

Contact Report 117第117次接觸報告

接觸時間:19781129 日,星期三,1512


最初英譯:20110207日,星期一,Benjamin Stevens

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:20250222日,星期六,DeepL Translator, DeepSeek, James Hsu





三、Plejaren嘗試向當前地球上的第一強國(美國提出一份聲明試圖與美國聯繫(但在當時的美國氣焰正盛而聲明的內容又期望過高;註定不會有結果)。聲明內容強調,任何協議必須由美國政府最高當局,也就是美國總統與比利(Plejaren的授權代表)親自簽署同意才算有效。這份聲明是透過Lee Elders(當時是比利的美國朋友)負責轉交美國政府的,但其中過程顯然並不順利,沒有達成預期的結果(這也在Plejaren意料之中),於是從此這種聯繫就再也沒有下文了





This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved personsas contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



1. As you see, we all came here to speak with you, and please, do not set off so angrily again, like you did on last Saturday, when my daughter came to you.


2. Indeed, we cannot forbid you, if you want to do it anyway, but I would like to ask you not to do so.


3. We understand very well that you are very angry, but you should also try in this whole undertaking to understand us – we who also do not have endless time to deal exclusively with the adversities that are still always continuing in your group and leading everything to destruction.


4. For about a year, it has been impossible for us to assign new and very important tasks to your group because internal group intrigues prevented this.


5. Constant disagreements, quarrels, egoism, jealousy and lies as well as many other emotional things created a climate that had to lead everything to destruction.


6. Besides these things, however, still also recklessness, maliciousness, and malice endanger everything.


7. So it has also remained invariable to this day that by a certain party, internal group concerns are still carried outward, which really should remain only internal group knowledge.


8. That group member, who so far has not stopped and refrained from this action bordering on betrayal, should now decide whether he will continue to indulge in this doing or completely strive, at last, only for the purpose of the group and its task, without maintaining further contacts with group members who have gone away, who are always informed by this group member about the state of the group concerns, etc.


9. I still want to conceal the name in my statement, so that renewed disputes will not arise as a result of the naming and so that the group member concerned will not be attacked because of that.


10. In this regard, I would also like to ask you not to mention the name for the time being, just as you have done this so far.


11. But should the group member concerned not immediately change in his mentality, then you may no longer be silent about it and have to report it to the group, upon which an exclusion from the group is then to be decided and put into effect for the member concerned.



Actually, I am glad that all of you have come here, Ptaah, but on the other hand, it is quite damn unpleasant for me. After your speech, it also seems that you now still want to continue again, even though I had an argument with Quetzal a month ago and told him that he should go to hell. Why? You may, indeed, know this: it is, in fact, the same reason why I told Semjase the same thing last Saturday. And on account of the group member concerned, I would like to say that all talking probably will not help anything because all reproaches using your objections mentioned are categorically denied, even though Quetzal has regularly been making very precise analyses for many months and even already for two years, which prove that everything really is as Quetzal said to me. The group member denies all this, however, at all costs, which is why I have become tired of speaking further with him about it.



12. These things are known to me, and your explanation also leads me right to the incidents with my daughter last Saturday and with Quetzal and you a month ago, since he made reproaches to you regarding your neglect of duty.


13. He is only here today because we asked him, for he would not have gotten in touch with you again on his own initiative.



I also would not have done that from my side.



14. We know that.


15. It is, however, also very well known to us that you both respect each other very much, despite the unpleasant incident, and that you are uncommonly good friends and do not preserve any improper thoughts for one another, as this is also the case between you and my daughter.


16. Quetzal and you, however, and this is very strange, you both have a haughtiness in yourselves, which causes that you are able to act illogically against your better knowledge.

但是,Quetzel 和你,非常奇怪的是,你們骨子裡都有一種傲氣,使你們不能依照你們的認知做出符合邏輯的行為。

17. And even though you show each other very much respect, you throw reproaches at each other, which hit very hard and cause a peculiar and illogical defensiveness, which is grounded in a peculiar pride.


18. An attempt at an analysis of this gave me the extremely interesting solution that this pride has formed in you both out of a hard drive for self-preservation, which goes far beyond a normal human will for self-preservation.


19. This super-will, if I may so designate it, makes you demand very much more of yourselves, and then also enforce this, than what your powers would permit you or would hold in themselves.


20. So it happens that you, once you have exhausted your last power reserves, witness new power through your consciousness in some manner that is unknown to me, which then pushes you both forward like a mechanical device, during which it seems that your power substance would be infinite.


21. In this moment, you always exceed yourself and ignore all physical laws.


22. Your entire body and all systems suddenly begin to function like a machine, by which means it then acts like a robot, which stubbornly and inexorably pursues and also reaches its objective according to a determined programming.


23. This, which I must admit, I have never experienced with human life-forms in this manner, and everything first became clear to me by the fact that you two got in each others' hair a month ago, if I may so say it, and because of that, Quetzal then came to me in the lack of understanding of these things, after which I busied myself with him for three weeks and found out the core of things.


24. Truly, you both probably represent two cases that do not find their equals so easily.


25. In your peculiar natures, you two see many things from your own perspectives that are only valid for yourselves, but these are, interestingly enough, so mutually alike for you both that they are absolutely identical according to my computer analyses and do not show the slightest difference.


26. So it seems as if you are, in this respect, the most absolute twins that there can be at all.


27. But now, this equality leads to the fact that you judge each other exactly according to the estimation of an achievement, as this is true for you specifically and personally, without regard to any possible illnesses, etc. that are germinating or that have unfolded in you, which must automatically act on everything in an impairing manner.


28. On your part, you have now brought your entire nervous system and some other things in your body to rebellion, as this is also the case with Quetzal, who, just like you, is ruined slowly and over a long time by the grievances in your group, but unfortunately, we did not notice this because Quetzal concealed his condition from us, loyal to your common characteristic, that you both must continue to strive for a set goal until the very end, when your last powers have already left you.


29. So you two confronted each other a month ago in a mutual, ruined condition and could no longer understand yourselves because you both came from exactly the same perspectives, namely from the perspective of the pride animating you and steadily propelling you, which does not let you two admit that even your truly inhuman strengths had reached their limits once and had even reached these at the same time.


30. So it could only arise that you both clashed in that kind and wise which was the case.


31. At the same time, it was just puzzling to me that you both, nevertheless, testified the greatest of all esteem and all respect for one another, but this then ultimately pointed me in the right direction.


32. Other human life-forms would have generated a rage in themselves against each other, which was not the case with you, however.


33. In you two, there was – despite the incident that would have generated very malicious enmity among two other human beings – respect and the highest esteem for one another, and your rage was solely due to your power exhaustion and the things that had led to it.


34. Because of that, however, you both acted illogically and saw all things in yourselves as worse and more hopeless than they are in truth.


35. Already months ago, we granted to the group members that we still want to set a six-month time period, which already ends in the month of March 1979.

在幾個月前,我們給了小組成員為期六個月承諾,這個承諾在 1979 年三月份就到期了。

36. But we also want to keep to this time, as it was discussed.


37. If it should turn out by then, however, that the necessary changes have not arrived, then we would have to recognise everything as useless and break off all further contacts associated with the task of us all.


38. Of course, it was very unpleasant that Quetzal had to find extremely unpleasant things through his extremely precise analyses of each group member over a daily 24-hour period.


39. But even though these analyses have yielded very poor and partially even frightening results, we do not want to break our promise and will still keep the granted time of six months, which expires in the month of March of next year.


40. For your part, you, too, should – despite your destroyed nervous system – keep this in mind and be helpful to us in this.


41. Sure, for a whole month now, you have set yourself on the fact that you would not continue, so your thoughts are dominated by this.


42. But what might not be possible for any other human being apart from you and Quetzal, you can achieve, if you only want.

但是只有你和 Quetzel 能夠完成其他人不能完成的事,只要你們想去完成的話。

43. You are able to destroy your entire dominating picture built by you within a fraction of a second and to continue again where you left off a month ago.


44. Do you want to do that?



For that, I need some time to reflect. I first have to plow through your long speech once again.



45. You should have as much time as you need for it.



Okay, give me half a minute; this time should suffice.



46. That is very little; you can …



1. Excuse me, father, but his thinking is different than ours.


2. You may be assured that when he says 30 seconds, this time is enough for him.



1. That is of correctness.



47. You must, indeed, know that very well, Quetzal.


48. So let it be de…



Okay, Ptaah, just leave it. – Well, I must accept what you have said, for it all sounds very logical. Fine, I will continue on, until you yourselves have decided in March of next year. I believe that this should be fair.



3. Sure, we did not expect it differently from you, and I was not mistaken about you, despite your rage, when you went away so abruptly last Saturday.


