


Contact Report 891891次接觸報告



最初英譯:20240711日,星期DeepL Translator

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20240728日,星期DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu






三、每個人的人格在他實際死亡後將永遠消失,不會通過重生繼續存在,也不會再次存在 —— 然而,在其一生中,某些人可能會留下其人格能量,這種能量可以保存數十年或數千年,並可能以幻影或某種聲音形式表現出來。然而,其造物生命能量會返回其所屬的造物能量層,經過一段時間的處理後,再激活一個新的意識,形成一個新的個性









This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



There you are already – welcome and greetings. Nice to see you again after such a long time. What might you, Bermunda, Florena and Enjana be up to?

你已經來了 —— 歡迎並致以問候。很高興在這麼長時間後再次見到你。你,還有BermundaFlorena Enjana近來都好嗎?


We are all doing well in every respect, and all three of us will also be coming here today, along with Asina, who you have been expecting for a long time. But also be greeted, and I thank you for your welcome.

我們都很好,今天她們三位也會來這裡,還有你一直在等待的 Asina。也向你問候,並感謝你的歡迎。


Oh – that is very nice, and you surprise me with your news.

—— 這真是太好了,你的消息讓我非常驚喜。


I thought you would be pleased, but you are not supposed to recall and write down the conversations you will have. According to the committee's advice, we have also decided that this should generally be much less frequent in future, so you should only call up and write down a conversation every month or two months, and only when it seems necessary. But that is not the case at the moment. All of the participants in the committee feel that, as an Earth-human at your age, which is unusually older than your earthly age, retrieving and writing down our conversations and the resulting stresses and strains will be too much for you and put a strain on your health. This is especially because the foreign energies have become stronger, which Arlion and his extensive group have not been able to do much about so far. We have also established that it really has been the case for a long time that you are unnecessarily exhausting yourself and that your health is suffering as a result. The committee also found that … because …

我已經想到這會讓你很高興,不過你不需要接收並記錄你們將進行的對話。根據委員會的建議,我們也決定今後要大大減少這類行為,因此你只應每月或每兩個月接收並記錄一次接觸對話,而且只有在必要時才這樣做。但目前你的情況還不適合這樣做。委員會的所有參與者都認為,作為一個地球人,在你這個年齡(實際上要比你在地球上計算的年齡要大得多),接收和寫下我們的對話以及由此產生的負擔對你來說太過沉重,會對你的健康造成壓力。這尤其是因為外來能量變得更加強大,而Arlion和他的團隊至今對此也無能為力。我們還發現,長期以來,你確實在無謂地消耗自己的體力,你的健康也因此受到了損害。此外,委員會還發現 ... 因為 ...


I have always managed so far. Besides, what you are saying is normal and nothing out of the ordinary. Every path that a human being takes ends somewhere and at some point, so they cannot go any further. Afterwards, a completely different human being tramples and builds a new path, which they then tread with renewed vigour.



That is indeed the case, but …



Of course, and you know that as well as I do. That is why, when the end of the road comes, there is also nothing to complain about and you simply accept that the end is now reached. But – as I see it, you are wearing a device today that I have never seen before. What is it, and what purpose does it serve?



I want to talk about that later, when the time is right. But what I have to say about what we talked about earlier: This is that we have clearly recognised that you are becoming more and more troubled with your work and that you are unusually burdened as a result of the negative energies directed at you and therefore hitting you. Your earthly age might not be causing you any problems, but we have been informed by Arlion that the energies directed at you are now adversely affecting your health and …

這個以後再說,等合適的時候再討論。不過,我還有一件事要說,就是我們剛才討論的內容:我們很清楚地認識到,你的工作變得越來越困難,因為那些指向你的負面能量對你造成了異常沉重的負擔。你的地球年齡雖然不會給你帶來問題,但我們 Arlion 得知,這些指向你的能量現在已經損害了你的健康,而且 ...


Yes, that may be, and I can also feel it. It may be that I am losing a little, but I have already got a few years under my belt, I am getting older and … well, that is how it is, but it is the same for all human beings. But that does not mean you have to throw in the towel and give up.

是的,可能是這樣,我也能感覺到。也許我正在一點點失去健康,但我已經上了年紀,我正在變老,而且 ... 嗯,就是這樣,但這對所有人來說都是一樣的。但這並不意味著因此就要放棄和投降


What does that mean?



That I am going to carry on as before.



This is exactly what was considered by the committee, which is why it was decided and the instruction was given to block everything from now on to the extent that your retrieval will be unsuccessful. However, this is not the case for this conversation, as it is still intended to clarify matters. Arlion also counsels you to take this time out because he assumes that the energies that have been paralysing you at work and have also been dangerously attacking your health for some time are intensifying.

這正是委員會所考慮的問題,因此決定並指示從現在起將停止一切,以至於你的接收無法進行。不過這次接觸對話並不在此限,因為這次對話還是要澄清一些問題。Arlion 也建議暫停,因為他認為那些使你工作癱瘓並且在相當一段時間內對你的健康構成危險的能量正在增強。


Well, that is not exactly pleasing. It seems a bit crass to me that I should be blocked, I do not think that is correct.



The committee's decision stands and cannot be changed, so it makes no sense for us to keep talking about it. But regarding … there is still some explaining to do, namely what should be in … what you should add in the … in the future. So … is what has been irrevocably determined by the committee and you should now add to it.

委員會的決議已經確定,不能更改,因此我們繼續討論也沒有意義。但是,關於 ... ,還有一些需要解釋的,就是未來在 ... 方面應該怎麼做。你應該在 ... 增加什麼內容。因此, ... 是委員會已經確定的內容,而你現在應該補充進去。


Good, I will do that right away and … wait, yes here …, dictate what I should write, ….

好,我馬上去做,然後 ... 等等,是的,在這裡 ... ,請你告訴我該寫什麼,...


… Here, there …– – – …

這裡,那個 ... … …. ...


That is all?






In addition to what we were talking about earlier, I would like to say the following: You really should not give up, not even in old age, because life also goes on in old age and it requires that you are active in some capacity. Being inactive because you do not want to, because you are lazy, because you do not want to work or because a certain amount of money does not require it is commonplace nowadays, because the majority of human beings have changed in a bad and negative manner and are no longer the same as previous generations. The majority of human beings today no longer belong to the righteous, hard-working generations of the past, who did not simply chase after wealth, pleasure and the desire to be known in the world, because today only pleasure, money and therefore wealth is important to the majority of human beings, but also might, which is usually built on the insane belief in an imaginary God or on self-aggrandisement, greed and worldly delusions and which is fought out in war and terror with countless murders, immense destruction and annihilation. In particular, murderous machinations, terror as well as persecution and enslavement, rape, prostitution and destruction of various kinds are again the continuation of what already happened in many earlier times. Thus, a large part of today's Earth-humans has degenerated, which reaches high into the governments, politicians and authorities and causes the same lousy mischief in them as in those large parts of the populations that behave worse than wild animals. This is the case when these human beings indulge in their depraved pleasures, desires, preferences, vices and degeneracies of all kinds without hesitation, destruction and recklessness. This is contrary to righteous fellow human beings, nature and its diverse fauna and flora of all genera and species. The many depraved human beings do not think about this at all, but simply 'live' into the day and senselessly indulge in what is currently slovenly, worthless and simple-mindedly flitting through their crazy and uncontrolled lowly intelligent intuitions.



Yes, what you say actually corresponds to my thoughts as well, as it is generally held no differently here on Erra, because here we do not know money and these rules, as well as not giving up work or simply employment after a certain age. In general, people continue to work or do other jobs into old age and not because of their age …

是的,你所說的確實符合我的想法,這在我們 Erra 星上也是一樣的情況,因為我們沒有金錢和這些規則,也沒有在達到一定年齡後放棄工作或活動的情況。一般來說,我們會工作或從事其他活動直到高齡,而不會因為年齡 ...


… I also think that. We call it retirement, after which a pension or retirement annuity is usually paid out to the retired person. In return, human beings have to pay a certain percentage of their salary to the 'old-age and survivors' or pension fund' for the rest of their lives.

... 我也這麼認為。我們稱之為退休,退休後通常會向退休人員發放養老金或退休年金。為此,人們在一生中會從工資中拿出一定比例交給「養老保險基金」或「退休基金」。


This kind of thing is unheard of with us, also, as I mentioned before, it is not common for us that work is no longer done or no other occupation is pursued after a certain age. Even our oldest female and male persons are engaged in some kind of activity that is at least useful for themselves or also for the community.



But that makes me wonder, what is it like when human beings are frail and no longer able to engage in any occupation?



Such a condition or similar conditions do not arise with us, because we maintain our health as well as our entire body in function throughout our lives so that absolutely no damage whatsoever is able to impair our health as well as the body and its organism in any wise. And the fact that this corresponds to absolute safety, which is effectively given, is also ensured by our technology, which is designed to immediately eliminate pathogens of diseases and illnesses etc. that occur in nature before they can also affect a single person. However, we are susceptible and must exercise extreme caution when we are on foreign worlds, because the pathogens that cause illness and disease are not eliminated by our technology there, if we are not protected by our safety suits, which is not always avoidable. However, in the worst case scenario, we can catch a cold if we are not careful.



But what about when it comes to going out of the world, by which I mean how is it that death also takes its toll on you at an early age? As I know, it also occurs when a human being is still young and not already well over 1,000 years old.



That is already determined by the basic disposition of the body organism, which is different from person to person from birth and which determines how long, for example, the heart will remain fully and comprehensively functional. This predetermines the expected age of life, and if this is not avoided by life-prolonging measures when the calculated lifespan is reached, then the vital organs give up their energy and strength, such as the most important organ, the heart.



Speaking of the heart, here on Earth, hearts are 'transplanted' through surgery from human beings who have just died to other human beings if their hearts are weak or malfunctioning, etc.



With us, health-medical measures are never carried out with regard to prolonging life, as is apparently practised by Earth-humans by 'transplanting' the hearts of other human beings, as you said. We do not do this, because if this organ is no longer functional, then every person naturally allows death to occur and does not try to prolong life in any wise, such as through a heart transplant. We respect death and never try to prevent it if we know that the time has come sooner or later, which is usually when the heart stops working. This is determined from birth, and we live accordingly, but we do not and never seek to prolong life by trying to stop death and change everything by transplanting a heart. We would consider such an action to be unworthy of life.



My view is that a heart transplant is an act to cheat death, whereby in addition, by 'replacing' the heart, respectively by a heart transplant, the personality is also changed, and then a foreign 'soul' beats in a chest, so to speak. I would also like to say that I think that death, as the normal last act of life, should be met without fear and horror, but with honour and dignity. This, as also that it can be fulfilled, and without life being prolonged by the insertion of a foreign heart.



I have nothing to say to that, for what you say is also our Plejaren posturing regarding death.



