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Contact Report 467/第467次接觸報告
英譯版本:2020年07月07日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年03月15日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
I thought I would be in the office before you, Ptaah dear friend. I just drank my coffee in peace after you called me. I thought you were going to be here in about ten minutes. It is also just as well. But you are very welcome, and my greetings to you too, of course.
1. Greetings also to you, my dear friend.
2. It is a pleasure, Eduard, to see you well.
3. And right at the beginning of our conversation I would like to send you greetings from my daughters Semjase and Pleija, from Quetzal, Aikarina as well as from everyone you know personally.
4. They all told me to wish you all the best for your health and to assure you of their love for you.
Oh – thanks. Please say thank you to all of them, but also give them my warmest greetings and let them know that I also think of them all very often.
5. I will gladly pass on all your connecting words.
May I ask you something right now?
6. You may.
The Dark Matter in the universe, we have talked about it a few times, but it was only in a private way, so nothing was ever written about it in the contact reports. Yes, you also kept me quiet about this topic, the last time was about five years ago. Is it still not allowed to say anything about it, I mean, what is the task of Dark Matter and what do you call it?
宇宙中的「暗物質」(Dark Matter),我們曾經談過幾次,但總是以私下的方式,所以接觸報告中從來沒有寫到過它。而你也讓我對這個話題保持沉默,上一次大約是五年前。但現在還不能說嗎,我是說,暗物質產生的作用(task)是什麼,你們怎麼稱呼它?
7. It is not necessary to remain silent about it, so you can openly reveal your knowledge.
Which you could also do, but if you think that I should say something about it, then please: If I remember correctly, you call dark matter 'expansion substance', which also has the property that it makes every solar system, every galaxy and the entire universe expand. So it is a kind of expansion matter.
你也可以這樣做,但如果你認為我應該說些什麼,那麼請你說。如果我沒記錯的話,你把暗物質稱為“膨脹物質”(expansion substance),也就是它有這樣的特性:透過它,每個恆星系、每個星系和整個宇宙都在膨脹。所以可以說,暗物質是一種膨脹物質。
8. That is true.
[中譯者註:在宇宙學中,暗物質(Dark Matter)是指不與電磁力產生作用的物質,也就是不會吸收、反射或發出光。人們目前只能透過重力產生的效應得知,而且已經發現宇宙中有大量暗物質的存在。
Then one more question, if I may ask one more?
9. You can, but today I would like to talk to you again in a very private way, where we can also enjoy a game of chess.
Of course. Playing chess is also part of it. You know, sometimes we talk about our chess playing, because we do the game with great speed. A lot of people are surprised when I play chess at the kitchen table with group members in a fast way and everything is done move by move in no time, while others take a long time for each move.
10. Chess is not a game for slow thinkers, but for fast thinkers.
11. So the game is only interesting and of value if the thinking is very fast and logical and if move after move is done in quick succession.
12. Playing chess slowly says about the players that they are not capable of fast combinatorial and strategic thought processes.
Playing in a way that involves thinking about a move for a long time is also extremely boring and in addition, somehow terrorist. But now my question: As our astronomical scientists and the humans of Earth with some general knowledge know, the Andromeda Nebula as our next galaxy is approaching our Milky Way at a speed of about 500,000 kilometres per hour. Although the Universe is expanding at an enormous speed, which is why the galaxies must also be drifting apart from each other, this drifting apart is not always the case, as the mutual approach of our Milky Way and the Andromeda Nebula proves. Can you tell me why this is so? Why are the Andromeda nebula and the Milky Way racing towards each other while other galaxies are drifting apart?
以一種需要長時間思考一步棋的方式下棋,也是非常枯燥的,此外,還有某種程度上的恐怖。但現在我的問題是:正如我們的天文學家和受過一些普通教育的地球人所知,作為我們隔壁星系的仙女座星雲(Andromeda Nebula)正以每小時約50萬公里的速度接近我們的銀河系。雖然宇宙正在以巨大的速度膨脹,這就是為什麼星系也必須漸行漸遠,但這種漸行漸遠並不是在每一種情況下都會發生,正如我們的銀河系和仙女座星雲的相互接近所證明的那樣。你能告訴我這是為什麼嗎?為什麼仙女座星雲和銀河系在相互靠近,而其他星系卻在漸行漸遠?
