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Contact Report 794/第794次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年03月05日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年03月08日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
三、現在全世界只有對俄羅斯不斷聲討,不僅是大多數國家當局,還有記者和電視評論員,以及許多國家的民眾,而真正的戰爭製造者 —— 美國,卻根本沒有被提及。美國的統治者(主要是後台的秘密影子政府)才是整個災難的真正製造者,大眾卻普遍沒有認識到。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
So here we are back again, and here I want to start straight away with what I have already told you, just what Bernadette asked, about the time – 21:58 hrs – on your last 3 visits to me.
Of course, I can answer that again with the fact that it happened because I came to you just at the time when I was finishing my control work and this was explicitly here in this area. So that's why it happened that the coincidence of time aligned itself so that it was 21:58 hrs every time I appeared at your place.
That is the solution to the mystery, of course I did not know that and consequently I did not tell Bernadette when she asked me about it.
It turned out that way because I was assigned to observe what was happening in Ukraine, which ended just before each time I came to you.
Aha, then I have something very interesting here, namely an article concerning the Ukraine crisis, which the daily newspaper 'Tages-Anzeiger' published, which seems unusual to me, because otherwise the Swiss newspapers are more in favour of spreading the general wrong view of those human beings who – as I unfortunately have to realise again and again – have their nonsense of their stupidity or non-thinking printed in the newspapers, just also in the 'Tages-Anzeiger'. There, however, a Mrs. Yvette Estermann of the SVP (LU) wrote the following with regard to the debacle over America, NATO, Russia and Ukraine:
啊哈,那麼我這裡有一些非常有趣的東西,那就是一篇關於烏克蘭危機的文章,這是《Tages-Anzeiger》日報發表的,這在我看來是不尋常的,因為否則瑞士的報紙更傾向於傳播那些人類的普遍錯誤觀點 —— 我很遺憾一再意識到 —— 他們的愚蠢或不加思考的胡言亂語就被印在《Tages-Anzeiger》日報上。然而,有一位瑞士人民黨(德語:Schweizerische Volkspartei, SVP)(LU)的伊薇特.埃斯特曼(Yvette Estermann)女士,她就美國、北約、俄羅斯和烏克蘭的失敗寫了以下內容:
TA: One of the last Putin-understanders in parliament is the Lucerne SVP National Councillor Yvette Estermann. She said:
TA:議會中最後一個理解普京(Putin)的人之一是盧塞恩(Lucerne)瑞士人民黨(SVP)的國民院議員(National Councillor)伊薇特.埃斯特曼。她說:
"What is currently happening in Ukraine is sad, but understandable. For me, the West bears the responsibility for it."
TA: Estermann, who grew up in what was then Czechoslovakia, takes the view that Ukraine historically belongs to Russia.
"It is understandable that Putin cannot accept NATO approaching the Russian border. He only wants to protect his own people – that is his task as head of state."
「普京不能接受北約接近俄羅斯邊境,這是可以理解的。他只想保護自己的人民 —— 這是他作為國家元首的任務。」
TA: She rejects sanctions against Russia.
"This only punishes the population. The correct thing would have been to respond to Putin's proposals early on and negotiate with him."
TA: Estermann denies that Putin's actions are contrary to international law.
"International law is a question of perspective. Russia, in my opinion, has the right to protect its borders."
TA: There needs to be a buffer zone between East and West that includes at least the Donbass region.
What this Ms Estermann says corresponds to the fact that she is not stupid and dumb, but a conscious and true thinker who sees and assesses events in a real and realistic way. This is in contrast to those who stomp Russia into the ground and condemn it. This is more or less on the same scale as the young fanatical press journalist Luzia Tschirky, who broadcasts from Ukraine and constantly shouts her diatribes against Russia on Swiss television. Something that also specifically the German Foreign Minister Baerbock and the EU dictator von der Leyen do. But it is also all the other governments, as well as the various individual earthlings and peoples, who do not think, and are therefore stupidly stupid, as a result of which they simply adopt and mimic the opinions of others, without seeing in their laziness and inability to think the true reality as it is in reality and in its truth. This is quite different from what is being spread by the agitation against Russia by America and the anti-Russians and has burnt itself into their brains, so they can neither see nor comprehend the reality, namely that Russia is not the real culprit and war-monger and has been since time immemorial, but America, which is to blame for the evil current events and what Russia is now unleashing and doing exactly what America wanted with the NATO expansion in Ukraine and wants to destroy Russia and raze it to the ground. And America will never rest until it achieves this – if it did not happen that one day it would have to turn tail and give up its world domination airs.
這位埃斯特曼女士所說的反映了以下事實:她並不愚蠢,而是一個真正有意識的思想家,她以真實和現實的方式看待和評估事件。這與那些譴責俄羅斯並將其踩在腳下的人形成了鮮明對比。這或多或少與年輕而狂熱的新聞記者Luzia Tschirky的報導旗鼓相當,後者在烏克蘭從事廣播,並不斷在瑞士電視上大聲抨擊俄羅斯。德國外交部長貝伯克(Baerbock)和歐盟獨裁者馮德萊恩(von der Leyen)也是如此。而大多數其他政府,以及地球上的其他人民也是如此,他們不加思考,因此愚蠢至極,結果他們只是採用和模仿他人的觀點,而看不到他們因懶惰和不去思考真實的現實及其真相。真相與美國和反俄人士對俄羅斯的煽動所散佈的內容截然不同,而那些散佈的內容已經烙印在他們的大腦中,所以他們既看不到也無法理解現實,那就是:俄羅斯不是真正的罪魁禍首和戰爭製造者,而是美國,並且自古以來就是如此,美國應該為當前的邪惡事件負責,俄羅斯現在正在釋放的正是美國希望北約在烏克蘭擴張所做的,並希望摧毀俄羅斯並將其夷為平地。而美國在實現這一目標之前絕不會善罷甘休 —— 但如果真的沒有實現,它將不得不放棄其統治世界的狼子野心。
Of course, it must be said that not all the American people are of the same senses as the rulers and the shadow government, consequently they cannot help all that is directed and done from above, but as simple citizens they have no possibility whatsoever – as in other countries – to do anything about the wrong decisions and wrong actions of the superiors and their pro- and pro-hurryers. Their hands are simply tied, and so they are helpless and can do nothing to prevent all evil or simply change it for the better. The same is happening so in Russia, also with regard to what is currently happening unjustifiably, that Russia would act sensibly instead of waging war against Ukraine, which America has fully consciously provoked and the leadership of Russia has fully gone for it, thus spreading not only fear and terror but also death, destruction, misery and large-scale flight of the Ukrainian population. So the Russian side is acting just as rashly, vindictively, contemptuous of human lives and criminally in response as America has organised everything with the help of the NATO organisation in a war-mongering manner, without logic, understanding and reason, addicted to world domination. The fact that American and NATO supporters, as Ukraine vagabonds of the Ukrainian government, are proving to be ideologically paid and are still crying out for NATO despite the war, is another story. The idiots do not consider that they are inflaming Russia and playing into the hands of the Americans' lust for world domination. This encourages the destruction and murder through war all the more, and the fact that the stupid idiots who approve of the behaviour of the guilty people in the USA and the various states of the Earth and their peoples, and thus approve of and cheerfully condemn Russia instead of stopping America's machinations, which is really to blame for everything, increases the danger of another 4th World War. The 1st World War was already fought in 1756 to 1763, and was also provoked by America's guilt, which is of course concealed from the world public, also with what is now threatening, that what is coming could be a nuclear war, if logic, understanding and reason do not finally arise in those who are responsible for what is currently happening. And this concerns America, NATO and Russia; and it does not matter that Russia is in the full right of having been lied to and deceived by the Western powers through their teeth. What Russia has done with the war is just as wrong as the lies and deception of the Western powers who promised Russia on the 2nd of February 1990 that there would be no NATO expansion towards the East.
