Contact Report 100/第100次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年09月30日,星期一,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年12月10日,星期日,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and may contain errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
1. You are very persistent with your shouting, but it is very convenient for me that you want to speak to me.
2. According to your outburst of feelings from Wednesday evening, we sat down again at the station and discussed your concerns again, while I presented your distressful outburst of feelings to all the participants of the meeting.
3. Not only I, but all of us were deeply affected by this, and as I already explained to you, completely new and previously unknown aspects in relation to you earthlings and your deep concerns about your actual existence, your feelings and the deep-rooted will-forms for struggle and self-preservation unfurl themselves to us.
4. Your unexpected outburst was new to all of us in every respect, and we have never expected such things in you.
5. But if these things are anchored in you, they must inevitably also be in all other human beings on the Earth, which we are only now about to fathom because they were unknown to us until now.
6. In addition to these things, however, through your outburst, you have also shown us aspects before our eyes that we simply overlooked in ignorance of various important facts, which led some of us to see you Earth-humans from out of a false perspective.
7. Your words of anger and distress to me have revealed new facts which have made us unanimous in our decision and have shown that we have acted prematurely in relation to an interruption of contact, which is why the transmission to the High Council for advice was interrupted in time.
8. It is very unfortunate to all of us that we would have made such a rash and inconsiderate decision without any real knowledge of all the necessary basics, which would have been made by us in an absolutely unjustified wise.
9. But take into positive consideration the fact that our task is extremely difficult and that we must acquire new knowledge continuously and mostly by making mistakes, just as you have to make in order to gain knowledge.
10. This is not meant as an excuse, but only a request that you try to understand us and that we still have a lot to learn, especially here on the Earth, in connection with you Earth-humans and with your, still in many parts, hidden forms of thinking, feelings and emotions.
11. In the name of everyone I have to pay our thanks to you, because it is only through your distressful outburst that we have gained knowledge about you human beings on the Earth, which in some respects will make us much more patient in the future if you do not always follow our advice or necessary orders to the extent that we hope.
12. We want to be more lenient toward the group members in particular, for in recognising new aspects it has become clear to us that they require more time than we have calculated to achieve certain goals.
13. But the fact that we encountered this and were able to gain this knowledge is thanks to you and your angry and distressful outburst which, after a thorough analysis, revealed to us that you were in nowise thinking of yourself, but solely and alone of all your group members and the great earthly humanity.
14. But especially for your group members, you felt a very painful need because they would miss many things by breaking off contact.
15. So you thought in spite of your anger also for humankind, or just in your anger.
16. You have completely disregarded yourself and have only seen all others who would have been disadvantaged.
17. This, however, has nothing to do with your boundless modesty, which is well known to us, but with the fact that among you Earth-humans, despite all the confusion and ignorance, there is a hitherto unknown form of very strong togetherness, which is probably not as pronounced and present in all human beings as we have found in you, but which clearly shows that, despite quarrels and strife and wars, a strong unity is formed, which must also have an effect in the dissemination of teachings and the formation of knowledge.
18. This we recognised also only through you and through your uncontrolled, controlled outbreak.
19. We had to make ourselves understand that this is an unknown peculiarity of you Earth-humans, that you are able to live in war and discord with each other and among yourselves and yet have a strong sense of solidarity, something that was completely unknown to us in this form.
20. On the one hand, as the analysis of your emergency outburst showed, you were very angry with those who were fallible and led us to our ill-considered decision, but on the other hand, you were afraid for them and tried to save everything for them because you feel love for them.
21. Therefore, you shouted at me fiercely and angrily and yelled at me with words meant to hit me, which did, and very thoroughly.
22. But they also hit all the others, and so we came to the conclusion that we had acted in a very hasty manner and without any real knowledge of all the facts.
So that means you keep the contacts, does it not? I like that better already, my son.
23. We can only ask all of you to understand us, because we are only human beings like you, and we too are far from making any mistakes in the evolution.
Well, my son, we are again not that petty.
24. I thank you from all of us to all of you.
All right, it is already forgotten. We really build enough crap ourselves. But you know, Quetzal, I was really furious, but I do not take a word back from what I threw at your head.
25. This is neither my desire nor the desire of all of us, because you have made many important facts and aspects known through it.
26. For this we are also grateful to you, which should also be [the case for] your group members, who should truly stick to you more in all matters and problems, etc.
