
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH06-02


Changing the Primary Focus


You may recognize that in your society, because of the repetition of this idea, and because this is now the way you automatically "set the stage," you have often created the idea that there is only one way for this stage to be set. And it is against that background that you measure everything in your lives.


As soon as you change the fundamental primary focus beliefs that represent the beings you are, the entire background changes with it. Everything changes. Everything is connected; everything is the same one thing. A change in the primary focus creates what you call the domino effect, and changes occur all the way down the line in the entire pattern, the entire backdrop. They may seem at times to be subtle, but are far-ranging and quite widespread – if you allow yourselves to recognize they exist.

一旦你改變那些代表你存在的基本焦點信念,整個背景就會隨著改變,而一切就會改變一切都相互相關連;而一切都是同一回事一個在主要焦點中的改變,就可以創造出你們所謂的骨牌效應,而各種改變便會全面發生在整個模式、整個背景裡面它們有時很微妙,但又很廣泛,並且相當普遍 —— 如果你容許自己去承認它們的存在

Therefore, when you seek to create changes in your own primary belief system focus, often you will only continuously weigh that primary focus or change against a background that you will not allow yourselves to see has changed. But if you are willing to recognize that everything changes when you change anything, then you will not still see the primary background in the same light. You will begin to realize that something is different – somewhere, somehow.

因此,當你設法在自己的主要信念體系焦點中創造一些變化時,你將往往只是持續地按照一個背景來衡量那個主要焦點或改變,你不會容許自己看到這個背景已經改變。但是,假若你願意認同,當你改變任何事情時,一切都會改變,那麼你將不會仍然以相同的眼光來看這個主要背景你將可以認出,某些事情 —— 在某個地方,以某種方式 —— 已經有所不同

This is why many of you create the seeming contradictions in your lives. You say you wish to change the primary focus, but when you look around, you are continually seeing the same background – in a sense, seeing the idea of your primary focus against the same background, rather than allowing the entire background to be a part of the primary focus, and changing along with it. When you look at the background in the same way you used to, you immediately cancel the change you made in your primary focus, because it is all one and the same thing. The echo, the background, carries its origin point from the original sound.

這正是為什麼你們有許多人會在自己的生命中創造某些表面上矛盾的原因。你說希望改變那個主要焦點,但是,當環顧四周時,你仍然一直看到同樣的背景 —— 在某種意義上,你一直看到你那個對照著同樣背景的主要焦點,而沒有讓整個背景成為這個主要焦點的一部分,並隨著它改變。當你以習慣的方式審視這個背景的時候,你立即就取消自己在主要焦點中所作出的改變,因為兩者只是同一件事那個迴響;那個背景,它攜帶著從原有聲音而來的原樣

You will look to this echo to see changes occur in it before you will allow yourselves to validate the changes you know you have made, or you desire to make, in the primary focus of your being. But if you seek validation in the echo, then you will only continue in the reality in which you have already focused yourselves. The validation must come in the primary sound, the primary signal, first – before you see it in the echo of the background reality you consider to be your exterior universe.

在你容許自己去確認那些在你的主要焦點中,你知道已經作出(或渴望作出)的變化之前,你將會盼望在這個迴響中看見有變化發生。不過,假如你是在這個迴響中尋找,那麼你只會繼續停留在這個你已經身在其中的實相裡面這個變化必須首先來自那個主要聲音(主要訊號)之中 —— 在你看到它出現在那個背景實相的迴響之前(個背景實相被你視為自己的外在宇宙

Therefore recognize that in physical reality, one primary belief will always extend itself to create a seeming system of beliefs with which it becomes surrounded and supported, so that the primary belief can have an existence in physical reality. No belief will exist unto itself in a void; every belief brings with it a complete and total entourage, a set of props, backdrop and stage, and a complete and total audience receptive to that particular play.


Thus, if you truly desire to change the primary focuses in your lives, the primary beliefs with which you are allowing yourselves to be in touch, do not play them out on the same stage. Let yourselves know you are in a completely different locale. Everything has changed – everything! Then you can recognize that the total system of reality you perceive your lives to be will change from system to system. Not just particle to particle, but everything will transform.

因此,倘若你真心渴望改變生命中的主要焦點 —— 就是你容許自己與之保持接觸的那些主要信念,那麼就不要在相同的舞臺上把它們演完讓自己知道,你是在一個全然不同的現場。一切已經改變 —— 一切!然後你就可以看到,整個你認知自己生命的實相體系,將會從一個體系改變為另一個。不僅僅是一些些,而是一切都將轉變。

You have but to realize that many of the things you desire to see validations of in a particular specific sense will also occur if you will change the entire system first. Then all the particles that go along with the representation of the new system will be there as well. You can do it either way. As we have said: cause and effect are the same event. You can have a cause, which creates an effect; you can have an effect which creates a cause. You can change the whole system; you can change a specific within the system. In every case both the specifics and the system change. You can work it from either end – or inside out, backwards/forwards, upside down. It doesn't matter.

你只須明瞭,倘若先改變整個體系,就某種特殊意義而言,很多你渴望見到的事物的確認也將會發生。接著,所有隨著新體系出現的那些細節也都在那裡了。你可以有另一種做法。如我們所說:因果是同一件事。你可以有一個創造某種結果的因;你也可以有一個創造某種起因的果你可以改變整個體系;你也可以改變體系中的某個細節。無論哪一種情況,兩者都會改變。你可以從兩端之一開始做 —— 或從裡到外、從前或從後、上下顛倒。這都無所謂。

When you do make the change, allow yourselves to function as if a change has occurred across the entire spectrum. Otherwise all you are doing is focusing yourselves into a localized specific effect, and not allowing yourselves to see how the change you have made within has made a change in the reality you desire to see around you.


Know that you are capable of getting in touch with the definitions by which you have created the physical reality you have been experiencing for many thousands of your years. If you can change those definitions to form whatever pattern you desire them to form, then you can very easily create the realities you desire to create – when you want to create them, in exactly the way you want to create them. As long as you understand that you are doing what you are doing, that you are expressing the desires you are expressing through joy, through love, through light, through service, through integrity, there is absolutely nothing – nothing, nothing, nothing! – that the universe will withhold from you.

你要知道,你有能力接觸到那些你據以創造物質實相的界定(你已經體驗這個物質實相有千萬年之久了)。如果你能夠改變那些界定,塑造成任何自己所想要的模式那麼,你就能夠輕易地創造自己所想要的實相 —— 當你想要完全按照自己的願望來創造它們的時候。只要你瞭解,你正在做自己的事情,表達自己的渴望,通過喜悅,通過愛,通過光,通過服務,通過整合那麼就絕對沒有 —— 沒有,沒有,沒有! —— 不能在你的身上呈現的宇宙



(續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH06-04



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