Contact Report 877/第877次接觸報告
最初英譯:2024年02月14日,星期三,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2024年02月20日,星期二,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
七、在報告中的後段,附上了兩篇有意義的文章:一篇是由瑞士Christian Frehner編寫的《治癒病態瑞士的秘方》,其中提到許多非常有價值的觀念,不僅適用於瑞士,也適用於全世界。另一篇是由瑞士前聯邦委員克里斯托夫.布洛赫發表的演說《世界是瘋狂的 —— 我們要挺身而出!》,同樣也有發人深省的內容,值得閱讀。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Excuse me, please, because I have been held up. But welcome and greetings.
Thank you for your welcome, and greetings also, my dear friend. You have no need to excuse me, for I have observed you feeding Selina and tending her.
Well, it was not meant to be.
That is not what I want you to worry about, though, because if I waited a few minutes, that is why …
… it is not like the world is going to end.
... 也不會是世界末日。
Of course not. But what I would like to see now is the draft of what you have put together regarding the announcement of Michael's weekly information programme on the Internet, and also regarding the 'Special-Sign of the Times' [SSSC publication].
當然不會。但我現在想看到的是你就Michael每週在互聯網上發佈資訊節目,以及就《Special-Sign of the Times》(暫譯為《時代特殊寫照》)[SSSC出版物]整理出來的草稿。
Oh, I am afraid I forgot about that. Bernadette wanted to download everything onto a stick and give it to me. But I will phone her straight away …
– – –
– – –
… here it comes in the printer already. Look here …
... 已經列印出來了。看這裡...
– – … that is good and correct so far, but …
– – ... 到目前為止,都很好而且正確,但...
The phone –, … it is Bernadette. Just a moment, please. …
電話 —— , ... 是Bernadette。請稍等一下。...
… there is just a back and forth … … … – – –
... 只是反反覆覆 ... … … - - -
Then it can be left as it is. It will probably be correct if this information is included at the end of every conversation report from now on. This here: 'Sign of the Times-Special edition' should, however, be named the other way round, so 'Special edition Sign of the Times', with this also being a bold print.
那麼就這樣吧。如果以後每次接觸報告的末尾都列出這些資訊,那也許就更好了。不過這裡的《時代寫照 —— 特別版》(Sign of the Times-Special edition)應該反過來命名,也就是《特別版時代寫照》(Special edition Sign of the Times),並用一種粗體印刷。
OK, then this is done, but here I have noted a question that I was asked. Like Wendelle himself, I was supposed to keep quiet about this during his lifetime, which I also did. But now that someone has come across the fact that Wendelle took photos of UFOs at the restricted military area in southern Nevada and thus at Area 51 – which is known because of the Roswell incident, Robert Lazar and experimental aeroplanes, etc. – I can talk about it now, since Wendelle is no longer there. Well – Wendelle has left us and has nothing more to fear from the American henchmen, because of whom he also had to remain silent, otherwise he would have been 'captured' by the American military intelligence service. He was also ordered to keep quiet about the fact that he was allowed to fly around with her a few times in Asket's beamship and also see the future. However, it was still not enough to prevent him from being arrested and imprisoned, even though he was completely innocent, as he was unable to defend himself against the intrigue being waged against him by the upper management.
好吧,那就這樣吧,但在這裡,我注意到有人向我提出了一個問題。關於這個我應該像Wendelle(暫譯為溫德爾)本人一樣,在他還活著的時候保持沉默,我也是這麼做的。但現在有人發現了溫德爾(Wendelle)在內華達州南部的軍事禁區,也就是51區拍攝UFO照片的事實 —— 人們之所以知道51區,是因為羅斯威爾事件、羅伯特.拉札(Robert Lazar)和實驗飛行器等。現在我應該可以談論這件事了,因為溫德爾已經不在了。溫德爾已經離開我們,不再需要擔心美國的惡棍,這也是他必須保持沉默的原因,否則他將被美國軍事情報機構抓走。他還因此被要求完全保密,不得透露他曾幾次在Asket的飛船上飛行,並得以預見未來的事實。然而,這仍然不足以阻止他被捕入獄,儘管他是完全無辜的,因為他無法為自己辯護,無法對抗上級領導層對他發動的陰謀。
What can be said now is that the photos and films he took at Area 51 were made with my cameras, which I had lent him, and I also took care of developing the slides and films, because it was too 'hot' for him to have them developed in America. The slides and films were also too 'hot' for him, which is why Asket and I advised him not to publish them, after which he finally destroyed them in Asket's and my presence.
He only kept a few pictures that were unknown to me or took them later with a camera that did not belong to me, because I had no knowledge of them and did not have them developed. These photos are also known and circulated today, but where he took them, I really do not know, but they were obviously taken over a sea, and they show a UFO and an American fighter plane that are completely unknown to me. But as I said, I do not know where these photos were taken, and I cannot ask Asket, because she is not here, and I also do not know whether these photos were taken in her presence. And if I look closely at these photos, they do not show a beamship of you Plejaren, but something foreign, which is probably a UFO of the foreigners, from whom you have always kept your distance, so I also do not deal with them, although I have been able to observe their flying apparatus twice from the Centre, the first time in 1979, when Guido and I were at the concrete mixer and the floor for the media-room was being concreted. The object we saw, flying over the military's Bloodhound missile base, was golden yellow, about 2 metres long, oval – as seen from us – and shining brightly. Our observation distance was about 600 metres or so. Such observations are also being made all over the world at the moment – as they have been for a long time – and also here in Switzerland, but this is officially kept quiet, as in this case here, when I was able to take the pictures of Semjase's beamship and the military fighter or jet fighter in the Maiwinkel. And that this was indeed the case is proven by this letter here, which was sent to me by post today of all days, along with many others, on the occasion of my birthday, but which I unfortunately cannot copy, but can only transcribe, which is certainly permitted if I do not mention the name and address. What do you think?
他只保留了幾張我不知道的照片,或者是後來用不屬於我的相機拍攝的,因為我對這些照片一無所知,也沒有沖洗出來。這些照片如今也廣為人知並流傳開來,但我真的不知道他是在哪裡拍的,但這些照片顯然是在海上拍的,照片上有一個我完全不知道的不明飛行物和一架美國戰鬥機。但正如我所說,我不知道這些照片是在哪裡拍的,我也不能問Asket,因為她不在這裡,我也不知道這些照片是否是在她在場的情況下拍的。如果我仔細觀察這些照片,它們顯示的並不是你們Plejaren的飛船,而是一些外星東西,很可能是外星人的不明飛行物,你們一直與他們保持距離,所以我也不與他們打交道,儘管我曾兩次從中心觀察到他們的飛行裝置,第一次是在1979年,當時Guido和我在混凝土攪拌機旁,醫療室的地板正在澆築混凝土。我們看到的物體飛越軍方的“尋血獵犬”(Bloodhound)導彈基地上空,呈金黃色,長約2公尺,橢圓形(從我們這裡看),閃閃發光。我們的觀測距離約為600公尺左右。目前,世界各地都在進行這種觀測 —— 長期以來一直如此 —— 在瑞士也是如此,但官方對此諱莫如深,就像在這種情況下一樣,當我在Maiwinkel能夠拍攝到Semjases的飛船和軍用戰鬥機或噴氣式戰鬥機的照片時。這封信是今天我生日的時候郵寄給我的,還有很多其他的信,但很遺憾,我不能拍攝,只能抄寫,只要我不提及姓名和地址,這肯定是允許的。你對此有何看法?
I also understand that in this wise.
Then I will read this out, but then only write that if I call up everything that I think is answerable:
Esteemed and honoured Billy Meier,
I was … and a friend of Erwin Mürner, but unfortunately he has passed away. In any case, I would like to congratulate you on your 87th birthday, but I would like to inform you of all the events that took place when I was … … in the Maiwinkel area and saw the strange flying object several times … At the time, I did not know that it was you who was standing there on the road armed with cameras taking photos and film footage, as I was able to observe when I saw the strange flying object … To be honest, I was not only astonished by the strange flying object, which was unknown to me, but … also kept quiet about it and destroyed my recordings, as everything only took place because I had observed the flying object on m… … and … so it became a secret matter that …
我曾是Erwin Mürner的朋友 ...,但很遺憾他已經去世了。無論如何,我都要祝賀你的87歲生日,但我想把我當時 ... 在Maiwinkel地區幾次看到奇怪飛行物時發生的所有事情都告訴你 ... 當時,我並不知道是你拿著相機站在路上拍照和錄影,因為我看到奇怪飛行物時能夠觀察到 ... 。老實說,我不僅被這個我不知道的奇怪飛行物嚇了一跳,而且 ... 還對此保守秘密,並銷毀了我的錄音,因為一切都是因為我在路上觀察到了這個飛行物才發生的 ... ... 這樣一來,這就成為了一個秘密, ... 。
So that, and here it still stands:
I just want to inform you, but please destroy my letter, because …, I am … and I do not want that to happen. Erwin assured me, however, that you have complete integrity and know how to keep quiet, if I am …
我只是想告訴你,但請銷毀我的信,因為 ... ,我是 ... ,我不希望發生這種情況。不過,Erwin向我保證你是一位絕對值得信賴的人,並且知道如何保守秘密,如果我…。
This is the part where I think this can be said openly, but the whole of what is written here describes everything in more detail, but it is certainly not important that this is also mentioned. However, you can read the rest for yourself, here you go …
我認為這部分內容可以公開說出來,但這裡所寫的全部內容都更詳細地描述了一切,當然,這部分內容並不重要。不過,你可以自己閱讀其餘部分,在這裡,請 ...
Thank you … This should already be important, but if you think so, then let it be. – – Yes, from here on it is also no longer important.
謝謝 ... 這可能是很重要的,但如果你認為不是,那就算了。—— 是的,從這裡開始也不再重要了。
Yes, you are right, so let us move on to something else, but first I will quickly shred this letter and the envelope. – – – That is done, and now I would like to mention a few things that are happening on television regarding UFOs, because there are now very frequent programmes that refer to UFOs and the foreigners resp. the extraterrestrials.
是的,你說得對,所以讓我們繼續談些別的事情,但首先我要立即把這封信放入碎紙機內銷毀。… 好了,現在我想說說電視節目中關於不明飛行物的一些事情,因為現在有很多節目都提到了不明飛行物和外星人。
Countless recordings are shown that are nothing more than ridiculous animations, i.e. animated films are played and shown, which are then misleadingly regarded and understood as 'real' by many of the television viewers. They also make very lurid assumptions and spread outrageous fantasies that are so hilariously stupid that some human beings almost choke on them.
The sometimes very frequent occurrence of UFOs is immediately dramatised and even whipped up into hysteria, just as the whole thing is also presented as a 'great danger' and it is claimed that the blind believers of the viewers are frightened and terrified by the nonsense. This, while interceptors and fighters in various countries are actually tracking and trying to shoot down UFOs that have been sighted. This is downright earthly, as it is peculiar to the majority of Earthlings, that shooting and murder are carried out first before asking what is actually going on, what the purpose is and what the justification for the whole thing is supposed to be. But shooting and killing first and not asking for the reason is typical of Earthlings, who have a guilty conscience and are therefore afraid and do exactly what should not be done. In the matter of foreigners and their UFOs, the only correct thing to do would be to seek contact with the foreigners in an absolutely peaceful wise, instead of pursuing them with fighter planes and attacking them by shooting at them, not with fighter planes, but also with guns from the ground. The thoughts and actions of the Earthlings responsible for this, who usually wear expensive military uniforms adorned with medals, think they are powerful, but in reality have such idiotic mouths that almost the entire universe can be swallowed up in them, which testifies to the fact that neither logic, understanding nor reason is present in their brains. All this fictitious thinking and wrong behaviour on the part of those responsible does not correspond to effective adulthood, as can be expected of a truly adult human being, but rather corresponds to the fictitious thinking of idiots who imagine that they are clever and clever thinkers and geniuses. In reality, however, they are incapable of any true and clear thinking, which is why they simply want to attack and shoot down the UFOs with fighter aircraft cannons or ground guns in a stupid, thoughtless and cowardly way, full of fear. And they do this without knowing what the occupants of the UFOs actually want, where they come from, what they are like and what species and kind they are. Instead of seeking peaceful contact with the crews of the UFOs, they viciously attack them and their flying apparatus, which, with their UFOs obviously equipped with some kind of futuristic anti-gravity capabilities, are able to manoeuvre around in our filthy earth's atmosphere and evade or simply paralyse the idiotic and completely clumsy attacks and all projectiles at lightning speed.
In addition to the bogus thinking, false posturing and actions of the lowly intelligent and therefore non-thinking and idiotic military superiors, who order attacks and the firing at UFOs and thus probably only cause damage – because it is not known what the consequences will be – there are also liars, fraudsters and fantasists at work in the matter of UFOs, who also cause great damage. These are above all those who, against their better judgement and therefore lying, claim that they are in contact with the occupants of UFOs and with extraterrestrials and that they receive and disseminate 'esoteric or divine wisdom and teachings' from them, although everything from A to Z is a lie and a clear fraud that is concocted in the sick brains of the lunatics in question. The true fact is that contacts of this kind are pure fantasy or deliberate lies and deception based on a desire for recognition, greed for money or other ambitions, such as a thirst for honour, ambition, respect, ambition, expectations, covering up weaknesses, as well as finding a life balance or a professional goal. But there are also charlatans who lie about alleged contacts with alleged UFO occupants in order to deceive other human beings and then ridicule them if they believe the charlatan lies. But there are also those who, as a result of sleep paralysis, 'dreamily' assume and believe that they have been abducted by UFOs resp. their occupants, often claiming that they have been medically checked by the 'extraterrestrials' etc. However, I have to keep quiet about the other facts concerning abductions by UFOs, because I have no knowledge in this regard.