I already know that from Sfath, because we have talked about it a lot, and I have seen a lot of deaths in my life, which I do not want to talk about, but found the respect, honour and dignity that in living, dying and death reveal their true sublimity, values and greatness. But I do not want to talk about that, it would lead my explanations too far, and so my thoughts lead me further, namely to overpopulation, since there are currently around 9.5 billion human beings on Earth, and so it is inevitable that doppelgangers of some persons will be born again and again. But as I have already been taught by Sfath, this is completely natural and therefore absolutely inherent in nature. Here in Switzerland alone, I have found 6 men in the course of my life who looked deceptively similar to me, although it turned out that there were always certain differences, so there was never an absolute and perfect doppelganger. There was always something anatomically, attitudinally or psychologically etc. different from me, so it was never such that one could speak of a perfect doppelganger. I also learnt from Sfath that doppelgangers are born more frequently and therefore appear, sometimes in several wise around the world, the more human beings overpopulation produces. And Sfath taught me that these doppelgangers never, ever have anything to do with the erroneous, delusional and esoteric idea that certain human beings who had already lived once and whose likenesses were world-famous, for example, would be reborn and live again. This, such as Anne Frank, President Lincoln and various others, to whom doppelgangers are also born today in the 21st century, who are deceptively similar, but who have demonstrable differences, so that perfection of the doppelganger is never given or present. The personality of every human being finally passes away for all time after his/her effective death and never continues to exist through rebirth or ever exists again – whereby, however, during his/her lifetime the human being may deposit his personality energy, which is preserved for decades or millennia and even remains effective as a schema or somehow acoustically – but his/her Creation life energy escapes into its assigned energy level of Creation in order to revive a new personality as consciousness after a certain time of processing. So this alone cancels out the crazy delusional idea of rebirth, that the deceased person leads a new life through a new birth in another existence. Every human being – as well as every life-form in general – is animated by the life-energy of Creation allotted to it, namely by the fact that consciousness exists and is animated in every human being, but as a result of this it becomes inactive and lifeless again and thus 'extinguishes' when the human being dies, respectively the body expires. In this manner, through the effective death of the body, the life energy of the Creation immediately escapes from it again – which also 'extinguishes' the consciousness after the actual occurrence of death – in order to immediately flow back into its level of Creation. This is in order to process the knowledge gained in the personality's current life and to remain there for so long for the purpose of renewal that, after the duration of this processing, a new personality can be revived which no longer has any relevance to the previous and deceased personality. This is the process of life and death, whereby there is no rebirth, but rather a constant rebirth of life and a new existence and personality, as a result of which everything is constantly renewed and comes to bloom and life, as nature visibly demonstrates, since all plants release their seeds in one manner or another, from which, in the course of time and sooner or later, new plants of the same kind develop again, which are probably the same in sex or species as their mother-father plant, but in terms of personality is a completely new one, which no longer has any relevance to the mother-father plant and only points to its origin in terms of sex or species.

這方面我已經從Sfath那裡知道了,並且我們已經談論過了很多,而我一生中也見過很多次死亡,我不想談論這些,但我發現在生老病死的過程中,尊重、榮譽和尊嚴彰顯了生命真正的價值崇高和偉大。不過我不想繼續談論這些,因為這會把話題引得太遠,而我的思緒把我引向了人口過剩的問題,目前地球上大約有九十五億人口,所以難免常常會出現一些分身」(doppelgangers)。但是,正如Sfath教導我的,這完全是自然現象,因此也絕對天生就是如此。在我一生中,僅在瑞士就找到過6個與我極其相似的男子,但事實證明,他們之間總是存在某些差異,因此從來沒有出現絕對相同的分身。在解剖學上、態度上或心理上,總有一些地方與我不同,所以從來沒有彼此完全一樣的分身。我還從Sfath那裡瞭解到,隨著人口過剩,分身出生的頻率會更高,並且有時會在世界各地同時出現。而Sfath告訴我,這些分身從來都絕不會與那種特定的人會再度投胎並重新生活的錯誤妄想且具神秘色彩的想法有任何關聯。例如,那些曾經生活過並且可能享有國際知名度的人。這其中包括安妮.法蘭克Anne Frank)、林肯總統和其他各種各樣的人,在21世紀的今天也會有外貌驚人相似的分身出生,但可以證明,他們之間存在差異,從而從未有過完美的分身情況。每個人的人格在他實際死亡後將永遠消失,不會通過重生繼續存在,也不會再次存在 —— 然而,在其一生中,某些人可能會留下其人格能量,這種能量可以保存數十年或數千年,並可能以幻影或某種聲音形式表現出來。然而,其造物生命能量會返回其所屬的造物能量層,經過一段時間的處理後,再激活一個新的意識,形成一個新的個性。因此,通過再生讓已故的人以新生命形式再次生活的錯誤妄想就不複存在了。每一個人 —— 以及每一種生命形式 —— 都由其分配的造物生命能量所激活,而這能量使每個人的意識存在並活躍。然而,當人死亡,即身體死亡時,這意識會再次變得無活力和失去生命,從而“熄滅”。這樣,通過身體的實際死亡,造物的生命能量立即再次從身體中逸出 —— 這也在死亡實際發生後,意識隨之熄滅 —— 以便立即流回其造物層面這樣是為了處理人格在當前生命中獲得的知識,並在那裡停留足夠長時間以達到更新的目的,以至於在處理過程結束後,再激活一個全新的個性,與之前的已故個性無任何關聯。這就是生與死的過程,在這個過程中,其中不包括再生,而是生命和新存在及個性的持續更新。因此,一切都不斷地重新開始,繁榮和生長,就像自然界所顯示的那樣,所有植物以某種方式釋放其種子,這些種子隨著時間的推移,遲早會發展成新的類似植物。這些新植物就性別或物種而言,可能與其母本植物相同,但在個性上則完全不同,與其母本植物無關,只是在性別或物種方面表明了其來源。


It is amazing to me how you are able to explain everything so understandably.



That is my job, after all, and Sfath has taught me to always explain everything to such an extent that it can also be understood – of course, if it wants to be understood and is really seriously thought about. Unfortunately, this is often not the case because people prefer to indulge in religious, secular or esoteric beliefs or other superstitious delusions. This is how much people prefer to throw to the wind everything that is predicted as a warning, such as what I had already reproduced thousands of times at school with the help of Pastor Zimmermann and teacher Lehmann and then in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s and sent to governments, politicians, authorities and the media etc. worldwide. These were predictions that mentioned many things that would result from the sheer mass of overpopulation if it occurred and was not prevented by effective official controls. In the letters, I wrote that the breeding of an excessive humanity would destroy and annihilate the planet, nature and its fauna and flora, and that many things would be wiped out, also poisoning the atmosphere and destroying the climate. As a result, new diseases would emerge and enormous storms would begin to rage around the world, causing countries to become swamped and wreaking unparalleled destruction. Even the planet Earth will rebel – which has been largely destroyed, annihilated and in some cases even wiped out, including all ecosystems and thus nature and its flora and fauna. This, through the direct or indirect machinations of the Earthlings – who numbered around 2.5 billion human beings at the time – and in just around 75 years from 1958 until today, the overpopulation has grown to an incredible 9.55 billion. In this short period of around 75 years, it has achieved what the planet and its ecosystems, as well as nature as a whole, have not been able to do since the Earth came into existence 5.5 billion years ago.

這畢竟是我的任務,而且Sfath教導我,對任何事情都要解釋得通俗易懂 —— 當然,前提是人們願意理解並認真思考。遺憾的是,情況往往並非如此,因為人們更喜歡沉迷於宗教、世俗或神秘的信仰或其他迷信妄想。例如,許多人更願意忽視那些警告性的預測,這些預測我在學校時曾在Zimmermann(暫譯為齊默爾曼)牧師和Lehmann(暫譯為萊曼)老師的幫助下,以及在1950年代、1960年代和1970年代抄寫了幾千遍並寄送給世界各地的政府、政治家、當局和媒體等機構。這些預測提到了如果發生人口過剩,而官方又沒有採取有效的控制措施加以阻止,那麼大量的人口將會導致許多事情的發生。我在信中寫道,無限制的人口增長會摧毀和毀滅地球、自然及其動植物,甚至會導致許多物種滅絕,大氣層會被毒害,氣候也會被破壞。因此,新的疾病將會出現,全球將開始遭遇極端的惡劣天氣,導致國家被淹沒,造成無與倫比的破壞。甚至地球本身也會反抗 —— 地球及其所有生態系統,包括自然界及其動植物,大部分都會被破壞、毀滅,有些甚至會被滅絕。這一切都是地球人直接或間接的行為造成的結果 —— 當時大約有25億人 —— 1958年到今天,短短75年的時間裡,過剩的人口已經增長到了令人難以置信的95.5。而在這短短約75年的時間內所造成的破壞,超過了地球和其生態系統以及整個自然界在地球存在的55億年中所經歷的一切

Massive overpopulation has largely destroyed all ecosystems and thus nature with its fauna and flora and, with regard to the planet, has robbed and plundered it of all its resources in an incredibly irresponsible manner. This, while today and in the future, through the fault of the Earthlings, volcanoes will erupt all over the Earth and in the depths of the oceans, causing much mischief, and even the danger of a caldera going mad and becoming active is looming. And this will now also have an unpleasant and negative impact on global politics in the future, with many insurgent armed conflicts, wars and acts of terrorism also breaking out and bringing suffering, misery, hardship and death. And now comes everything that I predicted back in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, which were actually predictions and not prophecies, because together with Sfath I saw in the future what will happen and is now being fulfilled as reality and in the future. But all the many thousands of letters that I sent all over the world, which were translated into English and French, and many of which came about with the help of Pastor Zimmermann and Teaching Lehmann, were of absolutely no use, because I did not even receive a single reply, so everything came to nothing. Governments, the media, authorities, offices and many others ignored everything, so nothing was done to prevent overpopulation or to protect anything. On the contrary, through their direct and indirect machinations, almost the entire planet and nature as well as its fauna and flora were largely destroyed, annihilated and even wiped out.


And at the present time, what I announced in my predictions is being fulfilled more and more blatantly, but the same is being done as was done in my lifetime, namely that all warnings are being negated and I am being slandered. Human beings who have learnt renowned professions and think that they have learnt a lot and important things, insult and slander me, call me a liar, a fantasist, a dreamer, a psychopath, a mental patient, an abnormal person, a storyteller and much more. This is how it has been maliciously, hatefully as well as slanderously put out into the world by Christian sectarians in my early adolescent years in Bülach, persecuting me all over the world and repeatedly trying to murder me, 25 times so far. Despite many witnesses around the world who have seen not only the Plejaren beamships, but also Sfath, Asket, Ptaah, you, Quetzal, and Semjase with their own eyes and a few have even spoken to you, everything is denied and slandered and the witnesses are insulted as believers who are only deluded, fantasised, self-deceived and deluded. All this in addition to the fact that, as my followers, they are hypnotised by me and so unteachable under my spell that they no longer have free will. And all of these lies, insults, slander and other various types of offence have been spread throughout my entire life and are increasingly being spread again today. This is by persons who, because of their profession, think they are great, clever, smart and knowledgeable, but who really know and understand nothing and are nothing more than ignorant little sausages. Unfortunately, this is because they are the ones who prevent humanity from finally becoming open to the effective truth and making it their purpose in life, which would finally bring true love, true peace and real freedom to the world among earthly humanity.



Unfortunately, as we know today, that will remain an unfulfillable pipe dream for a very, very long time.



