Contact Report 742/第742次接觸報告
接觸時間:2020 年 6 月 13 日,星期六
本次接觸中,Ptaah 談到他們為了要瞭解冠狀病毒疫情的發展,於是不惜運用科技進入了未來,對後續幾個月作了各種方式的觀察,而發現了一些可怕的事情。於是再度苦口婆心提醒人類要注意的現象,主要重點如後:
三、冠狀病毒可以在物體表面存活長達三天,甚至長達 96 個小時,這取決於物體表面的材質以及環境、天氣和溫度而定。
五、2 公尺的安全距離不僅在室內,而且在室外也很重要。在室外還必須考慮到風的方向,因為風能攜帶感染者的飛沫達 10 公尺或 15 公尺以上,因此可能被其他人在更遠的距離吸入而導致感染。
七、如果與感染者接觸,除應立即進行冠狀病毒檢驗外,並應自動與其他人隔離至少 30 天。
What I have to say is the following: in regard to the rampantly spreading corona disease, we have carried out different looks into the future for the coming months, and with that we have recognised something frightening, about which I have still something to explain, which is also of significance and importance for all of you. As I already explained three weeks ago, you shall continue to adhere to the security measures in the form that I have recommended, because the coming months require this in particular. Therefore you all – whereby I mean all FIGU members, Core Group members and passive members, friends of FIGU and all those persons worldwide who are outside of FIGU but who read our advice on our website and willingly follow it – shall, in the coming months, not deviate from the security measures mentioned by us. On one hand, this especially concerns the wearing of suitable protective masks of the FFP2 form, which have to cover the breathing organ and the mouth, when one cannot avoid coming into close proximity with persons not from one’s own house. On the other hand, the obligation shall be heeded that absolutely a distance of at least 2 metres is kept from persons who are not part of one’s household and a protective mask worn; indeed especially when conversations are carried out.
我必須說明的是:為了瞭解冠狀病毒疫情的發展,我們進入了未來,對後續幾個月作了各種方式的觀察,我們發現了一些可怕的事情,再這方面我還有一些事情要解釋,這對你們所有人來說也是非常的重要。正如我在三個星期前所解釋的那樣,你們應繼續遵守我建議的安全措施,因為未來幾個月尤其需要這樣做。因此,你們所有的人 —— 我指的是 FIGU 的所有成員,包括核心小組(Core Group)成員和被動會員、FIGU 組織的朋友,以及全世界所有雖不屬於 FIGU 的成員但看到我們在網站上的建議並願意遵循它的人 —— 在未來幾個月,都不要偏離我們提到的安全措施。一方面,尤其是在難以避免要進入近距離接近陌生人的區域時,必須適當配戴 FFP2 等級的防護口罩,且要安全覆蓋口鼻呼吸器官才對。另一方面,應注意遵守與陌生人絕對要保持至少 2 公尺安全距離的義務,而特別是在交談時,一定要戴上防護口罩。
That is what you already recommended that we do and is that which we also comply with, namely for as long as you recommend it for us. But that you now present your advice regarding this yet again – that must have a special reason, I think. If you…
... But now, Eduard, regardless of what we recently said – that we did not want to talk further about the rampantly spreading corona disease – I want to again conclusively mention something which, in my opinion, is necessary to explain. After that it shall then be the case that we really will not occupy ourselves anymore with this sorrowful topic, because, as we again and again ascertain, such an arrogance and low intelligence prevails in regard to intellect and rationality with the majority of the state leaders and municipal administrators and likewise with the majority of the supposed medical experts that a real, appropriate, responsible action cannot come about. The same applies for the majority of all the populations of all the countries worldwide, as the irresponsible demonstrations as well as the reckless general security-opposing behaviour show. This can be seen especially from the non-adherence to the wearing of masks and keeping a distance, as well as from travel activity and the holiday behaviour, the carefree celebrations with excessive alcohol consumption as well as the unrestrained disgraceful prostitution.
