Contact Report 031-2/第031次接觸報告(第二部分)
英譯版本:2021年04月02日,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2022年08月21日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
九、其他還包含:的確存在一些我們看不見和無法識別的生命形態,他們生活在最不同樣貌的領域和維度之中;對地球人來說,幾百萬年的時間概念就似乎已是不可思議而無法理解的,更何況進化到純靈態的生命體,至少需要600到800億年的時間;至於「造化」進化的總週期,更是人類根本無法想像的1萬5,240兆9,600億年等等… 重大而深澳的話題。
Part 2/第二部分
本部分英譯者:DeepL Translator
Okay, I will already stick to it.
371. Sure, we all know that.
(Now also begins this conversation. Good, I will let myself be surprised.)
… … …
205. So these things discussed are only for you and they fall under the seal of secrecy for other human beings.
206. It is very important that you do not let them become revealed, because they must not influence the happenings of your world.
207. You must not name these things officially until they have already happened.
208. But that is then at your own discretion.
You can rely on me, you know that.
372. We know that.
40. You are a very interesting human being, because never before has Asket put so much trust in an Earth human being, not even Semjase.
你是一個很有趣的人類,因為 Asket 從來沒有把那麼多的信任放在一個地球人身上,Semjase 也不曾如此。
I am very honoured by that, Nera – thanks.
我對此感到非常榮幸,Nera … 謝謝。
373. We must prepare slowly for the return.
Oh dear. – I wish I could stay here forever, I feel so comfortable here.
哦,老天… 我希望我可以永遠待在這裡,我在這裡感到很舒服。
209. That's up to you.
210. If you feel the need, there's nothing to stop you.
There is no lack of will, Asket, but I have my duty to consider, and my family.
41. You are extraordinarily dutiful.
42. I am very happy that I was allowed to see you.
43. Farewell now and go back to your world in peace.
44. Perhaps we will meet again, but it may be many years before then.
Probably when I am old and decrepit, eh?
45. You will remain the same human being for us, because it is not your appearance that is important to us, but your personality.
Thank you very much Nera, you said that very nicely.
46. They are my honest thoughts. –
47. Now farewell. –
48. My duty calls me, and I really must go now.
Well, then – goodbye, Nera. – Think of me, too, for once.
那麼… 再見,Nera… 有空想想我。
49. I certainly will – now farewell.
我肯定會這麼做… 現在告別了。
(Nera leaves and disappears – damn, how can life be lousy sometimes. – These dear human beings – man oh man – and on Earth – damn it, I …)
(Nera 離去並消失… 該死的,生活有時怎麼會這麼糟糕… 這些親愛的人… 老兄呀老兄… 還有在地球上… 該死的,我…)
211. Don't do that, you will only cause yourself pain.
??? Oh, I see – my thoughts.
??? 噢,我明白了… 我的想法。
374. Sure – you are very emotional.
當然… 你非常多愁善感。
All right, I just let myself go again. I am sorry.
212. You should not be, because your thoughts and feelings are very honest and good.
Oh, come on, don't do that now. If you allow me and there is still time, I would like to ask you one more question.
213. Question only.
Thanks. – I thought you said that the device for photography was useless – I mean the one from Semjase. What about the one you want to make in collaboration? Do you think I will be able to take better pictures with it later and that I won't always conflict with the grid frame?
謝謝。妳說那設備對拍照無用… 我是指來自 Semjase 的那一個,那麼妳們兩個一起製作的那個呢?妳認為我以後能夠用它拍些更好的照片嗎,而且我不會總是與螢幕邊框作對吧?
214. I think the device will be good.
215. But what do you mean by conflicting with the grid frame?
You know, the Semjase device is a bit complicated to photograph and a bit small. When I take a photo, I am always bothered by the small grid frame and the screen housing, and I always have that darn thing in the picture. I always have the half-oval shape of the frame appearing in the picture.
妳知道,Semjase 的設備對於拍照有點小而且複雜,當我拍一張時,小螢幕邊框和螢幕外框總是困擾我,而我的照片裡總是有那個該死的東西,那框架的半橢圓形狀總是顯示在圖像上。
216. I will be concerned that these flaws do not appear on my device.
When am I supposed to be able to use this device?
375. Of course, on the next trip.
And when will that be?
376. That is not yet determined – in any case, it may take very long years or even decades until then, if at all.
目前還未確定… 在任何情況下,直到那時可能需要許多年甚至幾十年,如果會發生的話。
377. However, before going on another journey, I will 'kidnap' you to another dimension.
What do you mean by that?
378. Each dimension of a universe has different parallel universes with parallel worlds.
379. They are parallel dimensions or other space-time structures.
380. So also beyond your home world, the Earth, other dimensions and worlds exist.
381. These parallel worlds exist in superordinate or subordinate dimensions, in space-time structures that are alien to normal time.
382. On one of these kinds of parallel worlds, almost everything is the same as on the worlds of normal time.
383. Only small differences prevail, especially in the times.
384. And into such a parallel world I want to travel with you.
385. It is a different form of time travel into the future or past than you experienced with Asket.
這是與你與 Asket 曾經驗過的時間穿梭到過去或未來,另一種不同的穿梭形式。
Fantastic – when is that supposed to be?
太棒了… 那麼會是什麼時間呢?
386. That is not clear yet.
Well good – can I at least take photos there then?
好吧… 那麼我至少可以在那裡拍照吧?
387. Sure, but they won't be any different than when you take them in the normal space of your Earth.
388. There are the same human beings and buildings there as on Earth, only everything is just shifted in time and space.
Nevertheless. – But won't you interfere with me again and spoil the pictures, like you did with the group shots?
389. Surely not, because I allow you to take pictures.
217. What are these things – what is it about these group shots?
390. I am not comfortable talking about it.
218. Have you lost control of yourself and committed an illogical act?
391. Yes – I am really displeased – and embarrassed.
是的… 這對我來說真的很不愉快… 而且很尷尬。
219. I see, that's why you don't want to talk about it – and I suppose you have deliberately kept quiet about it too?
我明白了,這就是為什麼你不想談論它… 並有可能一直故意保持沉默?
392. Sure.
So, so, you have been keeping something from me, Semjase?
393. I actually did because I was embarrassed in front of you.
Oh, look at that. So you can do that too? That is good news, because it makes you even more human and lovable in my eyes. But come on now, what cramp did you offer in the group shots?
394. I really do not want to talk about it.
220. This is not correct, Semjase.
I also think so. – Look, you really don't have to be ashamed in front of us. Every human being might make mistakes. I am sure it also happens to your High Council. Or are you vain and feel your feminine vanity offended by revealing your cramp secret?
395. Vanity is really foreign to me, I am simply ashamed.
Please, you do not have to – you really do not, believe me.
拜託,妳不必那麼… 妳真的不用這樣,相信我。
396. You are not going to laugh at me?
My very great word of honour.
397. What about you, Asket?
221. I agree with what he said.
222. But now speak.
398. Good – I … I I acted completely confused and lost all control over myself.
好吧,我… 我,我表現得完全糊塗,完全失去了對自己的控制。
223. But why?
399. I …
Leave it to Semjase, I will explain. Semjase allowed me to take photos of her beamships on several occasions. She expressly told me that no one else was allowed to be present during these photographs except me. However, I thoroughly violated this wish, because on one occasion I brought almost ten persons with me to the place where I was to photograph the ship. I was then able to actually take the photos and I also took pictures of all the persons. But Semjase didn't quite like that and so she fiddled around with it before the film was developed, using some kind of rays and things that I didn't understand, in order to destroy the pictures. But in doing so, she only destroyed the outer films of the roll, while the inner ones, which contained the said shots – or was it the other way round – only became damaged and unclear. That is the state of affairs at the time. Apparently, however, she shot another cramp, about which she has remained silent.
饒了 Semjase 吧,我來解釋。事情是這樣的:Semjase 讓我在多個場合,拍攝她飛船的照片,然後她明確告訴,在這些照片拍攝期間,除了我之外,其他人都不允許在場。不過,我徹底違反了她這個意願,因為有一次我帶了將近十個人到那個地點,我本來是要拍攝飛船的,而我當時實際上也能夠讓所有人都拍攝進那些照片中,但 Semjase 不大喜歡這樣,所以底片在沖印之前,為了毀掉它,她用了一些輻射和我不明白的東西處理那些影像,然而,在這情況下,她只破壞了那卷底片的外層薄膜,而內層包含上述的影像,都只是受損而變得不清晰,這就是當時的情況。但很顯然,這擾動了她另一個小心結,因此對此她一直都保持沉默。
224. Is that so, dear friend?
400. Sure – I didn't know then that he could deliberately act illogically and thereby break all logic.
當然… 但我當時不知道,他可以故意以不合約定的方式行事,而因此打破所有的規則。
(Now she actually starts laughing: – "Asket, you are laughing uproariously.")
Asket: (somewhat calmed down again)(稍微平靜下來)
225. Semjase's situation amused me.
Semjase 的情況讓我忍不住笑。
226. The illogical manner of acting must have really upset her a lot.
227. What did you really do?
401. It is incomprehensible to me because I have taken various illogical actions.
402. It is really incomprehensible to me.
She partially destroyed the film for me with some rays before it was developed.
228. But why?
229. If for some reason you did not want to allow the photographs to be taken, why did you appear at the scene of the event at all, or if you had already been there, why did you not simply remove yourself?
230. It is really illogical that you first had the pictures taken of you only to destroy them later.
403. I told you it is incomprehensible to me.
404. I have really lost control of my actions.
405. It is incomprehensible to me and also extremely embarrassing.
Do not get excited about it, girl. You have obviously just lost your head and suddenly started thinking with your feet. That can happen to anyone. But what have you really done about it? Something is just not right, isn't it?
406. Sure, you are right.
407. For certain reasons I did not want you to photograph the group of people, but nevertheless I let the ship become visible for you and let you expose it on the film, which I later tried to destroy, but then I made another mistake.
408. Further on, in my incomprehensible excitement, I projected the landscape image in front of your camera that I just saw from my ship.
409. However, you did not notice this, because you were in a hurry to take the photo and overlooked it.
410. It was a similar projection to the one you were allowed to make with your three friends.
411. Therefore, there should actually be two different images on your negatives or slides that flow into each other.
412. At least in some of the pictures.
413. I also sent out a focused light source at the same time as the projection in order to overexpose your film, but incomprehensibly I did not succeed either.
414. The light energy only produced the effect of a double exposure, which did not destroy the images, but only damaged their sharpness.
415. Finally, I wanted to do one more thing and sent out an elimination beam shortly before the film was developed in order to destroy the film.
416. But in my excitement, which I simply cannot understand, I programmed everything exactly in the reverse order, which destroyed the wrong half of the film.
417. These are the facts of this happening.
231. That was really very illogically acted by you.
232. But the reason might be found in the fact that you had to face a completely unusual illogic, which you were not able to cope with.
233. This led to a short circuit, so to speak, in your otherwise logical manner of thinking, which set off a veritable chain reaction of illogical actions, which could only be ended by running through their sequence of actions to the end.
418. Sure, it must be so, but I do not understand why I could act so irrationally.
That is very simple: a human being who thinks only logically can no longer imagine illogic at all. But if such an illogic approaches him/her, they are no longer able to overcome it with their logic and fall into a confusion. This confusion, however, triggers illogical conclusions that lead to such actions. These in turn have to die down before rational logic is able to break through again.
234. That is very precisely explained.
419. Sure, now I understand.
420. But it is very difficult to get into a form of thinking that is unusual.
You are certainly right about that, Semjase. But I think it would be very good for you, and perhaps also for others, to venture into these forms of thought and explore them. Logic alone can be very dangerous if illogical forms are allowed to play into it. I believe that logic and illogic must work together in order to exist. One complements the other.
235. Again, that is very precisely explained and it is also actually so.
421. I only understand this through this conversation.
422. So I still have some learning to do in these things too.
236. Then you have a good teacher, as the human beings of Earth say.
423. Sure, I have already learned many things from him, and his teachings are very lasting.
424. Unfortunately, however, we really must hurry now; we have already overrun our time.
237. You can settle this again with a short time leap, can't you?
妳還是可以透過一次很短的「時間跳躍」(time jump)解決這個問題,不是嗎?
425. Sure.
Is this supposed to make me younger again, or maybe a little older for a change?
238. A few seconds younger.
Then it's not worth talking about. You see I am getting sophisticated about these things.
239. Now really enough, dear friend. -
240. Farewell and – let your thoughts be with us. -
告別了… 讓你的思想與我們同在…
241. It – was a wonderful pleasure for me to see you again. -
這… 能再次見到你,對我來說真是一件美好的事…
242. Farewell …
Asket – what is it with you, girl? You – girl, you are crying. What is it?
Asket... 妳怎麼了,姑娘?妳… 姑娘,妳在哭,怎麼了?
243. It's all right, now farewell and – perhaps we will meet again.
已經沒關係了,現在真的要告別了,而… 也許我們會再相見的。
(Man, I suddenly feel queasy – the poor child. It hurts him very much. Such a dear child, it is indeed sad and very moved. How sweet it is. I will push off, otherwise I will also start crying. Ah, they are already coming. – Good, they are still talking and do not notice my thoughts. – Man, that dear child, how sad it is all of a sudden. – I would better not say any more, or she will cry again. – It is very sad. – Ah, good, here is the boat, I will disappear in it. – Good, I am in. Oh man, oh man, how can such a farewell hurt so damn much. Man oh man …]
(老兄,我突然感到心神不寧… 可憐的孩子,這讓她非常痛苦,這樣一個可愛的孩子,這真讓人傷感而且讓人非常感動。這是多麼甜蜜呀。我得馬上走開,否則我也會開始哭泣,啊,他們已經來了… 很好,他們現在正在交談,並沒有注意到我的想法。老兄,那個親愛的孩子,突然間是多麼的悲傷呀,我最好別再說任何話,否則她又要哭了… 這很可悲,啊,很好,接駁飛船來了,我可以立刻消失了… 好,我在船裡了。噢老兄,噢老兄,一次再見怎麼能傷心得如此深,老兄呀老兄…)
426. Stop your thinking now.
427. It's just good Asket didn't pay more attention or she would have really cried more.
幸好 Asket 沒有再注意這些,否則她會哭得更慘。
428. She is very sad, because you are a very good and dear friend to her.
I know, Semjase, that's why I ran away so quickly. If I hadn't, I am sure I would still have been crying myself.
429. I don't believe you, because you exercise tremendous self-control over yourself.
430. So no matter how much your feelings storm inside you, you will only reveal them at the extreme limit.
You seem to know me very well.
431. Sure. –
432. I now know quite clearly that you are guided by your emotions, but that you are able to control and dominate those emotions almost to the point of self-destruction.
(Semjase lets her ship glide out of the hangar, and a few minutes later we are back in Ptaah's giant spacer. Like the first time, we are carried up by a glider, pass through the park and we go back again to the centre where Ptaah is sitting in his 'horseshoe'.)
(Semjase 讓她的飛船滑出機庫,幾分鐘後,我們又回到 Ptaah 的超級太空母船中。就像第一次一樣,我們被滑翔機帶上去,穿過公園並反返回中央控制室,在那裡,Ptaah 坐在他的“馬蹄鐵”操控台中。)
255. I see you are full of joy and very sad at the same time.
You have very good eyes. I am sure you also understand why I feel so funny, don't you?
256. How could I not? -
257. It is these stirrings in you which are of the same kind in sentient life-forms in all universes.
I know it is probably the law of love in a universal sense, but it probably only appeals to those who have aligned their manner of thinking with these laws, or am I wrong in this assumption?
我知道這可能是普遍意義上的愛之法則(law of love),不過這很可能只是吸引了那些思維方式與這些法則一致的人,還是我在這個假設中弄錯了?
258. You prove yourself that you know it and do not merely assume it.
259. It is as you say.
260. You are very wise.
Thanks for the flowers, but what do we do now?
261. We are just about to cross back into our own universe.
262. After that we will stay at the end of the barrier for fifty minutes to close it again.
Does it take that long?
433. Sure, because we can't just let it collapse, we have to close it systematically.
434. That just takes time and requires a lot of care.
435. From universe to universe there are very few barrier points that can be used as a transition.
從一個宇宙到另一個宇宙,可以用作過渡(transition)的屏障點(barrier points)非常少。
436. They must also not be overused or overloaded, otherwise the barrier structure will be destroyed, which could lead to a universal ram belt catastrophe.
此外,它們絕不能被過度濫用,也不能超載,否則屏障結構被破壞,這可能導致一次宇宙「緩衝帶」(ram belt;也就是「置換帶」)的災難。
437. So everything has to be done very precisely according to its order and according to the given laws, which of course always takes its time.
I see; then I guess I am now redundant for the next 50 minutes?
我明白;那麼我可能在未來的 50 分鐘都是多餘的了?
263. We can talk quietly.
264. The whole process of closure is programmed and will take care of itself without any special intervention on our part.
That is fantastic. Could I then ask you some questions that have been bothering me for a long time?
265. That was also meant to be.
Good, thank you very much. Firstly, I would like to know what we are going to do after the barrier closure has been carried out?
266. It is a fair question:
267. The plan is to leap to different galaxies, visiting some planets and life-forms with Semjase.
按照規劃,我們會跳躍(leap)到不同的銀河系(galaxies),在那些地方你將會與 Semjase 一同探訪一些行星和一些生命體。
Man, this is great; can I also talk to these life-forms then?
438. I am afraid that won't be possible.
439. We can only make our ship visible on very few worlds.
440. So we can't leave it either and have to be content with looking at everything from the beamships.
441. Nevertheless, it should be very interesting for you.
It is a great pity, but I don't want to push. I thank you for at least giving me this opportunity. But now I have something else: Until now, through you, Semjase, the earthly religions have only ever been spoken of in a negative wise. At least that must be the impression the uninitiated get from your explanations. I myself have known for a long time that this impression is deceptive and that a very specific form of religion is addressed by the negative. But this does not emerge from the explanations you have given so far, which must surely give the uninitiated the idea that religion in and of itself is to be kicked into the dirt. This impression is wrong, I know that, but so far nothing has been done on your part to correct this wrong impression. What is your position on this?
這是相當可惜的,但我不會想去改變這個,我感謝你至少能夠給我這個機會。但現在我還有別的事情想知道:到目前為止,透過你與 Semjase 的說明,地球的宗教一直以負面的形象被談論。至少,那是不瞭解情況的人從你們的解釋中得到的印象。雖然,我自己很早就知道,這種印象是有欺騙的成分,而宗教伴隨負面的評價,被定位為一個非常特定的形象。然而到目前為止,來自這方面解釋的並不清楚,這肯定會讓不瞭解情況的人認為宗教本身就是要被推入塵土中。我知道這個印象是不對的,但到目前為止,你們也沒有做什麼來矯正這種錯誤的印象。關於這方面你怎麼看?
268. This question is also completely justified and I would like to answer it in detail:
269. As with all things, everything requires a certain amount of preparation.
270. Nothing can be undertaken and fulfilled without appropriate preparation.
271. But if it is illogically done anyway, then an involuntary act takes place which can never be of value.
272. An involuntary act is synonymous with illogic and rashness.
273. And from such an involuntary act, therefore, only illogic can follow.
274. If, therefore, the Creation itself, for example, were to act involuntarily, there would be no laws and recommendations to secure the existence of all life-forms etc.
所以,舉例來說,如果「造化」(Creation)都是不由自主地行事,那就不會有法則和戒律(the laws and commandments)來保證所有生命形式等等的存在。
275. There would be vain illogic and thus complete disorder.
276. This means that nothing could exist – not even the Creation.
277. Arbitrariness namely means the free choice of the will and thus also the free choice of thought.
278. An involuntary act, however, does not presuppose free will, but an act or a situation or something else which one does not oneself consider, is not capable of considering, or which one does not oneself want.
(… … …)
279. An involuntary act presupposes that no thinking power whatsoever determines or can determine an act.
280. This means that an action takes place involuntarily or without thought and without consistency, which can or must always lead to negative effects and events.
281. Such involuntary actions, however, are only capable of life-forms that have not yet recognised the mental consistency in their course of action.
282. In other words, this means that such thinking life-forms are still in very minimal values in terms of consciousness and do not yet have control over their thinking form and thinking power.
