The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 13
Session 24, February 15, 1981
1981 年2 月15 日
The following information refers to two of the most widely rumored events in Ufology in this country. The first refers to the supposed face-toface meeting between extraterrestrials and then President Dwight D. Eisenhower and some senior military staff at Edwards Air Force Base in California in February, 1954. The second incident refers to the supposed crash of a UFO outside of Roswell, NM, in which the ufonauts on board supposedly died. It is further rumored that their bodies were stored in Hangar #18 at Wright Patterson Air Base in Ohio. Once again we encountered the temptation to pursue information that seemed on the surface to be extremely interesting but which in truth would yield little or no information which might aid in the evolution of mind, body, or spirit. And we would have lost the Ra contact because Ra’s “narrow band contact” was focused only on aiding our evolution and not on revealing the transient intricacies of how groups play games in this illusion.
Jim 評論:
以下資訊提到美國幽浮(UFO)界最廣為流傳的兩個事件。首先是臆測艾森豪總統與外星人曾經會面,據說地點在加州的艾德華空軍基地,由一些資深的軍方幕僚們一起陪同艾森豪總統與會,時間是1954 年二月。
第二個事件是羅斯威爾的UFO 事故,據說有個外星駕駛員死在裡頭。有進一步的傳言指出外星人的屍體被停泊在位於俄亥俄州的萊特派特孫空軍基地的第十八號庫房。
再一次,我們遭遇到一種誘惑,就是去追尋一些表面上極度有趣的資訊,但其實在真理上是只有一點點,甚至是沒有價值的資訊。我們這邊講的真理就是能夠協助我們在心智身體或靈性上進化的知識,而且我們可能會失去 Ra 通訊,因為Ra 的窄頻通訊,主要是聚焦在協助我們進化,而不在於揭露那些短暫的複雜性,以及在這幻象中各個群體所玩的遊戲。
In 1962, when I joined with Donald to help make up the initial meditation group which grew into L/L Research, there were several rumors being bruited about. Supposedly, the government knew all about UFOs, had had contact. There were alleged conspiracies that various sources warned the public about. To this day, there has continued a steady stream of such prophecies and doomsday warnings of all kinds. Only the dates of Armageddon have changed, usually predicting doom within the next two or three years.
Carla 評論:
1962 年當我剛加入唐納的工作,幫助他把初始的冥想團體,幫助成長為愛/光研究中心(L/L Research)。當時有盛傳好幾個謠言,其中之一是我們的政府知道所有關於UFO 的事情,並且與UFO 有過接觸,然後也有一些可疑的陰謀論講說有各式各樣的新聞源頭警告大眾關於這些陰謀。直到今天都持續有一個穩定的消息來源,或提到各式各樣的預言、末日的警告等等。唯一有改變的就是世界末日的日期被改變了,那通常都是這些消息都預言在未來的兩三年會有末日或者大災難等等。
It is not that I do not think UFOs are communicating with our government. They might be. Certainly they are here; the landing trace cases alone prove that something that makes dents in the ground is visiting us, and the many witnesses and abductees create a comprehensive picture of human-alien contact that is undeniable. It is that I feel that the real treasure the UFO entities have brought us are those of the spirit, not those of this world. Whatever the physical reality of UFOs and governmental doings, they remain part of the transient world picture: part of this heavy illusion. But the messages have a metaphysical content that 10,000 years would not make out of date or less meaningful. So I tend to respond to people’s questions about such highjinks as these with a redirection, back from phenomena to metaphysical truth.
並不是我不相信UFO 有跟我們政府溝通,他們確實可能有這樣的溝通,當然他們已經在這邊了。一些降落事件證明確實有某個東西在我們的地面上烙下一些痕跡,然後有許多的證人跟被綁架到飛碟的人們的證詞,創造出人類與外星人接觸的一個還蠻詳細的畫面,這是無可否認的。只是我認為UFO 實體們真正要帶給我們的寶藏是那些屬於靈性的,而不是屬於這個世界的。不管UFO 的物質實象是什麼,也不管我們的政府在做些什麼,這些都是短暫世界圖畫的一部份,這個厚重幻象的一部份而已。但是那些有形而上品質,形而上的訊息,即使過了一萬年,它們也不會過時,它們的意義也不會變得更少。所以當人們問我這些鬧劇性的問題,我回應傾向設法把它們重新導向,使他們重新注意到形而上真理的現象。
Session 24, February 15, 1981
第二十四場集會,1981 年2 月15 日
Questioner: One thing that has been bothering me that I was just reading about is not too important, but I would really be interested in knowing if Dwight Eisenhower met with either the Confederation or the Orion group in the 1950s?
問︰我對一件事有點困惑。這不是很重要,但我很想知道在1950年代,艾森豪(Dwight Eisenhower)是否曾與星際聯邦或獵戶集團接觸?
Ra: I am Ra. The one of which you speak met with thought-forms which are indistinguishable from third density. This was a test. We, the Confederation, wished to see what would occur if this extremely positively oriented and simple congenial person with no significant distortion towards power happened across peaceful information and the possibilities which might append therefrom. We discovered that this entity did not feel that those under his care could deal with the concepts of other beings and other philosophies. Thus an agreement reached then allowed him to go his way, ourselves to do likewise; and a very quiet campaign, as we have heard you call it, be continued alerting your peoples to our presence gradually. Events have overtaken this plan. Is there any short query before we close?
RA︰我是 Ra。你說的這個人和思想-形態[在第三密度分不出與實體的差異]會面。這是一個測試。我們星際聯邦希望看看,當這個極端正向並且簡樸和善的人,沒有趨向權力的顯著扭曲,恰巧收到和平訊息會發生什麼事,以及附帶的可能性。我們發現這個實體並不認為他所照顧的實體們能夠處理其他存有(外星人)和其他哲學的概念。於是達成一個協議,允許他繼續走他的路,我們也走自己的路。一個十分安靜的戰役[如我們曾聽你這麼稱呼]持續進行,也就是逐漸地以我們的出現警醒你們。事件(複數)已經追過(overtaken)這個計畫。在我們結束前還有什麼簡短詢問嗎?
Questioner: Another question with that is: was there a crashed spaceship with small bodies now stored in our military installations?
Ra: I am Ra. We do not wish to infringe upon your future. Gave we you this information, we might be giving you more than you could appropriately deal with in the space/time nexus of your present somewhat muddled configuration of military and intelligence thought. Therefore, we shall withhold this information.
RA︰我是 Ra。我們不希望侵犯你們的未來。若給你這個訊息,可能超出了你在這個空間/時間鏈結中做出適當處理的極限,因你們軍方和情報思想的配置目前相當混亂。所以,我們將保留這個資訊。