Contact Report 101/第101次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年09月30日,星期一,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年12月24日,星期日,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons(as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
You have been waiting a long time, my son. The last time you said that you would be back around the middle of the week.
1. My area of work is very diverse and my efforts to address your concerns have lasted longer than I intended.
2. Also, after the unfortunate events, I made an intensive effort to find everything that would take more time.
3. This also led me to various new points which I had missed so far and which I would now like to mention to you:
4. Various analyses have shown that from various positions you and your whole group and your task are being worked on much more strictly than we had known before.
5. Various sectarian interest groups against you, as well as private individuals and parts of government, are trying to use all the means at their disposal to fight you and undermine your Centre.
6. The means used for this are very diverse and often of a rather complicated nature, I think, …
I have come to feel that, because only on the 13th of January I received such a nice letter from the cantonal building authorities, who want to crush us.
7. What did you hear?
They ordered a building adjustment thingy, a ban on further construction work, but also a ban on the use of the premises we had repaired, for example the hall and the office, the telephone booth and the chicken house as well as the cesspool, etc.
8. This is illogical and incomprehensible in any form, but it testifies to the intrigues directed against you and your task and to all other malicious machinations. It means a very difficult struggle for you in the future, because not only the higher authorities, as you have called them, are hostile to you, but also various negative elements of your local government, as I have been able to analyse.
9. It is this very be…
You mean local council members, yes?
10. You call this government place that, yes.
11. It is very unfortunate that there is so much unreasonableness in your government offices.
12. Some analyses have shown that very many people in your government offices hold their positions in malicious greed for power and apply autocratically written human legislations that mock any human worthiness.
13. For the majority of these power seekers it gives malicious pleasure to dictatorially rule over those whom you call ordinary citizens, if I have understood you correctly in your idioms at earlier times.
You have, but tell me, Quetzal, do you also not think that the terrorist pack and the anarchist pack do not somehow rebel in the knowledge of these evils? I do not think this is right in any wise, but it seems to be the only way for them to defend themselves against the evil arbitrary power of the states.
14. This is correct, but the terrorists and anarchists have no truthful guidelines of a suitable and humane Ziel [culmination point].
15. Like the government officials and the rulers themselves, they resort to senseless and naked, deadly violence, so they are in nowise better than the guilty rulers themselves, who use arbitrary violence, as you have very rightly recognised.
I may not be a politician, but it seems to me that I somehow correctly define the political issues when I assume that this state terror will one day lead to serious and perhaps even fatal unrest.
16. You are very accurate with the truth, at least that is true of certain countries.
But I do not want our group to be drawn into these filthy things. Should I just sit on my butt and let everything happen to us, or should I dig up the hatchet? In my opinion, all I can do is fight. I have learned to speak and write and to acquire a certain knowledge that should be sufficient for such a fight. These are my weapons against all evil arbitrariness of the authorities, because I cannot use other weapons for it, above all no firearms, because these are intended only for the self-defence for the protection of lives. Furthermore, I cannot simply start a war with such weapons, because this would be against reason and all the laws of nature.
17. Your words are of good correctness:
18. Your weapons are your superior knowledge, your mastery of writing, and your voice through which you can achieve the necessary Ziele [culmination points] when you fight the very difficult battle.
19. But in spite of everything you cannot do it alone, therefore you need help from others, from your group members and from outsiders.
20. It will be a very difficult and hard fight and defeat or victory will be balanced.
21. What I now become aware of in your previous explanation is that you have not mentioned in any form your consciousness-based powers and abilities that you could use as a weapon.
Are you suddenly infested with madness?
22. That is not so, no.
What is this nonsense? Are you trying to put me to the test?
23. No, dear friend, it was just a very joyful statement from me that proves to me that you had not thought of this possibility in any form, because such an action would be maliciously illogical.
You know, Quetzal, that I would never even play with such a thought, even if it were a matter of life. What I cannot direct in such situations through my voice, my word, my writing skills or through logical manual actions, I will never do through the use of the consciousness powers. It would be the most vicious form of Gewalt [a form of violence] I am ever able to use.