... 但是現在,愛德華,儘管我們才說過不想再談冠狀病毒的疫情了,但最後我還是想到一些我認為需要解釋的事情。在此之後,我們真的必須停止處理這個令人悲傷的問題了,因為我們一再發現,大多數的國家領導人和地方政府以及大多數所謂的醫療專業人員,他們對理解與理性都存在著一種傲慢和無知,以至於無法採取真正恰當而負責任的行動。而全世界所有國家的大多數人民同樣也是如此,從那些不負責任的示威活動和違反安全的魯莽行為就足以證明這一切。因為他們不戴口罩而沒有保持安全距離,並且熱衷四處旅行和度假,還有過度飲酒的肆意慶祝活動,以及毫無節制的賣淫行為,這些都特別明顯。
Ok. I can understand you being alarmed, which is why it is also probably correct, from this viewpoint, when you say something yet again: indeed what you think is necessary.
The meaning of my comment is this: … But what I now have to explain relates to the fact that the relaxation of the curfews and the rescinding of the duty of wearing protective masks – which has been announced for weeks, because of the state leaders, municipal officials, virologists and other supporters of the relaxation – will lead to a new wave of coronavirus infections worldwide as well as to many corona deaths. However, as I already explained earlier, it is not a second wave, as is erroneously assumed, rather it is a further escalation of the ever-continuing outbreak and emergence of the rampantly spreading corona disease. And this happens as a consequence of the inexcusable low intelligence of the state leaders and municipal officials who, in an irresponsible form propagate and allow that the also only halfway good and effective rules and precautions for the security of human beings are again rescinded. It is also inexcusable that the populations do not have everything explained to them regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease via the public information organs, according to the best knowledge and understanding, such as about the importance of how the coronavirus most of all spreads via expiration droplets, that is to say, aerosols, and causes an infection, and namely, as a rule, through being coughed at or body contact. In this form the virus can very quickly spread and indeed especially when persons get together in groups or masses. With such groupings, usually many kinds of objects are also dangerously made use of, on the surfaces of which deposits of saliva, nasal mucus, grease and hand sweat, and so forth, are left, and then they are contaminated with coronavirus, if the deposits stem from human beings who are infected with the coronavirus. Via these deposits on the surfaces of such objects the coronavirus is then further spread; consequently, new infections arise from that, when contacts occur with the corona pathogens.
我評論的意思是: ... ... 但我現在要說明的是,由於世界各國的領導人、地方當局、病毒學家和其他的支持者,他們數週前已宣佈放鬆管制並取消戴口罩的義務,這將會導致新一輪冠狀病毒的感染和全世界許多人因冠狀病毒而死亡。然而,正如我前面所解釋的,這次不是被誤認為的第二波疫情,而是第一波疫情仍在持續發作且進一步的加劇。這是由於國家領導人和地方政府不可饒恕的愚蠢行為,他們不負責任地宣傳,並再度撤銷那些為人民的安全所提出的“半套”(halfway good)有效法規和預防措施。同樣不可原諒的是,一般大眾也並沒有經由公共資訊機構去充分掌握並理解有關冠狀病毒疫情的一切訊息,例如:冠狀病毒主要是通過咳嗽或身體接觸並透過飛沫傳播而導致感染的重要訊息。通過這種管道,病毒可以迅速傳播,尤其是當人群聚集在一起的時候。在這樣的人群聚集場合,許多不同的東西,例如人的唾液、鼻腔粘液、油脂和手汗等,都沉積在一些物體表面而將環境帶入危險之中,如果這些沉積物來自冠狀病毒感染者,這些沉積物就已受到冠狀病毒的污染。然後當有人接觸這些物體表面時,冠狀病毒則會經由這些沉積物傳播,導致新的感染。
If it is the case that such deposits occur on the surfaces of objects, then the coronavirus, as our research shows, is able to survive up to 3 days and even up to 96 hours – depending on the material and surface of the objects and the environment, weather and temperature – before it becomes weak, loses its activity and becomes ineffective. Viruses cannot die off, because they are not life forms. Rather they are organic structures that cannot be killed. The fact that the intensity in regard to infectiousness already weakens after a few hours and becomes ever weaker, changes nothing in terms of the danger of an infectious activity, because this carries on also with a continued weakening of the virus.
如果這種沉積物附著在物體表面,依據我們的研究顯示,冠狀病毒可以在其中存活長達三天,甚至長達 96 個小時,這取決於物體表面的材質以及環境、天氣和溫度而定,隨後它們會失去活性而變得無效。但病毒不會死亡,因為它們不是生物,而是不能被消滅的有機結構。雖然感染強度在幾個小時後就會逐漸減弱,但這一事實並不會改變被感染的危險,因為即使病毒持續減弱,這種風險還是繼續存在。
The coronavirus is extremely dangerous and does not allow any neglect, because it is extremely contagious wherethrough many human beings also die of infections, and indeed also when most who become ill with it are not seriously affected, but recover again. Many show only mild and flu-like symptoms, while others show no kinds of signs of an infection at all, however are nonetheless infected by the virus and can also pass on the rampantly spreading disease under some circumstances.