283. Thus they are also able to act involuntarily – that is, without prior deliberation – without prior corresponding thought-work.
因此,他們也能不由自主地行動 —— 也就是說不加考慮 —— 沒有事先相應的思考工作。
284. They simply have not yet learned to really think.
285. If this were also the case with the Creation, then nothing would exist, for through illogic in this form everything is destroyed before it is even created.
286. A positive arbitrary act or process means real life in contrast to involuntariness.
287. That is:
288. An arbitrary act presupposes a rational thought capable of determining the consistency of an action.
289. This means that the existence of an action is consequently assured.
290. This in turn states:
291. The consistency of the action is logical.
292. Arbitrariness, then, is logic and deliberation, and secures the existence of the action.
293. Thus by the logic of the Creation itself it is clearly evident that it is therefore arbitrary, deliberate and logical action, and thereby secures the existence of all life.
294. Only where arbitrariness is given can the consistency of an action be determined and thereby life be begotten.
295. Arbitrariness is therefore necessary in all things, so also in the search for and dissemination of truth and knowledge.
296. Thus, in order to make a truth intelligible, a way to understanding must first be created by arbitrariness.
297. In this, arbitrariness means the means of communication between ignorance and understanding and between ignorance and knowledge.
298. Through arbitrariness, which in this form embodies the pure process of reflection and thought, the rational mind is stimulated to work and slowly led towards knowledge.
299. If cognition is then sufficiently advanced, further teaching material can be supplied, which is then also actually further processed and utilised arbitrarily, whereby further cognitions are then gained.
300. In a course of instruction, then, arbitrariness is of very great importance, for only through it is the logical consistency of the course of instruction guaranteed.
301. But never can a doctrine be taught in its deepest insights at the beginning of the teaching.
302. The necessary preparatory work and introductions follow first, in order to gradually penetrate into the centre of the teaching and impart the actual knowledge.
303. This process cannot be reversed, for this would mean an involuntary act, the consistency of which in the course of action would have to lead to disaster.
304. Take the example of one of the professional teachings, as these are usual with you on Earth:
305. If a human being of your Earth wants to become a physicist, he/she cannot immediately occupy himself with the deepest secrets and with the deepest knowledge of this profession and immediately learn everything.
306. First he/she must laboriously enter into the preliminary work and learn everything slowly from the bottom up.
307. When he/she has done this and acquired a certain knowledge, only then can they occupy themselves with deeper things and slowly penetrate into the centre of knowledge of the profession.
308. It is exactly the same with spiritual teaching.
這與靈性教導(spiritual teaching)是完全一樣的。
309. Therefore, my daughter has not yet reached into the deeper things of spiritual teaching and explanations, for first the seed had to be sown.
310. This in turn first had to adapt itself to the soil, insofar as it fell on fertile ground.
311. Then everything had to be enriched with vitalising forces in order to be able to germinate.
312. That is to say, the teaching parts and explanations etc. delivered by Semjase so far were and are the foundation stone for the main work which actually follows only now.
也就是說,到目前為止,由 Semjase 所傳達的教導和解釋等部分,都是為了現在才要真正開始主要工作的基礎。
313. What has been transmitted so far is in truth only the preliminary work by which Earth-humans must be prepared for the core of truth.
314. This, then, is an introduction and preparation for understanding and grasping the subsequent teaching and explanations.
315. If, therefore, Semjase has hitherto spoken only in a negative form about the earthly religions, this has its justification in the fact that thereby Earth-humans had to be made aware of the falsity and unreality of their religions, for these are in every form evil and unreal, as is not the case elsewhere in these forms on the worlds known to us in this universe.
因此,如果 Semjase 到目前為止只以負面的方式談及地球的宗教信仰,那麼這是有道理的,因為必須讓地球上的人類意識到他們宗教的虛幻和誤謬,因為這些宗教在每一種形式上都是惡意和不真實的,在這個宇宙中我們已知的世界上,其他地方在這些方面都不是這樣的。
316. When, therefore, the earthly religions are spoken of, they are meant in their negative forms, as they exist and find their applications and effects on Earth.
317. Religions in this sense are a deadly danger not only on Earth or for the human beings of Earth, but they also hold deadly dangers for other worlds in this universe.
318. Religions in the sense in which they exist on Earth are indeed unique in the realm of the universe as we know it, and we find no equal in any realm.
319. As a deadly danger, false religions dominate Earth-humans and with them the whole planet, and have been stunting your world in terms of consciousness for thousands of years.
320. All progress in consciousness is blocked by these religions and cannot progress.
321. The evolution of consciousness and also the evolution of the spirit of Earth-humans are hindered by the false teachings of the religions.
322. The earthly religious traditions still contain real values and wisdom of the creational laws and recommendations, but these have been distorted by humanly-generated false doctrines and made so unrecognisable that only a few human beings are able to recognise the effective truth from them.
323. These few, however, who are able to work out the real truth from the scriptures and traditions, are ostracised and cursed by the addicts of these false religions, if they are not able to spread the truth.
324. Thus, when the earthly religions have been spoken of in negative terms by Semjase, the falsifications and lies that are sometimes deliberately built up in the religions in a deceitful manner have been and are addressed by it.
因此,當 Semjase 以負面的方式談論地球的宗教時,在宗教中有時以欺騙的方式故意建立的那些虛假謊言,都已經被提示了出來。
325. But it also refers to those purely human, infamous works which you generally know simply as heresies and dogmas; purely infamous works of irresponsible or mad Earth-humans who, by means of these heresies which they have created, have been able to beat your whole humanity into poverty and servitude of consciousness.
326. The earthly religions are called religions in name only, for in truth they are not such, but only cultic degenerations in a very evil sense.
327. Religions in this form are always false and deadly.
328. In truth they are also not called religions, but cults.
329. In your case we call them cultic religions, because really religion-related facts are interspersed and falsified with cultic dogmas and false doctrines.
330. Religions of the earthly kind, if they were practised elsewhere on foreign worlds, would be just as false and of deadly danger as are the cultic religions of Earth-humans.
331. A truthful religion is the measure of all religions, that is, of all reconnecting facts.
332. But this is also only creatively-legally correct if it is based on harmonious co-operation with the RELEGEON.
333. This means that the reconnecting and the reassembling must be in harmonious harmony and must work together logically.
334. Religion cannot exist without Relegeon, but neither can Relegeon exist without religion.
335. Both factors must interlock and complement each other.
336. In the earthly case, since cultic religions prevail, the only salvation is for these existing false cultic religions to be eradicated and destroyed to make way for the true religion in harmony with the Relegeon.
337. This can only be done by the willing human beings aligning themselves only with the RELEGEON until they have won the battle over the cultic religions.
338. Thus, at the present time and in the near future, only one direction of thought is the only correct one, namely the RELEGEOUS, the reuniting.
339. Earth-humans must find the truth and reassemble it into the correct masses and forms.
340. He/she must therefore think and act in a relegeous manner, so as to find again the truths from the real religion and to assemble them into the attained complex of relegeous knowledge.
341. Only in this manner does he/she tread the correct path and follow the laws of the evolution of the spirit and the evolution of consciousness.
342. In particular, the heresies of earthly cultic religions rest in cursing and blaspheming and denying the Creation.
343. It as omnipotence is questioned and replaced by blasphemous heresies by a God who is supposed to be the Creator and who is also called Lord of all things.
其無限的力量受到質疑,並被褻瀆性的觀點所取代,認為「上帝」(God)才是「造物主」(Creator),並被奉為「萬物之主」(Lord of all things)。
344. But the Creation is in truth the Gewalt, the Almighty, and the glory itself.
但事實上,「造化」才是最浩瀚輝宏的(the Gewalt)、最全能的(the Almighty),而且是榮耀(glory)本身。
345. Through various circumstances, and not least through the megalomania of human creatures, IHWHs, wisdom kings, people's leaders and human race leaders, who are called GOD in Earth human terms, have been pressed into the conceptual form of a Creator and declared mendaciously to be the highest in the universe, namely Creation itself.
透過各種情況,尤其是透過那些狂妄自大的人類生物(human creatures),將那些IHWHs、智慧之王、人民的領袖和人類的領袖,根據他們在地球人類的說法而被奉為「上帝/神明」(GOD),將其捏造成一個「造化」的概念,並妄稱其為宇宙中的至尊,也就是「造化」本身。
346. This is still evident today in the form of address of Earth-humans when they speak of their GOD as the CREATOR.
347. The concept of the masculine, of HE and HIM and THE GOD could not be erased even over many millennia by the representatives of religion, consequently this concept still bears witness to the humanity of the God and Creator and the Gods on Earth today.
348. Earth-humans, however, in their thoughtless stupidity and in their unwillingness to surrender to the truth, have been incapable of thinking about these things for a very long time.
349. Stupidly he/she continues to defend the cultic religions, which are without exception attuned to some Earth human being and to a heavenly deity.
350. And practically every religion refers to a founder of a religion who, with one exception, is worshipped and glorified as the Chosen One of Creation, whereby the believers then practise a cult of man, which, however, is ultimately inherent in all earthly cultic religions.
351. Creation itself is completely disregarded and condemned to nothingness, because through the cultic religions it is replaced by the madness of a human substitute and by a God-Creator.
352. Creation itself, as the absolute omnipotence and glory of all BEING and being, is viciously denied and condemned.
353. Whether this is done knowingly or in compliance with cultic-religious heresies or as a result of other world views, it remains the same.
354. In any case it means the most monstrous blasphemy of the Creation that can be thought or uttered by any life-form.
355. Apart from the Creation itself, nothing is venerable, universal-loving, omnipotent, eternal and awesome.
356. It is the beginning and the end of all being and BEING itself.
357. Apart from her, nothing is existent.
This is very detailed, and I believe that this in and of itself should be understood by all human beings, even those who are caught up in their unreal religions. I think that this explanation of yours should be sufficient to dispel the impression that religion in and of itself is simply wrong and should be eradicated. In my opinion, your words clearly state that in the negative sense only cultic religions are being spoken of, i.e. those that have been falsified beyond recognition by man-made dogmas and other false teachings, and through which the Creation is blasphemed in the most evil forms. These blasphemies therefore also include all worship and sanctification of any human beings and objects, and to the same extent also the calling and elevating of a human being into the conceptual form of a creator or a creator's messenger, for a creator in the cultic-religious sense is never the Creation. A god, a creator or otherwise somehow a human being or other life-form can never be the Creation itself. Creation is neither a HE nor a SHE, for it is quite simply THE Creation, the sexless one, thus effectively an IT. That is how I see it, anyway.
這是非常詳細的解釋,我相信這本身就應該被所有的人理解,即使是那些陷入虛幻宗教的人。我認為你的這種解釋就應該足以消除宗教本身那些虛妄而應該被根除的印象。在我看來,你的話清楚地表明,在消極意義上,只談到了邪教,也就是那些被人為的教條和其他虛妄的教義偽造得面目全非的宗教,通過這些宗教,「造化」以最邪惡的形式受到了褻瀆。因此,這些褻瀆行為也包括對任何人類和物件的所有崇拜和神聖化,在同樣的程度上也包括將人類召喚和提升為造物主或造物主的使者的概念形式,因為在狂熱崇拜宗教意義上的一個造物主永遠不會是「造化」。一個神明,一個造物主或其他人或其他生命形式永遠不可能是「造化」本身。「造化」既不是「他」也不是「她」,因為祂根本就是「造化」(THE Creation),沒有性別,因此實際上就是「祂」,反正我是這麼看的。
358. You evoke astonishing emotions in me, for your words correspond to the exact facts of truth.
359. You have become very wise.
That is your opinion. Many human beings who know me say of me that I am a fantasist and that I live far from the truth.
360. I am well aware of that.
361. But I also know that only such human beings claim this of you who are biased by religious heresies or who move in unreal and false freethinking paths and deny the existence of the Creation in its true BEING.
362. In this respect you will also have to make your experiences again shortly, when you are again accused of lying and untruthfully accused of consistently denying and rejecting other UFO contact people.
在這方面,當有人再次指責你說謊並被不實指控不斷否認和拒絕其他 UFO 接觸者時,你將很快不得不再體驗一次。
That is snappy; who is going to initiate this again?
363. You have known about this for about twenty years; you will come across it again early on.
364. Presently it has slipped from your memory.
So you don't want to talk about it – well, let's not. But now another question: Recently it was explained to me that in various governments of our Earth extraterrestrial intelligences are carrying on their activities and are even permanently employed there. What is this all about, can we believe these statements?
所以,你不想談論它… 好吧,我們不談。但現在,另一個問題:最近有人對我說,一些外星人(extraterrestrial intelligences)在我們地球上的一些國家政府中從事他們的活動,並甚至被永久受雇於此。這到底是怎麼一回事,我們能相信這些說法嗎?
365. You call such things fairy tales.
So this means that there are no 'star people' working in our Earth governments?
366. That's what it says. -
367. If these statements were true, then peace would have come to Earth a long time ago and Earthly humanity would have been taught the truth by the governments.
368. But since we extraterrestrial life-forms, according to our directives, have no right to interfere forcibly in earthly affairs, we must confine ourselves to the form of selecting predetermined Earth-humans for this purpose, in order to be able to transmit our knowledge through them.
369. If we had the right to interfere in the form of being allowed to act in government offices, then we could also show ourselves in public.
370. I would then also not have to worry about being harmed by governments, the military, criminals, etc.
371. Furthermore, it would also be impossible for us, in terms of vibration, to get involved with Earth-humans in a direct or personal manner, because we would lose our control over ourselves.
372. For very specific reasons you are an exception, as you yourself know very well.
But it is said that these extraterrestrials would secretly and undetected participate in or with government agencies.
373. This is also not so, which your logic itself can confirm.
374. If it were really so, then within only a few days no authority, no government and no military power would hunt down our ships, because we actually have all possibilities to nip such things in the bud.
375. If we were to be active in any governmental bodies, there would be peace on Earth.
376. So all the claims are nothing more than lies, I mean, when such things are claimed by us or by any other extraterrestrials.
377. Such lies are often due to religious machinations of some sectarian elements and of unscrupulous fantasists, liars, swindlers and frauds.
[中譯者註:有關“目前存在於地球上的外星人”這個主題,屢屢感覺Ptaah每次回答這個問題時,似有難言之隱,應該是還有不能透漏的苦衷。其實,在其他幾次接觸報告中,他都間接承認:目前在地球上,除了他們之外,的確還有其他種族的外星人在地球上從事活動。有關資料,請參閱《第 257 次接觸報告》與《第 541 次接觸報告》等。]
Well, that is a tough one, man oh man.
378. But it is true.
379. Unfortunately, however, it is precisely the truth that is often twisted by religioussectarians and fantasists and evaluated in their own favour.
380. That is why there are also various groups that are supposedly concerned with the enlightenment of things with us and our ships, but who in reality only use this as a pretext to consolidate and spread their religious sectarianism in order to thereby beat the world even worse into religious bondage.
Can you be a little more specific about that, like what kind of groups are they?
381. You will find out about this yourself through one of these groups in the near future.
So secretive. Are you really not going to say anything?
382. No.
Also good, then I would like to know something else for once. I have heard and read that our scientists are trying to make their own earthly beamships. Is that true and how advanced are these things?
383. This information is consistent with the truth to the extent that such flying apparatuses are in their infancy being built on Earth.
384. However, they are not beamships, but flying machines similar to our ships, equipped only with explosion engines or, more recently, with jet engines with recoil effect.
然而,這並不是光船(beamships;一般譯為飛船),而是有著類似我們飛船的飛行設備,並只配備內燃發動機,或最近裝備了具有反衝效應(recoil effect)的噴射引擎。
385. The construction of such ships on Earth in modern times is not entirely new, however, for the first ships of this kind were completed in planning and construction as early as 1941.
然而,此類在地球上近代的飛船結構並無新意,因為 1941 年首批此類的飛船已經在計劃中完成,並開始建造。
386. In mid-February 1945, the first flights were carried out up to altitudes of around 12500 metres, developing speeds of just over 2000 kilometres per hour.
在 1945 年二月中旬,已進行首次飛行,高度達約一萬兩千五百公尺,而速度已超過時速 2000 公里。
387. It was all commissioned by the Führer of the Second World War, Adolf Hitler.
一切都透過第二次世界大戰的領導者阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)所安排。
388. At the end of the war, however, everything was destroyed so that it would not fall into the hands of the enemy.
[中譯者註:有關德國在二戰時期所研發的「飛碟」並非空穴來風。根據維基百科資料,名為「納粹飛碟」(Nazi UFO)的飛行器是在第二次世界大戰期間,希特勒想對付盟軍令納粹德國扭轉敗局,下令納粹德國科學家秘密研製的一種圓碟形狀的飛行器。
傳說納粹德國很早就研究不明飛行物,受其啟發,試圖仿製。在 1920 年代末期,納粹德國成立了一個名為「爆破手研究室-13」的一個秘密機構,任務目的是專門研究並測試碟形飛行器。
而在第二次世界大戰將近結束的時候,希特勒至少已經擁有了兩架可以使用的 Hannebu 飛碟。Hannebu 飛行器,最高時速可以超過 1900 公里,更能夠 90 度垂直轉向並能夠垂直起飛,而且納粹德國考慮為這種飛行器安裝反裝甲武器。
389. Various plans and devices and apparatuses, however, were overlooked and fell into other hands.
390. From these, various groups developed the disc-shaped ships of terrestrial origin that exist today.
391. These 'flying discs', as they are called by the designers, naturally require their test flights to test their properties, etc.
這些被設計者稱為“飛碟”(flying discs)的飛行器,自然需要進行飛行試驗,以測試其性能等。
392. Many of these objects can therefore be observed by Earth-humans as they are flown about to be flown in or tested.
393. The largest of these terrestrial flying objects of this type already reach nearly 10 metres in diameter and are already quite numerous.
394. Of course, this is quite vigorously denied by the governments of the states possessing them.
395. However, their machines have often crashed, because they are still rather poorly developed in all respects.
396. But the uninitiated human beings of Earth live in the mistaken belief that these 'flying discs' they observe are of the same kind as our beamships and come from extraterrestrial worlds.
[中譯者註:第二次世界大戰結束後,美國軍方開始製造出了各種碟形飛行器,例如綽號飛行薄餅的 XF5U 和 V-173 螺旋槳飛行器,該飛行器外型就如納粹德國的碟形飛行器。還有用渦扇發動機作為飛行動力的飛行車 VZ-9 Avrocar;如下圖:
美國飛行車VZ-9 Avrocar 的外型
So that is how it is. Then several of the UFOs observed around the world are not UFOs at all, but simply terrestrial 'flying discs'.
397. That is so, yes.
398. Often they are also forced to make emergency landings because their constructions, devices and apparatus are still very inadequate.
399. Their explosion engines and jet engines, which they recently also want to operate atomically, but which are still wishes for the future, very often cause combustion damage.
400. Human beings who come into the vicinity of such combustion fires are so often also threatened by dangers of atomic radiation, starting from experimental atomic reactors, which are supposed to serve for propulsion, but which will not succeed for a long time yet.
401. If distressed ships of this kind are approached by observers, by which I mean that they go near them, then they are often frightened by the occupants, or even abducted and deported, in order to ensure their absolute silence.
402. Such occurrences are unfortunately not uncommon on the Earth, but through the ignorance of human beings and various unreal 'enlightenment striving' groups they are invariably attributed to extraterrestrial life-forms.
403. In truth, there are probably also malignant intelligences from outer space that haunt your Earth or stray there, but there are not so many of them that they would be of great significance.
404. Most observations of 'flying discs' with human predations are of terrestrial origin.
405. Earth-humans should be aware of this when they encounter any 'flying discs' whose occupants are well aware of the fact that very many human beings believe these objects to be of extraterrestrial origin.
406. This knowledge is also very often exploited by them by imagining some gullible Earth-humans as extraterrestrial intelligences.
407. Aware of their religious power, they also do not shy away from pretending to be angels and God's messengers and appearing as 'saviours' of Earth-humans, whereby they then proclaim the deceived gullible to be contactors and assign them mysterious missions which are supposedly for the benefit of Earth-humans, but which in reality only serve their own profit and the benefit of their own country's espionage.
408. The most popular places of origin these malevolent deceptive elements and occupants of earthly 'flying discs' name are Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
409. But also the nearest neighbouring systems of your solar system have to serve for this, as well as the Pleiades in the coming time, when you will have become world-famous through your contacts with us.
