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Contact Report 257/第257次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年06月29日,星期六,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2025年01月08日,星期三,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
在Billy 的 60 歲生日這天,Ptaah 特別專程由 Erra 星趕回來向他祝賀,同時回答了 Billy 所提出的一些問題,報告內容頗長,其中談話的重點也頗多,其中部分摘要如下:
一、提到美國人的高傲與勢利心態,他們除了隱瞞外星人的真相外,也拒絕了與 Plejaren 進一步的接觸,主要是他們自以為掌握了重要的外星資訊與技術。
二、有關發生在 1996 年 7 月 17 日的環航 800 號班機(TWA 800)墜毀,造成機上 230 人全部罹難的事件,其實是被美國海軍用導彈所擊落,至於真正目的,當時還不太明朗。
三、還談到所謂外星人(但不是 Plejaren)正式現身並登陸地球的問題,經過 Ptaah 證實確有其事,而且發生的時間,根據他說,就在不久之後(但他們對時間的看法相對於他們的壽命肯定與地球人不同)。
四、這是本篇報告最重要的部分:Billy 與 Ptaah 討論到 Billy 的文章,主題是:外星人(Extraterrestrial)。在這篇文章中,Billy 不但扼要敘述了近百年來人類接觸真正外星不明飛行物的史實,甚至揭發了美國歷任知情的總統與其軍情首腦極力掩飾真相,後來為了妖魔化外星人,還編造了一種使大眾恐懼外星人入侵的劇碼,透過小說與電影等大眾傳播方式,促使一般大眾對外星文明產生反感,完全誤導了大眾的觀念。
五、談到「海爾-博普彗星」(也被稱為尼比魯或是Unis)的到來,而眾神據說也會回到地球上,但 Ptaah 駁斥這些說法純粹是無稽之談,且與上述的外星人到來毫無關係。
六、談到對山達基教派的評價,Ptaah 認為它其實是一個應受譴責的邪教。
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons(as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Ah, what joy, my friend. Welcome, Ptaah.
1. Eduard, I am happy to see you again.
2. Greetings also from my daughters Semjase and Pleija.
我的女兒 Semjase 和 Pleija 也向你問好。
3. Also Quetzal, Asket and Nera greet you cordially as well as all others who know you.
另外 Quetzal、Asket 和 Nera 也向你以及其他所有認識你的人表示誠摯的問候。
4. I am also supposed to send you greetings, even if you do not know them, and all of them will send you special wishes for your sixtieth birthday.
Thank you very much. It is new to me that you have special wishes for a birthday, but you are never safe from surprises.
5. It is true that we usually do not show obligation with such wishes and congratulations.
6. However, it was decided by us that in this, simply in your case, we should do so, which is why I also express my congratulations and best wishes to you.
Again, thank you very much. I appreciate the honour, and please, pass on the words of my thanks to everyone.
7. I will gladly do that.
May I ask you right now what is going on with the transmission gate? Is the technology soon so advanced that it works, or is everything already perfect?
我現在可以問你關於「傳送門」(transmission gate)的情況嗎?這項先進的技術是否很快就取得了進展而發揮作用,或者一切都已經達到完美的地步了?
8. No, unfortunately still not.
9. It is going to be a long time before everything really works fine and there is no danger of a malfunction.
Too bad. I thought that I could visit Semjase soon. Maybe also Quetzal, who said years ago that he would come back soon.
太可惜了。我本想我可以很快就去看望 Semjase 了。也許還可以去看看 Quetzal,他多年前就說過他會很快回來。
10. He has not forgotten that, my friend.
11. If all goes well, he will keep his promise this year.
I would be very happy. I soon do not know if I can remember his face at all. But may I now present you with my questions that have accumulated during your absence? We can discuss all the private things later.
12. Of course.
Thank you. – Ah, now the phone is ringing. Wait, I have to take the call, because Eva is busy in the living room over there with our little daughter Selina-Mercedes and cannot leave. – – – (Short telephone conversation with Marianne Schmeling in America.)
謝謝你了。啊,現在電話響了。等等,我得接個電話,因為 Eva 正在那邊的客廳忙著照顧我們的小女兒 Selina-Mercedes,肯定不能離開。——(與美國的 Marianne Schmeling 簡短電話交談)
Excuse me, Ptaah. It was Marianne Schmeling from America. She congratulated me on my birthday. And precisely because of America, I wanted to ask you a question that you have already had answered by Florena.
抱歉,Ptaah。電話是來自美國的 Marianne Schmeling。她祝賀我生日快樂,而正好說到美國,我想問你一個問題,雖然這個問題你已經透過 Florena 那裡回答過了。
13. You just spoke on the phone about Eva and your daughter Selina-Mercedes.
你剛才在電話裡談到了 Eva 和你的女兒 Selina-Mercedes。
14. I am completely uninformed, because Florena did not tell me anything about it either.
我完全不知道,因為 Florena 也沒有跟我說過這件事。
15. I was absent for nine months and did not receive any information worth mentioning, so I was of the opinion that nothing special had happened, otherwise Florena would have reported this to me.
我離開的這九個月,沒有收到任何值得一提的資訊,所以我認為沒有發生什麼特別的事情,否則 Florena 會向我報告的。
16. What is real now?
I simply forgot to tell Florena that Eva was pregnant, so she could not know anything, because you were the only one operating the control disk in which everything should be stored.
我只是忘了告訴 Florena,Eva 懷孕了,所以她什麼都不知道,因為只有你一個人在操作控制光盤(control disk),所有的東西都應該儲存在那裡面。
17. I have not had a chance to retrieve them yet, because I am coming here straight from Erra to you.
我還沒來得及獲取它其中的訊息,因為我是從 Erra 星直接過來這裡找你的。
All right, I will explain everything to you then: As you know, my wife maliciously left me in 1994 and since then has also been working maliciously against me and my mission, especially together with the Basel wannabe UFO-expert B.L., who also calls himself a journalist, as well as with the former FIGU members H.R., T.K. and B.J., who all live in Munich or in its closer or further surroundings. My wife as well as H.R. were present at several of your demonstrations, so they saw your ships and heard their sirens high in the sky, which they deny today. Today they actually deny all their experiences in this regard, whereby H.R. and his like-minded cronies, who all pretended to be my friends for years, together use my Andromeda energy ship photos for forgeries in order to 'prove' that my photos are also forgeries. Now, since my ex-wife has left and I am still in legal proceedings with her because of the divorce, Eva and I have come together in a life partnership, from which our little daughter Selina-Mercedes has emerged, who was born on 18.1.1997.
好吧,那我就向你解釋一切。如你所知,我的妻子早在 1994 年就惡意地離開了我,從那時起,她就一直在惡意地反對我和我的任務,尤其是與巴塞爾(Basel)自稱是記者的 UFO 崇拜者 B. L. 以及前 FIGU 成員 H.R.、T.K. 和 B.J. 一起,他們都住在慕尼黑或其附近或者更遠的地方。我的妻子和 H. R. 在你們的幾次展示中都在場,所以他們看到了你們的飛船,聽到了飛船在高空的聲響,但他們今天否認了這一點。如今,他們實際上否認了他們在這方面的所有經歷,根據這些經歷,H.R. 和他志同道合的親信,他們都假裝是我多年的朋友,一起用我的仙女座能量船(Andromeda energy ship)的照片作假,以“證明”我的照片也是偽造的。現在,由於我的前妻已經離開了,而我因為離婚還在和她打官司,所以我和 Eva 在一起結成了生活伴侶,因而有了我們的小女兒 Selina-Mercedes,她是於 1997 年 1 月 18 日出生的。
18. This is very good news, my friend, of which I really had no idea.
19. I cordially offer you my congratulations and rejoice with you over your offspring.
20. I am sure I can also congratulate you on my daughters Semjase and Pleija as well as Quetzal, Asket, Nera, Taljda, Menara and all the others who will be as surprised and delighted as I am myself. –
我相信我也可以向你表示,我的女兒 Semjase 和 Pleija 以及 Quetzal、Asket、Nera、Taljda、Menara 和其他所有人的祝賀,我相信他們一定會像我一樣感到驚訝與高興。–
21. This is really good news.
Thank you, Ptaah. Thank you very much. But can I start with my questions now?
22. Of course.
So: Through Florena I let you ask how we should act towards the Americans in the future regarding our mission and the information system. You have let me be informed by her that we should keep everything simple as before and not make a special effort to build anything up in America, because this is not our area of responsibility, but that of the Americans themselves, who would have to do everything themselves, including for all translations of our writings and books, etc. into their own language, whereby they would also have to take over the printing and distribution of these on their own initiative, including the financial issues, etc. which arise. According to Florena's statement, however, we should only be concerned for our friends and acquaintances in America and for those who are really interested, and only reach out to them. But we should not do anything else.
所以,我透過 Florena 請教你,關於我們的任務和訊息系統方面,今後我們該如何和美國人打交道。你透過她告訴我,我們應該保持一切原樣,不要特別努力在美國建立任何東西,因為這不是我們的責任領域,而是美國人自己的責任,他們必須自己做一切事情,包括將我們的著作和書籍等翻譯成他們自己的語言,他們還必須主動接管這些出版物的印刷和發行,包括出現的財務問題等。不過,按照 Florena 的說法,我們只應該關心美國的朋友和熟人,關心那些真正感興趣的人,只應該向他們伸出援手。但我們不應該做任何其他的事情。
23. That is correct.
24. You know that we have no interest at all in you making efforts in America in our cause as well as in your mission, because the initiative in this matter must come only from the Americans.
25. You are also aware of the other reasons why we distance ourselves from America.
26. We made a pointless attempt to get in touch with the American government.
I know. On the one hand, this attempt, where you sent a letter to the American government through me and via E.L. from Flagstaff in Arizona, was a response to haughty demands that you could not accept, which is why the connection could not be established. And on the other hand, there are the underhand American efforts to cover up everything concerning UFOs and extraterrestrials and secretly use them for military armament as well as for the exercise of military and political power. In addition to these facts about aliens and their aircraft, etc., it is also true that the majority of the major political and military Americans, as well as a certain part of the population, are conceited, profit-seeking, self-opinionated, and lying, while many other extremely negative aspects are added, such as the inhuman demand and practice of the death penalty, and the completely false sense of peace and freedom, etc.
我知道。一方面,這次嘗試,你們通過我,並透過亞利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫(Flagstaff)的 E.L. 給美國政府發了一封信,而得到的回應是高傲而勢利的要求,你們無法接受,這就是為什麼無法建立聯繫的原因。而另一方面是美國人在暗中努力掩蓋有關 UFO 和外星人的一切,並秘密地將其用於軍事武裝以及行使軍事和政治權力。除了這些關於外星人及其飛行器等事實之外,還有一個事實是,大多數美國政界和軍界領導人以及一部分人都是勢利的、貪婪的、自大的、虛偽的,同時還增加了許多其他極其消極的方面,例如對死刑的非人道要求和做法,以及對和平與自由的意義,有著完全錯誤的認知等等。
27. This corresponds to the given facts. –
28. You should not make a special effort for America out of the mentioned and many other negative facts, because these people are by and large not yet ready for the truth in the form that it could be applied in an honest and positively beneficial manner.
29. The level of responsibility of the great mass of Americans is still formed in such a manner that everything and anything is applied negatively.
30. For these reasons you should not make a special effort for America, but only shake hands with those who honestly and willingly ask for it; honest friends, acquaintances and honest interested parties.
We will, of course, keep to this, even if it is often very difficult to separate the chaff from the grain. – By the way, from this month on we are on the Internet. We exchanged some private words about it last May.
我們當然會堅持這一點,即使很多時候很難把穀殼和穀物分離開來。—— 對了,從這個月開始,我們在互聯網上設有網站。去年五月,我們就私下交流過一些關於這個問題的看法。
31. Doing this step was good.
32. Worldwide communication is becoming increasingly important.
That is what our group members thought. Christian Frehner is, by the way, the man who manages the whole thing. – But now something else: You told me years ago that BSE or mad cow disease could be transmitted to all mammals. That means all mammals as well as humans, no?
這就是我們小組成員的想法。順便說一下,Christian Frehner 就是管理整個事情的人。—— 但現在還有一件事:你多年前告訴我,BSE 或瘋牛病可能會傳染給所有哺乳動物。這意味著所有哺乳動物和人類都一樣會被傳染,對嗎?
33. Yes, that was the meaning of my words.
Good. Now the extended question: Can the species barrier be broken at any time in this relationship?
34. Yes, if an infection takes place in some kind and wise.
What about non-mammals like fish, birds and chicken birds as well as lizards, etc.?
35. No, not in one of the known forms.
36. Nevertheless, all life-forms can be affected by a brain disease that has certain similarities to the actual prion disease and can be described in a broader sense as originating from it.
37. The symptoms that emerge are generally very similar to those of prion disease.
38. However, we have only had this insight since 1995, and it is estimated that years will pass before scientists will recognise this fact.
然而,我們從 1995 年才開始瞭解到這一情況,因此在地球上,估計還要經過許多年才能讓科學家認識到這個事實。
As far as I know, the prion disease changes from life-form genus to life-form genus. You told me that in our last conversation.
39. That is indeed so.
40. Each time a species barrier is overcome, a pathogen change occurs, which makes it possible for another life-form to fall ill after all.
A quite common affair. Could we learn more about it?
41. On the one hand this would be too extensive, and on the other hand I am not allowed to give any official information about it.
Because of the directives?
