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Contact Report 790/第790次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年01月25日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin, Scott Baxter, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2022年02月12日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Here we are, as Bermunda announced to you. Greetings, Eduard.
Greetings to you as well.
I also greet you.
My greetings also to you, Eduard, my dear friend.
Welcome to all of you and greetings too. I am really happy to see and greet you all.
I am afraid we have to leave your workroom immediately so that no one is here, because some things are being done here, [in order] that perhaps your work will become easier and then you will be able to do it henceforth without much interference. These will be the …
All you have to say is that the little rascals want to come here and put things in order? They have already done that twice, once in the cellar and then also here in the office. That worked like a miracle.
你說的是那些小淘氣(little rascals)要來這裡收拾東西嗎?他們已經來做過兩次了,一次是在地窖,然後是在這間辦公室裡。這簡直是個奇跡,十分有效。
Yes, the Andromedans, as you call them, but who are from our space-time continuum and come from a planet we call Zilton, will come here and see to it that you can get back to work as well as possible without your writing efforts being severely hampered by the sectarian energies and forces. To what extent this will be possible for the 'little ones' – as you also call them because they are little ones – and who have their gateway near the constellation Andromeda, that remains to be seen.
是的,你們稱作仙女座星系的人(Andromedans),他們是來自我們的時空連續體,來自我們稱之為Zilton的行星,他們將會來到這裡,並確保你盡可能恢復工作,而不會讓你的寫作受到宗派能量與阻力的嚴重干擾。對於那些“小傢伙” —— 因為他們確實是小個子,而你們也這樣稱呼他們 —— 他們的「傳送門」(gateway)在仙女座附近,而這項(清理)任務會有多大效果,還有待觀察。
I am curious about that. So, then we can go – where, you have sorted that out, have you not?
我對(「傳送門」)很好奇。那麼,我們可以去那裡了 —— 而你們已經把這個(時空傳送)問題解決了,不是嗎?
Correct, and we can also continue to talk.
That's good, then – Ah, here we are. – That was quick, and you got us all at the same time – How long does it take the rascals to do their work?
很好,那麼 —— 啊,我們到了。真快,你同時把我們全部都搞定了 —— 小淘氣們要花多長時間來做他們的工作呢?
That remains to be seen. They will inform us when they have done their work. Then I will first inform you now about what has happened to the increase of the Earth's population in the year 2021. The difference from last year's result has not changed by much but has come to a total of 9,248,028,002 in the earth population figure after our very accurate clarifications of the registration.
這裡有個值得玩味的差距,因為據Plejaren的統計,數字約92億人,其間那差距約13億的人口(將近一個中國的總人口)究竟藏在哪裡?當然不排除有些國家統計不實(有些遊民或居住偏遠地區)的因素,但未免差距也太大了吧!… 就算是10億人口,那也不是個小數目啊!還是那句話,那麼,到底他們“藏”在哪裡?]
There is really not much difference to what it was last year, there was not much more than last year.
Yes, Florena had already told me that, as well as the fact that she only came back again on the 23rd of January 2021 after the conversation and told you that she had forgotten to tell you the total number of the Earth's population.
I remember that, and I know I wrote it down at the bottom of the contact report afterwards. I do not remember how many there were, only that according to the new totals you gave earlier, it must be less than 100 million.
Yes, I remember the values I had received from Florena, they were at 9,154,049,012 as she told me. Also, I want to tell you that I have looked around a little bit in the near future and found out that once again action will be taken against your efforts, because the French President Macron, as a supporter of nuclear power, will not willingly give in to the dismantling of nuclear power plants, because he will advocate the opposite in a few weeks. Not only is he an advocate of nuclear power, he is also willing to continue to maintain electrical power in France by running nuclear power plants.
Unfortunately, I had also forgotten to bring up and mention in conversation what else Florena said later after the official conversation, consequently no data was published in this regard. The Corona stuff made everything seem less important. Besides, Ptaah was already absent, and because he usually gave the data on the total population of Earth's humanity at the first conversation at the beginning of the year in January, which was not the case for 2020 and this year, everything was forgotten.
As for the French president because of the nuclear power plants, his decision will probably be as you say, because nothing else is to be expected from the megalomaniac and irresponsible man who thinks only for himself and for his profit and his might. I do not think we need to talk about this anymore. But as far as the nuclear power plants themselves are concerned, they are not only harmful to the whole of nature and thus to fauna and flora and, moreover, more dangerous than the money-grubbing operators and the governments and supporters assume, which has, after all, been proven in Chernobyl and Fukushima and will also continue to threaten in the future, especially …
至於這位法國總統,關於核電站,他的決定可能會像你所說的那樣,因為對於這個只為自己利益和權力著想的自大狂且不負責任的人來說,沒有什麼可期待的。我認為我們不需要再討論這個問題了。但就核電站本身而言,它們不僅對整個自然界有害,對動植物界也是有害的,而且比那些斂財的運營商和政府當局以及支持群眾所設想的還要危險,這一點畢竟已經在車諾比(Chernobyl)和福島(Fukushima)得到了證明,並且在未來還會繼續受到威脅,特別是 …
That is as you say, but you know to keep quiet about it. And that was obviously the case with Ptaah as you say.
Yes, it was like that, and that I should keep quiet about what the future holds, especially in terms of …, that is also clear to me. But I can say that the future does not look rosy for the Earth's humanity, because the Earth is increasingly resisting human machinations. This has been the case for some time and will increase in the coming time, especially in a few days and weeks, as the Earth will rise up in its woe and make itself felt through natural disasters. Violent storms are already breaking over the Earth, as well as snowstorms in areas that normally have no or very rare snowfalls. Earthquakes will multiply everywhere, and the world will also be hit and affected in a short time when an undersea volcano erupts in the Pacific and a tsunami hits large parts of the Earth. However, floods will not only be caused by this undersea volcanic eruption, which has been threatening for a long time, but also by rainstorm weather, by overflowing of the waters of lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams. And great conflagrations will also rage, just as more and more huge areas of forest will be cleared and destroyed in violent fires, while large parts of the cities will sink more and more into the haze of exhaust fumes and poisonous clouds. Many human beings will die because of this, just as more and more murders will occur, this because of jealousy, disputes, inheritances, hatred, fear, bad family, marital or other relationships, along with uprisings and wars that are instigated, not infrequently because the power-hungry rulers of various countries interfere in the affairs of foreign states. And so there will be renewed threats of war, also the nonsense of NATO, which wants by all means to include in its 'club' those that border on Russia, in order to bring its power bloc as close as possible to the borders of the nonsensical, stupid and imaginary enemy Russia. This is done officially and is tolerated and even advocated by world public opinion because among many earthlings there is simply a dislike and prejudice against Russia that has not been eradicated since time immemorial and no one knows how this hearth of hostility against Russia and animosity came about in the first place. Everything goes back much further than the battles, intrigues and crisis in Galatia from 1907 to 1914, which made the relations between the Danube Monarchy and Russia so bitter that the development of the Ukrainian and Polish national movement in Galatia probably became so precarious that it finally led to the World War.
是的,就是這樣,我應該對未來的事情保持沉默,尤其是在 ... 方面,這些我也很清楚。但我可以說,對於地球上的人類來說,未來並不樂觀,因為地球正在反擊人類的侵害。這種情況已經存在了一段時間,並且在未來還會增加,特別是在幾天和幾週內,地球將抗拒她所承受的痛苦,而透過自然災害使其益加明顯。猛烈的風暴已經在地球上空肆虐,在通常沒有降雪或少有降雪的地區也會出現暴風雪。地震將無處不在,當太平洋的海底火山爆發,導致海嘯襲擊地球的大部分地區時,世界各地也將在短期內受到衝擊和影響。然而,洪水不僅會由這個威脅已久的海底火山爆發引起,也會由暴雨天氣,由湖泊、水庫、河流和溪流的氾濫造成。而熊熊烈火也將肆虐,正如越來越多的大片森林將在猛烈的大火中被燒盡和摧毀一樣,而城市的大部分地區也將越發陷入廢氣和有毒霾害之中。另外還有越來越多的謀殺案將發生,許多人死亡肇因於嫉妒、糾紛、爭奪遺產、仇恨、恐懼與不良的家庭、婚姻或其他關係,以及被煽動的叛亂和戰爭,這種情況並不罕見,因為一些國家中嗜權如命的統治者會干涉他國的內政。因此,將再次出現戰爭的威脅,包括北約的癡心妄想,想通過一切手段將那些與俄羅斯接壤的國家納入其“俱樂部”內,以使其勢力範圍想要荒謬愚蠢地盡可能接近假想敵俄羅斯的邊界。這是公認的做法,得到了世界輿論的容忍甚至鼓勵,因為許多地球人對俄羅斯的厭惡和偏見自古以來就沒有消除過,沒有人知道這種對俄羅斯的敵意和仇視最初是如何產生的。事實上,這一切都可以追溯到1907年到1914年間在加拉太(Galatia)的戰鬥、密謀和危機時期,這場戰爭使得哈布斯堡君主國(Danube Monarchy)和俄羅斯之間的關係變得如此艱難,以至於烏克蘭和波蘭民族運動在加拉太的發展很可能變得岌岌可危,最終導致了世界大戰的爆發。
Well, the hatred and dislike as well as prejudice against Russia is certainly much older and probably goes back to the Old Russian Empire, which emerged as a European part in 882 and was actually called 'Kievan Rus' and the capital 'Kiev', as is also the case in today's state of Ukraine. If I remember the teachings of Sfath correctly, Kievan Rus, the oldest East Slavic state, was founded in 882 until about 1240 by the warlike merchants who were actually Normans or Varangians or Vikings and also Swedes. The whole thing is said to have taken place under the patronage of Ryurik or something like that. The Viking traders were warlike; they came across the Baltic Sea and travelled as far as Byzantium, later Constantinople and today Istanbul in Turkey. Eventually, the Viking traders mixed with the indigenous Slavs, after which the Old Russian Empire came into being in 882 and encompassed the west of the densely forested country, i.e. today's Belarus and the north of Ukraine. This is what I know from Sfath about the origin of Russia, but it does not say where the actual hatred, rejection and prejudice against Russia come from. It may be that the crisis in Galazia was the origin – perhaps – but to fathom that, that is probably not only impossible, but if you look at it correctly, such hatred, rejection and all the prejudice against Russia is nothing but sheer idiocy. What can the human beings of Russia today do about the fact that their ancestors – if any – were instrumental in bringing about a world war on Earth? A great many stupid and idiotic human beings in the West, mainly in practically all the states of Europe and the USA, seem to be complete idiots, precisely those who think they are better than their neighbour, who in this case is a male or female Russian or the President of Russia. It is mainly he who is attacked full of hatred, prejudice and rejection, while all those good-for-nothings of the rulers of all the other states on Earth who create mischief for the people are hailed to the skies by a pathologically stupid part of their peoples, although their incompetent rulers bring them more mischief than capable rulers would ever be able to do during their time in office. The best example of this has been visible since the spread of the Corona epidemic, namely how incapable of governing that part of the rulers of all countries is who could not order and enforce the right thing to prevent the pandemic, just as all the time since then and today and tomorrow what should be done is not being done. But if a human being is stupid and dumb and therefore incapable of logical, rational and reasonable thinking, then it is only right to ask why such persons are elected to a government post in the first place? Is it also the case that those who vote are incapable of logical, sensible and reasonable thinking and are therefore stupid?
