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Contact Report 792/第792次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年02月23日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年02月27日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
四、據Plejaren真實記錄的資訊顯示:於1990年2月2日在德國慕尼黑的Bayrischer Hof飯店舉行的的一次安全會議上,美國與德國向俄羅斯領導人保證說,正如美國在華盛頓已經說過的,北約沒有進一步向東擴張的打算。而據查當時的措辭是:“美國國務卿在華盛頓做出了意義深遠的保證:我們不願意,歐洲也沒有打算將北約的防禦區進一步向東擴展。”
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
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Whatever you say, so be it.
Thank you, so the following then: As far as our observations on Earth are concerned, since time immemorial we have found that everything concerning politics has always been oriented in such a way that peace could never come about for Earth-humans, but sooner or later war and terror were always the result. I know this and am well informed about it from the history of Earth-humans with regard to politics, which has been recorded here for around 25 million years. Therefore, I know very well how everything is politically conducted in this world, always and without exception by human beings who lived out their lust for power and their murderous character and continue to do so as soon as they have the opportunity and possibility to do so. At first they pretend to be peaceful sheep, but when they come to power they let their true nature run wild without restraint, and this is often worse than in the case of completely degenerate creatures who have no equal even in the animal world and surpass degenerate animals in their then inherent blazing lust for murder. A fact that is still preserved today and is lived out and implemented by the leaders of the state, against which the peoples can do nothing and as a rule still bear the blame themselves, because they are the ones who elect these unfit and truly unfit-to-state elements to the leadership of the state and to power.
This has also resulted from time immemorial with jurisdiction, mostly in the train of religious belief, since many and even billions of human lives have been sacrificed and murdered over the millennia, so in wars, religious persecution, religious mania, witch hunts and punitive mania in the form of capital punishment, as well as out of hatred and revenge, out of weariness, retaliation and greed for gain, and so on.
There I know everything, and much I have witnessed with Sfath through time travel and found that it was completely different from what has been handed down or 'found out' by antiquarians and assumed, claimed and presented by archaeologists. But that is not so important, because the past is not so important that it really needs to be explored, because the present and the near future are important, because everything that will happen far into the future depends on it. Also important is what has happened with regard to what is at present or what is the actual origin of what led to what is at the present time and will result from it in the future. I am thinking in particular of the miserable conditions in world politics, which are more about terror and war than about constructive cooperation for real peace in the world. I am thinking mainly of the mercenary-murderous army NATO, through which mainly America enforces its criminal and criminal ambitions with the help of the machinations of its secret services, whereby the NATO top brass are so stupid and dumb that they do not realise what America is actually secretly up to, namely to achieve world domination with the help of NATO. Already the US is squatting worldwide with its military bases in more than 30 countries, and what is brewing is not exactly what will bring peace on Earth.
在那裡我知道一切,我和Sfath通過時空穿梭(time travel;也稱時空旅行等)見證了很多東西,並察覺它與古物學家所“發現”的,以及考古學家所假設的情況完全不同。但這並不那麼重要,因為過去的已不那麼重要,以至於它真的需要被探索,因為現在和不久的將來是重要的,因為遠在未來發生的一切都取決於它。同樣重要的是,就目前的情況而言,已經發生了什麼,或者什麼是導致目前的情況並將在未來產生的實際起源。我特別想到的是世界政治的悲慘狀況,它更多地是關於恐怖活動和戰爭行為,而不是為世界的真正和平進行建設性的合作。我主要想到的是北約(NATO)的雇傭殺人軍(mercenary-murderous army),美國主要是通過北約在其秘密機構的陰謀幫助下實施其犯罪和罪惡的野心,而北約的高層是如此的愚蠢和笨拙,以至於他們沒有意識到美國實際上在暗中做的事,那就是在北約的幫助下實現其統治全世界的野心。美國已經在全世界內霸佔了30多個國家的軍事基地,而正在醞釀的事情,並不能為地球帶來真正的和平。
Which is, unfortunately, as you say. It could all have been avoided if the Americans had acted correctly and fairly towards Russia, but they didn't and they continue not to. They are doing everything illegally and against a verbal agreement, namely through the US's devious ambitions for world domination, to expand the NATO alliance in Europe towards the East and consequently towards Russia in such a way that it corresponds to a clandestine military attack on the country. The country's leaders are rightly defending themselves against this and, in the event of a further escalation, will demand the withdrawal of the NATO mercenaries, which, despite the verbal promise that there would be no NATO expansion in Europe against the East and thus against Russia – but which has been shamefully broken – has nevertheless taken place and will continue to take place with Ukraine. This is the information that I can give you and that I have gleaned from our records, which we record daily and are available for inspection by any Plejaren person interested in them.