27. Many hardships and many illusory problems and other things could be resolved before they become true problems.
That is what you say, especially now that I have broken my word. I was still damn angry today, telling the things you told me in confidence on the 3rd of January. Namely, the whole rotten business about Amata.
28. You have repeated this on the 3rd of January?
No, damn it, that was today. Tonight, as I was so angry again, because of you megalomaniac and pompous super twerps without a big brain.
29. Then you did not break your word.
Of course not, you know that. You do not have to fool me.
30. I told you not to talk until Thursday.
31. Are you no longer aware of this?
No, my son, I do not know anything about that.
32. Then you did not understand me correctly or you missed this precise order.
33. You have not broken your word.
34. My mind went with my order to the effect that I needed time until today to be able to clarify the concerns around Amata exactly, which I succeeded in spite of all regrettable incidents, so I can now give you an exact report, if you are now able to accept this?
Why should I not, huh? Even though I was still quite angry when I saw you, this rage is already gone and my maltreated nerves have also unburdened and calmed down in the meantime. So just speak, but please repeat literally all that you whispered to me on Wednesday and about which I had to remain silent, which, the devil knows, was really not easy for me, if you can understand that, my son.
35. To give an informative context, I have to do this for the uninitiated.
36. So this is what we found:
37. Since the Sohar-Centre was taken over and put into operation, indefinable impulses had been continuously registered, the meaning and values of which we could not unravel.
38. It was not until the 2nd of January that we found a partial solution for this which was frightening for us.
39. The impulses were decoded as strange thought images, which were developed and sent out by Amata in concentrated form while she was in the Centre.
40. These impulses, created in an extremely confused manner and floating as power currents in the valued parts of the Centre, gave us an unsolvable riddle for three months.
41. Then the partial solution on the 2nd of January told us that the impulses were powers of very serious significance and very negative values created and deposited by Amata.
42. Our realisation was that Amata in the Centre was mentally engaged with deep emotional concerns and acted in vicious jealousy against various group members, especially Bernadette, Mariella, Renato, Konrad, Hans, your wife, Mitscho and Maria, his wife.
43. In malevolent jealousy she created thought-forms of the expulsion of these group members from your group community because of her erroneous beliefs.
44. In order to achieve her goal, she directed her jealousy towards sowing discord among the aforementioned herself, in the hope that this would destroy marriages and impair friendships, which, according to her delusional imagination, should and in the long run actually must lead to separations, and unfortunately is no longer stoppable.
45. Unfortunately, the confusion of the registered impulses made this partly clear to us only after decoding them, but until a few hours ago it remained inexplicable to us how these confused impulses could be created by Amata and stored in the Centre without a warning signal from our registration apparatus coming into operation.
46. We were able to solve this mystery only hours ago and it resulted in the following:
47. Partly in a very conscious form Amata cherished group-destroying thoughts of the aforementioned form when she was in the Centre at the times calculated for her.
48. But partly there were powers at work in her which she only gave off in quite unconscious form, but which were also based on her jealousy and which developed and released themselves as radiating destruction impulses, in a form of automation in her subconscious.
49. This was not a short time of action, because our precise analysis now showed that Amata had been working for more than eleven months in this form towards a group destruction in order to expel the already mentioned and partly also fallible group members.
50. But we only came across this now and after we had taken care of those documents that you handed over to me on the 3rd of January.
51. These documents finally brought us the truthful key to these very regrettable concerns.
52. Only then were we able to analyse that the impulses registered by us could only be recognised and deciphered too late, because Amata released these powers in a veiled form, thus encoding them in a very confused sense, well aware that they would otherwise have been recognised by us immediately and that we would have taken appropriate measures against them.
53. Amata was, and is, very conscious in many respects of the powers that can be manifested in the Sohar-Centre and the powers that vibrate there.
54. As a result of this, she saw a good opportunity to realise her jealousy goals in reality, because the mentioned group members had to be automatically hit by her stored and malignant negative powers in a full and unprotected manner when they went there to fulfil their sessions.
55. The corresponding effect could not fail.
56. All this, regrettable as it may be, we were only able to finally clarify a few hours ago, not least because you, through your necessary outburst to me, provided us with new aspects that were unknown to us until then.
57. One reached into the other and formed a logical formation of a development of various events.
Man, it is only good that you finally see clearly. But what should happen with Amata now with regard to the Centre?
58. Under no circumstances is she allowed to enter the Sohar-Centre.
And for how long no more?
