

The Mission and the Spiritual Teaching Interview



最初英譯:20231118日,星期六,DeepL Translator

改進版本:N/A Joseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20231125日,星期六,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT 3.5,
James Hsu









七、我們的「宇宙」(又稱「創世宇宙」)是由一次大爆炸big bang形成的起源於一個微小的、跳蚤般大小但被極大壓縮的能量球這種能量最初是純靈態的,它自我創造,但最終歸結於一個原始宇宙的能量觀念。宇宙也被稱為造化宇宙意識」等,其中有1049種不同的造化形式。而所有形式的造化,就像所有生命一樣,只能在其進化過程中,在其不斷生成消逝和再生成的過程中,達到相對完美,所有生命都是如此。





This is a FIGU publication. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved personsas contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



'Billy' Eduard A. Meier

Interviews on the Topics

The Mission and the Spiritual Teaching


The Mission Interview


1. When and how did your contacts with the extraterrestrials begin? (How long will they continue?)


My contacts with human beings of extraterrestrial origin began in the 1940s, when I was still three years old. My first contact was an old man whose name was Sfath and who spoke the dialect of our village of Bülach, i.e. a somewhat broad Swiss-German.



It all started on a beautiful, sunny summer morning when I was standing with my father behind our house, next to a large walnut tree. Suddenly I felt an inner urge to turn my gaze to the so-called Eschenmoserberg, as a result of which I saw a silver flash of lightning up there in the azure sky, shooting towards the church tower …


It only lasted a fraction of a second before the silver flash shot over us and disappeared over the forest about 5 kilometres away. I could see that it was a large, round, metal disc. When I asked my father what it was, he replied that it was probably Hitler's latest secret weapon. I could not believe it, and so from then on I always watched the sky, seeing 'travelling stars' in the sky every night, which were not planes.


One day I felt impulses inside me and somehow I heard a voice that kept talking to me until one day it asked me to go to the so-called Langenzinggen in the Höragenwald and wait there for what was announced to me, namely that I would be visited there by a pear-shaped flying apparatus. So I followed the call and went to the named place. Once there, it was not long before a silver, pear-shaped flying apparatus descended and landed. Then a very old man got out, who spoke to me in a friendly manner and explained that he was Sfath and came from a foreign planet and that he had many things to talk to me about and many things to teach me and so on. That was my first contact with a human being of extraterrestrial origin. From then on there were many contacts with Sfath, which ended in 1953 and were continued by a woman called Asket until 1964. While Sfath came from the Pleiadian-Plejaren, Asket came from the DAL universe, which is a sister universe to ours – a twin universe. No further contacts took place until 1975, after which they were resumed on the 28th of January 1975 by a girl from Erra, a planet in the Pleiades/Plejaren system that has nothing to do with the Pleiades stars we know. The name of the new contact was Semjase, and the contacts with her only lasted into the early eighties. She was joined by her sister Pleja, her father Ptaah and a commander called Quetzal. Other contacts since then have included girls named Talida and Menara, etc.

有一天,我感到體內有一種衝動,不知怎麼的,我聽到了一個聲音,這個聲音一直在對我說話,直到有一天它要求我去Höragenwald所謂的Langenzinggen那裡等待,預告那裡會有一艘梨形飛行器來拜訪我。於是,我聽從召喚,前往指定的地點。到了那裡,沒過多久,一艘銀色的梨形飛行器就降落了下來。然後,一位年紀非常大的老先生走了出來,他慈祥地和我交談,並解釋說他是Sfath,來自地外星球,他有很多事情要和我談,還有很多東西要教導我等等。這是我第一次接觸外星人類。從那時起,我與Sfath進行了多次接觸,一直持續到1953年,然後由一位名叫Asket(讀音類似“阿斯琪”)的女士繼續進行,直到1964年。Sfath是來自Plejares(讀音類似“普雷亞瑞士”)星系的Plejaren(讀音類似“普雷亞倫”),而Asket則是來自DAL(暫譯為「達爾」)宇宙,這是我們的姊妹宇宙 —— 一個孿生宇宙。此後直到1975年,再也沒有進行過其他接觸,然後在1975128日才再次恢復了接觸,這次是由一個來自Erra(讀音類似“艾拉”)星的女孩進行的,Erra星是Plejares星系中的一顆行星,但這個星系與我們熟知的「昴宿星團」(Pleiades)並不相同。這位新接觸者的名字是Semjase(讀音類似“賽米亞”),我與她的接觸一直持續到80年代初。除了她,還有她的妹妹Pleja(讀音類似“普蕾雅”)、她的父親Ptaah(讀音類似“普塔”)和一位叫Quetzal(讀音類似“魁卓爾”)的指揮官。從那時以來,還有其他接觸者,包括名叫Talida(讀音類似“塔麗達”)和Menara(讀音類似“梅納拉”)的女孩等。


The official contacts ended in the early hours of the 3rd of February 1995, but this does not mean that the contacts were broken off for good, only that the official contacts ceased to exist because the Pleiadians/Plejaren had fulfilled their task on Earth. The human, private and unofficial contacts will continue to be maintained until I pass away and leave this life. However, these contacts will no longer be as frequent as they were until the 3rd of February 1995 – and perhaps it will also be possible to record contact conversations here and there and pass on information.

官方接觸於199523日淩晨結束,但這並不意味著接觸永遠中斷,只是因為Plejaren已經完成了他們在地球上的任務,所以官方的接觸不復存在。但有關人類的、私人的和非官方的接觸將繼續保持,直到我離開人世。然而,這些接觸將不再像199523日之前那樣頻繁 —— 也許還偶爾會有接觸對話,並傳遞訊息。

2. Is it possible to get a rough overview of the human races in the universe?


In terms of the Creation, 40,353,607 different pure human races were originally created, which emerged naturally and evolutionarily from many planets in many solar systems in many galaxies throughout the universe and which therefore developed from the natural-bio-logical-evolutionary processes of the overall planetary development. The development was that the planetary flora emerged first, namely through certain amino acids and amino acid compounds. The natural process of growth and decay led to a further natural coincidence, i.e. a further meaningful meeting of cause and effect, which resulted in new amino acid compounds, from which the fauna then developed – the animal world. While the flora initially consisted only of lichens and similar plants, animals now appeared as the process progressed, which lived from the plants as well as from the fact that they themselves served as food for each other. These animals were also subject to growth and decay, so they also deposited substances and died, which in turn triggered new biochemical processes, from which new amino acid compounds and new life-forms emerged. This time it was the human being life-form, which was divided into many races – as already mentioned, into 40,353,607 races, which also had a total of 343 different skin colours. All these human beings were also different from one another depending on the life possibilities on their home worlds and according to the atmospheres etc., but unmistakably belonged to the genus human being. Thus, gnome-like as well as dwarf-like and tall human life-forms emerged, including dwarves, giants, giants and titans, etc. Among these, however, there were also small dwarfs. Among these, however, there were also dwarfs, who probably belonged to the same species of their race, but did not reach their full normal height due to genetic defects. However, these dwarfs had nothing to do with dwarfism, because the dwarfs were actual breeds, and this has remained the case to this day. There are still short people today, also here on Earth, who are unfortunately labelled as 'Lilliputians', according to the fictional story of 'Gulliver's Travels'.

在「創世」(Creation)方面,最初創造了4,0353,607個不同的純人類種族,這些種族是在全宇宙眾多星系的眾多恆星系中的眾多行星上自然進化的過程中發展而來,因此是在整個行星發展的自然-生物-邏輯-進化過程中發展起來的。其過程是這樣的,首先形成了行星的植物群,這是通過特定的氨基酸和氨基酸化合物實現的。生成和消亡的自然過程導致了進一步的自然巧合,即因果關係的進一步有意義的交匯,從而產生了新的氨基酸化合物,然後進一步發展出動物群 —— 也就是動物世界。當初,在植物界中只有地衣和其他類似的生物存在,而隨著這一過程的推進,動物出現了,它們以植物為生,同時也以彼此為食。這些動物也隨著生成和消亡的過程,因此它們也會沉澱物質並死亡,這反過來又引發了新的生物化學過程,從中產生了新的氨基酸化合物和新的生命形式。這次是人類的生命形式,分化成許多種族 —— 就像我剛才說的,有4,0353,607個種族,總共有343種不同的膚色。所有這些人類種族根據他們在家鄉星球上的生存可能性以及根據大氣環境等因素而各不相同,但毫無疑問都是屬於人類種族。因此,存在類似地精gnome-like、侏儒等矮小的以及類似巨人和泰坦等高大的人種。不過,在這些人當中,也有身材矮小的人,他們可能屬於同一種族,但由於基因缺陷,沒有達到正常人的身高。然而,這些侏儒與侏儒症無關,因為侏儒是真正的人種,這種情況一直保持到今天。一些矮小的人今天還存在,甚至在地球上也有,根據虛構的《格列佛遊記》(Gulliver's Travels)故事,他們被誤認為是“小人國”(Lilliputians)中的人物。

中譯者註:有關英文“Creation”(或德文“Schöpfungsmässig”)一詞,據理解應是指宇宙間最高層級的能量,是一切生命與萬物的原創力,也被稱為神聖本源Divine origin)。在後續之翻譯中,優先選用中文較貼近的譯名「造化」,部分翻譯視語意選用「造物」、「造物主」、「創世」、「創生」、「創造」等。

On Earth, we have different sizes of human beings who also belong to different races, such as the small pygmies, then the normal-grown, who are in the majority, as well as the giants among Earth's humanity, such as the members of the Watussi and Maasai tribes.