With that which can be left behind by the virus in the human organism – be it after a recovery or during an infectious state in which no infection can be detected – the virus can form and maintain undetectable long-term damage, which in the course of time can develop into long lasting and new kinds of diseases and illnesses, also diverse kinds of cancer as well as body and genital deformations, the cause of which will not be able to be determined.
As a rule, every human being who is infected by the coronavirus is a carrier of the rampantly spreading disease, although, as a consequence of the difference between the immune systems of the male and female genders, it especially encroaches on that of the male gender. This is a factor which is still completely unknown by the terrestrial doctors and corresponding scientists, as is the fact, which I already mentioned in an earlier conversation, that immunity differences prevail between different peoples.
Aside from the difference between the immune systems of the male and female genders, as well as between different peoples, also the energy and power level of the immune system, that is to say, the strength of its condition, and thereby also its ability to convalesce, is important. These values determine whether there is a possibility of infection or not, and they also determine its course and the rehabilitation or the failure of the organism.
The coronavirus especially takes hold on immune systems that are already compromised and are weakened in terms of energy, and thereby it takes hold in human beings who in some form are more or less impaired in their health and for that reason form an especially acute attack surface and possibility for infection for the coronavirus. Such human beings are therefore especially vulnerable and have a distinctly higher risk than persons who are unencumbered by health problems; consequently they also become seriously sick and, under some circumstances, die. However, in this case it is erroneous to assume that only older human beings or those with pre-existing conditions or an immunity weakness would be affected by coronavirus, because basically also children can become infected by the virus and even die of it, as I already mentioned multiple times in conversations. As well as that, also human beings of every age can be affected due to various reasons; for example, as a consequence of exhaustion, lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Also the reduced ability to self-regulate as well as actual disorders of the psyche and anxiety lead to susceptibility to the coronavirus, as does an iron deficiency anaemia as a consequence of vegetarianism and veganism, because meat products are avoided, especially dark meat, black pudding, beef fillet and liver, whereby their iron is better absorbed by the body than the iron in iron-containing vegetables.
冠狀病毒尤其會攻擊已經受損和能量趨弱的免疫系統,從而影響在健康上或多或少有某種程度傷害的人,因此這些人是冠狀病毒特別易於攻擊和可能感染的目標。因此,這些人比健康的人染病風險要高得多,因此他們受到感染後也會病得很重,甚至可能死亡。然而,假設只有老年人或患有疾病或免疫系統有缺陷的人才會受到冠狀病毒的影響,這是錯誤的,因為正如我在之前的討論中已經多次提到過,兒童也可能感染到病毒,並因此而生病甚至死於這種病毒。此外,各個年齡段的人也可能因為各種原因而受到影響,例如疲勞、缺乏維他命、礦物質和微量元素。還有自我調節能力的下降,以及真正的心靈障礙和恐懼也會導致對冠狀病毒的敏感性,同樣情況也發生在維根主義(veganism;類似素食主義)和素食主義所導致的缺鐵性貧血,因為他們不吃肉類產品,尤其是暗色肉(dark meat;又稱紅肉)、血腸(black pudding)、牛柳(beef fillet)和肝臟,而這些肉類食品的鐵質比含鐵的蔬菜更容易被人體吸收。
Care in regard to the danger of infection is called for with long stays in closed rooms, if infected persons stay in there under some circumstances. Also dealing with persons outdoors can mean a danger of infection if the necessary maintenance of a distance of 2 meters and, under some circumstances, the necessity of wearing a protective mask are not adhered to. Also with recreational sports of every kind, sizeable distances to other persons shall be maintained.
