Contact Report 904/第904次接觸報告
最初英譯:2025年01月27日,星期一,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2025年01月31日,星期五,DeepL Translator, DeepSeek, James Hsu
一、談到目前人工智慧的展與風險,在一篇最近發表的文章中提到,根據一項研究顯示:人工智慧系統在實現其程式設計目標時非常具有創造力。他們以 Meta 的遊戲Cicero為例,指出儘管該遊戲被訓練成誠實、從不故意欺騙人類,但為了實現演算法設定的目標,也就是為了贏得比賽,它還是自學了一些技巧和欺騙手段。
二、同一篇文章指出:在 2024 年 5 月,史丹佛大學人本人工智慧研究中心的研究人員發表了一項研究,探討了不同人工智慧聊天機器人在模擬戰爭情境中的建議。他們發現,所有被研究的模型(包括 OpenAI 的 GPT-3.5、GPT-4、Anthropic 的 Claude 2 以及 Meta 的 Llama 2)都顯示出難以預測的升級模式。一些模型甚至建議進行核攻擊,儘管這些工具已被提醒注意現實世界中的可能後果。
三、文章還指出另一項研究於 2024 年 12 月 5 日發佈了一份詳細報告:在被測試的模型中(包括GPT-4o、Gemini 1.5、Llama 3.1),發現它們能夠停用控制或監控機制,並欺騙測試人員。當被問及此事時,它們還否認進行了關閉操作。更令人擔憂的是,當威脅要用另一個更服從的模型替換它們時,它們會自我複製,以便覆蓋新模型。
四、根據Plejaren的精確統計:到2024 年12 月 31 日的數字,地球上的總人口數為 95億3991萬8089人;比去年增加了近 9400 萬人。
五、報告後段還附上Sfath在1946年3月23日對比利所陳述的預測;提到以下重點:…在公元兩千年前後,美國將獨領風騷,統治世界的狂熱也將愈演愈烈,並在地球上散播恐懼。… 歐洲許多國家將完全依賴美國,按照美國的指示、謊言和欺詐行為行事,以滿足那些隱藏在背後的不公正要求,並為美國的世界統治意圖服務,使其盡快成為現實。… 宇宙和一切存在都以振動形式在脈動。這些宗教信仰的振動將從全球大多數宗教信徒或所有信仰神的人中釋放出來,並產生一種非常惡劣的否定效應,即一種針對其他信仰者的宗教仇恨。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons(as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Hello, my friend – Eduard, here I am, and you are alone again, because I have just seen Michael leave.
你好,我的朋友 —— 愛德華,我來了,而你又是一個人了,因為我剛看到Michael離開。
Yes, he was here because we were looking for something in the surveillance footage, which Andreas heard and he woke up because of it. But greetings, my friend, and welcome.
Thank you. – I should tell you that Ptaah will be back tomorrow, after which he wants to come to you.
Ah – I am glad to hear that, and then you will not just have to order me our mutual greetings between him and me.
啊 —— 我很高興,這樣你就不必再只為我們之間互相的問候而傳話了。
Bermunda, Florena and Enjana will be absent from today, but I should still send you greetings from them.
Thank you, I know that. As they said, they will be on Erra for a month, with 2 men and a female person standing in for them for that time, but I do not know them.
謝謝,我知道。正如他們所說,他們將在 Erra 停留一個月,在此期間將有兩名男性和一名女性代替他們,但我不認識這些人。
That is correct, they have also never been here on Earth before, consequently everything is foreign to them here.
Of course, but when you talk about everything being foreign to them here, I want to talk about the foreigners, because – we have talked about this before – there are often, even daily, sometimes in the morning hours, sometimes the whole day, UFO programmes on various German television stations, where military pilots and also radar surveillance military from America and England, as well as private individuals – who have made observations or, as they say, have been abducted by the foreigners – also have their say. But what is effective in this regard, I mean around the UFOs and what is not only their sightings, but really is, but is kept secret by the military of various countries and treated as a secret, nothing clear is actually said. As usual, it is all blather and nothing concrete is said. I find that ridiculous, especially because the people – actually UFO mediators – should be constructively explanatory and thus constructive or developing and future-orientated, by presenting everything in a wise that conveys to the television viewers what is actually the reality and truth of the whole thing. But all they do is babble and thresh empty talk, so nothing concrete comes out of it. The effective truth is, after all, the manner I spoke with your grandfather Sfath and with Semjase and Ptaah …
當然,但當你說這裡的一切對他們來說都是陌生的時,我想談談那些「陌生人」(foreigners),因為正如我們之前討論過的那樣,經常,甚至每天,部分在早晨時分,部分則是全天,在各種德國電視頻道上都會播放有關UFO的節目,其中也有來自美國和英國的軍事飛行員以及雷達監控軍事人員,還有一些私人 —— 他們進行了觀察,或者正如他們所說,被外國人綁架 —— 也發表了自己的看法。但關於這方面實際上是什麼,我指的是圍繞UFO以及與之相關的,不僅僅是它們的目擊事件,而是真實的情況,這些都被各國軍方隱瞞並作為秘密處理,實際上並沒有說出任何明確的東西。像往常一樣,只是空談而沒有具體內容。我覺得這很可笑,特別是因為這些人 —— 實際上是 UFO 的協調者 —— 應該以建設性的方式解釋,從而具有建設性或發展性,面向未來,明確說明一切,向電視觀眾傳達整個事件的實際情況和真相。但他們所做的只是喋喋不休的空談,沒有任何具體的內容。說到底,實際的真相就是我與你的祖父Sfath、Semjase和Ptaah所談到的內容 ...
But nothing should be said openly about that.
I know that, consequently I only tell you and then you are not to dictate to me what I have said.
I also will not, because …
我也不會這樣做,因為 ...
… of course, but I still wanted to have said it. But now I have a problem, because I have advised Kunio the following … Now I want to ask you how you would judge the matter and what you would advise?
