


Contact Report 870第870次接觸報告



最初英譯:20231123日,星期DeepL Translator

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20231201日,星期DeepL Translator, James Hsu







五、在報告的尾端,附錄了一篇由YouTube影片上的自動生成英文字幕轉成文字記錄。那是一段談論肆虐我們全人類三年多而尚未完全消失的冠狀病毒最初起源的話題,影片是在202353第三屆國際冠狀病毒肺炎Covid峰會》中,Martin E. David博士在歐洲議會的演講,其中透漏了許多不為人知(目前尚被官方強烈否認)的內幕;其中說到,早在1966年第一個冠狀病毒原型就是美國和英國首次進行了跨大西洋冠狀病毒資料交換,而在1967年就首次進行了用改良冠狀病毒為人類接種疫苗的試驗等等,這些內幕,應該值得全世界關注


This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Ah, you are back safe and sound, my friend. It took a little longer than you told me, but it is a good thing. But better later than never. So welcome back, Quetzal.



Greetings also, Eduard, dear friend. Yes, it took a little longer because more has come in than was intended.



That can happen, because things do not always run like clockwork. But before we turn to our conversation, I would like to show you a few things here on the computer that I think you will find interesting. Look here, this article I got from Michael, and this one I got from Bernadette:



Public Conversation between Amy Goodman
of 'Democracy Now' and General Wesley Clark

Democracy Now的主持人艾米.古德曼Amy Goodman
韋斯利.克拉克Wesley Clark將軍的公開對話

on 2nd March 2007, (0:00-2:04 minutes)



General Wesley Clark "We are going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years."


Wesley Clark: Right after 9/11 (2001), about ten days after 9/11, I walked through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld and his deputy Wolfowitz.


I went down the stairs to greet some of the people, the Joint Chiefs of Staff people who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me and said, sir, you need to come talk to me. I said you are too busy. He said no, no. He said we have made the decision that we are going to war with Iraq.


That was on or around the 20th of September. I said we are going to war with Iraq, why? He said, I do not know, and further, they probably do not know what else to do.


So I said, well, have they found anything and gathered intelligence linking Saddam to al-Qaeda? He said, no, no. He said there is nothing new. They just made the decision to go to war against Iraq, he said. I guess it is like we do not know what to do about terrorists, but we have a good military and we can overthrow governments, and he went on to say, I guess when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem must look like a nail to pound on. I came back to him a few weeks later and by that time we were bombing in Iraq and Afghanistan and I said do we still want to go to war with Iraq and he said oh, it is worse than that. He reached on his desk and picked up a piece of paper and he explained, I just got this from upstairs from the office from a meeting with the Secretary of Defence and he explained this is a memo (reminder letter) describing how we are going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finally Iran.


I said, is it (the memo) classified? He said, yes, sir.


I said, do not show it to me. And I saw him again a year ago (2006) or so and I said to him, do you remember what we talked about? He said, I am sorry, sir, I did not show you the memo. I really did not show it to you.


Amy Goodman: Excuse me, what was his name?


Wesley Clark: I am not going to tell you his name.


Amy Goodman: Name the countries again.


Wesley Clark: We start with Iraq, then Syria and Lebanon, then Libya, then Somalia and Sudan and then back to Iran.


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Knt3rKTqCk&t=178s


Dear FIGU mailing list colleagues 😉


Regarding the mailing list, I wanted to ask which MEPs you are sending this to?


I assume that each of us looks after our own country or our own people in the country, i.e. Switzerland, Germany and Austria respectively.


I myself always send out to …


Federal government in Austria (all government departments)


Members of the National Council in Austria


Members of the EU: Delegation Austria


Ukrainian and Russian embassies in Austria, Germany and Switzerland


In BCC to many journalists, TV and newspaper media


In BCC to other people in the public who think "FIGU-like"; I also always have Sahra Wagenknecht and her staff on my BBC mailing list

BCC給其他有“類似FIGU”想法的公眾;我的BBC郵寄清單上也總是有莎拉.瓦根克內希特Sahra Wagenknecht)和她的工作同事們。

For example, do you also send out to MEPs from other (non-German-speaking) countries?


If we send out a little overlap, that is probably not a problem. The only question is whether we leave out any people who we should have with us …


For sceptical people who are unlikely to open a PDF attachment straight away, I also always provide an excerpt directly in the email. I select/copy certain parts of the text from the PDF, remove the line breaks in an editor using a macro and then insert the text passages (usually two) directly into the email. How might you actually do that?


Stefan Hahnekamp

Stefan Hahnekamp

Salome Bernadette

祝福平安 Bernadette

A few days ago, I read in the 868th contact report that Billy received a death threat via a phone call at 22:40 hrs on the 26th of October.


Threatening to kill a truly wise human being who stands up for the truth corresponds to absolute impudence and cowardice!


I have often read on the FIGU website and in the contact reports that you run a night watch. I would like to volunteer my services for a night watch at least once a month at the weekend if you need me.


Best regards and Salome




Interesting, I did not know about that. But it really is a good thing.



So these are the letters. This one, this has happened 2x more since then, where I have been rung out of bed at 2 o'clock in the morning.



I guess it never ends.



Exactly, that is what I also think. Unfortunately, there are always crazy people around. And with regard to the primitive accusations, I think they came about with the guy from Zurich because he's mad as hell at me because I told him the truth about Darwin's tweaking, which he did not like and he took it the wrong way. But the other thing: Bernadette also thinks we are doing something smart regarding the distribution of contact reports to governments.



That is also correct.



Yes, I know that, and the reports are also read by various governments, as evidenced by the responses, most of which are gratifying. In between, there is probably a response from those involved in the government who grumble because they do not agree that the truth is being told.



I do not think that can be changed. But what you mentioned earlier about the phone calls, I should inform you that the interception of your phone calls with the help of the Sonaer has been perfected to such an extent that …

我想這是無法改變的。但你剛才提到的電話問題,我應該告訴你,在Sonaer的幫助下,對你電話的攔截已經完善到了 ...


We should not really talk about that, because here I have another question that I actually want to answer during our conversation, so that for once it is clear what is fact. Here, have a read.



… You are really not a clairvoyant. What is with this lowly intelligent question?

... 你真的不是“千里眼”(clairvoyant)。這個愚蠢的問題是怎麼回事?