3. Where do the extraterrestrial intelligences you are in contact with come from, and why are they visiting us on Earth?


The extraterrestrials I am in contact with come from the constellation of the Pleiades/Plejaren. However, this constellation is not identical to the Pleiades, which we can see in our space-time continuum from Earth at a distance of around 420 light-years, because they are only around 62 million years old and, as blue, hot suns, are absolutely incapable of supporting life in any form, neither in a purely spiritual nor in a material form. The Pleiadian-Plejaren of the extraterrestrials exist in a different space-time structure, one that is shifted from ours by a fraction of a second and which can be broken through via an artificially created dimensional gate at the Pleiadians visible to us, from where it is another 80 light-years to the constellation of the Plejaren, as the extraterrestrials call their home system, but which means nothing other than Plejaren, as we call them in our language. A little more than fifty thousand years ago, when the extraterrestrials found the Pleiadian stars and their planets and also colonised them, they called them Plejaren in their language after the Plejades, for the reason that they were practically only to be found just beyond the Plejades that we know here on Earth.

我所接觸的外星人是來自Plejares星系中的Plejaren。然而,Plejares星系與我們從地球上大約420光年距離看到的「昴宿星團」(Pleiades並不相同,因為後者只有大約6,200萬年的歷史,而且作為藍色而炙熱的恆星系,絕對無法支持任何形式的生命,無論是純粹的靈性生命還是物質生命。那些外星人生存的Plejares星系存在於一個不同的時空結構中,它與我們的時空結構相差幾分之一秒,他們可以通過一個人造的維度之門」(dimensional gate突破我們所能看到的昴宿星團,從那裡再經過80光年就可以到Plejares星系。五萬多年前,當外星人發現Plejares星系及其行星並對其進行殖民時,在他們的語言中,他們稱自己是Plejaren,因為它們實際上是存在於我們地球上所知道的昴宿星團之外。

The Pleiadians/Plejaren visit us on Earth because they have a certain connection to a certain group of Earth-humans who originally came to Earth from the Lyra-Wega systems, whereby these Lyra-Wega systems are also shifted in time and space to the ones we know. These primordial Lyran Vegans wreaked havoc on Earth among the Earth-humans in the earliest times, whereby the teaching of the spirit and thus also the creation-conforming way of life of human beings was lost, although other factors also played a part, which had nothing to do with the Lyrans-Wegans, but with other extraterrestrials who carried out genetic manipulations on human beings, who then came to Earth and mixed with others, ultimately affecting all humanity on Earth through inheritance and re-inheritance. In order to repair the damage and misdirection caused, the Pleiadians/Plejaren feel obliged to bring the necessary teaching and information to Earth's humanity in order to repair the damage caused by their direct ancestors and also the damage caused by other intelligences.

Plejares星系的Plejaren之所以拜訪我們地球,是因為他們與最初從天琴座的織女星系(Lyra-Wega)來到地球的某一群地球人類有著某種聯繫,而這些天琴座織女星系與我們已知的「天琴座織女星系」在時間和空間上也有偏移。這些原始的天琴座織女星人(Lyran Vegans)在地球上最早的時期對地球人類造成了重大的破壞,從而使地球人類失去了靈性的教導,從而也失去了符合「造物的生活方式」(creation-conforming way of life),儘管還有其他造成影響的因素,但這些因素與天琴座織女星人無關,而是其他外星人所為,他們對人類進行了基因改造,然後那些被改造的人類來到地球,與其他人混居在一起,最終通過遺傳和再遺傳影響了地球上的所有人類。為了修復產生的傷害和錯誤,Plejaren認為有義務為地球人類帶來必要的教導和資訊,以修補他們的直系祖先所造成的破壞,還有那些其他外星人所造成的傷害。


4. Can you tell us how such a contact works in practice – in the past and today?


To make contact during the first few years, I often had to drive many kilometres around the area on my moped until I was finally telepathically guided to an extremely lonely place or a remote forest clearing, where I was usually already waiting with a landed beamship or appeared after a few minutes. Sometimes it took several hours to finally make contact in this wise, simply because there were always people everywhere or because I was being followed, both during the day and also at night.


Sometimes I was allowed to take people with me, but they had to wait at least 500 metres away from the contact point, but often saw the approach or departure of the beamships or even flight and energy burning demonstrations.


Later, when we were already living in the Semjase Silver Star Centre, I was only rarely ordered out into the woods for a contact, but was usually simply beamed up into a beamship, whereby this also happened from time to time to such an extent that I was beamed up from the middle of a group of people, as various people can testify, as can the fact that various group members saw the beamships or their demonstrations or even the extraterrestrials themselves on various occasions.

後來,當我們已經住在「Semjase銀星中心」(Semjase Silver Star CentreSSSC)時,我很少被召喚到樹林進行接觸,通常只是將我傳送到一艘飛船中,有時甚至是這樣,把我從一群人中直接傳送上去,這一事實也被不同的人所證實,還有不同的小組成員在不同的場合多次看到飛船或它們的展示,甚至看到了外星人本身。

In the last few years, from 1982 onwards, after I had a very serious breakdown that damaged my health and from which I recovered only with great difficulty and was closer to death than to life for years until 1989, the Pleiadians/Plejaren visited me directly by beaming into my office or directly to me when I was alone somewhere outside.


5. How long does a space flight of the Pleiadians/Plejaren from their home worlds to Earth take, and how do they manage to cover this astronomical distance of around 500 light-years?


At the beginning of the contacts, the approach from the space-time continuum of that dimension beyond the Pleiades visible from Earth took around seven hours. Over time, the approach was reduced to seven minutes as the technology was further developed. The latest form of travel is designed in such a way that any distance in the entire universe can be bridged absolutely timelessly and without any loss of time by using transmitters.


In the early days, beam drives, tachyon drives and antimatter drives were used, with the latter two achieving multiple faster-than-light speeds, which made it possible to cover huge distances in a short time. These techniques are also still in use, along with the latest travel option with transmitters, which can be used to programme the destination coordinates practically to the metre and reach the destination without losing any time.

早期使用的是光束驅動器(beam drives)、超光子驅動器(tachyon drives)和反物質驅動器(antimatter drives),其中後兩種驅動器可以達到比光速更快的速度,因此可以在很短的時間內到達很遠的距離。這些技術現在仍在使用,最新的旅行方式是使用傳送器,可以將目的地座標精確到公尺,並在不耽誤任何時間的情況下到達目的地

6. Why do not the extraterrestrials land in public, e.g. in front of the UN Palace in Geneva or the White House in Washington?

為什麼外星人不在公眾面前降落,例如在日內瓦的萬國宮UN Palace或華盛頓的白宮前降落?

There are many reasons for this. Of real importance, however, is the reason anchored in a directive that states that the Pleiadians/Plejaren may not interfere in any way with the affairs of any humanity on any planet and may not make themselves recognisable if the humanity in question is not itself capable of space travel to a good degree and has not yet attained the standard of ethical and humanistic peaceableness and humanity as well as cosmic connectedness with all life. So the extraterrestrials of the Pleiadian-Plejaren are also not allowed to show and move openly and freely.


7. Why does 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier of all people have contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren and no one else?

為什麼只有比利愛德華.阿爾伯特.邁爾'Billy' Eduard Albert MeierPlejaren有接觸,而其他人卻沒有?

The reason is to be found in a millennia-old past, when my spirit-form existed in human beings who had committed themselves to a certain mission, by their own decision. This mission became a long-lasting task for the total consciousness, which is capable of reincarnation, together with the spirit-form over many reincarnations and millennia, right up to the present day. In the process, the total consciousness, which originates from higher levels, adapted to the lower forms of consciousness existing on Earth, while retaining the ability to also remain adapted to the higher forms of consciousness. And so if I can maintain contact with the Pleiadians/Plejaren today and in modern times, it is only because my overall form of consciousness can be assimilated to those of these highly developed extraterrestrials in terms of consciousness and spirit, which is only possible for me on Earth, without any other human beings on Earth possessing this ability, which also makes it absolutely impossible for other inhabitants of Earth to have any contact with the Pleiadians/Plejaren.


Over all the millennia resp. tens of millennia and millions of years, my spirit-form naturally always remained the same, while the total consciousness capable of reincarnation, however, changed, as is given and normal through the unstoppable evolution, whereby with each reincarnation a new consciousness and thus a new personality was born, which could no longer have anything in common with a previous personality, and will also never do so. This means, however, that it is erroneous to assume that a human being with a certain personality can be one and the same person in two different lives. Only the spirit-form remains the same, while the personality of the consciousness changes in an evolutionary way, but this does not mean that memories of the personalities of previous lives may not appear.


8. You are in possession of by far the most extensive and at the same time best photographic and film material relating to extraterrestrial flying objects, their flight manoeuvres and landing tracks etc., which is absolutely unique on Earth.


How was it possible for you as a one-armed man to take such pictures?

I have only the Pleiadians/Plejaren to thank for that, because they helped me in every way in obtaining all the material. They ordered me to various places where they carried out demonstration flights for my recordings, and especially just for me, in such a way that I could take pictures and films with the photo camera and film camera as I wished, sometimes with precise instructions from the pilots of the beamships. So I was instructed to make certain film and photo material, with the help of my extraterrestrial friends. But I could not take any other photos or films without permission, because I was not allowed to. But if I tried anyway, I could be sure that the film would be destroyed.


9. Why were you commissioned by the aliens to take films and photos of their beamships and their flight manoeuvres?


The reason was that I was to create the clearest and world's best photographic and film material of extraterrestrial flying apparatus, commonly called UFOs by Earth's humanity. This material was to serve the purpose of triggering a worldwide UFO controversy, so that Earth's humanity would finally be shaken awake in matters of extraterrestrial life, whereby the authorities and military would logically be forced to make their secret findings and research into UFOs public and accessible to the public, whereby in certain countries mendacious UFO crash denials and denials of recoveries of crashed UFOs and their crews would also be uncovered and clarified. This controversy, the Pleiadians/Plejaren were sure, could only really take place and fulfil its purpose if I disseminated the film and photo material I had produced worldwide, which could automatically lead to an equally worldwide conflict between supporters and opponents of my material and my statements and the contact conversations. This also happened, but my opponents could not prevent more and more supporters of my story and contacts from coming to light, and the more they tried to label me as a fraud and a swindler, the more they became. This was exactly what the Pleiadians/Plejaren predicted would happen, namely that the more people railed against me and slandered me, the more human beings would recognise the truth of my story.


