Contact Report 111 (1981/3/22)   111次接觸報告

接觸時間:1981322  星期一  上午8:03

Synopsis 摘要


This is the entire contact. It is an authorised but unofficial translation and may contain errors.


Semjase: 西米斯

1.  … wake up, at last.


2.  Friend, dear friend, come on, come…

Quetzal: 奎查爾

1.  Don't be so worried; his coma is already leaving him.

2.  It is also so incomprehensible, but it's actually going away.


3.  Surely?

4.  You don't just want to comfort me?

5.  He is still so severely injured.


3.  Really, don't be worried.

4.  You see ... he's waking up.

5.  - - There you are, at last.

6.  You have caused us worries, my friend.

Billy: 比利

Aahhh, man - - - this crap.


7.  You see, Semjase, he's already recovering quite well.

8.  He can already grumble again like a trooper.


6.  My friend, Billy, what are you doing?

7.  How do you feel?


Eh? - - - Oh, ah, it's going …


8.  You became quite badly ill.


But somehow, it goes again - - - I saw myself soon in the eternal hunting grounds. Oh man, this sweat, this is disgusting.


9.  You amaze me.

10. You were just lying in the deepest coma, and you're already back to full consciousness, without a transitional phase.

11. I would also like to have your constitution of your will.


Oh, of course, I collapsed in the forest. I became nauseated all of a sudden, then I saw some stars, and then some merry fireworks - probably the terrific fire in Holland. After that, everything went as fast as lightning: everything became blissfully nice, and then, I sank into a bright blue sea. Then, there was quite simply nothing more. I had become quite unconscious down in the forest, right?


12. So it was, that is of correctness.

13. But you were not very far from not returning to this life anymore.

14. At any rate, you wouldn't have survived more than five to six hours more.

15. Your lungs and your pleura were inflamed like a blazing inferno.

16. Moreover, you suffered from severe shortness of breath, through the inflammation of the lungs and the pleura.

17. In addition to that came the fact that your nerves were in very vicious turmoil and still multiplied the illness effects.

18. Your heart was also affected by this and worked very irregularly.


It certainly couldn't have been so bad because I feel quite adequate again.


9.  Quetzal brought you into our ship with the porter,* examined you very closely, and diagnosed you here via the apparatuses.

10. There are, therefore, no doubts about his findings.

11. He was also the one who connected you to this regeneration device, in order to eliminate the most dangerous illness effects.

12. That's why you feel much better now.

13. Your moisture drain, which you call sweat and which you noticed, is also because of this treatment referred to you, and it will still continue to persist for approximately one hour.

Translator's Note: The "porter" that Semjase is referring to is a teleportation device, which is capable of transporting objects and people from one location to another in null time.


That is, indeed, magnificent. Quite dear thanks for that.


19. You're still not back to full health; you should know that.

20. But I may not allow more treatment to be applied to you because that could produce harmful consequences to your body.

21. Next, you need to nurse yourself back to health or consult a doctor.

22. Above all, during the next few days, you should see to it that you breathe a lot of fresh and healthy air, get plenty of sleep, and go for many walks.


14. Please hold yourself to Quetzal's advice because it is of importance for your health.

15. And in the future, please be kinder with your health and no longer drive yourself into illness through worries and problems.

16. That's the main reason why the illness could befall you, for your nerves were completely ruined, as Quetzal determined.

17. He also found out that this was due to the concerns that you mentioned on last Sunday during our conversation, when we talked about the deplorable conditions in the group.

18. Unfortunately, we still haven't been able to find a solution in this regard, but up to now, we have come so far that we've recognized that you really aren't able to bear the nervous strain anymore.

19. The leadership of the group in all matters is too much for one human being alone, and moreover, it is all something like a miracle, as you would say to this, that you were able to do it at all and hold out for such a long time.

20. Just too much had been expected of you.

21. We also understand now that you cannot continue in this regard and that a change must take place.

22. But how this change should look, we do not know yet, since it truly places us before a very big problem, for in your group, no one is found, who could take over this difficult task even only halfway.


You have, indeed, made quite an enormous change of heart in yourselves. Is this also the opinion of Ptaah and the others?


