

Chapter 2 FIRST CONTACT第二章 首次接觸

First Contact with Semjase on January 28, 1975


At 1:00 PM, Meier was occupied at home with trying to record "tape-voices", which is something that he had been unsuccessful at for the last two months. Suddenly, there was a force inside of him which caused him to hear a voice that slowly became understandable to him. The voice was very peaceful and familiar to Meier even though he had never heard it before. Suddenly, he understood the symbolic pictures and words, which told him to take a camera and leave the house. He did as he was directed without questioning or understanding why. The voice seemed like a soft coercion.


Meier got on his motorcycle and drove away. It seemed to him as though he was driving aimlessly, but was actually being guided to a certain place. He drove through the village of Hinwil, across fields, meadows, and forests until he reached an isolated area in the Frecht Nature Preserve. There was a large moving van parked on a small road near the nature preserve region with the driver nowhere in sight. Meier looked at his watch and noticed that it was 2:12 PM. Then, he heard a silent, yet familiar, peculiar stirring sound in the air so he looked up into the cloudy sky. He did not expect to see what he saw because Asket had told him that this would not occur for another year.


From out of the clouds, an object rapidly descended and reduced its speed considerably. It slowly curved along at about 350 meters above the forest. The stirring completely stopped and Meier was able to see its exact form. It was disk shaped with similar shapes on its top and bottom. However, the upper dome was somewhat larger than the base and was equipped with red, highly placed rectangles. Hastily, Meier seized his camera and took his first picture at 2:15 while the object was 150 meters away and flying about 150 meters above the ground. Then, the object rapidly sped away to the West and disappeared.


The stirring resumed once again and the flying object rapidly returned and hovered about 100 meters above the truck. Meier was standing 44 meters away from the truck as he took his second photograph at 2:18. Then, the object moved again and suddenly stopped at about 50 meters above the ground and beyond the truck. However, it appeared as though the object was in the foreground and the truck was much further away.. He could see that the object was not an earthly flying machine, but an extraterrestrial vehicle of unknown origin. The lower side of the disk appeared to vibrate with little waves running continuously in and through the under side of the ship. The skin appeared to be damaged and old like a washing board. Solid matter seemed to dissolve in the radiation of the waves. The truck became difficult to see as it looked like it was suddenly enveloped in heat waves. Then, the object sped away and rapidly ascended toward the East, disappearing into the clouds. The newly heard stirring quickly faded away and tranquility returned.


Meier returned to his motorcycle, started it, and drove across the fields toward the edge of the East woods. He traveled about 250 meters into a large boggy clearing, got off his bike, and walked alone deep in his thoughts. He noticed the truck being driven away. While there alone, he noticed birds fighting and then they suddenly disappeared. He heard a dog barking and saw grazing deer suddenly run past him to a southern wooded area. A few minutes later, Meier heard the familiar stirring sound again and saw the object rush down from the clouds, then slowed its speed quickly over the woods. The sound died out again as the object curved down over the forest towards the clearing. Meier shot his third photograph of the object at 2:31 as it slowly descended. One minute later, he took a fourth picture from a distance of about 180 meters. Finally, the object touched gently down on the meadow of the clearing in complete silence.


Meier boldly walked toward the object in order to get a closer view of it, but at a distance of about 100 meters, he discovered a great power that stopped him. It was as if he were bucking the winds of a silent storm, so he just sat down on the ground and waited. In less than a minute later, a figure appeared from behind the object. It was obviously a human being, wearing a peculiar gray colored coverall suit that was very pliant and light. The suit was close fitting to the body, extremely durable, and the material resembled the skin of an elephant. Around the neck, there was a ring which evidently served for the mounting of a helmet.


This entity was a normal female human being with nothing that indicated super abilities, pretentiousness, or spirituality, although she was devilishly attractive. She also walked quite normally for a woman, yet somewhat stronger, more confident, and graceful without being particularly dainty or trying to make any special impression. Slowly, she came near to Meier, seized him by his arm and pulled him up. Her grip was strong and sure, but also very pleasant and secure. With slow steps, they walked toward Meier's vehicle and sat down in the dry grass together. This extraterrestrial woman then began to speak in perfect German with a strange accent.