10. What else is part of your evidence?


I received various metal samples of different stages of production from the Pleiadians/Plejaren, which were also examined in America, with the investigating metallurgist stating that the metals must have been produced by a cold production process, which is still impossible on Earth and may only become possible in about 150 years. I later received various crystals and plastics and also alloys of copper, nickel and silver, as well as pure silver, which, however, came from our sister universe, the DAL universe.

我從Plejaren那裡收到了不同生產階段的各種金屬樣本,這些樣本也在美國進行了檢驗,檢驗的金屬學家發現這些金屬必須是通過冷製程製造(cold production process)的,這在地球上還是不可能的,也許要在150年後才有可能實現。後來,我收到了各種晶體和塑膠,還有銅、鎳和銀的合金,以及來自我們的姊妹宇宙「達爾」(DAL)宇宙的純銀。

I was able to provide further evidence through recordings of sirring noises that could not be imitated even with a dozen synthesisers in scientific laboratories.


I was also able to photograph a laser gun and use it to shoot a hole in a dying apple tree, which miraculously suddenly began to blossom again and has since borne fruit year after year, which was not the case before.


As evidence, we should also not forget the various witnesses who were often allowed to come close to the contact locations during contacts and who were also able to witness various blasting ship demonstrations and even film or photograph them themselves and sometimes even see them from a distance.


Evidence might also be the many predictions made by the extraterrestrials about events on Earth, both in political, military and human terms, whereby natural disasters etc. were also predicted with frightening accuracy and with the most precise details, all of which was recorded in writing and distributed worldwide.


11. Despite all this evidence, you are accused of having photographed only small models instead of spaceships, and so on. – There is also talk of double exposures and other manipulations. What do you say to such allegations?


That they are unrivalled in their ridiculousness. There are enough witnesses who have seen or photographed the beamships and even extraterrestrials themselves and can also testify that I never made models or took them with me when we travelled together to make contacts, etc. I would never have done such things secretly. I could also never have done such things secretly because my wife would never have allowed it. So I do not need to defend myself and can only laugh at the envious low intelligence of the detractors. So any further comment is superfluous.


12. How do you defend yourself against the smear campaigns launched by persons such as the American Kal Korff, individual representatives of MUFON or others?

面對美國人Kal KorffMUFON的某些代表或其他人發起的誹謗活動,你如何為自己辯護?

I know the truth about my contacts, and that is quite enough for me as a defence if I were to seek one. Since my contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren correspond to the actual truth, I find it neither necessary to defend myself nor to offer any form of justification. I am not upset by half-wits and complete lunatics, such as certain members of MUFON or the slanderer Kal Korff, who on the one hand have also never spoken a single word to me or written to me personally, and who on the other hand are just poor, crazy envious people and know-it-alls who like to be in the public eye. Quite the opposite; somehow I am still grateful to them despite their lies and slander, because through their negative actions they get many human beings to contact us at the Centre to enquire about the real truth, as a result of which they then begin to stand up for the truth of my contacts with the extraterrestrials. As a rule, however, all these human beings demand information about all those who attack me and insult me as a fraud or who deceive me, as a result of which I write down the machinations of those who wish me ill and produce leaflets in which I clarify and correct the facts in order to then send them to all those who are interested. However, I do not regard this as a justification or defence, but only as intentionally important information.

我知道我的接觸是真實的,這對我來說已經足夠作為辯護。既然我與Plejaren的接觸符合事實真相,我既不覺得有必要為自己辯護,也不需要提供任何形式的辯解。我並沒有被那些半吊子或完全瘋了的人弄得心煩意亂,比如MUFON的某些成員或者誹謗者Kal Korff,他們一方面也從來沒有和我說過一句話,或者親自給我寫過一封信,另一方面,他們只是可憐的瘋子、妒忌者和自以為是的人,喜歡在公眾視線中出風頭。恰恰相反,儘管他們在撒謊和誹謗,我仍然對他們心存感激,因為他們的負面行為讓許多人與我們中心取得聯繫,詢問真相,結果他們開始支援我與外星人接觸的真相。然而,通常情況下,所有這些人都要求瞭解所有攻擊我、污蔑我是騙子或欺騙我的人有關資訊,因此我寫下對那些對我不利的人的陰謀,製作傳單,以清晰且正確的方式澄清事實,然後發送給所有感興趣的人。不過,我不認為這是一種辯解或辯護,而只是有意提供的重要資訊。

13. However, there are actually a huge number of contact swindlers on Earth when it comes to extraterrestrials, including so-called mediums and channellers. Can we find out your opinion or the opinion of the Pleiadians/Plejaren on this tiresome matter?


When it comes to alleged contact with the Pleiadians/Plejaren, it is all a hoax, a lie and a fraud, because there is actually not a single human being on Earth outside of me who would be able to maintain contact with them, both physically and also telepathically and sentiently. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar, a fraud and a cheat – a fact that the Pleiadians/Plejaren vehemently affirmed again and again during my entire time of contact with them. However, there used to be five persons who had conscious impulse contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren, but they have all died.


There are also no personal contacts between Earth's humanity and other extraterrestrials, so any other claims are also just lies, deception and fraud, no matter what the ladies and gentlemen call themselves and what titles they bear, who claim that they have been in contact with extraterrestrials or with spirit and light beings etc. etc. This also refers to mediums and channellers, who are usually nothing more than deliberate liars, swindlers and fraudsters or delusional, schizophrenic or psychopathic people, etc.


On the other hand, certain examination contacts, in which certain extraterrestrials get hold of Earth's humanity in order to examine and study them, i.e. to examine them, cannot be dismissed out of hand. However, this has nothing to do with the nonsense that extraterrestrials would impregnate Earth women and have sex with them, etc., as this nonsense is hysterically spread, especially in America, often together with the erroneous claim that extraterrestrials massacre farmers' animals, etc.


Alien flying objects and even their landings are often observed and also filmed and photographed, but things of this form cannot be called contacts, this must be realised. Contacts of the real form are only such when verbal or telepathic communication takes place between extraterrestrials etc. and between a human being on Earth. So far, however, no human being other than myself on Earth is capable of this. Just consider that all those liars, swindlers and fraudsters who claim to have telepathic contact with beings on the Pleiades would have to wait a thousand years for an answer if they could send a telepathic message there. To be more precise, it is only about 420 light-years to the Pleiades, which we can see from Earth, and 840 light-years there and back. And since telepathic thoughts are known to only travel at the speed of light, they would take around 420 years to travel from Earth to the Pleiades visible to us. And if there were a life-form of any kind on the Pleiades, which are absolutely uninhabitable and actually inhabited neither by physical nor by spiritual or light-conscious beings, that could give an answer, then it would again take around 420 years to reach Earth. But who has lived on Earth for 840 years? So all the alleged contactees, mediums and channellers etc. accuse themselves of lying, deception and fraud, claiming that they have telepathic contacts etc. with beings from distant stars or their planets. And all of them really do not have the ability to maintain such contacts because they have no idea how they could bridge these enormous distances with their telepathic thoughts. But I do not want to reveal the secret of this possibility here, because otherwise all the lying, swindling and deceitful characters would suddenly claim to have this ability.


14. How did you come up with the name Billy?


It was in 1964 in Tehran, in Persia, which is now called Iran. There I made the acquaintance of a young woman from Los Angeles in the USA. Her name was Judy Reed. As I was dressed like a Westerner, because this clothing was very practical for me, she compared me to the former James Butler Hickock, i.e. Wild Bill Hickock, and called me Billy from then on. The name stuck with me wherever I also went. And it has stuck to this day.

那是1964年在波斯的德黑蘭,也就是現在的伊朗。在那裡,我結識了一位來自美國洛杉磯的年輕女子,她的名字叫Judy Reed。因為我穿得像個西方人,而且這身衣服對我來說非常實用,她就把我比作了昔日的詹姆斯.巴特勒.希考克(James Butler Hickock),也就是蠻牛比爾.希考克(Wild Bill Hickok),並從此以後稱我為比利(Billy)。這個名字一直跟著我,無論我走到哪裡。這個名字一直保留到今天。

15. When and where did you have your first meditation session?


It was in the mid-1940s near my home town of Bülach, in Sfath's spaceship and under his guidance.


16. You are a cautious man when it comes to meeting new people. Why do you lead such a reclusive lifestyle, given the nature of the important mission that needs to be taken out into the world?


It is certainly not out of fear of the various assassination attempts that have already been made on me 13 times, even though people keep saying so. The reasons why I am holding back are different: on the one hand, I am not a guru or a cult leader, and therefore I also do not need to present myself publicly in order to gather followers or present myself as a saint, which I am in no wise. On the other hand, I also do not want to be idolised, because I am neither something special nor someone who would enjoy being admired and marvelled at. I am not a showpiece in a zoological garden.


Nor do I want to be interviewed by journalists, because they are usually only out for sensationalism, whereby they also twist and falsify the truth to the limit and thus practice a mean smear journalism that is far removed from any truth – or they have a tendency to drag everything into the mud, also with lies and distortions of facts.


You do not need a guru or a sect to spread the teaching of truth. And it also does not require a saint or a human being who makes a big public appearance. Publicity and megalomania are just as inappropriate as image addiction and the like. What is appropriate, however, is modesty and a style of teaching that does not aim to gather followers and believers around it, but is such that only human beings seeking the truth really feel addressed, who are also willing to learn on their own initiative and according to their own will, without a guru or sect boss wielding a sceptre over them. And this demands that each of these human beings also takes full responsibility for themselves, their actions and their lives in every respect, and does so with full awareness, without a religious or even sectarian belief behind it, which demands that they only believe and not think, find and decide for themselves.