13. Distances are crucial in this respect, because they determine whether galaxies are racing towards each other or moving away from each other.
14. It is of correctness that the universe is expanding, and it is precisely this that determines whether galaxies are drifting apart.
15. As the universe expands, there is also a principle of expansion for galaxies, which means that galaxies are moving apart.
16. However, this effect of galaxies drifting apart only occurs when they exist at a great distance from each other.
17. This is a distance that must be calculated at about one hundred million light-years.
18. Whatever is further apart or closer to each other below this distance is subject to gravity, so galaxies attract each other by their gravity if their distance to each other is less than one hundred million light-years.
19. And since the Andromeda Nebula and the Milky Way are only about 2.6 million light-years apart, the law of gravity comes into play, so the two galaxies attract each other.
而由於仙女座星雲和銀河系只相距約260萬光年,萬有引力定律(the law of gravity)開始發揮作用,所以這兩個星系相互吸引。
20. Their first encounter will take place in about three billion years, followed by another 1.7 billion years, during which time the two galaxies will dissolve, mix and finally merge into one oversized galaxy.
[中譯者註:仙女座星系(Andromeda Galaxy,在舊文獻中曾經稱為仙女座星雲,在中國古代被稱為奎宿增廿一)是一個螺旋星系,距離地球大約250萬光年,是除麥哲倫雲(地球所在的銀河系的伴星系)以外最近的星系。
So it is not a head-on collision but rather a process of slowly sliding into each other. Quetzal recently told me that your latest calculations regarding the stars in our Milky Way have yielded a figure of about 430 billion. So what is the number of gravity in relation to the Andromeda Nebula?
21. Our calculations give a gravity of this galaxy that is 2.78 times greater than that of the Milky Way.
Huge, but seen only by us earthlings. Cosmically speaking, however, it is only small if you consider that there are supergalaxies and hypergalaxies. Then I have another question: Are you familiar with the story about Jack the Ripper?
真是龐大,但只有我們地球人看到。不過從宇宙的角度來說,如果你考慮到有超級星系(supergalaxies)和超巨星系(hypergalaxies)的話,這整個事情那是小事一樁。那麼我還有一個問題:你熟悉關於「開膛手傑克」(Jack the Ripper)的故事嗎?
22. Of course.
There are many versions of who this killer was, but no one knows anything specific about it. I also once asked one of you, but I do not remember who I asked and what the answer was. I searched all the recorded contact conversations, but I could not find anything regarding who the killer was and what was said. Do you know who 'Jack the Ripper' was?
23. It seems that there was a private conversation about why there is no record of it, anyway I know nothing about such an official conversation.
24. But concerning 'Jack the Ripper' it is without doubt to say that it was a man who had fallen for a degenerated sexuality, which he fulfilled in prostitutes, in order to murder them, for which he used a dagger, but also a small sword and poison.
但關於“開膛手傑克”,毫無疑問,他是一個陷入墮落性行為的人,他在妓女身上得到滿足,然後謀殺她們,他用匕首(dagger),也用短劍(small sword)和毒藥。
25. He also took organs from the dead, which he cooked and ate.
26. He was born in Canada, lived for some time in the USA and then in England.
27. The man's name was Thomas Neill Cream and he was a trained physician, but after several murders he came under suspicion, was arrested, charged and sentenced to death, after which he was hanged in 1892.
這個人的名字叫湯瑪斯.尼爾.克寧(Thomas Neill Cream),是一名訓練有素的醫生,但在幾起謀殺案之後,他受到了懷疑,被逮捕、審判並被判處死刑,之後他於1892年被絞死。
28. At the same time, however, a second man was making trouble in the same way, who prosecuted the royal house of Queen Victoria, but was never caught because he managed to evade justice and gave up his bloody activities after Thomas Neill Cream was arrested.
