The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 23
Session 38, March 13, 1981
一的法則:卷五, 片斷二十三
第 三十八場集會, 1981 年 3 月 1 3 日
Serving as the instrument for the Ra contact was very wearing on Carla. She would lose between two and three pounds per session, and the psychic greeting component of the contact often intensified her arthritic distortions to the point that her functioning on all levels was severely curtailed. Thus Don and I had hoped that one or the other of us could take her place from time to time in order to give her rest, but neither of us was properly prepared for this service. So rest was obtained by spacing the sessions out over a greater period of time, and we all contented ourselves with the fact that there was a price to be paid for being able to offer this kind of service, and Carla would have to bear the brunt of that price.
Jim 評論 :
做為 Ra 通訊的器皿 , 這工作使 Carla 十分疲憊 。 她每次集會平均損失二到三磅 ( 體重 ), 同時該通訊的超心靈致意成分經常強化她的關節炎變貌 , 情況嚴重到她在所有層面的機能都受到嚴重減損 。 因此 Don 與我都希望我們其中一位可以偶爾取代她的位置 , 好給她休息時間 , 但我們沒有一個在這項服務上有適當的準備 。 所以我們將兩次集會之間的時間拉長 , 以取得休息時間 。 我們甘願接受這個事實 , 因為能夠提供這類的服務要付出一個代價 , 而 Carla 必須首當其衝地承受該代價 。
I cannot express the amount of pleasure I felt at being able to serve in this way. To see Donald happy and inspired was a satisfaction of the heart that struck to the depths of my being. I adored Don, and wished to make him comfortable and happy. But he was not comfortable in this world, and so often felt painfully lonely and isolated, although this was never mentioned, nor did he show it in any way. For some reason, his pain and loneliness were always utterly apparent to me, and called forth my deepest sympathy and desire to nurture. The days of the Ra contact were golden indeed. I would have died quite gladly doing one last session, and rather expected to, and embraced that freely, but Don’s death came first. So I remain! The years since his death have opened to me a wonderful path of service, as readers write in, and I have become counselor and friend to so many all over the world. It is as though I received a second life, for truly when Donald died, the Carla that was, was gone. He had taken a 25 -yearold and molded her to his needs, with my willing aid. I became truly his creature. When I woke up from that life, 16 years later, I was neither that 25 - year-old nor Don’s. I really had to start from scratch to discover my current self.
Carla 評論 :
我無法表達能夠以這種方式服務我感到多麼地愉悅 。
看見唐納 ( Donald ) 快樂與振奮使我內心感到滿足 , 直達我存有的深處 。
我熱愛 Don , 並且想要使他舒服與快樂 。 但他在這個世界上並不舒適 , 經常感覺痛楚的孤寂與孤立 , 雖然他從未提及 , 也沒有以任何方式表現出來 。 為了某種原因 , 他的痛苦與寂寞對我而言總是全然地明顯 , 並且喚起我最深的同情與滋養的渴望 。 與 Ra 通訊的那些日子的確是黃金歲月 , 我相當樂意在完成最後一場集會後死去 , 甚至期待與擁抱這個可能性 , 但 Don 卻先走了 , 而我留下來 !
他死後的歲月為我開啟另一個服務的美好途徑 , 許多讀者寫信進來 , 我成為世界各地許多人的顧問與朋友 ; 彷彿我接受第二次的生命 。 因為當唐納死去時 , 過去的那個 Carla 也走了 。 他帶走一個 25 歲的女孩 , 依照他的需求打造 , 加上我自願的協助 , 我真的成為他的尤物 。
當我從那次的生命醒來之後 , 16 年過去了 , 我不再是 25 歲的女孩 , 也不是 Don 的女孩 , 我從零開始 , 重新發現目前的自我 。
Session 38, March 13, 1981
第 三十八場集會, 1981 年 3 月 1 3 日
Questioner: Will you tell us if there would be any hope or any purpose in either Jim or me taking the instrument’s place as instrument by attempting the trance work ourselves?
問: 你可願告訴我們 , 是否有任何希望或目標讓 Jim 或我可以取代器皿的出神工作 ?
Ra: I am Ra. This information is on the borderline of infringement upon free will. We shall, however, assume your desire to constitute permission to speak slightly beyond limits set by Confederation guidelines, shall we say.
RA : 我是 Ra , 這個資訊位於冒犯自由意志的邊界 , 然而,我們假設你們的渴望構成一個允許 , 使我們可以稍微超過星際聯邦指南設定的限制 [ 容我們這麼說 ]。
At this space/time nexus neither the one known as Don nor the one known as Jim is available for this working. The one known as Don, by, shall we say, practicing the mechanics of contact and service to others by means of the channeling, as you call it, would in a certain length of your time become able to do this working. The one known as Jim would find it difficult to become a channel of this type without more practice also over a longer period of time. Then we should have to experiment with the harmonics developed by this practice. This is true in both cases.
在這個空間 / 時間鏈結 , 被知曉為 Don 與 Jim 的實體都還不行從事這項工作 。 容我們說 , Don 實體曾透過通靈方式 [ 如你所稱 ] 練習通訊的機制與服務他人 , 經過一段特定長度的時間 , 能夠做這項工作 。
Jim 實體將發現成為這類的管道有困難 , 除非有更多的練習與一段更長的時間 。 然後我們應該實驗 ( 你們 ) 練習後的成果與和諧程度 , 在兩個情況 ( Jim 與 Don ) 下都是如此 。
[ 片斷二十三 結束]