Exactly – as it says here. Someone wants to know how to become a clairvoyant like me. In my opinion, I think it is necessary to state that I do not involve myself in clairvoyance and I am not a so-called clairvoyant, therefore I cannot invent anything clairvoyant for the future. My predictions, which I have given and mentioned since I was a boy, are based on the fact that, together with Sfath, I have seen and experienced certain events and happenings in the future and therefore know that they will inevitably happen and therefore come true. I already made such predictions when I was a boy and thus only said what Sfath and I experienced in the future. I have also mentioned various things that threaten to happen but can be changed and avoided if behaviour is changed for the better. So all in all, it is clear that I have nothing to do with clairvoyance, although it should also be said that clairvoyance is usually based on fraud and deception, especially in the case of those 'clairvoyant talents' who offer themselves in the newspapers with clairvoyant abilities – usually for money – and then fantasise about things from heaven that are so ashen and stupid that even chickens have to laugh at them. This, while however the psychic believers are so lowly intelligent and simple-minded that they believe these 'psychic' lies and scams. However, this 'clairvoyance' has nothing to do with when an honest human being has a true vision through some energetic circumstances and events and sees what will happen in the future sooner or later. However, this human being will most certainly never allow himself to be paid for revealing what the vision has revealed to him. This is also the case with the warning that this and that will be the result and the goal if people continue to think or act in the same wrong manner. Such a human being also has nothing to do with clairvoyance, but only with clear logic, clear understanding and clear reason. And it is safe to say that a human being who announces something threatening in this wise is also not clairvoyant and will never be paid for his or her advice. Only 'clairvoyants', who are truly liars and deceivers, allow themselves to be paid for their lies and deceptions conjured up from the heavens, and moreover it is people who look for the lowly intelligent and simple-minded in newspapers and magazines or on the Internet who believe their 'clairvoyant' nonsense, their lies, deceptions and fantasies and pay dearly for them.

沒錯 —— 就像這裡說的那樣。有人想知道如何成為像我這樣的千里眼。在我看來,我認為有必要說明的是,我並不從事千里眼的工作,也不是所謂的千里眼,因此我不能為未來編造任何千里眼的故事。我的預測是基於這樣一個事實:那是我和Sfath一起看到並經歷過未來的某些事件,因此知道它們將必定發生,並因此成真。在我還是個孩子的時候,我就已經做了這樣的預測,因此只說了我和Sfath在未來經歷的事情。我還提到了各種有可能發生的事情,但如果行為有所改變,這些事情是可以改變和避免的。因此,總而言之,很明顯我與千里眼毫無關係,不過也應該說,千里眼通常是屬於欺詐和欺騙的說法,尤其是那些“具千里眼能力的人”(clairvoyant talents),他們在報紙上自薦具有千里眼能力 —— 通常是為了錢 —— 然後幻想來自天堂的事情,這些事情是如此的灰暗和愚蠢,甚至連雞都不得不嘲笑他們。然而,通靈信徒的智力愚昧、頭腦簡單,他們相信這些“通靈”的謊言和騙局。然而,這種“千里眼”與一個誠實的人透過一些能量環境而獲得真實的預見並看到未來遲早會發生的事情毫無關係。然而,這個人肯定不會因為自己揭露了他所看到的景象而得到報酬。這也是一個警告,如果人們繼續以同樣錯誤的方式思考或行動,那麼某種結果和目標將會出現。這樣的人也與千里眼無關,而只與清晰的邏輯、清晰的理解和清晰的理性有關。可以肯定地說,以這種方式宣佈某種威脅的人也不是千里眼,他或她的建議永遠不會得到報酬。只有所謂的“千里眼” —— 真正的騙子,才會讓自己從天而降的謊言和騙局得到報酬,而且,正是那些在報刊雜誌或互聯網上尋找智力愚昧、頭腦簡單的人,才會相信他們的“千里眼”胡言亂語、謊言、騙局和幻想,並為此付出高昂的代價。

So that is one thing, and at the beginning of the year Arlion told me via Ptaah that … But that is a good thing, because nothing can be spied on, tapped and recorded that should not reach their ears. These … also have nothing to do with anything relating to Switzerland or its security or anything else. It is simply the case that everything relating to this is purely a private matter that is nobody's business and should therefore also remain private. That is why Arlion and his crew have also set it up so that … not even … can be registered. But that is really all we should talk about.

因此,這是一件事,今年年初,Arlion通過Ptaah告訴我 ... 但這是一件好事,因為沒有什麼可以被監視、竊聽和記錄,不應該傳到他們的耳朵裡。這些 ... 也與瑞士或其安全或其他任何方面都無關。與此有關的一切純屬私人事務,與任何人無關,因此也應保持祕密。正因為如此,Arlion和他的手下也設置了 ... 甚至 ... 都不能登記。不過,我們應該談的也就是這些了。


I suppose that is correct, but perhaps it was good that I brought this up after all, because … … ….

我想這是對的,但也許我提出來是件好事,因為 ... ... …



No, that really cannot be changed, because the spying also just goes on, we have realised that again in the last few days, because … But that is not the stuff we want to talk about. It will probably just go on like this for as long as I am still alive. But that is something we should not really talk about, because there are other things that need to be clarified. For example, I was approached about this and asked about the theatre with the Giza twerps …

不,這確實無法改變,因為間諜活動還在繼續,正如我們在過去幾天裡再次意識到的那樣,因為 ... 但這不是我們想談論的內容。也許只要我還活著,這種情況就會一直持續下去。但我們不應該談論這些,因為還有其他事情需要澄清。例如,有人向我詢問有關那些“吉薩蠢蛋”(Giza twerps)的事情 ...


… unfortunately I cannot say anything about that, because I do not know any facts about it. But if you want to talk about it, then I am a good listener and I will learn more about what happened here on Earth. But what we have been talking about at the moment, it is probably good if you recall some of this and write it down at least in a wise way so that some of the … can think about it. Maybe then it might help to finally put things to rest.

... 遺憾的是,我對此一無所知。但如果你想談談,我是一個很好的傾聽者,我會瞭解更多地球上發生的事情。但是,我們現在所談論的,如果你能回憶起一些,並至少以一種明智的方式寫下來,讓一些 ... 能夠思考一下,也許會有好處。也許這有助於最終平息事態。


But you are probably waiting in vain. But perhaps it is good if I recall and list some things.



I also think so. But what can you tell me about everything you mentioned earlier?



