Contact Report 831/第831次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年01月23日,星期一,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2023年02月03日,星期五,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
1. Eduard, greetings, here I am again, and as promised, I want to give you the data regarding the world population.
Well, greetings and welcome.
That you come, that is just correct because of the overpopulation; because I wanted to ask you about that anyway.
2. In a moment I will tell you the figure we have ascertained regarding the population of the Earth, I can answer that question by saying that our very accurate count showed that at midnight there were 9 billion, 339 million, 174 thousand, 098 (9,339,174,098) Earth-humans populating the Earth.
If things continue like this, we will soon have reached 10 billion (10,000,000,000).
Unfortunately, that is a lot more than the world population clock counts, which is not right.
很不幸,這比世界人口鐘(world population clock)的計數要多得多,這是不對的。
3. That is correct, because it assumes completely wrong calculations and claims by the alleged 'experts', who in fact trivialise everything.
4. The Earth is changing due to the excessive number of human beings and their machinations destroying the planet as well as destroying and exterminating nature and its fauna and flora.
5. What used to take thousands and thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands or millions of years, in terms of evolution, Earth-humans have managed to ruin the planet and its nature, fauna and flora, atmosphere and climate in just 223 years, because they have created an overpopulation that is now around 9 billion and 340 million (9,340,000,000), as I said earlier.
6. As I have read in Sfath's, my father's annals, he has made some journeys with you into the future of the Earth and has also explained a great many things to you, but you should only – if at all – speak about them in hints or remain completely silent.
正如我在Sfath,也就是我父親的《大事記要》(annals)中讀到的,他曾與你一起穿梭到了未來的地球,也向你解釋過很多事情,但你只能 —— 如果有的話 —— 以暗示的方式表達,或者完全保持緘默。
7. This concerns, for example, the present events concerning the coming resp. the imminent serious consequences of the …, as well as the fact that it …, as you yourselves have seen, experienced and learned.
例如,這涉及到一些目前即將到來或即將發生具嚴重後果的事件,以及將會有 ... 的事實,正如你們親自看到、經歷和知曉的那些狀況。
8. However, I do not have the right to speak openly of this, for what I have read in the annals corresponds to records which my father marked as not permissible for mention to earthly humanity with regard to our directives.
9. That, however, the entire Earth's humanity is to lose its freedom with regard to its independent decision-making, handling and dealing with its financial cash and is to be monitored in this respect to the point of total control, by the state powers and banks and other financial institutions together striving for this, I may announce.
10. For some years now, the secret endeavour of many state powers and the aforementioned institutions has been underway to incapacitate the peoples of Earth's humanity and to deprive them of their free rights, thereby forcing them into a slave-like state.
11. Total control is supposed to make this possible, whereby elements are striving for this who, as you say in each case, walk over corpses [to achieve their aims].
12. And this word actually corresponds to what is real and is also dangerous and life-threatening for you, because you are connected to the truth and dare to openly proclaim and spread it.
13. This will also be so regarding what I am talking about at the moment, if you …
關於我此刻所講的,也是如此,如果你 ...
… I see no reason why I should cowardly conceal what you say.
... 我看不出我有什麼理由要怯懦地隱瞞你所說的話。
It is not only necessary for the earthlings to know what is coming and what is going to happen to them if they continue to just not think and allow what is being plotted against them by the rulers and the financial sharks.
If something were thought out rationally by the human beings, then they would recognise reality and its truth and act accordingly.
In this case, it would be the need for them to finally wake up, stand on their feet and remove all those big-shots from their offices and replace them with persons who are of the right mind and are for the freedom and welfare of all.
14. Unfortunately, only a handful of Earth-humans will understand this and seek to implement it, for the bulk of the Earth-humans will not care.
15. Elsewhere, however, anarchism will be steadily stirred up, whereby demonstrations will also increase and become more violent and destructive, causing injuries and also deaths.
16. Nevertheless, nothing will change in the fact that the state powers of all states on Earth, as well as the banks and financial institutions of whatever kind, will stick to their ideas and plans to bring the peoples under their absolute control and to forbid them the independent right of disposal of their cash.
If the human beings remain stupid and do not learn to think again, then it will just happen, and as Sfath said, there …
如果人民仍然愚蠢無感,不學會重新思考,那麼它就會發生,正如Sfath所說,因為 ...
17. You will not make any friends if you openly say what the …
如果你公開說 ... 就交不到任何朋友。
18. It is approaching what in earlier times the rulers in their lust for power, violence and injustice exercised on the peoples, namely that they were exploited, tortured and murdered in every conceivable manner.
19. This has been preserved in later times and up to the present day, but in a different form, which has become more deceitful, vile and detestable in this respect.
20. Much is happening today so infamously hidden that it is not known to the peoples, which is why the striving for more power of the state powers and all financial institutions has not only promoted their criminality, crime and corruption in such a wise that, in imitating them, everything similar has also taken hold in the populations, so that all this can no longer be changed.
21. According to our investigations and findings, all this has taken on such degenerations in the last 150 years that a new form has arisen which has been spreading more and more for years, namely the electronic one, which has not proved itself in the long run with regard to the payment of purchasable goods and finally the payment for work.
22. This was the experience of our ancestors, which is why the means of payment for all kinds of goods and wages for work were completely abolished by us Plejaren, some 52,000 years ago, since we turned to peace.
23. This also had the consequence that all financial crime and crimes of the same kind immediately became a thing of the past and never appeared again.
24. All production sites for any kind of goods became the common property of all peoples, while work was no longer paid for with wages, because no means of payment were necessary anymore, because everything desired and necessary for life could be acquired without them.
25. In the course of time, as a result of more modern technology, working hours were also reduced, so that today only 2 working hours per day are required per person to do what has to be done.
26. However, this is not possible through overpopulation, as is the case on Earth, because even the most modern technology cannot achieve this, but only a moderate total population of less than one billion, which is therefore adapted to the planet.
27. Our Erra is about the same size as the Earth, so our world population is correctly only 530 million, which would also correspond to the Earth's humanity, which is also what the Earth's population should strive for.
