

Contact Report 115第115次接觸報告



最初英譯:20101221日,星期二,Benjamin Stevens

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20240915日,星期日,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu


本次接觸除了 Semjase 之外,Ptaah Quetzal 也都來了,而談論的內容超豐富而且多樣;主要分成七個部分

第一部分是討論了目前的 FIGU 組織與核心小組成員的問題,這已經是讓他們憂心了很久的事情,這也導致比利對任務的執行,已經有意興欄珊的現象,甚至到了不願與他們繼續接觸的地步;主要是因為核心小組許多成員的表現令人失望,使得比利感到身心俱疲。但他們還是竭力分析利弊並提供實際的建議,目前暫時讓繼續觀察事態的發展。


一、將在當(1978)年 11 月中旬後發生的一場悲劇,那是發生在蓋亞那(Guyana)的瓊斯鎮Jonestown)。一位邪教領袖將通過強迫,催眠以及狂熱主義來掀起一場大屠殺,讓超過一千人成為受害者。而事件發生後,比利本人將扮演一個重要的角色,就是向美國政府和美國人民發送 Plajren 的訊息(雖然這件事基本上沒有成功)。


三、談到伊朗將在 1979 年的 2 9 日、10 日和 11 爆發一場短時間的內戰;那是有關當時的宗教領袖何梅尼派和國王派直接的政治鬥爭。

四、談到將發生在 1979 2 17 日至 3 16 日期間的「中越戰爭」,就是俗稱的“懲越戰爭”。

五、還談到南斯拉夫獨裁者鐵托在 1980 年間的去世,還有蘇聯軍隊 1979 年底入侵阿富汗,還有英迪拉.甘地於 1980 年初重新當選為印度總理,還有美國與幾個中東和遠東國家結盟,以及巴基斯坦也與中國的結盟,還有許多其他事件。


第三部分談到有關 1980 年於莫斯科舉辦的夏季奧運會,由於預測蘇聯軍隊將在 1979 年底入侵阿富汗,因此美國等將發起聯合抵制當屆奧運會運動。Prejaren因此建議比利向世界各國領袖與奧運會主辦單位寫一封精簡而重要的信主要是述說奧運的創辦宗旨與精神,應該秉持中立原則,強調政治決不該干涉奧運會的進行。而由於他的努力,整體上是有助於改善政治力的介入,但由於那些與此有關的負責人心胸狹隘,功勞卻不會算在他身上。


一、自 1975 1 28 任務正式開始後,大約要經過一百年,他目前的工作和努力會造成一些改變不過,終其一生,他的影響力將始終與當時一樣,幾乎默默無聞但是,作為一個真正的先知,已經為地球人建立起了一種真實且對他們來說是全新的思維結構。在這方面,這種影響將在一百年的時間內發展到足夠的程度,直 2075 ,那時候他的教導將完全發揮作用

二、在比利辭世之後,僅僅會在另一個世界停留幾年,然後就可以 2075 年再次出現在這個世界上。他一如既往,現在是,將來也會是一個講真話的人,一個反對殘酷虛假的革命者




五、比利使命工作的效果將持續八百年左右,那時候他的教導會完全生效。在 2875 年裡的某一時刻,他將作為另一個人格再一次從另一個世界進入這一物質世界。而作為一個外來的天琴座人,由於跨越整個這麼長時間的困難的任務,他將感覺到非常的孤獨,這種孤獨感可能直到 3999 年真正離開地球時才能擺脫




一、談到 SemjasePtaah Quetzal 他們私人的家庭婚姻與感情生活。

二、沒有外星人小組為蘇聯提供科技上的幫助特別是在太空航行或者製造新式武器方面當時 Plejaren 沒有發現美國和蘇聯在這方面得到了外星人的幫助,因此所有他們之前的發明和進步都屬於正常範圍,是普通的科學家,和其他地球上的科學家一樣,僅僅接受到了脈衝後的靈感


This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved personsas contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



1. You have given me worries, my dear friend.


2. You should not have refused to come to a meeting.


3. But not only was I worried but also my father and Quetzal as well as all the others.

不只我擔心,我父親和 Quetzel 以及其他所有人都擔心著你。

4. Therefore, father has also come along today.



I understand you already, but there was simply no other option for me. I first had to have various things clarified, before I could see you again.



1. If I understand correctly, you want to say with this that you would have never held to the contacts anymore if the things had not been clarified?



Exactly, Ptaah, so it was meant by me.



5. Are you serious?






6. You could have simply done that without further explanations?






7. I do not understand that.


8. Again and again, you give me new riddles.



2. He really would have done that – and I also know why.



1. I am also of this view.



9. But why then?


10. I do not understand that.


11. After all, he would have destroyed everything.



3. That would have been the case, but it would have also had its justification.


4. Consider, my child, that already for a long time, our friend has sought to explain all possible instructive knowledge to his friends and members of the group and to make them knowing through this, but over and over again – and this already for years – very serious failures arise, which are solely due to the fact that, completely deliberately, ones act contrary to his explanations.


5. In various cases, it even happens over and over again that, completely deliberately, the teaching presented to them about this is ignored because they – with their personal egoism and jealously – cannot agree with it, as this is also the case with various other matters of an emotional nature and material desires and other things.


6. And since this has already been going on in such a manner for years, the measure quite simply had to become fulfilled once, and our friend had to take self-protection measures.


7. That is why he acted in such a manner and would have also truly broken off contact with us if something grave had not changed.


8. That is how I see these things.


9. Is this right, my friend?



You hit the nail right on the head.



2. I have also seen the same.



12. Now I understand, and I honestly have to say to this, that very much more was expected of you, my dear friend, and was laid on you in tasks, works, and obligations than what a human being is really able to bear.


13. But nevertheless, you have taken everything upon yourself without ever murmuring and have fulfilled your duties, if sometimes also somewhat delayed.


14. But still, you have always completed everything and have even done much more than what you actually should do, as we know this now.


15. Indeed, we were not able to recognise these things properly for some time and, thus, also did not understand, but then the cognition also spread out in us.


16. And if you have now acted in this manner, that you did not appear at our contacts, even though we prompted you to them several times recently, then I understand that now and can give you no reproach.


17. The whole thing is obviously such as what father has stated, that you simply could not continue anymore because various members of the group always acted incorrectly, and everything had to be so tiring for you.


18. I honestly have to say that I myself would have never borne everything for so long in this manner and that very much more was added to you in works, obligations, and tasks than what a human being is able to cope with.


19. Another human being in your position would have already collapsed after a few weeks or months and either would not have recovered from their collapse or, if they did, would not have continued their task.



10. I am also of this view.



3. That is of correctness.



20. Surely.



So – and I am not asked about this at all, eh? I find that your words go a bit beyond observations and are, perhaps, aimed at pepping me up morally, so that I will continue in the old trot. Everything sounds so damn much like adulation that I cannot close my mind to this impression. The truth is simply this: it has been on the notice board for me, and I did not want to get in contact with you again or continue everything anymore, under any circumstances, if two or three important things had not changed in our group. In particular, something was in my gut, which I had already explained umpteen times over and over again to the group, but this simply did not want to be accepted, so namely the matter with love, concerning which views prevail in certain group members, which cannot be reconciled with the truth and reality, which is why I have now also taken the trouble to once explain the law of love once with a small article. See here, these pages, these contain my draft relating to this, for which I would be very happy if one of you could still study this today, in order then to tell me whether, or to what extent, everything is right and what still needs to be changed in it.

呃,我沒有要求表揚啊,是吧?我覺得你們的話有點超越客觀的觀察了,也許你們只是想要鼓舞一下我的士氣,好讓我重新振作起來,繼續以老方式前行。所有這些話聽起來太像是在拍馬屁了,我簡直無法不這麼想。但事實是:我已經心灰意冷,如果我的小組裡沒有那麼幾項重大的改變發生,我是無論如何不想再與你們接觸或者再繼續任何事情了。特別是,我的內心深處有一些東西,我已經反復向大家解釋了無數次,但大家就是不願意接受,那就是關於愛的問題the matter with love)。有些組員對此有一些看法,這些看法與真相和現實無法協調,因此我現在也特別致力於詳細解釋愛的法則,並藉由一篇小冊子進行說明。看這裡,這些頁面包含了我對此問題的初步草稿,如果你們之中哪個人今天能夠讀一下,然後告訴我這些是否正確,或正確到什麼程度,以及其中還有哪些地方需要修改的話,我會非常高興。


4. That is good; I will take your writing to hand, if you want to give it to me?



Of course, here. Many thanks for your trouble.



5. You owe me no thanks, but hear what I would first like to explain to you:


6. My friend and I have finally succeeded in designing and constructing the apparatus intended for you, according to which you are to come to me once every 8 days starting from next week, in order to let yourself be treated.

我的朋友和我終於成功完成了為你設計和製造的設備,從下週開始,你將要每隔 8 天到我這裡來一次,接受治療。


Okay, quite dear thanks for that, also to your friend. But while I am already at it: I still have a question concerning the Sohar Centre. You once told me recently that you have automated everything in the control disc, according to which after a 90-minute resting period of a person, a new storage automatically enters into function again. This information was, unfortunately, given outside of our actual contact conversation, according to which I do not have this in writing now, and thus, it cannot be made accessible to the other group members. Hence, could you still quickly explain these things to me once more?

好的,太感謝了,也非常感謝你的朋友。但既然說到這了,我還有一個關於「Sohar 中心」的問題。最近你曾經告訴過我,你已經讓控制盤中的所有功能都自動化了,根據這個系統,一個人在休息 90 分鐘之後,系統就會自動啟動新的儲存功能。這些訊息很可惜是在我們正式的接觸對話之外提到的,所以我沒有書面記錄,也不能將這些訊息提供給其他小組成員。因此,你能否再次我快速說明一遍?


7. That is of correctness, and so, I will state the data once again:


8. For security for the future and the possibility of a central incarnation, the Sohar Centre was built to our specifications by your group members.

為了給未來以及在「中心」轉世的可能性一個保證,這個「Sohar 中心」是根據你的小組成員的規格來建造的。

9. The Sohar Centre, however, holds dangers in itself, in reference to the possibility of dubious use by outsiders and evil-intentioned ones.

但是,這個「Sohar 中心」自身也存在著被外人以及用心險惡之人濫用的風險。

10. So that no opportunity is offered to such elements to make use of the Sohar Centre for a central incarnation, everything is to be automated in the future time in such a manner that a fluidal power registration becomes totally eliminated right away, as soon as an unauthorised person wants to make use of the Centre.

為了不給那些人機會來為了投生在中心使用「Sohar 中心」,將來一切都將自動運作,使得一旦非授權的人員想要利用這個中心,那麼所記錄的流體力(fluidal power)將被立刻全部清除。

11. This automation proceeds from the fact that a certain rotation in the times of use of the Sohar Centre must be kept and completed and that the elimination of the stored forces of the unauthorised person concerned must take place immediately, as soon as an error in the time of use and the rotation appears.

這種自動化受益於對輪流使用「Sohar 中心」的時間的遵守,並且使用時間和輪換的失誤一旦發生,就必須立即消除未經授權者的儲存力量。

12. In a simply stated and explained manner, it looks like this:


13. To simplify all things related to the Sohar Centre, and so that in the future, all such concerns can be determined by the core group members, without them requiring any data or information from us, everything became automated in the following data and work values:

為了簡化一切與「Sohar 中心」的事情,使得在將來所有與之相關的事宜能夠由核心組員來決定,而不再需要我們提供任何資料或資訊,一切都會基於如下資料和工作原理自動運作:

(Purely internal group interests and data.)


14. In addition, it is still to be explained that the automatic control mechanism built into the control disc is not functioning in the desired form because some special technological accessories are still to be installed.


15. Thus, the automatic control mechanism still presently functions in the manner that, with an erroneous occurrence of a new storage that is not kept in its precisely prescribed values, a total elimination of all stored fluidal powers of all previously registered group members results, but this should not mean any danger if the persons responsible for the Sohar Centre adhere to the required times and are always mindful of the fact that the 90 minutes are not exceeded.



Good, then that is now clear. By when do you think that this machine will function completely?



16. By the 2nd or 3rd of November, it should be possible for me that I can still complete everything.

11 2 日或者 3 日之前,應該能夠完成所有的工作。

17. Until then, you just have to be careful enough that no errors occur because I would hardly be able to change them, which means that a new storage would absolutely have to be kept until then, if one would appear; otherwise, all storage of all group members would become eliminated.


18. I was not able to regulate this differently because I have to solve some problems so that, in the future, any negative forces are automatically eliminated if such should go into action through any person in the Sohar Centre, and indeed, already upon their delivery, so that the same thing cannot happen some other time, as this was the case with Amata.

我還不能以其他方式重新安排此事,因為我必須先解決一些問題,確保未來任何負面力量在進入 Sohar 中心時都會被自動消除,即便是在已經被釋放出時也會被消除,這樣同樣的事就不會再次發生,就像 Amata 那次的情況一樣。


I find that good; then in the future, a very serious problem is, indeed, solved through this.



19. That is of correctness.


20. We must be able to be absolutely certain in the future that such Ausartungen [having gotten very badly out of control of the good human nature] or the like will not happen anymore, which is why I have to change everything.


21. Many group members have given me occasion to act in such a manner because I had to find out, through their thoughts and actions, that everything is not addressed and done with sufficient seriousness and that everything is often even willfully handled in a malicious manner.


22. Thus, it has arisen that all possible safety precautions are truly not only appropriate but also necessary.



You are probably right about that, unfortunately.



23. It is of correctness, I know, but now, I will devote myself to your writing, while you shall be oriented by Semjase and Ptaah about many future events, as I promised you at our last contact.

是的,我知道,但現在,我會好好讀一下你寫的東西,與此同時,Semjase Ptaah 會向你介紹一下許多將來會發生的事件,這是我在上次會面時向你承諾過的。


Okay, then just go ahead.



21. You may not make public use, too prematurely, of the data and remarks that my father and I will give you now and, therefore, may not disseminate them, only in your group, but not in the public.



Certainly not, I can really be silent.



11. That is well-known to us, for otherwise, we would not give you any information.



How is it, then, with this: may I hand over that which has already happened to the group members in each case? I mean, may I publish the relevant contact pages in each case when the events recorded on them have happened or when the coming events are forthcoming shortly?



12. That is granted to you.


13. Two or three days before the arrival of the events, you may openly inform the group members about the impending events and, thus, may give them everything in writing.



22. Sure, for then, they cannot cause any damage anymore with the written reports.



Good, thanks, that is really something.



23. Before I initiate you into these things, I would still like to ask you a favour, which moves me very much:


24. If you come back into the situation that you no longer endure all things, then please do not interrupt your contact with me.


25. Please be aware, always and under all circumstances, that I am your friend and will always try to understand you, even if you do not want to continue everything anymore, if you should truly decide on that, but I do not exactly hope now that you will do that.


26. Even if you would lay everything down from yourself, you should have the assurance that I would not want to break off the contacts with you, and certainly neither would father or Quetzal.

即使你想要放下自己的一切,我也會向你保證我不會想中斷與你的接觸,當然我父親和 Quetzel 也是一樣。

27. You should, therefore, be clear to yourself about the fact that even after a laying down of your task, our friendship and connection would continue to exist.


28. I still wanted to tell you this.



That is very kind of you, girl, and it is… damn…

真是太好了,姑娘,而且... 該死的...


14. My daughter speaks from my heart.


15. It really should be like that, if some time, you no longer continue, which we do not want to hope for, however.



24. That is also of correctness for me, because I join this thought in every respect.



Thanks – I thank you all. You can really get to my kidneys, damn it again…



29. You are unchangeable, even in your emotions.



16. That is so, and your Cannibal should also finally become aware of that.


17. You are not to be changed – in any matters.


18. Greet her cordially for me, but tell her that she should think thoroughly about herself and you once; then, she will understand much better.


19. I have found out various things through some analyses, and that is why I say that.


20. At the same time, unfortunately, I also had to note some very deplorable things on her part.



I can already piece some things together.



30. Sure, because you are, indeed, right at the source, only that this sometimes gives quite bitter waters from itself.


31. But nevertheless, greet her also for me, and tell her that I carry her with me in love.



You say that very beautifully, my child. By the way, I am to give you all the dearest greetings from all group members and also from some others.