4. Indeed, I was sad, but I knew that everything would be good again.


5. I simply could not be deceived by you.


6. But on the other hand, we are all too interconnected with one another for us not to be able to clarify such disagreements in the long run.


7. Therefore, I also gave myself no worries, even though everything lasted rather long because father first wanted to clarify things.



Thank you, girl, you are very dear. And you, Quetzal, my son, you know that it suits me …



2. It should not be like that, my friend.


3. We understand ourselves in this wise.



I think so. Thank you.



49. Then this case should have taken care of itself.


50. You two are, indeed, special human beings, which I must say.


51. Two people other than you would have become malicious to each other and possibly enemies.


52. But this does not change the fact that Quetzal was of complete correctness with his statements regarding the individual group members and the cited grievances.


53. The analyses have, in fact, yielded this, and indeed, over a longer period of time, according to which no excuses at all can be given that the analyses were made at the moment of a psychological or physical low, etc., as this is stated among the group members as a continuous excuse, as I know very well.


54. So this means that our instruction shall apply, that we will only watch during the promised and therefore granted time and will then break off any contacts in the sense of the mission if, until then, everything has not fundamentally turned to the good and better in the forms that are given by the established rules of regulation, etc.


55. This is already irrevocable and final.


56. Until that point in time, however, we want to continue working and to fulfil our duty in the conventional framework.


57. Should it turn out, however, by the month of March, 1979, that the necessary changes have not arrived in the various group members through their own efforts, then everything else relating to this would be pointless and would bring no further successes, which would have to lead to a final abort of all undertakings.


58. In this regard, it is very deplorable in general, how few efforts have been made by the individuals to bring about the necessary changes in themselves, though such a change in a reason-gifted Earth-human is only a matter of very short time but not of years.



That is also my view. Around two years have now passed, and still, practically nothing has been achieved, as I see things. In my view, a human being needs, however, no more than two months for such a change. But there are ones who want to continuously talk their way out of this and make excuses that they are just misguided Earth-humans and that it cannot be expected that they achieve such a change in a short time. This view, which I find rather dumb and egoistic, I cannot accept, and I find that it should be possible for even only a halfway reasonable human being to bring about the suitable change and mentality in himself/herself within two months if one only wants this.



59. That is of very exact correctness, as I must grant you.


60. In this direction, I have pursued my studies and, as a result, found that the average Earth-human requires an average time of 58 days to bring such a developmental change and change in mentality in himself/herself to resounding success.


61. But Earth-humans with knowledge of that state, as the group members exhibit it, only require a maximum time of 36 days.

然而,像小組成員這樣具備一定知識層次的人,對多只需要 36

62. But at the same time, the will is authoritative, as you correctly said.


63. But this is exactly what is not addressed at all in the individual group members because they do not try to develop such in themselves.


64. The result of our analyses showed that as a rule, all proposals, advice, and findings are accepted purely superficially and only verbally, while in the interior, however, nothing at all is thought toward a change.


65. In their inner selves, various group members are not at all willing to undergo a change because they just want to continue living in their old lifestyle.


66. At the same time, very bad and untrue excuses appear, like, for example, that one must first think things over and sort things out in one's own mind, before one can come to a more binding arrangement, etc.


67. But truthfully, these are only dishonest excuses from a wide variety of worthless reasons.


68. These cannot find any validity, however, because they do not correspond to the truth.


69. This is also the reason that various group members, for whom it would be urgently necessary, are not willing to reside in the Centre or in the immediate vicinity, so that they could stay and be active in the Centre in a sufficient measure.


70. Various ones are, evidently, still not clear to themselves about the fact that it is not acceptable to stay away from all obligations in the Centre, and all obligations in the present time and then desire, nevertheless, to be a beneficiary in the next life as another person.


71. It is an erroneous assumption that solely the storage of the fluidal powers would suffice, so that they could pleasurably sit in the Centre in the later life.


72. Oh no, it still has not come so far that the mentality storage automatically runs with each meditation exercise.


73. This, however, determines whether an incarnation in the Centre will be acceptable.


74. But if this mentality is not moderate enough in all necessary concerns, then by the control disc, which was brought into position particularly for the Sohar Centre, the entire storage becomes completely eliminated for the person concerned upon his or her death.

如果這種心態在所有必要方面都不夠充分,那麼通過專門為Sohar 中心放置的控制碟,相關人員在去世時的所有儲存將被完全消除

75. This prevents that unworthy group members can unjustifiably find a warm camp in which they intend to sunbathe at later times.


76. We have been forced to this step by the dishonourable and partially malicious behaviour of various group members.


77. This ensures that treacherous elements are not able to draw any benefit out of everything and that all their villainous efforts will be useless.


78. For this reason, we will also designate a new place for you in some time, where you shall place the centrepiece of the Sohar Centre, so that no one will know where it is anymore, except those who stand in absolute loyalty to the task and to all interests associated with it.


79. As soon as Quetzal has created the technical possibilities so that the necessary swinging waves and radiations can be transferred invisibly from the Sohar Centre to the new location of the centrepiece, you will have to make the transfer.

一旦 Quetzal 研製出方法,使「Sohar中心」能夠將必要的振動和輻射無形地傳輸到核心部分的新位置,你將需要進行轉移。

80. This is a further safety precaution so that a destruction of the same cannot take place and any manipulations in it become impossible thereby, since it is, after all, of very great importance that it survives several centuries, even millennia.


81. The last two years have attested to us that such an action is of absolute necessity, since constant betrayal is practised and many other things.


82. So we are forced to take measures that will then also guarantee everything and guarantee a certain success when we ourselves can no longer exercise control over all things because our work on the Earth will then be finished, namely when you depart from this life and everything will solely be the concerns of the Earth-humans, who will then shape their lives, their future, and the world and their development of consciousness by themselves from the material supplied to them.


83. We ourselves will then only resume and newly appear once you attend to your tasks again in the future time as a new person, but otherwise, we will wrap ourselves in silence and invisibility.


84. Many things have changed our basic plans, unfortunately, because the destructive and irresponsible conduct of the group members messed up and partially even destroyed our entire task.


85. And since that is so, the decision is also very obvious, that in the month of March, everything must finally be broken off if the necessary changes in the mentality and everything else has not arrived.


86. But still, this time has not come, and we fulfil our duty loyal to our promise, which is why we also give you a further task, as my daughter already explained to you at an earlier time.



Yes, I remember, and I was also worried about that because I had no longer thought about it and had left her so furiously last Saturday.



8. I already imagined that.


9. It could truly only be that you had no longer thought about it.


10. This was as certain to me as also the fact that you would remember this again and then act accordingly.


11. There was not another possibility for me.


12. It was, however, only your rage that had let you forget everything.



You speak to me from the heart, my child; so it was, in fact, which is why I then also had rather unpleasant hours on Sunday. But Quetzal, you once told me some time ago that you would attend to the concerns regarding the Centre, so namely in reference to the bequest. At that time, you gave me advice, which I did not want to accept for reasons known to you. Interestingly enough, however, now also Elsi has approached me with the same result that you have worked out. About that, first of all the question: have you influenced her somehow?



4. No, I have not done that, but if Elsi has arrived at the same result, then that testifies to the fact that she assesses things correctly and has fathomed certain things in a logical form.


5. Furthermore, I have talked about that with Ptaah and Semjase, and we have come to the following result, which should not be officially made known, however, which is why I must ask you to deliver the necessary advice to Elsi in a separate form.


6. I will give you this advice at the end of all our remarks, so you can receive it separately at the end of the later report transmission and write it down.


7. Unfortunately, we must take these concerns to hand and regulate them in this manner because the scheming among individual group members is so pronounced that they would create interferences and renewed intrigues.


8. Thus, solely Elsi should be knowledgeable about these things, over which she must, however, maintain silence toward every group member under all circumstances.


9. Unfortunately, this is not otherwise possible under the given circumstances.



I know, but still, I fear that sometime later, the common suspicion will arise that I would have had my hands in play. I have had very damn bad experiences with such matters, my son.



87. That would probably be the last infamy that one could foist on you.


88. Elsi knows that everything is not like that, which is why she should also attest in writing that you have nothing to do with that and that you also do not accept our and her solution.

Elsi 知道一切不是那樣,這就是為什麼她也應該寫一個書面證明你與那無關,並且你也沒有接受我們以及她的方案。


I have already told her that it does not suit me.



89. Then she is oriented about that and can also correctly hold everything affirmatively in writing.



But still, it does not suit me.



90. We must act in accordance with the purpose and the given circumstances and in accordance with the sense of duty to be expected.



That is absolutely clear to me, but surely, there still would have been another solution.



91. Unfortunately no, at least not for the time being.


92. It will only change when the Centre is group property.



Then just do what you want. I am simply not asked.



