Contact Report 903/第903次接觸報告
最初英譯:2025年01月17日,星期五,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2025年01月25日,星期六,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
七。真實的造化,存在於其所涵蓋的七個宇宙的造物空間中 —— 這些空間在七個不同的主要維度中共同存在 —— 是完全中立的。因此,在整個「物質宇宙/物質帶」中,造化通過其能量與力量,讓所有物種的自然界、動植物在七個宇宙中的所有行星和衛星上以無數種方式生長、進化、變化、突變、展開並運作,就像在遠古時期以完全且堅定的中立方式創造並預定的那樣。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons(as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
I am surprised that you are coming so early on a new day again, because that has become unusual. Nevertheless, welcome and greetings, dear friend.
I also greet you, Eduard, my friend. There is a reason why I come here so early, and that is that my thoughts have been occupied with the fact that, as a result of the block on your retrieving our conversations, no more conversation reports can be written. That is very unfortunate, and I thought about it and came up with the solution that I could photocopy some of my grandfather Sfath's notes and explanations, which he had written down verbatim in his legacy and mainly in the annals. I had the idea that I could read the recorded material to you directly and you could write down what I said at the same time. I have already tried this once, with regard to a punishment imposed on you by your teacher, because during a nature study lesson you had expressed your negation of the idea that God was the creator of nature. The punishment imposed on you by teacher Frei for this – he was a religious believer of the same sect as Mrs Horat, who conspired against you with the teacher – ordered that you should apologise to God and correct the fact that it was really He who created nature. But you did exactly the opposite and wrote a longer article as a 'punishment assignment', which my grandfather copied for himself, so that I could also copy it. I consider it to be remarkably very good and also judge it in this way. My grandfather added a comment to your punishment work at the time, saying that you were beaten half to death by your teacher for your work, because it was written in such a way as to go against his cult beliefs.
我也向你問好,Eduard,我的朋友。我這麼早過來是有原因的,因為我想到,由於你無法接收我們談話的記錄,導致再也無法撰寫接觸報告了。這是非常遺憾的。經過思索,我找到了一個解決方法,那就是從我祖父Sfath的記錄中複製一些談話與解釋的內容,他將這些內容逐字列於他的遺留資料中,主要是記載於《大事記要》(annals)中。我的想法是,我可以直接把記錄的材料讀給你聽,你可以同時把我說的話寫下來。這件事我已經試過一次,就是關於你被老師布置的一項懲罰性作業,因為你在自然科學課上發表了反對言論,否認有一位上帝(God)是自然的創造者。因此,宗教信仰虔誠的Frei老師 —— 他與Horat女士屬於同一個宗教派別,並共謀一起反對你 —— 強制要求你完成一項懲罰性作業,要你向上帝道歉並澄清他確實是自然的創造者。然而,你做了完全相反的事情,作為“懲罰性作業”,你撰寫了一篇較長的文章。我的祖父複製了這篇文章,於是我也能將其複製下來。我認為這篇文章非常出色,並如此評價它。對於你當時的懲罰作業,我的祖父附註了一條評論,指出因為這篇文章完全違背了你的老師的宗教信仰,所以你被老師毒打得半死。
I can remember that. It was a punishment, for which I was given three days to write a confession to God and to admit that I would never again say that God is not the creator of nature and of everything. But I did not do that. Instead, I wrote the opposite, the truth, about how Creation really is, etc. I then handed it in to the teacher, who waited to see me after the lesson and when all the students had left. He then took me aside and read my punishment assignment. His face turned bright red, then redder and redder, and suddenly he started shouting and beat and punched me with his fists until I lost consciousness. I do not know what happened next, because when I came to, I was lying on the ground and there were no human beings around. It was also already getting dark outside. So I picked myself up and went home, where I only told my mother that I had to stay after school at school.
You should write all of this down, also what you wrote as a punishment at the time. This would be particularly valuable because it is very instructive.
You know that I cannot recall and write anything down because Arlion has blocked everything, and besides, I do not even know if our conversations are still being recorded since the blockade. Arlion did not say anything about that.
There is no hindrance in that regard, because the blockade is only effective when you want to retrieve information. Consequently, I could scan the recordings of our conversations and then dictate them to you. However, what my grandfather recorded is in our language, so I would have to translate everything into your mother tongue.
That is quite tedious, as I explained to you and Bermunda about a month ago. It simply takes much more time than if I could access everything and write it down immediately. And what Sfath said and explained would be quite interesting, and if you could bring me some of it and dictate it, I would be happy to write it down, even if it takes a lot of time.
I can do that, but then I have to translate his notes into your mother tongue on an ongoing basis, because what my grandfather wrote down and wrote is invariably in our Plejaren spoken language.
Yes, I know that because Sfath told me that, but what he had from me was in German, as was my punishment.
That is correct, but it will still take some time for me to dictate to you what I have scanned from his notes in this regard, and which you can then probably use as well if you want to.
Yes, since I still know more or less what I did at the time, I think at the moment that I might be able to use this as an introduction to my new book – we will see. I also think that you recorded what we have now spoken together, so you can dictate it to me and I can write it down.
是的,因為我還勉強記得當時寫了什麼,我目前認為或許可以把這些作為我新書的引言 —— 再看看吧。我也想,你應該已經錄下我們剛剛談的內容,這樣你可以口述給我聽,我可以把它寫下來。
Unfortunately, that is not the case, so I have to retrieve it and then dictate it to you, and you have to present it to me later. What I can do now regarding your school days is to read from my copy and dictate what I have here today and what follows:
What I have to say about an alleged god:
About the BEING of Creation and its energy and power, plus its effect in all its 7 universes of 7 dimensions in the entire space of Creation; about the existence and life of all existence of fauna and flora, as well as about the behaviour of human beings and their way of life and conduct. According to the teachings of Nokodemion from the neighbouring universe and the teachings of Sfath, the wise teacher from the very distant Plejaren stars in the neighbouring universe; learned and reproduced by me in self-decision, self-reflection and in acceptance different perspectives and in an empathetic way, in accordance with one's own good social behaviour and for the purpose of teaching, counselling and giving advice regarding life issues and also the all-invigorating energy of creation, in terms of the work and the entire career in accordance with the teaching of Nokodemion.
這是關於「造化」(Schöpfung)的存在,以及它的能量和力量,還有它在整個「造物空間」(Schöpfungsraum)的七個「維度」(Dimensionen)、七個「宇宙」(Universen)中的運作;還有關於所有存在的生命,包括動植物的存在與生命狀態(wie über das Dasein und Leben aller Existenz der Faunen und Floren),以及關於人類的行為、生命形式與生活方式(wie auch über das Verhalten des Menschen und dessen Lebensgestaltung wie auch Lebensführung),而這些內容,皆根據來自「鄰近宇宙」(Nachbar-Universum)的「Nokodemion」之教導,以及來自鄰近宇宙中遙遠Plejaren星系的睿智導師Sfath之教誨;由我親自學習,並透過自主決定、自我反思以及接受不同觀點的過程中,以一種感同身受的方式,依據良好的社會行為來傳達這些內容,目的在就生命問題提供教導、建議以及指引,特別是關於「賦予萬物生命的造物生命能量」(der allesbelebenden Schöpfungslebensenergie),及其運作與整體發展進程,皆符合Nokodemion的教導。
The human being's own thinking is very important to him,
so he should not have a religious or secular belief.
Not a religious, secular or any other definable or indefinable belief, but the independent thinking of the human being leads him to a true and contented life and thus to his comprehensive mental health, as well as to true love and peace and to freedom within himself and with his fellow human beings.
