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Contact Report 150第150次接觸報告



最初英譯:20211230日,星期四,DeepL Translator

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin, Sanjin Đerić, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:20250212日,星期三,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, DeepSeek, James Hsu




















三、談到毀滅者」這顆巨大的彗星,它的體積是地球的1.72,而密度是地球的1.37.185.516;所以總重約是地球的2.241.72 X 1.3)。好在被Plejaren運用科技將其從太陽系的軌道移開,毀滅者1680年是迄今為止的最後一次經過,或許它不會再回來。






This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved personsas contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Man, you are really lucky I was lying on the divan. What would you have done if I had been lying in bed?



1. Then I would have called you.



You are really good.



2. I must speak the same word to you, but as a rebuke.



I do not understand? What did I do that was so crooked?



3. You [plural] ignore the rules of order once again.



Not that I know of, my son.



4. What reasons exist then for the fact that Thomas does not handle his night watch as the rules of order prescribe?



But Quetzal, the rules of order actually state that group members who do not reside in the Centre only have to perform a night watch if they remain in the Centre for a night.



5. That is of correctness, and why is it then being transgressed?



Now, I really do not understand, because Thomas did go home at around 24:00 hrs, as was explicitly clarified according to the instructions that were given last Saturday at the group meeting.



6. You should not speak the untruth, or are you actually not oriented about Thomas staying at K.'s place?

你不該說假話,或者你真的不知道Thomas住在 K. 家裡的事?


I do not understand that, because only about twenty minutes ago, I took another short walk around the house and did not see a light in her room.



7. So that is why you thought that Thomas was no longer present.


8. I understand.


9. But that is not so, and that is not good, because the whole thing, even in and of itself, is not of correctness and there are unreal feelings behind it.



But that is not our matter.



10. No, we must not do that, but I would like to allude to the fact that through this unrealism a dereliction of duty appears which should not come to light.


11. According to Saturday's explanation of things, it would have been Thomas' duty to report for the night watch.


12. And as derelict in duty as he is in this case, I have noticed, it is not the first time.


13. Particularly with regard to cooperation, my results showed that he is a shirker, if I may use your earthly vocabulary for clarification.


14. This must be made clear to Thomas by the responsible ones on the board of directors and indeed on this very day, whereby you should make sure yourself that in the early morning hours, Thomas is called here to work as the rules of order stipulate.



I am really very sorry and embarrassed about all this, but I did not know about it. And I assume that M. and E. also have no idea that Thomas is at K.'s.



15. That should hence correspond to the truth, but I must ask you to pass along a further duty to M. and E., which is that they make certain that Thomas performs his proper night watches if he has not left the Centre at around midnight, whereby no leeway of time is to be left open.


16. Midnight should and must be kept punctual.


17. Moreover, the rules of order stipulate that all group members residing outside have to complete an entire night watch, always then, when they stay in the Centre at night.


18. This means that if a group member is based elsewhere but still spends every night or several nights at the Centre, that this group member must then take over a full night's watch every single night that the group member remains at the Centre.



But this is simply impossible because on the following day, the people either have to go away again or else have to work in the Centre.



19. That is of correctness, yet, whoever of the group members can find the time to spend each night or several nights per week in the Centre, in spite of the daily work and the entire studies, which are in nowise easy, can also perform the night watch.


20. In other words, this also says that the order that has been very painstakingly built up over the years will not be broken again and, moreover, extremely illogical and emotionally-decided unreal aberrations, etc. will be prevented or at least arrive in forms that slowly create reasonable clarity.



Okay, okay, I cannot go against your logic, because it could not be sharper. But with that which you have said, I think that should now indeed be enough.



21. Unfortunately not yet, because concerning Thomas I still have to address that rule of order which says that 30 minutes after appearing at the Centre the work must be taken up.


22. This also applies in the evening, as Thomas has to lend a hand as a group member when other group members are also still working.



That should really be understandable, because this point is also clearly mentioned in the rules of order and the house rules.



23. For Thomas, it must be specifically explained once more.


24. On the other hand, through this, it must also be made clear to him that all the rules and regulations are valid for him as well, into which all group members are arranged, and through those alone, the order could be created and can be maintained.


25. Failures from his side cannot find any consideration, just as little as exceptions and special rights.


26. The danger from such things would be far too great, for immediate rebellion and renewed acts of destruction would be the consequence.



I know, that is why I will also immediately do what is necessary in the morning.



27. That is good.



Probably, but I would like to get some sleep first.



28. I will have two to three hours to talk to you though.



Then so be it.



29. I will carry out a time shift after that so that you can lay your head to rest after all.



Very nobly expressed. But if that is the case, then I still have a few questions.



30. Yes?



Of course. First of all, can you give me information concerning to what extent the other two Plejaren groups in America and in Asia maintain contacts with Earth-humans?



31. None since the last spring, which lasts until the middle of 1982.

自去年春天後,一直到 1982 年的年中都沒有。


Aha, then they all went away too?



32. That is of correctness.



And – when they were still there, how was it?



33. Their contacts with Earth-humans were, without exception, in the form that none of the contacts had any knowledge that they stood in contact with our members.


34. Physical or visual-visionary contacts were strictly avoided and also none of this kind took place.


35. Not one of the contacts had any knowledge or suspicion that they stood under our contacts, either in America nor in Asia.


36. Only here in Europe do we maintain a physical contact with you as well as those telepathic contacts, which you are informed about.



Aha, and what about this now: Why were all of the stations vacated, and where have your people gone?



37. You have never asked about these things before.



I know, because I am not curious about these things either. It would now be interesting for us to know why such displacements of persons are taking place with you, or does it thereby deal with a secret?



38. It does not deal with such.


39. I am only puzzled by your question, because you have so far kept away from such.


40. Not only did we have to remove all of our available forces from the Earth, but also from many other worlds, including Erra.


41. We need all available forces because the population of a whole system, which includes 16 inhabited planets and three suns, has prepared itself for a space traversal in warlike form because their system is doomed.

我們需要所有可用的力量,因為包括 16 顆有人居住的行星和 3 個恆星組成的整個星系的居民已經做好了以征戰的方式穿越太空的準備,因為他們的星系註定要毀滅。

42. The targets of these still war-accustomed humans are the habitable planets of the most diverse constellations, whereby also the SOL-system is included, and thus the Earth.


43. These rather inhumane human life-forms are willing to kill the inhabitants of the planets they have chosen in order to gain their own living space.


44. On the one hand, our forces now prevent these life-forms from realising their plans by breaking out into space, but on the other hand, further of our forces systematically resettle the populations of the various endangered planets in uninhabited but easily habitable areas, while another part of our forces looks for new habitable and suitable planets on which the rest of these human beings can be settled and relocated.



Incredible, but cannot the Lyrans and Vegans also help you with that?



45. We have also included many forces of theirs for this task; another part of them will take over on the Earth at the end of this month, as I explained to you earlier.



I know you spoke of the fact that Menara's father, brother and sister will come here, along with 35 others.

我知道你說過,Menara的父親、哥哥和姐姐,還有其他 35 人都會來這裡。


46. That is of correctness, but these 38 human beings only represent the first wave that will take over our own station and our tasks.


47. Ours and both of those two other stations, America and Asia, will be fully staffed with our allies.



So with Vegans and Lyrans – and, are they all differently coloured?



48. You say that they are chocolate brown.



Well, this is a happy surprise. But tell me, while we are on the subject of other colours of human beings: Have you learned more about the origin of the Chinese and Japanese in the meantime?



49. Unfortunately no, and at present we have to stop this research.


50. However, we are close to the goal and we will inform you as soon as we have a final result.



That's all I wanted to know. Then another question: Take a look in my office. There is a drawing by Lee Elders on the little brown table. He drew me a boomerang-like ship of unknown origin. Such ships are said to have been sighted several times in America recently and in the past few months, and they are said to be completely black in colour and to have huge spotlights in operation at night. Is this known to you, and if so, what explanations can you give me in this regard?

我只是想知道狀況。那就再問一個問題:看看我的辦公室。在那棕色的小桌上,有一張Lee Elders的畫。他給我畫了一架來歷不明的迴力鏢(boomerang)狀飛船。此類船據稱最近已經被目擊,而且在過去的幾個月,多次出現在美國,據說它們的顏色完全是黑色的,而且在夜間有巨大的聚光燈。你是否知道這些情況,如果知道,你能就此給我什麼解釋?