The importance of spreading and fulfilling the mission therefore requires that every human being is free and in this freedom also decides on everything and everything himself and also acts in this form, without a guru, master or sectarian boss etc. standing in front, who presents himself publicly, gives orders and demands. Human beings must be free in every respect, and in this form they are also always and in every case responsible for all things in life, without an imaginary god or simply a guru, priest or sectarian boss being able to interfere. This is the only way that human beings remain or become independent and are able to master their lives on their own, bearing their own responsibility. But I would take this responsibility away from human beings if I were to go public and present myself, because human beings have a strange tendency to immediately lift someone up if that someone has a certain significance in some way and if they go public, no matter in what wise that is also.


17. How has the mission developed over the last 20 years?


Admirably good. Despite many initial difficulties, often of a financial nature, everything has developed very well. As a result, our field of work has spread almost all over the world, and we have groups and members on all continents and even maintain contacts with indigenous people.


Our enemies here in Switzerland as well as in Germany and America have contributed a great deal to our success. They have tried to smear me as a liar, a fraud and a cheat, sometimes by means of large, country-wide campaigns. However, their negative actions always achieved exactly the opposite of what they intended, because their smears, lies and slander always resulted in a great deal of support for our cause, which meant that we always gained many members and friends. But it could also never be otherwise, as the old saying goes that the truth will always prevail. And so it is also in this case: the truth will out, and the slanderers will perish.


18. It was around twenty years ago that you founded the FIGU, the 'Free Interest Group for Frontier Sciences, Humanities and UFOlogy Studies'. What are the aims and tasks of this community?


The aim of the FIGU is the worldwide dissemination of the truth of the creative-natural laws and commandments and the way of life that human beings should lead according to them, whereby love, harmony and humanity as well as a purposeful evolution should arise and be lived.

FIGU的目標是在全世界傳播造物的自然法則與建言」(the creative-natural laws and commandments的真相,以及人類應遵循這些的生活方式,從而產生和實現愛、和諧、人道和自覺的進化。

The tasks associated with the teaching of creative-natural truth take many forms, such as the fight against overpopulation, the fight against torture and capital punishment, the fight against discrimination against women, the fight against child abuse, animal welfare, nature conservation and help for the needy, etc., whereby we also provide help with food, clothing, medicines, household items and tools, etc.


Our tasks also include life counselling functions, which are of course free of charge, as we are a non-profit-making community, in fact a non-profit-making association.


In addition to spreading the truth about the creative-natural laws and commandments, our tasks also include spreading the teaching of the spirit, known as spiritual teaching for short, which deals with borderline and spiritual science issues as well as many topics relating to life, evolution, knowledge, learning, the psyche, the mind, unconscious forms and the subconscious, consciousness, etc. etc.

除了傳播有關「造物的自然法則與建言」的真相之外,我們的任務還包括傳播有關靈魂的教導(the teaching of the spirit,簡稱「靈性教導」(spiritual teaching),它涉及邊緣(borderline)和靈性科學問題,以及與生命、進化、知識、學習、心靈psyche)、心神(mind)、無意識形式和潛意識、意識等有關的許多主題。

The production of writings and books is also a task of the FIGU, whereby the books are distributed at cost price and many small writings are distributed free of charge, so we do not make any profit from them and are actually not profitable.


The tasks are therefore very varied and also very time-consuming, although the work is carried out by all members absolutely voluntarily and without remuneration, during the free time that is still available after the daily wage earning.


19. What kind of human beings are members of FIGU?


The members of FIGU are human beings with a wide variety of characters. The professions are also diverse, ranging from ordinary labourers to professionals in many fields. There are also apprentices and students, farmers, gardeners, clerks, headteachers, nurses, cooks, labourers, clerks, kindergarten teachers, lithographers and so on.


20. Some people claim that the FIGU is also just a cult like many others. It is also said that Billy Meier is a guru. Is that true?


Of course not, because we are not a religious, sectarian, political, military or secular community that would invoke a totalitarian and universal truth. We are in no wise perfect or perfectly knowledgeable, so we can also not spread a perfect teaching, leaving many questions unanswered. We can therefore only disseminate the truth of the creative-natural laws and commandments known to us, the correctness of which we can vouch for and say that this is the only and pure truth that every human being can also fathom, experience and witness in himself and in the whole of nature and the environment if he is willing to seek and find this truth. And in this respect, there is no other truth than the one that is actually given. And this is the only truth we represent. So no one is also forced or even required to believe or accept anything that they have not fathomed within themselves and recognised as the actual truth, on their own initiative and on their own responsibility, without there being any urge or compulsion on our part to believe or accept anything.


We also do not have a guru, master or sect boss etc. who would stand above the other members of the group or association, but in my personality there is only one leader who directs everything without holding a special position. I am therefore not a guru, but also just a normal club or group member like any other – with the same rights and duties. So I do not have the function or the nimbus of a master or other guru in our community, even if this is so often claimed by outsiders who have no insight into our group, but only believe in some gossip by hearsay and form their false and lowly intelligent opinions accordingly.


21. How are we to understand this when it is written in the scriptures that you are the true prophet of modern times?


I did not give myself this designation, but it was given to me by the extraterrestrials, by the Pleiadians/Plejaren. However, this designation does not mean that I am a human being with special powers, etc. In fact, I am just like any other human being. In fact, I am a human being like everyone else, apart from the fact that I am able to control and neutralise my swinging waves in such a way that I can maintain physical and telepathic contact with the highly developed Pleiadians/Plejaren and have some abilities that other human beings on Earth do not have, but that does not make me special.


The term prophet is also nothing arrogant and just a word that is unfortunately misunderstood by many human beings. In truth, this term is just another term for herald, i.e. a human being who announces things, such as prophecies resp. announcements etc., the content of which is either developed by himself or taken from other sources. And when it is said that I am the true prophet of modern times, then this refers to the fact that I am a resp. the herald who was announced many millennia ago, more than 13,000 years ago. This has to do with my reincarnation lineage, in which my spirit-form and my total consciousness have been classified since time immemorial, which at various earlier times as other personalities have fulfilled the prophet mission, in the final consequence of which I have emerged in modern times as a new and predicted as well as predestined personality as a herald or prophet of modern times, whereby I am nevertheless no more and no less than just a normal human being like everyone else. This is also not changed by the fact that I am a mediator between the Pleiadians/Plejaren and high spirit-forms and Earth's humanity.


22. Finally, a somewhat indiscreet question? How do you actually feel among human beings here on Earth, even though your original home was in far higher regions?


My original homeland lies billions of years in the past, but I always feel connected to it, although I cannot hide the fact that I often long for it. Nevertheless, I am at home here on Earth and have many dear friends all over the world. But that does not change the fact that I often feel extremely lonely, which is not because of my friends, but because of the spiritual and conscious world of Earth's humanity in general, which is a great discrepancy to the world that was and effectively still is my original home.


Spiritual Teaching Interview


1. How did our universe and our world come into being?


The universe was created by a big bang, which emanated from a tiny, flea-sized but enormously compressed ball of energy. This energy was first of a purely spiritual nature, which created itself out of itself, but led back to an energy idea of a primordial universe. A universe is also called Creation or Universal Consciousness etc., whereby there are 1049 different forms of creation. The lowest form of Creation is called Creation-Universe, the next highest form is called Primordial-Creation or Primordial-Universe, and again the next highest is called Central-Creation or Central-Universe etc. and so on. The highest form of creation is then the 1049, which is called the Absolute Absolutum. It was the very first form of Creation at all, which created itself out of absolute nothingness through the primary Big Bang, after which it then evolved beyond 1049 different main forms of Creation to become the Absolute Absolutum, which floats as the very highest form of Creation in non-space and expands and evolves endlessly through the wisdom of all Creations entering into it, which must work their way up to the Absolute Absolutum.

宇宙」(又稱「創世宇宙」)是由一次大爆炸big bang形成的起源於一個微小的、跳蚤般大小但被極大壓縮的能量球這種能量最初是純靈態的,它自我創造,但最終歸結於一個原始宇宙的能量觀念。「宇宙」(Universe也被稱為造化」(Creation宇宙意識」(Universal Consciousness)等,其中有1049種不同的造化形式。「造化的最低形式被稱為造化宇宙」(Creation-Universe),其次的最高形式被稱為「原始造化」(Primordial-Creation)或「原始宇宙」(Primordial-Universe),再其次的最高形式被稱為「中心造化」(Central-Creation)或「中心宇宙」(Central-Universe),以此類推。最高形式的造化」是1049被稱為純粹的絕對空間」(Absolute Absolutum)。它是「造化」的最初形式,通過原始大爆炸從「絕對虛無」(absolute nothingness)中創造了自己,之後,它又超越了1049種不同的主要造化形式,進化成了「純粹的絕對空間」。它作為「造化」的最高形式漂浮在非空間中,並通過所有造化進入其中的智慧無休止地擴展和進化,而這些造化必須通過自己的努力才能達到「純粹的絕對空間」。


Not a single form of creation is absolutely perfect, nor is the Absolute Absolutum. All forms of creation, like all life in general, can only achieve relative perfection in the course of their evolution and in the course of their constant becoming and passing away and becoming again, as is the case with all life.