除了那些愚蠢、不加思考和白癡的軍事首領的錯誤思維和行動以外,他們下令攻擊和向不明飛行物開火,因此可能只會造成損害 —— 因為不知道將會產生什麼後果 —— 還有關於不明飛行物問題上,有一堆騙子、欺詐者和幻想家在進行活動,他們也造成了很大的損害。這些人主要是那些明知說謊而宣稱與不明飛行物和外星人有接觸,並且從他們那裡得到並傳播“神秘或神聖的智慧和教誨”,然而從頭到尾,所有這一切都是捏造的謊言和明顯的欺騙,完全是在這些精神錯亂的人的腦袋中製造出來的騙局。真正的事實是,這類接觸純粹是幻想或故意的謊言和欺騙,其基礎是對虛榮的渴望、對金錢的貪婪或其他野心,例如尋求尊重、野心、崇拜、期望的渴望、掩飾弱點,以及尋找生活平衡或職業目標等基礎之上。但也有一些騙子,他們謊稱與所謂的不明飛行物中的來者有過接觸,以欺騙其他人,然後當他們相信了那些騙子的謊言,他們就會被嘲笑。但也有一些人,由於睡眠麻痹而“夢幻般地”相信自己被UFO劫持過,並經常聲稱自己被“外星人進行了醫學檢查”等等。然而,我不得不對有關不明飛行物綁架的其他事實保持沉默,因為我不瞭解這方面的情況。
The Earthlings, especially the military and those who are in favour of it, are geared towards cowardly solving any problems by force of arms, but this will never succeed, because a 'victory' by force of arms never brings peace, but always only a state of affairs that threatens to force a new armed conflict or use of weapons and is intended to prevent that, if the truce is broken, new armed violence and murder or death penalty laws are used. As a rule, a military occupation by foreign might then prevails, which never leaves the country and remains there forever. This, however, is not a state of true peace, but a state of threat with constantly lurking armed force and the sceptre of foreign Gewalt and rule, as is the case everywhere in all countries where, for example, the Americans have stationed their occupations, as in Germany, whose 'false-feathered' part of the rulers – the devil knows why – has always been war-minded since time immemorial. This was also the case in the last century, when the imperial government started the world war in 1914 because it intervened in the conflict between the allies Serbia-Austria-Hungary in order to keep the skirmishes between them within limits. The imperial government was also keen to test the extent to which Russia stood by Serbia as an ally. And as bellicose as Germany's imperial rulers were at the time, Adolf Hitler was also obsessed with bellicosity and hegemony – just like the Americans from time immemorial, whose origins were actually also Germany, and who launched the First World War of 1756-1763, which, however, is wrongly trivialised by simply calling it the Seven Years' War.
地球人,特別是軍方和那些支持武力的人,都傾向於怯懦地用武力解決問題,但這永遠不會成功,因為用武力取得的“勝利”永遠不會帶來和平,而只會帶來一種狀態,這種狀態有可能迫使發生新的武裝衝突或威脅再度使用武器,其目的是為了防止一旦停戰協議被打破,就會使用新一輪的武力和殺戮或執行死刑。通常情況下,外國強權的軍事佔領會占主導地位,而且永遠不會離開這個國家。然而,這並不是真正的和平狀態,而是一種長期潛在武力和外來權力統治的威脅狀態,就像在所有國家都存在的情況一樣,在這些國家中,例如美國在德國部署了他們的駐軍,德國政府中的“錯誤統治者”(false-feathered)—— 鬼知道為什麼 —— 自古以來就一心想要打仗。就像上個世紀一樣,當時的德國政府在1914年發動了世界大戰,因為它介入了塞爾維亞-奧匈帝國(Serbia-Austria-Hungary)盟國之間的衝突,以保持這些糾紛在有限的範圍內。同時,帝國政府還試圖測試俄羅斯是否支持塞爾維亞這個盟友。當時德國帝國政府對戰爭的渴望和霸權之心與阿道夫.希特勒的戰爭慾望和霸權主義一樣強烈,就像自古以來的美國人一樣,他們的祖先其實也是德國人,他們發動了1756-1763年的第一次世界大戰,然而,這場戰爭一直被誤稱為七年戰爭。
Well, even today, that nasty and war-loving part of Germany's rulers – whose mind is set on might, war, bloodshed, destruction and annihilation – has been inciting the countries and their rulers and parts of their populations that are in bondage to them against Russia for so long that, in addition to their partisanship, they can also fulfil their lust for war. And so – as you said recently – Sfath already wrote in his annals in the 1940s that he and I together … With regard to this, everything will now be done by that fallible part of Germany's rulers until – possibly – another global war arises, i.e. a world war of the kind that the old Reich government already unleashed in 1914 and then also Adolf Hitler in 1939. And America, whose Republican Party wants to withdraw from donating money, weapons and ammunition to Zelensky resp. Ukraine, as Quetzal said recently, who observes and registers everything in the American government very closely, will be harassed by the fallible part of the German government. The Federal Chancellor himself will then be the one to go begging in the USA and make 'good weather' for further donations to Zelensky. Through him, resp. via him, the German government is to harass America in such a way as to continue buttering up weapons, ammunition and money for Zelensky – while also enriching itself, as Quetzal said. Germany's government, Quetzal also said, is the biggest warmonger of all countries in the world. In addition, his observations and findings and the analyses made also show that the current President of the USA has fallen into a high degree of senility resp. senility, which means that he is not only physically, but also that his intelligence and the use of his brain and creative life energy are already reduced by around 42%. This was, as he said, an atrophy of the brain that was occurring in this man as a result of old age. He also explained that he suffers from memory loss, but also from a loss of cognitive abilities and confusion, as well as motor and consequently physical and atrophic brain problems. The whole thing is a condition of dementia, but it also affects various physical functions, as a result of which he can no longer move around safely. This makes me wonder why this man, who is also a tremendous warmonger, is not removed as President of the USA and a completely healthy and sensible human being takes over the office.
那麼,即使在今天,德國統治者中那些陰險且好戰的人 —— 他們的頭腦中只有強權、戰爭、流血、破壞和毀滅 —— 長期以來一直在煽動受他們影響的國家及其統治者和部分人民,散佈對俄羅斯的仇恨,除了偏見之外,也滿足了他們對戰爭的渴望。因此 —— 正如你最近所說的那樣 —— Sfath早在1940年代就已經在他的《大事記要》(annals)中寫道,他和我一起 ... 關於這方面,現在一切都將由德國政府當局中的那一部分人採取錯誤的行動,直到 —— 可能的話 —— 另一場全球戰爭爆發,就像舊帝國政府在1914年發動的那種世界大戰,以及阿道夫.希特勒在1939年發動的那種世界大戰。至於美國共和黨希望停止向澤連斯基捐贈資金、武器和彈藥。正如Quetzal最近所說的那樣,他正在密切觀察和記錄美國政府的一切,而這方面將受到德國政府中的那一部分人錯誤行動的騷擾。屆時,聯邦總理本人將前往美國乞求,為澤倫斯基的進一步捐款“造勢”。德國政府將通過他,以這樣一種方式影響美國的政策,繼續為澤倫斯基提供武器、彈藥和金錢 —— 同時,正如Quetzal所說,德國政府也會從中獲利。Quetzal還說,德國政府是世界上所有國家中最大的戰爭煽動者。此外,從他的觀察、發現和分析中還表明,美國現任總統已進入高度衰老的狀態,這不僅表現在他的身體上,還表現在他的智力和大腦方面,以及他的造物生命能量(creative life energy)方面已經減少了大約42%。正如他所說,這是由於年老導致的腦萎縮。他還解釋說,他不僅記憶力減退,而且認知能力喪失,思維混亂,還伴有運動障礙,因此身體和大腦也出現了萎縮問題。整個過程是一種失智症狀態,但也影響到各種身體機能,因此他無法再安全地四處走動。我不禁想,為什麼這個人,他也是一個極大的戰爭煽動者,沒有被解除美國總統的職務,而由一個完全健康和明智的人來接管。
Like those senior military officers who lack all logic, reason and common sense when they shoot at UFOs, the same is also true of all those who fearfully and cowardly, thoughtlessly, foolishly, stupidly and idiotically advocate everything in this regard, thereby evoking nothing but hostility. This is because they have nothing else in their heads but an underdeveloped brain that is only affected by a belief and thus by fear and cowardice and is incapable of true thinking. True thinking and correct action without any religious or worldly faith is therefore in no way their strength, as could be expected of adult human beings, but they think, decide and act confusedly and erroneously in a completely confused and fear-ridden wise and exactly contrary to what should really be decided and done in logic, understanding and reason.
And if I am already talking about the irrationality of the military, then it is in and of itself inevitable that I come to the acts of war in Ukraine and the Middle East and to the traditional hegemony of the Americans. All of these are nothing other than criminal machinations, and the warring leaders of Israel, Netanyahu, Ukraine, Zelensky, Russia, Putin, as well as the head of Hamas, Ismail Haniyya, and their ilk are murderous criminals who effectively walk over corpses. And that is the full truth when only Putin is labelled a criminal by the European hypocritical 'money elite' and in Germany by disguised neo-NAZI rulers, while everyone else is partisanly defended.
如果我已經在談論軍隊的非理性,那麼我就不可避免地要談到烏克蘭和中東的戰爭行為以及美國人的傳統霸權。以色列的納坦雅胡、烏克蘭的澤連斯基、俄羅斯的普京以及哈馬斯的頭目伊斯梅爾.哈尼亞(Ismail Haniyya)和他們的同夥都是兇殘的犯罪份子,他們實際上是踐踏著他人的生命。在歐洲虛偽的“富豪精英”和德國偽裝的新納粹主義政府眼中,只有普京被貼上了罪犯的標籤,而其他所有人都得到了黨派的辯護,這就是全部的真相。
According to all that I have just explained, it must be clearly stated and said that the part of those in power that believes itself to be grandiloquently powerful – but which only believes itself to be powerful, but in reality consists only of pretenders, fools, cowards, fearful people and failures – is the one that incites the like-minded, lowly intelligent part of the population to do the same without thinking. The latter then acts just as lowly intelligent and simple-minded as the flawed and unfit of the rulers, the otherwise powerful and all other like-minded people of the same colour. The result is that the large sections of the people – who would bring about the right thing through the small minority of truly logical, rational, sensible and therefore truly thinking human beings on Earth, so that true peace, true freedom and security would arise in permanence – fail because they do not act correctly. This is because the correct decisions and actions and the power of their logic, which is not lacking, their equally clear understanding and adequate reasoning would really bring about success. However, this is stubbornly prevented by those lowly intelligent and simple-minded idiots in government and their supporters among the population, because they are not only stupid, but in their lowly intelligent and simple-mindedness they want to be more than the normal and peaceful human beings of the citizenry – and impose all kinds of idiotic things on them, who are completely satisfied with their normality and do not present themselves to the outside world, do not 'cut themselves open', do not make themselves important, do not present themselves as powerful or admirable and want to stand in the public eye and bask in it. This is in contrast to those who cling to their delusions of grandeur and might, which they use to influence the people and incite those sections of the population against the righteous, who want to set things right, but are labelled right-wing extremists by those incompetent rulers of injustice and provoke extremism and hatred against them in that section of the population, who, as a result of the wrong governmental influence, are only too happy to let off steam against the truly righteous as a shouting, jeering, destructive and viciously aggressive and possibly physically aggressive mob. This is what is currently happening in Germany, for example, in a roaring, idiotic and pathological manner, where the people are being incited against that part of the population with lies by the fallible, power-hungry and those incapable of true governance, driving them to demonstrations against the righteous, who, thinking for themselves, strive for the rights of the people and their effective freedom and want to enforce them. But the part of the blind and believing population pushes everything forward as the falsehood of the rulers demand with lies and thereby gain what they fundamentally want, namely to bring the people under their total control and completely choke off their freedom. This is what will effectively happen in the future if the people do not prevent it and do not take up arms against it. And it has to be said that if that part of the neo-NAZIs who are in government and who call the righteous of the people right-wing extremists and incite the people against them just because they want what is correct and good for the people and the country, then the people themselves should make sure that such lousy elements in government disappear. If right-wing extremists really are labelled as such and their attitudes and actions as wrong etc. by honest rulers with integrity, but in a wise and lawful manner, then there is nothing wrong with that. This is just in the wise way in which a human being of integrity lives in honour and dignity and acts in the awareness that all his 'insults', which is actually a teaching, are generally correct as well as his personal attitude, his standards of his attitude to life. This, just as all his 'insults' as a whole also correspond to his values and the comprehensive value of his very own thoughts and behaviour. In this wise, he also reveals his personal integrity and loyalty to himself and characterises him as an honest human being who actually behaves honestly and openly in accordance with what he cherishes and cultivates in his thoughts and also acts accordingly.