然而與此同時,第二個人也在以同樣的方式作案,他是維多利亞女王(Queen Victoria)的皇室成員,但他從未被抓住,因為在湯瑪斯.尼爾.克寧被捕後,他設法逃避了司法,放棄了血腥活動。
[中譯者註:「開膛手傑克」(Jack the Ripper)是1888年8月7日到11月9日期間,在英國倫敦東區白教堂一帶以殘忍手法連續殺害五名妓女的兇手所冠的化名。犯案期間,兇手多次寄信到警察單位挑釁,卻始終未落入法網。其大膽的犯案手法,經媒體一再渲染,引起當時英國社會恐慌。至今他依然是歐美文化中最惡名昭彰的殺手之一。
關於第28句中提到的“第二個人”,根據資料,他名叫約翰.威廉姆斯爵士(Sir John Williams),是維多利亞女王的好友,並擔任她生產貝翠絲公主的產科醫生,約翰.威廉姆斯的一位後代托尼.威廉姆斯2005年出版的著作《傑克叔叔》裡,被控犯下開膛手的罪行。這位作者宣稱手上握有的資料顯示這位醫生認識所有受害人,並殺了她們且將其肢解,以進行關於不孕的研究。
開膛手傑克,別名“白教堂殺手”(The Whitechapel Murderer)
A copycat. That's what we call copycats. But what about extraordinary predictions, last time there was hardly anything? And what about earthquakes, seaquakes and special storms? Yes we can dispense with forest fires, because they have long become commonplace all over the world, as in California, Spain, Greece and Australia, etc.
29. Also this time there is not much to report.
30. Tomorrow there will be a seaquake of magnitude 6.3 near the Greek island of Rhodes, but this is not unusual and will not cause much damage, as is the case with a 5.3 magnitude earthquake in China, although China will not be able to rest with quakes in the near future because new earthquakes are constantly occurring, which will also be the case in the month of August near Sichuan.
31. Also for Japan in the near future, violent seaquakes, such as one of magnitude 6.4 in the northeastern sea of Japan, and on the 23rd of July, another seaquake of magnitude 6.8 occurs.
32. At the end of June, a 5.5 magnitude quake occurred in southern California, in the Chino Hills area.
六月底,美國加州南部的奇諾崗(Chino Hills)地區將發生5.5級的地震。
33. On the 7th of August a seaquake occurs in Indonesia, near Sambawa Island.
8月7日,印尼松巴哇島(Sambawa Island)附近會發生地震。
34. But what is exceptional is that Radovan Karadzic, a former Serb leader, war criminal and genocide perpetrator, who had many thousands of Muslims etc. murdered by the military in Srebrenica and elsewhere, and even had a hand in it himself, is finally arrested after more than 12 years and transferred to The Hague Tribunal at the end of July.
但特別的是,拉多萬.卡拉季奇(Radovan Karadzic),一個前塞爾維亞族(Serb;簡稱塞族)領導人、戰爭罪犯和種族滅絕罪犯,他在斯雷佈雷尼察(Srebrenica)和其他地方讓成千上萬的穆斯林等被軍隊殺害,甚至自己也參與其中,在12年多後終於被捕,並將於7月底被移交給「國際法院」(Hague Tribunal;又稱「海牙法庭」)。
[中譯者註:「國際法院」(法語:Cour internationale de justice,縮寫為CIJ;英語:International Court of Justice,縮寫為ICJ),是聯合國六大主要機構之一和最主要的司法機關,是主權國家政府間的民事司法裁判機構,根據《聯合國憲章》於1945年6月成立, 並於1946年4月開始運作,位於荷蘭海牙。
35. Furthermore, there are extraordinary storms in Eastern Europe, which bring heavy floods and high water, which also cause death, destruction and destruction of harvests.