410. In the process, my daughter Semjase and my person will also be falsely accused of being contact beings with Earth-humans who are fraudulent in this respect, as well as alleged Pleiades beings who do not exist.
由此也會有我的女兒 Semjase,以及我自己,被不實地指控為與這方面欺詐的地球人接觸,就像所謂的昴宿星人(Pleiades beings)並不存在一樣。
You amaze me, Ptaah. I have known all these things since my childhood. Even Sfath and Asket told me these things, but I was always strictly enjoined to keep silent about them and not to let them become revealed under any circumstances. But now you are also explaining them to me again, knowing that Semjase will tell me everything later, because I am supposed to write it all down. Or are these things excluded and not transmitted later? Do I have to continue to keep quiet about it?
你讓我感到驚訝,Ptaah。我從小就知道所有這些事情。甚至Sfath和Asket也告訴我這些事情,但我總是被嚴格指示對這些事情保持沉默,在任何情況下都不能讓它們公開。但現在你又在向我解釋這些東西,明知 Semjase 稍後會傳送給我一切,因為我要把一切寫下來。還是這些東西會被排除在外不被傳送?我對於它們是否必須繼續保持沉默嗎?
411. The time of having to keep silent is very far advanced, which is why you have also received permission from Asket to reveal everything now.
必須保持沉默的時間已經夠久了,這就是為什麼你也得到了 Asket 的許可,現在可以透露一切。
412. So it is also with this knowledge.
413. The time is ripe, so you are also allowed to name this knowledge and your duty of silence becomes invalid.
414. Semjase will therefore convey my explanations to you verbatim.
因此 Semjase 會給你傳送我字面上的解釋。
415. But now our time here is also over, and we prepare for the first leap.
I thank you for all your explanations, Ptaah. Now, where are we actually going?
416. Since through our technology all distances have become of absolute insignificance, we can leap here and there, once closer to Earth, then again much further away.
417. The order is unimportant.
418. Anyway, we will show you some very important and very interesting things.
(Since the transitional phases and the transmissions have always remained the same phenomena, I will not have to describe them in the future. I am content to put down on paper the thoughts and explanations etc. So I will leave out the unimportant things and only write down the actually valuable transmissions of Semjase. That is to say, I simply omit all those descriptions which deal with the entry and exit of the transmission, for no new data have arisen for me in this respect, consequently I could not make any other observations. Statement of Tuesday, 16th September 1975.)
What is that enormous structure in front of you? It seems like a gigantic wall in the middle of space.
419. That is the former star and planet system NESAR.
420. It is a dead system, destroyed by the unreasonableness of its former inhabitants.
421. What you call a wall there are many planets and stars that crashed into each other and created this unique structure.
422. In the mass of these dead worlds you still recognise some faint light phenomena.
在這些成堆的死亡世界中,你仍然能夠辨認出一些微弱的發光現象(light phenomena)。
423. These are the destroyed stars, but they still have a weak luminosity and lose it very slowly.
424. This system is from your homeworld 1.73 billion light-years away, and despite this great distance, the cause of the destruction is to be found on Earth.
425. The inhabitants of the NESAR system, the NESARENER, were a technically and consciously very highly developed people and they formed a uniform race of humanoid form.
426. For a period of 17,000 years they lived in complete peace with each other and with the races of the other systems known to them in their galaxy.
427. Their evolution in consciousness and technology was very high, but unfortunately only in the knowledge of the use of their powers of consciousness.
428. They did not possess a spiritual goal in and of itself, and they also had no knowledge of the Creation.
429. All their spiritual knowledge rested solely in the partial recognition and observance of the laws of nature.
430. According to these they acted correctly, but were unable to attain any spiritual goal.
431. By omitting the most important factor of Creation, they remained one-sided and exposed to the danger of being led into confusion by unreal consciousness.
432. This danger was very great and it grew constantly because the Nesarenes moved very far away from their galaxy in terms of research and came into contact with intelligences which were completely foreign to them and which imparted to them very foreign forms of thought and teachings as well as philosophies.
433. As long as these were still compatible with the laws of nature, everything went well.
434. But then it happened that three expedition ships of the Nesarenes strayed into the SOL system through a false leap in hyperspace and found human life-forms on Earth.
435. That was exactly 1,067 years ago in Earth time.
436. Very similar to Earth-humans, they mingled with them and lived together with them for about 50 years, unrecognised and very interested in all Earthly things.
437. In particular, their attention fell on the religions dominating the Earth-humans.
438. With their highly developed technical possibilities, they collected everything attainable concerning the religions known to them, stored them in their apparatus and allowed themselves to be very strongly influenced by them.
439. Since their consciousness was only oriented towards natural law, but not also towards the Creation, they very quickly found a false sense in the various earthly religions, but they became just as unaware of the false as Earth-humans.
440. They now saw another goal and eagerly endeavoured to strive towards it.
441. The religious influence thus gained by the Earth-humans appeared to them to be of unusually great significance and importance.
442. So they set out to find their home galaxy again, which they actually succeeded in doing after 4 long years of wandering about, to the chagrin of their whole and truly great home system and its inhabitants.
443. The religions learned on Earth were spread and taught on all inhabited worlds, while a small armada of Great Spacers was sent to Earth to collect further data of the religions prevailing there.
444. During five years, research was carried out in secret on Earth and everything to do with the religions was registered.
445. Then the expedition returned to the home galaxy.
446. Once there, the expedition members discovered that various changes had taken place in the meantime.
447. Houses of worship had been built on all worlds and the human beings had become discontented.
448. Despite these findings, the new data was evaluated and disseminated, and within another fifty years the entire great system was under the influence of various earthly religions.
449. Human beings could no longer understand each other and anyone of a different faith was accused of unreal teachings.
450. Soon these insults led to evil accusations, to quarrels and then to hatred.
451. Families among themselves divided into different religious groups and beliefs, and then soon the first blood flowed.
452. The family members began to fight and kill each other, and soon it was family against family.
453. This spread to housing estates and whole residential areas, and suddenly it was everyone against everyone.
454. What you call a civil war ensued after another seven years.
455. The high councils were completely powerless against this, because organisations such as the military, which could have brought order, were unknown in the whole NESAR system.
456. In sudden realisation of the madness of the religions, brought in from Earth, the rulers banned them.
457. But it was already too late.
458. The civil wars had already escalated into world wars, and soon the first worlds were destroyed.
459. After another three years, a vicious system-wide war of annihilation was underway, with the centres, the suns, being destroyed.
460. Collapsing in on themselves, they tore into all the planetary systems with irresistible Gewalt.
461. A gigantic mass arose, which took over everything that still existed.
462. Eventually, the planets and stars were pulled into a whole heap and joined the huge mass.
463. This is how the enormous structure you see there came into being.
464. A destroyed solar and planetary system of enormous proportions; caused by religious madness – brought in as a deadly form from Earth.
一個被消滅的太陽系和行星系,規模巨大;這是由宗教的瘋狂所造成 —— 作為一種致命的形式從地球帶來。
Well, that is madness all right.
442. Sure.
443. Now pay attention far out there.
444. That is a black hole in the universe.
那是宇宙中的一個黑洞(black hole)。
445. A black hole in the universe is very dangerous.
446. Such a black hole is a gigantic gravitational pull of immense proportions in empty space.
447. The formation of such a 'hole' in empty space is very easy to explain:
448. Somewhere, for example, there is a sun which suddenly collapses due to violent internal processes.
449. All external and also system-wide mass falls inwards, into the centre, where it is compressed with unimaginable Gewalt.
450. The result is that the mass of matter becomes so dense that a single thimbleful of this material suddenly weighs many thousands of tons.
451. Even an elephant would not be able to carry a single tiny speck of dust.
452. The space of the collapsed masses can no longer be filled by the already empty space, so a vacuum within a vacuum is created.
453. The mass that is concentrated in itself, however, pulls everything into itself that enters the area of attraction of the 'hole' or strays into it.
454. As a result, the mass continues to grow and become larger.
455. Such a 'hole' can also be created artificially.
456. This was also the case in this destroyed system.
457. But before the process had reached its climax, the first worlds already fell into the 'hole' that was becoming.
458. Thus only the first were destroyed in their structure and form, while those following the first were able to retain their outer form.
459. Thus the process of 'hole-formation' was stopped short of its climax, and only the gigantic and powerful attraction of the whole mass was able to pull the remaining planets and stars into itself.
460. But now the next leap is already prepared, and we are about to transmit.
465. Here we are again much further away from Earth than before.
466. The distance to your home system is now 1,960 million light-years.
467. This is the galaxy ASAP, and over there you see the world DESOM.
468. It is a world inhabited by human forms, according to your time and values, living approximately in the Middle Ages.
這是一個由人類形態居住的世界,根據你們的時間和觀點,他們大約生活在中世紀(Middle Ages)。
469. They live in larger villages similar to those you have in the oriental world.
470. A second race of this world does not live in permanent houses.
471. It is nomadic and builds huts out of plants and bushes.
472. You can see this world up close, because Semjase will take you there with her beamships.
473. But first notice the giant sun up ahead.
474. Its power is already diminished and will be extinguished in a few tens of millennia.
475. The moon you see there is about four times the size of the Earth's moon.
476. In about 3.2 million years it will crash into the giant sun, as the three bodies slowly work their way towards each other.
And what happens to the human beings then?
461. They will have developed technology useful to them by then, which will allow them the possibility of escape from their world.
And if that is not the case?
462. But it will be.
463. If this were prevented by any events, then help would be brought to them from outside.
464. This is arranged according to cosmic laws.
That is reassuring. But how is it now, can we also talk to the human beings down there?
465. I am afraid that will not be possible on any of the worlds we will be visiting in the next few hours.
466. Everywhere it is appropriate not to let us be seen, so we have to wrap ourselves in our protective shields.
467. We must only allow ourselves to be seen where the evolution in question and our directives permit.
It is a great pity, but I understand.
468. That is good, now come on.
(The excursion only lasts a few minutes, during which I can take several photos. Already we are heading back and Ptaah initiates the next transmission.)
477. Here we are 1,780 million light-years away from Earth in the galaxy NEPON.
478. What you see there is the system LESA.
479. You see there the three big formations.
480. The two there, standing so close together, are two sister planets of immense size.
481. The one a little further away and even bigger is the giant moon of the sister worlds.
482. It is about 5.24 times bigger than the Earth.
469. That is absolutely normal.
470. Only to Earth-humans and other non-space-faring races do these things seem fabulous, as you call it.
471. Your scientists cannot even imagine such giant worlds in their wildest dreams.
472. The truth is beyond their comprehension.
I do not doubt it.
473. Come now – we will also take a short flight on these worlds.
現在來吧 —— 我們也將在這些世界上進行一次短暫的飛行。
(Again I was able to take some photos and hope they turned out well. Explanation from the 15th September 1975: One of the two LESA worlds is inhabited by human life-forms.)
(After the next hyperleap.)
483. This one above us is an oxygen world similar in size to Earth.
484. The atmosphere also has similar values, while the planet surface only bears some resemblance to your deserts and in many factors has much more similarity to the planet Venus of your system.
485. Here we are still in the LESA system, which has very large dimensions and must be traversed with hyperleaps.
486. The planet shows very primitive faunal life and already again strong flora growth, but was once very lively in former times.
487. However, a cosmic event destroyed everything again and caused everything to fossilise in a process lasting millions of years.
488. For several millennia now, however, conditions have changed again and new life is developing.
489. As you can see from here, different colours shimmer there.
490. These are desert, water and forest areas.
491. The desert-like landscapes are partly made up of rock masses, mountains and very rotten brittle rock, which slowly decomposes back into sand and then turns into Earth over time.
492. The mountains themselves are no higher than 8,000 metres and they are very similar to the mountains on your Venus.
493. But you will see that for yourself when you are there with Semjase.
494. You will also be able to take photographs through the open access hatch, because the atmosphere is very good for all of us.
Then I am sure the photos will be better too. Asket has explained that the grid device is not very useful. In connection with this Earth-Venus-like planet, however, I now have a question: invisible and spiritual life-forms are supposed to live on such worlds, for example, also on our Venus and on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Mars etc. In addition to these, there are also so-called space people or space beings, or whatever they are called. All these forms, however, are said to be in contact with Earth-humans, etc., here and there or even frequently. They are also said to call themselves guardians, universe guardians, angels of God, etc., etc., and to be, so to speak, the guardians of divine laws and universal order. I am now not clear whether these statements are only assertions or correspond to actual facts. To be honest, I can see neither sense nor logic in it. I think that this even contradicts all creative laws and the laws of nature. Somehow I have the feeling that such claims are unreal and spring from delusional overloaded sick brains. I am not quite sure about this though, it is really just a hunch and a feeling inside me that gives me this view. I just can't get my head around it, not even through people keep trying to explain to me that my assumption isn't correct and that these space people or space beings are supposed to really exist. There are even supposed to be forms of guardians that exist in empty space, and so on. What should I really make of this? I cannot accept the whole thing.
那我相信照片也會更好。Asket已經解釋過,網格裝置的作用不大。然而,關於這個類似地球-金星的行星,我現在有一個問題:那些無形而有靈性的生命體應該可以生活在這樣的世界上,例如,也可以生活在我們的金星、木星、土星、天王星和火星等世界上。除了這些,還有所謂的太空人或太空生物,或無論任何的稱呼。然而,所有這些生命體,據說都有與地球人等接觸,在不同的地方,甚至經常接觸。據說他們還自稱是守護者、宇宙守護者、上帝的天使等等,可以說是神聖法則(divine laws)和宇宙秩序(universal order)的守護者。我現在不清楚這些說法只是斷言,還是真實的事實。老實說,我看不出其中有任何道理或邏輯。我認為這甚至與所有的造物法則和自然法則相矛盾。不知何故,我有種感覺,這種說法是不真實的,是來自妄想過度的病態大腦。但我並不十分確定,這真的只是我內心的一種預感和直覺,讓我有了這種看法。我只是無法理解,甚至有些人一直試圖向我解釋,我的假設並不正確,這些太空人或太空生物應該真的存在。甚至應該有存在於虛空中的守護者的形式等等。我到底應該如何看待這個問題?我不能接受整個事情。
495. How did you come to these things – did you read books about it?
你是怎麼想到這些事情的 —— 你讀過相關的書籍嗎?
No, to the best of my knowledge I have never seen or read such books. I have simply been told on various occasions about these supposed space beings and space people, many of whom are supposed to be purely spiritual forms. However, my feelings and logic simply cannot be reconciled with this.
496. Then you feel and think very correct.
497. You know about parapsychology, as you call this field of knowledge?
I hope so, at least. I have …
474. He has extraordinary abilities, as I have recently discovered.
475. He also possesses quite enormous knowledge, as you yourself know very well.
498. Your excessive modesty is not good.
499. In this, strive for more truthful forms, for the existing ones already border on self-denial.
500. You have already been told this several times.
501. You know a guy named George Adamski, right?
你認識一個叫喬治.亞當斯基(George Adamski)的人,對嗎?
You know him, you have told me about him several times. I also know him personally from before, when he was at the Volkshaus in Zurich in May 1959. I did not get the best impression of him then, although I had to talk to him with an interpreter because I did not speak English at that time. I noticed, however, that the man was dominated by a tremendous stubbornness and by a great egoism that seemed unusual to me, but which was supposed to be covered up by an almost perfectly acted kindness and charity. I found that the man had an extraordinary gift for persuasion and suggestion and always knew how to take over the conversation. It was clear that he had fallen for an ideal and was exploiting it in his own favour with a feigned help for the oppressed. So also fighting injustice seemed to me to be only acted by him and everything only to put himself in the centre. It seemed to me that in the first and last place for him only his own needs were always predominant, and that from the big toe up to the last tip of his hair. I had the impression at the time that in every respect he was only ever concerned with his own ego and his own well-being, which he directed into the highest channels through a tremendous power of imagination and suggestion. He also seemed to me to be dominated by the will to want to be first in every relationship and also to want to take the lead in every relationship.
502. You have observed and analysed the man very carefully, which apparently no Earth human being has ever been able to do before.
503. Adamski indeed showed the qualities you mentioned, but he managed to cover them up almost perfectly and thereby deceived countless human beings.
504. He was born under the sign of Aries and degenerated in a very negative manner.
505. The reason, however, why I am again calling your attention to this man and to parapsychology is this:
506. The space beings you mention do not exist in any form and they are only the degenerate fantasy product of your impossible parapsychology in the first place.
507. In the second place in this fantasy degeneration functions the aforementioned Adamski.
508. He lived in a hopeless web of lies and was a fantasist with extraordinarily highly developed powers of suggestion.
他生活在一個毫無希望的謊言網(web of lies)中,是一個幻想家,具有異常發達的暗示能力。
509. Until a few years ago, your unreal parapsychology partly spoke of space beings of your mentioned form, Adamski took over this form for himself and imaginatively created a special form of being out of them, namely the Universe Guardians etc.
510. Neither parapsychology nor Adamski also get to the heart of the truth:
511. Beings of the forms they mention are absolutely non-existent.
512. They have never existed, nor will they ever exist.
513. They are the pure fantasy product of overstimulated, misguided or sick brains, but on the other hand they are also implanted fantasy products of the Giza intelligences addicted to world domination.
它們只是受過度刺激、被誤導或生病的大腦純粹幻想的產物,但另一方面,它們也是沉迷於統治世界的「吉薩精靈」(Giza intelligences)植入的幻想產物。
514. The truth about the most diverse forms of beings rests in completely different values than are claimed by your parapsychology, by Adamski and various other Earth-humans.
515. But these entities have not a single iota in common with the aforementioned fantasy-space beings.
516. The truth is that invisible and unrecognisable forms of beings live in the most diverse spheres and dimensions.
517. These are spheres and dimensions that are superimposed on or subordinate to your normal time and that form independent spheres and space-time planes.
518. In and of themselves these spheres and dimensions, and likewise the life-forms or being-forms that animate them, are of as material a nature as the Earth human being, his world and his time-plane.
519. The swinging waves of the time planes concerned are, however, structurally fundamentally displaced, whereby these other spheres, dimensions and forms of life or beings remain invisible and unrecognisable to the Earth human being.
520. The vibrational spheres far inferior to Earth-humans are just as invisible and unrecognisable to them as the spheres far superior to them.
521. If this were not so, the most diverse spheres, dimensions and life-forms would flow into each other and cause universal chaos.
522. Fundamentally, nothing at all could exist as a result.
523. So there must be sharp dividing lines to ensure the existence of spheres, dimensions and entities.
524. Now these OTHERS, the being-forms or life-forms from other spheres and dimensions, which are just as material in their time-plane as Earth-humans are in their space-time structure, also have their worries and problems, and they too are classified in the cosmic course of evolution.
525. In nowise are they interested in making contact with the time-plane, which is yours and means the normal time-plane for you.
526. On the other hand, also in various other spheres and dimensions, only very few life-forms are capable of opening time barriers and penetrating other spheres, just as this is not the case on Earth.
527. In other spheres and dimensions, then, the beings or life-forms are just as material as they are on Earth, except that they are invisible and unrecognisable to you through the vibrational shifts.
528. But there are still the high spiritual planes, the purely spiritual spheres and dimensions.
529. These, however, are no longer material in any form known to you, but are purely spiritual.
530. This means, then, that in these spheres and dimensions there live only beings who are released from the material body and vibrate towards the goal of relative perfection.
531. These are partly the beings which already in the highest planes begin to direct the destinies of the universe in harmony with the Creation and are capable of creation.
532. But these entities also do not make contact with Earth-humans.
533. This only happens in certain exceptional cases, which are very rarely repeated in millennia of time, when lower beings capable of communication are addressed by higher purely spiritual life-forms and made aware of certain happenings.
534. Without exception, however, this only occurs in connection with the appearance of a life-form at some place in a sphere and dimension, which has a mission to fulfil as a prophet, etc.?
535. And such prophets exist in all spheres and dimensions, that is, not only on Earth.
536. These are life-forms who are to further develop the great masses concerned of their own kind and who have to show them the way of the whole evolution.
537. Such prophets, however, are without exception brought forth by destiny of their own or are chosen by much more highly developed life-forms and prepared for their mission from birth.