根據我剛才所解釋的一切,可以清楚指出和說明,那些當權者中自以為是大權在握的人 —— 但他們只是自以為是大權在握,而實際上只是一群自吹自擂、愚蠢、懦弱和害怕失敗的人 —— 正是這些人煽動著同樣愚蠢的人民,讓他們不假思索地做同樣的事情。因此,這些人和志同道合者的行為與當權者中的不稱職者一樣愚蠢和頭腦簡單。由此可見,大部分人 —— 地球上那些真正具有邏輯、理性、明智,因此真正有能力思考的人群,將能夠帶來正確的結果,從而帶來真正的和平、真正的自由和持久的安全,但是他們失敗了,因為他們沒有採取正確的行動。這是因為通過正確的決策、行動和他們不缺的邏輯、清晰的思想和足夠的理性,這些人的努力將真正取得成功。然而,政府中那些愚蠢、無思考的白癡和他們的追隨者從頭到尾都在頑固地阻止這一點,因為他們不僅愚蠢,而且在他們的愚蠢中,還想超越人民中正常而平和的人 —— 並把各種愚蠢的東西強加給他們——那些普通而和平的人民對他們的正常狀態感到滿意,並不會向外界炫耀,不吹牛,不攀比,不扮演權勢者或令人欽佩的角色,也不希望在公眾的視線中沐浴陽光。這與那些固守自己的妄想和權勢的人相反,他們通過影響人民,煽動人民中那些試圖正確處理一切的人,但卻被那些無能的統治者指責為極端分子,並在人群中引起極端主義和仇恨,這些極端主義和仇恨是由於錯誤的政府影響而產生的,這些人很樂意對真正正直的人發表謾罵、嘲笑、破壞和惡意攻擊。例如,這就是目前在德國發生的病態情況,因為由於那些犯錯的、貪權的和無法真正治理的人的影響,人民被用謊言煽動起來反對那些自主思考、追求民眾權利和真正自由的人,並推動他們參加反對正直人的示威活動。然而,那些盲目聽從、虔信的人民部分正在推動一切,就像統治者的虛假所要求的那樣,他們用謊言來贏得他們根本想要的東西,即將人民完全置於他們的控制之下,並完全剝奪他們的自由。如果人民不加阻止,不採取行動,未來將會發生這種情況。還有值得一提的是,如果統治者中的新納粹份子將那些正直的人民指責為極端分子,並煽動人民反對他們,只是因為這些人想為人民和國家做正確和善良的事情,那麼人民自己就應該確保政府中的這些惡劣分子消失。如果真正正直和誠實的統治者以合乎道德和法律的方式將極端分子及其思想和行為指責為不正確等,那麼這樣做就無可厚非。這就像一個正直的人以榮譽和尊嚴的方式生活,並在意識中行事,認為所有的“指責”實際上都是一種教導,是普遍正確以及他個人的思想、態度的標準。通過這種方式,他也展示了他的個人誠實和對自己的忠誠,並表現出一個真正誠實的人,他確實按照他心中的想法、培養的想法以及行動。
Just as many things are done and decisions are made, actions are carried out and behaviour, etc. are displayed by parts of incompetent government officials with regard to incorrect things, so everything is done in equal measure to completely stifle and destroy the freedom of human beings in such a manner that in the near future cash is to be taken away from human beings by law and they are to be made completely dependent on a credit card, for which more than the first steps have already been taken and these are becoming more and more widespread. The majority of the population has already adjusted to this in a lowly intelligent and simple-minded way and is not thinking any further, as a result of which the banks and also the governments in particular will have a very easy time of it and will be able to restrict human beings' freedom more and more to such an extent that they will lose it as far as possible and will be more controlled than was ever the case at the time of the bailiffs. However, the majority of humanity does not think about this, but instead allows everything to happen to them in a lowly intelligent and simple-minded way without any thought or 'grumbling', making it easier and easier for them to be bogged down from above.
As far as AI resp. artificial intelligence is concerned, the same thing will also happen in this respect as I have already said with regard to the coming loss of freedom for human beings. But the majority of humanity also does not care about this due to its indifference. It is already clearly pre-programmed that every human being will be controlled 'to the hilt' by AI and will ultimately and inevitably be directed by it and will ultimately rise up against humanity. Logically, this is vehemently denied by the originators and promoters as well as by AI enthusiasts and AI fanatics, but none of them is capable of also giving a single thought to what the near and distant future will bring through AI.
You should emphasise this specifically when you retrieve and write down our conversation, because what you are addressing with your words corresponds to what … But that all are criminals, as you said regarding the war leaders of the world shadow government who hold their secret meetings in Davos are also criminals. This is guarded by heavily armed police and military personnel numbering in the thousands, with snipers even posted on buildings, as our observations and investigations have revealed. According to our calculations, all of this effort costs a great deal of money for all security costs, whereby we estimate the costs incurred for all activities at around 12 to 14 million Swiss francs by Swiss standards. The super-rich – some of whom have hundreds of billions in assets and manage many trillions in super-corporations – and their meetings in Davos are secret, which is why they are not publicised to the people of Switzerland or to the world at large. The top-secret meeting of the really small group of the super-rich takes place in a back room of the congress centre, where they hold their secret meetings. They are the power elite, a small group of super-rich people who are on the way to creating a new world order and have already achieved a great deal through dark networks. This is in addition to what we have established, namely that evil and criminal machinations are being carried out with regard to the OPEC and IOGP organisations, which work together with the European Union operating in Brussels as a secret energy alliance, so to speak. This is being done in such an evil wise that millions of euros are being spent on working against climate protection, which is making a name for itself worldwide and for which serious demonstrations are also taking place throughout the world. The various giant petroleum, oil and gas extraction companies are not interested in the protests and demonstrations having a real impact on climate protection, but are instead interested in ensuring that the extraction of oil and gas continues unabated, to which the European Union is also secretly involved under pressure from the oil and gas extraction organisations – with horrendous sums of money also flowing in.
你在接收並寫下我們的談話時,應該特別強調這一點,因為你所說的內容與 ... 相符。然而,正如你所說的有關參與戰爭的人是罪犯一樣,世界影子政府的成員也應該被稱為罪犯,他們每年都在達沃斯(Davos)舉行秘密會議。這次會議由重裝員警和數以千計的軍隊保護,我們的觀察和調查顯示,甚至還有狙擊手被部署在建築物上。根據我們的估算,這一切的費用非常昂貴,所有安全成本將花費大量資金,根據瑞士的情況,我們估計所有這些行動的成本約為1200萬至1400萬瑞士法郎。這些超級富豪 —— 其中有些人擁有數千億資產,管理著數萬億美元的超級公司 —— 他們在達沃斯舉行的會議是秘密的,因此不會向瑞士人民或全世界公開。真正的一小撮超級富豪的最高機密會議在會議中心的密室舉行,他們在那裡舉行秘密會議。他們是一小群超級富豪的權力精英,正在努力創建一個新的世界秩序,並且已經通過黑暗網絡在這方面取得了一些成就。除此之外,我們還發現石油輸出國組織(OPEC)和IOGP(暫譯為國際石油天然氣生產商協會)正在進行邪惡的陰謀,這些組織與布魯塞爾的歐盟合作,可以說是一個秘密的能源聯盟。它們的所作所為是如此邪惡,以至於數百萬歐元被用於反對氣候保護。各種石油和天然氣開採的巨型企業並不希望通過抗議和示威活動真正實現氣候保護,而是希望石油和天然氣的開採有增無減,而歐盟也在石油和天然氣開採組織的壓力下秘密參與其中,於是大量資金也源源不斷流入了歐盟。
[中譯者註:世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum;WEF)是一個以基金會形式成立的非營利組織,成立於1971年,總部設在瑞士日內瓦州科洛尼。它根據「瑞士東道國法」於2015年1月獲得正式地位,確認論壇作為國際公私合作機構的作用。其以每年冬季在瑞士滑雪勝地達沃斯舉辦的年會(俗稱達沃斯論壇;Davos Forum)聞名於世,歷次論壇均聚集全球工商、政治、學術、媒體等領域的領袖人物,討論世界所面臨最緊迫問題。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
I know that, because with Sfath ha… … But there is probably no point in saying more about it, because only a minority listens to what is said and explained anyway. The majority of Earth's humanity simply turns a deaf ear, deliberately ignores everything that is said and explained regarding everything else that is not based on religious belief. But what you have explained, I will also mark in bold, but it is probably better if nothing more is said about it and I turn to other and more important things. So the first thing I want to say today is this, without politicising or engaging in politics, which I also never do otherwise, but only mentioning what is real and effective. Politicising does not suit me, because I always remain neutral, I do not presume to have a political opinion of my own, but only express what I see and can observe, to which I can perhaps give neutral advice on what might be right to do through logic, understanding and reason. But such advice is really always neutral and can be followed or not. And they are always and in any case based on the fact that I never have an opinion, but am purely reality-based, observing, recognising, ascertaining and precisely perceiving everything that is going on, happening and occurring in reality, and how everything arises and behaves in reality. This is not a matter of opinion, but only of grasping reality and expressing it verbally or in writing with appropriate explanations and words.
我知道這些事,因為與Sfath的交談中 ... 但再多說也沒有意義,因為只有少數人會聽取所講和解釋的內容。地球人類的大多數都選擇對此視而不見,刻意忽略一切與宗教信仰無關的事情。不過,你所解釋的內容,我也會用粗體字標註出來,但最好還是不要再多說了,我還是談談其他更重要的事情吧。因此,我今天想說的第一件事就是,不要政治化,也不要參與政治,我也永遠不會這樣做,而只是提及真實和實際的事實。政治活動不是我的風格,因為我總是保持中立,不敢擁有自己的政治觀點,而只是回顧我所看到和觀察到的,通過邏輯、理性和思考可能中立地提供建議,建議可以做些什麼是正確的。但這些建議實際上永遠是中立的,可以採納,也可以不採納。而且,無論如何,這些建議總是基於這樣一個事實,那就是我從未有過觀點,而是純粹以現實為基礎,觀察、認識、確定和精確感知現實中正在發生的一切,以及現實中一切是如何產生和呈現的。這不是一個觀點問題,而只是抓住現實,並用適當的解釋和文字口頭或書面表達出來。
Christan Frehner has written quite clearly about what is so very important for Switzerland's government and security with regard to its neutrality, as has also former Federal Councillor Blocher, who was unfortunately ousted from the Federal Council by pseudo-Swiss members of the government. This was because he stood up for Switzerland and said what was and is correct and what is not with regard to neutrality and what does not correspond to it and what it really is. Something that is not understood by those fallible people and those federal councillors in federal Bern as well as by those parts of the fallible and incompetent co-governors in the National Council and in the Council of States and is being muddled through by unrighteous and completely incompetent rulers. This is because, despite their age, the infallible and incompetent are lowly intelligent and therefore do not think in real terms, as are also many of the would-be young politicians, the Jusos of both sexes. This type of government misfits, the elements who clearly do not know what neutrality means, get their way with their treasonous ambitions and win because they are able to 'overbill' the righteous. These nasty elements want to make pacts with 'foreign powers', such as the EU dictatorship, and even want to adopt their legislation and place Switzerland under their injustice. And because the effectively true and righteous Swiss are obviously in the minority in the government, they have no chance whatsoever of asserting themselves against the unrighteous and those nasty elements, who consequently simply push down the capable members of the government to such an extent that they are 'scrounged into the ground', have to kowtow and say yes and amen to everything that the unrighteous push through in this wise way. They pass this off nastily as 'democratic' and then mendaciously claim to the Swiss people that everything was done peacefully, rightly and in a democratic wise and that it was also decided in this way. However, it is absurd and wrong that a true democracy is not based on the majority 'winning' a ballot despite dissenting votes, because a single vote is worth as much as 1000 or however many other votes in an election. True democracy is therefore based on the fact that there must be absolute uniformity in elections and that a majority does not win. Only absolute uniformity of all votes can be right and therefore also permitted in a real and true democracy, whereby only absolute non-opinion resp. full abstention can be permitted. However, if a ballot is conducted in which the majority wins, then this corresponds absolutely not to the preservation of a democracy, but to a majority system of electoral governance that has absolutely nothing and not even a resemblance to democratic governance.