24. It speaks from you of very great wisdom and reverence for all truth and love.
Nonsense, do not dramatize everything.
25. There is no theatricality in my words, and I am very pleased to be able to speak these to you.
26. You are much greater in yourself than you want to admit.
Do not be silly; if that were the case, I would not have done that nonsense on New Year's Eve.
27. Have you done any illogical things?
Not at all, my son, it was absolute nonsense. I bent spoons, put a coin between my fingers and punched the papillary lines into it, bent other coins and even burned through one, whereby I burned the palm of my hand, but I did not realise it until two days later, when I had slept a little and my nerves were working properly again.
28. Were observers there?
Of course, otherwise I would not have done it. I was simply damn angry and at the same time deeply sad, because you did not want to understand that these things are possible.
29. You found yourself challenged by this?
No, it just damn pained me that one did not want to understand. That is why I did it.
30. Your action was illogical, but understandable, so you do not have to blame yourself.
Do you think so?
31. Your words speak for it.
32. But in the future you should be more careful and not do your exercises in the presence of observers.
That is what I usually do, but sometimes I just hang it out.
33. This is, of course, in your world, where you are lonely despite all the love you receive.
34. You are too much ahead of the present time.
35. But do not think too much about it, it cannot be changed.
[中譯者註:以下這段短文,在原(德文與英譯)文中是放在Quetzal 的第40句之後,不過譯者認為放在此處較為恰當,不知讀者以為然否?尚請指教。]
Uncanny Forces …
by Adolph Tilmann Perrenout
作者:Adolph Tilmann Perrenout
To outsiders the following story may seem unbelievable and fantastic, but many witnesses can vouch for the fact that word for word corresponds to the truth and that not even one point has been fibbed.
Readers of the 'Voice of Aquarius Time' will certainly remember that an article appeared in issue no. 18 without the name of the author being given. So it shall be this time also, for I attach no importance to publicity in relation to my person; and again I would like to speak a frank word here for Billy, whose importance in the world of today has quite obviously not yet been recognised by the human beings of this world. Far too little is said about him in this Monthly, although it is in every respect his initiative and it has been made from scratch by him in the main work for more than two years: Writing, proof-reading, assembling, printing, folding, inserting, stitching and mailing, etc., and all with only one arm. Just think of it. (But that is to change now, because an art-fair editorial department is to take over this work in future! Billy would really be relieved by this and could do much more important work).
Billy, a human being like you and me, yet so very different from us. His inconspicuousness, based in modesty, puts him in a completely false and also inadequate light with his fellow human beings, for who is aware that there are forces awake in him which, for the uninitiated, border on the uncanny in every form. Forces that in some respects surpass even what parapsychology cannot even imagine in its wildest dreams. Many can still remember, for example, that in the middle of 1977 Billy moved a half-tonne styrofoam oven off the road by sheer force of thought because it was simply lying there in the way. But this is in fact only one of his bravura feats, for countless others follow in his wake: for years, this person and that person have been saying that they have observed Billy bending spoons or simply letting them fall in two, through pure mental (consciousness) power. He is said to have crushed coins pressed between his fingers, leaving papillary lines in the metal, and so on.
Although I and all the group members of the Free Interest Community are used to quite a lot from Billy, such statements from witnesses have always remained only statements to us, because we have never been able to observe such things, with regard to the coins, with our own eyes. However, this was to change on New Year's Eve 1977/78, when Billy, who was otherwise very reserved in such matters, gave a demonstration that probably none of the witnesses will ever forget again.