沒有任何一種造化形式是絕對完美的,「純粹的絕對空間」(Absolute Absolutum)也不是絕對的。所有形式的造化,就像所有生命一樣,只能在其進化過程中,在其不斷生成becoming)、消逝passing away再生成becoming again的過程中,達到相對完美,所有生命都是如此。

We live in a Creation universe and thus in a material universe, which is the lowest form of Creation resp. universe form of all. And this universe, this Creation resp. this Universal Consciousness, or whatever you want to call it, must therefore work its way up. It must evolve in order to one day become one with the Absolute Absolutum through the change of 1049 forms of creation. In human terms, however, this development takes an unimaginably long time, and it will take more than 85 trillion years just for our Creation, our universe, to transform into the next higher form of Creation, a primordial Creation, a primordial universe. Once the Universal Consciousness, i.e. Creation, has reached the stage of a Primordial Universe or Primordial Creation, it creates an idea for a new Simple Creation, i.e. for a Material Universe as we know it. The idea consists of the purest spirit energy, which harbours everything within itself in order to create for itself from within itself. As a mere flea-sized ball of energy, it creates new, enormous energies within itself, which are highly condensed until a tremendous explosion occurs, the Big Bang. Its energies race out for fractions of a second, expanding at 107,000 times the speed of light and displacing other universes in order to create their own space between all the countless universes or forms of creation that already exist in infinite numbers. And with this process, seven creation belts resp. universe belts are also formed, one of which forms the material belt, the visible material universe, in which the coarse matter and thus gases and dust are formed, from which meteorites, suns, comets, planets, nebulae and galaxies etc. emerge when the matter collects and condenses, which is also how our Earth came into being. So the creation of the universe and the planet Earth as well as the foreign worlds, stars and galaxies etc. is a creative-natural energy process that has absolutely nothing to do with a Creator God, but solely with spiritual-physical and material-physical laws and processes that are physically and chemically founded in every form and can also be explained in this sense.

我們生活在一個創世宇宙中,因此也生活在一個物質宇宙中,而物質宇宙是創世宇宙的最低級形式。因此,這個宇宙這個造化,這個宇宙意識,或者不管你怎麼稱呼它,都必須努力向上。它必須不斷進化,以便通過1049種造化形式的變化,有朝一日與「純粹的絕對空間」合二為一。然而,從人類的角度來看,這種發展需要難以想像的漫長時間,僅僅是我們的造化、我們的宇宙,就需要超過85兆年的時間才能轉變為下一個更高級的造化形式,即原始造化、原始宇宙。一旦宇宙意識,也就是造化,達到了原始宇宙或原始造化的階段,它就會產生一個新的簡單造化的想法,也就是我們所知的物質宇宙的想法。這個想法由最純粹的靈態能量組成,它將一切都包藏在自己體內,以便從自身內部為自己創造。作為一個只有跳蚤大小的能量球,它在自身內部創造出新的、巨大的能量,這些能量被高度濃縮,直到發生巨大的爆炸,即宇宙大爆炸。它的能量在幾分之一秒內飛速膨脹,速度是光速的107,000,並取代了其他宇宙,以便在已經存在的無數宇宙或創造形式之間創造出自己的空間。在這個過程中,還形成了七個創世帶」(creation belts),也就是「宇宙帶」(universe belts),其中一個形成了物質帶」(material belt),也就是可見的物質宇宙,在這個物質帶中形成了粗粒的物質,從而形成了氣體和塵埃,當物質聚集和凝結時,隕石、恆星、彗星、行星、星雲和星系等就從中產生,我們的地球也是這樣產生的。因此,宇宙和地球以及外星世界、恒星和星系等的形成是一個造物的自然能量過程,與造物主上帝完全無關,而完全是靈態物理和實體物理規律和過程,這些規律和過程在物理和化學上都是有根有據的,也可以從這個意義上加以解釋。

2. Is there nevertheless a Creator God?

儘管如此,造物主上帝」(Creator God還存在嗎?

No, in this sense there is no God. The Big Bang was not created by the power or might of a god, but solely by spiritual and material-physical and chemical processes that were triggered and controlled by the young universal consciousness resp. Creation.


The term God also has absolutely nothing to do with the creation of the world or the universe and the stars and galaxies etc., because the term God, which has existed in the vastness of the universe since the dawn of human beings and for billions of years, embodies nothing other than a title for a human being. This title was originally called Ischwisch, which translated into our languages means God. As a term, however, Ischwisch resp. God means nothing other than 'Wisdom King', a purely human title that was awarded to human beings who were very knowledgeable and wise and possessed great skill in every respect. However, this term was distorted and falsified in its value by human beings on Earth, especially by the original religions and those who knew how to profit from this. As a result, God was abolished as the king of wisdom and turned into a god-creator who was supposed to have created the Earth, the sun and the universe, etc. Many even claimed that they were the creators. Many even claimed that they themselves were god-creators, such as Jehovah and many others, and were consequently worshipped and honoured by those who believed in them. So one gave rise to the other, and soon the original meaning of the term God was forgotten, allowing the alleged God-creators to triumph in the realm of religions, sects and in the beliefs of human beings.

上帝一詞也與創造世界或宇宙以及恒星和星系等完全無關,因為上帝一詞自人類誕生以來就存在於浩瀚的宇宙中,已經存在了數十億年,它所體現的只是對人類的一種稱謂。這個稱謂最初被稱為“Ischwisch”,翻譯成我們的語言就是“上帝”的意思。然而,作為一個術語,“Ischwisch”也就是“上帝”的意思不過是「智慧之王」(Wisdom King),一個純粹屬於人類的稱號,授予那些知識淵博、智慧超群、在各方面都擁有高超技能的人類。然而,地球上的人類,尤其是原始宗教和那些知道如何從中獲利的人,歪曲和篡改了這一稱謂的價值。結果,上帝作為智慧之王的地位被取消,變成了創造地球、太陽和宇宙等的神。許多人甚至聲稱自己就是「造物主」(creators)。許多人甚至聲稱自己就是「創世神」(god-creators),如耶和華(Jehovah)和其他許多人,並因此受到信奉者的崇拜和尊敬。就這樣,此消彼長,很快人們就忘記了“上帝”一詞的本義,使得自稱為「上帝的造物主」(God-creators)在宗教、教派和人類信仰中大行其道。

3. What is Creation? What should we understand by this term?


Creation is actually the entire universe, the universal consciousness, the greatest power and energy imaginable in human terms. And Creation is also the entire energy and consciousness of all existing life-forms without exception. In its very own form, it is the purest spirit energy, although in its external forms it has countless different forms of energy, right down to the most gross matter. As Creation, this all-encompassing energy of all levels and realms embodies both spiritual BEING and material existence.


Creation, as the universe, is the highest form of energy and the highest conceivable active and evolutionary consciousness, whose laws and commandments are universally valid in all levels of existence and spirit planes etc. and have no errors whatsoever.

造化」,作為宇宙,是能量的最高形式,也是可以想像的最高活躍和進化意識法則與建言」(laws and commandments在所有存在層次、靈性層次等方面都具有全宇宙的無限效力,沒有任何錯誤。

Creation is the most powerful force and the most powerful energy of this creation-universal existence, to which nothing human is equal. And, above all, it has nothing in common with even the tiniest fibre of a jota with the human make of a Creator-God, who, seen alongside Creation and its power, ability and energy, disappears as absolute nothingness into the abyss of boundless ridiculousness.

造化」是這個「創世宇宙存在」(creation-universal existence)中最強大的力量和最強大的能量,人類無法與之相提並論。最重要的是,它與人類創造的造物主上帝」(Creator-God),哪怕是最微小的纖維都毫無共同之處,這種造物主在「造化」及其力量、能力和能量方面相比,絕對是微不足道,只會消失在無邊無際的荒謬深淵之中。

4. What role does the Creation play in our, humankind and all other life?


Creation is of great importance for human beings and all other life in the sense that every life-form carries within itself a tiny piece of Creation, through which life becomes alive in the first place. Without this tiny piece of the spirit of creation within itself, not a single life-form could live, because this spirit of creation is the actual, fundamental life energy. However, this in turn is dependent on the overall energy of Creation itself, which spreads a fine form of energy throughout the entire universe, the so-called cosmic life energy, which is absorbed by the tiny pieces of the spirit of Creation and through which they live. So this cosmic life-form energy can be regarded as creative nourishment, so to speak, on which all parts of the spirit of creation of all life-forms live. In this form, therefore, every life-form is dependent on Creation, but despite this, no rules emanate from it as to how, for example, a human being should organise, lead and live his or her life. Through its laws and commandments, Creation only sets the goal of evolution and all the associated framework conditions, whereby the goal is that the human being evolves and thus develops spiritually and in terms of consciousness up to its possible relative perfection in order to one day enter into Creation itself and become one with it, whereby it itself also evolves.

造化對於人類和所有其他生命來說都非常重要,因為每個生命形式本身都蘊含著造化的微小部分,使得生命本身才能得以存活如果沒有這一微小部分造化之靈」(spirit of creation),任何生命形式都無法存活,因為「造化之靈是真正的、基本的生命能量。然而,這又取決於造化本身的總體能量,它在整個宇宙中傳播著一種細微的能量形式,被稱為宇宙生命能量」(cosmic life energy),這種能量被微小的造化之靈所吸收並通過它們而存活。因此,這種宇宙生命形式的能量可以說是造物的養料creative nourishment),所有生命形式的造化之靈都依賴它而存在。因此,在這種形式下,每一種生命形式都依賴於「造化」,但儘管如此,造化並不強加任何規定,例如指導人類應如何塑造、領導和生活。造化只通過其法則與建言確定了進化的目標和所有相關的框架條件,目標是讓人類進化,從而在精神上和意識上發展到可能的相對完美,以便最終融入造化並與之合而為一,從而也促使造化本身的進化

Creation might not impose any rules on any life-form, so that each one can live, act and rule as it sees fit. However, laws and commandments are given, guidelines that say that a certain way of life produces a certain result, entirely in accordance with the law of causality, that every cause produces a certain effect. And accordingly, it is given by Creation and nature that every life-form can live as it wishes, that it decides for itself and fits into the laws and commandments in one way or another. This means that, depending on how a life-form leads, shapes and lives its life, a very specific effect results for which the life-form in question, and specifically the human being, bears responsibility in every respect.

