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Contact Report 246/第246次接觸報告
英譯改進:2019.10.19. DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯改進:2021.12.02. DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
1. Eduard – Hello, my friend.
Ptaah, this is a pleasure and a surprise. Where are you?
2. Here behind the spruces I stand – so there I am.
我站在雲杉(spruces)後面 —— 所以我在這裡。
3. It's nice to meet you here.
4. Outside it's quite pleasant now.
I think so too. If you want, we can stay out here, but maybe we should go forward to the biotope. We could also sit down there, because we've installed various seating areas at the rest area.
5. I know, so let's go.
You were absent for a long time, my friend.
6. It was not possible for me to be absent from my task because my presence was desperately needed.
If you had such important things to do … But I'm still glad that you found time to visit me again.
如果你有這麼重要的事情要做... 但我還是很高興你能抽空來看我。
7. It was really very important, and my presence was indeed inevitable.
8. My task was to create a colony on an uninhabited planet called KATHAN in the space area IDAM, known on Earth in this space-time structure as the Spiral Nebula NGC 2997, at a distance of 45 million light years.
我的任務是在IDAM太空區域一個叫KATHAN的無人居住星球上建立一個殖民地。在地球上,這個時空結構被稱為「螺旋星雲NGC 2997」(Spiral Nebula NGC 2997),距離地球4,500萬光年。
[中譯者註:依據《維基百科》資料,NGC 2997是一個朝向地球的無棒螺旋星系,位於2億5千萬光年遠的唧筒座。NGC 2997是NGC 2997星系群中最亮的星系。]
9. I was also busy in the space area NOSIR, where we also founded a new colony.
10. This also happened on an uninhabited planet called NASADAN.
11. The space region NOSIR is a galaxy which is 16 million light-years away from the SOL system in this space-time structure and which is referred to as M 83 in earthly astronomy science.
[中譯者註:依據《維基百科》資料,M83或梅西耶83,也稱為南風車星系或NGC 5236,是位於長蛇座,靠近半人馬座邊界的一個棒旋星系,距離太陽系大約1,500萬光年。]
Then the spiral nebula and the galaxy are not in your space-time structure, if I have understood correctly. However, the question remains as to why you are founding colonies if you have enough space on your planet, since you do not tend towards overpopulation, as is the case on Earth.
12. The colonies were founded to separate two enemy races that threatened to destroy each other on their home planets by waging endless war against each other.
13. Capable of both nuclear technology and the first space flight, they attacked each other's planets and brought them very close to the danger of destruction.
14. And since our Federation is in charge of these two planets and of the inhabitants, we decided, according to the advice of the High Council, to transplant the two contentious peoples in order to guarantee their continued existence to the other and peace-loving peoples of the two planets.
15. They also dominate the first space flight, but they do not pose any danger.
16. However, the mistakes, 124 million of one people and 106 million of the other, were transferred to the planets I mentioned in the space areas IDAM and NOSIR, where they will live from now on, without knowing the whereabouts of the other people.
17. Moreover, it is impossible for the transplanted of both peoples to fly to other planets for many hundreds of years to come, because care was taken to ensure that the next inhabited planets are more than 130 light years away from the colonies, so that they cannot be reached by the resettled, on the one hand because their space technology is only just developed to the extent that distances of at most 430 million kilometres can be covered, while the age of the colonists is still very low with an average of 83 years.
Very interesting – and here we are. This is where we can sit down. What you have told me is really very interesting, but it leads me to a question if you are allowed to answer it: In addition to what Semjase once told me about why you don't officially land on Earth and don't make contact, there are other reasons. You yourself once told me in confidence that you still had certain directives that you had to obey, but that were not allowed to be officially talked about at that time. Is it now perhaps possible that we can talk about it, and in such a way that it may also be public?
非常有趣 —— 而我們在這裡。這就是我們可以坐下來的地方。你告訴我的事情確實非常有趣,但這讓我想到一個問題,如果你能回答的話。那就是除了Semjase曾經告訴我的關於你們為什麼不正式登陸地球並進行接觸的原因之外,還有其他原因。你自己曾經私下告訴我,你仍然有某些必須遵守的指令,但當時不能正式談論這些事。不過現在也許可以談了,而且是以這樣一種公開的方式,可以嗎?
18. The time is ripe for it, so there are no more obstacles to it.
Then correct me when I say something that does not correspond to the facts: Your explanation was that a very important or the most important directive at all states in reference to interfering, making contact or simply making oneself officially recognizable to people and humanities, that this is absolutely forbidden to you and, so to speak, forbidden if the people or humanities are not in the same situation. the humanity of a planet itself is not yet so powerful in space technology that it has come into contact with further human life etc. by its own power on foreign planets, or that the humanity concerned or the people as a whole have not progressed so far in their development that they would regard the existence of other human life forms on foreign planets in the immense vastness of the world as an absolute fact and fact in conviction, namely in the collective. If therefore only individual humans or smaller or larger groups are of this conviction, then the possibility of an establishment of contact etc. is not given, because the knowledge and the conviction must concern collectively the entire mankind. Is that correct?
19. What you say corresponds exactly to the meaning of our main directive with regard to making contact, interfering and making oneself known in public form with regard to people and humanities of planets whose technology or knowledge does not yet correspond to the value of a decisive space flight to other human forms of life or that the state of general knowledge and the conviction of human beings is not yet so far advanced that uniformly and collectively the knowledge of the existence of further human life on foreign planets is given in the vastness of the cosmos.
Thank you. – But how about your visit to Semjase and Asket etc., were you there – and were you able to bring me the metals?
謝謝你。但你去過Semjase和Asket她們等地的情況有何結果 —— 你是否為我帶來了一些金屬?
20. My daughter sends you good and dear greetings, equally Asket and Nera and all the others you know there.
21. Also Quetzal and all others send you their greetings.
22. Soon it will be so far with our new technology that you can visit my daughter.
23. And of course I brought you the metal samples.
24. They are already in two small containers in your workroom, in the white box next to your typewriter.
25. Please remove them from the containers so I can take them back.
26. The multicoloured metal is a still unfinished alloy, which, as with us, is also used by Asket's people in the DAL universe as a thin coating for all types of flying objects and flying devices.
27. The other and silver shining metal is almost pure silver, which forms one of the basic materials for the alloy, which consists of two further parts of copper and nickel.
28. I will put some more of the silver pieces in your workroom in the next few days, so you can sell some if you are willing.
29. Buyers can certainly be found for this, because who on earth already owns a piece of silver from a foreign universe?
That shouldn't be possible, my friend, because on the one hand they wouldn't believe me, and on the other hand they would accuse me of fraud and take me to court. How could I also prove that the metals really come from the DAL universe? That is simply impossible here on earth. Quite apart from the fact that even a piece of metal the size of a needle's head from a foreign universe on Earth is practically priceless.
30. Your misgivings might actually be correct – I didn't think of that in any way.
你的疑慮可能的確是正確的 —— 我完全沒有想到這一點。
31. But I will still bring you the little rest and put it in your workroom.
Thank you very much. – If I may rake you with some questions?
非常感謝你。—— 如果你不介意我現在就用一些問題來糾纏你?
32. Of course.
All these years we have talked very often about sightings of extraterrestrial aircraft and about those people who claim to have contact with extraterrestrial life-forms and even with extraterrestrial humans, the rule being that many sightings only correspond to imaginations or deceptions, while alleged contacts with aliens are only bragging, lying, dizziness, charlatanism and fraud, with a few exceptions where terrestrial humans were practically forcibly contacted by extraterrestrial beings, most of the time making those contacted helpless, after which they were subjected to tests and investigations. In one issue of a magazine, various reports are listed in which Germans claim: "We also met the aliens". I had this issue of Magazine 2000 picked up for you so that you could see it. Was that possible for you?
33. Certainly.
34. The magazine was handed over to me as well as the video film about the TV show of Rainer Holbe.
這本雜誌和關於萊納.荷爾比(Rainer Holbe)的電視節目錄影帶都交給我。
35. I must explain that both the allegations in this magazine and the allegations in Holbe's show are free inventions, some of which have the touch of charlatanry and some of which have the touch of lies, deception and fraud.
36. Not one of the allegations about UFO encounters or UFO contacts, as you call it, is true, neither in this magazine 2000 nor in Rainer Holbe's program.
That was to be expected, because on a private basis, fraud, lies, charlatanry and fraud have been practiced in these matters for a long time, which, according to your statements, should increase in the future. Unfortunately, this also discredits and ridicules the real UFO observations, if we want to stick to this name. But there are other UFO observations, namely those that fall within the scope of official and military secrets. This also involves various events of the past and present, about which a great deal has been written, claimed, talked about and kept secret in the private sphere of so-called UFO research. Stories about crashes and salvages of UFOs also appear, e.g. the case of New Mexico towards the end of the 1940s, etc. But also names like 'Falcon' and 'Condor' etc. play an important role, whereby it should concern CIA members etc., who should pass on UFO information to the public under these pseudonyms, of course without letting their face become recognizable. Also the so-called 'Little Greys' play a very important role, which allegedly in the USA about three million people are said to have insisted, impregnated and maltreated with operation scars and painting etc. …
37. Which, of course, is sheer nonsense and has no reality at all.
38. We are well aware of the hysteria of such delusions in America.
39. This is already spreading to Europe, with a particularly fertile soil to be found especially in Germany.
40. On the other hand the delusion and the hysteria are still consciously stirred up from different places, whereby also this 'Falcon' appears, whose false information is taken by all stupid believers gladly as cash coin.
41. Certain official bodies, offices and organizations also deliberately allow such false information to be disseminated, whereby the reasons for this are very varied.