51. I see the paper you mentioned here in my view screen, and I can also explain some things to you about it:


52. The drawing is incorrect, because these flying apparatuses are much less wedge-shaped than the drawing shows.


53. So the wing-like side bodies are further apart.


54. The size of the devices varies from a few metres to several hundred metres.


55. The building material is of an extremely hard and resistant material, unlike our materials which are of a soft form.


56. These flying apparatuses are also, as you mentioned, for the most part black, but they also have various other colours which, however, have apparently not been observed and which are usually also drowned out by the black.


57. Unfortunately, we cannot clarify the origin of these flying apparatuses, which we have been observing and controlling for eleven years, because there is no possibility that we can get in touch with the occupants of the apparatuses.


58. The flying apparatuses are constructed so that all our attempts at communication have failed because our swinging waves and vibrations and all other equivalent types are absorbed by the outer shells of the apparatuses.


59. No radio wave and no other swinging wave can penetrate into the interior of the flying apparatus, because the outer shell of each apparatus absorbs everything in the sense of storing energy for the ship's propulsion and everything else.


60. This means, among other things, that these flying apparatuses are constructed so that they absorb all waves of all frequencies, and thus all swinging waves of all kinds, as well as sunlight and all the radiation that appears with it, etc., for the storage of force.


61. But also the moonlight and the weak light of the stars are absorbed and stored as force, together with many other things which are still unknown even to earthly scientists.


62. What is certain, however, is that the life-forms dominating these flying apparatuses are humane and reveal no hostility whatsoever, as has been impeccably proven by our eleven years of observation and control.



That is fabulous, and you have not yet found a means of contacting these newts?



63. No, so far we have not found a means.


64. Maybe we will succeed if …

也許我們還是可以取得成功,如果 ...


You think if they are still on Earth long enough, whizzing through our airspace?



65. Exactly, but now I want to explain to you the next predictions for the next years.


66. The last predictions were mainly only for one year, until October 1981, because Semjase had to return early from her contact with you, although it was planned to give you predictions that were calculated over several years.



On the one hand that is of interest, but on the other hand I very often wonder whether these predictions have any meaning at all.



67. Sooner or later successes will come out of it.



You mean after the occurrence of the events?



68. Yes, and much later.


69. But let me begin now:


70. Semjase's statements ended with the assassination of Sadat, who was still warned by you and with my help when I brought you to him on the 28th of July.


71. The next event, which will take place very soon, concerns the Israeli political murderer Moshe Dayan, who will die of natural causes in a few days from today.

現在會討論下一件事,這將很快就會發生,那就是以色列的政治殺手摩西.戴陽Moshe Dayan),他將會自今天(1010日)起幾天內自然死亡。

72. In the following, earthquakes will again be registered in various places on Earth, which will be classified in the run-up to the great earthquake catastrophe, which, however, is not yet to be discussed.


73. The next sensational event will occur on the 28th of October, in Sweden.


74. It will be that a submarine of the USSR will have to be arrested in Swedish waters by the Swedish Navy, because the boat will be engaged in espionage in their waters.


75. Due to a carelessness of the navigational forces the submarine gets into distress, after which it is towed free by the Swedish Navy.


76. This in itself would be a political trifle, but the fact that the submarine will carry nuclear weapons will become known, causing all sorts of political turmoil.


77. Only the 6th of November will put a temporary end to this event, when the USSR submarine will be taken out of Swedish territorial waters again.


78. On the 31st of October, Switzerland will be in turmoil because a demonstration involving 20,000 people will take place in Kaiseraugst, which is large by Swiss standards.


79. This demonstration will be directed against the construction of the nuclear power plant, which will be approved for construction by the Swiss Federal Council despite all citizen protests, which must be equated to a crime against the people, the country, the culture, the fauna and the flora, like any other construction of such plants, which never find arguments for justification.



In this regard, I would like to ask a question for once: Is there really no way to use nuclear energy without causing great danger to human beings, animals, plants, etc.?



80. This possibility exists, and we are also using it.


81. Earth-humans, however, are not yet able to do this.


82. Nevertheless, he works negligently and completely irresponsibly with nuclear energy, thereby deliberately creating deadly dangers for all life-forms.


83. Atomic energy may only be used by human beings in every respect when all the substances and waste materials produced can be used and processed without any danger whatsoever to such an extent that absolutely radiation-free matter is produced.


84. This, however, is only possible through a transformation process that converts the radioactive radiation back into the original matter, which in turn creates the original matter.


85. But if human beings work with or use radioactive materials before they are capable of the transformation process back to the original matter, then they are acting criminally and in violation of natural law in every form.



But then how are the energy problems to be solved?



86. Every planet always supplies its life-forms with sufficient natural energy, which is not dangerous in any way.


87. However, this requires that the planet has the normal population and does not fall prey to overpopulation.


88. The Earth is now overpopulated with about 4 billion (4,000,000,000) humans (1981) and has become completely disordered through the lust for power, profit and luxury of the Earth-humans.


89. If Earth-humans would be sensible and introduce an expedient birth stop, then a reduction of earthly humanity, back to the normal level of 529 million, could be carried out in a short time.


90. This would solve the energy problem naturally, as well as the problem of food procurement.


91. However, the stupidity of Earth-humans in this respect is boundless, for without any responsibility they violate all the laws of nature, whereby they are also unresponsive to the ending of this problem, to which must be added the false humanity that still protects and promotes this crime of overpopulation, as well as the problem of famine, etc.


92. The re-establishment of the normal population of earthly humanity alone would be the correct and only solution in the matter of solving the energy and food problems.


93. Everything else is always just illogical partial solutions, representing illogical effects from illogical origins.



But after what is just today, surely there should be a solution to solve these problems.



94. That is of correctness, but these solutions can only be time-conditioned, because the problems continue to grow due to the increasing overpopulation and thus due to the unreasonableness and greed of Earth-humans.


95. It would therefore be quite wrong for me to state and explain those possibilities which actually exist for thoroughly solving these problems of energy and food.


96. We can only get involved in the naming of such possibilities when Earth-humans make an effort to drastically reduce and naturally decimate planetary humanity to normal levels.


97. Only then would we be able to point out possibilities of problem solving so that these problems would actually be solved during the reduction.



But with the irrational madness of the human beings of Earth, this will not be able to be the case because they will not be taught.



98. The Earth humanity drives itself thereby into a helpless abyss.


99. The Earth-humans, however, are not to become extinct and annihilated, which is why appropriate measures must be taken.



And how should these look like then?



100. As erroneous as that sounds with the knowledge of earthly overpopulation:


101. A new nation must be founded.


102. However, it must be a people that lives according to the natural-creational laws, whereby they become a prototype to the great mass of stultified Earth-humans and have a teaching effect on them.

這必須是一群按照自然造物法則」(natural-creational laws生活的人群使其成為芸芸眾生的榜樣,並啟發影響他們

103. However, I will give you more details about this at a later date, in connection with other matters relating to your group.



Aha, that is already clear: you are just thinking that our group will be the foundation of this new people, and indeed through the constantly new group members and their descendants.



104. That is of correctness, and we are, with the approval of the High Council, in the process of allowing this new people to emerge as a foundation stock for some time.



I am aware of that. Some things have already happened, while the rest is still to come, with the next year already bringing growth in several forms, if I am not mistaken. But the intended process will take many centuries, if it can be fulfilled at all, for the influx to the group will be small for a long time, so it will grow only slowly.



105. That is how it is foreseen and determined to be, though we have some difficulty in keeping the explanations within a good framework, because the group members themselves still think unreasonably about these things.


106. Their attitude, their false views and the like make everything difficult for us, although everything would be quite easy if we could act after that which corresponds to correctness.


107. Thus, for the time being, we are still dependent on manipulations that do not bring the desired full success, which means, that we often have to accept actions for which we still have to expend all kinds of effort, but which also do not guarantee us that full success will be achieved.



I understand, and I know what the problem is.



108. Yes, you know the problem, but now we are talking about other things again, because I still have a lot to explain:


109. Until the 29th of November, nothing of great importance will happen in the world, if we disregard the unnecessary shouting about Poland.


110. The 29th of November, however, will then bring another event that will be widely broadcasted by the channels of publication of human beings, although it is a quite natural event.


111. On this day in America, the actress Natalie Wood will be retrieved dead from the sea, in which she will drown after a marital quarrel and in a drunken state.