I know that, because the future showed me … But now, Quetzal, if you have enough time, I have these many questions here in this long letter from Alois … which I do not want to read out to you one by one, but only what is important and what I want to say in response. However, I would ask you to correct me if I answer something incorrectly or if you think it should be answered differently. It is also desired that I raise these questions in a conversation with you or Ptaah or just give the answer. But now the question is, do you have enough time to be attentive when I deal with and answer the questions in this letter?

我知道這一點,因為未來向我顯示了…現在,Quetzal,如果你有足夠的時間,我在Alois的這封長信中提出了許多問題 ... 我不想一個一個唸給你聽,而只想唸重要的部分,並說出我認為的答案。但是我想請你在我回答錯誤時或你認為應該有不同答案時糾正我。還有希望我在與你或Ptaah的談話中提出這些問題或給出答案。但是現在的問題是,你是否有足夠的時間注意我處理和回答這封信中的問題?


I do not lack time, so I would like to do as you wish. I also want to tell you that in the last two months I have learnt a great deal about our distant and most distant Plejaren past, which has shown me things worth knowing that go back to the most distant times, up to 30,000,000 years ago, so I can also answer your questions in this regard if you ask about things or events that fall within this period of time. So let us hear what answers you have to give.



That is good, because I have questions here that might also interest people other than just the questioner, like this one about the extent to which extraterrestrials would influence events on Earth. Of course, I cannot answer these, because I do not really know whether this is the case, and if it is, then I really do not know anything about it. Then there are many other questions that go far back into the past, but first this question here, which relates to the meeting of would-be world leaders who met on the Bürgenstock and talked big and meaninglessly, to which I replied that this was effectively ridiculous and really nothing more than just a big joke by crazy rulers from all over the world – also from Switzerland – who wanted to make a big fool of themselves with stupid and lowly intelligent speeches and put themselves in the limelight. And the question of why our Federal President had shamelessly embraced the war criminal Zelensky, I commented on this in the last Zeitzeichen [Sign of the Times] of June and have copied it here for you to read again:

這很好,因為除了提問者之外,其他人也可能會對我這裡的問題感興趣,例如這個關於外星人會在多大程度上影響地球事件的問題。當然,我無法回答這些問題,因為我真的不知道是否存在這種情況,如果存在,那我也真的一無所知。接下來是許多其他問題,這些問題可以追溯到很久以前,但首先是這個問題,涉及那些在比爾根山Bürgenstock)會面的想成為世界大人物的人的會議,他們進行了大話連篇的無意義談話,對此我回答說,這確實很可笑,實際上只不過是來自世界各地 —— 也包括瑞士 —— 的瘋狂統治者們開的一個大玩笑而已,他們想用愚蠢而和無聊的言論出盡洋相,讓自己成為眾人矚目的焦點。關於我們的聯邦總統為何無恥地擁護戰犯澤倫斯基的問題,我在六月份的最後一期《時代的標誌》(Zeitzeichen)上表達了我的看法,並在這裡複製了一份以供重複,現在唸給你聽:

Billy's comment: It is no wonder that there is no reaction in the Federal Palace in Bern, and therefore in the national government, when there are elements sitting there who are allowed to continue to 'govern' with impunity, even though they are guilty of treason regarding the undermining of the country's neutrality, namely by adopting and applying sanctions from the EU dictatorship against Russia. This has resulted in enmity between Russia and Switzerland, which will be difficult to repair and restore the previously passable relationship between Russia and Switzerland. However, the unfortunate person who did this and made a mockery of Swiss neutrality in an evil and treacherous manner continues to 'reign' in the national government with absolute impunity, instead of being dishonourably dismissed from it immediately. However, there are other elements who erroneously order that animals in the wild should be shot because they are supposedly dangerous for human beings and their sheep etc., because wolves, for example, snatch sheep from the huge flocks of sheep farmers who never get enough to earn money en masse with their sheep farming, regardless of the fact that the remnants of nature are made a pig of in the process. The fact that a federal councillor is helping out and demanding that the wolves simply be shot is probably the bottom of the barrel. The same applies to beavers, which are to be killed off, something that certain farmers are also in favour of – just as certain sheep farmers are in favour of wolves – and others are in favour of otters, because a certain Federal Councillor is also calling for this, which begs the question, why such idiots are actually elected to government, sit in it, are tolerated and are not called to account, even though they cause such immense damage that not only jeopardises the continued existence of nature and its fauna and flora, but also the existence, life and safety of all human beings. And this is happening in the government, where the right is supposed to govern and the people are supposed to be guided and their lives and safety guaranteed. Regardless of whether it is in the Federal Council, the Council of States or the National Council, such elements do not belong in government, because if nature is not finally protected and such elements, who make a mess of everything, are removed from office and replaced by rulers who finally protect nature and its fauna and flora, then they will disappear for good. Instead of these unfit elements in the government doing something to drastically reduce the scary mass of overpopulation, namely through a long-term and officially controlled birth control, it does not occur to those morbidly stupid and idiots in the government who prefer to exterminate and shoot wild animals that reason and responsibility are consciously and responsibly borne and exercised.

比利的評論:在伯恩的聯邦宮Federal Palace),也就是在國家政府中,有些人可以繼續我行我素在“執政”,儘管他們在破壞國家中立方面犯下了叛國罪,也就是通過並實施歐盟獨裁政權對俄羅斯的制裁。這造成了俄羅斯和瑞士之間的敵意,很難修復和恢復俄羅斯和瑞士之間以往還算過得去的關係。然而,這個以邪惡和背信棄義的方式嘲弄瑞士中立的瀆職者卻繼續“統治”著國家政府,完全不受懲罰,而沒有立即被解職而黯然下台。然而,還有一些人誤導人們應該射殺野外動物,因為他們認為野外動物對人類和他們的羊群等構成威脅,例如,狼會從牧羊人中搶走羊群,而這些養羊的農民進行羊群的養殖,為大量賺取金錢而永遠不會滿足,不管這是否使自然的牧草遭到破壞。一個聯邦議員竟然幫腔,要求乾脆槍斃所有狼群,這顯然是荒謬至極。同樣的情況也發生在海狸身上,某些農民也贊成捕殺海狸 —— 就像某些養羊的農民贊成捕殺狼一樣 —— 還有人贊成捕殺水獺,因為某位聯邦議員也在呼籲這樣做,這不禁讓人產生疑問,為什麼這樣的白癡居然能被選入政府,繼續留在那裡,被容忍而不被追究責任,儘管他們造成了如此巨大的損害,不僅威脅著自然和其動植物的延續,甚至危及所有人的生存、生活和安全。而這一切都發生在政府中,因為政府本應行使管理權,人民本應得到指導,他們的生命和安全本應得到保障。不管是在聯邦委員會(Federal Council)、聯邦院(Council of States)還是在國民院(National Council),這些人都不應該存在於政府中,因為如果自然環境不得到保護,這些破壞一切的人不被免職,並由真正能夠保護自然及其動植物的領導者取代,那麼這些問題將永遠存在。政府中的這些不合適的人不去做一些事情,那就是通過長期和官方控制的生育凍結來大幅減少可怕的人口過剩,那些偏執愚蠢和白癡的人反而更願意滅絕和槍殺野生動物,並不意識到需要有意識和負責任地理性與責任。

This, as other lousy elements of government – who do no honour to the righteous of those in power as well as their spouse – stand aside and shamefully and unworthily break the word of honour of the pledge. But it is also a roaring ridicule and a true disgrace for the country that a Swiss female president humiliated herself after the international meeting of the leaders of around 100 states on the Bürgenstock – whereby the meeting was really nothing more than a large-scale joke by lunatic leaders from all over the world to make a name for themselves with stupid and lowly intelligent speeches and to put themselves in the limelight, and first and foremost Switzerland, which has created enmity for itself with the insane adoption and application of the EU dictatorship sanctions against Russia – to shamelessly embrace the warmonger and war criminal Zelensky, which would probably also have happened if the war criminal Netanyahu from Israel had fallen into their hands, if he had also played a part in this alleged 'peace conference'.

而政府中的其他卑鄙小人 —— 他們對當權者的正義及其配偶不屑一顧 —— 卻站在一旁,可恥地、不配地違背了誓言的承諾。然而,在約一百個國家的領導人在比爾根山(Bürgenstock)舉行國際會議之後,瑞士女總統卻自取其辱——這次會議實際上不過是全球瘋狂領導人的大笑話,他們為了愚蠢的演講和大話而大肆宣揚,並試圖突出自己的角色,特別是瑞士,通過採納和執行對俄羅斯的歐盟專制制裁,引發了敵意 —— 無恥地擁護戰爭販子和戰犯澤倫斯基(Zelensky),如果以色列的戰犯納坦雅胡(Netanyahu)也參與了這次所謂的“和平會議”,那麼這很可能也會發生。

What happened at the so-called What is really true about the so-called 'family photo' at the end of the conference on the Bürgenstock, in which the President of the Swiss Confederation allegedly shamelessly, stupidly, erroneously, addicted to prestige and pompously leaned out of the mass of the errant rulers in the photo, in order to falsely make themselves appear as particularly 'highly praised' in their simple-minded unimportance, it is not proven whether this photo was real when it was published on television or whether it was a deliberate forgery and therefore a photomontage – I do not know. Either way, various foreign press outlets were quick to comment on it, expressing their opinions, which were shameful for Switzerland, but the people in the Bernese parliament did not seem to care, because as far as I know, no public statement on the whole ridiculous affair appeared to enlighten the public. Moreover, it must be said clearly and unequivocally: of the public media, there are very few – in Switzerland and abroad – that honestly dare to tell the truth openly and with absolute impartiality.

在比爾根山會議結束時的所謂“全家福照片”中,關於那位聯邦總統據稱在照片中無恥、愚蠢、瘋狂、虛榮和自大地從參與者的大眾中探出頭來,試圖以其愚蠢的無足輕重來虛張聲勢,這張照片的真實性是否真實,當它在電視上播出時是否真實,或者它是否是一種有意的偽造和合成照片 —— 我不得而知。無論如何,外國媒體毫不遲疑地發表了各種評論,表達了他們對瑞士的羞恥看法,但顯然伯恩聯邦大廈的同事們似乎並不在乎,因為據我所知,他們沒有對這荒謬事件發表任何公開聲明以澄清事實真相。此外,值得明確指出的是:在瑞士和國外,只有極少數公共媒體敢於坦率、公正地揭示真相。

The majority of the public media outlets, also here in Switzerland, are obviously completely politically dependent, and they rage viciously, slanderously, attackingly and with bias against those states, persons and institutions, groups and associations that are not to the liking of politicians, civil servants, rulers and the similarly-minded rank and file, who come from all walks of life, or simply have a different view resp. attitude, or are solely devoted to honesty and truth and feel obliged to do so.


These mendacious public media, which are entirely dependent on politics and its weal and woe and usually carry big or otherwise well-known names, are biased in every manner and depend on being tolerated by politicians. And since the majority of well-known media outlets are dependent on being at one with politics and thus on their partisan opinions, schools of thought and delusions, they also only publish politically biased news in their 'true' reports. But as I said, these are effectively politically biased throughout and lack any neutrality, just as, on the contrary, any reporting should only be fundamentally and comprehensively carried out in absolute neutrality, whereby the human being reading the report would have to think for himself without a predetermined biased opinion and seek and recognise the effective truth impartially.


