

Contact Report 107第107次接觸報告



最初英譯:20100929日,星期三,Benjamin Stevens

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:20231212日,星期二,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu


自從去(1977)年 12 15 日,Semjase在「中心」因外力介入不慎摔倒,腦部受到嚴重創傷後,經過緊急搶救並商請 DAL 宇宙外力之助才救回一命。經過近半年的治療與靜養之後,終於在本次接觸時,由 PleijaSemjase 的妹妹)陪同再度與 Billy 會面
即使在這種情況下,Semjase 還是心心念念著「中心」的發展。由於非常擔心比利當時的健康狀況極度糟糕(由於長期的過度勞累),幾乎已經到了命在旦夕的關頭,於是說下重話,力勸他不要在分神在其他體力勞動方面雜務上,而是應專注於別人無法取代的「靈性教導」工作,無論是寫作還是講學,這才是他的任務。如果他再不修正他的工作模式,甚至可能被迫要中斷與他的接觸
在談話其中,也透漏了 Plejaren 之前在忙於清除那些「吉薩精靈」,整個過程花了很長的時間,直到 5 17 日,也就是這次會面四天前,最後一批才被他們拘捕下來,現在已被放逐到遙遠的 Neber 星系去。在那裡他們沒用任何技術可用,唯一只能靠他們的雙手求生了。
後面Pleija 還回答了有關之前發生在俄羅斯的「彼得羅扎沃茨克現象」部分訊息。


This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved personsas contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Human child, girl, how happy I am to finally see you again. It has, indeed, been ages. And how are you, girl, you seem to be as good as new. You, too, Pleija, you look like you are cast from a mold.



1. You have changed in no wise.


2. I feel excellent and am also very happy to see you again.



1. It is also a joy for me.


2. My sister is right; you have not changed in any form – if I refrain from your beard.



Do you not like it?



3. Oh, yes, you look magnificent with it.


4. You look exactly like in previous times, only your facial hair must be a little longer.


5. But then, you are your own likeness from that time, when you still …



3. Ple, you should not mention that name.



6. Forgive me, but this exact likeness tempted me to it and made me careless.



Alright, children, do not argue about it. But tell me, is "Ple" something like a pet name?



4. Sure.



Ah, I find it good. But now a question, Semjase: have you actually overcome everything well, and does no damage remain for you?



5. I have no recollection of the time between my collapse and my reawakening on Erra.

我在 Erra 星上醒來的時候,我對那段摔倒後的經過完全沒有記憶。

6. Only through Quetzal and father have I found out everything.

後來是經由 Quetzal 和父親的述說,我才知道所有的經過。

7. It was very bad, but now, all is well again.


8. It is just that I will never come back into the Centre again, so in the future, you must, unfortunately, drive very far again, before we can meet.


[中譯者註:在 1977 12 15 日,Semjase 在「中心」發生了一次嚴重的意外,之後她被帶回 Erra 星甚至 DAL 宇宙治療,直到這次接觸,她才再度返回地球與比利見面。詳細經過請參閱《095次接觸報告》及其後的兩次接觸報告。]


I understand, and thus, I am also not angry at you. I am just very sorry that I could not prevent the events at that time. But it will certainly be a lesson to all, that no one makes such a blunder again.



9. Sure, but assure Jacobus that I preserve no discord against him regarding his wrong action.

是的,但我並不怪 Jacobus

10. I know from Quetzal that it has hit him hard and that henceforth, he will no longer act thoughtlessly in such a form.

Quetzal 告訴我,這件事情對他打擊很大,他以後再也不會這樣粗心了。


The elf will be tremendously happy about that. Probably also an entire truckload of worries will fall from his heart.



11. He should not think too much about the incident.


12. The same could have also happened to all others.


13. It is important, however, that in the future, such dangers are no longer provoked for us.



Surely no one will do that anymore.



14. Sure, certainly no one from your group.



What should that mean?



15. There are always very many curious outsiders, as well as new groups of newcomers, and these will not act in accordance with this, so we must be careful as always.