對於瑞士的政府和安全性來說,中立性非常重要, Christian Frehner和前聯邦委員布洛赫(Blocher)都清楚明白地寫下了一些東西,可惜布洛赫被政府中的偽瑞士成員從聯邦委員會中排斥了。這是因為他站在了瑞士這一邊,直言不諱地指出了關於中立性的問題,以及其中存在的不正確之處,以及中立性的真正含義。這方面被那些有錯誤作為的人、在伯恩聯邦的聯邦委員以及國民院(National Council)和聯邦院(Council of States)中的那些犯錯和無能的政府成員所忽視,而被不正當和完全不稱職的政府成員操弄。這是因為這些無能的人,儘管年紀大了,但仍然愚蠢,不具有真實思維,以及許多虛榮的年輕政治家,無論男女,都是如此。這種政府的失職成員,這些顯然不知道中立性意味著什麼的人,他們通過其叛國的野心滲透並取得勝利,因為他們能夠完全壓倒正直的人。這些卑劣的成員想與歐盟獨裁政權等“外國勢力”達成協議,甚至想通過他們的立法,將瑞士置於他們的不公正之下。由於實際上真正的和正直的瑞士人在政府中顯然是少數,因此這些人沒有任何機會對抗不正直的人和那些卑劣的成員,因此這些有才能的政府成員被迫被這些不正直的人壓制,迫使他們屈服,並同意不正直的人以這種方式推行的一切。這些惡毒地被宣傳為“民主”,並且對瑞士人民撒謊,聲稱一切都是和平的,合法的,並且是以民主的方式進行的,並且以這種方式做出了決定。然而,荒謬和錯誤的是,真正的民主不是建立在多數票“贏得”投票的基礎上,儘管有反對票,因為在選舉中,一票的價值不亞於1000票或其他多少票。因此,真正民主的基礎是,只有所有聲音的絕對一致才是合法的和被允許的,此外,只有絕對的無意見或完全的棄權才是被允許的。然而,如果選舉的結果是由多數決定的,那麼這絕對不符合維護民主的原則,而是符合選舉中多數制度的方式,這絕對不是民主的治理制度。
If the word democracy is understood in its value of origin, then it does not simply go back as a language to the ancient Greek compound word 'demos', meaning people, and 'kratos', meaning might, power, rule, which emerged around 450 BC. The truth is that this term originated and was coined thousands of years earlier, around 11,000 years ago, in the area now known as south-east Turkey, by human beings who were basically hunter-gatherers and who settled and began to farm. I remember this because I was there with Sfath with a large group of human beings who were labouring together to build stone structures. They did all the work and decisions together, everything and anything, which they called – I do not remember exactly – 'Orlakta' or something like that, which Sfath translated for me from their language as 'together'. The meaning was that everyone worked together, everyone decided something together and did everything together and carried it out together and so on. When Sfath spoke to these human beings, he was told that everything would only be achieved with the absolute agreement of all those involved, with not even one human being against it. It was said that if this turned out to be the case, that a resolution could not be passed on something that had been proposed, planned or requested by just one human being, then the matter would be shelved. I kept that to myself all those years and kept quiet about it. I only told a young man from Germany in confidence once, when he came to see me in Hinwil at the beginning of the 1970s about an article in a German magazine – I cannot remember what it was called – that had 'hawked' my photos to H. Sch. His name was Keller, I remember, his nickname was Klaus or something like that, he was about 20 years old and was very interested in UFOs. But when I told him that the Plejaren had nothing to do with them, as I also did not, he just wanted to know where in south-east Turkey Sfath and I were with the people who did everything together. After that I did not hear from him again, but many years later, it was towards the end of the 1990s or the beginning of the 2000s, I cannot remember exactly, he then made an effort to find my telephone number and phoned me. He said that he had not forgotten me and had been following what was going on around me all these years, and that he was in contact with …, who was sending him all the information, but that I should not say anything about it. He explained to me why I should keep my mouth shut and why I should also continue to do so, that Mrs … Well, anyway, he said that, according to my information, he had actually found old walls somewhere in south-east Turkey, a place called Görlik or something, but I do not remember the name exactly, and that was probably the place where Sfath and I were. And what I explained to the young man in Hinwil, the term 'Orlakta', which was mentioned to me around 11,000 years ago, had spread as a term and even thousands of years later had changed again and again and had been preserved in other languages and meanings and had finally been taken up in Mesopotamia and then much later, around 500 BC, in Ancient Greece and then later also brought to Europe, where it became known as 'democracy'. He had researched this thoroughly and wanted to write a book about it, but he could only say something about it when he could also provide full evidence. Mrs … was keeping what he had in his possession for him, but he reckoned it would take him another 20 or 25 years to collect and research everything. He then also gave me Mrs …'s address, which I could contact, but he asked me not to ever officially mention her name because … Unfortunately, I was no longer able to reach her by phone two months later, so I wanted to visit her in person with Marcel Hirt and learnt that she and her husband had been killed in a car accident in France. This also put an end to my contact with Keller, who I have never heard from again to this day, because Mrs …'s surviving daughter knew nothing about anything.
如果理解了民主一詞的原始價值,它不僅僅是源於約西元前450年的古希臘合成詞“demos”(意為人民)和“kratos”(意為力量、權力、統治的組合)。事實上,這個詞起源於數千年前,也就是大約一萬一千年前,在現在被稱為土耳其東南部的地區,當時的人類基本上是狩獵採集者,後來定居下來並開始耕作。我之所以記得這一點,是因為我當時和Sfath在那裡與一大群人類一起勞動,建造石頭建築。他們一起做所有的工作和決定,做所有的事情,他們稱之為 —— 我記不清楚了 —— “Orlakta”或類似的東西,Sfath把它們翻譯成他們的語言,意思是“一起”。意思是每個人都一起工作,每個人都一起決定某事,一起做每一件事,一起執行等等。當Sfath與這些人交談時,他被告知,只有在所有相關人員都絕對同意的情況下,才能實現一切,甚至沒有一個人反對。如果有一個人對某事提出異議、提議或要求的事情等等,那麼即使只有一個人提出反對意見,也不會達成任何決議,那麼這個事情就會被擱置。我把這個記憶藏在心底,從未向人提起。我只悄悄告訴過一個來自德國的年輕人一次,那是在1970年代初,他來欣維爾(Hinwil)找我,說是德國一家雜誌上的一篇文章 —— 我不再記得叫什麼了 —— 把我的照片“兜售”給了H.Sch。他叫Keller,我還記得,他的綽號是Klaus或類似的名字,他大約二十歲,對不明飛行物非常感興趣。但當我告訴他,Plejaren與不明飛行物毫無關係時,他只想知道我和Sfath在土耳其東南部的什麼地方,與那些人一起做了什麼。從那以後,我再也沒有收到過他的來信,但多年以後,也就是1990年代末或2000年代初,我記不清楚了,他找到了我的電話號碼,並給我打了電話。他說,他沒有忘記我,這些年來一直在關注我身邊發生的事情,他與 ... 有聯繫,她將所有的資訊傳遞給他,但我不應該透露任何消息。他解釋了我應該始終保持沉默的原因,那個女人 ... 好吧,總之他說,根據我的說法,他確實在土耳其東南部的某個地方發現了古老的城牆,那個地方叫Görlik什麼的,但我不記得確切的名字了,那可能就是我和Sfath所在的地方。我向欣維爾的這位年輕人解釋說,“Orlakta”這個詞在大約一萬一千年前就有人向我提起過,它作為一個術語流傳開來,甚至在幾千年後還一再變化,並以其他語言和含義保留了下來,最後在美索不達米亞被使用,再後來,大約在西元前五百年,在古希臘被使用,後來還傳到了歐洲,在那裡被稱為“民主”。他對此進行了深入研究,並想就此寫一本書,但他只有在能夠提供充分證據的情況下才能對此發表看法。 ... 夫人為他保管著他所掌握的資料,但他估計還需要20或25年的時間才能收集和研究完所有資料。他還給了我 ... 夫人的地址,我可以和她聯繫,但他要求我永遠不要正式提及她的名字,因為 ... 不幸的是,兩個月後我再也無法通過電話聯繫到她,於是我想和Marcel Hirt一起親自去拜訪她,結果得知她和她的丈夫在法國的一場車禍中喪生。這也結束了我與Keller的聯繫,至今我再也沒有她的消息,因為 ... 夫人倖存的女兒什麼都不知道。
If I now go on to talk about the concept of democracy, then it has to be said that it originated with the first 'peasants' around 11,000 years ago in south-east Turkey, and since this became 'native' to ancient Greece, it has given rise to the value of 'popular rule', which means that in a democratic state, the people alone are the sovereign of the state and have supreme state power in every respect. All political decisions are therefore made solely by the united will of a population, but not by a majority will resp. not by a majority of votes, consequently only a single vote against makes a ballot invalid.
如果我現在繼續談論民主的概念,那麼就不得不說,它起源於大約一萬一千年前土耳其東南部的第一批“農民”,自從它成為古希臘的“本土化”之後,就產生了“民治”(popular rule)的價值觀,這意味著在民主國家中,只有人民才是國家的主權者,在各個方面都擁有至高無上的國家權力。因此,所有政治決定都完全由人民的統一意志做出,而不是由多數人的意志做出,也就是說,不是由多數票做出,因此,僅僅一個反對意見就可以使一次投票無效。
In our view, democracy undoubtedly means what it clearly states, namely that all votes in a ballot must be cast without exception and therefore in absolute uniformity. However, abstention from voting is absolutely permissible, but no propaganda in the form of for or against resp. YES or NO or any other kind of influence before a ballot is permitted and therefore may not take place, but each person casting a vote is obliged to make their own decision as an electoral vote in completely independent, intellectual deliberation.
Which I was also allowed to learn from Sfath in this regard. And he told and taught me that on Earth every supposedly free or liberal democracy is a lie and a fraud on the people contrary to what should be effectively truthful. The way the whole thing has developed according to the false worldly patterns of the earthly peoples is completely wrong, because a true democracy includes absolutely general free elections, but never secret elections, as is usual on Earth with alleged democratic elections and secret government elections and other secret elections. This, just as a division of the will of the people into a minority and a majority should also determine the YES and NO in elections, meaning that no majority favours resp. wins in this respect, but the minority must inevitably lose. In a democracy, the will of the people alone determines the power of the state, as well as legislation, government officials and also the administration of justice. And it is not permissible for rulers to be allowed – in any wise whatsoever – to appoint any person to an office of government, because in a democracy only the people are authorised to do so in accordance with the will of the people, which alone guarantees the fundamental rights of the people.
Now, as far as what I have already said is concerned, those of the unrighteous of those in power, who all trump the righteous and 'deny[?]' and work against their convictions in order to enforce their injustice in a nasty wise way, has now also been shown and proven again with the EU dictatorship. So dirty, in fact, that Viktor Orbán, President of Hungary, blocked financial contributions to Zelensky in order to be able to continue the nonsensical, strange 4th World War – which really is a world war, because around 50 states, i.e. around ¼ of all states in the world, are indirectly involved on Zelensky's resp. Ukraine's side with arms supplies, ammunition and money. Orbán has now been 'cheated' by the rulers of the EU dictatorship and has been 'convinced' to give up his resistance – a 'donation' of around 50 billion euros to Zelensky for the war – precisely because Orbán could be bought off and made 'compliant' with a large sum in the billions of euros. However, as far as Christian's article is concerned, he writes the following, which you can read here:
關於我之前所說的,那些當權者中的不義者,他們都壓倒了所有正直的人,並努力通過不正當手段來實施他們不公不義的措施,現在歐盟獨裁統治的情況下再次得到了證明。例如,匈牙利總統奧班.維克多(Viktor Orbán),因其對向澤連斯基的財政捐助,以便能夠繼續進行荒謬且奇怪的第四次世界大戰 —— 這確實是一場世界大戰,因為約有五十個國家,即全世界約四分之一的國家,間接參與了澤連斯基(即烏克蘭)一方的武器供應、彈藥和金錢。奧班現在被歐盟獨裁統治者“收買”了,並被“說服”放棄抵抗 —— 向澤連斯基“捐贈”約500億歐元用於戰爭 —— 這正是因為奧班可以被數十億歐元的巨額資金收買。不過,就Christian的文章而言,他寫了以下內容,你可以在這裡閱讀:
Patient Switzerland – Prescriptions for Recovery
Prepared by Christian Frehner, Switzerland
The New Switzerland 200 Years Ago
瑞士Christian Frehner編寫
At the Congress of Vienna, which took place from the 18th of September 1814 to the 9th of June 1815, the borders of Switzerland, which are still valid today, were established with the participation of the mighty powers of Europe.
At the so-called Second Treaty of Paris on the 20th of November 1815, the signatory states undertook to guarantee Switzerland's inviolability and independence within these borders. In return, Switzerland undertook to remain neutral in future conflicts.
Restoration followed in Switzerland with the Federal Treaty signed by the mighty powers interested in Switzerland's existence. This federal treaty formed the basis of international law for the Swiss Confederation of 1815. This very simple basic law was to form the constitutional basis of the Swiss Confederation until 1847.
An open and unresolved point of contention was the Sonderbund question. This led to the Sonderbund War in 1847 and ultimately to the replacement of the Federal Treaty by the Federal Constitution in 1848. The Sonderbund War was a civil war in Switzerland. It lasted from the 3rd to the 29th of November 1847 and was the last military conflict on Swiss soil. As a result, the Federal Constitution of the 12th of September 1848 unified Switzerland from a confederation of states to a federal state.
一個懸而未決的爭論點是“獨立聯盟”(Sonderbund)問題。這導致了1847年的南方聯盟戰爭,並最終導致1848年《聯邦憲法》取代了《聯邦條約》。獨立聯盟戰爭(Sonderbund War)是瑞士的一場內戰。戰爭從1847年11月3日持續到29日,是瑞士領土上最後一次軍事衝突。結果,1848年9月12日頒佈的《聯邦憲法》將瑞士從一個邦聯轉變為一個聯邦國家。
The fact that Switzerland survived the two world wars more or less unscathed is mainly due to the neutrality it exercised and which was respected by the warring powers.
Switzerland's Neutrality
Neutrality is an absolute concept and state, which means that it cannot be relativised. Pregnancy is also such an absolute concept, because either a woman is pregnant or she is not. Practised neutrality means that no partisanship of any kind is exercised in any wise. Neutrality implies that it applies continuously, i.e. that it is not applied on a case-by-case basis. Taking sides of any kind, even minimally, is a violation of neutrality and automatically destroys it. Neutrality in a defined area, e.g. at state or private level, therefore applies comprehensively, without exception and permanently.
In international dealings between states, a distinction is made between neutrality law and neutrality policy. This leads to a relativisation of neutrality and therefore to its annulment and destruction, or to the pretence of false facts or self-deception. The fact is that if all states on Earth were neutral towards all others, there would be no interstate wars and thus finally fertile terrain for the 'peace on Earth' that many have longed for for thousands of years.
Neutrality that is actually lived and communicated would mean the following for Switzerland:
• no sanctions
• no arms deliveries to warring parties
• no membership of alliances that are directed against other states, etc. and that impair our own freedom of choice
• no interference of any kind in the circumstances and concerns of other states. Neutrality does, however, allow for mediation missions to be carried out at the specific request of countries at odds with one another. It is also permitted to act in an advisory capacity in response to an official request.
Entering into a federation with another country and at the same time maintaining neutrality requires that both countries have the same level of development in terms of legislation, finance, freedom, etc. Both countries must have the same level of development in terms of legislation, finance, freedom, etc.
Switzerland's neutrality at state level does not restrict economic relations, but expressly permits them, provided that bilateral agreements are concluded on an equal footing.
International charitable and sporting relations are also compatible with neutrality, provided that they do not pursue political ends.
Likewise, the views and opinions of all private individuals with regard to events at home and abroad are of course not restricted.