42. I am not yet allowed to speak openly about this, nor about which things correspond to the truth or untruth in matters of UFO crashes and UFO salvages as well as other related matters.
43. Also with regard to the clarification of earthly offices and military and defensive forces in matters of UFOs, my duty of secrecy, which is apparent from one of our directives, is that we must not interfere in any matters of human life with which we are not in official contact.
44. So we must also keep in mind that we must not decipher secrets that are kept by earthly authorities, government officials, security organizations, the military, etc.
45. Which secrets earth authorities and military as well as security organizations guard etc. regarding interests of allegedly extraterrestrial aircraft and humans etc., must remain according to our directive instructions their secrets, which we do not have the right to air.
[中譯者註:由以上的這些表白,可以了解到為什麼每次Billy問到一些有關政府單位的外星接觸傳聞時,得到的答案多半含糊帶過,或者直接說都是無稽之談等等。其時他們也有難言之隱啊… 可能只有等到適當的時機,他們才會作適度的表達。看來,一切只有耐心等待了…]
Well, that's clear. So I don't want to ask you any more about these things. From your explanation it should be very clear, however, that the Scandinavian aviation major Petersen is also a fantasist in matters concerning the fact that extraterrestrials are supposed to hold important offices in the most diverse earthly governments.
46. We have also talked about this on several occasions, but we have always made it clear that such assertions correspond to nothing other than pure delusional fantasies.
You said that again and again, yes. Then a question about the Hills in the USA, which had been abducted by life forms of extraterrestrial origin, namely by human beings from the area of the stars Zeta Reticuli, 37 light years away. I believe that you told me at the time that this was correct.
你再三說過,是的。然後是一個關於美國的山丘的問題,這些山丘被來自37光年外的網罟座ζ(Zeta Reticuli)星區域的外星人所綁架。我相信你當時告訴我這是真的。
47. Yes. –
48. This forced contact is also the origin of the nonsensical stories and hysteria about the 'Little Greys', which have nothing to do with the truth in any way.
49. The fear and hysteria and the imaginative stories about the 'Little Greys' correspond to a well-managed false propaganda to put certain things in a false light on the one hand and to conceal certain events and machinations on the other.
What is certain is that there are inhabited planets in the area of Zeta Reticuli, planets inhabited by humans. Does this apply to both Zeta Reticuli 1 and Zeta Reticuli 2?
可以肯定的是,在Zeta Reticuli地區有一些有人居住的星球,是人類居住的星球。這是否同時適用於Zeta Reticuli 1和Zeta Reticuli 2?
50. This is true, but we do not maintain any contacts with the local inhabitants, who are not even aware of our existence, which we have been observing for several millennia.
51. However, our interests do not lie in establishing contact with the ways of life of those areas, since they do not yet possess certain forms of development that would be necessary for establishing contact.
Probably in reference to your directives?
52. That's right.
Then another question: The magazine 2000, which has already been discussed, claims that the AIDS epidemic is a disease caused by researchers, whereby the German pop singer Christian Anders, who has now adopted the fantasy name LANOO, which supposedly means 'pupil of the esoteric sciences', is particularly strong for this assertion. He calls himself Theosophist as a follower of Helena Blavatsky. His incredibly absurd nonsense in reference to the development of the AIDS epidemic is that the WHO, the World Health Organization, had planned and produced AIDS in order to practically destroy the overpopulation of Earth, etc. What do you think?
那麼另一個問題。已經討論過的《2000》雜誌聲稱,愛滋病的流行是由研究人員造成的疾病,這種說法特別受到德國流行歌手克利斯蒂安.安德斯(Christian Anders)的擁護,他現在採用了幻想的名字LANOO,據說意思是“神秘科學的學生”(pupil of the esoteric sciences)。作為海倫娜.布拉瓦茨基(Helena Blavatsky)的追隨者,他稱自己是神智學家(Theosophist)。他在提到愛滋病流行的發展時,令人難以置信的荒唐說法是,世界衛生組織(WHO)計劃並製造了愛滋病,以實際消滅地球上的過剩人口等等。你對此怎麼看?
53. Absurd nonsense, as you already said.
54. A long time ago we talked thoroughly about the real origin and development of the AIDS epidemic and clarified the facts of the truth.
I know. But while we're at it: Will the AIDS epidemic continue to spread and get worse? And what about earth disturbances, storms, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, etc.?
55. The increase in the AIDS epidemic will take on ever greater forms, as will natural disasters.
56. Thunderstorms, droughts, floods, volcanic activity and earthquakes will continue to increase, even if there is some peace in one case or another at the moment.
And what do you say about the atrocities in former Yugoslavia?
57. It's not worth saying more about this, nor about the irresponsibility and ridiculousness of the UN, nor about all those who oppose this force's peacekeeping operations, like NATO, in the style of Henok's Multinational Peacekeepers.
58. Whoever is against it is a denier of responsibility and a hangman of mankind.
59. Only by the production and employment of multinational peace combat troops Earth can be finally pacified.
60. What about the UNO, the NATO and the different individual countries like e.g. Germany and America etc.? is nothing more than a tremendous hypocrisy on the one hand, and on the other hand a more and more circumspect depravity of the already blatantly prevalent false humanity, which has taken possession of people all over the world and which is also decisively to blame for the inexorably increasing overpopulation, along with the madness of religions and the blinded, hypocritical Pope of the Catholic Church, who continue to demand from earthly people and preach to them that they should reproduce etc.
61. Facts by which Earthly mankind in its overpopulation is so overboard that the impending downfall is already evident.
In 1978 I wrote the book 'Existent Life in the Universe', which we will soon be able to print and produce as a book. As the last chapter I named and described the problem of overpopulation on earth. We have now turned this chapter into a small script entitled 'The Battle of Overpopulation'. It is the same work that I sent in 1956 to all European radio stations and to all editorial offices of the most renowned newspapers in Europe, America, Asia and Africa, but never received an answer. The writing at that time was a bit different in reference to dates etc., because these were different at that time, but on the whole it is the same writing. And when, in the 1950s, I talked about the threatening problem of overpopulation, I was ridiculed and called a pessimist, probably because nobody had recognized the problem then. But now we meet with resonance when we talk about it, and this is also the case with our large-scale action, because we send the 'Battle of Overpopulation' script to many thousands all over the world, to radio and television stations, to all kinds of newspapers and organizations, and to all governments on earth. I think that it is finally time to shake up humanity and also to teach truth to all responsible people and hypocritical false humanists as well as other irresponsible people etc., which of course will lead to them reacting very badly, as has already happened in a few cases.
1978年,我寫了《宇宙中存在的生命》(Existent Life in the Universe)一書,我們很快就能把它印成書了。作為最後一章,我命名並描述了地球上人口過剩的問題。我們現在已經把這一章變成了一本小冊子,名為《人口過剩之戰》(Battle of Overpopulation)。這也是我在1956年寄給所有歐洲廣播電臺和歐洲、美洲、亞洲和非洲最知名報紙的所有編輯部的作品,但從未收到答覆。當時的寫作在提及日期等方面有些不同,因為這些在當時是不同的,但總體上是同樣的寫作。而在1950年代,當我談到人口過剩這一威脅性問題時,我只會被嘲笑,還被稱為悲觀主義者,可能是因為當時沒有人意識到這個問題。但是現在,當我們談論這個問題時,我們遇到了共鳴,我們的大規模行動也是如此,因為我們把《人口過剩之戰》的小冊子發給全世界成千上萬的人,發給電臺和電視臺,發給各種報紙和組織,發給地球上的所有政府。我認為現在終於到了震撼人類的時候了,也是向所有負責任的人和虛偽的假人文主義者以及其他不負責任的人等揭發真相的時候了,這當然會導致他們做出非常糟糕的反應,就像已經發生過的幾個案例一樣。
62. In 1956 you were actually the first and only person on earth to proceed in the form you mentioned with regard to overpopulation.
63. But in fact you have not been paid any attention and you have been exposed to ridicule.
64. Neither radio nor newspapers have reacted, nor have governments or organizations.
65. I can remember it very well, and your writing has been well known to me since then.
66. Your 1978 book with the corresponding chapter on overpopulation is also in my possession, as is the latest writing you have brought me.
67. So everything is well known to me and I know very well what efforts you have taken on for everything.
68. Nevertheless, it will once again be the case that you will not be honored for it, because, as usual, other and glorious earthlings will dispute your honor with the assertion that they recognized the overpopulation problem long before you and tried to tackle it.
69. For my part, however, I know that you already discussed these problems with Sfath when you were still a boy and nobody had yet recognized the threat of growing overpopulation.
70. And if you now again spread your writing and go against the overpopulation, then this is really urgently necessary and time.
71. So you're really doing it.
Today I have much better possibilities for this, in terms of the production of the writings as well as the finances and other help provided mainly by the core group members. The reactions to my writing are good in themselves, except for the few exceptions of irresponsible people, false humanists and autocrats, etc., who refuse to do so for reasons of self-interest and false humanism, etc., whereby especially the measures for overpopulation containment are criticized, because the stinkers do not like the radical measures. But the fact that only rigorous radical measures can really help to prevent the final catastrophe really cannot be argued about. For my part, I have calculated that it would take 100 years to reduce humanity to a level of 2.5 billion people through the radical measures mentioned in my writing, if natural deaths are added to this. Today, according to your data, we have 5.8 billion people on earth, while the statisticians of Earth people claim that it is only their 5.5 billion. But to reduce this mass by radical measures would only bring the mentioned success if it was started immediately. But the radical measures, as these are called in the 'fight of overpopulation', would have to be carried out really rigorously and from now on unrestrictedly, in order to then be adhered to as long as mankind on earth would have only 529 million, which corresponds to the mass that can be nourished by Earth without problems and in abundance.