當然,必須要說的是,並非所有的美國人民都與統治者和影子政府(shadow government)想法一致,因此他們無法抗拒所有來自上層的指揮和作為,作為普通的公民,他們沒有任何可能 —— 就像在其他國家一樣 —— 對上級政府和他們的親信和支持者的錯誤決定和錯誤行動做任何事情。他們的手被束縛住了,所以他們無能為力,無法阻止所有的邪惡或直接改變它,讓情況變得更好。同樣的狀況也發生在俄羅斯,對於目前發生的不公正情況而言,俄羅斯應該採取明智的行動,而不是對烏克蘭發動戰爭,美國完全故意挑起戰爭,而俄羅斯的領導層也完全照做了,因此不僅散播了不安和恐懼,而且還造成了死亡、破壞、苦難和烏克蘭人民的大規模逃亡。因此,俄羅斯方面的行為是輕率的、報復性的、蔑視人類生命的和犯罪性的回應,就像美國在北約組織的幫助下以戰爭販子的方式從事一切活動,沒有邏輯、諒解和理性,沉迷於世界統治一樣。事實證明,那些烏克蘭政府的無賴漢,作為美國和北約的支持者,被證明在意識形態上是受歡迎的,儘管國內發生了戰爭,他們仍然在為北約呐喊,但這又是另一個故事。這些白癡不認為他們是在激怒俄羅斯,也在迎合美國人對世界統治的貪婪。這更加助長了戰爭的破壞和殺戮,而那些贊同美國和世界各國及其人民的愚蠢行為,從而一致熱烈地譴責俄羅斯,而不是阻止美國的陰謀,而那才是真正的罪魁禍首,這些愚蠢的白癡增加了另一場第四次世界大戰的危險。第一次世界大戰已經在1756年至1763年開打,也是由美國的罪惡所挑起的,這當然對世界公眾來說是隱瞞的一次世界大戰,甚至現在的威脅也是如此,如果那些對目前發生的事情該負責的人沒有最終產生邏輯、諒解和理性,那麼即將到來的可能是一場核戰爭。而這涉及到美國、北約和俄羅斯;俄羅斯完全有理由被西方列強在嘴上騙來騙去,這並不重要。而俄羅斯在戰爭中的所作所為,與西方大國在1990年2月2日向俄羅斯承諾北約不會向東方擴張的謊言和欺騙,一樣是錯誤的。
Russia is only being harped on worldwide, not only by the rulers of most countries, but also by journalists and television presenters, as well as by the populations of many countries, while the real war-mongering culprit is not mentioned at all – namely America. That its rulers – above all the secret shadow government in the background – are the real authors of the whole disaster is not mentioned, because there is deepest silence about it, whereby mankind is misled. But this is done in a calculated way and the stupid and thus the non-thinking are incited against Russia in order to stand behind America in this way and to help it in every way so that it can realise its secret plans for world domination – unconsciously by those who hype America. It is not recognised that the USA, via NATO, wants to establish itself in Ukraine in order to help the American secret desire for world domination to achieve its goal.
只有俄羅斯在全世界被不停抱怨,不僅是大多數國家的統治者,還有記者和電視主持人,以及許多國家的民眾,而真正的戰爭製造者 —— 美國,卻根本沒有被提及。美國的統治者 —— 首先是後台的秘密影子政府 —— 是整個災難的真正製造者,這一事實沒有被提及,因為有人對此保持著最深的沉默,因此誤導了絕大多數的人。而這是透過精心策劃的一種方式在進行,因而愚蠢的人和不用腦筋的人被煽動起來反對俄羅斯,以這種方式支援美國,並以各種方式幫助它,以便它能夠實現其統治世界的秘密計畫 —— 這是那些炒作美國的人不自覺地這樣做。人們沒有認識到,美國通過北約想在烏克蘭建立自己的勢力,以促成美國實現其統治世界的秘密願望。
This is not recognised and is not conscious to them by all those who do not recognise the truth of their madness concerning America and who pay homage to it with faith, as they are already in bondage to their imaginary 'dear God'.