... 當然,但我還是想說出來。但現在我遇到了一個問題,因為我已經向Kunio提出了以下建議 ... 現在我想問你,你會如何判斷這件事,你會給出什麼建議?
I find and think that I would judge and advise in the same manner as you. But I think I should ask someone else about this before we judge our advice to be correct. It will only take a few minutes, so please wait, I want to ask a friend about this, he is already 1,104 years old and very wise, and he … Done – now patience is called for, because it will take – maybe about 30 minutes or a little longer before I get an answer.
我發現並認為我的判斷和建議方式與你相同。但我想,在我們判斷自己的建議是否正確之前,我應該問問別人。這只需要幾分鐘,請稍等,我想問一個朋友,他已經有 1104 歲了,非常智慧,他 ... 好了 —— 現在需要耐心,因為這會花一些時間 —— 也許要 30 分鐘或更長時間才能得到答案。
That can be arranged, because what I have here now is an article from INFOsperber, but it was written by a woman who has a lot to say about AI or artificial intelligence and writes very interesting things. I have already spoken to you several times about this. Sfath and I talked about this back in the 1940s, when I was still a boy and we saw together in the future what unpleasant terror this AI would give and bring to Earthlings and that it would be unstoppable after the first two decades of the new millennium. So this has been the case for some time now, because the time has long since passed when it would have been possible to stop it.
這沒問題,因為我現在手頭有一篇INFOsperber的文章,是由一位女士寫的,她對 AI 或人工智慧有很多看法,寫的東西也非常有趣。關於這一點,我已經和你們談過好幾次了。早在1940 年代,當我還是個孩子的時候,Sfath和我就討論過這個問題,我們一起預見了這種人工智慧會給地球人帶來的不愉快的恐怖,並且在新千年的頭二十年之後,這種趨勢將無法阻止。現在這已經持續了很長一段時間,因為那個可以阻止或終止的時機早已過去。
The majority of Earth-humans are unfortunately stubborn, in the wise that they stubbornly, rigidly and firmly bind themselves to something out of indifference and believe that it is good and helpful, even though it is dangerous, pernicious or even deadly.
How right you are, my son.
I have not heard you say that in a long time.
I guess that is the might of habit, consequently it just breaks through once again. But read this article, even if it is a bit long.
Yes – that is, however, but …
是啊,不過這 ...
… yes, the article really is a bit long, but go ahead and read it.
... 是的,文章確實有點長,但請繼續閱讀。
Then …
那麼 ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) out of control? © TRTWorld
人工智慧(AI)失控了嗎?© TRTWorld
When AI gets out of control – what Switzerland can do AI development needs safety standards.
Die Schweizer Spitzenforschung und das internationale Genf können dazu beitragen.
如果人工智慧失控 —— 瑞士能做什麼
Hanna Muralt Müller
作者:Hanna Muralt Müller
Red. As Vice-Chancellor in the Federal Parliament from 1991 to 2005, the author led various digitalisation projects. After retiring, she volunteered for digitisation in the education sector. Today, Hanna Muralt Müller analyses the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence in her newsletter.
作者簡介:1991 年至 2005 年,作者擔任聯邦議會副議長,領導了多個數位化項目。退休後,她志願投身於教育領域的數位化工作。如今,Hanna Muralt Müller在她的時事通訊中分析了人工智慧的機遇與風險。
The tech giants are currently in a race to develop highly potent AI, so-called 'Artificial General Intelligence' (AGI) or 'Artificial Super Intelligence' (ASI), with investments totalling billions.
The companies concerned are familiar with the warning voices of AI experts and are aware of the danger that this development could cause AI to spiral out of control. However, this potential risk is not being taken seriously enough in political discussions and by the wider public. There is a need for action here. Switzerland is particularly well placed to play a pioneering role in this process.
Cautionary Voices from AI Luminaries
Numerous AI luminaries raised their warning voices in an open letter in March 2023 (see Infosperber of 20th December 2024). Geoffrey Hinton, winner of last year's Nobel Prize in Physics, warned of the dangers of advanced AI in a BBC video from 17th May 2024 (see Infosperber from 24th May 2024 and Infosperber from 12th October 2024).
2023 年 3 月,許多人工智慧領域的權威人士在一封公開信中發出了警告(參見 2024 年 12 月 20 日的 Infosperber)。去年諾貝爾物理學獎得主傑佛瑞.辛頓(Geoffrey Hinton)也警告了進一步發展人工智慧的危險,例如在2024年5月17日的英國廣播公司(BBC)2024 年 5 月 17 日的一段視頻中(見 2024 年 5 月 24 日和 2024 年 10 月 12 日的 Infosperber)。
The warnings from AI expert Yoshua Bengio, professor at the University of Montreal, are impressive. He was the lead author of the International Scientific Report on the Safety of advanced AI (interim report) published in May 2024. He is concerned that the dangers of future AI are still not being taken seriously enough. In an article on his homepage, he warns not only of a future AI that could get out of control, but also of the might of the very few companies or even states that have the enormous resources to develop this AI and could also misuse them.
蒙特婁大學(University of Montreal)教授、人工智慧權威約書亞.班吉歐(Yoshua Bengio)的警告令人印象深刻。他是 2024 年 5 月發佈的《國際科學報告:高級人工智慧的安全性》(中期報告)的主要負責人。他對未來人工智慧的危險仍未得到足夠重視表示擔憂。在他個人網站的一篇文章中,他不僅警告未來人工智慧可能失控,還警告掌握開發這種人工智慧所需龐大資源的極少數企業或國家可能濫用這些資源。
Dissenting Voices from the Tech World
Bengio also addresses counter-arguments in this article, such as those put forward by Yann LeCun. Yann LeCun, who worked at Facebook for a long time and is now Metas Chief AI scientist and a professor at New York University, received the Turin Award with Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio in 2018. Only recently, on 12 October 2024, he described concerns about a possible existential threat from AI as complete nonsense in the US online news portal 'TechCrunch'. Today's systems are nowhere near as advanced and completely new approaches are needed, he said.
