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Introductory statement to the first Contact with Semjase/
最初英譯:2022年01月14日,星期五,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
英譯改進:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2025年03月02日,星期日,DeepL Translator, DeepSeek, James Hsu
This is an unofficial but authorised DeepL preliminary English translation and may contain errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
It was 13:00 hrs; Tuesday, the 28th of January 1975, when I busied myself at home recording tape voices. An attempt that had been one for months and also remained one. Nonetheless, however, luck was very kind to me on this 28th of January, though quite different from what I had expected. It was something not entirely new to me – but something foreign, something I would never have dreamed of at the moment, because I simply did not think of it.
As if out of nowhere, there was suddenly something inside me; an urge that made me listen inwards. Slowly everything became clearer and what had first been a blur crystallised clearly. They were words, foreign thoughts, which penetrated me from somewhere. Thoughts that slowly made themselves understood and made me sit up and take notice. They were peaceful and somehow very familiar, although they penetrated me in this urgently foreign way. And all of a sudden I understood the meaning of the words, which were sending me a somewhat strange message, namely that I should take a camera and leave the house. Without asking, I did so, and I didn't know why. It seemed like an irresistible command, almost like a silent compulsion. So I took my vehicle and drove away, aimlessly it seemed to me, but well guided to a certain place. I drove through the village and into the open field, criss-crossed meadows and wooded areas and arrived in a rather lonely area. On a dirt road there was a large truck with a box body, whose driver had just disappeared into the nearby forest, where he apparently had something to do. Interested in the big truck, I stopped and looked at it from all sides; according to the number, it was a German truck.
I just looked at my watch and realised that it was 14:12 hrs and that I had already been driving around for a full hour. Just at that moment I heard a very soft buzzing in the air and looked up at the cloudy sky. What I saw made me think I was dreaming. An object came shooting out of the clouds, rapidly slowed down its speed and slowly curved towards me from the forest about 350 metres away. The whirring stopped abruptly as the object slowed down. It was now flying silently and I could make out its exact shape. It was undoubtedly a discus-shaped thing with a semicircular superstructure and base. The superstructure was larger and had red raised rectangles: Windows, if I was not mistaken.
我看了看手錶,發現已經是下午 2 點 12 分了,而我已經騎了整整一個小時的車。就在這時,我聽到空氣中傳來一陣輕微的嗡嗡聲,抬頭一看,天空烏雲密佈。眼前的景象讓我以為自己在做夢。從雲層中突然飛出一個物體,速度迅速減慢,並從大約350公尺外的樹林方向緩緩飛來。當物體減速時,嗡嗡聲突然消失了。現在它完全無聲地飛行著,我能夠清楚地看到它的形狀。毫無疑問,這是一個碟形的物體,上下部分呈半圓形。上半部分較大,有一些紅色凸起的長方形:如果我沒弄錯的話,那些應該是窗戶。
Hastily I pulled out my camera and aimed at the object, then took the first picture. It was now exactly 14:15 hrs, and the object was certainly no more than 150 metres away from me and also flying about 150 metres above the ground.
我急忙拿出相機,對準這個物體,然後拍下了第一張照片。此時正好是下午 2 時 15 分,物體距離我不到150公尺,飛行高度也大約在150公尺左右。
Place and time of recording: Frecht, Hinwil; 14:15 hrs
Date: Tuesday, 28th January 1975
Recording distance: approx. 150 m
Distance to the forest: approx. 350 m
Distance to birch tree: approx. 180 m
Approach direction: from the south
Weather: very cloudy
Size of the object: 7 metres
After the picture was taken, the object veered off to the west at breakneck speed, and suddenly the whirring sound was in the air again. But it came back again at breakneck speed, stopped almost abruptly only about 100 metres above the truck, while again abruptly the buzzing stopped. I was exactly 44 metres away from the truck (measured later) when I took the second picture. Just a few seconds before my picture was taken, the object chased back and was then about 100 metres above and about 50 metres behind the lorry. Now I could see the object very well: With absolute certainty a UFO, a so-called 'flying saucer', as these objects are commonly mistakenly called.
Recording time: 14:18 hrs
Recording distance: approx. 100 m
Distance to the lorry: 44 m
The object is located about 50 metres behind the lorry at a height of approx. 100 m.
The underside of the object seemed to vibrate and literally create visible waves. However, these waves do not seem to be of a material nature, but of an energetic nature, in the radiation of which everything material shimmers as if in a flicker of heat and appears further away.