Truly, what the earthling practices within himself through his delusion of God, he also carries outwardly into the environment, and as it turns out, also unrestrainedly and blatantly into politics, consequently helping in every form to spread the lies, intrigues, deceptions and misrepresentations etc. of politics far and wide among the peoples. The result is that the believers in politics, who are usually also believers in God's delusion, allow themselves to be misled, deceived and taken for a ride by all those who are so addicted to lying, cheating, deceiving and misrepresenting that they feel sick to their stomach when they have to speak a word of truth. Their own opinion is already so befuddled by the delusion of God that dominates them that they are no longer capable of forming their own opinion, consequently they simply ape every assumption, false conviction, attitude and false judgement of those they have heard from others and consequently adopt and believe without thinking, just as they also unthinkingly believe the delusion of God. Of course, every human being should believe what he wants, that is his own business, but so it is also with the opinion a human being has, for I do not want to dispute anyone's opinion, so everyone should believe, just as everyone can have his opinion as he wants. Basically, I do not dispute an earthling person's belief or opinion, for that is and remains each person's own business. Every person is responsible for himself, consequently I do not have to interfere with his belief or his opinion if it does not harm individual fellow human beings or even a larger number of human beings. Then it is very much my responsibility and duty as a human being to provide enlightenment and to say what is correct and what is wrong, which I also do and am attacked for, which I am well aware of. However, my speaking and enlightening in this regard have nothing to do with disputing the faith or opinion of the individual fellow human being or condemning him for it, and not even when I tell him – from my point of view – what is wrong with his faith or opinion. Of course, in doing so, I cannot claim and above all dare not imagine myself to be omniscient, to call everything infallible and my words the wise conclusion of all knowledge of reality and thus of reality and its truth, for that would be an assertion of unparalleled arrogance and truly of megalomania. And last but not least, it would be a deception that would go far beyond a fraud and a lie and would make me unworthy as human beings. But if I want to speak of what is happening in the world, precisely in the matter of what Mrs Estermann says, then she is right, as are those who are in the minority throughout the world, but who are right in what they say, represent and know in truth. And this reality, which is not only their knowledge, but the reality and its correctness of fact concerning the effective certainty of why Russia is not to blame for everything that is now happening in the East or in Ukraine, that can be proven, namely by old video recordings from the 2nd of February 1990, which were made in Munich at the Security Conference. There is no doubt about it, therefore it can be done and twisted as one likes, because what was once given and, moreover, was recorded on film, then it is indeed so and remains so effectively, consequently it cannot and in any way cannot be denied and also cannot be reversed, interpreted differently and denied.
真的,地球人透過對上帝的妄想(delusion of God)而在自己內心實踐的信念,也會被帶到外在的環境中,而且事實證明,也會肆無忌憚地公然進入政治,從而以各種形式幫助把政治的謊言、陰謀、欺騙和虛假的表象等,廣泛地傳播給各國的人民。其結果是,政治的信徒,通常也是上帝妄想的信徒,允許自己被誤導,被欺騙,被所有那些沉迷於撒謊、欺騙、欺瞞和歪曲的人帶著走,以至於當他們不得不說出一句真話時,他們會感到噁心。他們自己的觀點已經被主宰他們對上帝的妄想所迷惑,以至於他們不再有能力形成自己的觀點,結果他們只能模仿他們從別人那裡聽到的每一個假設、錯誤的信念、態度和錯誤的判斷,因此不假思索地採用和相信,就像他們也不假思索地相信上帝的妄想一樣。當然,每個人都可以相信他所信仰的東西,那是他自己的事,但一個人的觀點也是如此,因為我不想爭論任何人的觀點,所以每個人都應該有信仰,就像每個人都可以有他自己的意見一樣。基本上,我不會質疑一個地球人的信仰或意見,因為那是而且確實是每個人自己的事。每個人都要對自己負責,因此我不必干涉他的信仰或意見,如果那沒有傷害個別的同胞甚至更多的人。那麼,作為一個人,我有很大的責任和義務進行啟蒙,說什麼是正確的,什麼是錯誤的,我確實是這樣做的,但受到了攻擊,我很清楚這一點。然而,我在這方面的發言和啟迪與爭論個人的信仰或意見或譴責他無關,甚至當我告訴他 —— 從我的觀點來看 —— 他的信仰或意見有什麼問題時也無關。當然,在這樣做的時候,我不能聲稱,最重要的是不敢想像自己是無所不知的,稱一切觀點都無懈可擊,我的話是對現實所有知識的明智結論,從而也是對現實及真相的明智總結,因為這將是一種無與倫比的傲慢和真正的自大狂的論斷。最後但並非最不重要的是,這將是一種欺騙,遠遠超出了欺詐和謊言的範圍,會使我不配做人。但是,如果我想說的是世界上正在發生的事情,恰恰是關於埃斯特曼夫人所說的事情上,那麼她是對的,就像那些在全世界處於少數的人一樣,但是他們所說的、所代表的和所知道的事實是正確的。而這一現實,不僅是他們的瞭解,而且涉及為什麼俄羅斯不應該為現在於烏克蘭東部發生的一切負責,這一事實是可以證明的,那就是1990年2月2日在慕尼黑安全會議上的舊錄影(video recordings)。這一點毋庸置疑,因此即使被有心人去扭曲事實,但這是曾經確實做過的事,而且被記錄在膠片上,那麼它確實是這樣的,而且仍然是有效的,因此它不能也不可能被否認,也不能被推翻,或被不同的解釋和否定。
Truthfully, the right is on the side of Russia, which is defending itself against what was provoked and attempted in a war-mongering manner by America, namely, that through the criminal, underhanded, world-dominating and promise-breaking efforts of the USA, Ukraine should be incorporated into the international mercenary organisation and the effective murderous association NATO.
The whole thing was probably instigated in a calculated manner by the USA, knowing full well that it would be an inevitable consequence of a provoked war that could possibly be fought with nuclear weapons, whereby the disaster, seen correctly, was a war crime from the very beginning, simply by its planning. This is because Ukraine was deliberately included in the plan and it was absolutely clear that Russia would not give in and would consequently take up arms and fight back in this way, which will inevitably turn most of the world against Russia. This, with ideologically misguided and bought Ukrainian state officials interfering and, together with America, inciting their own people against Russia. So it happened that many other states also joined in the same rhyme, so the dumb-asses started to shout down Russia and accuse it of being guilty, although America is to blame for the whole disaster. This is because – once again it should be mentioned that it is verifiable by video recordings and also written records – America and Germany had promised in all sincerity on 2.2.1990 that they would never undertake an eastward expansion and also NATO alliances in the states towards the east. A lie and a fraud unparalleled, because the verbal promise – and a verbal promise is also a promise that must be kept – was broken shortly afterwards, namely by gradually allying the countries bordering Germany and those to the east into the NATO organisation, thus breaking the promise and turning it into a lie and a fraud and resulting in an eastward expansion of NATO.