I can only tell you what I inevitably know from Semjase and Ptaah, so to speak, because I do not usually ask for more details. It is not my place to want to know something if it does not directly affect me. I have kept it that way all my life and it has been good for me. What I do not know does not make me hot, and it is also the case that I am told yes if something is important to me. Therefore, I am also only aware that all of the Giza twerps were renegades from somewhere in your Federation. They were just small groups of criminals, like we also have on Earth. But the twerps ran away in your universe, came to Earth and settled here. Your security forces then 'collected' them and brought them back, where they were settled somewhere on an uninhabited planet and deprived of all the means that would have given them the opportunity to fly out into space again. There was also this Ashtar Sheran guy and co, but he was from the DAL universe, but he and his people behaved in the same manner as the others, whose 5 or 6 such groups were. Somehow it happened and resulted that an Earthling learnt Ashtar Sheran's name – how, I really do not know – who then worked around with it, but how, what and where, I also do not know. Perhaps the name was invented by the Earthling person, dreamt up or otherwise managed, I do not know. Somehow the name became known, as various things or even a story were also attributed to it. But that is all I know about it. As you Plejaren have found out – others than you – all these groups have done unpleasant work on Earth and caused damage, but they had no contact or connection with Earthlings. All these groups also kept their distance from the foreigners, against whom they also shielded themselves and did not want to get in their way. But that was probably for security reasons, because the foreigners probably would not have handled them with kid gloves. In any case – and I know this – none of these little guys are still in this universe resp. in our cosmos. And I do not know why it was tolerated for so long that these groups could remain here on Earth and then also get up to their confusing mischief. Only then, when they began to cause damage in the Centre and even endangered my life, did you Plejaren intervene and catch the twerps and take them back to the Ankar universe. Here on Earth, the security forces wait just as long for action to be taken, at least when it comes to large organised crime groups or criminal organisations. Small criminals, on the other hand, are apprehended very quickly, so the saying reveals a certain truth when it is said: "The little ones get caught, but the big ones are let go." This is what needs to be said, and the following is also relevant: when it is said that emigrants are from the Plejaren or the Federation, they did not emigrate to this universe, but remained resident in the Ankar universe. This is also the case when artificial dimensional gates were created in the 'vicinity' of us in solar systems known here. Only beyond our Milky Way have some from your Federation settled, but I have only minimal knowledge about this, except that this was hundreds of thousands of years ago. And another question related to the UFOs of foreigners, but I have nothing to say about them because they do not belong to the Plejaren and therefore also have no connection with you. There is probably nothing more to explain with regard to what has been said. But if you want to know more, it is up to you to ask Semjase or Ptaah about it.

我只能告訴你,我確實從SemjasePtaah那裡所瞭解到的情況,因為我通常不會詢問更多細節。如果不是直接影響到我的事情,我是不會想知道的。我一輩子都是這樣,這對我很有好處。我不知道的事情不會影響我的心情,同樣,如果事情對我很重要,我也會被告知。因此,我也只知道所有的吉薩蠢蛋都是你們聯邦某個地方的叛徒。他們只是一小群罪犯,就像我們地球上的罪犯一樣。但是,這些傢伙從你們的宇宙中逃到地球來並在這裡駐留然後,你們的安全部隊收拾了他們,並把他們帶了回去,把他們安置在一個無人居住的星球上,剝奪了他們再次逃向太空的所有手段。還有一個叫阿斯塔・謝蘭Ashtar Sheran的傢伙和其他人,但他來自達爾」(DAL宇宙,但他和他的人民的行為方式與其他人一樣,他們有五、六個這樣的群體。不知怎麼發生的,結果一個地球人知道了阿斯塔・謝蘭的名字 —— 怎麼知道的,我真的不清楚 —— 然後他就用這個名字四處活動,但怎麼活動、活動什麼、在哪裡活動,我也不知道。也許這個名字是地球人發明的,是他夢到的,或者是他自己想出來的,我也不知道。不知何故,這個名字被人們所熟知,因為各種事情甚至故事也都與它有關。但這就是我所知道的一切。正如你們Plejaren已經發現的那樣 —— 比你們更多的人 —— 所有這些組織都在地球上做過不愉快的事,造成過破壞,但他們與地球人沒有任何接觸或聯繫。所有這些組織也都與外星人保持距離,他們也在保護自己,不想妨礙他們。但這可能是出於安全考慮,因為外星人可能不會輕易放過他們。無論如何 —— 我知道這一點 —— 這些小傢伙沒有一個還在這個宇宙中,也就是在我們的宇宙中。我也不知道為什麼會容忍這些群體在地球上逗留如此之久,然後還能搞出令人困惑的惡作劇。直到他們開始對中心造成破壞,甚至危及到我的生命時,你們才出面干預,抓住了這些笨蛋,並把他們帶回了「安卡」(Ankar)宇宙。在地球上,安全部隊等待採取行動的時間也一樣長,至少在涉及到大型有組織犯罪集團或犯罪組織時是這樣。而小罪犯則很快就會被抓獲,所以有句俗話說得很有道理:「小的被抓住,大的卻被放走」。這就是需要說明的問題,下面的內容也與此相關:當說到移民來自Plejaren或聯邦時,他們並沒有移居到這個宇宙,而是一直居住在「安卡」宇宙。在我們這裡已知的太陽系“附近”創造出來的人工維度門也是這種情況。只有在我們的銀河系之外,才有一些來自你們聯邦的人定居下來,但我對此所知甚少,只知道那是幾十萬年前的事了。另一個問題與外星人的不明飛行器有關,但我無話可說,因為他們不屬於Plejaren,因此也與你們無關。對於剛才所說的內容,可能已經沒什麼好解釋的了。但如果你們想知道更多,可以去問SemjasePtaah


I will do that. But now I want to fill you in on what I am seeing in the Middle East….



… we do not really want to talk about that anymore.

... 我們真的不想再談這個話題了。


I guess we have, and it is true, but I still want to say something, because it gives me a lot to think about. This Netanyahu is no better than Adolf Hitler was, as I have learnt from records of what happened around him during the World War from 1939 to 1945. I also see that in the overall reporting of the war between Israel and Hamas, everything is held in the same manner as it is in the Ukraine war, namely that there is only one-sided and biased reporting. With regard to Ukraine, only the entire actions of the Ukrainian army are publicised by the media, but not what is happening on the Russian side. Similarly, in the Middle East, only Israel is reported on, but not the other side, which means that the media also takes sides here, and only in favour of Israel, which also rages much worse than the attackers. I also saw how Israeli military personnel hid firearms etc. in a hospital, which they then allegedly found and had photographed by war journalists, with the untruthful claim that these weapons had been stored there by the other side. And that atrocities were also committed by the Israeli army, as well as by the attackers, which you have observed together with me, so you know what is really happening. And it continues to happen on a large scale, with the 'great leader' Netanyahu, as a paragon of Adolf Hitler, fuelling the whole thing in full hatred. That is what corresponds to the truth.