在這一天,美國的女演員娜妲麗Natalie Wood)將被人從海裡打撈上來,她是在一次婚姻爭吵後醉酒溺水身亡的。

112. After that, there is again not much of significance, until finally in Poland the point is reached that brings things to a head.


113. A General Jaruzelski will impose martial law on the country in order to put an end to the years of destructive activity of large masses of the population and the politically-subversive trade union, whose leader is one Lech Walesa.

賈魯塞斯基Jaruzelski)將軍將在全國實施戒嚴令,以結束廣大民眾長期的喧鬧以及工會多年來在政治上顛覆性的破壞活動,而工會的領袖是萊赫.華勒沙Lech Wałęsa)。

114. As usual, Earth-humans also fail to see the truth here, which is why they take sides with the trade union and cry out in favour of false humanity.


115. No one wants to see and recognise that these agitators truly want to seize power in the country, that they are work-shy and that for years, through evil compulsion, they have driven the entire country and the entire population into hardship and misery, into hunger and into financial ruin.


116. So it will come as it must come, which unfortunately will cost many human lives.


117. But in Poland, the existing violence of a large part of the people and the trade union Solidarity can only be broken again by Gewalt.[1]


[英譯註一:來自 Ptaah 的解釋:“Gewalt”一詞與“heftig”(暴力)和“Heftigkeit”(暴力)這兩個詞沒有任何關係,因為“Gewalt”在古老天琴人(old Lyran)的語言中意思是“Gewila”,它被定義為使用一切可以使用的強制手段,包括身體、心理、精神和基於意識的力量、能力和技能,以實施和完成可怕的行動和作為。]

118. Unfortunately, in the false humanitarianism of the Western world, unjustified sides are also taken for Poland, whereby especially the Polish army leadership and the leadership of the USSR are once more being illegally sanctioned another time.


119. The sense of true humanity has unfortunately long since been lost among Earth-humans, which is why here, too, a completely wrong policy will be pursued another time, whereby the truth will be completely misjudged and those who are wrong will be placed in an unjustified and unjustifiably good light, namely the Solidarity trade union and its adherents, the work-shy, who know no bounds in their greed for money and might.


120. The Western countries and peoples, however, do not want to see this truth, which is why, in misconceived humanity, they will seek to blame the rulers of Poland and Russia, who, however, in this case are truly not to blame for anything.


121. Not last but foremost of this false humanitarianism and anti-propaganda against Poland's and Russia's governments will be the blame of American President Reagan, who will behave like a little boy in office and impose dangerous sanctions against Russia and Poland.



But there is nothing else to be expected, since you once declared that Reagan will be the real founder of the next world arms race.



122. That is of correctness, because he will be the greatest warmonger and power-hungry man at the present time since the time of the last world war.


123. This, however, will cost him very badly, about which I will give you the necessary information at a later time.


124. His final exit will be as inglorious as also the lifting of the sanctions he imposed and the settlement of the Polish crisis.



That will indeed be inevitable. But please say, how it will look for the whole world this winter, which would be something of greater interest than stupid and primitive politics.



125. There is a lot brewing:


126. The whole of Europe and very large parts of America will be flooded by enormous masses of water, causing billions of dollars worth of material damage and also claiming many human lives.


127. Especially, Switzerland, Germany, England, France, and America will suffer from enormous water masses which will bury and destroy many things, but which constitutes only a small part of everything that this winter brings with itself.


128. Besides tremendously large snowfalls, the clouds will open their sluices for very large amounts of rain freezing into ice which also points to the anticipation of unusual cold spells, as such the human beings of these affected areas only very rarely experience, when nature calls forth natural changes.


129. But all the events of this winter, as the preceding and the ones still to follow, are not just attributable to natural events alone, but also to the outrageous unreasonableness of the Earth-human against nature, etc.


130. Temperatures will drop to 60 and more degrees below zero in certain areas and everything will freeze over.


131. The average degree of coldness, however, will be from 30 to 40 degrees below zero in various areas in Europe and America, which means the death and destruction of many human lives and animals, as well as crops, etc.

然而,在歐洲和美洲各地的平均氣溫將在零下 30 40 度之間,這意味著許多人命與動物還有農作物等等的死亡和破壞。

132. And these cold spells will also not stop at the more southern regions, with the American vacation paradise of Florida, etc., in particular, being extremely badly affected by the destruction and cold.


133. However, Australia will also have to suffer, especially from a great drought, but also from great water ingresses.


134. However, all this does will not yet mean the end or the contentment of this winter because partly quite vicious earthquakes will also occur around the world at this time, whereby especially America will be the land where most quakes will appear, next to North Africa, Italy, Oceania, and Japan, as well as China and Russia.


135. But practically all of the countries of the Earth will be shaken by lesser and greater quakes, whereby in different places, also volcanic eruptions will thereby come to light, which, as well, are partly due to the crazy human effort of destroying the Earth, but especially in recent years, the atomic bomb tests, etc. have contributed a large part to the release of these events.


136. The end of winter, which will bring with it many other evil events, will also once again claim many human lives and material values, for the snowmelt will not only cause enormous avalanches to fall and destroy a great deal, but there will also be floods due to enormous meltwaters, as well as landslides and rockslides, which will destroy a great deal, from which Switzerland will not remain spared.


137. Such events, however, already set themselves in, even before the middle of winter is reached, and they will continue well into the third millennium and will bring death, destruction, and annihilation.



Well, that is a fine outlook, man oh man. Apparently, we can prepare ourselves for some pretty terrific things in the next year and in the decades to come, as well as in the new millennium.



138. The Centre will not be drawn very hard into these detrimental effects.


139. As you know, it is located very safely, which is also the case in terms of weather influences.


140. Even though you are located over 800 metres high in elevation, nevertheless, the cold weather will not attack you as much as will be the case in the lower situated and other regions.

即使你們身處海拔 800 多公尺的地方,寒冷對你們的影響也不會像在低海拔地區和其他地區那樣大。

141. Your location is on the ridge of a valley basin, which not only diverts storms, snow, and rain to very large parts around you, but also protects you against all too great cold spells, which are driven off, in large part, around the ridge of hills.


142. I estimate that your maximum temperatures will be around 18 degrees below zero on average, but in extreme cases they could drop to around 29 degrees below zero, which is hardly to be expected due to the protective chains of hills around you.


143. However, a direct polar cold air wedge would have to penetrate here from the north if it should become colder than 18 degrees below zero or if the highest mark [meaning coldest] should actually be exceeded.

不過,如果這裡的氣溫低於零下 18 度,或者實際氣溫變得更冷的話,那麼極地冷空氣楔子(polar cold air wedge;極地渦旋)就必須從北方直接穿透到你們這裡。

144. Everywhere outside of your valley, it will normally be very much colder than it will be with you, which can be a reassurance to you.


145. You really have a good location in many regards.



We have noticed that too, especially with storms and hurricanes, because they have usually always diverged around the ridges of the hills – even the hailstorms.

我們也注意到了,尤其是風暴和颶風,因為它們通常總是在山脊附近偏離開 —— 甚至是冰雹。


146. As I said, you live in a good place, even if it cannot be excluded with certainty that one kind of weather or another cannot fall into your valley basin, but this will be a rarity.



I also said that we know that. We repeat ourselves.



147. That is of correctness.


148. So let's talk about other things again.



That should be the correct way to go. But if you do not mind, I have one more question.



149. Of course, so ask then.



Good; what do you think about this: you told me months ago that I should prepare a peace writing and should deliver it to all governments and peace movements. But you also said that you would help me with it, but I have not seen anything of it yet. For my part, I have not yet found the time to get behind this work. How would it be now if someone from the group, or even some members together, were to write such a paper, after which the two of us together could only bring it into the proper form? Would this not be an acceptable suggestion?



150. The idea is good, because frankly, I have not found the time to devote to this task either.


151. Your suggestion would free both of us from a great deal of work, if at least only the concept of the script were written by one or more group members.



Then I will see to it that this is taken in hand.



152. Also, the new intermittent writing is due.



I know, and I hope to still manage the first edition before the first quarter is over.



153. That would be very gratifying.


154. But listen now further to what I still have to report to you about the future:


155. Namely, a great deal will occur, but no influences will arise from the SOL line-up of celestial bodies in the month of March 1982 since all SOL celestial bodies are on an Earth-lateral course and are, thus, in a short angle on one side of the Sun.