42. Yes, that is why.
Well, then something else. You probably remember recommending that I remove the so-called [wedding] cake ship's photos from the albums after my ex-wife with H.R. and B.L., etc. slandered the pictures as a 'barrel lid ship', etc. Is it now necessary that the photos remain removed from the albums after I have published an appropriate flyer and an article in Bulletin No. 10, as you can see here? – This is the flyer.
好吧,那就談點別的東西。你大概還記得,在我的前妻與 H.R. 和 B.L. 等人將所謂「蛋糕型飛船」誹謗為“桶蓋飛船”(barrel lid ship)等等之後,你就建議我將這些照片從相冊中刪除。現在我在《第 10 號公報》(Bulletin No. 10)上發表了適當的資訊和文章後,那些照片是否有必要繼續從相冊中刪除?你可以在這裡看到,這就是相關資訊。
43. Thanks, I will deal with it later.
44. You can share the pictures.
Also good; here is also the new bulletin, just the tenth one.
這也好;這裡是新的《第 10 號公報》。
45. I also thank you for that.
Let me know how you feel about it when you have read it.
46. Of course I will give you my opinion, but I am sure you did everything right.
47. I think that you said everything that needed to be said and explained.
I was asked what Tito, the dictator of the former Yugoslavia, actually did with his enemies. Do you know anything about that?
48. Yes. –
49. Tito maintained several concentration camps in which humans who were hostile to him or his state were imprisoned and pathetically abused, resulting in the deaths of many.
50. A total of around 470,000 people were detained in these camps.
總共有大約有 47 萬人被關押在這些集中營裡。
But as far as I know, no one has ever heard of that.
51. That is right.
52. Everything was concealed and still today everything is largely unknown.
53. Only a few initiated circles have knowledge of these earlier occurrences.
54. These initiates also include journalists who, however, do not make much effort to uncover the atrocities committed in the internment camps at that time.
55. Even the fact of the existence of the former detention camps is concealed, for whatever reason.
They can be very diverse, ranging from politics to financial profit in the form of silencing money, etc.
56. That probably has its correctness.
That is also what I am thinking. But now the next question: On the 17th of July 1996, a jumbo jet, a Boeing 747, exploded shortly after take-off in New York or something like that and crashed into the sea, causing about 230 deaths. Do you know anything about it?
我也這麼認為,但現在下一個問題是:1996 年 7 月 17 日,一架波音 747 大型噴射客機在紐約起飛後不久發生爆炸而墜入海中,造成約 230 人死亡。你對這件事有什麼瞭解嗎?
57. Certainly, because such incidents are recorded by our surveillance aircraft.
當然,因為這種事件我們的偵察飛行器(surveillance aircraft)都有記錄。
58. Florena also informed me about this unfortunate incident.
Florena 也把這一不幸事件告訴了我。
59. But why do you ask?
Simply because I am interested in why the plane exploded. The Americans made several statements, but we do not know if one of them is correct.
60. I can give you information about that:
61. Of course the Americans want to hide the truth and avoid it by some flimsy explanations, because it is their own fault that the misfortune happened.
62. The truth is that the US Navy fired a defensive missile at the plane and was hit by it and caused to explode.
63. Whether this happened intentionally or unintentionally could not be clarified by us yet, but it seems to us after the past investigations that both possibilities must be considered.
Why is that?
64. It is actually still too early to talk about this.
But what reason could there have been to sacrifice so many people?
65. An espionage-active person who, to our knowledge, was aboard the plane and carried important knowledge, but who had escaped the American secret service.
66. There is no doubt that this person was on board, but it is still unclear whether it was intentionally shot down as a result.
67. It is possible, however, that so many people were sacrificed because of a single spy.
68. But our investigations will show whether this is really true.
That would really be terrible, if that were true. But in political, military and secret service contexts, much worse crimes have already been committed in which thousands or even tens of thousands of people have lost their lives. Just think of the radioactive contamination tests carried out by the Americans and the British, etc., which have killed thousands and thousands of people, which of course has been concealed. And just because of the concealment I have written an article here, if you want to read it briefly … Ah yes, but first again a question concerning the suspected spy in the crashed plane, whose flight information was designated TWA 800 to my knowledge and which, to be more precise, crashed in Moriches Bay off the coast of Long Island, where UFO activities have been recorded for quite some time, as I take from my note here. I would now be interested to know in what context the espionage activity was supposed to have been – military or economic?
如果這是真的,那就太不可思議了。但在政治、軍事和情報方面,已經發生了更嚴重的罪行,數千甚至數萬人因此喪生。想一想美國人和英國人等進行的放射性污染試驗,已經造成了成千上萬人的死亡,當然這一切都被隱瞞了。正因為隱瞞,我在這裡寫了一篇文章,如果你想簡單的看一下... 啊,對了,但首先再問一個關於墜毀飛機中疑似間諜的問題,據我所知,這是一架環球航空 800 號班機(TWA 800),更準確的說是墜毀在長島沿海的Moriches Bay(暫譯為莫里奇斯灣),從我這裡的說明來看,那裡已經記錄了相當長一段時間的 UFO 活動。我現在很想知道,間諜活動應該是在什麼背景下進行的,是軍事還是經濟?
69. Our findings so far have shown that the person in question had secret information of a military nature, in relation to various incidents involving unidentified flying objects in the Moriches Bay area, etc., and in relation to the so-called Brookhaven SDI experiments.
到目前為止,我們的調查結果顯示,當事人掌握了軍事性質的秘密情報,涉及莫里奇斯灣地區不明導彈等各種事件,以及所謂「布魯克黑文 SDI 實驗」(Brookhaven SDI experiments)。
70. Whether the plane was deliberately shot down because of this spy, in order to silence him in this manner, is only one possibility, because another is that everything was an accident, although it is undoubtedly certain that the US Navy launched the missile.
71. But there is another possibility, which we also have to consider, and that is that the aircraft was probably detected on the tracking equipment of the U.S. Navy, but was considered as a so-called UFO, whereupon an order to shoot it down followed.
但還有一種可能,我們也必須考慮,那就是這架飛機很可能被美國海軍的追蹤設備鎖定,但卻被認為是所謂的 UFO,於是就下達了擊落的命令。
72. And we have to consider this possibility even more than the one with the spying person.
73. But I cannot tell you anything more about it yet, but I have to wait and see what the research of Florena's group, which handles everything in this respect, will show.
但我現在還不能告訴你更多這方面的事情,我必須等待處理這方面一切事務的 Florena 小組,看看他們的研究會有什麼結果。
All sorts of things. If you know the facts, can you find out what the research has revealed?
74. Of course, because no secret should be made of it, since it is an incident that has a criminal background, if our previous investigations should prove to be completely true.
Let me ask you a question about the continued secrecy of certain facts of events that you have explained to me over the years and for which you have urged me to remain silent. Am I allowed to speak freely about all things or not?
75. You may speak freely about those matters, dates and facts that we have allowed you to name.
76. All other facts, however, you shal keep under lock and key within yourself.
So everything stays the same. And, of course, I will follow your instructions and name only those things I may speak about without hesitation. Then I would have another question now, which refers to the coming and appearance of extraterrestrials who have no connection whatsoever with you and who should actually make open contact with Earth-humans. Can I find out, for example, when this time will really be? The date once mentioned to me has become obsolete because things have occurred with Earth-humans and in their politics, which made the appearance of the extraterrestrials impossible.
77. The time is relatively close according to our terms, but for certain reasons I will not name the more exact time, because thereby steps could be taken by the Earth-human, which would thwart everything another time.
78. If, however, you only want to have the information for yourself, then I will gladly give you information.
No, I just officially asked the question because I want to consider our conversation as an official contact report.
79. Then the question should only be answered in such a manner that no exact dates are mentioned.
80. It must therefore suffice if I say that the time is relatively near at which humans from an Earth-foreign world will openly appear on this planet.
After which you will finally withdraw, as you have always assured!
81. That was always the meaning of our explanations in this regard.
Your concepts of time are of course different from ours here on the Earth, so your word is a broad concept if you say that the time is already relatively near when official contact between extraterrestrials and terrestrial humans can be expected.
82. The time is really not very far away anymore.
83. The only question with the expected contacts is whether the military, secret services and governments do not recast the public appearance in such a manner that the public is misled and the real facts are not falsified and concealed again, as this was handled with regard to previous incidents of a similar kind with extraterrestrial flying apparatuses and Wesen of foreign worlds.
Besides you Pleiadians, or Plejaren, and the members of your Federation, there are also occasionally other Earth-foreign Wesen who visit our world, whose flying apparatuses can be observed here and there.
除了你們 Plejaren 和你們的聯邦成員之外,還有其他的外星生物訪問我們的世界,他們的飛行器可以在各地觀察到。
84. That is correct, but it is not our concern, because we also have no contact with these very rare Earth-foreigners, just as we also do not maintain any contact with Earth-humans.
85. In physical as well as telepathic form you are the only human on the Earth who has maintained contacts with us for years, as we have often explained.
86. Earlier contacts with Earth-humans are excluded, however, as you know, because such contacts actually existed at times.
87. However, these were terminated very early.
88. So the situation today is that all those who claim to be in telepathic, physical or in contact in any other manner with any spirit beings or physically existing people of our race are liars, deceivers, charlatans or delusional.
89. For many years now you have been the only human on Earth, who can say about yourself with a clear conscience and truthfulness that you are in physical, spiritual telepathic and spiritually-fine-feeling-based contact with us.
I know that, because you have truthly already said that often enough; but all the swindlers, the delusionally-sick ones and the cheaters do not concern themselves about that just like the charlatans and the liars also do not.
90. Which unfortunately corresponds to the truth.
Also in relation to Ashtar Sheran a lot is lied about. Again and again people come to us who still believe in the nonsense that he still transmits messages to the Earth-humans and intends a rescue of his followers on the Earth. People simply do not want to accept the truth that this Athar Seran, as his real name was, which was erroneously interpreted on Earth and changed into Ashtar Sheran, was eliminated already years ago in the DAL-universe during his criminal fighting actions, consequently also his spirit-form and his overall consciousness-block are no longer present in our DERN-universe.
也有很多關於「阿斯塔・謝蘭」(Ashtar Sheran)的謊言。有人一次又一次來找我們,他們仍然相信他還在向地球人傳遞訊息並計劃拯救他在地球上的追隨者的這套無稽之談。人們就是不願意接受這樣的事實:這個被地球人誤解並轉化為「阿斯塔・謝蘭」(其實他的真名是 Athar Seran)的人,在多年前的犯罪戰鬥中,就已經在「DAL 宇宙」中被消滅了,因此他的「靈態」(spirit-form)和「整體意識塊」(overall consciousness-block)已經不在我們的「DERN 宇宙」中了。
91. Lies, swindle, fraud and delusions of all kinds unfortunately very often have a very long life span.
92. Therefore, it is not surprising that even the most incredible Ashtar Sheran stories still circulate as strongly as in former times.
93. And it is not surprising that new delusionally-ill ones, liars, fraudsters, charlatans and swindlers appear again and again in this regard, because with such untruthful things a lot of money and other profits can be made on the Earth with believers who respond to them.
94. A fact that also applies to the so-called UFO-contacts resp. to the alleged contacts with extraterrestrials.
這一事實,也適用於所謂的 UFO 接觸者,或所謂的與外星人接觸者。
Let us ask a question concerning the ancient Earthlings: Did they also act as primitively and dumbly at the appearance of extraterrestrials as it is the case with today's humankind, particularly even with the military, the secret services and the governments as well as the sectarians?
95. No comparison can be made in the matter of military, secret services and governments.
96. Where people acted abnormally, there was actually the delusion in play by which Earth-foreigners were judged either as devils or as gods.
97. In military, secret service and governmental respects, however, with few exceptions, no aggressive machinations were common regarding the Earth-foreigners, which unfortunately has changed drastically in modern times.
Certain humans have become dumber instead of more normal.
98. In a certain regard, you are right.
99. But let me read your article.
One moment, please, before I forget: The Earth foreigners you mentioned, who are supposed to contact Earthlings in the near future, do they have any knowledge about you and your dimension?
100. No, in no wise.
101. They will have neither knowledge of our presence here nor knowledge of our home dimension and our home worlds.
102. But we will not make ourselves recognisable to them either.
Then here are some questions I would like to ask you before you start reading the article, if you allow me.
103. Of course.
Thanks. – Again and again the question arises whether Petrus really was the first Pope. I know that you have already informed me about this at an earlier time and explained that Petrus never held the papal office. This statement of yours, however, has never been recorded in writing, which is why I am now once again officially asking you for the answer.
104. It has its correctness with what you said.
105. Petrus never held the office of pope.
And what is it about the Vatican's claim that Petrus' skeletal remains were found in the Vatican or something?
106. This assertion corresponds to a deliberately created lie, because the mortal remains of Petrus were then cremated by delusional Christian enemies because they were of the belief that he could return.
107. The matter with the found skeletal remains can be clarified by the fact that they belonged to a man who was a church servant during his lifetime, who had to maintain the church buildings and ensure order.
I know that you take a positive view of genetic engineering, which here on the Earth is usually simply called gene manipulation. But would it not be possible for you to clarify your point of view once again for this contact discussion?
我知道你對基因工程持積極正面的態度,這在地球上通常被簡單地稱為「基因操縱」(gene manipulation)。但在這次接觸談話中,你是不是可以再次澄清一下你的觀點?