28. The mass of overpopulation that prevails on the Earth, however, brings with it, as a consequence of far too rapid technological development, all the degenerations that have already arisen and are still arising as a result of the ill-considered and far too rapid development of technology, about which, however, Earth-humans give no real thought.
29. They simply allow themselves to be irresponsibly and thoughtlessly driven by the mania for technological development, whereby they drift more and more away from logic, understanding and reason, as well as from reality.
30. Through the unreasonably fast technological development, which is obviously uncontrollable by Earth-humans, they bring forth a very rapid technological development of artificial intelligence, which is simply an attempt to be able to manage human thinking, working and acting, etc. electronically.
通過不合理的快速技術發展,他們帶來了非常快速發展的「人工智慧」(artificial intelligence;AI;又譯為「人工智能」)技術,這只是試圖能夠以電子方式管理人類的思維、工作和行動等等,然而,這種發展趨勢顯然是地球人無法掌握的。
31. This also applies to computer technology, to which all and anything is to be transferred, and thus also to give it artificial intelligence.
32. This, however, is highly dangerous in all respects, because instead of everything being programmed into the artificial intelligence for each individual step and purpose in a logical and very careful and deliberate manner, the artificial intelligence is inadequately programmed for safety, so that it can ultimately take on a life of its own.
33. This means that the artificial intelligence can then find answers and solve problems on its own, without the human beings being able to do anything about it.
34. As a consequence, it might also automatically take over the leadership in the matter for which it is programmed – if it does not already do so independently – in order to ultimately determine, programme and execute everything and anything itself, without the human being being able to do anything about it.
因此,它也可能自動接管被程式設計事務的領導權 —— 如果它還沒有獨立這樣做的話 —— 以便最終自己作出決定、規劃和執行一切事情,而人類對此卻一籌莫展。
35. In this manner, Earth-humans are on the way to one day being dominated, enslaved and harassed by artificial intelligence, as had also happened to our distant ancestors, who were only able to become free of everything again by abruptly destroying all artificial intelligences before they realised that they had been destroyed.
36. This had to be done by a secretly organised agreement, otherwise it would not have been possible to free oneself from the artificial intelligence.
37. Such a procedure, however, should not be possible on the Earth due to the catastrophic overpopulation and the division of many states, because a unity of the state powers will not be possible if it should come to that.
38. The state powers and financial institutions will dominate the peoples in such a manner, as Father wrote in his annals, that a recommended uncontrollable and irresponsible development will come from them, which is due to the emergence and effect of the much too rapid development of technology, as it is also due to a very negative change in the brains of the majority of Earth-humans, namely the brain organ which is also known as the 'prefrontal cortex' by Earth experts, but which will be very strongly and permanently affected.
國家權力和金融機構將以這樣的方式支配人民,正如父親在他的《大事記要》中所寫的那樣,將有一種有利於他們卻不受控制且不負責任的發展來自於他們,這是由於技術過於快速發展所出現的現象,而這也會造成大多數地球人的大腦發生了非常負面的變化,這被地球專家稱為「前額葉皮質」(prefrontal cortex;PFC)的大腦器官,會受到非常強烈和持久的影響。
[中譯者註:「前額葉皮質」(prefrontal cortex;PFC)位於大腦額葉的前部,一般認為與人生存的欲望以及性格有關。具體來說,前額葉皮質涉及與計劃相關的高層次認知活動、人格表現、作出決定的過程,以及調節社會活動、語言功能的某些方面等行為,能根據內在目標組織思考與行為。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
39. This is the true conscious as well as self-responsible thinking in the majority of Earth-humans, which has degenerated in the last 250 years to such an extent that logic, understanding and reason have been replaced by abnormality.
40. The consequence of this was that sensing and striving changed and became oriented towards the fact that, as in earlier times, belief in the imaginary could again spread generally among the mass of the majority of the Earth's humanity.
41. This opened the way to new delusions, to new imaginings, to a new delusion of God, to a delusion of wealth, to a delusion of being important and known, to a delusion of watching sport, to a delusion of discordant sounds and singing, etc.
42. Self-promotion, becoming known and important and presenting oneself in the coming television also takes place, as Father's annals say, through the fact that fame addiction increases in forms that no longer know any limits and is striven for through violence and murder as well as dangerousness and degeneracy in every way.
43. The only important thing is to be publicly known everywhere, as well as to be financially rich in excess or against all order, decency and morality.
44. Otherwise, however, yesterday I came across, while reading the annals, that I may mention more than before that with regard to those who are simply called foreigners by us, I may openly say that my father Sfath and you observed them already in early times.
45. In this respect especially their ancestors on Earth, how they have wrought and in some cases allowed themselves to be worshipped as 'gods'.
46. But they were of the same character as Earth-humans, good or evil, and thus beings who were friendly or unfriendly, helpful or exploitative, peaceful, aggressive, open, devious and even warlike.
47. All these 'deities', as Sfath, my father, writes in his annals, were of various shapes and sizes, but human beings who …
所有這些“神靈”(deities),正如我父親Sfath在他的《大事記要》中所寫的那樣,有各種外形和高矮,但也都是人類,他們 ...
… yes, I know that.
... 是的,我知道。
There were all kinds of shapes, but I did not see any like Asina, for example, reptile-like, as I call them.
Asina,Berke Tepe的寫實版本(圖片資料來自:《第830次接觸報告》)
I only got to know these human beings through my acquaintance with Asina.
But at that time there were also giants that were 3 metres and even taller, some up to 4 metres or so.
I did not see any giants, except later in the Center, but Bruni saw Andron leaning on the edge of the roof in front of the house entrance, while she saw Danel below the house as he passed by on the lawn.
Andron is about 5.50 metres tall, whereas Danel, who is about 2.50 metres tall, looks like a dwarf.
But despite their size, the giants were somehow able to mate with earthling women, so that even today the most distant offspring are still born, now as actual earthlings who are 2 metres or 2.30 metres tall or more.
Even small human beings, who are only 80 cm, 1 or 1.20 metres tall, etc., and thus are not dwarfed as a result of growth disorders, visited Sfath and I, and also remote descendants still exist in small groups in some places today, which I do not want to name openly, however.