156. All stars are far too distant from the Earth to have even the slightest direct influence on the Earth and its life-forms.


157. And as you know, only change phenomena of the central sun swinging waves and central sun radiations occur, but these only have a pure astrological value, which means that they, as purely neutral central sun forces, exhibit only a variable value for the life-forms which use these in negative or positive form.

正如你所知,只有中央太陽central sun)的振動與輻射會發生變化,而這些變化僅具有純粹的占星學價值。這意味著,作為純中立的中央太陽力量,它們對生命形式僅具有可變的影響,這取決於生命形式如何以正面或負面的方式利用這些力量。


That is clear to me, but while we are already on the subject of the stars, I still have another question regarding Saturn. As is well known to you, the American space probe Voyager travels past Saturn and sends images back to Earth. This will make the scientists' eyes wide open once again, as they did with Jupiter, because they will inevitably have to realise once more from the recordings that around this immature dwarf sun more satellites also orbit, than was previously assumed. As far as I know, it has been claimed up to now that Saturn has only 10 or 12 moons, although in reality it has 29, if I leave out the Adons. Now I would be interested to know if these moons are all discovered by image transmissions from probes, etc.?

我明白了。不過,既然我們談到天體,我還有一個關於土星的問題。如你所知,美國的「航海家1」(Voyager 1;這是美國NASA航海家計畫所發射的兩個無人太空探測器之一)太空探測器正在飛掠土星,並將影像傳回地球。這將再次令科學家們瞠目結舌,就像當初對木星的觀測一樣,因為他們不可避免地會在這些影像中再次發現,這顆尚未成熟的矮太陽周圍有更多的衛星在運行,比之前所認為的還要多。據我所知,至今為止一直聲稱土星只有1012顆衛星,然而事實上,它的衛星數量是29顆(如果不計算那些Adons)。現在我想知道,這些衛星是否都是通過探測器的影像傳輸等方式被發現的?


158. This will be so – and more.

事實將會如此 —— 而且還有更多。

159. As you already could ascertain for yourself on your great journey, at the place and location, there are 29 moons orbiting Saturn, which are actually to be regarded as such.

正如你在那次「偉大之旅」中親眼所見,有 29 顆衛星環繞土星運行,它們的確應該被視為土星的衛星。

160. These should be discovered, in their entire number, by probes and telescopes in about 25 years.

在大約 25 年後,探測器和望遠鏡就會發現所有的這些星體。

161. In reality, however, there are not so many moons that can still be discovered up to this number, because since your journey to Saturn, earthly scientists have discovered several more moons, which apparently escaped you in the course of the last few years.


162. After the discovery of the moons around Jupiter, scientists now reckon that they will also still find some undiscovered satellites around Saturn, but nevertheless, there will still be a surprise for them.



You think because of the Adonis some of which orbit millions of kilometres outside Saturn?



163. That is of correctness.


164. These small planets, called Adonis, as you correctly say, are so small that they cannot be detected and seen from Earth, at least not at present, because the necessary instruments do not yet exist.


165. A large part of these small planets will certainly be detected by various probes and Earth-orbiting telescopes, which will cause some confusion among scientists.



I can imagine that, because there is quite a large number of them orbiting Saturn – besides the few small wandering Adonis that only pass by this SOL satellite from time to time. But I can understand why they are not visible from the Earth, because on average they only have a diameter of between 10 and 50 kilometres, if I remember correctly what Ptaah and Semjase explained to me back then in the year 1975. In addition, there are supposed to be some smaller ones as well as larger ones at a huge distance from Saturn.

我可以想像,因為在土星周圍運行的數量確實相當龐大 —— 除了幾個小型流浪天體,這些天體只會偶爾從這顆太陽系衛星旁經過。我也能理解,從地球上無法看到它們,因為它們的直徑平均僅在大約在1050公里之間,如果我沒有記錯的話,這是1975年當時 Ptaah Semjase 向我解釋的內容。此外,在距離土星極為遙遠的地方,據說還有一些更小以及更大的天體。


166. That is of correctness, but you should also know where these Adonis came to Saturn from.



Of course. Semjase said at the time that these small satellites were in part larger fragments of the planet Malona, which had its orbit between Mars and Jupiter before it was destroyed and torn into thousands of pieces by an explosion unreasonably produced by the human beings there. While the greatest part of the destroyed planet orbited the Sun as an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, some small groups of Adonis separated and flew out into space by the expansion forces of the planetary explosion, a larger group of which then came into the gravitational pull of Saturn, which has since held them as tiny satellites, which at the same time means that they are not actual moons of the unfinished solar planet, but just immigrant foreign bodies the size of Adonis, while the number of Saturn's actual moons is only 29.

當然。Semjase 當時說,這些小型衛星部分是來自法厄同星Phaeton;在此稱為Malona)的較大碎片,法厄同星原本是位於火星和木星之間環繞太陽運行的行星,但因為當地人製造的一次不理智的爆炸被摧毀,並裂成數千塊。大部分被摧毀的行星碎片作為小行星帶圍繞太陽運行,位於火星和木星之間,而一些小群體的Adonis則分離了出來,並在行星爆炸的膨脹力作用下飛向太空。其中一個較大的群體進入了土星的引力範圍,從此被土星作為小型衛星保留下來,這同時意味著它們並不是這顆未成熟太陽行星的真正衛星,而只是像Adonis一樣大小的外來天體,而土星真正的衛星數量只有 29





167. That is of correctness, but let us leave it at that, for I still have other things to explain to you:


168. The time following after the last-mentioned events will bring a brief respite from great or greater events.


169. Even natural disasters will hold themselves within a small frame because, besides some earthquakes and floods, not much will happen related to this, other than in China, Japan, and also Mexico, where a larger quake will make itself noticeable with human losses.


170. In the month of May, Europe will be the next in line in this regard, whereby especially Germany will be the central point, but without major damage.


171. On the other hand, winter will break in again briefly in various European areas, when it will be assumed by the humans that it is already over.


172. Until about 10 May snow will fall again in Switzerland, Germany and other European countries, after spring has already let its flowers bloom, but this will not cause any serious damage.

也就是說,直到 5 10 日左右,瑞士、德國和其他歐洲國家在春天綻放出絢麗的花朵之後,還會再次出現降雪,但不會造成嚴重損失。

173. Towards the end of April or the beginning of May, the Pope of Rome will again squander the money of his faithful, for once again he will embark on an extremely costly journey to various countries, which will cost many millions of dollars.


174. Thus, he will also visit Portugal, where he will hypocritically let it be announced that the Madonna of Fatima had protected him, helping him survive the assassination attempt that had been perpetrated on his life.

由此,他還會拜訪葡萄牙,他在那裡會假惺惺地宣佈,是法蒂瑪聖母Madonna of Fatima)保護了他,幫助他在未遂的暗殺企圖中存活下來。

175. However, with this consciously mendacious and fraudulent allegation to his believers, he will encourage the hatred of a Catholic priest of a different faith, who will want to kill him and will attack him with a dagger, but this will be thwarted by security personnel before the priest arrives in the direct vicinity of the Pope.


176. After his stay in Portugal, the Pope will proceed to England, which will be considered a sensation because no Pope has made such an effort to reach out to the English Church since the secession of the English-Anglican Church from Rome.

在葡萄牙逗留之後,教皇將前往英國,這將會引起轟動,因為自從英國聖公會English-Anglican Church)脫離羅馬以來,還沒有教皇以這種方式與英國教會接觸過。

177. The Pope's whole trip to England, however, is truthfully not for Christian-bonding relations and the renewed fraternisation of the Roman and English Churches, as the Pope will mendaciously announce, because, firstly, he is only concerned with his personal image, which he wants to consolidate and build-up, and, secondly, he is also concerned with bringing the English Church back under the sovereignty of the Roman Papal See through intriguing machinations.



I find that the present Pope is disgust-inciting, mendacious, hypocritical, one who deliberately misleads the human beings and is a toadying pulpit creep, who only wants to lead a nice life and make a name for himself. When I think of other popes, then I must say that different ones among them at least still believed in what they said and did, while this Pope is only acting, although, he is a damn bad actor.



178. Your words are of appropriate correctness, but this pope will not be able to pursue his evil deeds for much longer.


179. He has also already predetermined his end through his criminal actions, but I do not want to make any statements about that at the moment.