36. Europe will also be affected by severe tornadoes in August, which will cause great destruction and will increase in number and intensity in the future.
37. After the first week of August, something extraordinary happens, which is not really extraordinary on Earth and among Earth humans, namely that the State of Georgia starts a military conflict against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which will also result in a military intervention by Russia.
八月第一個星期之後,會發生一些特別的事情,但這在地球和地球人類中其實並不罕見,那就是喬治亞(Georgia;又譯為格魯吉亞)開始對南奧塞梯(South Ossetia)和阿布哈茲(Abkhazia)進行軍事衝突,這也將導致俄羅斯的軍事干預。
38. The conflict claims several thousand lives.
There are still questions on the tip of my tongue: Yes, on my Great Journey with you and Semjase you also let me look far out in the SOL system at the Kuiper Belt with the roughly earth-sized planet through which the belt is interrupted, forming the so-called Kuiper Cliff. In the Kuiper Barrier, as you called the Kuiper Belt, there were also a large number of large objects with a diameter of more than 100 kilometres, which you named with a number of well over 110,000, but besides these billions of smaller and smallest objects form the whole belt. Now the question whether our earthly astronomers have any idea or knowledge at all that the roughly earth-sized planet and the large number of smallest planets exist in the Kuiper Belt? We do not hear or read anything of the kind, because the rule is always that information only leaks out long after the fact, when new findings are already out of date. I also think it is idiotic that Pluto has been degraded to a dwarf object. Just because it is smaller than our Earth moon.
還有一些問題在我的舌尖上:是的,在我與你和Semjase的「偉大之旅」(Great Journey;指的是《第031次接觸報告》的全部歷程)中,你還讓我在太陽系中遠眺柯伊伯帶(Kuiper Belt),有一顆大約地球大小的行星穿過,以致該區域被打斷,形成所謂的柯伊伯懸崖(Kuiper Cliff)。在你所說的柯伊伯屏障(Kuiper Barrier)中,有大量直徑超過一百公里的大型天體,你說這些天體的數目遠遠超過十一萬個,而除了這些之外,還有數以億計較小和更小的天體組成了整個帶狀區域。現在的問題是,我們地球上的天文學家對這方面是否有任何想法或知識,也就是柯伊伯帶中存在著大約地球大小的行星和大量較小的行星?我們沒有聽到或讀到這樣的訊息,因為規則是,資訊只在事後很長時間之後才會洩露出來,但到那時新的發現已經過時了。我還認為,冥王星(Pluto)被降級為矮行星是很愚蠢的。只是因為它比我們的地球衛星(月球)小。
39. Pluto is undoubtedly a planet, even if it must also be classified as a minor planet.
40. And as far as the knowledge of the terrestrial astronomical scientists is concerned, they do not yet have any knowledge of the planet in the Kuiper barrier.
41. Concerning a planet existing there, however, assumptions have been made for quite some time, but they are still vague.
On my Great Journey, you told me what you call the Kuiper planet, but I forget the name.
42. In the German language we simply call it 'Barrier Satellite'.
在德語中,我們直接稱之為“屏障衛星”(Barrier Satellite)。
Yes, true. Now that you mention it – I remember. Then another question concerning the Kuiper Belt: As you told me, there is another big planet in our solar system orbiting from the Kuiper Belt, which also enters the interior of our solar system about every 3,500 or 3,600 years or so. But you did not show me this guy, as I also don't know the history of this planet, because we only talked about it in passing. May I know more about it?
對,沒錯。既然你提到 —— 我想起來了。那麼另一個關於柯伊伯帶的問題:正如你告訴我的,還有一顆大行星從柯伊伯帶繞行到我們的太陽系,它應該是每隔三千五百或三千六百年左右就會進入我們太陽系的內部。但是你沒有讓我看這個大傢伙,同樣我也不知道這個星球的歷史,因為我們只是順便談了一下。那麼我可以知道更多關於它的資訊嗎?