The fact that practising neutrality at a private level would prevent a great deal of conflict, suffering and hardship, and even murder and premature death, should be added here as food for thought.
Switzerland's participation in spring 2022 in the sanctions regime of the Western power alliance (NATO/USA and EU) against Russia in connection with the war in Ukraine not only damaged Switzerland's neutrality, it destroyed it. Official Switzerland has, metaphorically speaking, shot itself in the foot and is exposing itself to the world as an example of governmental incompetence and is now crawling around the legs of the 'masters of the West' like a dog begging for recognition.
The claim by the USA, the UK and the EU etc. that the war in Ukraine is in defence of the democracy of the Western community of values stems from a mental state that is aptly depicted in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale 'The Emperor's New Clothes'. It is also obvious that the EU is clearly not a democracy, but a power-political-bureaucratic dictatorship, because apart from the eunuch-like EU Parliament, not a single EU body is legitimised as directly elected by the people. As far as NATO is concerned, which will be discussed below, it is an alliance of states founded by the USA after the last world war on the initiative of US President Harry S Truman as a defence alliance against communism, which after the dissolution of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1990s has transformed itself into a global offensive alliance that realistically corresponds to a mercenary army of the USA, under whose wing around 30 countries between Iceland and Turkey are now marching along as free riders or vassals.
美國、英國和歐盟等聲稱烏克蘭戰爭是為了捍衛西方價值觀共同體的民主,這種心理狀態在安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)的童話《皇帝的新衣》中得到了恰當的描述。此外,歐盟顯然不是一個民主國家,而是一個權力政治和官僚獨裁的組織,因為除了無力的歐盟議會外,沒有一個歐盟機構是直接由人民選出合法的。至於北約,稍後會進一步討論,這是在二戰結束後由美國總統哈瑞.S.杜魯門(Harry S Truman)發起的對抗共產主義的防衛聯盟,隨著1990年代初蘇聯解體後,它已轉變為一個全球進攻聯盟,實際上相當於美國的雇傭軍,冰島和土耳其之間的約三十個國家現在在其羽翼下作為跟隨者或附庸國參與其中。
Switzerland's Direct Democracy
In addition to its neutrality status, which was recognised worldwide until recently, Switzerland's second unique selling point in international comparison is its so-called 'direct democracy'. This term summarises the fact that in Switzerland the sovereign, i.e. the electorate, is explicitly the 'boss' or the political authority that creates or approves the laws and the constitution. However, as the electorate cannot elect or deselect the Federal Council, the so-called executive or government of Switzerland, nor the members of the courts at federal level or the secretaries of state, etc., the 'special case of Switzerland' is not a genuine democracy, but at best a semi-democracy. After all, unlike all other countries in the world, the Swiss population has the right to determine, amend or repeal articles of the constitution and laws by means of initiative and referendum. In addition, it has become customary in Swiss politics to include the largest parties in government on a proportional basis ('concordance'), which ensures a certain degree of governmental stability, in contrast to other countries where there is an opposition system linked to ongoing changes of government personnel, which hinders long-term development work.
On 6 December 1992, the Swiss people and cantons voted extremely narrowly against Switzerland's accession to the European Economic Area (EEA), by 50.3% to 49.7% of the vote and 18 cantons to 8. This was preceded by a massive build-up of threats by the political establishment and business organisations. The Swiss population was threatened that a rejection of the application for membership would practically lead to Switzerland's economic ruin and a relapse into former poverty. Thanks to the counter-campaign by a small group centred around the Swiss politician of the century Christoph Blocher, the attempt to join was fended off, with the result that Switzerland has so far (at the beginning of 2024) not become a member of either the European Community (EC) or the European Union (EU) and is significantly better off economically, socially and in terms of freedom than all EU countries. The doom-mongering had turned out to be hollow chatter and an attempt at manipulation by the domestic 'elites' ('classe politique'). And as has since become known, with the release of Federal Council minutes after a 30-year embargo, the behaviour of the Federal Council at the time can justifiably be judged as disgraceful, cowardly and treacherous. At that time, it was about joining the EEA as a kind of "training run for joining the EC", and unfortunately, for some time now, people in higher echelons of politics and business have once again been trying to seduce the Swiss population into joining the EU dictatorship (and some have even insidiously joined the 'war promotion organisation' NATO) by means of renewed threats and the use of so-called salami-slicing tactics.
1992年12月6日,瑞士人民和各州以50.3%對49.7%,18個州對8個州的微弱票數反對瑞士加入歐洲經濟區(EEA)。在此之前,瑞士政界和商界組織已經進行了大規模的威脅。瑞士民眾被威脅說,拒絕加入歐盟將導致瑞士經濟崩潰,重新陷入貧困。多虧了以瑞士世紀政治家克里斯托夫.布洛赫(Christoph Blocher)為中心的一個小團體的反擊運動,瑞士才阻止了加入歐盟的企圖,從而使瑞士至今(2024年初)既沒有成為歐洲共同體(EC)的成員,也沒有成為歐洲聯盟(EU)的成員,而且在經濟、社會和自由度方面大大優於所有歐盟國家。悲觀主義被證明是國內“精英”( 政治階層)的空洞言論和操縱企圖。隨著聯邦委員會的會議記錄在時隔30年後被公開,可以合理地認為當時的聯邦委員會行為是可恥的,是懦弱和背叛國家的。當時,加入歐洲經濟區(EEA)是一種“加入歐共體(EC)的訓練”,不幸的是,一段時間以來,政界和商界的高層人士再次通過威脅和使用所謂的“切香腸”戰術,試圖引誘瑞士人民加入歐盟的獨裁統治(有些更加狡猾的人甚至鼓吹加入“戰爭促進組織”北約)。
The State as a Living Organism
A state is a limited area on the surface of the Earth which, in the course of long or short periods of time – often through acts of war – harbours human beings of uniform or different languages, traditions, religions, physical characteristics, ways of life, technical possibilities and uses as well as culture as a nation and country and offers them a home.
國家是地球表面的一個有限區域,在或長或短的時間內 —— 通常是通過戰爭行為 —— 作為一個民族和國家庇護著具有相同或不同語言、傳統、宗教、自然特徵、生活方式、技術可能性和用途以及文化的人類,並為他們提供一個家園。
The health of a state is dependent on many factors, including climate, ecosystem, natural resources, education system, culture, sense of community, civilisational progress, life expectancy, health care, etc. A state can be described as healthy if individual well-being is in harmony with the common good, if finances are generally in balance, if there is a high level of satisfaction among the population with regard to the balance between the private and public spheres, if freedom of speech is fully respected or intact, if the stronger help the weaker, if personal responsibility and industriousness are practised as virtues and criminal behaviour is minimal and consistently punished.
Health Hazards
The health of every organism is endangered both from the outside and also from the inside. In the case of 'patient Switzerland', the exogenous threat comes from many different sources, the two most dangerous of which are briefly addressed here with a few aspects:
• The EU: In the form of all its members, it forms a so-called single market and the eurozone. The EU is heading for an economic and political fiasco due to the different economic structures and preconditions when it was founded and in the context of enlargements, as well as mismanagement and unrealistic visions (euro, etc.). The mountains of debt are growing rapidly towards national bankruptcy. As Switzerland, a non-EU member state in the heart of Europe, is utilising its economic and legal freedom and is (still) in a better economic position, blackmail threats are being made in an attempt to subjugate or incorporate Switzerland as a good and reliable payer.
• The USA: The revelations by Julian Assange and Edward Snowden prove that the Anglo-American secret service octopus has not only implanted its tentacles in the 'enemy' as an additional 'nervous system', but also in its 'friends' (the legendary eavesdropping on Angela Merkel's mobile phone by the Americans). Similarly, US internet and technology companies linked to the US intelligence services infiltrate all communication systems worldwide using software and hardware. The USA is brazenly deflecting attention from this fact by brazenly proclaiming a threat from the Chinese and Russians as a 'threat to the democratic free world'. Meanwhile, the USA has been attacking and encroaching on the Swiss financial centre for years (dormant assets, banking secrecy, etc.), while thunderous silence prevails regarding the 'financial loopholes' in its own country (Delaware, etc.). NATO, which has already been mentioned, is functionally an appendage of the US armed forces, because the US also selects the operational and war zones and is in charge of the missions, coordinates everything and finances a large part of them.
美國:由朱利安.阿桑奇(Julian Assange)和愛德華.斯諾登(Edward Snowden)的揭露證明,英美特務章魚不僅將觸角植入“敵人”體內,作為額外的“神經系統”,而且還植入“朋友”體內(傳說美國人竊聽了梅克爾的手機)。同樣,與美國情報部門有關聯的美國互聯網和技術公司利用軟體和硬體滲透到全球所有通信系統中。美國厚顏無恥地將來自中國和俄羅斯的威脅宣稱為“對民主自由世界的威脅”,從而轉移了人們對這一事實的關注。與此同時,美國多年來一直在攻擊和蠶食瑞士金融中心(無主資產、銀行保密等),而對本國的“金融漏洞”(德拉瓦州等)卻保持著雷鳴不驚的沉默。前面已經提到,北約在功能上是美國武裝力量的附屬組織,因為美國不僅選擇了行動或戰區,而且在行動中負責領導,協調一切並承擔大部分財政負擔。
The endogenous threat to Switzerland can also be illustrated by a few examples:
• As in the run-up to the EEA vote in 1992, political-ideological and economic forces are also now once again endeavouring to insidiously lead Switzerland into the EU as a partial or full member, or at least to subject it to the decision-making power of the European Court of Justice ('foreign judges').
• Due to a lack of education and a lack of logic in the political decision-making bodies and also in parts of the population, efforts are being made to destroy the high values of direct democracy and neutrality that have been fought for by our ancestors and characterise Switzerland. Joining the EU would inevitably result in damage to direct democracy.
• The one-sided propaganda and moralism in so-called mainstream journalism and the public service media, which generate images of the enemy instead of illuminating conflicts and events from different perspectives and presenting them in such a way that the population can form its own opinion, is dripping with 'transatlantic Uncle Sam blindness' and is an unacceptable imposition and a nasty attack on the common sense of subscribers and payers of compulsory licence fees.
• Efforts to embed the Swiss army more and more deeply in NATO structures contradict neutrality and lead to a 'go along, get along' effect in warlike interventions, and in concrete terms to a massive security threat to Switzerland as a party to the war.
• Refusal of the majority of political councillors at federal level to apply and implement constitutional and legal articles (mass initiative, abuse of asylum, guarantee of property, no arms deliveries to warring parties, …).
• Pre-emptive obedience and striving in our dealings with foreign countries, especially the EU and the European Commission on Human Rights. – A lack of will to protect Switzerland as an independent state with its own interests and to act courageously and steadfastly.
• Cowardice in the face of foreign countries and cowardice towards oneself as a citizen.
• Moralism, do-gooderism and gentlemen's riding instead of co-operation and efforts to understand other views, lifestyles and forms of government, etc.
• Blind AI application euphoria and escapism from reality through addictive behaviour in the use of electronic devices, which leads to mental stultification by 'letting others think for themselves' instead of thinking and considering everything logically for themselves.
In contrast to individual human beings, who, when confronted with an illness or accident, can immediately and directly initiate healing or alleviating measures etc. (provided they can muster the necessary mental and disciplinary strength and motivation), a country that wants to recover in its internal state requires a multitude of measures that need to be coordinated. Priorities must be set and logical sequences planned, which takes time to implement and is to be driven forward in a democracy on the basis of majority decisions. If everything is to proceed in a humane manner, the electorate must be constantly and neutrally informed about the advantages and disadvantages until it dawns on the last 'redneck' that there is a real need for action.
The population must be educated to realise that the natural law of cause and effect also applies in Switzerland and that only with the application of logic, sobriety, determination and public spirit etc. can the 'Swiss cart' be pulled out of the mess and put on safe ground. Without a joint effort by a 'mentally mature' majority of the population, no cure is possible.
A. Genuine Neutrality
B. Genuine democracy
C. Peacefulness
D. Legal certainty
E. Sound finances
F. Personal responsibility and resilience
A. Genuine Neutrality
A. 真正的中立
Switzerland's damaged neutrality is to be fully restored at state level without delay. This means, among other things:
• Switzerland declares officially and worldwide that it will permanently exercise strict neutrality at all levels with immediate effect and that it requests all countries to respect this.
• All existing sanctions are to be lifted immediately; so-called circumvention deals are not permitted.
• Switzerland withdraws from the UN, as it is being misused as an instrument of political power (Security Council with veto power) and represents a largely religious-ideological debating club.
• Swiss membership of all political party organisations is banned at constitutional level. An exception is membership of a necessary successor organisation to the UN, provided that all other countries on Earth have become members, that all countries are equal in this organisation and that only unanimous decisions apply (holding votes is acceptable).
• Switzerland cancels its membership of the European Commission of Human Rights and its Court of Justice, and also its membership of the Council of Europe. The provisions of the Geneva Convention continue to apply.
• However, globally active organisations such as the UN, Unicef, the Olympic Committee, etc. are still permitted to have their headquarters in Switzerland, provided they do not interfere in Switzerland's internal affairs.
• Bilateral economic agreements between Switzerland and other countries are still possible if the interests, rights and obligations of the contracting parties are balanced, if the agreement can be terminated and if the legislative powers of the Swiss people are not impaired.
• There is a strict separation between state and religion, which means that state institutions may not enter into any financial or service-related cooperation with churches and ideological communities, etc., as this is the only way to guarantee Switzerland's neutrality as a state. Religion is a private matter – as is ideology.
• Switzerland will continue to provide its 'good offices' as an impartial mediator to all willing countries on request.