180. It is more appropriate that I tell you that this deceitful man is now scheming to visiting your home country, Switzerland, where he wants to appear in Geneva and continue his acting.


181. In addition, he will also endeavour to get to Argentina, in order to break in on the population there, and with his dishonest manner, concerning the war between Argentina and England.


182. Namely, in the month of April 1982, the Argentines will militarily seize the Falkland Islands, which are under the English colony, whereupon England will send out a war fleet, which will then lead to a real small-scale war between the two states, which will claim many human lives and war material.


183. This war, however, will be a sign of a third world conflagration threatening in the third millennium.


184. Moreover, this will also be the actual fundamental point for the fact that in this world war, if it cannot be prevented, England will be attacked from the East with great might.


185. This, however, is still in the far future, and when the time comes, no one will look for the justification for the attack on England in this forthcoming Falklands conflict which will break out in the month of April 1982, although, truthfully, the origin will lie there.

然而,這還只是遙遠的將來,到時候,沒有人會在即將於 1982 年四月爆發的福克蘭群島衝突中尋找攻擊英國的理由,儘管,實事求是地說,攻擊英國的根源就在那裡。


That is what that snotty girl Thatcher and the Argentine army boors are for, isn't it? They should all be taken out into a public square together, in front of a world-wide TV camera, pull down their pants, put them over their knee, and give them a good textbook spanking.



186. You amuse me, but it would truly be a very effective solution, because it would make their positions impossible, of which they are incapable anyway.



The truth is that all of them together are not adults at all, but scallywags, even 'snotty-nosed little boys and girls'.



187. Your dialect expressions are very apt, and there is not a single grown-up person among them, as also with most of the other rulers of the Earth.



Finally, an open word relating to this – and those who would actually be somewhat suited as executive personnel are not man enough to enforce what is right because they do not dare to stand up to their party comrades – perhaps because they fear for their posts.

終於有人在這方面說出了實話 —— 而那些真正有能力成為領導者的人,卻不夠有魄力去貫徹正確的事情,因為他們不敢反抗自己的黨內同僚 —— 也許是因為他們擔心自己的職位。


188. That is of correctness, but we should not talk about these things because they extend into politics.



Nevertheless, it is so, and I do not think we are politicising when we point out what is wrong with governments.



189. That is probably of correctness, but the Earth-human still tends to get things wrong.


190. Thus, let us turn to other things again.



That is fine with me; also, I have a question that has nothing to do with the whole area of political crap: I calculated the date of the 11th of May to be the time when Bernadette should give birth to her son, based on her statements. At the same time another date, or several, came up, so namely the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of May 1982. Which of these is correct? On my side, I conclude the 11th of May because this is the nearest possibility.



191. Some mistakes must have slipped in you, but this is understandable because of the condition of your nerves.


192. You know that you also must have healthy and functioning nerves for such calculations.


193. But if this is not the case, then there will be errors that you cannot grasp or recognise, which is also proven by the difference between the days of the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of May.


194. The first date is closest to the truth, but unfortunately it is also incorrect.


195. The birth will take place on the 9th of May, in the early hours of the afternoon, shortly after 14:00 hrs.

嬰兒將于 5 9 日下午兩點後不久出生。


I know, my nerves are once again not as in order as they should be. On several occasions I have wanted to get behind some tasks, but it simply does not and could not be done.



196. That is of correctness, because the correct functioning of your nerves is extremely necessary for your work.


197. But now I should report to you further about the coming events, for that is our present main topic.



It is, yes. Then maybe you can also tell me what is going to now happen with the filming. I mean, what will happen in regards to our film, which is supposed to be made by the Americans about our mission, etc.? Can you give me any information on that?



198.I already explained to you at an earlier date that this work must be completed no later than the end of 1982 because after that, you will have no more time for it.


199. For this reason, we have set all responsible persons in America under our pertinent purpose-oriented impulse radiations, through which they will be led to work more intensively.


200. And as things now look, it seems that around the 25th of April 1982, this film work will be started, so the film will come about in the foreseeable future.



I simply do not understand why I should have no time anymore for film work from 1983 onwards.



201. Besides the additional upcoming routine work that will come about from the film itself, human beings in Japan will also begin to be interested in our entire cause in the largest measure, so much additional work will be expected of you from this.


202. Further film work will also be included, if our calculations prove themselves as given.


203. Now, however, we should no longer speak of these things, for in regard to world events of the coming time there is still much to explain, for example, that in the middle of the year 1982 the time will be reached among the peoples of the Earth which will decisively form the guidelines of that which will make the destiny of human beings almost unalterable.


204. However, despite the fact that these guidelines will appear, the eyes of Earth-humans will remain closed and blind, as also will their sense of truth.


205. In the main, it concerns the criminal concerns of the would-be statesman Begin, who will commit another monstrous crime under the eyes of the world public, without the rest of the world intervening to stop the terrible killing.


206. In the middle of 1982, Begin will demonstrate his true character when he allows an attack on the capital Beirut in Lebanon by war-Gewalt and destroys most of it, whereby many thousands of innocent human beings, women, men and children will find death.


207. The murderous Ausgeartete,[2] Menachem Begin, will bring excuses that will attract attention in the UN and in the rest of the world, although behind Begin's actions lies nothing other than the insane greed for the shedding of human blood and the greed for unlimited power over the whole country and all its ethnic groups.

這嗜殺成性(Ausgeartete[註二])的梅納罕.比金Menachem Begin)將提出一些藉口,這些藉口將在聯合國和世界其他地方得到關注,儘管比金的行為背後隱藏著無非是瘋狂的嗜血慾望以及對整個國家及其所有民族的無限權力的貪婪。

[英譯註二:Ausartung 2010 8 27 日給比利的 Plejaren 語科學家解釋:“Ausartung”的意思是“非常糟糕地擺脫善良人性的控制”。]


He is a cowardly swine and a scoundrel without equal. My reflection about him has revealed that he is a damn rotten creature who lives entirely criminally, is vindictive, and boundless in his cowardice. He is not only a zero, an absolute nothing, and a nought, but in addition an unparalleled scoundrel, and moreover a psychopath of the same size as Khomeini, the insane Ayatollah in Iran. Begin is in the same sick hospital as Khomeini: cowardly, deceitful, mean, selfish, power-hungry, psychopathic, validity-addicted and domineering, a megalomaniac and who is otherwise burdened with all the malignancies into which a person could have lapsed. He is an absolute Ausgearteter [one who has gotten very badly out of control of their good human nature] and unworthy of life. He is a human being who has never been able to work out the ability to live honestly and to become a human being – an absolute zero who wants to cover up his absolute inability to live through cowardice and bloodlust, whereby those in charge of all Earth governments are stupid enough not to recognise this fact and consequently let Begin have his way instead of bringing him and his addiction to power to heel, dissolving his power and nipping the thinking of power completely in the bud. But the Earth-humans and especially the responsible rulers are so blinded and stupid that they do not recognise the truth, thus, also not the actual sense of Begin’s actions and his associated infamous and cunning plots, which truly, have only become properly built up through his office, as it was with the treacherous criminal acts of Jmmanuel’s traitor, namely of Juda Ihariot. Begin’s ancestors, already in their olden times, were probably criminals of all types and kinds, who drank in friendship with their potential or assumed enemies, at times, in order to then treacherously murder them, to slaughter them when they were drunk out of their senses and defenceless. And after they had slanderously falsified their own chronicles, like Israel, and placed Jmmanuel's traitor, who was not a disciple, as Judas Ischarioth; Jmmanuel's disciple Judas Ischarioth was made out to be a traitor to this day, while the true traitor, the high priest's son Judah Iharioth, is not even mentioned in the lying chronicles, so that the true traitor should be innocent of the murder of Jmmanuel.