Whoever dares to do that, I will personally extend their mutton legs.



16. You mean well, but if you are not always watchful enough, then one will follow you to the contact locations again, like already in earlier times.



I will be quite careful. But tell me, girl, can we not fly over there to the Centre and take a little look at what everyone is doing over there?



7. Of course – see, we are there already.



Can I chat a little with those down there using my radio device?



17. Sure, just connect your device.


18. But please, I would not like to transmit your relevant conversation later.



You also do not have to do that, girl. It already suffices if I can chat a little with those down there. They will be tremendously surprised. Hello, Miranos 5 …

妳不必傳,姑娘,和他們聊一會我已經很滿足了,他們一定會大吃一驚的。喂,Miranos 5…


8. Your friends down there are enjoying this.


9. See, they are all looking up at us.



Yes, can they see us, then?



19. No, their effort is in vain, for the ship is shielded.



Can you not let it become visible for a few seconds?



20. Unfortunately no, you know that I am not allowed to do that.



I know, but later, will it be possible for you to give such a small night demonstration once again?



21. You know what was reported to you by Quetzal.

你知道 Quetzal 跟你說了什麼。


Of course, but I also was not thinking of a large-scale demonstration but only just that it might be like before, when you released some light works in the sky every now and then for my friends.



22. For that, I can give you my word: that is possible for me.


23. But you must let me determine the times for that.



Of course, I also do not want to make any rules for you. But now I have a question: is it really so, that your sister always has to be with you during the next few years?



10. No, I will only accompany Semjase for about two months, for her healing has turned out much better than what was assumed by us.



Too bad – I mean that you will only come to the contacts for this short time, for you are rarely seen enough.

真可惜—— 我的意思是,妳只能來這麼短時間,很少機會能見到妳。


24. You will still see her often.



I already know your concepts of time only too well. But tell me: do you two know something about the fact that at 19:00 hrs on the 6th of May, at only about 1,000 metres of altitude and directly under the cloud bank, a beamship or something similar was departing over our Centre? We observed an object at that time, and it seemed to me as if someone had greeted me from the ship. But I had my head just so full that I cannot really say whether that was, indeed, the case or whether I succumbed to an illusion.

我知道妳的時間概念非常好,不過妳知道 5 6 日傍晚七點鐘,大概在 1000 公尺高的天空中,不知道是一艘飛船還是什麼在我們的中心上空的事情嗎?那個時候我們看到一個物體,感覺有人在上面問候我,但是我也不是很確定,不知道是否是我的幻想。


11. You did not succumb to an illusion because Menara and I were actually here at that time and also greeted you.

不是幻想,Menara 和我真的那個時候在那邊問候你。


But girl, it was still a bright and sunny day, and you could be seen extremely well. How does that make sense with the fact that you otherwise guard yourself from being seen; that is not logical!



12. It was thoughtless of us, and Quetzal also reprimanded us for it, but it was my wish that you should see that we have not forgotten you all, especially not you.

是我們太粗心了,Quetzal 也為此訓誡了我們一頓,但是我是希望你知道,我們並沒有忘記你們所有的人,尤其是你。

13. Unfortunately, already for a long time, Quetzal could no longer be granted leave, and neither could all the others.

很遺憾,Quetzal 和其他人已經很長一段時間無法離開崗位了。

14. The reason for this is that all were in full and constant effort, in order to remove the Intelligences of Giza, who desperately made all attempts to escape us.

原因是所有人都在忙於清除那些吉薩精靈」(Intelligences of Giza),而他們拼命想要逃脫。

15. Thus, the whole undertaking took a long time, and only on the 17th, so four days ago, could the last ones be captured by Quetzal and his assistants, so he is now deporting them to a very distant galaxy in the Neber system, where they can do no more harm, for there, they will have no technology and must rely on their hands, if they want to continue to live.

因此整個過程花了很長的時間,直到 5 17 日,也就是四天前,最後一批才被 Quetzal 和他的助手拘捕下來,現在正被放逐到很遠的 Neber 星系去。在那裡他們就不能再作亂,沒用任何技術可用,唯一只有靠他們自己的雙手去求生了

16. It was simply enough, because what these malicious ones have all undertaken in recent months, in order to rid the world of you and destroy everything, was just too much.