43. Since you bring it up …
44. It is not a secret.
45. In fact, it is not a planet, but a dark comet, which is very rarely seen as such, once it gets so close to the sun that it emits particles, forming a tail.
46. It orbits at the edge of the SOL system, crosses the inner Kuiper Belt resp. the inner Oort cloud and then reaches the outer Oort cloud, after which it returns and enters the interior of the SOL system about every 3600 years.
它在太陽系邊緣運行,穿過柯伊伯帶內側和奧爾特雲(Oort cloud;又譯為歐特雲)內側,然後到達奧爾特雲外側,之後它返回,大約每三千六百年進入太陽系內部一次。
[中譯者註:歐特雲(Oort cloud),又譯為奧爾特雲,在理論上是一個圍繞太陽、主要由冰微行星組成的球體雲團。歐特雲位於星際空間之中,距離太陽最遠至10萬天文單位(約2光年)左右,也就是太陽和比鄰星距離的一半。同樣由海王星外天體組成的凱伯帶和離散盤與太陽的距離不到歐特雲的千分之一。歐特雲的外邊緣標誌著太陽系結構上的邊緣,也是太陽引力影響範圍的邊緣。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
歐特雲和太陽系各大行星及最接近的兩顆恆星的相對距離示意圖。圖中橫軸以地日距離(1 天文單位)為比較基準,依對數尺度繪製(非等比例的線性尺度)。(圖片資料來自:《維基百科》)
47. Already in ancient times this giant comet or giant planet, which is several times the size of the earth, was known to the Egyptians as a 'destroyer' and to the ancestors of the Celts as a 'terror spreader'.
早在古代,這顆巨大的彗星或巨型行星,體積是地球的幾倍,被埃及人稱為“毀滅者”(destroyer),被凱爾特人(Celts)的祖先稱為“恐怖傳播者”(terror spreader)。
48. This Destroyer had or has nothing to do with the Destroyer, which came out of our space-time-structure through a dimensional gate into your space-time-structure and caused a lot of trouble in it, which is why we removed it from the SOL system some years ago and made it harmless.
然而,這個“毀滅者”與「毀滅者」(Destroyer)沒有任何關係,後者是從我們的時空結構中通過一個維度門(dimensional gate)進入你們的時空結構,並在其中造成了很多破壞,這就是為什麼我們在幾年前將它從太陽系中移除並使其不再惹麻煩。
49. This destroyer known to the ancient Egyptians and the ancestors of the Celts is from time to time a giant comet, which can also be called a giant planet and which is actually a so-called 'brown dwarf', as these formations are called by the earthly astronomical scientists.
這個古埃及人和凱爾特人的祖先所知道的破壞者不時是一顆巨大的彗星,它也可以被稱為一顆巨型行星,它實際上是一個所謂的「棕矮星」(brown dwarf),正如地球上的天文學家對這些結構體(formations)的稱呼。
50. This is a form of an unfinished sun that was not able to develop into this.
51. This comet or planet is currently on its way back into the inner SOL system and on its unsteady orbit it causes disturbances on the planetary orbits and on the sun.
[中譯者註:棕矮星(Brown dwarf)是質量介於最重的氣態巨行星和最輕的恆星之間的一種次恆星,具體而言,質量介於13至75或80倍木星質量,或大約2.5×1028 kg 至大約1.5×1029 kg。低於這個範圍的是次棕矮星(有時被稱為流浪行星),質量在這之上的是最輕的恆星紅矮星。棕矮星可能只有對流,而沒有分層或化學分化深度。
You guys are good, because you didn't tell me about this. What do you call this comet or planet, and is it possible that it is the one the Sumerians called 'Nibiru'? With regard to the 'Annanuki', which are said to have lived on it and to have been helpful to the humans of the Earth, Quetzal once said that this was nonsense and that the whole thing was based only on mythological facts and on faith. He already said that 'Nibiru' is not a planet but an unusually large comet with an actual orbital period of 3,600 years around and in the SOL system. The 'Annanuki people of Nibiru' is only a mythological imagination, a people that never existed, because the dark comet is not able to carry human life.