他是一個懦弱的豬玀,一個無與倫比的惡棍。我對他的思考得出的結論是,他是一個該死的卑鄙生物,完全活在犯罪中,充滿報復心,並且在懦弱方面毫無底線。他不僅是一個“零”(德文:Null),一個絕對的廢物,還是一個“一無是處的人”(德文:Nichts),而且還是一個無與倫比的人渣,此外還是一個與伊朗的瘋狂魯霍拉.穆薩維.何梅尼Khomeini)同級別的精神病患者。比金何梅尼是在同一個病院的:懦弱、陰險、卑鄙、自私、貪婪權力、心理變態、跋扈(德文:herrschsüchtig)和霸道,一個妄自尊大的人,以及人類可能染上的所有惡習。他是一個絕對的墮落者(德文:Ausgearteter),不配活下去。他是一個永遠無法學會誠實生活和成為真正人類的人 —— 一個絕對的零,他想掩飾他絕對的無能,透過怯懦與嗜血而活著,而地球上所有政府的負責人都愚蠢到無法認識到這一事實,因此放任比金胡作非為,而不是將他和他對權力的貪婪回歸理性,解散他的權力,將權力思維徹底扼殺在萌芽狀態。但地球人,尤其是那些負責的統治者是如此盲目和愚蠢,他們無法認清真相,因此也無法理解比金行為的真正意義及其相關的卑鄙陰謀,這些陰謀實際上正是透過他的職務才真正發展起來的,這正如以馬內利Jmmanuel;也就所謂的耶穌基督的叛徒所背叛和犯罪行為一樣,那就是加略人犹大Juda Ihariot。比金的祖先在他們的時代已經是各種類型的罪犯,他們與可能的或假想的敵人喝酒交朋友,然後在他們無意義地醉酒和無力防禦時暗殺他們,甚至屠殺他們。而在他們像以色列一樣誹謗性地篡改了自己的編年史,其中以馬內利的叛徒其實不是一個像加略人猶大(Judas Iscariot)這樣的門徒,以馬內利的門徒加略人猶大(Judas Iscariot)然後被認為是叛徒直至今天,而真正的叛徒,大祭司的兒子,加略人犹大(Juda Ihariot),甚至沒有在造假的編年史中被提及,以便真正的叛徒在以馬內利被謀殺的事件中顯得無辜。


208. Your words speak helpless anger, my friend.


209. Anger over the fact that you preach the truth to the Earth-humans for nothing and that, thereby, this criminal would-be politician can continue to murder under the eyes of the Earth population and realise his goals, namely – to seize the rule of the entire country more and more to himself.


210. But you cannot and are not able to do anything in this respect by spreading the truth, for the murderous and human-blood demanding death power of the serious criminal has already become too great, so that only the fulfilment of the prophecies can bring about a change in the bloodthirsty lust for power and domination of this Ausgearteten.[2]


211. His country Israel, so says a prophecy, will be destroyed in the distant future from the lands of the East, through war and death, when the fighters of the East will wade knee-deep in the blood of the human beings of Israel.


212. And all this only because the leaders of all world governments are just as blind and cowardly as the populations of many countries of the Earth in order that they would put a stop to the criminal, murderous, and human-blood-thirsty, would-be politicians, and criminal politicians in Israel.



The world will have to learn what snakes they are feeding at their bosom.



213. It certainly will, but only when everything has become unavoidable.


214. The delusions of grandeur and the denial of truth of the Earth-humans, unfortunately, make them recognise the truth only too late.


215. Thus, in the middle of 1982, it will not be enough for the criminal Begin to wage a murderous and brutal war of extermination in Beirut against the Palestinians, but this criminal will continue in even further and harder measures because he will never give up his plans for territorial reign.

因此,1982 年年中,罪犯比金在貝魯特對巴勒斯坦人發動了一場兇殘的滅絕戰爭,但這還不夠,這個罪犯還將繼續採取更進一步、更激烈的措施,因為他永遠不會放棄他的領土擴張計畫。

216. Thus, not only will many thousands of innocent people, children, women and men, die in Beirut, but also afterwards in the future, if this felonious wannabe big shot continues to pursue his country conquest plans, with the responsible people of the world still looking on stupidly and without understanding and even indulging him, as well as the humans of the peoples who still believe in reparations for the sufferings of the Jews during the Second World War.


217. What these believers do not understand is that a reparation for the infamous actions of the Third Reich is impossible, and that such a reparation can never be made to the survivors and descendants of those who were murdered and slaughtered in the Third Reich between 1939 and 1945 by the indirect orders of the Thule Society via Adolf Hitler and his generals and other leading powers, etc.

這些信徒不明白的是,對納粹德國(Third Reich;也稱第三帝國)臭名昭著的行為進行賠償是不可能的,對 1939 年至 1945 年期間在第三帝國,透過Thule society(暫譯為圖勒協會)阿道夫.希特勒及其將軍和其他領導力量等間接下令殺害和屠殺的倖存者和後代,永遠也不可能做出這種賠償。

218. A reparation could only take place with the victims themselves, which, however, is impossible.


219. However, a reparation to the surviving relatives and descendants, etc., is completely misdirected because most of these human beings live in hatred and vindictiveness, as well as with cravings for power and in materialism, for the purposes of seizing the rule of the country to themselves and subjugating, exploiting, and enslaving the rest of the humanity of the country.


220. Thus the great mass of Earth-humans lives under the false delusion for an unwarranted reparation for an evil deed suffered by their ancestors and predecessors, by which the Earth-humans nourish a very vicious, poisonous and life-threatening snake at their bosom.


221. So it will happen that in the month of July 1982, the Palestinian refugees, expelled out of their rightful homeland, should be forced through the accomplished war events released by Begin, the land that was home to them and which belonged to them for millennia and which brought much death and destruction to them, to have to recognise it as Israel, as a state.

因此,在 1982 7 月,比金發動和實施的戰爭將迫使被逐出合法家園的巴勒斯坦人承認以色列是一個國家,他們稱之為家園的土地幾千年來一直屬於他們,並給他們帶來了許多死亡和毀滅。


That just cannot be true.



222. That will, unfortunately, certainly be so, as Begin will implement the expulsion of the Palestinians from Beirut with murder and destruction, without the responsible ones in countries of the Earth and Earth humanity doing anything about it, or recognising what the actual plans in the criminal Begin’s brain really are, concerning snatching the rule over the land to himself.



Thus, this should then be the time when Iran will also start a new major offensive against Iraq, right?



223. Apparently, you have concerned yourself with these matters a little more closely?



I have, yes.



224. Good then, yes, in the month of July the Iranians, under the high command of the mad Ayatollah Khomeini, will again drive the war forward, which by then has been going on for some two years, towards a high point, with many thousands of human beings dying again on both sides, among the Iranians as well as the Iraqis.



There is simply no end to the insanity.



225. You know why.



Yes, but how is it actually with the disasters around the middle of the year 1982, which are evoked by the weather and climate, etc.?



226. At least in the month of July very bad things happen in this respect.


227. Also your homeland, Switzerland, will be afflicted by the most severe storms, especially the areas of the Jura.


228. Concerning this, bad things will also happen around your Centre, whereby you yourselves will get away with minor damage at this time.


229. Heavy hailstorms will hit Switzerland and France in particular, but very wild waters will also occur, destroying crops, buildings, roads, fields, forests and meadows, among many other things, as a result of heavy storms.


230. This will happen, after bright sunshine will have appeared for only a few weeks.


231. What falls in various places as too much water to the Earth will lack in other places, but then afterwards, heavy thunderstorms and floods and destruction will also occur there.


232. In Japan alone, storms and floods will occur in the Nagasaki area which will cost many hundreds of human lives.


233. Thousands of houses will be destroyed, as will also be the case in various other countries, along with immeasurable further damage to cultures, animal life-forms and everything that human beings have created.



Then there is a rather nasty year.



234. That will be so, that is of correctness.


235. Also, new diseases will appear among Earth-humans, and even epidemics will break out in some countries at various times.


236. But this still will not be enough, because at this point in time, only the first half of the year 1982 will have passed.



Then after the first half of the year there are still quite evil things to be expected?



237. That is of correctness, but I would like to report on this again chronologically, for many of the coming happenings after the first half of 1982 represent precursors or further developments of the insanity of the Earth-humans, which have already begun or will still begin, and which will extend into 1983 and even into later decades.



But before this, I would like to ask you whether you can first answer one more question for me that is still on my chest?



