The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 15
Session 26, February 17, 1981
1981 年2 月17 日
The following information refers again to Carla’s two experiences with LSD. We were very thankful that there were only two experiences with which she and we had to deal, for, as you can see, the debilitating effects apparently mount rapidly with each ingestion. The sessions in Book Two of The Law Of One were necessarily shortened in order to conserve the vital energy of the instrument which had been drained by the LSD.
Jim 評論:
以下資訊再次提到 Carla 兩次的LSD體驗,我們非常感謝她只有兩次體驗,因為如你所見,衰弱效應隨著每次的攝取(LSD)快速攀升。一的法則卷二有些集會被縮短為了保留器皿被LSD消耗的生命能。
I can only add the fact that this period of weakness did occur, and so Ra’s suggestion not to mix any drugs with channeling seems to me a sound piece of advice that I have followed ever since.
Carla 評論:
我只能補充一個事實:這個虛弱的時期確實存在,所以Ra 建議不要在通訊期間混用任何藥物,在我看來是一個健全的忠告,我從此遵循這個勸告。
Session 26, February 17, 1981
第二十六場集會,1981 年2 月17 日
Questioner: The instrument asks how long will the debilitating effects that I am experiencing due to the LSD last, and is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, the period of weakness of bodily complex is approximately three of your lunar cycles, the first ingestion causing approximately one of your lunar cycles; the second having a cumulative or doubling effect.
RA︰我是 Ra。首先,身體複合體衰弱的時間大約是三個[你們的]月亮週期(lunarcycles)。第一次攝取的效果大約是一個[你們的]月亮周期;第二次攝取有累計或加倍的效果。