好吧,對俄羅斯的仇恨和厭惡以及偏見當然要早得多,可能要追溯到舊俄羅斯帝國,它在882年作為歐洲的一部分出現,實際上被稱為「基輔羅斯」(Kievan Rus),首都是「基輔」(Kiev),就像今天的烏克蘭(Ukraine)一樣。如果我對Sfath的教導沒有記錯的話,基輔羅斯是最古老的東斯拉夫人(East Slavic)國家,建立於882年,直到1240年左右,由好戰的商人建立,他們實際上是諾曼人(Normans)或瓦良格人(Varangians)或維京人(Vikings),也有瑞典人(Swedes)。據說整個事件是在留里克(Ryurik)或類似人物的贊助下發生的。維京商人是好戰的;他們穿過波羅的海(Baltic Sea),最遠到達拜占庭(Byzantium),也就是後來的君士坦丁堡(Constantinople)和今天土耳其的伊斯坦堡(Istanbul)。最終,維京商人與當地的斯拉夫人混居在一起,此後,舊俄羅斯帝國於882年誕生,涵蓋了這個森林茂密國家的西部,就是今天的白俄羅斯(Belarus)和烏克蘭的北部。這是我從Sfath那裡得知有關俄羅斯的起源,但並沒有說明對俄羅斯的仇恨、排斥和偏見實際上是來自何處。也許加拉太(Galazia)的危機是起源 —— 也許 —— 但要想深究這一點,那不僅是不可能的,而且如果你正確看待它,這種對俄羅斯的仇恨、排斥和所有偏見只不過是純粹的愚蠢行為。今天的俄羅斯人能做什麼?因為他們的祖先 —— 如果有的話 —— 參與了一場地球上席捲世界的戰爭嗎?在西方有許多愚蠢和白癡的人,主要是在歐洲的幾乎所有國家和美國,似乎都是這種十足的白癡,在這種情況下,就是那些自認為比鄰居更好的人,而鄰居則是俄羅斯人或俄羅斯的總統。首先,他受到了充滿仇恨、偏見和排斥的攻擊,而地球上所有其他國家的領導人中那些為人民製造麻煩的廢物,卻被他們人民中那些病態愚蠢的一部分人捧上了天,儘管他們無能的領導人給人民帶來的麻煩,比其任期內所能做的事還要多。這方面最好的例子,就是自冠狀病毒疫情爆發以來,全球國家的某些領導人是多麼的無能,他們不能指導並執行正確的事來防止這種疫情的蔓延,而自那時起一直到現在乃至以後,該做的事情都沒有做。但是,如果一個人又蠢又笨,因此無法進行邏輯、理性和合理的思考,那麼就該問問,為什麼這樣的人會被選出擔任政府領導人?難道投票的人也沒有能力進行邏輯、理智和合理的思考,因此也是愚蠢的嗎?
While the environment continues to be more and more destroyed by agriculture instead of being cared for and is operated commercially, more and more herbicides are being applied to the environment, destroying and poisoning it even more than it has been and has been since time immemorial.
Much of the wild nature is already so damaged by the application of selective and total herbicides and other chemical poisons that many plants have been wiped out and cannot grow again, although they are – even if they are weeds – necessary for nature. Herbicides are so-called 'plant protection products', but in reality, they are used against weeds. The selective poison acts specifically against certain genera and species, while total herbicides have a destructive effect against all plants. But there are also insecticides, i.e. toxins that kill insects, and fungicides, which prevent fungal infestation. Finally, there is the term pesticide, which is actually a collective term and is used for poisons that kill and eradicate undesirable organisms – i.e. insects, fungi and so-called weeds – thus having such a perverse effect on nature that all organisms are wiped out, even though they are vital for the proper existence of nature. However, neither the scientists nor the poison manufacturers, neither the farmers nor the professional poison applicators and other poison users understand all this, so that these poisons continue to be used and applied carelessly, ultimately wiping out and destroying everything. The only thing that matters is the money that is 'earned' with it, because the whole thing is a business worth trillions, whereby the poison producer corporations and the poison users, such as the farmers and gardeners as well as private individuals, enrich themselves silly. And the fact that they are destroying the natural life of the Earth and also their own living space with their use and their actions is of no concern to them, because they do not think one iota about the consequences of their actions. This is also done equally by those who use biocides, for these are poisons that – dumbly and stupidly seen by the human beings – fight, kill and exterminate harmful organisms. Although they are not used to treat living food plants, they nevertheless destroy just as vital organisms of nature as pesticides of all kinds, i.e. herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, consequently must be refrained from.
許多野生的自然環境已經被選擇性和全面性的使用除草劑和其他化學毒藥所破壞,許多植物已經被消滅,無法再生長,儘管它們 —— 即使是雜草 —— 也是自然界所必需的。除草劑是所謂的“植物保護產品”,但實際上,它們是用來對付雜草的。選擇性毒藥專門針對某些屬和種,而全面性除草劑則是對所有植物都有破壞作用。還有殺蟲劑,就是殺死昆蟲的毒素,以及殺真菌劑,是防止真菌的侵襲。而殺蟲劑這個名詞,實際上是一個統稱,是用於殺死和根除不良生物 —— 也就是昆蟲、真菌和所謂的雜草 —— 的毒藥,從而對自然界產生如此不自然的影響,使所有相關生物都被消滅,儘管它們對自然界的正常存在至關重要。然而,無論是科學家還是毒藥製造商,無論是農民還是專業施毒者和其他施毒者,都不瞭解這一切,因此,這些毒藥繼續被使用,被不經意地應用,最終消滅和毀滅了一切。唯一重要的是用它來“賺”錢,因為整個事情是一個價值數萬億的生意,毒藥生產公司和毒藥使用者,如農民和園丁以及個人,都在愚蠢地發財。他們根本不在乎自己這種行為正在破壞地球的自然生命和自己的棲息地,因為他們絲毫不考慮自己行為的後果。那些使用殺生物劑(biocides)的人也是如此,因為這些是毒藥 —— 對人類來說既無知又愚蠢 —— 是對抗、殺死和消滅有害生物的。雖然它們不是用來處理活的食用植物,但它們和各種農藥(pesticides),即除草劑、殺蟲劑和殺菌劑一樣,都會破壞自然界的重要生物,因此必須避免使用。
The organic cultivation of food means that the repellents used to combat food pests of all kinds must also be biological, just as nature dictates. Nature has not given any chemical toxins for the natural control of natural foodstuffs. On the contrary, it has created purely natural substances consisting of plants, insects and other repellents, etc. which repel, fight and destroy foreign harmful invaders and parasites, etc. without harming the crop or the whole environment or even the surroundings.
With the growth of today's overpopulation, pesticide production has followed suit. Countless pesticide factories and corporations have set themselves up for this purpose, so that today the world is flooded with their products and is being destroyed and annihilated ever faster in a way that is so hostile to life that it is already foreseeable that one day the planet will no longer support life. And this will inevitably happen if it is not finally counteracted. This means first and foremost that a controlled birth stop and birth control must be taken worldwide, because the disappearance of the basic evil – overpopulation – can improve everything.
隨著今天人口過剩的增長,農藥的生產也隨之發展。無數的殺蟲劑工廠和公司為此目的而設立,所以今天世界上充斥著他們的產品,並以一種充滿敵意的方式對生命盡速摧毀和消滅,以至於已經可以預見,有一天地球將不再能維持生命。如果最終不加以抵制的話,這種情況將不可避免地發生。這首先意味著必須在全世界採取有效的生育控制和節育措施,因為基本禍害 —— 人口過剩 —— 的消失,就可以改善一切。
The great evil of all destruction and annihilation of the Earth and its environment is the mass of humanity, for it is the original cause of the extinction of the world of natural life-forms, i.e. of the plants and living beings that move themselves – everything that crawls and flies – and it is to blame for the exploitation of the Earth and its nature and for the extinction of the fauna and flora.
對地球及其環境的所有破壞和毀滅的最大罪惡是大量的人類,因為它是自然生命形式世界滅絕的起因,也就是說,植物和自己可以移動的生物 —— 所有爬行和飛行的生物 —— 都要因為人類剝削地球及其自然和動物與植物的滅絕負責。
The mass of humanity is to blame for all the destruction of the environment and the extinction of fauna and flora, because of which the world is being poisoned and rendered unlivable by pesticides. This is in addition to the fact that everything is done and carried out commercially as a result of greed, whereby not only the companies and corporations of all kinds, the farmers, gardeners, etc. and countless private individuals and many other environmental destroyers do everything to make life on planet Earth impossible.
The forests are being exploited and destroyed without measure, as are the fields, meadows and waters of all kinds, even the mountains and the subsoil of the Earth itself; they are being destroyed and filled with rubbish, from which not only the natural creatures are dying miserably, but also the human beings themselves are being poisoned, suffering and becoming hopelessly ill.
To a large extent, much has already been poisoned and ruined without any recourse, and up to 80 percent of the animal and bird world, as well as much of the animal and insect world, and in general everything of free nature, has already been completely wiped out in parts of the Earth. And while I am talking about animals, it is also to be said that in spite of the Animal Protection Act, catastrophic conditions prevail in many places in commercial animal farms, with private animal keepers and in animal research centres for medical development, etc., and the animals and many poultry, animals and other living creatures live in horrible conditions until they are slaughtered – if they do not die miserably beforehand in hellish pain, which is completely irrelevant to the completely unscrupulous animal husbandry operators, who do not have the slightest feeling towards the suffering animals. The situation is no better with the animal transports, because very often the animals are crammed together in such a way in the transporters – as in the facilities where they are bred – and die just as miserably, while others are often still tormented by thirst, which therefore often drives them to frenzy.
在很大程度上,許多東西已經被毒害和毀壞,沒有任何辦法,多達80%的動物和鳥類世界,以及許多動物和昆蟲世界,以及一般大自然的野生動物,已經在地球的部分地區被完全消滅了。在我談論動物的時候,還應該說,儘管有《動物保護法》(Animal Protection Act),但在許多地方的商業動物農場、私人動物飼養者和用於醫學發展的動物研究中心等都存在著災難性的生活條件,動物和許多家禽、動物和其他生物都生活在可怕的環境下,直到牠們被宰殺 —— 如果它們沒有事先在地獄般的痛苦中悲慘地死去,而這與那些完全不擇手段的動物飼養者完全沒有關係,他們對痛苦的動物沒有絲毫感情。動物運輸的情況也好不到哪裡去,因為很多時候,動物在運輸車上被擠在一起 —— 就像在飼養動物的設施裡一樣 —— 也會同樣死得很慘,而其他的動物往往還被口渴所折磨,因此常常被逼得發狂。
It is not enough to say what has been said, for there is much more that should be said, but there would be no end to what could be said, so I will only briefly point out that, for example, arms supplies from arms-producing countries – such as Switzerland, France, Germany, England, Russia and the USA – are supplied to countries that use them to wage war and chastise and oppress their own people by force of arms, in addition to attacking neighbouring countries and subjugating them by war. This is done in the same manner as NATO does, only in a different framework, e.g. in the way it recruits members and expands itself in such a wise that with this international mercenary war organisation it wants to include Russia through NATO member states and thus force it down. But you want to say something, Yanarara.
說了這麼多還不夠,因為應該說的還有很多,但可以說的東西是說不完的,所以我只簡單地指出,例如,來自武器生產國 —— 如瑞士、法國、德國、英國、俄羅斯和美國 —— 的武器供應,除了攻擊鄰國並通過戰爭征服它們之外,還被用於發動戰爭,用武力責罰和壓迫本國人民。這樣做的方式與北約相同,只是在一個不同的框架內,例如,在招募成員和擴大自己勢力的方式上,它想透過這個國際雇傭軍戰爭組織,通過北約成員國將俄羅斯納入其中,從而迫使它屈服。但你想說點什麼,Yanarara。
Yes. What you said about NATO, we Plejaren see nothing good in this organisation and moreover an international army of mercenaries organised and remunerated by the state. Just as on Earth mercenary troops from various private mercenary companies consciencelessly murder many human beings of the civilian population in various states, sexually abuse women and even kill children, many NATO mercenaries also act in the same manner. In this respect, they are no better than the degenerate mercenaries of the private mercenary companies, as we have observed on several occasions during their missions and can observe again and again. We are indeed witnessing atrocious events carried out by mercenaries who behave as the supreme masters of the respective state and know no limits to their reprehensible actions, which will also be the case in the future because this mercenary system is permitted. The French Foreign Legion is also part of this, because it is certainly militarily and state-organised, but it is no more than a mercenary army that has members from all over the world. Even where NATO troops or other foreign or local militaries are already murdering, private mercenary troops are present and do their mischief alongside the others. However, all this is kept secret from the public, and journalists who witness and experience everything and do not keep quiet about it are murdered by the mercenaries, namely by the mercenaries of the private companies, as well as by the mercenaries of NATO and the official military.