238. Then ask.



In the next few years and decades, comets will pass through the sky more frequently again, also such comets as Halley's Comet, which can practically be observed in broad daylight in the sky. Now my question: When you took me on the Great Journey in 1975, I saw outside our solar and planetary system the enormous belt of materials made of frozen acids, rocks, Adonids and lifeless planets, some of which were quite large. Similar to the asteroid belt outside the orbit of Mars, this belt also moves around the Sun, but very far outside the orbit of Pluto. At that time, you explained to me that celestial bodies of all kinds passing by this belt, such as dark stars and other space bodies, from time to time tear smaller or larger bodies out of this belt and bring them into a different orbit to the Sun, which can then be observed and thus seen from Earth, partly as comets. If I remember correctly, you told me at that time that the extent of this belt was still largely unknown to Earth-humans, but that more would soon be discovered, which apparently has not yet been the case, because I have not yet seen, heard or read anything about it. Furthermore, you have explained that this material belt consists of residues from the formation of the solar system and of immigrant materials from outer space, etc. Now I wonder what percentage of comets is occurring in our solar system that originates from this material belt outside the Pluto orbit. (See 'Existent Life in the Universe' by Billy, Wassermanzeit Publishing).

在接下來的幾年和幾十年裡,彗星的通過會再次變得更加頻繁,甚至像哈雷彗星Halley's Comet)這樣的彗星,實際上甚至可以在白天觀察到。現在我的問題是:當你們在1975年帶我進行「偉大之旅」(Great Journey)[中譯者註:請參閱《031次接觸報告》]時,我在我們的太陽系和行星系之外看到了巨大的帶狀物質,由凍結的酸、岩石、Adoniden和無生命的行星組成,其中一些相當大。類似於火星軌道外的小行星帶,這個帶狀物質也圍繞太陽運動,但遠遠超出冥王星軌道之外。當時你們向我解釋,經過這個帶狀區域的各種天體,例如暗星dark star;暗物質)和其他宇宙天體,會不時從這個帶狀區域中拉出較小或較大的天體,並將它們帶到另一個繞太陽運行的軌道上,這些天體有時會從地球上被觀測到,也就是可以被看到的彗星。如果我記得沒錯,你們當時告訴我,這個帶狀區域一方面對地球人來說在很大程度上仍然是未知的,另一方面,很快就會有更多的發現,但顯然到目前為止還沒有發生,因為我還沒有看到、聽到或讀到任何相關的資訊。此外,你們還解釋說,這個物質帶由太陽系形成的殘餘物和來自宇宙空間的外來物質組成等等。現在我想知道,出現在我們太陽系中的彗星,有多少百分比是來自冥王星軌道之外的這個物質帶?(參見Billy所著的《宇宙中存在的生命》,水瓶座時代出版社。)


239. It has probably escaped your attention, but this belt was in the meantime discovered and actually by a Dutch astronomer named Oort.


240. In accordance with his discovery, the discovered belt will be called the Oort Cloud in Earth’s scientific circles, but that is about it, because the connections of this belt to the comets of the SOL-system are still, to my knowledge, foreign and unknown to the Earth scientists.

根據他的發現,地球科學界將這個被發現的帶狀區域稱為奧爾特雲」(Oort Cloud;又譯歐特雲),但也就僅此而已,因為據我所知,地球科學家對這個帶狀區域與太陽系彗星之間的關聯仍然一無所知。

241. The truth is, however, that around 97% of the SOL-system comets originate from this belt, just as planetary bodies passing by this belt, by their gravitational pull, upset the trajectory of the materials, so that they then suddenly swirl around and from them, isolated larger and smaller objects detach themselves, to be forced into a new orbit around the sun system, where they then appear as comets, while others fly far away from the sun into free space to disappear somewhere in the vastness of space, often also as dark wandering planets, which are sometimes also caught again by larger stars as satellites and then orbit them far away from the new parent stars.


242. Others, however, rush uncontrollably through space as dark wandering objects.


[中譯者註:奧爾特雲Oort cloud),又稱歐特雲,在理論上是一個圍繞太陽、主要由冰微行星組成的球體雲團,而且是太陽系的邊緣。歐特雲位於星際空間之中,距離太陽最遠至10萬天文單位2光年左右,也就是太陽和比鄰星距離的一半。(資料來自《維基百科》)]


圖中橫軸以地日距離(1 天文單位)為比較基準,依對數尺度繪製(非等比例的線性尺度)。


So then only about 3% of all comets in the SOL-system originate from outside and from somewhere in space.



243. That is of correctness.



You also said, at the time, that the majority of all meteors were not just whizzing through our system from the asteroid belt, but that by far the greater part came from the two belts outside Pluto. These space projectiles are also the ones that crash into moons and planets and into the sun and will crash even further in the future, while only a smaller proportion comes from the asteroid belt.



244. That is of correctness, but you should keep quiet about that, especially regarding the second belt.



I know, but you said to me, I remember it well, that I could talk about it after 1980, because by then the Earth scientists would have discovered these facts for themselves. That time is up, even though I have not heard anything like that about the belts.



245. This is also of correctness.


246. The sense of my words was also not to criticise you, for I only wanted to draw your attention to the fact that we explained to you at that time that you were not to make your knowledge known before 1980.



That is how I also took it. But tell me now: Halley's comet, for example, and Comet Roland, they come as projectiles from deep space, yes? At least that is how I understood it at the time.

我也是這麼理解的。但現在告訴我:例如哈雷彗星與羅蘭彗星Comet Roland),它們是從宇宙深處飛來的物體,對嗎?無論如何,在那時這就是我所理解的。


247. This is also of correctness.


248. They belong to the 3% of foreign-system comets.



So one could say that 97% of all comets are SOL-system cohabitants?



249. If you want to formulate it in such a manner, then that is of correctness, although we ourselves see it differently and I must explain that these comets stem from other systems in space.



Of course, according to your explanation that every star and every planet with its own satellites represents a system of its own, which is why you also speak, for example, of Jupiter or Saturn and Uranus, etc. as other systems, but not of our solar system. This is known to me, but it still initiates confusion for us, because for us the SOL-system as such is called that with all its planets, their satellites and including the failed small suns Saturn and Jupiter. As a rule, we only speak of the Sun with its planets as a system, whereas we do not speak of planets and their moons as a system.



250. That which is necessary has already been explained about this at an earlier point in time.



Of course, I think it was necessary to address this fact again.



251. I understand, you probably think of misunderstandings.



Exactly. But my questions are answered now, so you can go on and continue speaking about those things that concern earthly events in the future time. I have interrupted you on the matters of the nasty storms of 1982 and the matters of diseases and epidemics.



252. That is of correctness, and precisely in regard to these matters I have some explanations to make:


253. Quite particularly from the month of July 1982, the most severe storms will occur which will cause great damage in the European area.


254. Switzerland will be affected thereof, as well, as also Germany and Austria and various other European states.


255. Destruction of houses and other buildings, roads, fields, vineyards, crops, railways and vehicles, etc. will occur, with flooding also triggered by torrential thundershowers.


256. In many parts of Switzerland, enormous damage will be caused by the storms, particularly in the Jura region, as well as in the area of Andelfingen.


257. Unfortunately, human lives will also be lamented, both from lightning strikes and indirect causes of the flood storms.


258. From these torrential and flood thunderstorms, your Centre will also not remain spared, which is also why I give the advice to secure the entire area as good as possible in view of the coming water ingresses, as well as everything else that needs to be done to avoid damage caused by these expected thunderstorms.



That is quicker said than done because it will probably be like always, namely that the insight and commitment for this work only occurs when the damage has already been incurred. Unfortunately, before that, it does not work out. I also know of exposed locations where damage may occur, especially landslides, etc., but one will only be able to fix these up when it is too late or almost too late.



259. I am aware of that.


260. It is actually so, that until now you still must supervise and order everything and that also the monitoring still lies with you, as well as the overseeing that work is carried out expeditiously.


261. It can be said that a true and rapid work performance can only occur in less than four group members in the Centre, and a reasonable work performance only truly comes about if you yourself lend a hand, but then, if you do the work entirely, a greater performance appears than is the case with three normally working men working in a collective manner.


262. In this regard, you actually replace three strong and work-conscious men.



You exaggerate a little, my son, better go on now with your predictions.



263. As you wish:


264. Approximately on the 15th of August 1982, southern Italy will again be struck by an earthquake, for this part of Italy will not rest for some time.


265. But Switzerland and Germany will also have to endure a lot of unrest in this special case, but in a different area.


266. Like an epidemic, especially in these two countries, all kinds of unrest and suffering are being spread by sex offenders, as well as by the foolish behaviour and degeneracy of young girls.


267. The year 1982 will be for Switzerland and for Germany a year during which, particularly from about the middle of the year, many of the schoolgirls and teenage girls, through lust for adventure and without the knowledge of the parents, go away from home to travel like gypsies through the land and countries, while many others will be seduced by sexual offenders, will be raped and beaten, and will be brought to death.