538. If they are then sufficiently developed, then contact is made with the higher and purely spiritual plane Arahat Athersata by a Grand Council decision, which already consists of semi-spiritual life-forms.
當它們充分發展後,再根據一個由半靈態生命體所組成的「大議會」(Grand Council)作出決定,與更高等級且純靈態的AA(Arahat Athersata)層級取得聯繫。
[中譯者註:所謂Arahat Athersata層級,是指生命體進化到純靈態階段的第一個層級,要達到這一個層級,通常需要經過六百至八百億年的進化時間。在本文中將其簡稱為AA層級。(資料譯自《Future Of Mankind》)]
539. From this plane the prophets are then further instructed in spiritual knowledge, and the teaching of the spirit is also transmitted to them for propagation.
540. But truly only life-forms are capable of this communication with the higher and first pure spiritual plane, which in and of themselves are already semi-spiritual or semi-material or otherwise spiritually very highly developed.
541. Among our peoples this is embodied in the High Council, whereas we ourselves are not yet capable of this communication.
在我們的人民中,只有「高級理事會」(High Council)具備這樣的資格,而就連我們自己都還沒有能力進行這種交流。
542. These spirit-forms of high and highest planes are to be calculated in terms of age with many billions and not only with millions of years, during which they have lived through innumerable incarnations and have evolved to the highest states.
543. This fact also proves the incorrectness of Earth-humans' assertions that a being of ten or twenty million years of age is already of pure spiritual form and is considered a 'master'.
544. Many misguided or deceitful Earth-humans speak or write again and again of spirit beings who are said to be several million years old and to communicate with Earth-humans.
545. These alleged spirit beings are called masters, gurus and perfects etc. by the claimants.
546. In this respect it is very interesting for you to note that to Earth-humans such concepts of time of some millions of years seem monstrous and incomprehensible.
547. That is, such concepts of time can no longer be measurably grasped and processed by Earth-humans.
548. If, therefore, in writings and books such dates of years and times appear, it is of complete certainty that these dates can only come from very ignorant Earth-humans, for only to Earth-humans, speaking of your world, do these periods of time appear inconceivable and monstrous.
549. Earth-humans, who are still bound to their world in every respect and have only taken the beginning baby steps towards space travel, are not yet able to grasp tremendously large periods of time and distances conceptually.
550. You will experience this fact for yourself when, on your return from this journey, you will name the distances we have covered.
551. So when Earth-humans give time references of a few million years, which are supposed to correspond to the age of some time and spirit-forms and which are supposedly connected with them, then these references only correspond to their own 'small-minded' intellect, for they are not able to grasp the truth of timeless endlessness.
552. They are unable to imagine the truth of reality, and so in their inadequate reports they state an age of alleged spirit-forms – which are supposed to be very highly developed – which is deeply below the age of any averagely developed half-spirit being.
他們無法想像現實的真相,所以在他們不充分的報告中,他們陳述了所謂的靈性形態的年齡 —— 這些靈性形態應該是高度發達的 —— 卻遠遠低於任何平均發達的半靈性生命的年齡。
553. The averagely developed Earth human being already has an age of over 2.8 million years.
554. It took him/her this time to develop from absolute ignorance through many incarnations to the present spiritual and consciousness level.
555. Accordingly, a life-form of only one or two million years of age is in a rather low and inferior state of development, which, according to spiritual and consciousness values, must be called still very low and underdeveloped.
556. With a total age of only one or two million years, logically and according to the law of the Creation, only that stage has developed where a life-form becomes conscious of normal and conscious thinking.
在總年齡只有一兩百萬年的情況下,從邏輯上講,根據造物法則(law of the Creation),只有當一個生命體有了正常的意識和有意識的思維時,才會發展到這個階段。
557. This makes it absolutely impossible for any life-form, so also for Earth-humans, that such beings can contact higher forms in an instructive manner.
558. Masters and Perfects, etc., with 10 or 20 million years of age represent only the absolute fantasy of misguided or deceitful life-forms.
559. This also makes it clear that if an Earth human being speaks of a Master etc. of 10 or 20 million years of age having communicated with him/her, that this is quite simply untruth, to say the least.
560. According to the laws of the Creation and according to the reality of all time planes, such a Master, Guru or Perfect One must have an age of 40 to 60 million years in order to be able to get rid of the material body at all.
561. This, however, does not mean that this being has already reached relative perfection, because until then, 60 to 80 billion years are necessary until the pure-spiritual incarnation into the plane of Arahat Athersata, because also in the semi-spiritual and pure-spiritual realms the creative laws are the same, since becoming and passing determine the course of evolution.
然而,這並不意味著這個生命已經達到了相對完美,因為在此之前,還需要六百到八百億年的時間,直到進入Arahat Athersata純靈態化身的層面,因為在半靈態和純靈態的領域,造物的法則是相同的,因為成為和過去決定了進化的過程。
562. Spiritual incarnation, however, is subject to other forms and laws than is the case with material life-forms.
563. So a life-form of 10 or 20 or 100 or 300 million years of age can never correspond to the pure-spiritual form of a being that is even relatively close to perfection.
564. These levels are reached only after the incarnational course of evolution of many billions of years, which, however, without exceptions, are not less than 57 billion years.
565. According to earthly terms, and taking the existence of earthly man as an example, one or two million years of age with the corresponding incarnations correspond approximately to the state of a nine-month-old child after its birth.
566. This follows logically from the fact that the whole of time is reckoned according to purely creative standards and that these concepts of time are entirely different from those which Earth-humans of the present state of consciousness are able to recognise.
從邏輯上講,這是因為整個時間是按照純粹的造物標準(creative standards)來計算的,這些時間概念與目前地球人類的意識狀態所能識別的時間概念完全不同。
567. He/she only reckons according to his/her Earth-humans' concepts, which are still caught up in complete lack of understanding and do not yield any cosmic values.
568. If a life-form, with 20 million years of age and incarnation, had already got rid of its material body and was floating close to perfection, then the universe would have ceased to exist a long time ago, because Creation would have already laid itself to rest again in fulfilment of its task.
569. This is because time would simply work much faster in terms of evolution than the Creation would be able to cope with.
570. This would mean that the seven great ages of the life of the Creation, or the seven eternities, as you call them, would shrink to less than 10 billion years.
這將意味著造化的七個宏偉時光(great ages),或你們所說的七個永恆(eternities),將縮減到不到一百億年。
571. Creation itself lives in a conscious, creating state during seven great times.
造化本身在七個宏偉時光(great times)中生活在一種有意識的創造狀態中。
572. Then it lies down to slumber for as many great times, in order to awake and create again for seven great times.
573. Thus it develops itself and finally perfects itself through its 7 x 7 total periods to the primordial Creation, in order to then itself beget a life-stable Creation, which is again devoted to exactly the same laws.
因此,祂通過對原始造化(primordial Creation)的7×7個的總週期來發展自己並最終完善自己,以便隨後自己孕育出一個維持穩定生命的造化,再次遵循完全相同的法則。
574. A great time is called ETERNITY with you today, true to the Christian heresies which have brought up the term eternity.
575. Thus Earth-humans today call one great time eternity, and the seven great times eternities – seven eternities, in which, however, the actual concept of time has been lost.
因此,今天的地球人稱一個宏偉時光為永恆,七個宏偉時光為永恆 —— 七個永恆,然而在其中,實際的時間概念已經迷失。
576. The term eternity finds a completely wrong application in earthly usage, because the concept of the time of this time is illogically calculated.
577. Consequently, an eternity is not to be equated with one great time, but with seven great times.
578. This means that seven times seven great times correspond to the seven eternities mentioned by Earth-humans.
579. So the calculation is very simple:
580. One great time is 311 trillion and 40 billion Earth years, which Earth-humans equate with an eternity, but this is an enormous miscalculation, for one eternity is equal to 2 quadrillion 177 trillion and 280 billion years.
581. The mathematical formula is therefore
One great time: 311,040,000,000,000 Earth years
Seven great times: 2,177,280,000,000,000 Earth years 7 x 7 great times: 15,240,960,000,000,000 Earth years (= all-great-time)
7 x 7個宏偉時光:15,240,960,000,000,000地球年(=全程宏偉時光;或譯為造化總週期)
582. This is the Creation-based time formula of the existence of the Creation.
583. Like every life-form, the Creation also has its course of development and evolution, except that its time values are anchored in very high values.
584. If a human being lives, for example, 50 or 100 years of an incarnation life, then this means for the Creation comparatively a time of about 44 trillion years, during which it passes through 7 x 7 evolutionary stages.
585. The approximately 44 trillion years represent a small time, 7 x 7 of which add up to a large time.
586. As a comparison, Earth-humans live an average of 70 years, then pass away as material life-forms in order to incarnate again as material life-forms at a later time.
587. Each life lived means for him/her the passing through a certain stage of evolution until he has reached a certain level of spirit.
588. Compared to the times of the Creation, this level of spirit can be called the Great Time.
589. The course of evolution of the material life-form can be calculated in 7 x 7, as in the case of the Creation itself:
590. To reach a higher level of spirit the life-form must pass through seven stages of evolution.
591. Seven levels are in the value of the whole, so seven different levels of spirit must be worked out.
592. When this is done, then a relative perfection is reached, after which the relatively spiritualised form enters into Creation.
593. Each spiritual level, however, is divided into 7 sub-levels, as I have already explained.
594. Explained a little more simply this is called
595. A material life-form has to live through seven sub-levels of evolution in order to reach the next higher level.
596. Such levels are in turn their seven, which are each divided into seven evolutionary sub-levels, which thus gives the values seven times seven as a prerequisite (= 7 main levels, 7 sub-levels, 7 x 49 further sub-levels, which are again multiplied sevenfold; note Billy).
597. The years of material and then of spiritual life-forms are to be reckoned in their evolution in many millions and billions of years up to relative perfection, while the time of the Creation itself is of course many times greater.
598. Thus the Creation does not only go through millions and billions of years for the fulfilment of its evolution in a great time, but many trillions of years.
599. A sublevel or small time is thus about 44 trillion years, during which time it evolves upwards through seven such periods to the next higher level.
600. It too, like the material life-forms, has seven plateaus or major times, which are subdivided into sub-times or sub-stages of the same number.
601. If the life-forms ultimately enter into the Creation itself as perfection, then it evolves further into relative perfection within itself and, after passing through the 7 x 7 great times, becomes the primordial Creation and begets a new creation out of this form.
602. Your Christian calendar is very faulty in all things, so also in the calculation of the Great Times.
603. Due to the errors that have arisen, the whole Creation life of all 7 x 7 great times has been calculated with only 2,177,280,000,000 years, which in truth does not correspond to 7 great times, but only to one great time.
604. But this gave rise to the Earth human mathematical calculation that the universe would only exist for 2 quadrillion 177 trillion and 280 billion years before it would be transformed again into NON-BEING through the seven-period slumber of the Creation during 7 x 7 great times.
但這就導致了地球人類的數學計算結果,也就是造化宇宙只存在2,177兆2,800億年,就會歷經7×7個宏偉時光的七個時期造化沉睡(slumber of the Creation)再次轉化為虛無(NON-BEING)。
605. Such calculation errors are very common among Earth-humans, as well as in terms of ancient languages.
606. Terms of linguistic designations and numerical values, however, are precisely very important for the calculation of very many things.
607. So also every letter of your language alphabets has a certain numerical value, according to which you can calculate everything.
608. If Earth-humans paid more attention to these things, they would recognise many dangerous false teachings.
609. In particular, you could calculate the things of your religions and recognise the false teachings from them.
610. Consider the information in the New Testament, where you find the prophecy under the name Revelation, chapter 13, verse 18, which describes the malicious suppression and fighting of the spiritual teachings by the values 666.
考慮一下《新約》(New Testament)中的資訊,在那裡你可以找到名為《啟示錄》(Revelation)的預言,第13章第18節,其中描述了666數值對靈性教導的惡意壓制和打擊。
611. This number represents the value of a calculation of the number doctrine that you received from Asket back in 1956.
這個數字代表了你在1956年從Asket那裡得到的數字理論(number doctrine)的計算值。
612. With regard to the number 666, we know very well that the earthly Christian religions associate it with a so-called Antichrist.
613. This, however, is a malicious falsification of the facts, for this number does not have the meaning of the destruction of Christianity, but the meaning of the destruction of the truth that was spread by Jmmanuel about 2,000 years ago.
614. So the number 666 refers to anti-truth and to the destruction of truth as well as to material and purely worldly things.
615. Christianity itself bears this number, arising from the designations God, Jesus and Christ.
616. These names, according to your values, contain in themselves deadly annihilation and destruction and complete eradication of truth and creative spiritual teaching.
617. Along with other earthly cultic religions, Christianity is at the forefront with the absolute numerical value of annihilation, destruction and extermination of truth with the number 666.
618. If you now trace the emergence of this religion, you will find that the Christ religion was brought into being in a year of the number 666, namely in the year 189 of your calendar.
619. This year gives a basic number with a tendency to destruction, annihilation and extinction, namely 18.
620. The triple value results in 666.
621. The birthday of the Christian religion was therefore already marked by destruction, annihilation and extermination of the truth.
622. If you continue to follow the dates, you will find that in every year with the triple value 666 the Christian religion planned or carried out a new bloody crime that cost the lives of countless and innocent human beings.
623. In many cases these crimes look like political machinations, but the truth is that the Christian religion in particular, in collaboration with other religions and with politics, is the causally main culprit.
624. Almost in regular succession, the Christian religion has thus struck every ten years since its foundation in 189.
625. For the truth-loving human being, the truth must finally break through and he must realise that Christianity is the bestial beast of destruction, annihilation and extermination of truth.
626. Christianity embodies the beast with the number 666 and it is already on the point of destroying the truth and wisdom of the spiritual teachings and the teaching of the Creation with such deadly Gewalt as has never been the case before.
627. Jmmanuel was already aware of the coming of this time of terror, and so he refused to be called God, Jesus or Christ, which was nevertheless officially done in 189.
628. Jmmanuel himself was aware of the doctrine of numbers and he also knew the future.
629. In sorrow he well knew that he was unable to change anything, and so his objection to his later designation remained only a conscious attempt on his part to change what was to come.
630. The designations God, Jesus and Christ alone contain dangerous values, for each of these designations embodies death, ruin and destruction.
631. In particular, however, all three contain the triple value 666, the number of the extinction of truth.
632. This, however, is to be concealed from Earth-humans, and falsifying and lying earthly number 'experts' want to see other values in the names of Christ and God.
633. But their teachings are lies and deceit and they only serve evil and the eradication of truth.
634. It should be known to you that Revelation also speaks of a servant of destruction and annihilation, of a human being who slavishly serves the very might of destruction, annihilation and the eradication of truth.
635. This human being also carries in his name value the number of the destruction, annihilation and extinction of truth.
636. His base number is 9 and his triple value is 666.
637. He has been living on Earth for many years and, in accordance with providence, also made his appearance in a year with the destruction number 9 and the triple value 666.
638. All his names as well as also the name of his organisation are marked by the destruction number 9 and by the extinction number of truth in the triple value 666.
I have already been given these details by Asket once, but can they really be relied upon?
476. Sure, but it will not be that the human beings bearing the number 666 will be the actual destroyer, annihilator and exterminator of truth.
That is clear to me, Ptaah has also said that in a somewhat paraphrased form. The human being bearing the number 666 is, so to speak, only the instigator and the slave of the actual work. The might with the number 666, on the other hand, is embodied in the Christian religion.
477. Sure, you have understood it very well.
478. Now come, for we want to go down to this world.
(After another hyperleap.)
639. What you see ahead is a stellar enclave of the galaxy MARA.
640. It is the system TARO and 15,000 million light-years away from your home.
641. Most of the worlds in this system are blue in colour, which you can see when you go there with Semjase.
642. These worlds are all still alive with volcanic activity, and only in a few million years will the first life begin to develop on them, if at all.
(A few minutes later on one of the volcanic worlds.)
What is that down there, Semjase? It seems to me to be a flying object. Are there any inhabited worlds around here?
479. Sure, it is a flying apparatus.
480. But its origin is strange to me.
481. I will try to get in touch with it.
(Semjase is busy with various of her apparatuses and also speaks into a device in a melodic language that is incomprehensible and completely foreign to me. Apparently, however, there is no success.)
Are you not getting any contact?
482. My attempts are not responding.
483. They must be life-forms that don't have intergalactic intercourse.
Aha – but what language were you speaking earlier? I have never heard anything like that before and it is absolutely alien to me!
啊哈 —— 但妳剛才說的是什麼語言?我以前從未聽過這樣的語言,對我來說絕對是陌生的!
484. You can't know that.
485. It is a sign language that can be spoken.
I don't understand that. But a sign language can only be drawn or painted or written by certain movements and so on.
486. That is not so, because sign languages can actually also be spoken.
487. To explain this to you in more detail would take a lot of time.
Then we will leave that.
(After the next hyperleap.)
Where are we now?
643. This is the system ESES in the galaxy DERON.
644. From here, the distance to Earth is 4480 million light-years.
645. This star cluster also consists only of volcanic worlds that emit their own luminosity.
646. Despite their own luminosity, however, it is very dark on the worlds.
647. The light only penetrates outwards, but is unable to illuminate the surfaces of the worlds.
Can I still fly there with Semjase?
648. There is nothing in the way, if that is what you want.
I would like to photograph some volcanoes.
488. Come on then.
(After the next hyperleap.)
649. That giant planet up ahead is still a lone member of the star cluster we just left.
650. It is 3 trillion kilometres away from the star cluster itself.
651. This planet is an ice world and 11 times bigger than the planet Saturn in your solar system.
That is gigantic. But one thing I don't understand is that during the whole journey I kept noticing that we were making hyperleaps at a run, so to speak, and that you didn't care that nearby planets and stars were in danger as a result. Semjase once told me that for a hyperleap you would have to keep a safety distance of 153 million kilometres from the nearest stars and planets so that they would not be pulled into the maelstrom of the hyperleap hole. Why are you now disregarding this precaution?
652. You are deceived.
653. With my ship, we have much better distance-management capabilities.
654. The technology of this ship allows us to neutralise time, as you know and have experienced.
655. Through this process, it is possible for us to get the safety distance of 153 million kilometres behind us in a fraction of a second, and then transmit.
That doesn't make sense to me. There's something fishy about this, or you are not telling me something.
656. You are just relentless.
657. On the one hand, we neutralise time to just short of the transmission point, and on the other, we create a neutral timeless channel in outer space through which we can then travel the short distance of 153 million kilometres in a split second.
一方面,我們把時間中和到離傳輸點不遠的地方,另一方面,我們在外太空創造了一個中性的「無時間限制通道」(timeless channel),然後我們可以通過它在一瞬間穿越1.53億公里的短距離。
It still doesn't make sense to me, though. If that is the case, why do you still make hyper-leaps? I think that this process should actually be easier than a hyperleap. Besides, we can talk to each other and wouldn't be paralysed by the transmission every time and practically thrown into eternity. So why might you make it more cumbersome?
658. You are very observant and have very deep thoughts:
659. The timeless channel is actually easier to manage than a hyperleap.
660. But such a channel can only be created at certain distances, always taking into account the nature of the environment.
661. The various energies of the different galaxies and systems limit the range of a timeless channel, with distances varying from 210 billion to 735 billion kilometres.
Aha, so then this time neutralisation only takes place through purely galactic and systemic energies, which you make use of, while for the hyper-leaps you can practically use an intergalactic or rather the most diverse universal energies. According to my calculation, these universal energies should be far superimposed on the galactic energies and, accordingly, should be sought in much higher values, or am I mistaken in that?
662. You speak like a good scientist.
663. Your figures are exactly right.
I am slowly getting the hang of you and I am beginning to understand the connections, only I am afraid I lack the concept of technology to be able to evaluate everything.
664. It's thus better, because on Earth they would try to take that knowledge away from you.
Again, you are right. It is probably better if I keep my mouth shut and don't take too much interest in such things, as I have done up to now. So if you don't mind, I would like to ask you something else that I am very interested in.
665. You know you can always ask.
Good then, thanks. – You know, I have been interested for a long time if there are worlds and life-forms in our universe that are about the same level of development as those of us human beings from Earth.
666. The diversity of the Creation knows no bounds.
That is clear to me and I truly think of it only in awe.