32. Quite dear thanks for that, and also greet them all for me.



21. That should also be the case from my side.


22. I wish everyone good welfare and much joy.



25. I do not want to stand back therewith.


26. Pay all my dear and cordial greetings as well.



I will do that, but may I quickly bother you once again, Quetzal?



27. Do you have a question?



I do, my son. You know that I have a new typewriter, and I would like to try to type the contact reports with this in the future. Would it be possible, perhaps, that you could do something, so that I can do this? You know that all the other machines are out of the house, which means that I practically do not use them anymore and have passed them on and now other people type on them.



28. I understand. You can only use these apparatuses with difficulty because they have somehow become foreign to you, and due to other people working with them, the mechanics have shifted, whereby you would have difficulties.



Exactly, that is it. Do you also have the same problems yourselves then?



33. Sure.



Aha, is that, perhaps, also one of the reasons that all or at least many of you have your own beamships?



29. That is the true reason, that is of correctness.


30. We only use other apparatuses of any kind that are not adapted to us is some circumstances require it.



Aha, that is interesting, but how does it stand now with the fact that I can use my new Adler Typewriter for typing the contact reports?

哈,真有趣,那麼現在我是否能使用這台新的 Adler 打字機來寫接觸報告?


31. If you can maybe wait for 5 to 8 days, before I will transmit the report to you, then it can probably be arranged that I can develop an electronic speed inhibition and install it in the transmitter.


32. Thus, you could then write in a slower form because the transmission would come to you more slowly.



Good, thanks; with that, I could also correct serious spelling errors and such to some extent because I have a mechanical error correction key on the new machine.



33. Then I will take care of it, but you still have to wait a little, as I already told you.


34. It may take several days, maybe 5 to 8, before I am ready.



That is fine, many thanks.



34. Then now, I can inform you of the other things, or do you still have another question?



No, not at the moment. Perhaps later, so just calmly begin at once.[1]



35. So then listen carefully:


36. As the first sign of the advanced fulfilment of the determined turning point, a sect massacre will take place, for which many political personalities will bear great guilt.


37. Through murder and forced mass suicide, some 200 children and about 1,023 adult human beings will meet death, but out of all these, only a number of approximately 1,000 will yet be discovered.

通過這次謀殺和強迫集體自殺,有大約 200 名兒童和約 1,023 成年人遭遇厄運,但是其中只有大約一千人被發現。

38. This tragedy will occur in Jonestown, a settlement site in Guyana, named after the megalomaniacal and consciousness-impaired sect leader Jim Jones, who, with a large part of his fanatical followers, influenced under hypnosis, has immigrated to Guyana and created a settlement site there, where he holds his believers like slaves.

這一悲劇將會在蓋亞那Guyana;通稱圭亞那)的定居點瓊斯鎮Jonestown發生,這個地方因一個狂妄自大的並且意識受損的邪教領袖吉姆.瓊斯Jim Jones)而得名,他和他的大部分受催眠影響的狂熱追隨者,移民到蓋亞那,並在那裡建造了這個定居點,而在那裡,他把這些信徒當作奴隸一樣控制著

39. Through recommendation letters of many political personalities of America, he has succeeded in the immigration with his followers into Guyana, where he leads a barbaric regiment.


40. By the time after the middle of November, it will have come so far that he evokes a massacre through compulsion, hypnosis, and fanaticism, to which well over one thousand human beings will fall victim.

到了 11 月中旬以後,他會通過強迫,催眠以及狂熱主義來掀起一場大屠殺,讓超過一千人成為受害者。

41. Very many will voluntarily take a poison offered to them and will also kill their children with this, while others will be forced to do so and the remainder will fall by bullets of murderous hands.


42. The extremely degenerate sect, called "Peoples Temple" or "Peoples Church Union," is very active politically and is supported by American politicians who bear very great guilt for the fact that it can come to this horrible massacre, as these were the ones who paved and opened all ways for the insane Jim Jones' doings.

這一極端變態的邪教,叫做「人民聖殿」(Peoples Temple)或者「人民教堂聯盟」(Peoples Church Union),它在政治上非常活躍,也受到許多美國政客的支持,這一批政客將為即將發生的恐怖的大屠殺這一事實背負巨大罪責,因為就是這些人為吉姆.瓊斯的所作所為敞開了大門,鋪平了道路。

[中譯者註:以上事件就是發生在1978 11 18 日的瓊斯鎮大屠殺。瓊斯鎮又譯瓊斯敦,位於南美洲國家圭亞那西北部的叢林地帶,是一個農業型公社,1974年開始在人民聖殿教教主吉姆.瓊斯的領導下由眾教徒集體開發。
在事件中有908人死於瓊斯鎮,他們均為集體服毒自殺,除2人外均明顯被氰化物毒殺。根據事件參與者在自殺當日及先前的錄音帶紀錄,套用教主吉姆.瓊斯的話,他們不是被毒殺,而是「革命自殺」。而在自殺的908人當中,有超過200名兒童被謀殺。這次自殺事件與美國國會議員里奧.瑞恩Leo Joseph Ryan, Jr.)前往調查瓊斯鎮虐待事件有關。1118日,當瑞恩及隨行者完成調查,在凱土馬港的飛機跑道上欲登機離開時,被人民聖殿教的成員開火射擊,瑞恩、3名媒體人員及1名欲離開瓊斯鎮的教徒被殺。(資料來自《維基百科)]


That is, indeed, horrifying – is there no possibility, then, to prevent all that? Something must still be able to be done.



43. No, there is no possibility, for these events must happen because very many important effects are connected with these, which will take place particularly in America.


44. You yourself will then play an authoritative role in this because after the events, you shall then direct a message from us to the American government and to the American people.



And what should this message contain, then?



45. You will learn that at the given point in time.



Fine, but how do you imagine that I should reach the American government? If I write to them, they will never receive my message; I know this from experience.



46. That will not be so, for today, you maintain the authoritative contacts, so the message will reach its destination.


47. We will still give you corresponding instructions in this connection.


48. This task is incumbent upon you and us even then, when things shall happen between us, which will be very unpleasant.



What, now, should that mean?



49. You will see within a short time.


50. But do you still promise me that you will take on this task anyway?


51. For various reasons, we cannot do this ourselves and also cannot delegate anyone else, by which I mean Earth-humans, who, unfortunately, are not available to us apart from you.



Okay, I will not chicken out. That is a promise.



52. Sure, you tend to keep your promises in honour, but be aware that the fulfilment of the same will come very hard for you because very unpleasant things will happen.



You can count on it. I will not avoid my duty, not in any manner.



53. That is a word on your part, as one cannot expect it any differently from you.


54. I am very grateful to you.



Nonsense, make no fuss of it. Tell me rather, what all is still coming for the world, which you wanted to tell me anyway. At the same time, it would also interest me very much, whether the Shah of Persia will really be overthrown after the New Year and be expelled from Iran, as I had calculated. On the other hand, I also wonder whether the adept Voyager 1 sent out by the USA will obtain good results at Jupiter?

別大驚小怪了。倒不如說說我你想告訴我的,這世界還將發生什麼事。同時我還想知道,根據我的計算,伊朗國王將在新年之後被推翻並被驅逐出境,是不是這樣?另一方面,我還想知道美國發射的「航海家 1 」(Voyager 1)是否會在木星獲得好的收穫?


55. According to our calculations of the flight path of the probe, this has to pass very close to the star and to several moons of Jupiter, which means that good results have to be obtained, if the apparatuses of the observation equipment work flawlessly.



Does that mean, therefore, that the time comes when the scientists will discover that the so-called Red Spot of Jupiter is, in truth, a self-rotating, funnel-shaped storm hole in the wildly surging high surface of this unfinished sun and that this funnel hole forms the centre of a gigantic and many thousand year-old storm? And does this also mean that it will now be found out that not only do Saturn and Uranus have a ring system but also even Jupiter, only that it is, indeed, of a very different kind than the other two at Saturn and Uranus?

也就是說,有一天,我們的科學家們將會發現,木星上的那塊所謂的「大紅斑」(Red Spot)其實只是一個自我高速旋轉的漏斗形風暴漩渦,不斷地在這個沒有轉型成功的太陽表面運動。這個漏斗形的暴風漩渦形成了一個巨大且持續數了數千年的風暴中心?而且他們還將會發現除了土星和天王星有光環之外,木星也有自己的光環。但是木星的光環和前兩者的有著明顯的不同,是嗎?

[中譯者註:大紅斑Great Red Spot,簡稱GRS)是一個位於木星大氣層的持續高壓區域,其中有太陽系中規模最大的反氣旋風暴。(資料來自《維基百科》)]




56. Surely, that should actually be ascertained, for the probe will be steered so close to the celestial body that it should record these things, but that will hardly be the case because Jupiter's rings consist of nearly invisible particles that are so minutely small and transparent that they can only be registered as clouds with special apparatuses.

是的,這基本上是確定的事了,因為這個探測器會被指揮飛得非常靠近這個星體,它應該能夠記錄下這些事實,但是對於「木星環」(Jupiter's rings),就不是這麼回事了,因為它是由一些幾乎看不見的物質所組成,它們是一些幾乎透明的,細小的物質聚集在一起,只有用特殊設備才能把它作為雲狀物拍攝下來。

57. Jupiter's spot, however, will be recognised as a mighty storm.



Aha, and so, will it also not be found out that the ring clouds around Jupiter, to a large extent, consist of tiny particles ejected from large volcanoes of the moon Io, which are, in part, captured by Jupiter, while the greatest part of all the ejected material, however, falls back to Io and, in turn, almost covers up practically all volcanic openings and also falls on the plains and mountains, so that this moon, in contrast to the other Jupiter moons, does not have too large a crater landscape, but rather a fantastic flatness, despite the many craters?


[中譯者註:以下是伽利略號Galileo)於 1999 年七月所拍攝到木衛一的真實色彩影像,可見表面滿佈活躍的火山(資料來自《維基百科》)]。




58. You listened very carefully to my explanations on your flight travels with me and have admirably retained them in memory.


59. Are you still able to remember other things?


60. These facts will, by the way, be ascertained with certainty by the observation equipment.



Well, I naturally still know some things because I have not forgotten everything that you and Ptaah explained to me. I can still remember well that the various large moons of Jupiter bore various colours, such as red, yellow, brown and white, as well as orange. I also remember that you told me that Jupiter should have actually become a sun, but the mass was too small for this star to really be able to develop into a sun; nevertheless, the whole formation essentially consists of liquid helium and hydrogen. Also, I still know that you or Ptaah explained to me that, primarily, potassium salts and sulfur compounds would form the surfaces until deep down inside and that everything had been deposited as a very thick crust after the enormous masses of water had given way on this satellite. In particular, I think I remember that you said that specifically the moon Io was once completely covered by water. If I remember correctly, you told me – I no longer know whether it was you or Ptaah – that the moon Europa is the complete opposite of Io, that the masses of water there did not evaporate and did not change; rather, they froze into a gigantic sheet of ice. In addition, you told me many other things and gave me explanations, of which I still know a great deal. Thus, you also told me that the moon, which I designated as an enormous chicken egg, is only about 200 kilometres in length. I think it was the next moon of Jupiter, whose name I no longer remember.

當然我還知道一些事,因為我從沒忘記過你和 Ptaah 告訴我的事。我還記得很清楚,木星的幾個大的衛星有著不同的顏色,比如紅色、黃色、棕色、白色還有橙色。我還記得你告訴過我木星本來可以成為一顆恒星,但是它的質量太小,沒能發展到那一步;儘管如此,它整個的構成基本上是液態的氦和氫。而且我還知道你和 Ptaah 跟我解釋過,在這顆衛星(木衛一)上,在失去了大量的水以後,主要由鉀鹽和硫化物會形成的表層一直延伸到很深的內部,形成了一個非常厚的一層殼。我還記得,你曾經說過特別是木衛一這顆衛星,曾經完全被水所覆蓋。如果我記得不錯,你告訴過我,但我不記得是你還是 Ptaah 說的的,另一顆衛星「木衛二」(Europa;又稱為「歐羅巴」)木衛一正好相反,它那裡大量的水沒有蒸發,沒有改變過;而是凍結成一個巨大的冰層。另外,你還告訴過我其他很多事,給了我很多解釋,其中我還記得很多。你還告訴過我,那顆我把它叫做雞蛋的,長度只有約 200 公里。我想它是木星的下一個衛星,不過我不記得它的名字了。


61. You have an admirable memory in all things.


62. The moon, which you have just mentioned, is called "Amalthea" among you.


63. The moon Io, of which you said something, is, by the way, the most volcanically active planetary body in the Jupiter system.


64. But that was already explained to you at that time, if you can still remember?



Of course, I do not forget such things so quickly. At that time, you said that this moon is much more volcanically active than the Earth. Incidentally, I also still remember very well that you explained that the kilometer-wide cloud formations in the storm funnel of Jupiter move at a very high speed and rotate counterclockwise.



65. Sure, I explained that to you.



I now just wonder whether I still remember correctly about the volcanism on the moon Io. If I am right, you explained that the volcanic eruptions there occurred by elemental power and resembled enormous explosions that hurl out their ejection material like atomic bomb mushrooms, whereby some would reach heights of up to 180 kilometers. Primarily, these should concern dust particles, gases, ash and a little magma, which reach centrifuge speeds of up to 2,300 kilometers per hour or higher, because through the missing atmosphere of the moon, only a slight opposing force is present. In addition, you said that the greatest part of all ejection material falls back to the moon, as I already mentioned just now. The rest, so you explained, becomes pushed out into space, where a portion is then attracted by Jupiter and very slowly condenses itself in its ring system into a heavy formation of sulfur ions. Is that right?

現在我在想是否我還能正確記得關於木衛一上面的火山活動的內容。如果我記得不錯,你解釋過那裡的火山爆發由自然力量造成,表現為巨大的爆炸,噴發出的物質像原子彈的蘑菇雲一樣,其中有一些能夠到達 180 公里的高度。這些物質主要是塵粒、氣體、灰燼以及一點點岩漿,它們的飛離速度能夠達到每小時 2300 公里,甚至更高,因為衛星上沒有大氣層,只存在極小的阻力。而且,你說過噴射出的物質的絕大部分都落回了衛星,我剛才也提到過。其餘部分,你解釋說,被拋入宇宙空間,其中的一部分被木星所吸引並且非常緩慢地在它的環系統中濃縮成一種沉重的硫離子(sulfur ions)結構,是這樣的嗎?


66. Your recollections are very accurate.



Okay, so that is good. What still interests me and which I no longer know exactly: in Iran, another civil war of short duration is still to break out shortly before the overthrow of the Shah. Do you know when this will be?



67. Sure, on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of February, 1979.

知道,在 1979 年的 2 9 日、10 日和 11 日。


The whole absurdity will, indeed, cost many human lives, if I am right. Even so, around one thousand death sentences are then to be carried out afterwards under the auspices of the murderer Khomeini. The whole thing is, in truth, not just purely political from Khomeini's and the Shah's side; rather, it will happen because Khomeini wants to take revenge on the Shah because the Shah's father let Khomeini's father be murdered long ago. Is that right?



68. Sure, that is correct.



Good, I just wanted to know that.



69. Then I can still inform you of other, more important things.



If you permit, I would still have but one more question.



70. Just ask, for you would, indeed, give it no rest.



You are probably right about that.



71. So ask, then.



It concerns Vietnam and China. Will China really attack Vietnam at the end of February or something? And will it really be just a proforma attack, which represents the very first precursor to what repeats itself at a later time and what will then form the actual starting point of a war, at least by that part which will be started by China, if the thoughts and actions of those responsible do not change to the better?


[中譯者註:這場「中越戰爭」發生在 1979 2 17 日至 3 16 日期間,中國方面亦稱對越自衛反擊戰,也是俗稱的“懲越戰爭”,越南方面則稱越中邊界戰爭。]


72. You know about these things very well and also know that everything will be inevitable; thus, it will, in fact, arrive.


73. So why do you ask?



I just wanted a confirmation, nothing more.



74. You have thus received it.


75. Can I now go on?



Of course, that was, for the time being, my last question – until the next one. Actually, this already fits, but I will gladly still wait with it, if you have more important things.



