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Contact Report 890第890次接觸報告



最初英譯:20240617日,星期DeepL Translator

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20240618日,星期DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu





This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Well, this is a surprise. Welcome, Ptaah, I was not expecting you after Quetzal told me that none of you were coming here for the next 3 to 4 weeks. But Madeleine just heard your phone when you rang from the office over to my flat. But I was not here, I was at the biotope because there is some work to be done there, while Eva is in Uster bringing Selina home for the weekend.



Greetings, Eduard, my friend. Of course I will come here if you are not feeling good. I will not let you take that away from me, even if I am far away.



It is okay, I am all right again, although in hospital …

好吧,我已經沒事了,雖然在醫院裡 ...


Good, the important thing is that you are fine. But before I go back and stay away for a long time, I want to say the following in advance and explain what the committee has decided, which Quetzal has already told you about, which is being dealt with by the committee, because some things …

好吧,重要的是你恢復健康了。在我回去之前,並且會離開較長一段時間,我想先說明並解釋一些事情,這是委員會決定的,Quetzal已經向你報告了一些,這些事情正在處理中,因為有些 ...


Quetzal actually explained that, but I thought that would come up when Quetzal comes back in 3 or 4 weeks.



Yes, that is planned, but the committee decided that you should be pre-informed about what is to be in the future so that the FIGU association continues effectively when you have finished your time here on Earth. To this end, the following has been decided and determined by the committee as a matter of urgency and importance, which is to be valid immediately and corresponds to necessity:


… … …

.... … …

This is what I have currently been told by the committee and what I can tell you. Quetzal will then explain to you what else is necessary, what the committee will decide, when everything has been finalised, whereby these instructions and regulations will only remain internal to the group and will effectively be used as important instructions before the statutes.






Quetzal has already explained that to me. But I still have a few things I want to say here, such as that I am not a prophet, but only a herald of the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life', and therefore nothing special, as people want to make me out to be. In this respect, I would be really happy if this nonsense would finally stop, as it also has with the murder and destruction caused by the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, etc. Not only has the imbecility of the two wars confirmed – as I predicted at the beginning of the Ukraine war – that this and other wars will lead to the resurgence of insane and victimising and hateful anti-Semitism worldwide, but also that all these murderous skirmishes will continue for years to come. The war in Ukraine could be ended if America, addicted to world domination, finally withdrew and the warmonger and poor arms beggar Zelensky was removed from office, thereby cancelling and destroying America's desire to include Ukraine in NATO. This desire to bring NATO into Ukraine was the real reason why Russia struck with war – which of course was also not the correct solution, because despite America's nasty and deceitful lies and machinations, the whole thing should have been resolved by the states of the world through politically honest and valuable negotiations, but the majority of the world's rulers are cowards and also believers in America, so nothing good and right can be expected from them – because after the world war America did not keep its lying promises made in the 1990s that its borders would be preserved and that NATO would never expand eastwards against Russia. But America, together with NATO, mendaciously did the opposite, and in the end America wanted to bring NATO into Ukraine, which Russia has been defending itself against with war ever since. The idiots of the powers that be, above all the lunatics and partisans of Germany, France and England – of course, secretly goaded by America in the background, with this senile Biden probably playing the most powerful role – are now trying to make a mess of Russia with America's puppet Zelensky. But that Russia – not just Putin – would end the war in Ukraine immediately – I think that would really be the case – if America and NATO were honestly committed to a treaty and adhered to the fact that this murderous organisation would not advance into Ukraine and would also remove the warmonger and arms beggar Zelensky from office. This is before he is killed by those who have long been against him and his actions and who have founded an underground organisation in Ukraine to promote him from the living to the dead if possible. The fact that this has not happened so far is only thanks to the idiots protecting him, as well as those idiots and irresponsible people who supply him with weapons and ammunition etc. and do not realise that America is behind everything and will one day seize their country, because America will know no borders in its mad hegemonic mania. The EU dictatorship will also feel the effects of this.