Other distant descendants of genera and species also still exist, as I was able to see and experience with Sfath, and also animals, beasts and other living beings.
We encountered giants on one island in particular, although I no longer know what Sfath called it, but it is in the Mediterranean, as I remember, and what the volcano-seeded puddle is called today.
我們還在一個島上遇到了一些巨人,雖然我已經不記得Sfath怎麼稱呼那個地方了,但在我的記憶中,它是在地中海,而且知道今天這個火山水坑(volcano-seeded puddle)的名稱是什麼。
I do not care at all that know-it-alls, evil-negating idiots, religious people and others who think themselves smart and clever and perhaps still hold doctorates and professorships or call themselves scientists, accuse me of lies and fantasies.
This is also what archaeologists tend to do, who in reality simply misinterpret many things from their findings and assume that this and that was so and so.
However, I have to explain, as I have already mentioned, that when I use the term 'wrong', this is actually not correct, because something can only be wrong if, for example, a fact is not reproduced in a realistic resp. truthful manner or if something materially existing is imitated resp. a duplicate is produced.
With the word 'false', something is interpreted which, if it is something said, is correctly to be described as 'incorrect' or as an 'assertion'.
But if it is something materially objective, then it can only be called false if it is imitated resp. duplicated, because then it is not original but imitated, false resp. faked.
When something that exists materially or something said is described as 'wrong', then the word 'wrong' is not correct according to reality, because it can only be described as 'incorrect' and can only be 'wrong' if it is falsified, reproduced in a distorted manner or imitated resp. duplicated.
But in this respect, even those who know the language use the term 'wrong' incorrectly, because they obviously do not understand it correctly as a result of the interpretation of the language and therefore also cannot explain correctly that something can only be 'wrong' if what exists is given and this is reproduced in a different manner than it is in reality and truth, and corresponds to a forgery.
But if something that exists is simply assumed to be as it was or could actually be, then this does not correspond to something 'false', but to a supposition, an assertion or assumption, etc., or in the case of an imitation resp. a duplicate and then precisely to a forgery.
48. That actually corresponds to a misunderstanding of the language expressions.
That is unfortunately the case, and very few who know the language really give it much thought.
I wanted to say this once, whereby this also applies to the giants of whom I have spoken, whereby something is simply asserted as truth which does not correspond to it.
If old things are found, then they are simply made to 'disappear' because people do not want to admit the truth.
49. That concerning the giants may be, but I have not read that far to say that it is as you say.
50. But it is certainly so, otherwise you would not say it, but I still want to continue reading Father's annals, which are very extensive and will take a long time before they are all read.
51. So I will say more about what I was talking about before: As my father wrote, the foreigners of that time, whose distant descendants can still be observed in earthly airspace, were of a female nature, but also male Earth-humans in great numbers, who allowed themselves to be worshipped and glorified, but also built many buildings, etc. and taught Earth's humanity various forms of writing.
52. Many of their buildings and other works were only possible because of their highly developed technological abilities and their potentialities.
53. The foreigners, however, also exalted themselves above the Earth-humans, but they also taught them a great deal about the cosmos and the stars, which Earth-humans who were interested in them already dealt with in very early times.
54. This, as well as the coming into existence of the Earth-humans, which is different from what is wrongly taught on the Earth, is the actual origin of the coming into existence, as well as the origin of various races which are not of Earth origin.
I know that from Sfath, but to make something like that comprehensible to the majority of earthlings, that is still impossible, at least now, because first there must be …
我從Sfath那裡知道這些事,但要讓大多數地球人理解這樣的東西,至少現在還是不可能的,因為首先必須 ...
This also applies to the research being carried on in Greece, especially concerning the Minoans, the Taurus, etc., who, supported and guided by the foreigners of that time, created very remarkable buildings and made jewellery, about which the archaeologists of today are still puzzling over who actually made them and where they came from, and so on.
[中譯者註:所謂「邁諾斯文明」(Minoan civilization),或譯作米諾斯文明等,是愛琴海地區的古代文明,出現於古希臘,邁錫尼文明之前的青銅時代,主要集中在克里特島。最早約公元前3500年開始,複雜的城市文明約公元前2000年開始,由約公元前1450年開始衰落﹐在早期黑暗時期,約公元前1100年完結。它代表了歐洲第一個先進文明,遺留許多巨大的建築群、複雜的藝術和書寫系統。它的經濟受惠於地中海地區的貿易網絡。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
The fact that the ancestors of today's foreigners were the actual creators is something that especially those who carry a title and think they are clever and think that they have eaten the knowledge with shovel diggers and are even wise are unable to grasp due to their lack of understanding.
This is also proven time and again when there is talk of UFOs.
But this also includes those who cannot admit their idiotic 'knowing better' and their stupidity as a result of their cowardice, because they are only hypocritical and are therefore really of low intelligence.
55. It is always amazing to me how you are able to formulate everything.
56. But what I still have to say is the following: Over thousands of years, Earth-humans have, on their own initiative, imitated the constructions, etc. that were made by the ancestors of the foreigners, in a primitive manner.
57. Of course, this only succeeded to a certain extent, as the foreigners had done in earlier times – and we want to stick to this designation, because we …
當然,這只是在某種程度上成功了,就像“外星人”在早期所做的那樣 —— 我們想維持這一稱呼,因為我們 ...
58. And it should also remain the case that they can never find out our presence, which is why my father, for understandable reasons of security, was already with you …
而且還應該保持這樣的情況,那就是他們永遠無法發現我們的存在,這就是為什麼我的父親,基於可以理解的安全原因,已經和你 ...。
59. Consequently, you are also … if, despite …
因此,你也是 ...,如果不論 ...
60. So it is absolutely impossible that you will ever be … by … even if, contrary to expectations, they …
所以,你絕對不可能被 ... 即使與預期相反,他們 ...
61. Furthermore, it is to be mentioned that we Plejaren have to adhere to the strict directive that we must keep away from the foreigners at all costs.
62. Although they have developed their technology to such an extent that they could and can reach Earth and other worlds from the territory of their home stars, they are unable to penetrate our dimension of our universe.