First, I have the following to say …
Questions that are only marginally related to the teaching of Creation-energy should not be pursued further and consequently should also not be studied, because dealing with these topics contributes nothing to evolution towards true humanity. Evolution actually means a slow, seamless and progressive development of large or large-scale connections or a gradual development towards higher forms of life, in this case towards the evolution of knowledge in human beings. In other words, evolution is about gaining strength through learning and applying knowledge to evolve in all areas in which human beings are active and use the knowledge they have learned extensively, on the one hand to become truer human beings, and on the other hand to to offer Creation, or rather, all-encompassing Nature and its entire existence, as well as its energy and power that is effective throughout the universe, everything that is needed to maintain, appreciate, honour and promote it as it deserves. In this, the emphasis is on 'act' in reality and truth, and not on mere theoretical knowledge that cannot be applied in any way and is of no effective use, which is why theory is not evolutionary and inapplicable, but only creates an understanding that helps human beings when they need it to help them visualise their world, their lives and their meaning. Consequently, theoretical topics are in no way directly conducive to evolution. On the contrary, they distract from conscious evolution because they seduce many human beings into dealing with a topic that does not help them in their personal lives.
那些與「造物能量」(Schöpfungsenergie)的教導僅僅有微弱關聯的問題,不應該繼續探討,也不應該深入研究,因為對這些主題的探討並不會對進化為真正的人類有所貢獻。進化的真正含義是指一種緩慢、連續且漸進的發展,這涉及廣泛或宏觀的情境,也就是朝著更高階生命形態的逐步發展。在這種情況下,這指的是人類知識進化的過程(Evolution bedeutet eigentlich eine langsame, bruchlose sowie fortschreitende Entwicklung grosser oder grossräumiger Zusammenhänge resp. eine allmähliche Fortentwicklung zu höheren Formen des Lebendigen und zwar in diesem Fall zur Wissensevolution des Menschen.)。換句話說,進化是一種透過學習和應用知識,在所有領域中實現力量增長的過程,而這些領域正是人類活動與應用廣泛學習所得知識的地方。一方面,這使人得以成為真正的人類;另一方面,這也使人能夠以應有的方式,為了對造化;也就是所有包羅萬象的自然及其整體存在,以及它在宇宙間運行的能量與力量,貢獻一切必要的努力,以保護、珍視、尊重並促進其應得的價值。其中的重點在於實際的「行動」與「實踐」,而不是僅僅停留於理論知識。因為理論知識如果不能以任何方式被應用或產生實質效益,那麼它就不具進化性,也無法應用。理論僅僅建立了一個理解的上層架構,幫助人類對自己的世界、生命及其意義形成某種概念。然而,理論本身並不能直接促進進化,反而會分散對有意識進化的專注,因為它們常使許多人沉溺於某些主題,但這些主題對他們個人生命的進化毫無實際助益。
Rebirth is only an appearance …
First of all, the so-called 'rebirth' should be mentioned and used to clarify that it does not exist at all and also cannot exist because the form of the energy of Creation is a form that is, so to speak, a particle of the energy and power of Creation. This energy with its existing power cannot become 'flesh', and therefore cannot be reborn as a human being, because as an ever-existing Creation life energy, it is absolutely pure energy with great power, and therefore not material like the human body, which it animates and which is transient, dissolves, decays and perishes when the Creation life energy escapes from it and it becomes lifeless or is then dead. As pure energy and power, it cannot be reborn, but it is given to it – like every kind and form of energy – that it can continue to have an effect in another foreign body in the form of consciousness (object, apparatus, etc.). The Creation-energy form that gives life to the consciousness of a human being in terms of the Creation-energy and thus also to the corresponding personality – like every animal or other life-form according to its genus and species – unites itself immediately after leaving the consciousness with that absolutely appropriate level of Creation-energy in the realm of the countless and the levels of creation energy assigned only to the respective classes/types of beings, which are given in the universe or in the creation area. This is to completely 'process' all the countless experiences of knowledge accumulated in their previous existence over a longer or shorter period of time. In this regard, everything that has arisen in the consciousness of the personality or the human being during the existence in consciousness – in the same way as in animals, creatures or other life-forms. In this sense of the true truth and understanding, the Creation life energy, when it is at rest, 'processes' the knowledge experiences that it has acquired and 'processes' at the creation energy level. The acquired knowledge and experience of the previous existence as consciousness in a material body animated by it, of a new personality or a human being, for example, or an animal, creatures or other life-forms that also exhibit some kind of consciousness, but each according to their genus or species, is thus 'processed' and then stored in the creation energy for all of eternity, thereby evolving it. In turn, the next new personality benefits from this, being animated by the further-evolved energy of creation and the consciousness within it becoming more advanced and further developed.
首先,應該討論所謂的「重生」(Wiedergeburt),並釐清這種概念根本不存在,也不可能存在,因為「造物能量形式」(Schöpfungsenergieform)是一種可以說是「造物能量與力量的微粒」(Partikel der Energie und Kraft der Schöpfung ist)。這種能量及其內在的力量無法「化為肉身」(Fleisch werden),因此無法以人類的形式「重生」(wiedergeboren)。作為「永恆存在的造物生命能量」(allzeitlich existierende Schöpfungslebensenergie),它是一種絕對純粹的能量,擁強大的力量,但並不像人的身體那樣具有物質形式,人體會被這種能量賦予生命,但人體本身是有限的,當造物生命能量從中逸散後,身體會失去生命,也就是死亡,最終分解、消逝。作為純粹的能量與力量,造物生命能量無法重生,但它可以以某種形式繼續作用於另一個新的載體中,例如以「意識」(Bewusstseins)的形式(可以是物件、設備等)繼續發揮作用。造物生命能量形式在造物能量方面賦予人的意識活力,因此也賦予與之相關的個性。就如同每一種動物、其他生命形式根據其種類和形式一樣,每一種類型的生命形式都由適合其物種和特性的造物能量層面賦予生命力。當生命結束,造物生命能量在意識離開後,會立即回歸到與其完全匹配的造物能量層面。這些層面存在於宇宙空間中,並被劃分為無數的能量層,分別適用於特定的生命形式(vereint sich augenblicklich nach dem Verlassen des Bewusstseins mit jener absolut nur ihr angemessenen Schöpfungsenergieebene im Bereich der zahllosen und den jeweils nur den betreffenden Wesenheitsgattungen/-arten zugeordneten Schöpfungsenergieebenen, die im Universumsraum resp. im Schöpfungsbereich gegeben sind.)。造物生命能量在這些能量層面中進行「處理」,用以整合和轉化它在過去存在中所獲得的知識與經驗,這個過程可能需要較長或較短的時間。這種處理的範疇涵蓋了意識和人格在存在期間所積累的所有知識經驗,無論是對人類還是對動物及其他生命形式來說,都是如此(Dies, um all die zahllosen in ihrer vorgegangenen Existenz gesammelten Wissenserfahrungen in längerer oder kürzerer Dauer völlig zu ‹verarbeiten›. Diesbezüglich alles, was sich an solchen während des Existierens im Bewusstsein in der Persönlichkeit resp. des Menschen ergeben hat – gleicherart wie beim Tier, Getier oder bei sonstigen Lebensformen.)。從這個角度來看,造物生命能量在「平靜」中運作,處理所獲得的知識與經驗,並在造物能量層面中進行轉化。這些從過往存在中獲得的知識經驗將被儲存在造物生命能量中,進一步促進它的進化。這種進化最終惠及下一個由進化後的造物生命能量賦予生命的新個性或新生命體。由此,新的意識變得更加先進,能夠繼續進化與發展,不僅對人類,也對動物及其他具有意識的生命形式同樣適用。
After a longer or shorter period of time, when all knowledge experience has been 'processed', a consciousness and thus a new personality is revived, which is conceived as a human being by human beings – by man and woman. This is what happens when a sperm cell from a man fertilises an egg cell from a woman. Normally, this fertilisation takes place in the fallopian tube, provided that a healthy egg cell is released from the ovary, that is, that ovulation occurs in this way and that the egg cell is actually picked up by the fallopian tube.