13. You are wrong.


14. We understand your objections very well and also know that they are very justified – unfortunately.

我們非常理解你的反對意見,也知道它們很有道理 —— 但遺憾的是,事實就是如此。

15. However, the circumstances and all the conditions are, at present, truthly given in such a manner that we can only take this one possibility into consideration and declare it as a final solution.


16. In this regard, we have really analysed and worked through everything conceivably possible for us and have found that this solution offers the only complete security.



Then it should just be like that. I probably cannot do anything against it, even if I do not consider it to be right.



93. Any attempt against it would also be wrong and very unserviceable to the overall task, my friend.



Then for my part, it shall be like that. But may I ask another question?



17. Sure, just ask.



Well, it is like this: I would gladly like to know, … ah, can one of you tell me whether Elsi was something in my last life, damn… I mean, whether we knew each other?

好的,是這樣的:我想知道,你們當中有沒有人可以告訴我, Elsi 的前世是不是我上輩子的什麼人,該死的... 我的意思是,我們認識嗎?


18. No, that was not the case, for at that time, she was not incorporated into an incarnation.



And in my life before?



19. There, she was a friend.


20. But at that time, both of you were otherwise married up to the ends of your lives.


21. I would not like to mention more about that for the time being.



Then please still tell me, however, whether Elsi has had one or two other incarnations since then?

那麼請再告訴我,在那之後,Elsi 是否還有過一兩次轉世?


22. Since then, it has not been only one, that is, not just the current one.

在那之後,Elsi 有過不止一次轉世,也就是不僅僅有當前這一次。


That is sufficient for me, thanks. By the way, what I still wanted to say: out of the approximately 300 previously neglected pages of the last two years, I have reworked well over half in the meantime. If possible, I will still also create the remaining missing pages in the foreseeable future.

這對我來說足夠了,謝謝。另外我還想說的是:在過去兩年內缺失的大約 300 頁裡,我現在已經重新寫出來超過一半的內容。如果可能,我還會在不久的將來完成剩下的部分。


10. I know; you have finally laid out The Law of Love and the clarification of Life and Death.

我知道;你已經寫下了《愛的法則》(The Law of Love)和對《生與死》(Life and Death)的闡述。


23. You have done this work in a very short time and admirably well, as Quetzal explained to me.

你在非常短的時間內完成了這部分工作,並且完成地非常好,Quetzel 跟我說過。

24. I estimated that you would need several months for that, as the subject matter of both works was extremely difficult.



It has given me trouble all right, and indeed, a great deal, which I must admit.



94. But still, you have completed it very quickly.


95. I would like to ask that you make a copy of each work available to me.


96. My daughter Pleija would also like a copy of each.



You can have that; indeed, Quetzal also wants one of each.

行,沒問題,Quetzel 也想要一份。


25. You also should not forget me.



But I will always give you a copy of everything anyway.



26. Sure, but these will always be assigned to our archive.


27. But I would still like to have a copy of each of these works for myself alone.



Okay, I will gladly do that. But tell me, Ptaah, how will you read my books, then? You only speak Greek, and we always have to use this translator together. How will you find your way in the books, then?



97. I will have them be translated for me into my native language.


98. In all other respects, I have decided that next year, I will endeavour myself around the German language, if it should be decided in the month of March that we can continue to attend to our task and still fulfil this.



Man, I think that is great, but look here, I received these photos a few months ago from abroad, with the note that the pictures were made in a private museum of a man who had stolen some scrolls in an ancient grave somewhere in Egypt. I have also received the film of these pictures. What do you think of it, Ptaah?



(He looks closely at the photos and then puts them in a device, which looks like a screen, and then speaks some words that are unintelligible to me into the same device.)


99. In a few minutes, we will have an analysis that tells us whether the image prints are genuine and whether the photographed material is old or new and, thus, whether it concerns a forgery or not.


100. The writing on the prints really should be known to you, my friend.



It is, indeed, known to me, as Sfath and Asket have striven to teach me this language. This concerns the old Lyran language, which is extremely similar to our German language in very many values, so, for example, in the sentence structure and in many other things, like, for example, in sentence progression.

是的,我的確認識這種語言,Sfath Asket 曾經教過我。這是古天琴語,它和我們的德語在許多方面非常相似,例如,句子結構以及其他許多方面,比如句子的流暢性


101. You still understand the language?


102. Do you also still understand how to speak it?



With the speaking, it lacks quite enormously, but with the deciphering, it goes to some extent, although I had quite nasty difficulties with it at the beginning.



103. Then you should practice the language again, for it is still current in certain planetary areas.


104. Maybe you can use it sometime.



You are good, I already messed around with it for several months until I only had the alphabet together again and was able to decipher the writing, which has, indeed, no longer been current for around eight thousand years and has probably also been completely forgotten by the human beings of the Earth.



105. That is of correctness, but it amazes me that you have managed to decipher it.


106. After all, for approximately 15 years, you evidently no longer dealt with it.



That may be right.



107. And the deciphering, is it of correctness?



I hope; here, you can see.



(He studies my arts of deciphering.)


108. If I did not see it for myself with my own eyes, I would have to doubt it.


109. You have deciphered everything flawlessly and have also translated it flawlessly into the German language, as my daughter just whispered to me.



Then I am, indeed, calmed. To me, it would be…



110. One moment, my friend, we are getting the analysis.


111. Yes, look here, the prints are genuine and show a photographed material that is 8,000 years old.


112. It concerns a paper-like material that has all the properties of paper but is far more stable and was used by the old descendants of the Lyrans who ultimately came to the Earth.


113. This means that the man with whom you have spoken must, therefore, actually be in possession of 8,000-year-old original documents.



It has been said in the prophetic sentence of the herald Henoch: He in his mission as prophet will be (live) again in repeated lives in multiple reincarnations as most important herald of the teachings of the spirit, as they are given in the laws of Creation, and brought and announced to the Earth-humans on Terra by the guardian angels from the stars of Lyra and Vega. The herald Henoch says: I am the herald of truth, and in this mission I will be (live) again in important times by the names: Elia, Jesaia, Jeremia, Jmmanuel, Muhammed, Billy, (and) so I will serve the human beings as a prophet among seven times, before the change for the compliance with the laws and recommendations of Creation will take place in their thinking (convictions). So I will be (live) in reincarnation in the new time when space will be conquered, and when the guardian angels from foreign stars will appear once again. My reincarnation in that time will be as Billy and with the name Eduard Meier, and I will dwell in a land of peace in the North, which will be called Schweiz (Switzerland). The human being then may listen to my voice, so they may be led into the light of the teaching of the spirit.

在先知以諾(Henoch)的預言中說道:他作為先知的使命將在多次重生中再次復活,成為最重要的靈性教導的宣揚者,這些教導是根據「造物法則」(the laws of Creation)所賜予的,並由來自天琴座和織女星的守護天使傳達給地球人類。先知以諾說:我是真理的宣揚者,在這使命中,我將在重要的時刻以不同的名字再次出現:以利亞(Elia)、以賽亞(Jesaia)、耶利米(Jeremia)、以馬內利(Jmmanuel)、穆罕默德(Muhammed)、比利,我將以先知的身份在七個時期中為人類服務,直到他們的思想轉變為遵循「造物的法則與建言」(the laws and recommendations of Creation)。我將在新時代重生,那時宇宙將被征服,而來自其他星球的守護天使將再次顯現。我在那時的重生將以比利為名,並以愛德華.邁爾(Eduard Meier)的名字出現,我將居住在北方一個被稱為瑞士的和平之地。那時,願人類聆聽我的聲音,並被引導進入靈性教導的光明之中。

114. Where should this man live and what is his name?



I do not know that, unfortunately, because that was not said to me.



115. That is a great pity, so we can probably hardly find him, although it would be very valuable to have some of these original documents because we ourselves also do not possess such kinds of documents.


116. Especially the contents of this document photographed here are very valuable; we also were not aware that such exists.


117. May I keep one of these prints?



But of course, you can even have two or three if you want.



118. That is not necessary; one is quite enough.



Then take one.



119. I thank you very much.



You owe me no thanks. But if you could still answer another question for me?



120. If it lies within the possibility of an answer?



I hope. Quetzal told me a month ago that by the senseless behaviour of some group members, two people have been driven away, who had already belonged to the group once several thousand years ago as other personalities and who should now likewise join the new group again and take on important tasks. May we know, perhaps, whom it concerns with these two?

我希望是。Quetzel 一個月前告訴過我,由於某些小組成員無知的行為,有兩個在幾千年前就已經以另一人格加入小組的人被趕走了,而他們現在應該重新加入新的小組並且承擔重要任務。也許我們可以知道這兩個人是誰嗎?


121. No, according to the given circumstances, it would not be advisable to mention the names.


122. The impossible behaviour or senseless behaviour of some group members, as you call it, does not allow this.


123. According to their still prevailing unbalanced and destructive attitude, they would dare to make representations to the two persons or otherwise take self-serving steps to bring them into the core of the group after all.