23. That is of correctness.


Aha, what reasonable human beings you are.


23. Just bring forth your mockery with us; we have honestly earned it.

24. But on the other hand, you should take into consideration that we are not super humans or super people and also have to learn constantly, which we can often only do through committed mistakes.

25. On the other hand, however, the Earth human beings still pose great and partially very severe problems for us in their whole manner of thinking and acting, whereby we can be misled over and over again, and through this, we also inevitably make wrong decisions and have false views.


I'm not reproaching you all, girl. Sometimes, one is just led to express himself in mockery.


24. That is of correctness; that is also often the case with us.


Aha, so then you are somehow real human beings. But tell me: what do you actually want from me? You didn't pick me up for nothing, right?


26. You called for me in a rather needful manner.

27. That's why we came, but without previously holding an inspection as to why you called me.

28. That's why we led you so far away.

29. If we had found out via an inspection that you were injured so much by illness, then we would have directly snatched you up at home with the porter.

30. But we first recognized things when you collapsed in the forest down there.

31. Unfortunately, all your thoughts were blocked, which is why we weren't able to analyze them.


I should have called you? I know nothing about that, my child.


25. Then it must have been an unconscious consequence, probably in a delirium.


That is probable the gist of the matter.


32. But now, you shouldn't speak so much; rather, you should go back home and rest.


Then let me down. Jacobus and Elsi are down there and waiting for me. The two will take me home.


26. It is better if we set you down over there, for as you can see, there are two men coming along the forest road.

27. You have your communication device with you, so inform your friends that they should pick you up over there.


Okay… - - - Miranos 3 - - - Miranos 3.

Miranos 3:

Ja, ich bi da, Miranos 1.


Jacobus, fahr nach Schalche übere und dänn gäge Wila zue.

Miranos 3:

Ich ha di nüd rächt verstande. Uf Schalche, und dänn?


Fahr uf Schalche und dänn d’Strass gäge Wila zue.

Miranos 3:

Ich ha verstande. Uf Schalche übere. Mer chömed.


Guet, ich rüef der dänn wider.


33. Your native language still isn't understandable to me.


Even I don't understand it sometimes. There are so many dialects.


28. Once I've set you down, keep moving and don't just stand still at the place; otherwise, you'll fall asleep on the spot.

29. I had to numb your nerves, so now, it's as though they are sleeping, and they are very slow to react.


Oh, and how long will this condition last, then?


30. About 12 to 14 days, for only through this will the nerves regenerate in a short time.


So, how did you make this numbing?


31. Through electromagnetic influences.


So to speak, a bombardment?


32. That is approximately of correctness.

33. But look, your friends are already driving along the road there.

34. Tell them that they should turn left at the road there and stop at the fence.


Okay … Guet, Jacobus, fahr grad die Strass da links ine.

Miranos 3:

Die rächts da?


Nei, grad die da links.

Miranos 3:

Die links, guet.


… ja, fahr nu de Wäg hindere. … fahr nu no wiiter hindere … guet, ja, halt grad da bim Haag. … Ja, guet. Ich chumme dänn det häre.

So, Quetzal, now you can let me down; the area is… no, look there; once again, people are coming.

Jacobus, ich bi in öppe enere Viertelstund oder zwänzg Minute dete.

Miranos 3:

Guet, in enere Viertelstund oder zwänzg Minute.


34. I'll set you down over there in the forest clearing near the house.


Very well. Then I can call Jacobus by radio again; then, he can pick me up over there. I wouldn't like to walk so far; somehow, I still feel weak and tired.


35. That will also continue for a few more days.

36. So now, I'll set you down.

37. Be careful; the ground down there is somewhat damp; I hope you don't slip upon touchdown.

38. Till we meet again, my friend, and be very mindful of yourself.

39. I will come back tomorrow or on Wednesday, for by then, we should be able to have advice for you.

40. Till we meet again.


Good-bye, Quetzal, and very many thanks for your effort and help. You, too, dear girl, very many thanks, and till we meet again.


35. Farewell, and pay close attention to yourself.


Bye together, and once again, very dear thanks.



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