A few days after conception, a so-called yolk sac first develops, after which, after a certain time in the female womb, the embryo develops naturally in the course of the developmental stage and lies within the amniotic sac laterally under the uterine lining. Most of the internal organs and external body structures also develop there. This natural process develops before all time, before the actual life, the Creation life energy moves into the embryo, which occurs on the 21st day after conception or fertilisation of an egg. When the Creation life energy moves into the embryo on the 21st day after conception, an energy impulse occurs that immediately leads to independent life, through which the new consciousness is also awakened. After that, actual life begins in the womb, causing the embryo to grow and become larger, and thus the so-called embryonic stage begins, which lasts about 8 weeks, during which the embryo develops into a foetus, which occurs about 10 weeks after fertilisation. Then, as a rule, after 9 months from fertilisation, the birth of the foetus that has developed into a baby occurs. After birth, this baby grows up and becomes an adult human being, who is supplied with the Creation life energy throughout his entire development and lifespan until he dies, and thus until the moment of his death – and thus before the decay and dissolution of the material body.
在受孕後的最初幾天內,首先形成的是所謂的卵黃囊;隨後,在女性子宮內經過一段時間,胚胎開始生成,自然地在發育階段中形成。胚胎位於子宮內膜下方的羊膜囊內,而大多數內部器官和外部身體結構也在此過程中形成。這種自然的發展過程會在胚胎真正擁有生命之前完成,而造物生命能量會在受精後的第21天進入胚胎體內。當第21天造物生命能量進入胚胎時,會產生一個能量脈衝,立即啟動獨立的生命,並喚醒新意識(Dieser natürliche Vorgang bildet sich vor aller Zeit aus, bevor das eigentliche Leben, die Schöpfungslebensenergie in den Embryo einzieht, was sich am 21. Tag nach der Zeugung resp. der Befruchtung einer Eizelle ergibt. Wenn am 21. Tag nach der Zeugung dann die Schöpfungslebensenergie im Embryo einzieht, erfolgt ein Energieimpuls, der sofort zum eigenständigen Leben führt, durch das auch das neue Bewusstsein erweckt wird.)。從那時起,真正的生命在子宮內開始,胚胎逐漸成長,變得更大,從而進入所謂的胚胎階段,該階段大約持續8週。在此期間,胚胎發展成胎兒,這一轉變通常發生於受孕後約10週。通常情況下,在受精後的9個月內,胎兒發育成熟並以嬰兒的形式出生。出生後,嬰兒會繼續成長,最終成為成年人。在其整個成長及生命歷程中,直至死亡為止,造物生命能量會始終支持著這個生命。隨著死亡的到來,這個生命的物質身體將逐漸衰退和消逝。
What is to be understood …
應該理解的是 ...
The evolutionary task of human beings, as materialised forms of the life energy of Creation, is to build themselves up in all good things in such a way that all the power of the impulse of life is able to build and assert itself ever better and stronger, which, however, is only possible if the human being, through and conscious thoughts and logical actions, which he has to learn in its entirety and through which he becomes aware of what life means and how he should live it, so that he can manifest and grow the power of Creation-energy in his daily life. But for this, no theory is appropriate or necessary, because as a rule, such a thing only leads to confusion and a confusing 'swimming in problems', which pushes logical solutions aside. Even if theories seem to be interesting and tempting, they do not lead to logical solutions, but prevent them, and consequently they cannot be implemented in practice either. This is especially true when it comes to learning to become a real human being. This requires a great deal of understanding, tolerance and neutrality towards oneself, as well as enjoyment of all the work to be done, and also a willingness to help and be generous. This is also necessary with regard to working together with fellow human beings, where empathy and forbearance are also required, as are loyalty, love, integrity and joy, etc. These values, as well as many other behavioural values, are the practical topics of the teaching of Nocodemius, which is the 'teaching of truth, teaching of Creation-energy, teaching of life', which is to be learned by the human beings of Earth and to be dealt with, and thereby grow within oneself in order to become a true human being and thus honour and respect Creation.
作為造物主生命能量的物質化形式,人類的進化任務是在一切良善中發展自身,使生命脈衝的所有力量得以持續不斷地提升並展現。然而,這只有在人類透過自主且有意識的思考以及合乎邏輯的行動,致力於學習並認知生命的意義及其生活方式時才可能實現,從而使造物能量的力量在日常生活中得以彰顯和成長(Die evolutive Aufgabe des Menschen ist es, als materialisierte Schöpfungslebensenergieform sich derart in allem Guten aufzubauen, dass alle Kraft des Lebensimpulses sich stetig besser und stärker aufzubauen und durchzusetzen vermag, was jedoch nur dadurch möglich ist, dass sich der Mensch durch selbständige und sich bewusste Gedanken und ein logisches Handeln rechtschaffen darum bemüht, was er gesamthaft zu erlernen hat und sich dadurch bewusst wird, was Leben bedeutet und wie er es leben soll, damit er die Kraft der Schöpfungsenergie im täglichen Leben manifestieren und wachsen lassen kann.)。這一過程並不需要理論的參與,因為理論通常只會帶來混亂和困惑,導致人們陷入問題的「迷茫之中」,並將解決問題的邏輯方法排擠出去。即便理論再怎麼吸引人或看似有趣,它們也無法引導人們找到邏輯的解決之道,甚至會阻礙實踐中的執行力。尤其是在學習如何讓自己成為真正的人類時,理論更是難以幫助。這需要對自身懷有極大的理解、寬容和中立態度,以及對所有需要完成的工作充滿喜悅,並具有熱情、慷慨和助人的精神。在與他人合作時,這些特質同樣至關重要,並且需要具備同理心、寬恕,以及忠誠、愛心、正直及快樂等價值觀。此外,還有許多其他行為價值也應被實踐。這些價值觀正是Nokodemion教導中所提倡的實踐內容,也就是《真相的教導、造物能量的教導、生命的教導》。地球上的人類應學習這些教導,深入探討並將其內化,從而促進自我的成長,成為真正的人類,並以此方式尊重和敬仰造化(die von den Menschen der Erde gelernt werden und sich damit befassen und dadurch in sich wachsen sollen, um wahrlicher Mensch zu werden und er dieserweise die Schöpfung würdigen und ehren soll.)。
What the Creation really is …
The Creation is not a religiously conceived imaginary god, and is therefore also not a great or small being that is somehow human, human-like, 'divine', determining, directing or guiding all events of all kinds and implementing them or having them implemented by human beings, etc. Creation is not a Wesen (a being) of religion, a word that is etymologically highly controversial and whose meaning is not clearly defined. Even in ancient times, the word 'religio' was used to mean 'to bind back', while on the other hand, the term religion is derived from the Latin 'religare', which is supposed to mean 'to bind' or 'to tie'. Marcus Tullius Cicero, the eldest son of a Roman knight, however, interpreted 'religare' as 'to read something again' and also as 'to reconsider'. (Note: the name comes from the Latin term 'cicer', which means 'chickpea'). Cicero was the most famous orator in ancient Rome, but he was also a lawyer, politician, philosopher and writer, who was also referred to as an upstart and an upstart, because he was the first of his kin to hold the office of consul and was therefore referred to as 'homo novus', which also means 'new human being'. That was in the year 63 before Jmmanuel or. Chr., when Cicero held the consulate. He was the highest magistrate of the Roman Republic and had far-reaching power, which he was also able to use to crush the attempted coup by Senator Lucius Sergius Catilina, who tried to seize the might of the Roman Republic through 'conspiracy'. Cicero was then honoured by the Senate as the 'Father of the Fatherland' for crushing the coup attempt.)