B. Genuine Democracy
B. 真正的民主
Switzerland will be the first country in the history of the Earth to introduce and also live a genuine democracy. To this end, the constitution is to be expanded as follows:
• In addition to the National Council and the Council of States (which will be retained in their current form in terms of numbers), the electorate will now also elect the Federal Council and the courts at federal level, for a term of (proposed) 10 years. Re-election is not possible.
• The minimum age for election at federal level is (proposal) 40 years, in order to ensure a certain amount of previous professional and gainful employment and life experience.
• The election procedure for the National Council and Council of States will be changed so that the persons elected to the seats allocated to the canton in question are those who have received the most votes (across all party boundaries). This principle also applies at cantonal and communal level. List combinations are no longer permitted.
• The Federal Council is elected by the people from a group of persons who are deemed suitable for the leadership task by a specialised committee, which is also elected by the people for a limited period. There is a single ballot. The 7 persons with the highest number of votes are elected.
• The judge candidates are also examined for suitability by a specialised committee elected by the people for a limited period of time. However, the election is not carried out by the panel, but by lot, because the people lack the necessary expertise.
• Once the political reorganisation is complete, political parties are dissolved because the welfare of Switzerland as a social system and independent state is the maxim in every respect, not ideological and religious particular interests.
• Elected persons serve only the good of the population as a whole. In the event of repeated offences, a person is to be removed from office immediately, with the replacement from the last election taking their place, i.e. the person with the highest number of votes of those not elected.
• The principle of subsidiarity still applies, which means that what can be regulated and decided at municipal level should also be done there, i.e. within the direct sphere of influence of the local electorate.
C. Peacefulness
C. 和平
Switzerland's armed neutrality, which has so far been propagated both internally and externally, is to be transformed or developed into an unarmed neutrality.
1) Justification
1) 理由
• A country without an army is a country in which peaceful coexistence is not only symbolic, but exemplary. Such a decision by the people is a sign of strength and a humane certificate of maturity, and not utopian fervour or weakness.
• A country without an army is a country that is not in danger of being destroyed by a foreign army, because where there is no armed defence, destruction is pointless. The principle is based on the logic that military defence guarantees destruction, death and hardship in one's own country in the event of a military attack from outside. Realistically speaking, the Swiss army is far too small and incapable of fending off a massive attack using air and missile weapons anyway. And anyone 'flirting' with guerrilla warfare in the densely populated area of Switzerland should visualise the example of the Gaza Strip.
一個沒有軍隊的國家就不會有被外國軍隊摧毀的危險,因為在沒有武裝防衛的地方,摧毀是毫無意義的。這一原則所依據的邏輯是,如果遭到外來軍事攻擊,軍事防禦將保證本國遭受破壞、死亡和苦難。從現實角度看,瑞士軍隊規模太小,無法應對大規模的空襲和導彈攻擊。任何在瑞士人口稠密地區“玩弄”遊擊戰的人都應該想像一下加薩走廊(Gaza Strip)的例子。
• The likelihood of one of the five surrounding countries attacking and occupying Switzerland is extremely low.
• Contrary to the propaganda based on Russophobia and the Cold War mentality in the 'Western community of values' (including its press), which accuses Russia of imperial behaviour (thirst for conquest), realistically speaking the probability of Russia attacking and occupying a truly neutral, impartial Switzerland is practically zero, for the following reasons: 1. Russia is not the Soviet Union, which, as the Warsaw Pact, not unfoundedly set itself apart from the 'Western victorious powers' after the World War; 2. Russia is not an imperial country like the USA, as with its huge land area and many peoples it is busy enough with itself to keep everything together peacefully and protect its borders; 3. Russia is practically the only self-sufficient country on Earth in terms of energy, ores and agriculture etc., so it can exist independently of other countries; 4. Russia is not even in a position in terms of personnel to occupy and control the European countries militarily and in terms of infrastructure, especially also because probably over 90% of the Russian population does not speak German, English, French or Spanish etc., which makes permanent occupation impossible. Russia understandably does not tolerate US missiles in the 'buffer zone' along its borders, from Finland to Ukraine, Georgia to Kazakhstan and beyond, just as the USA would never tolerate this if China or Russia were to set up missiles in Mexico or Canada.
與“西方價值共同體”(包括其媒體)基於仇俄心理和冷戰思維的宣傳相反,這種宣傳指責俄羅斯的帝國主義行為(對征服的渴望),但從現實角度看,俄羅斯攻擊和佔領真正中立、公正的瑞士的可能性幾乎為零,原因如下:一、俄羅斯不是蘇聯,蘇聯在二戰後作為華沙條約組織與“西方戰勝國” 進行了不無理由的對立;二、俄羅斯不是像美國那樣的帝國主義國家,因為它擁有廣袤的土地和眾多的人民,忙於自己的事情就足以讓一切保持和平並保護自己的邊界;三、俄羅斯實際上是地球上唯一一個在能源、礦石和農業等方面自給自足的國家;四、俄羅斯甚至沒有能力在軍事上和基礎設施上佔領和控制歐洲國家,特別是因為可能超過90%的俄羅斯人不會說德語、英語、法語或西班牙語等,這使得永久佔領成為不可能。可以理解的是,俄羅斯不能容忍美國在其邊境的“緩衝區”(從芬蘭到烏克蘭,從格魯吉亞到哈薩克甚至更遠)內部署導彈,就像美國絕不會容忍中國或俄羅斯在墨西哥或加拿大部署導彈一樣。
• NB: The war in Ukraine is a kind of warlike anomaly, because compared to the two world wars and the subsequent wars waged by the USA/NATO (Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Serbia, Somalia, …) and currently in the Middle East, in Ukraine, for the first time and exceptionally, it is not the civilian population that is suffering the greatest blood toll (as 'collateral damage'), but the soldiers on both sides. The reason for this is that Russia is not waging a war against the Ukrainian population and obviously does not want to annex the whole country, but is fighting against the corrupt 'Bandera regime' and its 'presidential arms beggar', who are seeking NATO membership, which would mean missiles on Russia's borders. The proxy war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine, with the unilateral massive arms deliveries, propaganda and sanctions on an unprecedented scale, etc., can indeed be described as a strange and unconventional world war.
註:烏克蘭戰爭是一種戰爭反常現象,因為與兩次世界大戰和美國/北約隨後發動的戰爭(朝鮮戰爭、越南戰爭、利比亞戰爭、阿富汗戰爭、伊拉克戰爭、敘利亞戰爭、塞爾維亞戰爭、索馬里戰爭 ... )以及目前的中東戰爭相比,在烏克蘭,第一次例外地不是平民百姓付出最大的流血代價(作為“附帶損失”),而是雙方的士兵。原因在於俄羅斯並不是在對烏克蘭人民發動戰爭,顯然也不想吞併整個國家,而是在與腐敗的“班德拉政權”(Bandera regime)及其“武器乞丐總統”作戰,他們正在尋求加入北約,而加入北約就意味著在俄羅斯邊境部署導彈。北約和俄羅斯在烏克蘭的代理人戰爭,加上單方面的大規模武器供應、空前規模的宣傳和制裁等等,的確可以說是一場奇怪而非傳統的世界大戰。
• In the unlikely event that Switzerland were to be occupied by a foreign might, it is already clear that this would not last, as history proves, namely that every great or conquering power has reached its zenith, but has then withered and disappeared. The stupid saying "better dead than unfree" is evidence of ideological fanaticism and a lack of self-responsibility towards one's own life, because after all, what counts first and foremost is freedom of thought, i.e. inner freedom, which also works when walls and bars are erected all around.
• Anyone who looks at the overall political situation on Earth without mental blinkers (which is hardly fully comprehensible in its complexity) sees clear signs of the emergence of a multipolar world of countries, the civilisational decline of the USA, the economic and political rotting of the EU dictatorship and growing explosive dissatisfaction among the populations due to the incompetent and ideologically contaminated government figures. And the fact that the NATO threat backdrop will be permanently 'disfigured beyond recognition' is unavoidable due to the imminent total military defeat of the Western powers in Ukraine.
2) Measures
2) 措施
• The Swiss militia army is to be successively disbanded and transformed into a relief and disaster protection organisation that can be deployed competently and effectively in the event of future natural disasters.
• The police and border protection forces, which are responsible for protecting the Swiss population and are clearly authorised and responsible for this by law, will remain officially armed. The organisation, numbers and equipment of these protective forces must be adapted to the threat situation and the need for order. The elimination of military expenditure means that the necessary financial resources are available.
• With regard to weapons and their use, priority is given to non-lethal systems, i.e. weapons that disable human beings but do not kill them.
• The people elect a supervisory body to ensure that attempts towards a police and surveillance state are recognised in the early stages and reported to the people.
• All heavy weapons such as tanks, howitzers and other offensive weapons are to be scrapped.
• Where appropriate, military sites can be upgraded into recreational areas for the population or as retreats for flora and fauna.
D. Legal Certainty
D. 法律保障
• Based on the above measures, the Federal Constitution is to be supplemented with corresponding articles. In particular, it must be explicitly stated that any endeavour to restrict the rights of the electorate as the sovereign of Switzerland is prohibited and must be punished without exception.
• All planned constitutional and legislative amendments must be scrutinised in advance to determine what benefits they will bring and what advantages and disadvantages will result from their introduction. This should be done in a neutral wise and formulated in such a way that the electorate can make up its own mind and make an informed and free decision accordingly.
• Existing laws and constitutional provisions must be complied with or adapted or repealed if there is a need for action over time and in line with progress. The meaning and intention of a law must be taken into account when interpreting it, i.e. a paragraph-by-paragraph approach should be avoided. Justice, equal treatment and the individual and overall welfare are always at the Centre.
• Criminal law applies to all residents of the country to the same extent. No special legal immunities or privileges apply to persons elected by the people.
• Immigrants from abroad who wish to work and/or settle here must fulfil certain conditions (language, income/self-sufficiency, law-abidance) within a specified period of time in order to be allowed to remain in Switzerland.
• Those who do not have a legal right of residence in Switzerland may not receive any direct financial support. Survival until departure may only be ensured through material contributions (vouchers for food and emergency accommodation).
• Punitive measures are based on the principle of 'victim protection before offender protection' and 'resocialisation yes, but only with genuine effort'. In case of doubt, society's need for security always prevails.
E. Healthy Finances
E. 健全的財務
The principle applies: Earn and save first, then spend.
• The aim of the state must be to minimise the tax burden on the population, which means that the state only takes on tasks and incurs expenditure that have been determined by the people and that are necessary to ensure the overall welfare of the population both internally and externally.
• As long as a monetary economy still prevails on Earth, supervision lies with the state, which, together with the National Bank, intervenes immediately if the overall welfare of the country or the municipalities etc. is jeopardised.
• The state ensures that private property is protected and that the possibility of making purchases, etc. anonymously using cash remains secure in monetary transactions. This freedom is also to be ensured vis-à-vis foreign countries, i.e. citizens are to be protected against access from abroad.
• The authorities must take all precautions to ensure that buying and selling is also possible without panic in the event of a long-term power blackout.
• Mortgages to finance the construction and renovation of buildings etc. must be lower in amount than the necessary equity capital saved.
• The next generation is to be taught at home or at school at the latest how to handle money in a financially responsible manner so that the risk of later debt and financial mismanagement is minimised.
F. Personal Responsibility and Resilience
F. 個人自覺與自律
The state of health of a state or country is reflected in the mental, physical and civilisational state of its population. In other words, if public spirit, a desire for freedom, helpfulness, openness, reliability, industriousness, scepticism, thriftiness, love of nature, sobriety, a willingness to learn and reason as well as a long-term perspective, etc. are practised to a large extent by the population, then these are the best conditions for a healthy state and a free society.
A healthy, vibrant and liveable Swiss state therefore requires human beings who are committed, interested, predominantly mentally healthy and who take a critical look at any planned legislation and bear their civic responsibility.
In addition to the causes and threats listed above, the fact that Switzerland is currently in a state of illness has to do with the fact that there are many 'parasitic germs' at work within the country that do not actively protect and promote the well-being of Switzerland as an orderly and valued homeland, but instead 'buck' due to self-hatred and inferiority complexes etc. and believe that they can find their salvation in a foreign ideological 'mirage'.
The recovery of Switzerland as a polity and living community is fundamentally made possible by the fact that, on the one hand, human beings cultivate a lifelong self-education and, on the other, by devoting the necessary seriousness and consistency to education at home and at school, which means, among other things: – Setting a good example, i.e. cultivating a decent way of life, decent language, good manners, tolerance, understanding and loving care.
• To make an effort to go through the world with an open mind and attentiveness in order to learn to distinguish belief and opinion from reality, and also to avoid falling prey to low intelligence through propaganda and proselytising and becoming remote-controlled 'mental zombies'.
• Children should be treated from birth as fully-fledged human beings who, in their eagerness to learn, constantly ask questions that should be answered favourably to the best of their knowledge and without missionary excess, and, if an answer is not known, that this should also be honestly admitted.
• Children must be given the opportunity to gain experiences in the great outdoors and to learn through social interaction with other children to be considerate, but also to assert themselves and to practise relinquishment, etc.
• During the first 7 years, children should be protected from unaccompanied use of any electronic media (TV, Internet, 'games') so that they can discover and develop their own imaginative capacities and inner creativity, etc.
• As soon as children ask questions about dying and death, the reality must be explained to them in an age-appropriate way, which is also the case when questions arise about the creation and procreation of human beings. This is important so that children can realise at an early age that life is finite and that they have to learn to deal with loss and death in their lives, which means that it is worthwhile to always use their lifetime for learning (not only school knowledge, but also virtues) and not to waste it on wanting to appear and accumulating trinkets.