The woman stated that Meier is a fearless human being. She says she knows because she has studied him for years in order to make something clear to him. Meier asks if no one else is suited for that and is told surely, but they have selected him because he has already occupied himself for many years with their problems and he thinks sincerely in similar ways. Meier thanks her for the complement and asks her who she is. She says that she is called Semjase and she originates from the Pleiades. Meier is surprised by this and asks if she arrived here through hyperspace. She responds by saying that he often knows more then they desire, but they know that he can be trusted to keep silent about certain things and that his knowledge is in the right place.


Meier is told that he is to publicize the photographs that he has taken and that the way in which this is to be accomplished will be explained later. Meier expresses concern that someone may see her ship and he is told that no one can come nearer then 500 meters in circumference around her ship which is obscured by the hill and forest. Meier expresses regret about knowing why she is here and is told that nothing can change this or his future. Earth human beings have a long way to go for spiritual understanding. But, Meier has taken the trouble and has learned to find the truth and acquired knowledge. Because of this, he stands out from the great mass of humanity and this is why they have decided on him. Meier realizes that Semjase is not just speaking for herself and she asks that he keep silent about that. He agrees and Semjase says that she knows he will cooperate, even if forced to speak.


Semjase tells Meier that there will be no more questions and answers, that he is to listen carefully, write down everything that is said, and go to the public with it. She tells him that she will give him the thoughts of their conversation later so that he can write down everything exactly, word for word. It will be transferred in the same manner as Semjase was able to have Meier come to that location. She tells Meier to listen carefully and only interrupt when he does not understand.


For some time, they have been urged to make contact with another Earth human being that really and sincerely wants to be helpful to their mission. They have often tried this, but the human beings chosen were not knowledgeable enough, willing enough, or lacked sincerity and loyalty. All of those that they had selected for their endeavors, feared for their lives and kept silent about their contact. They stated that they would be abused for being thought to be insane, they might be harmed by human intrigues, and that they would be accused of lying.


There have also been many boastful people who pretend to have contact with them and have even claimed to have flown in their ships. They are nothing more than deceivers who sun themselves in dubious glory and profit. Earth humans have whole organizations that endeavor to explain their beamships. But, above all of this, there were a few that were really authentic. There are many photographs that expose nothing more than some lights or appearances of natural origins as well as deliberate falsifications. Very few of these photographs really show their beamships. Most photographs are deceitful creations manufactured by deceivers and charlatans whose names become known worldwide by this. Their books and manuscripts are also deceptive for purposes of elevating their reputations and obtaining self glory.


Others dare to connect their beamships with human religions, which they do not want to be associated with in any way or at any time. Human so-called sects do not shrink from this step and deceive their fellow human beings by such beliefs. These infamous and primitive machinations should stop before the whole world is overcome by it. If these deceivers were really in contact with them, and remained so, then they would have offered them the chance to get clear photographic proof of their beamships. But since they are not sincere humans, they have not given them this opportunity. For evidence of this fact of truth, they have given Meier the opportunity to take distinct pictures of one of their beamships. Later, they will offer him the chance to obtain still better and clearer photographic evidence.


Earth human beings call them extraterrestrials or star people or whatever they want. They associate them with supernatural things, but do not know them in the least. In truth, they are human beings like Earth human beings. But, their knowledge, wisdom, and technology is superior to that of humanity. Although Earth humans have taken their first very small steps toward cosmic space flight, these are no more than the first primitive attempts. Even though mankind has reached the moon with their missiles, it has not reached cosmic space. By using this method, humanity will never accomplish this for it requires a means of propulsion that is able to penetrate hyperspace and dissolve infinite distances. Space and time are not overcome by space and time, but by spacelessness and timelessness, which means that space and time collapse into one another and become equally directional to zero time. In this way, only a few fractions of a second are enough to rush through billions of light-years, practically without loss of time, because the zero time neutralizes space and time simultaneously.


Many deceivers pretend to be in contact with other planetary human beings of this solar system and have even claimed to have flown in their ships. That is false because most of the planets indicated are so desolate that human life is not even possible there. The other planets in this solar system have been long since devoid of life or are in the first stages of development. However, other solar systems have many kinds of life that are not only human. The animal and human forms of life are varied. Also, many animal forms and even plant forms of life have developed higher states of consciousness. So, there exists life that has acquired much knowledge and have freed themselves from their home worlds and traveled through the universe and have also come to Earth. Many of them are rather nasty contemporaries and live in a certain barbarism than exists on Earth. Mankind ought to be on its guard because these entities often attack and destroy anything that gets in their way. They have destroyed whole planets or beaten their inhabitants into barbarous bondage. It is one of their missions to warn Earth humans of these creatures. Meier is told to let this be known to humanity because more and more time approaches when a conflict with these entities will become unavoidable.