667. You are very wise and I feel within me admiration for you, for I see that these are your honest feelings.
668. How good would your life on Earth be if many thought and felt as you do.
But alas, this is not so – Earth-humans prefer to be lulled by the accursed manifold heresies and thereby alienate themselves from the truth of the glory of the Creation.
但可惜的是,事實並非如此 —— 地球人寧願被可惡的多種異端邪說所哄騙,從而使自己與「造化」(Creation)的榮耀真相疏遠。
669. You speak very bitterly – you feel pain within you for your fellow man.
你說得很苦澀 —— 你內心為你的同伴感到痛苦。
670. This also often makes you speak very harsh words because it allows you to hide your true emotions from your fellow human beings.
Why do you say that? It's true, damn it again. It's really enough to make one cry and run away.
671. It is the truth, but I don't want you to cause yourself pain with it.
That is easier said than done. When I see that everywhere in our world there is need and misery and countless human beings simply die miserably, then I am simply overcome with anger and I could smash everything to bits. How many human beings there are among us who only lack a little love to make them content and happy. Every human being needs love – honest love, damn it. But why don't we give it to them? Why does everyone only live past the other and why does no one help the other? And why are those punished by the authorities who feel real love for their fellow human beings and also give them this love? I have also been fined a very large sum because of this. Why, damn it all, does it have to be like this with us Earth-humans? I just don't understand. Creation is so powerful in its glory, in its wisdom and truth and in its knowledge, but why can't human beings keep to it and have to run after the cursed cultic religions in order to plunge themselves and everyone else into even more misery? This is beyond my 'spiritual' horizon. Maybe I am actually too stupid to be able to understand this, or then I am already on the way to going crazy. I am …
這句話說起來容易做起來難。當我看到我們的世界上到處都是需要和痛苦,無數的人只是在悲慘中死去,那麼我簡直被憤怒所征服,我可以把一切都砸碎。在我們中間有多少人只是缺乏一點愛來使他們滿足和快樂。每個人都需要愛 —— 誠實的愛,該死的。但為什麼我們不給他們呢?為什麼每個人都只想活得比對方好,為什麼沒有人幫助對方?還有,為什麼那些對人類同胞感到真正的愛並也給他們這種愛的人要受到當局的懲罰?我也因此而被罰了一大筆錢。為什麼,該死的,我們地球人要這樣呢?我就是不明白。「造化」的榮耀、智慧和真理以及知識是如此強大,但為什麼人類不能遵守它,而必須追隨被詛咒的邪教,以便使自己和其他人陷入更多的苦難?這已經超出了我的“靈性”視野。也許我真的太笨了,無法理解這些,或者說我已經在走向瘋狂的路上了。我是...
489. Please don't do that, you are causing me pain with your words.
490. You understand everything very well and also know all the reasons.
491. But you allow yourself to become angry because you know and see the great suffering of Earth-humans and know very well that it will take a very long time before peace, knowledge, peace, wisdom and truth will return to your homeworld.
492. It grieves you because you know how much more suffering will befall Earth-humans before they take the path of truth.
493. You know everything very well and also know many coming events.
494. But this is no reason for you to put yourself in pain, by which you also cause me pain.
Excuse me, that was really not in my mind.
495. You are a very dear friend to me and I don't want you to grieve and suffer.
– Thanks.
672. That is my feeling too.
– Thanks – you guys are very sweet. – I – oh what – I –. We were talking about something earlier, what was it?
謝謝 —— 你們真好。我… 哦,什麼… 我…。我們剛才在談論一些事情,是什麼?
496. You were interested in other worlds and life-forms equal to Earth and Earth-humans.
Oh, yes, that's correct, but there's something else haunting my brain. We were talking about the timeless channel earlier. Something is still not clear to me. In other words, something is not clear to me about this journey. You told me that I had become about half an hour younger than the human beings on Earth. This is because we were in eternity for seven minutes. I know that my wristwatch always goes crazy when I get close to Semjase's beamships. But now it seems to have gone completely crazy, because I already have the date of the 19th day on it. According to that, I should have been cruising around the universe with you for more than two days already. You, Semjase, told me that we would need about 30 hours. Something is wrong with the time. Besides, I am not tired, hungry or thirsty. So what is really being tinkered with?
673. Semjase did give you some of our fruits and also some vegetables to eat.
Of course, but that was a long time ago.
497. The vegetables and fruits of this kind are very nutritious and thirst quenching compared to your produce.
498. They can satisfy your hunger and thirst for up to 90 hours.
I accept this explanation, and it also seems to me to be as you say. But something is still wrong. Why am I not tired?
674. This is also very easy to explain:
675. You breathe the same air here in the Raumer as we do.
676. But this corresponds to the conditions on our home world and is much healthier and more invigorating than on Earth.
677. The oxygen content is several values higher than on Earth, and there are also some differences in the composition of the other elements.
678. But everything is as breathable for you as it is for ourselves.
679. The different composition of our air, however, guarantees us a longer wakefulness and a much shorter need for sleep than is the case on Earth.
680. That is the reason why you are not tired.
Your explanation makes sense to me, but you are still hiding something. Something is just not right, I can feel it. Is my alarm clock really acting so crazy that it's suddenly going forward by days?
499. Your hrs is very accurate.
– ??? – I mean, that means we have been cruising the universe for more than two days?
???... 我的意思是,這意味著我們已經在宇宙中巡航超過兩天了?
500. Sure, we have spent a bit more time than we intended.
Golly, I am going crazy – and you say it so easily. What do you think is going to happen at my house? My wife is going crazy. I told her I would be home no later than the evening of the 18th. Human beings, my wife has already reported me missing to the police. That's going to set me off a fuss.
天哪,我都快瘋了 —— 你說得這麼輕鬆。你覺得在我家會發生什麼?我的妻子要瘋了。我告訴她,我最遲會在18日晚上回家。老天,我妻子一定已經向員警報告我失蹤了。那會弄得我雞犬不寧的。
501. It won't be all that bad.
You say that, what arias do you think my wife can sing. She can truly replace a whole orchestra.
502. Are you afraid of your wife?
Not that, but if it is possible for me, I avoid such theatrics and musical outpourings.
503. Well, that's good then, because we are going to be on the road for many more hours.
I am enjoying you. I promptly get my wife to quit loving me after all.
504. It's not going to be that bad, is it?
Do you have any idea.
681. You are taking your fun a bit far, my child.
Aha, so Semjase is just teasing me? Then you must have hatched something. Is it possible my alarm clock isn't working correctly after all?
682. You have a very good watch.
505. Sure, that is indeed so.
506. I was just teasing you a little bit.
Do you mean loosely along the lines of "love likes to tease"?
507. If you think of it in terms of friendship, then yes.
Then I am reassured. But now what have you been keeping from me so far?
508. Father already said that your watch is correct, and we have really been on the road for such a long time too.
509. But you do not have to worry about that, not even if we need a good day or more before we bring you back.
510. You yourself have obviously not grasped the possibilities that are available to us in terms of time.
511. It takes…
Oh – I forgot about that. Surely you want to guess at time travel, perhaps the same form I remember from Asket?
哦 —— 我忘了這一點。你會在時間穿梭(time travel)方面推算,也許是我記得的Asket那種形式?
512. Sure. –
513. Since we are in free space and do not influence any events etc., we can travel back in time for a few days without hesitation and continue to live there without anything changing.
514. Although you will be away from your home for more than three days in total, you will only have been away for about 20 hours according to earthly normal time.
That sounds a bit crazy. So I have been away from home for a little over two days now and I will be away for a total of three or more days. So that means I started this journey with you on the 17th and I am now on the road with you for more than two days, because today is the 19th. But now I am going to spend more days with you and then I am going to travel back in time with you to be back home on the 18th, although in reality I am still on a great journey on the 20th or so and I am going to curve through the universe with you. Is that right?
515. Sure.
Aha, it's true. I guess that's everything, isn't it?
516. Sure.
Quite simple, actually. I am sure every human being understands that and doesn't even break their brain doing it.
517. It is to be understood.
Sure, sure, it is the simplest thing in the world that I go on a big trip with you on the 17th, find out on the 19th that I am already here for more than two days and return home tomorrow on the 20th or even later and arrive there on the 18th. Really, this is very simple, and everyone can understand it perfectly. It is only a simple madness of universal proportions. Even a child can understand it. It is just as simple as the elimination of trees. There's a huge fir tree in a meadow that a farmer has been sawing off the lowest branches for 50 or 70 years, gathering up the fir cones and burning them. Then you simply come and eliminate the tree – and for 50 or 70 years the said farmer has never constantly sawn off the lowest branches and also not gathered up any pine cones and of course not burnt them either. This is all really very simple, and any human being can understand that.
當然,當然,這是世界上最簡單的事了,我17號和你們一起開始這趟旅行,19號發現我已經在這裡待了兩天多了,明天20號甚至更晚才會回家,但在18號到達那裡。真的,這非常簡單,每個人都能完全理解。這只是一件普遍性的簡單瘋狂事。即使是一孩子也能理解它。這就像消滅樹木一樣簡單。在一片草地上有一棵巨大的冷杉樹,一個農民在50或70年裡一直在鋸掉最低的樹枝,收集冷杉的果實並將其燒掉。然後妳就直接來消滅這棵樹 —— 50或70年來,上述的農民從來沒有鋸掉最低的樹枝,也沒有收集任何松果,當然也沒有焚燒它們。這一切真的非常簡單,任何一個人都能理解。
518. Now I don't understand you.
That is very simple: everything is very clear to me and I understand everything very well, but make that clear to my dear fellow human beings for once. H. Jacob, for example, still can't digest the fact that the Weather Firs have simply disappeared and that no human being can remember them except me. It also doesn't make sense to him that you have also erased his memory, because he knows at least that one area very well where one of the trees used to stand. It simply doesn't make sense to him that he can't remember the tree, although he must have seen it again and again over a long period of time. Therefore, he also comes back to this tree again and again and explains that no tree could have stood there.
這很簡單:一切對我來說都很清楚,我對一切都很理解,但請讓我親愛的人類同胞們明白一次。例如,H. Jacob仍然無法消化這樣一個事實,那就是那棵飽受日曬雨淋的冷杉樹(Weather Firs)已經完全消失了,除了我之外,沒有人能夠記得它們。對他來說,妳抹去了他的記憶也是沒有意義的,因為他至少非常清楚其中一棵樹矗立的地方。對他來說,他根本沒有理由不記得這棵樹,儘管他一定在很長一段時間內反復看到過那棵樹。因此,他也一次又一次地回到這棵樹前,並解釋說那裡不可能有樹。
519. These things are peculiar to ignorant and doubting Earth-humans.
520. Therefore do not trouble yourself further with these things.
521. If you wanted to adduce evidence, it would be useless, for where understanding of certain things is lacking, it cannot be helped by force.
522. In former times visible proofs were necessary for the human beings of the Earth in order to impart certain forms of thought to them.
523. But by these visible proofs they began to believe in miracles, and at other times they went astray.
524. The present time of the Earth has progressed beyond visible evidence, andthe path of clear and logical reason and equally clear and logical understanding alone must be followed.
525. Only these values count for the present time, and they are the better evidence than all those which are visible.
526. Today, the power of consciousness, knowledge and wisdom and love are of utmost importance to be able to walk the path of evolution.
527. In Jmmanuel's time, however, it was different, for at that time the knowledge of Earth-humans was in every respect still very much imprisoned in those things which can be recognised by the eye and heard by the ears.
528. At that time this ensured that the human being who saw and heard visible evidence became aware of his power of thought and thereby progressed evolutionarily.
529. Today, however, Earth-humans have emerged from this stage, have acquired greater reason and intellect and have become very conscious of their power of thought.
530. So evolution demands of them that they should also seize these powers and put them to useful use.
531. But this can truly only be done by hard work of consciousness.
532. This means that Earth-humans now live in the evolutionary stage, since they must and can work out knowledge, truth, wisdom and love for themselves through consciousness work, without needing visible or audible proofs.
533. But if a human being demands visible or audible proofs at this time, then it is obvious that in terms of consciousness he/she has not yet fully climbed the level of the new age and in certain things is still a slave to the old time.
534. The present proofs of the earthly Aquarian age are furnished by human reason, intellect and the infallible logic of truth.
535. These, however, Earth-humans with their adaptable form of thinking must recognise for themselves.
That is plain and clear.
683. It is very well explained; but now ask what interested you earlier regarding other worlds and life-forms.
I am interested to know if there are worlds and life-forms in the universe that are roughly equivalent to earthly norms.
684. Parallels can be found everywhere.
685. For example, there are also worlds that are very similar to Earth and on which there are also human life-forms with almost the same development as Earth-humans.
686. One such world is found in the galaxy ARATOM, in the system NEB, and the world is called KARTAG.
I find that gratifying, but I can't do anything with those particulars. It is Spanish to me, so to speak.
687. KARTAG is 8 billion light-years from Earth, and the human beings living on this world are at war with each other.
688. Their time is the time of nuclear use, and they are currently waging nuclear war.
And this is not being prevented by you?
689. It is not in our concerns to interfere there, because the system is under the control of a highly evolved life-form that is trying to prevent disaster there.
690. The Kartagian life-forms, however, are at an important turning point in their evolution and at the end of their nuclear age.
691. They are still destroying each other with nuclear bombs, but this will not last much longer.
692. Foresight says that in less than ten days their war will be over and they will join the decrees of the controlling intelligences.
So they are a little more evolved than Earth-humans?
693. That is so.
694. They take the final steps to pass through the barrier of unreason.
That is gratifying.
695. Certainly, but they had to go the way of their evolution, and interference in this from outside is rarely advisable.
So that means that through this non-intervention by far more highly developed intelligences, which would nevertheless have been given the means in their hands, countless life-forms – in this case human beings – are killed, isn't it?
所以這意味著,本來這種由更高度發達的智慧體可以採取手段而予以阻止的災難,但如果他們不出手幹預,那麼無數的生命 —— 在這種情況下,是人類 —— 將被清除,不是嗎?
696. That is so, certainly.
697. Interventions may only be made when discernible catastrophes of galactic or intergalactic magnitude loom.
Then that means that by the inhabitants of a world it can be completely destroyed and annihilated, unless whole far-reaching systems or even parts of the galaxy are endangered by it?
698. You recognise the facts very well.
699. Every life-form must follow the path of its own evolution, even if it leads in some manner to self-destruction.
That sounds a bit crude and perhaps even barbaric. But it makes sense to me, because it is a law that is also anchored in nature. What degenerates negatively will be destroyed by itself if the law is not followed, because it cannot endanger the good life by doing so.
700. That is correct – you know these laws very well.
這是正確的 —— 你非常瞭解這些法則。
701. Only by following these laws can life be ensured.
702. It is a wicked and false humanism when degenerate life is forcibly kept alive without expedient instruction in the form that it may become still degenerate further.
703. Elimination is the only correct observance of the laws of conservation.
消除是對守恆定律(laws of conservation)的唯一正確遵守。
704. You know this as the death that fallible life-forms bring on themselves through coercion.
705. The human beings also know the death penalty when an offence against the laws is committed in degeneracy, which is unfortunately wrong.
706. Earth-humans unfortunately do not understand and recognise the meaning of these laws, therefore they indulge in a false humanism and in a false execution of sentences.
707. That this is so, you will experience again in the month of September, when on your homeworld innumerable human beings will revolt in false humanism, however correctly, against several death sentences passed.
708. The condemned will be innocent of the charges against them and from this point of view will have to suffer death innocently.
709. But they are guilty on many other counts, and are also guilty of murder, consequently, either way, elimination by banishment would be justified.
710. But the death penalty will be carried out and ordered by powers who are also in need of elimination, for they are guilty of a thousandfold murder.
711. Elimination in a rational and truly humane form never means the infliction and execution of a death penalty, but a measure in the form of banishment for a fixed term or for life, depending on the gravity of the crime, and so on.
712. Elimination in the total sense of the word does not mean destruction, annihilation, killing, eradication, etc., as is unfortunately often understood by Earth-humans, because the value of the word, coming from the Latin language, means that something is put over a threshold or that something is removed.
713. It means that something is removed from a smaller or larger complex because it brings harm or because it is insufficient, faulty or superfluous, consequently it must be eliminated, sidelined or moved to another place, etc., so that it can be treated separately and, if possible, changed or transformed into what is correct.
714. Earth-humans also see it this manner, as can be seen from their dictionaries and language books, although in the end they still consider eliminating any human beings, which unfortunately extends in this respect to the death penalty and its application.
715. But that is not in the actual sense of the term value.
I don't understand what you are actually talking about. Obviously it is a political intrigue by some lousy dictator, I mean regarding those who are sentenced to death. Regarding your last comment, everything is clear to me.
716. You have got it, because the event will take place in that country you call Spain.
So the arch crook and political murderer Generalissimo Francesco Franco?
那麼,是那個大騙子和政治謀殺犯法蘭西斯科.佛朗哥(Francesco Franco)將軍?
717. He has killed or had killed a number of human beings himself for political-military reasons and is as guilty as those whom he will have condemned to death.
718. I think you know what that is about.
I know this scoundrel personally from Spain. Although I could only talk to him for a few minutes through an interpreter, I really don't have a good opinion of him. To me, he is the bigger scoundrel than Shah in Shah Reza Mohammed Pahlevi of Persia, who lives unjustly to his glory, or Indira Ghandi, who is selfish and some others who savour their might. I have met some of them myself and know who and what they really are.
我認識這個來自西班牙的無賴本人。雖然我只能通過翻譯和他交談幾分鐘,但我對他真的沒有什麼好印象。對我來說,他是比波斯的沙赫-穆罕默德-禮薩.巴列維(Shah Reza Mohammed Pahlevi)更大的無賴,他不公正地生活在他的榮耀中,或者英迪拉.甘地(Indira Ghandi),她是自私的,還有其他一些人,他們品味著他們的力量。我自己見過他們中的一些人,知道他們到底是誰,是什麼。
719. You should not speak like that, even though your words are true.
720. Such statements can be interpreted very unfavourably to you by Earth-humans.
721. They are still insufficiently developed in their knowledge and judgment to be able to understand your words.
I know, but still I had to say it, and I think it would only be good if Semjase would also convey this conversation to me later.
722. We will comply with your request, but not without I explaining the following:
723. The laws of nature seem very harsh and inhuman to the still ignorant Earth human being.
724. But they are absolutely perfect and logical in their nature, and never need revision.
725. At the present time the human beings of Earth cry out for humanism, but they do not understand the meaning of their cry and of the word humanism.
726. He/she believes that if they create or preserve the punishment of death, they are thereby doing a good work and showing themselves as humane.
727. But this is by no means so, for by inflicting the penalty of actual total elimination they become indifferent-unhumane and commit a crime against the laws of the Creation, against themselves, against the guilty and against their whole environment, and this because they do not replace the penalty of death by banishment and do not grant the fallible the possibility of error recognition and its correction as well as of conscious evolution.
728. The death penalty of degenerate human life-forms on Earth is still often considered the only lawful manner to protect the healthy and good life-forms and to satisfy human laws.
729. But this is wrong and totally contrary to the law of Creation.
730. But whoever sees it differently is either religiously biased or otherwise misguided.
731. Earth-humans of the present time would very well be able to apply the natural laws of elimination in the form of an expedient and time-appropriate as well as evolution-promoting and error-inhibiting banishment for degenerated human life-forms in the form of humane humanity, if they finally became aware of their reason and intellect and were willing to think.
732. But bestiality still prevails in Earth-humans, and his/her humanism is only an evil false show.
733. Outwardly and in public he/she cries out for humanity, but in his/her innermost being they are still barbarous and very immature.
734. The Earth human being deceives himself/herself and cries out in offence for vindication when he/she is reproached for their merely feigned humanism, which they often display publicly through demonstrations.
735. This humanism, however, is nothing but a sham, a lie and a deception.
736. The Earth human being cries out indignantly when he/she is accused of this lie and deception of his/her only feigned humanism, for they do not want to acknowledge or see the truth.
737. He/she speaks of peace and love and does not know what it is all about, just as he/she does not know what humanism is all about.
738. He/she speaks great words and believes himself/herself justified by them, but they kill without hesitation when they believe themselves to be in danger, or they kill without hesitation on an order.
739. And once he/she has killed, all his/her good intentions quickly vanish and the slumbering bestiality within him/her breaks through with tremendous violence.