• But children also have to learn that being a responsible adult means not becoming a parent as a teenager, but first learning a profession and gaining life experience. And if, after reaching the age of 30, there is a desire to have children and a loving, reliable partner with a strong character has been found, it is important to consider very carefully whether the circumstances are suitable for having a child at all, or at most two, and then being committed to raising and caring for them together for around 20 years. This is based on the fact that global population growth – and in Switzerland, mass immigration – is the fundamental evil that is constantly exacerbating ALL other major problems and making them even more intractable, namely by increasing the number of consumers of resources and polluters of emissions immeasurably and making our Earth more and more diseased through depletion. And it must be clearly and repeatedly communicated to children and adolescents that problems can only be solved if they are tackled at their root cause, which in terms of saving the planet is only possible if the number of births is much lower than the number of deaths for the time being, with a global target of less than 1 billion human beings.
但是,孩子們也必須懂得,要成為一個負責任的成年人,就不能在青少年時期就為人父母,而是要先學習一門專業,積累生活經驗。如果到了三十歲,有了要孩子的願望,並且找到了一個有愛心、可靠、性格堅強的伴侶,那麼就必須仔細考慮一下,在這種情況下是否適合生一個孩子,或者最多生兩個孩子,然後共同撫養和照顧他們二十年左右。這是基於這樣一個事實,即全球人口增長 —— 在瑞士則是大規模移民 —— 是一個根本性的罪惡,它不斷加劇所有其他重大問題,並使這些問題變得更加棘手,即資源消耗者和污染排放者的數量大大增加,並使我們的地球因耗竭而變得越來越糟糕。必須向兒童和青少年反復清楚說明,只有解決問題的根源,才能解決這些問題。就拯救地球而言,只有在出生人數遠遠低於死亡人數的情況下,才有可能實現全球少於十億人的目標。
• Even a primary school pupil understands that constant quantitative growth on a limited area is not intelligent or sustainable.
• Children must also be taught that it is a fact that human beings are responsible for everything they do or do not do, and that the feelings and emotions they feel are triggered by their own thinking. – For example, if he thinks confidently and calmly, then he has different feelings and moods than if he is stressed or allows stress from outside, or if he mistakenly sees himself as the poorest human being in the world. And if he knows that what has happened cannot be undone, this may encourage him to focus on what can – and should – be done positively in the future on an ongoing basis.
• Every person resident in Switzerland, woman or man or hermaphrodite, must perform at least one year's civilian service between the ages of 20 and 30 for the benefit of fellow human beings and society and/or nature, with the costs of accommodation, food, insurance, etc. being borne by the state. Pregnancy is not considered a reason for exemption, in contrast to significant mental and/or physical disability/impairment. The aim of this service is for young human beings to develop a sense for the common good and make a meaningful contribution, e.g. in caring for dependent and lonely persons, whose numbers are expected to increase as a result of demographic trends. Alternatively, manual soil cultivation can be practised in the agricultural sector, reforestation (oxygen donors!) can be carried out or maintenance work can be carried out in biodiversity areas, etc. etc.
• Basically, everything must be done to ensure that the next generation sees a meaning in life, that they learn skills to deal competently with the problems and demands of technology and society, and to learn to understand a text that consists not only of short sentences of 5 to 6 words (as has been the case in many newspapers for many years), but, like the current text here, with sentences that span several lines.
Finally, children and adolescents must be educated and trained or taught to be careful not to get lost in virtual worlds and to let artificial intelligence (AI) think for them. This also means that they realise the danger that if they delegate their inspiration and creativity to AI, they will gradually and imperceptibly lose their capacity for reason and intellect and leave their brains to atrophy. (Side note: This essay was written one hundred per cent without the use of AI).
Anyone who has endeavoured to read all of the above recommendations for improvement and if you have endeavoured to read and reflect on all of the 'healing recommendations' listed above and draw your own conclusions and consider further consequences, you will realise that it is basically possible to 'heal Switzerland's ailing health', but only if the 'toxins' affecting the individual 'organs' are massively reduced and the immune system is strengthened at the same time, which, as with human beings, is mainly possible by cultivating healthy, uplifting and realistic thoughts, which can keep the psyche in a balanced and harmonious state. Such a mental state leads to increased resilience in the face of all kinds of potential problems and dangers, which it is not possible to avoid in a world that is increasingly out of joint.
The human being who does not sit at the levers of political, military and economic leadership still has the freedom to remove himself/herself from the herd of the 'mainstream' masses drifting somnambulistically along on solid ground such that a neutral, realistic and expedient determination of his position becomes possible. In this way, strategies and behaviours as well as an attitude of awareness can be developed that are geared towards preserving one's own lifetime in the long term on the one hand and, on the other, to maximising one's own private scope for decision-making and defending private self-sufficiency. This means, among other things, that precautionary measures are introduced and implemented to prevent oneself from being one of the first victims of impending social and environmental 'calamities' and suffering damage to property, life and limb. To give a few concrete examples, this means that aspects such as living in vulnerable areas, taking part in violent demonstrations, lack of emergency supplies, etc. etc. can either be neglected or purposefully improved. And maxim no. 1 still applies: Concentrate on what can be personally changed through personal initiative, and take interested, conscious and thoughtful note of what cannot be directly influenced, but is nevertheless worth keeping an eye on.
These are exceptionally good and clear words of explanation and the true state of affairs, but to understand this is not possible for those regarding their lack of intelligentum who violate and overall do not understand what neutrality means.
That applies to certain persons in Bern even in the Federal Council, National Council and Council of States, who prove their political incompetence and unfitness. And such elements are unfortunately in government and feel great and powerful, but no one ever tells them the truth and reveals to them that they are nothing but lowly intelligent and therefore non-thinking idiots. But when they are told the truth, they feel affected, and that is because they themselves do not recognise their bean-straw stupidity. But look here and please read, there is another article by our former Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher, who was ousted from the Federal Palace. He lets his hair down and says what needs to be said, which of course does not please that part of the government in Bern that is unlawful, treacherous to the country, makes a pig of our national neutrality or colludes with the EU dictatorship and begins to make a pig of Switzerland's sovereignty, undermining it and selling it to the EU dictatorship in order to let foreign idiots rule our country. Which is already happening with what may come if what irresponsible louts from Bern have already negotiated with the EU dictatorship becomes reality.
這適用於伯恩的某些人,甚至是聯邦委員會、國民院和聯邦院中的某些人,他們證明了自己在政治上的無能和失職。不幸的是,這些人在政府中大權在握,卻從來沒有人告訴他們真相,揭露他們不過是愚蠢、不會思考的白癡。但是,當他們被告知真相時,他們就會受到影響,這是因為他們自己沒有認識到自己的愚蠢。但是,請看這裡,還有一篇我們的前聯邦委員克里斯托夫.布洛赫(Christoph Blocher)的文章,他被逐出了聯邦委員會。他發表了自己的看法,說出了應該說的話,這當然不會讓伯恩政府的那部分人高興,因為他們是非法的、背叛國家的中立性,或者與歐盟獨裁者勾結,開始破壞瑞士主權並出賣給歐盟獨裁勢力,以便讓外國白癡統治我們的國家。如果伯恩不負責任的蠢貨已經與歐盟獨裁者談判達成的協議成為現實,那麼這將成為一場噩夢。
The World is Crazy – We are Standing Up to It!
Defend Independence, Stop Mass Immigration
世界是瘋狂的 —— 我們要挺身而出!
hf. For the 36th time, former Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher delivered his striking, ground-breaking Albisgüetli speech last Friday. This time under the title 'The world is crazy – we are standing up to it! He castigated the neglect of the Western world in particular, and especially the gigantically indebted EU. It was all the more idiotic that the political class wanted to subject our country to this misconstruction and was prepared to give up our unique, successful form of government to do so. He and the SVP would do everything in their power to prevent this from happening. "We stand against it!" We are publishing the memorable speech in abridged form below. Unfortunately, it will be Blocher's last Albisgüetli speech.
上週五,前聯邦委員克里斯托夫.布洛赫第36次在Albisgüetli發表了引人注目、開創性的演講。這次演講的題目是“世界是瘋狂的 —— 我們要挺身而出!”他譴責了西方世界的忽視,尤其是負債累累的歐盟。更愚蠢的是,政治階層竟然想讓我們的國家遭受這種誤解,並準備為此放棄我們獨特而成功的政府形式。他和瑞士人民黨(SVP)將竭盡全力阻止這一切的發生。“我們堅決反對!”我們現將這篇令人難忘的演講節選刊登如下。遺憾的是,這將是布洛赫(Blocher)最後一次在Albisgüetli發表演講。
Ladies and gentlemen, a look at the western world – and the EU in particular – shows that this world has come apart at the seams: This world is off the rails, it is going crazy! After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, the so-called leaders claimed in 1989 that there would be no more war. And what do we see today? War has returned to Europe, which we normal human beings had foreseen. The Middle East is experiencing an unimaginable return of brutality. Nobody wanted to see this obvious possibility of Hamas – not even the Israeli government. And the West only wants to do business with countries that share its so-called 'values'. It would be better to trade globally and thus make our planet more peaceful.
But if we look at the EU – and in particular at its paymaster Germany – the mountain of debt has increased more than tenfold since 1980, from 240 billion euros to 2,500 billion [2.5 trillion]. Not only does Germany pay a lot to the EU, it also has a debt of 1,000 billion [1 trillion] euros. And the Federal Council, the majority of parliament and also the business associations want to drive Switzerland into such an entity? This is not just a spin, it is idiotic!
And Switzerland?
For many foreigners, we live on an island of bliss. Why? Not because we are better or smarter, but because we have a better form of government. In short: because we are still independent and because the final say in legislation lies with the electorate and the cantons. This means that politicians can do less low intelligence. And it is precisely this strength that the Swiss authorities want to abolish. There is a great danger that Switzerland is also starting to spin. Certainly, Swiss debt is somewhat lower than in other countries, but it is also dangerously too high. Politicians are trying to loosen and circumvent the debt brake – another of Switzerland's strengths. They are searching day and night for ways to increase taxes, levies and fees even more. The left now wants tax increases quickly, and with amateurish recipes.
對於許多外國人來說,我們生活在一個幸福的島嶼上。為什麼?不是因為我們更好或更聰明,而是因為我們有一個更好的政體。簡而言之:因為我們仍然是獨立的,因為立法的最終決定權在於選民和各州。這樣政治人物就可以犯的錯誤就較少。而恰恰這種優勢被瑞士當局想要廢除。瑞士也有可能開始胡思亂想。確實,瑞士的債務稍低於其他國家,但仍然高得令人擔憂。政治人物試圖放寬和規避債務限制 —— 這正是瑞士的另一個優勢。他們日以繼夜地尋找增加稅收、費用和費用的途徑。左翼現在希望快速提高稅收,並使用極不專業的方法。
Its goad is the Juso, which is demanding an inheritance tax for the rich. The SP, the Greens and the still wavering centre and GLP form the main opposition. The popular initiative calls for a 50 per cent inheritance tax on assets over CHF 50 million. Sounds good, does it not? It would only affect a few people. But the initiators have forgotten: These wealthy people who are to be penalised – for the most part entrepreneurs – belong to the top one per cent of taxpayers, who account for 40 per cent of tax revenue.
I can predict one thing: nobody will pay this inheritance tax! Those affected will ensure that they either no longer have assets worth 50 million when they inherit or that they move their place of residence abroad. Either way, they will also no longer pay the annual ordinary taxes in Switzerland. Once again, the middle class would have to pay.
As a farmer, I learnt that you do not take the best dairy cows to the butcher, you milk them. But the left is doing the opposite with the good taxpayers.
As you can see: The world is also going crazy in Switzerland. Our solid country is increasingly being undermined by the left – in other words, by socialism. That is why countermeasures are the recommendation of the hour.
如你所見:在瑞士,世界也在瘋狂。我們這個穩固的國家正日益受到左翼 —— 換言之,社會主義 —— 的破壞。因此,當務之急是採取對策。
No to the 13th AHV Pension
We will be called to the polls on the 3rd of March. Of course it would be nice to receive a 13th AHV pension. As an AHV recipient, I would also like a fourteenth and fifteenth. And yet we have to say no. Because as a responsible civic party, we ask: "Who should pay for this?" Do we want even more wage deductions, i.e. lower net wages for everyone, and yet even more expensive production costs? Or do we want higher taxes? That means more inflation and less to live on for everyone. No and no again, ladies and gentlemen, the SVP wants to save the AHV, not destroy it.
On the Security of Switzerland
Switzerland was spared terrible world wars thanks to the tried and tested Swiss policy of neutrality. Two hundred years without war – someone should imitate us! But instead of upholding this strength, Switzerland is also taking EU sanctions against a warring party (a nuclear power!) and becoming a warring party itself. That is why we launched the neutrality initiative. It is a decisive counterattack against the warmongers in the Federal Palace.
Wherever we look: What has stood the test of time is being pushed aside in an adolescent manner. Conceited snobs, self-important greenhorns and arrogant, immature university graduates are eliminating solid political craftsmanship.
As you can see, Switzerland is also starting to go mad. The SVP urgently needs to take countermeasures. The country needs the SVP.
Main Threats
The main threats to our country continue to be excessive population growth and the surrender of independence. The exorbitant population growth is finally to be curbed, as we have been demanding for years. Excessive immigration is the root of all evil. If nothing happens in Parliament again, even though all the legal foundations are in place, the 2027 elections is the time to remedy the situation – then, ladies and gentlemen, it will be 'räble'. I already have ideas in my head.