The underside of the disc seemed to vibrate violently, almost to be alive. It seemed as if small waves were constantly passing slowly through the underside. However, these waves did not seem to be regular and not of solid form; they seemed to be so peculiar and of an energetic nature. Solid matter seemed to blur in the radiation of these waves, for the truck suddenly appeared to me as if bathed in heat flicker. I only saw it very unclear and blurred and further away than the UFO, which nevertheless hung in the air far behind it. When I took this second picture, it was exactly 14:18 hrs. After that, the object chased from a standing position at breakneck speed diagonally eastwards into the sky and disappeared into the clouds. Quickly the resounding whirring died away and then there was silence. I went back to my vehicle and drove cross-country towards the forest lying to the east, in front of which was a large forest aisle. About 250 metres in front of it, I parked my vehicle in the dirt track and walked around, observing everything. Somewhat uninterested, I noticed the truck, now about 500 metres away, driving away, its driver apparently having returned from the forest in the meantime.
碟形物體的底部似乎劇烈振動,甚至彷彿具有生命一般。看起來像是小小的波紋不斷緩慢地在其底部流動。然而,這些波紋似乎並不規則,也沒有固定的形狀;它們顯得非常奇特,似乎是由某種能量構成的。在這波紋的輻射範圍內,堅固的物質似乎變得模糊不清,因為卡車突然看起來像是被熱氣籠罩著。我只能非常模糊且不清晰地看到它,並且它顯得比UFO更遠,儘管UFO實際上懸浮在卡車後面很遠的空中。當我拍攝這第二張照片時,時間是下午 2 點 18 分。之後,物體從靜止狀態以極快的速度向東斜飛向天空,消失在雲層中。剛剛再次響起的嗡嗡聲迅速消失,隨後一切恢復平靜。我回到車上,穿過田野朝東邊的樹林騎過去,樹林前有一條寬闊的林間空地。在距離樹林約250公尺的地方,我把車停在田間小路上,然後四處走動,觀察著一切。我有些心不在焉地注意到,那輛現在約500公尺外的卡車開走了,顯然司機已經從樹林裡回來了。
When the truck was gone, no human beings were to be seen in the lonely area, and only the voices of nature could be heard. About 200 metres in front of me, in the forest aisle, five roe deer were grazing peacefully, while some ravens were engaged in a battle with a bird of prey in the forest over and high above the firs, birches and beeches. But suddenly they unexpectedly let go of their victim and silently dived away. Flying fast, they disappeared over the trees and eluded my gaze. The five deer had also suddenly become agitated, throwing their heads up and looking around. But then they took off in great, long leaps, away from the forest and out into the open field. Only a few metres away, they rushed past me to a forest stand to the south, where they quickly disappeared. Something had obviously startled and frightened them, for they did not take the slightest notice of me as they fled. Also the sudden escape of the ravens was very strange, for they do not normally leave a victim at their mercy so quickly and without reason.
Another two or three minutes passed before I heard the familiar buzzing again, and sure enough, the UFO shot out of the clouds from the east and abruptly slowed down over the forest. The buzzing stopped again, and now I also knew the solution for the flight of the birds and animals. Apparently, with their fine sense of perception, they had noticed the approach of the UFO and fled in wild panic.
Very slowly, the object now curved over the forest to the clearing and descended infinitely slowly. Quickly I snapped another picture, exactly at 14:31 hrs. A minute later I snapped the next picture, like the first one from about 180 metres away. Then I watched as the UFO continued to descend and finally touched down gently on the meadow bottom of the clearing, completely silently.
物體現在非常緩慢地繞過樹林,飛向空地,並以極慢的速度下降。我迅速再次拍下一張照片,時間正好是下午 2 時 31 分。一分鐘後,我又拍了一張照片,與第一張一樣,距離約180公尺。之後,我觀察到UFO繼續下降,最終輕輕地降落在林間空地的草地上,完全悄無聲息。
Landing approach
Recording time: 14:31 hrs
Recording distance: approx. 180 m
Direction of approach: from the east
The object descends in front of the trees into the forest aisle.
Landing approach
Recording time: 14:32 hrs
Recording distance: approx. 180 m
Direction of approach: from the east
The object descends in front of the trees into the forest aisle.
Cheeky as I am, after the landing of the UFO I already ran to have a closer look at the object and, if possible, to take a photo of it. But about 100 metres from the UFO, a tremendous force seemed to slow me down. It seemed as if I was running against the winds of a completely silent storm or against a negatively polarised magnet. With all my might I tried to fight it and move forward. I also managed it, but only a few metres, then the counterforce was simply too great. So I just sat down on the ground, stared at the UFO and waited for the things that were surely to come. And I was not mistaken, because after less than a minute something happened:
A figure emerged from behind the UFO; undoubtedly a human being in a strange and yet somehow familiar suit: a space suit like the one used by earthly astronauts. Only it was not so clunky and cumbersome, but supple and light, as I soon discovered. Actually, the suit was more like a jumpsuit with a strange grey colour. From very close up, it looked as if it was made of elephant skin. In any case, this material reminded me of an elephant whose skin I had once touched – in the zoo, of course. Moreover, this strange suit was obviously close-fitting and hard-wearing; you could really see that. There was a ring around his neck that obviously served to hold a helmet, but this UFO human being was not wearing it now. His head was free, and undoubtedly it could be seen that it was a woman or simply a female being. Her facial expression was free and open, and nothing suggested superhumanity, arrogance or spirituality. She seemed to be quite simply a normal human being, without super qualities and without super beauty or otherworldliness. She also walked just like a normal female, only firmer, more secure and not as emphatically dainty and typical as many earthly women. She walked exactly like a female being, which is indeed a female being. There was nothing of feminine pomposity and feminine sweepings, but of natural self-confidence, security and natural grace.