造化可能不會對任何生命形式強加任何規則,因此每個生命形式都可以按照自己認為合適的方式生活和行動。然而,造化卻賦予了「法則與建言」(laws and commandments),規定了某種生活方式會產生某種結果,這完全符合因果律,也就是每個原因都會產生非常具體的結果。因此,造化和大自然賦予每個生命體可以按照自己的意願生活,自己決定並以這種或那種方式適應法則與建言。這就意味著,根據生命體的生活方式、生活形態和生活方式,會產生非常具體的結果,而有關生命體,特別是人類,要對這些結果承擔各方面的責任。

The creative-natural laws and commandments are based on the factors positive and negative, and consequently everything in the entire universe is also organised in this form. And since Creation itself, which can also be called nature, does not dictate how a life should be organised, led and lived, this is left to the life-forms themselves on their own responsibility, which is also the case for human beings. Consequently, every human being also decides for himself whether he wants to follow the Creator's natural laws and commandments in such a way that they bring him benefit and progress, or whether he wants to violate them and suffer harm. This also means that Creation bears no responsibility whatsoever for any action of human beings, but that they are always solely responsible for everything and anything, no matter what they think, feel and devise, and no matter what they might do and undertake.

「造物的自然法則與建言」(the creative-natural laws and commandments)是基於正面和負面這兩個因素,因此整個宇宙的一切都按照這種形式進行。由於造化本身(也可稱為自然)並不對生活方式提出任何規定,這只能由生命體自己負責,人類也是如此。因此,每個人都要自己決定是遵循造物的自然法則與建言,使自己受益和進步,還是違反這些法則與建言,使自己受到傷害。這也意味著,造化對人類的任何行為都不承擔任何責任,只有人類自己要對一切事物和一切事情負責,無論他們是怎麼想、怎麼感覺和怎麼構想的,也不管他做了什麼和承擔了什麼。

5. What, for example, is such a creative-natural law and commandment?


One of the most important laws, for example, is that mistakes made by human beings should not be condemned, because human beings can evolve simply by making mistakes. This means that human beings have to make mistakes if they want to learn something. Therefore, if they make a mistake, they will recognise it sooner or later, as a result of which they will think about it and correct it. As a result, they usually become more knowledgeable and do not make the same mistake again, at least not in the same form. He therefore makes progress. However, it is also clear from this that human beings must think carefully about all things in order to recognise mistakes and gain new results from them that lead to success and progress. And precisely this thinking in order to achieve success and progress is another important creative-natural law, without which no evolution is possible.


A law is therefore a fixed and irrevocable rule that must be fulfilled and followed if no harm is to be done in any form. A commandment, on the other hand, is merely a recommendation that points in a certain wise direction, in which something should be done or refrained from, as a result of which good or evil resp. positive or negative things appear. Creative-natural commandments are, for example, the following recommendations:


'Thou shalt not kill in degeneracy.'


'Thou shalt not break in alliance with the Creation.'


'Thou shalt not rob or dispossess.


'Thou shalt not curse the truth' etc. etc.


6. How is the human being on Earth? Is he really descended from apes?


The pure earthly human being created here is a product of planetary evolution on Earth. First, the most primitive forms of flora, lichens, etc. emerged, from which substances were secreted that were transformed into amino acids that formed new compounds, which in turn gave rise to higher plant forms, etc. and thus followed the path of evolution. This eventually gave rise to further amino acid compounds, from which even higher life-forms were created, the fauna, the animals. These also developed higher and higher and were just as subject to becoming and passing away as the plants. They were born and died, and their remains and their transformations gave rise to new amino acid changes etc., which ultimately led to hominid life-forms, the lineage of human beings. However, this was not yet purely human from the very beginning, but was still a form from which different lineages could develop, which is what actually happened. The first hominid life-form split into different species, from which different hominid life-forms and thus their own genera also developed. However, the basic lineage was initially human, but this changed through evolution to such an extent that fundamental differences emerged. While the life-forms that had remained purely animalistic continued to develop in their own species, the hominid life-forms of human character split in such a way that one lineage continued to develop in its natural, traditional form as the genus human being, while other parts split off into other species, from which the ape species emerged in a variety of forms. Nonetheless, differences also appeared in pure primitive man, so that we can already speak of different human beings at that stage of development. A fact that contradicts Darwin's teaching, because human beings are not descended from apes, but apes are descended from human beings, as a by-product, so to speak, of primordial human development.


7. How old is Earth's humanity today?


If the question refers to the original, real Earth's humanity, then its age is more than 4.5 million years. – However, if the question refers to those human beings on Earth who came to this world from the depths of the universe, then their age is between 6 and 12 billion years. These human beings on Earth are the so-called 'travellers from the depths of the universe' and their home worlds were far away in a foreign galaxy that has long since passed away, disappeared and gone the way of the ephemeral. These 'travellers from the depths of the universe', who colonised Earth and mingled with the pure Earth-born, came for the most part from the Henok lineage, who was the founder of these peoples, who came from the distant galaxy to our Milky Way and settled in the regions of the Sirius constellation before they had to flee from there after a long time and came to the SOL-system as persecuted people, where they settled on Mars as well as on Phaeton and on Earth.


8. Is it true that human beings do not live only once?


That is correct. Human beings are subject to the law of reincarnation, i.e. rebirth. This fact also applies to all other life-forms that have an evolutionary consciousness and an evolutionary spirit-form. It is therefore true for human beings that when they die, their spirit-form leaves the physical body in this world and crosses over into the spirit realm of the afterlife in order to remain there and learn until they can reincarnate into a material body again.

這是正確的。人類受制於「輪迴法則」(law of reincarnation),即重生。這一事實也適用於其他所有具有進化意識和進化精神形態的生命體。因此,對於人類來說,當他們死後,他們的靈魂形態就會離開這個世界上的肉體,過渡到死後的靈性領域,以便在那裡逗留並學習,直到他們能夠再次轉世為物質身體

The purpose of reincarnation and the many lives is that the spirit-form of the human being, which is of a creative nature, can evolve together with the overall consciousness to the point where it can one day enter Creation and become one with it, whereby Creation itself also evolves again.


Constant reincarnation thus serves the evolution of the spirit in human beings as well as the overall consciousness, out of which the personality and the actual consciousness are formed. And in order to develop the spirit in its knowledge and in its wisdom and harmony etc. to such an extent and to such a high level that it one day reaches the relative and highest possible perfection, many lives are necessary for this and thus the reincarnations resp. rebirths, because it would be absolutely impossible to develop the spirit resp. the spirit-form to such a height in just one single life that it would become relatively perfect. This would require countless lives and reincarnations, which can be calculated in millions. Just to free himself from the human-physical body and to be able to enter a pure disembodied spiritual world, human beings need between 60 and 80 billion years, i.e. six to seven times more than earthly scientists claim that the universe is old.


And one more thing must be clear: The views and teachings are absolutely erroneous and false that claim and state that human beings can reincarnate as animals, for example, through rebirth. Human beings are always reborn as human beings, because that is what determines the evolutionary part of the creative spirit within them. A human being can therefore never be reborn as any animal or anything else, but only as a human being, and as a rule also only ever according to his race – although there can of course be shifts in this respect, but these only occur in special cases, which would go too far to explain here.

還有一點必須明確:聲稱人類可以通過重生轉世為動物的觀點和教義是絕對錯誤和虛構的。人類總是轉世為人類,因為這是他體內具有進化能力的造化靈魂的必然結果。因此,人永遠不會轉世為任何動物或其他任何東西,而只能轉世為人,而且通常也只能根據他的種族轉世 —— 當然,在這方面也會有變化,但這只發生在特殊情況下才會發生,這個問題太過複雜,這裡就不多解釋了。

In the same context, animals can also never be reborn as human beings, because their spirit-form is not designed and not destined to evolve in a knowing and wise form, as is the case with the human spirit-form resp. the spirit.


9. The term karma is also mentioned in connection with the topic of rebirth. What is to be made of this?


Karma corresponds to an erroneous teaching, just as the religious concept of atonement does in the Christian world. According to the teaching of karma, human beings are supposed to bear the burdens of their previous life in their next life. If such a human being was good or bad in his previous life, then his later life will also be shaped accordingly after the next reincarnation. In other words, human beings are to be rewarded or punished in their next life for what they did in their previous life. In other words, karma means the form of rebirth of a human being in relation to the actions in the previous life, from which the current destiny arises. Simply put, karma means that a human being's current fate is determined by his or her actions in a previous life.


In the case of atonement according to Christian teaching, everything boils down to a punishment or reward after death resp. through the Last Judgement. To put it simply: anyone who is of good faith and follows the rules and regulations of the Christian religion or its sects and is humble will go to heaven – but anyone who goes against all this will go to hell or eternal purgatory and eternal damnation without having a chance to recognise and rectify their mistakes.


The real truth, however, is different from what is presented by the doctrines of karma and sin atonement: Human beings, in order to evolve and become more knowledgeable and wise, have no other option but to make mistakes. However, through mistakes he usually suffers damage and thus punishes himself, if you like. However, he atones for the damage he has suffered and endeavours to rectify the mistake and the damage so that he does not commit the same mistake again in the same form. He learns a teaching from it and becomes more knowledgeable. This is the simplest principle of cause and effect. And it is precisely through this that human beings evolve and rise higher in their knowledge, understanding and ability, and so on. And in doing so, he reaches a higher level of consciousness, which is also carried over into the next life and thus into the next reincarnation through his overall consciousness, so that the human being in the next life can benefit from the fruits of his progress and his level of consciousness from his previous life without having to carry any burdens or burdens from the previous life. The new life is not built on the burdens or burdens of the previous life, because these were overcome in their entirety in the previous life, whether good or bad. It would therefore not only be unjust, but even contrary to the law of creation, if the things of the old life were to be carried over into the new. However, the fact that this could be the case, which is also taught by religions, is sheer nonsense and corresponds to pure illogical human thinking, senses and desires, because human beings live in a delusion of revenge that always and in every case demands punishment and atonement. In contrast, Creation does not recognise such behaviour. It does not know revenge, punishment and atonement as human beings do, so it has also not created a law in this respect.


