Contact Report 025 第025次接觸報告
Synopsis 提要
This is the entire contact report..
First of all, I'm interested in what came out of your discussion regarding the demonstration. Did you come to an agreement?
1. Sure, but you won't be very happy about what I have to tell you:
2. I will not carry out the planned demonstration in the form I originally intended.
3. The doubts you have identified clearly indicate that certain people in your group are not yet mature enough to grasp and understand these things.
4. If I was willing for the time being to show my ship to your group members and some other people, and to do so in a clearly visible way, then this can no longer be the case now, and perhaps no more in the future.
5. This has now crystallized clearly and unambiguously from the last events, and it has to stay that way.
6. Through the council resolution I received permission to demonstrate a few things to a somewhat small extent only, but according to very restricted determinations.
7. Due to Hans Jacob's renewed irrelevant and sectarian doubting behaviour, it has now also become apparent that I am shielding my now smaller demonstration from view, if it cannot therefore be seen by uninfluenced observers, and that no outsiders may be present at this demonstration, as I originally approved.
由於漢斯.雅各(Hans Jacob)再次表現出不相干以及宗派懷疑的行為,這表明,我現在如果把較小規模的展示排除被那些人,這樣他們就不會被未受影響的觀察者看到,而也不能向我最初批准的那樣,讓任何局外人出現在這場展示中。
I'm not happy about that, Semjase. Can't you make an exception? You can't just cold all of a sudden just because one person has certain doubts.
8. Unfortunately no, because this is a decision of the Council, which I have to follow.
But …
9. I can't, because I can't break our laws.
All right, I don't want to mislead you, and we have to come to terms with the new facts.
10. Certainly.
Well, I guess I'll have to explain it to the others a lot. There's no point in getting any further into you.
11. You're very understanding.
12. But there is one important thing that I have to discuss and that has been assigned to me by the Council.
13. It is a matter of the total elimination of your knowledge of certain things, whereby all agree to follow any elimination exactly according to your wishes.
14. Your compromise solution has met with very great approval and it also seems to us to be the best means.
15. Further, however, the fact was criticized that you promised to give lectures etc. in the form of an enlightenment from this month on.
16. However, my observations have shown that you have not yet taken any steps to organize these lectures.
You know I'm no good at things like this and I need help.
17. Sure, but still you have to take everything by the hand, because time is pressing for different things.
18. If you don't get any help from your group members in this regard, then you still have to take everything into your own hands, because enlightenment has become the most urgent imperative.
19. It is no longer enough for you to spread your knowledge only in your group and in certain other interested circles, because the time has come for the general public to be informed.
20. This means that you now have to make an effort to make your knowledge etc. known to the lay public through lectures.
21. This has become an urgent requirement.
22. If you have already prepared a lecture, then you must now change it and bring up certain further facts in it.
23. The most important new factor is the destruction of the ozone belt, which is rapidly becoming more and more destroyed.
24. Work out a pamphlet about this and distribute it.
25. Get with it also at newspapers and television etc. and scream the threatening danger from the roofs.
26. Further it is to be woven into the lecture that also the atomic danger increased again in enormous measure.
You can talk good, Semjase, because first of all I am criticized for everything I put on paper, because it is supposedly too hard written. On the other hand, the stupid question is always asked why you wouldn't help me financially, and so on. Sometimes it is actually a crying cry, because I find such things simply damn unreasonable. Several times lately I have been thinking that the best thing to do is just to throw everything away and go about my daily work. Firstly, I will then be rid of my financial worries, and secondly, I will no longer have to deal with illogical questions and so on.
27. The execution of your task is at your own discretion.
28. So if you want to step back, it would be very bad things for all of your humanity, but on the other hand we don't put you under any constraints, so you can decide freely.
29. But please remember that it is solely up to you whether humanity on Earth gains a very important advantage and is able to follow a better path.
30. I know that you think that every human being has to market his own skin, but that is not enough.
我知道你認為每個人都必須學著做自己(market his own skin),但這還不夠。
31. Remember that only very, very few earthlings have abilities similar to yours, and they usually do not have the courage to openly present facts.
32. As a human being it is your duty to spread your knowledge and to help others through it.
33. You knew from the beginning that everything would be very difficult and that you would not be helped very much.
34. So I think you're a little hasty considering ending our things.
35. I have, …
You talk real good.