740. Earth-humans have experienced this again and again up to the present day, just think of the wars and revolutions of modern times.
741. Where can real humanism still be found?
742. Or does he/she perhaps think that terror and criminal acts of violence, bombings, religious wars such as in Ireland and Palestine, assassinations and many other horrible things are humane?
743. Or does he/she perhaps think of humanity when he/she goes out into the streets and demonstrates, even if this may be done 'peacefully' and without murder and manslaughter?
744. Nowhere is humanity to be found – also not in a peaceful demonstration.
哪裡都找不到人性 —— 在和平示威中也找不到。
745. Everything is only lies and deceit, malicious deception and self-importance with the sense of wanting to make oneself better than the human beings of the Earth really are.
746. But this is only because he/she has not yet perceived himself/herself and consequently still lies to himself/herself.
747. If he/she really wanted to practise self-knowledge and act in humanity, he/she would take hold of the spiritual teaching in order to finally find the truth and try to act accordingly.
748. The consequence of this would be that the peoples would depose their governments and replace them with spiritual leaders.
749. Through Earth-humans, then, who would know, rule and honour the truth and the natural and creational laws, whereby they would govern the Earth and all human beings unselfishly and in correct form.
750. But chaos still prevails on Earth and so also the punishment of total elimination of life.
751. I have already said that Earth-humans are already capable of correctly carrying out the punishment of the elimination of their time according to time-given and evolutionary banishment, if only they would become aware of reason and intellect.
752. Nature herself would give him/her a recognisable example to create the necessary laws and carry out their application.
753. On your Earth, too, there are various places where degenerate animals are forced into seclusion, into an isolation where they can no longer indulge in their degeneracy.
754. So where this is possible, nature acts accordingly in order not to have to kill.
755. Earth-humans are offered the same possibilities, even more so than is possible for nature, because the human beings' lack of understanding has restricted their freedom.
756. In your oceans you have large islands which you can usefully employ for the banishing elimination of degenerates.
757. Create certain zones from these islands and deport the degenerates there for a time or, if necessary, for the duration of their lives.
758. In this manner these elements will be eliminated from your ranks without you having to apply the penalty of death.
759. However, in doing so, separate female and male life-forms from each other on different islands, so that they cannot see each other during the rest of their lives and also cannot reproduce.
760. But give them all the necessary means to ensure the evolution of the spirit and consciousness.
761. However, secure everything to such an extent that never a human being thus eliminated can ever return to society unauthorised.
762. Also do not provide them with technical aids, but provides for them only in respect of health and food and the necessary means of spiritual and consciousness evolution.
763. On the whole, however, let them work for themselves on their islands, so that they have to earn their living by the work of their hands.
764. You should only give them the bare necessities, then you will do the correct thing.
Something similar to this was once declared by Arahat Athersata, or Semjase. However, I believe I know that this meets with resistance on Earth, for in their false humanism human beings are not yet able to recognise the logical and the good.
AA(Arahat Athersata),或Semjase曾經說過類似的話。然而,我相信這在地球上會遇到阻力,因為在他們虛假的人道主義中,人類還不能看到合乎邏輯的和善。
765. Nevertheless, they will have to learn it – sooner than they expect.
766. But I also know that a great deal of pain and hardship will be connected with this development.
767. But let us leave that for now.
768. Let us transmit to the world KARTAG, for you shall know it.
(After the hyper-leap.)
769. What you see there is now KARTAG.
770. Now go with Semjase, she will show you the world up close.
(On KARTAG with Semjase.)
I thought you told me that the inhabitants of this world here were somewhat more advanced than Earth-humans. I don't see any planes or anything. If they are throwing nukes at each other, they must have some, right?
536. You are wrong.
537. Their flying apparatuses do not meet the standards of terrestrial aircraft, because they are already beamship-like.
538. They also do not drop their death projectiles from their flying apparatus, but shoot them up into space with rockets and then steer them back down towards the enemy.
539. The rockets are similar to those used on Earth to shoot up satellites.
540. Only their technology and propulsion forces are fundamentally different from those on the Earth.
541. But now see the city ahead and look here on the screen.
542. A bomb is falling high up there and it will destroy the city ahead.
543. It is not very dangerous for the people of the city because they are all already deep underground in their safety city.
Aha, now I see the thing – actually quite a small thing.
啊哈,現在我看到了這個東西 —— 其實是個小東西。
544. Sure, but it holds a thousand deaths.
Can we get a little closer, I want to photograph the thing when it blows up.
545. You can do that from here too.
546. We are 35 kilometres from the city here and it is also still dangerous here.
547. As soon as the projectile is exploded, we have to leave very quickly.
Like you… human beings, the fireworks, now it's going to die. This is gigantic …
像妳... 老天,這些烈焰,現在這東西要爆炸了。真是超大的...
(I can just snap two pictures. As if by a giant's fist, the beamship is suddenly hurled away, while Semjase reaches into her apparatus with lightning speed. Good going, Semjase has the ship under control – good child, that was almost missing. That effect, that is fabulous …)
(我只能拍兩張照片)。彷彿被一個巨人的拳頭打中,飛船突然被撞開,而Semjase以閃電般的速度及時抓住了她的操縱裝置。幹得好,Semjase把飛船控制住了 —— 好孩子,那幾乎是瞬間逃離。那個效果,真是不可思議...)
548. Excuse me, I just wanted to bring that to your attention.
It's good, I have digested it. That was huge.
549. These nuclear projectiles are extremely dangerous and much more powerful than the ones you have on Earth.
I noticed that. But look down there now, the damn thing is still growing. – It is just madness to let go of such powers.
550. Sure, it is very bad, but look here on the screen now.
What is this?
551. This is an atomic projectile.
552. Apparently it is one that was shot up from the city that was just destroyed.
553. But as you can see, it is out of control and shooting out into open space.
If the city is now broken, then they can't steer that thing after all.
554. Sure, that's why we have to destroy it, otherwise it will fall on a star somewhere or on another world and maybe cause a catastrophe.
How are you going to blow that thing up or otherwise destroy it?
555. Father might do that from his spacecraft.
556. I want to show you.
(Like a lightning-fast projectile, our beamships shoot up and already I see the gigant-spaceship coming towards us at breakneck speed. Not far from the spaceship Semjase now stops and we float just like that in space. It just seems crazy to me that we are not falling down to the world we are floating above.)
557. Look there, father has already located the projectile himself and will destroy it.
558. What you see there on the right is an energy emitter, or an energy gun, as I am sure you would say.
559. High-grade energy is being emitted there, compressed into a block by another form of energy and directed at the atomic projectile.
560. See now …
I got it already, I was just able to get a photo of the launch. – Man, girl, this is fantastic, the energy is actually balling up into a block.
561. Sure, that's what I told you.
But where is the bomb now, I cannot see it?
562. It has already escaped very far, look here on the screen; it is already four hundred kilometres away now.
Fabulous, that thing's got quite a tooth on it. Can I maybe photograph the explosion from here?
563. Sure, even better than the world below.
564. You can do it directly through the windows without the device.
565. Attention, the explosion is about to happen, you can watch it from this window.
Ah – I have got it. – This is a fantastic spectacle. I don't understand one thing though; why could you only see the explosion for a few seconds? On the world below, a huge mushroom grew up and spread. But here only the explosion took place and everything was over in seconds.
啊 —— 我拍到了。這真是一個奇妙的景象。但我有一點不明白,為什麼你只能看到幾秒鐘的爆炸?在下面的世界裡,爆炸會產生一個巨大的蘑菇雲,並擴散開來。但在這裡只是發生了爆炸,而一切都在幾秒鐘內就結束了。
566. You were watching very carefully:
567. The planet is surrounded by different atmospheric layers etc.
568. In these the mushroom cloud is able to spread and grow high, as you say.
569. Here in free space, however, there are no such conducting layers, which is why every energy immediately fizzles out if its concentration is not controlled.
570. The energy used by my father was controlled, and so it was able to sustain itself.
571. But the released energy of the explosion was not subject to any guidance or control, and so only the power of the elements became visible.
572. That is, the momentarily released energy was visible, but it immediately dissipated into empty space with tremendous speed.
573. Therefore you were able to observe the atomic fire only during a few seconds.
I didn't know that, but I understand completely.
574. It's about time.
Let's go then – where are we going to leap to?
那我們走吧 —— 我們要跳到哪裡去?
575. We want to take you to the galaxy BEBERAS, to the world NEXT in the system KRAS.
Where is that and what's interesting there?
576. It is 9,380 million light-years from Earth.
577. This galaxy was in very early times a favourite destination of many races who became proficient in space travel.
578. There are many planets there, which you on Earth call primordial worlds and which are inhabited by many animal forms.
579. Often these animals are very gigantic and of unusually large growth.
580. They exceed all normal standards of like animals on other primordial worlds in the universe.
581. And this very fact attracted very many space races to these worlds.
582. Even today this is so.
So you really mean that there are worlds there that look like Earth must have looked many millions of years ago?
583. Sure, very many such worlds exist there.
What kind of animals are there? When I fumble around in ancient Earth history, I come across dinosaurs and dinosaur birds. You also talked about gigantic animals, are they perhaps these cute little animals?
那裡有什麼樣的動物?當我在探索古代地球歷史時,我遇到了恐龍和恐龍鳥(dinosaur birds)。妳談到了巨大的動物,牠們也許是這些可愛的小動物嗎?
584. Sure, that's what you call those animals.
Girl, I think that's great, then I want to get a close look at one of those little animals, maybe I can do shakehands with a special form of them, what do you think?
585. You are funny.
Why is that? I think I have to have a close look at the 'toys' if you are going to give me the opportunity. I can't let such an opportunity pass me by.
586. They are gigantic animals and they can be very dangerous.
Still, I would like to pat one of these little animals on the tail just once.
587. You would really do that?
Why wouldn't I? If you give me the chance, you will see for yourself. Besides, I have got my pocket artillery with me, and especially this one hardly resists anything. If one of those little dinosaurs is determined to put me on its menu, I will blow its little brains out.
我為什麼不呢?如果妳給我這個機會,妳會自己看到的。此外,我還帶著我的“袖珍大炮”(pocket artillery),尤其是幾乎沒有任何東西能抵抗這個“大炮”的威力。如果那些小恐龍中的一個決心把我放在牠的菜單上,我會把牠的小腦袋轟掉。
588. Your fearlessness frightens me, and I recognise in you that you mean what you say very seriously, even if you laugh.
Do you really think I am playing with such things?
589. No, I know you mean your words very seriously.
590. But often you are a bit strange with your humour, and so it is not always easy to tell when you are joking and when you are serious with your words.
591. I always have to orient myself to your thoughts when you speak like that.
592. You would actually dare to approach these gigantic animals.
593. Sure, you have your gun with you and you could kill the dinosaurs with your heavy equipment, but it -.
Girl, that's not an implement, that's a .44 magnum revolver.
姑娘,那不是什麼裝備,那是一把.44麥格農左輪手槍(magnum revolver)。
594. Sure, that's what you call it in your language.
595. But listen now, you could really kill the Saurians with that, because you can do it very well with such weapons.
596. But it is simply not possible for us to walk in the world ANYWHERE, as much as I would like to concede this to you.
597. We have to shield our ship from all view for a variety of reasons.
Do human beings also live there?
598. Sure.
599. But they are not life-forms brought forth by these worlds.
600. On primordial worlds there are no human life-forms yet, because these usually only come into being at much later times.
601. We are not aware of any primeval world that is inhabited by dinosaurs and human life-forms at the same time.
I didn't know that. But as you say, human beings still live there on NEBER. Is this an exception to the rule?
602. No, because those life-forms were transplanted there, but come on now, let's get carried up into the dome.
603. Father is probably expecting us.
Go ahead, I cannot wait.
604. I would be surprised if that was not the case with you. –
605. The human beings on NEBER no longer correspond to the actual evolved life-forms of this species, for they are feral and degenerate.
606. In the course of several millennia they have evolved into wild beings, as was also once the case on Earth.
607. On the world NEBER the reason is that two different human races from two different galaxies had established research bases on the planet and lived there during many years and explored this world.
608. As on Earth, they built pyramids and were thus protected by solid walls from the hostile and rampant environment.
609. However, due to a cosmic catastrophe, one day the homeworld of one race was destroyed, and so the human beings living on NEBER could not go back.
610. The homeworld of the second race fell to an unknown deadly epidemic, and all life-forms were destroyed by it.
611. So the human beings of the second race stationed on NEBER also found no way back and decided to stay on the planet.
612. In the tropical-humid climate, all their technological devices were slowly destroyed and rotted away over time.
613. When they noticed the beginning damage, it was already too late to fight the decay.
614. Most important parts were already destroyed and they found no possibility to repair or replace them.
615. The human beings had to watch this decay bitterly and could only hope that another space race would soon appear and save them.
616. But this was not so, and it was not until nearly 3,000 years later highly developed life-forms appeared again on NEBER.
617. During this long wait, the space travellers stationed there died.
618. Their descendants, however, slowly became savage and primitive and slowly adapted consciously and physically to the savage and barbaric world.
619. They reverted to savage primitive humans, whose descendants still live on NEBER today.
Fabulous. – But – something doesn't make sense to me. You say that human beings devolved – into primal human beings. This would mean that the human life-form was a product of nature and not a creation of the Creation.
620. It is not what you think.
621. The human life-form IS a creation of the Creation.
622. So it is not descended from animals such as apes, as is so maliciously claimed among you on Earth.
623. The evolution of the human life-form is very long when the physical development of form is considered.
624. It was created out of first primitive life, but with the destiny of becoming human, and already enlivened by creational powers in the sense of becoming human.
625. Thus it was already determined in the first time of the Creation that the procreated form had to become human and ultimately human beings.
626. Thus this life-form is a fundamentally distinct species, from the very beginning.
627. Therefore it was also possible that on Earth at very early times the wild or feral human life-forms could be bred back to the actual human life-form by the appearance of new space travellers, and their intermingling with them.
因此,在地球上,在很早的時候,野生或野性的人類生命形態也有可能通過一些新的太空漫遊者(space travellers)的出現,以及他們與他們的交融而被培育成真正的人類生命形態。
628. So human life-forms that go feral no longer evolve, but a degeneration takes place, which could be called a devolution, as you said.
629. But this never goes so far as to cause the life-form to lose what is actually human, for at a certain point the degeneration ceases, because the subconscious instinct of self-preservation inhibits further retrogression.
630. This point is reached where all conscious knowledge and ability is paralysed and only material self-preservation prevails.
That makes sense to me. According to this, a human life-form can never fall so far back that it would no longer be capable of acting, i.e. that it would become incapable of acting. This would then already correspond to the stage in which the life-form would no longer be aware of its thinking and acting, i.e. a form of irreparability.
631. In a certain form, yes, but with the difference that it is really only a form of irreparability that is anchored in the inability to control.
632. It is therefore, so to speak, a natural irreparability, which the human life-form, however, only had to live through at that time of development during which it developed into conscious thinking in the form of the instinct of self-preservation.
633. This corresponds to level 1/1 of the developmental table which I already gave you at our sixth contact on the 23rd of February.
634. In the state of this natural and evolutionary irreparability the body and the limbs and organs etc. of the life-form carry out all movements, etc. only in the form of reflexes, which are caused by the environmental influences etc.
635. These reflexes cannot be executed in a controlled manner, because the thinking is not yet switched on.
636. That is to say, reflexes are the effect of a cause which is involuntary and which therefore lie outside the possibility of a thinking process.
637. If thinking first sets in, then the reflexes are cancelled and replaced by an arbitrary determination.
638. The movements, etc. are then carried out in a controlled manner.
639. Besides this natural and evolutionary irreparability, however, there is another form of a similar kind.
640. This form, however, renders a life-form immobile.
641. This form can be caused by various dangerous factors, whereby lack of oxygen is the most frequent cause, if we assume earthly living conditions.
642. Since Earth-humans, like ourselves, require oxygen and the various gases that permeate it, it leads to irreparability with complete inhibition of movement if such life-forms are deprived of oxygen for some time.
643. The absence of oxygen and the gases it contains causes a paralysis of certain sectors of the brain which contain the instinct of self-preservation.
644. The brain is thus paralysed in certain sectors and rendered non-functional.
645. Thinking stops and the body, the limbs and organs etc. react only involuntarily and thus reflexively.
646. The life-form still lives in this state, but it is capable neither of thought nor of movement.
647. Life only takes place organically-functionally, like a mechanism.
648. If food is given to the body, it is digested, but the brain is no longer able to utilise or realise it.
Girl, that is cruel. – That is saying that such a human being is dead alive.
649. Sure, that is very accurately expressed even by you, because such damaged life-forms are in a sense actually living dead.
Now I understand a great deal more. This is outrageous, and I really wonder whether euthanasia would not be appropriate in such cases. I have often thought a lot about this, but I have never really been clear about whether assisted suicide should be used in such cases. I simply think that in such cases a life-form really has a right to euthanasia, because if the consciousness is no longer functional and simply languishes in darkness, then life has become useless and meaningless. The consciousness is no longer able to fulfil its task and is sunk into darkness and uselessness. I think that in such cases euthanasia is actually absolutely justified. What I do not find correct, however, is that euthanasia is also carried out or should be carried out where the consciousness of the life-form is still intact. Euthanasia is often demanded only because the life-form is old or has to endure great pain to a certain extent, or simply because certain human beings seem useless and superfluous or are afraid of illness, of any negative effects and of the uncertain end. In such cases I think that euthanasia is unjustified and should never be carried out. I find it appropriate and justified only where the consciousness and subconsciousness are no longer functioning and where there has also been a sinking of consciousness into darkness. This would be the case, as you say, in the case of an absolute and irreparable irreparability. For my part, however, I have not yet become clear whether this is really the case. But if this is an assumption, then euthanasia is unjustified. Where do you and yours stand on this?
650. You speak from the mind of all of us.
651. Your thoughts are also ours.
652. Only recently father spoke of the factor humanism, and also in this case his words are confirmed.
653. Earth-humans are very unhumane and unreasonable.
654. We are informed that euthanasia is forbidden by law in your country and that you are involved in various legal proceedings.
655. Euthanasia, however, is a natural law of true humanity, and by nature it is applied daily, and always where this law must be fulfilled.
656. But this law also applies to Earth-humans, and therefore they do not commit a crime when they apply euthanasia according to the law of nature.
657. But it is only justified where the facts you have mentioned apply and an irreparable irreparability appears.
658. Euthanasia, however, must never be permitted and is contrary to the laws of the Creation and nature where it is carried out only for reasons of tiredness of life, pain, sorrow and worry, feeling abandoned, old age and as a result of many other things of the same direction.
That is a clear answer, which also tells me that irreparability therefore really means being dead alive. But then how is it with you and other highly evolved life-forms in the universe, do you or others also bring euthanasia into use?
659. Certainly, it is applied everywhere and in those cases where there is no possibility of any change for the better.
660. But these possibilities are much greater in relation to the earthly ones.
Are you saying that you can cure irreparability?
661. In certain cases, yes!
That is fantastic; what do you think, will those on Earth also be able to do that one day?
662. Sure, but there will be several millennia to go before then.
Too bad. But – have you worked out these possibilities of a cure yourselves?
太糟糕了。但是 —— 你們自己有沒有研究出這些治癒的可能性?
663. Only partially, because as is usual in the universe, we have received help in this regard from higher evolved life-forms.
Aha, so not everything is your own doing then.
664. That is so.
665. But father can tell you more about that, he is much more versed in these things than I am.
666. Just ask him, we will be with him in a minute.
Good then, he's already coming to meet us. – That was a pretty great firework display, Ptaah.
771. You are thinking of the explosion?
It made quite an impression on me. – But, I was talking to Semjase earlier regarding help etc. between different life-forms in the universe. Can you tell me more about that? Specifically, I would be interested in the cooperation between different life-forms for once.
772. Are you thinking of cultural cooperation between the different life-forms?
Yes, but also in every other relationship. And what about cooperation between the life-forms of this universe and other universes?