儘管我和「自由興趣小組」(Free Interest Community)的所有成員對比利過去的許多傳奇都已經習以為常,但這些傳奇對我們來說始終只是傳奇,因為關於硬幣的事情,我們從未親眼見過。然而,這種情況在1977年底的除夕之夜卻發生了變化,當時,在這類事情上非常矜持的比利做了一場表演,相信任何見證人都永遠不會忘記。
It was like this: We celebrated the turn of the year in the kitchen of the Semjase Silver Star Centre with a good glass of wine and with tapes sung very well by Billy. Somehow it occurred to someone that Billy could demonstrate the bending of a spoon by pure mental (consciousness) power. Elsi Moser handed him a teaspoon which he had brought with him and which he also actually took between his thumb and forefinger. Then, although I was used to a lot of things from Billy, I thought I was dreaming, because I saw with my own eyes how the spoon slowly bent between the two fingers until Billy finally dropped it on the table – artfully bent.
事情是這樣的:我們在「Semjase銀星中心」(Semjase Silver Star Centre)的廚房裡慶祝了新年的到來,大家喝著美酒,聽著比利播放唱得非常好的錄音帶。有人突然想到,比利可以用純粹的心靈(意識)力量來示範彎曲湯匙。Elsi Moser遞給他一個湯匙,這是他帶來的,他還真的用拇指和食指夾住了湯匙。然後,雖然我已經習慣了比利的很多舉動,但我還是以為自己在做夢,因為我親眼看到湯匙在他的兩個手指之間慢慢彎曲,最終由比利巧妙地彎曲後放在桌子上。
Unfortunately, this little demonstration was obviously not enough, because among the 20 or so strict observers, voices were raised that Billy should demonstrate some more things. But he persistently refused, until the constant urging obviously became too much for him. I could see very clearly that something changed in him and his eyes became quite sad. Somehow it seemed to hurt him that his faithful demanded proof from him of his spiritual powers (powers of consciousness). Deeply saddened, he accepted a 10-centime coin handed to him by someone. "What shall I do with this?" he asked sorrowfully and somehow visibly martyred by pain. Someone shouted that he should press the papillary lines of his fingers into the coin. "Good," was all he said in response, and a very sore tone sounded in his voice. He then convulsively pressed the coin between his thumb and forefinger, only to suddenly slam his fist down on the tabletop with such terrible violence that everyone present shot up in fright, probably thinking that Billy had gone mad.
The coin slipped from Billy's fingers, somewhat bent and clearly etched in the hard metal were his papillary lines. Unfortunately, however, even this demonstration was not enough, for calls for even more 'muesters' were heard. So Billy took a two-franc and a one-franc piece out of his wallet, placed them on the table in front of him and asked what he should do with them. He did not receive a definite answer, whereupon, clearly visible to any observer, he picked up the one-franc piece, let it slide into his palm, then clenched his hand into a fist and squeezed it with visible effort. When he opened his hand again, there – the coin was very badly bent. This also happened to the two-franc piece, after which Billy was visibly exhausted.
But the unreasonableness of some witnesses meant that what had been done was not enough, so more was demanded. Tired, Billy reached for his wallet again and wanted to take out another coin, but this did not happen, because from somewhere he was handed another two-franc piece to work on. With a bitter face he accepted the coin, let it slide onto his palm and closed his hand into a fist – in front of everyone, then wearily said that this was the last thing he would do that night. Then he raised his arm high and stretched his fist towards Harald Proch, grinning painfully and lost in the world. Deep inside him a hell seemed to be blazing, probably because he was being challenged and everything was being provoked to the last. His face was somehow distorted and it seemed strange. Suddenly, however, his features seemed to distort even more, his skin became almost transparent, while tears suddenly rolled out of his eyes. Then, it was simply outrageous, his physiognomy began to tremble, along with the fist that hovered over the tabletop. Billy's eyes suddenly screamed open, his gaze lost somewhere in the infinite distance, while suddenly there was a heavy silence in the room and no one dared to make a sound.