I thought so, too. But could not these heinous ones have already been deported before?



25. It was not our right to do that, for we have to respect the will of a life-form, even if it is wrong or malicious.


26. You know that, nevertheless.


27. The fact that it could now come to this deportation, however, lay in a self-defense situation.


28. The malicious and insidious attack on your residential building justified this tough course of action.


29. But other things also recently justified this, namely, those that stand in connection with you and your group.


30. As I have learned from Quetzal and father, very unpleasant things have happened with you.

我從 Quetzal 和父親那裡得知,在你身上發生過很不愉快的事情。

31. Even malicious betrayal has been practised, through which a lot of things change further and must be newly calculated and worked out and put back in the right order.


32. Various ones of the group have also stepped aside, and it would be better for them if they would also remain outsiders in the future.


33. In any case, they can no longer find a place in the core group.


34. Thus, if they, in spite of everything, should come to you again, then they should belong to another outside group, which meets together once a year.


35. Our internal reports also should not be handed over to them any more, for all those who have become missing so far should no longer have access to the internal circle.


36. Just as they have acted until now, they would also do this again at a later time, and this can neither burden our entire task nor your group again.


37. In addition, there are still other serious and objectionable things, so for example, that you have neglected your entire work to such an extent that you have not complied with a single one of your necessary teaching-related works, whereby everything becomes delayed again for many months.


38. What you ever imagined with your neglect is very puzzling to me.


39. This is a behaviour of yours that is totally foreign to me.


40. Sure, certain events of a rather unpleasant nature have afflicted you very much, and because of this, I feel much sorrow for you.


41. But that you neglect your work in such a bad kind and wise, this has nothing to do with that.


42. As Quetzal has reported to me, you simply cannot refrain from spending your capacity for work on manual, outdoor activities – so on buildings, on the land, and everywhere else.

Quetzal 告訴我,你就是不能停下你的體力與戶外勞動,經常在建築物與土地上以及其他地方忙東忙西。

43. I have already often explained to you, however, that these works are in nowise your concern.


44. You should only do your work and should no longer interfere in other activities.


45. From there, you should also make no argument that the others did not learn these works and, therefore, could not do them, for just as you had to learn everything, so also should, and must, they learn everything.


46. Once you are no longer with them, they will have to get by without your help, and the fact that you cannot dwell among them forever, this is, indeed, very well-known to you.


47. Moreover, your time becomes more and more limited, and there is already the great danger that you will not be able to do your works anymore because you have already gotten into too much of a delay with this.


48. It only remains for you to let your reason prevail at last and to do your work fully and completely.


49. Break off everything that you have made for appointments and interviews and let yourself no longer be responsive to phone calls and uninvited visitors.


50. In the future, refrain from giving further lectures that are not directly related with your teaching.


51. Your so-called UFOlogical interests should and must be taken over by others of the group.


52. Also, in the future, the group members should no longer occupy you too much and should be happy if you are still able to do your work at all in a reasonable and useful measure.


53. So the correspondence and your monthly writing should also no longer fall into your concern, except articles, etc. that you, in your opinion, think are important to include in the writing.


54. And with this, in the future, you do not continue to take care of the interests of the manual activities; Quetzal and father will strive in the coming days to analyse all group members and their deeper thoughts in detail and to assess their abilities and values, about which you should remain silent, however; otherwise, various ones might deliberately steer their thoughts in other directions and be able to deceive us therewith.

而為了今後使你不再繼續放心思在那些手工勞動上,Quetzal 和父親將在今後幾天內,致力仔細分析所有小組成員更深層次的想法,並評估他們的能力和價值觀,而你對這件事要保守秘密,否則有人可能會故意把他們的思想轉到其他方面,而欺騙了我們。

55. For this reason, I also will not give you the report transmissions until after the next weekend, so that no breakdown occurs.