72. I agree with your interpretations.
Well, then we can talk about something else again. My question refers once more to alleged contacts of human beings of Earth with extraterrestrials, whereby the specific is directed at claims which in my opinion sound quite ridiculous. Apart from the approximately three million human beings who were in America allegedly harmed by extraterrestrials and subjected to all kinds of tests, whereby many women supposedly developed pregnancies and the 'Little Greys' allegedly then stole the hybrid children after the birth, the kidnapped and harmed human beings of Earth would after the tests have often suffered from pain and complained about operation scars and burn marks etc. In addition, however, cows and cattle are also said to have been outrageously massacred by the 'Little Greys', and namely also by the thousands and millions, whereby the beasts were allegedly also missing various organs and at the same time mysterious things are said to have occurred too.
73. This of course does not correspond to the truth, but to an unbelievable nonsense, which fanatical or otherwise incapable UFO- and ghost believers only too gladly want to recognize as real truth and believe in it rock-solidly, although not a word of the whole dizziness corresponds to the truth, which is well-consciously invented and controlled by certain organs for deception and scaremongering, in order to achieve certain goals.
74. In addition to these organs and persons, however, there are still many UFO-phantasts, who are mostly secternically burdened, who themselves care for their bodies by teaching themselves wounds and burns, etc., by implanting crystals or pieces of metal into their flesh and letting everything scar in order to then claim that they have been kidnapped and persecuted by extraterrestrials, of which the scars and burns, etc. would testify.
75. Incompetent hypnotists, who then subject such persons to so-called 'truth hypnoses', then claim that the information given in hypnosis by the hypnotised would unfailingly correspond to the truth, because hypnosis could not lie.
76. However, it is never taken into account that a person in a hypnotic state can tell and pronounce the worst lies just as untraceably as is the case with the so-called technical lie detectors, without the specialists being able to recognize the lies, because the technical devices of this kind on earth are still so imperfect that they can be outwitted with simple and man's own means.
77. With regard to the allegedly massacred animals, it must be said that this is just as much unbelievable nonsense as the alleged pregnancies in American women caused by the 'Little Greys'.
78. The massacred animals are also purely earth human machinations for the purpose of scaremongering and misleading all those who are incompetent in the matter of UFO matters, spirits and extraterrestrials and simply believe all nonsense unthinkingly, if they are extraterrestrials and their flying machines or ghosts or religious 'appearances' and other imaginations etc..
79. In some cases, however, no terrestrial humans are involved in such events, but predators who tear and mutilate the cattle.
Thank you. – Now a question, which refers to you resp. to your names: Can you tell me how often the names Ptaah, Semjase, Quetzal, Sfath and Pleija appear in your mind?
80. First I want to answer the previous question to its end, because there is still to explain that many UFO phantasts and the like on their bodies use existing old scars, marks and other things actually also to claim that these signs would originate from embarrassments, tests and operations of extraterrestrials, by which they were kidnapped etc.
81. Recently, this has also become apparent among various people in Europe, especially in Germany, where the 'Little Greys' hysteria is also beginning to take root, as I have already explained to you.
82. It is often precisely those elements that spread such stories in public in a lying, fraudulent or dizzying and charlatanic manner that are to blame for the fact that these scams, deceptions, lies and charlatanies are spreading more and more in Europe.
83. Their number in Europe, especially in Germany, is constantly growing, and unintelligently the Televisionsanstalten are still reaching out their hands to these swindlers, liars, swindlers and charlatans, etc., by dedicating their programmes to them, through which the unbelievable nonsense of the phantasts, the imagined and the insane, etc., can be heard. which will be broadcast to all countries, which will misinform and misorient the spectators, and which in turn will create new phantoms, liars, deceivers, charlatans, sectarians, delusionists and so on.
84. Journals also contribute to this, such as the magazine you sent me and many others of the same kind, thousands of which are produced and distributed all over the world, read by misguided and faith-dependent people and taken as hard cash.
85. And if you follow all these things, then you will find their origin in America.
86. A country in which all sectarianism thrives and, as a rule, also finds its beginning.
87. And a country in which innumerable people have fallen in love with the most diverse forms of sectarianism in such a way that their belief in it no longer allows any truth to come into its own.
88. The delusional faith of the believers, which also includes the UFO phantasts, UFO sick, UFO fanatics, ghost believers and crop circle believers, as well as all other believers, fanatics and sick who believe in unreal things, in no way allows them to accept even an icing on the cake of the actual truth.
那些妄想的信徒,也包括UFO幻想者、UFO病人、UFO狂熱者、鬼魂信徒和麥田圈(crop circle)信徒,以及所有其他相信不真實事物的信徒、狂熱者和病人,絕不允許他們接受哪怕是丁點的實際真相。
89. They all want to be deceived because they are not stable and not mature enough to take their lives into their own hands.
90. Truthfully they seek the entire responsibility in higher levels, with a God, with angels and saints as well as with spirits and extraterrestrials etc., to whom they are so firmly attached in faith that any attempt to explain the truth to them is almost hopeless.
91. The same thing, also taken over by US-America, is spreading more and more also in Europe, whereby in this respect the whole European continent is already seized by it, respectively the people living on this continent.
92. Originally, all this rests in the freedom of the people and the individual, which was misunderstood by the Americans, from which the incredible self-esteem of the Americans was formed, whereby they are of the assumption that they are the best and most authoritative people on earth.
93. This is also expressed in all those cases in which the Americans interfere in the hands of foreign peoples and countries, to which they have no right whatsoever, nor in the advocacy and practice of the death penalty.
94. Only by interfering in the hands of foreign peoples, where they have no right whatsoever, as well as by advocating and applying the death penalty, they place themselves higher than creation itself, which from the very beginning would never have dared to place itself above life and death in such a way that death would have been conceived and manifested as a punishment for any shameful act of a form of life.
95. With the mere advocacy and application of the death penalty both for criminal acts and for political machinations, etc., the Americans rank themselves higher than creation itself, thus blaspheming creation.
96. Of course, China and all other states of the world which equally advocate and exercise the death penalty should also be mentioned in this regard, but in this form US-America actually surpasses all others, because it knows no boundaries in self-glory.
97. This is also one of the most important reasons why we and nobody from our federation have ever made contact with any people in US-America – which we will continue to do in no way.
這也是我們和我們聯盟的任何人都沒有與美國的任何人接觸過的最重要的原因之一 —— 而我們將繼續不會以任何方式與之接觸。
98. We were satisfied with the attempt at that time, where we wanted to get in touch with the American government, but which we had to abort already in the beginning, because the megalomaniacal and autocratic demands of all those were simply unfulfillable and unacceptable, which were addressed in US-America and initiated into the attempt.
Long speech, my friend. But what about the names Semjase, Ptaah, Quetzal, Sfath and Pleija – how often do they appear in your newspapers? Are these with you common names like Hans and Heiri etc. with us?
這說來話長,我的朋友。但是,Semjase、Ptaah、Quetzal、Sfath和Pleija這些名字呢 —— 它們在你們那裡出現的頻率如何?這些在你們那裡是像Hans和Heiri等一樣的普通名字嗎?
99. Of course, you asked me about that.
100. No, these names are no longer common and therefore not frequent.
101. The names you mentioned only appear once each, so for my daughters Semjase and Pleija as well as for me, Ptaah, and Quetzal.
102. The name Sfath no longer exists at all.
103. So with these names the same case is given as with the names of your children and with some children of your group members who have chosen old names from your name books for their descendants.
Then the names only exist once in your entire Federation.
104. That corresponds to the meaning of my words.
And how is that possible?
105. The names mentioned have been handed down and preserved in our family and in Quetzal's since ancient times, because they have historically important meanings.
106. This is limited to our family and Quetzal's family.
107. All other families and people of our home planet Erra have different and more modern names, while the non-Plejadic federated peoples, people and families naturally have names that have nothing to do with the Plejadic or the old lyrical ones.
Interesting but also enlightening, because it makes it clear that neither an F. B., a P. L., a G. G. or a R. B. or any other terrestrial human being can have contact with one of the aforementioned, since you as well as Quetzal, Pleija and Semjase declare that you are not in contact with any terrestrial human being or in any other way connected with any of them, apart from me. As Quetzal once explained to me, you, who we have just named by name, do not exercise any impulse-contacts in any way, which are unconsciously taken up by Earth-men etc., because such impulse-contacts are made solely by apparatuses, because these are not subjected to any feelings and emotions etc., as is the case with humans.
108. Yes – your words correspond in every detail to the circumstances.
是的 —— 你的話在每個細節上都與客觀的情況相符。
The mentioned liars, swindlers and cheaters as well as several unnamed ones unfortunately still work around with their lie stories. Also G. G. with his fantasy figure Hatoon etc., as I was told by telephone from US America.
109. He is nothing more than an infamous liar and cheater who is fully aware of his lying and cheating.
110. The fantasy word Hatoon is probably just as much a pure invention of his own pathological prestige addiction as all the incredibly stupid scribbling he spreads.
111. The fantasy word Hatoon also does not exist as a name in our language nor in any other language of our Federation.
112. An inquiry by the High Council at the Arahat-Athersata level also revealed that the stupid word Hatoon only exists in the entire universe on earth or in the stories of lies and deceit of G. G., but nowhere else.
Typically US-Americans – megalomaniac and lying to the point of no more, whereby of course I always speak only of those who fall within this framework, because of course there are also other and extremely righteous people in America who do not agree with all the wrong, degenerate and incorrect. But from these people one hears unfortunately nothing or only very rarely something, because evil prevails and appears more often than good. In particular, I am thinking of the death penalty practised in America and the insolence and deceit of those who carry out murderous actions of a political nature in foreign states, which are absolutely unjustified.