124. But this would, with certainty, have very bad consequences because the two feel so shocked by the impossible behaviour and the derogatory and insulting manner of speaking of various group members that they would truly feel repulsion in themselves and, from this, would take steps against the continued existence of the group.


125. But this is not surprising because the Earth-humans who are ruled by emotions are very susceptible to changes in mentality of an emotional origin.


126. But that such negative emotions were excited in these two people, the guilt for this clearly lies with various group members.


127. Truly, there can be no talk here of a normal, evolution-conditioned error but only of a guilt because the group members concerned acted against better knowledge with regard to their tasks and their attitudes to be acquired.



I understand, but Quetzal has also spoken of the fact that it is of importance that replacements must be used for these two and that the time periods of certain task fulfilments will shift through this. As he said, two descendants would have to be witnessed under certain circumstances, who would then have to stand as replacements and be prepared for their tasks. No details follow from his statements, however, thus none as to whether it would have to concern female or male progeny and also none as to who would have to give birth to this progeny. He only said that the mother, in any case, would have to be a virgin and would also become a mother still as a virgin. If I have understood these things correctly, which I suppose, then the procreation of this progeny would have to concern an artificial insemination, right? That is what Quetzal confirmed to me anyhow.

我明白了,但Quetzal也提到,重要的是必須為這兩個人找到替代者,這將導致某些任務完成的時間被推遲。正如他所說,可能需要生育兩個後代作為替代者,並為他們的任務做好準備。然而,從他的解釋中並不清楚這些後代應該是女性還是男性,也不清楚誰應該生育這些後代他只說,母親必須是一個處女,並且在成為母親時仍然是處女。如果我理解正確的話,這應該是指人工授精,對嗎??無論如何這就是 Quetzel 跟我證實的。


128. That is of correctness because the social forms and laws prevailing with you only leave this possibility open, if no complications should appear.


129. Our formulated idea proceeds from the fact that a young and still virgin wife is found, who would commit herself to this and join your core group.


130. Or a still unmarried virgin would have to be found, who would like to be incumbent upon such an obligation but who, in this case, must have already attained the age of legal majority that is determined among you.


131. It would also be of necessity that the virgin concerned, in one case or another, would undergo a medical clearance, in order to let her virginity be attested before insemination.


132. But the same would also have to happen after the insemination, by what means it could be proven for the Earth-humans that everything has its correctness.



And, is this step really unavoidable now, I mean, with this procreation of progeny?



133. Yes, this step may become unavoidable, if certain things do not straighten themselves out again and if our overall task is still to be fulfilled.


134. Those who still have not taken their obligation seriously until this day bear the guilt for this.


135. And I declare again, that there must not be any talk here of an evolution-conditioned error but truly of a guilt, which was created maliciously and recklessly.



And have you already found someone, I mean, a virgin who would be ready for this task fulfilment?



136. No, because so far, we could not strive for it.


137. Perhaps someone could be found by your own initiative, who would be more serviceable to the matter than if we would have to strive for it.



That might be a rather difficult case. But tell me, how should such an artificial insemination take place according to your idea?



138. Two possibilities would be possible.


139. The first would, indeed, be quite impractical and even disagreeable to us, namely that an artificially induced fertilization would be carried out, for which we would have to put the appropriate virgin in a hypno-psychic state, through which she would release a self-fertilization.


140. The second possibility would be that earthly physicians would, through a natural expenditure, carry out a transfer of sperm from a suitable man and manoeuvre this sperm in the normal way of transfer into the body of the virgin obligating herself to this.


141. But this would mean that the suitable man must then, in truth, also openly be the father of the progeny, and they would also carry his features and genes.


142. This second way would, in our view, be the more valuable and more realistic one, for then, a paternal power would be given to the progeny, which is of great importance for a human being.



But now, you still have not answered my question about the gender of the progeny.



143. That is of correctness.


144. The gender of the progeny is unimportant because we hope that if everything can happen as planned and calculated, a complete equality and equal rights in all things of the given principles will arise between female and male life-forms in your group.



I infer from your words that you will not decide finally until the remaining three-month time period has expired?



145. That is also of correctness, my friend.



And what is to be with the progeny, then? On the one hand, these would have to be provided for, and on the other hand, a virgin can, indeed, only give birth to a progeny once virginally.



146. That is also of correctness.


147. If everything should, nevertheless, still happen after the best success, the group itself would have to accept the responsibility for the entire livelihood and all other necessities of the descendants.


148. The corresponding virgin, if a suitable one can be found and she is willing to bear the obligation, would be fertilised a second time in a non-virgin state, since her virginity would, indeed, be taken by the first birth.



Then that means, therefore, that only one virgin would have to be found. But on the basis of what criteria would this have to be chosen, then?



149. If the finding lies within the initiative of the group, then we would clarify whether the person concerned is suited to an obligation.



Aha, that would certainly be a help.



150. Right.


151. It would be important to make sure that the virgin concerned wants to receive her obligation for the preservation of the group and the fulfilment of the task.


152. But all of this can only become topical if it should turn out in the month of March, 1979 that everything can continue.

但是只有在 1979 3 月,一切被證明還能夠繼續之後,這一切才能成為現實。

153. Only then will it also prove itself as to whether the progeny addressed must be taken into consideration at all or not.



I understand. So let's wait for the time and see what all still arises until then.



11. An unpleasant determination is still to be issued.



154. I thought of that, and I will explain it immediately:


155. Taking into account the fact that through certain group members, the internal affairs and secrets are carelessly spreading, and even in a treacherous form, are being passed on to outsiders and also to elements that are hostile-minded toward the group and the mission, we must determine, unfortunately, that in the future, the contact reports transmitted by us may no longer be handed over to the fallible group members, when this concerns reports like this one and the previous ones.


156. If it has already happened that the last reports were given to the fallible group members, then these must be withdrawn under all circumstances.


157. Not a word may be passed on about reports not handed over to these group members, not even to group candidates who have not yet been received into the core group.


158. Whoever offends against this arrangement, however, shall be excluded from the core group according to the statutes that have been found by us to be right, no matter who these are.


159. Henceforth, these reports for the fallible ones may still, at most, be looked through or read aloud strictly in the group's internal core area, but at the same time, also no notes may be made about that.


160. The original reports have to be accommodated in such a manner that no unauthorised ones can have access to them.



Is it really so bad that this measure has to be taken?



161. It is, unfortunately, necessary and unavoidable.



We have really come rather far with our group, which I must say.



162. In the negative sense, that is, unfortunately, of regrettable correctness.


163. But if all fallible group members now finally strive for everything in the most sincere and good form, everything is still able to turn to the good, but at the same time, shifts occur in the schedules, which cannot be changed anymore.


164. There are now still about three months available, a time that should be three times more than enough to let the necessary change in mentality in the individual fallible group members become effective.


165. And it is to be said from the start that we can no longer allow any excuses at all to be valid, so therefore, no one should propose the idea again that the group members are still only Earth-humans, who still need great evolution.


166. We know very well how the matters of a relevant form stand with the Earth-humans, so therefore, we also know the truthful values of how long an Earth-human needs for a corresponding change.



I did, indeed, already tell you, Ptaah, that I am of the same view, and I cannot understand it, that one always wants to hide behind flimsy excuses like some group members do. The worst excuses, so I find, are that one always wants to give the outward appearance that one understands everything very much and very well and always wants to say that one must still work on oneself very much, that one is glad that one can move once again in the free nature at the Centre and feels so very happy, which truly does not harmonise together with what is then done, however. In particular, I am referring to the fact that one positions oneself against another human being in a manner that is truly to cry and scream about, for one tramples another down, cuts him/her down and hates them, just because one is unsympathetic, and this antipathy is usually generated in the trouble-making person himself unjustifiably and out of one's own wrong feelings and thoughts because the relevant human being alone does not come to grips with himself/herself because his/her speeches of "all knowledge" and "all understanding" are only hollow and empty phrases that should cover one's own inadequacy, weakness, and fallibility. That, Ptaah, I find to be absolutely sickening – sorry, but one truly cannot express that differently. Damn it, not even children behave like that, for they let themselves talk with each other and teach each other. The adults, however, believe themselves to be grown up in thought and consciousness and believe in their damn illogic that they would think and act logically, even though they only mess things up because they do not notice how damn crazy and childish they are.