56. For your part, however, I recommend to you that you now finally dedicate yourself to your work seriously and as at earlier times and that you do not let yourself be kept from it anymore.


57. Should you not do this, however, then you force us into a self-defence action, which would mean in this case that we would have to break off all contacts with you, and to be sure, for so long until you remember your duty again, take up your work seriously again, and no longer let yourself be distracted by anything trivial.


(Subsequent explanation at the request of Enjana: at that time, the Plejarens feared – because of Billy's extremely poor and precarious state of health, which was based on total overload and overwork – that he would no longer be able to fulfil his duties, as he was actually closer to death than to life.)

(隨後應 Enjana 的要求而作出的解釋:那是因為在當時由於比利的健康情況極其糟糕,而且命在旦夕,這是因為他長期過度勞累的結果,Plejaren 擔心他將不再能夠履行任務,因為他的生命實際上更接近於死亡的狀態。)


I have already expected that. I am sorry, Semjase, it is really my fault. But do you think that it is right if I may not publish any contact reports anymore?



58. Those should also only be ones, in which internal concerns are spoken of.


59. But otherwise, I must, unfortunately, insist on the fact that everything is carried out in such a form as Quetzal has explained to you.

但另一方面,Quetzal 已經和你解釋過了,我很抱歉必須堅持所有事情都要以這種方式進行。

60. This is all a joint decision, which I also must respect and cannot go around.


61. But now, as things continue to start themselves in the future, father and Quetzal have to decide this.

而現在為了讓事情在將來能夠繼續下去,父親和 Quetzal 必須作出如此的決定。

62. And since, despite several complaints of your internal group matters, no considerable changes have appeared and several group members do not strive for everything in the proposed and advised form, father and Quetzal are, in accordance with the assessment, working out advice in the form of a plan, according to which every single group member should be instructed in certain works.

由於儘管你對內部小組事務提出了一些糾正意見,但並沒有出現明顯的改善,而且一些小組成員也沒有努力做到所提議和建議的每件事,因此,父親和 Quetzal 正在根據評估結果,以計畫的形式提出了建議,根據這項計畫,每個小組成員都應接受某些工作的指導。

63. And this time, unfortunately, it must be such that if a member does not consider this advice in an authoritative form and does not act accordingly, then this one is to be immediately excluded from the group without pardon and to be sure, without any possibility of a return.


64. Already for too long, the whole mission has been endangered in a rather negligent and reckless manner and has been called into question, as if we could only continue to watch idly.


65. Already for a long time, everything should have been organised in such a manner that it all runs in good measure and progresses without any major breakdowns.


66. Unfortunately, we had to recognise that still in nowise can the forms of the laws and recommendations, which are valid with us, be brought to application in the group.


67. We have prepared for you the simplest rules to follow, which were tailored to your standards, but this work was for nothing.


68. Therefore, it only remains that a format is prepared, which is determinative and which must be followed accordingly, as this is the case with you in certain institutions.


69. There is no other possibility, unfortunately.


70. Only such an order can still bring about a useful success; otherwise, various ones will always be of the opinion that their services are dependent on praise and that they would not have to exert and trouble themselves if no praise will be dispensed to them.


71. Expressing praise, however, is dangerous and only justified in quite special cases with extraordinary and highest achievements.


72. On the one hand, expressing praise produces hatred and discord and strife, for, through this, one or another presumes himself to be cheated.


73. On the other hand, expressing praise is a very childish thing, which is in nowise fitting for adults.


74. A service should never be made dependent on expressions of praise but should come from one's own and well-recognised sense of duty.


75. Whoever is not able to recognise this yet, however, is still very much caught up in worldly and material values and also thinks selfishly, which also leads then to the fact that these human beings want to take up very much for themselves alone, and they become of the crazy opinion that if they just do not get something expected for their time, and in accordance with their will, then they are discriminated against, and they believe that one devotes oneself to them too little.


76. With some in your group, it is still the case that with them, thoughts are released, which are of a very bad nature, so this happens when, on our part, we devote ourselves to a group member in particular and have to openly describe the existing facts and criticise this one under certain circumstances.