773. I cannot answer that question for you in short words.
774. I would therefore recommend you to wait until we have completed the last station of this journey.
775. After that I will give you a detailed answer.
(Ptaah initiates the next hyper leap and seconds later we arrive at our destination. I fly down to the world of Neber with Semjase and take many photos. There was extraordinarily little talking, and it was only about completely trivial things. I was so absorbed by the life of the primordial world with its dinosaurs, prehistoric men and the guarding of the planet that I simply forgot all conversation. Everything was so fantastic for me that I must actually have been fascinated. Statement from the 24th of September 1975, Hinwil.)
(Back in the giant spacecraft of Ptaah.)
776. That was the last place we wanted to take you on this journey.
777. In a few minutes we will be transmitting back to the vicinity of the SOL system, after which I will answer your question.
Thanks Ptaah, I am quite excited.
667. When is it that you are not?
(After transmission, still very far out of the solar system.)
It is nice to see the home system again, isn't it? Somehow I feel at home on Earth – even though it often seems very foreign to me.
再次看到家鄉的星系真好,不是嗎?不知何故,我在地球上有家的感覺 —— 儘管它對我來說經常顯得非常陌生。
778. Every life-form is tied to its home by feeling-impulsations.
It must be so. – Yes, I have been meaning to ask you something for a long time, but I have always forgotten. I could have asked Semjase about it too, but I forgot with her too. You know that your daughter has given me several opportunities to photograph her beamships. Once my camera actually exploded in my hand due to some kind of swinging waves from the ship. This vibration factor was then switched off by you. Another time Semjase also played a trick on me and fiddled with the film. I have come to terms with these things and have digested them. One phenomenon is still completely unclear to me, however, and that is one that struck me during the very first film. Semjase had then been circling around a weather fir with her ship, while I was able to capture everything on the running film, which …
一定是這樣。對了,我一直想問你一些事情,但我總是忘記。我本來也可以問Semjase的,但我和她也忘了。你知道,你的女兒給了我好幾次機會拍攝她的飛船。有一次,由於飛船的某種振動波,我的相機居然在我手中爆炸了。這個振動因素後來被你們關掉了。還有一次,Semjase也對我耍了個花招,擺弄了這部影片。我已經接受了這些事情,並且消化了它們。然而,有一個現象我仍然完全不清楚,那就是在第一部影片中給我的印象。當時Semjase帶著她的飛船一直在繞著一棵冷杉(weather fir)轉,而我卻能在運行的影片中捕捉到一切,這 ...
668. Are you talking about the film you later handed over to us?
That's what I am talking about, exactly. Playing the film back then, I made a strange observation. I know exactly that the tree always stood in the same place and could not leap once here and not once there. But on the running film, which I shot with a tripod to avoid vibrations, I noticed that there must have been shifts that were completely inexplicable to me. When I later compared the film with the location, it seemed to me that the tree must suddenly have stood in different places, although I was always in the same place with the tripod, but on the film the tree seemed to me to have stood in different places, although I know exactly that it must always have stood in the same place. I just don't understand that. Either my camera went crazy in some inexplicable way, or I was mistaken. Unfortunately, I can no longer judge or determine that now, because you have rendered the film unusable.
779. My daughter explained to you at the time that we had found radiation on the photos and films that we wanted to analyse, which is why you also gave us the film material.
780. On the one hand, we found that some of the radiation had been caused by a planet of the SOL system and was now slowly subsiding, but on the other hand, we also analysed radiation in Semjase's new beamships, which caused mirage-like reflections.
28th February 1975, 15:10-15:14 hrs, Fuchsbüel-Hofhalden, Ober Balm-Wetzikon
1975年2月28日,15:10-15:14時,Fuchsbüel-Hofhalden, Ober Balm-Wetzikon
781. However, this radiation is neither dangerous nor significant.
782. It does, however, have a tendency to cause an object to shift optically when the ship gets too close.
783. Since Semjase manoeuvred very close to the tree during your filming, it shifted optically.
784. But this shift was only a reflection in a similar form as you know it from a mirage.
785. In other film and photo shots, the same thing happened, but Semjase brought her ship right up to the trees.
786. As a result, they were charged by the radiation and had to be totally eliminated for safety reasons.
787. If you look at the pictures and films of these processes, you should actually also be able to detect shifts due to reflections in these two cases.
I will do that – if I don't forget. I often have my head so full that I don't think about such things at all. On the other hand, I know exactly what I have seen with my own eyes and do not doubt such a given fact. Therefore I also do not worry about such things. It is for this reason, after all, that it has taken me so long to finally come across this factor as a question.
我會這麼做的 —— 如果我沒有忘記的話。我經常腦子裡滿滿的,根本就沒想過這種事情。另一方面,我清楚地知道我親眼所見的情況,不懷疑這樣的既定事實。因此,我也不擔心這種事情。畢竟,正是因為這個原因,我花了這麼長時間才最終提出這個問題。
788. That is very understandable, but now I want to answer your question:
789. Our worlds are not divided into different states as on Earth.
790. Each world has a unified people and a unified world government, as you call it in earthly terms.
791. On every world the government acts as a force of order and execution, and these are all subject to the High Council in voluntary form.
在每個世界上,政府都充當著秩序和執行的力量,而這些都是以自願的形式服從於「高級理事會」(High Council)。
792. This High Council forms the actual leadership of all our worlds, that is, the central government, so to speak.
793. This, however, is not located on our homeworld, but on a very special planet.
794. This is the central star of government for our races.
795. The High Council that lives on this planet is made up of semi-spiritual semi-material life-forms.
796. So these are human life-forms of quite enormous knowledge and wisdom, who are in the stage of transition to the first pure spirit-form, the level of Arahat Athersata.
所以這些是具有相當豐富的知識和智慧的人類生命體,他們正處於向第一種純粹的靈性形式,也就是AA(Arahat Athersata)層級過渡的階段。
[中譯者註:再次說明,所謂Arahat Athersata層級,是指生命體進化到純靈態階段的第一個層級,要達到這一個層級,通常需要經過六百至八百億年的進化時間。在本文中將其簡稱為AA層級。(資料譯自《Future Of Mankind》)]
797. This means that they have already progressed so far in their evolution that they have got rid of the pure material body and are already half spiritual and therefore also only half material.
798. They are also the only life-forms that can still be called half-human and are able to make contact with the first high pure spirit-forms, which is absolutely impossible for pure material life-forms.
799. Not even we ourselves are able to make contact with these or even higher pure spirit-forms, consequently this can be done even less by Earth-humans.
800. So also our High Council had to contact the Arahat Athersata plane at our request in order to initiate its transmissions to you.
801. Hence you see that an Earth human being can never communicate with high spirit-forms in a purely spiritual or consciousness sense, let alone that an Earth human being could communicate with them or even with high spirit-planes.
802. As an example of this, take your own person and ourselves:
803. You as we are very high in spiritual values above the values of all Earth-humans.
804. But also we are not able to connect or communicate with Arahat Athersata's level.
805. Through the mediations of the High Council we, like I, are able to receive the transmissions from these high planes, but that is all we can do.
806. Like you, we are also not yet able to ask any questions or give any answers to these high planes.
807. And just like you, we are also a receiving system without any transmission capability.
808. The swinging waves of the spiritual planes are simply far too high for us to be able to generate them within ourselves.
809. This is really only reserved for life-forms that already exist in semi-spiritual form themselves.
810. That therefore any Earth human claims are in every respect only evil deception and lies when it is said that Earth-humans are in communicative contact etc. with high spiritual planes goes without saying.
811. Earth-humans, with their present state of material consciousness, are only able to make contact with beings of the same number of vibrations in this form, and under certain circumstances to bring about communication.
812. This means that an Earth human being can therefore only come into contact with beings who correspond approximately to the same evolutionary state of the Earth human being.
813. This means a safeguarding by the creative laws, which thereby guarantee that a life-form never acquires more knowledge than may be assigned to it in terms of evolution, so this is also the case with Earth-humans.
814. If the fraudulent statements of earthly mediums, who allegedly want to have contacts with the beyond, and the fraudulent statements of those who are allegedly in contact with high spirit-forms were true, then a catastrophe would have destroyed the Earth with explosive Gewalt long ago and annihilated all earthly humanity.
815. Through such contacts Earth-humans would have risen quite suddenly and unprepared to undreamt-of heights in every respect and destroyed everything.
816. Through the high spiritual planes Earth-humans would have been imparted such great secrets of the most varied powers and such a high knowledge, which the whole of Earth-humans would never have been able to master.
817. By safeguarding the creative laws that a life-form can only ever establish contact and possibly communicate with life-forms with the same atomic number of their own swinging waves, such occurrences are prevented.
818. Our peoples, then, are all subject to the central government formed by the semi-material, semi-spiritual High Council.
819. The planetary governments, then, are only executive organs of the High Council's order.
820. The form of government of the High Council rests in the creational and natural laws and recommendations, and is therefore not a form of government known to you.
821. Purely creative and natural laws are applied to all events and all order, according to which every single life-form is also consciously directed.
822. Thus every single decision of the High Council is ordered in accordance with the thought-form of each individual life-form.
823. This, however, implies that each individual life-form has approximately the same state of evolution in spiritual and consciousness terms, although minor deviations cannot be excluded.
824. Our teachers of spiritual evolution, however, strive with all the means at their disposal for the constant development of the consciousness and spirit of each individual life-form, whereby all our peoples live in approximately equal swinging waves.
825. So much for our own peoples.
826. Throughout the universe space travel is practised by innumerable different life-forms, by humanoid but not always very humane races.
827. On the whole, however, the like or like-minded always come together and enter into alliances with each other.
828. The values of these alliances are geared to mutual help in every respect, so also to the relations of all things evolutionary.
829. This is a wonderful cooperation in all aspects of life, which even reaches into other universes, such as the DAL universe, in which you have now also been.
830. All alliances, whether universal, inter-universal, galactic or inter-galactic, are oriented towards peace, towards progress in all material aspects of life and towards evolution of the spirit.
831. In all this, however, struggle is not excluded, for battle-seeking or inhumane life-forms appear again and again, and, according to their forms, exercise violence.
832. These must of course be countered.
833. This leads now and then to fighting and to the destruction of life-forms and materials, etc.
834. As alliances exist between different life-forms, therefore, law and order services are established to monitor the entire inhabited space.
835. These services of order are carried out with Great Spacers such as mine.
836. These are actually Great Spacer-stations, which are equipped with all conceivable technilogical possibilities, in order to drive away possibly appearing enemies or, if necessary, to destroy all their material, so that they are bound to their planets.
837. With these Great Spacers, a service of order is thus maintained which extends over many systems of galaxies.
838. Fundamentally, all highly evolved life-forms are concerned to devote themselves in a peaceful frame of mind only to the spiritual evolution and to the advancement of the technology, of the consciousness and of the knowledge, etc.
839. But since this universe, like many other universes, is animated by very many kinds of life-forms, it cannot fail that struggle is also a part of life.
840. But wherever it is possible, no life-killing eliminations of life-forms and also no eliminations of materials, etc., take place, for every life-form requires its evolution, and fundamentally this always proceeds in the same manner in its very many stages.
841. As low as Earth-humans and many other life-forms in the innumerable universes are today in their spiritual development etc., so low were our very early ancestors, from whom Earth-humans are actually also descended.
842. But what must be called unique in this universe, and also in all other universes known to us, is the fact of the very peculiar cultic religions on Earth.
843. Overall universally, there are no parallels of any kind to be found in the forms that have degenerated in this respect, and Earth-humans are indeed unique with their unreal religions of this kind.
These are indeed things of universal scope. But I have heard from your words a tremendous number of other values that you have not mentioned. I suppose, however, that it might go much too far if you were to talk about them, or am I mistaken?
844. That is indeed the case.
Well good, let's not go there then. But what I am interested to hear is this: Semjase is just as eager not to be seen by any other human beings than I am, as was also the case with Asket and Sfath. Semjase has given me some explanations, but they do not fully satisfy me. Can you perhaps explain more to me for once?
845. Apart from us, there are various other life-forms of extraterrestrial origin that make contact with Earth-humans now and then and thus only extremely rarely and often only in an emergency.
846. In earlier times this happened much more often, which also had its reasons.
847. This was due to the fact that in earlier times, by which I mean several millennia, very many Earth-humans still knew of the existence of the Celestial Sons.
這是由於在早期,我指的是幾千年前,非常多的地球人仍然知道「天外之子」(Celestial Sons)的存在。
848. They were in regular contact with them and also traded with them.
849. However, through the intervention of various malevolent elements, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, these contacts slackened and gradually the knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligences was lost.
850. Secretly, however, malignant intelligences of masses addicted to world domination created their station on Earth and on a neighbouring planet and upgraded the cultic religions.
851. This was all done in secret and with the use of many evil means.
852. Apart from these machinations, however, there existed undertakings of other and not evil intelligences, which endeavoured to bring about the real evolution of Earth-humans, because these were, after all, descended from them.
853. But since they could not officially appear because of the constant danger from the malignant life-forms, they had to do so secretly.
854. Besides, after so many millennia, Earth-humans could not be expected to suddenly appear officially again with beamships and spaceships, for the knowledge of them had been lost to them.
855. A sudden open reappearance would have caused worldwide panic.
856. Then the SOL system moved into the Age of Pisces and this offered all interested extraterrestrials a new opportunity to intervene in earthly events without the human beings being able to notice it.
然後太陽系進入了雙魚座時代(Age of Pisces),這為所有感興趣的外星人提供了一個新的機會,在人類無法察覺的情況下介入地球上的事件。
857. The cultic religions built up by the malignant intelligences offered the best conditions for this.
858. Since it was no longer possible to approach Earth-humans with logic and truth, the most subtle truths were smuggled into cultic-religious stories and spread all over the Earth.
859. This offered the possibility of paving the way for the truth and spreading it via cultic religion.
860. Even before the Age of Pisces, therefore, prophets were also chosen to work in this sense and to do justice to the creational truth.
861. Then, at the beginning of the Piscean Age, the Prophet Jmmanuel was chosen, who then spread the teaching truthfully and unwritten in understandable words of the time.
862. Later, however, it was again maliciously falsified, as had been the teaching of the prophets of old.
863. With Jmmanuel's work, however, a time had finally come again when extraterrestrial intelligences could once more increasingly make contact with Earth-humans.
864. However, the inveterate cultic religions chose the beamships and spaceships as celestial vehicles for religious purposes, so that once again there was nothing left but to let the truth seep through very slowly through the religions.
865. Thus extraterrestrials practically aided and abetted the malignant earthly cult religions in order to be able to serve the truth, for they had no other possibility.
866. Earth-humans had already reached the point where, if extraterrestrials had officially appeared, they would have engaged in acts of war against them, but this had to be avoided at all costs.
867. There would have been the possibility of influencing consciousness, but as you know, this is forbidden by important directives, because no life-form may be illogically interfered with by force, if it concerns any matters of development.
868. So these factors meant that landings with beamships and spaceships could only be carried out secretly.
869. But contacts with Earth-humans had to remain just as secret.
870. At the time of Jmmanuel there was also the factor to be considered that at that time no Earth human being except Jmmanuel himself was very highly developed in spirit and consciousness, which is why he had to demonstrate various happenings demonstratively.
871. At that time, in Earth-humans, according to their lower state of consciousness, seeing led to clarification and the development of consciousness.
872. Therefore Jmmanuel did all those things which today are so readily called miracles in your Christian religions.
873. When the cosmic times change, the senses of the life-forms also inevitably change.
874. This is also what has happened to Earth-humans.
875. The Piscean Age was still very much marked by religions and their fanaticism, and only what could be seen with one's own eyes and what could be touched and heard with one's own ears was regarded as real and true.
876. Then came the first labour pains of the Aquarian Age, and suddenly Earth-humans began to listen within.
隨後,水瓶座時代(Aquarian Age)的第一次苦難來臨,地球人突然開始傾聽內心。
877. But he/she also began to think and to investigate, and suddenly he/she realised that logic was to be found only in truth.
878. He/she realised that in seeing and hearing there was a lot of deception and only rarely the truth.
879. Thus in a very short time he/she developed their faculties of reasoning and searched inquiringly for logic and truth through conscious learning and thought work.
880. This, however, is a marked characteristic of the Aquarian age, and to this, to this characteristic, all wisdom-knowing intelligences adhere.
881. And this, among other things, is also one of the main reasons why extraterrestrial life-forms only reveal themselves to certain individual Earth-humans, upon whom they impose certain tasks which they can carry out according to their knowledge and their concepts, if at all.
882. Until now, these tasks had to be woven into religious phrases in order to make them accessible to Earth-humans.
883. But now these times are over and the truth must be spread as as the truth really is.
884. If, however, Earth-humans again bring contact reports of alleged extraterrestrials in religious form, then they are guilty of lying, and they lead back to their own delusions and unreal machinations as well as to the world-dominion-addicted, malignant intelligences or to earthly religious machinations and delusions in this respect of some misguided Earth-humans.
885. The present time of the Aquarian era demands the thinking of the human beings of Earth and the evolution of consciousness and spirit.
886. These factors, however, cannot be attained by seeing and hearing with the physical organs concerned, but only by reason and understanding.
887. Therefore, if we were to make an official appearance with our beamships and spaceships, the effect of thinking and researching would be annihilated, for a life-form, such as the Earth human in his/her present stage of evolution, still thinks and researches in spite of everything in the form that everything is real to him/her that he/she can see with their eyes and hear with their ears or that they can touch.
888. After being able to touch, see and hear, however, the thinking and the researching is only of very short duration, for soon after that everything becomes a natural occurrence to the Earth human being, and he/she no longer cares about it.
889. What he/she knows, he/she is simply no longer interested in.
890. His/her interest is awakened and maintained only by secrets being presented to them to chase after.
891. Therefore it will also be that we will not ever reveal ourselves to other human beings in the time to come as we do to you.
892. Even with other contacts on Earth it is the case that they still behave with interest during two or three and in any case always only impulse telepathic contacts, but that after that the routine of normality and indifference already sets in with them and consequently they only pass on their contact reports in a disinterested and distorted manner, if they do this at all, which unfortunately is not the rule.
893. Unfortunately, this is the case with 99.08% of all contacts.
894. For these reasons they are also only very weakly impulse-telepathically entrusted with unimportant tasks, and no valuable knowledge is imparted to them on a larger scale.
895. In particular, they are not informed about actual values of the spiritual teaching, technology and about the existing cultures of extraterrestrial intelligences, or they are informed so ambiguously that doubts and falsehoods must arise from this.
896. At present there are only two human beings on the Earth who have been informed to a greater extent by extraterrestrials.
897. Relatively speaking, this is a great deal when the consciousness-based value of Earth-humans is considered.
898. In certain circles on Earth it is claimed that the number is much greater, but this is not true.
899. This is also the case with the alleged flights in beamships or spaceships to which Earth-humans claim to have been taken.
900. It is true that in earlier times this was often the case, even at the beginning of the 19th century.
901. But with the beginning of the Aquarian Age, in the Earth year 1844, these flights were reduced to a minimum percentage.
902. This for reasons already mentioned.
903. Excluded from this, however, are those incidents where Earth-humans were stolen and abducted.
904. In this century, however, which you call the 20th century, such journeys into space with Earth-humans have been approximately prevented by all extraterrestrial intelligences working in Earth missions.
905. Up to the present day, only three Earth-humans were found who could be trusted with such flights and who, moreover, had no relationship with us.
906. One person lived in Africa and two others in America.
907. Two of these contact persons became known concerning these events, while the third person, however, remained silent and did not fulfil his task out of fear.
908. All contact persons on Earth, except you, have only a tiny part of the great task to fulfil, and their knowledge is only directed towards this small part.
909. They were all also chosen for these tasks only in their older years and were therefore not educated and not raised to a high level of knowledge.
910. This was reserved for you alone, which is why you were also prepared from birth for your difficult mission, for you have to fulfil your task as a prophet of the modern age, which demands many times more knowledge than is presently the case with the most spiritually evolved Earth human being and will also not be the case in the next 3,000 years, for your spiritual knowledge and ability is that of the Earth human being who will populate the Earth to an average degree in 3,000 years.
911. You are already oriented to the fact that this Great Spacer could only be made by the help of Asket's people in the DAL universe.
912. If we had not received their help with the many technilogical innovations, we would only become powerful in this technology in about 250 to 350 years.
913. So it is thanks to Asket and her people that we were able to bring you on this flight to her in the DAL universe.
914. You may rest assured in this regard that no Earth human being has ever been allowed to make such a journey before.
915. Also the future will still close such a journey to Earth-humans and will only make it possible for them in a few millennia.