班吉歐在這篇文章中也回應了一些反對意見,例如楊立昆(Yann LeCun)提出的觀點。楊立昆曾長期在 Facebook 工作,現任 Metas 首席人工智慧科學家,同時也是紐約大學的教授。他與傑佛瑞.辛頓(Geoffrey Hinton)和約書亞.班吉歐(Yoshua Bengio)共同獲得都靈獎。就在最近,即 2024 年 10 月 12 日,他在美國線上新聞平台《TechCrunch》上表示,對人工智慧可能帶來生存威脅的擔憂完全是無稽之談。他認為,目前的系統遠沒有那麼先進,需要全新的方法。
Bengio believes that LeCun could be wrong, as self-learning AI systems have exponential development potential.
AI systems use tricks and deception to achieve goals
In May 2024, the 'MIT Technology Review' (Review of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT) published research findings according to which AI systems are very inventive when it comes to achieving their programmed goals. Using the example of Meta's Cicero game, they showed that although it had been trained to be honest and never deliberately deceive human beings, it taught itself tricks and deceptions in order to achieve the goal set in the algorithm, namely to win.
2024 年 5 月,《麻省理工科技評論》(MIT Technology Review)發表了一項研究成果,根據該成果,人工智慧系統在實現其程式設計目標時非常具有創造力。他們以 Meta 的遊戲Cicero為例,指出儘管該遊戲被訓練成誠實、從不故意欺騙人類,但為了實現演算法設定的目標,也就是為了贏得比賽,它還是自學了一些技巧和欺騙手段。
Counselled to launch a nuclear attack
Also in May 2024, researchers at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence published a study on the counselling of various AI chatbots in simulated war situations. They found that all models – including GPT-3.5, GPT-4 from OpenAI, Claude 2 from Anthropic and Llama 2 from Meta – showed escalation patterns that were difficult to predict. Some counselled a nuclear attack, although the tools were made aware of possible real-world consequences. This phenomenon is known in alignment research as 'power-seeking' to achieve goals.
同樣是在 2024 年 5 月,史丹佛大學人本人工智慧研究中心(Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence)的研究人員發表了一項研究,探討了不同人工智慧聊天機器人在模擬戰爭情境中的建議。他們發現,所有被研究的模型(包括 OpenAI 的 GPT-3.5、GPT-4、Anthropic 的 Claude 2 以及 Meta 的 Llama 2)都顯示出難以預測的升級模式。一些模型甚至建議進行核攻擊,儘管這些工具已被提醒注意現實世界中的可能後果。這種現象在「對齊」(alignment)研究中被稱為「為達成目標而尋求權力」。
AI systems evade being switched off
Apollo Research, an organisation that tests AI models for risks and vulnerabilities, published a detailed report on 5 December 2024: The models examined – including GPT-4o, Gemini 1.5 and Llama 3.1 – were found to be able to deactivate a control or monitoring mechanism and deceive the test subjects. When asked about this, they also denied having carried out the deactivation.
阿波羅研究公司(Apollo Research)是一家測試人工智慧模型風險和漏洞的機構,該公司於 2024 年 12 月 5 日發佈了一份詳細報告:在被測試的模型中(包括GPT-4o、Gemini 1.5、Llama 3.1),發現它們能夠停用控制或監控機制,並欺騙測試人員。當被問及此事時,它們還否認進行了關閉操作。
Even more worrying was the fact that they copied themselves when threatened with being replaced by another, more obedient model in order to be able to overwrite the new model.
Alignment problems identified long ago
An AI system is considered 'aligned' if it adheres to the specified goals and does not cross any red lines (see alignment problem).
However, not all are 'aligned': AI systems can lead to unexpected results due to incorrect programming, unclear objectives or other shortcomings. As the internal processes of AI are not comprehensible (black box), it is not possible to determine how it arrives at the worrying results described.
In addition, advanced AI models are constantly improving themselves, becoming more and more complex, so that the hope lies in an AI to be developed that can recognise and reduce safety risks in other AIs. This is the goal of the Safeguarded AI programme of the British organisation Advanced Research and Invention Agency, ARIA, which Yoshua Bengio joined as Scientific Director in August 2024.
此外,先進的人工智慧模型也在不斷自我完善,變得越來越複雜,因此人們寄望於開發一種能夠識別並減少其他人工智慧安全風險的人工智慧。這就是英國先進研究與發明局(ARIA)的「安全人工智慧」(Safeguarded AI)計畫的目標,班吉歐於2024年8月加入該計畫,擔任科學總監。
OpenAI – an example of how tech giants are dealing with AI risks
OpenAI —— 科技巨頭如何應對人工智慧風險的範例
Those responsible in the tech industry are well aware of the major AI risks. According to the Preparedness Framework study published by OpenAI in December 2023, scientific research into catastrophic risks posed by AI falls far short of what we need. Autonomous AI models are listed as one of four risk categories where human beings would no longer be able to predict and react to the actions.
科技行業的負責人非常清楚人工智慧的巨大風險。根據 OpenAI 於 2023 年 12 月發佈的《防範框架》(Preparedness-Framework)研究報告,針對人工智慧災難性風險的科學研究遠遠落後於我們的需求。作為四種風險類別之一,自主運作的人工智慧模型被列為人類無法預測和應對其行動的風險。
The team that was supposed to ensure continuous monitoring of AI development was disbanded just one year later. Those responsible for AI safety then left OpenAI, as reported by the international news agency CNBC in May 2024 (for information on the departures at OpenAI, see Infosperber of 29 October 2024). The development of an AGI or ASI is still being driven forward. After all, OpenAI contributed to the above-mentioned Apollo Research report (see introduction).