我想我們已經這樣做了,這是事實,但我仍然想說點什麼,因為這讓我思考了很多。這個納坦雅胡Netanyahu)並不比阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)好多少,我從1939年至1945年世界大戰期間發生在他周圍的事情的記錄中瞭解到了這一點。我還看到,在對以色列與哈馬斯戰爭的整體報導中,一切都與烏克蘭戰爭如出一轍,即只有片面和有偏見的報導。在烏克蘭問題上,媒體只報導烏克蘭軍隊的全部行動,而不報導俄羅斯方面的情況。同樣,在中東,媒體只報導以色列,而不報導另一方,這意味著媒體在這裡也是偏袒一方,而且只偏袒以色列,而以色列的憤怒也比襲擊者嚴重得多。我還看到以色列軍事人員是如何將槍支等藏在醫院裡的,據稱他們後來發現了這些槍支,並讓戰地記者拍了照,還不實地聲稱這些武器是對方存放在那裡的。以色列軍隊和襲擊者也犯下了暴行,你和我一起看到了這些暴行,所以你們知道真實發生了什麼。而且這種暴行還在繼續大規模發生,“偉大領袖”納坦雅胡以阿道夫.希特勒為典範,以滿腔仇恨為整個事件推波助瀾。這才是真相。


That is probably the case, besides, we behave neutrally, consequently we do not favour one party or the other, also not when we tell the truth regarding a person, his behaviour and actions etc.. And telling the truth about a human being does not mean that we are therefore biased, but that we are only speaking the effective truth, that which we have established very precisely ourselves and which does not contain any assumptions, but only the pure truth. And it is precisely this truth that does not suit one or the other partisan, which is why this human being then unleashes accusations and insults and invents slander. Especially those who are biased towards Ukraine and Russia, who supply weapons to Zelensky and thus do not put an end to the war, do not want to see this, just as they invite Russia to continue the damned war. And the same is happening in the Middle East, where Israel is exalted to the heavens and Hamas is wished the devil on its neck. These misguided in their partisan thinking do not want to admit the truth and are only on the side of Israel, only see it and defend it with their big mouths. This is despite the fact that the Israeli military is just as atrociously murderous and destructive as Hamas. This happens in exactly the same manner on both sides, while on this side only Hamas is cheered with pro and hurrah and huge demonstrations are organised in a completely fanatical manner. But when these partisans hear what you have just said, it is determined by their low intelligence and unreasonableness and will certainly be interpreted as anti-Semitism again, even though these idiots do not even know what the whole concept is all about. I said as much in our last recalled and written conversation. But, as it is, no matter how much is said and explained to the Earthlings, it is not thought about and consequently also not understood. When talking and explaining something, it is the case that something is only understood completely correctly if everything is thought through precisely, impartially and according to correctness and recognised as it truly is, and it is only through this learning that understanding effectively comes about. There is really no other way, as it is also with every thing that is said or explained, that it must first be seen and experienced before a decision can be made about its falsity or reality. It therefore means that something can only be effectively recognised as truth when everything has been worked through by faith-free, absolutely neutral and also truthful thoughts. This, just as the effective truth is only recognised and understood when a thing is first experienced for itself.


Now, if I now say something again about anti-Semitism, then it is not a matter of xenophobia resp. a fear of foreigners, but rather a hostility towards strangers that has arisen from this, whereby it is not actually a religious and social prejudice against Jews. Basically, today it is a specific phenomenon that expresses an anti-modern world view that is fundamentally based on pathological thoughts of existential fear, which sees the existence of the Jews as the cause of all evil, but especially in cultural, religious, social and political problems that are said to emanate from the Jews. This is despite the fact that the unfounded hatred of Christianity and Islam is fundamentally and originally based on the fact – which is denied by those supposedly 'in the know' – that Jmmanuel, who in Christianity is lyingly and falsely called Jesus Christ against all truth, although his name was never such, and who was born approx. around 2,028 years ago (Note: According to today's Gregorian calendar, the year of Jmmanuel's birth is 5 years before our chronology or B.C. The indication of the year of birth as 2 B.C. is a typographical error that has unfortunately not yet been discovered.) So the worldwide hatred of Jews, resp. the anti-Semitism that has been rising again and again for a long time, but has subsided again after a certain time, is more than 'just' xenophobia or a religious or social prejudice, because if everything is considered correctly, it is absolutely recognisable that it is a crazy and fanatically distorted view of the Jews of the so-called modern age. Although today's term of accusation 'anti-Semitism' was only brought out of the box of old Jewish insults again – if I am not greatly mistaken – around 1880, but as I already mentioned in the last contact conversation, this term already existed in the times of Noandakan, when in the old Hebron language the enemies of his son Shem were insulted as Semitic or as Semites, precisely by anti-Semites. This term has survived for thousands of years and was apparently 'dug up' again somehow and somewhere and, as I said, reappeared around 1880 and quickly spread worldwide. I do not remember exactly what the term 'semfeindlichen' was in Hebronese at the time of Noandakan, but when I search my memory, something like 'Shemnaka' or something like that comes to mind. I cannot swear to whether that is correct, though.

現在,如果我再談談反猶太主義,那麼它就不是仇外心理,也不是對外國人的恐懼,而是由此產生的對陌生人的敵意,它實際上不是對猶太人的宗教和社會偏見。從根本上說,今天的仇外心理是一種特殊的現象,它表達了一種反現代的世界觀,這種世界觀從根本上說是建立在病態的生存恐懼思想之上的,它將猶太人的存在視為一切罪惡的根源,尤其是在文化、宗教、社會和政治問題上,據說這些問題都是由猶太人引起的。儘管對基督教和伊斯蘭教毫無根據的仇恨從根本上說是基於這樣一個事實 —— 但那些所謂的“知情者”卻否認了這一點 —— 在基督教中,以馬內利(Jmmanuel)被謊稱為耶穌基督,儘管他的名字從來就不是這樣,但他卻違背了所有的事實。他出生在大約2,028年前[註:根據今天的公曆Gregorian calendar;也叫格里曆),以馬內利的出生年份比我們的紀年或西元前早5年。出生年份表示為西元前2年是一個印刷錯誤,不幸的是尚未發現。]因此,全世界普遍存在的對猶太人的仇恨,或者說是長期以來一再強烈抬頭,但在一段時間後又有所消退的反猶太主義,不僅僅是“單純的”仇外心理,也不僅僅是宗教或社會偏見,因為如果一切考慮正確的話,我們絕對可以認識到,這是一種瘋狂而狂熱地歪曲所謂現代猶太人的觀點。雖然今天的“反猶太主義”這一指責用語是在1880年前後才從猶太人的古老辱駡中被重新提煉出來的 —— 如果我沒有弄錯的話 —— 但正如我在上一次接觸談話中提到的,這一用語在Noandakan時代就已經存在了,當時在古老的希伯倫Hebron)語中,他的兒子閃姆Shem)的敵人被辱駡為閃米特人Semites),恰恰是被反猶主義者辱駡為閃米特人。這個詞已經流傳了幾千年,顯然不知在什麼地方又被“挖”了出來,正如我所說的那樣,在1880年左右重新出現,並迅速傳播到世界各地。我不記得Noandakan時期希伯倫語中“semfeindlichen”一詞的確切含義,但當我搜索記憶時,我想到了“Shemnaka”或類似的詞。但我不能發誓這是否正確。