如果有感染者可能在場,在封閉房間長時間停留時,應注意感染的風險。如果不遵守必要的 2 公尺安全距離且沒有配戴防護口罩,那麼在戶外與人相處,也可能帶來感染的風險。對於各種休閒運動,也應與其他人保持較大的距離。
Already a distance of at least 1.5 metres can reduce the risk of contagion, although, however, also at this distance, depending on the case, contagion via infected persons is possible; consequently, a good safety distance of 2 metres is more reliable. However, this distance is not only important indoors, rather also outdoors, if there is not a sure certainty that persons who are in one’s vicinity are not infected. Outdoors the wind direction is also to consider, because via the wind the expiration droplets, that is to say, the aerosols, are carried up to 10 or 15 or more metres and can therefore also be breathed in at quite a distance by other human beings, who become infected. However, when respiratory-protection-masks are also worn outdoors or in airy rooms, an infection can be prevented to a great extent or completely.
即使距離至少 1.5 公尺,也可以降低感染風險,儘管即使在這個距離,根據病例的不同,被感染還是有可能的,因此 2 公尺的安全距離更為可靠。然而,這種距離不僅在室內,而且在室外也很重要,除非有一定把握,對面的人沒有被感染。在室外還必須考慮到風的方向,因為風能攜帶感染者的飛沫達 10 公尺或 15 公尺以上,因此可能被其他人在更遠的距離吸入而導致感染。然而,如果在室外或在通風的室內配戴呼吸口罩,那麼也可以大大或完全預防被感染。
As I already explained earlier, air conditioners as well as air circulation systems can also distribute the virus particles across quite a distance, and also diverse open foods, that is to say, cut foods, can be a breeding ground for the virus, especially cut meat, through which the virus can be spread further.
When masks are worn, then the aerosols are, as a rule, mostly not distributed far away, but with wind they are more distributed, whereby also the risk of infection increases; consequently it also therefore does not then decrease when protective masks are worn.
Also a regular hand washing and body hygiene count as personal protective measures, as I already explained before, just as the wearing of suitable gloves can be very beneficial where appropriate.
If typical corona symptoms arise, then a corona test and a self-imposed house arrest should occur, especially when more serious conditions, such as difficulty breathing, and so forth, occur. At the beginning of the infection, the virus multiplies in the oropharynx and nasopharynx, and when a swab of it is made and is investigated in the laboratory, by searching for and finding the genetic material of the virus in the specimen, then a sure result is produced, because such a test, as a rule, shows a high degree of accuracy in regard to the new coronavirus. Also antibody tests are necessary in order to be able to prove whether a human being had already been infected by the rampantly spreading corona disease or not, as well as whether he/she has developed a certain immunity against the virus or not, although this can however be just short-term but also long-term, depending on the case, whereby one cannot expect any so-called herd immunity. Also, evidence of antibodies does not mean a final healing or immunity, because the antibodies of this virus can quickly diminish again, become weaker and, under some circumstances, completely dissolve again.
如果出現典型的冠狀病毒症狀,則應進行冠狀病毒測試並實施隔離管制,特別是在出現呼吸急促等更嚴重的症狀時。在感染開始時,病毒會在口腔和鼻咽中成倍增加,如果在實驗室中對病毒進行抹片(通常用消毒棉花棒)取樣,並對病毒的遺傳物質進行檢測,那麼會有一個可靠的結果,因為這種測試通常對新型冠狀病毒能顯示很高的準確度。為了證明一個人是否已經感染了冠狀病毒,以及一個人是否對病毒產生了一定的免疫力,還需要進行抗體測試,而根據情況,這種免疫力可能是短期的,也可以是長期的,因此,沒有所謂的「群體免疫」(herd immunity)現象。而即使檢測出了抗體,也不意味著明確的治癒或免疫,因為這種病毒的抗體會再迅速減少、削弱,並在可能某種情況下再次完全溶解。
Human beings who are struck by the coronavirus sometimes feel unwell and worn out while others do not feel any symptoms, however nonetheless can infect other persons, in which case also with these persons antibodies are evident in their blood after approximately 10 days. However, a certain group of human beings can accordingly remain infectious for an undetermined time while others remain without infection.
受到冠狀病毒感染的人,會在一段時間內感到不適和虛弱,而某些人則不會感到任何症狀,但仍可以感染其他人。即使在這些人中,大約 10 天後也可以在他們的血液中檢測到抗體。然而,某一群人可能會無限期保持傳染性,而另一些人則不會傳染他人。
A coronavirus infection produces flu-like symptoms when it acutely breaks out, for which reason a cold or influenza is erroneously assumed, but it can bring baleful sequelae with it. Approximately half of infected human beings succumb to coughing, others to severe or less severe bouts of fever or also to sniffles, whereby however the majority of infected human beings survive the coronavirus rampantly spreading disease well, and can recover without great complications. However, that does not mean or guarantee that there are not diverse forms of long-term damage which last for a life time and can bring unexpected terrible things with them, as well as corona-impulse-deposits which are still unknown to terrestrial medical science, are not ascertainable and remain active, and at any time can push up their permanent activity again and push the rampantly spreading disease on. With that, however, it is not a reactivation of the infection, rather it is the corona infection’s acute continued-existence-of-the-impulse which is still not known to terrestrial medical science and is not detectable.