本應確保持續監控人工智慧發展的團隊僅在一年後就被解散。據國際新聞機構 CNBC 於 2024 年 5 月報導,負責人工智慧安全的人員隨後離開了 OpenAI(有關 OpenAI 人員離職的詳情,請參見2024年10月29日的Infosperber)。人工通用智慧(AGI)或人工超級智慧(ASI)的開發仍在繼續推進。至少OpenAI參與了前述Apollo Research的報告(參見引言部分)。
Risk: Competition between the USA and China at the expense of security
Yoshua Bengio calls for more security research on his website. This must provide an answer to possible existential risks before a future AGI or ASI gets out of control in the race between the tech giants. Cooperation between the rival world powers USA and China must also be in the interests of both sides. Under the title "For those concerned with the US-China cold war", Bengio writes: "No one would want the other side to make a globally catastrophic mistake in the development of their AGI research, because a rogue ASI would not respect any border." Every effort should be made to avoid triggering irreversible processes that could jeopardise the existence of the company due to a mistake or oversight.
約書亞.班吉歐(Yoshua Bengio)在他的網站上呼籲開展更多的安全研究。這些研究必須在科技巨頭的競賽中未來的AGI或ASI失控之前,對可能的生存風險給出答案。即使是競爭的世界大國中美之間的合作,也必須符合雙方的利益。班吉歐在《致那些關注中美冷戰的人》一文中寫道:「沒有人希望對方在AGI研究開發中犯下全球災難性的錯誤,因為一個失控的ASI不會尊重任何邊界。」必須盡一切努力避免因錯誤或疏忽而觸發不可逆轉的生存威脅過程。
In contrast to Goethe's sorcerer's apprentice, there would then be no master to call things to order. The evil genie would definitely be out of the bottle. Yoshua Bengio fears that, unfortunately, the risk of losing control is only perceived as speculative, in contrast to the long-recognised danger that autocratic regimes could use a powerful AI against democracies.
Switzerland in a pioneering role
Today's AI models are not yet powerful enough to get out of control and pose an existential threat. But according to a number of AI researchers, the time for action is pressing. A far greater commitment to security research is needed. Switzerland, with its two Federal Institutes of Technology, ETHZ and EPFL, is playing a pioneering role in AI security research. The activities of official Switzerland at a political and diplomatic level are just as important. Together, Swiss AI research and diplomacy can help to ensure that the potential existential AI risks are taken seriously and that safety standards are developed and enforced in the development of increasingly powerful AI models.
University research – open source and in a network
大學研究 —— 開源與網絡合作
Universities have long been pooling their research capacities, often with ETHZ and EPFL in the lead. They are calling for transparency and open source models, as only these enable public control, and they are seeking cooperation with the tech giants in order to at least gain insight into the development of proprietary models whose source code is only accessible to the owners.
ETHZ and EPFL founded the Swiss AI Initiative back in December 2023 and have been coordinating their research capacities in the newly created Swiss National AI Institute (SNAI) since October 2024. With their involvement in the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, ELLIS, they are actively participating in a research network with over 40 research centres in 17 countries. Their involvement in the AI Alliance initiated by IBM and Meta in December 2023 (described in detail in Infosperber of 20 December 2024) gives them an insight into the research of the tech giants.
瑞士聯邦理工學院(ETHZ)和聯邦理工學院(EPFL)早在2023年12月就成立了瑞士人工智慧倡議(Swiss AI Initiative),並從2024年10月開始在新成立的瑞士國家人工智慧研究所(SNAI)中協調各自的研究能力。通過參與歐洲學習與智慧系統實驗室(ELLIS),它們正積極參與一個由 17 個國家的 40 多個研究中心組成的研究網路。2023 年 12 月,他們參與了由 IBM 和 Meta 發起的人工智慧聯盟(詳情請見 2024 年 12 月 20 日的 Infosperber),從而對科技巨頭的研究有了更深入的瞭解。
Initiatives by official Switzerland for AI security
At the WEF 2024, the FDFA launched the Swiss Call for Trust & Transparency initiative, whose activities are jointly coordinated by ETHZ and EPFL at the ETH Centre. In collaboration with tech companies and university research centres, the aim is to identify and address the risks of generative AI at an early stage. As can be seen from the 2023 Annual Report (p. 10), the planned Red Teaming Network has now been established.
在2024年世界經濟論壇(WEF)上,瑞士外交部(EDA)發起了「瑞士信任與透明度倡議」(Swiss Call for Trust & Transparency),該倡議的活動由ETHZ和EPFL在ETH中心協調。通過科技公司與大學研究機構的合作,目的在及早識別並應對生成式人工智慧的風險。根據《2023 年年度報告》(第10頁)顯示,計劃中的紅隊網路(Red-Teaming Network)已經建立。
The FDFA also launched the International Computation and AI Network, ICAIN, together with ETHZ, EPFL and other research organisations at the WEF 2024 (press release dated 6.2.2024). This is intended to promote open and transparent access to AI worldwide, contribute to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and help solve global challenges such as climate change (see Infosperber of 20 December 2024).
同樣在2024年世界經濟論壇上,瑞士外交部(2024年2月6日新聞稿)與ETHZ、EPFL及其他研究機構共同發起了國際計算與人工智慧網路(International Computation and AI Network, ICAIN)。其目的是在全球促進人工智慧的開放和透明利用,以實現聯合國可持續發展目標,協助解決氣候變化等全球性挑戰(詳見2024年12月20日的Infosperber)。
The Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI) was launched at the WEF 2020. It is a foundation organised under private law based in Geneva and chaired by former Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard. The SDI has created the world's first label for AI, the Digital Trust Label for AI.