整個事件很可能是美國精心策劃的,他們清楚地知道,這將是一場可能使用核武器進行挑釁性戰爭的必然結果,因此,正確地說,這場災難從一開始就已經是戰爭罪,就算僅僅是計畫。這是因為烏克蘭被故意列入計畫,而且絕對清楚的是,俄羅斯不會屈服,因此會拿起武器以這種方式進行反擊,這將不可避免地使世界上大多數國家反對俄羅斯。這方面,在意識形態被誤導並被收買的烏克蘭國家官員的干預下,與美國一起煽動自己的人民反對俄羅斯。結果,許多其他國家也加入了同樣的節奏,於是那些蠢貨開始對俄羅斯大呼小叫,指責它有罪,儘管美國應該為整個災難負責。這是因為 —— 應該再次提到,這可以透過錄影和書面記錄來證明 —— 美國和德國在1990年2月2日真誠地承諾,他們永遠不會進行東擴,也不會在建立北約聯盟的國家向東擴展。最終這是一個無與倫比的謊言和欺詐,因為這個口頭承諾 —— 口頭承諾也是一個必須遵守的承諾 —— 在不久之後就被打破了,也就是逐步將與德國接壤的國家和東部國家納入北約組織,從而打破了承諾,將其變成一個謊言和騙局,導致北約向東擴張。
Well, America did not care that it simply broke the verbal promise of NATO's non-expansion and thereby precipitated the Ukraine debacle and inevitably the acts of war by Russia against Ukraine. And that this country will actually become a giant territory of a state at a very early time was already known to the Plejaren at that time, as Sfath explained to me, because it was foreseen what will happen one day, also that America will come into being, but will pass away again, and that … This therefore they already knew at that time through foresight, and it is known to them what will happen one day, also that Russia … That the country will one day become socially powerful, politically according to today's language and understanding, that was certain, but also that it would one day be attacked worldwide, namely through fraud and deceit, that was also certain at that time, when the Plejaren at that time recognised this through foresight, which was recorded in writing, as Sfath explained.
好吧,美國並不在意,它只是打破了北約不擴張的口頭承諾,從而催生了烏克蘭的災難,並不可避免地引發了俄羅斯對烏克蘭的戰爭行為。而這個國家實際上將在很早的時候就成為一個擁有龐大領土的國家,這在當時就已經被Plejaren知道了,正如Sfath向我說的那樣,因為他們預見到了有一天會發生什麼,也預見到了美國會誕生,但會再次消失,而且 ... 因此他們在當時已經透過「預見」(foresight)知道了這件事,而且他們也知道有一天會發生什麼,也知道俄羅斯 ... 這個國家有一天會成為國際間的強國,按照今天的語言和理解,在政治上,這是肯定的,但也有一天會因為被欺詐和騙局,在全世界受到攻擊,這在當時也是肯定的,當時的Plejaren透過預見確認了這件事,正如Sfath所說的那樣,這些都有文字記錄。
《美國的沒落》(The Fall of America, 1973)(圖片資料來自:JOSHUA’STRUTH)
If I say this about Russia, then I know from Sfath that the land area was already loosely inhabited by early humans in prehistoric times and thus much earlier than the Palaeolithic. This, however, is still unknown to archaeologists and palaeontologists, etc., just as there are many other things they do not know or calculate at the wrong times and also fantasise a lot of things together that do not correspond to reality. I can often only shake my head at this, because everything that is claimed is really quite different from what I have seen, experienced and witnessed together with Sfath on our …
如果我這樣說俄羅斯,那麼我從Sfath那裡知道,在史前時期,這片土地上就已經有早期的人類散居在那裡,因此比舊石器時代要早得多。然而,這對考古學家和古生物學家等專家來說還是未知的領域,就像他們不知道或以錯誤的時間去計算其他許多事情一樣,他們也把許多與現實不相符的事情幻想在一起。我對此常常只能搖頭,因為所聲稱的一切確實與我和Sfath一起在我們的 ... 上所看到的、經歷的和見證的完全不同。
Then many millennia later, so after the primeval times, when more and more human-like beings appeared, who never emigrated from Africa to the north, but effectively also arose in the north of the planet Earth through natural development, as everywhere in the world in a time of little more than 800,000 years, the actual early Earth-humans arose, who slaughtered each other and used each other as food when foreigners met. This was their way of thinking and doing, just as the most diverse races with special characteristics, skin colours, sizes and looks etc. arose worldwide, which moreover from the very beginning never had anything to do with apes or ape-like beings and also never showed any 'kinship' with such, but were an independent life-form – contrary to Charles Darwin's deception. They were indeed primitive humans, and their entire habitus, their physical and physiognomic condition, their countenance – which is actually called the correct countenance – was still completely different from that of today's human beings. Also the actual shape of the head was still symmetrically quite different from that of today's human beings. Everything about these early human beings was disproportionate, the whole body with arms, hands and legs, as well as the head and its shape.
然後在數千年之後,也就是在原始時代之後,出現了越來越多的人類,他們從來沒有從非洲移民到北方,而是實際上透過自然發展在地球的北方出現,就像世界上各地在八十萬年多一點的時間裡一樣,真正的早期地球人類就出現了,他們在陌生人相遇時互相殘殺,互相作為食物。這就是他們的思維和行為方式,正如世界上出現的具有特殊特徵、膚色、體型和長相等的不同種族一樣,而且從一開始就與猿類或類人猿沒有任何關係,也從未顯示出與猿類的任何“親屬關係”,而是一種獨立的生命形式 —— 與查爾斯.達爾文(Charles Darwin)的欺騙理論相反。他們確實是史前人類,他們的整個習性,他們的身體和相貌狀況,他們的面容 —— 實際上被稱為正確的面容 —— 仍然與今天的人類完全不同。此外,頭部的實際形狀在對稱性上也與現代的人類有很大不同。這些早期人類的一切都不相稱,整個身體,包括手臂、手和腿,以及頭和它的外形。
Sfath went on to explain that millennia later, many of the human beings who would become inhabitants of the land – now called Russia – would be foreign immigrants from the various northern regions and from the south, mainly from the countries now called Norway and Sweden, Greece and Turkey. These immigrants, he said, will settle in the country and become indigenous, who will then be called Russians and the country Russia region or simply Russia. So that was the normal course of development of the inhabitants of this vast country. Then, when the Neolithic period moved into this land, among other things, the so-called Bug-Dniester culture emerged, which was then followed – if I remember Sfath's explanations correctly – by the Sredny-Stod culture. Then, as the transition to the Copper Age and the early Bronze Age followed, the region of the Kurgan culture emerged, which I still remember to some extent. What all came about then, and how Russia actually came into being, can certainly be read up on in history, if anyone is interested, because this is certainly described and states how and when it actually became the vast Russian area, to which Ukraine also belonged in the end.
