶大Ptaah的描繪版本             加略人猶大Berke Tepe的寫實版本

/tmp/phphgv2Zc   /tmp/phpi7U67Y

Asina, drawing by Bermunda            Asina, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe

AsinaBermunda的描繪版本           AsinaBerke Tepe的寫實版本




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