If a contact with an infected person has occurred, then a corona test should immediately be done and one should voluntarily isolate oneself from other human beings for at least 30 days, because the incubation time, that is to say, the time between the infection and the outbreak of the rampantly spreading disease, can last longer under some circumstances than is generally assumed by the experts as a result of unknowledge. Indeed the virus can already be spread further shortly after an infection, as already explained, but the incubation time of the virus can last much longer before the first symptoms arise.
如果與感染者接觸,應立即進行冠狀病毒檢驗,並應自動與其他人隔離至少 30 天,由於專家在這方面的無知,未料到潛伏期或感染到疾病爆發之間的時間可能比他們設想的要長。雖然之前有說明,病毒可以在感染後不久就可以傳播,但病毒在出現最初的症狀之前,其潛伏期會持續更長的時間。
That is now that which I still had to say regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease, but there is still something else that belongs to that. While the state leaders and municipal officials determine and act in such low intelligence and therethrough present a bad and death-bringing model for the populations, the majority of the populations adopt these wrong determinations and modes of behaviour equally for themselves, wherethrough now the coming terrible state of affairs can no longer be held back. And from that, also those countries and populations will be affected which, as a consequence of the half-way maintaining of the safety precautions, have largely got off lightly, such as Switzerland and Germany. However, that will indeed change soon, because the terribleness will take its course and will only stop when hard, sweeping measures are seized and strictly adhered to again.
The infections and deaths in regard to the still raging rampantly spreading corona disease will continue on world-wide unrestrained, and will now also quickly increase again and thereby continue the still not ended and on-going first outbreak of the rampantly spreading disease. Also countries in which everything has normalised and settled somewhat regarding the rampantly spreading disease will be newly afflicted by it, whereby the international trade and transport of wares contributes as much to that as does the irrational and irresponsible tourism and the holiday-irrationality of the Earth human beings. Thereby one must also consider that also the nonsensical fact of the irresponsible rescinding and ending of the safety precautions contributes to that.
After the approaching culmination point of the rampantly spreading corona disease, which now proceeds and then will no doubt also fulfil itself, a second wave will follow, which is the rule with this or other rampantly spreading diseases, as I already said. The exact time of it cannot be determined yet, however it can break out already by autumn or winter or even only next year.
Our earlier calculations, that by the middle of the year there would be 8 million infections due to the virus, has changed already for a second time, and namely due the low intelligence and irrationality of the responsible ones of state and of municipalities, who now almost worldwide largely rescind – and likewise declare as ended – the protection rules in regard to curfews and the wearing of protective masks as well as other rules. This does not only correspond to an inconsiderateness, low intelligence and unlogic, rather to an absolute irresponsibleness which yet again will demand hundreds of thousands of infections, which now until the end of the month of June will increase to high above 10 million. Correspondingly the corona deaths will also massively increase worldwide, as will infections of newly born babies and children, because the embryo is already infected in the womb. Also, infections will increasingly arise, especially with children, without that being able to be medically-virologically proven, while, however, an infection will nonetheless be able to be spread, namely already seconds after a new infection.
由於世界上許多國家和地方政府官員的低能和失職,我們早先計算到今年年中有 800 萬人感染冠狀病毒,這已經是第二次改變了,因為他們目前幾乎完全廢除了外出配戴防護口罩的保護措施,並宣布終止這些管制規定以及其他法規。這不僅是一種輕忽、不智和不合邏輯的行為,而且是一種絕對的失職,將再次造成數十萬人感染,到六月底,感染人數將上升到 1,000 多萬人。因此,全世界的冠狀死亡也將急劇增加,新出生兒童的感染也將快速增加,因為胎兒在子宮內時就會被感染。此外,全球的感染人數也會越來越多,特別是兒童,這些感染不能在醫學和病毒學上檢測,但仍可以在剛被感染幾秒鐘後就能傳播給其他人。