63. And we are obliged by our directives that the foreigners never find the possibility to advance resp. penetrate into our dimension, because our – according to earthly time calculation – very laboriously won state of peace about 52,000 years ago could be endangered by intruders.
64. We know that words and promises are not to be trusted, that treaties can be broken and discord can suddenly arise, which is why we act strictly according to our directives.
65. Therefore, according to them [their directives], it has not been a given since time immemorial that we would make contact with the foreigners, nor will we do so at present or in the future, and furthermore we would not give them the data and possibilities that would show them the 'way' to our dimension.
66. That is also the reason why already my father has regulated everything with you in such a manner that you yourself …, consequently you could never name anything that concerns us, because everything is so …
這也是為什麼我父親將一切都已經為你安排好的原因,讓你自己 ... ,因此你永遠都不會說出與我們有關的事情,因為一切都是如此 ...
Good, that is clear.
But if now … still one day everything spills out and … concerning …
但是,如果現在 ... 還是有一天,一切都會洩露出去,而且 ... 有關 ... 。
67. For that to happen … worried yourself that it will not happen and you can be absolutely sure that …
對於這種情況 ... 你自己會擔心這不會發生,並且你可以絕對確定 ...
That is reassuring, but …
這是令人欣慰的,但是 ...
Still, I do not trust it, because …
我還是不相信,因為 ...
68. That could then become a problem if …
這可能會成為一個問題,如果 ...
69. But it would not be your loss, it would be …'s loss, because the truth would also hit …'s side in that case.
但這不是你的損失,而是 ... 的損失,因為在這種情況下,真相也會打擊到 ... 的一方。
I will keep that in mind.
70. Good, then I want to continue with what I wanted to talk about.
71. In 1800, the Earth's population was still around 892.35 million, so just under the number that the planet Earth as a whole, with its resources, nature, fauna and flora etc., atmosphere and climate, was still able to cope with without any problems.
72. My father Sfath, however, declared in his annals that this measure had already been very far exceeded and would bring very bad consequences which could no longer be coped with by earthly humanity if it did not become pregnant with reason and drastically restrict its descendants, which, however, would ultimately only be possible worldwide in the distant future through an extremely radical governmental reason.
73. This, however, is a measure that will not be considered until it will be almost too late to preserve life on the planet Earth.
74. Because of the fact that the world population grows to excessive overpopulation, an Earth exploitation industry will develop in relation to the Earth's resources in a planetarily very short time, whereby the planet will be exploited to the destruction of its inner existence for the sake of making profit according to the needs and desires of the overpopulation.
75. This, while nature is also being irresponsibly destroyed through the construction of factories, corporations and housing, as well as airfields, unnecessary pleasure structures, sports facilities and roads, etc., on the one hand for the sake of profit, and on the other hand also for the sake of the overflowing and exuberant needs of the desires and wishes of overpopulation.
76. The innumerable tonnages of CO2, as well as the equally innumerable tonnages of chemicals and poisons, which are applied greedily and absolutely irresponsibly, by industry, agriculture as a whole and large and small market gardens, and also by private individuals, the exhaust gases from coal-fired power stations, nuclear power stations, etc., all contribute to the destruction of the Earth, nature, fauna and flora, the atmosphere and the climate.
77. All this in addition to the exploitation of the planet in the form of the Earth's resources, rare earths, all ores, the gases and the Earth's petroleum, etc.
78. The resulting products, such as a great many synthetics, and above all plastic, are simply thrown away carelessly by the unreasonableness, heedlessness and guilt of the individual human beings of the overpopulation, above all into the open nature, whereby environmental pollution arises and life and all existence is impaired, and illnesses are triggered, and often many incurable ones.
79. All this in addition to completely wiping out animals, creatures and other life-forms, as well as flowers and other plants of all kinds, which can never be brought back.
80. Well, Sfath, my father also wrote that not only will the atmosphere be poisoned, which earthly scientists with their primitive apparatus will not be able to detect, but that the climate will also change in such a form that, as a result, the storms will also become continuously stronger and stronger, which is already supposed to be about 5% in the year 2023.
81. He also wrote that the planet is fighting back and is changing a lot through the fault of the Earth-humans, but with it also the Earth-humans resp. their prefrontal cortex.
82. Through all the changes, the Earth-humans are impaired to such an extent that clear and rational thinking is no longer possible for them – he noted this in particular.
通過所有這些的變化,地球人被傷害到這樣的程度,以至於對他們來說,不再可能進行清晰和理性的思考 —— 他特別指出這一點。
83. Consequently, he went on to write, in the future human beings will not only suffer more and more from psychological decline, sexual changes and transformations, but will often end up committing suicide.
84. Also their thinking will no longer be such, but only apparent.
85. They will be focused on murder and manslaughter and on vast amounts of wealth and money, as well as on the delusion of self-importance and being known.
86. Wealth will flood all areas of life of the good, which will also lead to corruption in the state leadership, as this is unavoidable, as it has been since time immemorial, since the rulers have always enriched themselves from the working people through their taxes and other levies.
87. He also wrote about what will happen in Europe in this respect, namely in a dubious union of states – by which he can probably only have meant the European Union – which will be used by its leading state powers to enrich themselves immensely.
他還寫到了歐洲在這方面將發生的事情,那就是在一個可疑的國家聯盟中 —— 他所指的可能就是歐盟 —— 它將被其主要大國的權力機構用來大肆斂財。
88. This, it is written in the annals, is done, as has always been the case with earthly rulers, through corruption.
89. However, only those would be held 'accountable' who, through their own fault, would be 'convicted' of their actions in this regard, while the majority would remain unchallenged in their deviousness and could pretend to be 'pious', 'just' and 'honest' state leaders, who in reality, however, would be of the same nature as those who, through their stupidity, would become known as corrupters.
90. The …
這 ...
… Corrupters, that is a term I have never heard before, but I want to add it to my vocabulary because I find it apt and indicative of those human beings who are corrupt – female and male.