但是,由於一些目擊者的無理取鬧,他認為所做的還不夠,於是又提出了更高的要求。疲憊的比利又伸手去掏錢包,但還沒等他拿出硬幣,這時不知從哪裡又遞給他一枚兩法郎的硬幣。他帶著痛苦的表情接過這個硬幣,讓它滑到手掌上,然後當著所有人的面將手握成拳頭,然後疲憊地說,這是他當晚要做的最後一件事。然後,他高高地舉起手臂,向Harald Proch伸出拳頭,同時帶著痛苦和失落的笑容。在他的內心深處,似乎有一個地獄在燃燒,可能是因為他正在接受挑戰,一切都被挑釁到了最後一刻。他的臉莫名其妙地扭曲了,看起來很奇怪。然而,突然之間,他的五官似乎更加扭曲了,他的皮膚變得幾乎透明,淚水突然從眼眶中滾落。然後,簡直是令人毛骨悚然,他的臉開始顫抖,伴隨著懸在桌面上的拳頭。比利的眼睛突然瞪大,目光消失在無盡的遠方,而房間裡突然一片死寂,沒有人敢出聲。
It lasted barely 10 or 15 seconds, then Billy slumped down like a doll, snow-white in the face and gasping for breath. Spasmodically he opened his hand and let the now completely deformed and glowing two-franc piece fall onto the table, only to cling just as spasmodically to Elsi's arm, helpless and obviously completely at the end of his tether.
It took long minutes before Billy recovered and could speak reasonably. His lips had turned white-blue and a burn mark was clearly visible in the palm of his hand. Why? We looked at the two-franc piece that was now passing from hand to hand and it was deformed, burnt through and burnt. One of the people who should know explained that it had taken about 1,500 degrees of heat to burn the coin through. 1,500 degrees of heat, remember, and that developed in Billy's hand – by the purest power of the spirit (consciousness).
過了很長時間,比利才恢復過來,可以正常說話。這時他的嘴唇已經發青,手掌上的燒傷痕跡清晰可見。為什麼會這樣?我們看了看那塊兩法郎的硬幣,它已經變形、燒透了。一位瞭解情況的人解釋說,這需要大約1500度的高溫才能將硬幣燒透。1500度的高溫,請注意,這是在比利的手中 —— 通過最純粹的心靈(意識)力量 —— 產生的。
It should be obvious that none of us witnesses will ever again demand such madness from Billy. We have seen it all with our own eyes and witnessed it personally. It was enough for us, more than enough in fact. Harald Proch, who was sitting directly opposite Billy and was able to look him in the eye, was deeply shocked and said that he had suddenly seen through Billy's eyes into eternity …
顯然,我們任何一位目擊者都不會再要求比利進行這種瘋狂的行為。我們親眼目睹了這一切,親身經歷了這一切。這對我們來說已經足夠了,事實上還遠遠沒完。Harald Proch坐在比利的正對面,可以直視他的眼睛,他深感震撼,他說他突然透過比利的眼睛看到了永恆...
What more can one say? Billy, a human being like you and me, and yet he is so very different from all of us. Only now do I really understand how damned lonely this human being Billy must be with all his gigantic knowledge and ability inside him, as Semjase has often said of him. But how great in truth must this man be in himself that he does not use his gigantic powers to his material advantage and does not even reach for them in thought even in great need. If we members of the Free Interest Group did not know very well who Billy is in truth and who he was in former times of life, we might wonder about him. But this way we can recognise that the truth is everlasting and breaks through to the light again and again. Even though this truth is often very hard, we recognise it, no matter how much scheming is done against Billy by the ignorant, the misguided and those who want to stand in the place he holds. But for all those, let it be said that in every respect they are far too small, too unimportant and too weak to be able to offer Billy even a glass of water, for even if he is only a human being like you and me, he is nevertheless in all things much greater than all of us, something very special and particular in every respect. This must be made clear, whereby this clarification in no way has anything to do with glorification, adoration or idolisation, but solely with existing facts – with the most realistic truth imaginable that is still recognisable and that will exist eternally.