「造化」並非宗教上想像的虛構神明,因此也不是某種偉大或渺小的存在體,不具任何人類或類似人類的特徵,亦非“神聖”,可以主宰、操控或引導一切事物發生,亦不會以某種方式通過人類等去實現任何事件(Die Schöpfung ist nicht ein religiös gedachter imaginärer Gott, also auch kein grosses oder kleines Wesen, das irgendwie menschlich, menschenähnlich, ‹göttlich›, bestimmend, lenkend oder führend alle Geschehen aller Art erdenken und sie wirkend umsetzen oder durch Menschen usw. umsetzen lassen würde.)。造化不是宗教中的某種存在體(Wesen),而「宗教」一詞的語源及其含義一直備受爭議,並沒有明確的定義。早在古代,「religio」這個詞一方面被解釋為「重新連結」,而另一方面從拉丁文「religare」來看,則有「連結」或「束縛」之意。不過,羅馬騎士的長子馬庫斯.圖利烏斯.西塞羅(Marcus Tullius Cicero)將「religare」解釋為「重新閱讀」或「反思」。值得一提的是,「西塞羅」這個名字源於拉丁詞「Cicer」,意思是「鷹嘴豆」。西塞羅是古羅馬最著名的演說家,同時也是律師、政治家、哲學家和作家。他被視為家族中的先驅人物,因為他是其家族中第一位擔任執政官的人,因此被稱為「Homo novus」,意為「新興人士」。這一切發生在公元前63年,也就是以馬內利(Jmmanuel,或耶穌基督)誕生之前的時代,當時西塞羅擔任羅馬共和國的執政官。他是共和國的最高行政官,擁有廣泛的權力,並成功挫敗了參議員喀提林(Lucius Sergius Catilina)試圖奪取羅馬共和國政權陰謀所發動的政變。由於粉碎了這場未遂政變,西塞羅受到元老院的表彰,被尊稱為「祖國之父」。
The Creation is therefore not an imaginary Wesen (Wesen = being) that is to be worshipped, but simply to be respected in dignity and honour. It is not what deluded believers erroneously call 'God' and as such a fantasy figure is to be worshipped. This, as in Christianity, an alleged son of God named Jesus Christ – who is said to be a son of God as a result of the lying and fraudulent claims of deluded believers – should also not be worshipped or reverently adored. This is also not the case with other gods that are worshipped as a god or gods through religious belief and sectarian belief or other deluded belief in a god.
因此,造化並不是一個需要崇拜的虛構存在體,而應該以尊嚴和榮譽來敬重。它並不是被迷信信徒錯誤稱為「上帝」,並且被當作幻想中的形象來崇拜(Die Schöpfung ist also nicht ein imaginär existierendes Wesen, das angebetet, sondern einfach in Würde und Ehre geachtet werden soll. Sie ist nicht das, was von Wahngläubigen irrig ‹Gott› genannt und als solche Phantasiegestalt angebetet werden soll.)。這就像在基督教中,一個被稱為耶穌基督的所謂上帝之子 —— 由於妄想信徒謊稱為上帝之子 —— 也不應該被崇拜或尊敬為偶像。同樣的道理也適用於通過宗教信仰和教派信仰或其他對神的妄想信仰來崇拜一個或多個神的其他神靈。
The Creation is neither commanding, demanding nor begging, because in truth the Creation is completely neutral in reality and truth in its entire Creation space encompassing 7 universes – which is given in 7 different main dimensions in the same space – so that in the entire cosmos/material belt, with its energy and power, it encompasses allowing nature, fauna and flora of all genera and species on all planets and moons of the 7 universes that carry open faunal and floral life to simply live, evolve, change, mutate, unfold and work in myriad ways, as it was created and predetermined in a completely and emphatically neutral way in primeval times. All together, in its myriad forms, it is completely incomprehensible to human Intelligentum, as well as to its mind – no matter how highly, widely and knowledgeably developed it may be.
造化既不命令、要求,也不乞求,因為真實的造化,存在於其所涵蓋的七個宇宙的造物空間中 —— 這些空間在七個不同的主要維度中共同存在 —— 是完全中立的(Die Schöpfung ist weder befehlend, fordernd noch bettelnd, denn wahrheitlich ist die Schöpfung in Wirklichkeit und Wahrheit in ihrem gesamten 7 Universen umfassenden Schöpfungsraum – der in 7 unterschiedlichen Haupt-Dimensionen im gleichen Raum gegeben ist – völlig neutral)。因此,在整個「物質宇宙/物質帶」(Kosmos/Materiegürtel)中,造化通過其能量與力量,讓所有物種的自然界、動植物在七個宇宙中的所有行星和衛星上以無數種方式生長、進化、變化、突變、展開並運作,就像在遠古時期以完全且堅定的中立方式創造並預定的那樣。總之,無論人類的智慧和思維如何高度發達、廣博和知識淵博,這一切的無數形式都是人類完全無法理解的。
This also applies to all other existing things in the entire cosmos, or the material belt, all suns, planets, asteroids, comets, the stardust and the universe, in which, fundamentally, in the 'Ur soup' formed electrons, neutrons and protons, which over time and duration developed into ionised deuterium atoms and hydrogen atoms, which in turn resulted in helium through their fusion, etc. Before all this happened, there was only the Nihilo, the nothing, or rather the eternal, timeless, endless nothing, before it happened – which is inexplicable to humans – that through impulses from the Nihilo a becoming or an existence of the forms of Absolutum, whereby a total of 7 forms of Absolutum or Absolutum universes or Absolutum levels emerged, which can be described as follows:
同樣,整個物質宇宙或物質帶中的所有存在體,包括所有的恆星、行星、小行星、彗星、星塵,以及整個宇宙或空間,在這些地方,基本上在「初始湯」(Ursuppe)中形成了電子、中子和質子,這些粒子隨著時間的推進,發展成為帶電的氘原子和氫原子,進而通過它們的融合形成氦,依此類推。在這一切發生之前,只有「虛無」(Nihilo),只有「無」(Nichts),或者是永恆與永遠、「無窮無盡的虛無」(endlose Nichtsaum),直到 —— 這對人類來說是無法解釋的 —— 通過來自虛無的脈衝,產生了存在的過程,並且所有絕對形式(Absolutumformen)的形成(Werden)或存在(Existentwerdung)都從中衍生出來,由此產生了七個絕對形式(Absolutum-Formen)或絕對宇宙(Absolutum-Universen)或絕對層級(Absolutum-Ebenen),這些可以定義如下:
Forms of Absolutum are Absolutum universes or Absolutum Creations or Absolutum levels, of which there are 7, ranging from the highest to the lowest, namely as follows:
1) BEING Absolutum, 2) SOHAR Absolutum, 3) Super Absolutum, 4) Creation Absolutum, 5) Central Absolutum, 6) Ur-Absolutum, 7) Absolutes Absolutum
1) 存在體-絕對空間(SEIN-Absolutum),2) 能量體-絕對空間(SOHAR-Absolutum),3) 超級-絕對空間(Super-Absolutum),4) 造化-絕對空間(Kreations-Absolutum),5) 中心-絕對空間(Zentral-Absolutum)、6)初始-絕對空間(Ur-Absolutum),7)純粹的絕對空間(Absolutes Absolutum)
From the lowest Absolutum form, 'Absolutes Absolutum', emerged the first and 7-fold and each in itself 7-fold dimensioned 49 simple Creations or Universes, whereby these lowest forms of Creation, i.e. Universes, each have 7 belts, of which the 4th corresponds to the material corresponds to the material belt or the cosmos, which is generally known to human beings as the visible universe with all its galaxies, nebulae, asteroids, comets, meteors, suns, planets and moons, as well as all the stardust, solar winds and space particles, etc. This, while the remaining 6 belts consist of pure Creation-energy, and of different forms of energy.
