The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 10
Session 21, February 10, 1981
1981 年2 月10 日
As we were preparing to welcome Dr. Puharich into our circle of working with Ra, we were reminded once again of the prerequisite of the tuning in the personal life that was necessary for all of those involved in the contact.
Jim 評論:
當我們準備歡迎普哈里契博士(Dr。Puharich)進入我們的工作圈子之際,Ra 再次提醒我們必要前提是調頻個人生活到和諧的程度,這對於所有參加(Ra)通訊的成員都是必要的。
In the event, Andrija never visited us here in Kentucky. But it is worth noting that Ra frequently did respond to our questions by invoking the law of confusion. Those of Ra felt that the primary importance in personal ethics of allowing people to do their own learning, make their own mistakes, cannot be overemphasized.
Carla 評論:
在這個事件中,安卓利亞(Andrija)從未來到肯德基州探訪我們。但值得注意的是Ra 經常引用混淆法則回應我們的問題。
Ra 群體覺得個人倫理中主要的重要議題是允許人們自行學習,自行犯錯。這點再怎麼強調也不為過。
Session 21, February 10, 1981
第二十一場集會,1981 年2 月10 日
Questioner: Andrija Puharich will be visiting later this month. Can he read the unpublished healing material?
問︰普哈里契(Andrija Puharich)這個月要來。他能不能閱讀未出版的治療材料?
Ra: I am Ra. The entity of whom you speak has a knowledge of this material in its conscious memory in somewhat altered form. Therefore, it is harmless to allow this entity to become acquainted with this material.
RA︰我是 Ra。你提到的這個實體,在它的顯意識記憶裡有這個材料的知識,以有些變更的形式(儲存)。因此,允許這個實體獲得這個材料是無害的。
However, we request the mind/body/spirit complex, Henry, be sufficiently prepared by means of meditation, contemplation, or prayer before entering these workings. At present, as we have said before, this mind/body/spirit complex is not of proper vibrational distortion.
Questioner: I had already determined to exclude him from these workings.
I had only determined to let him read the material. The only other thing that I have noticed within the material as it exists now there is a certain statement that will allow him to understand who I believe Spectra really was. It seems to be my duty to remove this from his knowledge to preserve the same free will that you attempted to preserve by not naming the origin of the Spectra contact in Israel. Am I correct?
問︰我已經決定拒絕他加入這些工作。我只決定讓他讀這個材料。還有件事情是,我在現存的材料裡注意到一條確定的陳述,將讓他理解Spectra 的真正身分[,至少我這麼相信]。我似乎有責任把這部分拿走不讓他得知,以保護其自由意志,就像你為了保護自由意志而不說出發生在以色列的Spectra通訊的來源一樣,我說得對嗎?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a matter for your discretion.
RA︰我是 Ra。這件事由你自行決定。
Questioner: That’s what I thought you’d say.