The anti-Jewish human beings are confused in their thinking, namely that the existence of the Jews is the cause of all the problems, indeed the actual cause that there are any problems at all. This gave rise early on to a racially based rejection of the Jews. However, if this is to be understood in its various forms, I must briefly refer back to the history of hostility towards Jews: When an evil image of the Jews was created, it was all based on old prejudices that had long since been forgotten, but had been re-imagined in a negative manner. The result was that the Jew was insulted as a usurer from time immemorial, but this expression changed with the 'modern age' and was turned into the financial capitalist, although the old definition of insulting the Jews had not yet emerged.


The newly emerging modern political currents and orders emerged after the First World War – which is mendaciously declared to have been a seven-year war and was effectively the fault of America. These currents then also gave rise to the democratic movements, communism and liberalism, as well as various supranational organisations. This also led to various economic developments, as well as financial capitalism and globalisation, certain inventions that brought disaster and were blamed on Jewish evil purposes and are still unjustifiably attributed to this day. The delusion of all the many Jew-haters in this regard even goes so far as to claim that evil destructive inventions, mainly weapons, have been forced upon certain nations by the Jews as necessary and indispensable. In practice, the whole thing of this kind got out of hand, so that Hitler then used all means at his disposal to put an end to the evil through the Holocaust.

第一次世界大戰後,新興的現代政治思潮和政治秩序應運而生 —— 有人謊稱這是一場長達七年的戰爭,實際上是美國的過錯。這些思潮隨後還產生了民主運動、共產主義和自由主義,以及各種超國家組織。這也導致了各種經濟發展,以及金融資本主義和全球化,這些發明帶來了災難,被歸咎於猶太人的邪惡目的,直到今天仍被無端歸咎。許多仇視猶太人的人在這方面的妄想甚至聲稱,邪惡的破壞性發明,主要是武器,是猶太人強加給某些國家的,認為它們是必要的、不可或缺的。在實踐中,這種事情一發不可收拾,於是希特勒利用他所掌握的一切手段,通過大屠殺結束了這一罪惡。

Well, anti-Semitism will remain a permanently modernised complex of idiotic convictions for a very long time to come, namely those of lunatics and other crazy people, whereby mainly religious aspects of Christians and Islam play a part – which is of course vehemently denied against all truth. These are believers who hate Jews, as well as lousy and evil religious leaders and religious representatives who present themselves to the outside world as absolute and 'loyal' supporters of 'accepting Jews', but who are in fact die-hard anti-Semites and enemies of other religions and faiths. They form a secret collective towards Jews, which does not express its bad convictions to the outside world, but which has become ingrained in individuals as prejudice. They wisely know how to hide their ideology and their religious, individual and possibly also collective and always secret attitudes, actions and machinations, as well as their secret social and nasty discrimination and secret political mobilisations against Jews, which are aimed at distancing themselves from the Jews and driving them out and even destroying them.

在未來很長一段時間裡,反猶主義仍將是一種永久性的現代化的白癡信念綜合體,即那些瘋子和其他瘋狂的人的信念綜合體,其中主要是基督徒和伊斯蘭教的宗教因素在起作用 —— 當然,這是被矢口否認的事實。這些人是憎恨猶太人的信徒,也是卑鄙邪惡的宗教領袖和宗教代表,他們在外界面前是“接受猶太人”的、絕對和“忠誠”的支持者,但實際上卻是頑固的反猶主義者,是其他宗教和信仰的敵人。他們形成了一個針對猶太人的秘密集體,這個集體並不向外界表達自己的不良信念,但這種偏見已在個人心中根深蒂固。他們很聰明,知道如何隱藏自己的意識形態,隱藏自己的宗教的、個人的、可能也是集體的、總是秘密的態度、行動和陰謀,以及他們對猶太人的秘密的社會和骯髒的歧視和秘密的政治動員,其目的是疏遠猶太人,把他們趕出去,甚至消滅他們。

I have already explained what originally concerned the earliest religious hostility, mainly of Christianity, towards the Jews, and that was because of the crucifixion of Jmmanuel, but so-called 'modern' anti-Semitism no longer has anything to do with it. Nowadays there is also more and more talk of 'anti-Judaism', which leads to a disparagement of the Jewish people and their faith, as a result of which the Jews are also accused of being blind to the truth and generally obdurate and warlike. For this reason, he says, there is also hostility towards Christians and Islam among the Jews, which God has ordained and wants to have so that the Jews are to be protected from Christianity and Islam in this wise, which of course does not suit the Jew-haters.



But Netanyahu, this warmonger, is directing the whole war effort in such a manner that the hatred of Jews flares up all the more.



Yes, of course, because the anti-Semites find that his murderous actions only confirm everything that is being lied about the Jews. Everything is really just lies and deceit and has absolutely nothing to do with the truth. For my part, I have got to know many believers in the Jews, and they were all human beings like we all are. Their religion plays no role and has never played a role for me. And they also made no secret of the fact that I do not belong to any faith. At the very beginning, when we came here to the Centre, three Jewish persons visited me when they went on a holiday trip up to Germany. Unfortunately, they were quite elderly people who have since died.


And if I want to say something else: there may now be a war between Israel and Hamas, but not all the people on both sides are in agreement with this warmonger and murderer Netanyahu and on the side of Hamas, whose leadership wields a sceptre of death and the complete destruction of human achievements. I also think that the part of the people who want him out of office are those who think rationally and do not want war. It will also be the same in Ukraine and Russia, because as I experienced and learnt as a boy in the German Reich together with Sfath, only a fanatical and murder-obsessed section of the population that is enthusiastic about war is ever on the side of the war-mongering rulers, while the others turn away from the war, but as a rule can do nothing about it and must remain silent, otherwise they themselves will be murdered. This is certainly the case in the war in the Middle East, as it certainly also is in Ukraine and also in Russia. That is certainly not to be doubted.