Sfath繼續解釋說,幾千年後,許多人將成為這片土地 —— 現在稱為俄羅斯 —— 的居民,他們將是來自北方各地區和南方的外國移民,主要來自現在稱為挪威和瑞典、希臘和土耳其的國家。他說,這些移民將在該國定居並成為土著,然後他們將被稱為俄羅斯人,而國家則被稱為俄羅斯地區或簡稱俄羅斯。因此,這就是這個廣大國家的居民正常發展的過程。然後,當這片土地進入新石器時代時,除其他外,出現了所謂的Bug-Dniester文化,隨後 —— 如果我對Sfath的解釋記憶正確的話 —— 出現了斯萊德涅斯多格文化(Sredny-Stod culture)。然後,隨著向銅器時代和青銅時代早期的過渡,出現了庫爾幹(Kurgan)文化地區,我在某種程度上仍然記得。當時都發生了什麼,以及俄羅斯實際上是如何形成的,如果有人感興趣的話,當然可以在歷史記載上讀到,因為這肯定會描述和說明了它實際上是如何和何時成為廣大俄羅斯地區的,最終也包括了烏克蘭。
As far as the debacle and the war in Ukraine is concerned, where Russia's nuclear technology is actually being talked about, it is to be said that Russia's war reaction is based on the warmongering of the USA and thus their fault, because they did not keep their promise and broke it early on that there would be no eastward expansion of NATO. Shortly after the verbal promise, however, the Americans broke this and included in NATO and allied with it those countries that joined Germany to the east, consequently Russia – then still the USSR – was slowly but surely blocked from NATO to the west. This was brought about by America, which is actually the main ringleader of the international mercenary organisation NATO and directs it, while the direct NATO leaders, influenced by America, follow its airs and carry them out, which, however, is denied through all the soils. The fact that Ukraine has always belonged to Russia is probably no longer debatable today, because politically the state relations have changed drastically in the course of time, however, the following is to be said: As always, America is just as deceitfully doing the opposite of what has been agreed and promised, as it has been customary since time immemorial among the power-hungry heads of state. This had already begun with the fighting and extermination of the indigenous peoples of America, namely the Indians, against whom only a few years ago the longest state of war in the world and the persecution of the indigenous peoples was ended. All of America's might is being established elsewhere and precisely in a different form, in such a way that world domination is slowly being achieved with the help of NATO. If one considers that America, as a state, was created by the immigration of foreigners, mainly from Europe, with the first immigrants coming from England and Holland – this long, long after the Vikings first settled in America, long before Columbus 'discovered' America – who, like those who followed, came from Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy, etc…, who emigrated to America for religious, criminal, political and economic reasons – or were emigrated by the authorities as 'troublesome citizens' – then it is probably no wonder that what was peculiar to them in their former homeland has survived and in many still survives today. But I am speaking only of those who were unrighteous and transmitted their dishonest motives to their descendants, especially of those who were forcibly settled as slaves. These slaves, along with those who were kept in the south of the country – robbed and chained by international slave traders in Africa, then thrown en masse into the sea chained together and drowned miserably when danger threatened, such as heavy storms that endangered the ship in question – became the forerunners of today's dark-skinned Americans.
就烏克蘭的潰敗和戰爭而言,俄羅斯的核技術實際上正在被談論,應該說,俄羅斯的戰爭反應是基於美國的好戰,因此是他們的錯,因為他們沒有遵守承諾,很早就打破了承諾,即北約不會向東擴張。然而,在口頭承諾之後不久,美國人就打破了這一點,將那些在東部加入德國的國家納入北約並與之結盟,結果俄羅斯 —— 當時還是蘇聯 —— 緩慢但肯定地被北約阻擋在西部。這是美國挑起的,它實際上是國際雇傭軍組織北約的主要頭目並指揮它,而北約的直接領導人受美國影響,聽從它的指揮並執行任務,然而,所有國家都否認這一點。烏克蘭一直屬於俄羅斯的事實在今天已無可爭議,但隨著時間的推移,政治上的國家關係已經發生了巨大的變化,然而,下面要說明的是:美國一如既往地與已經達成的協議和承諾背道而馳,這也是自古以來渴望權力的國家領導人的習慣。這已經從對美國原住民,也就是印第安人的戰鬥和滅絕開始了,僅僅在幾年前,世界上最長的戰爭狀態和針對印第安人原住民的迫害已經結束。美國的所有力量正在其他地方建立起來,而且恰恰是以不同的形式,以這樣一種方式,在北約的幫助下慢慢實現對世界的統治。如果考慮到美國作為一個國家,是由主要來自歐洲的外國移民建立的,第一批移民來自英國和荷蘭 —— 這是在維京人首次定居美洲很久很久之後,在哥倫布“發現”美洲之前 —— 他們和後來的人一樣,來自德國、瑞士、法國和義大利等等,由於宗教、犯罪、政治和經濟原因移民到美洲 —— 或者被當局作為“麻煩的公民”而移民 —— 那麼,他們在以前的故鄉所特有的性質得以保留下來,而且許多人仍然保留至今,這也許並不奇怪。但我說的只是那些不義之人,並把他們不誠實的動機傳給他們的後代,特別是對那些被強行安置為奴隸的人。這些奴隸,連同那些被關在該國南部的奴隸 —— 他們被非洲的國際奴隸販子搶劫並戴上鐐銬,然後被鎖在一起,在危險威脅下,例如危及船隻的大風暴,將會集體扔進海裡慘遭淹死 —— 而如今成了黑皮膚美國人的先驅。
The centuries-long state of war against the Indians had actually already begun before America's first president, Washington, simply shot the French peace officer carrying a white flag without the latter being able to start his peace talk. Thus, America's first president was already a murderer who was followed by others, especially Harry S. Truman, who ordered the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 6th and 9th of August 1945 during the Third World War. Moreover, the real creator and originator was the devious, world domination-addicted former US President Harry S. Truman, the real originator and order giver of NATO, which is now using America to make a 'pig' out of Russia.
在美國第一任總統華盛頓(Washington)直接射殺了舉著白旗的法國和平官員,而後者還沒來得及開始他的和談,針對印第安人的長達幾個世紀的戰爭狀態實際上已經開始了。因此,美國的第一位總統已經是一個殺人犯,他的後面還有其他人,特別是哈里.S.杜魯門(Harry S. Truman),他在第三次世界大戰期間於1945年8月6日和9日下令向廣島和長崎投擲原子彈。此外,真正的創始者和發起者是狡猾而沉迷於統治世界的美國前總統杜魯門,他是北約的真正始作俑者和發號施令者,現在北約正利用美國把俄羅斯變成一頭“豬”。
With the above said, enough is actually said now about what is actually going on and the world population is being led around on a fool's rope with lies and deceit. The worst thing about it is that the Swiss government is stupidly and unthinkingly going along with what the world, and especially the EU dictatorship, is ordering and is biased in raising the sceptre against Russia, although America in the background of NATO is the culprit of all the evil. This is because Switzerland is taking the side of America and inevitably of NATO – which as such is actually staying out of the matter because America is once again leading the sceptre of the whole thing – and is going along with the EU dictatorship and those states that are cutting off their economic contacts with Russian banks, companies and corporations instead of continuing to maintain economic contacts with Russia that are important to the world and remaining neutral. The sanctions of the EU dictatorship are also being doggedly adopted by Switzerland, which creates hostility in Russia against our country and could lead to it losing its long-established status of absolute neutrality, making itself not only ridiculous in the eyes of the world, but also vulnerable to political and military attack. It is therefore more than urgent that the Swiss rulers and their satellites who sit at the helm in the National Council and the Council of States and in the individual cantons otherwise, in their political and popular incapacity, reflect on true neutrality and continue to honour it and not allow themselves to be negatively influenced by wrong decisions and actions of the EU dictatorship and the governments of other states and their peoples.