不幸的是,這正如你所說。如果美國人對俄羅斯採取正確和公平的行動,這一切都可以避免,但他們沒有,而且他們繼續反向操作。他們正在做一切非法的、違反口頭協議的事情,也就是通過美國對世界統治的狡猾野心,將歐洲的北約聯盟向東方擴張,從而向俄羅斯擴張,這樣的方式相當於對該國的秘密軍事攻擊。該國領導人正在正確地保護自己,如果事態進一步升級,他們將要求北約雇傭軍撤離,儘管口頭上承諾北約不會在歐洲向東方、進而向俄羅斯擴張 —— 但這一承諾已被可恥地打破 —— 但在烏克蘭已經發生並將繼續發生。這是我能給你的資訊,也是我從我們的記錄中收集到的資訊,我們每天都會記錄這些資訊,任何對其感興趣的Plejaren人都可以查閱。
You amaze me, because I did not know about that before. But now I am interested in when and how such an oral promise was made to Russia? An oral promise is worth the same as a written one, isn't it? Do you know more about this?
Yes, only yesterday I sought this information, which is why I can also answer you accurately. It was at a security conference on the 2nd of February 1990, and I read that it was held at the 'Bayrischer Hof' in Munich, in Germany. In my opinion, the topics were very interesting and wide-ranging, and international law in outer space was also addressed, which I find ridiculous, however, because until the Earth-humans will one day have reached the point where they can really fly out into solar space, not only for research purposes, that is, not only for experimental purposes and with individuals or their 2 or 3 at the same time, it will still be a long time before they will also ever reach the real galaxy space or world space, as it is called by the Earth-humans, which begins outside SOL space.
是的,就在昨天我還在尋找這個資訊,這就是為什麼我也能準確地回答你。那是在1990年2月2日的一次安全會議上,我讀到它是在德國慕尼黑(Munich)的“Bayrischer Hof”飯店舉行的。在我看來,議題非常有趣,範圍很廣,還談到了外太空的國際法,但我覺得這很荒謬,因為直到地球人有一天達到了可以真正飛向太陽外太空的地步,就不僅是為了研究目的,也就是說,不僅是為了作實驗,而他們還需要很長時間才能到達真正的星系空間或宇宙空間,就像地球人所說的那樣,這是從太陽系以外的太空開始算的。
The law of nations, which was talked about far into the Middle East and further beyond, was just as ridiculous when one considers that America, as the main initiator of the whole thing, was secretly striving for world domination at the time, as is also the case today, as it is trying to integrate Ukraine as another link in its plan of striving for world domination in the name of NATO. The actual head of NATO should think about this himself and make real discoveries about America's real motives, namely why the USA is so vehemently advocating that NATO should also include Ukraine in its murderous alliance, to which end leaders of Ukraine, secretly paid by America, are also lending their dirty hands.
The statements made at that time by the participants of the Security Conference are verbal promises that are more current today than ever before, which, moreover, were captured on video using the technology of the time, and which mean that Russia now has no patience at all to bow to the lies of America and the West. That is why all that exists today and is coming is so evil – which will also include threats of nuclear weapons use. The many wars in the name of humanity etc. that America has waged and continues to wage, it has let loose itself, so too the NATO expansion eastwards and all the broken promises made for many a thing. America is a lying and promise-breaking country like no other we know in many millions of light years. Unfortunately, this was never put down in a written treaty, consequently it was easily broken by the Americans and NATO and the NATO expansion to the East took place – because with these liars a verbal promise counted for nothing and also counts for nothing today. Also the foreign minister of Germany at that time assured that NATO enlargement to the East would never take place, which was also a lie and the promise was broken. But words have probably been said enough, so let me recall and say what I am about to do, what was said at the time in Munich at the Security Conference, when the Russian leadership was assured of the following, that it had been said in Washington that there was no intention in NATO to expand further eastwards. What I am retrieving now is roughly the wording that was used at the time:
安全會議與會者當時的發言是口頭上的承諾,這些承諾在今天比以往任何時候都更有時效性,此外,這些承諾是用當時的技術拍下來的,這意味著俄羅斯現在根本沒有耐心向美國和西方的謊言低頭。這就是為什麼今天存在的和即將到來的一切是如此邪惡 —— 這也將包括使用核武器的威脅。美國以人類的名義發動並繼續發動的許多戰爭,都是它自己放出來的,北約的東擴也是如此,還有為許多事情所做的所有違背的承諾。與我們所知的數百萬光年內的其他國家不同,美國是一個說謊和違背承諾的國家。不幸的是,這一點從未被寫進書面條約,因此它很容易被美國人和北約破壞,北約向東擴張也就發生了 —— 因為對這些騙子來說,口頭承諾不算什麼。另外,德國外交部長當時保證北約向東方擴張永遠不會發生,這也是一個謊言,承諾被打破了。但話可能已經說得夠多了,所以讓我回憶一下,說說我要做的事情,當時在慕尼黑安全會議上,向俄羅斯領導人保證說,在華盛頓已經說過,北約沒有進一步向東擴張的打算。我現在檢索到的大致是當時的措辭:
"The far-reaching assurances were made in Washington by the American Secretary of State 'that we are not willing and there is no intention in Europe to extend NATO's defence area further east'."