36. Let me finish, please.
37. I see that you are angry, because success on help cannot be greatly expected and much illogical is brought to you.
38. But you do not need your anger, because you must understand that your fellow human beings in conscious form are standing behind you tremendously far and must first learn (refers to the application of conscious forces [mental forces] as well as to knowledge and the creative-spiritual laws and commandments etc. = spiritual teaching etc.).
但是你不需要憤怒,因為你必須明白,你的人類同伴在意識方面遠遠落在你的身後,他們必須首先學習(指有意識的力量 — 心智力量 —的應用,以及知識與造物的靈性法則和誡諭等等 = 靈性教導等等)。
39. You know that very well.
40. Human anger is only appropriate where the knowledge of the laws and commandments and other things is clearly present and yet everything is disregarded.
41. But ignorance must not arouse anger in you, for it is against the law.
42. So, for your help, I want to tell you that you should consider everything very carefully and calmly before you make a decision to cancel.
43. Remember that humanity needs your help and that you are able to give it more than any man has ever been able to do before, if we disregard certain prophets who have been disregarded and whose teachings have been falsified.
44. Remember that for about 2000 years no earthly person has been chosen for contact with a very high spiritual form and no important message has been transmitted, as is the case with you.
[中譯者註:本次接觸時間是在1975年間,所以還沒有發生諸如《一的法則》(The Law of One)資料傳遞這類的通靈(channel)對話現象(那是發生在1982 至 1998 年間),請參閱:《一的法則》簡介。]
45. Therefore, consider how important you are valued by us and the beings of the high spiritual level Arahat Athersata, which is not done in vain.
因此,要考慮到我們和高層次Arahat Athersata純靈體對你的重視是多麼的重要,而這並不是不請自來的。
[中譯者註:依據Future Of Mankind的說明,Arahat Athersata是純靈體形式(pure-spiritform)的第一(最初)層級;也就是:Arahat Athersata-level = 觀察時代的尊貴智者Valuable level, which inspects time. (The valuable, which inspects time);完整的純靈體層級資料請參閱:Pure Spiritlevels]
46. You are the first prophet of the modern age, and thus the most important person in your world, for you are the fundamental precursor for the teaching of the new age.
47. You must do the very hard preliminary work for the truth sinners who will still work after your time.
48. Think about all this very carefully before you make a decision that only arises from anger.
49. We are well acquainted with the fiery anger in you earthlings, for at all times we have had such problems with you.
50. Many prophets were angry at the ignorance and unreasonableness of their fellow human beings.
51. And often they needed this anger to accomplish their task.
52. But be just, for your anger does not need its existence, because your fellow human beings are ignorant.
53. With regard to the illogical questions concerning financial aid, etc., I would like to make an explanation for the questioners here, because every human being on Earth should bear in mind, firstly, that we do not have any compliant things with goods and means of payment, etc., as they are customary and common on Earth.
54. Even if we wanted to, we could not serve you with financial means, which you call money, because we do not have such goods etc..
55. We will never influence gambling etc., because they are of exceptionally evil and sinister values.
56. The third important point is that we do not let ourselves be provoked by speeches and questions etc., because this earth is your home and not ours.
57. But when we are here and want to help humanity on Earth in its conscious and other development, then this means a self-imposed obligation that we do not let ourselves be made a must by orders of human beings on Earth.
58. Our task corresponds to a voluntary commitment.
59. This is our side, to which your side is added, namely that the Earth human being has to make an effort and his mite also contributes to everything.
60. This means that the human being on Earth also has to take on a certain voluntary obligation and has to carry certain things himself.
61. It is completely wrong of him to think that he can only take advantage of help and kindness without contributing anything to this help himself.
62. The terrestrial human being must learn that his selfishness as well as his boundless egoism are completely out of place and have no justification whatsoever.
63. When the Earth human being is to be helped, he himself also has to contribute his part to this help.
64. According to your values, however, this part consists of the procurement of the necessary capital and all necessary work.
65. But if the Earth human being believes that he can only take and has nothing to give for it, then he is on unreal paths.
66. He can only defeat his evil egoism if he realizes that two different factors forming a unity in themselves always result in a supernatural unity.
67. In other words, in this case this means that give and take must be combined to form one unit.
68. When we give you spiritual and conscious good and knowledge, etc., then it is your duty to process this good and knowledge and also to contribute certain things to the attainment of the whole.
69. But if mankind on Earth thinks and acts according to the principle of his illogicality, that taking is more beneficial than giving, then he will not free himself from his evil egoism.
70. And mankind on Earth is selfish, both individually and in the masses, so exploitation is very widespread in your world.
That was damn clear, Semjase.