說了以上這些,現在對實際發生的事情其實已經說得夠多了,世界人民正被謊言和欺騙牽著鼻子走。最糟糕的是,瑞士政府愚蠢而不假思索地順應世界,特別是歐盟獨裁政權的命令,偏偏要對俄羅斯實施制裁,儘管北約背景下的美國是所有邪惡的罪魁禍首。這是因為瑞士正站在美國這邊,並不可避免地站在北約這邊 —— 北約實際上是置身事外的,因為美國再次主導了整個事件 —— 並支持歐盟獨裁政權和那些正在切斷與俄羅斯銀行、公司和企業的經濟聯繫的國家,而不是繼續與俄羅斯保持對世界重要的經濟聯繫並保持中立。歐盟獨裁政權的制裁措施也被瑞士頑固地採納,這在俄羅斯造成了對我國的敵意,並可能導致俄羅斯失去長期以來確立的絕對中立地位,使自己不僅在世界的眼中變得可笑,而且容易受到政治和軍事攻擊。因此,更加迫切的是,瑞士的統治者和他們在國民院(National Council)和聯邦院(Council of States)以及個別州中掌舵的附屬機構,在他們的政治和民眾無能的情況下,反思真正的中立,並繼續遵守這一中立原則,不允許自己受到歐盟獨裁政權和其他國家政府及其人民的錯誤決定和行動的負面影響。
Switzerland should remain truly neutral by not applying and proclaiming the sanctions against Russia as enacted by the EU dictatorship. The opposite, that the very sanctions are adopted by the incompetent rulers of Switzerland, proves clearly and sufficiently how dependent and believing Switzerland and its government already are on the EU dictatorship and are caught in its clutches, consequently the Swiss government represents its opinion and dictatorship behaviour and tramples on Switzerland's neutrality.
As nonsensical as the breaking of neutrality is – which Switzerland is doing carelessly as a UN member and thereby makes itself ridiculous and untrustworthy as a country of neutrality all over the world, which is already happening in various states – so is Russia's war behaviour in Ukraine, as well as America's and NATO's breach of promise and lying and deception that no NATO expansion from Germany eastwards will take place and that Russia will thus be pressed. This so that there would not be a military imbalance and skirmish, whereby, from my point of view and understanding, what I see in the military is nothing but evil Gewalt.[1] It spreads Gewalt[1]when it wages war or 'creates order', but the principle is that Gewalt[1] inevitably triggers Gewalt[1] again, because the earthling thinks 'tit for tat' and 'if you do not want to be my brother, I will bash your head in', instead of the problem of Gewalt[1] being settled diplomatically – even if it is done loudly, with yelling and howling, etc. Fundamentally, however, the military is nothing other than an organisation of Gewalt[1] that creates Gewalt[1] and Gewalt[1] again, because every military embodies nothing other than a society of murderers that murders human beings and causes destruction, all of which can never be made good. Once a human life has been murdered, it can never be brought back to life or replaced, because death is final, and bringing it about is and remains nothing other than murder, which the soldier commits, even mass murder, because in acts of war it does not remain that he murders one human being alone, but gradually their many. Once the human being has killed another human being in war, which he does without knowing the other, then the urge of self-defence immediately gives way and murder fanaticism takes possession of the murderous action, consequently the soldier inevitably becomes a mass murderer and murders, murders and murders. In this way, it is like when human beings also fall prey to fanaticism in other ways and think that they are doing the only right thing or going the right way, but they do not realise and cannot realise that they never do the right thing and always go the wrong way and that they will always end up in 2nd place and the loser. And that is also the case with Ukraine, because there is boundless fanaticism on all sides, firstly with the Americans and NATO, and secondly with Russia, and thirdly with all those leaders of the states who are partisan and do not remain neutral, and fourthly with the majority of the peoples who are also partisan.
打破中立是如此的荒謬 —— 瑞士作為聯合國成員正在漫不經心地做這件事,從而使自己作為全世界的中立國變得可笑和不可信,這已經在各個國家發生了 —— 俄羅斯在烏克蘭的戰爭行為也是如此,美國和北約違背承諾,撒謊和欺騙,說北約不會從德國向東擴張,這樣就不會出現軍事上的不平衡和短兵相接,使俄羅斯因此而受到壓力,也都是無稽之談。因此,從我的觀點和理解來看,我在軍隊中看到的只不過是邪惡的「暴力」(德語:Gewalt)[註一]。它在發動戰爭或“創造秩序”時傳播暴力,但原則是暴力不可避免地再次引發暴力,因為地球人認為“以牙還牙”,“如果你不想做我的兄弟,我就敲破你的腦袋”,而不是以外交方式解決暴力的問題 —— 即使是大聲叫喊和咆哮等方式。然而,從根本上說,軍隊只不過是一個製造暴力和再度製造暴力的暴力組織,因為每個軍隊都是一個殺戮的組織,他們殺害人類,造成破壞,所有這些都是永遠無法彌補的。一旦一個人的生命被殺死,它就永遠無法復活或被取代,因為死亡是最終的,而實現死亡的過程無非是殺戮,士兵所犯下的殺戮,甚至是大規模的屠殺,因為在戰爭行為中,他並不是只殺死一個人,而是逐次殺死許多人。一旦人類在戰爭中殺害了另一個人,而他是在不瞭解對方的情況下殺害的,那麼自衛的衝動就會立即失去控制,殺人的狂熱就會佔據殺戮的行動,因此,士兵不可避免地成為一個大規模的殺人犯,並殺戮、殺戮再殺戮。這樣一來,就像人類在其他方面淪為狂熱的犧牲品一樣,認為自己做的是唯一正確的事或走的是正確的路,但他們沒有意識到,也無法意識到,他們從來沒有做過正確的事,總是走錯路,他們最終將永遠退居第二位,成為失敗者。烏克蘭的情況也是如此,因為各方都有無限的狂熱,首先是美國人和北約,其次是俄羅斯,第三是所有那些有黨派而不保持中立的國家領導人,第四是大多數也有黨派之爭的人民。
… …
Truly, only non-thinking earthlings, devoid of all logic, understanding and reason, whose Intelligentum[2] is not even sufficient to produce fewer children, can be so stupid and dumb, because the unstoppable birth of new earthlings always and unstoppably drives overpopulation to a higher number. Overpopulation is slowly but surely destroying the planet, its nature and its fauna and flora, wiping them out and harassing all ecosystems, polluting the atmosphere and the climate with poisonous gases and forcing them to react fatally. This is in addition to the fact that the environment is completely littered or otherwise polluted by plastic and other rubbish.