我已經告訴過你,Ptaah,我同意你的觀點,我無法理解為什麼有些人總是想用一些站不住腳的藉口來掩飾自己,就像一些小組成員所做的那樣。我認為最糟糕的藉口是,他們總是對外表現出一副非常理解和掌握一切的模樣,總是說自己還需要努力,說自己很高興能在中心的自然環境中活動並感到真正的快樂,但這些與他們實際的行為完全不符。我特別指的是,他們以一種方式對待他人,讓人感到憤怒和絕望,因為他們只是因為不喜歡某人就踐踏、排斥和憎恨對方,而這種反感通常是由於他們自己無理取鬧、基於錯誤的情感和思想產生的,因為這些人根本無法處理好自己的情緒,他們的所謂“無所不知”和“無所不曉”只是空洞的詞句,用來掩飾自己的不足、軟弱和錯誤。Ptaah,這讓我感到噁心 —— 抱歉,但真的沒有其他方式可以表達這種感受。該死的,就連孩子們也不會這樣做,因為他們願意聽取教導。然而,成年人卻自以為在思想和意識上已經成熟,認為自己在該死的非邏輯中邏輯地思考和行動,儘管他們只是在胡鬧,因為他們沒有意識到自己有多麼愚蠢和幼稚。


28. Unfortunately, that is the truth.


29. Your words could not be more appropriate.


30. But please, do not excite yourself again because of that.


31. It is enough already with what has been.



I will not excite myself.



12. That is also better, my friend; your nerves would not endure it.


13. It would be very well appropriate that more consideration is taken on this by the group members.


14. For my part, I have altered the device for you in some things, according to which it should now be functionally suited for you.


15. After our discussions, I would like to check it, if you agree with that.



Of course, I would be glad if the thing functions. But what I wanted to ask already for a long time: How's it going, actually, with Asina and her team?

當然沒問題,如果這個東西起作用的話,我會很高興。但是我很早之前就想要問一個問題,Asina 和她的同伴們怎麼樣了?


32. I am very sorry, dear friend, but they are all gone.



You mean that they have flown back to their homeworld?



33. Sure.


34. Their ship was repaired, and so, they have already been on the journey home for 6 days.

他們的飛船已經修好,所以 6 天前他們就踏上了歸途。

35. Unfortunately, as a result of the dumb story with the dispute, it has arisen that you could no longer see each other because you responded to no calls whatsoever, even though I called you in order to bring you and Asina together again, since you still wanted to take a photo of her.



Well, then it has just fallen through. That is, indeed, a pity, but it probably is not to be changed anymore, or will she, perhaps, come here once again at a later point in time?



36. That is hardly to be expected.



Well, then just not.



37. I also cannot change it, unfortunately.



What I would still like to say: the last times, Quetzal has given the report transmissions to me slower than usual because I have a new typewriter, with which I am not yet so fast. Would it be possible that you, too, transmit this and the next reports to me a little more slowly, so that I keep up with the typing? Everything is, indeed, still so incredibly fast.



38. Sure, but Quetzal has now developed a control gear device, with which it is now possible to type faster.

沒問題,但是現在 Quetzel 發明了一種控制齒輪裝置,有了它,打字速度就可以更快了。

39. So there will be no problems.


40. Moreover, I will transmit this report to you in several steps.


41. As the first step, our first conversation, the present one, shall be transmitted to you first, then after that the other concerns, in two or three parts.



Then you intend quite a lot. According to your words, you still have much to say.



167. Yes, and indeed, very important things.



42. It concerns your promise given to me.



Oh, now I understand. It probably concerns the things regarding the American government?



43. Sure, I would now like to clarify this to you.



Do that, my child, but tell me, at our last meeting – I do not mean that of last Saturday, which ended so unpleasantly – you made a strange comment regarding my promise, that I must keep this even if very unpleasant things would happen. I thought about that for a long time and found that you must have either performed a look into the future or a probability calculation, because for sure, your words were aimed at what had happened between Quetzal and me, right?



44. Surely, but I also knew that despite your great and justified rage, you would still reflect on your task again and would continue it.



Ah, and you think that I will still do that even if in March of '79, a final diagnosis would prove that everything was, perhaps, a waste of time?

哦,你認為就算到了 79 3 月,最終評估證明一切努力也許都是在浪費時間,我仍然會繼續下去嗎?


45. No, you would no longer do that; I know that very well.


46. This time, you had already fallen too deeply into negation with regard to a continuing and finishing of the task than that you would raise the power to exert yourself anew upon another precipitation of this kind.


47. We are absolutely clear to ourselves about that.


48. Your nerves would not overcome this anymore and everything would collapse, which would also be a reason why we, too, would not continue any longer because we may not endanger your life, which we would inevitably do, however, if we put a repeated demand of this kind on you.


49. But we would sooner let our entire task be destroyed by irrational, wrong, and despicable elements, before we would put you in such a danger.


50. Even your current decision – we are all very clear to ourselves about this – goes far beyond your own power and even beyond your last reserves, exactly according to the observations of my father, who has analysed Quetzal and you in secondary science work and knows with absolute certainty that we demand very much more of you with your current decision than what your last power reserves allow because the power demand exceeds these by several times.

即便是我們現在的決定,我們全都非常清楚這一點,也遠遠超出了你自己的力量,甚至超出了你最後一點儲備,這與我父親的觀察完全相符,他在第二次科學工作中,分析了 Quetzel 和你,並且非常確切地知道,就你現在的決定,我們對你的要求已經遠遠超過了你最後的力量儲備,因為這些要求超出了你的能力範圍。

51. Look here, this measuring instrument behind your back – you have not even noticed it – it indicates here your physical and psychical power reserves.


52. And as you see here, these are very close to the minus value.


53. This display here, however, which I, Quetzal, and father have already had our eyes on for a good while and attentively observe, shows us how you generate new powers out of your consciousness-realm and constantly drive these values up again from your psyche and physical body.

然而,這個顯示幕,我、Quetzel 還有我父親已經留意地觀察了好長時間,向我們顯示了你是如何從你的意識區域產生新的力量,並且持續將這些力量提升到你的心理和身體中。

54. As you yourself see, the display here steadily rises to higher values, and within just a short hour, you will already have more than a third of your power reserves again.


55. In two hours, there will already be two thirds, and in three hours, your power reserves will be completely normal again, even though they were below the minus value when you came here.


56. Similarly, you will also still further increase your powers afterwards and will enrich the normal, constant powers of the physical body and the psyche again.


57. But similarly, Quetzal has also done this, which we could also determine with him with this measuring apparatus.


58. But how you bring this to pass, both of you, that is puzzling to us because normally, human beings not of your type often require many months and even years to regenerate these powers fully, while human beings of our sensitivity still require even more time when it comes to such decays of powers.


59. You both are really very puzzling to us, and from this, it arises that our sciences have a new object of research, which was previously unknown to them.



Aha, then in the future, Quetzal will probably play experimental rabbit?



16. It will be necessary for me to be submitted to tests and analyses, etc.


17. That will be unavoidable because the whole thing represents a phenomenon, whose deciphering can be of great importance for many life-forms because perhaps they can acquire, through an exact investigation and solution of the things, the same ability that the two of us possess and that was previously unknown among us.



Then just nicely let yourself be broken down into your constituents, my son. But see to it that someone then numbers these correctly.



18. Thus, you please me again, my friend.



60. Sure, your joking sounds like it did at earlier times, before the deplorable grievances found their beginning in the group.


61. We hope that soon, everything will again be like it was before.



168. This would be my greatest joy.



62. Mine, too, but now, we must turn to other things.


63. Listen closely and separate the following out of the normal contact report upon the later transmission, with which I will already begin today at 17:45 hrs.

仔細聽好,並將以下的內容與之後開始於下午 5 45 分即將傳送給你的正常接觸報告分開。


To the Government of the United States of America



1) This is a proclamation from the Plejadian delegate for Earth from the planet Erra in the star region of the Plejades, to the government of the United States of America on the planet Earth.

這是來自 Plejades 區域的 Erra 行星的 Plejadian 的地球代表,向地球上的美利堅合眾國政府做出的一項聲明。

2) This proclamation results in cause of a petition of an American civilian by name LEE J. Elders, over our only Earthly mediator, Billy, the prophet of the new time.

這項聲明源自一位叫 LEE J Elders 的美國公民,通過我們在地球的中間人,新時代的先知,Billy 所提出的請願。

3) The petition asked for help for the United States of America, for certain fields of development.


4) The Plejadian Earth-delegates are past scrutinized consultation to the home, advising powers ready, to be helpful to the government of the United States, and to the nation, in form of necessary advices, but under exclusion of all technical advices, war-technical and war-strategical assistances, as much as these do in no form serve for a true peace and for the performance of the creational and by natural laws conditioned laws and bids.

Plejadian 的地球代表,在經過向本星球的顧問的詳盡諮詢後,願意以必要的建議形式向美國政府及其人民提供幫助,但排除所有技術建議、戰爭技術及戰略援助,因為這些形式無助於實現真正的和平,也不符合造物與自然法則的法則與建言。

5) For realization of our taken in consideration assistance must be settled conditions from our side, which are without except and tries in intrigues to fulfil, to observe and to respect by the Government of the United States.