76. Just ask, for otherwise, you will give it no rest.



Once again, you are probably right about that. Well then, my question is this: your official details about the number of Jupiter's moons are not right because they only correspond to a part of the truth. To my knowledge, this giant planet has 17 larger moons and several smaller ones, as I learned from Ptaah during the Great Journey.

關於這你可能又對了。那好吧,我的問題是:你給我的正式資訊裡,木星衛星的數量不對,因為它只有一部分符合事實。據我所知,這個巨星有 17 顆大一點的衛星以及幾顆小一點的,這是我在「偉大之旅」中從 Ptaah 那裡得知的。


77. That is right, but for certain reasons, that may not become known on the Earth before the month of September, 1979; after that, this fact will then no longer play a role.

是的,但出於特定原因,不能在 1979 9 月之前讓地球人類知道;在那之後,這一事實就不再有保密的必要了。

78. By the way, at least two other moons of the planet will be discovered by the American scientists in the course of their evaluations of Jupiter's images.



Then it will not be only one?



79. I told you that they will discover at least two, after which then only three of the larger ones and several of the smaller ones still will not be known to them.



That is, indeed, something, but I will be silent about that.



80. That is also of urgent importance, but on the other hand, you are able to be silent, without it causing you difficulties.


81. For this reason, I will also entrust to you, likewise under the obligation to maintain secrecy, that a lot will be decided for you and all group members in the next year.


82. As usual, these decisions will be connected with serious lies, destruction attempts, and intrigues, which will primarily go out due to the brothers H. and K. and their aunt O. W. as well as M. F.

和往常一樣,這些決定會與一系列謊言、破壞性企圖和詭計有關,發生這些事主要來自 H. 兄弟,K. 和他們的姨媽 O. W.,還有 M. F. 這些人。

83. You and Elsi shall even be taken before a court.

你和 Elsi 甚至會被告上法庭。

84. But you should not be disturbed by this because through these intrigues, lies, and destruction attempts, you all will be able to register the first great success in reference to the publicising of your and our mission.


85. Thus, it will be that Japanese television will make a good film in your Centre about our interests, after which then soon, in the month of September or October, 1979, also the first book will be completed and sold.

這樣,日本的電視台將會就我們的目的為中心製作一部很好的影片,在那之後很快,於 1979 9 月或 10 月,第一本書也將完成並上市出售。


Human child, that is some piece of news. But why, exactly, will Japanese television come?



86. This will be the merits of your American friends.


87. The first book will also be given in print by them, and this work will be one that cannot find its equal on the Earth.



Is it the one that Wendelle Stevens has written?

Wendelle Stevens 寫的那本書嗎?


88. No, it concerns another one, filled with your best shots of our beamships.



There, I am but curious. But why, then, must I be silent about that?



89. Because through this, many of those of your enemies can still create big lies and intrigues and spread these worldwide, which will then be recognised as such by the film and the book, by which means the spreaders of lies and intrigues will suffer a tremendous defeat and become non-credible all over the world, which is necessary.



Regular psychological warfare.



90. That is right; it really represents such.



Then I can, indeed, look forward to everything quite calmly.



91. Certainly, you can do that, for there is no need to worry about it.



Okay, then one may be content. Do you still have other things in stock?



92. Sure, even very important things, which will also bring you work.



In what manner?



93. It concerns coming events, upon whose occurrence you are to compose a brief writing, in order then to hand this over to various governments of the Earth.



You know, nevertheless, that I have already done that several times, but no reaction had ever come from it.



94. Sure, but you should still strive for these things at the given point in time.



I can do that, of course, but what does it deal with, and what should become of it, if no success arrives again?



95. I will explain the connections to you in a moment.


96. If no reaction should occur upon your efforts, then the work was, unfortunately, in vain.


97. But at the same time, your and our obligation will have been fulfilled, to try a change to the positive for a threatening and serious political turmoil, which can lead to nasty, destructive riots and wars and those things that were already transmitted to you as prophecies in the year 1976.

但在這種情況下,你和我們就已經履行了負責的任務,那就是努力從積極方面改變具有威脅性的嚴重政治動盪,這種動盪可能會導致惡劣的、破壞性的騷亂和戰爭,以及在 1976 年已經作為預言傳給你的那些事情。


You give me a riddle, for I do not know what your talking about?



98. Think of the prophecy of the threatening Third World War.



– – – Ah, now the penny has dropped. You speak of the prophecies, in which there is talk of the overthrow of the Murderer-Emperor Shah-in-Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, of whom you have, indeed, already spoken, and of the death of the Yugoslavian dictator Tito, who shall pass away in the next three years, when Saturn shines its light on the Earth, and of the invasion of the Soviet-Russian army into Afghanistan at the end of the year 1979, as well as of the re-election of Indira Ghandi as Prime Minister in India and her then following death, which will shake the entire Indian nation, as well as of the alliance of the Americans with various Middle East and Far East countries, to which still the alliance of the Pakistanis with the Chinese comes, along with many other events to be expected.

啊,我明白了。你說的是那個預言,其中說到穆罕默德-李查.巴勒維Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi)這個兇手兼國王的垮台,你之前也說起過他,預言還說到南斯拉夫獨裁者鐵托Tito;又譯為狄托)的去世,據說他將在未來三年土星照耀地球時死亡,還有蘇聯軍隊在 1979 年底入侵阿富汗,還有英迪拉.甘地Indira Ghandi)重新當選為印度總理,隨後她的死亡造成了印度的舉國震驚,還有美國與幾個中東和遠東國家結盟,以及巴基斯坦也與中國的結盟,還有許多其他事件。


99. Sure, I speak of that, but no prophecies were transmitted to you in such detail because those details were not mentioned in them; those come from your own calculations.


100. At any rate, you have not received them from us.



I am sorry, I have, in fact, somewhat calculated the events to be expected.



101. My words should not be a reprimand for you.



Then I have misunderstood you.



102. You probably did not talk about it publicly, but only in your group?






103. Then everything is, indeed, good.


104. Have you calculated any other details?



I have, namely some political machinations, which must lead to the fact that the ways are actually paved for the fulfilment of the prophecies.



105. What possibilities have you calculated?



For example, I have discovered, as I already said, that the Pakistanis, and to be sure, the West Pakistanis, will make a military and politico-economic alliance with the Chinese, so these can find unhindered inlet into Pakistan. This must lead then, according to Adam Riese, to the fact that the Chinese will then possibly settle in Pakistan and open the way and appropriate up to the western part of the Indian Ocean, by what means the exit and access road from and to Arabia is then already opened for them, should they want to advance one day – if the prophecy should fulfil itself – into the Middle East, in order to fulfil the prophecy there. In addition, my calculations yielded that the Americans could get involved with the Pakistanis and the Chinese because they have to fear an advance of the Russians from Afghanistan to the Indian Ocean, through which the whole situation becomes even more muddled and through which the Russians are forced to further steps, which could produce rather bad consequences, and this would be the beginning for the fact that the Bear then breaks out, as this is written in the prophecy. Moreover, it also arose from my calculations that the Scorpion, even Indira Ghandi, in her nature of instability and intrigue-strength, can suddenly take a catastrophe-wielding political step in the direction of Russia, which could mean a renewed threat to overall world peace, for then the Russians would also gain a foothold there, namely in India, and thus would again have a free way to the Indian Ocean, like if they would penetrate through Persia or Pakistan, whose rulers are so childish and inadequate and ignorant that the possibility must also be given to them, that they will pave and open the ways for the Russian army. All the calculations show that the situation could become so very muddled that the right action resulting from it can only be recognised with difficulty.

例如,如我曾說過的那樣,巴基斯坦,確切說是西巴基斯坦,將和中國建立軍事和政經聯盟,這樣中國會毫無阻礙地進入巴基斯坦。根據 Adam Riese 的說法,這也一定會導致中國可能在巴基斯坦站穩腳跟,打開並佔據通往印度洋西部的道路,由此,如果有一天他們想要向中東挺進並讓那個地方的預言實現的話,那麼這條通往阿拉伯的道路便已打開。另外,我的推算得出,美國可能會介入巴基斯坦和中國的聯盟,因為他們害怕蘇聯從阿富汗進軍印度洋,由此整個狀況就變得更加膠著,於是由此蘇聯將被迫邁出下一步,而這可能產生非常糟糕的後果,這將是如預言中所寫的熊破籠而出(Bear then breaks out)的開端。不光如此,我的推算還得出,天蠍座的英迪拉.甘地,由於她的多變和耐人尋味的天性,可能突然對蘇聯採取災難性的政治措施,這會給世界和平帶來新的威脅,因為到那時,蘇聯將在印度站穩腳跟,並再次獲得通往印度洋的暢通無阻的通道,就好像他們要穿過伊朗和巴基斯坦一樣,而這些國家的統治者是如此的幼稚,沒有足夠的教育和理解能力,以至於他們也必須被認為有可能為俄羅斯軍隊鋪平和開闢道路。所有的推算都顯示情況可能變得非常糟糕,基於它們要做出正確的應對措施將會非常困難。

To this still comes the confusions of various non-aligned and other countries up to Europe as well as the instability and lack of directionality of the leaders of these countries, who are worse than teenage children in their decision making power and illogic, so also from there, further malicious political threats, intrigues and unconscious destructive factors are still lurking, which could contribute their part to the beginning of the downfall, even though at the time of the first world-shaking crisis, after the invasion of the Soviet army into Afghanistan, some super clever, special politicians, etc. will claim that a Third World War cannot threaten anymore. However, these super clever ones and know-it-alls do not bear in mind that the Third World War will not break out all of a sudden as such but that, as the beginning already proves and as it will soon prove itself again after the invasion of the Russian army into Afghanistan, several individual countries will first get together in the wool and allow acts of war to break out from this, before the larger unions of various countries are found, which could then lead to the World War. The UN and NATO will then no longer have anything at all to report about this, and to be sure, already then when the Russians march into Afghanistan, which, incidentally, they have to do at the end of 1979, for they are obligated to do so by a contract; therefore, they will properly march in there and not make an incident of war, as it will be maintained. The UN and NATO, however, will become jumping jack organizations after this incident because they have never been so developed in their sphere of influence, as this would have had to be the case. Those responsible of these two organizations, and those involved in them in other ways, were and are, in truth, never capable of developing these organizations into what they basically should have become. Thus, they will not be able to receive enough power and respect for themselves at the given point in time to change or even just authoritatively influence the threatening world-political situation, in order to attain a change to the positive. But at the same time, these leaders are not capable of this, so even they, with their two organizations, cannot change anything in the impending fulfilment of the prophecies if, within a period of one year, the beginning of the one day possible bitter end in the third millennium begins to develop itself.

此外,還有諸多不結盟的其他國家乃至整個歐洲會出現混亂,以及這些國家領導人的不穩定和失去方向,這些領導人非常沒有邏輯性,他們的決斷能力還不如十幾歲的孩子,於是從那開始,還可能會出現更多的惡意的政治威脅、詭計和無意識的破壞性因素,而這些都會合力導致一個糟糕的開端,即便是這樣,某些聰明絕頂的,特殊的政客仍將會聲稱不再會有第三次世界大戰的威脅。然而,這些聰明絕頂的傢伙和萬事通們並沒有意識到,第三次世界大戰不會突然爆發,而是會在第一次危機的開始已經證明的方式下,各個國家首先互相爭吵,然後爆發戰爭行動,然後才會有各個國家的更大聯盟形成,這可能導致世界大戰。聯合國和北約在這件事上將不再有任何發言權,甚至在蘇聯入侵阿富汗時也不會有任何發言權,而且可以肯定的是,他們一定會在 1979 年底這麼做,因為他們是依照一個合約這麼做的;這樣他們就會大搖大擺地進軍到那裡,並且按照既定安排挑起事端,而聯合國和北約在這一事件後,將成為傀儡組織,因為它們從未在自己的勢力範圍內建立起應有的影響力。這兩個組織裡的負責人以及那些通過其他方式捲入其中的人,事實上從來沒有,也不會有能力將這兩個組織發展成它們本應成為的樣子。此時此刻,他們無法為自己爭取足夠的權力和尊重,以改變威脅性的全球政治局勢,甚至無法對其產生重大影響,從而帶來積極的變化。然而,這些領導人沒有這樣的能力,而如果在一年的時間裡,即便是這兩個組織也沒能夠改變任何預言中即將實現的事情,那麼在公元兩千年初的某個時候,苦澀結局的開端已經開始醞釀了。


106. You have dealt with these matters very thoroughly, so not just a little.


107. Yes, your remarks, unfortunately, correspond to the bitter truth, but some things could still be changed for the better in everything if you would compose an explanatory writing and submit it to the governments, and if your remarks would then be dealt with, which is not clear, unfortunately.


108. But still, you should write these remarks and declarations at the appropriate time, and to be sure, in the month of February, 1980, and submit these to the state governments of the Earth.

然而,你仍然應該在恰當的時間,確切說是在 1980 2 月,將這些事情和聲明寫出來,並且提交給世界上各國政府。


If that is your wish, then I will do it, of course, but to tell the truth, I expect nothing of it, for one will not listen to a single human being, especially when he is labeled as a spinner and visionary, as this is the case with me.



109. Nevertheless, you should do it.



Okay, your wish shall also be mine. Then should I also mention details and exact data with this, like, for example, the date of death of Tito and that of Indira as well as the sad and murderous misery that will break out in Persia after the taking over of power of the insane Ayatollah Khomeini? And should I also mention the inglorious end of this one and of the murderous Shah, which approaches the two?

好吧,你的願望就是我的使命。那麼我是否就應該提供細節和確切的日期,例如鐵托和英迪拉的死亡日期,以及在瘋狂的阿亞圖拉何梅尼(Ayatollah Khomeini)奪取權力後,伊朗將爆發的屠殺慘劇?是否我還應該提到這個傢伙以及殘暴的伊朗國王(Shah;也就是巴勒維國王)的可恥結局呢?


110. No, you may not make any public announcements about that, as this would lead to confusions and catastrophes, for which you could never take responsibility.



Then those events are also taboo, which will happen in Germany, Switzerland, and in America and which will also range outside of politics?



111. You must also be officially silent about those, also about what will occur in the South American countries, in Africa, and in various European countries in bloody events of a political and criminal form.


112. You should also make no more predictions, as I have already advised you.



By that, do you mean only the politically criminal ones, which will exhibit unusual degeneracies in the future, or the criminally criminal ones, which will fall into similar malicious courses like the political ones?



113. It applies to everything.



And what about the fanatical murders, suicides, and massacres from the religious sectarians and terrorists, who will start regular slaughters? And what about, for example, the Queen of Holland, who should resign, according to my calculations, in the spring of 1980? Do I also have to be silent about that?

那麼關於那些出自宗教教派以及那些視屠殺為日常的恐怖分子的狂熱謀殺,自殺和大屠殺的內容呢?還有關於例如,荷蘭女王根據我的推算,將於 1980 年春退位的消息?我是否也應該對此保持沉默嗎?


114. If it concerns such harmless things, like the resignation of this queen, then the disclosure of your knowledge plays no major role, for this queen is not in a world political situation that could provoke the important changes through an early disclosure of the fact that she wants to leave her office.


115. In addition, until now, I knew nothing about the fact that this queen wants to rid herself of her office.


116. Do your calculations relating to this agree?



I think so. Have you not dealt with these things, then?



117. No, because so far, there was no reason to do so, for the country of this queen is, for the time being, of no major importance because the foreign policy of this country has a correspondingly flat form.



Oh, I see. But what about the terrorist and sectarian occurances, etc.?



118. Also about those, I must obligate you to be silent publicly.



Okay, then just so be it. It gives me no joy anyway to bring these things to the man. On the other hand, it is also pointless because the human beings also would not change through this. And thirdly, I would only be insulted even more as being crazy and a visionary.



119. Sure, by this, you can save yourself that.


120. Have you even calculated other coming events?



No, I have not dealt with any more.



121. Then I would still like to tell you other things, which will be of importance for you.


122. The first one is associated with your work that you are to do in the month of February, 1980.

第一件事,與你在 1980 2 月所做的工作有關。


Then it shall even be so, but in addition, still another question: what we have discussed just now, may I announce this then, since it will, indeed, be in the contact reports?



123. You may surely do that then, since you did not mention more exact details.


124. But now, I would like to tell you the other interests and still ask you whether you have also made calculations concerning the Olympic Games in the year 1980, part of which is to be held in Russia?