It was then 31 years later, and as late as the 17th of December 2021, that a list was drawn up in Washington – which was the reason for drawing up a treaty – but which was supposed to convey security guarantees, but this was basically just a belated renewed US deception on the aforementioned 1990 speech from Washington. However, many previous diplomatic dispatches and protocols exchanged were only fraudulent machinations that did not produce any results of any kind, such as a necessary written treaty with necessary corresponding declarations by the American leadership or NATO.
然後在31年後,遲至2021年12月17日,在華盛頓擬定了一份聲明 —— 這是擬定條約的原因 ——但這應該是傳達安全保證,但這基本上只是美國對上述1990年華盛頓口頭保證遲來的再次欺騙。然而,以前的許多外交派遣和交換的議定書只是欺詐性的陰謀,如美國領導人或北約的必要的書面條約與必要的相應聲明,並沒有產生任何形式的結果。
Everything points to the fact that with every new leadership of the USA, the time of a new writing of history between America and Russia arises, whereby always and without exception, a new provocation of an evil war event and thus a new current dilemma of the fear of the peoples begins. This time, however, the threat of nuclear weapons will be running in the background, making reference to diplomatic conciliation all the more difficult and, when it becomes public, shocking the peoples of the world. Militarily, however, the USA will see to it that with the eastward expansion of NATO, everything is not reflected in the media as it corresponds to reality, so that the USA stands cleanly worldwide and is erroneously judged as good by the peoples, while in reality America and NATO are inciting all states against Russia and branding it as the bad guys, and are thus willing to provoke a war. Threats from the entire West full of ultimatums and sanctions up to troop mobilisations of NATO allies sending military forces to the member countries illegally and untrustingly affiliated to Russia – of course steered by the USA – are coming to bear the longer the more and leave Russia no choice but to defend itself all the more.
一切都表明,隨著美國的每一個新的領導層,美國和俄羅斯之間出現了新的歷史階段,據此,總是毫無例外地開始了新的邪惡戰爭事件的挑釁,從而開始了新的人民恐懼的當前困境。然而,這一次,核武器的威脅將在暗中運行,使外交和解更加困難,而且一旦公開,將震驚世界人民。然而,在軍事上,美國將確保隨著北約的東擴,一切都不會在媒體上反映出與現實相符的情況,這樣美國就會在世界被賦予一個乾淨的形象,被各國人民錯誤地判定為好的,而實際上美國和北約正在煽動所有國家反對俄羅斯,把它打造成壞人,從而不惜挑起戰爭。來自整個西方的威脅,充滿了最後通牒和制裁,直到北約盟國向非法和不信任俄羅斯的成員國派兵 —— 當然是在美國的引導下 —— 時間越來越長,讓俄羅斯別無選擇,只能出兵自衛。
What the US Secretary of State and Genscher had verbally assured Russia on the 2nd of February 1990 in the context of the reunification of Germany at the Security Conference in Munich is today denied by the Americans and declared null and void. Even Genscher declared before he passed away, "We betrayed Russia". George F. Kennan, US diplomat and historian, who was also the originator of the US doctrine of 'containment of communism', said it even more sharply in 1997, when he described the eastward enlargement of NATO as a 'fatal error' and later even let it be known in a circle of confidants that Russia had been deceived. But America, or rather America's leaders and powerful, do not care, because they want to realise their plans for world domination by all means of intrigue.
1990年2月2日,美國國務卿和根舍(Genscher)在慕尼黑安全會議上就德國統一問題向俄羅斯作出的口頭保證,今天被美國人否認並宣佈無效。甚至根舍在去世前也宣稱:“我們背叛了俄羅斯”。美國外交官和歷史學家喬治.F.凱南(George F. Kennan),也是美國“遏制共產主義”(containment of communism)學說的始作俑者,在1997年說得更尖銳,他把北約的東擴描述為“致命的錯誤”,後來甚至讓一群親信知道,俄羅斯被欺騙了。但美國,或者說美國的領導人和權貴們並不在意,因為他們想通過各種陰謀手段來實現他們統治世界的計畫。
I know all that, but the whole thing will not go as America's power mongers imagine, because …
我知道這一切,但整件事不會像美國的權貴們想像的那樣發展,因為 …
… Thou shalt not …
… 你不應該...