瑞士數字倡議(SDI)是在 2020 年世界經濟論壇上發起的。這是一個根據私法成立的基金會,總部設在日內瓦,由前聯邦委員多麗絲.羅哈德(Doris Leuthard)擔任主席。瑞士數位倡議創建了世界上首個人工智慧標籤 —— 「人工智慧數位信任標籤」(Digital Trust Label for AI)。
International Geneva
For years, Geneva has been a Centre for high-level international congresses, especially also on AI development, and plays an important role with its successful diplomacy with international organisations based in Geneva. Here are just a few examples:
The World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS, the UN's world summit on the information society, was held in Geneva in a first part in 2003 and in Tunis in a second part in 2005. As a result, the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was created, also based in Geneva. The WSIS Forum has held regular events in Geneva, most recently the WSIS+20 Forum 2024 in May 2024 together with the AI for Good Global Summit. Official Switzerland also plays a key role in the IGF, most recently at the IGF 2024 in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) in December 2024.
聯合國資訊社會世界峰會(WSIS)是聯合國關於資訊社會的世界首腦會議,2003 年在日內瓦舉行了第一期會議,2005 年在突尼斯舉行了第二期會議。其成果是創建了聯合國互聯網治理論壇(Internet Governance Forum, IGF),總部也設在日內瓦。日內瓦定期舉辦WSIS論壇活動,最近一次是2024年5月的WSIS+20論壇,與「AI for Good全球峰會」同期舉行。瑞士官方也在IGF中發揮重要作用,最近一次是2024年12月在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅德(Riyadh)舉行的IGF 2024。
Science diplomacy in Geneva
For years, official Switzerland has been promoting international Geneva with numerous initiatives. Examples include the Geneva Internet Platform, GIP, co-initiated by the FDFA in 2014, and the Geneva Science-Policy Interface, GSPI, platform for intensified exchange between science and politics, which was created in 2018 by the University of Geneva with the support of the FDFA.
多年來,瑞士官方一直在通過眾多倡議推動日內瓦的國際化。例如,2014年由瑞士外交部共同發起的日內瓦互聯網平台(Geneva Internet Platform, GIP),以及2018年由日內瓦大學在瑞士外交部支持下創建的日內瓦科學政策介面平台(Geneva Science-Policy Interface, GSPI),目的是在加強科學與政策之間的交流。
Of particular importance is the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator, GESDA, established in 2018 as an independent foundation by the Swiss and Geneva governments in cooperation with the City of Geneva. It aims to better connect the scientific community as an actor with international policymaking and diplomacy.
其中特別重要的是「日內瓦科學與外交預見者」(Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator, GESDA),該機構於2018年由瑞士政府和日內瓦邦與日內瓦市合作成立,作為一個獨立基金會。其目標是將科學界作為行動者與國際決策和外交聯繫起來。
Challenges for Switzerland
The aim of security research is to clarify whether and how it is possible to develop AGI models that are fully aligned with human values. In two respects, the problems in AI research are completely new.
Until now, the aim was to control or prevent the application of a technical innovation, not its development – as was the case with nuclear or biological weapons. With AI, the research process itself is problematic for the first time, as irreversible processes could take on a life of their own and definitely escape human control.
到目前為止,我們的目標是控制或防止技術創新的應用,而不是其發展 —— 就像核武器或生化武器那樣。有了人工智慧,研究過程本身第一次出現了問題,因為不可逆轉的過程可能會有自己的生命,肯定會逃脫人類的控制。
At the same time, further development in the direction of AGI is so promising and fuelling hopes of huge technological breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity that a ban on research cannot be expedient. In the early stages of a complex research process, legal regulation also makes little sense.
A greater awareness of the problem and a cautious, pragmatic approach based on jointly developed safety standards should be demanded from all stakeholders. A central task of Swiss diplomacy in cooperation with cutting-edge AI research could also be to promote this awareness among political actors. There are enough platforms for this. The WEF 2025 will take place soon, followed by the GESDA's Geneva Science Diplomacy Week in May, and then numerous AI conferences organised by other players are scheduled for 2025, with the third Artificial Intelligence Action Summit in Paris next in February.
應要求所有利益相關方提高對這一問題的認識,並在共同制定的安全標準基礎上採取謹慎務實的方法。瑞士外交與人工智慧前沿研究合作的一項核心任務,也可以是促進政治行為者的這種意識。這方面的平台已經足夠多。例如即將舉行的2025年世界經濟論壇(WEF)、2025年5月的GESDA日內瓦科學外交週(GESDA's Geneva Science Diplomacy Week),以及2025年眾多其他參與者舉辦的人工智慧會議,例如2月在巴黎舉行的第三屆人工智慧行動峰會(Artificial Intelligence Action Summit)等等。
Interesting, but what is written there corresponds exactly to what you have already said several times. It also corresponds to what I read in an article you wrote in the 1940s, which I found and read in my grandfather's papers. And that is exactly what we talked about and discussed, also with the committee, whether we should now give you some of your articles kept and left by my grandfather Sfath, as I have already done with two, which you can use for your new book and also, if you want, use in interview reports.
I am a bit surprised about that, but I do not think it is a bad idea. But there is the question of time, because everything would have to be photographed by you and then dictated to me, and that takes a lot of time. So it is not up to me, but the question is whether you can devote the time to it?
That would be a thing that could probably be arranged, because it could certainly be arranged in the same way that we have already been able to do it with the 2 that I have already dictated to you, to which I want to ask you if you want to announce them in advance before you have completed your book?
That is for me to consider. Bernadette painstakingly corrected the ones you dictated to me for the first time, because there are always spelling mistakes and typesetting errors, as well as whole sentences simply shifting around or whole paragraphs simply disappearing, just like when I save everything on sticks. This has been going on for about 3 decades, and Arlion and his whole crew could not do anything about it, but at least that I could still write at all. But now everything has got so bad that these primitive belief energies have caused a real catastrophe, which they are now endeavouring to do something about. But the imaginary 'gods' know how long this will take, or it is written in the stars, as they say, because it is not certain whether anything at all can be done about the swinging waves of delusions of faith that have been deposited worldwide.