從最低的絕對形式「純粹的絕對空間」中,產生了最初的七個,並且每個在自身維度中具有七重結構的49個「簡單造物」(einfachen Schöpfungen)或「宇宙」(Universen)。在這些最低的「造物形式」(Schöpfungsformen)中,也就是宇宙中,擁有七個「地帶」(Gürtel;也稱帶狀結構),其中第四個地帶稱為「物質帶」(materiellen Gürtel)或「物質宇宙」(Kosmos),這是人類通常所知的可見宇宙,包括所有的星系、星雲、小行星、彗星、流星、恆星、行星和衛星,以及所有的星塵、太陽風和太空粒子等等。其餘六個帶則完全由純粹的造物能量構成,且這些能量形式各不相同。
All Absolutum-Creations and/or Absolutum-Universes and/or all Absolutum-Forms and/or Absolutum-Levels and/or all Absolutum-Pure-Creation-Energy-Levels were created only once through the BEING-Absolutum and/or through the IN-Creation, which was created in its permanent BEING-primal energy and permanent BEING-primal power by the Nihilo, which exists in the endless duration of the endlessness of space, but which remains incomprehensible to the human being of Earth in every wise.
Since the forms of the Absolutum 2 to 7 have emerged since their primal creation, respectively since their becoming of their existence through the BEING Absolutum – which itself has emerged out of the impulse of the Nihilo – no further forms of the Absolutum have been created by the BEING Absolutum. Of all the seven forms of the Absolutum, since its becoming-existence, only the lowest 'Absolutes Absolutum' has created and continues to create the simplest and lowest of universe forms, which are capable of to produce energy and power as well as substances for coarse material, matter and volume-resistant and form-unstable liquid aggregate states, as well as for independent life and organisms and thus life. Thus the conditions were given for the material belt, the 4th belt of solid matter or the cosmos in all 7 universes, which are all together called Creation and exist in the same Creation space, but which are separated by 7 main dimensions, whereby however each planet or moon etc., each cosmos in each universe has its own and innumerable dimensions of the past and future. In each of the 7 universes, a cosmos is created, or rather a material universe belt. In this wise, the 'Absolute Absolutum' created a unique multiple creation of 49 simple or lower universes or creations-universal consciousness as its first work, in order to create only single universes or twin universes of a lower form in the following. These lower universes or forms of Creation evolve independently up to the Ur-Creation, in order to then become the Central Creation, but as in further development in 1049-fold form further – after countless myriads of years – to higher developing forms of Creation or universes, until a fusion with the 'Absolute Absolutum' takes place.
自從絕對形式2至7自最初創造以來,或自從它們的初始存在形成以來,通過「存在體-絕對空間」(SEIN-Absolutum)的作用(該存在來自於虛無的脈衝),至今並未再有其他的絕對形式被創造。從這七種絕對形式中,只有最低階的「純粹的絕對空間」(Absolutes Absolutum)創造了宇宙形態,這些形態作為最簡單且最低階的宇宙形式,能夠產生能量、力量以及物質的基本成分,包括「粗粒物質」(grobstoffliche Materie)的實體、體積穩定而形態不固定的液態物質狀態,也能創造自主的生命形式或有機體,並因此孕育生命。因此,為「物質帶」創造了條件,尤其是第四層的固體物質帶,即所有七個宇宙中的物質宇宙,這些宇宙共同被稱為造化,存在於同一造物空間中,但彼此之間由七個主要維度分隔。然而,每個行星或衛星等,以及每個宇宙中的物質宇宙,都擁有各自獨特且無數個過去與未來的維度。因此,在這七個宇宙中的每一個,都會創造一個物質宇宙,即一個「物質宇宙帶」(materieller Universumsgürtel)。以這種方式,純粹的絕對空間作為最初的作用,創造了49個簡單或低階的宇宙或「造物-宇宙意識」(Schöpfungen-Universalbewusstsein)。隨後,它只創造「單一宇宙」(Einzeluniversen)或低階「雙子宇宙」(Zwillingsuniversen)。這些低階宇宙或造物形式自主進化,逐步提升至「初始造物」(Ur-Schöpfung),之後成為「中央造物」(Zentral-Schöpfung),並在進一步發展中以1049倍的形式繼續進化 —— 經過無數億年 —— 進一步發展為更高階的造物形式或宇宙,直到與純粹的絕對空間融合。
The lowest universe or the lowest form of creation – e.g. the universe known to Earth-humans, which the Plejaren call the DERN-Universe and which has a sister-universe, the DAL-Universe, as it is called by the Plejaren of the ANKAR universe – resp. this form of universe is the only one in countless forms of the given, which in its vastness, encompassing 7 belts, has a material belt, the cosmos as a 4th belt. In this, gases, electrons, neutrons and protons, etc. are formed, as well as all 280 elements, of which only about 120 were known to earthly science by the year 2000, after which the relevant research by Earth-humans took a long time into the current period of the 20th century and beyond, until the number of 280 elements remained unresearched.
Just as the dimensions of the Creation are given in all 7 Universes of Creation, so that the values are equally valid in all cosmoses and galaxies and influence everything, so these are also given in all nebulae, suns, black holes, matter clouds, neutrino clouds, sunbeams , in stardust and in space particles, as well as in all the many planets, moons, comets, meteors and asteroids, etc., and ultimately also in all the tiniest and largest life-forms, and are decisively influential for the development and evolution of everything and everyone.
In the inevitable change from time and endless duration, the lowest creations of universes or creations change into primeval universes or primeval creations, as it then continues, and then, when they have developed in this way, merge with the 'Absolute Absolutum'. As part of this, it then participates in creating new self-acting creation-energetic impulses, which – designated as 'Ur-Idee' – enable the creation of a new lowest universe or a new creation. These very fine creation-energetic impulses – 'Ur-Idee' – develop independently out of the 'Absolutes Absolutum'.
在時間和無窮持續的變遷中,最低階的「造物宇宙」(Kreationen Universen)或「造物」(Schöpfungen)因此逐漸發展為「初始宇宙」(Ur-Universen)或「初始造物」(Ur-Schöpfungen),隨後繼續發展,當它們發展到一定程度時,將與「純粹的絕對空間」融合。作為這一過程的一部分,它會進一步促成創造新的自主「造物能量脈衝」(schöpfungsenergetischen Impulse),這些脈衝被稱為「初始理念」(Ur-Idee),並使得新的最低階宇宙或新的造物得以誕生。這些極為細微的造物能量脈衝——「初始理念」——會自主地從「純粹的絕對空間」中發展出來。
The next form of creation to arise from this develops again in its expansion through evolution, so in the course of the duration of myriads of years from the lowest form of creation, whereby the same development takes place again as has occurred previously. Consequently, a new energy and power, a new universe or a new Creation with a coarse-material belt, with galaxies and stars, i.e. suns, as well as planets, comets and asteroids, etc., as on planets and moons, etc., fauna and flora, and ultimately, according to possible conditions, coarse-material life-forms are created. Thus, the next new Creation is created, full of energy and power, which is purely created in terms of Creation-energy, but which human beings on Earth merely call nature, which, however, is the totality of everything and everyone in the Creation – which, however, is given in all 7 Creation-Universes – whereby, however, the holistic nature of nature and all its energy and power and thus the true existence is the all-encompassing Creation.
Repeating what Absolutum forms and Creation forms are,
as well as their meaning, development and importance
All Absolutum-Creations resp. Absolutum-Universes resp. Absolutum-Forms resp. Absolutum-Levels were aligned by the Nihilo in such a way that effectively only once the 6 other lower Absolutum-Forms were created by the continuous-BEING-Absolutum-Primal-Energy and continuous-BEING-Primal-Force of the BEING-Absolutum. This is how everything emerged from the 'nothing-vacuum' of Nihilo in a completely impulse-arousing wise through the so-called 'Ur-Ur-Urknall' – as the human being calls the primal beginning of the origin of the universe or Creation – in a completely impulse-arousing wise out of the 'nothing-vacuum' of Nihilo. Except for the BEING Absolutum Form, which was created out of the Nihilo as the primal beginning, no other Absolutum form of this kind has found existence as Absolutum Creation Universal Consciousness since its primal becoming.