典型的美國人 —— 狂妄自大到了極點,當然我只是說那些屬於這種類型的人,因為當然在美國也有其他極其正直的人,他們不同意那些錯誤、墮落和不當的作為。但遺憾的是,人們沒有聽到或很少聽到關於這些人的消息,因為壞的人物通常比好的人物更容易出現。特別是,我想到了在美國實行的死刑,以及那些在外國進行政治謀殺的人,他們的蠻橫與欺詐手段,絕對是沒有正當理由的。
113. It's very interesting that you are talking about this, because such an event is already in the offing again, namely in Iraq.
114. It will be the night from the 26th to the 27th of June of the current month, when such an autocratic machination of the Americans will take place again.
115. As years ago the Israelis invaded Iraq with fighter bombers and allegedly bombed nuclear plants being built there and earned the praise of the misguided world, the Americans will play the same game in the night from 26 to 27 June, under the guise of a retaliatory strike against Iraq, for a murder plot against former President George Bush by the Iraqis at the time of the Gulf debacle.
正如多年前以色列人用轟炸機入侵伊拉克,轟炸了據稱正在那裡建造的核電站,並因此贏得了被誤導之世界的讚譽,美國人將在6月26日至27日晚上玩同樣的遊戲,打著對伊拉克進行報復性打擊的幌子,因為伊拉克人在海灣戰爭[中譯者註:發生在1990年8月2日至1991年2月28日期間]潰敗時曾謀劃暗殺前總統老布希(George Bush),而這一消息現在才被公開。
116. The truth is that the coming event is an autocratic and megalomaniac act of revenge by the Americans, especially President Bill Clinton, because several of the rulers feel hurt in their autocracy.
而事實是,即將發生的事件是美國人,特別是比爾.克林頓(Bill Clinton)總統的一種自大和自負的報復行為,因為一些當權者覺得他們的自大受到了侵犯。
117. The Americans will fire 23 cruise missiles and so Ra-keten at the Iraqi intelligence headquarters in Baghdad, but some will miss their target and kill innocent people.
118. A typical American act of megalomania and autocracy of vengeance, injured false pride, and injured autocracy and false liberty, as expressed blatantly by the practice of the death penalty in America.
119. Self-righteously they take the false liberty and the false right to practice cowardly and treacherous justice and to destroy human lives, to destroy much and to practice vindictiveness.
120. If that had happened during the Gulf War, which will happen in eight days, then everything could have been considered a justified retaliation and an inevitable consequence of the war, as well as an act of emergency, but what will happen next Saturday night has no more justification, because it is only a pure autocratic and megalomaniac act of revenge.
如果海灣戰爭(Gulf War;又稱波灣戰爭、沙漠風暴)是在八天後發生,而這是發生在戰爭期間,那麼一切都可以被認為是合理的報復,是戰爭的必然結果,也是一種自衛行動,但將在下週六晚上發生的事情卻沒有任何理由,因為它只是一種純粹自大狂妄的報復行動而已。
Well said, but now something completely different: At the beginning of my contact with Semjase I once asked her about the mammoth, which lived on earth until about eight thousand years ago, whereby North America in particular is to be mentioned in this respect, where it finally appeared in smaller herds. Semjase said at that time that the mammoth was the only form of life that had teeth that were directed in different directions, one large curved tooth pointing upwards and the other downwards. Subsequently, which unfortunately was not mentioned in that contact report, she explained to me that these teeth did not carry the actual mammoth, which is generally known, but a so-called early mammoth, which, if I remember correctly, was called Pangara or Pangira and which belongs to the genus Deinotherium resp. Dinotherium, which are also known as mastodons and which populated Earth for about 25 million years and were the first precursors of the proboscideans and especially of mammoths and elephants. But it was also only one species of the genus Dinotherium, which had the curiosity of a tooth bent upwards and downwards, both of which were attached to the upper jaw. Is this true? I was asked a question that answered this question, which I answered in this form, trusting that Semjase had actually explained things to me correctly, which I have no doubt about.
121. There is also no reason to doubt my daughter's statement, because in fact the facts are given as you just called them, only that they are not known or only partly known by Earthly palaeontologists.
Then again a next question: You once explained to me that in the entire universe their 280 elements existed – after Guido came across them through calculations. I then calculated that the original pyramid height of the pyramid of Giza was 152.955347 meters, which you confirmed to me. You also said that today's height of about 136.8 meters was due to the fact that the ancient Egyptians etc. had removed so much material from the pyramid that it had shrunk so much. Well, Earthly scientists claim that the great pyramid of Giza originally had a height of 146.6 meters, but according to my calculations and your statements this does not correspond to the truth. The original height was actually 152.955347 meters, which was renamed in kilometers and corresponds exactly to the distance earth-sun and thus to an AE, an astronomical unit. A fact, which contradicts the inaccurate distance indication of earth-sun by Earth-astronomic science. Interesting is now the further computation, which I made at that time, namely that from the exact pyramid height and/or from the exact distance earth sun and with the number of the total elements of 280 the today's and very exact speed of light can be calculated, if one consults the multiplication factor 7. The calculation then reads as follows:
那麼再問下一個問題:你曾經向我解釋過,在整個宇宙中,總共存在280種元素 —— 在Guido通過計算也發現了這一點。然後我計算出吉薩金字塔(pyramid of Giza;又稱胡夫金字塔)的原始高度是152.955347公尺,你向我證實了這一點。你還說,今天的高度約為136.8公尺,是由於古埃及人等從金字塔上移走了很多材料,以至於金字塔萎縮得厲害。那麼,地球上的科學家聲稱吉薩大金字塔原來的高度是146.6公尺,但根據我的計算和你的陳述,這並不符合事實。原來的高度實際上是152.955347公尺,換算成公里數,也正好相當於從地球到太陽的距離,因此相當於一個AU,也就是一個天文單位。這一事實,與地球上的天文學科學對地球到太陽距離的不準確計算相矛盾。有趣的是我當時做的進一步計算,那就是從準確的金字塔高度和/或準確的地球到太陽距離,以及280個總元素的數量,可以計算出今天非常準確的光速,如果乘以7。那麼,計算結果如下:
280 x 7 = 1960 x 152.955347 = 299 792.48012
280 x 7 = 1960 x 152.955347 = 299,792.48012
So the end result is today's speed of light, which is 299 thousand and 792, 48012 kilometers per second. At that time I was not allowed to publish this calculation, nor the exact number of elements. The question is now whether these calculations made by me must still be subject to secrecy or whether one may speak openly about it now?
胡夫金字塔的高度為:137.5 公尺(原高146.59公尺);
122. There are no more reasons for further secrecy.
Well, then something else again: I'm of the opinion that one should always help where this help is appropriate, which is why I also founded the Russia Aid. In this respect I am of the opinion that the people in Russia deserve help very well, because they are very hard-working and not war-mongering, they also strive very hard for a very good education and for knowledge and the acquisition of foreign languages etc. etc., which cannot be said, for example, of the Americans who have an extremely poor education both in professional and in general education and only very rarely master a foreign language. The same can also be said of certain other countries, but only to a much lesser extent. But I actually want to point to something else, namely the former Yugoslavia, because there, I think, any assistance is absolutely out of place, because there, any assistance in any form is only used to be able to continue the war, no matter what kind of assistance it is, so not only weapons, but also medicines and food serve to be able to continue the war, whereby people, adults and children, are massacred and slaughtered. In my view, none of the fighting parties is better than the other, whether they are Christians or Muslims – Croats, Bosnians or Serbs, and so on. If one helps any party or ethnic group, etc., then they only accept the help in order to become stronger again and to come to the top, in order to gain new power, etc., after which they can then, strengthened, go out again against their adversaries and strike loose, so that no end to the entire misery can be foreseen. I think that it is absolutely irresponsible and even criminal to help warring parties and peoples etc. in any way, because all misery, all killing, killing, massacring and slaughtering will only be carried on. But it is also the same with the irresponsible hunger aid that is provided worldwide. All those hungry people who have been irresponsibly bred in the hunger countries, who have been raised and made strong again by hunger aid, continue to breed irresponsibly new offspring and thus new hungry people in the future, who overpopulate the world and drive it into total destruction. Thus people are bred in catastrophic numbers, who cannot help themselves in any way and cannot feed themselves, who produce epidemics and many deaths, who destroy the whole world in every respect and increase all misery without support, in order to finally flood those countries, which show a lower population density and a certain life security for the own population. All this really should not be helped in any way, because it is absolutely life-destroying and criminal. Aid should be given alone where it is appropriate and only in a way that is appropriate for people to work and earn their own living.