但現在,我想告訴你其他有趣的事,並且還想問你一下,你是否也對 1980 年的奧運會(其中一部分將在俄羅斯舉行)進行過任何推算?


No, why? Should I have done that?



125. No, it just would have been interesting for you, and moreover, I could have saved myself some explanations.



No, I have not dealt with that. I would not have known why I should have done that. These games are, after all, not of so much importance that they could have a determining influence on the upcoming world situation, right? The Olympics are, after all, a non-political affair and were also brought into life in this form. To my knowledge, if I am not mistaken, the founder of the Olympic Games was named Pelepon, a distant descendant of a Minoan philosopher, who, in the year 468 B.C., called these games into life, and he regulated the fact that games take place every four years in a sporting fashion with fistfights, horseback riding and horseback riding games, with long-distance running, armed sports fights, with speakers, poets, philosophers, and artists of all types. Even a sort of Pentathlon was already brought into life by him. His condition at the founding of the Olympic Games was that at these competitions, members of all Hellenic tribes and Minoans should meet together uniformly and peacefully, as well as inhabitants of other lands, by which means a peaceful coexistence should be created and a true peace should be developed. Furthermore, his condition was that political disagreements or even acts of war between various States involved in these games and competitions should never be a reason for these states or their athletes, etc. not to participate in these peaceful competitions. His condition singly came from the fact that the Olympic Games may never be used as a means for political pressure or otherwise as some other peace-interfering means.

不,我沒有想過這個。我也不知道我本應該去處理它。畢竟這些比賽也不算太重要,不至於能夠對未來的國際局勢造成決定性的影響,是吧?畢竟,奧運會是一種非政治性的賽事,並且在創立之初就是這樣。如果我沒弄錯的話,據我所知,奧運會的創始人叫做 Pelepon,是米諾斯Minoan)的哲學家的遠親,他於西元前468年創辦了這項比賽,他規定每四年舉辦一次體育比賽,包括拳擊、馬術比賽、馬拉松,武裝格鬥,並且雲集了演講者,詩人,哲學家以及各式各樣的藝術家。他甚至已經創立了一種類似的五項全能(Pentathlon)比賽。他創立奧運會時設想,是在這些競技項目中,所有希臘部族和米諾人(Minoans),以及其他島嶼上的居民,都能夠團結和平地聚在一起,通過這種方式,構建出一種和平共處的局面,並且發展出一種真正的和平。而且他還規定,參與比賽競技的各個國家之間的政治紛爭乃至戰爭行為都決不能作為這些國家運動員不參與這些這些和平競賽的理由。他這種規定的立足點就是奧運會決不能用作一種施加政治壓力的手段或者其他任何干擾和平的手段。


126. Your remarks regarding these matters are astonishingly exact, but in one respect, you are very mistaken.


127. The Olympic Games have, unfortunately, already been caught in the wheels of the politics of the earthly governments for many decades, and this will be openly expressed to the world for the first time in the year 1980.

很遺憾,奧運會已經被地球各國政府劫持上政治的車輪好幾十年了,這一點將會在 1980 年首次公然表現出來。


That is just unreal! Is it because of the fact that the invasion of the Russian army will take place at the end of 1979?

難以置信!是否是因為蘇聯軍隊將在 1979 年底入侵阿富汗?


128. You are very clever and think very quickly.


129. Sure, that will be the reason.



Then I can already imagine what will come. First, the Americans will cry out and will try to undermine or boycott the Olympic Games in Russia. Then soon, a wide variety of America-friendly countries will unanimously join in in this wolf-howling and will enforce a worldwide Olympic boycott, and with certainty, also approximately at least 50% of the Swiss population will be involved in this indelicate dance because most Swiss, in truth, never behave neutrally and pursue the dirtiest politics, of which they do not have the slightest notion, however. But maybe it is good that this will happen because through this, then, the world public will one day understand and clearly learn whose brainchild a large mass of the Swiss people really is and, above all, where the much-vaunted neutrality lies and how far this reaches. Ah, that really is a dirty swine business, I think, and to be sure, both this phoney neutrality of many Swiss and, on the other hand, that such a dirty intrigue of an Olympic boycott can ever take place at all, that politics ever interfere in these competitive games at all. That contradicts, in every form, the original ideas, wishes, and conditions of the founder of the games as well as the old, traditional, sincere efforts of all those human beings who have participated in these games for nearly three millennia in a peaceful and condition-fulfilling form. That really is a rather damned and dirty mess, and those who cook up this mess are just as hopeless swine as those who support this. I would like to have said that with an absolutely neutral opinion and in regard to the fact that I regard the conditions – in terms of peace, peacemaking, and everything associated with it – of the founder of the Olympic competitions as probably the most admirable accomplishment ever of an Earth-human. But what is the use of this, if some swine – who still call themselves Earth-humans – make this probably best idea and accomplishment of a far-thinking and peace-loving human being simply unscrupulous, just so that they can prove their power through this and likewise hide their dirty anxiety as well as their absolute inability to govern and to make the right decisions that would finally create a global peace? But these fellows neither have any idea of how to lead a humanity nor a clue about leading a single people, not to mention that they should feel bound to a promise that their original forefathers made and swore: to create peace on the Earth at last. Oh damn it – how damn dirty these swine must really be – oh damn it, damn …

那麼我已經能夠想像將會發生什麼了。首先美國會大聲疾呼並且試圖瓦解或抵制在蘇聯舉行的奧運會。隨後很快,大量與美國交好的國家將一致加入這種聲討,並且增強了全球對奧運會的抵制運動,而且可以肯定地說,大約有至少 50% 的瑞士人口將被捲入這種不得體的舞蹈之中,因為事實上大多數瑞士人絕不會表現中立,並且試圖參與這最骯髒的政治活動,但是卻對政治沒有任何見解。但是,也許這會是好事,因為通過這樣,世界公眾會最終明白並清楚地瞭解這些瑞士民眾事實上是誰的跟班,並且首先要問,這種被過度吹噓的中立性究竟在何處,範圍有多大?唉,我覺得那真的是一種骯髒的勾當,而且可以肯定的是,許多瑞士人的這種虛偽的中立性,以及,從另一方面講,像抵制奧運會這樣骯髒的詭計根本不應該發生,政治也絕不應干涉這些競技比賽。這從各方面來說,都與奧運會創立者最初的想法、願望以及規定,以及那些接近三千年內以和平地和符合規定的形式參與了這些比賽的人們的古老的、傳統的和真摯的努力相違背的。那真是該死的、骯髒的事情,而那些始作俑者和支持者真的是像混蛋一樣無藥可救。對於這些奧運會創始者的,與和平,製造和平相關的規定,以及所有與之相關的東西,我想帶著絕對中立的看法說,這恐怕是地球人類有史以來最值得讚賞的成就。但是這又有什麼用,如果一些仍舊自稱為地球人類的混蛋,肆無忌憚地破壞那些具有遠見的,愛好和平的人類的這一可能是最好的構想和成就,以此來證明他們手中的權力,隱藏他們骯髒的焦慮以及他們在執政和決策,並且由此最終能夠造就全球和平的絕對的無能。但是這些傢伙既不知道怎樣引領整個人類,也不知道如何怎樣去引領哪怕是一個人,更不要說他們應該遵守他們的先祖的誓言:最終在地球上締造和平。啊這該死的,這些骯髒的畜生是多麼該死啊,這該死的,該死的...


130. You are extremely upset.



How should I not be? Damn it again. What do the Olympic Games have to do with all the shit-politics? Nothing, nothing at all. Quite the contrary, they should be such a work, that through them, peace becomes made and peace becomes maintained between the Earth-humans, without even a single word of shit-politics being dragged in at the same time.



131. Sure, your words correspond to the deepest truth, and also all your statements about all the concerns are no less laden with truth.


132. But you should not upset yourself because of that but rather act at the given point in time.



I will, and I certainly will not let on about anything up to then. When should I go at it, then?



133. In the first or second week of February, 1980.

1980 年二月的第一週或者第二週。


I will do that. Damn it again; I am really neutral, but nevertheless, one truly has to intervene there.



134. Sure, and you have thereby saved me many words, if I would have had to explain everything to you.


135. But you will still continue to retain your neutrality, even when you will make these things clear at the given point in time.


136. You represent, singly and alone, the facts of actuality, without engaging yourself politically.


137. Thus, no reasonably thinking human being will be able to accuse you of a breach of neutrality.


138. Only, when you do your work, you have to appeal, singly and alone, to the facts of actuality.



I will certainly do that, and I will not interfere in political matters; that just is not me. For me, Russia is Russia and America is America, or China is China and Switzerland is Switzerland. And every single human being in one of these or in any other country of the Earth is just a human being to me. To me, no one is a Swiss, a Russian, an American, Chinese, German or anything else that could refer to a nationality, because to me, everyone is only a human being.



139. Sure, I know that very well, also that you actually think and act in such a manner, and precisely this also gives us the certainty that you will do this difficult upcoming work in the right manner.



While I am honored by your confidence, girl, nevertheless, I still find this earthly shit-politics to be the most terrible earthly shit. Unfortunately, I cannot express that differently.



140. Sure, I understand you very well.


141. I would be very happy and delighted about it if I, too, was able to express myself in such words and feelings, as you can do this.


142. I actually envy you because of that.



Then just start cursing, damn it again. It really happens quite automatically when one has a large enough anger in one's belly. Just try it once. – Come on, just curse once, maybe then you will be better.



143. Does that correspond to your true opinion?



But of course, my golden child. Just curse once strongly.



144. Should I really do that?



Yes, try it once.



145. Well – – – damn.

好吧... 該死。


You say that like a person dying of thirst, who is totally apathetic. There is no feeling in it at all.



146. I cannot do it differently, however.



Maybe you will still learn it someday. But let us leave that. If it is allowed, then I would like to address a somewhat sensitive question to you?



147. Sure.



Please do not rush to throw this letter into the wastepaper basket without reading it, because the content is too important for you and for humanity as a whole for you to leave it unread and unheeded. But before I go into my very meaningful explanation, I would like to make it clear to you who here dares to address these lines to you at all:


On earth, I am simply known as Billy. A name which is probably not entirely unfamiliar to you and which you have certainly heard in connection with so-called UFO apparitions, which are so readily doubted by many Earth's humanity – for whatever misguided, self-important or religious and fearful reasons.

在地球上,我的名字叫比利。這個名字對你來說可能並不陌生,你肯定聽說過與所謂的UFO現象有關的事情,而地球上的許多人 ———— 無論出於何種誤導、自大或宗教和恐懼的原因 ———— 都很容易對這些事情產生懷疑。

There is really nothing more to explain about my personality, except perhaps that I have been in direct contact with extraterrestrial intelligences, or human life-forms, if you like, since I was five years old, as you can see from the book "UFO… Contact From The Pleiades", if you are willing to accept the truth described therein and do not want to see any fakes behind the whole thing, because as an Earth's humanity you are inclined to do so according to your prestige, as I am well aware. But think of the enormous financial resources I would have had to have at my disposal to falsify the evidence presented in the book or to pay for the analyses carried out in the USA. As a simple and penniless human being in this world, you must realise that I could never have had access to such funds, which would run into the millions. There were also no financial sharks, high politicians or religions behind me who would have helped me or who would do so. On the contrary, it is precisely these forces that make my work extremely difficult and try to nip the truth I want to spread in the bud. But enough of this, because you can find out everything you need to know about this in the above-mentioned book if you want to get it.

關於我的個性,真的沒有什麼好解釋的了,也許除了我從五歲起就與地外智慧生物或人類生命體直接接觸,如果你願意的話,你可以從《UFO... 來自昴宿星團的接觸》(UFO… Contact From The Pleiades)一書中看到,如果你願意接受書中描述的真相,不想看到整個事情背後的任何造假,因為作為地球人類,你傾向於根據你的聲望這樣做,我很清楚。但是,想想看,如果要偽造書中提供的證據或支付在美國進行分析的費用,我必須擁有巨大的財力。作為這個世界上一個身無分文的普通人,你必須意識到,我根本不可能獲得這些高達數百萬的資金。我的背後也沒有金融巨鱷、政界要人或宗教人士會幫助我,或願意幫助我。恰恰相反,正是這些勢力讓我的工作變得異常艱難,並試圖扼殺我想要傳播的真相。不過,這些就不多說了,因為如果你想獲得這本書,你可以在上述書中找到你需要瞭解的一切。





My statement addressed to you herewith covers the threatening events surrounding the Olympic Games of 1980, which are in danger of being boycotted by various political, economic and private forces.


As the mouthpiece of extraterrestrial intelligences, and in my own personality as a connoisseur of the meaning and true spirit of the Olympic competitions, I have the following statement to address to you, in the hope that you will consider and reflect on these matters as thoroughly as possible in order to make the correct rational decision:


The Olympics is a non-political affair and has also been brought into being in this form. The founder of the Olympic Games, Pelepon, a distant descendant of a Minoan philosopher, who established these games in 468 BC, that every four years peaceful competitions were held in a sporting manner, with fist fights, horse riding and equestrian games, long-distance running, armed sports competitions, with orators, poets, philosophers and artists of all kinds. He even created a kind of Olympic pentathlon. His condition when founding the Olympic Games was that members of all Hellenic tribes and Minoan descendants should come together for these peaceful competitions in a unified and peaceful manner, as well as inhabitants of other countries, thus creating peaceful coexistence and building true peace. His further condition was that even political disagreements or even acts of war between different states participating in the Olympic Games and competitions should never be a reason for these states not to take part in the peaceful Olympic Games. In detail, his condition was that the Olympic Games and competitions should never be used as a means of political pressure or as any other similar means that could jeopardise peace.


The entire spirit of the Olympic competitions has been absolutely apolitical in every respect since their inception, and they should also remain so for all time to come. No state, no hysterical and fearful head of state, no congress, no federal council, no Olympic boss, no Olympic committee and no other human being on Earth also has the right to change this fact one single iota. The founding of the Olympic Games at that time included the accepted and sworn condition, valid for all future generations, that no political intrigue, warlike political endeavour or any other political machination, not even a war between states participating in the Olympics, should ever lead to the Olympic competitions being used for political purposes or as a means of exerting pressure. However, it is precisely this basic principle and this fundamental condition of the Olympic spirit that is being violated today, in 1980, in a very malicious, fraudulent, treacherous and inhumane manner, thereby destroying the principle and the basic spirit of the Olympics, namely that the Olympic Games should serve solely and exclusively the peaceful pursuit of sport, peace and the peaceful unification of peoples on Earth, all the more so when political turmoil, disagreements or even war are threatened. And all this only because, at least from an Olympic point of view, irresponsible political, economic, private, religious and even Olympic leaders neither know nor are able to bear their responsibility in relation to the Olympics, but also because they fearfully interfere in political and military policy matters, as in this case in the invasion of Afghanistan by Russian forces.




Should a new boycott of the Olympic Games actually take place – a boycott of the 1980 Moscow Games? And all this because, since the revival of the old Greek idea of the peace-seeking Olympics, the unreasonable machinations of the earthly political powers have attached to these peace-oriented competitions on a friendly basis the nimbus of a political means of exerting force, which they have turned into lousy action for 84 years.

是否應該對奧運會進行新的抵制 ———— 抵制1980年莫斯科奧運會?這一切都因為,自從希臘追求和平的奧運會這一古老思想復興以來,世俗政治勢力不合理的陰謀詭計給這些以和平為目的的友好競賽披上了施加武力的政治手段的外衣,84年來,他們把這種政治手段變成了糟糕的行動。

Is it not finally time to put an end to these intrigues and return the Olympic Games to their original and true purpose? Since their revival in 1896, the Olympic Games have never had the character and true spirit unconditionally recognised by the oath that should and must be inherent to these Games.


Ever since the Olympic Games were re-founded in 1896 by the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin, they have been foreign to the true spirit, for they have always represented the continuation of politics by means other than military forces, war, espionage, assassination, murder and manslaughter. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, sport has been an excellent means of exerting pressure and playing ball with politics, religions, financial and other economic powers, and ultimately also private dubious forces. This is because sport, and the Olympics in particular, embodies the only earthly-global forum in which human beings from the most diverse earthly-state spheres of power can meet for the duration of a hockey or football match or even during the Olympic Games.