10. There are human beings who claim that they have been dead and have seen the afterlife. Is it true that this exists?


In this sense it is not true. The human beings in question were not actually dead, but only clinically dead, which means that there was no verifiable heart or brain activity left. However, as I said, this is only a clinical death in which the spirit-form has not yet left the body, but continues to linger in it. Consequently, the total consciousness also continues to dwell in the physical body, even if the vital functions of each form appear to have ceased. Since the overall consciousness and the spirit-form still remain in the body, which can last for seconds, minutes or hours, and under certain circumstances even years and decades, e.g. in the case of shock freezing for survival, etc., the consciousness is also still working. However, this only happens in agony form, which is why brain activity can also no longer be detected, but it does actually happen. Images then appear which correspond to the thinking and imagination of the human being concerned, but which are also characterised by the Earth's humanity as a whole. And in this state of deep agony, it is often also possible for the human beings concerned to send out their consciousness, whereby they can suddenly see themselves from outside and floating above themselves, and so on. Light and darkness and beloved human beings very often play an important role in this, such as the agonising person being led by light figures etc. through dark channels etc. into the light, from where they do not want to return etc.


11. Is it possible to make contact with the afterlife and thus with the deceased?


No, as a rule this is not possible. If, however, claims are made to the contrary and things appear in this regard, then this does not correspond to the truth, but to great deceptions and self-deception, or to events that are either in the realms of the memory levels or simply charlatanry or fraud. If we look at the events that belong to the memory levels, the so-called Akashic Records, then the situation is as follows: In the Akashic Records, in the memory banks of an earthly superspace, all thoughts, speeches, feelings and other impulses as well as all movements and impulses etc. of every human being are stored. All of these in turn can be retrieved by human beings if the frequencies that are identical to the deposits can be generated mentally, consciously or technically. This means that information can be retrieved from the memory banks in this form that belongs to both living and deceased human beings and can be found on their specific frequency. It is even possible to communicate in a logical sequence with the stored impulses and information etc. in the Akashic Records. Furthermore, such communication is also possible with deposited forms of total consciousness in an otherworldly space, but this must be regarded as an absolute rarity, whereby this also has nothing to do with being able to talk to the deceased.

通常來說,這是不可能的。然而,如果仍然有人聲稱發生了其他事情,並且與此相關的事情出現,那麼這不符合事實,而是極大的欺騙和自欺欺人,或者是屬於記憶層面的事件,或者僅僅是江湖騙術或詐騙。如果考慮到與儲存層面,即所謂的“阿卡西記錄Akashic Records)相關的事件,那麼情況如下:在“阿卡西記錄”中,在地球超空間的記憶庫中,儲存著每個人的所有思想、言論、情感和其他衝動,以及所有運動和脈衝等。如果能夠在思想上、意識上或技術上產生與這些沉積相同的頻率,那麼所有這些內容都可以由人類重新檢索。因此,在這種情況下,可以從存儲區域中提取有關仍然活著或已故的人的訊息,並且可以在他們的特定頻率上找到這些訊息。甚至還可以與“阿卡西記錄”中存儲的脈衝和資訊等進行邏輯順序交流。此外,這種交流也可以與來世的空間中沉積的整體意識形式進行,但這必須被視為絕對罕見的情況,因為這也與能夠與逝者交談無關。

The total form of consciousness that is capable of reincarnation, and indeed always only together with the spirit-form associated with it, is therefore capable of maintaining contact with living persons in the beyond under certain circumstances, but this is really extremely rare and is not connected with 'speakers of the dead' who call themselves mediums.


The things that occur with mediums who can allegedly talk to the dead therefore rest on the one hand in tapping into and extracting information from the memory banks resp. the Akashic Records. On the other hand, however, and this is the most common manifestation, certain human beings, who are usually called mediums, are able to connect with the subconscious forms of various living Earth's humanities in a trance state and communicate with them. These subconscious forms are part of the overall earthly-human subconscious collective, and they are then also able to provide information about the fact that life continues to exist after death because they themselves, these subconscious forms, have this knowledge and know about reincarnation and so on. However, this also shows that these subconscious forms can only reveal the knowledge that is known to them, which can often be more than human beings are able to know in their waking consciousness. And these subconscious forms, which are also connected to the memory banks, can then very well be characterised by personality and release information that is only stored in the memory banks and is a secret to human beings.


12. The terms channelling and mediumship also belong to the topic of otherworldly contacts. – What is to be made of this?


A human being is called a medium if he or she is particularly qualified to establish a connection to a psychic realm. However, such real mediums are very rare, and there are nowhere near as many of them as is assumed, because countless human beings appear on Earth claiming to be real mediums. The truth is, however, that the vast majority of these claims are based on lies, fraud and deception, or on pathological self-deception, schizophrenia and delusions of various kinds. According to trustworthy information from higher spiritual levels, there are just 16 real mediums on Earth, but they do not go public with their abilities and therefore do not advertise or also make any financial or other worldly gains. So all those countless mediums can be excluded from the authenticity of their abilities who go public and make profits and gains with séances, seminars and books as well as lectures and shows, etc. make profits and gains. With regard to channelling, the same is to be said as with regard to the first-mentioned mediums. A further comment is therefore superfluous, except that it must be explained that no religious aspects appear in the real mediums, as is the case with many false mediums and with the channellers, who are often overflowing with religious-sectarian concerns, phrases, warnings, demands for humility and threats etc., whereby their religious-sectarian dependence is clearly evident and can no longer be overlooked.


13. Many human beings believe that they are guided and protected by a guardian angel, a spirit guide, by God or some other higher might, by saints or by Jesus Christ, etc. Is this true? – Does that exist?


No, there is no such thing in any wise, because the human being is always and in every case solely responsible for all his or her thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions. Only religions and sects of all kinds claim that a god or saints and guardian angels or Jesus Christ control the destiny of human beings and are also responsible for it. However, this corresponds to nothing more than a religious-sectarian delusion that is diligently fuelled by the bosses of religions and sects in order to cast a spell over human beings and bind them to them, allowing them to be fleeced and exploited financially. In reality, however, there is no Creator God as proclaimed by religions and sects, because in truth there is only Creation, which as a universal consciousness has created the entire universe and all things in it, including all life-forms, to which human beings also belong. And this Creation makes no demands of human beings and also bears no responsibility for anything that human beings think or do.


The conclusion is therefore that human beings are responsible for everything and anything in every respect and must also always bear and savour this responsibility and all consequences themselves, regardless of what they think or what deeds and actions they perform and carry out. But this also means that the human being is absolutely independent of higher powers and in no wise subordinate to any such powers, so that no higher might could exercise any protection, neither spirit guides, nor Jesus Christ, nor a god, saints, guardian angels or other archetypes etc. They are all just a work of power. They are all just the might of religions and sects that were invented and created to dissuade human beings from the truth and make them believe that they are not independent but dependent on higher powers. And this was done from the earliest times in order to keep human beings in servitude so that they would not rebel and would submit humbly to oppression.


14. What should we say to all those human beings who believe in one god or even in several gods, as well as in saints and guardian angels, etc.?


Our teaching of truth is not aimed at destroying religions and sects or any belief of human beings, which is why we also have the rule of being tolerant and not proselytising. From our side, we never approach members of religions or sects in order to convert them to our teaching. Our motto is that everyone should be happy with what they believe or know. So if a human being believes in a god or in guardian angels etc., we do not try to take this belief away from them. We only intervene when human beings approach us and ask about our teaching and knowledge. This is the only way we provide information.


Even if we do not proselytise, it nevertheless remains our task to spread the truth about religions and sects, which we do exclusively in our writings, which are distributed or sold to interested parties. These interested parties, in turn, come to us of their own free will, without having been missionised by us; and of course we then also give them all the relevant answers and explanations etc. they require. These then naturally lead to the conclusion, as our teaching states, that human beings should not and never believe, but recognise and see the truth.


It must be explained to all interested parties that believing makes people dependent and even enslaved and often leads to fanaticism, which not only restricts freedom of thought, but even prevents and destroys it. But if a human being really wants to be free, then he must also have his own freedom of thought, through which he can decide everything and anything himself, without having to fear that the sword of Damocles of a supposedly loving, but truly punishing and therefore vengeful God hangs over him and can fall down on him. Human beings must be so free that they can make all their decisions on their own responsibility and also carry out all their actions without first having to ask a god, a guardian spirit or Jesus Christ etc. for permission or for the good or evil of the matter, because these imaginary figures supposedly set the norm and are supposed to bear the responsibility for it.