All this with regard to the fact that the alleged 'peace conference' cost millions of Swiss francs, which was pointless and supposedly a 'Ukraine peace conference on the Bürgenstock', but in reality corresponded to nothing more than a farce, which ultimately has to be paid for by the taxpayers of Switzerland.

關於所謂的“和平會議”在比爾根山舉行,據稱耗費了數百萬瑞士法郎,宣稱是一場“烏克蘭和平會議” (中文稱為「20246月烏克蘭和平峰會」),實際上卻只是一場荒誕的鬧劇,最終由瑞士納稅人買單。

The conference was effectively just a hypocritical and bogus 'peace conference' at the taxpayers' expense, which was just a cat's paw game played by publicity-hungry people who pretended to be the rulers of countries from all over the world.

這場會議實際上只是一場虛偽和虛構的“和平會議”,費用由納稅人承擔,不過是一群渴求宣傳的人假扮世界各國統治者玩的「傀儡」(cat's paw)遊戲罷了。

It was not a peace conference, because neither the Russian war leader Putin, who is mad and vengeful with his army in Ukraine, nor the mass murderer and madman of Israel, Netanyahu, who wants to organise a genocide of the Palestinians for the sake of his inner ambition – which he is being helped to do by the lousy neo-NAZI rulers in Germany and also by all the 'lätzgfäderte' leaders of countries who see neither reality nor the truth – but which he will not succeed in doing despite his madness. This applies equally to all those irresponsible governments, politicians and fellow howlers from the populations of around 50 countries who are supplying weapons and ammunition to the American-dependent clown and war monger Zelensky in Ukraine and who neither see nor recognise reality and its truth. They also fail to recognise that America, with its hegemonic behaviour, is behind the whole war in Ukraine and wants to incorporate Russia and take it over – freely with the possibility of the murderous organisation NATO, which was of course founded by an American leader named Truman – in order to get a little closer to world domination.

一切都不是真正的和平會議,因為無論是俄羅斯的戰爭主導者普京,他在烏克蘭的軍隊中展示了瘋狂和復仇心,還是以色列的大屠殺者和瘋子納坦雅胡,他出於內心的野心想要對巴勒斯坦人進行種族滅絕 - 雖然德國的這些懦弱的新納粹統治者,以及那些既看不見現實也不知真相的國家領導人都幫助他,但他的瘋狂計畫將不會成功。所有那些不負責任的政府、政客和跟隨者們,來自大約五十個國家的人們,他們向依賴美國的小丑和戰爭狂熱者澤連斯基在烏克蘭提供武器和彈藥,卻對現實和真相視而不見,不認識到烏克蘭戰爭背後是美國的霸權行徑,試圖將俄羅斯吞併並掠奪,自由地與殺人組織北約合作,這個組織顯然是由一個名叫杜魯門的美國領袖成立的,以此向全球主義靠攏。

Of course, neither the Russian and wrongdoing Putin nor the Israeli mass murderer Netanyahu were invited to the conference, nor were they present as representatives at this very expensive and pointless fun meeting. Instead, the warmonger Zelensky was present, along with all those who partisanly supply him with weapons and ammunition etc. and are responsible for the fact that the murder and destruction in Ukraine continues and will not end for the time being. And the lowly intelligent suppliers of arms and ammunition to Zelensky do not understand that all the murder and destruction of the war in Ukraine is being controlled behind the scenes by America, which wants to bring NATO into Ukraine with all its nasty means in order to be next to Russia and then constantly harass it and ultimately 'incorporate' it into its hegemony. This, just as they do not think so far ahead that one day they must also expect to fall into America's clutches.


Well, it was America that provoked the unsuccessful negotiations and wanted to bring NATO into Ukraine by all means, against which Russia resp. Putin and his cabinet etc. fought back and led to Putin and his cabinet triggering the war in Ukraine.


The war that has been raging there for years now continues to be promoted by lunatics and partisans as well as idiots from the governments and fellow howlers from the populations of around 50 countries who are incapable of thinking, namely by supplying weapons and ammunition to the lunatic clown and warmonger Zelensky. This is in the interests of America, which in its hegemonic mania wants to 'devour' the whole world and bring it under its control, whereby it has already brought around 40 per cent of all states under its control. However, many of the peoples and the rulers of various states obviously do not care about this because they are all lowly intelligent and simple-minded and trust in the lying and deceitful regime of America, which is obsessed with world domination, and are unable to think or act correctly themselves.



I am not yet familiar with what you have read out, because I have not yet read the 'Zeitzeichen' [Sign of the Times].



You also cannot, because it is still lying fallow in my computer and is therefore not finished. But what I would like to say about America: What everything will ultimately look like over there has been shown since time immemorial by the behaviour in the USA, which is full of lawlessness, abuse of the law and murders as a result of racial hatred, etc., because it is true that the USA is not a country of lawlessness. For there is truly no other country in the world that has so many and also so many diverse terrorist organisations and other criminal organisations, groups of all kinds of criminality, murderers carrying out murder orders, political intrigues and drug trafficking, religious fanaticism and religious sectarianism as well as 'associations for black masses, devil and Satan cults, pseudo-religious associations, associations with Satan, associations for near-death experiences, esotericism and occultism', etc.


But what Alois goes on to ask here in his letter relates to Switzerland's neutrality, which was really made a pig of by an irresponsible Federal Council because these sanctions were adopted by the EU dictatorship and applied against Russia. The question is whether I could give a good answer as to what neutrality really means. I have written the following, which I may be able to use further if the opportunity arises, because various disgraceful Swiss rulers obviously do not know what neutrality is and what value it really has, such as that they are committing treason when they violate neutrality and thereby make a mockery of it. In addition, as I see and understand it, such elements of treason do not belong in any government post, in a security service, in the police or authorities, etc. However, I would like to clarify the following about what is meant by neutrality and how I learnt this at school when the Nazi henchmen and SS murderers shouted near the Swiss border: "Little Switzerland, the porcupine, we will take it in retreat." Although these fools rejoiced too soon, because, as we know, everything turned out differently than they expected, Switzerland's neutrality prevented our country from being actively involved in the war. However, those treacherous persons in the government and among the people, etc., who were born long after the world war from 1939 to 1945 and did not experience how effectively valuable neutrality was and still is, do not want to and cannot understand this. Swiss citizens who do not understand this, who think and act differently, such as that neutrality can be turned into treason, should give up their Swiss citizenship and leave the country. Such elements really do not belong in our neutral, peaceful Switzerland, and certainly not in a government office, where they are clearly still protected out of 'collegiality'.


But what I want to say now is that the mentally ill lunatics and idiots of both sexes – whether in Switzerland or in other countries, and whether they are government officials or ordinary citizens – who are making a mockery of our Swiss neutrality are unfortunately so full of imbecility that they do not know or understand what neutrality really means and that it can also not simply be bent and changed at will by stupid, lunatics and idiots. Neutrality is a Latin term (from: ne-utrum 'neither'), which means that human beings and the state must be absolutely impartial and well-balanced in thought and action, so that absolutely impartial thoughts must also be cultivated in every case of conflict and that there are no biased opinions, attitudes or desires of this kind. This applies in particular to rulers and other politicians, but also to the people and authorities of Switzerland, which in 1815 committed itself to the 'impartiality of the state' and also remains neutral as a member of the UN. In its neutrality, Switzerland – its rulers, politicians, authorities and population – must never take a partisan stance towards anyone, but must keep out of foreign affairs and conflicts, which means that Switzerland may not participate in any manner in wars or armed conflicts of other states or sanctions against them. If this is violated, regardless of whether it is a person from the government or from the personality, then neutrality is violated and the state of Switzerland is betrayed, which is tantamount to treason.

然而,我現在要說的是關於那些頭腦病態的瘋子和白癡,不論他們是在瑞士還是其他國家,不論是統治者還是普通公民,他們羞辱並敗壞了我們瑞士的中立性。不幸的是,這些人充滿了如此荒謬的想法,以至於他們不知道也不理解中立性真正的含義,他們不能隨意改變和扭曲中立性,因為中立性這個術語源自拉丁語(由“ne-utrum”意為“兩者都不是”),意味著人和國家在思想和行為上必須絕對公正和平衡。因此,在任何衝突中都必須保持絕對公正的思想,不能有任何偏袒的觀點、立場或者類似的願望存在。這特別適用於統治者、其他政治家,以及瑞士的人民和政府部門,他們自1815年以來就奉行“國家的公正”原則,並作為聯合國的成員保持中立。瑞士 —— 無論是統治者、政治家、政府還是人民 —— 在其中立原則中從未對任何人或任何事採取偏袒立場,而是要避免介入外國事務和衝突,因此瑞士在任何形式上都不得參與其他國家的戰爭、武裝衝突或對其實施制裁。如果違反了這一原則,無論是政府官員還是普通公民,都將侵犯中立性並背叛瑞士國家,這等同於叛國行為。


What you say is unambiguous, clear and unequivocal.



That is probably the case, but whether the traitors to the country realise this is questionable, because their sick brains are obviously not big enough to be able to really think, because their low intelligence is so immeasurable that even a single real thought would also tear their skulls into a thousand pieces.



That cannot be changed, because that would only be possible if the Earth-humans in question were to learn truly conscious-correct and meaningful thinking.



Unfortunately, they will not, because on the one hand their faith does not allow this, while on the other hand their megalomania, their bossiness, self-importance, self-conceit as well as their addiction to power and domination etc. keep them so imprisoned and enslaved that hops and malt are lost with regard to improvement, as we say when something is impossible to do.



Of course, but I did not know that manner of talking, because that …

當然,但我不知道這種說話方式,因為 ...


… you must have forgotten it, because I certainly mentioned it once. But okay, then here the letter refers to what happens on television and mainly, as it says here, refers to UFOs. The channels 'Kabe eins DOKU', 'N24 DOKU' and 'Welt DOKU' are said to broadcast many programmes of this kind. This relates to UFOs, which is why people are asking what is actually going on worldwide in this respect, why the air forces of various countries want to hunt down and shoot down UFOs, but the public is also not being informed about this, nor about everything else that is happening in terms of UFOs and abductions by them, etc. And as for the question here about what the stories about the Pleiades and Sirus and the Anasatzi really contain in terms of truth, I cannot answer that, because I have never really looked into it. But I will answer this question here by saying that I explained a long time ago that the UFOs do not belong to you Plejaren, that it does not concern you Plejaren, nor that you also have one iota to do with it. And I would like to say explicitly that you Plejaren have not the slightest interest in coming into contact with these UFOs or their occupants in any way. De…

…你可能已經忘記了,因為我確實提過一次。但是,好吧,這封信裡指出了電視上會播放的內容,主要是關於不明飛行物(UFO)的節目。像《Kabe eins DOKU》、《N24 DOKU》和《Welt DOKU》這些頻道會播放許多這類節目。這些節目主要關於UFO,於是有人問,全球究竟發生了什麼,為什麼不同國家的空軍想要追捕和擊落UFO,但公眾卻沒有被告知,也沒有被告知關於UFO和被其綁架等其他相關事件的真相。而關於這裡提出的關於昴宿星團(Plejaden)和天狼星(Sirus)以及Anasatzi的故事究竟有多少是真實的問題,我沒法回答,因為我從來沒有真正研究過這些問題。這裡的這個問題,我想回答的是,我早就已經解釋過,這些UFO並不屬於你們Plejaren,所以這不關你們的事,你們Plejaren也完全沒有任何涉及。再者,我還要明確說明,你們Plejaren對這些UFO或其乘員一點興趣都沒有,完全不想與他們接觸。我...