1896年法國的皮耶.德.古柏坦Baron Pierre de Coubertin)男爵重新創辦奧運會以來,奧運會一直與真正的精神格格不入,因為它始終代表著除軍事力量、戰爭、間諜、暗殺、謀殺和過失殺人之外的政治手段的延續。自二十世紀初以來,體育一直是向政治、宗教、金融和其他經濟勢力,最終也是向私人可疑勢力施加壓力並與之周旋的絕佳手段。這是因為,體育,尤其是奧運會,是地球上唯一的全球論壇,在這裡,來自地球上最不同國家權力領域的人類可以在曲棍球或足球比賽期間,甚至在奧運會期間會面。

The very first venue for the revived Olympic Games in 1896, namely the Greek capital Athens, was a political issue of war-triggering significance. Greece suddenly believed itself to be the centre of the Earth again, just as in the old incomprehensible and loud-mouthed times. And, how could it also have been otherwise; the Greeks broke out a war against the Turks over the ancient Minoan island of Crete, which the ancient Hellenes had appropriated around 3500 years ago when the volcanic island of Santorini exploded in the Aegean Sea, forcing the Minoans resp. Cretans to flee to the Hellenic mainland. However, the Ottomans and later the Turks, who after various changes of ownership of the island long after these incidents in Crete then made the island subservient to them, lost it again through the aforementioned war against the Greeks, who broke off this war dispute by reviving the Olympics, which were held in their country again after many centuries.


It is documented that the next Olympics in Paris in 1900 also served to demonstrate political power. The "Grande Nation" demonstrated its great economic power by organising the World Exhibition at the same time. The political skirmishes continued throughout all the Olympics, right up to the time of the Adolf Hitler dictatorship in the Greater German Reich. The 1936 Olympics were Hitler's means of demonstrating "the strength and might of the German national community of Nazi character". The 1952 Olympics in Helsinki were also characterised by political fluff and haze, as the country hosting the Olympics was seen as a peaceful oasis between the states of East and West lurking in cold war. The 1964 Olympic Games, held in the huge Japanese city of Tokyo, also had a strong political character, as Japan desperately needed to prove to the world its strength and might as an emerging industrial giant. At the 1968 Olympics, Mexico felt it was the right place to dramatically demonstrate its absolute claim to the role of absolute leader and ruler among the small and large countries of the Third World. In spite of its blatant poverty, Mexico absolutely had to prove its political greatness in order to be considered the most developed of the third world countries. The 1972 Olympic Games in the Federal Republic of Germany in Munich were intended to correct the false image of Adolf Hitler's time, which should have rectified the Olympic Games of 1936. Palestinian terrorists, however, destroyed this cheerful image of hope by causing a politically motivated bloodbath and massacre. Canada was also unable to stay out of politics in 1976 in relation to the Olympic Games, as the Games in Montreal made it imperative that the claim to a separate Canadian state of Quebec be made clear and publicised to the world.


Politics of all kinds have always been involved in the Olympic Games since they were founded in 1896. At the Games in Paris in 1900, the resentment culminated in rampant outbursts against the gymnasts of the old German Empire, against the grandeur of the people of the time and against the victors of the political turmoil of 1871. In 1912, the governments of St Petersburg and Vienna protested against the Olympic participation of Finland, Hungary and Bohemia, which wanted to appear as independent sporting nations. However, the Finnish athletes had to compete under the Soviet Russian flag, whereby they were only allowed to attach a small Finnish national pennant to the Russian flag.

1896年奧運會創辦以來,各種政治因素始終與奧運會息息相關。在1900年的巴黎奧運會上,人們對舊德意志帝國的體操運動員、對當時人民的傲慢行為以及對1871年政治動盪勝利者的怨恨達到了頂峰。聖彼得堡St Petersburg)和維也納政府於1912年提出抗議,反對芬蘭、匈牙利和波希米亞作為獨立的體育國家參加奧運會。然而,芬蘭運動員不得不在蘇聯的旗幟下參加比賽,他們只被允許在俄羅斯國旗上掛上一個小小的芬蘭國旗。

After the First World War, the countries found guilty of this were not invited to the 1920 Olympics. Austria, Germany and Hungary were not allowed to take part. The same game was repeated in 1948, with Germany and Japan failing to take part this time.


This has always been the case at the Olympics, ever since they were founded in 1896. Time and time again, without hesitation, unworthy of the Olympic spirit, power-hungry, oath-breaking, hostile to human beings and peace, attempts have been made to torpedo the Games of peaceful mission through lousy political activities and boycotts. Just as now in Moscow in 1980, the Americans did not want to take part in the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. The US sports officials, however, ignored their politicians' lousy anti-Olympic machinations and warnings, so that Adolf Hitler was able to enjoy an undreamt-of triumph through the participation of the American athletes. But his political triumph became even greater when the French athletes marched into the Olympic stadium in Berlin with the Hitler salute. The world was turned upside down and the great dictator of the Greater German Third Reich shone and triumphed in inexorably rising political might. So it was no wonder that Nazi propaganda was able to run riot and that the organisational skills of the Germans of the time were admired the world over. But what would have happened if the whole world had boycotted Hitler's Olympics back then, as the Americans are trying to do with Moscow today? Perhaps it would have meant that Dölfi Hitler would neither have attacked Poland on 1 September 1939 nor triggered the Second World War. But perhaps it would have led to the exact opposite, namely that the German people, incited by Nazi propaganda, would have felt offended and rallied even more closely to their leader and rallied around him, in order to trigger an even greater and more vicious world conflagration than the Second World War in and of itself already was. And this possibility is much more likely than that Dölfi Hitler would have just given in and cowered, or "only" launched the Second World War of the known dimensions.

這是奧運會自1896年重新舉辦以來一直如此。一次又一次,毫不考慮奧運會的信念,充滿權力欲望、背叛誓言、反人類和反和平,人們企圖通過卑劣的政治行為和抵制,破壞這些充滿和平使命的比賽。就像現在的1980年在莫斯科奧運會一樣,1936年美國人也不想參加在柏林舉辦的奧運會。然而,美國體育官員無視了其政治家的卑劣反奧運會活動和警告,這使美國運動員參與的奧運會成為阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)取得夢寐以求的勝利。但是,當法國運動員在柏林奧運會上以「納粹禮」(Hitler salute;亦稱「德國式問候」)入場時,他的政治勝利更加顯著。世界顛倒了,大德意志帝國的偉大獨裁者在不可阻擋的政治權力中熠熠生輝。因此,納粹的宣傳能夠大行其道,當時德國人的組織能力受到全球讚譽也就不足為奇了。但是,如果當時全世界都抵制希特勒的奧運會,就像今天美國人試圖抵制莫斯科奧運會一樣,會發生什麼呢?也許這將導致193991Dölfi Hitler(阿道夫.希特勒的別稱)既不侵犯波蘭,也不引發第二次世界大戰。但也許它將產生相反的效果;即德國人民在納粹宣傳的煽動下,會感到被冒犯,並更加緊密地團結在他們的領袖周圍,從而引發一場比第二次世界大戰本身更嚴重、更惡毒的世界大戰。這種可能性要比希特勒當時讓步並屈服,或者“僅僅”讓已知規模的第二次世界大戰開始的可能性大得多。

Even puny little states, some of which call themselves neutral, interfere in these dirty and dirty Olympic Games boycotts. For example, Switzerland, Holland and Spain were the big mouths to boycott the Melbourne Games in Australia when the Russian army invaded the CSSR and Hungary in 1956 and 1968 to crush the Hungarian uprising and the so-called Prague Spring. Nevertheless, the Hungarians took part in the Olympics – decked out in mourning colours. But they were also unable to let go of their feelings of political hatred and political interference in the Olympic Games, as the Hungarian athletes attacked the Soviet athletes in the water game, so that this Olympic competition, which was also intended to be peaceful, ended in a politically motivated and dangerous fight that degenerated into a bloody brawl, with many athletes from both parties having to receive medical treatment for months because they had beaten each other to hospitalisation. So the Russians invaded the CSSR, and in 1968 American troops fought a senseless, inhumane and murderous war in Vietnam. Despite this, practically all the athletes from the countries participating in the Olympics travelled to Mexico City. Only the Africans threatened to boycott, but in this case because of South Africa's inhumane racial policy, which, through apartheid, classified black and other coloured human beings below the level of animals. This then led to South Africa being excluded from the Olympic movement. Bribes paid in cash into the large pockets of black African sports officials prevented the African athletes from travelling to Munich in 1972. In 1976, however, all Africans left the Olympics in Montreal because they had learnt that a team of athletes taking part in the Olympics had played a rugby match against South Africa. So should the lousy intrigues against the Olympics be continued in 1980, or should the true spirit of the Olympics finally come to the fore?


Does the West really have to boycott the Moscow Games now? In all probability, this would be the absolute end of the Olympic Games before they would also have been one hundred years old after their revival. Such a boycott of the Olympic Games in Moscow would certainly lead to the Eastern Bloc also boycotting or even cancelling the next scheduled Olympics in 1984 in Los Angeles, USA.


The inhumane, unreasonable, lousy and destructive duel between the political, economic, military and sporting superpowers on earth has now reached that threatening point in the Olympic Games where their vital nerve has been severely affected. The first Olympic Games to be held in a socialist country could be the first and last ever if the West does not finally realise that it must not use sport in and of itself, nor the Olympics as a weapon and response to Soviet tanks and armed forces in Afghanistan, nor as another means of political pressure, just as Russia and all other earthly states must never do so. On the other hand, every Earth's humanity must realise that many a Muscovite or other Soviet Russian would certainly not even be angry if the Moscow Olympics were to fall through, because the invasion-like onslaught of Olympic tourism of around a quarter of a million to 320,000 human beings weighs like a heavy burden and a nightmare on their shoulders anyway. Last but not least, this is probably also the case for some Kremlin bosses, who certainly also have enormous burdens, worries and problems to bear even without the Olympics. These Kremlin bosses are also human beings, but unlike Western leaders, they are exposed to vicious and slanderous anti-propaganda.


All of this should be thoroughly considered and reconsidered by every Earth-human being in honesty and true neutrality, including you, who also only read and hear the truth of these statements as an Earth-human being.


Whether the invasion of the Russian army in Afghanistan is right or wrong is not for me to decide, it is not my will, it is not my competence and it is also not my ability and understanding, because I neither know the exact circumstances nor can I make a decision about it in my own neutrality. Whether right or wrong is therefore also not at my discretion, but only at the discretion of all those who are responsible for these events and who are affected by them. The only things I can say in this regard are the calculable events that can or will result from these political endeavours. My competence does not extend to more than that, nor to advice that every responsible person should become rational and finally act in a way that promotes peace, so that political turmoil and confusion, murders, revolutions, wars, fratricidal wars and world wars finally come to an end on Earth and true peace is achieved.


I have a word to say about the Olympics and the Olympics boycott by irresponsible parties and the disregard for the fundamental idea of peace and its peace mission:


Truly, every Olympic Games boycotter should reflect on the truthful peace mission of these friendly competitions and accordingly make the only possible decision, namely that such a boycott must not take place, just as the earlier boycotts since the refounding of the Olympic Games in 1896 should also never have taken place. The politico-military endeavours of the USSR or any other nation have and must have no influence whatsoever on these peaceful and sporting competitions, which are truly only of a peaceful and neutral nature. The political endeavours of any state on Earth therefore do not violate the unwritten law of the Olympic Games' mission and purpose of peace, just as the Olympic Games themselves do not violate the political endeavours of any state on Earth.


In addition to the principle of the mission of peace, the unwritten law of the Olympic spirit also means that, despite the political turmoil and wars etc. that may occur, humanity itself will never be harmed, but rather built up and cultivated in a peaceful form. Through the Olympic boycotts and the current attempt at a new boycott, however, this unwritten commandment has been and is also being maliciously, shamefully and perjuriously disregarded, quite apart from the fact that the so-called policy of détente of the Cold War is slowly but surely cooling ever deeper as a result, only to freeze in the end, which in turn does not correspond in any wise to the Olympic mission and its ethos.


These are the facts that I have to explain in the hope that those responsible for the shameful action of boycotting the Olympics will adopt a better, fairer and more Olympic-orientated attitude, thereby putting an end to their anti-Olympic thoughts and machinations, abandoning them as a means of political pressure and acting in accordance with ancient custom and the promise made thousands of years ago by the great-great-grandfathers.


The time has finally come for the governments of Earth to reflect on their responsibilities and also inform the peoples under their control of the real truth, before further political intrigue and confusion finally freezes the Cold War policy of détente that has been painstakingly set in motion. An event that would inevitably lead to a looming nuclear war, which know-it-alls and super-politicians claim would never materialise. But this nuclear war is more imminent than ever and will inevitably come to Earth, as has been clear for around two thousand years. But careless political leadership could lead to this nuclear world conflagration enveloping the Earth in its fire much earlier than predicted, because every prophecy can be changed to even more evil negative values by the irrationality of Earth's humanity. But this would then mean that Earth's humanity would never be able to recover from this nuclear war, because such a nuclear war at the present time would still be waged with 'hot bombs', with which there would never be any salvation for the fauna and flora, nor for the planet itself and also for Earth's humanity. Only the next generation of A-bombs, namely the 'cold bombs', would ensure that a new beginning could be created after a number of years, as the politicians and scientists of the authoritative states are well aware.


So the threat of nuclear war must be averted today so that it can only be unleashed on Earth and humanity in the distant future, when it can no longer cause the horror and damage that it would do today.


Truly, it sounds sad and incomprehensible to say that a third world conflagration is inevitable, despite claims to the contrary by misguided know-it-alls and super-smart special politicians. But truly, I tell you: The third world conflagration has already become as good as impossible to avoid, but it should not be forced prematurely, but only be triggered at its time, which has long been predetermined for it by Earth's humanity itself, when this madness must already be and the human being of Earth does not want to avert this terrible scourge. And for this to be the case, the rulers of the entire Earth must transform their power politics into a lasting peace just as thoroughly as the peoples of the entire Earth must finally understand and realise that they also have to follow the correct path. The first opportunity to do this, however, is for the peoples of Earth to remember a neutral attitude and to unite in not allowing the boycott of the Moscow Olympic Games in 1980, but to bring them to their goal, in order to finally enforce their true attitude in the war-torn world of Earth – namely to make a worldwide and true peace among and between all Earth's humanity and Earth's peoples a reality and a truth.

誠然,說第三次世界大戰不可避免,這聽起來令人悲傷和難以理解,儘管有些被誤導的自以為是者和極聰明的特殊政治家聲稱情況恰恰相反。但我真的要告訴你們:第三次世界大戰已經變得幾乎無法避免,但它不應該過早地被迫發生,而只能在地球人類自己早已註定的時候被觸發,而這個時候,這種瘋狂必須已經發生,地球上的人類並不願意擺脫這種可怕的災難。確保這一點,全球的統治者必須將他們的權力政治徹底轉變為持久的和平,就像全球的人民終於必須理解和認識到,他們也必須走上正確的道路一樣。然而,為此現在提供了一個機會,即地球的人民要記住中立的態度,並團結起來,不允許抵制1980年莫斯科奧運會的發生,而是將其引向目標,從而最終在這個混亂的世界實現其真正的目的 ———— 即在所有地球人和地球民族之間實現全球性和真實的和平。

Therefore, human beings of planet Earth, stand united together. Unite on the neutral path of peace towards true peace, for there is still a short while to change important points so that there will not be a third world conflagration. But, human beings of the Earth, think about this very carefully and very quickly, and also act just as quickly, otherwise the inexhaustible and horrific horrors of a third world war will soon befall you without end. This be it said to you, human being of the Earth – and so it will be, if you do not act according to this advice, then the terrible prophecy will be fulfilled, as it was given in 1976.











Good, during the Great Journey, you talked with Ptaah once about the fact that the effective time of our mission would amount to approximately 100 years, before I would clamber around and continue to spread the mission again in this world as another personality. Our contacts have now been running since the month of January, 1975, so the running time, therefore, would have to go until the year 2074, or rather, rounded up, until the year 2075. Is that right?

好,在偉大之旅的時候,你和 Ptaah 談論過,我們任務的實際持續時間大約在 100 年左右,然後我將以不同的人格再次在這個世界上活動和繼續任務。我們的接觸自 1975 1 月就開始了,所以按理來說,這個任務將持續到 2074 年,或者說大約到 2075 。是這樣嗎?