好吧,那就再來點別的:我認為,一個人應該總是在適當的地方提供幫助,這就是為什麼我還成立了俄羅斯援助組織(Russia Aid)。在這方面,我認為,俄羅斯人民非常值得幫助,因為他們非常勤奮,不搞戰爭,而且他們也非常努力地追求非常好的教育,追求知識和掌握外語等等,這一點,例如美國人就不能這樣說,他們在專業和普通教育方面的教育非常差,而且很少講外語。某些其他國家也可以這樣說,但只是在程度上比較小。但我實際上想指出另一件事,那就是前南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia),因為我認為在那裡,任何援助都是絕對不合適的,因為在那裡,任何形式的援助都只是為了能夠繼續戰爭,不管是什麼樣的援助,因此,不僅是武器,還有藥品和食品都被用來繼續戰爭,而人民,不管是成年人還是兒童,都被屠殺和宰殺。在我看來,戰鬥的各方都不比對方好,無論他們是基督徒還是回教徒 —— 是克羅埃西亞人(Croats)、波士尼亞人(Bosnians)還是塞爾維亞人(Serbs)等等。如果有人幫助任何黨派或族群等,那麼他們接受幫助只是為了讓自己再次變得更強大,走到頂峰,以獲得新的權力等,之後他們可以再次加強對對手的打擊,從而使整個苦難沒有盡頭。我認為,以任何方式幫助交戰方和人民等是絕對不負責任的,甚至是犯罪,因為所有的苦難、所有的殺戮、謀殺、屠殺和宰殺只會繼續下去。但是,全世界正在進行不負責任的饑荒援助也是如此。所有這些在饑荒國家不負責任地繁殖的饑民,通過饑荒援助被撫養長大並重新變得強壯,繼續不負責任地繁殖新的後代,從而在未來繁殖新的饑民,使世界人口過剩並將其推向徹底毀滅。因此,人們以災難性的數量繁殖,他們不能以任何方式幫助自己,不能養活自己,他們產生流行病和許多死亡,他們在各方面破壞整個世界,在沒有支援的情況下增加所有的痛苦,最後甚至淹沒那些人口密度較低、本國人口有一定生活保障的國家。所有這些真的不應該得到任何幫助,因為這絕對是破壞生命的犯罪行為。應該在適當的地方單獨提供援助,而且只能以適合人們工作和自食其力的方式提供援助。
123. I can only agree with your remarks in every respect.
Then another question, which refers to the Third World Fire, to the Third World War: For a long time there was always talk about the threat of a Third World Fire and that it was almost inevitable. Towards the mid-1980s, however, you increasingly let it be known that the danger of a Third World War had been contained, on the one hand because of our peace meditation, which is carried out by many billions of people of your federation together with us, and on the other hand because you let certain impulses work on the terrestrial human beings, which inspired them to think more sensibly. What about the danger of a Third World War today?
那麼另一個問題是與「第三次世界之火」(the Third World Fire)有關,指的是「第三次世界大戰」:很長時間以來,人們總是在談論第三次世界大火的威脅,而且它幾乎是不可避免的。然而,到了80年代中期,你們讓人們越來越明瞭,第三次世界大戰的危險已經被控制住了,一方面是由於我們實行的和平冥想,這是由你們聯邦的許多億人和我們一起進行的,另一方面是因為你們讓某些「脈衝」(impulses)對地球人類產生了作用,這激勵他們更理性地思考。今天第三次世界大戰的危險又如何了呢?
124. At present, no facts point to such a threatening event, and if the entire guidelines of earthly governments and people in general, which are given in this regard, continue to keep and develop within the given framework, then the danger of a third world fire might be contained for the time being.
125. The terrestrial man, however, is still tremendously fickle, domineering, autocratic and unsteady, which is why it is not absolutely certain that a world fire will not be triggered again in the time to come.
126. It is now urgently necessary that multinational peace-keeping troops are finally created according to the Henok system, which immediately and immediately intervene worldwide always and immediately in every country and create peace and order, where wars or revolutions threaten or break out, or where despots and dictators etc. drive their inhumane being.
127. But these troops should also be responsible for fighting crime and organized crime and for ensuring that all measures to be taken to combat overpopulation are strictly adhered to.
128. We have already talked about this in a different context.
Thank you. My next question relates to the freezing or shock freezing of all kinds of life forms: If, for example, a person is shock frozen for any reason, perhaps to overcome time, etc., then I assume that this person is in a kind of apparent death. This means, however, that the spiritual form does not leave the body, but remains in it until the time when the body is revived. Am I right in my assumption? To my knowledge you yourself have used such methods in the past, haven't you?
謝謝你。我的下一個問題與各種生命體的凍結或休克有關:例如,如果一個人因為某種原因被「休克冷凍」(shock frozen)了,也許是為了克服時間方面等因素,那麼我認為這個人處於一種「假死」(apparent death)的狀態。然而,這意味著他的「靈體」(spiritual form)並沒有離開身體,而是繼續留在身體裡,直到他的身體復蘇的那個時候。我的假設正確嗎?據我所知,你們自己在過去也使用過這種方法,不是嗎?
129. That is correct, as is your explanation.
130. If the body of a material form of life would die through shock freezing etc. or simply be abandoned by the spiritual form, then this spiritual form would not return to the corresponding body again, but would enter the afterlife realm, from where it would then enter an absolutely new body again for the purpose of reincarnation.
131. Once a spirit form has left a body, it never returns to the body it has left, but without exception selects only the new body destined for the next life.
This also clarifies the stupid assertions of all those who say that they themselves or others have been clinically dead, seen the afterlife, etc., and yet have returned to the deceased body and revived it again.
這也澄清了那些說他們自己或有些人在“臨床上已經死亡”(have been clinically dead),看到了來世等等,但卻又回到了已故的身體中而再次復活的愚蠢說法。
132. This is nonsense if it is assumed that clinical death can be equated with actual death.
如果認為“臨床死亡”可以等同於“實際死亡”(actual death),那麼這種說法就是無稽之談。
133. The truth for such assertions is truly that the supposedly 'deceased' were only in the state of a false death, in which the spiritual form remains in the body, while the material consciousness works underground, generating dreams, visions, etc..
但這種說法的真相是,所謂的“死者”只是處於假死狀態,在這種狀態下,「靈體」還留在他的身體裡,而物質意識在悄然運作(works underground),因此產生了夢境、幻覺等等現象。
134. Apparent deaths are usually declared clinically dead by Earthly physicians, but the whole body truthfully lives on only in a tremendously slowed down functional state, which Earthly physicians are not yet able to determine.
Then this is also clear. For some time there has been talk that radio telephones are dangerous for humans because of the radio waves. Is this really the case, or is it once again an attempt by certain elements to ruin the lives of radio telephone owners? I also have one in my car, as you know, which is why I want to be sure if it can damage my health.
135. Radio waves are indeed harmful to human health, as is the case with animals and plants.
136. Strong radio wave transmitters can damage life forms of all kinds over very long distances, including mature trees and elephants as well as whales, if they are hit by the radio waves.
137. In addition to the pollution of the environment of known species, a certain radio wave interference plays a part in the so-called tree death, which is partly to blame, especially where the radio waves occur more frequently or in a concentrated manner, such as at locations or within the range of strong radio wave transmitters, etc.
138. In particular, the antennas of such transmitters or receivers are the most important factors in this respect, because they are the source of destructive and damaging forces.
139. This is a fact which also applies to electric current and thus to electrical installations such as transformers, lines, generators and devices as well as apparatuses to a lesser or greater extent, which is why humans should not be in the direct vicinity of such technical achievements and should not live near them for long periods of time.
140. The stronger the systems etc., the greater the safety distance must be calculated, which can be several kilometres for a power plant or a large transformer system, for example.
141. Antennas for radio waves can, depending on the strength of the transmission or reception range, spread their damaging or even destructive effect hundreds of metres or even a few kilometres away, through the vibrations that transport the dangerous forces within themselves.
142. When life-forms, and especially humans, are hit by these forces, they react just as much as animals and plants of all kinds.
143. Among many other health-damaging manifestations, the consequences of being struck by these forces are tumours, such as cancer, abortions, cardiac arrhythmia, immunodeficiency symptoms, psycho- and circulatory disturbances, damage to vision and hearing as well as brain damage.
144. This applies wherever strong forces are transmitted to life forms by the electromagnetic oscillations, including in the case of radiotelephones, where the transmission of forces via the antenna is not very far-reaching, so in the case of smaller devices it is sufficient to keep the antenna approx. 16 centimetres away from the head in order not to be hit directly by the damaging forces.
145. If antennas of radio telephones or radios as well as TV sets etc. are brought into the direct area of the head, the head and brain organs warm up because the antenna forces penetrating from outside produce a heat generation which is not beneficial to the head and brain organs but very harmful.
The antenna of my radio telephone is mounted outside on the roof of the car, while I have an open microphone inside the car through which I can speak without having to take the handset off the device. The same applies to the speaker that is built into the device and that I don't have to take to my ear.
146. That's very wise, because you won't be damaged by the whole apparatus.
Then the next question: To what extent are crystals or semi-precious stones or precious stones as well as minerals and ores etc. useful for human health promotion etc. – are even smaller pieces such as pendants or the like sufficient?
147. Certainly all materials exhibit vibrations, but these are so low in smaller objects that they are unable to produce a significant or recognizable effect in a health-promoting or consciousness-promoting form, neither in the shorter nor in the longer term.
148. In addition, these materials as a whole have the property of being charged with the human negative vibrations, which can only be removed by a very specific purification process, as you, but not earth people, know.
149. These materials can only unfold useful positive forces to a sufficient extent if they are large enough, whereby you know the mass to my knowledge.
Yes, they are known to me – also the very long times which are necessary for a good effectiveness and which are in no way in accordance with the charlataneries and the deceits which are practiced by crystal and minerals as well as ore and gemstone applicators and talisman producers etc.. These swindlers and charlatans know and understand nothing about the fact that very often only the materials ground to flour lead to certain successes when they are ingested.
是的,我是知道 —— 也知道良好的療效所需非常長的時間,這與水晶和礦物以及礦石和寶石供應者以及護身符生產商等所使用的騙術和欺詐說法是完全不同的。這些騙子和江湖術士對以下事實毫無所知,那就是通常只有磨成粉狀,在服用後才會取得某種成效。
150. That is unfortunately the truth.
Another question: Have there been any bases or stations of aliens on Venus or Mars during the last 1000 years, or perhaps on Mercury or any other planet of the SOL system, or perhaps on the Earth Moon?
151. Except on Earth and on the Earth Moon not, no.
And, were these stations related to different extraterrestrials?
152. On Earth they all came to us without exception, while on Earth's satellite there were also four (4) bases, which went to space-travelling peoples who had no connection to us, but who had very little contact with Earthlings, which in no way refers to modern times.