What I have to report further, however, relates only briefly to the fact that unfortunately, despite our efforts and endeavours, we have not been able to do much about the energies that are affecting you in your work to such an extent that it has become almost impossible for you to do your work on the computer. The fact that you have nevertheless laboriously and time-consumingly retrieved the reports of the talks and also written them down, borders on the impossible. However, we now hope that some things can be done so that you can work again to a certain extent without being severely impaired.
Exactly, it will be that the Ziltonians can do something with their intervention to make your work easier in the future, for they are very well versed in such energies and forces to be able to paralyse them to a large extent. They do not want to say that they will succeed in everything perfectly, but at least in such a manner that you will be able to work in the future without too bad disturbances and interventions of the foreign energies and forces. They have already proved this several times when the unpleasantness in the attic of the Centre and in your working room occurred, which caused you bad damage and even psychologically harmed you, but this was lifted in time when the Ziltonians had cleared and neutralised everything.
Yes, I remember that well. Engelbert often enough ran up to the attic at night with the loaded Winchester to check on things. But the ruckus always stopped as soon as he appeared upstairs. I also do not forget what happened in my office, which first led to suspicions against me, that I … Fortunately, however, everything cleared up in time and proved that the sectarian energies and forces were the culprits, who first attacked Semjase in … a manner, then Marcel in a similarly evil … manner, even causing him to fall down and break a rib. Hans Benz and Engelbert were the next victims, and then there were also Maria, Amata, Margreth and Olga, some of whom were even addressed with lifelike … motions, but others suffered … attacks in various ways. Elsi Moser also had the same experience, became completely confused and began to run up debts until I had to take the administration of the SSSC away from her and do everything myself from then on. She then went to France, but sought contact with me again through Olga, excused herself through Olga and still wanted to see me personally when she was lying in a sickbed somewhere in Lucerne. However, she died before we could see each other again in person. Amata asked me to go to St. Gallen one day, where Jacobus drove me in his VW, where she apologised. Margreth in Wallisellen apologised in the same manner, as did others, but they demanded that I keep quiet about the matter, precisely because they were afraid that they would be accused of being weirdos and crazy and so on. Professor Hans Bender was horrified when this happened to him and never entered my office again. He was alone in the office at the time when it happened because I was in the adjoining office, and he then left and never came back to Hinterschmidrüti. He telephoned me once more, then I heard nothing more from him. The men and other women also kept silent about their experience of the … attacks in my office, also Maria the …
是的,我記得很清楚。Engelbert經常在晚上拿著裝滿子彈的溫徹斯特步槍(Winchester)跑到閣樓上查看情況。但他一出現在樓上,喧鬧聲就停止了。我也沒有忘記在我的辦公室裡發生的事情,這首先導致了對我的懷疑,說我 ... 不過,幸運的是,一切都及時澄清了,證明教派的能量和勢力才是罪魁禍首,他們首先以 ... 的方式襲擊了Semjase,然後Marcel以同樣邪惡的 ... 方式,甚至使他摔倒,摔斷了一根肋骨。Hans Benz和Engelbert是接下來的受害者,然後還有Maria、Amata、Margreth和Olga,其中一些人甚至被用栩栩如生的 ... 動作來稱呼,但其他人則以各種方式遭受 ... 攻擊。Elsi Moser也有同樣的經歷,她變得完全糊塗了,並開始負債累累,直到我不得不把SSSC的管理權從她手中取回,並從那時起自己處裡一切。後來她去了法國,但通過Olga再次尋求與我聯繫,並透過Olga向我道歉,當她躺在盧塞恩(Lucerne)某處的病床上時,仍然希望能親自見到我。然而,在我們能再次見到對方之前,她就去世了。有一天,Amata讓我去聖加侖(St. Gallen),Jacobus開著他的福斯(VW)汽車送我去,她在那裡向我道歉。瓦利塞倫(Wallisellen)的Margreth以同樣的方式道歉,其他人也是如此,但他們要求我對此事保持沉默,正是因為他們擔心會被指責為怪人和瘋子等等。Hans Bender教授在遇到這種情況時感到十分驚恐,再也沒有進入我的辦公室。事情發生時,辦公室裡只有他一個人,因為我在隔壁的辦公室,然後他就離開了,再也沒有回到Hinterschmidrüti。之後他給我打了一次電話,然後我就再沒有聽到他的消息。有男士和其他婦女也對他們在我的辦公室裡受到的 ... 攻擊的經歷保持沉默,還有Maria... 。
We know all that because Semjase and Ptaah had oriented us about it, but they also mentioned that … Obviously you did not know that and Ptaah ordered us not to talk to you about it because he did not see anything good coming for your mental health.
這一切我們都知道,因為Semjase和Ptaah曾向我們說過此事,但他們也提到 ... 顯然你不知道,Ptaah要求我們不要和你談這些,因為他認為這對你的心理健康沒有任何好處。
… No, I actually did not know that, because obviously behind my back as a result of the hatred towards me, by …, and also more recently by … as well as by …, as well as under the direction of … everything was exploited and … But Ptaah is worried about me, that is not good. I will not let myself be psychologically destroyed as quickly as … did. My psyche is fine again, so I also now have no problems with the fact that I now know what was instigated behind my back, which was obviously arranged by DG. This person is obviously sick in the head and wants to stir up hatred against me by any means – also with lies and court, etc.
… 不,我其實不知道,因為很明顯,在我背後,由於對我的仇恨,由 ... ,以及最近由 ... ,以及在 ... 的指導下,一切都被利用了, ... 但Ptaah擔心我,這不是好事。我不會讓自己在心理上像 ... 那樣迅速被摧毀。我的精神又好了,所以我現在也沒有問題了,我現在知道了在我背後唆使的事情,這顯然是DG安排的。這個人顯然腦子有病,想通過各種手段挑起對我的仇恨 —— 還用謊言和透過法庭等等方式。
That was and probably is the case.
But I was not told anything about it, although it would have been better if I had been informed, because then I could have cleared everything up through a clarifying conversation. Olga and Maria would certainly have helped, because they also suffered from what happened in my office, both in terms of the … assault and the … verbal animation.
但我沒有被告知任何事情,儘管如果我被告知的話會更好,因為那樣我就可以通過澄清的談話來澄清一切了。Olga和Maria肯定會有幫助,因為他們也遭受了在我辦公室發生的事情,無論是 ... 攻擊還是 ... 言語上的攻擊。
Unfortunately, we did not consider that. There was a fear on our part that you would suffer another psychical breakdown, how it happened when Semjase, in the last …
It is good, you do not have to say it, the important thing is that it was not me who was the culprit, it was the sectarian energies and powers; but that took so long for the people to find out for themselves. But when this happened, when they secretly entered my office and experienced the same thing again while I was verifiably in central Switzerland in March, they kept silent towards uninvolved persons. So the same thing happened to them in my office when I was far away. But they kept quiet about it and became afraid, which is why they finally left FIGU. That the same thing was done to them when they were in the office without me, they could not cope with that. When they left the Centre and FIGU, their conscience stirred and they apologised to me after years and told me what really happened. But at that time it was already the case that damage had been done, because various persons – especially the brothers …, and those whom they were able to win over for their rotten deeds and their lies – caused a lot of negative things all over the world with lies that they had taken over and falsified. This is precisely because they were able to spread their lies with the advent of the internet, as also … … did afterwards and probably still does today.
沒關係,你不用說了,重要的是,罪魁禍首不是我,而是教派的能量和勢力;但這花了這麼長時間,大家才自己弄明白。當這件事發生時,證實三月份我在瑞士中部,當時他們偷偷闖入我的辦公室,並時再次經歷同樣的事情時,他們卻對無關的人保持沉默。因此,在我的辦公室裡,當我不再場時,同樣的事情也發生在他們身上。他們對此默不作聲但開始害怕,這就是他們最終離開FIGU的原因。當他們在沒有我在場的辦公室裡,同樣的事情也發生在他們身上,他們無言以對。當他們離開中心和FIGU時,他們的良知被喚醒,多年後他們向我道歉,並告訴我真正發生的事情。但是當時已經造成了傷害,因為有些人 —— 尤其是那倆兄弟 ... ,以及那些他們因自己的惡劣行為和謊言而贏得的支持的人 —— 用他們被採納和編造的謊言在全世界造成了很多負面的東西。這正是因為他們能夠隨著互聯網的出現而傳播他們的謊言,就像後來的 ... 一樣,可能今天仍然如此。
Well, and because all those concerned – who had experiences in my office, precisely because of the sectarian energies and powers by which they were … attacked and even partially addressed – just kept quiet and did not want to make themselves ridiculous and not be called liars, etc. in front of everyone, they left FIGU. But as time went by, they felt remorse and apologised to me, all of them.
好吧,而且因為所有相關的人 —— 他們在我的辦公室有經驗,正是因為他們被 ... 攻擊甚至部分解決的宗派能量和勢力 —— 只是沉默不語,不想讓自己變得可笑,不想在所有人面前被稱為騙子等等,後來他們都離開了FIGU。但隨著時間過去,他們所有人都感到十分懊悔,並向我道歉。
You should not openly name what happened, because antagonists are always ready to accuse you of it and slander you without clarifying the matter, as would be required of those who accuse you unjustly. In order to really fathom the truth and not simply believe it as such from hearsay, more is needed than hatred of you and the lies that are meant to harm you. But hatred and lies are more powerful among human beings on Earth than reality and its truth, and this is even the case with the judiciary, which tends towards the innocence, advantage, benefit and victory of the truly guilty when they are falsely convinced. And that you were also disadvantaged in this respect and everything was decided to your detriment, this is unfortunately also so in your inner family, where …, accused you …, as you did us with the …. Unfortunately, none of the persons – not even Semjase – spoke openly about these … incidents in your workroom, so there is nothing in writing. But perhaps it is good that way, because you are suspected, insulted and attacked by … but … It is probably the character of these persons or their individual imprint of their acquired bad qualities that they express in their will and actions. This is decisively the case with all those whom I have personally analysed character-wise, e.g. in a decisive position as a hateful agitator person DG, as well as the person responsible for everything …, then also … and …
你不應該公開說出所發生的事情,因為站在對立面的人總是準備指責你,誹謗你,而不是對那些不公正地指控你的人的要求澄清事實。為了真正瞭解真相,而不是從道聼塗説中相信事情是這樣,我們需要的不僅僅是對你的仇恨和那些有意傷害你的謊言。但仇恨和謊言在地球上的人類中比現實和它的真相更有力量,甚至司法部門也是如此,當主判官員被誤導而被說服時,他們會傾向於相信真正罪犯的清白、優點、利益並判其獲勝。而你在這方面也處於不利地位,一切決定都對你不利,遺憾的是,這也發生在你的家庭中,在那裡 ... ,指責你 ... ,就像你對我們的 ...。可惜沒有一個人 —— 甚至是Semjase —— 在你的工作間公開談論這些 ... 事件,所以沒有任何書面材料。但也許這樣也好,因為你被懷疑、被侮辱、被攻擊 ... 但 ... 這可能是這些人的性格,或者他們在意志和行動中所表現出來的後天不良品質的個人特徵。所有我親自從性格上分析過的人都是這種情況,例如,處於決定性地位的仇恨煽動者DG,以及對一切負責的人 ... ,然後還有 ... 和 ... 。
Yes, I suppose you are right, but let us leave that, because I think anyway I will just put dots for what we have talked about in more detail – also for those I have mentioned by name in the context of evil. That will certainly be best, because I think that one should not say too much about it anyway, and besides, I think that the whole thing will not be understood anyway by human beings who do not have a closer insight into the matter, consequently they deny incidents as they happened. On the other hand, it is certainly also the case that it does not want to be understood that such things occur at all, or that it cannot be coped with personally, which is something that Professor Hans Bender was also unable to do, after all, he dealt with such phenomena parapsychologically, but was unable to cope with them when they happened to him in my office. He left and never came back, and what he did say was that he telephoned me and said that what he had experienced in my office had been too much for him and that he, as an 'expert', could not cope with it. The whole thing, he said, was just something different from what he noticed and was told about something in other human beings than what he had experienced himself. After that, there was only one more telephone call, when a woman addressed a short telephone call to me instead of Hans Bender, saying that he, Hans Bender, would never set foot in the Centre again and would never set foot in my office again, because what he had experienced was the most monstrous thing he had ever experienced. Various others did the same, even though they lived here in the Centre, and also after the rascals [the Andromedans from Zilton] were here and the spooking actually stopped, which was only in the 1990s, after … … had simply left without a sound and from then on undertook unpleasant things from abroad against the FIGU members and against me with slanderous lies.