108. Of course I can. –
109. Genetic engineering is an evolutionary factor that cannot be stopped by terrestrial humans.
110. The advent of genetic engineering, which can actually be called gene manipulation, is a compelling factor in development.
111. Therefore, it is completely nonsensical to want to take steps against it to prevent this progress.
112. But whoever does this nevertheless is not master of their mind or they are an evolution querulant.
113. Genetic engineering or gene manipulation is not only a compelling factor of development, as I said, but a necessity, on which even large parts of the future of humankind on the Earth and his/her existence depend.
114. Instead of taking dubious and disturbing steps against genetic engineering or genetic manipulation, it would be right to think about the really positive use of this technology, so that it can be researched and operated openly, before further secret experiments are carried out through negation and thus disaster is conjured up, which will be an inevitable consequence if the Earth-human does not soon come to insight through reason and real knowledge.
Thanks. Now here are the pages of the article. – I would be interested whether you have yet some statements or remarks to make about it that I could use to expand on, or whether I should leave it all as is. However, I do not find an expansion absolutely necessary, but if you recommend it, then I would be happy to do this. But now read first one time, and if you think that it requires yet further explanation, then tell me.
I am often asked whether then only the Pleadian/Plejaren come to Earth as extraterrestrials. Naturally that is not the case, because there exists yet various other extraterrestrials, who fly into terrestrial airspace and can also often be observed. They are, in part, members of the Pleadian/Plejaren federation, who cannot, however, be counted as foreigners who stem from planets and solar systems that have no state of affairs at all with the Pleiadian/Plejaren and their federation worlds. These foreign extraterrestrials come from the most different star systems, which as a rule, belong to our galaxy, respectively, the Milky Way, whereby however exceptions also exist, however only very few, in which the extraterrestrials stem from foreign, and millions of light-year distant, galaxies. There are, however, few like this to note, that they can only be spoken of as a rarity.
他們有部分是 Plejaren 聯邦的成員,然而,有些不能算作是其他區域的外星人,因為他們也是屬於與 Plejaren 及其聯邦世界分支出去的行星與恆星系統的一員,只是並沒有真正參與聯邦的事務。
這些外星人來自各個不同的恒星系統,按道理,他們還是屬於我們的星系,也就是銀河系(Milky Way)的一員。但也有極少數的例外,他們係來自數百萬光年之外的星系。不過像這樣被注意到的。真是寥寥無幾,可以說他們只是稀客。
[中譯者註:這裡英文 Pleadian,就是我們一般所稱的「昴宿星人」;但與 Billy 所接觸的那些外星人,他們的正確名稱是 Plejaren,有關這方面的詳述,請參閱《Sfath的解說》中第 140~143 句的說明。因此,在本篇翻譯中,有關「Pleadian/Plejaren」一詞,一律以 Plejaren 取代,以免造成混淆。]
In every case caution is recommended in relation to the extraterrestrials and contact with them as well as in relation to the observed UFOs, because for a long time not all of that which was said and asserted in this regard was correct. Deceptions can be present during the observations of UFOs, as well as the actual observation of extraterrestrial flying apparatuses, etc. Thus, where dealing with such an observation, it is often very difficult to clear up. Yet it may be accepted that a certain small percentage of all observations actually lead back to extraterrestrial flying apparatuses, which are seen in ever greater numbers around the world. The majority of the observations do not, however, correspond to reality, but rather touch upon imaginations and suchlike, that many times are only the consequence of certain science fiction films, etc., that would arouse the susceptible humans to fantasies through which they then see or experience imaginary things in the sky that have nothing to do with reality. And just these imaginations, that often extend to Real Vision, are very plentiful, but this should not prejudice the facts, and mean that all observations are of this kind, because there actually are still enough cases of UFO observations that undoubtedly rest upon such really-occurring extraterrestrial, and partly also other-dimensional, flying apparatuses which have nothing to do with the Plejadian/Plejaren, and their confederates, rather they belong to other worlds and civilisations.[1]
然而,大多數的目擊者卻不相信這種現實的景象,寧可認為是遇到了想像之類的幻象,許多次他們僅認定是因受某些科幻電影效果等的影響,才會容易引起幻覺,導致他們在天空中看到或經驗到那些是虛構而與現實無關的現象。只是這些幻象,常常會延伸成「真實的景象」(Real Vision)[註一],是非常豐富的,但這應該無損於事實,並意味著所有觀察到的景象都是屬於這一類的,因為實際上仍有許多的 UFO 案例,無疑是屬於這種真正發生的外星人,以及部分也屬於其他維度(other-dimensional)的飛行器,它們與 Plejaren以及他們的聯邦無關,而是屬於其他的世界與文明。
[gaiaguys 註一:什麼是「真實的景象」?]
Regarding the contacts with extraterrestrials, the circumstances are partly the same as with the UFO observations, in the form that a fantasy is called forth, because actually any contact with extraterrestrials occurs only in the most exceedingly rare cases, and as a rule also only in an unintended form. Intentional extraterrestrial contact with Earth-humans would normally be taken up only most rarely, whereby the so-called examination contacts predominate, whereby the Earth-humans would be 'abducted' for examinations, respectively, analyses, and hauled into spaceships. However, those examination contacts have nothing to do with the mass hysteria of the alleged abductions, through which they would inflict pain or steal sperm or the fruit of the wombs from 'abductees', to breed a new species of human, etc. Many times these mass hysterias rest upon certain phobias under which the allegedly abducted ones suffer, as well as sleep-paralysis visions and Real Vision, etc., that convey an impression to the beset humans that they have or have had an actual experience. But there are still all of those who assert that they maintain physical or telepathic contact with extraterrestrials, mostly connected with religios-sectarian delusional teachings and assertions that withstand no reason. But in this matter it is exactly these religious delusional teachings and assertions from which very many humans feel addressed and which these 'contactees' believe, who in truth are either profit-obsessed deceivers, wigged-out sectarian fanatics or simple charlatans, who, altogether however, lead their believers around by the nose. Thereby not to be forgotten at any rate are the chronically delusional who suffer from some form of schizophrenia or simply imagination. Therefore, the greatest caution is recommended with extraterrestrial contacts in the sky, because too much about this are lies, deception, swindle, charlatanism and speculation, etc., whereby also the truth-despising efforts and falsifications as well as disinformation machinations of the governments are implicated through the committal and establishment of unbelievable lies, slanders, falsifications and trickeries in the world to veil the truth, to contradict and to deny. The Roswell UFO crash is just one of many inglorious examples. Naturally not all terrestrial governments and military work in this slimy way, but there are many. And they get ever more difficulty from those peoples who are really interested in the UFO clarification and the events connected therewith, as they turn the heat up under the governments, the military and the secret services. The time namely presses ever more, because ever more UFO incidents take place and also pure UFO observations increase ever further. So the responsible ones use their lies, defamation and denial ever less, whereby they apply a new obscuring technique to keep the actual existence of extraterrestrials secret, as well as their visits to the Earth. Their new method is to demonise everything that has to do with UFOs and extraterrestrials. That, thereby, also serves to hinder the coming about of contact with extraterrestrials and civilians, because that can no longer be controlled and because, as a rule, civilians who are not bound by a military or secret service security status do not shy away from making such experiences and events openly known. But such open information is exceedingly uncomfortable and even exceedingly dangerous for the governments as well as for the military and secret services, etc., as their power structures could become shaky. Of this it was already clear to a whole line-up of authorities as well as their military and secret services in the First World War because, over the battlefields of Europe UFOs were observed whose appearance was kept secret, however. It went the same direction in the Second World War, as the foo-fighters surfaced everywhere. Indeed, it was already firmly established by the military and secret services and highest government positions by the First and Second World Wars that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin, yet the secrecy was still maintained. The facts of the extraterrestrial origins of flying apparatuses was recognised in America through the observation of a landing of such an object, where four unusually-clothed humanoid Wesen disembarked, collected some plants in the vicinity, re-entered their device and flew away. The observers of these events were two members of the military who, co-incidentally, were in just that area while on vacation. Both reported the event to the nearest military facility, allowing the secret investigations and clarifications to proceed, as had already happened in other similar cases that preceded, and also subsequently occurred even more. But everything happened under the strictest nondisclosure, as the Plejadian/Plejaren have affirmed, so the public received no knowledge about these incidents whatsoever, as neither did the main body of the governments, the military and the secret services. It was always only the very highest positions and officials who were privy to the secrets. And it was also these humans who even then concerned themselves with, and worked out, concealment tactics to deceive most of their subordinates and the entire population. It was to be avoided that, on one hand, everything would be known, and on the other hand, that those not in the know and not sworn to secrecy, or even civilian personnel, could have contact with extraterrestrials. Therefore, a possibility was sought to place fear in humans in relation to the extraterrestrials so that no contact would result from a possible landing or from a crash of extraterrestrial devices.
有關與外星人接觸,這種情況部分與 UFO 的目擊相同,這種如夢似幻的形式被稱為第四類接觸,因為實際上與任何外星人接觸,只有在極其罕見的情況下才會發生,並且通常都是以一種意想不到的形式。
外星人主動與地球人類接觸,通常是少之又少,通常是以所謂的“檢驗性接觸”(examination contacts)為主,這樣地球人類就會被以“綁架”(abducted)的方式作檢驗,而被強制帶入他們的太空飛船,並進行個別的分析。然而,這些檢驗性接觸與被強調成強行綁架的大規模歇斯底里(hysteria)現象無關,而後者會從“被綁架者”(abductees)身上偷取精子或從子宮內擷取卵子以培育新物種的人類等類似過程,以致會遭受痛苦。很多時候這些大規模的歇斯底里會引發某些恐懼症,在據稱被綁架者的遭遇,以及睡眠癱瘓症(sleep-paralysis;俗稱鬼壓床)的幻象和「真實的景象」等等的情況之下,傳達給困擾的人類,他們有或曾過有一次實際經驗的印象。但仍有堅稱他們與外星人保持身體或心靈感應方式接觸的那些人,全部大多是與宗教教派妄想的教義和那些沒有理由的斷言有關。但在這件事,正是這些妄想的宗教教義和斷言,讓很多人覺得從中找到了答案,而這些“被接觸者”(contactees)相信那些人,但事實上那些人無非是癡心牟利的騙徒、失控的宗教狂熱分子或者根本就是些江湖騙子,總而言之,他們一起牽著那些信徒的鼻子走。因此無論如何他們都不會忘記那些情節,但這就是習慣性的妄想者,這種人患有某種形式的精神分裂症或一切都只是他們想像出來的。
羅斯威爾飛碟墜毀事件(Roswell UFO crash)就是許多不光彩的例子之一。當然並不是地球上所有的政府和軍事機構都是以這種欲蓋彌彰的方式工作,但有許多事件確是如此。而他們對那些在釐清 UFO 事件和相關事宜真是很感興趣的人處裡起來更為困難,因為他們能在各國政府、軍方和特勤單位的管制之下把事件炒熱。時間越長也就是新聞越多,因為越來越多的 UFO 事件發生,而單純的 UFO 觀察資料也隨之進一步的增加。所以負責保密的人員能使用謊言、誹謗和否認的空間就越來越小,於是他們就應用一種新的遮掩技術,來對實際存在的外星人以及他們來到地球的事實,繼續封鎖消息。
這整件事的來龍去脈,政府當局以及其軍事與特勤機構在第一次世界大戰中已經明白,因為在歐洲的戰場上,一些 UFO 已被觀察到,但其外觀卻始終列為機密。相同的方式出現在第二次世界大戰中,其中“幽浮”(foo-fighters)更是無處不在。事實上,由第一和第二次世界大戰的觀察,軍事與特勤機構以及最高的政府領導階層,已經確信這些 UFO 是來自外星,但卻仍然守口如瓶。
有四個穿著異常的人形生物(humanoid beings)下了飛船,在附近收集了一些植物的樣本,然後又回到他們的飛船飛走了,美國經由這類物體著陸的觀察,確認了飛行裝置是源自外星的事實。這些事件的觀察,是由兩個軍事單位的人員,他們只是正巧在在該地區度假時發現。他們兩位向最近的軍事單位報告,他們獲准繼續進行秘密調查與真相釐清,因為之前已經發生過其他類似的狀況,並且隨後還發生了更多的這類事件。
這些都是 Plejaren 所確定的事件,但一切都曾在嚴格的保密之下發生過,所以一般大眾沒有接收到關於這些事件的訊息,而政府、軍方和特勤機構中的大部分人也一無所知。這始終只有最高職位以及與秘密有利害關係的官員知情。而也是這些人,即使他們後來憂慮這些事,但還是訂定出了隱瞞的政策,以欺瞞他們大部分的下屬和全體民眾。他們一方面要避免一切會被其他人知道,另一方面,也要防止那些不知情、不宣誓保密的人,甚至是一般大眾,可能與外星人的接觸。所以他們在人類關於外星人被找到的可能性方面安排了大眾的恐懼心理,因此不會導致可能由外星飛行器著陸或墬毀的接觸。
Naturally already in those times there were civilian observers of UFOs, but if this was to be avoided, there would still be fundamentally nothing given recognition in the open media. They also led the population to believe that these strange flying apparatuses were their own secret flying machines, which were just then undergoing initial testing. Therefore, the humans, already at that time, were knowingly being led into the dark. Silence was maintained regarding what the UFOs effectively were, namely extraterrestrial, and partly foreign-dimensional, interplanetary flying apparatuses controlled by crews foreign to Earth. Naturally in those days the flying apparatuses were not yet called UFOs, but were given other names. But that does not diminish the fact that already after the outbreak of the First World War, in 1915, the American President Woodrow Wilson ordered a nondisclosure in respect of extraterrestrial flying objects, and decreed measures to cover himself with what had been written. The consequences of this unofficial, secret edict of which also US Presidents Warren G. Harding as well as Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt, whereby especially Roosevelt, were finally the driving power, was that the angst for extraterrestrial conquerors would be incited to panic, and indeed through a perfidious machination, together with the secret service, through which book authors would be threatened with death in order to start an extremely effective horror scenario. US President Harry Truman was then also later drawn into the conspiracy, because he even cooperated as the highest-placed observer of UFO crash sites. However, things of this kind were not only happening in America, because also in Russia – as also in other countries – people were becoming attentive to the UFOs and secretly held the view that it must concern extraterrestrial flying apparatuses – even when, always again, meanwhile, voices from the uninitiated grew loud in Russia as well as in America that these thereby dealt with new kinds of enemy aircraft. Party leader and dictator Josef W. Stalin was, for example, like various US presidents, at different times an observer of UFOs, from which he was quickly convinced, despite the angst for the new flying machines of the Americans, that it dealt with intelligences foreign to Earth. One fact that he, however, never made openly known, as also happened with the fact that practically every UFO observation in the Soviet Union fell under secrecy provisions.