… that is correct, because already since ancient times and therefore since time immemorial, our most distant ancestors, who still called themselves 'Kawkiar', have avoided everything to make contact in any wise with the beings of these flying apparatuses that have been appearing in Earth space since time immemorial or to draw attention to us in any other way. This has been very carefully cultivated for around 25 million years, even by our very early ancestors. We Plejaren, as we were called when we established the connection with you, have always been careful to ensure that our ANKAR universe remains untouched by intruders of any kind, even when our early ancestors found the passage into this DERN universe. This was a decision of all our early peoples at that time, who were very widely spread throughout our universe and lived in discord with each other, but were nevertheless united in avoiding anything that would ever allow foreigners from the DERN universe to find a passage into our ANKAR universe. All the constantly feuding and fighting peoples of all the planets – which today all belong to our Federation – agreed that feuds and wars should not one day arise with invaders from the DERN universe. Despite our own feuds and all the constant warfare among ourselves, it was unanimously decided never to do anything careless to such an extent that foreigners from the DERN universe should ever find their way into our ANKAR universe through our carelessness. As was uniformly decided at the time, it was never to come to the point where feuds and wars were evoked that extended beyond our own ANKAR universe.

... 沒錯,因為自古以來,我們最遙遠的祖先,他們當時還叫「Kawkiar」,就已經避免與這些早在地球出現的飛行器的生物有任何形式的接觸,或者以任何方式引起他們對我們的注意。這種做法已經持續了大約兩千五百萬年,從我們非常早期的祖先開始就非常謹慎地保持著這種做法。我們被稱作Plejaren,自從我們與你建立聯繫後就採用了這個名稱,早在我們的早期祖先找到通往這個DERN宇宙的通道時,就已經在努力確保我們的ANKAR宇宙不受任何入侵者的干擾。這是我們當時所有早期民族的決議,這些民族在我們的宇宙中廣泛分佈,彼此之間不和,但卻一致同意避免任何外來者從DERN宇宙找到通往我們ANKAR宇宙的通道。所有星球上不斷爭鬥和戰鬥的民族(今天都屬於我們的聯邦)一致認為,不應該再因來自DERN宇宙的入侵者而引發新的爭鬥和戰爭。儘管彼此之間不斷爭鬥和進行戰爭,他們仍然一致決定,絕不因粗心大意而讓DERN宇宙的外來者找到通往我們ANKAR宇宙的通道。正如當時一致決定的那樣,絕不允許引發超出我們自身ANKAR宇宙範圍的爭鬥和戰爭。


Aha, and here I immediately have a question that was asked of me elsewhere, but which has nothing to do with these questions here and which I could not answer. The question was how long did it take after the 'Sphere of Peace' came until peace was finally achieved more than 52,000 years ago? There used to be wars on all the planets of your present Federation, and there were even wars between the peoples of various planets, as I know from Sfath, but I do not know how long it took after the appearance of the 'Sphere of Peace' until true and lasting peace was finally established, which has now existed for more than 52,000 years among you and the entire Federation. I am aware of when peace really took hold, etc., but how long did it take after the appearance of the peace sphere until peace really and finally became a reality? I have not heard anything more about where this orb came from, so I assume you have not been able to find out anything yet?

啊哈,我有一個問題是別人問我的,與這些問題無關,而且我無法回答。問題是,自從「和平之球」(Sphere of Peace)出現後,過了多久才終於在超過五萬兩千年前實現了真正的和平?早期在你們今天的聯邦的所有星球上都有戰爭,甚至還有星球之間的戰爭,這我從Sfath那裡知道,但我不知道從「和平之球」出現到最終實現真正和持久的和平,這期間還花了多長時間。如今這和平已經在你們和整個聯邦存在了超過五萬兩千年。我知道和平何時真正開始的,但從「和平之球」出現到真正和最終的和平成為現實,這期間花了多長時間?關於這個球的來源,我沒有聽說過更多,因此我假設你們至今還沒有查明?


That is correct. Our endeavours continue unabated, but so far nothing has been discovered in the more than 175,000 years that have passed since then. And the whole process since then, when serious efforts were made to achieve real peace and until the final peace was finally achieved, took even longer than 123,000 years, as I know from our ancestral history. The human beings of all the peoples of our present-day federation needed many tens of thousands of years, and thus 123,000 years, as I said, after the appearance of the 'peace sphere', as you call it, to transform themselves into really true human beings, which they also actually became.



Unfortunately, the humanity of Earth will not have that much time, for it will … But I am only telling you this, for Sfath recommended that I keep silent about this until my final departure.

不幸的是,地球上的人類沒有那麼多時間了,因為他們將 ... 但我只是告訴你這些,因為Sfath建議我在最終離去之前對此保持沉默。


I was going to say the same thing about that, for it would be … But what I wanted to explain further earlier: Our early ancestors and all those after them from then on adhered much more strictly to the instruction that nothing was ever to be done carelessly whereby foreigners from the DERN universe could find a passage into our ANKAR universe. This was because, as our very distant ancestors had already discovered and recognised, some of the foreign peoples were very unpeaceful, warlike, violent and aggressive beings, in contrast to other foreigners who were more peaceful and balanced in nature. However, the foreigners of a negative nature, who also posed as gods and the like and were of different origins, have remained trapped in their attitudes to this day and have not changed for the better, as we can also see again and again at the present time through our explorations. In addition, the foreigners of various beings are so different in their attitudes, their habitus and their aspirations that no comparisons can be made in a harmonious manner. Even in early prehistoric times, various of these beings, who were not peacefully minded, exerted such an influence on Earth that beliefs, violence and anatomical changes were induced in early Earth-humans through genetic and viral manipulation. In particular, negative and violent aspirations, ambitions, desires for honour, aspirations and ambitions as well as greed for honour, etc., were caused. In particular, negative and violent aspirations, ambitions and strivings as well as ambition etc. were transferred to effective 'breeds' through all the above-mentioned diverse manipulations of the beings of hostile and humanly deviant dispositions, as a result of which the negative dispositions already developed in early times, which continues to this day and brings a great deal of suffering and harm to their most distant descendants and thus to Earth-humans. This has in fact been able to continue to this day, leading to the unfortunate, malicious and at that time pre-calculated enmity, as a result of various fanatical beliefs, among the worldwide majority of believing Earth-humans. The human being himself is this highest might and alone determines everything himself, but is integrated into the laws of Creation and its energies and powers, which are part of himself and which he can use freely at his own discretion and mould into what he likes. Consequently, he is free according to his own thinking and in every wise independent of the influences of any deities resp. of beings who presented themselves as gods and gods and allowed themselves to be glorified. They were only beings who secured their might by placing themselves high above their 'breedings' and moulding them into slaves resp. slaves through various forms of faith, who as 'breedings' submissively regarded their 'producers' as gods in their faith. The various forms of faith, however, were created by manipulative genetic and viral means and were also programmed for long-term effectiveness to such an extent that they were actually timeless. The impulsiveness of the forms of belief was so immune to this that Earth-humans were not able to free themselves from them willingly, consequently they were not able to do so and are not able to do so even today. This is because it is a matter of a manipulated, genetically conditioned and virus-induced and, moreover, programmed, compelling faith. This corresponds to a compulsion that cannot simply be released, especially not because the Earth-human being bound by religious belief, which has been programmed and manipulatively controlled since time immemorial by the hostile and by delusional belief, has such an unbreakable effect that it binds the Earth-humans to it, whereby the majority of them are trapped in a delusion and compulsion to believe in a worldly and also religious form and are unable to free themselves from it, or only with extreme difficulty.

我本來也想這麼說,因為 ... 但我剛才還想進一步解釋的是:我們的早期祖先和所有後來的後代都更加嚴格地遵守了這個指示,絕不允許因不小心而讓DERN宇宙的外來者找到通往我們ANKAR宇宙的通道。這是因為我們非常遙遠的祖先早已探明並認識到,有些外來民族是非常不和平的、好戰的、暴力的和侵略性的,與此相對的是,其他外來者則是較為和平和平衡的。那些性情負面的外來者,常自稱為神等,來自不同的來源,至今仍然囿於他們的意識形態,並未有所改善,這一點我們通過研究一再證實。此外,這些外來者在意識形態、習性和追求方面有著如此大的差異,以至於無法客觀比較。早在遠古時期,不和平的外來者就對地球產生了影響,他們通過基因和病毒操縱,造成了早期地球人類的信仰、暴力傾向以及解剖學上的變化。特別是,負面和暴力的抱負、野心、榮譽心、追求和渴望等,都是通過這些多種多樣的操縱,被那些具有敵意和非人性化思想的外來者通過基因影響轉移到人類的有效“培育”上。因此,這種負面的意識形態早在古時就已經形成,並持續至今,給其後代及地球人類帶來了極大的痛苦和損害。這種情況確實一直持續到今天,導致了全球大多數信徒之間的苦惱、惡意和早期預測到的敵意,這是由於各種狂熱的信仰所致。人們在混亂的信仰中無意識地被這種方式驅使,儘管人類自身就是那最高的力量,一切由他自己決定,然而他們遵循著造物法則及其能量和力量,這些法則、能量和力量是他們自身的一部分,他們可以自由地根據自己的判斷使用並從中塑造自己喜歡的東西。因此,人類根據自己的思考是自由的,完全不受任何神靈或自稱為神和眾神的影響那些生物只是確保了自己的權力,將自己置於其“培育”的對象之上,並通過各種信仰形式將他們變成順從的信徒或奴隸,這些“培育”的對象在其信仰中將其“創造者”視為神。這些多樣化的信仰形式是通過基因和病毒操縱創造的,並被設計為長期有效,實際上達到了某種永恆性。信仰形式的脈衝如此強烈,以至於地球人無法自主地擺脫它,因此即使在今天,他們也無法擺脫這些信仰。這是因為這種信仰是一個被操縱的,是基因條件和病毒引起的,而且是程式化的、強迫性的信仰。這是一種無法輕易解除的強制力,尤其是因為被宗教信仰束縛的地球人,從古至今被敵對者和荒謬的信仰所程式設計和操縱控制,它具有牢不可破的效果,將地球人束縛在其中,這使得大多數地球人陷入世俗和宗教形式的妄想和被迫信仰中,無法或極其困難地擺脫這些束縛

On the one hand, this is related to the majority of Earth-humans who, due to the abnormality of those negative-minded foreigners, were genetically moulded in a human-negative manner by manipulation and by certain viral influences, while on the other hand the genetically peaceful beings did not transfer such manipulations into their 'breeds' due to their humanity, but their number was only small, so that only a minimal part of Earth-humans has developed in a human-positive manner up to the present day. However, this small part has always been unable to assert itself against the majority of the manipulated, believers and otherwise negatively influenced people, as a result of which the discord among Earth-humans will continue and continue to bring discord, enmity, a great deal of hardship, misery and suffering, many deaths, destruction and hostility to life.