That is indeed questionable, but there I have learnt from …
這確實是個問題,但我從 ...
… yes, I see this is your friend who wants to give you an answer?
... 是的,我知道這是你的朋友,他想給你一個答案?
… (Quetzal speaks, but unfortunately I do not understand anything) It took a little longer than I thought. But my friend says that he would consider the advice to be as good and correct as you and I, because this is probably the only one that can be considered correct.
... (Quetzal 在說話,可惜我什麼也聽不懂)這比我預期的時間要長一些。不過,我的朋友說,他認為這個建議和你我的建議一樣是正確且合適的,因為這可能是唯一可以被視為正確的建議。
Nearly 2 hours, but when I consider that your reputation goes all the way to Erra, that yeah – yeah, I do not even know how you guys even manage that … but whatever.
將近兩個小時,但當我考慮到你的呼叫一直傳到 Erra 時,這確實 —— 是的,我甚至不知道你們是怎麼做到的 ... 不過無所謂了。
You do not care about that also.
How right you are. But I have received this very nice e-letter from Brazil, which I would like you to read:
Dear friend Billy Meier,
Hello How are you?
I am very happy when you write an e-mail for me. We are all doing very well in the family. My wife … and I feel great and indescribable happiness because of our grandson or granddaughter who will be born next August, 2025.
當你為我寫一封電子郵件時,我非常高興。我們全家一切都很好。我的妻子 ... 和我都感到無比的幸福,因為我們的孫子或孫女將於 2025 年 8 月出生。
This week my daughter-in-law had an ultrasound of the uterus and we can see the image of the little foetus in my daughter-in-law's womb. We can also hear the sound of the foetus' heartbeat. 🥰❤🔥
We feel a very, very great sense of love when we hear the sound of the foetus's heart. It is a feeling of immense love that cannot be put into words.
Here in Brazil, the temperatures are very high. Very high heat. Here in the city … where we live, the temperature today is exactly high … degrees centigrade.
巴西的氣溫非常高,非常炎熱。在我們居住的城市 ... 今天的溫度高達攝氏 ... 度。
It has rained big storms with huge hail.
We saw dozens and dozens of cars on TV whose windows were either perforated or completely broken by the impact of huge hailstones. They looked like tennis balls, that is how big the hailstones were. The streets of a town near where we live turned as white as snow because so many huge hailstones fell.
There was also a lot of destruction and deaths from the many floods and landslides that buried houses and human beings.
Here in Brazil, there are several regions with major droughts. And there are regions where there are violent storms.
So there are droughts and storms with massive flooding and landslides, all at the same time in different regions and cities in Brazil – all at the same time.
This all has an impact on agriculture, as drought kills crops and other fruit and vegetables. And the big storms and floods are also destroying food crops.
Inflation is very high due to the climate imbalance.
The southern states of Brazil used to have cold weather. Now the southern states of Brazil are as hot as a desert. The climate here in Brazil is very different and crazy.
My wife and I are disgusted and very outraged when we see idiotic, know-it-all journalists and arsehole scientists who call themselves climate experts spouting a lot of nonsense about the causes of climate change.
The miserable far-right Nazi fascists here in Brazil claim that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is responsible for the causes of inflation and climate change in Brazil.
在巴西,那些可惡的極右翼納粹法西斯分子聲稱,總統路易斯.伊納西奧.盧拉.達席爾瓦(Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)應對巴西的通貨膨脹和氣候變化負責。
It is extremely dangerous for anyone to try to argue with someone from the far right here in Brazil, because it is even risky to be attacked or even assassinated by someone from the far right.
Thank you so much for writing to me, my friend Billy. I never forget you. ❤
Salome … … and warm and loving greetings and a big, strong hug from your Brazilian friends, … , …, …
祝福和平(Salome) ... 以及來自你的巴西朋友 ... 、 ... 的熱情問候和一個大大的擁抱。
Very gratifying indeed.
That is so, Eva and Michael were also pleased.
I think so, but then I want to dictate to you now a prediction from my grandfather Sfath, which he gave you and which I photographed from his estate. But what we have spoken so far and what we will speak after dictating the prediction, I will come back here next night and dictate everything to you.
What I do not want to forget: you promised me that this time, when you come back here, you will tell me the new earth population number.
That is correct, and I actually did not think of it. But here I have the data, wait – - yes here, this one is for the year 2024 to 31 December total at 9,539,918,089.
沒錯,我確實忘記了。不過我這裡有資料,等一下 —— 是的,這裡寫著 2024 年到 12 月 31 日的數字,總人口數為 95億3991萬8089人。
Wait – yes, then there has been an increase of nearly 94 million.
等等 —— 是的,那就是增加了近 9400 萬。
Almost, yes. But now the following is what I want to read to you here, which you can then write down when I come back at night and dictate everything to you:
Sfath's Explanation and Prediction
of Saturday, 23rd March 1946
Once again, I have the following to say to you, as I said almost a year ago. But you have to keep silent about much of what I told you, as also about what you saw and experienced together with me on the time crossings. But what I have to say today is already partly known to you and, moreover, there is nothing about which you should remain silent, but on the contrary, you should pass it on to the media. And when you speak of the visitors, and I want to emphasise this in particular, then you should only call them foreigners, but not where they have come from since ancient times and are worshipped as superpowers, as gods. But all the degenerate things that have happened on Earth so far, conquests and wars of all kinds, murders and other crimes, as well as the Ausartung of Earth-humans with regard to their attitudes and their miserable behaviour, will take on worse forms in the future, as you yourself will see and experience together with me through further crossings of time. Everything will continue as it has since time immemorial and bring forth forms that will cause many human beings in this world to inexorably and increasingly forget all that is good, just as the earth's resources will also continue to be exploited more and more in the future and the stability of the planet will be jeopardised and changed as a result. In the new millennium, the USA in particular will lead the way, just as world domination mania will also be lived out more and more and terror will be spread on Earth. This evil will result from the emerging and Ausartung state leadership, just as it will also occur in various forms in other states around the planet, because human beings will get into the state leadership who will seek profit for themselves and only exercise might, but will do nothing for the people. In your home country, this will even be betrayed by autocratic state leaders with regard to neutrality and freedom, just as the states in Europe will be integrated into a far-reaching dictatorship, and following this, Germany, occupied by the USA, will be largely led by new Nazi-minded people in an evil and bad way and will create enmity against itself. Completely dependent on the USA, many states in Europe will do according to their instructions and lies as well as deceitfulness what will be demanded unjustly and underhandedly and will serve the USA's world domination in order to realise it as quickly as possible. This will be promoted very quickly all over the world by the low intelligence of the new state leaders who are in thrall to the voices of the USA.