1915 年,第一次世界大戰已經爆發,美國總統伍德羅.威爾遜(Woodrow Wilson)下令封鎖有關外星飛行物的消息,並頒佈措施掩蓋自己寫過的東西,但這並沒有因此而減少這類事實的發生。這個非官方而絕密的命令,其中涉及的還有美國總統沃倫.哈定(Warren G. Harding),以及卡爾文.柯立芝(Calvin Coolidge)、赫伯特.胡佛(Herbert Hoover)和佛蘭克林.羅斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt),這方面特別是羅斯福,他是最後驅策的動力,他們的確透過背離事實的陰謀,加上特勤組織的配合,為了啟動一個極為有效的恐怖場景,藉著一些相關書籍的作者將會受到死亡的威脅,造成一種因焦慮外星征服者而造成恐慌的後果。美國總統哈里.杜魯門(Harry Truman)隨後也捲入這一陰謀,因為他甚至配合成為不明飛行物失事地點的最高層級知情者。
然而,這種事情不只發生在美國,因為在俄羅斯 —— 如同也發生在其他國家 —— 他們對不明飛行物變得認真並祕密關注外星的飛行器 —— 甚至同時,在俄羅斯以及美國,總是有些不知情的聲音,轉而大聲關注一些新型的敵機。例如黨的領導和獨裁者約瑟夫.史達林(Josef W. Stalin)就如同那些美國總統一樣,在不同時代的不明飛行物知情者,儘管擔心美國的新型戰機,但他從中很快就堅信,那些不明飛行物與地外智慧生命有關。而按照蘇聯幾乎每一個不明飛行物的觀察資料都同樣列入保密條款的事實來看,他也從來沒有公開承認過自己知情。
The darkening, slandering and obscuring machinations of many governments, militaries and secret services, etc., of different countries, began therefore already very early, and indeed much earlier than would be generally accepted by the real UFO researchers. According to the explanation of the Plejadian/Plejaren, however, especially the Americans lead in this respect, whereby these were also those who held the proof of the existence of extraterrestrial flying objects tight in their hands already early, and indeed not first since the Roswell case. Truly, already earlier the Americans had parts of wreckage from crashed extraterrestrial flying apparatuses fall into their hands, as well as mutilated extraterrestrial corpses, which, however, fell under the strictest nondisclosure and whereby, as the Plejadian/Plejaren explained, also undesired UFO crash and UFO recovery observers, as well as recovery workers were 'erased' or forced into silence under the gravest threats. But that was not enough by far, because the longer the UFO appearances in the new age were observed, the more secretively these were dealt with, and indeed not the least on that account, because the arrival of the extraterrestrials, and the enslavement of the terrestrial humanity through the invaders was feared by the American government and their military as well as secret services. And [so] that the population should be left in ignorance about the truth of the existence of extraterrestrials, nevertheless, however [that] fear must be developed in the peoples against the extraterrestrials, out of which a far-reaching hate must be established against the invaders, and, thereby, once again a defensive rage steered by hate should result, the US presidency, as well as the leading officers of the military and the secret services, etc., came upon a psychologically sophisticated idea to work out a horror scenario in extraterrestrial matters and to start it in such a form that not only America would be seized by it, rather also great parts of the rest of the world. This scenario should be configured in such a manner, that once angst and panic should first break out regarding Extraterrestrial invaders, thereafter they then spread further fear and hate far, and could spread it over the world, and indeed also then, when it would be officially recognised, that it all only dealt with fiction and therefore a poor utopian piece of work. Thereby the psychological trick would be established, that when once fear is sown then from that yet greater fear and finally also panic and hate must develop, that follows itself further, always spreading out farther. A fact that was already know then and also today, yet would be practiced again and again over the whole world in different relationships. And exactly angst and terror were necessary, according to the view of the responsible ones, to incite the population against the extraterrestrials, and to prevent them from coming into contact with them if the opportunity should present itself. Through this perfidious and fully-thought-out psychological machination of the highest government authorities as well as the military and secret services, it also should be avoided that at any time, any one of the people would gain admission to the extraterrestrials if the opportunity offered itself. The responsible ones not only had fear of a peaceful extraterrestrial official, or unofficial, landing and contact initiative, but they also feared an invasion. And because an official or unofficial extraterrestrial appearance and effect on the Earth was not compatible with the religious philosophies, since 1915, Pope Benedict XV, (1914-1922) as well as Pius XI. (1922-1939) and Pius XII. (1939-1958) would also be drawn into the entire conspiracy. Also certain Jewish dignitaries were enlisted in this, who even at that time in America had quite a bit to say and had a voice.
許多國家的政府、軍隊和特勤等機構(的知情者),他們刻意模糊、詆毀和隱藏(事實)的陰謀,很早就已經開始,比後來那些真正的 UFO 研究者普遍接受這些事實,的確還要更早。然而,根據 Plejaren 的說明,特別是美國,在這方面居於領先的局面,藉著他們手裡已經早就緊握有一些外星飛行物存在的證據,而羅斯威爾事件的確不算是第一次。
早些時候,美國人確實已經從墜毀的外星飛行設備中,將部分殘骸納入他們的手中,其中甚至還有外星人的屍體,然而他們設下了嚴格的絕密措施,因此;正如 Plejaren 的說明;那些不受歡迎的飛碟墜毀和不明飛行物尋獲的知情者,以及那些參與找尋殘骸的工作者,一律被“抹除”記憶或在最嚴重的威脅下被迫沉默。但到目前為止這還不夠,因為在新時代裡,不明飛行物被觀察到出現的時間越長,越需要祕密地進行處理,但這些確實已並非最重要的考慮,因為外星人的到來並由入侵者奴役地球人類,已是美國政府和他們的軍事以及特勤機構所懼怕的事。(所以)大眾對外星人存在的真相,最好處於無知的狀態。否則,必須在大眾反抗外星人的心中產生出恐懼感來,其中必須激發抵抗外星入侵者的深仇大恨,並且從而再次導致由仇恨轉而反抗的憤怒。
已經知道一項事實,而在今天亦復如此,就是整個世界在各種的相互影響下,(這些心態)將會一次次的被反覆喚起。以那些負責幕後操控者的觀點,造成大眾完全的焦慮和恐懼是必要的,而且要煽動群眾對外星人的反感,就算機會自己送上門,也要杜絕他們接觸外星人。在這種瞞著全人類且處心積慮在心理層面設下陰暗詭計的政府最高當局以及軍事與特勤機構的知情者,他們絕不允許在任何時候、有任何一個人,獲得任何被動接觸外星人的機會。那些掌權的知情者,不僅憂慮一旦有一種和平的外星人正式或非正式的降臨地球並主動提出接觸請求,但他們同樣也恐懼那會是一場入侵的騙局。因為在地球上,無論對外星人正式或非正式的出現與影響,都是當前的宗教哲學所決不容許的,而自 1915 年起,教皇本篤十五世(Pope Benedict XV,1914 年 ~ 1922 年),以及庇護十一世(Pius XI,1922 年 ~ 1939 年)和庇護十二世(Pius XII,1939 年 ~ 1958 年),他們也都被捲入整個陰謀大計之中。在這方面,也涉入了某些猶太籍的政府要員,甚至當時他們在美國國內說話是有一定份量的。
In the most secret of missions, it was therefore resolved to create a horror scenario which would agitate the population on one hand, who, however, should be left in ignorance of the truth of the existence of the extraterrestrials who already manoeuvred in terrestrial air space and also landed sporadically on the Earth, as it has been established from secure sources, and through that, on the other hand, that fear and hate be sown against the strangers from other worlds. The mean and slimy trick was in and of itself simple: a radio broadcast should be transmitted, that on one hand spreads angst and terror of the extraterrestrials, and on the other hand, should also strike very far, and as much as possible, worldwide circles. To this end, through American secret service agents, as well as through the responsible superiors of these positions of duty, as well as the government and militarily, suitable authors and works were sought, which could be exploited and used for the perfidious machination. It was US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (President, 4th March 1933 – 12th April 1945) who quite personally, however, sought out the science fiction work of Englishman Herbert George Wells, who as an author, in 1898, brought out a work under the title "War of the Worlds". In this episode American secret service agents made contact with Wells and beseeched him coercively to adapt his work to a radio play. But the man himself did not feel in a position to do this, so he suggested chartering a young American author of his acquaintance, Orson Welles, who would certainly be suitable. Under threats of death, H.G. Wells was obliged to lifelong silence, after which, then in America, the still young Orson Welles would be coerced by the secret service people to refashion H.G. Wells’s work, "War of the Worlds" into a realistic-seeming horror radio play. Out of the science fiction novel Wells wrote in 1897 and published in 1898, such a work that broadcast on the radio, would release wild panic and angst as well as hate for the extraterrestrials. The work, in which extraterrestrials, formed unlike humans, and of monstrous and evil-nature, land on the Earth and cause trouble and destruction, was exactly that which had been hoped for by the responsible ones of governments, the military and the secret services. It is no wonder that as a result of panic breaking out there was quite a number of dead.