77. So it happens, as I, unfortunately, had to find out yesterday on the basis of various recordings, that it is untruthfully alleged that you would have written certain contact reports from yourself and according to your sense.


78. These, however, are malicious interpretations that equal a lie and that are of a very treacherous nature and that apply very specifically to Olga and Claire.

但這些是惡意的說法全是謊言,非常危險,特別是來自 Olga Claire

79. This testifies to the fact that their form of thinking is very immature and uncertain, which is why they should find no further access to the internal group.


80. And neither should all those, who separated themselves from the group maliciously.


81. They all form too great of a danger in their uncertainty and instability, and over and over again, they would bring on new dangers.


82. They are still simply too immature and caught up in worldly things for us to thereto decide to continue to give them a chance.


83. They were all oriented about what the whole undertaking is all about and what goals have to be reached.


84. But they have disgracefully abused our trust in the fact that they were initiated by you into our plans and into the value of all things, which they would also continue to do again and again.



Do you really think that they should no longer be given a chance? Is that not a bit harsh?



85. This is now the final decision, and it is not to be changed anymore.


86. All things must now finally proceed in the calculated form; otherwise, everything will collapse in less than a year.


87. The plans and regulations are being prepared by father and Quetzal, and these must then also be followed.

這些計畫和規定是由父親和 Quetzal 制定的,因此必須遵守。

88. If this does not happen, then we will turn away from you permanently, for a failure to comply would have, as a consequence, that everything falls at some other time into those terrible formations, as this already happened at earlier times.


89. But this would also mean that we would no longer have opportunities of devoting ourselves further to these concerns.


90. We would then have to turn away permanently and leave you all to your fate, if you all do not finally grow up and act and think in such a manner as adult human beings can do.



I was, indeed, very tremendously pleased, and I am still glad, that you have come back again, but what you say does not please me at all. Although everything that you explain is very damn clear to me and I know that you are absolutely right, nevertheless, I still wonder whether your action is justified. We are, after all, Earth-humans, who are still damn far behind.



91. Sure, with that, you have, indeed, seen things correctly, but yet, you forget at the same time that we allowed you all to receive so much knowledge and also gave you all very precise rules of behaviour in many concerns over and over again, which should have been followed by all of you, but which you did not do, that you might have learned so much from it that everything should be progressed in good measure, without these continual and quite vicious breakdowns.


92. Therefore, no other possibility is left for us now than that which I mentioned to you.


93. And even this possibility should be limited, so you will only be given seven months to finally pave the way for reason.


94. If everything does not change during this time to what is planned and calculated in advance, then all contacts with you will be tacitly broken off and cancelled for good, without ever resuming.


95. This would mean that we would just have to leave you all to your fate, for you would then force us to it.


96. Another opportunity of being able to come in contact with us some other time would then no longer exist.



That would be very damn bad, girl.



97. Sure.


98. Very especially for you.


99. But then maybe I could persuade you to come and stay with us.



Ha, and my family, which I could not just abandon.



100. Sure, I also thought of them.


101. They would have to go with you.



That would be acceptable. That would not be difficult for me, but you know, nevertheless, that some individuals of the group strive quite tremendously, so it would be unfair if they had to stagnate just because of some troublemakers. Somehow, there would also have to be a possibility for them to get away from here, right?



102. Sure, that would surely be possible, but they would have to undergo some hard courses, like also your family.


103. But it should not come to that, as our task lies in other areas, namely here on the Earth.


104. You do, indeed, know that.



Of course, but now, please explain the following to me: as you know, I always have to introduce new people using the Centre to the Sohar Centre and give them the necessary explanations, but I must also be available later if any further questions arise. Who should do this now, if I should only do my work?

這是當然,但現在請讓我提出以下的問題:妳知道我總是要向新來到「中心」的人介紹「Sohar 中心」的使用規定,並給他們必要的說明,但如果有任何進一步的問題,我也必須在稍後向他們說明。如果我只能做我的工作,那麼由誰來做這些事呢?