You are saying a lot of things here that Sfath told me to keep quiet about for the rest of my life and never say anything about, which is why I think you are only mentioning it to me and I am just punctuating your speech – practically the whole thing – are you not? What Sfath told me, I think …

你在這裡說了很多Sfath讓我一輩子保持沉默,什麼都不要說的事情,所以我才覺得你只是對我提起,而我會以省略符號(…)的方式表示你說的話 —— 實際上是整個發言 —— 不是嗎?Sfath告訴我的事,我想 ...


… no, I do not agree with that, for what I have declared shall be said openly for Earth-humans for once. What instruction you received from Sfath is probably not relevant here, but if you continue to follow his advice, then this is probably right and has its justification. However, this does not affect my explanations, because they are based on what I have learnt from records and cannot be linked to Sfath and his instructions to you. What I had to say and explain does not concern you and Sfath's instructions, but only my speech and what I know.

So you can rest assured, because you are not guilty of breaking a promise.

... 不,我不同意這樣做,因為我宣佈的事情應該為地球人公開說一次。你從Sfath那裡得到了什麼指示可能與此無關,但如果你繼續遵循他的建議,那麼這是合適的並且有其理由。不過,這並不影響我的解釋,因為我的解釋是基於我從記錄中瞭解到的,與Sfath和他對你的指示無關。我要說和解釋的與你們和Sfath的指示無關,只與我的言論和我所知道的有關。所以,你可以放心,因為你沒有違背承諾。


Good, – I understand what you are saying and explaining, but – well, I will say no more about it and just continue to keep quiet and stick to what Sfath has counselled me to do. This whole thing also has nothing to do with how it is asked here that human life developed on Earth, which originated about 45 million years ago and spread almost simultaneously worldwide, but not from Africa, as is always erroneously claimed by earthly sciences. How, when and what actually happened was something completely different from what scientists assume, because everything corresponds only to their conjectural assumptions and unfounded claims. I already know all this from Sfath, because he informed me about it in detail and precisely. I even came across a picture once in recent years that showed the very creature that Sfath made me see in a pit in Germany and explained to me that the first Earth-humans had evolved from it. But these were then wiped out over time by the 'breeds', as you called them, so they did not 'simply' die out, but were wiped out by them. But there is no point in saying more about this, because our 'bright scientists' know everything better anyway – or at least they think they do. Sfath used to say: "The wise are silent and let the lowly intelligent speak." And he also said that an immense number of equally stupid people follow them because they are unable to think for themselves, but simply believe.


[中譯者註:以上所提到的德國坑洞,指的就是之前也多次提過的德國梅塞爾坑Messel pit),梅塞爾坑在20世紀初便已因出土許多化石而聞名,包括麥塞爾達爾文猴等(資料來自《維基百科)]




Unfortunately, that corresponds to the truth, but only those human beings are able to recognise this who are not believers in any way, but are able to think independently and freely.



You are right again and hit the nail on the head. But I still have more questions in this long letter, concerning the genders of human beings, male procreation, female childbirth, sexual orientations resp. preferences, which are probably a thousand and one, then homosexuals, lesbians, heterosexuals, hetero and homosexual, hetero and lesbian, and so on. Sexual masochism etc. is also questioned. But in short, I was asked what it is like for you Plejaren, whether these forms or ways of having sex etc. also occur and are a given for you? The question was asked whether there is a 3rd gender, as a crazy man from the music industry has recently been trying to have his gender recognised as the 3rd. He is probably a 'Zwick', as we say in the vernacular, a hermaphrodite, a human being who is both male and female, a hermaphrodite, a human being with intersexuality, i.e. who has both male and female sexual characteristics at the same time. A pure hetero male is either male or female orientated, while a pure homosexual is only male and a pure lesbian only female. Then there are also forms in which sexuality is 'mixed', such as homosexuality and lesbianism with heterosexuality, etc. And when I look at and assess everything in this regard, I only recognise the female and the male, also in 'bisexual' resp. bisexual terms, so I cannot recognise a 3rd gender. I see and recognise this in human beings, also in animals, creatures and all other billions of life-forms of fauna and flora.



This also corresponds to reality and its truth, because in the entire sphere of life of all life-forms, everything is naturally given so that there is only female or male, whereby the forms of bisexuality, i.e. intersexuality resp. hermaphrodism, are also part of this, which can be mated as well as copulating. Either way, only the feminine or the masculine can be expressed or come to the fore, whereby only mating or giving birth can be given and absolutely no 3rd gender is possible. So either way, a hermaphrodite, as you call it, is also always and in any case either purely male or purely female in an act of procreation or in childbirth, so consequently there can never be a 3rd gender resp. a 3rd sex.



That is exactly what I also think, because it would be completely illogical and would correspond to something contrary to nature and could never be. The human being who thinks they are the 3rd gender is obviously not in their right mind because they are perhaps a 'pinch' and therefore bisexual. Either way, the feminine or masculine always comes into its own in the end. The assumption or attitude that, for example, as a result of being a hermaphrodite, a 3rd gender must now be or be recognised, that not only shows low intelligence and therefore a failure to think in terms of reality and its truth, but also ignorance of the laws of nature, their existence and their effects.



I have to agree with you there, because denying this truth would testify to an overestimation and non-acceptance of actual reality and its truth. As you always say when something is absurd, namely erroneous. And I can only repeat that, because the very idea of a 3rd gender is irrational.



In my opinion, it is already delusional to talk about a human being being something different and special, wanting to be or being supposed to be something other than just a human being. There is absolutely nothing to be gained from such an idea, because no matter how and what a human being is, whether rich or poor, good or bad, world-famous or unknown, believer or non-believer and whether a state leader or simple citizen, he is always and in any case nothing other than a human being. Only the effective truth is always correct and important, namely that the human being proves himself to be a true human being and not something else in degeneracy. But here in this long letter the question arises again about UFOs, whether they really have nothing to do with the Plejaren. However, I have already answered this question by saying that you Plejaren really have nothing to do with them, because when it comes to UFOs you have kept so far away from them since time immemorial that they are not even able to locate you in any way. So no incidents of any kind, such as abductions, encounters with extraterrestrials or simply sightings of UFOs, have anything to do with Plejaren beamships, this, as above all, also has nothing to do with the so-called UFO incidents and the incidents that occur in connection with earthly military and air force attacks. Only vague reports are published about the fact that these actually take place in various countries, whereby much of the truth about UFOs is concealed from the world public by the military etc. because there is supposedly no public interest in it.



We have probably talked enough about this over the last few years, though I do want to agree with your words and confirm them affirmatively, that indeed everything you said corresponds to the correctness.



Fine. – But I cannot answer this question here, because I am being asked what element 115 is all about, and also whether it is really suitable for sending UFOs hurtling through the air. I looked it up on the Internet and found the following:


Element 115 is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into other substances using chemical methods. The elements are the basic substances of chemical reactions. The smallest possible quantity of an element is the atom. All atoms of an element have the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus (the atomic number). They therefore have the same electron shell structure and therefore also have the same chemical behaviour.


An element is designated by an element symbol, an abbreviation that is usually derived from the Latin name of the element (for example Pb from lead, Fe from iron). The elements are arranged in the periodic table according to increasing atomic number. A total of 118 elements have been identified to date. Of these, the elements with atomic numbers from 1 to 94 occur naturally on Earth, albeit often in the form of chemical compounds and sometimes only in extremely small traces, e.g. as short-lived intermediates in radioactive decay. 80 of the 118 known chemical elements have at least one stable nuclide.


Moscovium is an artificially produced chemical element with the element symbol Mc and atomic number 115. In the periodic table, it is in the 15th IUPAC group and thus belongs to the nitrogen group.


The name is derived from the Moscow Oblast, where the Russian nuclear research centre Dubna is located. Hardly any other element plays as big a role in computer games as element 115. It is used as a weapon, as a fuel for time machines and is also said to emit gravitational waves. It is used to change the shape of gravitational waves.

該名稱源於俄羅斯「杜布納核研究中心」(Russian nuclear research centre Dubna)所在的莫斯科州。幾乎沒有任何其他元素能像115號元素一樣在電腦遊戲中扮演如此重要的角色。它被用作武器、時間機器的燃料,據說還能發射引力波。甚至能改變引力波的形式。


Element 115, it is called that on Earth, but differently here, but we should not openly address this question in our conversation. However, if you wish me to explain more in detail, then I will gladly do so in a private wise manner, but I cannot openly express a position and explanation about it, and that is … Therefore …

元素115,在地球上是這樣稱呼的,但在這裡有所不同,但我們不應該在談話中公開討論這個問題。不過,如果你希望我更詳細地解釋,我很樂意以私下的方式來解釋,但我不能公開表達立場和說明,原因是 ... 因此 ...


Sure – I see. We can really talk about that in private. Then something else here in the letter regarding the fact that overpopulation destroys and destroys everything ecologically, i.e. all of nature and its fauna and flora: I would like to say that it is extremely vital for nature, fauna and flora and all life in general that human beings do not steal even more habitat, and also that fauna and flora are not wiped out even more. What is being demanded in Switzerland with the shooting of wolves, beavers and otters by an insane Federal Councillor is so irresponsible and crazy that it should not be true at all that a so-called 'father of the country' can come into government and act criminally against nature. A Federal Councillor who wants to publicly enforce his thoughtless, destructive, eradicating, unequal and blatant hostility to life against nature, wildlife and its continued existence and who shouts his endeavours and thoughts in this regard on television. As a result, farmers and other landowners and watercourse owners are incited to relentlessly shoot down vital wildlife, causing what is important for the preservation of the vital nature of wildlife to disappear ever more drastically and the meadows, meadows, floodplains, fields and forests etc. to lose their vitality and die off. As a result of the disappearance and extinction of wildlife, nature as a whole withers away, becomes desolate and dies off, but idiots who understand nothing about nature and its living conditions do not give this a second thought – even if they call themselves Federal Councillors. The same idiots are all those who cut down good and vital forests or scrub along streams and floodplains and meadow edges, which are vital for various wild animals and birds as well as rare flowers and other plants. Cantonal and municipal governments are particularly responsible for this, as they order this imbecility to cantonal and municipal workers, who then carelessly follow their instructions. In this way, nature, which is vital for all life-forms, is being turned into sow, completely destroyed and annihilated – and therefore also for human beings. And this happens without a single penny of thought being given to the evil, destruction, devastation and absolute eradication that is actually being done. In particular, those who should be responsible for this only have a big mouth, talk a big game and refer to what they 'learnt' at vocational school, etc., etc., etc.. In reality, however, they do not even have a clue about what nature's ecosystems and their fauna and flora need in order to live correctly and survive at all. They are so lowly intelligent and therefore non-thinking, self-centred and completely out of touch with the future that they even ban the planting of neophytes, which are also perfectly happy to thrive in foreign countries other than their original countries of origin.