是的,我想你是對的,但讓我們離開這個話題,因為我想無論如何,我將只會在我們談到的細節部分以點點點(…)代替 —— 包括我提到與邪惡有關的那些內容。這樣肯定是最好的,因為我認為,無論如何都不應該說太多,而且我也認為,整個事情不會被那些對此事沒有深入瞭解的人所理解,因此他們會否認事件的發生。另一方面,當然也是全然不想讓人理解這種事情的發生,或者說不能讓人獨自面對,這即使是Hans Bender教授也做不到,畢竟他從超心理學的角度來處理這種現象,但是當這種現象發生在我的辦公室裡時,他卻無法應付得了。他離開後再也沒有回來,他打電話給我,說他在我的辦公室裡所經歷的事情對他來說太過沉重,他即使作為一個“專家”也無法應付。他說,整個事情與他發現到的和被告知的事情與他自己所經歷的事情不同。在那之後,只有一通電話,一個女人代替Hans Bender給我打了一通簡短的電話,說他,Hans Bender,永遠不會再踏入中心,永遠不會再踏入我的辦公室,因為他所經歷的是他所經歷過最可怕(monstrous)的事情。其他一些人也是類似這樣的說法,儘管他們住在中心這裡,而且在那些小淘氣[來自Zilton星的仙女座星系人(Andromedans)]來過之後,幽靈(spooking)實際上已經停止了,而這只是在1990年代的事,在…之後,... 就這樣無聲無息地離開了,而從那時起,他們就從國外針對FIGU成員和我進行了一些不愉快的騷擾,並提出了誹謗性的謊言。
You will do well not to mention names and to replace everything that refers to certain persons in this context with dots.
I guess you can say that out loud, and it is probably to keep quiet about who it really concerns. After all, there are also a lot of other things that have been kept quiet from time immemorial until now.
What are you trying to say?
Oh, just like that.
That is where I know you better than Zafenatpaneach, because you are thinking of something specific, otherwise you would not mention it.
You are also noticing everything – – Actually it was just a thought, because when I said 'silence' I was thinking of various writers.
你也在注意到了 —— 其實這只是一個想法,因為當我說“保密”時,我想到的是不同的作家。
But what connection does this show? I really do not understand that now?
Because they were also silent about the fact that they used certain sources that were outside the norm.
I really do not understand that, because what you are trying to say is a mystery to me?
In and of itself, it is not so important, but sometimes certain things go through my mind when I digress a little and compare other things. In this case, it was the great writers, many of whom were only great with their works because they were inspired by their dreams, which they allowed themselves to have with hemp.
[中譯者註:這裡用的火麻(hemp)一詞,古中國稱漢麻、枲麻、苴麻,通稱大麻,俗稱麻,是大麻(Cannabis sativa)的品種之一,源產於中國,是大麻很久以前散播到亞洲各地的兩個變種之一,在中國已有六千餘年的種植歷史,可以被當成食用作物、經濟作物、藥物與工業原料。(資料來自《維基百科》)
而一般所稱的大麻(Cannabis sativa)也是大麻科大麻屬植物的物種之一,本種外表高大瘦長、葉子長而狹窄,因為含有大麻素成份,可作為醫療與娛樂性藥物使用,但在許多國家則被視為毒品禁止。(資料來自《維基百科》]
? ? What's that all about?
? ? 這到底是怎麼回事?
Some great writers just kept quiet about the fact that they only wrote good works because they were inspired by indulging in cannabis. This is actually the Latin word for hemp, and is used worldwide for a THC-containing (Explanatory dictionary: tetrahydrocannabinol; which, depending on the country, falls under its narcotics laws) and usually pressed hemp product, which is more precisely extracted from the female hemp plant as 'resin', which is commonly simply called hashish and has well over 500 different components and about 60 cannabinoids. The whole thing is made from dried flowers as well as from hemp leaves covered with resins, which have a lot of THC, but also other hemp substances, so-called cannabinoids. They have also extracted CBD (Explanatory dictionary: non-psychoactive ingredient of the hemp plant), which, however, does not fall under narcotics laws.
一些偉大的作家只是閉口不談,他們只是因為沉迷於大麻(cannabis)而獲得靈感,才能寫出好作品的事實。這實際上是火麻(hemp)的拉丁語,在全世界指的是一種含有四氫大麻酚(解釋詞典:四氫大麻酚;根據不同的國家,屬於其麻醉品法律)的大麻產品,通常是壓榨出來的,更確切地說,是從雌性大麻植物中提取的“樹脂” (resin),通常簡稱為大麻,有遠遠超過500種不同的成分和大約60種大麻素。整個東西是由乾燥花以及覆蓋著樹脂的麻葉製成的,其中有大量的四氫大麻酚,但也有其他大麻物質,即所謂的大麻素。他們還提取了CBD(解釋詞典:大麻植物的非精神活性成分),不過,這不屬於麻醉品法律的範圍。
You say that the great writers on Earth …
你說,地球上的偉大作家 ...
Yes, many great names of such persons Sfath already named. They took hashish and other psycho drugs to write great books or otherwise be great with what they 'proclaimed' and said to the world. For example, there were greats like …, and … but also … and in more recent times … and also …, but also greats like … etc. who used drugs to enable themselves to write great books. Also, very many of them wrote various works under pseudonyms – and indeed women and men – of whom it has never been known to this day that they were really well-known literary personalities, but otherwise wrote things, pamphlets, letters, brochures and also books under pseudonyms, which they were never allowed to mark with their correct names, because otherwise they would have been 'sold' among the peoples – or would be, if they did so today or tomorrow, as is done.
是的,Sfath已經點名了很多這樣的大人物。他們服用「哈希什」(hashish;又稱「印度大麻」)和其他精神藥物,以寫出偉大的書籍,或以其他方式向世界“宣揚”和講述偉大的言論。例如,有像 ... 和 ... 這樣的偉人,也有像 ... 這樣的偉人,還有最近的 ... ,也有像 ... 這樣的偉人,他們使用毒品使自己能夠寫出偉大的著作。此外,他們中的許多人用假名寫了各種作品 —— 事實上,有婦女和男士 —— 至今都不知道他們是否真的是知名的文學人物,但除此之外,他們還用假名寫了一些東西、小冊子、信件、資料手冊,還有書籍,他們從來不允許標註上他們的真實姓名,因為否則他們就會被大眾“出賣” —— 或者如果他們今天或明天這樣做,就像現在這樣做的話。
Various authors who are very well-known in the literary world have published and continue to publish books, letters, diatribes, satirical writings and pamphlets of all kinds under foreign names – that is, under pseudonyms. They even wrote and published letters, writings and books that were special pornographic literature, which they were not allowed to mark with their well-known names, otherwise, they would have been discredited. This applies to men as well as women, with known names, although I know of one person that he used and continues to use about 180 pseudonyms to bring his true manner of thinking among the earthlings. It is also still common today to act in this way, because some human beings do not want to keep what they think, do and live for themselves alone, but share it with others who are of the same or similar mind.
在文學界非常有名的各種作者都曾用其他的名字 —— 也就是用筆名 —— 出版各種書籍、信件、抨擊文章、諷刺作品和小冊子。他們甚至寫了和出版了屬於特殊色情文學的信件、著作和書籍,他們不允許用他們自己的大名,否則,他們就會名聲掃地。這既適用於男性,也適用於女性,儘管我認識一個人,都有知名的名字,但他使用了大約180個假名,把他的真實思維方式傳達到地球人中間。今天以這種方式行事的人也仍然很常見,因為有些人不想把他們的想法、行為和生活單獨保留給自己,而是想與其他有相同或類似想法的人分享。
This is known to us, but this fact is effectively concealed from the public because apparently the appearance of infallibility and irreproachability is to be – or must be – preserved. This also applies to the whole of what is within the framework of faith, without distinction, which is the case in every religion and religious orientation, as we know from clarifications. In all religions, there is vehement and emphatic concealment of what actually occurs behind the scenes – mainly in sexual relationships in the adult sphere and with regard to paedophilia, i.e. recurring strong sexual acts and compulsions or behaviour even involving children of all ages, even down to infants of both sexes. However, adults are also affected, whereby many have to remain silent and cannot talk about it, because otherwise, they would lose a lot and even lose their lives. Again and again, we find that quite often religious leaders and religious teachers officially adhere to the 'order of the faith', but really only officially, because on the side they are secretly so addicted to sexual lust, as is also the majority of humanity. Even various married people, as well as unmarried people of the religious leadership and religious teachers, are no exception in this respect, for many of them – men as well as women – do not shy away from secretly living out their sexual needs with their own kind or with the religious believers. We are even aware of clandestine births among women prescribed to religion, as well as the 'disposal' of such birthed babies, but also observations of paedophilia among both sexes of the religious teachers and the religious leaderships.
這方面我們是知道的,但這一事實被有效地隱瞞了,因為顯然要 —— 或必須 —— 保持無懈可擊和無可指責的表象。這也適用於信仰架構內的全部內容,沒有區別,我們從詳述中知道,每個宗教和宗教的目標都是如此。在所有的宗教中,都強烈地掩蓋了背後實際發生的事情 —— 主要是在成人領域的性關係和「戀童癖」(paedophilia)方面,即反復出現的強烈的性行為和強迫症或行為,甚至涉及所有年齡段的兒童,甚至包括兩性的嬰兒。然而,成年人也受到影響,許多人不得不保持沉默,不能談論此事,因為否則,他們會失去很多,甚至失去生命。我們一再發現,宗教領袖和宗教教師往往在正式場合上謹遵“信仰秩序”,但實際上那只是表面上的,因為他們在暗地裡沉迷於性欲,就像大多數的人類一樣。即使是各種已婚人士,以及宗教領袖和宗教教師的未婚人士,在這方面也不例外,因為他們中的許多人 —— 不論男性和女性 —— 並不迴避與他們的同類或與宗教信徒秘密進行他們的性需求。我們甚至知道,在宗教規定的婦女中,有秘密生育的情況,以及對這些生育的嬰兒的“處理”方式,但也觀察到宗教教師和宗教領袖中的男女戀童癖。
With the religious leaders you probably mean the superiors or bigwigs of the religions, and with the religious teachers those who, as preachers and preachers of religion, look after their sheep of faith, who are called differently in the various religions, such as, for example, in the case of Christians the 'clergyman' or pastor, priest and preacher, and in Islam the prayer leader or imam, Ayatollah, Caliph, Hodja Islam and Mufti. With the Jews, however, it is the rabbi, but with Hinduism it is the guru. Buddhism, which is not a theoistic religion, has a lama (lamas) who endeavours to offer the teaching.
But now I want to say something regarding paedophilia. This is driven by recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies about children, and especially by urges or behaviours that correspond to them. First and foremost, young adolescents in a pre-pubescent phase get lost in these fantasies, but also adults of both sexes in particular, although sexually deviant men are usually at the forefront in this respect. They are not only deviant, but also many years older than the children who are the target of their fantasies and behaviour.