52. What Quetzal explained in this regard is absolutely true.
53. The giant comet, or giant planet of several times the size of the Earth, is in fact what the ancient Sumerians called 'Nibiru', the ancient Egyptians 'destroyers' and the Celtic ancestors 'bringer of terror'.
巨型彗星,或者說是數倍於地球的巨型行星,實際上就是古蘇美爾人所說的“尼比魯”,古埃及人所說的“毀滅者”和凱爾特人的祖先所說的“恐怖的使者” (bringer of terror)。
54. We call him 'Hamerank netal', which means 'dark giant'.
我們稱它為“Hamerank netal”,意思是“黑暗巨星”(dark giant)。
It would have been interesting to know this before, back when we were talking about the Destroyer from your space-time structure and I was also talking to Quetzal about 'Nibiru'. It was probably in May 1989, if I am not mistaken.
55. I know your conversation at that time.
56. It took place on the 1st of May 1989 at the 228th official contact conversation.
I do not remember the date, not even the number of official contact conversations. But your information will be true for sure. But what I want to ask: Since ancient times there have been stories of giants on Earth, like Goliat, who is said to have been killed with a slingshot by the Israelite David, another one called Sippai. Goliat is said to have come from Gat in the Gaza Strip today, from a people of giants. Since time immemorial two giant peoples have been mentioned, namely the 'Enakites' and the 'Rafaites'. One of these giants is said to have had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Did all Enakites and Rafaites have the same physical characteristics? And what happened to these giant peoples? Do you know anything about them?
57. Not all of the giants of both peoples had the same physical characteristics, for there were also among them those whose hands had only five fingers and their feet only five toes.
58. The two very small peoples of the Enakites and the Rafaites were involved in heavy battles with the ancient Egyptians and were completely exterminated by them, because they were discredited as outcasts of evil.
Typical Earth humans' bullshit. But thanks for your explanation. Then something else: There is the well-known painting 'The Man with the Golden Helmet', which is attributed to Rembrandt, but of which your daughter Semjase already said that it was not the work of this man, who was born sometime in 1606 and turned just over 60 years old. He died in 1669, if I am not mistaken.
典型的地球人類的胡說八道。但謝謝你的解釋。還有一件事:有一幅著名的畫作《The Man with the Golden Helmet》,據說是倫勃朗(Rembrandt)的作品,但你的女兒Semjase說過,那不是這個人的作品,他生於1606年的某個時候,活到60多歲。如果我沒記錯的話,他死於1669年。
59. That is true, and the painting you mention is in fact not the work of Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, but that of his student Willem van Kampen, who more than perfectly imitated Rembrandt's painting style and even made it his own.
這是真的,你提到的那幅畫其實不是倫勃朗.哈爾曼松.范萊因(Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn)的作品,而是他的學生Willem van Kampen的作品,他更完美地模仿了倫勃朗的繪畫風格,甚至將其變成了自己的風格。
60. His works, however, were selfishly signed by Rembrandt with his own name, just as he signed many other works of his other pupils, in order to pass them off as his own works and sell them fraudulently as his own works.
And the man wearing the gold helmet in the painting, which is probably a portrait, do you know who he was?