That is indeed as you say, there is absolutely no doubt about it.



Good, then that is also clear.



What I am interested in now, though, and maybe you can explain to me what it was that happened to me when I observed something south of the Sahara yesterday, but it suddenly disappeared and was obviously not real. I have never seen anything like it.



Like what?



There was suddenly a piece of a landscape visible in the distance, but it disappeared again after a short time. That is inexplicable to me.



Well, it was probably a mirage.



What is that?



You do not know that?



No – ?



Well then, I also experienced that once with Sfath, when I was zipping through a desert with him. We saw a city for several minutes and then it just disappeared again because it was just a mirage, which is also called a Fata Morgana. As Sfath explained to me, this involves a beam of light being refracted to create it, whereby the light expands in an arc and radiates through the layers of air at different temperatures and manifests itself somewhere visibly as a reflection, a mirage that is reflected like a real object. There are records and claims about this, such as that a large sea vessel was suddenly seen in the middle of the desert, for example, as claimed around 1878 or 1880 by a man named Custer, who allegedly saw a large ship in the Mojave Desert in southern California that was said to be carrying large quantities of gold, which is why he launched several 'expeditions' to find the ship. But it was all a lie, as Sfath explained, because the man was fibbing about the alleged sighting of the mirage, because as a gold prospector he invented the story to find people who had travelled with him several times to find a vein of gold. However, this is said to have never happened.

那麼,我和Sfath也經歷過一次,當時我和他一起穿越沙漠。我們看到了一座城市,持續了幾分鐘,然後它又消失了,因為那只是海市蜃樓,也叫“複雜蜃景”(Fata Morgana;亦音譯為“法達摩加納”)。正如Sfath向我解釋的那樣,海市蜃樓是由一束光經過折射產生的,這束光在不同溫度的空氣層中呈弧形展開並輻射,在某處以反射的形式顯現出來,海市蜃樓的反射就像一個真實的物體。關於這方面,有一些記錄和說法,比如在沙漠中央突然看到一艘大船,例如,大約在1878年或1880年,一個名叫Custer的人聲稱,他在加利福尼亞南部的莫哈維沙漠Mojave Desert)中看到一艘大船,據說船上載有大量黃金,因此他發動了幾次“探險”來尋找這艘船。但正如Sfath所解釋的那樣,這一切都是謊言,因為此人對所謂看到海市蜃樓的說法是在撒謊,因為作為一個淘金者,他編造了這個故事來尋找那些曾多次與他同行尋找金礦礦脈的人。然而,據說這種情況從未發生過。


A strange method of lying.



Of course, it is illogical, but countless Earthlings just act illogically when it comes to gold or money etc. which is why a lot of things also escalate into crime and delinquency.



Then I would like to discuss some things with you now that relate to me personally, and that is …

現在我想和你們討論一些與我個人有關的事情,那就是 ...


Of course – I want to be all ears for that. But I would like to say that I am very honoured that you …

當然,我願意洗耳恭聽。但我想說的是,我很榮幸你 ...

The following is attached, which was announced privately by me to Quetzal, which Michael promised to get the article for me.


Sunday, the 19th of November 2023 Private Contact = No Contact Report,

as Usual with Purely Private Visits and Private Conversations

And here is the article that Michael just sent me.





Speech by Dr Martin E. David in the European Parliament

on 3rd May 2023 at the 3rd International Covid Summit

Martin E. David(暫譯為大衛.E.馬丁)博士在歐洲議會的演講


Automatically generated transcript from English on YouTube



It is a particularly interesting place for me to sit today given the fact that over a decade ago I sat in this very place, in this very chair here in the European Union Parliament and at that time I warned the world of what was to come.


During that conversation, hosted at the time by the Greens and the EFA and a number of other parties, the European Union and various representations, we discussed whether Europe should adopt the United States' policy of allowing patents on biological products of derived materials. And at the time, I urged this panel to do so, and I warned human beings around the world that weaponising nature against humanity would have dire consequences.


Tragically, I sit here today with the unfortunate words that I hate to say, "I told you so." But the fact is that we are not here to retaliate for past decisions. We came here once again to actually look human nature in the face and ask the question of who we want to be and what we want humanity to look like. And instead of seeing this as a task of practising futility, which is very easy to do from time to time when you are in the position that I am in. I actually do not see this as an exercise in futility, I see it as one of the greatest opportunities that we have, because we now have a public conversation that is now front and centre in the minds of human beings.


When this was an esoteric conversation about biological patents, nobody cared. But when it was talked about at home, the conversation turned it into something that people can care about. So I am actually quite grateful for the opportunity and I thank the Members of Parliament for hosting this event and I thank the translators, to whom I apologise for using terminology that is probably very difficult to translate.


I would also like to recognise the fact – which many of you know – that I owe my involvement in this cause in large part to the great work of my wonderful wife Kim Martin, who encouraged me in the early days of this pandemic to get in front of the camera and talk about all the information that I was sharing with very small groups around the world. It was actually her encouragement that put me in a position where many of you are hearing what I have to say.

我還要承認一個事實 —— 你們中的許多人都知道 —— 我之所以參與這項事業,在很大程度上要歸功於我的好妻子Kim Martin的偉大工作,她在這一流行病的早期鼓勵我站在鏡頭前,講述我與世界各地的小團體分享的所有資訊。事實上,正是她的鼓勵才讓我有機會讓你們中的許多人聽到我所說的話。

Ironically, the world I come from, which used to be very popular, was my CNBC and Bloomberg presentations that aired on mainstream media outlets around the globe to an audience that I have lost. I can confidently say that Covid has diminished my fame. But I can also confidently say that I would rather be among the human beings I stand here with today than those who were part of that former world. This is a much better place for me.


My role today is to put our conversation in a historical context, because it did not just come up in the last three years and it did not just come up in the last five or six years, but it is actually an ongoing issue that probably started here in Europe in the early mid-1900s, but certainly between 1913 and 1914. That is when this discussion started right here in Central Europe.


The pandemic we have had in recent years is also not something that happened overnight. In fact, this very specific coronavirus pandemic started at a completely different time. Most of you do not know that the coronavirus was isolated as a model pathogen in 1965. The coronavirus was identified in 1965 as one of the first infectious replicable viral models that could be used to modify a number of other experiences of the human condition.


It was originally associated with the common cold. But what is particularly interesting about the 1965 isolation was that it was immediately identified as a pathogen that could be used and modified for a whole range of reasons, and you heard correctly, that was 1965. By the way, these slides are generally free, feel free to look at each one, any comment I make is based on published material, so check out these references.