Aha – but that reminds me: We were talking about your directives, by which you are bound to contacts with certain life forms or life forms of certain stages of development in such a way that you are not allowed to come into direct contact with them. Nevertheless, you have made an attempt via me to contact the American government. How does this harmonize with your instructions, etc.?
啊哈 —— 但這讓我想起了一件事:我們正在談論你們的指令,根據這些指令,你們與某些生命形式或某些發展階段的生命形式之間的接觸是受到約束的,也就是不允許你們與他們直接接觸。儘管如此,你們還是通過我嘗試與美國政府接觸。這與你們的指示又是如何保持不衝突呢?
153. As you know, the connection between the American government and us could only have been such that you would have acted as a neutral mediator without us appearing.
154. We would have been allowed by the directives to do this in a form of contact and connection.
Understood. But now something completely different again: Recently I was asked which genera or types of life forms would have a sexual life. This happened in connection with allegations that the US Americans had captured alien human life forms in a crash of a UFO or interplanetary missile, whereby these alien life forms had no sexual organs, no excrement outlets, no visible food intake, etc. …
155. Which of course is complete nonsense, for any material form of life, wherever it may be in the entire universe, requires a possibility of food intake, a possibility of the ejection of indigestible products, etc. and thus of excrement ejection.
156. But with all materially existing forms of life of a higher kind, and so especially with human forms of life, it is given that they have a sexual organ or a reproductive organ.
That was also my answer, which I gave to the questioner. As Sfath already taught me when I was a titch, there are no higher life forms in the entire universe that do not reproduce sexually and do not have reproductive organs visible on the body. In contrast, only the lowest forms of life would reproduce independently and without sex life. This self-reproduction, which is practically the result of cell division and which also knows no sex instinct, is only peculiar to the lowest forms of life which are incapable of evolution in any form. Higher or higher forms of life, however, such as the terrestrial human being or even more highly developed humans of extraterrestrial origin, have all visible sex or reproductive organs, and all these alone are capable of evolution in any form. This means that only those life forms are capable of evolution in any form which also have physical reproductive organs and thus a sex life and a sex drive. It is also these forms of life alone which can adapt organically and physically to the ever-changing nature and environment in such a way as to conform to it. A certain intelligence is also associated with this development, which is naturally graded according to the form of life in question, if it can be higher or lower, i.e. purely instinctive and instinctive, as is usually the case with animals, but then also consciously controlled, as is the case with all forms of human life existing in the universe. Only forms of life that can be classified as higher or high are capable of development, whereby all these higher or high forms of life without exception have sexual or reproductive organs as well as a sexual instinct and thus a sexual life, whereby the sexual organs or reproductive organs appear visibly on the body, even if, for example, they are not in the same state as the human body. When for example a human life-form should already have evolved to such an extent that a transfer of semen from the male to the female life-form effected by the power of consciousness can be carried out, but this is not customary, not even among those capable of this, but only in certain cases as an exception. Sfath also explained to me that in about 20% of all existing life-forms in the universe as a whole, they have to be classified as higher or high, and that without exception they also have sexual organs and exercise a corresponding sexual life, even all highly developed human life-forms that still have a material body. The other 80% correspond only to low and lowest forms of life, which are not capable of sexual reproduction and also do not have any sexual organs and therefore cannot reproduce sexually nor can they evolve. Their proliferation occurs solely through cell division, which is only characteristic of the lower and lowest forms of life, although mutations may occur as a result of certain influences in the cell division process.
157. Your words need no further explanation, for they are correct in every detail and detailed enough to be understood in good form.
Then a question about the blood groups in humans: Do all blood groups usually exist equally differently among all peoples, or is one or the other blood group more pronounced among one or the other?
158. The natural rule is that a certain blood group is always predominant among a certain people, whereas mixed blood groups appear only among mixed peoples, whereby such mixed peoples can often no longer be recognized as such in recent times, because their mixing already took place in ancient times.
Actually, I already know the answer to my next question, but because it is often addressed to me, I would like to ask it: In Florida somewhere, namely in Gulf Breeze, a certain W. is talking about himself, who claims that he photographs UFOs and has had some experiences with UFOs, etc. There is also a book with corresponding photos and allegations, etc. What is it?
其實,我已經知道了我下一個問題的答案,但由於這個問題經常被問到,我還是想問一下:在佛羅里達州的某個地方,也就是在微風灣(Gulf Breeze),有一個叫W的人聲稱拍攝過UFO,並有一些UFO的經歷等等。還有一本書,裡面有相關的照片和說法等。這是什麼情況呢?
159. All this nonsense is well known to me.
160. It's all just a big fake, lie and fraud of a charlatan and fame addict.
That's how I assessed everything. Then to the next question: Still at Semjase's time, that emerges from the contact report of January 3, 1981, extraterrestrial people from the planet HASTER appeared in the terrestrial airspace, which travels in the system GARANTEE of the galaxy JENAN. It was said that these travellers at that time were interested in making contact with some earthlings. However, I heard nothing more about it and assume that this did not happen?
161. Your assumption is correct.
162. We ourselves have tried to enlighten the Hasterans, after which they gave up their project and left Earth again without having achieved anything.
Andron – I haven't seen the Knülch for a long time. Where is it now?
Andron —— 我已經很久沒有看到Knülch了。他目前在哪裡?
163. He has some tasks to fulfill on the planet CANADIN.
So – ha, and where is this planet speeding through the world space, if you may ask?
那麼 —— 哈,如果可以問的話,這個在太空中飛馳的星球在哪裡呢?
164. About 161000 light years from Earth, in a system we call NARANKA.
You are once again sparse with information. What is the galaxy called?
166. It is known to earthly astronomical science in this space-time structure as the neighbouring galaxy 'Magellanic Cloud'.
在這個時空結構中,它被地球上的天文科學稱為「麥哲倫雲」(Magellanic Cloud)的鄰近星系。
Let him greet me dearly, also all others, if that is possible for you next time. – Ah yes, you also keep, among many other things, records of what happened in relation to the murder of earthlings by the Christian religion. Are you familiar with the exact number, I mean to this day?
167. Your question concerns one of my areas of interest, so I can give you precise information.
168. If we divide the individual areas, then the following results:
169. With regard to the direct influence and the direct guilt of the Christian religion, whereby Catholicism in particular must be mentioned as the main guilty factor, as e.g. by the Inquisition and church courts etc., according to our records since the existence of the Christian church and religion these 62 million 214 people have been murdered by these 62 million.
關於基督教的直接影響和直接罪責(direct guilt),特別是天主教(Catholicism)必須提到是主要的罪責因素,例如通過「宗教裁判所」(Inquisition)和教會法庭等,根據我們的記錄,自從基督教會和宗教存在以來,共有6,200萬0,214人被這6,200萬教徒殺害了。
170. By 31 December 1992 a further 37 million 817 people had lost their lives as a result of Christian religious wars, in contrast to 28 million 104 by all other religions, whereby in the case of these other religions it does not refer to the period from the year 1 A.D. to today, but to the period of the last 3000 years.
171. With regard to delusional and fanatical acts of murder resulting from Christian-religious aspects, 12 million 716 people have been murdered since the existence of the Christian religion of each category, in contrast to 8.2 million of all other religions and sects etc. for 3000 years.
172. It is clear from this that the Christian religion in its main lines and with all its hundreds of sects is the most predominant bloodiest religion on earth, which finds no parallels at all.
By delusional and fanatical acts of murder you mean acts of murder by people who are religiously delusional or fanatical, etc., in order to clarify the matter.
173. That's right.
Well, thank you. Then my next question: In certain things since my breakdown in 1982 I have some gaps in my knowledge that I can't simply close again …
174. Which is understandable, for you were not only closer to death than to life, and this for several years, but you also suffered an amnesia, through which you lost a great deal of knowledge, but which you corrected again to a great extent through your incredible efforts of reworking almost all abilities and all knowledge.
175. So if there are still some small gaps, it is a miracle that they are not bigger.
176. For my part, I have to admit, I would not have been able to perform this tremendous feat.
You are too kind with your praise. So please don't do that and answer me the following question: When creation was created by the Big Bang, it must have been that the explosion speed was much higher than just 147 times the speed of light. In my opinion, the first velocity, the center-explosion-expansion-speed, if I may call it that, must have been the speed of creation and 107000 times the speed of light. Otherwise it would not have been possible that the enormous vastness of the universe could have come into being. That's right, isn't it?
你的讚美之詞太客氣了。所以請不要再這樣了,請回答我以下問題:當「造化」(creation)被「大爆炸」(the Big Bang)創造出來時,爆炸的速度一定是遠遠大於光速的147倍。在我看來,最初的速度,「中心爆炸膨脹速度」(the center-explosion-expansion-speed),如果我可以這麼說的話,一定是光速的10萬7000倍。否則,浩瀚的宇宙就不可能出現了。這樣正確嗎?
177. Of course.
Of course – - – really can't be any different. But how long did this speed last; in my opinion it must have been just one second or even just one nano moment, because if I consider that creation is able to cross the whole universe with one thought due to its 107000-fold speed of light practically in a nano moment or even in no-decompression time, if I may call it that, then my assumption should actually apply. It should be noted, however, that the explosion started from a center and spread ovoidly, so that the nano moment for 107,000 times the speed of light only applies to the radius, while in reality the double expansion must be measured from the center, because during the nano moment the universe spread ovoidly to all sides, so a nano moment to all sides in an ovoid frame.