61. I know that, Yes.
62. The man was the father of the Rembrandt pupil Willem van Kampen and his name was Jacob van Kampen.
這個人是倫勃朗的學生Willem van Kampen的父親,他的名字叫雅各布.范.坎彭(Jacob van Kampen)。
[中譯者註:有關名畫《The Man with the Golden Helmet》就是如下這幅:
雖然上幅名畫並不是出自倫勃朗.哈爾曼松.范萊因的作品,然而也有一些流傳百世的名畫則是他真正的作品,例如以下的《夜巡》(The Night Watch)就是其中之一:
Thank you, then this solves a mystery that has also been causing problems for art experts for some time now, who for years have been repeatedly recognising so-called Rembrandt paintings as not being produced by him, even though they bore his signature. Yes the paintings are real, only that they are not by Rembrandt, but by his students. The forgery is only the signature by which Rembrandt fraudulently used the works of his students to represent them as his own paintings. But look here, this journal NEXUS, that is sent to me from Germany, because someone there subscribed to it for me. Is this journal familiar to you? For my part, I find that it manipulates the humans resp. the readers in an enormous and irresponsible way and puts them into fear and faith through the nonsense and fantasies that are imposed on the readers. The journal is now snowing into my house for the second year already, whereby I really only found nonsense and fantasies concerning esotericism, exorcism, crop circles, ufology, photon belts, chemtrails, ghosts, demons, spiritism, clairvoyance, ether research and alleged worldwide state and secret society conspiracies, as well as lies about the fact that the climate catastrophe is only a lying sensationalism and the death of Hitler only an invention. The fact that this magazine also praises Dr. Rath with his 'Health Foundation' and his outrageously overpriced dietary supplements, such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is also a blow to the bottom of the barrel. Considering all the health problems and even the death of the boy suffering from cancer, which caused the parents to treat the boy with Rath's ineffective food supplements and let him die despite many medical warnings instead of giving him conventional medical treatment, which would have given him a good chance of survival. This NEXUS brings nonsense and bottomless fantasies without precedent, leaving out practically no topic. This nonsensical journal is just as stupid, misleading and unrealistic as the MYSTERIES.
謝謝你,那麼這就解開了一個謎團,這個謎團也給藝術專家帶來了一些問題,多年來,他們一再認定所謂的倫勃朗畫作不是他的作品,儘管這些畫作上有他的簽名。這些畫是真的,只是它們不是倫勃朗的作品,而是他學生的作品。假的只是簽名,透過這個簽名,倫勃朗以欺騙的方式利用他學生的作品,將它們成為自己的畫作。但是看這裡,這份《NEXUS》期刊,是從德國寄給我的,因為那裡有人替我訂閱。你對這份期刊熟悉嗎?就我而言,我認為大眾和讀者正被那些強加給他們身上的胡說和幻想,極度不負責任地操縱著,使他們陷入某種恐懼與信念之中。這份期刊已經是第二年寄到我家了,但我在其中發現的都是關於秘教(esotericism)、驅魔(exorcism)、麥田圈(crop circles)、幽浮學(ufology)、光子帶(photon belts)、化學尾跡(chemtrails)、鬼魂(ghosts)、邪靈(demons)、唯靈論(spiritism)、透視(clairvoyance)、以太研究(ether research)和所謂的世界性國家和秘密社會陰謀的無稽之談和幻想,以及關於氣候災難只是一種謊言式的聳人聽聞和希特勒之死只是一種發明的謊言。這份期刊還稱讚Rath博士的“Health Foundation”和他的維生素、礦物質和微量元素等價格高得離譜的膳食補充劑,這也是壓垮他的最後一根稻草。考慮到所有的健康問題,甚至患有癌症的男孩的死亡,導致父母用Rath的無效食品補充劑治療男孩,而不是給他提供正統的醫療,這本來使他有很好的生存機會,儘管有許多醫學警告,卻讓他因此而死去。這份《NEXUS》期刊帶來了沒有先例的無稽之談和無底線的幻想,幾乎沒有遺漏任何主題。這份無厘頭的期刊和《MYSTERIES》一樣愚蠢、誤導和不切實際。
63. Yes, I know the journals, because you gave me a few copies, although I must say that they are not worth reading.
One more question: Nowadays, with naturopaths and new age freaks and health freaks and also drugstores and so on, it is big business to sell expensive detox cures to humans for their bodies and their organs. In this regard, I once asked my family doctor, Dr. Flachsmann, what the alleged body waste products are all about, and he told me that the whole thing was nonsense, because the body and its organs do not produce waste products. What do you have to say to that?
64. Your family doctor said exactly what is true, because neither the body itself nor its organs deposit any waste products.