當然,我明白了。我們真的可以私下談談這個問題。信中還提到了另一個事實,也就是人口過剩破壞了生態上的一切,即所有的自然及其動植物;我想說的是,人類不能再竊取更多的棲息地,也不能再讓更多的動植物滅絕,這對大自然、動植物和所有生命都極為重要。在瑞士,一個瘋狂的聯邦議員要求射殺狼、海狸和水獺,這種行為非常不負責任而瘋狂,以至於一個所謂的“國父”(father of the country)可以進入政府並做出違反自然的犯罪行為,這完全不符合事實。一個聯邦議員想要公開對大自然、野生動物和它們的繼續生存實施他那不假思索、具有破壞性、消滅性、不自然並且極端的反生命行為,並在電視上大肆宣揚他在這方面的努力和想法。結果,農民和其他土地所有者以及水道所有者被煽動起來,無情地射殺重要的野生動物,導致對保護野生動物的生命力至關重要的東西越來越急劇地消失,草地、田野、河灘、農田和森林等失去了生機,枯死殆盡。由於野生動物的消失和滅絕,整個大自然也隨之枯萎、荒涼和消亡,但那些對大自然及其生存條件一無所知的白癡們卻對此不屑一顧 —— 即使他們自稱是聯邦議員。這些白癡還包括所有砍伐沿溪流、濱岸和草地邊緣的良好且必需的森林或灌木叢的人,因為這些地方對各種野生動物和鳥類以及珍稀花卉和其他植物至關重要。州政府和市政府尤其要對此負責,因為他們向州和市政府的工作人員下達了這種愚蠢的命令,而這些工作人員則漫不經心地按照他們的指示行事。這樣一來,對所有生命形式至關重要的自然環境被搞得一團糟,完全被破壞和摧毀,因此也對人類有害。而這一切發生的時候,人們根本沒有考慮到實際上正在發生的邪惡、破壞、毀滅和絕對滅絕性後果。尤其是那些應該對此負責的人,他們只會高談闊論,說大話,提到他們在職業學校“學到”的東西。但實際上,他們根本不知道大自然的生態系統及其動植物需要什麼才能正常生活和生存。他們如此愚蠢,因此不思進取,以自我為中心,與未來完全脫節,甚至禁止種植新物種,而這些新物種也完全可以在原產國以外的地區茁壯成長。

Neophytes, i.e. plants from foreign countries, which, by the way, will take root and become native in Europe in the future as a result of anthropogenic resp. human-induced climate change. (Google explanation: Neophytes are plants that were directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously introduced by human beings after 1492 (which is not true, because foreign plants were introduced much earlier), the year of the (alleged) discovery of America by (allegedly) Christopher Columbus (centuries after the actual discovery of the continent of America), in areas where they did not occur naturally). The anti-neophyte idiots – who probably cannot be called anything else and who, in their stupidity and know-it-all attitude, cannot think beyond the end of their noses – are unfortunately particularly well represented in Europe and are working against nature and the laws of climate change, which is already taking effect and is already revealing the evil changes that the Earthling has forced worldwide. This is due on the one hand to the immense mass of overpopulation, and on the other hand to the destructive and exploitative depletion of planet Earth's resources. This, as well as the many and endlessly destructive and exterminating machinations regarding all ecosystems of nature and its entire fauna and flora. The fact that the idiocy of those who mainly exercise the might of the rulers is viciously destructive and annihilating is not accepted by the peoples, who therefore elect elements to their governments who know nothing at all about the protection of life in general, which is first and foremost the planet itself, its atmosphere, the climate, all ecosystems, human beings and the entire world of nature and its fauna and flora.

新生植物,即來自外國的植物,順便說一句,由於人為的或人類引起的氣候變化,這些植物將來會在歐洲生根發芽,成為歐洲的本土植物。[Google 解釋:新生植物是指人類在1492年之後(這是不正確的,因為外來植物的引入要早得多),即(據稱)克里斯多福.哥倫布Christopher Columbus)發現美洲的那一年(實際發現美洲大陸的幾個世紀之後),直接或間接、有意識或無意識地引入的植物,而這些植物並不是自然生長的]。反對新生植物的白癡們 —— 他們在他們的愚蠢狂熱和自以為是中無法看得更遠,只能看到自己的鼻尖 —— 不幸的是在歐洲特別多,並且他們正在反對自然和已經生效的氣候變化規律,這些規律已經在全球顯示出地球人類所強加的惡劣變化。一方面是由於龐大的人口過剩,另一方面是由於他們對地球資源的破壞性和掠奪性開採。這些行為,還有對所有自然生態系統及其所有動植物的許多和無止境的毀滅和滅絕行為。這種主要由掌握權力的統治者所實施的惡意破壞和毀滅行為,人民不願接受,然而卻選出一些對生命保護完全一無所知的成員進入政府,而這些成員對於保護生命,包括地球本身、大氣層、氣候、所有生態系統、人類以及所有自然界的動植物,根本不瞭解。

In Switzerland, these rulers are the majority of the Federal Council, the Council of States, the National Council as well as many of the cantonal authorities, the majority of the members of the municipal authorities, and even their forestry officials and the 'experts' of this and that, who should really do everything necessary in the great outdoors for nature itself and for the fauna and flora in order to ensure their existence and ability to live fairly. This means that everything should be protected and left alone from bad influences and nothing should be spoilt, destroyed or eradicated. However, exactly the opposite is being done against nature and its entire fauna and flora. Instead of returning everything to nature as quickly as possible, idiotic rulers and authorities are insanely doing everything that inevitably causes the opposite of what should be and become right. In addition, idiots and other lunatics and somehow disguised people, or religious sectarians or people who do not see the truth and reality and other idiots demand that earthly humanity must endeavour to have more births and thus more offspring. This is unparalleled idiocy when you consider that all the evils began almost 70 years ago with the breeding of overpopulation. Evils that today have a practically uncontrollable grip on planet Earth, all ecosystems, i.e. the entire natural world and its fauna and flora, as well as humanity on earth in its insane numbers, more than just in a negative way, but in enslavement.


What has been stolen from nature and all its fauna and flora by human beings through their overpopulation and irrationality, as well as through their destructive and exterminating machinations and greed, is indeed hitting the bottom of all barrels. And if everything that is evil, destructive, annihilating and exterminating is not quickly brought to an end and transformed back to its natural state, then life will not be able to continue for much longer. The human beings' excessive overpopulation and all their manipulations and machinations are to blame for the fact that almost all of nature and its fauna and flora have been destroyed, the atmosphere has also been poisoned and the temperate climate has been turned into a pig and driven to change. So first and foremost, humanity resp. overpopulation must be 'reduced' and drastically reduced, which can only be achieved through a deliberate, long-term and officially controlled birth stop resp. reduction of humanity to a maximum planetary human population of 500,000,000 (in the maximum case, a maximum human population on earth should not exceed 1.5 billion). The further progressive destruction of all ecosystems, nature and its fauna and flora as well as the atmosphere and climate must be stopped as quickly as possible, although it will take centuries for everything in nature and its fauna and flora to return to normal.



There you speak a word that is not to be doubted.



Interesting, I would forgotten about that. Here – you said that Asina will be here today or so. They are still asking what the people of ASINA call themselves. Do you know that?

有意思,我都快忘了這件事 —— 你不是說今天或這兩天Asina會來嗎?那時候如果有人問Asina屬於哪個種族。你知道嗎?


Yes, the people are called Nsamoli, and we call them Dagos.



Dagos? That sounds like dragons to me.



But the name does not have that meaning, because in our main language it means 'kind'.



So it means something like 'kind' or something like that?



You can also understand it that way.



Then I still have the question from this very long letter as to what 'spirits' are and what can be said as an explanation for spirits. According to my understanding, as Sfath explained it to me, these are energies and forces that are deposited during one's lifetime depending on the strength and intensity of the positive or negative personality energy. Depending on their strength, the energy deposits may also be measurable by equipment, both during life and after death, whereby they can remain deposited for quite a long time, even millennia, and can even be perceptible to human beings who are sensitive to them. Through occult machinations, drugs, alcohol, supplied gases, also earth gases or space gases, fear, various mental states or consciously used aids, etc., audible voices as well as visible manifestations can be evoked, such as so-called paranormal phenomena, forms of 'answers' to questions, as well as shadowy appearances of figures, etc., depending on sensitivity and expectations. This depends on the sensitivity and expectations of the occultists and 'interested parties', 'educators' etc., as they may experience 'ghostly manifestations' and sensations of all kinds, including shuddering and fear etc. However, 'independent phenomena' can also arise as a result of deposited energies, which are preserved for thousands of years as diffuse or condensed forms of phenomena. On the one hand, however, it is also possible for human beings who are still alive to produce shadowy or condensed phenomena through their uncontrolled thoughts – such as thoughts of memory or imagination, etc. – which are then falsely labelled as 'ghosts' by observers.



As Sfath instructed you in this regard, it corresponds exactly to our findings and what I myself learnt and was able to verify through my own experiments. Since I have been stationed here on Earth, I have been living out my interests, including also the branch of spiritualism and occultism that exists here on this world, which many Earth-humans believe in and are even delusional about. Such beliefs and delusions are foreign to us on Erra, so I can only carry out the explorations and research I am interested in here on Earth.



Then you are in the correct place, because here on Earth it is teeming with occultists, Satan occultists, spiritualists and other degenerate and crazy imaginations and delusions, for which there are even so-called 'scientific writings' of these delusional beliefs. But I do not really want to deal with this nonsense here, because it is more important that I deal with this long letter resp. its other questions, such as this one, which asks what would actually happen if a war were to end. I want to say that peace after a war is nothing other than submission, but not freedom and peace, but enmity and hatred, which is what arises among the defeated people. Even if idiotic military heads and other like-minded people claim that victory after a war brings peace, this is an unparalleled lie, because in truth only the weapons of war are silent – if they do not continue to fire underground – because there is simply a state of 'cease fire' enforced by murder and armed force, but not peace. This end of the war really has nothing to do with the fact that the victorious party is now submissively taking over the helm and determining the course of events as it sees fit. However, this does not mean freedom, but now dancing to the rules according to the new regulations and instructions of the war victors.

那你就找對地方了,因為地球上充斥著神秘主義者、撒旦神秘主義者、靈修主義者和其他墮落、瘋狂的想像和妄想,甚至有所謂的“科學論文”來描述這些妄想信仰。但我並不想在這裡討論這些無稽之談,因為更重要的是我要處理這封長信以及信中的其他問題,比如這個問題,它問如果戰爭結束,究竟會發生什麼。我想說的是,戰後的和平無非是屈服,但不是自由與和平,而是敵意和仇恨,這就是戰敗國人民之間產生的東西。即使愚蠢的軍事首腦和其他志同道合的人聲稱戰爭勝利後會帶來和平,這也是一個無與倫比的謊言,因為事實上只有戰爭武器才是沉默的 —— 如果它們不繼續在地下開火的話 —— 因為這只是一種由謀殺和武裝力量強制實施的“停火狀態”,而不是和平。戰爭的結束與勝利方現在順從地接管政權並按照自己的意願決定事態發展的事實毫無關係。然而,這並不意味著自由,而是現在按照戰爭勝利者的新規定和指示照章辦事。


That is well explained and says exactly what reality is when not a stalemate but a winning party emerges from a war.



Stalemate, this is an expression used in chess, when one side becomes stalemate, it means that a piece can no longer be moved if at the same time the king is not in check. The game then becomes a so-called draw. If a player is stalemated, he or she is usually at a great material disadvantage, because chess is not usually played for fun and pastime, but for money, and quite large sums at that.