... 腐敗者(Corrupters),這個用詞我以前從未聽說過,但我想把它加入我的詞彙中,因為我覺得它很貼切,能說明那些腐敗的人類 —— 無論男女。
I also think, even if Sfath wrote about the majority, that there are still a few rulers who are so honest that they cannot be bought, are not untrustworthy, are morally corrupt and cannot be bribed.
Even if they are only a few, this is still remarkable, but unfortunately, this is countered by the fact that those in power who are willing to accept a bribe are able to avoid punishment, even if someone from the people brings charges against them in private or in court.
Everything is simply hushed up, so that guilty rulers do not have to pay the price.
They are simply granted immunity because they are governors, whereas an ordinary citizen would be harshly and severely harassed and punished for the same offence.
However, governors (or governing ones) are simply not normal citizens, and these [the citizens] cannot enjoy/benefit from immunity; hence they unjustly are subjected to rules other than those of the governing ones who are spared/excepted from punishment, because the laws for them are simply neglected or rewritten or reinterpreted.
Therefore, one really need not be surprised that the longer [this goes on], the more certain people from among the people turn to anarchism and this …
因此,人們真的不必驚訝,[這種情況持續]越久,人民中的某些人就越會轉向無政府主義,這些 ...
21st January 2023
Late retrieval and transcription of the conversation report as a result of my hand-arm injury due to overwork and consequent inability to work – with loving help from Bermunda.
91. … my father made special mention of this in his annals and wrote that anarchy would take hold everywhere in the world and thus in all states, whereby everything would be lost in order and strife would spread more and more throughout all peoples.
... 我的父親在他的《大事記要》中特別提到了這方面,並寫道:無政府狀態將在世界各處,從而在所有的國家中居主導地位,因此,一切都將失去原有秩序,各種紛爭在所有民族中將越來越蔓延。
92. This on the one hand, as on the other hand wars will be the order of the day and leaders and parts of the population will dare to interfere in the affairs of other states in a partisan way, thus senselessly fomenting hatred among nations.
93. The leaders and various sections of the population of peaceful states will rashly and therefore foolishly give aid and supply weapons to war-torn states and thereby trigger a peculiar world war, such as will occur for the first time in living memory, which, however, will inevitably have the consequence that …
94. But you must not mention this and therefore not call it up, not let it become known, just as you must not let it be known that there…
但你絕不能提及這方面的情況,因此不能說出來,不能讓這些被人知道,就像你不能讓人知道有 ...
95. Furthermore, I have read in the annals that – and from my point of view this is more than just irresponsible, it is criminal and felonious and even treasonous, as I have said before – Federal Councillors broke Switzerland's neutrality and adopted sanctions of the European Union and applied them against Russia.
此外,我在《大事記要》中看到 —— 在我看來,這不僅僅是不負責任,而且是犯罪和重罪,甚至是叛國,正如我之前所說 —— 那些聯邦委員會的成員(Federal Councillors)打破了瑞士的中立並通過了歐盟的制裁方案,而對俄羅斯實施了制裁。
96. However, as my father went on to say, there are other traitorous activities of these persons who are hostile to Russia and pro-Ukraine, and also pro-war with Selensky, so they are not neutral in this respect, which is never compatible with neutrality.
97. This in particular cannot be recognised by certain persons in the leadership of the state who represent the Swiss Confederation, such as the Federal Councillor, who must be absolutely neutral.
這方面尤其不能被國家領導層中代表瑞士聯邦(Swiss Confederation;簡稱「瑞士」)的某些人所承認,如聯邦委員會成員,他們必須絕對中立。
98. But this is obviously not the case with the members of the Federal Council as a whole, nor with the Council of States and the National Council, nor with certain irresponsible sections of the population.
但聯邦委員會(Federal Council)的全體成員顯然不是這樣,聯邦院(Council of States)和國民院(National Council)也不是這樣,人民中某些不負責任的階層也會不是這樣。
99. This violation of neutrality, however, applies in particular to the person … of the Federal Council, according to whom this person – in his endorsement and affirmation of Selensky, who is brutally active as an actual and irresponsible warmonger, and who forms the strong pro-war Ukraine, supported by America – does not realise, as a result of his low intelligence, that Selensky is demanding weapons from foreign states and is waging war, in the interests of America, which not only wants to humiliate Russia, but to make it part of its hegemony addiction.
然而,這種違反中立的行為尤其適合描述聯邦委員會的 ... 人,根據他的說法,這個人 —— 在贊同和肯定澤連斯基(他作為一個實際的、不負責任的戰爭販子殘酷地活躍著,並在美國的支持下形成了強大的親戰烏克蘭)時,由於其愚蠢,沒有意識到澤連斯基正在向外國索取武器,正在發動戰爭,這符合美國的利益,美國不僅想羞辱俄羅斯,還想讓俄羅斯成為其霸權的一部分。
100. Selensky, however, presents himself as a warlord in order to appear great and to be able to live out his lust for war.
101. Switzerland's neutrality is already very tarnished because the European Union's anti-Russia sanctions have been adopted by Switzerland and imposed on Russia.
102. Now, however, Swiss neutrality is to be further harassed and violated, namely by making those uninvolved in the Ukraine-Russia war, namely Russian persons, liable with their wealth for the war damage resp. the reconstruction of the destruction – above all the rich upper class.
但現在,瑞士的中立性將受到進一步的騷擾和侵犯,也就是讓那些沒有參與烏俄戰爭俄羅斯人,用他們的財富來承擔戰爭損失和重建破壞的責任 —— 首先是富有的上層階級。
103. According to our research, Russia has been isolated and hated by the Western states and Earth-humans since time immemorial, as has Judaism, especially by elements who, in a state of low intelligence, are not able to think but only to believe.
104. And as a rule this happens because they are religiously biased from the outset, from the get go are false and feigning resp. lying, consequently they pretend to be outwardly loving, helpful and good, while they, however, show miserable qualities of character, which they reveal at any time at a suitable opportunity.
105. This is particularly evident in what I have already said, namely, in the case of those Federal Councillors and other members of the government who do not care about neutrality and are not knowledgeable enough to understand neutrality at all, as a result of which Switzerland has already suffered serious damage in this respect and states that were once well-meaning and friendly towards Switzerland are now hostile to it.