所有的絕對造物或稱絕對宇宙、絕對形式以及絕對層級,皆由虛無以如此方式實現只有一次是透過「永恆存在體-絕對空間」(Dauer-SEIN-Absolutum)之初始能量與初始力量,創造了其他六種較低階的絕對形態。這就是所謂的「初始-初始-大爆炸」(Ur-Ur-Urknall),這是人類稱之為「宇宙或造物的最初起源」(Ur-Anfang der Entstehung des Universums resp. der Schöpfung),完全是從虛無的「虛無真空」(Nichts-Vakuum)中的脈衝激發而產生的。除了作為最初起源從虛無中被創造出的「存在體-絕對形式」(SEIN-Absolutum-Form)外,自其初始存在以來,未再有其他類型的絕對形式作為「絕對造物宇宙意識」(Absolutum-Schöpfungs-Universalbewusstsein)誕生。
Of all the seven forms of the Absolutum that were created, only the 'BEING-Absolute Absolutum Universal Consciousness of Creation' was the first to be created by impulse. The other six and lower forms of Absolutum were created by the BEING Absolutum, whereby only the lowest form of Absolutum, the 'Absolute Absolutum', creates the simplest and lowest form of creation or the lowest form of universe that has a coarse-material-material universe belt, a cosmos. In this wise, the 'Absolute Absolutum' creates that which can be understood by Earth-humans as the Primordial Creator of the known universe. It also creates what the simple Creation constantly produces as a low-level universe, which on the one hand has a material belt or a cosmos and thus a visible 'universe', but this is only erroneously assumed and 'understood' by Earth-humans as 'universe' because they imagine the cosmos to be the entire universe. However, he has neither an idea nor the effective knowledge that the universe has 7 equally large belts, of which the 4th is the visible cosmos with all its material structures, while in front of it are 3 and behind it 3 further belts of pure energy. And that the 7-fold is given as universes, which are 'interwoven' in the entire space of creation in their own main dimensions and do not touch each other, is quite unknown to Earth-humans.
所有造物的七種「絕對形式」中,只有「存在-純粹絕對空間的造物宇宙意識」(SEIN-Absolutes Absolutum Schöpfungsuniversalbewusstsein)是最早先以脈衝方式創造出來的。其他六種較低階的絕對形式是由「存在-絕對空間」創造的,其中只有最低階的絕對形式,「純粹的絕對空間」,是造物最簡單且最低階的造物形式,即最低階的宇宙形式,它擁有一個粗粒物質的宇宙帶,一個物質宇宙。在這樣的方式下,「純粹的絕對空間」創造了——這對地球人來說,可以理解為已知宇宙的「初始創造者」(Urschöpfung-Kreatorin)——這個簡單的造物不斷地創造出一個低階的宇宙,它有一個物質帶或物質宇宙,或者說是「可見的宇宙」(sichtbares Universum),但地球人類卻誤將其理解為「宇宙」的整體,因為他們誤以為物質宇宙就是整個宇宙。然而,地球人既不知道,也沒有確切的知識,知道宇宙有七個同樣大小的帶狀結構[中譯者註:這句陳述(無論德文或英文)都與《造化》一文中所描述的「造化宇宙」結構不同(七層帶狀結構的大小是不同的)!盼先進高手指教。],其中第四個是可見的宇宙,擁有所有的物質結構,而前三個和後三個則是純粹的能量帶。而且,這七層宇宙在整個造物空間中彼此交織在各自的主要維度中,互不接觸,這對地球人來說是完全一無所知的。
The lower forms of Creation, out of the 'Absolute Absolutum', evolve in the course of endless duration – for Earth-humans to understand, in myriads of years – again up to the creating Ur-Creation, thus to the 'Absolute Absolutum', in order then to evolve in the course of duration to the central consciousness of Creation and to the BEING-Absolutum. However, before this can happen, there must be further development through the lowest form of creation before it is possible to reach the highest level of the 'BE-Absolutum', whereby only the 1049th stage of evolution ends in fusion with the 'Absolute Absolutum'. For Earth-humans, the lowest universe or the lowest form of creation is to be understood as the DERN-universe, in which they live and exist in the SOL-system on planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy of the visible cosmos.
Mankind on Earth exists in this DERN-Universe – so-called by the Plejaren from the ANKAR-Universe. This Universe, that is to say the Creation, which in its vastness encompassing seven belts, shows a material belt or cosmos, in which gases, electrons and all 280 elements are found, which are in all galaxies and nebulae, suns black holes, matter clouds, neutrino clouds, etc., as well as in planets, moons, comets, meteors, etc., and ultimately in the tiniest and largest life-forms, ensures, among other things, that life can exist at all.
If, over time, the lowest forms of creation or the lowest forms of the universe change as a result of their many-myriad-year evolution into the form of the 'Absolute Absolutum', then these create through creation-energetic swinging waves impulses – which are referred to as the 'Ur-Idea' – which then contribute to the recreation of one or more lowest universes/creations, which consequently develop independently out of the impulses or the 'Ur-Idea'. The next form of creation in the expansion through evolution from the lowest form of creation then no longer exhibits a coarse-material belt with galaxies and stars, as well as coarse-material life-forms, because the next stage of evolution is already only in the form of pure creation energy. And what is still to be explained with regard to the 'Ur-Idee': it is not an actual idea, but solely and exclusively very powerful, creation-capable, creation-energetic vibrational impulses.
隨著時間的推進,最低階的造物形式或宇宙形式會經過無數歲月的進化,逐漸轉變為「純粹的絕對空間」的形式,這些形式通過「造物能量振動脈衝」(schöpfungsenergetische Schwingungsimpulse);被稱為「初始理念」(Ur-Idee)來創造,這些脈衝有助於重新創造一個或多個最低階的宇宙或造物形式,這些造物形式會自動從這些脈衝或「初始理念」中發展出來。接下來的造物形式,在演化過程中,將不再擁有物質帶,沒有星系和恆星,也不再有物質生命形式,因為下一個進化階段將僅是純粹的造物能量形式。關於「初始理念」的進一步解釋:它並非一種具體的思想,而僅僅是非常強大的「造物能量振動脈衝」。
Nature and all its existence, energy and power are, throughout the universe, the Creation known to the human beings of the Earth, which is integrated and existing or pulsating with life in the whole and in everything throughout the universe and in all comprehensive existence and life. This, whereby everything in the 4th of the 7 belts of the universe, in the material belt or cosmos, can be visibly perceived by Earth-humans. In all 7 contained universes of Creation, these are differently dimensioned, and in these 7 universes the same creational energy and power is at work, although all 7 universes are are separated in terms of dimension and thus the Creation in itself and in the same space consists of 7 different universes in 7 main dimensions, through which, however, all 7 are different and separate from each other and do not touch each other.
Sunday, 6th February 1949, Edi Meier, Niederflachs 1253, Bülach…
1949年2月6日,星期日,Edi Meier,Niederflachs 1253,比拉赫...
… (Note: The rest of the conversation between Billy and Quetzal was of a purely private nature.)
... (註:比利和Quetzal之間的其餘對話純屬私人性質。)
Sprinkles from the Correspondence (9)
By Bernadette Brand
來自Bernadette Brand
It is not always direct questions that end up in my mail folder, but sometimes also arguments such as the one below, which corrects a fundamental mistake that unfortunately went through the proverbial cracks and therefore appeared in the December WZ. This time, as an exception, I will not anonymise the name, since it is clear anyway who the author of the article in question is.