我國面臨的主要威脅仍然是人口增長過快和放棄獨立。正如我們多年來一直要求的那樣,人口過快增長終將得到遏制。過度移民是萬惡之源。如果議會再無動靜,即使所有的法律基礎都已就緒,2027年的選舉也是糾正這種狀況的時候了 —— 那麼,女士先生們,情況將變得“難以應付”(räble)。但我已經有了自己的想法。
Fight for Independence – Against Colonial Treaties
爭取獨立 —— 反對殖民條約
In 1992, the classe politique did everything it could to drive Switzerland into the EEA and the EU. But the authorities did not take the Zurich SVP into account. Here in the Albisgüetli Hall, the SVP was the first and only party to take part in a memorable counter-constitutional meeting on the 3rd of July 1992. It clearly voted against joining the EEA/EU and thus came out clearly in favour of a free, direct-democratic, sovereign Switzerland. It was the decisive blow against EEA/EU accession. That is why this hall is the modern Rütli. It is Switzerland's most famous shooting lodge with the motto: "Exercise your eyes and hands – for the fatherland."
During the referendum campaign, we opponents of EU membership were vilified and denigrated by the authorities, the administration, business organisations and the journalists' guild. But we took comfort in the words of Frederick the Great, who said: "He who has many monkeys around him is also often bitten." There are also more than enough monkeys like that today! But our fight was worth it. With a record turnout of 78.3 per cent, the majority of voters and two thirds of the cantons voted in favour of Swiss independence and thus against joining the EEA and the EU. Without this success, we would be a member of the European Union today.
在全民公決運動期間,我們這些反對加入歐盟的人遭到了當局、行政部門、商業組織和記者協會的誹謗和詆毀。但我們從腓特烈大帝(Frederick the Great)的話中得到安慰,他說:「身邊有許多猴子的人經常會被咬。」今天,這樣的猴子仍然不勝枚舉!但我們的努力是值得的。在創紀錄的78.3%投票率下,大多數選民和三分之二的州投票贊成瑞士獨立,從而反對加入歐洲經濟區和歐盟。如果沒有這次成功,我們今天可能就是歐盟的一員。
Unfortunately, however, the classe politique also continued to work on surrendering Swiss independence after 1992 – with the Swiss-EU Framework Agreement. But the Federal Council realised that the Swiss people would never approve this treaty and buried it itself in May 2021.
然而,可悲的是,政治集團在1992年之後仍然在繼續致力於放棄瑞士的獨立 —— 通過瑞士-歐盟框架協議。但聯邦委員會意識到,瑞士人民永遠不會同意這份協議,於是在2021年5月將其親手埋葬。
Give Up on a Successful Switzerland?
But as Schiller said: "This is the curse of evil deeds, that they must always give birth to evil." The classe politique belonging to the EU is also not resting today. On the 15th of December 2023, the Federal Council came up trumps: It was aiming for a package solution, no longer a framework agreement. Instead of framing Switzerland, it is now to be wrapped up!
But it is exactly the same colonial treaty. It is to be perfidiously divided into seven treaties – seven colonial treaties – probably to wear down opponents and the Swiss people.
但這正是同一個殖民條約。該協議被狡猾地分為七份條約 —— 七份殖民條約 —— 顯然是為了打擊反對者和瑞士人民。
Once again, as in 1992 and 2021, the aim is to ensure that the EU enacts Swiss laws in future and that the EU Court of Justice makes the final decision. The Swiss people and Swiss sovereignty are to be eliminated.
This step is even more incomprehensible today than it was in 1992, as this attack is being launched against a Switzerland that is at the top of all rankings. They want to give up a successful Switzerland that is doing better than other countries.
If the Federal Council and parliament even manage to overturn the referendum on the 'package solution' with Brussels (which the centre-left majority is likely to do), the 2027 elections will end badly for them. Then the key question will be: do you citizens still want politicians who will abandon Switzerland and take away your right to vote? And even more people will vote for the SVP!
The SVP can be proud of what it has already achieved. In 1977, when I took over the leadership of the SVP in the canton of Zurich, it had a voter share of 9.9 per cent across Switzerland. Today, the SVP Switzerland is by far the strongest party in the country with 28 per cent.
In addition, on the 6th of December 1992, we won the vote of the century on EEA/EU accession and saved Switzerland's independence. And in 2021, the framework agreement was withdrawn under pressure from the SVP. Let another party copy that first!
Stay Vigilant
Ladies and gentlemen, there is no room for faint-heartedness and displeasure. But we must remain vigilant and also constantly admonish susceptible persons in our own ranks so that the successful SVP does not become a club of career politicians.
At the beginning of the political year, let us reflect on the following saying, which I discovered on a hike. It is the oath of the valley authorities in Tavers, Fribourg, from 1622:
讓我們在新政治年度開始時,回想一下我在一次徒步旅行中發現的下面這句話。這是1622年弗里堡塔弗斯(Tafers, Fribourg)山谷當局的誓言:
"We have by the grace of God a beautiful fryheit.
We have our own might and violence to set […].
我們有自己的權力和力量,可以[ ... ]。
We are, thank God, neither indebted nor subject to any pious prince or lord, but to Almighty God alone."
May God help us in our great tasks!
Long live Switzerland!
Christoph Blocher
It is good, but apparently it is also not possible there without an unreal G…
… excuse me, yes, but that is not important, because you know that this has nothing to do with the whole thing, just as it is also the case that the Earthling's faith is sacred. It also has nothing to do with the fact that there are some incompetent elements in the government in Bern, just like in any other government in any other country in the world. Either there are some young or old politicians who know nothing at all about governing and just want to exercise power, or they just want and create new laws, reforms, rules and crazy regulations through low intelligence and might, which will bring disaster and increasingly restrict the freedom of the people. Only a small part, an absolute minority of those in power really want to govern in a good and fair way for the good of the people and the country and keep everything in good shape, but it is precisely these people who are beaten down by the majority of the unrighteous, power-mad and loud-mouthed and simply 'screwed over' in a lousy and nasty way against their will to such an extent that they have to say yes and amen to everything, whether they like it or not.
... 抱歉,是的,但這並不重要,因為你知道這與整件事無關,就像地球人的信仰是神聖的一樣。這也與伯恩政府中存在一些無能之輩無關,就像世界上任何其他國家的政府一樣。要麼是一些年輕或年老的政客對執政一無所知,只想行使權力,要麼是他們只想通過愚蠢和權力來制定新的法律、改革、規則和荒唐的規定,這將帶來災難,從而使人們的自由越來越受限。只有一小部分、絕對少數的當權者真正希望以良好、公正的方式執政,為人民和國家謀福利,讓一切都保持良好狀態,但恰恰是這些人被大多數心術不正、權慾薰心、口無遮攔的人所淹沒,以一種違背他們意願的卑鄙和惡劣方式,迫使他們無論是否願意都必須言聽計從。
And if I openly say what is true, then I am not politicising, but only saying what corresponds to the truth and is therefore an effective fact, as is also the case in many other countries, that incompetents and certain power-hungry people are romping around in governments. This section of those in power, however, destroys everything that the truly righteous in government intend to do that is good and worthwhile for the people and for peace; but their convictions in this regard are so meanly denied and undermined by those obsessed with might and main that it becomes impossible for them to assert themselves. This can be seen particularly well in Germany, where neo-NAZIs in disguise are at work in the government, using all means of lies and deceit to deny as right-wing extremists all those who really want peace, freedom and righteousness for the country and the people and who are slandered by the neo-NAZI rulers, just as the people's believers in the government are also incited in this way. Of course – this is unavoidable, for the sake of truth – there are indeed a certain number of right-wing extremists at work everywhere, as in the governments themselves, who have certain evil neo-NAZI airs, like that part of those in power, which, however, falsely hypocrites its neo-NAZIism to the outside world with lies and deceit as a force for the people, for peace and freedom and for the good of the country. This is despite the fact that this part – like many right-wing extremists, anti-Semites and also xenophobes – persecutes, murders and harms human beings because of their beliefs or destroys their belongings with hatred and wantonness.
What goes on in the governments of certain countries is, in a hidden way, similar to the way bailiwicks caused a furore in the past, but also to the way feudal rule was conducted in the Middle Ages, to which, however, as a result of lies and deceit as well as hatred and revenge by some scribblers, quite evil things were attributed that had neither hand nor foot and therefore did not correspond to the truth. This mainly took the form of the 'jus primae noctis' – I have just looked this up today because I was asked about it and therefore know how it is written – as brides allegedly had to sleep with princes and landlords the night after the wedding and some daughters of the bourgeoisie had to sleep with them first because this was allegedly enshrined in law. This was and is a barefaced lie and a written fraud of an authorship that traced back to an idiotic vindictive historian and 'writer' called Hector Boëthius in 1526, who also invented an imaginary king he called 'Evenus'. Since then, his lie has haunted the world to this day, with which he wanted to pillory the wickedness of feudalism. After all, feudalism was based on an unjust form of society and economy that granted the aristocratic upper class the full and thus all ruling functions, including land ownership and much more besides. It is clear that religious faith also played a major role in this, as the control of religiously devout human beings by the unrighteous upper class made the citizens cower. Even then – as also in earlier times – the masses of the people, because of their religious faith and their ignorance, surrendered without resistance to the subjugation and subordination by the authorities and parried submissively. Consequently, they bowed more and more to their emerging and restrictive laws, rules, regulations and ordinances, as a result of which the freedom of human beings was increasingly curtailed and they lost their sense and sense of self-determination with regard to correctness and incorrectness.
在某些國家的政府中所發生的事情,與以前的守護制度和中世紀的封建統治有著相似之處,但是由於一些文人的謊言、欺詐、仇恨和報復,給他們貼上了一些非常糟糕的標籤,這既沒有根據也不符合事實。這主要表現在“初夜權”(jus primae noctis)的形式上 —— 我今天剛查了一下,因為有人問我這個問題,所以我知道它是怎麼寫的 —— 據說新娘必須在新婚之夜與王公貴族和地主同床共枕,因為這據稱是法律保障的。這是一個厚顏無恥的謊言,是一個在1526年由一個愚蠢報復心理的歷史學家和「作家」名叫赫克托·博厄修斯發表的文字詐騙,他還創造了一個名叫Hector Boëthius(暫譯為赫克托.博伊斯)的白癡歷史學家和“作家”,他還編造了一個他稱之為Evenus的虛構國王。從那時起,他的謊言一直在世界上流傳,他想用這個謊言把封建制度的惡行揭露出來。這種制度建立在一種不公正的社會和經濟形式之上,這種形式給予貴族上層完全的統治權力,不僅僅是土地所有權,還有更多其他方面。宗教信仰在其中扮演了重要角色是顯而易見的,因為不公正的上層階級通過控制信仰的人群來讓公民屈服。早在那個時候,就像以前的時代一樣,由於人們的宗教信仰和無知,民眾毫無抵抗地屈服於當權者的壓迫和支配,並且順從地服從。因此,他們對即將出現的並限制他們的法律、規則、規定和命令屈服得越來越多,因此人們的自由被逐漸剝奪,他們失去了對自身正確與否的自主判斷能力和意識。
What remains to be said is the following: Weapons production has been a crime against humanity since time immemorial, because weapons production has always and repeatedly promoted war and terror, as well as crime, murderous crimes and murder and manslaughter among human beings from the normal population. The industry of weapons production and the like should be banned worldwide, as should those companies and corporations that made billions from it by raking in billions during the Corona rampantly spreading disease by throwing untested 'vaccines' resp. poisons onto the market, which killed more than 22 million human beings. The same style is now likely to continue with Long Covid, as vaccines are again being administered that are probably useless. It should also be said that Long-Covid means that the mutated rampantly spreading disease has entered the bloodstream and will never disappear again.
現在還要說的是:製造武器自古以來就是對人類的一種罪惡,因為武器的生產一再促進戰爭和恐怖,以及犯罪、兇殺犯罪和對普通人民的殺戮。全球應該普遍禁止武器生產工業以及那些在新冠病毒流行期間賺取了數十億美元的公司和企業,因為他們投放了未經檢驗的“疫苗” 或毒素上市,導致超過 2200 萬人死亡。隨著疫苗再次投入使用,“長新冠”(Long-Covid;也就是新冠後遺症)很可能會延續同樣的模式。現在應該還要說的是“長新冠”意味著變異的、肆意傳播的疾病已經進入血液,再也不會消失。
That will probably be as you say, but now I have something else to discuss with you that should be purely private and therefore not retrieved and written down by you.
Then so be it. But still this question: I was with your father Sfath in a castle in India, I do not remember what it was called (note: Kumbhalgahr Fortress), it was on a small mountain, around which a steeply rising, large and very long stone wall is built in a serpentine shape, i.e. like a snake. So it is a castle with a wall, but it is a huge wall, and that is why I mention it, because compared to the Great Wall of China, which is 21,196 kilometres long, this wall is, as Sfath said, the second longest known stone wall in the world.
I do not know, because there is still a lot I have not read in my father's annals.
What a pity, but I would like to show you some of the lovely, kind and very interesting letters etc. I received for my 87th birthday. If I may hold two or three in front of your eyes?
真可惜,但在這裡,我想向你展示一下我在 87 歲生日收到的一些美好、可愛和非常有趣的信件等。如果我能給你看 2 或 3 封嗎?
Nothing stands against that, quite the opposite, I am interested in what is sent to you.
Then I want to show you these 2 things resp. the poem-like letters. Here you go:
A Life for the Truth
A life for the truth means that a
person strives to recognise and consciously perceive reality
in connection with all its creative-
natural laws and recommendations
to implement them in their life
and thereby become a valuable,
happier, more real person.
30th January 2024, Eddy Erna. Belgium
2024年1月30日,Eddy Erna。比利時
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