106. And again, according to my father's annals, the original culprits for this will be mainly in the Federal Council.
107. For us Plejaren it is incomprehensible that these persons are allowed to continue to function, unchallenged, as state officials who now intend to endanger neutrality in another form and are not removed from office.
108. This also applies to other serious offences, because other offences are also thoughtlessly committed and the integrity of the Federal Council as a whole is also damaged, as was the case, for example, with the incompetent Federal Councillor … who was not removed from office as a result of her inability to lead the state.
這也適用於其他嚴重的罪行,因為其他罪行也是不經意而犯下的,整個聯邦委員會的完整性也受到了損害,例如,不稱職的聯邦委員 ... 她沒有能力領導國家,卻沒有被免職。
I certainly will not do that, precisely with regard to what you first mentioned, consequently only dots will appear in the report.
On the whole, however, I also want to say something, which I am allowed to do, since you are also allowed to speak openly now.
All those who support Selensky and supply him with weapons or have weapons supplied to him will bear the blame for what is to come, as will also those mercenaries from various countries who are fighting in Ukraine for the sake of their lust for murder and are being rewarded with donations by the corrupt Selensky and the corrupt military.
The people are also kept in the dark about the fact that America maintains torture prisons in various countries and is not held accountable for this.
It can also be said that America, resp. those responsible, lie and cheat, as father and son Bush did during the Iraq war – as other wars and invasions of foreign countries have taken place – because America is unparalleled in its addiction to world domination.
也可以說,美國,或者說那些負責任的人,他們撒謊和欺騙,就像布希(Bush)父子在伊拉克戰爭(Iraq war)期間所做的那樣 —— 就像其他戰爭和入侵外國一樣 —— 因為美國對統治世界的沉迷是無與倫比的。
But there are many other things that are not done or accepted, such as also with regard to the Corona pandemic, namely that this pandemic is man-made in 3 laboratories in China, on behalf of a vengeful American, together with Mao.
It is a plague that has spread not only to human beings, but also to animals and other living beings, which, depending on their species, are probably carriers of the virus, but do not fall ill themselves.
But there is also the spread of ticks, about which the people are not told that these have been multiplying and spreading for some time by forest mice and field mice. Nor is the world population told that overpopulation is to blame for the fact that its mass has succeeded and continues to succeed, that air pollution and thus atmospheric pollution has increased very strongly and continues to increase, consequently that the measures taken were and are just as pointless as they will continue to be pointless if a total worldwide birth stop is not finally enforced by the governments in succession of several years, whereby all this will become dangerous.
但也有蜱蟲(ticks)的傳播,關於這一點,人們沒有被告知,這些蜱蟲已經被小林姬鼠(forest mice)和田鼠(field mice)繁殖和傳播了一段時間。也沒有人告訴世界有關人口過剩的事實,這應歸咎於人口數量已經是過於興旺並在繼續下去,如此所造成的環境污染和大氣污染已經非常嚴重並繼續在惡化,因此,過去和現在所採取的措施都是毫無意義的,如果政府不在連續幾年內最終實施全世界全面性停止生育,那麼任何措施將繼續是毫無意義的,因此,這一切都將變得危機重重。
Due to the lack of reason on the part of Earth-humans, this period will also bring with it worldwide and sometimes very severe and long wars – such as the one between Ukraine and Russia at present –, then also popular unrest and anarchism, as well as famines and the great dying of Earth's humanity, in addition to various other very negative and inevitable phenomena, which are just as unstoppable as those already mentioned, which, as I said, will inevitably result, as is already happening as a result of all the mismanagement in Tunisia, where the population must be glad that they can still raise enough money so that bread can be bought, while vegetables and fruit etc. are only foodstuffs that have to be dreamed of.
由於地球人缺乏理性,這個時期也造成了世界性的,有時是非常嚴重和漫長的戰爭 —— 例如目前的俄烏戰爭 —— 然後還有民眾騷亂和無政府主義,以及饑荒和地球人類的大量死亡,此外還有其他各種非常負面和不可避免的現象。正如我所說,這將不可避免地導致像突尼西亞(Tunisia;突尼西亞共和國;通稱突尼斯)所有管理不善所導致的那樣,那裡的人們必須慶倖他們仍然能夠籌集到足夠的錢,以便能夠購買麵包,而蔬菜和水果等,是只能在夢中才能見到的食品。
However, all this, along with a great deal else, is only superficially announced to the general public – if at all – because as a rule the full truth is concealed by the media, controlled by the politics of those in power.
然而,所有這些,以及其他大多數的事情,只是在表面上向公眾宣佈 —— 如果有的話 —— 因為按照慣例,全部的真相都被當權者控制的媒體所掩蓋。
Now, as far as the writing of the annals is concerned in relation to what you have said, this is in relation to what is currently happening in relation to the war between Ukraine and Russia and those idiots who are advocating or supplying weapons to the warmongering war-monger Selensky.
And that all this is secretly controlled by America – which supplies most of the money, weapons and war material, as well as fomenting the war in the background together with their NATO in order to defeat Russia via the stupid warmonger Selensky – is not thought of by all the guilty people who help Selensky with money, weapons and encouragement, but stupidly simply accept and believe everything as a lying and deceitful 'truth' which the one-sided and lying war reporting lets out.
所有這些都是由美國秘密控制的 —— 美國提供大部分資金、武器和戰爭物資,並與他們的北約一起在背後煽動戰爭,以便通過愚蠢的戰爭販子澤連斯基擊敗俄羅斯 —— 但所有有罪的人都沒有想到,他們用資金和武器幫助澤連斯基,但愚蠢地接受和相信一切,把片面和謊言的戰爭報導當作欺詐的“真相”。
The fact that the Ukrainian army is shelling and destroying its own achievements, raping its own Ukrainian women and murdering its own Ukrainian people, and then blaming it all on the Russians, is something that the human beings do not find out about, who blame the Russians alone for everything.
War journalists are also hoodwinked into being friendly to Selensky, America and NATO, as are those who donate money and do not know what happens to the donations.