59. As the facts show, she must remain excluded from this for the time of her present life, for the damage she has caused herself can no longer be repaired.
60. A change would take as much time as her present life is in years.
That is why she told Maria and Engelbert that she was no longer allowed to go to the Centre.
61. She knew very well about her shameful actions and was aware that they could not remain hidden from us.
62. She knew the consequences very well and therefore made the corresponding remark.
That is a big egg, and I can now see that I can put everything back in the sinker [in place] to some extent. Man, that is hanging off my neck, because I am starting to feel like a childminder.
63. Your emotion is understandable to me, and truthfully your task is not easy either.
To whom do you tell that, my son. I know that quite damn well myself. And that I still have all sorts of things to do in this regard, I also got a taste of that this evening, because this Thursday brought me some news.
64. That is probably of correctness.
65. It strikes me with your words now, however, that you are wrong in the time.
66. Today is a Friday.
67. Thursday was already yesterday.
The night is day for me, and so I count the whole night still to the previous day. Ah yes, while I am at it: Would you like to remember at what time on Wednesday our contact was?
68. It started at 22:14 hrs, why?
Oh, nothing, I just mistyped while writing. But how should it go on in the group? I cannot just play nanny all the time?
69. I will try to give the individual members of the group advice here and there, which will relieve you a little.
70. In this context I want to give important advice for two group members:
71. It was very puzzling to me why the events around Semjase were able to come to light, so that I looked into Jacobus in detail and noticed a deficiency in him that made him act in the well-known irresponsible form.
72. The deficiency appears in his diet, because he feeds himself too one-sidedly with animal food products.
73. This has the consequence for him that his thinking is inhibited and he becomes sluggish, which also leads to the fact that arising evil arbitrary impulses in him can be registered by him, but not brought under control by him in decisive and valuable time.
74. Animal food products impregnate his brain acid masses and weaken his reactions of thought flexibility, which in other words is called inertia of reaction and inertia of thought.
75. He should therefore focus his food more on plant products such as vegetables and fruits, which would positively influence his mental inertia.
76. Margreth has a similar case, but the opposite is true, as I regret to say:
77. In a completely unreasonable manner she abstains from any animal food products, which has the consequence for her that her thought and reaction sequences are exceeded in the value of the positive, whereby negative effects arise.
78. Her thoughts and reactions become too free and exceed the measure of the good, whereby she is no longer capable of distinguishing the real from the unreal, because by exceeding the healthy measure she is deprived of the necessary criticism.
79. More inhibited and sluggish thought forms and reactions in this respect are an important requirement for her, which is why she should take animal food products, which would not only lead to better thinking production, but also to better health in her.
80. Unfortunately, many Earth-humans have very different and erroneous views about food intake, which have a damaging effect on them.
81. The erroneous view that a human life-form can fully and better develop without animal substances is just as wrong as the view that large amounts of animal substances would influence the physical constitution for the better.
82. It is true in this regard that when human life-forms completely omit food products from animal substances, just as great deficiency phenomena appear in many respects as also when too much of such substances are enjoyed.
83. The entire structure and preservation of the human life-form rests in floral and faunal food, at least as far as the physical realm is concerned.
84. But if, for example, fauna food products are not available for the human form of life, or if they are avoided on the basis of erroneous assumptions, or even if they are avoided on the basis of types of life attitudes, then the missing animal substances must absolutely be replaced by plant substances which are, however, completely equivalent to animal substances, etc.
85. This, however, is not yet possible on the Earth, since these nutrients have remained almost undiscovered, and the few that are already known are avoided for incomprehensible reasons of disgust.
Man, what am I supposed to do about that? I cannot go and tell folks to change their diet. At the most I can give them some advice, which is usually not followed anyway, because certain humans always want to know everything better and do not give a damn about it, with all kinds of excuses that are usually based on imaginings. That they would get sick if they eat meat, for example, or that they would get sick in the process, etc., or that they would get sick and it would be bad for them if they did not, etc., these are the usual speeches.
86. This is very unfortunate and testifies to an incomprehensible unreasonableness.
That may be possible, but the imaginations are stronger than reason. But now, my son, I am damn tired, and my Cannibal will miss me when the alarm clock starts howling. I should still sleep a little now. Thank you very much that you have prudently and slightly revised your attitude.
87. It was our mistake and you do not owe us any thanks.
88. Goodbye, my friend.
Goodbye, son, and be good.
中文翻譯借助 Deepl Translator 與 ChatGPT 的協助