在我的郵箱裡,並不總是直接的問題,有時也會有像下面這樣的爭論,它糾正了一個根本性的錯誤,但不幸的是,這個錯誤通過了我們的審視,因此出現在了 12 月份的《WZ》上。這一次,作為例外,我將不匿名,因為無論如何,有關文章的作者是誰已經一目了然。
For further questions that I was asked regarding multiple births, however, I needed a special lesson in Creation-energy teaching from Billy, because I was not quite sure how things stood in this particular case, or whether I had understood and deduced everything correctly.
In the last issue of 'The Voice of the Age of Aquarius', December 2024, No. 213, an article by Achim Wolf was published (page 3); titled 'There is neither fear nor anxiety in me'. Achim's view in the article does not seem coherent to me. From my point of view, exactly the opposite is correct than what he ultimately wants to have recognised and describes as the correct conclusion.
在上一期《水瓶時代之聲》(2024 年 12 月,第 213 期)中, Achim Wolf發表了一篇名為《在我內心中既無恐懼也無焦慮》。的文章(第3頁)。我覺得Achim在文章中的觀點並不一致。從我的角度看,事實上與他所說的結論完全相反,才是正確的。
Here I quote the first paragraph of his article and the following three sentences:
Quote: This sentence from Billy's book 'Meditation from a Clear Viewpoint' seemed paradoxical and absurd to me for a long time because I had not thought hard enough about what exactly it meant. 'The human being cannot claim never to have felt fear or been afraid of something in his life,' I thought to myself. "And if this sentence is to be internalised in a meditative way, but is illogical, then this must lead to an aversion in the consciousness and in the psyche, because the subconscious mind always thinks only logically and must rebel against this contradiction," so my seemingly logical conclusions; however, I started from the wrong assumptions.
It was only later that I realised that it depends on what is 'in me'. It does not refer to the mental block with consciousness, subconsciousness, the respective superordinate unconscious forms and the psyche, i.e. not the inside of the human being. Rather, it can only refer to the innermost part, the finest material, the 'pure spiritual' (the pure creation-energetic), the Creation-energy in the human being. … (end of quote)
直到後來,我才明白關鍵在於「在我內心」。其實,這並不是指與意識、潛意識、以及前述的無意識形式和心理相關的心智障礙,也就是人類的內在。相反,這裡指的應該是最深層的部分,即細微的、純精神的(純造物能量的),即人類內在的造物能量。 ... (引文結束)
Here is my view on this:
I take the opposite view, that the inside of the human being is meant and should also be addressed with this sentence – and not the innermost part of the human being, which remains inviolable either way.
My reasons for this:
It is correct that human beings are repeatedly exposed to fear and anxiety in life. On the one hand consciously, especially in the case of acute danger, or on the other hand also only subliminally and unconsciously, whereby the right, progressive action can be inhibited, etc., etc. But just because something unpleasant and negative arises in the behaviour of a human being, and he now concentrates on pronouncing a sentence in the "It is so" form in order to contain precisely that which is unpleasant and negative, is not illogical, but logical, correct and constructive. It leads just as little to an aversion in consciousness as it also leads to no aversion in consciousness when a smoker wants to stop smoking and now speaks in the "it is so" form: "I do not smoke". The "it is so" statements refer to the present – and one will probably be able to influence this positively. However, what can be positively influenced is always the consciousness, the subconscious, the psyche, etc., i.e. the mental block and thus the Inner Self of the human being. But the Inmost Self can never be influenced, because it can only indirectly absorb neutral impulses – and also release them, so that the subconscious can take up these impulses and the same can then penetrate into consciousness – or not. Of course, negative behaviours do not disappear overnight. So if the human being also has fear and anxiety here and there in the future, but with this sentence, the fear and anxiety, especially the underlying everyday fear and anxiety, is contained, then this sentence has already fulfilled a positive purpose.
雖然人類在生活中確實會經歷反覆的恐懼和害怕,一方面是當面對急迫的危險時有意識的感受,另一方面也可能只是潛在的、無意識的,這樣的情況下可能會抑制正確且進步的行為等等。但如果人類的行為中出現不好的負面情緒,並且他用「它是這樣的」的表達方式來描述,試圖壓抑這種不好的情緒,這並非不合邏輯,而是合邏輯的、正確的且建設性的。這並不會像有些人所認為的那樣,引起意識的排斥,就像吸煙者希望戒煙並且用「它是這樣的」的表達方式說:「我不吸煙」一樣,這也不會對意識產生排斥。這些「它是這樣的」的表述是針對當前的情況 —— 並且它會對當前情況產生正面的影響。真正能被正面影響的是意識、潛意識、心理等等,也就是心智障礙和人類的內在自我。但最深層的自我是無法被影響的,因為它只能間接地接受中立的衝擊 —— 並且也會釋放這些衝擊,接著潛意識會接收到這些衝擊並將其帶入意識中 —— 當然,也有可能不會。當然,負面的行為不會立即消失。如果未來人類依然會感受到恐懼和害怕,但這句話幫助控制了潛在的日常焦慮和恐懼,那麼這句話已經達到了積極的目的。
Achim and I therefore come to exactly the opposite conclusions with regard to whether the Inner Self or the Inmost Self of the human being should be addressed. What do you think?
因此,Achim 和我的結論正好相反,關於應該是觸及人類的內在自我還是最深層的自我。你怎麼看?
Yes, your argument is absolutely correct, logical and conclusive. In many places in the Creation-energy teaching, it is stated very clearly that the innermost part of a human being cannot be addressed or influenced, neither by direct thoughts nor by meditation, meditative contemplation or commands, desires, feelings, ideas, imaginations or illusions. The innermost self of the human being – or, in short, the innermost, which is of a subtle material nature – corresponds to nothing other than the effective energy of creation, and this cannot be addressed or influenced directly in any wise or by anything, as we have learned from numerous statements and thorough explanations by Billy. The Creation life energy is our actual life impulse, and this is protected from any deliberate influence by the Censor, which works independently and cannot be influenced and only allows strictly logical evolutive impulses to pass into the realm of the innermost self, where these are merely stored and only processed after the death of the human being.
With regard to the logic of the censor, it should be noted that it works purely evolutively under very special, absolutely logical aspects and is therefore aligned to an increase in the overall evolution and thus the power of our Creation life energy, which presupposes completely different conditions and facts than we human beings generally understand and mentally comprehend.
The desire to influence our innermost self or the wish to evolve as quickly as possible is connected with the secret intention or the underlying desire and aspiration to ascend 'into higher evolutionary spheres' ourselves. However, this is characterised by a profound lack of understanding of what evolution actually is and what place is assigned to human beings in the overall evolution of the entire creational and creative process. The creational itself – nature with all its countless diverse aspects, forms of appearance and expressions – knows no 'hierarchy of the spiritual', as esotericism claims and with this false The creative itself – nature with all its countless diverse aspects, forms of appearance and expressions – knows no 'hierarchy of the spiritual', as esotericism claims, poisoning and obscuring human thinking with this false and confused image, from which then arise the ideas that it is possible for human beings to directly influence and 'push' their evolution in the life-energy of Creation.
The noblest task of the human being – that which was assigned to him by Creation – is to become OMEDAN, that is, a law-fulfiller and thus a truly human being. That is the only endeavour he should follow, because by striving for true humanity he not only fulfils his task given by Creation, but also indirectly, but very efficiently, evolves the growth and the gain of strength of his impulse of Creation-Life-Energy, which, after the death of the human being, creates an absolutely new, neutral, independent personality that cannot be influenced by the human being and his desires.