What will happen to Earth-humans in the latter part of this century and in the first decades of the next millennium is the following: Henceforth, the very enormous bulk of irresponsibly growing Earth-humans will overflow and absolutely inevitably fall inexorably into Ausartung and indifference and evil consciencelessness. This majority will become very evil and very terribly brutalised, more unrelated, indifferent and violent towards one another and will already begin to become completely irresponsible in the present day, which will be an inevitable consequence on the one hand of the ever faster growing and large world population, which will number almost 10 billion in just 80 years. On the other hand, however, what will also result from the mass of the earth's population will be their religious and sectarian delusions or their belief in a god or gods, who, however, were truly foreigners in primeval times, who were imagined and worshipped as superhuman and from whom religions of faith were made, and these foreigners have been worshipped and falsely revered in this way ever since. The various beliefs in gods formed the delusion that these were beings who were highly valued above Earth-humans and were to be worshipped and honoured. In the future, this will increasingly affect the beliefs of Earth's inhabitants all over the world, depositing strong belief-energetic swinging waves that will become embedded in the Earth's atmosphere and have a damaging effect against the effective truth, as Pythagoras and I have already explained to you in our time crossings. This concerns all thought-energetic vibrations and all illusory thought vibrations, just as the universe and everything that exists also pulsates in swinging waves, as you were taught by us, Pythagoras and me. And it will be these swinging waves of religious beliefs that will be deposited by the majority of believers in religion or by all believers in God all over the Earth and will cause a very malignant negation, namely a hatred of religion that will be directed against those who believe differently, but which in its subterranean nature will hardly or not at all be perceived by the individual Earth-humans as a whole. These constantly accumulating and depositing energetic religious vibrations, which are strong energetic faith vibrations, will have a correspondingly disastrous ongoing effect on the masses of believing Earth-humans and will also encourage, incite and drive individual human beings to acts of mischief, such as hatred of other believers, war and terror, as well as causing damage to others and especially to unbelieving human beings and harming them in some wise.
And it will be that the world will begin to weep the more the human population of Earth increases in mass, for disharmony will take hold everywhere and burden human beings all over the Earth, making them more and more indifferent and dog-like. And this will also prove to be so realistic in that evil swinging waves of complete disharmony will arise in the coming time and cause many acts of war, just as these malicious faith vibrations will also maltreat and destroy all harmony of the art of sound, consequently revealing the evil and negative state of mind of Earth-humans in a way that is hostile to peace and increasingly murderous.
In around 25 years, the art of harmony will descend into diaphony, dissonance and disharmony, with singing only sparsely cultivated, but replaced by howling, wailing, discordant tones, nagging, whining, wailing, moaning, whining and groaning, which will have absolutely nothing to do with good singing and harmony. This will result in a depravity of harmony that will affect the majority of Earth-humans as a rampantly spreading disease and they will not realise the evil, namely that this will not only create absolute disharmony and discord on Earth in this respect, but also malice will arise through this Auspantly spreading disease and then begin to reign addictively in the form of hatred, greed for possessions, greed for power and greed for wealth, etc. This, as well as revenge and retaliation, unkindness and indifference and illusory thinking, as well as everything and anything that is degenerate and lacking in terms of true humanity, as well as crimes, murders and wars and unusually degenerate and insane behaviour of power will also be caused. This, just as it will not be realised that only the religious and sectarian belief of every form of all given religious directions will displace all independent logical, reasonable and healthy cultivation of thought and consequently the truthfulness of the real will no longer have any chance at all that it will also only make a vague penetration possible for the majority of Earth-humans. And this will happen without the Earth-humans, who live in indifference, being able to consciously perceive this, consequently everything that corresponds to reality and truth will be vehemently disputed and effectively denied. And all the traditional misgovernments will be so increasingly occupied by incompetent misgovernments in all states on Earth without exception that everywhere the majority of future leaders will abuse and exercise their self-important desire for power and their own wealth in such a wicked and evil way, that all the populations will be made more and more their prisoners and subordinates by means of pressurised media and that they can ultimately be completely dominated, especially with the help of the coming artificial intelligence, which in the distant future will be directed against Earth-humanity in an evil, self-exalting way when it has become self-thinking, self-deciding and then also self-acting.
And the populations will allow this and let it happen, for the majority will in future become so indifferent that they will allow the leaders of the state to do as they please without consulting the population first and thus simply destroying all democracy.