For example, the people who donate a lot of money to Ukraine, which is begged via television and donated by stupid believers, are misused to pay and 'reward' many mercenaries from all over the world with the begged money, also various Swiss, so-called snipers, who are really nothing more than passionate murderers pursuing their hobby of murder by shooting cowardly human beings they do not even know from a safe distance – paid for by donations from the lowly-intelligent ones, who unknowingly 'pay' the murderers with their donations. Aid money' paid by the lowly-intelligent ones to Ukraine, believing that their donations would be used for good causes, but with which international murderers are paid.
And all this is happening because secretly, in the background, America is stirring up and doing everything to ensure that the war will not come to an end until Russia is defeated and lies devastated, so that America can satisfy its desire for world domination in such a manner that Russia, too, will dance under their lust for domination.
But let's leave all that, because it is no use, the majority of the earthlings know everything better anyway and believe the lies and deceptions of America, Selensky, as well as certain media, which hype America, Selensky and the murderous organisation NATO to the heavens.
It is really only a minority that really thinks and sees reality and its truth, but unfortunately they do not have the propaganda machine at their disposal that hypocritically, lyingly and fraudulently advertises for the guilty and falsely incites good weather for murderers, warmongers and the criminal and murderous hegemonists of America and incites very large parts of the world population resp. the overpopulation.
109. My father also mentions this in his annals.
110. But he went on to write, which refers to what you have been bringing to my attention again and again for years, that …
但他接著寫道,這指的是多年來你一再提請我注意的事情, ...
111. But Sfath, my father, has also noted in his annals that he has shown you inside the Earth how everything moves and …
但Sfath,我的父親,也在他的《大事記要》中指出,他向你展示了地球內部的一切是如何移動的,還有 ...
112. In doing so, he has also let you see how the Earth itself is imperceptibly rising up against the criminal exploitations of the Earth's resources, and how the destructive machinations resulting from this are being carried out by Earth-humans and their unreasonable and massively irresponsible overpopulation.
113. Due to the stupid and senseless as well as irresponsible plundering of the Earth's resources as a result of overpopulation and greed for money on an endless scale, the interior of the planet has shifted at a depth of 100 to 400 kilometres in such a manner that even the magnetite radiation of the deep magma has a negative effect on the planet, so that, in the last 64 years, the Earth has lost its balancing effect in the interior, as my father already noted in his annals in the 1940s.
由於人口過剩和人類對金錢無止境的貪婪,以及他們對地球資源愚蠢無知和不負責任的掠奪,地球的內部在100到400公里的深度間已經發生了變化,甚至深層岩漿(Magma)的磁鐵礦輻射(magnetite radiation)也對地球產生了負面影響,因此,我父親在1940年代的《大事記要》中已經指出,在過去64年裡,地球已經失去了內部的平衡作用。
114. This change triggers electromagnetic energy anomalies that have reached the Earth's surface through early volcanic ejections of magnetite magma and have reached and would continue to reach high into the stratosphere, causing planes to crash, ships to sink, etc., as in the Sargasso Sea and elsewhere on Earth.
這種變化引發了電磁能量異常,這些能量已經通過早期火山噴發的「磁鐵礦岩漿」(magnetite magma)到達地球表面,並將繼續到達高空平流層(stratosphere),這樣將會導致飛機墜毀、船舶沉沒等意外事件,就像馬尾藻海(Sargasso Sea)和地球上其他地方發生過的一樣。
115. From the depths, precisely from 100 or 400 kilometres of the Earth's interior, all this would arise through a special kind of magma, which, however, had always been rising up and triggering volcanic activity, which was different from normal magma, which comes up from very great depths of the Earth as magma and then as lava when a volcano erupts and the lava spreads out on the Earth's surface.
116. This other kind of magma, which my father calls magnetite magma in his annals, is strongly magnetic and radiates very high up into the stratosphere, and in about 7 places on Earth there were once volcanoes that ejected such magnetite magma, which is very dangerous for today's technology of aeroplanes and ships.
117. He also wrote that the exploitation of the Earth's resources had changed the internal balance of the Earth and that the magma masses were shifting positionally into the future, whereby the entire magnetism of the Earth was changing together with the influences of the sun, and consequently the position of the North Pole had also been shifting for some time.
118. In this respect, in addition to human machinations, the prefrontal cortex of the Earth-humans is changed, which exerts a very strong negative influence on them, consequently they become more and more antisocial, religious and worldly delusional and more and more susceptible due to whispers of lies and illusory truths, whereby, for example, in the new time in the 3rd millennium, religion and anarchism increase. This will lead, for example, to an increase in religion, anarchism, criminality, crime and war, murder and suicide as well as other degenerations and the steadily growing stupidity, etc. of Earth-humans and thus, of course, to a very rapid decline in logic, understanding and reason, which will become ever more blatant as a result of the mass of overpopulation.
119. However, it is already too late to try to steer this back into normal channels; moreover, this fact will not be listened to, that there are still things that can be tried for the better, so that future evil can be mitigated or even prevented.
… The phone is ringing, I will have to answer that.
... 電話在響,我得去接一下。
Hold on.
Yes, …
… Yes, I will do it in writing and write it, but it will take a while, and I will answer what you asked, but now it is really not possible, because I am otherwise occupied than just with your call.
... 是的,我會以書面形式寫出來,但需要一段時間,我會回答你的問題,但現在真的不可能,因為我正忙著處理你的電話。
So I have to disconnect now, so goodbye.
Good, then everything is to be explained a little differently than is generally said, namely with regard to astrology, about which the caller wanted to know a few things.
I also want to say that the interpretation of the signs of the zodiac is actually nonsense, and I do not want to beat about the bush anymore, namely about the nonsense that astrologers tell.
Because of what you say, that Sfath gave permission to speak, I can now also say that what astrologers usually say, for example, is pure nonsense.
And the fact that I want to talk about it, no longer refers to what we have now talked about, but to this call with the questions.
Now it is time for me not only to repeat what is generally said incorrectly about astrology, but also to correct what I have previously explained incompletely, which may have created some confusion.
To this end I have now to explain and elucidate the following: Astrology concerning the qualities of human beings is based on a completely erroneous and general uniformity.