還能說什麼呢?比利,一個和你我一樣的人,但他卻和我們所有人都完全不同。直到現在,我才真正明白,就像Semjase經常說的那樣,擁有豐富知識和超凡能力的比利是多麼孤獨。但事實上,這個人本身該有多麼偉大,以至於他沒有利用他的巨大能力來為自己的物質利益所用,即使在極大的困境中也不去想一想。如果我們自由興趣小組的成員不是非常瞭解比利的真實身份以及他在以前生命中是誰,我們可能會對他感到驚訝。然而,現在我們可以認識到真相是永恆的,它一次又一次地沖破束縛,走向光明。即使這個真相常常是如此嚴酷,但無論無知者、迷途者和那些想坐上他的位置的人如何算計比利,我們仍然能夠認識到這個真相。但是,對於所有這些人,我們應該說,無論從哪個方面來說,他們都太渺小、太不重要、太軟弱了,甚至連給比利端杯水的資格都沒有,因為即使他只是一個像你我一樣的人,但他在所有方面都比我們所有人偉大得多,在所有方面都是非常特別和獨一無二的。這必須澄清,這種澄清絕對不是在讚美、崇拜或偶像化,而完全是就事論事 —— 這是可以看到的並且將永遠存在的最現實的真相。
Is it not laughable that at the present time Billy is disregarded and trampled underfoot just because he is alive at the present time and is once again spreading the truth under a different name than he did in the past? And is it not even more laughable that, despite being trampled on with malice, he is simultaneously worshipped for the existence of a much earlier life, just because he bore a different name then and because his teachings at that time were falsified in a cultic-religious manner?
36. But now listen to what I have to tell you:
37. In relation to the unfortunate events around Amata, it has emerged that we have no possibilities to eliminate any data in her.
38. The whole complex in her is so confused and intertwined that all her knowledge and the rest of her rational thinking would have to be completely eliminated in order to be successful.
39. This would mean, that after such a complete elimination, she would be destroyed in every respect in terms of knowledge and would be back at the beginning again.
40. However, we must not do this, even if it represents a certain danger for you, because she is still capable of causing damage through her negative and malignant transmission of thought power.
That is not good, but can you at least send the squirts [the energy clearing dwarfes] into our den and into her old room to remove her vibrations? It would also be necessary in Engelbert's apartment.
41. That is what I wanted to talk about.
42. Within the next 14 days I will give you a day when everything will be cleaned by our little friends.
43. Then nobody is allowed to be in the Centre.
Well, thank you – also the little squirts. Now look here, there is another letter from Marcel; can you give it to Semjase?
好的,謝謝你 —— 也謝謝那些小傢伙。你看,這裡還有一封Marcel寫的信,你能把它交給Semjase嗎?
44. No, absolute silence is ordered for her, therefore I can deliver her no letters from you either.
Too bad, but it cannot be changed. How is she then?
45. Her condition is extremely satisfying, and complications are no longer to be expected when she has her necessary rest.
All right, I understand, then just love greetings to her from all of us.
46. I will be happy to pay her these, and I should also bring you very dear greetings from her for you and all the group members.
Thank you very much, my son, that will please everyone. But now a question about Olgi and Marcel: Olgi cannot keep her time on the 25th of January and Marcel on the 4th of February. How much time …
47. Let me think for a moment … yes … Olga would have to add one more day, while Marcel would have to add two more days, all of which has to be done before the 5th of February.
讓我想一想 ... 是的 ... Olgi必須增加一天,而Marcel必須增加兩天,所有這些都必須在2月5日之前完成。
48. As I had Semjase explain to you earlier, the times change for everyone on the 6th of February, according to which a time of two hours applies uniformly.
49. The timing can be handled individually by you from this date, but care should be taken to ensure that the Sohar-Centre is used as often as possible by each group member in relation to the meditative exercises.
50. With regard to the previous fluidal-power storage, the records have shown that the time can be reduced uniformly to two hours and ten minutes for three group members by various factors, such as your wife, who nevertheless has to keep to her additional day, Claire and Hans, while Elsa has to add another additional day to the already existing one.
51. This additional day must still be completed by the 5th of February.
Well, then one more question: Do you know anything about the fact that in the depths of the sea in the Bermuda Triangle a huge pyramid is supposed to lie sunken? The baseline should be 333 metres and the height should be about 223 metres.