Paedophilia is a form of paraphilia which, in addition to sexual abuse, is aimed mainly at harming children, even to the point of murdering them. Sexual assaults that affect children and usually harm them throughout their lives are very common. This, while elsewhere many sexual assaults and coercions, etc. are simply freely invented – also with regard to adults – in order to take revenge and retaliation for some reason, or to extort money, etc., as has become common especially in recent times, especially out of evil revenge and also because of the money that is hoped for as 'compensation'.
戀童癖(Paedophilia)是一種性變態(paraphilia),除了性虐待之外,主要是為了傷害兒童,甚至是為了殺害他們。影響兒童並通常傷害他們一生的性侵犯行為非常普遍。雖然在其他地方,許多性侵犯和脅迫等只是自行編造的 —— 也是針對成年人的 —— 為了因某種原因進行報復和打擊,或勒索錢財等,特別是在近代變得很普遍,尤其是出於惡意的報復,也是因為希望得到“補償”的金錢。
Sexual guidelines in this regard are valued differently in Western cultures than in many Far Eastern or Oriental cultures, as paedophilia and general sexual activity, marriage and childbirth may be commonplace at much younger ages, and thus much greater age differences between sexual partners are accepted. Most paedophiles and rapists of women and also men – which is less well known – are male, but there are indeed also females who sexually abuse children as paedophiles, as well as their own and men – which is also less well known but does occur, albeit to a lesser extent.
西方文化對這方面性規範的評價與許多遠東或東方文化有所不同,因為戀童癖和一般的性活動、婚姻和生育可能在更小的年齡就很普遍,因此性伴侶之間的年齡差異大得多,也會被接受。大多數戀童癖者以及強姦婦女與男性的人 —— 這一點不太為人所知 —— 都是男性,但確實也有女性作為戀童癖者對兒童進行性虐待,以及對自己的孩子和男人進行性虐待 —— 這一點也不為人所知,但確實存在,儘管程度較輕。
Paedophilia can be towards young boys, girls or both, although paedophiles prefer children of the opposite sex.
In many cases, the child knows the adults as a family member – resulting in incest when the paedophilic act occurs – a step-parent, a friend or a person of authority, such as a teacher or otherwise a person of instruction or acquaintance, and so on. Paedophiles can be exclusively attracted to children – or also exclusively to adults, but pronounced paedophilia refers only to the sexual abuse of children.
在許多情況下,孩子知道這些成年人是家庭成員 —— 當戀童癖行為發生時,會導致亂倫 —— 如繼父母、朋友,或者是權威人士,如教師或其他指導或熟人等等。戀童癖者可能只被兒童吸引 —— 也可能只被成年人吸引,但常稱的戀童癖只是指對兒童的性虐待。
However, there is also the criminal paedophile, which is associated with a comorbidity or concomitant disorder, which manifests itself as a socially hostile personality disorder, associated with threats of violence. It also frequently occurs that the paedophilia victim is threatened that e.g. his toy will be destroyed or a pet belonging to him will be injured or killed, etc. if he talks about the paedophilic abuse with someone.
… … …
This is actually what I have to say, and what I learned especially from Sfath nearly 80 years ago and have never forgotten. He knew a lot more about the human psyche than is peculiar to earthly psychologists, who fancy themselves kings of their field, but in reality and truth know very little.
He was really very knowledgeable in this subject, which he also taught on Erra and was a master of it.
I did not know that, though, because I never asked him about his education in that regard. That he was very largely educated, that was never a question for me, and after he left I never met another human being who equalled him.
He was really extraordinary and also well-rounded in education.
Then I guess I can talk about something that has actually been talked about before, but would still have to come up – right?
那我想我可以談一談以前其實已經談過的事情,但還是可以談的 —— 對嗎?
Sure, you can also talk about something that has been talked about before if something is not clear.
Good, do any of you know about 'our' Charles Darwin, is that a household name to any of you?
很好,你們有誰知道“我們的”查爾斯.達爾文(Charles Darwin),對你們來說,這是一個家喻戶曉的名字嗎?
Yes, I have dealt with that, I mean with that man and what he claimed regarding the origin of human beings.
And the rest of you, do you have any knowledge regarding this Darwin?
I do not either.
Just Zafenatpaneach then – The thing is, in the 1940s, when we were in Germany at the Messel Pit, Sfath explained to me that the human beings of Earth were never of chimpanzee origin, as Charles Darwin conjectured and also asserted to Sfath, though he did not officially state his conjectural theory, namely that human beings were descended from apes – even though this is generally so asserted. I must say something more specific about this, namely what I learned from Sfath, which is something different from what is generally told. Admittedly, I will therefore also be attacked without limits in this matter by Darwin theory fanatics, but especially by scientists who have sworn by the results of molecular biology and who represent their theory in this respect that they interpret them correctly – although they draw false conclusions from the technically correct results. But that is the way it is, and it will – as usual – also remain that way for centuries, until one day in the distant future the truth comes to light, when the progress of technology will allow us to effectively solve the mysteries of the past by making a return trip to their past reality possible. Until then, however, the Darwinian theory of evolution will be preserved and misinterpreted, especially because scientists see the results of molecular biology in the wrong wise and unfortunately falsely interpret them accordingly. And it will take a very, very long time before the truth of reality will come to light – if ever.
那就只有Zafenatpaneach了 —— 事情是這樣的,在1940年代,當我們在德國的梅塞爾坑(Messel Pit)時,Sfath向我解釋說,地球上的人類從來就不是黑猩猩的後代,就像查爾斯.達爾文推測的那樣,他也向Sfath斷言,儘管他沒有正式說明他的推測理論,也就是人類是類人猿的後代 —— 儘管一般的看法都是這樣。我必須對此說得更具體一些,也就是我從Sfath那裡瞭解到的情況,這與一般人的看法不同。誠然,我也會因此在這個問題上受到達爾文理論狂熱者永無止盡的攻擊,但特別是那些對分子生物學(molecular biology)的結果信誓旦旦並在這方面代表他們理論的科學家,他們對這些結果的解釋是正確的 —— 儘管他們從技術上正確的結果卻得出錯誤的結論。但事實就是如此,而且也將像往常一樣,在幾個世紀內保持這種狀態,直到在遙遠未來的某一天,真相才會浮出水面,屆時技術的進步將使我們能夠有效地解決過去的謎團,使回到過去的現實成為可能。然而,在此之前,達爾文的進化論將被保留並被曲解,特別是由於科學家們以錯誤的眼光看待分子生物學的結果,並不幸地據此進行錯誤的解釋。而現實的真相將需要非常、非常久的時間才能顯現出來 —— 如果有的話。
According to Sfath – he knew Darwin personally – the human being of the Earth developed from a completely different lineage, namely from a being that lived about 47 million years ago and appeared – if I may say so – on all the continents of that time, but differed in its peculiarity of appearance and in its skin colour as well as in certain organs. It was an animal that had a long tail but already had 5 toes and 5 fingers. In the course of its evolution, the creature lost the tail, which regressed, which took millions of years, but in the course of time or evolution, the creature then developed into a tailless creature, from which the prehistoric man emerged. This was already explained to me by Sfath in the 1940s, but it was also discussed with Ptaah in the 727th Contact conversation and the following recording was included in the contact report, which I will add here again because it shows the being in its skeletal form. One must point out here the difference that the term 'theory' has in science and in everyday language. In science, a 'theory' means a representation of some aspect of reality. The more closely the theory corresponds to reality, the better the predictions of that very theory will be. In everyday language, we use the term 'theory' rather disparagingly for something still immature that does not have much to do with reality. In science, theories that have often grown over decades allow us to make far-reaching statements about the nature of our world. What I want to say, however, relates to what Sfath found in the Messel Pit in Germany and is estimated to be about 45 million years old. An identical fossil was also found by our researchers, of which this photo was taken:
根據Sfath的說法 —— 他認識達爾文本人 —— 地球上的人類是從一個完全不同的血統發展而來的,也就是從一個生活在大約四千七百萬年前的生物發展而來 —— 如果我可以這麼說的話 —— 在當時的所有大陸上出現,但在其外觀的特殊性和皮膚顏色以及某些器官上有所不同。這是一種有長尾巴但已經有5個腳趾和5個手指的動物。在進化的過程中,這種動物的尾巴退化了,這花了幾百萬年的時間,而在這段時間的進化過程中,這種生物發展成了無尾的生物,史前人類就是從這種生物中出現的。Sfath在1940年代已經向我解釋過這個問題,而在《第727次接觸報告》中我也與Ptaah討論過這個問題,下面的紀錄包含在那次接觸報告中,我將在此再次引用,因為它顯示了該生物的骨骼形態。這裡必須指出“理論”一詞在科學和日常語言中的區別。在科學中,“理論”意味著對現實的某些方面的表述。理論與現實的對應關係越密切,該理論的預測就越好。在日常語言中,我們用“理論”一詞相當貶低地表示與現實沒有太大關係的尚不成熟的東西。在科學中,通常經過幾十年發展的理論使我們能夠對我們世界的本質作出深遠的陳述。然而,我想說的是與Sfath在德國梅塞爾坑中發現的的化石有關,那估計約有四千五百萬年的歷史。我們的研究人員也發現了一個類似的化石,這張照片就是從中拍攝的:
Messel Pit near Darmstadt, where Sfath and I found a fossil from the Tertiary, Eocene period.
達姆施塔特(Darmstadt)特附近的梅塞爾坑,Sfath和我在那裡發現了第三紀(Tertiary Period)、始新世(Eocene)時期的化石。
Also, according to Sfath, the human beings of the Earth emerged from the natural evolution of living beings on the planet not only in Africa, nor did they migrate northwards on the Earth, as earthly science claims, but human beings evolved on the various continents almost simultaneously, if we may call the periods of about 800,000 years 'almost simultaneously'. There were clearly so-called primaeval human beings of various sizes, namely giants who reached almost 4.50 metres, then the smallest who were not even a full 60 centimetres tall, while in between all sizes occurred. They all descended from creatures that existed in various similar forms about 45 million years ago, but which had been evolving worldwide for about 90 million years alongside the large ape creatures, and thus alongside what the Earthling called 'apes'. Of these beings, the first species developed in the region of today's North Africa – where Egypt is today – for the first time as the original human being, after which the other first species developed where Russia and Asia are today, but also everywhere on Earth in many original countries. The first of these human beings appeared a little more than 16 million years ago, as Sfath explained, that is, about 13 to 14 million years earlier than earthly science estimates today and old skeletons have been found. And these primitive human beings were, according to our sense, human eaters [cannibals] who maintained themselves as such until a few tens of thousands of years ago, whereby they then also invented bloodthirsty gods and then offered them human sacrifices, and so on. But for thousands of years, they still ate their own kind, killing them in trades, sacrifices and also in acts of hostility, which has been preserved to this day in individual cases, when the ancient manner of devouring human beings is still able to breakthrough. I myself have seen and experienced that this is the case when, on the one hand, I travelled the world with Sfath and was also with correct man-eaters who killed and ate their enemies. On the other hand, I have seen and experienced that today's so-called 'civilised' people 'slaughtered' and ate their weakest in times of need, just as others in their need used the starving or those otherwise doomed to death as food. But even today it still happens now and then that human beings are killed and eaten when the old desire for it breaks through.