Quetzal已經向我解釋過了。但我還有一些話想說,比如,我不是先知,只是《真相教導、造物能量教導、生命教導》的傳達者,因此我並沒有什麼特別之處,別人想把這類加諸於我身上的說法都是不實的。關於這點,我真的很希望這些無稽之談能夠停止,就像我希望中東和烏克蘭等地的戰爭帶來的殺戮和破壞能夠停止一樣。這兩場戰爭的愚蠢行徑證實了我在烏克蘭戰爭開始時所預言的,那就是這些戰爭以及其他因素將再次在全球引發瘋狂、致命且充滿仇恨的反猶主義,並且這些殺戮的爭鬥將持續多年。烏克蘭戰爭本來是可以結束的,如果渴望世界霸權的美國最終撤退,並且好戰煽動者和武器乞討者澤倫斯基被罷免,這樣美國想將烏克蘭納入北約的企圖就會瓦解和作廢。將北約引入烏克蘭的這個企圖,正是俄羅斯開戰的真正原因 —— 這當然也不是正確的解決方案,因為儘管美國有卑鄙和陰險的謊言和陰謀,這一切本應由世界各國通過政治上的誠實和有價值的談判來解決,但大多數世界領袖都是懦弱的,並且追隨美國,因此無法指望他們做出任何好的和正確的決定 —— 因為美國在世界大戰後,並沒有遵守1990年代時虛假承諾過的,即保留邊界,北約永遠不會向東擴展到俄羅斯邊境。然而,美國和北約聯合起來做了相反的事,最終美國還想將北約帶入烏克蘭,這正是俄羅斯自那時以來通過戰爭進行反抗的原因。那些國家的領袖們,尤其是德國、法國和英國的瘋狂和偏袒之人 —— 當然在背後是由美國秘密支持,而這個老邁的拜登可能在其中扮演了最重要的角色 —— 現在正試圖通過美國的傀儡澤倫斯基去拖垮俄羅斯。然而,我認為,如果美國和北約一起誠實地簽署並遵守協議,保證這個殺人組織不會進入烏克蘭,並且將戰爭煽動者和武器乞討者澤倫斯基從他的職位上罷免,那麼俄羅斯 —— 而不僅僅是普京 —— 會立即結束烏克蘭的戰爭。在他被那些早已反對他和他的行為並在烏克蘭成立地下組織、試圖將他幹掉之前,這應該發生。而澤倫斯基之所以至今未被幹掉,只是因為那些保護他的蠢貨,以及那些向他提供武器和彈藥等物資卻不知道美國是幕後黑手的蠢貨和不負責任的人。他們不知道有一天美國會吞併他們的國家,因為美國在其瘋狂的霸權妄想中是沒有止境的。這方面最終連歐盟的獨裁政權也會感受到。


You should not say too much about that.



What I said, that is enough, but few will think about it, especially not the lost neo-NAZIs in the governments of Germany, France and England, who fanatically help Zelensky and see him as a saint and 'fighter for the freedom of Ukraine', but do not know that through America's insidiousness he makes himself a tool of their world domination ambitions and always runs around with one foot in his grave, like all the lowly intelligent and idiots of the rulers of those countries who supply Zelensky with all the weapons, etc. and see him as the 'saviour of Ukraine', but do not see what they are doing to their people and country and do not realise the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

我說的已經夠了,但只有少數人會真正思考這些問題,但尤其是德國、法國和英國政府中的那些迷途的新納粹分子才該重視。他們狂熱地幫助澤倫斯基,把他視為聖人和“烏克蘭自由的戰士”,卻不知道他因美國的狡詐而成為其世界霸權野心的工具,隨時都在墳墓邊緣徘徊。那些向澤倫斯基提供武器等物資,並視他為“烏克蘭的救世主”的國家領導人也是一樣愚蠢和無知,他們看不到這對自己的國家和人民帶來的災難,也無法察覺懸在他們頭上的「達摩克利斯之劍」(the sword of Damocles)。


That is unfortunately the case, Eduard, and a lot can be said about that, but I have to go, because I am expected back.



Too bad, because I still have some questions, and it …

真可惜,因為我還有一些問題要問,而且 ...


… I guess you will have to talk to Quetzal about that, because I am afraid I am running out of time.

... 你最好和Quetzal談這些,因為我時間有限。


So be it … – But when will you be back here?

那就這樣吧 ... 但你什麼時候會再來?


I really do not know, but it will be a long time, because I have work to do near the end of our federation, and for a long time. Farewell now, but one way or another I will let you hear from me.



So be it – but it has been a great pleasure. Farewell, my friend.

那好吧 —— 但我真的很高興見到你。再見,我的朋友。

FIGU Has Two New YouTube Channels Where You Can Find Out More About Billy, the Plejaren and Creation-energy Teaching:

FIGU 有兩個新的 YouTube 頻道,你們可以在其中瞭解更多有關比利、

Michael von Hinterschmidrüti


來自 Hinterschmidrueti Michael


Michael from Hinterschmidrueti


來自 Hinterschmidrueti Michael


Neutral information on the current situation and other important topics:
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