人類最崇高的任務 —— 造物賦予人類的任務 —— 是成為OMEDAN,即法則的執行者,並因此成為真正的人。這是他唯一應該追隨的目標,因為通過這一追求真正的人性,他不僅完成了創造所賦予的任務,而且還間接地、但非常高效地促進了他造物生命能量脈衝的成長和能量增強,這個脈衝在人的死後將創造出一個全新的、中立的、獨立的、不受人類及其願望影響的人格。
A question about the Creation life energy that animates the foetus from the 21st day. I have twins who are both very intelligent. In particular, both have very pronounced logical-mathematical intelligence/Intelligentum. Hence the question: Is the type of Creation life energy the same for twins, or how can it be that both are so intelligent and not just one of them?
Then another question: I understand that one does not inherit intelligence/Intelligentum from one's parents, only in rare cases is this the case. Is intelligence/Intelligentum then exclusively connected to the memory banks?
When, on the 21st day after the conception of a new human being – or several, such as twins, triplets or other multiples – the development of the embryo is so far complete through the formation of the heart that the previously 'dependent egg cell cluster' is no longer built up and 'allowed to grow' by the mother organ alone , but rather becomes capable of independent development and an independent life, an impulse from the growing fruit on the 21st day after conception triggers an invigorating impulse of Creation life energy from the enormous mass of creative energy that is destined to invigorate human life and supply it with energy. In the case of multiple births, each embryo sends out its own impulse and is then animated by its own absolutely independent neutral impulse of Creation life energy – which differs from that of its siblings – which also causes the heartbeat to begin. (From about the ninth week of pregnancy, when all the internal organs are fully formed, the embryo is then called the foetus.) What these impulses of the Creation-Life Energy are, is determined solely and exclusively by the enormous mass of the Creation-Life Energy, which in turn follows the planned evolution of Creation itself, which knows no coincidences, but only a destiny that determines the development of everything that exists at all according to its own evolutionary laws, and thus also the extent to which the life impulses for multiple births differ. These differences between multiple siblings can be very slight, so that they appear almost identical to the observer when they meet these human beings after their birth or during their independent lives. However, they can also differ noticeably, obviously or even crassly from one another, which can then lead to obvious and sometimes significant differences in personality and character between the siblings.
當新生兒的胚胎 —— 無論是一個還是多個,例如雙胞胎、三胞胎或其他多胞胎 —— 在受精後的第21天,通過心臟的發育,達到一定程度,從而使得原本「不自立的卵細胞團塊」不再僅僅由母體器官構建並「促進其成長」,而是能夠開始自我發展和獨立生活時,這時來自不斷發展的胎兒的脈衝會在受精後的第21天釋放出一個造物生命能量的脈衝,這個脈衝來自於一個強大的造物能量,這個能量的目的是賦予人類生命並提供能量。在這個過程中,每個多胞胎胚胎會發出自己的脈衝,然後會被一個完全獨立且中立的造物生命能量脈衝激活 —— 這個脈衝與其他胎兒的脈衝不同 —— 這樣就會開始跳動心臟。(大約從懷孕的第九週開始,當所有內臟器官完全發育時,胚胎將被稱為胎兒。)這些造物生命能量脈衝的性質完全由這個強大的造物生命能量決定,這個能量本身遵循造物的計畫性進化,這一過程不包含任何偶然,而是由一個導向所有存在的發展的必然規律來決定,從而也決定了多胞胎之間生命脈衝的差異。這些差異可以非常微小,以至於觀察者在新生或日後了解這些人時,會覺得他們幾乎一模一樣。但它們也可能會顯著、明顯,甚至是截然不同,這樣可能會導致兄弟姐妹之間出現顯而易見的,甚至是顯著的個性和性格差異。
Whether differences in personality occur and how strongly they differ from each other is determined, as already mentioned, solely by the 'pool' of creation energies, which follows its own creational laws, which remain incomprehensible to human beings throughout their development and evolution because he can neither intellectually nor emotionally nor emotionally move in the spheres of the purely creational or think his way into them, which is always impossible for him as a human being at every stage of development – even at the highest – and will always remain a mystery to him.
無論是否會出現個性上的差異,以及它們之間有多大的區別,正如前述的,完全由「造物生命能量池」決定,這個池遵循它自己的造物法則,而這些法則對於人類在發展和進化過程中的理解始終是不可知的,因為人類無論是在思維、意識或情感層面上,都無法進入純粹造物的範疇或思考這些範疇,這對人類來說在任何發展階段 —— 即使是在最高階段 —— 都是不可能的,並且將始終是一個謎。
These differences, however, relate exclusively to character, Intelligentum and personality, but not to the physical appearance, which is determined by genetic, that is, material factors, and whether the person is an identical or multiple multiple. Identical twins are genetically almost identical, since they come from the same ovum and sperm cell and the embryonic cells divided at a very early stage (between the 3rd and 12th day) and developed individually. For this reason, identical twins have the same DNA and thus usually also the same sex. In rare cases, however, identical twins are of different sexes because a fertilised egg cell with the sex chromosomes XY can give rise to a cell with a cell nucleus that has not received a Y chromosome during the subsequent fissioning.
Multiple multiples arise from several ovaries that have matured at the same time (which is abnormally encouraged by artificial insemination) and are fertilised by different sperm at the same time. In these cases, the similarity between the multiples is not much greater than between normal siblings, since such multiples already have different genetic structures at the moment of conception.
The fundamental personality that every newborn multiple child brings with them is always neutral, completely individual and special, and always differs in nature and expression from that of their siblings, even if these differences are sometimes barely perceptible. The only thing that causes multiple siblings to often resemble each other in their interests, actions, reactions and behaviour is what they are taught as a result of their upbringing, unless their personalities are actually extremely similar, which can lead to identical or very similar life courses if multiple siblings are raised separately in different families.
The Intelligentum is always part of the personality and is connected to the knowledge stored in the memory banks, which is why it is in no way inheritable or transferable – not even in exceptional cases. What can be inherited are only physical characteristics and susceptibility to disease, which are transmitted genetically, but not character and Intelligentum, which are determined solely by the independent personality that the impulse of the Creation life energy brings with it on the 21st day.
智力始終是個性的一部分,並與儲存庫中儲存的知識有關,因此它無法以任何方式遺傳或轉移 —— 即使是例外情況也不行。能夠遺傳的是身體特徵和易患疾病的易感性,這些是基因遺傳的,而非個性和智力,這些完全是由在第21天由造物生命能量衝動帶來的獨立個性所決定的。
The intelligence of a human being, on the other hand – which he develops in the course of life and builds up and expands through his learning – is only transferable through the mother, who transfers her willingness to learn, her interest, her openness and receptiveness to the fruit that grows inside her and which she gives birth to as a newborn child at the end of the pregnancy. Intelligence is not and in no wise genetically determined or genetically provable, as is the case, for example, with heredity, in which certain genes of the parents are passed on to the children, which then manifest themselves in some form materially or physically. This does not exclude the possibility that during the development of the child during pregnancy, genetic changes or genetic damage can occur, which are caused, for example, by environmental influences or a freak of nature and which, in the worst case, can lead to perfectly healthy parents giving birth to physically impaired or damaged and even malformed children.
然而,一個人的智力 —— 他在生活過程中發展並通過學習建立的智力 —— 僅通過母親傳遞,她將她的學習意願、興趣、開放性和包容心轉移到在她腹中成長的胎兒身上,並在妊娠結束後將這個新生兒帶到世界上。智力不是也不以任何方式基因決定的或基因可追蹤的,就像在某些遺傳情況下,某些父母的基因會傳給子女,並以某種形式在物質或身體上顯現出來。這並不排除在孩子發育過程中,懷孕期間可能會出現基因變異或基因損傷,這些可能由環境影響或自然因素造成,並最終可能導致完全健康的父母生育出身體上有缺陷、受損甚至畸形的孩子。
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