148. Yes, that is the running time, calculated from the point in time, from which you resumed your mission.


149. After a long interruption, you officially started with this again on the date of Tuesday, the 28th of January, 1975, at 13:00 hrs, when I called you.

在長時間的中斷之後,你在 1975 1 28 日,星期二,下午一點,當我呼叫你的時候,正式重新開始了你的使命。


How exactly you still know that. I could no longer remember it so very exactly. It just was not that important to me; by this, I mean the time and the day.



150. I understand.


151. But now, what do you really want to know?



Well, first of all, I would once again like to have detailed information about this effective time, and then, once again, more detailed information about my next incarnation and the further mission associated with it.



152. Before the year 1980, however, you may not speak of it and also may not distribute the written information about it.

但是在 1980 年之前,你不能談論這些,並且也不能傳播關於這方面的書面資訊。


Until what date?



153. Until the third month of the year.



The beginning, middle or end of it?



154. Not before the 15th day.

15 號之前不行。


So the middle of the month. Good, I will adhere to that.



155. Sure, you will do that.


156. So listen, then:


157. With the beginning of your new mission on the 28th of January, 1975, that effective running time began, which was calculated at approximately 100 years.

1975 1 28 日你的新任務開始的時候,有效期開始,算起來大約是 100 年。

158. But this means that the work of your mission should last for about 800 years in its effect, before that point in time comes when your teaching can become fully effective.

但這意味著,在你的教導充分發揮作用之前,你的使命工作將持續 800 年左右

159. In other words, I want to declare with this that the effects of your mission work will last for 800 years and will be preparatory for the point in time in the year 2875, when you, as another person, should step once more from the otherworldly area into the light of this material world.

換句話說,我想說明的是,你教導工作的影響將持續 800 ,並且為 2875 年裡的某一時刻做好準備,屆時你將作為另一個人格,再一次從另一個世界進入這個物質世界

160. Thus, after your leaving of this world, you should only remain in the otherworldly area for a few years, in order, then, to step into appearance again already in the year 2075, if all the things of the determinations fit themselves together in such a manner that no shifts would come about.

由此,如果一切如預料之中發展,沒有改變發生的話,那麼在你辭世之後,你僅僅會在另一個世界停留幾年,然後就可以在 2075 年再次出現在這個世界上


So such a shift would be possible or is even already determined?



161. Sure, that is, after all the previous failures, very well possible, but it is, even with certainty, no longer probable.


162. You always have to consider, however, that only the form of the culmination point of the life and, thus, also the goal of your mission become predetermined by you, but not an exact establishment of time.


163. An exact determination of time only occurs in each case when a spiritual life-form has separated from the material body and has gone into the otherworldly area, in order to work further there as a purely spiritual form and to evolve further.


164. In your highly evolved case, however, the fact is already given that you, in your material life, can make a fairly accurate determination of the year of your next incarnation, but this can still vary a little, so by about two to three years.


165. This self-determination possibility of the rebirth time of the spirit-form still in the material, so in the physical life, can only take place, however, if a life-form has already reached a certain spiritual evolution potential, as this is the case with you.


166. However, since you are presently able, in your current physical state, to bring about such a predetermination that is accurate to within two to three years, then this can still change up to the end of your life in such a manner, through your further evolution, that the data will be very accurate.



That is known to me, but what exactly is the deal with the effective time of the work?



167. In connection with your former activities as other personalities over many thousands of years, you bore very old and Earth-world-renowned names.


168. Your activities, however, were always informative and instructive for the whole Earth-world and its creatures and life-forms.


169. As a prophet, this was also your task, to which you have always voluntarily professed yourself.


170. But as always, it was so, that you have never been recognised or acknowledged at the right time in all of your former personalities as the truthful prophet, so not centuries ago, not millennia ago, and not at the present time.


171. But so will it also be in the future.


172. As it is now, so will it also be when you newly step into appearance in your next incarnation.


173. At present, you have been working now in your mission as a prophet since the year 1975, from which effects will result, which will pave your next way for you as of your next incarnation.

現在你從 1975 年就一直在為履行作為先知的使命而工作,這將產生影響,會為你下一次的轉世重生作好準備。

174. Thus, you are presently doing a preparatory work, which will bring about quite definite effects and which will spread out up to the year 2075 in such a manner that quite definite routes for disseminating the teaching will be opened.

因此,你目前正在進行準備工作,這項工作將產生相當明確的效果,並將一直持續到 2075 年,將使得教學傳播方面開啟明確的途徑。

175. Up to the year 2075, changes will have resulted from your present works and efforts, which will then help to facilitate your now newly begun mission.

直到 2075 年,你目前的工作和努力會造成一些改變,這些改變將有助於促進你現在重新開始的任務

176. Your mission at later times, however, will always be the same as now, also without bell ringings and trombone sounds, like it is now.


177. You will not be a herald of a boastful nature, as you also are not now, which is why the humanity of Earth neither bends its knees before you now nor will it bend its knees before you later, like it also did not at former and long past times.


178. But just as you, in your missions as a true prophet of the Earth-humans, have already previously erected a truthful and new thought structure for them – which they have, however, forgotten or falsified – so also do you now set up such again.


179. Truly, it is exactly the same thought structure as always; it is just that it has fallen into oblivion for the Earth-humans and, consequently, looks new to them.


180. At the time of your next return as another personality, you will develop this thought structure even further, after which, already then, many years will have had their effect and your teaching will have paved the ways for spirit-directed progress.


181. In particular, it is very important with this that the religious believers learn your teaching, for they are the main Earth-humans who live in the greatest confusion and fallaciousness.


182. You know that right at the time of your present life, all earthly religions are in a profoundly critical and crisis-ridden situation, which was already to be foreseen thousands of years ago, that it would be like this at this time, which is, indeed, why you had to step into appearance again exactly at this time.


183. This is so, because at this bitter time of crisis and destruction, the best time is given for the undermining of all cultic religions and sects.


184. In this sense, you do, indeed, also work, and indeed, very much better than we expected.


185. You do not create any union among all the cultic religions and sects but rather an undermining, a rift, as well as decay, strife, and destruction, and to be sure, without you attacking them.


186. In particular, you achieve this because you do not largely step among the national masses but somehow remain hidden and fire out your illuminative arrows from the background.


187. Thus, you do not meet the large organisations of the cultic religions and sects directly; rather, you meet the single individual, who then brings the strife against the untruthfulness that has developed in him into these organisations, spreads it there and, at the same time, begins to destroy and undermine these and to bring these into decay, discord, and downfall.


188. And exactly up to the year 2075, it will have prospered so far in this respect, in accordance with our calculations of the hundred-year-long effective time, that your teaching can fully come into effect.

根據我們的計算,在這方面,這種影響將在一百年的時間內發展到足夠的程度,直到 2075 年,那時候你的教導將完全發揮作用

189. You yourself will not appear now or in the future as a rewarder for the cult-religious believers and also not as a condemner or executor of judgment for all those who have lived and acted in the wrong.


190. Again, as always, you are and will be an announcer of truth, a revolutionary against the cruel untruth, a very strong man, like now, who, also at the further coming time, will allow a renewed religious drama to be stirred up and to break loose through truth explanations, and you will also allow certain old, traditional rules to play along in this.


191. These, my dear friend, are the facts to be mentioned, but which, for certain reasons, you must still conceal from the public until the month of March, 1980.

親愛的朋友,這些就是需要提及的要點,但是因為某些原因,你必須在 1980 3 月之前保守秘密。


Thanks. That was very detailed. Actually, I am glad about all these coming events, for somehow, I just feel magnificently pepped up when I can firmly fight against the untruth.



192. You are a fighter without an equal, not only now but already since time immemorial.


193. That had already arisen in such a manner at primeval times, which is why you were found by us for this mission and asked if you would like to bear it.



As a Lyran import, I probably had no other option on this planet, right?



194. Sure, but the decision was made by you yourself and with the knowledge of the fact that you would have to lead a very hard fight against the untruth over many thousands of years across a wide variety of personalities.


195. What made this even more aggravating was that you knew that this would have to affect you very badly because due to your difficult mission over the entire time, a very great loneliness would befall you, which will not be removed again until the year 3999, when you leave the Earth again at that time.

更讓你難受的是,你早就知道這對你必定產生非常不利的影響,因為由於跨越整個這麼長時間的困難的任務,你將感覺到非常的孤獨,這種孤獨感可能直到 3999 年你離開地球時才能擺脫


As an old Lyran, I very often feel, on the Earth anyway, out of place and damn foreign. I really must tell you that once, although I do not want to complain. But anyhow, I have, indeed, become an Earth-human, for my barbarian life here among all the barbarians, I also find this not so very bad. It could, however, really be different in many forms and somewhat better. But on the whole, I am quite content as an auxiliary Earth-human. Certainly, the loneliness nearly overwhelms me sometimes, especially when I would like to talk about certain things and then just no one is there who can understand my thoughts, but I get over it again in each case.



196. That is well-known to me.


197. It would even be of necessity, that you would be given more love.



Oh, only unpleasant things could arise from that. Because of that, I would rather close myself off. Oh yes, it would be very nice if everything in this relation could be different or simply somewhat better, but you yourself know that this cannot be done, unfortunately. The difference in evolution is just too great. Moreover, all those, who sincerely hold me in love, strive very much for me, and this often helps me through unpleasant and difficult hours. The laws of the Earth-humans are very complicated and illogical, which is primarily what makes many things aggravating or just simply impossible.



198. I, too, apparently have not devoted enough attention to you during all this time.


199. I recognise that clearly and plainly from your words.


200. Even though you already moved over from the Lyra region to the Earth at a very early time, I have always disregarded this and have always seen you as an Earth-human.



That is what I am now, too, and that is how I behaved towards you. Only sometimes, also this self-deception does not help me.



201. Sure, I can understand that very well.


202. But from now on, I will try to see you again for that which you truly are.


203. I am sorry, but due to your rigorous effort to present yourself as a genuine Earth-human, you have also directed my thoughts in this direction; thus, I saw you as an Earth-human.



Somehow, I am, indeed, also such an Earth-twit. For the Devil knows how long, I have already clambered around on this world, after I came to this planet. Since then, I have lived so many lives here as the most varied personalities that I am no longer able to count them. I have an earthly physical body with a spirit from the depths of the Universe, as I already said once eight and a half thousand years ago as another personality. This earthly body, however, binds me to this planet and is connected with it – from its dust, so to speak – which is why I also have a feeling in me that I somehow belong here. At the same time, I just ask myself: how will I, with such a body, one day go back to my actual home?



204. It will no longer be an earthly one, for at the established point in time, parents for you will come to the Earth, who will procreate your new personality on this world and will give birth to this with your spirit-form on your original homeworld, after your spirit-form will have taken possession of its descendant in the mother's womb.



Ah, then I am, indeed, calmed. Does this also happen, then, with all the others, who are still roaming around here on the Earth?



205. Certainly, it will be likewise with them.



That is really comforting to know. But tell me, are there also those in our group, who do not come from this planet originally?



206. Sure, many, but I would not like to mention the names to you now openly.


207. If you want to ask me about that again in June or July of 1980?

你就在 1980 年的 6 月或者 7 月再問我吧,好嗎?





208. Up to then, many new things will indeed occur, which will also bring you joy and relief.



I know. I just ask myself, whether it might not still go awry, that I should take over a task in a father's stead.



209. Now, you said too much.


210. You should not talk about that openly yet.



I will not give this contact report page out until the middle of March, 1980.

我不會在 1980 3 月中旬之前將這次報告發布出去。


211. Of course, I did not think of that at the moment.


212. Then we can continue to speak of it calmly, if you hold back this information.



Good, I still have the question concerning this: what if everything goes awry and the calculations do not fulfil themselves?



213. The probability speaks for the fulfilment of the determination.



Well, but what if it is suddenly claimed that I am, despite everything, the biological father of the child?



214. You know who the biological father will be, but it is not you, in any case, even though many would gladly like to see that.


215. Just with regard to your wife, it would not be allowed to be so, that you could be the biological father.


216. She is, in her development, still not so far along that such a step might be done.


217. She would neither understand nor accept this – not in her present life – unless she could make a large leap in evolution, which is not to be expected with her, however, because she is often inclined to failure and unpredictable jealousy.



That will not be of much use, for I know her damn well. When the time comes, she too will have her thoughts to express, like also many others. Like others, she will be of the view that I am lying to her and that I am truly the procreator and, therefore, also the true father.



218. That would be absurd, for you are capable of no such untruth, and moreover, you know that the descendant will be procreated by another man, if the other fertilisation and procreation possibility cannot be taken into consideration.


219. But we will talk about these things again at a later time.



But that is still of no use to me. I can already imagine the drama now, which will let loose around me. Just on the part of my Cannibal alone.



220. It is to be hoped that in this regard, she will have become of another sense by then and will grasp your words and explanations as truth.



There, you know her poorly, however. She will think that I am lying and, thus, that I am the biological father.



221. That may not be true, for you will actually not be the biological father but will only take over the father's role after the birth of the descendant.



You just do not understand this. Many women of the Earth are just not so far along as you all, who give your husbands faith when they tell you all something.



222. We do not know such untruths anymore.



Of course not; otherwise, you could also understand my damn problem. When an Earth woman has something placed in her head, she does not let go of it so quickly. And that my Agapulla will hammer the crazy idea into her head, that I would have fathered the child myself, I know this in advance. At the same time, I know it too well.



223. But that is, indeed, absolutely illogical.


224. If you explain the truth to her, then she has to accept this, nevertheless.



One should be able to have such dreams, as you preserve and maintain them.



225. It is, after all, only the truth and reality.



For you, yes, but not for Earth-twits. But you do not understand that, unfortunately. Let us just leave it at that.



226. It is, perhaps, also better, for up to then, some time will still pass, and during this, certainly very much will still change.



I also do not deny that, but in this respect, you may not give yourself any hopes. Moreover, I do not think – despite my hopes – that my wife will change, because more and more, I suspect that she is only acting and is leading all of you, me, and all the others around by the nose, which the future will surely prove, as well as her betrayal together with the brothers K. and H. and various other members, who, according to your statements, will soon have to be excluded from the group or who will jump out themselves in a slanderous manner.

我不否認,但在這方面你不要抱任何期望。另外,儘管我也希望,但我不認為我妻子會改變,因為我越來越懷疑,她只會把所有你們,我還有周圍其他人玩得團團轉,就像她與 KH 兄弟以及其他成員一起背叛,根據你們提到過的,他們很快就得被逐出小組,或以誹謗的方式自行退出,這些都將在未來被證實。


227. We will see then.



And I already see it now.



228. You see everything too confusedly and too darkly, at least in regard to your wife.



I could hardly see these things more clearly. Take that from me calmly.



229. Do you really mean that?



But of course. As I say it, so will it be.



230. That would be very indelicate towards you and your honesty as well as towards us and all group members.



Indelicate? That is a fine word, really. Truly, this indelicacy will be quite damn crude and illogical, as well as mangy, treacherous, and defamatory.



231. Let us let time work, nevertheless.



That is probably the most sensible thing. Let us talk about it again in the next year and the year after the next, if it should be necessary.



232. Sure, let us wait for what is coming.



Certainly. – But what will the date actually be, then?



233. Are you thinking of the birth?






234. I would not like to announce that to you because at the given time, you will try to calculate the exact date anyway.


235. But unfortunately, the circumstances of the failure of the responsible physicians will not allow your calculations to turn out correctly.



Does that mean that there will be difficulties?



236. That is, unfortunately, inevitable, because the bearing organs of the mother, according to our cognitions, are not functioning in the form that is necessary for the birth to be able to take place normally through these.



Even that, too! As if I already had not had enough with the three Caesarian sections of my Cannibal. Your words do mean that, right?



237. Sure, but there is no reason for you to be concerned, for when the time comes, other than a delayed birth, no major difficulties will appear.



But after that, what then?



238. I do not know, because so far, I have only tried to determine the time and form of the birth.


239. This will, however, be about one and a half days later than what you, which I am sure of, are going to calculate with very great accuracy.



Shit. – This will change certain important factors, which the child is to bring along, right? And what will it be anyway; I mean, what gender will it be?