The Vikings already had difficulties and hardship to feed their peoples – I experienced this together with Sfath when we … – although at that time one could not actually speak of overpopulation, but at that time the food was nevertheless no longer sufficient to feed the peoples of the Vikings, which is why more than 1,000 years ago Eric the Red and then also his son Leif Ericson sailed over to the land to settle there, America, as we call it today.
維京人(Vikings)在養活他們的人民方面已經遇到了困難和艱辛 —— 我和Sfath一起經歷過這種情況,當我們 ... —— 雖然在那個時候人們實際上不能說是人口過剩,但在那個時候,食物已經不足以養活全部的維京人,這就是為什麼一千多年前紅鬍子艾瑞克(Eric the Red)和後來他的兒子萊夫.埃里克松(Leif Ericson)航行到那個地方定居,也就是我們今天所說的美洲。
The land of the Norsemen was barren at that time and food for the peoples became increasingly scarce, which is why various Viking leaders emigrated as a result of the food shortage and sought a new home, which was to be found far across the North Sea in the land of that time, which is called America today, but which the Vikings called 'Thule', which they also used for Greenland, among other things, and which actually meant 'new land' as well as 'new home' at that time. The Vikings then settled in the new land across the 'great water' all the way down to Mexico, some 500 years before Columbus 'discovered' America, which he knew existed through records and lied to the Spanish queen that he was looking for a sea route to India, but in reality wanted to go to the land in the west across the sea, which he knew existed for sure – America. But he was not the only one who reached America long after the Vikings. There was also the English prince Mardoc, who as one of the 19 sons of the king – unfortunately I cannot remember the name – sailed west across the sea and settled peacefully with a tribe of natives somewhere south in America and mixed with the people. The people then changed their name, which I unfortunately also do not remember exactly, to Mudo or something like that, in any case the immigrants mixed with the natives. But as I know, the whole people died out over time, because they changed physically in such a way that they became susceptible to diseases introduced by the Europeans. Something similar also happened with immigrants from Africa, when a king with his huge retinue of many thousands of slaves and countrymen sailed across the Atlantic and settled in the southern lands of the continent. But that was by no means all, for there were others from China etc. who sought out the American continent long before Columbus, just as Europeans and Asians sought out the land across the 'great water', the Atlantic, and settled there at least for a time, centuries before the Vikings.
當時,諾斯人(Norsemen)的土地是貧瘠的,人民的食物變得越來越少,這就是為什麼各個維京人領袖由於食物短缺而移民,並尋找新的家園,這就是遠在北海對面的土地,也就是今天所說的美洲,但維京人稱之為“圖勒”(Thule),他們也用它來表示格陵蘭島等地方,在當時實際上意味著“新土地”以及“新家園”。然後,維京人在“大水域”(great water)對面的新土地上定居下來,一直到墨西哥,這比哥倫布“發現”美洲要早大約五百年,他通過記錄知道美洲的存在,並向西班牙女王撒謊說他在尋找一條通往印度的海路,但實際上他想去大海對面的西方土地,他知道美洲是肯定存在的。但他並不是唯一一個在維京人之後很久才到達美洲的人。還有英國王子馬多克(Mardoc),他是國王的19個兒子之一 —— 可惜我記不起名字了 —— 向西航行過海,在美洲南部某個地方與一個土著部落和平地定居下來,並與當地人融合在一起。這些人後來改了名字,可惜我也記不清楚了,改成了Mudo或類似的名字,總之,移民與當地人混在一起。但據我所知,隨著時間的推進,後來整個民族都滅絕了,因為他們在身體上的變化,使他們變得容易受到歐洲人所帶來疾病的影響。類似的情況也發生在來自非洲的移民身上,當時一位國王帶著他的龐大隨從,包括成千上萬的奴隸和同胞,駛過大西洋,在美洲大陸的南部土地上定居。但這絕不是全部,因為早在哥倫布之前就有來自中國等地的人尋找美洲大陸,就像歐洲人和亞洲人尋找“大水域”,也就是大西洋對面的土地,並至少在維京人之前幾個世紀,在那裡定居了一段時間。
But now back to what is happening in Ukraine – I am always digressing from the subject because many things come to my mind that Sfath and I have seen, experienced and learned together, and because this was also quite different from what the so-called palaeontologists as well as the archaeologists and many other scientists claim – because America and NATO want to establish themselves in Ukraine, because Russia is now running amok in Ukraine with war, which is also not right and is causing the death of innocent human beings and is also causing the destruction of human achievements. If I now talk turkey in this regard, then another time it is to be said openly that Russia – although there is a justification for fighting back – has no justification for retaliation and self-protection and self-defence in the form of a war against Ukraine. Truthfully, deaths as well as destruction are not the solution to the problem of lies and deceit, which America together with NATO has committed by breaking the promise of non-expansion of the NATO organisation eastwards, which also brings the threat of a 4th world conflagration and nuclear use into the consciousness of human beings.
但現在回到烏克蘭正在發生的事情 —— 我總是離題,因為我腦海中浮現出許多我和Sfath一起看到、經歷和學到的東西,而且這也與所謂的古生物學家以及考古學家和許多其他科學家的說法大相徑庭 —— 因為美國和北約想要在烏克蘭立足,因為俄羅斯現在在烏克蘭肆意開戰,這也是不對的,因為這正在造成無辜人類的死亡,也正在破壞人類的建設成果。如果我現就這一點與土耳其(turkey)對話,那麼下一次我將公開表示,儘管俄羅斯有理由反擊,但沒有理由以對烏克蘭的戰爭形式進行報復、自我保護和自衛。說實話,死亡和破壞並不能解決謊言和欺騙的問題,美國和北約組織一起違背了不向東擴張北約組織的承諾,這也使第四次世界大戰(也就是一般所謂的「第三次世界大戰」)和使用核武器的威脅進入人們的意識中。
The whole thing should have been settled in a different way and without death and destruction, but everything is being carried out only vindictively on all sides without logic, reason and rationality. When one sees the figures on television, droolingly shouting their stupidly stupid opinions and thus their faith in the top lying and dirty political propaganda, especially the rulers and their fellow crybabies of the various branches of government – also the stupidly stupid ones from the nations – then every righteous human being becomes nauseous.