A) Contacts to us, the delegates for Earth from the planet Erra in the star region of the Plejades, are and will be exclusively the function of our mediator Billy, the prophet of the new time.

與我們,來自 Plejades 星系的 Erra 行星的地球代表的聯絡,是也將只會通過我們的中間人,新時代的先知 Billy 來進行。

B) Tries, to bring in other contact persons would get revenged with stop of our advices, same at tries of espionage and pursuits for our forces, into which is included our contacting person, too.


C) Tries to bring in our contacting person Billy into scientific and political examinations for analyses etc. would get revenged by the at once stop of our advices. So is also valid while any wanton or evil-minded menace of his life or of the life of his relatives and members of his group. Same is valid at these while tests for gaining of analyses. Neither our mediator nor his relatives and group members are ever allowed to get subjected to hypnotical, suggestive, alcoholical, drugly or technical examinations.


D) Everywhere in the Earthly-global region the Government of the United States of America has to care for the physical and psychical welfare of our contact person, his relatives and group members and to give protection to him sufficiently.


E) Plejadian air- and space-flight-gears and similar apparatuses etc. ought never be menaced in their missions by aggressive actions.

Plejadian 的飛行器以及類似設備,在執行任務時不應受到攻擊性行為的恐嚇。

F) Determinative orders in true purpose of peace and for education of the Earth-human in respect to the truth and the spiritual lessons have to get observed, when such are given by us over the way of our mediator "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier.

當我們通過我們的中間人“Billy” Edward Albert Meier 傳達出的訊息,目的在實現真正和平及教導地球人真相與靈性教導的指示,必須被遵守和執行。

G) Alone the uppermost representative of Government of the United States of America is acceptable for signatures and consultations to our mediating contact person. Representatives arranged below the presidentship can not obtain acknowledgement.


6) Religions of cultic form, like they are given on the planet Earth, embody positions of might against the Earth-human, of spiritual and physical slavery by heresies. They but, too, embody the highest possibility of exploitation in each manner.


We Plejadians do not know any cult-religions, to which we were devoted or into which we would arrange us, like also would not do most of the human residents of the universe, because cultic religions lead to dissension and desires for might, to murder and killing and war, by what whole nations become eradicated.

我們 Plejadians,如同宇宙裡絕大多數人類一樣,沒有也不信仰任何宗教,也沒有如此的組織形式,因為教派宗教會導致爭鬥、權力慾望、殺戮和戰爭,從而摧毀整個民族。

From smaller cult religions rise large-cult-religions, splitting themselves past certain time regulary into sects with fanatic and deadly background in physical, psychical and spiritual reach, as well.


Short time before, the United States have experienced, to where the delusion cult-religion leads.


Well-known politicians and many otherones have opened all ways for a new cult-sect-leader with name Jim Jones, to get able to indulge to his delusion under the fanatism of his adherers. The end of it was thousandfold, coerced murder and suicide among the sect members. Found were of the dead ones less than ⅑, as the other murdered or suicided bodies of the sect members are farly diffused over very far regions. But as well sect members became murdered in order of this man Jones during his time of action. Such victims are not few ones, and all got hidden in the ground by their slaughterers, in what cause they cannot get found. Near to 211 human beings have lost their life by suicide, having got ordered hypnotically by the insane Jim Jones. And still many more than 140 human beings should die now by hand of murderers, as Jim Jones ordered it long before his death.

眾所周知的政客和許多其他人對一位叫做吉姆.瓊斯Jim Jongs)的新宗教領袖大開綠燈,在他的支持者的狂熱之下,讓自己沉溺在他的妄想之中。最終結局是,教派成員中有上千人被迫殺人或者自殺。發現的屍體不到九分之一,因為其他被謀殺和自殺的教派成員的屍體散佈在非常廣闊的地區。而教派的成員在執行拋屍時,也在瓊斯這個人的命令下被殺害。這樣的受害者不在少數,並且全部被兇手掩埋而隱藏起來,使之不能被找到。將近 211 人接受到瘋狂的吉姆.瓊斯的催眠式的命令,通過自殺失去了生命。並且目前仍然有超過 140 人將會死於他人的謀殺,因為吉姆.瓊斯在他死前很久就下達了命令。

This is the result of the delusion, for which government officers and other politicians of the United States have offered the hand, because they, as 90% of their nation, too, are captured in deadly, cultic religion belief and this ways tread under feet the real truth and tear her into dirt.

這就是妄想的結局,政府官員和其他美國的政客也為此推波助瀾,因為他們和他們國家裡 90% 的人一樣,也被致命的宗教信仰所困,從而踐踏並玷污了真正的真相。

The mass delusion, eventing in the border regions of jungle in the land of Guayana, consists on a very typical American illness of consciousness, namely in a confusion of consciousness.


They all were American civilians and members of the insane Jim-Jones-Popular-Temple. Sponsored in America, they went out into the jungle of Guyana, towards their sure death; sponsored by prominent white politicans. In the mad belief, a god being sith them, who in truth not does exist, they followed the pretentive and sponsored by American politicans wrong prophet, to end their lives one year later under shots from murderers' weapons and by potassium cyanide in suicide.


Never before had occurred anything comparisable on the planet Earth, made certain very scrutinized by us. In America but the impossible got possible, as the American government and many of her politicans in their cult-delusion same reached their hands for this, as also 90% of the American people, which has fallen to cultic-religious forms of belief, like it could already get foreseen about 200 years ago, when the American land got settled by sectarianly outsiders from Europe, who had to emigrate from there and then in America slaughtered the native, red human races, while they still even boasted themselves of their delusional belief. According to their mad belief, their conscience also admitted to them, to rob in the continent of Africa the there living human beings of the different black races and to bring them to America as slaves, to maltreat them there badly and to murder them.


All these human beings, and their descendants as well up to the present day got subjected to an industrialisation, finding not its equals on the planet Earth in any parallel. From that resulted a wicked splitting of all communities, as far as such at all had consisted, being but a rarity. The pretentive communities normally but were in truth nothing more than cultic-religious confederations and only and alone in purposes, fundamentally but without true love, which is of importance for a real community. As yet all alone was built up answering to purpose, and still is today, faithful to the cult religion, the fellow creature only to be there to get exploited, nothing real and good thing could rise from it.


As now all was constructed on pure cultic religion, a not-existing god became glorified for the creator of all thing, until fanatism, from what matter the different sects could grow themselves up, as nowhere else on the Earth. So in America also no religion wars were done, which would have stopped the continuous spreading sect being and so far would have fastened the motherly religion, that greater sect transgressions would have got prevented, which inevoidable once a day had to lead to mass-murders, as is the case since decades continuous progressing and now by the mad fanatican Jim Jones and his follower has found a bloody top for the first, although Jim Jones did not believe a single jot of his cultic-religious tissue of lies, that one time more shows, the cultreligion's leaders and sect leaders personally do not believe their heresies, which they urge upon their believers for observance, to bring them by such under their ban.


The United States of America were in miss of the religious wars, which would have remoted very many human beings from the delusion of religion and would have made them for truely thinking human beings. But as the America-immigrants and the from them risen population mainly consisted and consists in cultic-religious fanatics, so the population evidently suffers from missing religious collisions, which necessarily would have led many human beings towards the truth, like in most of the other lands of the world has evented.


All right also in all other lands of Earth the cult-religions have led to very wicked degenerations and sect being, but they never, besides at the since ever thursty for power about the world Jewry, the bloodthursty Jewry, were able to take such sizes, as are in America. Namely in these other countries missed for the believers, sectarians and fanatics the necessary, dispaired decision, to force their goals by all means, because it was known to them, too many human beings have fallen, by the suffered religious wars, from the cultreligions and in cognition of the truth have turned themselves away from each deity, towards the truth, towards the truth, that singly and alone the Creation is the origin of all life in universe, but never a god or a god's son, being alone the chimera of mightthursty Earth-humans.


Just but the desperate decision of the sectarian American population is very typical for the United States of America and its inhabitants. Their uprootal and the huge degression from the real truth of the Creation and her laws and bids has led to an overboarding sect being in blind fanatism, and by this, to a limitless readiness without any deliberation, to go until the extremest and the very last, to gain a community's experience. Such is so much expressed in America, like nowhere else on Earth. A proof, which will embody one of the most gruelful for the manic and uncontrollable desire of the Americans for a real community, which in consequence of the cultic-religious fanatism-belief of the American population never existed in their land and also will not exist, if the American people does not soon set himself free from his delusion-belief and his degenerations and finally turns himself towards the truth.


Being so, witnesses in hard reality the case Jones with his adherers and sponsors.