在最高機密的首腦團中,於是下定決心要創造一種恐怖的場景,一方面使大眾因此躁動不安,進而對來自其他星球的陌生物種散播恐懼和憎恨的心態,然而,另一方面,要設法使那些已得自牢靠管道的訊息(有關外星人存在的真相),也就是他們已經在地球上空經常出沒且偶爾也會降落在地球上這些訊息,讓大眾繼續蒙在鼓裡,保持無知狀態。這種見不得人而偷偷摸摸的詭計,就用其中的簡單方式︰電台廣播應繼續傳送,一方面散播對外星人感到焦慮和恐怖的訊息,而另一方面,也應該將這種訊息放送的越遠越好,最好散布到全世界。到後來,經由美國特勤局的特工,以及這些職務的上司,還有政府和軍事部門人員與上級負責人,積極尋找一些適當的作者和作品,從而可被利用於背棄真相的陰謀替代品。美國總統佛蘭克林.羅斯福(任期自 1933 年 3 月 4 日 ~ 1945 年 4 月 12 日)私底下發覺英國科幻小說作家赫伯特.喬治.威爾斯(Herbert George Wells),在1898年發表過《世界大戰》(War of the Worlds;又翻譯作《宇宙戰爭》、《星際戰爭》等。)這部科幻小說。這部小說被美國特勤局的人員注意到而與威爾斯取得了聯繫,然後強制性地“懇求”他改編他得作品,成為可由電台播放的廣播劇本。但他覺得自己不適合做這件事,因此他建議將作品租給他的熟人,也就是年輕的美國作家奧森.威爾斯(Orson Welles),而他一定會適合。在這件事之後,H.G.威爾斯在死亡威脅下被迫對此事終身沉默,而在美國,年輕的奧森.威爾斯則受制於特勤機構人員,被迫改寫 H.G.威爾斯的作品《世界大戰》成為一部看似寫實而恐怖的廣播劇本。科幻小說《世界大戰》是 H.G.威爾斯於 1897 年所著,於 1898 年發表,這部作品(被改寫後)在廣播電台大肆播放,對收聽大眾釋放難以估量的恐慌和焦慮,同時使他們產生對外星人的仇恨心態。這項廣播工作,其中所描述外星人的外型與人類大異其趣,而且具有可怕與邪惡的特質,牠們降落在地球上,造成極大的麻煩和破壞,這正是那些負責掌握情勢發展的政府、軍隊和特勤部門所希望的那樣。這毫無疑問將導致人群爆發大規模的恐慌,而造成人類大量的死亡。
[中譯者註:赫伯特.喬治.威爾斯(通稱 H.G.威爾斯;1866.9.21 ~ 1946.8.13)是英國著名小說家,且是新聞記者、政治家、社會學家和歷史學家。他創作的科幻小說對該領域影響深遠,如「時間穿梭」、「外星人入侵」、「反烏托邦」等都是二十世紀科幻小說中的主流話題。
而當時 Billy 所不知的是,該小說於 2005 年由名導演史蒂芬.史匹柏執導為同名電影《世界大戰》,由好萊塢巨星湯姆.克魯斯主演;是部描述外星人入侵地球的科幻災難片。]
《世界大戰》(War of the Worlds 2005)電影場景之一
With the broadcast of the horror-play the goal of the government, the military and the secret services was achieved because from then on fear, and also a certain hate, prevailed against the extraterrestrials, of the kind and form, as well as the sense, that was also always desired. And exactly that has remained that way until today and even still spreads out, because fear and hate would again always be newly stirred up, and the American secret service powers, etc., are especially proficient in doing exactly that. Were that not enough, that they – and certain also determined government and military powers – financially support and demand contra films against the extraterrestrials, no, they do not shy from simulating all kinds of horror-events, like, for example, abductions by extraterrestrials, as well as human and animal mutilations and so on and so forth. They are also not inactive in matters relating to the falsification of crop circles, and indeed in the most differing countries. Naturally, in respect of all these things there are also charlatans, deceivers and swindlers and every other sort, yet the secret service machinations are probably indeed the worst, because it is precisely through these that disinformation is established, through which the genuine and actual events in this regard are bedevilled and made laughable. Scarcely anything is known about exactly this, as everything runs so secretly as it always has, and as does the actual story of the radio play of "War of the Worlds" by Orson Welles. And the danger exists that something could not be held secret, then the responsible ones of the government and military as well as the secret services do not shy away from bringing the witnesses to silence under death threats or through an otherwise erasing, like, for example, through elimination or through a consciousness-stupefying brain wash and psycho-terror and so forth. Herbert George Wells, who died on the 13th August 1946, also knew that, as did Orson Welles who departed this life on October 10th, 1985. Neither left behind any indications about the true incidents regarding the radio play, as they correctly feared that their families, friends and acquaintances also could be vengefully persecuted after their demise by the secret service people and the responsible ones of the government and military. And that I now do not hold my tongue about that which the Plejadian/Plejaren explained to me in regard to this … what comes of that remains to be seen… The nasty machinations of the government, military and secret service people in respect of the demonising of extraterrestrials have increased ever more since 1938 – indeed slowly and successively, thus, however all the more incessantly and expansively, until in the eighties, essentially, the greatest machination for the bedevilment of extraterrestrials began – through a shifty structure in the fashion of the secret service, as well as miscellaneous UFO and extraterrestrial enemies. Stories came about like the ghastly human and animal mutilations, the theft of human babies and the impregnating of terrestrial women through foreign visitors from outer space. Horror stories were also disseminated about subterranean laboratories and the inhuman experiments taking place there. Were that still not enough, because the angst of the extraterrestrials wreaked even worse blooms, like, for example, it would be asserted that women impregnated by aliens would, after some months, have the baby growing in the womb snatched out to be allowed to finally grow further in a fluid-filled incubator, etc., in order to breed up a new humanity, etc. using these hybrid children. A further horror story was that the Earth-humans would be abducted, in order to take their genetic material that would be necessary for the extraterrestrials’ further breeding of humans, who would serve as, so to say, nourishment providers, because the evil foreigners from out of the depths of space supposedly nourish themselves on human blood. Similarly, it would also be asserted in respect to the animal mutilations in America, whereby the related far-fetched feeblemindedness that namely beef blood demonstrates a genetic relationship with human blood, therefore the mutilated cattle would have their blood sucked out to store in the blood banks for crisis times – naturally through the evil extraterrestrials. Yet even that is not enough, because still many other assertions, slanderings and lies, and clearly to be recognised as feebleminded, are put about, through which the humans are led into error and would be shifted into angst and terror, as has had manifold success, and certain mass hysteria has been released by a worldwide group of certain Earth-humans, which also leads to feelings of hate, etc. What there is yet to say to the government, military and secret service people and to the nonsense already bordering on idiocy, and out of the sight of the rational human understanding of everything, may be said with the words of renowned and experienced UFO researcher and 'Magazine 2000' commentator, Michael Hesemann, who, together with Ingrid Schlotterbeck, in 'Magazine 2000' Editorial No. 6/1996, Oct/Nov. writes the following:
政府、軍隊和特勤部門所希望的目標,就是透過《世界大戰》的廣播來達到這種效果,因為從中激起大眾的恐懼以及某種仇恨,進而抗拒各種形式外星人的統治,同時這種恐怖的感覺,是那些幕後操縱者永遠都渴望達到的效果。而這種情況確是一直持續到今天,甚至還在蔓延,因為恐懼和仇恨將再次被重新激起,而美國特勤局等的權力當局,他們尤其都是箇中老手。如果這還不夠,他們 —— 當然也是某些掌權的政府和軍事力量 —— 在財政上支援並要求製作反外星人的電影;他們對煽動各種恐怖事件從不鬆手,例如關於外星人綁架,以及對人類和動物的肢解等情節,從來不會罷休。他們在與偽造麥田圈(crop circles)有關的問題上也故意不聞不問,實際上在大部分的國家也是如此。當然,在所有這些事情上,其中不乏江湖術士、詐欺犯和騙子以及其他形形色色的人,然而特勤部門的陰謀可能確確實實是最糟糕的一類,因為正是通過這些手段去編造謊言,使其中真正和實際發生過的事件,在這方面成為是被人拿來揶揄的笑柄。大眾對此幾乎一無所知,因為一切都像往常一樣秘密地在進行,而當奧森.威爾斯的《世界大戰》廣播劇播出時,實際的故事也是如此(危言聳聽)。而某種事情不能(完全)被保密,這是存在危險的,那麼政府和軍隊以及特勤部門的負責任人絲毫不在乎讓那些目擊(知情)者在死亡威脅下保持沉默,也不會手軟使用其他的方式去進行記憶抹除;例如,通過消除或經由“意識鈍化”(consciousness-stupefying)的洗腦方式和心理恐嚇等手段來達到目的。1946 年 8 月 13 日去世的赫伯特.喬治.威爾斯知道這一切,而 1985 年 10 月 10 日離世的奧森.威爾斯也同樣明白這一切。這兩人都沒有留下關於電台播放之廣播劇真實事件的任何暗示,因為他們確實擔心他們的家人、朋友和熟人,在他們去世後也可能受到特勤人員和政府與軍事單位責任人的報復性迫害。我現在口無遮攔地談論著 Plejaren 向我解釋這些關於這個事件的內容... 後果還有待觀察...
自 1938年以來,(美國)政府、軍隊和特勤人員在妖魔化外星人方面的惡劣陰謀越來越多;而事實上,這種陰謀是緩慢並連續的。總之,所有這種瞞著全人類的漫天大謊不但持續不斷而且涵蓋範圍越來越大。直到 80 年代,從根本上去徹底魔鬼化外星人的最惡毒陰謀詭計啟動了;那就是以特勤機構模式出現的一個暗黑組織(shifty structure),同時還有各種各樣的不明飛行物與惡毒外星人。故事是來自諸如駭人聽聞的人類與動物被肢解事件;還有偷竊人類嬰兒和透過從外太空來的外星異種使地球上的婦女懷孕。此外還散佈了那些在地下實驗室內所進行的種種非人道實驗的恐怖故事。
但說到政府、軍方和特勤機構的人員,他們編造的連篇鬼話已經近乎到極度愚蠢的狀態,而超出理性的人類所能理解所有事物的範圍,也許該看看著名且有經驗的不明飛行物研究者,也就是《Magazine 2000》(德文雜誌)評論員 Michael Hesemann(德國新聞記者與作家),和編輯 Ingrid Schlotterbeck 共同在《Magazine 2000》1996 年 6 月與 10 /11 月的版本內,曾寫出以下的報導:
The US Government, so asserts for example the ex-Marine officer William Cooper, has made an evil bargain with the extraterrestrials: space technology in exchange for land and humans.
於是,美國政府堅持舉例,硬說前海軍官員密爾頓.威廉.庫柏(William Cooper)與外星人作出了一項邪惡的交易︰以太空技術換取土地和人類。
[中譯者註:請注意,密爾頓.威廉.庫柏(Milton William Cooper;May 6, 1943 ~ November 5, 2001)其實是一位因揭發美國政府陰謀而犧牲的鬥士,他在 UFO 界曾是一位受歡迎的演講人,他最出名的著作《Behold a Pale Horse》,書名出自《聖經》的《啟示錄》,書中詳述了政府的腐敗墮落,秘密會社及 UFO 現象。網路上還有他以該書所作的演說全程錄影(約四個半小時),唯目前尚無中英文字幕。
有關他個人詳細資料,請參閱:陰謀論KIA – 密爾頓.威廉.庫柏 - Part 1與Part 2]
At the start of the seventies one first comprehended just how devilish the 'visitors' really are – and only since Ronald Reagan, would one react, building the 'Star Wars' system, as defence for Earth and humanity against sinister extraterrestrials.
在 70 年代初,才有人首先覺悟到有些“造訪者”真正有多麼的邪惡 —— 只有在隆納.雷根(Ronald Reagan)之後才做出一項反應,那就是建立“星戰”(Star Wars)系統,作為地球和人類對抗那些邪惡外星人的防禦機制。
A clear message lies behind it: how good that we have the military which is powerfully armed to defy the evil aliens. So the arms race towards the end of the Cold War still had its sense and purpose … and even this message is conveyed by a film that exploded all box office records. The already now most successful film of all time is called Independence Day, the alien apocalypse of the Schwab [south-west German] Roland Emmerich. And it concerns itself naturally with the salvation of the best of all possible worlds, the USA, which is threatened by the space devils.
它背後隱藏著一個明確的訊息:若我們擁有強大的軍事武力,足以對抗那些邪惡的外星人,那會有多好。因此,冷戰即將結束時的軍備競賽仍然有它的意義和目的... 甚至這個訊息也是經由一部打破所有票房記錄的電影所傳達出來的。這部目前(當年是 1997 年)有史以來最成功的電影叫做《ID4 星際終結者》(Independence Day 1996),是由一位來自德國西南部施瓦布(Schwab)的導演羅蘭.艾默瑞奇(Roland Emmerich)所展現給大眾有關外星人的末世啟示(apocalypse)。並且它自然表達了自己很有可能成為這個世界的最佳救世主,也就是由太空惡魔威脅的美國。
But all these horror scenarios have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with reality. One almost attempts to establish an AADL, an 'Alien Anti-Defamation League'. Because in the annals of UFO research there has not been one authentic (that means thoroughly investigated and determined to be genuine) case* that points to an aggressive behaviour or hostile intentions of extraterrestrials, so to go straight to the most frequent objection: Yes, the 'abductions' are perceived as traumatic by many 'victims'.
但所有這些恐怖的場景,絕對與現實完全無關。有人幾乎嘗試建立一個 AADL 的團體;也就是一個“反誹謗外星人聯盟”(Alien Anti Defamation League)。因為在研究不明飛行物的歷史記載中,沒有一個真實的案例(這意味著徹底的調查和確定是真實的)指出外星人的攻擊性行為或敵對意圖,所以直接說到最頻繁的反感:是的,許多“受害者”認為“綁架”是一種創傷。
That has different reasons: The entire situation is frightening, the fear of the unknown, medical procedures that are sometimes also painful, the complete lack of emotions of the 'visitor', the feeling of being helplessly extradited, their utter alien-ness that is often interpreted as 'ugliness'. We do not know why the 'abductions' take place, whether out of scientific curiosity or, as many 'victims' would explain, in order to establish a 'data bank' of humanity, in case we destroy the Earth. Now medical examinations on the Earth are also often painful. Many 'abductees' have the feeling of having 'made themselves available' unconsciously or in a past life and draw benefit from this expansion of their consciousness. Clearly 'negative' the 'abductees' are therefore not at all.
這有不同的原因:整個情況是可怕的,對未知的恐懼,醫療過程有時也是痛苦的,他們完全沒有“遊客”的情緒,只有無助地被引渡的感覺,他們那種完全異類的感受,通常被形容為“噁心的過程”。我們不知道為什麼會發生“綁架”,無論是出於科學上的好奇,還是正如許多“受害者”所解釋的那樣,以便在萬一我們摧毀了地球的情況下,建立一個人類的“資料庫”。就算現在地球上的醫療檢查,也常常使人感到痛苦。許多“被綁架者”有一種感覺,他們是無意識的,或者在前世中“提供了自己接受檢查”(made themselves available),並從他們意識的這種擴張部分中得到有用之處。顯然,“綁架者”絕不是“負面的”。
Yes, airplanes have crashed that have chased UFOs. But that has various reasons. One pilot hunted after a UFO so long that he ran out of fuel. Another attained too great an altitude, becoming unconscious. Again, in other cases the interceptor received an 'order to fire', but their automatic weaponry seized. In one case already-defused rockets exploded when still in the jet, the aggressor was killed by his own weapons, but not by the 'visitor'. There was a case in Brazil in which a farmer shot at a landed UFO – he was struck by a ray which paralysed him – for an hour. He could subsequently move normally.
Yes, there are humans who have come very close to UFOs and have suffered radiation damage. But those are cases that can clearly be classified as accidents. On the other hand, terrestrial militaries have fired on UFO’s all too often, and in some cases even shot them down. There never was an 'act of retaliation', as is usual on Earth. Just compare the 'ghastliest' descriptions of alleged UFO witnesses with that which we do to other creatures or even our fellow humans. How have we, as we landed in America, behaved with the technologically inferior Indians? How many Africans did we drag off into lifelong slavery? Didn’t the Bosnians previously reciprocally massacre their own next-door neighbours? To which blood bath does a tribal feud lead in Rwanda? Or think of the acts of horror in the Soviet gulag or in Red China. Who now says, they are merely 'the others', then be asked: was not the death factory of Auschwitz a German invention?