當然 —— 真的不可能有什麼不同。但這種速度持續了多久;在我看來,它一定只是一秒鐘,甚至只是一個奈米級的瞬間(one nano moment),因為如果我考慮到,由於其10萬7000倍的光速,創造物能夠在奈米級的瞬間或零時間(如果我可以這麼說的話)內幾乎以一種思想穿過整個宇宙,那麼我的假設實際上應該是正確的。然而,應該注意的是,爆炸是從中心開始的,並以卵形擴張,所以10萬7000倍光速的奈米瞬間(nano moment)只適用於半徑,而實際上,雙重膨脹必須從中心開始測量,因為在奈米瞬間,宇宙以卵形向四面擴散,所以在卵形框架中,一個奈米瞬間向四面擴散。
178. It is amazing again and again how you can put the facts and things together again, although you had lost the corresponding knowledge through amnesia.
179. Amazing.
Beautiful. I am glad that I was right in my considerations, which unfortunately cannot be said of Earthly astronomers who still claim that the universe is only 18-20 billion years old and that they have advanced to the ends of the universe with their research. All of them have no idea that the universe is divided into seven belts and that they are so far-reaching that they can never explore them with their primitive means. So they also do not know that they can only make their observations and do their researches in the belt of matter, which of course has certain limits and to which it is very possible to reach, but not yet for the terrestrial human being, because nevertheless these limits are still far too far away for them to be grasped and greened from Earth by apparatus or instrument etc..
不錯。我很高興我的想法是正確的,可惜地球上的天文學家不能這樣說,他們仍然聲稱宇宙只有18至20億年的歷史,他們的研究已經推進到宇宙的盡頭。他們都不知道宇宙被分為七個區帶(belts),而且這些區帶非常深遠,以他們的原始手段根本無法探索。所以他們也不知道,他們只能在「物質帶」(belt of matter)中進行觀察和研究,當然,物質帶有一定的界限,很有可能到達,但對地球人來說還不行,因為儘管如此,這些界限還是太遠了,無法從地球上用儀器或設備等來掌握和探索到。
180. That is also true.
This week I read in some newspaper or magazine that various diseases are on the rise again because the traditional medications are no longer effective, which for many years or even decades contained or destroyed these various diseases.
181. This is indeed true, but these incidents are due to time and the tremendously growing overpopulation.
182. The more people there are, the more uncontrolled the various diseases can spread among them.
183. The drugs used against it become more and more ineffective, because in the course of time the viruses and bacteria immunize themselves against the substances used against them and adapt to them.
184. This in turn results in a mutation of the viruses and bacteria etc., which develop new attack techniques against the body and against the organs, which as a rule have no means of defence against it, because the immune system itself must first create new defence bodies, which can act effectively against the mutated attackers.
185. This is all an inevitable consequence of overpopulation, against which nature is beginning to defend itself, whereby traditional and very effective medicines are slowly but surely becoming completely useless against diseases that could previously be effectively combated and contained.
186. Thus, old and long since contained diseases break through again and spread rapidly.
187. In the near future, this will lead to an overabundance of diseases long believed to have been eradicated, as well as to the increasing ineffectiveness of well-tried medications.
188. Even new epidemics can no longer be prevented, which will slowly enter the terrestrial human race.
189. Also the large use of medicines by greedy doctors, which is only too gladly made out of profit-seeking, as well as the general abuse of medicines by addicts and other drug addicts contribute to a very large extent to the fact that the pathogens become resistant against the medicines and change in such a way that they and their offspring broods mutate into new dangerous pathogen factors, which are no longer combatable with the traditional and once very effective medicines and vaccines etc..
190. This also applies to Legionellosis, which is caused by Legionella and is usually fatal for humans.
191. These are pathogens which, as a result of too lax attention and inadequate disinfection, as well as obvious negligence on the part of the people responsible, who are to be found in all branches of medicine and in all their auxiliary personnel, have been able to appear, especially in ventilation and air-conditioning systems, etc., and which are also responsible for the death of the human being. are the main breeding grounds of dangerous pathogens, from where they spread everywhere and infect people where they are offered this opportunity, such as in hospitals and other places where ventilation and air-conditioning systems are available.
192. The ideal temperature for these pathogens is between 25 and 60 degrees Celsius.
193. Even diseases that are specifically located in other countries, such as malaria, etc., are spreading more and more and also in mutant form in countries where these diseases originally had no significance whatsoever.
194. Especially international transport companies as well as tourist companies are to be blamed for this as well as the tourists themselves.
195. By transports and tourism as well as by refugees, asylum seekers and emigrants etc. pathogens are kidnapped and brought into countries, which were not originally affected by these diseases or did not contain any pathogens of these diseases.
196. In addition to the diseases themselves, their pathogens as well as insects and other vermin carrying pathogens are also smuggled in and transmitted to humans and animals.
The mixture of the peoples is to be mentioned however also still, whereby also hereditary factors cause changes, by which humans become ever more susceptible for any kind of pathogens and thus for diseases. Mixing peoples is not as harmless as the average citizen and those responsible and scientists, etc., assume. It is therefore never the language of the matter, even when the problem of mixing peoples is raised, which is becoming more and more apparent as a result of the rapid increase in overpopulation. The fact that the immune system is reduced in its power when people of different peoples mix is largely unknown to those responsible on earth and to scientists as well as to the normal people. If the mixing is carried out on a small scale, if, for example, here and there two people of genetically different peoples or races mix, as in the case of marriage, etc., then this does not carry much weight, even if immune system weaknesses are already recognizable there, if one researches them carefully. But if the mixing takes place on a larger scale, e.g. since decades by the nature of seasonal workers and other foreign workers as well as by refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and tourists etc., then the problem already becomes a farce, because not only immune system weakness, but also false humanism and many other evils arise from it – not to mention the inexorably rising mass of the overpopulation, which is a growing and ever more nutritious soil for all evils, destruction, destruction, degeneration of all kinds and for all kinds of diseases. The fact that allergies, tuberculosis, plague, malaria, AIDS and other venereal diseases as well as cholera and many other plagues, epidemics and diseases have been on the increase again for a long time and are epidemic-like is therefore not surprising if all the aspects connected with them are carefully examined and considered. That is true, isn't it?
197. Of course, there is not the slightest doubt about that.
Of course not. It's the same with the wooden tick, too – with the ticks I mean. These have also become more aggressive in recent decades, and today many more of these animals are infested by viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to humans than was the case in the past. Sometimes the pathogens transmitted by the wooden bucks are so aggressive that not only the health of humans but even their lives can be threatened, as is the case with flies and mosquitoes, etc., who inject their victims with a blood-thinning liquid through their stinging, boring trunks, which serves to enable the animals to suck the blood at all because it is normally too viscous. But it is precisely this blood-thinning fluid that is injected into the victims, and in this case into the people, by viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to their health. Contrary to this, it should behave somewhat differently with ticks, as I have read, because with these the viruses and bacteria should be located in the inner organs, which should only reach the body of the victim when the wooden buck is crushed by finger pressure or tweezers, whereby the organs burst and the pathogens only then reach the victim through the trunk of the tick. A medical version that doesn't seem very obvious to me, because I myself had a completely different experience. I was not only bitten very often by mosquitoes and biting flies, but also by malaria mosquitoes, spiders and ticks, whereby I did not squeeze the ticks with my fingers or tweezers when removing them, but logically raked them with a needle on my trunk and head and removed them in this way. Nevertheless, I suffered from infections that I had to treat with antibiotics. Drugs that are becoming more and more ineffective and lose their effect more and more against all those diseases etc. that could be treated very well and with great success in the past.
當然沒有懷疑。木蝨(wooden tick)也是如此 —— 我指的是蜱蟲(ticks)。近幾十年來,這些蟲子也變得更有攻擊性,現在有更多的這些生物感染了對人類有危險的病毒和細菌,比過去的情況要多。有時,木蝨傳播的病原體非常具有攻擊性,不僅會威脅到人類的健康,甚至會威脅到人類的生命,蒼蠅和蚊子等也會如此,它們通過刺入的探針給受害者注入血液稀釋液,這樣動物根本無法吸出血液,因為血液通常太濃稠了。但恰恰是這種血液稀釋液被注入受害者體內,在這種情況下,被注入人體內的病毒和細菌對他們的健康有危害。另一方面,正如我所讀到的,蜱蟲的情況有些不同,因為病毒和細菌應該在內部器官中,只有當蜱蟲被手指壓力或鑷子壓碎,導致器官破裂,病原體通過蜱蟲的探針進入受害者的身體。醫學上的版本,在我看來並不十分合理,因為我自己有一個完全不同的經歷。我不僅經常被蚊子和蒼蠅叮咬,而且還被瘧疾蚊子、蜘蛛和蜱蟲叮咬,當我清除蜱蟲時,我沒有用手指或鑷子擠壓它們,而是順手用針在它們的探頭和頭部耙了一下,以這種方式清除它們。儘管如此,我還是遭受了感染,不得不用抗生素治療。但這些藥品的效果越來越差,對所有那些曾經用它們治療得非常好、非常成功的疾病等都失去了效力。
198. Of course, it is absurd to claim that ticks would only transmit the viruses and bacteria contained in them to the human body if they were squeezed by finger or instrument pressure, because truthfully they already release bacteria and viruses through the bite alone, which get into the body of the victim.
But the victims don't always have to be humans only, because animals can also be the victims, especially through ticks, which usually appear more and more frequently in the grass and on the bushes of forest edges, but also through mosquitoes, flies and horseflies, of which no one actually speaks, although they can also carry and transmit disease carriers, quite apart from the fact that their appearance alone is a plague for humans and animals.
199. Which also corresponds to correctness.
Well, then we can turn to something else again: On earth there are about 6000 languages worldwide as well as about two or three artificial world languages or world auxiliary languages or universal languages, like the Volapük, the Esperanto, the Ido, the Interlingua and the Novial. Not two or three, but five of them, if I may correct myself, but what is actually the meaning of my words is that only two or three are still in use, but not popular. The question now is this: Do you also have a universal language in your Federation, and if so, how is it called, and how many languages are spoken in your Federation as a whole?