If a stalemate is used in another form as a failure or nullity in politics, then the stalemate forms a so-called stalemate situation of what is being discussed or talked about. A conversation or a speech is actually always an inequality between human beings – in politics between 2 parties – where there is no agreement and such an agreement cannot be reached resp. no agreement can be reached and enforced.

如果僵局以另一種形式被用作政治中的失敗或無效,那麼僵局就形成了所討論或談論內容的所謂僵持局面。談話或演講實際上總是人與人之間的不平等 —— 在政治上是雙方之間的不平等 —— 在這種不平等中,沒有達成一致意見,這種一致意見無法達成,或者說,無法達成協議並執行一致的意見。


Your explanation is good and unambiguous to understand, and I could not have explained it better, this also if I was thinking of a war draw and not chess and not politics when I mentioned the term stalemate. But the language and its words are to be used widely, and as I know you understand a lot more in this regard than I do, as German is not my native language.



You are good, because mine is not either, but Swiss-German is my mother tongue, if I may tell you that again. But listen to what is being asked here, namely whether Zelensky does not have enemies in his own ranks? Of course he does, just as people in America are also against him, even though the doddering old man and senile President Biden and his supporters support this warmonger, war monger and arms beggar, which means that the war in Ukraine will not end, but will continue. But the same also applies to Putin, whom a radical Navalny group would like to get to grips with, as well as a radical group of ultra-Orthodox in Israel, who are waiting to send the mass murderer and genocidal Heini Netanyahu to the afterlife. But there are groups and individuals like this all over the world who want to get at other people because something about them does not fit in with their crazy pseudo-thinking. This was already the case when so-called America was mainly occupied by Europeans, who invaded the country, appropriated it and slaughtered, murdered and enslaved the natives and started long wars.


The arms supplies to Zelensky and the related aid by lunatics and idiots of the governments of some 50 countries and their other partisan politicians and the lowly intelligent of the population do everything that the various factions of America's hegemonists want, first and foremost the senile and decrepit President Biden, who in his low intelligence is not worth a shot of powder, as the saying goes, when a human being fails in every conceivable good way.


In Ukraine itself, as I said, there is an underground movement against Zelensky, whose endeavour is to clear him out of the world, but – because he is closely guarded – this has not yet been achieved, as Bermunda told me. So that is about that, but the next question is about something else, namely Antarctica, because it asks whether it has always been covered in ice?



What Bermunda told you regarding Zelensky and the underground movement actually corresponds to what really is. I have also investigated this myself, as I have also paid attention to all the hostile movements, which I could not simply ignore and which were frightening. But regarding the fact that somehow assassins sometimes find ways to realise their murderous desires despite the close and strictest protection of their chosen victims, that cannot be denied, therefore all those against whom assassinations are planned live dangerously.



I did not doubt Bermunda's words. But I can answer the question about Antarctica by saying that this was not the case, because it was not actually covered in ice in the past, because Antarctica was once a splendid, flourishing continent, which – but I only want to tell you this – …

我並沒有懷疑Bermunda的話。但我可以回答關於南極洲的問題,那就是事實並非如此,因為南極洲在過去實際上並沒有被冰雪覆蓋,因為南極洲曾經是一個綻放、繁榮的大陸,但我只想告訴你這個 —— ...


That agrees with what I know from Sfath's annals. Also that …

這與我從Sfath的《大事記要》(annals)中瞭解到的情況一致。另外 ...


But all this, Sfath said, should be kept quiet. He expressly insisted on that, because he said that …

Sfath說,這一切都應該保密。他明確堅持這點,因為他說 ...


I am aware of that, which is why, after all, it is not to be talked about openly.



Exactly, that is why I am only going to dot the i's and cross the t's when I call up our conversation and write it down. But then there is this question here …

沒錯,因此當我接收並記錄我們的對話時,對於我們所說的部分,我只會用省略號代替。不過還有這個問題 ...


… are there still their many?

... 還有很多嗎?


A few more, but I would like to answer them, like this one, which relates to the fact that it was only a long time ago – let us say prehistoric times – that huge shifts in the earth's crust formed the continents that we know as such today. And I would like to answer this further question regarding Creation and the universes as follows: Yes, our Creation is roughly egg-shaped and contains 7 universes. However, they are separate and do not affect each other in any wise resp. they do not touch or influence each other. Each of these 7 universes has its own dimension, which cannot touch the dimension of another universe, but has within itself the dimension of the present and countless dimensions of the future and past, whereby, for example, the human being – if he is in possession of the necessary technology – can 'travel' into the past or future and thus into another dimension. However, 'travelling' to another universe of Creation requires a much more futuristic technology that goes far beyond that, which is necessary to 'travel' to any dimensions of the past or future resp. a foreign present. The Plejaren – if I want to speak of those with whom I am in contact and connection – do not only come from another future dimension or another past dimension of our DERN universe, as the Plejaren call it, but from the ANKAR universe, as they call it, which is another universe in the existence of the 7-fold universe realm of Creation. The Plejaren from the ANKAR universe are therefore not time travellers from the future, present or past of our DERN universe, but time travellers from a completely differently dimensioned other universe of our Creation, which comprises 7 completely differently dimensioned universes. The ANKAR universe, from which the Plejaren come to our DERN universe, is practically the same place as our DERN universe, only with different dimensions and somewhat time-shifted to our time, but this is so minimal that there is probably no need to talk about it separately.

還有幾個問題,但我想回答一下,比如這個問題,它涉及到這樣一個事實,即只是在很久以前 —— 比方說史前時代 —— 地殼的巨大變化才形成了我們今天所知的大陸。關於「造化」(Creation)和那些宇宙(universes),我想進一步回答如下:是的,我們的「造化」Creation大致呈卵形,包含七個宇宙。但是,它們是獨立的,在任何情況下都不會相互影響。這七個宇宙中的每一個都有自己的維度,它們不能接觸到另一個宇宙的維度,但它們本身又有現在的維度和無數個未來和過去的維度,例如,如果人類掌握了必要的技術,他就可以“穿梭”(travel)到過去或未來,從而進入另一個維度。然而,要“穿梭”到另一個創世宇宙(universe of Creation),則需要一種遠超未來的技術,這遠遠超出了探索過去或未來的任何維度或外來現實所需的技術。如果我要談論我與之有接觸的那些Plejaren,他們不僅來自我們DERN宇宙的另一個未來維度或過去維度,而且來自他們所說的ANKAR宇宙,那是「造化」七個宇宙領域中存在的另一個宇宙。因此,來自ANKAR宇宙的Plejaren並不是來自DERN宇宙未來、現在或過去的時間旅行者,而是來自我們創世的另一個完全不同維度的宇宙的時間旅行者,這個宇宙由七個完全不同維度的宇宙組成。PlejarenANKAR宇宙來到我們的DERN宇宙,實際上ANKAR宇宙與我們的DERN宇宙是同一個地方,只是維度不同,時間與我們的時間有些偏移,但這是微乎其微的,也許沒有必要特別討論。

What perhaps still needs to be said about all this is that the so-called UFOs of the foreigners have absolutely nothing to do with the Plejaren and are in fact also not in the slightest connected with them. The UFOs and thus the foreigners originate neither from the ANKAR universe nor from one of the other dimensioned universes of our Creation, but they originate solely from this DERN universe and the celestial bodies visible from Earth resp. the worlds or planets orbiting them. That they even have knowledge of the ANKAR universe, the Plejaren and the 7-universe of Creation is more than questionable, because as the Plejaren fathomed, there was nothing to indicate that the foreigners were also even vaguely concerned with this. The extent to which the foreigners with their UFOs are able to manage their present by time travelling into the past or future, i.e. to switch from their present to Earth time, also remains to be seen and is unknown to me. I think I have answered the most important part of this question.



I think that was detailed enough, because more explanations on this would only bring new questions for you to answer again. And this does not correspond to what your work is about, namely the worldwide teaching of the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life'. However, all the questions that arise from other moments and which you are supposed to answer are truthfully not teaching-related and therefore unworthy in this respect, which is why you should not go into them in any wise and answer them.



I know that well, but I just cannot avoid digressing sometimes after all and …

我當然知道,但有時我不能不偏離話題,畢竟 ...


… which you should not do, though, because the teaching alone is important. But … Excuse me, please … Please wait, this is a message that Enjana is passing on to me via the station from the committee, which is listening in on our conversation. … I will explain what is being said when … Unfortunately … well, it is not exactly pleasant what I have to report, also everything that Arlion is reporting, who is also present at the current meeting of the panel. Through this little device here, which you must have noticed at the beginning of my arrival, all your health data has been and is being transmitted timelessly via the station directly to the plenary meeting of the committee, which has taken note and decided that your health is extremely poor and that our conversation should be terminated. This instruction states that we will only resume and continue our conversations when your state of health is so satisfactory that we can resume our conversations with you without hesitation and without harming your health. Even if you do not let on, the device will record that you are experiencing dizziness and feeling unwell. That is why I am going to leave now and only come back when you want to accept my help, which you have always refused so far when your health has been affected. Nu…

... 但你不應該這樣做,因為教導本身就很重要。但是 ... 對不起,請 ... 請稍等,這是一則Enjana通過委員會那邊傳來的訊息,委員會正在監聽我們的談話。 ... 等我收到更多訊息後再向你解釋。 ... 不幸的是 ... 好吧,我要報告的事情和Arlion報告的一切都不太愉快,他也出席了本次委員會的討論。你一定在我到達之初就注意到了,通過這個小裝置,你的所有健康資料已經並正在通過太空基站直接定時傳送給委員會全體成員。他們已經知曉並決定,你的健康狀況相當糟糕,因此我們的對話應該結束。根據這個指示,我們將在你的健康狀況恢復到足夠良好,可以毫無顧慮地繼續與你對話之後,才會再次開始和繼續我們的對話。儘管你看起來未表現出什麼,這裝置記錄到你有暈眩和身體不適的跡象。因此,我現在要離開,直到你願意接受我的幫助,雖然迄今為止,當你的健康受到影響時,你一直拒絕接受我的幫助。好吧 ...


… you know I do not want any help, and I am sticking to that, because I do not want any more advantages than any other Earthling. And I do not want to argue with you about that, because that is my attitude, and I am not going to change it.

... 你知道我不想要任何幫助,我堅持這一點,因為我不想要比其他地球人得到更多的好處。我不想和你爭論這個問題,因為這就是我的態度,我不會改變。


Then so be it, and I respect that. Then I will go now, although I think it will be a long time before I can come back here. I will let Bermunda, Florena and Enjana know, but they will still be visiting you. So goodbye then, Eduard, dear friend. But I do not know when that will be, and I have to abide by the committee's instructions. However, I am not forbidden, nor are Bermunda, Enjana and Florena, to call on you from time to time and keep an eye on your health, etc.



Of course, that could be the case. The whole thing is a bit abrupt, but I know … Take care – no more words are needed – and goodbye, Quetzal, my friend.

當然,也有可能是這樣。雖然這一切有些突然,但我知道 ... 保重 —— 無需多言 —— 再見,Quetzal,我的朋友。

FIGU Has Two New YouTube Channels Where You Can Find Out More About Billy, the Plejaren and Creation-energy Teaching:

FIGU 有兩個新的 YouTube 頻道,你們可以在其中瞭解更多有關比利、

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Michael from Hinterschmidrueti


來自 Hinterschmidrueti Michael


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