In 1966 the very first COV coronavirus model was used as the basis in a transatlantic biological experiment for manipulation of human beings and you heard correctly, the date is 1966.


I hope you understand what I am saying. This pandemic did not break out overnight, it is something that has been a long time in the making. The year before I was born was the first transatlantic coronavirus data exchange between the United States and the United Kingdom. And in 1967, the year I was born, the first trials to vaccinate human beings with modified coronaviruses were carried out.


Is not that amazing? 56 years ago! An overnight success of a pathogen that had been in development for 56 years. I want you all to be able to relate to this. Where were we when we allowed this to happen against biological and chemical weapons treaties? Where were we as a human civilisation when we thought it was acceptable to take a pathogen of the United States and then infect the world with it? Where was this discussion and what should it have been in 1967? There was no such discussion!


Ironically, the common cold was turned into a chimera in the 1970s. And in 1975, 1976 and 1977, we started to figure out how to modify the coronavirus by implanting it into different animals – into pigs and dogs. And not surprisingly, in 1990, it was found that the coronavirus as an infectious agent was an industrial problem for two main industries, namely the dog and pig industries.

具有諷刺意味的是,在1970年代,普通感冒變成了一種嵌合體chimera)。1975年、1976年和1977年,我們開始研究如何將冠狀病毒植入不同的動物體內 —— 豬和狗。毫不奇怪,1990年,人們發現冠狀病毒作為一種傳染性病原體,對兩個主要行業,即養狗業和養豬業造成了工業問題。

Dog breeders and pig breeders realised that the coronavirus caused gastrointestinal problems and this became the basis for Pfizer's first spike protein vaccine. The patent was filed in 1990 and you have been ready since then.

養狗人和養豬人意識到冠狀病毒會引起腸胃問題,這成為輝瑞公司第一種冠狀病毒棘蛋白spike protein疫苗的基礎。專利是1990年申請的,從那時起你就已經準備好了。

Did you hear what I just said? 1990! Operation Warp Speed! I am sorry, where is the warp and speed? Pfizer, patents the very first spike protein vaccine against the coronavirus in 1990. Is not that fascinating? Is it not fascinating that we were told that the spike protein is something new that we just learnt was the problem? No, not only was it found out that it is not the problem now, it was found out in 1990, but the first patents for a vaccine with the coronavirus spike protein were filed in 1990. Who would have thought that Pfizer is clearly not the innocent organisation that does nothing but promote human health? Clearly Pfizer, the organisation that has not bought votes in this chamber and every chamber of every government around the world, not Pfizer! Surely they would have nothing to do with it. But yes, they were!

你聽到我剛才說什麼了嗎?1990年!曲速行動Operation Warp Speed)對不起,彎曲和速度在哪裡?輝瑞公司在1990年獲得了第一種針對冠狀病毒棘蛋白疫苗的專利。這難道不令人著迷嗎?我們被告知棘蛋白是一種新的東西,而我們剛剛才知道它是問題所在,這難道不令人著迷嗎?不,不僅現在發現它不是問題所在,1990年就發現了,而且1990年就申請了第一批冠狀病毒棘蛋白疫苗的專利。誰能想到,輝瑞公司顯然不是那個只為促進人類健康的無辜組織?顯然,輝瑞公司,這個組織沒有在本會議廳和世界各國政府的每一個會議廳裡收買選票,而不是輝瑞公司!他們肯定與此無關。但是,是的,他們就是!

In 1990, Pfizer found out that there was a problem with the vaccines. They were not working. Do you know why they were not working? It turned out that the coronavirus is a very malleable model that changes and changes and mutates over time. In fact, every single publication on coronavirus vaccines from 1990 to 2018 concluded that the coronavirus escapes any vaccine impulse because it modifies, changes and mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective. From 1990 to 2018, this is the published scientific evidence, ladies and gentlemen, this is the science. According to the science, it is their own indictment that their own programmes are not working.


There are thousands of publications on this topic, not just a few hundred and not just from companies paid by the pharmaceutical industry, but also publications, from independent scientific research, that clearly show (including the chimera modification efforts of Ralph Barrick at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill) that vaccines do not work against the coronavirus.

關於這一主題的出版物成千上萬,不只是幾百篇,也不只是製藥業收買的公司發表的文章,還有獨立科學研究發表的文章都清楚地表明(包括北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校Ralph Barrick的嵌合體改造工作),疫苗對冠狀病毒不起作用。

This was shown by science and these results were never disputed, but then came an interesting development in 2002 (this date is very important because the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented it in 2002). I quote: an infectious replication of a defective clone of the coronavirus.


Listen to those words, infectious replication defective! What does this sentence actually mean? For those of you who are not familiar with this language, I will reveal the meaning: 'infectious replication defective' is a weapon. It means to make a person a target, but to have no assurances of causing no harm to other individuals. That is what 'infectious replication defective' means. This patent was filed in 2002 for work by Anthony Fauci, funded by NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, North Bethesda, Maryland, USA) from 1999 to 2002. This work was mysteriously patented a year before SARS 1.0 (first SARS outbreak in 2003) at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

聽聽這幾個字:傳染性複製缺陷infectious replication defective!這句話究竟是什麼意思?對於那些不熟悉這種語言的人,我將為你們揭示其中的含義:傳染性複製缺陷是一種武器。它的意思是讓一個人成為目標,但不能保證不對其他人造成傷害。這就是傳染性複製缺陷的含義。這項專利是安東尼.佛奇Anthony Fauci2002年申請的,他在1999年至2002年期間得到了美國馬里蘭州北貝塞斯達國家過敏與傳染病研究所(NIAID)的資助。這項工作在北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校SARS 1.02003年首次爆發SARS)前一年神秘地獲得了專利。

Interjection: Dave, are you saying that SARS 1.0 did not come from a wet market in Wuhan? Are you saying that it might have come from a lab at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill?

插話:戴夫,你是說SARS 1.0並非來自武漢的一個菜市場嗎?你是說它可能來自北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校的實驗室?

No, I am not saying that, I am telling you, these are the facts. We developed SARS, SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold. It is called a flu-like illness, it is called a flu-like infection, it is the naturally occurring coronavirus. SARS is the virus developed by human beings, a living system model that can be used as a weapon to attack human beings – and they patented it in 2002. (Applause)

不,我不是那個意思,我是在告訴你們,這些都是事實。我們發展了SARSSARS並不是一種自然發生的現象。自然發生的現象叫做普通感冒。它被稱為類似流感的疾病,它被稱為類似流感的感染,它是自然發生的冠狀病毒。SARS是人造病毒,是一種活的系統模型,可以用作攻擊人類的武器 —— 他們在2002年申請了專利。(掌聲)

In 2003, big surprise, the CDC surprisingly filed a patent on the coronavirus isolated from human beings, again violating treaties and laws regarding biological and chemical weapons that we have in the United States.