另外,根據Sfath的說法,地球上的人類從地球上生物的自然進化中出現,不只是在非洲,也沒有像地球科學界所宣稱的那樣在地球上向北遷移,而是人類幾乎同時在各大洲進化,如果我們可以把大約八十萬年的時期稱為“幾乎同時”的話。顯然,有各種尺寸的所謂原始人類(primaeval human beings),有高達近4.5公尺的巨人,然後是最矮的,那是甚至不到60公分的人,而在這兩者之間也出現了各種高矮體型的人。他們都是約四千五百萬年前以各種類似形式存在的生物之後代,但他們在全世界與大型猿類生物已經一起進化了約九千萬年,因此與地球人所說的“猿類”一起進化。在這些生物中,第一個物種在今天的北非地區 —— 今天的埃及 —— 第一次發展成為原始人(original human being),之後其他的第一個物種在今天的俄羅斯和亞洲的地方發展起來,但也在地球上的許多原始國家中到處發展。正如Sfath所解釋的那樣,這些人類(human beings)中的第一個出現在1600萬年前,也就是說,比今天地球科學界的估計和已經發現的古老骨骼早了大約1300到1400萬年。而根據我們的察覺,這些原始人類是吃人的[食人族],他們一直保持著這樣的狀態,直到幾萬年前,在這種習性下,他們還發明了嗜血的神,然後向他們提供人祭等等。但幾千年來,他們仍然吃自己的同類,在交易、祭祀中殺死他們,也在敵對行為中殺死他們,這在個別情況下一直保留到今天,當時吞噬人類的古老方式仍然能夠突顯出來。我自己就看到並體驗到了這種情況,一方面,我和Sfath一起周遊世界,和真正的食人族在一起,他們殺死並吃掉了他們的敵人。另一方面,我也看到並經歷了今天所謂的“文明”人在需要的時候“宰殺”並吃掉他們最弱的人,就像其他人在需要的時候把快餓死的人或註定要死的人當作食物。但即使在今天,當舊有欲望突顯時,人類被殺害和吃掉的情況仍然時有發生。
Charles Darwin is also said to have manipulated old chimpanzee bones to prove his theory of evolution, Sfath said at the time. Unfortunately, I do not know what he did and to what extent, but I do know from Sfath's explanation that another forger later appeared, a certain Charles Dawson, who about 30 years after Darwin's death found the so-called 'Piltdown Man', the alleged 'early man' or his supposed fossil skull, which he in fact forged, as Darwin did with at least one of his finds, as Sfath explained.
Sfath當時曾說,據說查爾斯.達爾文也曾假造老黑猩猩的骨頭來證明他的進化論。可惜我不知道他做了什麼以及做到什麼程度,但我從Sfath的解說中知道,後來出現了另一個偽造者,一個叫Charles Dawson的人,他在達爾文死後大約三十年發現了所謂的“皮爾當人”(Piltdown Man),即所謂的“早期人類”或其所謂的頭骨化石,事實上他偽造了這些化石,而正如Sfath所說的,達爾文也至少對他的一項發現進行了偽造。
In terms of evolutionary biology, the human being of the Earth is actually not a late bloomer among living beings, as is generally said by anthropologists, because they appeared at the latest about 90 million years ago and then about 47 million years ago as a precursor of the beings that eventually developed into human beings, but which had 5 fingers and 5 toes very early in their development. As precursors of the human beings, the 'apes' and the actual ape beings, they developed the 'grasping tools' or the hands with five fingers quite early. Of course, at that time the creatures were not given a human form, but an animal form, which in the course of millions of years developed into the human being, the earthling, which then developed into a human-like form for the first time 12 to 15 million years ago. So there can be no question of the human being having evolved 'late' when the overall evolution of all living beings on the planet Earth is taken into account. If my intellect and my reason reach so far that I see and understand the 'very late' correctly, as the anthropologists conceive it, then the emergence of Earth human beings is not to be considered 'very late', if one takes into account that the emergence of the first living beings is to be dated approx. 3.8 to 4 billion years ago. These living beings were still tiny at that time and first had to develop over long periods of time into what we call animal forms, creatures, feathered creatures, other living creatures and the like, which changed again in the course of time, so that the old life-forms passed away, changed and new forms arose. And this has been the case since the beginning of life on Earth, as it is today and will also be in the future. Also, since time immemorial, many have become extinct because living conditions changed, or they were wiped out by human beings as a result of their thoughtlessness, self-importance and irresponsibility.
From a systematic point of view, the human being is a living being that has a spinal column that makes him/her more mobile in many ways, much more mobile than the vertebrates and vertebrate animals in general, which, according to their genus or species, are far inferior to the spinal column being human beings and are incapable of handling, doing and carrying out the same things as they are able to do because of their spinal system. This, although the ape beings have fundamentally more limbs than the human being, they are beings who have nothing to do with the human being, not even if certain ape species come close to the human being with their genetic make-up.
從系統的角度來看,人是一個有脊柱(spinal column)的生命體,這使他/她在許多方面更有活動能力,比一般的脊椎動物(vertebrate)的活動能力要強得多,而脊椎動物根據牠們的屬或種,遠不如是脊柱的人類,由於無法處理、做出和執行如同人類的脊柱系統所能做的事情。而在這方面,雖然猿人從根本上說,是比人類有更強壯的四肢,但牠們是與人類毫無關係的生命,即使某些猿類的基因構成接近於人類,也是如此。
Furthermore, it is given to the human being that, apart from their spinal column, they are capable of the conscious evolutionary development of the bodily movements – in contrast to the most diverse animals and creatures, which, as spinal column-bearing living beings, are hardly, or only to the smallest exten,t capable of this in comparison to the human beings –, they also have a conscious awareness, which enables them to develop logic, understanding and reason, which allows them to act according to these high values. This includes, first and foremost, conscious thought and action, and thus also the invention, construction and use of all that they are able to produce in logic, understanding and reason.
此外,人類被賦予的是,除了他們的脊柱,他們還能夠有意識地進化發展他的身體運動 —— 對照各種各樣的動物和生物,與作為有脊柱的人類相比,牠們幾乎沒有或只有極少的能力 —— 而人類具有一種有意識的自覺,這使他們能夠發展邏輯、理解和理性,使他們能夠按照這些崇高的價值觀行事。這首先包括有意識的思考和行動,因此也包括發明、建造和使用他們在邏輯、理解和理性方面所能產生的一切。
The human being as a living being capable of conscious logic, likewise conscious understanding and conscious reason, does not in any way belong to the class of spine-bearing mammals, nor to the order of the so-called apes, as they are wrongly called, such as the chimpanzee, dwarf chimpanzee bonobo, gibbon, gorilla and orangutan. These are not at all 'related' to human beings, the 'Homo sapiens', since their primordial origin, as the false doctrine of Charles Darwin claimed and today's followers are also 'convinced' of this Darwin theory, even though there is a high degree of hereditary equality. Thus, already 47 million years ago, the first forms of the human ancestors and those of the genus and species chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan were fundamentally different.
人類作為能夠有意識的邏輯思維,同樣有意識的理解和有意識的理性生命體,絕不屬於有脊柱的哺乳動物類,也不屬於所謂的猿類,如黑猩猩、矮黑猩猩倭黑猩猩、長臂猿、大猩猩和紅毛猩猩等等,因為它們被錯誤地稱為類人猿。而這些猿類,由於牠們的原始起源,牠們絕不像查爾斯.達爾文的錯誤學說所宣稱的那樣與人類,也就是“智人”(Homo sapiens)有絲毫“關係”,即使兩者之間存在高度的基因相似性,但如今達爾文的追隨者卻“相信”這種理論。早在四千七百萬年前,人類祖先的最初形態與黑猩猩、大猩猩和紅毛猩猩等屬和種的形態就已經有了根本的不同。
Altogether, the ape creatures are grouped into about 350 species and given the designation apes or primates as mammalian creatures. Subsequently, however, large and small 'apes' are named, whereby the small ones belong to the family of gibbons living in Southeast Asia and the large ones to the orangutans. In Africa, on the other hand, live the large so-called 'apes', the gorillas and the chimpanzees, although these have nothing to do with humans or Homo sapiens, i.e. they are neither relatives nor cousins of the human beings.
The most striking feature of the human beings and the so-called 'apes' is that they have no tail and are usually larger and heavier than actual human beings, and also hold themselves upright as actual ape beings. The thorax of the human beings, as well as of the so-called 'apes' – which are, so to speak, an intermediate evolution between the human beings and the apes and consequently a separate and special species – is also much broader than that of the real apes. Another and very important feature is also to be noted in the 'apes', namely that their brains are much more complex and larger in relation to their bodies than in effective ape creatures. This requires a much longer developmental period, which means that pregnancy and the time until adulthood is much longer, as Sfath already explained to Charles Darwin, who, however, did not want to be taught, and accordingly even today – at least in this respect – anthropology is based on false assumptions.
人類和所謂的“類人猿”最顯著的特徵是沒有尾巴,通常比真正的猿類生物更大更重,而且還能像真正的猿類生物一樣直立。人類的胸腔和所謂的“類人猿” —— 可以說是人類和猿類之間的中間進化體,因此是一個獨立的特殊物種 —— 也比真正的猿類寬得多。在“類人猿”中還可以注意到另一個非常重要的特徵,即他們的大腦比真正的猿類生物複雜得多,相對於他們的身體來說也大得多。這需要更長的發育期,這意味著懷孕和直到成年的時間要長得多,正如Sfath已經向查爾斯.達爾文解釋的那樣,然而他並不想接受教導,因此,即使在今天 —— 至少在這方面 —— 人類學(anthropology)仍是基於錯誤的假設。
The original form of living beings, from which humans, 'apes' and all primates finally developed over many millions of years through natural evolution, goes back in its beginning to about 90 million years ago, i.e. that they already lived and developed at the time of the dinosaurs. In the course of evolution, however, more and more genera of living beings and their species also developed, with many dying out again, while others split up and again into new species.
Darwin was not in a position in his time to provide evidence for his theories in the way that today's molecular biology techniques largely can, some of which provide indisputable and unequivocal evidence, such as that the genus 'chimpanzee' shares around 98% of DNA and almost all genes in common with human beings. This of course tempts – even scientists – to assume that there is some connection between human beings and chimpanzees. However, from this, I mean from the 98% of the DNA and the genes, it is not possible to deduce that human beings are descended from chimpanzees and have the same or a similar evolutionary line. This is by no means the case, nor is the scientific theory that the early ancestors of the human beings and the chimpanzee could 'perhaps be cousins'. Think of 'cousinship', for this, contrary to 'perhaps cousins', really has to do with a reality. In reality, it is not possible to deduce that humans and the 'apes' really had common ancestors, from which chimpanzees and human beings then evolved. The family tree of the hominids is clear to independently thinking human beings even before the invention of molecular biology technology, due to DNA homologies for real evidence that human beings are not descended from chimpanzees and are in no way 'cousin-like'. Real natural science alone has had incontrovertible evidence in logic, reason and rationality since time immemorial of human evolution that is different and different in behaviour from that of the chimpanzees. This is contrary to the palaeontological discoveries which, in the course of the 20th century, have repeatedly brought to light fossils that are assumed to be descended from common ancestors of human beings and chimpanzees. And since these all come from East Africa, it is erroneously assumed that this proves Darwin's thesis that the cradle of mankind lies in Africa. A theory, however, that does not point to reality, but is far from it, because the human being emerged 'almost simultaneously' on the various continents of the Earth within 800,000 years. Moreover, the so-called 'apes' – to which the chimpanzees also belong – were living beings from the beginning, forming their own intermediate form between the apes and human beings.
達爾文在他的時代無法像今天的分子生物學技術那樣為他的理論提供證據,其中一些技術提供了無可爭辯和明確的證據,例如「黑猩猩」(chimpanzee)屬與人類共用約98%的DNA和幾乎所有與人類相同的基因。這當然會誘導 —— 甚至是科學家 —— 認為人類和黑猩猩之間存在著某種聯繫。然而,在這方面,我是說從98%的DNA和基因中,不可能推斷出人類是黑猩猩的後裔,具有相同或相似的進化路線。這絕不是事實,科學理論也不可能說人類的早期祖先和黑猩猩“也許是表親”。想想“表親關係”(cousinship),因為這與“也許是表親”(perhaps cousins)不同,這確實與現實有關。事實上,人們無法推斷人類和“類人猿”實際上有一個共同的祖先,黑猩猩和人類就是從這個祖先發展而來的。由於DNA的同源性,即使在分子生物學技術發明之前,對於獨立思考的人來說,人類的家譜是明確的真實證據,人類不是黑猩猩的後代,也絕不是“表親”。僅僅是真正的自然科學,自古以來就有無可爭議的邏輯、理智的證據,證明人類的進化與黑猩猩的進化不同,行為也不同。這與古生物學的發現相反,在20世紀的過程中,古生物學的發現一再使被認為是人類和黑猩猩的共同祖先的化石曝光。由於這些化石都來自東非,人們誤認為這證明了達爾文關於人類的搖籃在非洲的論述。然而,這種理論並不是現實,而是與現實相去甚遠,因為人類是在八十萬年內“幾乎同時”在地球各大洲出現的。此外,所謂的“類人猿” —— 黑猩猩也屬於類人猿 —— 從一開始就是在猿類和人類之間形成自己的中間形態的生命體。
Since the publication of Darwin's 'Origin of Species' in 1859, concerns have been raised again and again against the theory of evolution, although science always claims the opposite and wants to know everything better. Of course, there are always abstruse theses that go against the reality of real evolution and cause considerable confusion, especially among so-called experts, but the truth of evolution actually looks different from what Darwin's theory of the evolution of human beings, ape beings as well as the 'intermediate genus' of the so-called 'apes' claims and still holds unjustified today. While the molecular evidence technology of today is far advanced, it cannot really see into the past and just what actually occurred at that time.