240. It will be a boy.


241. That I will grant you, telling you that, but everything else, you have to calculate yourself.


242. Concerning the certain factors addressed by you, it will, unfortunately, be as you say, that another time, very many things will be changed in such a manner that these cannot come into effect in such a manner as what should be the case in providence and determination.


243. This, however, we are unable to change, and you, too, will not be able to do anything in this regard.



Then I can only wait once again and twiddle my thumbs. That is, indeed, still to be coped with, that also in this case, again only a Caesarian section can lead to birth; that is a bit much. Such a birth makes me even more insecure than what a normal birth already does.



244. You are very worried.


245. Sure, it will not go without a surgical intervention, but there is no reason for concern there.



But why does it always have to be like that? Damn it again! This means, once again, that I must keep my mouth shut for many months, for I cannot tell the girl in advance, in what manner the child will come into the world. Through that, I would only evoke unrest and, above all, severe psychological difficulties and anxiety as well as fear.



246. So it would be, which is why you really have to be silent about these things for the time being.



Once again, that gives me pleasant times, and I am looking forward to it already.



247. I understand you perfectly, and I also feel a certain sorrow inside of me for you.


248. It is probably better if we do not speak of this anymore for now.


249. I also still have other matters to discuss with you, apart from me just talking with you about these things.



Of course, but it still makes me wonder whether the child will suffer any damage due to the birth delay, whether it will have an abnormality?



250. No, you can be unconcerned about that.


251. The only damage will be that certain capabilities must be developed in him in an especially hard self-effort, with the help of you all.


252. Normally, the prerequisites would have been more easily given; therefore, the descendant would have learned this on his own and without help from outside.



Is that really the entire damage?



253. Surely.



Then I am calmed.



254. Good, then I can speak again of other things:


255. You told me in the course of our conversation that you have calculated some dates of the future?






256. At the same time, we also spoke of the head of state of Yugoslavia, of his demise.


257. Concerning him, have you calculated the exact time of death and the date of his leaving of this sphere?



I have, here, I have written everything down on this slip of paper. At the same time, it is just strange that I was able to calculate two different dates. The first is the 24th of February, 1980; the time for this is 10:10 PM; the second date is the 4th of May, 1980, and the time for this is 3:04 PM and 47 seconds. The fact that there are now two dates, I do not understand.

我算出來了,在這裡,我把所有內容都寫在這張紙上面了。但同時,讓人奇怪的是我算出了兩個不同的日期。第一個是 1980 2 24 日;時間是晚上 10 10 分;第二個日期是 1980 5 4 日,時間是下午 3 4 47 秒。這兩個日期讓我搞糊塗了。


258. Your calculations are very well right, and the one date, like the other one, is of correctness.


259. Tito, the Yugoslavian dictator, will unofficially conclude his physical life on the date of the 24th of February, 1980, or rather, he should do this at this point in time.

南斯拉夫的獨裁者鐵托Tito),他的物質生命將在 1980 2 24 日終結,或者說他本應在那時死亡,但是沒有被公開宣佈。

260. Truthfully, however, it will be like it was at that time with Generalissimo Francesco Franco in Spain, that he will have an agonizing death, because the doctors, with all their arts and machines, will keep him alive for so long, until death officially occurs on the 4th of May, 1980.

但事實上,他將和當時的西班牙的法蘭西斯科.佛朗哥Francesco Franco)一樣,死得非常痛苦,因為醫生會運用各種設備和渾身解數去延長他的生命,一直到 1980 5 4 日正式宣告死亡。

261. From the 24th of February 1980, however, it will be for Tito that he will no longer be in a position of power, without the possibility of being able to do anything in the slightest in the affairs of state.

但是,在 1980 2 24 日,鐵托便不再掌權,也不能管理任何政府的事務了。

262. Unofficially, he will, thus, already be dead as of this date.



Ah, now I understand.



263. Have you also even made any calculations regarding Persia, i.e. Iran?






264. Then I will still explain a few events to you, which can be of importance for you.


265. Around the turn of the year 1980, fanatical and Khomeini-loyal student elements will overtake the American Embassy in Tehran and will take all of the embassy personnel as hostages.

在快到 1980 年的時候,一群狂熱而忠於何梅尼Khomeini)的學生組織將佔領美國位於德黑蘭的大使館,並劫持所有使館人員作為人質。

266. This will lead to serious difficulties in the domestic and foreign policy of America as well as to very inconsiderate and rather childish actions of the American president, who, among other things, will allow an attempt to be carried out to free the hostages, which will be doomed for failure from the very beginning.


267. The victims here will only be the prisoners in the American Embassy, but also around a dozen American families in the USA, because of Carter's insane rescue operation for the hostages, around 12 American soldiers will lose their lives through a misfortune.


268. Due to the irrationality, incompetence, and confusion of the American president, the action with the aircraft unfit for this purpose will be started.


269. The largest part of these machines will be destroyed due to their own unfitness, together with approximately 12 human lives of the volunteer command.


270. These events will still further stir up the crisis already going on for many months until then between the Americans and Iran, and it also will not find an end so soon after this time.


271. This is especially so, because also in the interior of the country of Persia, various power groups provide worries, problems, and acts of war to the revolutionary State and because the Islamic leader Ayatollah Khomeini, who has fallen to insanity, will have beaten the majority of the Iranian people into mad fanaticism that serves him.


272. This will ultimately lead to the fact that the first external acts of terrorism will find their beginning outside of the country, thus, namely, first in England where the Iranian Embassy will likewise be occupied and hostages will be taken another time.


273. But also this doing will bring about its bad consequences.




Do you mean with your words from just now, that this Khomeini has, already now, fallen to insanity?



274. Yes, that is the sense of my words.


275. He still is not in the full stage, but this will already soon be the case.



Then one could not even talk sensibly with the guy anymore?



276. No.



What I still wanted to ask: to where, then, will the Shah-in-Shah and his Shah-ban disappear?



277. President Carter of America will commit the inexcusable mistake, that he grants the fugitives temporary asylum, which will also contribute to the effects in the embassy in Tehran.



You speak of a temporary asylum; where will the guy then go after that, this super-murderous knave?



278. If I would tell you everything, then this would take too long.


279. But this much I will explain, that Pahlevi [Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, overthrown Shah of Iran] has already been suffering from cancer for quite some time and, therefore, will be treated in America.


280. After that, his next place of refuge will be Panama, and then Egypt, where he will undergo further medical treatments.



His end, in any case, will be inglorious.



281. His end will be very agonising, but let that be enough with these explanations for this case.



As you wish; do you still have other news?



282. Surely, also for your country.



You mean Switzerland? What should be great there? I have only calculated that a lot will happen in Switzerland as well. In Berne, there will be murder and mayhem, because there, an embassy will be stormed. Also Geneva and Zurich will not remain spared from terror and anarchy enterprises. In addition, criminal activity will horribly take the upper hand, and in Zurich, one morning shortly after the turn of the year 1980, it will come to a major bank robbery attempt, during which two gangsters and a policeman will be shot. Furthermore, starting from 1980, Switzerland will be littered in its entire area by rampant murders, and political difficulties will enter into appearance, which are of a nature that was previously unknown in Switzerland. Nuclear power plants will be attacked by radical groups, whereby severe destruction of the same are also calculable. In the Bundesrat [Federal Council] itself, in the upcoming time starting from 1980, there will arise internal difficulties and differences, which will lead to dubious instances of maladministration and will evoke certain changes in the government itself. And, which I would have nearly forgotten: in the month of April, 1980, Switzerland will, for the first time, receive an official State visit from England by a royal couple. Elizabeth and Philip will visit Switzerland.

你指瑞士?有什麼大事發生嗎?我只推算出瑞士會發生很多事。在伯恩(瑞士首都)會發生謀殺和騷亂,因為那裡有一個大使館將遭到衝擊。而且製造恐怖和混亂的份子也不會放過日內瓦和蘇黎世。另外,令人恐懼的犯罪行為也將嚴重失控,並且在 1980 年初的一天早上,蘇黎世會發生一起重大的銀行搶劫案,在其中兩名劫匪和一名員警中彈受傷。還有,從 1980 年開始,瑞士可以說在全境被兇殺事件所席捲,並且會出現政治上的問題,造成瑞士前所未有的浪費。核電站會遭到激進組織的襲擊,造成相當可觀的嚴重毀壞。聯邦委員會內部,在即將到來的 1980 年初,將會出現內部矛盾和分歧,造成執政上的模棱兩可的案例,並且會引發政府本身的某些改變。而且,我差點都忘了:在 1980 4 月,瑞士將首次接受來自英國皇家夫婦的正式國家訪問。伊莉莎白(Elizabeth)和菲力浦(Philip)將訪問瑞士。


283. You have calculated very much.



I have, yes, but you know, nevertheless, that some things would still interest me, for which I simply did not have the time to calculate.



284. Sure, what do you want to know, then?



You are still surely able to remember well, what was said about the comings and goings of Tito's death by that prophecy, which I had received years ago.



285. You speak of that prophecy …



Certainly. It was transmitted to me at that time that at the time of Tito's death, a quake would roll through the seas.



286. Sure, but I do not understand what you want to aim at with your question?



That is quite simple: I see something in this, that it must be more than just a simple seaquake. The way I understand it, this seaquake must only be the actual origin for something very much worse. I imagine that I understand something of prophecies; thus, I am able to recognise certain things from them, which remain hidden to the laypersons.



287. I know that this is so, and you have also supposed correctly.



Good, then first of all, tell me where this seaquake will take place and what will come after that. This quake is only a precursor, right?



288. Unfortunately yes, and it will be in the ocean west of America.



Aha, now I already understand a little more. Am I right in accepting that this quake-precursor is associated with the Andreas fault?

啊哈,現在我稍微明白一些了。如果我說這次前兆性地震與安德列斯斷層Andreas fault)有關,是這樣嗎?


289. Yes.



Aha, then this can also mean that somewhere in America, a volcano will suddenly go off, right?



290. You are very perceptive.


291. Yes, it is so; a volcano lying dormant for many decades will suddenly break out, in order to bring death and destruction over the vast country.


292. It will be Mount St. Helens, which will destroy very much life and bury much land under itself.

聖海倫火山Mount St. Helens),它將摧毀許多生命,燒焦自身腳下的大面積土地。

293. The seaquake arising around the time of Tito's death will not be very strong, so it will not move the human beings of the Earth.


294. But this quake will be a bad omen for the imminent outbreak of the St. Helens volcano, which stands in connection with the Andreas fault, which itself extends from the high north of western America until deep into the south of the country.


295. The scientists will first make no connection at all with the small seaquake to the volcanic eruption.


296. They will also suppose after the first time that the volcano will soon come to rest again.


297. But they will be mistaken in this because they will not be looking for a direct connection from it to the Andreas fault.


298. Already about ten days after the outbreak, however, some scientists will think about the events and recognise that the Andreas fault plays a significant role in these events.


299. At this time, it will, however, already be the case that in the area of San Francisco, severe earthquakes occur.

然而,到這時候,舊金山San Francisco)地區已經發生了強烈的地震。

300. And these will first bring the scientists to the fact that the Andreas fault is in play.


301. At the same time, think of the prophecy that was given to you on the 2nd of February, 1976.

與此同時,想一下在 1976 2 2 日給你的預言。

302. There is talk in this of the fact that San Francisco will be destroyed.


303. With the outbreak of the St. Helens volcano, the time becomes complete, in which the beginning of the end assumes its actual beginning.


304. About this, it stands word-for-word in the prophecy brought into verse form by you: “… and the city at the fault becomes totally buried…”



I know, but I have not learned the prophecy by heart.



305. Of course not, but for that, I can recite it to you by heart.



Really? Then do that at once.



306. As you wish:


307. Under smoking, greyish black, conical mountains,
very many hellfires become fatally smouldering;
they liquefy sand and earth and rock,
deep in the Earth, within and without sunshine.
Deep in the Earth's interior, hot magma masses bubble,
greedily reaching upward and onto the Earth.
Exploding, they hurl their fire upwards,
through the throat of the mountain, the gate of fire.
Crashing, they spew out their glowing masses,
destroying humans, animals, plants – oh horror.
And even the seas become churned deep down,
the Earth has already felt this for so very long.
Angry volcanic fires tear up the image of the world,
and all over, great cries of horror shrill.
But it's still not enough when it burns,
for the earthquake rushes ahead and behind;
destroying, roaring, it destroys everything,
and no one is able to soothe the calamity.
The volcanic fires race and the Earth quakes,
all around, unwaveringly, destroying life after life.
It lets new islands arise in the seas,
while humans on sinking lands plead.
The time of the first destruction is already there,
in the south of the land of the old native inhabitants of America.
This land is badly affected in the coming time,
as well as the land where black humans hope.
Also Europe does not remain spared from the evil,
for also there, under the land, lives hell.
From the land of the boot, one will speak very sadly,
and also from the lands with the boon of Earth-gold.
Also the land with the cherry blossom becomes shaken,
and the city at the fault becomes totally buried.
Also the people and land of the lion sword suffer,
and the star in the half-moon does not become avoided,
also the land of the gods becomes maliciously affected,
the lands of the dragon and of the hope of peace,
when the fires of the volcanoes infernally blaze,
and earthquakes tear up everything in many lands.
So it already happens in the coming days,
beginning with very many thousands of lamentations of death,
announcing the time of terror through those dying,
in the south of Latin American country grounds,
there first, the earthquakes claim very many lives,
and then volcanic fires unexpectedly blaze.
The coming times, they bring great sorrow,
and over the Earth then lies a shroud of death.
So I now hereby write it down solidly,
it is coming, Earth-human – right now.

毀滅了人類、動物、植物 - 啊,何其恐怖。
它就要發生了,地球人類 —— 就是現在。


Fantastic. You can actually do it by heart.



308. Sure, also every other prophecy, which you have written in solid form.



You flatter me very much.



309. It gives me joy to repeat your poems.



That is dear of you, but the prophecy just repeated by you refers not only to the coming events but also to other ones, which already arrived years ago. It is a rather far-reaching series, which reaches until far into the future.



310. Sure, I also only mentioned it because it even mentions the coming events.


311. It has already had validity since the year 1976, whereby various things mentioned in it have already happened.

它自 1976 年開始就已經得到了驗證,其中提到的許多事都已經發生了。

312. But at the point in time of Tito's death, the events begin to fulfil themselves in an increased measure, which the humanity of Earth will have to ascertain with fright.


313. Maybe then the most diverse human beings will remember your prophecies and realise that very much more is hidden in them than what they wanted to admit before.


314. Then also will many human beings realise that your mission is not of lying and fraud, as it wants to be and will be slanderously denied.



You speak in riddles. It is, after all, always denied that I speak the truth and really also have contact with you. I have long been accustomed to the fact that I am accused as a swindler and fraud.



315. Sure, that is a word of truth, but with the year 1980, there will come a time for you, where you will be increasingly exposed to very evil, untruthful, and defamatory attacks.

是的,這是實話,但到了 1980 年,你將面臨越來越多非常邪惡,虛假以及誹謗性的攻擊。

316. Various people well-known to you, former evil-minded group members, will slander you publicly with lies and defamation, while also otherwise, not in the least through the intrigues of these betrayers and traitors, your work and everything else will be disturbed and endangered.



With your 'puublicly' you are probably thinking of the authorities, right?



317. On the one hand, yes.



And, who are these dear ones, then?



318. You will find them out soon enough.


319. At any rate, they are, at this point in time, still official group members.



Good grief, now I know. For a year and a day, there has been continuous discontent and controversy through lies and intrigues by the brothers K. and H., but especially because of H. These two, then, will probably soon no longer be in our group. And how mean and full of intrigue particularly H. can be, every single member knows. He has, through evil writings, already brought many human beings into the devil's kitchen just as often as through his verbal attacks of perfected maliciousness.

哦,我知道了。長期以來,由於 K. H. 兄弟兩人,特別是 H. 的謊言與詭計,造成了持續的不滿和爭議。那麼這兩個人可能很快就不再屬於我們小組了。特別是這個 H. 有多麼惡毒,有多少陰謀詭計,每一個小組成員都知道。他通過惡意的文字和他那充滿惡意的言語攻擊一樣,已經給很多人帶來了麻煩。


320. You simply have an admirable gift of deduction.



It does not take much to fathom these things after your remarks.



321. In any case, the coming time will be quite unpleasant for you.



I can vividly imagine that myself, for I know H. only too well. It often seems to me that he is maliciousness and notorious mendaciousness in person.