的確,有些人因為過度接近不明飛行物,而遭受了輻射的傷害。但這些情況顯然可以歸類為意外事故。另一方面,地球上的軍隊經常向一些不明飛行物開火,甚至在某些情況下將其擊落。但不像地球人類通常會作出的反應,他們從來沒有出現過“報復行為”。只需將所謂不明飛行物目擊證人“最駭人”的描述,與我們對待其他生物,甚至對待自己的人類同胞所作的描述,進行一番對照比較即可。當我們登陸美洲大陸時,我們是如何對待技術低下的印第安人(Indians)的?我們把多少非洲黑人強行使其成為終身奴隸的?波士尼亞人(Bosnians)以前不是互相屠殺了自己隔壁的鄰居嗎?在盧安達(Rwanda),部落恩怨導致了那個血洗事件又是怎麼回事?或者想想蘇聯古拉格(Soviet gulag)或紅色中國(Red China)的恐怖行為。現在說他們只是“異族人”(the others)的人都應該問一問:難道奧斯威辛集中營(Auschwitz)的死亡工廠不是德國人發明的嗎?
And exactly that indicates which mechanism stands behind the alien panic: we measure them with our rulers. We project our behaviour pattern onto them. We fear that they will deal in precisely the same manner that we would deal with technologically inferior peoples and other living beings. They are our projection screen, our mirror image…
If extraterrestrials wanted to rule the Earth they would have long since done so. They certainly would not have waited until we improved our defence systems. In reality we are the aggressors, those who greet the friendly visitors with hunter-interceptors and our xenophobia (fear of strangers) through putting out exo-rascist propaganda films, like 'Independence Day', as the expression imparts, (Note from Billy: the question about these demonising efforts against the extraterrestrials is, whether the American government, military and secret service-type machinations are behind it, as with 'War of the Worlds' from Orson Welles, in order to newly stir up, and this time in a worldwide mass, angst, panic and hate in respect of the visitors from foreign worlds.) And their answer: messages of concern about our behaviour, thereover, that we destroy our unique home planets. According to the ethical measures of Buddhism, the Bodhisattva qualities apply to today. A Bodhisattva is one who has long achieved enlightenment, but has sworn to reincarnate until the last living being is redeemed. One recognises two qualities in him: wisdom and empathy. And thereby, that he lives 'Ahimsa', non-violence. That means that he has renounced the practice of retribution.
如果外星人想統治地球,他們早就這麼做了。他們肯定不會等到我們改進防禦系統之後才動手。在現實生活中,我們是挑釁者,我們以獵殺型攔截機與我們的仇外心理(害怕陌生人),來迎接那些友好的訪客,通過撲殺外來異族主義者(exo-rascist)的宣傳片;就像《ID4 星際終結者》那樣,作為訊息的表達。(比利註︰關於這些進行妖魔化而對抗外星人的問題是,美國政府、軍方和特勤機構之類的陰謀是否在幕後操控,就像奧森.威爾斯以《世界大戰》廣播劇那樣,為了重新挑起那種對於來自外星世界的訪客,而這一次是擴及全世界的大規模焦慮、恐慌與仇恨。)而他們的回答卻是:請關注我們的行為,因為在這個問題上,我們正在摧毀我們唯一的家園行星。根據佛教(Buddhism)的道德標準,菩薩(Bodhisattva)的那些特質到今天仍然適用。菩薩是一位長時間取得啟悟的神明,他發誓要轉世直到最後一個活人得到救贖。人們認識到他身上的兩個特質:智慧和同理心。因此,他的生活原則是“不殺生”(ahimsa;又譯不殺、不傷害、不害),也就是非暴力。這意味著他已經放棄了報復的做法。
115. Your article is good and all clarifications conform to the truth.
116. The explanations from Michael Hesemann and Ingrid Schlotterbeck are also to the point.
在有關 Michael Hesemann 和 Ingrid Schlotterbeck 的說明也很中肯。
[中譯者註:這裡提到 Michael Hesemann 和 Ingrid Schlotterbeck 兩位《Magazine 2000》(德文雜誌)的主筆與編輯,主要是指有關密爾頓.威廉.庫柏(Milton William Cooper)的報導。]
Do you therefore mean that I can publish the article like that?
117. That is my meaning, yes.
Well, then a question about the alleged appearance and official landing of extraterrestrials on the Earth. Some people claim that on 27.3.1997 extraterrestrials should officially land on Earth. Do you know anything about this?
那麼,關於所謂的外星人出現並正式登陸地球的問題。有些人聲稱 1997 年 3 月 27 日外星人應該正式登陸地球。你對這件事有什麼瞭解嗎?
118. We know these erroneous assertions, which are nothing more than bare nonsense and which are connected with the 'Hale-Bopp' comet, which is also known as Nibiru or Nubiru or Unis, on which gods live and should now return to Earth.
我們知道這些錯誤的說法,這不過是純粹的無稽之談,這些說法與「海爾-博普彗星」(Hale-Bopp comet)有關,它也被稱為尼比魯(Nibiru 或 Nubiru)或是 Unis,眾神就住在上面,據說現在應該要回到地球來了。
You explained all this to me years ago. So everything is nothing but boloney and nonsense that is talked about the comet and the alleged official landing of extraterrestrials on the Earth. I would also have been surprised if it had not been like that. – Unfortunately, we have so many crackpots here on the Earth, and unfortunately even more misguided ones who believe all the nonsense of these crackpots. Furthermore, there are still many conscious liars, cheaters, swindlers and charlatans who take advantage of the New Age madness of the believers and make horrendous profits out of it.
你幾年前就向我解釋過這些事了。所以,關於彗星和所謂的外星人正式登陸地球的說法,一切都不過是扯淡和無稽之談。如果不是這樣,我也會感到驚訝。—— 不幸的是,我們地球上有那麼多的瘋子,更不幸的是,有更多被誤導的人相信了這些瘋子的所有胡言亂語。此外,還有許多有意識的說謊者、騙子、詐騙犯和郎中,他們利用新時代信徒的妄想,從中牟取暴利。
119. Unfortunately, that is the truth.
It goes to the year 2000 and there it is, of course, like at every turn of the century or the last turn of the millennium: the doomsday mood, the alleged return of the dear Jesus Christ as well as the coming of extraterrestrials or even of the dear God himself. All nonsense. – But since your last visit a lot has happened with us, is this fully known to you?
公元 2000 年即將到來,當然,就像每一個世紀的更替或千年之交一樣:會有世界末日的情緒,也就是所謂的「耶穌基督的回歸」(return of the dear Jesus Christ)以及外星人的到來,甚至是上帝本人的到來。而這些都是無稽之談。—— 但自從你上次來過之後,我們發生了很多事情,這些你是否知道全部狀況?
120. No, I am not aware of that, because I have not yet had the opportunity to work through the monitoring records, as I have already explained to you.
Well, then read the bulletin and the flyer later. They contain a lot of important information.
121. I will do that immediately.
122. I will also work through the monitoring records.
123. Obviously a lot has happened and resulted in my absence as you say.
Yes, a lot has happened. But again a question regarding the Hale-Bopp comet: It is also claimed that this comet is not itself Nibiru or Unis or Nubiru, but that the comet has a planet about four times the size of Earth in tow on which the gods should live and come to the Earth. Another assertion is based on the fact that a huge spaceship with a structure similar to a Saturn ring flies after the comet and steers it, etc. What is it all about, are there any true things about these assertions?
是的,發生了很多事情。但又有一個關於海爾-博普彗星的問題:還有一種說法是,這顆彗星本身並不是尼比魯或 Unis 或 Nubiru,而是這顆彗星上拖著一顆約為地球四倍大小的行星,眾神應該就住在這顆行星上並向地球而來。另一種說法的是,彗星後面有一艘巨大的飛船,其結構類似土星環,並引導彗星飛行等等。這到底是怎麼回事,這些說法有什麼真實之處嗎?
124. How many such and similar assertions are also based on sheer nonsense, as I explained to you a few minutes ago in the same context.
So also the comet 'Hale-Bopp' has nothing to do with the near appearance of the extraterrestrials announced by you?
125. Of course not.
Now I would like to ask what you or you generally think of the Ron Hubbard or Scientology sect.
現在我想問一下你們或者你對羅恩.賀伯特(Ron Hubbard)或者山達基(Scientology)教派的看法。
126. You call it the right name, because it is actually a sect, a rather reprehensible one, whose nonsensical teachings have no valuable philosophical content whatsoever.
127. The whole of the teachings, because it is not one, but a manifold confused work of various things, is of no real value, but corresponds to nonsense and mischief without equal.
128. Moreover, Scientology is a psychosect in the form of a criminal association that brings great damage and is stupid for human beings. It must be called a criminal organisation economically and politically and is only aimed at bringing economic, political and religious power and control to itself worldwide.
I think that would make our common position clear, because we see this sect in the same form. I wonder how long it will last, how long the governments of all countries will tolerate this criminal organisation. The Americans are so stupid that they have officially recognised the sect as a church and it does not have to pay taxes, and this only because the Scientologists have found skeletons in the closet with various American politicians, with which they could blackmail them in matters of church recognition and tax exemption.
129. This is true, for Scientologists do not shy away from crime to realise their goals and satisfy their lust for profit and power.
130. This also includes the blackmail of politicians by the authoritative Scientologists, who, according to their Hubbard guidelines, dig around for dirt in the past and in the lives of politicians and their enemies, etc., until they find any facts with which they then blackmail people.
I know that. But I do not understand that the extorted or the blackmailed ones let themselves be blackmailed instead of going public themselves and admitting their mistakes or infamies. But the fallible ones are not honest enough to openly admit their mistakes and criminal actions, because then they could lose their standing and possibly even more. But in my opinion a clear conscience would be worth more than an official standing and so on.
131. That is certainly true, but these fallible ones, as you call them, are not honest and modest like you, so they think only of profit, prestige, public dignity, and their own welfare.
132. And that is exactly what the majority of earthly politicians have in common.
133. But this also includes powerful military, secret service and power-holders of various organisations of a state and private nature, certain police forces and protection troops, etc.
According to my experiences I would like to count there also still certain relief organisations and/or their violent ones, etc. among them.
134. Which, unfortunately, you are not wrong about.
It is actually naive not to be able to understand that the fallible ones can be blackmailed and will not go public.
135. This is certainly not the case, considering your honesty and modesty, which results in your incomprehension.
Maybe you are right, I do not know. But let us not do that, because I still have some questions unanswered: We were talking about the Americans, who are so contemptuous of people that you do not want anything to do with them. If I only think that through the guilt of the American government as well as the military and the scientists, unspeakable suffering has been brought upon the world, such as through the atomic bomb and through the supply of weapons, acts of war and murderous tests, which were perpetrated even on their own people, then everything rebels in me. In the form in which the Americans are misanthropic, not even the beast Saddam Husain should be in Iraq, but with him this is surely only because he does not have the same power as the Americans.
也許你是對的,我不知道。但我們先不談這個,因為我還有一些沒回答的問題。我們剛談過美國人,他們太不人道了,以至於你們不想和他們有任何瓜葛。當我想到由於美國政府、軍方和科學家的罪行,給世界帶來了難以言喻的苦難,例如經由原子彈,透過武器供應、戰爭行為,甚至也對自己的人民實施了這些和謀殺性的試驗,那麼我的內心一切都在反抗。在美國人蔑視人性的形式下,就連薩達姆.侯賽因(Saddam Husain;又譯為薩達姆.海珊)這個野獸都不可能在伊拉克生存,然而,這當然只是因為他沒有美國人那樣的強大武力。
136. That should correspond to the facts.
137. If Saddam Husain had the same power as the Americans, a global war would have been inevitable long ago.
That brings me to what I wanted to say about the Americans: We have talked about this before, but I think it needs to be said here again. When we talk about the Americans in this mannner, we take it for granted that we only mean those of this people who must be regarded as negative. Of course, there can be no talk of positive Americans when we talk of all the negative things and therefore of the evils and contemptuous machinations of the Americans. This must be said again and again, because there are so many humans who do not think far enough and want to hang it on us, that we throw the entire American people into the negative pot. So I say again that when we talk about any of these things, we are only talking about all the people with negative attitudes. This applies both to the Americans and to the nationals of all other countries on the Earth. It should be understandable to every human being that we never ascribe bad and dark qualities and machinations to any human being and denigrate them with such, because when we speak of the evils of negative people and peoples, then it is self-evident that we speak only of the thinking and acting and of the evil machinations of those who are addicted to the negative.
138. This should be self evident and would not have to be specifically explained and emphasised.
Unfortunately, this is not the case, because again and again there are voices that accuse us of speaking in the form of nations or peoples, that show everything negative and that are oriented in such a manner that we speak, for example, of Americans or Israelis, etc. From this we are then reproached for generalising the Americans and Israelis in the form mentioned and for lumping all the humans of the respective peoples into one pot, which is nonsense, of course, because we speak only of the really negative human beings and point out their inhuman machinations. That we have to mention and explain especially the positive people, that they of course have nothing to do with those who are negative on the whole, that is really superfluous, because in every country there are positive as well as negative human beings – and the positive ones must not be denounced, because they do not do anything wrong.