7) By different American persons with influence of the politics Jim Jones could lead his delusion-sect to that, what had come up with her. Such events must not repeat, and means have to be initiated to prevent from such occurrences like these. Already further, same-like sects exist, which can lead to similar and partly even greater slaughterings, when they get not stopped. It has to be strived by government of the United States for to ligature that sect being, as well as the rise of new sects. This represents the fundamental condition, before an advising help can be given from the Plejadian powers. Same is in this condition, that the people of the United States of America gets made attentive by all public communication means on the danger of the cult-religions and becomes taught of the truth by the spiritual lesson.

通過各個有政治影響力的美國人的協助,吉姆.瓊斯才能夠帶領他的妄想教派走到現在的地步。這樣的悲劇決不能再重複,人們必須採取措施來防止類似這樣的事件。不光如此,還存在類似的教派,如果沒人加以阻止,他們也能夠導致類似的甚至更大的殘殺。美國政府必須努力阻止這些教派,同時還要防止新教派的出現。這是 Plejadian 能夠提供幫助的基本前提條件。同樣的,這個前提還包括,必須通過所有公共通信系統讓美國的民眾瞭解邪教的危害,並且給他們傳授靈性教導。

In first line these truths have to be announced by the TV-broadcasting, in an programmation, which will be destined by us.


8) Our proclamation given in this manner shall be made only once. If it should transpire that this is not observed, and this within a space of time of 7 months (30th June 1979), then our offer for assistances lapses irrevocable, and there would no more be agreed into further tries for contacts in any form. By this, a space of time for the decision is fixed for the nation/population of the United States of America and for the government of the United States of America until the date of 30th June 1979. Would not arrive an attitude from the government of the United States of America in acceptable form until this date, personally signed by the presidentship of the government, then the try for contact will be assumed for null, without the chance for a repeat of the same.

8)我們只會以這樣的方式宣告一次。如果它在 7 個月的時限內(1979 6 30 日之前),沒有得到遵循,我們將不可逆轉地收回我們的協助提議,而且不會考慮任何形式的進一步接觸。因此,留給美國政府和美國民眾做決定的時間會持續到 1979 6 30 日。如果到了這一天,美國政府沒有給出以可以接受的形式,由美國總統簽署的決定,那麼這次接觸嘗試將被認為是無效的,而且不可能再出現同樣的嘗試。

9) For the rightness of this proclamation vouch the for this case delegated Ptaah, Quetzal and Semjase, in commanding position of the leadership of the Plejadian powers on Terra. We are the ones, who sign responsible for the right written fixation of our proclamation by our Earthly contacting person Billy, for whom we carry bail, each from him offered and noted word according truly to our explanations.

作為 Plejadian 在地球上的團隊的領導者,PtaahQuetzal 以及 Semjase 於指揮中心,保證這項聲明的有效性。我們負責讓我們在地球的接觸者 Billy 正確地寫下這篇聲明,對此我們保證他寫下的每一個字,每一句話都完全符合我們的陳述。







With the date of the 21st of March, 1979, Billy received a response to the proclamation of the Plejaren to the government of the United States of America, which was obviously written by Lee Elders and sent to Billy. Whether Lee Elders had passed the proclamation on to the government of the USA, this remained in the dark for Billy. Anyhow, a letter from the USA government was missing, such as was requested by the Plejaren. In response, the Plejaren withdrew their proposal and their proclamation and definitively distanced themselves from it and from the USA. (See Contact 122 of the 6th of April, 1979.)

1979 3 21 日,比利收到 Pleiadians 對美利堅合眾國政府的聲明的答覆,很明顯答覆是由 Lee Elders 執筆寫下並交給比利的。比利不知道 Lee Elders 是否真的將這篇聲明交給了美國政府。無論如何,並沒有如 Pleiadians 要求那樣的一封來自美國政府的信。作為回應,Pleiadians 收回了他們的提議和聲明,並且堅決地疏遠了美國。(見 1979 4 6 日的《第122次接觸報告》)


And, do you suppose that the American government will deal with these conditions?



169. This will be their matter alone.



That probably means that you have not yet thought about this further?



170. That corresponds to correctness, for everything points to the fact that too many things are not taken seriously enough by the government of this country, but on the other hand, much also points to the fact that the cultic-religious fanaticism of the rulers and the population will continue to kick the truth with its feet, which is why we must push for a short-term decision and have to set the given conditions.



But now, if the government does not deal with this, what then?



171. Then all further attempts would be pointless because we would never turn to the United States of America again in this form.



But that would somehow be unfair, for also in America, there are many human beings who know about your existence and strive in all forms to live and to learn according to correctness, in order to be of service thereby to the truth and their evolution, and therefore, also to the entire plan of the Creation.

但這多少有些不公平,因為在美國,也有許多人知道你們的存在,並以各種形式努力按照正確的方式生活和學習,從而為真相和他們的進化服務,因此,也為整個造物計畫」(plan of the Creation)服務。


19. That is of correctness, and these Earth-humans should not have to live in want.


20. Therefore, it is given to them that they follow you and bring a union into being in their country, as it is mentioned in your statutes.



That is fair, I find.



21. That is of correctness, but we should first discuss other things about that when the time and the events require this.


22. Today, we have to discuss more important things than those, which still need no decision.


23. What I have to mention as the first is this:


24. For two years now, you have prepared yearly predictions for the arriving events and have disseminated these according to good capability.


25. As you were instructed, you also passed these on to numerous and prominent public publication organs and to various governmental agencies with appropriate notes and citations.


26. Unfortunately, the response to all these efforts was null and void, for not a single success resulted from it, even though your predictions were of the utmost accuracy.


27. The authoritative human beings and rulers did not let themselves be roused, in order to evoke certain changes.


28. This, even though the predictions were of such accurate precision that not a single point announced in advance was to be found in these, which would not arrive.


29. Nevertheless, it steadfastly remains in the old, and one does not listen to your warnings.


30. Since it is now like that, it was decided by us that in the future, you should no longer strive in this area and should make no more predictions, for they, despite their precise accuracy, are ineffective and are not able to influence or change the materialistic mentality of the Earth-humans.


31. Useless works should not be done by you, and therefore, you should make no more predictions in the future.



That saves me a great deal of work and time, whereby I can then spend the latter on something else. I have in mind that if everything should be good in the group by the month of March, 1979, then I will finally work out the spiritual teaching course and then try to disseminate this. I am thinking that I will start this from the most minimal, basic knowledge and prepare four monthly teaching letters in each case, and these shall be prepared or drawn up in such a manner that a home study and a distance study become possible.

那就為我節省了大量的精力和時間,這樣我就可以把時間用在其他事情上。我在考慮,如果到了 1979 年三月,小組的事一切順利的話,我就終於可以完成靈性教導課程,然後試著傳播它們。我在想至少我可以在這個月就從最簡單,最基礎的知識著手,準備每四個月一份的教案,並且設計成既可以自學,也可以函授的形式。


64. That is a very good idea, for, through that, you can take in very many human beings, who find no possibility to get in direct contact with you.


65. But at the same time, consider that this requires financial resources again and that you should also finally provide for your family within a good framework and should create some financial security for them.



I have thought of that, which is why I would like to couple the teaching letters with certain conditions and with a fixed price. I was thinking of about 10 Swiss francs per month.

我考慮過,這就是為什麼我給教導文字附加了一定的條件和一個固定價格。我想大約是一個月 10 瑞士法郎。


172. I am glad that you have finally become more reasonable in this regard, but your price mentioned might be too low.


173. Therefore, I would like to determine for you that you have to set the sales price of the teaching courses at 25 Swiss francs per person per month.

因此,我想為你應該將教導課程的價格定在每人每月 25 瑞士法郎。


That is a bit much, I think.



174. My view on that runs on other tracks.


175. You live on the Earth, which is dominated by materialism.


176. The Earth-human is settled on this materialism and ekes out their existence in accordance with this.


177. And since you necessarily have to live with the Earth-humans, the authorisation is also given to you and your family that you can live among these Earth-humans within a good framework.


178. In order to be able to do this, however, you and your family need a certain financial amount, which enables you in this framework of living.


179. With the teaching courses per your idea, you now have the possibility that you can finally bring these financial means together and, perhaps, put aside something for times of need, which is even your right.


180. Here, I would also like to determine, contrary to the statutory determinations, that the means that are to be received through these teaching courses are not only to be your property at 50% but rather at full extent, because financially, you have a lot to make up for your family, which has truly been living in impoverished conditions up to now.

現在,我還想做出決定,與法定的相反,這些教導課程收入,你不是僅得到其中的 50%,而是全部,因為你需要許多錢來養活你的至今都一貧如洗家庭。

181. Moreover, the appropriation of 25 Swiss francs per person per month mentioned by me is not set too high because your work is truly priceless, so it cannot be measured in monetary amounts, etc.