A further mission is aimed at Earth's religions and the associated underdevelopment of the human spirit. Above everything, there remains only one that possesses the power of life and death over each creature. This is the Creation, which has laid its laws over all. These laws are irrefutable and of eternal validity. Human beings can recognize them in nature when he troubles himself to do so. They expose for him the way of life and the way of spiritual greatness, embodying the goal of life. While the human indulges in his religions, and by this a heresy, he passes more and more away until he finally reaches a bottomless abyss.


中譯者註:Creation一詞據理解應是指宇宙間最高層級的能量是一切生命與萬物的原創力,也被稱為神聖本源Divine origin)。在後續之翻譯中,優先選用中文較貼近的譯名「造化」,部分翻譯視語意選用「造物」、「造物主」、「創世」、「創生」、「創造」等。「造化」一詞有關解釋,請參閱漢典漢語網之註解:自然界的創造者等。]

Humanity should realize that a God can never take over the part of the Creation or destine the fate of a human being. A God is only a Governor and moreover, a human being who exercises a powerful reign of tyranny over his fellow creatures. God is not the Creation, but is only a creature of it like all Creation-dependent creatures. But, Earth humans hunt for their religious wrong beliefs and affirm God as the Creation itself. They go even further and pretend that a normal Earth human by the name of "Emmanuel", who is also called "Jesus Christ", is God's only son and the Creation itself. Different sects of the modern time go on to maintain these same things, which approach delusion.


Yet, as mentioned before, beamship deceivers also walk in the same direction. They put out the lie to the world that extraterrestrials would come at the order of God, as angels or similar, to bring Earth humans the long hoped for peace and truth of religion with the protection and order of God. That is nothing more than a well-considered falsehood from sectarians and deceivers, for they have never had such orders and they would never do that. The Creation itself gives the commands because it embodies the greatest power in the universe and it is never in need of commands or religions. Religion is only the primitive work of human beings in order to lead, suppress, and exploit those who are spiritually deficient. Meier is told to bring this truth to the light of the world and make it known. This is a further part of his mission. If this does not happen, then mankind will slowly destroy itself and fall into complete spiritual darkness.


They know that he is aware of a secret old scripture. The originals were unfortunately destroyed by the carelessness of their commissioner, who was Meier's friend, and who by regret has failed in fear. He is told to diffuse and spread the translation of this scripture, because it is the only one which is the authentic truth. They know he also writes about this scripture and the truth. They consider it to be the most important book to be written. But, its language will be harsh and will be met with hatred. It only offers the truth to Earth humans, though some speculations are in it. It is finally able to destroy, for many, the madness of religion or at least temper it very deliberately. It is an extraordinary piece of work that Meier ought to make accessible for humanity.


Semjase says that this is the first time that Meier has been told all that is necessary, but it is not enough. Many further contacts will follow after this and she will call him at a given point in time. She will also use telepathy to transfer further information. She assures him that she will do this at a suitable time and only when he wants it. She says that she will always direct herself to him with respect to his character and desire for independence. The time will come when they will meet in her beamship and fly through cosmic space. This will not be possible at their next meeting because of certain circumstances and regrettable occurrences. She will inform him about this at a later time in detail.


Semjase tells Meier to live well until their next meeting when she will give him further important information. At that time, the conversation will no longer be so one-sided as it was then when she had so much to explain to him. In the future, the conversation will be quite normal with questions and answers. She says that she will see him again and, until then, she bid him farewell. She re-entered her ship at 3:51 PM.


Meier noticed that the bottom and sides of the ship appeared to merge together in strong heat waves that seemed to dissolve the environment. The trees and everything else changed into different colors. Distances seemed to alternate and everything gave the impression of being distorted. There was an absolute clearness of a blue-red radiation around the ship. Meier took more photographs of the ship from about 185 meters away. The ship turned away and flew over the top of three fir trees before withdrawing into the sky toward the North. Then it stopped and Meier took his last photograph at 4:00. Seconds later, the stirring sound began again and the ship shot straight upwards into the cloudy sky before disappearing from view.









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