遺憾的是,情況並非如此。因為有聲音一再指責我們,顯示一切負面的說法,都指向了一些國家或人民,例如,我們說的是美國人或以色列人等等。因此,我們被指責用這種形式泛指美國人和以色列人,把該國所有的人都歸為一類,這當然是無稽之談,因為我們只談真正消極負面的人,並指出他們的非人性的陰謀。我們要特別提到和解釋那些積極正面的人,他們當然與那些大體上是消極負面的人無關,這實在是多此一舉,因為在每個國家都有積極的人,也有消極的人 —— 而積極的人不必受到譴責,因為他們並沒有做錯什麼。
139. That is correct and should be understandable to a person of intelligence-based understanding..
But please read this article 'Neither acid nor stress, but a bacillus'.
[中譯者註:以下文章在最新的原(德)文版本是放在 Ptaah 的第 146 句之後,但按語意應該是放在以下位置較為恰當,請讀者鑒察。]
Neither Acid nor Stress, but a Bacillus
The common bacterium Helicobacter pylori is considered the main cause of stomach ulcers
常見的幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori)被認為是導致胃潰瘍的主要原因。
The principle "no acid, no ulcer" no longer applies. A few years ago, Helicobacter pylori (HP), a bacterium, was pinpointed as the cause of stomach ulcers. Many human beings are infected with it, but only a few develop an ulcer.
作者:Ruth von Blarer
A doctor who tests a patient for HP. has great chances of finding it. In Switzerland, the infection rate is 30 per cent; among the over-60s, as many as 50 to 60 per cent are carriers of this germ. However, HP only causes symptoms in the form of a stomach or duodenal ulcer in about five per cent of those infected. Christoph Beglinger. Chief Physician at the Department of Gastroenterology at the Cantonal Hospital Basel, therefore recently warned at a media seminar organised by the pharmaceutical company Abbott: "The detection of an infection with Helicobacter pylori is not a diagnosis and alone does not justify antibiotic treatment."
醫生在對病人進行人幽門螺旋桿菌(HP)病毒檢測時,很有可能會發現這種病毒。在瑞士,感染率為30%;在60歲以上的老人中,甚至有50到60%的人攜帶這種細菌。不過,HP只在約5%的感染者中引起胃潰瘍或十二指腸潰瘍的症狀。位於巴塞爾(Basel)州立醫院腸胃病科的主治醫生Christoph Beglinger(暫譯為克里斯多夫.貝格林格)最近在亞培(Abbott)製藥公司組織的一次媒體研討會上警告說:「幽門螺桿菌感染的檢測結果並不能作為診斷依據,也不能單獨作為抗生素治療的理由。」
In developing countries with poor sanitary facilities, practically all children over five are infected with the germ. And once HP has taken up residence in the stomach lining, it usually also remains there for life. It does not pass from the gastric juice into the blood, but it can be detected in stool, saliva and dental plaque.
在衛生設施落後的發展中國家,幾乎所有五歲以上的兒童都會感染這種病菌。一旦HP進入胃黏膜,通常也會終生留在那裡。它不會從胃液進入血液,但可以從糞便、唾液和牙菌斑(dental plaque)中檢測到。
Infection: Speculation
It is likely that transmission occurs via stool in cases of poor hygiene, similar to hepatitis A, at best from mouth to mouth through the pre-chewing of food for small children, as is common in West Africa, or through the use of shared eating utensils. In our country, HP is also likely to find its way into children's stomachs via the chewed-food moistened by the father or mother. Gastrointestinal specialists have occasionally infected their patients when they carried out tube examinations without gloves. And vice versa, patients became infected on examination equipment that had been sterilised carelessly. Human beings are considered the main, if not the only reservoir for Helicobacter. However, it can also multiply in the stomachs of pigs and, at best, cats.
在衛生條件差的情況下,很可能是通過糞便傳播,這與A型肝炎(hepatitis A)的傳播方式類似;最多是通過口對口傳播,如在西非地區常見的是由於給嬰兒咀嚼食物,或通過共用食具傳播。在我國,HP也可能通過父親或母親咀嚼的食物進入兒童的胃中。胃腸道專家在不戴手套的情況下進行插管檢查時,偶爾也會感染病人。反之亦然,患者可能會感染到未經仔細消毒的檢查設備。人類被認為是螺旋桿菌的主要(如果不是唯一)寄生主。不過,這種細菌也可能在豬和可能是貓的胃中繁殖。
Helicobacter Is Not a Disease
Today, HP can be detected with a breath test that is simple and convenient for the patient. And this is apparently being done more and more often in doctors' practices, also when the patients have no complaints at all. If the test is positive, antibiotic therapy is also often initiated. HP infection alone, however, without further symptoms that indicate a stomach ulcer, for example, is not a disease and treatment is then a superfluous, expensive measure, it was emphasised at the media event.
The situation is different if the patient is suffering from an ulcer. A gastric or duodenal ulcer, however, can only be determined with certainty on the basis of a tissue sample obtained by gastroscopy. In this case, however, the unanimous opinion is that HP treatment is a must.
Helicobacter pylori is not only (almost) ubiquitous, but also a survival artist. The bacterium hides in folds of the gastric mucosa and cannot be treated with antibiotics alone. That is why there is still debate about the best way to treat it. More than 3,500 publications have appeared to date. In them, about 40 therapy regimens have been critically described and compared.
The former sole ulcer therapy with gastric acid inhibitors or buffers has been abandoned in favour of a combination therapy with antibiotics. According to a 1994 consensus conference of the US National Institute of Health (NIH), the treatment goal for all HP-infected ulcer patients is eradication of Helicobacter. Two so-called triple therapy approaches are preferred, either with a bismuth salt and two antibiotics or an acid-inhibiting drug and two antibiotics.
以前使用胃酸抑制劑或緩衝劑的單一潰瘍療法已被放棄,轉而使用抗生素聯合療法。根據1994年美國國家衛生院(NIH)的共識會議,所有感染HP的潰瘍患者的治療目標是根除螺旋桿菌。兩種被優先採用的治療方法被稱為三合一療法(triple therapy approaches),一種是使用一種氯酸铋(bismuth salt)和兩種抗生素,另一種是使用一種抑酸藥物和兩種抗生素。
Belinger prefers the therapy with the acid inhibitors because it also relieves the stomach pain. In addition, bismuth is not popular with patients. It blackens the tongue, and a total of eleven tablets would have to be swallowed daily instead of only about five. In addition, the treatment lasts 14 days, whereas it is reduced to seven to twelve days with the antibiotics and an acid inhibitor.
Much Fewer Relapses
"The therapy and course of ulcer diseases of the stomach and duodenum have been decisively changed by the discovery of Helicobacter pylori," explained Reiner Münch from the Gastroenterology Centre at the Hirslanden Clinic in Zurich. The previously used treatment with acid inhibitors alone allowed the ulcers to heal, but 80 to 90 per cent of the patients relapsed within a few years. If the Helicobacter is combated in a targeted way, these relapses are reduced to less than two percent.
蘇黎世Hirslanden醫院腸胃病中心的Reiner Münch表示:「幽門螺旋桿菌的發現徹底改變了胃和十二指腸潰瘍疾病的治療和發展」。以前僅使用胃酸抑制劑治療可以使潰瘍癒合,但80%到90%的患者在幾年內復發。如果能有針對性地抑制螺旋桿菌,復發率就會降低到2%以下。
HP Newly Discovered
The first description of Helicobacter pylori (HP) is one of those scientific discoveries that, hardly made, were soon forgotten again. In 1892, doctors had observed unknown, spiral-shaped rods in the stomach under the microscope. But the structures were thought to be impurities.
It was not until 1982 that two researchers rediscovered the strange rods with their filaments in tissue samples of the intestinal mucosa and identified them as infectious germs. The scientists infected themselves with it in a self-experiment and were able to show that HP settled in their stomach mucosa. Because of its external similarity to a known intestinal bacterium, they initially named the germ Campylobacter pyloridis. Later it turned out that it did not belong to the Campylobacter family and they agreed on Helicobacter pylori.
HP is one of the few microorganisms that can live in the acidic environment of the stomach. It produces an enzyme itself that neutralises stomach acid. The earlier ulcer therapy, which consisted exclusively of acid inhibition, had probably additionally supported the Helicobacter in creating an environment suitable for it.
Stress and anger, along with excess acid, were long considered the main cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Since the dawn of the "Helicobacter era", hardly anyone talks about this in professional circles any more, (rvb)
Der Landbote, Winterthur,
Thursday, 17th July 2003
Der Landbote,溫特圖爾,
140. The article is interesting with regard to the fact that the Helicobacter problem was finally recognised in large parts.
You told me once – or was it Quetzal? – that most gastrointestinal diseases would be transmitted to humans by flies, by these critters depositing pathogens on fruits and vegetables as well as on other food, which humans then eat. The same happens when flies run around on cups, glasses, bottles, knives, spoons, forks, etc., inevitably depositing pathogens that people then eat. According to your explanations, flies are the greatest evil in this relationship and thus also the most important carriers of gastrointestinal diseases. But what about the infection speculations mentioned in the article? Is there anything to it?
你曾經告訴過我;或者是 Quetzal?—— 大多數胃腸道疾病事透過蒼蠅傳染給人類的,由這些小動物將病原體殘留在水果、蔬菜以及其他食物上,然後人類再食用。蒼蠅在杯子、玻璃杯、瓶子、刀、勺、叉等用具上飛來飛去,就會發生這種情況,難免會殘留病原體,然後再被人攝入。按照你的解釋,蒼蠅是這方面最大的禍首,因此也是胃腸道疾病最重要的載體。但文中提到的感染的推測呢?這其中有什麼道理嗎?
141. With regard to the transmission of Helicobacter pylori, the speculations are correct.
關於幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori)的傳染,推測是正確的。
142. However, it is not mentioned that the disease can also be transmitted by kissing and the like.
143. Also, no word is given to flies as the main infectious agents.
144. There is also no mention of the fact that Helicobacter is responsible for various severe heart diseases and other organ diseases and can already be transmitted to the fetus in the womb or, at the latest, to the infant through mother's milk after birth.
Thank you for your execution. – I have one more question that refers to the Hale-Bopp comet: Is this really the comet that caused excitement in Egypt about 3,600 years ago and about which different things were written as 'Nibiru' at that time and which is also called Nubiru and Unis? By the way, I mistakenly wrote UNI instead of UNIS in the bulletins. UNI is another world body in our solar system, which has nothing to do with the comet UNIS or Nibiru/Nubiru, if it really is this one.
謝謝你的闡述。—— 我還有一個關於海爾-博普彗星的問題:這真的是大約 3,600 年前引起埃及人激動那顆的彗星嗎,關於它,當時有不同的說法,被寫成「尼比魯」,它也叫 Nubiru 和 Unis?對了,我在公報中誤寫了 UNI 而不是 UNIS。UNI 是太陽系中的另一個星體,如果真的是這個星體的話,它與 UNIS 彗星或 Nibiru/Nubiru 就沒有任何關係。
145. It is correct that the Hale-Bopp comet is the comet Nibiru known since ancient times.
Then again a question about the appearance of the comet in this year and the circulating assertion that the 'gods' should return to the Earth with this comet.
146. I have already explained in detail that all these assertions and speculations correspond to complete nonsense, as does the assertion that the comet is directed by the 'Gods' or that the comet has any influence on the Earth or Earth-humans or any other earthly life-forms.
147. If any influences occur in connection with the comet in terrestrial humans, then these are absolutely and without any doubt based on delusional and pathological imaginations, which are in no direct connection with the comet.
Well, that is clear. But there are other assertions about which thick books are written and all kinds of things are told. The phenomenon is called photon ring. It is supposed to be a huge light belt of highest intensity and therefore a photon belt or photon ring into which Earth will immerse itself in the near future, whereby a light era will be initiated on Earth, so to speak the really 'spiritual New Age time', etc. For your part, you have never told me anything about such a photon ring, and for my part, I have no knowledge or knowledge of my own. So what is to be thought of everything?
好吧,這很清楚。但還有其他的說法,關於這些說法,寫了厚厚的一些書,講了各種各樣的事情。這種現象叫做光子環(photon ring)。它應該是一個強度最高的巨大光帶,因此,在不久的將來,地球將沉浸在光子帶或光子環中,據此,地球上將開啟一個光時代,可以說是真正的“靈性新時代”(spiritual New Age time),等等。就你而言,你從來沒有告訴過我任何關於這種光子環的事情,就我而言,我自己也沒有任何知識和認知。那麼,該如何看待一切呢?
148. These assertions also belong in the realm of absolute nonsense, deception and charlatanry, for everything is only built on deception for the sake of profit.
149. The relevant facts are well known to us, and we find it frightening that so many people who believe in everything always address these false machinations and fall for them without asking for the real truth or researching it themselves to an appropriate extent.
150. The faith of the Earth-humans in such things is unfortunately so strong that truth and reality are simply disregarded and replaced by delusions regardless of their importance.
This already brings us to L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology: What about the Scientology guidelines that exist today; were these actually created after his death by his cult heirs, as is repeatedly claimed, or were they fundamentally produced in their entirety by himself?
151. First of all it must be said that this sect is one of the worst on the Earth, because it indulges and exists in an inhuman ethic.
152. With this sect, everything is directed towards making the human being cold in feelings and emotions through a deep-reaching brainwashing.