而且,我提到的每人每月 25 瑞士法的定額,並不是太貴,因為你的工作是真的無價之寶,不能用金錢來衡量。


You speak a strong word, Ptaah, but I still find the price to be too high.



182. I explained to you that this price determination represents a determination on my part, which you should not deny now.


183. In case of need or inflation, the amount can and should be increased at a later time.



66. Sure, that is also my view.



32. I can only align myself with that.



Okay, okay, then it shall just be like that. Well, I will ask for 25 Swiss francs.

好吧,好吧,那就這樣吧。我會把價格定在 25 瑞士法郎。


67. That is good; if only you were as reasonable in other things.



What do you mean by that now?



68. Quetzal will enlighten you about this.

Quetzel 會告訴你的。

69. It concerns your safety.



33. That is of correctness:


34. Already months ago, we drew your attention to the fact that all of you should exercise your supervisory function at night in the Centre, which you have omitted up to now, however.


35. I would urgently like to reiterate this to you and to suggest this task to you again.


36. Your enemies have not become fewer, quite the opposite.


37. You know that five attempts have already been made to kill you, and the latest incident will not have been the last.


38. It could very well be that already in a short time, an assassination attempt is undertaken again, as various signs point to that.


39. Hence, be very watchful and do not go out without your weapon.


40. It may be that you will be shot at again; however, it is also possible that your vehicle will be used again for an assassination attempt, as this was, indeed, already the case at an earlier time, as you know very well.


41. Sufficient caution is, therefore, appropriate, my friend.



I will remember that, but you yourself know that we are too few people to set up an effective night watch.



42. That is of correctness; therefore, it would be necessary that more group members reside in the Centre.


43. In particular, male group members would be of importance.



But who?



184. We have discussed these things.


185. At the spring time, Engelbert and his family will live in the Centre, but just one other male person is not sufficient.

在今年春天,Engelbert 和他的家庭會住進中心,但是僅僅多了一個男性是不夠的。

186. There would still have to be one more.


187. We have found the only possible solution, which refers to H.

我們找到的唯一可能的就是 H.

188. He should finally bear the obligation, draw close to you all, and finally be freed from his treacherous thoughts and actions.



Which H. do you mean? We have two of those.

你指的是哪個 H.?我們有兩個 H.


189. It is only possible for one of the two, namely for H. S.

只可能是這兩個中的一個,就是 H. S.


You know, however, that he strictly refuses and that he thinks, feels, and acts more and more destructively as well as treacherously toward the group and the mission.



190. That is well-known to me.


191. His refusal, however, is not based on the senseless grounds that he is not in a position to do so for this or that reason, which are truly no grounds, however.


192. In truth, he does not want to do this only because certain things do not appeal to him, which he would then finally have to omit because he would then have to carry out the already long-needed change in himself.


193. He is, however, the only real option that is currently available.


194. He should finally reflect on his obligation and do his duty.


195. That should be clearly stated to him one last time, and he should not resort to excuses again, which cannot be acknowledged because they only represent apparent reasons, which rest in his treacherous attitude.


196. Rightly, which I must say, he should have already been excluded from the group long ago, like also his brother.



Then there is still also the problem of accommodation, for which I already have a solution in mind, however. I have worked out a plan as to how we could still create more living space in a cheap manner.



197. Then this problem should, indeed, be solved by that.



If the group agrees with it, then yes.



198. Good, then for today, I have discussed everything with you that was to be discussed between us, except that I do not want to get involved further with the negative side of H., for I have said everything necessary in this connection just now.

很好,那麼就今天而言,我已經和你討論了我們之間要討論的所有問題,只是我不想再涉及 H. 的消極面,因為我剛才已經說了這方面的所有必要內容。


44. Also for my part, I have said what was necessary in this regard.



70. I have nothing further to add, except that you should please be very, very careful because different signs point to the fact that already in a short time, something unpleasant will approach you, and at the same time, this unpleasantness will be directed against your life.



Well, you probably do not know something more precise about that; otherwise, you would, indeed, say it. I will do my best to be on guard. Farewell then, to all of you, and also pay attention to yourselves. By the way, I am still to give you all dear greetings from everyone, which I should not forget, and indeed, in spite of all the whining and fighting among one another.



71. I am very pleased about that.


72. Dear thanks, and till we meet again, my friend.



Bye everyone.



199. Be watchful and be well disposed towards peace and your health.



45. I will come to you again next week.


46. Until then.


47. Pay attention to yourself and farewell.



Goodbye to you, solemn company.



48. So now, I will give you our declaration for Elsi regarding the … of the Centre, which you call the Semjase Silver Star Center.

那麼現在,我現在要為Elsi提供我們關於 ... 中心的解釋,也就是你們所稱的Semjase-Silver-Star-Center

49. It has arisen through various calculations and evaluations that if the Centre is to be preserved in its task, this should be imparted in a form of …, which offers the greatest security.

通過多種計算和評估,我們發現,如果中心要繼續履行其任務,應該以一種 ... 形式進行,以提供最大的安全性。

50. All group members in the existing group were examined and analysed with respect to this responsible task in all aspects of characters and emotions and the most important foundations of the recognising and understanding of the task and the teaching.


51. The result yielded that among the existing members of the group, not a single power is to be found, who would do justice to this task, which is why we had to move the progeny of the group members into our attention.


52. It has been found that at a later time, … would have to assume the leadership of the Centre, as our calculations have yielded this.

根據我們的計算,未來 ... 將必須接管中心的領導權。

53. His initiative will also be decisive in that the task is continued in an administrative form.


54. At his side will be …, who will be of importance as a representative, since he can, with great certainty, never allow himself to be inserted into the military forces, which would be worthless for our task.

在他身邊的將是 ... ,作為一名代表,他將是非常重要的,因為他可以非常肯定地說他絕不會讓自己加入軍事部隊,因為這對我們的任務毫無價值。

55. But also … will have to assume an important role in the task area, by what means all … form a very important connection, which is classified as a mutual … collaboration.

... 也必須在任務領域中扮演重要角色,這將使所有 ... 形成一個非常重要的聯繫,並建立在相互 ... 合作的基礎上。

56. Therefore, it is given, as our calculations yield, that … is to be used as a later driving and preserving force of … of the whole Centre, but at the same time, … is to be used for the guidance and preservation of the same, which is to be added by us as well recognised statutes as a foundation.

因此,根據我們的計算, ... 將作為未來的推動和維護力量 ... 被用於整個中心,而 ... 則應以我們認為良好的章程為基礎進行領導和維護。

57. In the right to a say in the guidance and administration of the Centre, … is to be included because … is of decisive importance, who will also receive this if a … power should fall out by passing away.

在中心的領導和管理中, ... 應有發言權,因為 ... 具有決定性意義,即使 ... 因去世而退出,這一點也將保持不變。

58. For the administration of …, according to earthly laws, the … should be used, if it should turn out that this would be necessary due to unforeseen circumstances.

根據地球法律, ... 應被任命為管理人員,如果因不可預見的情況需要這樣做。

59. First and foremost, this duty applies to you, who would have to take on this task.


60. After your demise, … would be obliged to this task, but … alone would not be master of this, so … an assistance is to be added by Engelbert, his wife Maria, Bernadette, and by Madeleine and Jacobus, who would be able to master this task in a common unit.

在你去世後, ... 將負責這項任務,但 ... 無法獨自完成,因此應由Engelbert、他的妻子MariaBernadetteMadeleineJacobus共同協助完成這項任務。

61. But this only applies if you had to lay down your task prematurely by passing away, and thus, your guidance would be forfeited.


62. This regulation is to be settled and held in writing in an earthly-official way by Elsi in the coming time, according to which after an unforeseen passing away on her part, the order would take its course.


63. But it should happen that up to the time of her passing, she keeps the administration in her hands, while you should still bear the guidance and the organisation, as this was the case up to now.


64. This is our declaration, as we have worked it out through our very exact calculations, and which you are to convey to Elsi as her sole knowledge, after which she can act accordingly.


65. Moreover, it is already Elsi's most inherent will and thought to regulate the … of the Centre in this form.

此外,這已經是Elsi自己的意願和想法,以這種形式來規範中心的 ...


And all that is over my head, for I am not and cannot be in agreement with it. I have carried out a look into the future and have found that … will stray away from the task of the mission in such a sense and that both … will go their own ways, so I …. Therefore, I am for the fact that we regulate everything differently, and indeed, that we definitively make the Centre group property, precisely by making everything association property.

這一切都超出了我的想像,因為我既不同意,也無法同意。我也查看了未來,發現 ... 會在這種意義上偏離使命的任務,而且 ... 都會各行其是,所以我 ....。因此,我贊成我們以不同的方式管理一切,事實上,我們正是通過把一切都變成團體的財產,確切地說,是使一切成為協會的財產


66. We will take counsel over your proposal and also consult the High Council.



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