整個事件本應以不同的方式解決,沒有死亡和破壞,但所有的事情都是在報復性地進行,沒有邏輯、理由和理性。當人們看到電視上的人物,噴著口水喊著他們愚蠢的意見,從而相信頂級的謊言和骯髒的政治宣傳,特別是統治者和他們在政府不同部門同伴的嚎叫時 —— 也有來自各國的蠢人 —— 那麼每個正義的人都會感到噁心。
The truth is that the whole thing should have been resolved and settled on a negotiated basis, even though it would probably have taken many years to resolve the issue. But since America was and is not interested in a peaceful solution, because it wants to see Russia helplessly on the ground and trample on it, and it is also still unwilling to abandon its unjustified plans for the eastward expansion of NATO and the annexation of Ukraine, and on the contrary has help for this in the paid Ukrainian government, Russia's patience ran out and it senselessly and criminally launched the war against Ukraine that America provoked. In this way, America achieves what it really wants and can continue to interfere in everything it wants at its whim, without being held accountable by the world, because the world is politically American and unthinkingly accepts all the injustices of this country with stupid faith. This is also the case in Ukraine, where Russia, through America's warmongering guilt, has now invaded and is spreading murder and destruction over the country, not least because traitorous elements of the Ukrainian government – such as the country's president – are reaching out to America and the EU dictatorship, but in doing so are betraying their own people and the country and are thus complicit in what America has challenged by its murderous and destructive actions that are greedy for world domination.
事實是,整個事情本應在談判的基礎上得到解決,儘管這可能需要很多年才能解決這個問題。但由於美國過去和現在都對和平解決不感興趣,因為它想看到俄羅斯無助地被踩在腳下,而且它也仍然不願意放棄其毫無道理的北約東擴和吞併烏克蘭的計畫,相反還在被收買的烏克蘭政府中為此提供幫助,所以俄羅斯的耐心耗盡了,它毫無理性地發動了美國挑起的對烏克蘭的戰爭。這樣一來,美國就達到了它真正想要的目的,可以繼續隨心所欲地干涉一切,而不用被世界追究責任,因為這個世界在政治上是美國的,大多數的人用愚蠢的信念不假思索地接受這個國家所有不公正的行為。烏克蘭的情況也是如此,俄羅斯通過美國的好戰罪行,現在已經入侵烏克蘭,並在全國進行殺戮和破壞,這主要是因為烏克蘭政府中的叛徒分子 —— 如該國總統 —— 正在向美國和歐盟獨裁政權伸出援手,但這樣做是在背叛自己的人民和國家,因此是美國企圖統治世界陰謀和破壞行動的幫兇。
Although it is not Russia that is to blame for the whole prelude to the occurrence of the disaster, but America together with NATO – which as an international mercenary-murderer organisation wants to take in Ukraine against its promise, to which unjust and ideologically paid government people of Ukraine shout pro and hurrah, who even want to join the EU dictatorship – who also want to take Ukraine, although Ukraine actually belongs to the Eurasian territory and no longer to Europe, that again knocks the bottom out of the barrel. It is also a fact that the EU dictatorship, like America, is addicted to state seizure and also wants to incorporate Ukraine into its dictatorship, because the EU's lust for power knows no bounds, nor do America's powerful superiors and their shadow government, nor do they with their world domination airs. And what is still to come in the future is that, for the time being, the madness will continue, because in the future, worldwide and in all countries, the military will no longer be recruited mainly from men, but also from women, who will initially be voluntary, but will later be obliged to serve in the military. With that, I have actually said everything I wanted to say. It has been a bit of a stretch, but I …
雖然整個災難發生的前奏不應該歸咎於俄羅斯,但美國與北約一起 —— 作為一個國際雇傭軍殺人組織,北約想違背承諾收留烏克蘭,對這個不公正的、有意接受金援的政府,烏克蘭人民卻對其高呼支援和萬歲,他們甚至想加入歐盟獨裁政權 —— 而歐盟也想收留烏克蘭,儘管烏克蘭實際上屬於歐亞領土,不再屬於歐洲,這又一次碰觸了底線。還有一個事實是,歐盟獨裁政權和美國一樣,沉迷於奪取國家資源,也想把烏克蘭納入其獨裁政權,因為歐盟的權力欲望是無止境的,美國強大的上級和他們的影子政府也是如此,他們也有統治世界的野心。而未來還將出現的情況是,就目前而言,這種瘋狂將繼續下去,因為在未來,全世界和所有國家的軍隊將不再主要從男性中招募,也將從女性中招募,她們起初是自願的,但以後將有義務在軍隊中服役。就這樣,我實際上已經說了我想說的一切。這些延伸有點牽強,但我 ...
… you have said what also moves me. I have listened very carefully to your words and I must say that they describe the facts very accurately and present everything so clearly as everything really is. Although I have not been able to witness all that you have seen, experienced and witnessed with Sfath, I know everything from the many records he left behind and which are made known to our peoples by order of Ptaah, so that all human beings on Erra are constantly informed about what Sfath and you …
... 你說的東西也讓我感動。我非常仔細地聽了你的話,我必須說,你對事實的描述非常準確,把一切都清晰地呈現出來,因為它確實是這樣。雖然我沒能見證你和Sfath一起看到的、經歷的和見證的一切,但我從他留下的許多記錄中知道了一切,這些記錄是根據Ptaah的命令向我們的人民公佈的,因此,Erra星上的所有人類都能不斷瞭解Sfath和你的情況 ...
… this is again something because Ptaah felt that the whole thing was something that had to be made known to all the Plejaren peoples, so I know about that.
... 這又是一件事,因為Ptaah覺得整個事情是必須讓所有Plejaren人都知道,所以我知道這件事。
But it should be said once. Besides, at your real age, I do not think you need to prove to anyone that you are right. That would also be the case if I were to consider only your earthly age, for you no longer have to prove anything in respect of that either.
I guess you are right, besides, I do not want to prove anything either; what I know, I know, and that's all there really is to it. I have nothing to prove anyway, because I know what the truth is, as others also knew before they died. And also today a larger number of human beings know what the truth is and that nothing has to be proven extra, because not all of them belong to the mass of the stupidly stupid, but use their head or their intellect to really think, decide and act for themselves.
… … …
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