我能生動地想像到了,因為我太瞭解 H. 了。很多時候我覺得他就是邪惡和慣於說謊的化身。


322. With which you do not have it so wrong.



Then I will just let the things approach me. I also cannot do more.



323. That is true, but on the other hand, it would also still be too early if you wanted to deal with these matters of the future already now.


324. Calmly let the time pass, because nothing at all could be changed anyways.



Then it is, in any case, so, that the brothers K. and H. soon will not be in our group anymore. You speak clearly enough.

那麼無論如何,K. H. 兄弟很快就不是小組成員了。你說得夠清楚了


325. Sure, that is unalterable.



Then I can, once again, play more theatre, until everything has come so far. I would really prefer it a lot sometimes, if I knew a bit less.



326. I can sympathise with you, but when a human being has reached a certain state of evolution, these things automatically come up to him, which he must then work with and manage.



That is known to me – unfortunately.



327. Unfortunately, yes.


328. You should remember, however, that you should be especially careful starting from the year 1980, for the dangers in reference to your life will likewise increase rapidly.

但你應該牢記,在 1980 年初你應該格外小心,因為危及你生命的危險將顯著增加。


That makes me worry the least of all. As long as my senses always warn me ahead of time of something evil, so long can I be somehow safe. You do know that I either tend to dream certain things in advance or that I am made aware of such by my painful wrenching in the small of my back.



329. This fact is well-known to me, but consider with this that all of this depends on your overall balance.


330. If this is even only minimally impaired once by aggravation or grief, then these warnings can fail.



I know that.



331. I know; I know that you are aware of that, but still, you should be very careful.


332. It may one day also simply be so, that you react too late or that you become immobilised by an excessive pain.



Do you mean because of the occurring and warning pains in the small of my back?



333. Yes, they could suddenly increase so much that you lose control of your reaction.



You mean, that is possible?



334. Surely.



I have never thought about that, because so far, I was always able to control these things.



335. That could be different someday.


336. Hence, be careful.



Well, thanks for the tip. If it should be like that someday, then I will certainly try desperately.



337. That you will, but it could still be very dangerous.


338. You simply do not take these matters seriously enough.



I do not do that, but an assassination attempt does not particularly excite me.



339. That makes no impression at all on you, and exactly that could be extremely dangerous for you.


340. It would be better for you if you could feel a stirring or something otherwise in such situations.


341. But sometimes, it seems to me that at such moments, your whole interior only consists of a deadly cold.


342. I have already often had the impression that I had heard the clinking of cracking ice, when I analysed everything in you after such incidents.



Now you are really exaggerating excessively.



343. Not at all, because in this relation, I work very precisely, and on the other hand, I am not inclined to exaggerations.



I know that, but here, it now seems to me to be the case, nevertheless.



344. You speak against your better knowledge.



Fine, you have won. Do you still have anything else?



345. Actually, no.



Then I have another question: when I begin my action against the Olympic boycotting in 1980, will this then be of success?

那麼我還有另一個問題:當我開始反對 1980 年對奧運會的抵制後,它會成功嗎?


346. On the whole, yes.


347. It will be the merit of you and your group, that the Olympic Games continue to exist and one day become anti-politicised.


348. But at the same time, it will be such that in this respect, you will not reap any attention or thanks in the world public as the real initiator, at least not for the time being, because it will be concealed that through your initiative alone, the Olympic idea will continue to exist and continue to be exercised.


349. The authoritative responsible persons of the States and sports associations of all countries will make everything out to be as though it was their decision.


350. Truthfully, however, they will act in accordance with your action, when the time has become ripe for it.


351. They are much too fond of themselves for them to admit that their affirmative decision to participate in the Olympics resulted from your action alone.


352. A fondness, from which they want to profit and look great.



Nevertheless, that essentially makes no difference. After all, it is only important that the games are held and carried out.



353. Still, it is very regrettable that those responsible in this case will claim the fame for themselves.


354. But unfortunately, this probably will not change, because the future does not say that you will one day be named publicly as the saviour of the Olympic idea.



I can also do without that, as I do not care about that at all. Moreover, the group members will do the main work, for they will take over all the printing, the sorting together, addressing, inserting, and mailing at that time. With only one hand, I will, indeed, be rather hindered, so I will need their assistance then.



355. The most important and main work will be up to you then, for it will be your task to put all the necessities on paper.


356. But let us leave this, for I already know that I will lose in this connection, if I want to argue with you.


357. You are simply stubborn in relation to this, when it concerns your merits.



Well roared, lioness, then I have peace before your remarks. But tell me: do you already know, in the approximate framework, what per cent of all countries of the Olympic allies will decide for the implementation?



358. Not exactly, because in this respect, I have made no exact calculations.


359. However, the participation might move within the framework of approximately 58-64%.

但參與比例會在 58% 64% 之間。


That means that somewhat more than half of all countries involved will participate in the Olympics?



360. Yes, if my superficial calculations are right.



That already means so much to me, that it will be like that.



361. Then we have discussed all the necessary interests for now.



23. These, therefore, are the values of the future, but you may let these be reported publicly – as explained – always only when the individual events have already arrived.


24. Only the group may be informed, like usual with predictions.



The case is clear. But Quetzal is also finished with my writing. What do you think of it?

這件事很清楚了。Quetzel 你也讀完了我寫的東西。你覺得怎麼樣?


35. Everything in it is described, presented, and explained very much better than what would have been possible for me to do.


36. However, you should modify certain things a little, in the sense that you interweave some values, which have been worked out for you all by the High Council for a long time in accordance with earthly values.


37. The giving of laws and recommendations – you should absolutely work these into your work, which then requires, however – as said – some changes in reference to transpositions.

關於法則與建言(laws and recommendations)方面,你完全可以把這些加入到你的作品裡,但如我所說,需要在表達上做一些調整。

38. If it is opportune for you, then I can transmit these laws and recommendations to you tomorrow, so that you do not come into default with your work relating to this.



That would be good, even if it means that I practically have to start from scratch again. But it will certainly be worthwhile when I see everything correctly. But tell me, since I am on this subject right now and am writing 'The Law of Love': how does it actually stand with you all on Erra, with regard to marriage? You, Quetzal, are you actually married, and if so, how many children do you have? And you, Ptaah, your wife, is she your only one?

那太好了,儘管這意味著我實際上必須要重寫一遍了。但是,如果我對一切都能正確看待的話,這絕對是值得的。但既然我已經著手開始寫關於《愛的法則》這一主題了,請告訴我:你們 Erra 星上的關於婚姻情況是怎樣的?Quetzel,你結婚了嗎?如果結了,那麼你有多少個孩子?還有你,Ptaah,你只有一個老婆嗎?


25. The law of love has overall universal validity, only that it very often becomes changed by the most diverse human races according to their own human and illogical negative values; thus, they often create a monogamous marriage, which is literally restricted to only one woman and one man for such a marriage and such a family; thus, the truthfulness of monogamy – as you have so aptly disassembled for me once – no longer applies.


26. And I think that you have done this just as aptly in your draft, which you handed over to Quetzal for study.

我想在你交給 Quetzal 讓他閱讀的草稿裡,你已經恰當的分析過了。


39. That is of correctness; he has presented it very aptly and in detail.



27. That was to be expected with your awareness of duty.


28. Well then, I was married to three women, which corresponds to the minimum value of a We-Form-Partnership of universal expanse.


29. Nevertheless, out of the three, the only one living is the mother of my deceased son and my two daughters, for the other two have left me by means of death – the one already more than 300 years ago and the other one more than 360 years ago.

然而,三位之中,只有一位還健在,她是我已故的兒子和兩個女兒的母親,其他兩位都已經因為死亡離我而去,一位是在 300 年前,另一位在 360 年前。


Aha, and how many years old is your still remaining wife?



30. 630 years.



Nice, so old would one also have to be; then, there would still be the opportunity to learn a great deal more. But what about further descendants? Do you have even more?



31. No, my current wife only bore me three children.



Well, thanks for your information. So what about you, Quetzal?

謝謝你的回答。那麼 Quetzal,你的情況呢?


362. He is pampered by four very beautiful women and has 6 children with them.



You smile so suspiciously, girl; you seem to be really happy about it?



363. Sure, his wives are my best friends, and they always wish that I shall become the fifth in their alliance.



And, Quetzal, what do you say to that?



40. Semjase and I are of another opinion than my wives.

Semjase 和我的看法和我的老婆們不一樣。


And why, if one may ask?



364. I would not like to marry again.


365. On the one hand, because the loss of a human being by death gives me very much grief, and on the other hand, because I have found a very important task in my activities, which can hardly be reconciled with a marriage.



But, girl, death should not mean losing a person for you, if I understand your losing correctly. Or is it meant in the same way as I feel it?



366. I know your feelings; yes, I mean it in that sense.



I understand; please excuse me. I did not want to hit you in your inside.



367. Someone else could probably do that, but you are not able to do that because I know your feelings too well.


368. Do not worry.



Thanks, girl, you are very dear.



41. I also still have a question to bring up:


42. How is the construction of the new pyramid coming along?



Unfortunately badly, for I must think up something else, since I probably need to connect this building to the shelters.



43. You know, nevertheless, that the time does not pause.



Yes, but still, I have to rethink everything and find another and more suitable place.



44. You can explain that to me more precisely at our next meeting, but you must be aware that time is gradually running out.



I am clear about this, my son, and I will do my best.



45. Good.



32. I also still have to give you an important instruction:


33. You now know very many events of the future, which may not become officially known under any circumstances.


34. Hence, it is now assigned to you that you must be even more cautious than ever before, that in no way can any data be officially elicited from you.


35. This means that you should and must be very careful that you do not come into the influence of drugs, etc., which could be given to you or forced into you.


36. But this also means that you must be careful that you also are not connected to mechanical devices or apparatuses which could elicit any things from you or which would force you to speak.



You probably mean essentially the so-called truth serums and lie detectors, etc., right?

你大概指的是所謂的“吐真劑”(truth serums)和測謊儀之類的東西吧?


37. That is of extreme exactness and correctness.


38. You may never get involved in such things, but also not in suggestion and hypnosis, where the latter could, under certain circumstances, end fatally for the practitioner.



I know, but why are you telling me all that, for I know that myself well enough?



39. A recent investigation has yielded that it is being urged by various parties for you to undergo such methods for surrendering your secrets, in which you may never get involved, however.


40. But this refers not only to those things that my daughter and I have mentioned to you just now but also to all events in our context up to now and your knowledge, etc. since ages ago.



Aha, now I can also understand you better and also know what you are talking about. Surely, the whole thing also has to do with the fact that the Russians should have received new and mysterious weapons allegedly from extraterrestrial intelligences and should have gained advantages towards the Americans in this respect as well as in space travel.



41. That is of correctness, my friend, and that is exactly why also the secret service agent … of the … secret service was delegated to address you about the data relating to this and about the possibility of our help.



You know about that? And how do you stand on this?



42. It would be very unwise if I did not look after these matters and, hence, did not know that the … secret service turned to you through …, upon which you, as we expected, only responded evasively, however.


43.However, we would be given an opportunity to provide minor progress information if this were required.


44. But this would only refer to behaviour patterns, but not to technological plans, etc.


45. Furthermore, it is still to be explained by me that no extraterrestrial group is responsible for it, for being helpful to Russia on a technological basis, especially not in reference to space travel or to the production of new weapons.


46. So far, we could not find any indications for the fact that Russia and the USA have any extraterrestrial assistance for any such matters concerning this, so all of their previous inventions and progress of this kind only fall in the area of the normal and are the work of the earthly scientists who, like all other scientists of the Earth, receive only those impulses that do not let them go overboard.


47. But now, my friend, our time is well advanced and we must go again.


48. Farewell, and be careful.



Well then, bye Ptaah, and all the best. Also you both, be cautious and come again soon.

好吧,再見 Ptaah,一切順利。還有你們兩位,保重,下次早點來。


46. We will meet again next week.


47. Till we meet again.



Till we meet again.



369. Watch out for yourself, too, and be careful.


370. Till we meet again, my dear friend.



Bye girl, take care everyone.




  1.  Meier has often been criticised for not releasing detailed, prophetically accurate information until after the prophesied events have already occurred. In this connection, the following information, from Semjase's 35th sentence up to and including her 100th sentence, was first published in the English language as part of the first appendix of Wendelle Stevens' book, Message from the Pleiades Volume 2, which has a copyright date of 1990. Wendelle preceded the translation of this section with a very interesting note, which appears on pages 351 and 352, part of which reads as follows:
    "… in a contact on the 19th of October 1978, a discussion of detailed, prophesied events came up. We jump forward here to that contact, at this time, because the time of taking down the Petale Prophesies is the time of these present contacts in 1976. Also because I was able to personally observe the outworking of some of those prophesies in 1979 when I was in Europe. One of these was the invasion of North Vietnam by China, another was the storming of the Iranian Embassy in London by London Bobbies, and a third was the abdication of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands in favor of her daughter Beatrix, all of which I had been told to expect by Eduard Meier before the event actually happened. In a discussion of this in his house on the 9th of March 1979, Mr. Meier offered to show me his restricted notes on prophesies that had already come to pass. Wanting evidence for myself, I asked for copies of the pages listing only the events mentioned which had already occurred. I was fully aware of Meier's promise to both Semjase and the Petale Sphere, not to reveal events before their time. He handed the notes to Eva and sent her out of the room to make copies of those pages for me. While she was doing that, Meier was called to the telephone. While he was still talking on the phone, Eva came back with the copies and handed them to me, which I stuck in my briefcase. When Meier came back from the telephone, he asked me if I had been given the copy pages, and I said yes and patted my briefcase. When I looked at the notes later, I discovered that Eva had misunderstood and gave me more pages than Meier intended because there were prophesies that had not yet been fulfilled. I decided to keep Meier's promise not to release information on events before their time, but when I got home, I allowed two good friends of mine to read the notes in full for future confirmation. Those two men were Major Rudolph Pestalozzi, USAF (Ret.), and Mr. O. Richard Norton, former director of the Flandreau Planetarium at the University of Arizona in Tucson."

邁爾經常受到批評,說他直到預言事件發生後才發布詳細而準確的預測資訊。在這方面,以下資訊,從 Semjase 的第 35 句到第 100 句,首次以英文出版,是在 Wendelle Stevens 的書《來自宿星的消息》第二卷,第一個附錄的一部分,該書於 1990 年出版。Wendelle 在翻譯這部分內容之前,在第351頁和第352頁做了一個非常有趣的注釋,部分內容如下:

... 1978 10 19 日的一次接觸中,出現了關於詳細、預言的事件的討論。現在我們跳到那次接觸,因為記錄下 Petale 預言的時間正是 1976 年目前這些接觸的時間。此外,1979年我在歐洲時,還親眼目睹了其中一些預言的實現。其中之一是中國入侵北越,另一個是倫敦員警襲擊伊朗駐倫敦大使館,第三個是荷蘭威廉明娜女王Queen Wilhelmina)退位,支援她的女兒碧翠絲Beatrix),所有這些都是愛德華.邁爾在事件實際發生之前告訴我的。1979 3 9 日,邁爾先生在他的家裡討論這個問題時,提出要給我看他關於已經實現的預言有關的限閱筆記。為了為自己保留證據,我要求提供只列出已經發生的事件的頁面副本。我完全瞭解邁爾對 Semjase Petale Sphere 的承諾,不會在事件發生之前透露資訊。他把筆記遞給 Eva,讓她離開房間為我複印那些頁面。當她這樣做的時候,邁爾去接了個電話。當他還在講電話時,Eva 回來了,並把複印本遞給了我,我把它們塞進了公事包裡。當邁爾接完電話回來時,他問我是否得到了複印頁面,我說是的,並拍了拍我的公事包。當我稍後看筆記時,我發現 Eva 誤解了,給了我比邁爾原意更多的頁面,因為有些預言還沒有實現。我決定信守邁爾的承諾,不公開未發生事件的資訊,但當我回到家後,我允許我兩個很好的朋友閱讀這些筆記全文,以備將來確認。這兩位是美國空軍陸戰隊退役的 Rudolph Pestalozzi 少校和位於圖森(Tucson)亞利桑那大學 Flandreau 天文館的前主任 O. Richard Norton 先生。”




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