65. All waste products that accumulate in the body and its organs are automatically eliminated from the body through a completely normal process of decomposition, both through defecation and urination, and even through sweating and breathing.
66. All sorts of cures with various substances and medicines for purification cures serve the sole purpose of taking money out of the pockets of the believers in this respect through lies and fraud, in order to satisfy the greed of the manufacturers and sellers of the nonsensical products.
I also agree with the whole thing. Then one last question: Yes, all life developed from a single-celled primeval slime, also humans. However, as I know from Sfath, there were different forms of primeval slime, from which in turn different animal life developed, such as amphibians, water life forms and various species of dinosaurs. From a separate primeval slime form, however, the first small creatures developed, which were mammals, from which all mammals developed, so also primates and humans. These all have a uniform type of mating, but also uniform hearing organs, of course, depending on the life-form, simply shaped differently according to it, but in principle in the same application and mode of action. As your father, Sfath, explained to me in my youth, the first small forms of life that developed from the primeval slime, from which humans also emerged on Earth, lived more than 250 million years ago and also at the time when the first dinosaurs existed. These small life-forms were about 10-12 centimetres in size, about the size of a mouse, but they changed and grew a few centimetres larger. Their lifetime was just one year, but with time their age increased, the bigger they became. The transformation over millions of years led to different life-forms, but only to mammals, and finally to many species of primates and to forms from which humans emerged and from which also the different apes and those creatures that have not been found yet, like the YETI, which is called 'Mahali-Dama' by the locals and 'Mande Barung' elsewhere. Also 'Big Foot' and 'Sansquasch' etc. belong to it. Now, to cut a long story short: What is the name of the little animal that is the origin of all mammals, primates and humans? Unfortunately I forgot the name – Yes, it is also 65 years ago since Sfath told me.
我也是這樣看待整個事情。那麼最後一個問題:所有的生命都是從單細胞的原始粘液發展而來的,也包括人類。然而,正如我從Sfath那裡知道的那樣,有不同形式的原始粘液,反過來從這些粘液中發展出不同的動物生命,如兩棲動物、水中生物和各種恐龍物種。然而,從一個單獨的原始粘液形式中,發展出了第一批小型生物,牠們是哺乳動物,所有的哺乳動物都是從它們中發展出來的,包括靈長類動物和人類。這些都有統一的交配方式,以及統一的聽覺器官,當然,根據生命形式的不同,只是形狀不同,但原則上應用和作用方式相同。正如你父親Sfath在我年輕時向我解釋的那樣,從原始粘液中發展出來的第一批小型生命形式,人類也是從這些粘液中出現在地球上的,牠們生活在2.5億年前,也是在第一批恐龍存在的時候。這些小生命體的大小約為10-12公分,約為一隻老鼠的大小,但牠們發生了變化,長大了幾公分。牠們的壽命只有短短的一年,但隨著牠們的長大,牠們的壽命也在增加。經過幾百萬年的轉變,導致了各種生命形式的出現,在哺乳動物方面,最後形成了許多種靈長類動物,以及人類的形式出現,不同的猿類和那些還沒有被發現的生物也是從這些形式中產生的,如YETI,當地人稱之為“Mahali-Dama”,其他地方稱之為“Mande Barung”。還有“大腳怪”(Big Foot;Sansquasch)等都屬於這類。現在,長話短說:作為所有哺乳動物、靈長類動物和人類的起源,這種小動物的名字是什麼?可惜我忘記了這個名字 —— 畢竟,這是65年前Sfath告訴我的。
67. Our name of the small creature is 'Berani', but the little animal is now also known to earthly palaeontologists through findings of fossilized bones, and they call it 'Adelo Basilius' (Adelobasileus cromptoni).
我們對這種小動物的稱呼是“Berani”,但現在地球上的古生物學家通過對骨骼化石的發現也知道了這種小動物,他們稱之為“Adelo Basilius”(Adelobasileus cromptoni)。
Thank you, I did not know that. That was my last question, so we can now turn to chess. Then let us …
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