153. The sect guidelines were devised and established in every respect by the founder of the sect, Hubbard himself.
154. Everything is structured according to his meaning and is handled according to it worldwide today.
155. But we have already talked about it extensively several times.
I know, but I want to make this report official, why these things have to be discussed again. – But now something else: You know that together with the group members and with Eva's despatcher, I have been operating the 'Russia Aid' for years, whereby without the financial help and the energetic cooperation of the group members this enterprise would never have been possible. But now the situation is that the group can no longer raise enough funds to maintain everything. As you know, unemployment, short-time work and constant inflation also cause us problems, which is why our own financial resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Also with the passive members as well as with the FIGU friends the same problem occurs, consequently also from these sides not enough donations arrive any longer, in order to be able to continue the 'Russia help' in the past framework. The same problem also arises with regard to the core group donations for the annual holiday guests from Russia, whom we have been able to invite every year for about three weeks. Today we have practically no choice but to restrict everything, which means that we can only send food packages sporadically to Siberia and Latvia, perhaps only every two or three months for each family. And because of the Russian holiday guests, I guess, it will only be possible to invite them to us every two or three years, although I tend towards three years.
我知道,但我想把這些內容成為正式的報告,所以這些事情會被提出再度討論。—— 但現在還有一件事:你們知道,我和小組成員以及 Eva 的寄件人,多年來一直在共同經營“俄羅斯援助”(Russia Aid),如果沒有小組成員的資金幫助和積極合作,這項事業是不可能實現的。但現在的情況是,這個集團已經無法籌集到足夠的資金來維持一切。大家都知道,失業、打短工、不斷的通貨膨脹也給我們帶來了問題,所以我們自己的財力也越來越少。同樣的問題也出現在被動的成員和 FIGU 的朋友身上,因此這些方面也不再有足夠的捐款來繼續過去的“俄羅斯援助”模式。同樣的問題也出現在核心小組為每年假期來自俄羅斯的客人的捐款方面,我們每年都能邀請他們來參加大約三週的活動。如今,我們幾乎別無選擇,只能削減一切開支,這意味著我們只能零星地向西伯利亞(Siberia)和拉脫維亞(Latvia)發送食品包,也許每兩三個月才能為每個家庭提供一次。而因為俄羅斯的度假客人,我想,只能每兩三年邀請他們來我們這裡參觀一次,雖然我更傾向於三年一次。
156. We should have talked about this earlier.
157. I know your situation and I think that parcels should actually only be sent sporadically, within the framework of four to six parcels per year – depending on your financial situation and the donations for these aid parcels.
我知道你們的情況,我認為包裹其實只應該零星地寄出,在每年四到六個包裹的範圍內 —— 取決於你們的經濟狀況和這些援助包裹的捐款情況。
158. For the Russian holiday guests I would like to suggest that you only focus on Eva's letter contact family, which also includes the elderly mother.
對於俄羅斯節日的客人,我想建議你們只關注 Eva 的寄件聯絡家庭,其中也包括那位年邁的母親。
159. These are the only persons you should accommodate in your future holidays, but not more than four people should be considered per time.
160. I see the reason for this in the fact that this family is the only one who really cares about all concerns when someone of your group members goes on vacation to Siberia in order to also be active there in our mission.
161. The years of the holidays should, however, be limited, whereby only every three years a holiday stay of the family should be realised in the Center.
This vacation and assistance regulation corresponds also to my sense, therefore I will present everything in this framework to the group members for clarification and tuning.
162. As I said before, these issues should have been discussed and clarified earlier.
I have wanted to bring this up for quite some time, but because I did not write it down, I forgot it over and over again. But now the facts have finally been clarified. With regard to the Hale-Bopp comet, however, I have another question: The next approach to Earth will be at about 200 million kilometers, i.e. about 50 million kilometers more distant than the Sun, because the Earth-Sun distance is about 152 million kilometers. So it is really impossible that any influences could be effective on the Earth – except those imagined by humans, as you explained. But now my question: The alleged once-in-a-century comet Hale-Bopp, how large is its real diameter without corona and tail etc., just the lump itself? Do you have any cognitions about this?
很久以前就想提起這件事,但因為沒有寫下來,所以一直就忘了。但現在事實終於澄清了。不過,關於海爾-博普彗星,我還有一個問題:下一次接近地球的距離將在 2 億公里左右,也就是比太陽遠 5 千萬公里,因為地球和太陽的距離是 1 億 5,200 萬公里。因此,任何情況下都不可能對地球產生影響 —— 除了你解釋的那些人類想像的影響。但現在我的問題是:所謂的百年一遇的海爾-博普彗星,它的真實直徑有多大?沒有星冕(corona)和慧尾等等,只有彗星本身?你對此有什麼瞭解嗎?
163. There was no need for us to measure or examine the comet.
It measures 40 kilometers; a very decent chunk. That is what astronomers and those who call it a comet of the century say, perhaps because of its size or because of the bright comet's head. But that cannot be true, because already last year they proclaimed Hyakutake, or as it was called, in the same way, when the comet passed Earth only 15 million kilometers away, with a tail 25 million kilometers long and with a diameter of 10 kilometers. It is said to have been the closest comet to Earth since 1556 and the brightest since the western celestial body, which burst into four parts in 1976. Well, here I have another question concerning the Destroyer: Semjase told me pretty much at the beginning of our contacts that the Destroyer has been maiking its mischief in our solar system since time immemorial and destroyed old homeworlds of the Lyrans about 22 million years ago or so. To my knowledge, however, these lay in a different space-time structure, shifted by a fraction of a second to our space and time. How is it there that the Destroyer came into our space-time-structure after the destruction work with the old Lyrans?
它的測量直徑是 40 公里,是個相當大的一塊。這就是那些天文學家和稱它為世紀彗星的那些人是這樣說的,也許是因為它的大小,或者是因為彗星的頭部很亮。但這不可能是真的,因為去年他們已經發出了與所謂的「百武二號彗星」(Hyakutake)同樣的驚呼,當時這顆彗星經過地球只有 1,500 萬公里,尾巴長 2,500 萬公里,直徑 10 公里。據說它是自 1556 年以來離地球最近的一顆彗星,也是自 1976 年爆裂成四部分的西方天體以來最亮的一顆。好吧,我還有一個關於「毀滅者」(destroyer)的問題:Semjase 在我們接觸之初就告訴我,毀滅者從遠古時期就開始在太陽系大肆破壞,並在 2,200 萬年前摧毀了天琴座人(Lyrans)的古老家園,但據我所知,那是位於不同的時空結構之中,與我們的時空相差了幾分之一秒。毀滅者怎麼會在摧毀了老天琴座人的家園後,又來到我們的時空結構之中呢?
164. The Destroyer then broke through a space-time barrier created by the ancient Syrians, as we still use it today, but in a modernised form, as you would say.
165. At that time, these passage or dimensional gates, as we call them, were constructed in such a manner that they opened as soon as any object approached.
當時,這些通道或我們稱之為「維度門」(dimensional gates)的構造方式是,只要有任何物體接近,它們就會打開。
166. This also happened as the Destroyer approached, which through unfortunate circumstances came to one of these dimensional gates, shot through and entered this, your space-time continuum, then found its way into this solar system.
當毀滅者接近時也發生了這種情況,他因不幸的情況來到這些維度之門中的一個,射穿並進入了你們的「時空連續體」(space-time continuum),然後找到了進入這個太陽系的途徑。
167. Today this would no longer be possible, because our passage gates from one dimension to another or to the DAL-universe have already been constructed and secured for several million years in such a manner that they are probably constant in one place, but only open in response to very specific impulses emitted by our spacecraft.
今天,這已經不可能了,因為我們從一個維度到另一個維度或到 DAL 宇宙的通道門已經被建造和固定了幾百萬年,所以它們可能一直固定在一個地方,只有在我們的宇宙飛船發出非常特殊的脈衝訊號時才會打開。
168. So today it would no longer be possible for a world body to pass unintentionally through one of our many dimensional gates.
And, since when do you have this safe guard?
169. I already explained that …
Of course, for millions of years.
170. Right.
171. And before you ask:
172. The development and construction of this safe guard took place as an urgent need after the incident when the destroyer of our ancestors was unintentionally able to change from one space-time structure to another.
Damage makes one wise. That is what we say.
不經一事不長一智(Damage makes one wise;又譯:苦難使人成長)。我們是這麼說的。
173. A word of meaningful correctness.
As you well know, in our world everything is going topsy-turvy in the entire economy, and bankruptcies upon bankruptcies are being produced. Everything seems to be slowly collapsing. The entire credit and finance economy is now geared towards nothing more than accumulating debt, and this not only among ordinary citizens, but also in all sectors of the economy and even with governments. Everything is heading towards a collapse of a kind that has never existed before. An unprecedented collapse is looming on the horizon, which probably can no longer be stopped. And why all this? I think it is the fault of the so-called young dynamic forces, which have great and crazy ideas, design everything according to the most modern principles and stubbornly want to go through the wall with their heads. They have lost their sense of reality and live according to the principle 'born to be wild', born, in order to be wild, in a kind and wise through which all of humanity is rapidly approaching the final catastrophe. You have never heard that the human being is the blacksmith of his/her own destiny and consequently, through his/her erroneous thinking and acting, determines his/her own demise, according to the word that the human being's destiny is the result of his/her own previous actions. The young have long since forgotten the thoughtfulness of the elderly, who thought about and thought through all that they had to do before taking action and possibly taking an absolutely calculable risk. Today, however, this is no longer the case, for young people think only superficially, in manners that are too risk-adverse and too short-sightedly profit-obsessed, which inevitably lead to bad and grave mistakes, which inevitably lead to the collapse of things. But it also leads more and more to the fact that the older people, who have already gained a certain experience and taken some paths in life and learned all kinds of things, are no longer desired, but are scooped away like old rubbish and put offside, although they would be the ones who could bring the cart stuck in the dirt back on a flat road. Is that true or not?
你很清楚,在我們這個世界上,整個經濟的一切都在發生著翻天覆地的變化,一個又一個的破產事件正在發生,一切似乎都在慢慢崩潰。現在整個信用經濟和金融經濟的發展方向無非就是積累債務,而這不僅是在普通百姓中,也是在各個經濟部門,甚至是政府中都是如此,一切正在走向一種前所未有的崩潰。一場史無前例的崩潰正在逼近,可能再也無法阻止。而為什麼會出現這一切呢?我想,這都與那些所謂的年輕活力有關,他們有著偉大而瘋狂的想法,按照最現代的原則設計一切,固執地想用腦袋去撞牆。他們已經失去了現實感,按照“生而狂野”(born to be wild)的原則生活,生而狂野,經由這種方式,全人類正在迅速接近最後的災難。他們從來沒有聽說過,人是自己命運的創造者,因此,通過自己的不良思想和行為,決定了自己的失敗,按說人的命運是自己以前的行為所造成的。年輕人早已忘記了老人家的深思熟慮,他們在行動之前,把所有要做的事情都想清楚、想明白,可能要承擔絕對可以計算的風險。但如今,這種情況已經不復存在了,因為年輕人的思維只停留在表面,太過冒險心切,貪圖近利,這必然會導致惡性循環,出現嚴重的錯誤,必然會導致事物的崩潰。但這也越來越導致,那些已經積累了一定經驗,走了一些人生道路,學會了各種東西的老年人,不再被人需要,而是像舊垃圾一樣被人推開,擱置一旁,雖然他們會是能把陷在泥土裡的小車帶回平坦道路上的人。這到底是不是真的?
174. Your words actually correspond to the sad circumstances.
175. However, there would be a lot more to say, quite apart from the fact that the machinations of the younger generations, who today have the rudder in their hands, as you once said, are not only destructive, but even criminal as well as selfish, antisocial and egotistic in every respect.
I just thought again about your answer about the Hale-Bopp comet, about your answer that there was no need for you to measure or examine the comet. May I ask, why not?
176. This question could not be left out either.
177. Well, I will answer you and give you the necessary explanation:
178. So far there was no need for us, because comets of this size, like Unis or Hale-Bopp, do not mean anything special for us and on the other hand they do not pose any danger for the Earth.
到目前為止,我們還沒有必要,因為像 Unis 或海爾-博普這樣大小的彗星,對我們來說並沒有什麼特別的意義,另一方面它們也不會對地球構成任何威脅。
179. If there were a danger for the Earth, then there would also be a corresponding need for us to deal with it more closely.
I find that strange, because otherwise you will investigate everything possible and impossible.
180. My statement does not aim to prevent us from dealing with the comet in the future in order to record all its data.
I want someone to understand you and your speeches. On the one hand you say that you have no need to explore the comet, and on the other hand you say again that you will do so after all.
181. I explained to you that there was no need because there was no danger from the comet.
182. In the future, however, we will very much be working on it to compile the latest data after the solar orbit.
183. We have old records of comet Unis, when it last penetrated into the area of the sun and could be observed very well from Earth, which caused fear and horror as well as fantastic speculations among Earth-humans, but such records are no longer relevant after a sun passage, but must be renewed, because many changes arise, which can only be noticed when the comet moves away again from the near and far area of the sun.
我們有關於 Unis 彗星的舊記錄,當它最後一次穿透太陽系領域時,可以從地球上清楚觀察到它,這引起了地球人的恐懼和害怕,以及奇妙的猜測,但這種記錄在經過太陽系之後已經沒有意義了,必須更新,因為發生了許多變化,只有當彗星再次經過太陽系附近和稍遠的區域時,才能注意到這些變化。
So then you could give me a more exact size with regard to the comet.
184. Such information would not be relevant, but if you are really interested, then I can find the necessary data from the old records until my next, or visit after the next, visit and then give it to you.
I would really be interested in that. Then I would only have purely private things left to talk about with you.
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