I am very, very specific on this point, the United States likes to talk about its rights and the rule of law and all the nonsense that we like to talk about. But we do not ratify treaties about the defence of human beings. It is striking that we avoid that. We have a great track record of advocating for human rights and to advocate for them and then deny them when it comes to actually being part of the international community, that is somewhat problematic.


Let me make one thing very clear: When the CDC filed the patent application in April 2003 on the SARS coronavirus that had been isolated from human beings, what was done? They downloaded a sequence from China and applied for a patent on it in the United States. Any of you who are familiar with biological and chemical weapons treaties know that is a treaty violation. It is a crime and is not an innocent 'oops'. It is a crime and the United States Patent Office even went so far as to reject the patent application twice until the CDC decided to bribe the Patent Office to overrule the Patent Office man and finally grant the patent in 2007 on the SARS coronavirus.


Do not miss this, because it turned out that the RT-PCR (real-time quantitative PCR) was the test we were supposed to use to identify the risks associated with the coronavirus. This test was identified by me as a bioterrorist threat in the European Union-sponsored events in 2002 and 2003. 20 years ago! That happened here in Brussels and across Europe.


In 2005, this virus was specifically labelled as bioterrorism and bioweapons platform technology. This is not my terminology that I am using here, but it was actually labelled as a bioweapon platform technology in 2005. As of 2005, the virus was actually officially categorised as a biological warfare agent. I do not know if that sounds like public health to you? Does it? Biological warfare technology does not feel like public health, it does not feel like medicine. It feels like a weapon designed to wipe out humanity. That is what it feels like and it feels like that because that is what it is. We have been led to believe that the EcoHealth Alliance and DARPA and all the other organisations that we point to are for public health. But we have been specifically asked to ignore the fact that through Anthony Fauci's cheque and a side-by-side ledger – where NIAID has a balance sheet exclusively on biological warfare – over $10 billion has been funnelled through covert operations – dollar for dollar matching that no one in the media is talking about and has been since 2005.

2005年,這種病毒被明確標記為生物恐怖主義和生化武器平台技術。這不是我在這裡使用的術語,但它實際上在2005年就被貼上了生化武器平台技術的標籤。截至2005年,該病毒實際上已被正式歸類為生物戰劑。我不知道你是否覺得這聽起來像公共衛生?是嗎?生物戰技術不像是公共衛生,也不像是醫學。它給人的感覺是一種目的在消滅人類的武器。這就是它的感覺,之所以感覺如此,是因為它就是這樣。我們一直被引導相信,生態健康聯盟和DARPA以及我們指出的所有其他組織都是為公共健康服務的。但是,我們卻被特別要求忽視這樣一個事實,即通過安東尼.佛奇的支票和一本並列的帳簿 —— 其中,NIAID的資產負債表完全是關於生物戰的 —— 超過100億美元已經通過秘密行動被輸送出去 —— 一美元對一美元的匹配,媒體上沒有人談論這個問題,而且自2005年以來一直如此。

Our moratorium on capability expansion was actually intended to freeze all capability expansion efforts. In the autumn of 2014, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill conveniently received a letter from NIAID stating that the coronavirus gain of function in Vivo should be suspended because of the moratorium. But because their grants were already approved, they received an exemption. Did you hear what I just said? A bioweapons lab at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill was granted an exemption for functional research so that by 2016 the article could be published in the scientific press stating that the SARS coronavirus was about to emerge in human beings in 2016. And in case you are asking, Dave, which coronavirus would emerge in human beings? It was W, I, V, one, Wuhan Institute of Virology virus 1. ready to emerge in human beings and discussed in 2016 at the National Academy of Sciences meeting. In 2017 and 2018, the following phrase entered the common parlance of the community that there would be an accident or an intentional release of a respiratory pathogen. The operative word in this phrase is, of course, 'release'.


Does that sound like a leak? Does it sound like "A bat and a penguin went to a bar in Wuhan market, hung out and had sex and lo and behold, we have SARS COV2". No, accidental or deliberate release of a respiratory pathogen was the terminology and was used four times in April 2019.


Seven months before patient number 1's allegation, four patents were amended by Moderna in the patent application to use the term 'accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen' as justification for making a vaccine for something that did not exist. (Applause) If you have not already, please make sure you point out the intentionality of this act in any investigation, because it was in September 2019 that the world was informed that there could be an accidental or deliberate release of a respiratory pathogen, so in September 2020 there was a global acceptance for a universal vaccine bill. Those are their words, right in front of them on the screen. The intention was to get the world to accept a universal vaccine template and the intention was to use the coronavirus to get them there.


Let us read that because we need to put that in the records everywhere I go: Until an infectious disease crisis is real and the emergency threshold – which is often largely ignored – and funding base beyond the emergency situation, there needs to be public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver for this is the media and the economy will follow the hype. We need to use this hype for our own purposes. To get to the real issue: Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process. Does that sound like public health? Does that sound like the best for humanity? No, ladies and gentlemen, this was premeditated domestic terrorism, declared at the 2015 meeting of the National Commission of the Academy of Sciences and published by them. This was an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race and it was admitted in writing that it was financial robbery and financial fraud: Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.


Let me conclude with five very brief recommendations. Nature has been hijacked. This whole story began in 1965 when it was decided to hijack a natural model and manipulate it. Science was hijacked when only questions could be asked that were allowed under the patent under the protection of the CDC, the FDA and the NIH and their corresponding organisations around the world. There was no independent science, there was only the hijacked science and unfortunately there was no ethics committee to prevent the violation of all the codes we stand for. There was no financially disinterested independent review board for the coronavirus, not once since 1965.


We have not convened a single independent IRB to review coronavirus research. So morality was suspended for medical countermeasures and ultimately humanity was lost because it was decided to allow it. Our work today is to say that we do not want any more functional gain research, no more weaponisation of nature. And most importantly, no more corporate paternalism of science for the vested interests of the pharmaceutical industry, unless they take 100 per cent product liability for every injury and death they cause. Thank you very much.




Sources: https://rumble.com/v2qeic8-riveting-speech-by-dr.-david-martin-at-the-european-parliament-may-3-2023.html







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