自從達爾文的《物種起源》(Origin of Species)於1859年出版以來,人們一次又一次地對進化論提出保留意見,儘管科學總是主張相反的觀點,並希望能更好地瞭解一切。當然,總有一些深奧的論題與真正的進化現實相悖,並造成相當大的混亂,尤其是在所謂的專家中,但進化的真相實際上與達爾文的人類、猿類以及所謂“類人猿”的“中間屬”的進化理論所宣稱的不同,而且直到今天都存在不合理的部分。雖然分子證據技術今天已經非常先進,但它無法真正看到過去以及當時實際發生的情況。
In his 1859 work 'Origin of Species' Darwin actually left the question of the origin of human beings unanswered, indeed he almost excluded it, but his theory left no doubt about what he really thought. He was well aware that his theory of evolution would provoke a dispute in the world that would last for centuries, namely his thesis – which he wisely kept in the background – that human beings descended from apes, as he also claimed to Sfath. We humans share millions of years of evolution with the apes and 'human beings', but the ape creatures and the 'apes' are not ancestors of us humans.
在他1859年的作品《物種起源》中,達爾文實際上沒有回答人類起源的問題,實際上他幾乎排除了這個問題,但他的理論讓人對他的真實想法深信不疑。他很清楚,他的進化論將在全世界引發一場持續數個世紀的爭論,也就是他的論點 —— 他明智地將其保留在幕後 —— 人類是猿類的後代,這也是他向Sfath所說的那樣。誠然,我們人類與猿類和“類人猿”共同經歷了數百萬年的進化,但猿類和“類人猿”並不是我們人類的祖先。
Of course, evolution takes place over immensely long periods of time, which cannot be traced in all details today, but in human phylogeny there is no ancestry between the human beings, the apes and the ape-like creatures or the 'apes'. This is also evident from a large number of fossil species, which clearly prove this, if correct research and neutral judgement were carried out, and thus not simply the Darwinian theory of evolution taken as a model again and again. Unfortunately, however, no further research is carried out, but – as usual – a theory is held on to once it has emerged – which often takes centuries – until solid evidence finally proves the opposite or even the reality and its truth. So it is the same with a theory as with a religious or other belief: people believe in a 'dear God', 'God the Father' and 'God the Creator', in 'Jesus Christ' as the 'Son of God', in 'Allah' or in 'Shiva' etc. until one day it is proven that it was all just a crazy fantasy and a belief in fantasy, but not the truth.
當然,進化是在無比漫長的時間裡進行的,今天無法追蹤所有的細節,但在人類的系統發生(phylogeny)過程中,人類、猿類和“類人猿”之間沒有祖先關係。這方面從大量的化石物種中也可以看出,如果研究工作開展得當,評估中立,也就是說,如果不是簡單地把達爾文的進化論一次又一次地作為模型,就可以清楚地證明這一點。然而遺憾的是,沒有進行進一步的研究,而是像往常一樣,一種理論一旦出現就被堅持下去 —— 這往往需要幾個世紀 —— 直到堅實的證據最終證明了相反的情況,甚至是現實和它的真相。因此,理論和宗教或其他信仰是一樣的:人們相信“親愛的上帝”、“天父”(God the Father)和“造物主上帝”(God the Creator),相信“耶穌基督”是“上帝的兒子”,相信“真主”(Allah)或“濕婆”(Shiva)等等,直到有一天被證明,這一切只是瘋狂的幻想和對幻想的信仰,而不是真理。
The truth can easily be proved and understood with regard to the human being, the apes and 'human beings' also in the coming time by means of fossil finds of prehistoric humans, because the more such finds are made, the clearer will one day be the realisation for the natural development of the human being as a being who had nothing to do with ancestors who were apes and 'human beings'. There is no doubt that the theory of evolution is only one theory, and that of a single human being, namely that of Charles Darwin. This, however, aims at a disdain for the human species that will remain until, after a long time – which may be centuries – the theory is finally replaced by the realisation of the truth.
在未來的時間裡,通過史前人類的化石發現,可以很容易地證明和理解關於人類、猿類和“類人猿”的真相,因為這種發現越多,有一天會更清楚地認識到,人類的自然發展是與猿類和“類人猿”的祖先毫無關係。毫無疑問,進化論只是一種理論,而且是一個人的理論,也就是查爾斯.達爾文的理論。然而,這是對人類物種的蔑視,這種蔑視將一直存在,直到經過漫長的時間 —— 可能是幾個世紀 —— 那種理論最終會被真相的實現所取代。
It is true that theory has expanded our understanding of the cosmos like hardly any other scientific insight before it, for theory is and always will be an incentive to seek and find the truth after all. Theory was and is always the work of one or more human beings, but theories can and will lead to the truth through new findings – often only after generations – but one day they will be revised and made accessible to the truth, or they will come true and promote progress, i.e. evolution or progress. Scientists, physicists and simple human beings will work on the further development and improvement of all things, so that predictions and theories that are made will decades or centuries later prove to be wrong or correct with the latest equipment and methods, so that theories can be recognised as falsehoods and thus the truth can be recognised, or other theories can be proved as fact.
誠然,理論擴大了我們對宇宙的理解,這方面幾乎是之前任何其他科學見解所無法比擬的,因為理論畢竟是而且將永遠是尋求和發現真相的動力。理論過去和現在都是一個或多個人類的工作,但理論可以而且會通過新的發現導致真相 —— 往往是在幾代人之後 —— 但有一天它們會被修改,並使人們能夠接觸到真相,或者它們會成真並促成進步,也就是進化或進步。科學家、物理學家和普通人會致力於萬物的進一步發展和改進,因此,所做的預測和理論會在幾十年或幾百年後用最新的設備和方法被證明是錯誤的或是正確的,這樣,某些理論可以被確認是假的,從而可以發覺真相,或者其他理論可以被證明為事實。
The same applies to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, whose scientific achievements and theories are in no way to be diminished, for he drew on ideas and theories of his time, and from these he finally developed his theory of evolution through his very own ideas, which the biologist Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck had devised, whose basic idea of heredity was, however, wrong, but Darwin recognised the correct mechanism of evolution by fathoming the interplay of mutation and selection. According to his insight, every living being has therefore developed its own strategies and adapted to the environment, through which it has been able to assert itself in its habitat and continues to do so into the future. Thus, some creatures evolved through their strength, others through their instinctive prudence, others through their enormous resilience or through their extraordinary reproductive capacity. This affected and still affects not only free-moving life-forms, but also plant-bound life-forms, i.e. plants that are successfully represented in large numbers, even globally, and that reproduce only by impulse, instinct or seed, because they do not possess an actual brain, as is the case with many free-moving life-forms.
查爾斯.達爾文的進化論也是如此,他的科學成就和理論不應受到任何削弱,因為他借鑒了他那個時代的思想和理論,並從這些思想中最終通過他自己的想法發展了他的進化論,而生物學家尚.巴蒂斯特.拉馬克(Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck)所設計的遺傳的基本思想卻是錯誤的,但達爾文通過摸索變異和選擇的相互作用認識到了進化的正確機制。根據他的洞察力,每個生物都因此發展了自己的策略並適應了環境,這使牠能夠在其棲息地站穩腳跟,並在未來繼續如此。因此,有些生物是通過自身的力量進化,有些是通過牠們本能的謹慎進化,有些是通過牠們強大的韌性或非凡的繁殖力而進化。這不僅涉及並影響到自由移動的生命形態,而且也影響著植物的生命形態,即成功地代表了大量的植物,甚至是全球的植物,它們只透過脈動、本能或種子進行繁殖,因為它們不具備實際的大腦,就像許多自由移動的生命形態一樣。
This is what I learned to say from Sfath, and what I learned from him is all just a little different from what earthly science claims. As far as I know, the earthlings still have no idea that everything is also dependent on swinging waves, namely on the swinging waves of the Earth itself, that it is precisely the Earth's gravitational swinging wave that makes it possible for something to grow and flourish. However, it is not only the gravitational swinging waves that play a very decisive role, which emanates from the Earth, but also other aspects that are just as unknown to earthly scientists as the gravitational swinging waves, which, as far as I know, they do not yet know. These scientists, who as a rule believe themselves to be great and powerful, cannot be talking about a real representation of a theory when they put forward such a theory, but it is more of an assertion that presents something as 'it is so, and that's that'. This is then simply thought and acted as 'truth, it is so', to which nothing more can be opposed. This is precisely because the theory is regarded as a fixed truth and fact, for centuries or millennia, until one day it is proven that everything is quite different from what was claimed by the theory. Of course, this is not so in every case, for theories may be confirmed as correct, but in the case of a single one it should always be clear and obvious that it is, in any case, a theory and only such a theory, which may be proved to be false or to be correct; but that remains simply a theory until one day it is proved to be so or to be a reality.
這是我從Sfath那裡學到的說法,而我從他那裡學到的東西,都與地球上的科學說法有一點不同。據我所知,地球人仍然不知道萬物也依賴振盪波(swinging waves),也就是依賴地球本身的振盪波,正是地球的引力振盪波使某些東西有可能生長和繁榮。然而,有著非常決定性作用的不僅僅是來自地球的引力振盪波,還有其他方面,這些方面和引力振盪波一樣為地球上的科學家所不熟悉,據我所知,他們還不知道。這些科學家通常認為自己是偉大而強大的,當他們提出這樣的理論時,不可能是在談論一個事實的真實樣貌,但它更像是一個斷言,將一些東西呈現為“它是如此,就是如此”。然後,這就被簡單地認為和作為“真相,就是這樣”,再沒有什麼可以反對的了。這正是因為那項理論被視為一個固定的真相和事實,幾個世紀或幾千年來都是如此,直到有一天被證明一切都與該理論所聲稱的完全不同。當然,並不是在每一種情況下都是如此,因為理論可能被證實是正確的,但就單一的理論而言,應該始終清楚和明顯地表明,在任何情況下,它都是一種理論,而且只是這樣一種理論,它可能被證明是錯誤的或正確的;但這仍然只是一種理論,直到有一天它被證明是正確的或成為一種現實。
Your elaboration, I must say, is remarkable and correct, considering that it is about 80 years ago that Sfath explained everything to you and that you were also able to see and experience with him in the past many processes that are nowadays interpreted wrongly or correctly by antiquity research on the basis of molecular biology. This is in no way meant to imply that the results of molecular biology are all wrong. On the contrary, some of them are still being misinterpreted, corresponding to pure assumptions, when assumptions and theories are linked to them in such a way that they are regarded as certain. Such action and behaviour, however, is neither scientific nor real research. But this will only be proven in the very distant future, when the evolution of human beings will also make it possible to use the technology of time travel, which will one day come into being, to explore the past as it really was. But that will still take a long time – if it ever becomes reality at all, as you have already said – but then the light of truth will illuminate much that is still in the dark today. This, if I may use your symbolic simile.