105. That belongs to part of your task, so no change is required in this regard.


106. But this should not mean that you should bring users of the Centre there only because they do not want to be brought there by those responsible for it, to whom this task is assigned.


107. You are not responsible for this and also should not do it.


108. There is no reason why the others, Jacobus and your wife, should be left out.

沒有理由把其他人,例如:Jacobus 和你的妻子都排除在這件事之外。

109. Sure, both are not capable of controlling their thoughts in the right manner like you are, which is why the users of the Centre can determine this, but still, it should not be your task because the two will still learn what is necessary.


110. You should only make exceptions if one of the two is unavailable or if you have to give further explanations relating to the direct use of the Centre.


111. But now, this should not mean that someone now continuously demands renewed explanations, etc.


112. But you should still lose no words over this for the time being and should express nothing in this regard.


113. First, father and Quetzal had to have created the necessary clarifications; otherwise, influences will arise in the thought processes of the individual group members who are deliberately alienated by the real motives.

首先,父親和 Quetzal 必須作出必要的澄清;否則會對個別小組成員的思想產生影響,他們會故意隱瞞真實的動機。

114. Only if you are silent will the guarantee be given that the analyses yield truthful results.



I understand that, for already several times, you have let yourselves be deceived by thoughts that were totally different than those that were basically the actual wishes, etc. of the persons concerned. I am thinking in particular of Martin and Mara. But girl, now tell me something else: you are very susceptible to our swinging waves, but nevertheless, you told me once that you would move among us Earth-humans every now and then. How does that make sense now? If you go crazy when you come into our vicinity, then how can it be that you yourselves still move among us?

我理解這件事,因為有好幾次妳也被那些口是心非的人騙過,我特別想到的人是 Martin Mara。好吧,姑娘,請告訴我點別的:妳很容易受我們振動的影響,而妳曾經告訴我,妳偶爾會在地球人群中走動。如果妳靠近我們會出狀況,但妳仍然還會在我們當中走動,這是怎麼回事呢?


115. That is very easy to explain:


116. If we move among you Earth-humans, then we use, as I have already explained to you before, a very small device to neutralise the swinging waves of the Earth-humans.


117. These devices, however, are very low-performance and only hold energy for barely 32 minutes.

但是這些裝置的效能很差,最多只能維持 32 分鐘。

118. Thus, it is not possible for us to use these devices for longer periods of time.


119. We still are not so far along that our devices could fully guard or protect us.



But Asket already had such devices, which provided full and complete protection for many weeks and months. Why do you not make the same?

但是 Asket 已經有這樣的裝置,可以提供持續幾週甚至幾個月的保護,妳為什麼不做一個同樣的呢?


120. Their devices are designed completely differently and are absolutely unsuitable for our vibrations.


121. Asket also cannot help us with this, and thus, our scientists are dependent on developing their own devices that are coordinated to us, which are also based on an entirely different technology than the one that Asket had with herself.

Asket 在這方面也幫不了忙,而我們的科學家只能研發適合我們自己的裝置,這和 Asket 所用的是完全不同的科技。


Then nothing can be done there. But about how long will it still take, before you have fully developed such devices?



122. It is a very lengthy process and can, therefore, take a very long time.


123. Unfortunately, not only do purely technological processes have to be observed and evaluated with everything but also psychological and consciousness-related ones, which makes everything even much more difficult.


124. If everything was only of a purely technological matter, then it would be of insignificance.



I understand, and probably nothing can be done there. Well, then just not. Are you actually oriented about whether something has happened again recently in terms of flying objects, of which we know nothing?



17. About that, I can tell you some news, which I found out a few days ago from Menara.

關於這個我倒可以告訴你一些消息,這是幾天前我在 Menara 那裡聽到的。

18. I have, indeed, already been back here for some time longer than my sister.


19. You are surely still able to remember that in autumn of last year, a flying object unknown to us appeared, which responded to none of our calls.


20. To this day, we still have not been able to get a hold of it either, even though it still moves in the earthly space.