200. We have a universal or federation language, of course.
201. However, this is not only spoken in certain circles of higher offices, as is the case with Earthly artificial languages, but it is common with everyone.
202. SAMTEE the language is called by us, and as such it is learnt from the ground up by every member of the Federation as a second mother tongue in childhood, because in addition to this, of course, the native mother tongue of the respective people still exists.
203. The total number of our federation-wide languages is 127 603.
Well, then I'd like to know what your new travel and transport options are. How does this transmitter system work, and how long will it take to get it up and running?
204. Do you see this little device integrated into the chest of my clothes?
You mean this little matchbox-sized thing?
205. Yes.
It's hard to tell that from the clothes. Without my flashlight I couldn't see it at all. It doesn't stand out at all.
206. This enables me to generate a transmitter gate by thought power, through which I can simply step through, after which I am already at my destination without any loss of time, even if this is billions of light years away.
透過這個裝置,我能夠運用思想的力量產生一個「傳送門」(transmitter gate),通過它我可以直接跨過去,之後我就已經到了我的目的地,沒有任何時間損失,即使那是在數十億光年之外。
207. More precisely, I have to concentrate my thoughts in such a way that they are picked up by the device and amplified in such a way that the resulting forces create the transmitter gate through which my transmission to the destination is made possible.
[中譯者註:這個「傳送門」的概念已經被今年早先的一部美劇《洛基第一季》(Loki Season 1)所運用。請參閱《洛基》中文正式預告:
Marvel電視劇《洛基》中文正式預告(Marvel Studios' Loki Official Trailer)
208. The system is not yet fully operational and usable, but we are constantly experimenting with it by transporting objects, etc., in this way for testing purposes.
209. The required target data are created by the personal knowledge of the destination, which is then mentally programmed by the device, whereupon the transmitter gate is created, in the form that the destination appears as a gate into which one can directly enter and is immediately at the destination.
210. If the destination is unknown to one in such a way that one knows it neither by picture information nor by a personal being there ever, then mathematical coordinates are sufficient, which one enters into the device by thought power and which must be known to one naturally.
211. If you like, I can give you a small demonstration of the possibility of such a transmitter gate.
212. However, you must promise me that you will not let yourself be carried away by your indomitable thirst for adventure and that you will simply step into the gate, because it is not yet fully developed for human transmissions and can therefore still be dangerous.
213. The danger is still that transmitted objects etc. do not reach their destination, but disappear somewhere untraceable and not retrievable between the dimensions and thus get lost.
Okay, I promise. Show me what your wonder thing can do.
214. Can I fulfill you a wish what you want to see through the transmitter gate as a destination – maybe something you know?
你想通過「傳送門」看到什麼?我可以滿足你一個願望,作為一個目的地 —— 也許是你熟悉的地方?
Would it be possible for you to open the gate to Quetzal's house where the fountain is at the pond?
215. That doesn't mean a problem, because the place is well known to me – look!
這意味著沒有問題,因為這個地方對我來說是很熟悉的 —— 看!
Fantastic – two steps, and I'd be on Quetzal's terrain on Erra; ah, look, Quetzal's Ulrak passes. By the way, where did he get this little cattle from? And can't that suddenly enter the transmission gate and get lost here?
妙極了 —— 走兩步,我就到了Quetzal在Erra星的大院;啊,看,Quetzal的Ulrak在那裡。對了,他這頭小牛是怎麼得到的?還有,牠會不會突然進入傳送門,而在裡面迷路了呢?
216. It's an animal that lives on Erra.
217. It can't get here, because the gate is only visible from here on the one hand, but not from the other side, and on the other hand it can only be used from this side.
218. This has been designed for safety reasons to prevent unwanted life forms from passing through the gate.
219. If it were different, it would be very dangerous.
220. On the other hand, the gate can only exist as long as it is thought to exist.
It seems to be early evening over there.
221. That's right.
And how far is this gate visible here, I mean, if there's someone up there on the street looking over here. Can you see it then?
222. There is no danger, because the transmission gate is only visible on a few steps.
223. Go back only once three steps, then you won't see it anymore.
- Actually; it's not even a flicker or anything else to see. Wait – yes, now I see it again.
實際上;它甚至沒有一絲一毫的閃爍或其他任何東西。等等 —— 是的,現在我又看到它了。
224. Good, then I'll finish my demonstration now.
Gone – man, that's impressive. Simply fantastic.
消失了 —— 老天,這真令人印象深刻。簡直太棒了。
225. It is also impressive for us.
And – is this technique of transport then the absolute ultimate for all time, or is a further development still possible?
那麼 —— 這種運輸技術是所有時代的絕對終極,還是仍有進一步發展的空間?
226. The development only ends where the power of consciousness alone is sufficient to transport oneself and materials of all kinds by teleportation or telekinesis from a point of departure to a specific destination, without any technical aids being required.
227. This also means that you don't need any spacecraft etc. to move from one place to another or to transport materials from one place to another.
228. The next development, however, will be to find and use the means to move from one place to another without a transmission gate, and to do so solely by the power of thought, which is technically amplified in such a way that a teleportation can be carried out that can bridge billions of light years as well as the technology of transmitters that is now emerging.
229. Nevertheless, even then the spacecraft will still be needed, which will also be further advanced in development.
And everything is based on the speed of creation, 107000 times the speed of light. Even with the present transmitter gate this cannot be any different.
230. That is not quite correct, because for the time being it is based only on 21,000 times the speed of light.
231. Besides, the speed of the spirit should never be reachable by technical means.
The size of the gate is about 2 metres by 90 centimetres and …
232. You hit the measure very accurately, that's amazing.
It's not amazing, because I have some practice in estimating masses. But what I wanted to ask: For a human, the gate is just good in size, but what if a larger gate is needed, such as for large goods and the like?
233. The size of the transmitter gate can be customized according to your needs.
234. This is done by a simple command, mentally directed to the gate generator device.
Fabulous. It really couldn't be simpler. But what happens now, if somebody takes over the transmitter gate generating device without authorization, is there perhaps a safety device, as you use it with your weapon tools, that only the owner of the device can use it, because it is tuned to his thought frequency?
235. That's what you say.
236. This alone guarantees the best possible security, so that no one can use the devices for unfair and nonsensical purposes without authorisation, should they fall into unauthorised hands for any reason, if we are active on worlds whose people cannot yet be expected to use such devices.
As is the case on Earth, for example, isn't it?
237. That's right.
Well, now you also have devices and the like, which look like a simple piece of metal or plastic etc., without these being recognizable as devices or apparatus etc., but in which there is a high-quality super-minielelectronics, which again is not recognizable as such, if you cut the metal or the plastic, because everything is poured into each other. Isn't there the possibility that through some circumstances the truth can be found out?
238. This danger does not exist – not even on earth, because in order to be able to fathom this technique, Earthly scientists would have to have a knowledge and a technique that would be 7,500 years in the future for them.
這種危險並不存在 —— 甚至在地球上也不存在,因為為了能夠摸索出這種技術,地球上的科學家必須擁有一種知識和技術,而這種知識和技術對他們來說是7500年後的事。
That means that over the last 18 years you've made progress approaching 4,000 years, right?
239. It's 216 years more, yes.
But this can only have happened through the friends of Asket's people, if I see the matter correctly, namely those friends who are ahead of Asket's people by about 4,000 years resp. 4,216 years in technical development.
240. That is also true, but I must enlighten you about the fact that also the people of the Ischrisch Asket have attained the entire higher development of the 4,216 years.
Powerful news, my friend. But you've never told me that you've made such tremendous progress in the development of technology.
241. You never asked for it either.
That's the truth again. – But can I ask you again about the weather, the droughts and floods, earthquakes, volcanic activity, forest fires, storm surges and storms, etc.?
這也是事實。——但我能不能再問你一些關於天氣、乾旱和洪水、地震、火山活動、森林火災、風暴潮(storm surge;或稱暴潮)和惡劣天氣等方面的問題呢?
242. So ask your question.
There are actually two of them, if you take it exactly: How will all the effects and effects of the things I have mentioned unfold in the future?
243. These will become more extreme and more destructive as time goes on, and Switzerland will also be affected, especially by storms, etc., as well as by snowfall to lower altitudes, as will be the case this summer, in the coming month of July.
244. In a few days' time, the conditions for climate change will begin all over the world, with droughts in one area and floods in the other, while forest fires will occur elsewhere, and they will become more frequent.
245. Storm surges will also be devastating, usually caused by earth-bound floods.or a seaquake, as will be the case in Japan, when an earthquake of about 7.6 to 7.9 on the Richter scale will shake the land and sea near Hokkaido on 12 July, and will cause some 300 deaths.
And the blame for all this lies with Earth humans through their overpopulation, which damages and destroys all of nature, as well as the planet itself. The earth begins to defend itself more and more against this human madness, but nevertheless nobody pays attention to it. The irresponsible of all classes even claim that all these events are in no way related to overpopulation.
246. This is also true, but what was your second question?
I wanted to ask you if you could give some information for the second half of the year – if you wanted to give some predictions?
我想問你,能不能對今年下半年的情況透漏一些資訊 —— 如果你想作出一些事件的預測,可以嗎?
247. There isn't enough time, because I have to say goodbye now, if you don't have some personal questions that I can answer briefly.
248. On the other hand, I find that such predictions have in no way borne fruit so far, which is why we should refrain from such predictions in the future.
249. They are useless for the people of planet Earth, because nobody cares about them.
Well, so be it. However, I still have a few personal questions that would be important for me to answer. Partly they also refer to group members.
250. Then our official conversation should now be finished.
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