我必須說,你的闡述是了不起的,也是正確的,考慮到大約八十年前,Sfath向你解釋了一切,你也能夠在過去和他一起看到和經歷許多過程,這些過程在今天被古代研究在分子生物學的基礎上解釋為錯誤或正確。這絕不是說分子生物學的結果都是錯的。恰恰相反,當假設和理論與它們聯繫在一起時,其中一些結果仍然被完全曲解,對應於純粹的猜想,從而被視為確定的。然而,這種行動和行為既不能稱為科學,也不能稱為真正的研究。但這只有在非常遙遠的未來才能得到證明,屆時人類的進化也將使人們有可能利用有一天會出現的時光穿梭(time travel)技術來探索真實的過去。但這仍然需要很長的時間 —— 如果它真的成為現實的話,正如你說過的那樣 —— 但那時真理之光將照亮許多今天仍然處於黑暗中的東西。這方面,請允許我用你的象徵性比喻。
That seems to be two people getting along.
You mean that Zafenatpaneach and I are, as it were, the …
你的意思是說,Zafenatpaneach和我,就像是 ... 。
Yes, that …
是的,那個 ...
The little ones, as you call them, indicate that they have finished their work and are already on the retreat. They send you their greetings, and in future you shall no longer be harassed by the religious forces in such a way that every word in the computer is interspersed with other letters, with numbers and signs in such a way that it is partly indecipherable. But you should be patient for a few days before you start using your computer again.
I will take that to heart. – Please tell the rascals my heartfelt thanks, and that I will in any case abide by what they say.
You can talk to Arlion, that is the one of the Ziltonians who knows German and would like to exchange a few words with you.
Then of course I will talk to him.
Then speak, he hears you.
Hello Arlion.
Yes, I hear you, Eduard. I am glad to be able to discuss a few things with you. But it should … … …
是的,我聽到了,愛德華。我很高興能夠與你討論一些事情。但它應該 ... ... ...
OK, then I will not call up this conversation later and so I will not record it. … … …
好的,那麼稍後我不會在接收這次對話後,將這些記錄下來。... ... ...
Then, if I may, my friend, I would like to ask you how you of the FIGU are currently acting towards the plague that is spreading more and more on Earth? Nothing is being said about it at the moment, because Ptaah is absent for a long time and no information is being spread by him. But we wonder what your attitude is to everything, because we know that the plague is spreading rapidly all over the planet.
Our attitude remains neutral, so let anyone who wants to be vaccinated do so, because it is and remains a purely private matter – one human being can do so without harm, others play with their health or with their lives. So the decision is up to each human being, whether he or she decides for or against, because it is simply not acceptable that in this relationship someone can take responsibility and decide for or against for another human being. The responsibility in this regard lies with each individual human being alone, unless he or she is incapable of doing so due to a disability of consciousness, which means that responsible decisions must be made for him or her. However, this is not the case with normal human beings, so they must think and decide responsibly for themselves in every respect. So we at the FIGU must not give any advice – I personally do not do this either, not even to my family members, nor to FIGU members or to my circle of acquaintances and friends – and must leave it up to each individual human being to decide for himself/herself for or against, or for a yes or a no. Something else must not be under any circumstances, and if something else is ordered, for example, if a prescribed vaccination is considered by a government, then this is not of the right, but dictatorial and violent, from which popular violence and destruction inevitably arise and ultimately cause deaths. What needs to be done is the following, which, however, has not been done by every single government on Earth that is incapable of its office:
我們的態度仍然是中立的,所以讓任何想接種疫苗的人去接種吧,因為這在過去和現在都是一個純粹的私人問題 —— 一個人可以在不受傷害的情況下接種,其他人則可能賠上他們的健康或生命。因此,決定權在每個人手中,無論他或她是決定支持還是反對,因為在這種關係中,要一個人為另一個人承擔責任並決定支持或反對,這是根本是行不通的。這方面的責任由每個人自行承擔,除非他或她因意識障礙而無法這樣做,這意味著必須為他或她做出負責任的決定。然而,正常人的情況不是這樣的,所以他們必須在各方面自己負責思考和決定。因此,我們FIGU絕不能給出任何建議 —— 我個人也不這樣做,甚至不給我的家人,也不給FIGU成員或我的熟人和朋友 —— 必須讓每個人自己決定贊成或反對,做或不做。在任何情況下都不能有其他的事情發生,如果有其他的命令,例如,如果一個政府考慮了規定的疫苗接種,那麼這就不屬於自由權利範圍,而是獨裁和強制,如此不可避免就會產生民眾的暴力反抗和破壞,最終可能會導致死亡事件。最需要做的是以下幾點,然而,地球上每一個無能的政府都沒有做到這些:
I. The official or governmental preventive measures alone must be taken, prescribed and carried out at the very beginning of an epidemic or pandemic. This is the absolute and unavoidable duty of every government, which is absolutely responsible and accountable for the welfare and health of the people. This duty, however, was only partially and irresponsibly fulfilled for too short a time, as a result of which the Corona epidemic was able to spread rapidly throughout the world and has so far claimed well over 6 million lives.
The obviously incompetent rulers, who only have a big mouth and are incapable of governing, only partially ordered what should have been done in order to stop and end the epidemic that was just beginning. But since this was not done in the manner it should have been done – which the peoples would also have gone along with without grumbling and growling and without demonstrations and destruction, because fear and, on the other hand, sufficient reason were still present – the result was that the whole thing could degenerate into a pandemic and ultimately into an uprising through demonstrations, violence and destruction of the peoples' human achievements. By not strictly ordering and implementing what was correct and necessary and for long enough – which would have taken about 4-6 months and of course paralysed large parts of almost the entire economy – by the governments, everything could degenerate into a pandemic. But instead of everything being enforced, the whole thing was ordered to go up and down, i.e. masking and spacing out and lockdown and measures, in general, were ordered for a short time only, then lifted again, only to be re-enacted, lifted again and ordered again. This inevitably led large masses of the people astray and to rebellion, because it was recognised that those in power were incapable of their office and were devising and ordering nonsense. This automatically brought lateral thinkers, conspiracy theorists and disease deniers onto the scene, especially through the emergence of vaccination with vaccines that were insufficiently tested and untested from the very beginning and are still being used on human beings in this way today. The fact that humanity has since been tested in this way 'for free' and abused as a welcome 'guinea pig' apparently does not bother anyone. The fact is, however, that since then – precisely since the use of untested vaccines – many thousands of vaccine deaths have occurred all over the world. Various human beings have health conditions that do not correspond in any wise to the requirements of the vaccines, while others are immune to them or are struck with nasty late effects in later years, not realising that these can be traced back to the Corona vaccination, with vaccines that are harmful to health.
那些明顯失職的政府當局,只會說大話而沒有治理能力,只是做了部分本該做的事,沒能阻止和結束剛剛開始的疫情。但是,由於沒有按照應有的方式去做 —— 人民會在沒有抱怨和咆哮、沒有示威和破壞的情況下經歷這件事,因為恐懼以及另一方面足夠的常識仍然存在 —— 結果是,整個事情卻退化為一場大流行的疫情,並最終通過示威、暴力和破壞,各國人民起而反抗。由於政府沒有嚴格命令和執行正確的、必要的和足夠長的時間 —— 這將需要大約4至6個月的管制,當然也會使幾乎整個經濟的大部分陷入癱瘓 —— 而一切都可能演變成大流行病。但是,整個事情並沒有被強制執行,而是反反覆覆,也就是說,配戴口罩和保持安全社交距離以及封鎖措施,一般來說,只在短時間內被執行,然後再次解除,而又重新執行,再次解除,再次執行。這不可避免地導致大量人民誤判情勢,並導致混亂,因為人們認識到,那些當權者不能勝任他們的職務,他們正在設計和下令進行一場鬧劇。這就自動把橫向思維者、陰謀論者和疾病否認者帶到了現場,特別是通過疫苗接種的出現,這些疫苗從一開始就沒有經過充分的測試和檢驗,至今仍在以這種方式用於人體。人類從此以這種方式“免費”接受測試,並被當作受歡迎的“小白鼠”來對待,這一事實顯然不會讓任何人感到不安。然而,事實是,從那時起 —— 正是因為使用了未經測試的疫苗 —— 世界各地發生了成千上萬的疫苗死亡事件。許多人的健康狀況與疫苗的要求完全不相符,而另一些人則對疫苗有免疫力,或在晚年受到令人討厭的後遺症的打擊,但他們沒有意識到,這些都是由於接種了對健康有害的冠狀病毒疫苗而造成的。
What should have been done when the Corona epidemic began to spread, but which the incompetent rulers of all states did not do, but responsibly did not consider in any way, but slept through, is the following:
1. A general and population-wide and absolutely unavoidable lockdown.
2. The compulsory wearing of suitable FFP2 respirators.
3. The imperative keeping of distance between human beings.
4. The necessary duration of these measures of at least 3–6 months.
5. Complete isolation of known infected persons, with appropriate care.
6. Necessary state food supply for persons isolated from the disease.
7. Government control of compliance with the prescribed safety measures.
II. at the very beginning of an epidemic – regardless of whether it is an epidemic or a pandemic – the spread of the epidemic must be determined and implemented by the government with corresponding and long-term safety measures, since at this time the people are still responsive to sensible behaviour and action, but this subsides in the course of time when failures become apparent. Sceptics, conspiracy theorists, negators and deniers will also appear over time, if the rulers, out of incapacity and incompetence, do not order and implement everything that is intended to contain an epidemic and must be reasonably prescribed to the peoples as soon as it begins. The freedom of the individual is to be taken into account and respected in all circumstances, especially with regard to the voluntary nature of a vaccination, which in one way or another falls within the sphere of a self-decision which must not be affected by the violence of a state decree or by a false justification, attitude, fear or the behaviour of other human beings.
二、在疫情剛開始的時候 —— 無論它是疫情還是大流行病 —— 都必須由政府確定並實施相應的長期安全措施,因為在這個時候,人們對理智的行為和行動仍有反應,但隨著時間的蹉跎,當失敗變得明顯時,這種反應會消退。如果政府最高當局出於無能和失職,不指導並實施一切遏制疫情的措施,並且在疫情開始時就對人民作出合理的規定,那麼懷疑論者、陰謀論者、否定論者和反對者也會隨著時間的拖延而出現。個人的自由在任何情況下都應得到考慮和尊重,特別是關於接種疫苗的自願性質,它在某種程度上屬於自我決定的範圍,不得受到國家法令的強制或不實的理由、態度、恐懼或其他人行為的影響。
What would be of the right and the duty of a capable government, that refers to its deciding and having carried out in every respect what is right for the people in question, in order to provide them with the best possible welfare and security of health and life, without violence, dictatorship airs and in freedom.
This is what I have to say about the whole and have learned all my life, what I also really understand by freedom and responsibility for human beings, how this applies equally to all human beings and must not be changed also by the greed for power, stupidity or incompetence of those in power.
What you have said, that is my view and the view of all of us. And what you elaborate, what should have been done at the very beginning of the Corona plague, that corresponds to what really would have been the need.
That is also what Ptaah said, that this kind of action should have been taken to prevent what has just occurred in a devastating way. And as I know from him, the Corona plague will continue to dominate the daily affairs of the earthly peoples. Although the variant of the last mutation, which is currently spreading rapidly, is not as aggressive in its course and effect as the mutations before it, it will become predominant in the coming weeks and will spread very rapidly. In addition, the vaccinations will be largely useless, because the constantly mutating virus of the epidemic has already changed in such a manner that the vaccinations will become increasingly useless against a new infection, so that vaccinated people will still fall victim to an infection, just as those who have recovered will not be spared. This is, not least, because the vaccines do not correspond to what they should do due to the dubiousness of the insufficient testing and the tests, on the other hand, because certain preparations are completely unsuitable for certain health constellations.
Then we should go back to your workroom now, because our tasks are calling us again.
That may be true for you, but I will stay with Eduard for now.
Then we can go back from here. Farewell, Eduard.
Yes, goodbye.
And away they go.
Then we can stay here for a while and go back to your workroom later.
That is fine with me too, because we can also talk privately here and bring up what we had to postpone until the next visit due to lack of time.
Then I can ask you …
那我可以問你 …
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