Yes, I know – sometimes you just get in the heat of the moment. But what has to be said is that not all Americans are behind the government and its machinations, not even behind the shadow government, which basically turns on everything that nobody or hardly anybody knows about. Fundamentally, it is really only those of the people who want disorder and just as much might as the powerful themselves. In my opinion, these are the sad elements that also cheered Trump and still do. This on the one hand, but on the other hand also the power-hungry, who squat in the government itself, up to the top limb, who wields power wickedly as soon as they are at the top of power and then let the power play. Basically, they are elected by the people themselves, whereby the rule is that those who are to be elected pretend to be different and just and peaceful, make big promises and then act completely contrary to what they promised before they won the elections. The promised peace and freedom turns into war and dictatorship and everything else that is evil, except what was promised. If the elected then taste the might they now have, the evil comes up from the depths of their character, pushes outwards and spreads unrestrained. And when the rulers realise that their evil actions are working and that the people are not doing anything about it because it is forbidden and impossible for them to do so by laws and the security personnel of the state, then the actions, switches and actions of the rulers become stronger, more blatant and more unstoppable. But we also have such people in Europe, especially in the leadership of the EU dictatorship and also in Germany, where especially the brats president and foreign minister want to make a name for themselves as warmongers and show off big time, but they are too cowardly, as the rulers worldwide are on the whole, They are too cowardly to say something against overpopulation, to stop it from growing and to contain it, just as all of them, in their incapacity, also do nothing truthful, do nothing to counteract the Corona plague in such a harsh way that it could be 'shut down'. With the constant ups and downs, however, nothing is being done and achieved that would curb this epidemic on a large scale. So it will soon establish itself and get stuck as a permanent infection channel for a long time. And this will happen in the same way as the worldwide poisoning of the environment, against which those in power do not do anything or not much, consequently, for example, the waters will be poisoned more and more, and also the drinking water, which every human being, every animal and beast as well as every other life-form needs for life and cannot live without this vital substance. But let's leave this subject, because there are other things to talk about.
是的,我知道 —— 有時你只是遇到了當下熱門的話題。但必須指出的是,並不是所有的美國人都支持政府及其陰謀,甚至不支持影子政府(shadow government),影子政府基本上是在沒有人或幾乎沒有人知道的情況下開啟了一切的運作。從根本上說,真正想要混亂和權力的只是那些人,而不是有權勢的人自己。在我看來,這些人就是那些為川普(Trump)歡呼並仍在起鬨的可悲分子。一方面是這樣,但另一方面也是那些渴望權力的人,他們窩在政府裡面,一直等到取得最高權力,只要達到權力的頂端,他們就會肆意妄為,然後讓自己的權力發揮到極致。基本上,他們是由人民選出來的,其中的規則是,那些想要當選的人會假裝與眾不同、公正而和平,並做出重大的承諾,然後在贏得選舉後,就會完全違背他們之前的承諾。當初承諾的和平和自由等崇高和神聖,結果卻變成了戰爭和獨裁以及其他一切的邪惡。因為如果當選者嘗到了他們現在所擁有的力量,那麼邪惡就會從他們的性格深處湧現出來,向外推進,肆意蔓延。而當統治者意識到他們的邪惡行為正在發揮作用,而人民對此卻無能為力,因為法律和國家的安全人員禁止他們起而反抗,也不可能這樣做,那麼統治者的行為、轉變和行動就會變得更加強大,更加明目張膽,更加不可阻擋。而我們在歐洲也有這樣的人,特別是在歐盟獨裁政權的領導層,還有德國,特別是那些乳臭未乾的(brats)總統和外交部長想作為戰爭販子揚名立萬,大顯身手,但他們膽識不夠。他們太懦弱了,不敢說些反對人口過剩的話,以遏制人口增長,就像他們所有的人,在其能力範圍內,沒有做任何實質上能發會作用的事,沒有以嚴厲的方式來控制冠狀病毒疫情,使疫情可以“就此打住”(shut down)。然而,隨著疫情不斷的起伏,他們並沒有做任何事情,也沒有大規模遏制這種流行病。因此,疫情很快就會捲土重來,並在很長一段時間內被卡在這裡,作為一個永久的感染管道。這將與全世界的環境毒害一樣發生,當權者對此無動於衷或不聞不問,因此,例如,水源將會被污染得越來越嚴重,包括飲用水。而每個人、每個動物和野獸以及其他生物都需要生存,沒有這種重要資源,那就無法生存下去。但讓我們離開這個話題吧,因為還有其他事情要談。
… … …
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