必須向所有感興趣的人解釋,信仰會使人依賴,甚至被奴役,而且往往會導致狂熱,這不僅會限制思想自由,甚至會阻止和摧毀思想自由。但是,如果一個人真的想要獲得自由,那麼他也必須擁有自己的思想自由,通過這種自由,他可以自己決定一切和任何事情,而不必擔心一個所謂慈愛、但實際上卻是懲罰、因此也是報復的上帝,懸在他的頭頂的達摩克利斯之劍(sword of Damocles),可能會落在他的身上。人類必須是如此自由,以至於他們可以完全自行負責所有的決定,也可以採取所有行動,而不必首先請求神靈、守護神或耶穌基督等的允許,也不必請教這些虛構的形象有關某事的是非善惡,因為這些假想的人物本應制定準則並為此承擔責任。

The truth is that the human being must always and in every case bear the responsibility himself for all his thoughts, feelings, senses, endeavours and actions. As a result, he must also always decide for himself what is good or bad, resp. what is negative or positive, and for this he needs absolute freedom of thought and freedom of decision, without imaginary might being able to dictate to him and interfere in any way with his freedom and his decisions. However, it also follows from this that human beings must know the truth and that knowledge is absolutely necessary in order to be able to make their own decisions. But it is precisely this knowledge that is stifled from human beings by religions and sects. Knowledge means might, and it is precisely this might that religions and sects want to keep for themselves and exploit in order to profit from it. Human beings who are deprived of knowledge become believers in religions and sects, become dog-like and humble and lose their freedom of thought as well as their freedom of choice and overall freedom. As a result, however, they also lose their tolerance towards other human beings and their ways of life and schools of thought, etc., while they themselves become so entrenched in their faith that they only see red when their faith is criticised by people of other faiths or simply by human beings with different views. Tolerance, however, is necessary among and between human beings if we want to live and get along with each other in love and harmony. But this does not require faith, but the truth and certainty that by nature and before the omnipotence of Creation, all human beings are equal, no matter what and how they also are, and no matter what race, skin colour or nationality they belong to, and no matter whether they are Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Confucianists or some freaky sectarians or rich or poor.


15. The year 2000 is approaching. Is the end of the world near, as many doomsday preachers of various sects claim?


This is sheer nonsense, because just as the world did not end in the year 1000 as a result of a divine judgement, this will also not happen in the year 2000, nor in the year 3000, and so on.


Prophets of the end of the world have existed since ancient times, as have fearful, believing followers of such charlatans. This also includes the Christian church with its Bible, which threatens the end of the world and the Last Judgement, etc., so it is no wonder that many Christian sects and their leaders are always threatening with allegedly imminent doomsday. Particularly popular times for such doomsday prophecies by some crazy people and their believers are the turn of the millennium and the turn of the century, when time changes from one millennium or century to the next.


Should it actually come to pass that the Earth would perish or be destroyed at such a time, perhaps by a gigantic meteorite or comet from outer space, then this would be nothing more and nothing less than a cosmic coincidence that certainly has nothing whatsoever to do with the revenge or judgement of an imaginary Creator God or his alleged son Jesus Christ. And also if human beings themselves were to cause the Earth to perish resp. destroy it through their madness in terms of destructive fury in military and scientific terms, then this would in no wise amount to a divine act of the end of the world.


16. Many human beings reading this interview will probably wonder where you get the certainty that everything is as you say? They will claim that a lot of things are just an assumption of faith, just like religions. What do you say to these human beings?


No human being is obliged or required to take my words seriously or as true or to believe them. In principle, no human being should believe any things or statements etc., and also not everything I say and explain. Belief makes people dependent and lowly intelligent, which is why human beings should never believe anything. On the contrary, human beings should always be critical and think about everything very carefully, consider everything in detail, fathom it, explore it and thereby find the truth for themselves, both within themselves and also outside of their personality. However, this requires intellect, healthy criticism and complete freedom of thought, as well as impartiality and impartiality in complete neutrality. And if these things are given as a whole, then human beings are also able to fathom all things and recognise the effective truth, which they find on the basis of actual facts. Recognising the truth through its actual establishment, however, when all given and real facts and aspects are investigated and the result of effectiveness emerges from this, has nothing whatsoever to do with an assumption of faith. There is never room for belief in the actuality of truth, only effective reality. And it is this effective reality that gives me the certainty that the truth is actually true and is also the truth that can be recognised in creative nature and in all its laws and commandments by all those human beings who look at, observe, explore and fathom everything with open senses and an open mind.


Of course, there are know-it-alls who deny this truth out of principle or for the sake of their image. But you can only feel sorry for these human beings, because they are living without the truth and therefore also without real life. Others, on the other hand, deny this truth for religious or strictly sectarian reasons, but here, too, every sensible human being knows that they also miss out on real life.


17. How did you acquire your great knowledge?


I had to learn and keep learning from an early age. Before I also went to school, I was taught by an extraterrestrial named Sfath and taught many things and facts as well as the creative-natural laws and commandments. Sfath was an Ishvish, a man with the title 'King of Wisdom', which in earthly language terms is referred to as God. On the one hand, he taught me normally from human being to human being, and on the other hand, this also happened through technical hypnosis apparatuses, which imparted a tremendous variety of things, data and other knowledge to me. So I became knowledgeable and instructed in many things, but this soon led to me becoming lonely and only seeking out adults to talk to, such as one of my teachers and a lovely vicar.

我必須從小學習,不斷學習。在我上學之前,一個名叫Sfath的外星人教過我很多東西和事實,以及造物的自然法則與建言的教導。Sfath是一位Ishvish,擁有「智慧之王」(King of Wisdom)的稱號,用地球語言來說就如同「上帝」。一方面,他對我進行一般人類之間的正常教育,另一方面,他還透過技術性的催眠設備向我傳授大量的訊息、資料和其他知識。因此,我在很多方面都變得博學,掌握了很多知識,但這很快就導致我變得很孤獨,只能找成年人聊天,比如我的一位老師和一位可愛的牧師。

Before I had even finished school, Sfath took me to the Himalayan mountains near Darjeeling in India on several occasions. An old Buddhist monk lived there who also taught me many things, as did other monks in India later on, where I lived on various occasions. I also always learnt on my own initiative and later also through an extraterrestrial called Asket, who came here to Earth from our twin universe, which is called the DAL universe.


18. To return to the beginning of our conversation: what is the meaning of our lives?


The meaning of life is evolution, i.e. further development and advancement, continuous higher development. The purpose of evolution is to achieve the highest possible development, which includes love, harmony, ability, knowledge and wisdom.


The purpose of evolution is not only to bring human beings to a high level of knowledge and wisdom so that they can lead a life in accordance with Creation, etc., but also to help Creation itself to evolve. Just as human beings and practically all life are in need of evolution, this applies equally to Creation and therefore to universal consciousness itself. Creation is also only relatively perfect and therefore requires evolution in order to be able to work its way up to higher forms of existence. And the path to this is the human being, who evolves over billions of years into the pure spirit form and then in this form further up into ever higher forms of existence, namely up to the petal plane. From there, the transition into Creation, into universal consciousness, takes place, whereby a unification, a becoming one, takes place. In this way, Creation absorbs the former human spirit-form, which has been formed to the highest possible perfection and which once emanated from Creation as a part of it in order to evolve via human beings. With the becoming one, the accumulated knowledge and wisdom also enter Creation, which thereby evolves again by a tiny iota and after a certain time becomes the next higher form of Creation, which also evolves again and so on until, after an unimaginably long time, it becomes one with the Absolute Absolutum, the highest and all-encompassing form of Creation, which also requires continuous evolution into all omnipotence and temporal endlessness.


19. What would you advise a human being to whom religions can no longer provide satisfactory answers? What should he do?


Such human beings, as well as those who do not belong to any religion etc. and cannot find any satisfactory answers regarding the meaning of life etc., can only do one thing, and that is to seek the truth within themselves and also actually find it in order to create authoritative, useful and truthful knowledge instead of accepting any false doctrines on faith and losing themselves in them. The principle applies: Seek and ye shall find. However, it must be borne in mind that only those who really seek it and make a sincere effort to do so will find what is correct and good, because the real truth is not as easy to find as all the falsehoods of religions and sects, which are offered and sold as truths, but which in reality only correspond to false teachings aimed at making human beings dependent on them and enabling them to exercise might over them and exploit them. And many unfortunately find the wrong path in this direction, towards religions, which have been known since time immemorial as 'opium of the people', because they cloud the senses of human beings, whereby they no longer see reality and truth and lose all self-responsibility, which is so very necessary in order to be able to lead a good and balanced as well as Creation-naturally correct life.


20. Is not the individual human being powerless in this day and age? When I see all the wars and the misery on Earth, some people probably wonder what they can actually do.


Human beings can do a lot, first and foremost for themselves. In any case, every human being is closest to himself and must therefore first and foremost be concerned with educating himself, evolving and, of course, keeping himself alive. However, this must be done in a wise way that is in accordance with Creation and therefore requires that the individual is always and completely responsible for everything and anything they think, act, feel, sense and do. So the individual must work on himself and become a real human being, because everything begins with the individual, and the whole of humanity is made up of individuals. If the individual becomes good, sensible and responsible, then he carries this to his neighbour, who may also strive to become better, more sensible and more responsible. And that person then passes it on to their neighbour and so on.


It is not the great mass of humanity that can be changed, and it is not the great mass of humanity that will change for the better, but it is the individual human being who does this. And this individual then carries his new way, his knowledge, his love, his harmony, his peace and his sense of responsibility etc. out into the world, to his neighbour and his neighbour next door, which ultimately creates a system like a snowball fight. So the question is not whether the individual can do something or whether he is powerless, but the question is: Why does the individual do nothing? Because it is indeed up to the individual to ensure that all the evils can be remedied and that everything changes for the better. However, this action lies first and foremost in the fact that man as such reflects on himself and works on himself in order to make a true human being out of himself, although this can only happen by finding the truth. And once the truth has been found and you have actually become a real human being, you can also do a lot outwardly by summoning up your courage and standing up for the truth and a better life and for a better world and a better way of thinking and acting for all humanity. This also includes, for example, standing up for the fight against overpopulation, against discrimination against women and against child abuse, against torture and the death penalty and against xenophobia and racial hatred; but it also includes the fight for animal welfare, for nature conservation and for environmental protection and the preservation of planet Earth. And, of course, it also includes, not least, helping fellow human beings wherever possible and appropriate.


Nothing can be expected from the masses of humanity, because they stubbornly live in their indifferent and self-centred rut. It is therefore up to the individual to become more open-minded and accessible to the truth in order to draw his neighbours and super-neighbours along with him. This is the only way to change humanity as a whole for the better and to preserve life and the world.


Thank you very much for the conversation.





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