Semjase's beamship with Semjase and Billy
Oil painting. (Nichols, American painter)
Phoenix/USA; 1980
Slowly this being approached me, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up. The woman's grip was firm and sure, yet very pleasant and somehow assuring of safety. Slowly we walked to a nearby fir tree where we both simply sat down against the trunk and in the sparse grass. Then the UFO woman began to speak; not in my mother tongue, but in a perfect German with a very peculiar accent. The introductory conversation was not very long, but then the following conversation lasted for a long time before the woman left again, disappeared into the beamship and flew away.
Semjase; drawing of Eichenberger's line drawing by Christian Krukowski; June 2000
Semjase;由Christian Krukowski根據Eichenberger的線條圖進行繪製;2000 年 6 月
She left me at 15:51 hrs, and at 15:58 hrs, shortly after take-off, I shot the 5th photo from a distance of about 185 metres. Shortly afterwards I took the 6th photo when the beamship was already hovering high above the trees. It is interesting to note that shortly after take-off, the beamship bathed everything below it and also to the side in a strange heat flicker that blurred the surroundings and outlines. Distances were also distorted and everything seemed to change somehow, as I had already noticed with my second photo shot. But here it was even more noticeable when the beamship took off, and I was even able to detect with absolute clarity a blue-reddish colouring of the radiation, which is still clearly visible on the 5th photo.
她在下午 3 時 51 分離開了我,而在3 時 58 分,就在飛船起飛後不久,我從約185公尺的距離拍下了第五張照片。不久之後,當飛船已經懸浮在樹梢上方時,我拍下了第六張照片。值得注意的是,飛船在起飛後不久,將下方和周圍的一切都籠罩在一種奇特的熱氣波動中,使環境和輪廓變得模糊不清。距離也被扭曲了,一切似乎都在以某種方式變化,這方面我在拍攝第二張照片時已經注意到了。只不過在飛船起飛時,這種現象更加明顯,我甚至可以清楚地觀察到一種藍紅色的輻射光,這在第五張照片上仍然清晰可見。
Takeoff and Departure
Time of recording: 15:58 hrs
Distance of recording: approx. 185 m
Ship: approx. 45 m in front of the forest
The whole surroundings below and to the side of the ship shimmered as if in a heat flicker and in blue-reddish radiation.
To the right in front of the forest is a small reed belt.
(Marsh reeds about 2 m high.)
Approx. 50 m in front of the ship and at about 135 m shooting distance are scattered shrubs about 1 m to 1.30 m high. On the left of the picture are the lowest branches of a large deciduous tree at about 50 m shooting distance.
After the 5th photo, the beamship rose above the treetops (6th photo) and then slowly turned away northwards over a single group of trees. When it was already hovering just behind the trees, I took the 7th and last photo at 16:00 hrs. Unfortunately, the camera's film was then used up. Only seconds after this last picture, the familiar whirring sound was heard again, and the beamship shot up vertically from a standing position into the cloud-covered sky at an insane speed and disappeared from my view.
在拍攝第五張照片後,光束飛船(beamship)升到樹梢上方(第六張照片),然後緩緩轉向北方,飛過一片孤立的樹群。當它剛剛飛到樹後時,我在下午 4 時整拍下了第七張也是最後一張照片。這時,相機的膠卷不幸用完了。就在這最後一張照片拍攝後的幾秒鐘,熟悉的嗡嗡聲再次響起,光束飛船從靜止狀態以驚人的速度垂直衝向陰雲密布的天空,消失在我的視線中。
The last photo was taken from a distance of about 200 metres, when the object was probably about ten metres higher than the trees and had already glided over them.
Takeoff and Departure
Recording time: 15:59 hrs
Recording distance: approx. 180 m
The beamship is located a few metres in front of the forest.
The object starts vertically in the forest aisle and then flies northwards.
Takeoff and Departure
Recording time: 16:00 hrs
Recording distance: approx. 200 metres
The object flies at about 10–15 m above the treetops and already about 50 m behind them. Seconds after the picture is taken, the ship shoots vertically into the sky at breakneck speed and disappears into the clouds.
Location map of Billy's first beamship photographs and his first contact with Semjase on 28th January 1975.
Drawn by Billy after the contact, January 1975.
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中文翻譯借助 Deepl Translator 與 DeepSeek 的協助