916. You may also be sure that no Earth human being has ever gone outside the Earth's moon orbit before you in this century which is currently ruling you, apart from those abducted by human robbery and the female and male life-forms who were shot into the moon's orbit by a rocket whose capsule control failed, however, and the capsule with the human beings drifted off into space, which, however, is concealed by those responsible.
917. I also said that three contacts were taken on flights with beamships, but not very far.
918. The maximum distance of their flights always ended near the Earth's moon orbit.
919. No Earth-humans were taken to the Moon itself or to other planets in this century, which also answers your unspoken question that no Earth-humans reached either Venus or Mars or other planets in this century, let alone out of the SOL system or even to other systems or galaxies.
920. That is certain with absolute certainty, for all happenings of this kind are extremely closely monitored and it is of utter impossibility that such happenings could escape us and all other intelligences.
That is really all sorts of things you are explaining, Ptaah. I have a few other questions, if there is time. One question concerns our Earth or the magnetic poles of our Earth. I often worry about this because the weather and the climate seem to go crazy for me. I experienced the last correct spring, summer, autumn and winter in 1947. Since then, however, everything has changed almost abruptly. I combined this with the atomic bomb explosions, namely that these could be to blame, but this is denied by dear science. On 6 August 1945, the first atomic bomb exploded over Hiroshima and a few days later the second over Nagasaki. I calculated that the atomic radiation needed a full two years to encircle the globe of the Earth, despite the claims of atomic scientists etc. to the contrary. When this happened, the climate was fundamentally affected. I can only imagine, however, that this enclosure must have happened at very high altitudes and acted on the Earth like a mantle. On the one hand, this is true; on the other hand, however, the explosions must also have caused a polar movement, which led to some kind of far-reaching things. Am I correct in this, or am I on the wrong track with my assumptions?
Is the North Pole Shifting?
"All Compasses will point to Mecca"
dpa. In a thousand years, according to a Soviet scientist, all compasses will point in the direction of the Islamic shrine of Mecca. This prediction was made by the Soviet magnetologist Medvedev, as reported by the Moscow newspaper "Sovietskaya Rossiya". According to his theory, the Earth's magnetic north pole will gradually move from the Canadian Arctic Ocean, where it is located today, to the Arabian Sea due to a shift in the inner, liquid core of our planet.
The scientist drew this conclusion from the movements of the magnetic pole in the past 125 years. In about 2,000 years, the magnetic north pole will have even moved across Africa to the Atlantic. According to Medvedev's theory, the magnetic south pole will then be located in the Pacific, near South America.
《德新社》(DPA)。據一位蘇聯科學家稱,一千年後,所有羅盤都將指向伊斯蘭教聖地麥加(Mecca)的方向。據莫斯科《蘇維埃俄羅斯報》(Sovietskaya Rossiya)報導,這一預測是由蘇聯磁學家Medvedev(暫譯為梅德韋傑夫)作出的。根據他的理論,由於我們星球內部液體核心的轉移,地球的磁北極將逐漸從今天的加拿大北冰洋移動到阿拉伯海。
921. You are very conscientious in getting to the bottom of everything:
922. The Earth's magnetism has been and will continue to be disturbed by other similar bombs and also by the atomic bomb explosions.
923. That means; a very weak recoil effect was and is exerted on the Earth by the explosions, whereby this is influenced in hardly measurable values among other things in the rotation.
這意味著,爆炸曾經並正在對地球施加非常微弱的反衝效應(recoil effect),從而使地球在旋轉中受到難以測量的影響。
924. This means that the Earth is forced out of its normal rotation and then slowly seeks a new self-rotation orbit.
925. However, the Earth's orbit around the Sun was also affected in very small values and the planet was pushed slightly out of its normal orbit.
926. Thus, from the 1940s until now, Earth scientists have committed a vicious crime against their own planet and against all mankind, and they will continue to do so, for all the explosions carried out to date have forced changes that are of very far-reaching significance and these can have very catastrophic effects.
927. The magnetic poles of North and South have already shifted considerably in recent years.
928. Today, for example, the magnetic pole in the north is already offset in the Canadian Arctic Ocean, while the south pole has also shifted and is moving towards South America, which cannot be attributed solely to the Earth's periodic shift.
929. Around the turning point of the fifth millennium, i.e. in a little more than 3,000 years, the changes in the Earth's magnetic poles will have progressed to such an extent that the South Pole will be located in South America, while the North Pole will have moved towards Saudi Arabia.
930. The point of the North Pole in the year 5000 that can be calculated so far resulted in a location between Jeddah on the Red Sea and the Islamic pilgrimage city of Mecca.
931. This means that you have hit the nail on the head with your calculations, namely that the Earth's magnetic poles were indeed influenced.
932. Your other calculation and assumption is also of correctness:
933. After the explosions of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the atomic radiation spread very quickly and soon covered the whole Earth.
934. The far greater danger, however, was posed by certain elementary radiations released by the explosions, which still pose great puzzles to Earth scientists and which they have not yet mastered, because they have not yet grasped their types and forms.
935. In particular, three main values of the earthly resistance to life are influenced and damaged by the release of these elementary radiations.
936. This catastrophic process after an atomic explosion on the scale of the Hiroshima bomb lasts for several centuries and influences all life-support potencies in a negative form.
937. In the purely atmospheric layers of the Earth, an atomic explosion affects the OZONE balance in a quite catastrophic form, primarily through the release of elementary radiation.
938. Through the release of atomic energy, electrical energies of tremendous values are generated by the elementary radiations already mentioned.
939. This happens in a very high frequency range, which is still unknown to earthly science.
940. These energies are not the normal electrical energy that you are familiar with, but an electrical radiation energy that moves in the ultraviolet radiation range.
941. Inevitably, this radiant energy mixes with the oxygen in the air and produces gigantic amounts of the highest quality OZONE.
942. If normally only 1 part of ozone is detectable in 500,000 parts of air according to terrestrial conditions, the ozone value increases to 34 values for a short time after an explosion, which corresponds to a value of 28 parts.
943. These dangerous levels then destroy all micro-organisms in the wider environment, which are of enormous importance for the preservation of all terrestrial life.
944. Shortly after the explosion, the ozone levels drop again very quickly and flatten out.
945. Certain elemental values, however, penetrate all matter and accumulate there for hundreds of years, destroying over and over again all micro-organisms that come into their vicinity.
946. This is the one factor related to ozone.
947. Another factor is formed by the OZONE belt, which is damaged in manifold ways by gases rising and produced by such explosions, and is no longer able to absorb the ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
This is clear to me, Semjase has already spoken of this once in connection with gases from spray cans, etc. But one thing is not quite clear to me: OZONE is also formed by natural lightning phenomena, so why doesn't it destroy microorganisms?
948. Nature works exactly according to the laws given to it.
949. The normal ozone balance on a world is created by various factors, so also by thunderstorms with lightning.
950. On the one hand, ozone produced in this manner cleanses the air of life-hostile pollutants, and on the other hand, large quantities of ozone gas drift upwards and collect at an altitude of about 18 to 27 kilometres to form a belt or mantle that extends around the planet.
951. This ozone belt or mantle then performs the function of a natural shield to protect life-forms living on Earth from the very strong ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
952. The direct irradiation of life-forms by the ultraviolet radiation of the sun and other similar radiation from other parts of space would inevitably cause the death of all life-forms.
953. But in order for this not to happen, the ozone belt is needed.
954. This absorbs a large part of the radiation and converts it into usable values and elementary radiation.
955. Nature itself always produces exactly as much ozone as is necessary to ensure life.
956. Whether this happens through lightning phenomena or through the action of ultraviolet radiation itself or through other natural events, it always remains the same:
957. Nature never produces more ozone than it needs.
958. Exceptions only occur when catastrophes strike, which are usually of cosmic or planetary origin.
But what about atomic radiation, which I calculate must have surrounded the Earth at very high altitudes?
但是原子輻射(atomic radiation)呢?我計算過,原子輻射一定是在很高的高度上包圍著地球的。
959. Your calculations are probably correct, but it is not actual atomic radiation.
960. As I said, very special elementary radiations as well as particles are produced by the explosion.
961. These are what reach very high altitudes and spread around the globe and affect different layers.
962. In your terms, these layers are named very differently, including one of the layers that is also at risk, which you call the Van Allen belt.
在你們的術語中,這些層的名稱非常不同,包括其中一個也有風險的層,你們稱之為范艾倫帶(Van Allen belt)。
[中譯者註:范艾倫輻射帶是在地球附近的近層宇宙空間中包圍著地球的大量帶電粒子聚集而成的輪胎狀輻射層,由美國物理學家詹姆斯.范艾倫(James Van Allen)於1958年發現並以他的名字命名。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
963. This belt consists in particular of electrons and protons captured by the terrestrial magnetic field, which have a vital function for terrestrial life.
964. However, I am not allowed to give more details about this, because from these explanations very many values could be drawn for your scientists for their researches and would give them means in their hands of which they could not yet become powerful.
Then nothing can be done. I cannot really imagine anything at all about this Van Allen belt, nor can I work out anything about protons and electrons. But that doesn't matter, I am only interested in how this belt is constructed, I mean, what kind of motion it has. Besides, I am interested in the further belt that is supposed to exist far outside our Earth and outside the Pluto orbit besides the Oort cloud, as Semjase recently told me in confidence.
那麼什麼也做不了。我真的無法想像關於這個范艾倫帶的任何東西,也無法計算出關於質子和電子的任何東西。但這並不重要,我只對這個區帶是如何構建的感興趣,我是說,它有什麼樣的運動。此外,我還對進一步的區帶感興趣,據說除了奧爾特雲(Oort cloud;又稱歐特雲)之外,在我們的地球和冥王星的軌道之外,還存在著遠處的區帶,這是Semjase最近悄悄告訴我的。
[中譯者註:歐特雲(Oort cloud),又稱奧爾特雲,在理論上是一個圍繞太陽、主要由冰微行星組成的球體雲團。歐特雲位於星際空間之中,距離太陽最遠至10萬天文單位(約2光年)左右,也就是太陽和比鄰星(南門二恆星系中的一員)距離的一半。同樣由海王星外天體組成的柯伊伯帶和離散盤與太陽的距離不到歐特雲的千分之一。歐特雲的外邊緣標誌著太陽系結構上的邊緣,也是太陽引力影響範圍的邊緣。
圖中橫軸以地日距離(1 天文單位)為比較基準,依對數尺度繪製(非等比例的線性尺度)。
965. The Van Allen belt is at an average altitude of 1,000 kilometres.
966. The charged particles are in constant motion, following spiral paths from pole to pole.
967. The other belt you mentioned is actually still unknown and will be discovered in the near future and then called the Kuiper belt.
你提到的另一個區帶實際上仍是未知的,在不久的將來會被發現,然後被稱為柯伊伯帶(Kuiper belt;又稱作古柏帶)。
[中譯者註:柯伊伯帶(Kuiper belt)位於太陽系的海王星軌道(距離太陽約30天文單位)外側,是在黃道面附近的天體密集圓盤狀區域。柯伊伯帶的假說最先由美國天文學家弗雷德里克.倫納德於1950年代提出,十幾年後傑拉德.柯伊伯證實了該觀點。
968. Iron, rock and ice chunks accumulate in it, from which comets and meteors, among other things, are formed, which then reach the inner SOL system from there, along with comets and meteors originating from the Oort cloud.
969. The belt that you will see is actually outside the Pluto orbit, as my daughter has explained to you.
970. It was already important at the time of the SOL system formation for the emergence of the planets and life on them, so also for the overall development for flora and fauna.
I understand that, but everything else is as much as a Bohemian forest to me. I am afraid that belongs to physics and astrophysics and I understand just as much about that as our scientists do about your technology, which is nothing.
我明白,但其他的東西對我來說就像波西米亞林山(Bohemian forest;此處喻為廣大的迷霧區)一樣。恐怕那是屬於物理學和天體物理學,我對那方面的瞭解就像我們的科學家對你們技術的理解一樣多,也就是說,什麼都不懂。
971. That is also not of much importance to you, for your inherent spiritual values are of decidedly greater and more important significance.
You may be right. But now, if you will permit me, I would like to ask you again a few things concerning the contactees: first, how many contactees are there on the Earth today; secondly, are you really oriented with regard to all of these, so you must know them or at least know about them?
972. The exact number of real contactees on Earth at the present time is 17,422.
973. These are spread over all your states or countries, as you also call it.
974. Of this number, however, only a vanishingly small percentage are contact people who go public with their knowledge, as I have already mentioned.
975. Very many of them only work on certain things according to our telepathic impulse instructions, in order to fulfil partial tasks, but in all the different cases these persons have contact with us, and that without being oriented about the fact that they have contact with us or that we exist and that we do not belong to Earth.
他們中的很多人只是根據我們的心靈感應脈衝(telepathic impulse)指示在某些事情上工作,以完成部分任務,但在所有不同的情況下,這些與我們有聯繫的人,都不知道他們與我們有聯繫或我們的存在,以及我們不屬於地球這樣的事實。
976. Among all these contacts, however, there are none who are housed in any positions of governments, just as there are no life-forms of ourselves in earthly governments.
977. Of all 17,422 contact persons (Note Billy: The number continues to increase.) only a few hundred Earth-humans are officially known to be active in public life.
978. Their task is to gradually spread the truth of our existence, which they still do in the old-fashioned manner.
979. This means that the fact of our existence and the truth for them is imperceptibly finely interwoven in religious phrases impulse-telepathically delivered to them, which they then accordingly also spread in this form.
980. Since most of these contact persons are still very strongly dependent on religion, it is also the only way for them to recognise the truth.
981. To the question about our being oriented, I can only explain that we really are in all necessary matters.
982. We do not claim to know everything or even to be omniscient, but we are accurately oriented about all those matters that are connected with Earth, its life-forms and extraterrestrial intelligences.
983. Our technology is the highest and most advanced of all life-forms that visit the Earth.
984. This technology is therefore also what guarantees us the best possible control, so that nothing can actually escape us that is connected with Earth-humans and extraterrestrial intelligences, at least in those earthly areas that we are currently monitoring.
985. If, therefore, I explained to you that only three life-forms of terrestrial origin have been flown out into space by beamships in this century, this corresponds to absolute reality, for it is precisely for such occurrences that the best precautions have been taken on all sides in order to be able to control them with the utmost precision.
986. It is therefore absolutely impossible that an Earth life-form, an Earth human being, should be allowed to experience a flight into space through us without our being oriented about it.
987. And when I speak of us, I am thinking not only of our own race, but of all extraterrestrial life-forms that move in earthly space.
988. They are indeed different and some of them even have a quite low level of development.
989. Admittedly, we are not in direct contact with all of them, because certain factors do not allow us to do so.
990. But we have contact with several of them and partly work together.
991. However, they are mostly all known to us, but so are their technical and consciousness-based possibilities.
992. This allows us to include them with extreme precision in our controls, so that with absolute certainty nothing of their doing can escape us.
993. We are always precisely oriented about every undertaking, and it is impossible that our devices and apparatus would not register something.
994. Of course, from time to time there are strangers with whom we do not come into contact and whose origin we also cannot clarify.
995. However, these are rare cases.
That is an obvious answer. But what is it now about the Giza-Heinis also taking human beings for flights?
996. I see, you are thinking of the world domination addicts.
997. Well, in earthly terms, these life-forms are enemies of Earth-humans, but on the other hand they are also enemies of us, whereby by us I again mean all intelligences of extraterrestrial origin.
998. So they have nothing in common with us in terms of our tasks.
999. Therefore, when I spoke earlier of only three Earth-humans being taken on flights into outer space in this century, I was really speaking only of us, not of these malignant life-forms.
1000. In order to achieve their devious aim, they have made contact with various Earth-humans and have also taken them on very short flights into space, but only outside the Earth's atmosphere, and such occurrences are many more with them than with us.
1001. For our part, we are anxious only to take Earth-humans out into free space who, according to their evolution of consciousness and spirit, are capable of evaluating these flights.
1002. The malignant life-forms, however, transport Earth-humans who are absolutely incapable of consciousness into the near Earth space in order to make them willing and to deceive them in order to be able to exploit them for their plans of world domination.
1003. In addition to these evil life-forms, there are also extraterrestrials who abduct Earth-humans from time to time, which Semjase has also told you about.
1004. However, these cases are relatively so rare that they are hardly worth mentioning, although the abductees usually never return to the Earth.
1005. But here again there are exceptions that are extremely rare and hardly worth mentioning.
1006. Most of the time, the abductors are time and space aberrations who only arrive to the Earth through their ignorance, through technical damage or through irrationality.
1007. On the other hand, however, there are also some inhumane races to whom Earth, when they discover it, means a welcome expedition planet where they rob life-forms of various kinds, but this is just as rare that it should not really be mentioned.
And what do you do about it?
1008. These are not matters we are allowed to interfere in.
1009. That is:
1010. We must not do this by force.
1011. If possible, in such cases we try to get in touch with these intelligences through our communication devices in order to stop them from doing what they are doing by educating them.
1012. Often, therefore, we pursue them far out into space if they refuse to be instructed on Earth itself or in its vicinity.
1013. Unfortunately, however, we are only partially successful, so that Earth-humans can be abducted in spite of everything in just extremely rare cases, which are hardly worth mentioning.
1014. I have already said that we must not intervene with violence in such incidents, although we would be able to do so in every respect.
1015. We must keep to this order, and this because, on the one hand, every life-form must go its ways of development and we must not interfere with it in this respect if the abductions do not involve members of our own race or members of other life-forms associated with us.
1016. On the other hand, violence exerted by us would generate violence again, which could lead to a galactic or intergalactic war.
1017. However, we must not provoke this also for directive reasons, because our weapons are in any case always intended only for defence, but never for attack.
That is interesting. I have already seen various weapons in Semjase's beamships, but also in Asket's ship when she was on Earth. Sfath also had weapons on board, and your space giant is also equipped with a wide variety of weapons. Now how does this rhyme with various claims that extraterrestrial intelligences would not have any weapons or at least would not use them? I know from various UFO reports today that it is always claimed that peace is produced by peace, etc.
1018. These are just crazy claims of fraudulent do-gooders who unquestioningly feign contacts with extraterrestrials in order to promote their fanciful wishes, which are extremely unrealistic.
1019. Neither we nor any other life-form in this or any other universe can afford to have no or unsuitable weapons.
1020. Every single life-form race in the universe has weapons of all kinds, just as you do on Earth.
1021. Even outside Earth there is not only peace, for the most diverse and innumerable worlds in the universe are inhabited by the most varied life-forms of humanoid and sometimes non-humanoid form.
1022. Many of them have not yet entered the state of equilibrium and use their weapons to attack other life-forms.
1023. However, these cannot and must not simply allow themselves to be exterminated and slaughtered, but must fight back.
1024. This is a law of the Creation, which is extremely recognisable in the laws of nature.
1025. If the Earth human being observes the events of nature with just a little interest, he/she will recognise that the first instinct inherent in every individual life-form is the instinct of self-preservation, just as it is determined by the laws of nature.
1026. This instinct of self-preservation is not recognisable in senseless killing, but in defence against attack.
1027. First of all, every life-form learns to defend itself against possible attacks, in one form or another.
1028. In the first place this defence consists in logical flight and in the second place in fighting, namely when flight has become hopeless and thus a fight becomes unavoidable.
1029. This is also so applied to the human life-form, only that with it the first step of defence consists not in a flight of running away, but in the form of its intellect.
1030. That is to say, the human being finds other ways to take the first step of defence through the ability of his/her thinking.
1031. In terms of reason, this step lies in speaking, by which the enemy or aggressor of self-reason is to be instructed and thereby dissuaded from his/her intended action.
1032. Only when these teachings are of no avail, does flight or the act of fighting take place.
1033. A fight, however, always requires a means of defence, and this consists of a weapon.
1034. If, for example, animals have fangs, poisons, hoofs and horns, etc., which are natural weapons to them, human beings, through their ability to think, have developed weapons of their own, which they can bring into use according to their sense when this becomes necessary for them.
You are not telling me anything new with this, for I made these observations in nature when I was a little boy. I knew very well, even as a little tyke, that the laws of nature contain within them the struggle to defend themselves against attackers.
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