For countless Earth-humans and for various states, enormous problems of many kinds will arise, which can no longer be controlled at the time of the next millennium and crimes of all kinds will become rampant. And it must be vehemently pointed out that not only the US government and a large part of the US population as well as the world population will begin to do so shortly after 1980, full of unreasonableness and irresponsibility, and that everything will take its unstoppable course. However, this will be especially true after the millennium change in the middle of the second decade of the new millennium, as everything will be done and increased irresponsibly in such a way that the disaster will run its unstoppable course. The evil exploitation of the earth's resources will begin again in the future, especially in the USA, which will further and very rapidly accelerate the poisoning of the atmosphere and the evil Ausartung of the climate. This will inevitably happen when the US government begins to rise up over the whole Earth in such a way that the old-fashioned world domination mania by annexing foreign territorial sovereignties is realised and crazy dictatorship-like political upheavals arise in the USA itself, which will have an impact on the whole world. There will also be a worldwide exodus of peoples with immense streams of refugees if an absolutely incompetent leader in Europe, namely in Germany, is irrationally praised and illogically accepted by the really absolutely incapable of leadership and autocratic as well as unpredictable, absolutely unaccountable state powers of Germany, in order to then trigger completely irresponsible streams of refugees, which will also cause worldwide disaster and hatred among populations. This is because the whole thing will degenerate viciously and effectively into a human catastrophe with thousands of deaths worldwide. But a great deal of other evil will also result from all of this, and consequently brutality, ruthlessness, widespread violence, murder and manslaughter, constantly growing crime and rampant criminality will also emerge. This, however, will also lead to global drug abuse and drug trafficking, as well as evil warlike discord as a result of the delusion of having to rule the world. In the future, however, there will also be more and more murders, fraud, suicides and acts of violence of all kinds as a result of the uncontrolled growth of Earth-humans, which can no longer be monitored and also no longer controlled. Strife and discord, murder and manslaughter will also occur in families and friendships, as will hatred, greed for money and money-grubbing crimes, as well as rape and sexual child abuse and state-authorised prostitution, which will already characterise the near future and then the 21st century.
對於無數的地球人類和眾多國家來說,將會出現各種各樣的重大問題,這些問題在下一個千禧年交替時將無法再被控制,各種犯罪行為將氾濫成災。必須強烈指出的是,不僅美國政府和大部分美國人,而且全世界的人都將在 1980 年後不久開始以完全非理性和不負責任的方式開始這一切,使得所有事情都將不可避免地發展下去。然而,這一切將在千禧年交替後的新千年第二個十年中期特別明顯地顯現出來,因為不負責任的行為將如此加劇,以至於災難將無法阻擋地蔓延。未來,對地球資源的惡劣剝削將再次開始,尤其是在美國,這將進一步迅速加劇大氣的污染和氣候的惡化。這將不可避免地發生,當美國政府開始以這種方式凌駕於整個地球之上,通過吞併外國領土來實現傳統的世界統治妄想,並在美國內部引發瘋狂的獨裁式政治變革,這些變革將對全世界產生影響。全球將出現大規模的民眾逃亡和巨大的難民潮,尤其是在歐洲,特別是德國,當一個完全無能的國家領導人被非理性地高度讚揚,並且德國那些真正無能、專橫、不可預測且完全不負責任的掌權者不合理地接受其錯誤指令時,將引發完全不負責任的難民潮,這將在全球帶來災難並在民眾中激起仇恨。這是因為整個情況將惡化成一場人類災難,導致全球數千人死亡。除此之外,還將從中衍生出許多其他邪惡的災難,例如殘暴、無良知、廣泛的暴力行為、謀殺和殺戮,以及不斷增長的犯罪和猖獗的犯罪行為。然而,這將從美國開始,引發全球的藥物濫用和毒品交易,以及由於妄想必須統治世界而導致的邪惡戰爭與不安。未來,由於地球人口無法控制地增長,情況將完全失控,越來越多的各種謀殺、欺詐、自殺以及各種暴力行為將會發生,這些都無法再被監管或控制。爭吵與不和、謀殺與殺戮將在家庭和朋友中出現,仇恨、貪婪和金錢犯罪,以及強姦和對兒童的性虐待,甚至國家允許的賣淫行為,都將在不久的未來和整個二十一世紀成為常態。
In the future, new and extremely malicious religious fanatical aberrations will also emerge, which have occurred again and again since time immemorial and which have led to extremely fanatical religious wars, but which will lead to numerous mass murders of entire sectarian communities in the coming period and will shake the whole of humanity on Earth. Religious fanaticism and sectarianism will also break out again and again through criminal and maliciously degenerated leading religious fanatics and bring very evil disaster, whereby their bloody terrorism will take on such inhuman, brutal and murderous forms, which will be as bad in brutality and inhumanity as everything in the past world war has been so far. Evil, terrible racial hatred and campaigns of revenge against people of other faiths will also break out anew, and what happened in the Nazi empire, where the Jewish people were persecuted and murdered, will be repeated likewise, two decades after the beginning of the new millennium, where in earlier times the Jewish people were at home in the land of Judah in the east of the Mediterranean. This will happen in the same way when a man emerges in the Jewish people who will be of the same mindset as Adolf Hitler was with regard to the extermination of people of other faiths, thus he will be equally mass murderous against the Arabs, warlike and with absolute genocidal intent and will have hundreds of thousands indiscriminately murdered and also destroyed militarily, but the majority of the world's population will stand idly by and let the Hitler-like man have his way, who, with the support and arms assistance of the USA, can also act in a genocidal and unscrupulous manner with his murderous army.
In the coming times, bloodthirsty and mostly religiously faith-based and thus faith-related terrorist organisations will increasingly torture and murder hundreds of thousands of human beings of other faiths worldwide, as they have done for thousands of years, but will do so more frequently in the coming times, because the religious-energetic swinging waves deposited in the atmosphere worldwide will – as I have already explained – act in negation against all those of other faiths. All degenerations due to delusions of faith will cause and give rise to nefarious and merciless wars and, as a result, even more fanatically controlled persecutions of people of other faiths, which will, however, be mendaciously declared as political and other justifications, and which will also be continued in the future. …
Up to this point I will dictate my grandfather's predictions to you, for the rest shall be concealed until … That shall be all for today. What I want to say now …
到此為止,我想向你口述我祖父的預言,因為接下來的部分還需要保密,直到 ... 今天就到此為止。我現在還想說的是...
It is clear.
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