52. Something like this is not known to me.
Thank you; then I have a whole series of questions to ask you. Do you still have time for that?
53. Are they questions from your initiative?
No, they come from group members.
54. I cannot answer such questions in the future anymore, because they usually refer to things that we cannot answer.
55. Otherwise, however, I recently also explained to you that for the time being, a joint decision should no longer be made.
56. Despite the realisation that we have made mistakes in your form of treatment and communication and assessment, the decision has been maintained that in the future no explanations should be given unless the questions come from you personally, which should be controlled in each case with questions.
That is hard, Quetzal; and then what about letters?
57. In the future no more should be addressed to us.
58. Unfortunately, I do not make a decision on this alone, according to which I will not be able to change this matter on my own.
Then not, even if it is quite bitter. So let us talk about something else: I have a question to which I only want one answer in the report, but that I do not want my question to be mentioned.
59. Then ask your question.
60. These concerns are known to me.
61. They are based on incarnation transmissions, because what was already created in the human being in previous lives and was of permanence, as you know, is held for all time in the storage banks and is impulsively reawakened i.e. withdrawn by the new personality from the storage banks again in the next life.
62. For example, a once profoundly existing, fine-fluidal based love is not simply totally eliminated by death, but is transferred to the spiritual realm, which returns it impulsively to the material realm at the next incarnation via the spiritual consciousness, subconsciousness and the Gemüt [fine-fluidal spiritual counterpart to the half-material psyche], when the corresponding factors meet again, whereby it comes to bloom anew and expands more and more, up to the culmination point, where it unifies itself in universal form and unites itself with all that lives in gross material and creational-energetic form.
例如,一旦深入感受到的愛並不會就因為死亡而完全消失,而是轉移到了靈界(spiritual realm),而靈界在下一次轉世中,再次以脈衝方式送回了物質界、當相應的人物再次相遇時,它就會重新綻放,並不斷擴大,直至達到以普遍形式統一的地步,並與所有生命的實體物質和靈性形式結合在一起。
Thank you, Quetzal, your answer is very accurate and confirms everything I have found. So I was right about my result. Thank you.
63. It was a pleasure to be able to give you the explanation.
Thank you, my son. But now tell me: Were the squirts in the Centre to clean it about four times?
64. You are oriented about that, where from?
65. They have actually been there four times.
I just noticed four changes in the Centre.
66. You do not miss a single detail in certain things, do you?
You can wait a long time for that. But say: Why do you not give me the reports after the contacts in the fast form, like you did it twice? It would save me a lot of time.
67. I can do this here and there, but not too often, because it tears and pulls too much at your powers.
68. If the reports are sent to you in the usual form as they have always been, then you are doing an unprecedented amount of work.
69. But if I give it to you in the fast form I have developed, your work effort will increase massively.
Aha. How much time of normal work does it take if you send me a typewriter page report with the usual time?
70. I have not calculated that, which is why I can only turn to you my self-calculated data, which is divided into minutes.
71. One minute of telepathic transmission in the duration of the normal speaking time requires from you a power consumption of physical power of 23 minutes of normal work performance, which means that if you have 30 minutes of telepathic recording to make, you perform a physical work performance of great magnitude, namely one that corresponds to 690 minutes of continuous and strenuous physical work.
72. A one-hour telepathic record to you thus requires 1,380 minutes of physical effort, while data triples in rapid transmission.
So this means that for one hour of data transfer at normal work rate, 23 hours of physical work is involved? That is crazy, how am I supposed to do that?
73. You constantly regenerate your strength, which is why you are always exhausted after a transmission – by the power consumption itself and by the regeneration process.
But no one can keep that up.
74. Usually not, but somehow, and this is an unsolved riddle for us as well, you manage it and keep it going.
75. But now, my friend, it is time again, because I have to go.
76. Goodbye, and greet everyone very dearly from me, also your Cannibal.
Ah yes, I still have to get her from the Centre at 2:15 hrs. Take care, my friend, and also to your dear greetings.
中文翻譯借助 Deepl Translator 與 ChatGPT 的協助