71. Sure, but it had to be said.
It's all right, nobody blames you. But now to something else, because I have a question in store: What about spiritism; should we talk to the dead, and is that even possible? I have my own particular view on this, but I do not want to tell you it now. Please explain to me what this is all about, because we have had some discussions about it recently.
72. Suit yourself:
73. Basically you Earth humans are very much spiritualistic, but very amateurish and without any appreciable knowledge or success.
74. But more than 99.7% of so-called 'spiritualist sessions' are based on fraud, self-deception and charlatanry.
而超過99.7%的所謂“靈性療程”(spiritualist sessions)是基於作假、自欺欺人和騙子行為。
75. So consciously wrong things are claimed and underlined by magic tricks and so on.
76. In very, very many cases there is also self-deception, because the spiritualists are of the wrong opinion that otherworldly beings or deceased people would answer them.
77. A medium of this kind is very susceptible to telepathic vibrations of the subconscious and through this ability 'taps' other people's subconscious or memory banks as they experience things that are future or past.
78. Uninitiated and ignorant people thus believe that the medium actually has media abilities.
79. People are therefore very often amazed when such acts tell them things about themselves or their relatives and about other people whom they themselves had long forgotten and were no longer able to remember.
80. Such a form, by the way, is also practiced by one of your group members, as I have noticed.
81. It lives not far from you and has fallen into self-deception.
82. This form of alleged spiritism awakens an evil self-delusion in the medium, which also includes the accompanying persons.
83. Every reality is lost.
84. Such false forms are unfortunately very common and cannot be contained in a short time.
85. Unfortunately, there would never be enough time if I wanted to treat all the different forms of spiritism, if I had to be content with an explanation of the real factor:
86. The ignorant and illogical man should not do a simple necromancy or 'real' spiritism.
87. These things are, firstly, psychologically and consciously very dangerous for the practitioners, because confusion of consciousness can arise, and secondly, they are deceived by all kinds of possibilities, but not by the dead, or exploited for jokes.
88. A deceased life form, in the form of the total block of consciousness, possesses in the sphere beyond only the knowledge that it has collected on the material world.
一個已故的生命形態,以意識的整體塊(total block of consciousness)形式,即使在遙遠的球體中,也只擁有它在物質世界中所累積的知識。
89. If it could then be called from the material world, then it would only be able to discuss and tell what it has just learned in the material world.
90. In particular, the most serious are the points of religious dogma and madness which allegedly always make deceased life forms visible or audible in the foreground and thereby mislead the still living evil.
91. This is because delusional-religious facts mostly play a dominant role in people's material thinking in their lives.
92. Many deceased persons would not agree with an invocation of their being and would therefore maliciously cheat the still living if they were called.
93. Many would make bad jokes and prophesy wrong things, which could then perhaps also actually apply, because the ignorant living would believe in it and would draw the events as with a magnet.
94. But now there is still the form of true spiritism, the knowledge of which, however, only four people on earth are capable of, who are also silent about their abilities:
95. In this form, however, not those who have died are called upon, but beings of higher forms, and also beings of other spheres.
96. And since these are often very far developed in consciousness, they have also put down many false teachings and have become wise.
97. And these forms of spirits and beings are the only ones that truthfully answer all questions of the living and do not deceive or joke.
98. The fundamental truth of spiritism in the form of invocation of the dead, etc., is that it would be undesirable first and foremost for the deceased and would not be of any use to the living, but only bad.
99. This is the case, as I said, when it concerns the applied spiritism of the untrue form.
100. Mankind should therefore never have the audacity to call the dead, because this is pure nonsense and can be damaging to consciousness.
101. A great deal of misery and distress could already be solved in your world by it alone if you would refrain from this evil and misleading, false spiritism.
102. Of value is only the spiritism of higher form, in which no dead but higher spiritual spheres or higher beings can be invoked and questioned.
103. But as already said, at the moment there are only four people on your earth who are capable of such action.
104. In your so-called pan-European area, however, only one of these four real experts currently lives, and I do not have the right to name them.
Thank you, Semjase. Your explanations do not exactly follow my previous thinking, but I am happy to be instructed at any time. If you don't mind, I have a few more questions. I would like …
105. Unfortunately, I cannot go into this today, because I still have various things to do.
106. But you can ask your questions next time.
Of course, whatever you say. But can you at least tell me the time when you want to give your now smaller demonstration?
107. I already told you that I can't do that for certain reasons and that I don't want to give any more details about these reasons.
108. But it will be at that point before I have to go away for a while.