21. So far, if we tried to get a hold of this object, it regularly escaped by retreating into a dimension unknown to us.


22. This same object, in the course of last autumn, has now done some things that are incomprehensible to us, and we expect that the same or similar events will happen again.


23. Thus, this flying object, with which it undoubtedly concerns a small spaceship, caused some devastation in Russia last autumn.


24. Thus, this approximately 100-meter wide ship ventured in broad daylight over the Russian city of Petrozavodsk and shot down on the Earth with already well-developed laser cannons, whereby some damage was caused.

這個約 100 公尺寬的飛船,光天化日之下在俄羅斯的彼得羅扎沃茨克Petrozavodsk)用發展不錯的鐳射炮攻擊了該城市的地面設施,造成了一些毀損。

25. Of course, the inhabitants of the city were moved into fear and fright through this, and everything did not exactly serve to produce a friendly disposition toward all those who come from outside of the Earth to this planet.



That is also understandable. But then, where was this exactly; can you give me more details? Also about the time and the day?



26. It was on Tuesday, on the 20th of September, 1977, at 16:07 hrs.

時間是在 1977 9 20 日,星期二的下午 4 07 分。

27. The object – no doubt a small spaceship, as I already said – came over the city of Petrozavodsk at Lake Onega, shot out of the clouds, paused for more than 11 minutes over the port area, and then, suddenly and for inexplicable reasons, set its laser cannons in function.

這艘小飛船,飛到彼得羅扎沃茨克的奧涅加湖Lake Onega)上空,從雲中冒出後,在港區停留了超過 11 分鐘,突然就莫名其妙的發射了雷射炮。

[中譯者註:這就是著名的「彼得羅扎沃茨克現象」(Petrozavodsk phenomenon),是發生在 1977 9 20 日的一系列有爭議的天體事件。據報導,從西部的哥本哈根和赫爾辛基(Helsinki)到東部的符拉迪沃斯托克(Vladivostok),在廣闊的領土上都有目擊者。它以俄羅斯的彼得羅扎沃茨克市命名,據報導,那裡有一個發光的物體給這座城市灑上了無數的光芒。




And you first learned of this in the last few days?



28. Yes, because we move in Russia only very rarely, for this land area falls under the control of another of our branch stations.


29. Quetzal was, indeed, informed about this incident, but he concealed everything from us because he did not want to trouble us.

Quetzal 清楚這件事,但他不希望打擾到我們,所以沒告訴我們。

30. But there was also no reason to enlighten us about such concerns before Quetzal himself had made an authoritative analysis of the events at that time.

但在沒有找出可靠的來龍去脈之前,Quetzal 沒有必要讓我們知道這件事。

31. This was a very difficult and time-consuming process, which also only found its completion in recent weeks.


32. But since the results were now available, Quetzal informed us about the matters, so I can pass on some data to you.

自從事情有了結果之後,Quetzal 才告訴我們,我也才能告訴你一些資料。


Very dear thanks, girl.



125. Pleija may not give further information about it.

關於這件事,Pleija 不能提供更詳細的資訊了。


Alright, girl, I also do not want to know more.



33. Now, it must also be enough for today.


34. We must not exert Semjase too much.

不能讓 Semjase 太過勞累。

35. Expect father and Quetzal in about 10 or 12 days; we have to go now.

我們現在要走了,預計 10 12 天後,父親和 Quetzal 會過來。


As you wish. I also do not want it that the girl overexerts herself.



126. Thank you, you are like always.


127. Look, we will set you down over there; no one is in the vicinity there.



That I can imagine, for the Sunday shooters are, indeed, shooting around there.



128. But it is only Saturday.



Of course, but there are still Sunday shooters. They only fire around on weekends. Is that not Elgg over there?



129. Sure.


130. It is a bit far from here, but you do have your means of transportation.



Of course, so do not worry. – Ah, here we are already. Well then, girls, goodbye, and quite kind regards to all.



36. Goodbye, and I very gladly pay everyone my greetings.



131. Farewell, my friend.


132. It was very nice to see you again after so much time.


133. Goodbye.



Goodbye and take care. It has also made me very happy, and I will preserve this joy.





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