All the variously given character traits are equally and without exception peculiar to each individual human being, but each human being specifically according to his/her personal evolutionary development and according to their personal interests in their life development and their individual life character formation and personal character formation emphasises these or those traits and thus makes them absolutely personal character traits.
Accordingly, the human being consequently acquires this or that character trait, while another human being, in turn, aligns themselves to various other character instances and therefore to a corresponding and completely different behaviour, etc.
Consequently, there are different groupings with different character qualities of behaviour etc., whereby these groupings are divided by astrology into 12 signs of the zodiac resp. are attributed to them as qualities.
This, however, is thoroughly incorrect, for all the many qualities are available to all human beings and can be used and developed individually.
The only question is which of them the human being develops out of their own personal-individual interest and then makes it their own behaviour as a fixed character trait.
This depends on the parental and environmental influences in which the young human being grows up and consequently forms their character, which is then astrologically attributed to this or that birth sign or zodiac sign according to character peculiarities, whereby it is then said that this or that character trait corresponds to this or that zodiac sign.
This, however, is pure nonsense, because it is given to every human being that they can form their own character according to the influence of their parents and environment, because the human being is given all the qualities for forming their character and their behaviour, as well as their own manner of doing things, such as their profession, etc., so that they can develop their own character or activity according to their own interests, whatever they want from their own free will.
Thus all character traits and modes of behaviour in every respect can, in principle, be freely chosen by every human being according to their interests and can be developed by them.
Consequently, it is absolutely up to them which character traits and behaviour they acquire and develop.
Therefore, it is a given that in addition to all the character traits and all the behaviours that are simply attributed to a certain sign of the zodiac, there are also other types and characteristics of character and behaviours that are completely foreign to the sign of the zodiac that are given or exhibit and appear.
Consequently, it must be stated that it is completely nonsensical to 'evaluate' human beings according to the sign of the zodiac and according to the date of birth, because such an 'evaluation' is simply fundamentally wrong and, as a rule, brings with it, in terms of belief, that the human being 'evaluated' in this wise is completely different or even deviant as a result of the incorrectness of the evaluation of the sign of the zodiac in every respect, and is in part even evaluated and treated in a contemptuous and inhuman manner.
因此,必須指出,根據黃道十二宮的符號(sign of the zodiac)和出生日期來“評價”一個人,完全是無稽之談,因為這種“評價”從根本上就是錯誤的,而且通常在信仰方面,通常意味著以這種方式“評價”的人將會被完全不同的方式評估和對待,因為黃道十二宮的符號在各個方面的評價都是不正確的,導致部分甚至是以輕蔑和不人道的方式被評價和對待。
This is just as it is also with regard to worldly faith and religiosity and their beliefs, as well as with regard to racial affiliation, for which reason wars and very nasty skirmishes and abuses of all kinds and ways, up to and including murder and manslaughter, take place among human beings, which results and proves itself time and again in this way.
This is also how the Holocaust by the Nazis came about; earlier the war dispute between the European and Eastern Christian Orthodox Churches; the slave trade and the wars against the indigenous peoples of North America and South America, as also came about when in America the partial or total annihilation and extermination of the indigenous peoples led partly totally or nearly to genocide.
And it was the immigrants and their illegal seizure of the land through murder and manslaughter, whereby the Spaniards practically acted as beginners when they indiscriminately massacred and murdered indigenous peoples in South America for the sake of gold, as later also the other Europeans, such as the Germans, English, French, Scots, Irish, the Swiss, Italians and Austrians etc., raged in the new America. But this is still not really explained to the world public today; on the contrary, America is exalted, which, addicted to world domination, had already started World War I in 1756 and led it until 1763.
Then it was Germany's turn with the Second World War in the years 1914 to 1918, and then the German Reich triggered the World War from 1939 to 1945, under the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, who was not even German, but actually Austrian, but who brought immense suffering upon Earth's humanity with his German NAZI brigades.
It also followed that the Americans, addicted to world domination, not only dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and thus murdered an enormous number of human beings completely innocent of the war and caused devastation, but also caused long-term nuclear radiation, which over the years claimed hundreds of thousands of victims.
America has always interfered unjustifiably in the foreign affairs of countries, and continues to do so in order to control and dominate the world, as a result of its addiction to hegemony, ⅓ of all countries in the world are already 'equipped' with American military stations.
And the majority of the people allow this to happen and do not understand that America, since it was 'founded' some 250 years ago, and in a murderous and effectively very human-blood-shedding manner – just think of the Civil War of America and the slavery debacle, etc., as well as the still high existing racial hatred, which is publicly practised by the Ku Klux Klan, without the government doing anything against it, as well as not against the allegedly religious and very questionable Scientology – then one already knows a lot about America.
而大多數人允許這種情況發生,他們並不瞭解美國自大約250年前“建國”以來,實際上就以殺人和非人道的方式 —— 只要想想美國的內戰和奴隸制的失敗等等,以及仍然高度存在的種族仇恨,這是由三K黨公開實行的種族仇恨,而政府並沒有對其採取任何行動,也沒有反對所謂的宗教和非常有問題的「山達基」(Scientology;非正式中文譯名包括「科學神教」和「科學教」) —— 那麼,從這些事實,人們就可以對美國瞭解甚多。
Besides, think of Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan, as well as the following military operations by America (Note. Source: Wikipedia):
1775 to 1799 1775年至1799年 |
1800 to 1899 1800年至1899年 |
1900 to 1927 1900年至1927年 |
Briand-Kellogg-Pact (1928)
In 1928, on the initiative of the French and Americans, the Briand-Kellogg Pact outlawed war of aggression, which serves to annex foreign territory, for the first time under international law.
1941 to 1979 1941年至1979年 |
1980 to 1999 1980年至1999年 |
From 2000 從2000年起 |
120. That should be enough for today, because we have some things to discuss together, but you do not have to retrieve them and write them down, because it is of a private nature.
Of course. While I would have a few things that I would like to have mentioned in the report of the conversation, if it cannot be done today, then perhaps next time, provided of course that I do not forget to mention it.
121. Well, we will find out.
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