對瑞士和德國來說,1982 年尤其是從這一年的年中開始,許多女學生和十幾歲的少女,由於對冒險的渴望,在父母不知情的情況下,離家出走,像吉普賽人一樣在各地和各國旅行,還有許多人將受到性犯罪者的引誘,遭到強姦和毆打,甚至殺害。

268. Thus, in this respect, the year 1982 will be a very bad time for Switzerland and Germany, as well as for new mass murders, whereby particularly family mass murders will appear.


269. Elsewhere, a new and dangerous epidemic also appears, triggered by the shamelessness and sexual greed and degeneracy of Earth-humans, who have already lost themselves in the unbridled and animalistic gratification of sexual desires and their degenerate urges.


270. In this respect, animals are in truth decidedly more highly developed than Earth-humans, for animals naturally have their mating season, while Earth-humans in this respect suffer from abnormal and thought-generated sexual greed and also live and act accordingly.


271. This, however, will have its consequences, for such offences against the laws of nature always bring evil consequences.


272. Thus it will be that a new epidemic-like venereal disease, which is already rampant in the USA, will be introduced and spread to Europe.


273. This is a very malignant form of immunodeficiency which cannot be combated for the time being and which will therefore be incurable and claim many human lives, for decades to come.



That's a nice outlook for the human beings of this world. But tell me, you also told me during my great journey at that time about a serious illness that was to arise with regard to space travel. You said something at that time about the human beings of Earth finding out very soon through their space experiments that they could not do this primitive kind of space travel they were doing without serious damage. If I remember correctly, you told me at that time that this earthly primitive kind of space travel posed the danger of an incurable disease for the would-be astronauts and that all those who had flown beyond the earthly ozone layer in space capsules had already been afflicted with it. You declared then that something would happen to the brains of these human beings.



274. That is of correctness, because we explained to you at that time the dangers of space travel, because conquering interstellar space is not as easy as Earth-humans imagine it to be.


275. Free space holds many dangers of which Earth-humans are not yet aware.


276. In particular, the very dangerous kind of space conquest practised by the Earth-humans causes damage to human beings' health.


277. In the first place, Earth-humans have no knowledge whatsoever of the dangerous and organ-damaging radiations which prevail in and pervade outer space.


278. On the other hand, they also lack the knowledge that weightlessness cannot be tolerated by the human body in the long term, which is why it begins to suffer physical and organic damage after seventy hours in a weightless state.


279. If Earth-humans, as well as any other omnipotent race is to be classified as such, want to operate space flight in space, then the space flight equipment must be adapted in every respect to the given conditions, as must also the space suits for the life-forms themselves.


280. Space flight equipment and space suits must be protected and made resistant by a special insulating shielding layer with regard to the most diverse body- and organ-damaging space radiations and space swinging waves.


281. This is the most important factor for the preservation of life in space for human beings, but it is also the most important factor for the preservation of the physical and organic health of human beings who move in space with flying objects or in protective suits.


282. The second and equally important factor in this respect emanates from gravity and is to be considered with just as much importance as shielding from space radiation and space vibrations.


283. If these factors are not taken into account and the flying apparatus and protective suits of the human beings are not made accordingly, that the flying objects and protective suits are made resistant to the external influences of radiation and swinging waves by means of special insulating shields, and that the flying apparatus and protective suits are equipped with their own gravity fields, then the body and the entire organs as well as the bones of the space-faring human beings will suffer damage to their health.


284. Radiation, swinging waves and the like, unprotected flying objects and protective suits, as well as the weightlessness of interstellar space, lead in the first instance to damage to the health of bone and brain organs in human beings and many other life-forms.


285. This is in addition to many other forms of health damage that affect the whole body and all organs.


286. If the human being as a life-form is not protected by special shielding and by artificial fields of gravity in the space of the world against space radiation and space vibration and against weightlessness, then it will succumb to health damage which, in the most extreme case, will as a rule lead to death.


287. The first severe reaction of brain damage I have mentioned, for example, leads in very slight cases to hardly detectable brain swellings, which after some time lead to uncertainty of thought and action and then inevitably to loss of reaction, as a result of which, for example, a sudden loss of control of a vehicle or flying apparatus or completely wrong actions against all reason appear.


288. This kind of mild case already occurs in those human beings who stay on Earth itself in containers in which weightlessness is produced, but on the other hand it also occurs in all those Earth-humans who do not leave the Earth for only a very short time and reach beyond the Earth's ozone layer.


289. All this may truly only be done if the necessary protective measures are sufficient, otherwise the damage to health is inevitable.


290. If, however, the human being or another life-form remains unprotected in weightlessness in space for a very long time, i.e. for many months or years, then the initially developing brain swelling of inflamed form suddenly develops in reverse order, which then results in brain atrophy, as in the case of weak-minded and old human beings.


291. The substance of the brain itself also undergoes atrophy, so that the whole mass of the brain is subject to this phenomenon of a morbid nature.


292. This disease phenomenon, and it has been proved that it is of this kind, is caused on the one hand by the unrestrained influence of space vibrations and space rays of various kinds, but also by weightlessness.


293. The disease arising from these factors inflames the brain substances and the brain organ itself, after which a new disease factor arises in the short term, which expresses itself as a reduction in brain activity, through a kind of brain substance paralysis, which then leads to a general dwindling of the total brain mass and can no longer be stopped by human and medical and similar means.


294. If the human being remains long enough unprotected and weightless in world-space, then the brain shrinkage will eventually lead to the point where the human being loses absolute control over himself, his thoughts and actions and life.


295. The final end is then madness and death.



Exactly, you explained that to me at the time, but how long will it be before the human beings of Earth will realise the first facts of these facts?



296. It will be around the middle of the year 1982.


297. In truth, however, only a few facts will be fathomed for the time being, while the final or at least further implications of the effective space dangers will be recognised much later, after the budding space travel will have already claimed Earth human lives.



A question about that sometime – but no, I would better leave it.

對此我有個問題 —— 不過算了,我還是別問了。


298. Then I want to make further explanations concerning the expected events on Earth.


299. I explained to you that Israel is going to play a very nasty game of a political character, in terms of Palestinian concerns as well as in terms of landlord ambitions.


300. Thus, after the Israeli expulsion of the Palestinians from Beirut, the next step will be that Israel, for the first time, officially stand against the demands and orders of those who until then have given all decisive help to this state, so that Israel, under the leadership of Begin, can carry out its criminal and murderous activities all over the world in general until the time of the expulsion of the Palestinians from Beirut.


301. Thus, after the expulsion of Palestinians, Israel will set itself against the Americans in an open form because, by then, the Begin leadership will recognise that they will have, in the meantime, already safeguarded their murderous political power on the Earth to the extent that this step can be dared.


302. When this event occurs, it will be a matter of demands by the American President Reagan on Israel, which will be gloatingly thrown to the winds by Israel, because its murderous political might will indeed have reached a point which will allow its actions in this regard to be justified to the blindly unknowledgeable ones.


303. But America and the rest of the world will nevertheless continue to stand by Israel, still not recognising what evil game of murderous plans for territorial reign Israel actually harbours.



And in Iran – how are things going on there at this point? There are atrocities going on there that defy all humaneness and being human in the real and true sense. As I calculated years ago, not only are pregnant women and children executed, but also the rape of women will take place, before they are shot.




304. That will also become known in about the month of July 1982, or else in the month of August 1982.


305. What is concealed for the time being, however, is that these women and girls are not only raped and then murdered, but they are subjected to excruciating torture before, during and after the rapes, with their signs of womanhood also slashed or hacked and cut away with knives.



Cruel pigs – with knives they still maltreat the breasts and genitals of these doomed women. Bastards.

殘酷的豬 —— 他們甚至用刀虐待這些垂死之人的乳房及生殖器。該死的豬。


306. This kind of special torture, as the Iranian revolutionary guards and Khomeiny's henchmen call it, and which is legalised in such a form that the condemned women and girls, who are even children, are massacred alive, will not only take place in 1982, because it is already being used today, along with many other tortures.

伊朗革命衛隊和何梅尼Khomeiny)的黨羽稱之為特殊酷刑,這種酷刑被合法化,以這樣一種方式,那些垂死的婦女和女孩,她們甚至只是兒童,都會被活生生屠殺,這不僅會在 1982 年發生,因為它和其他許多酷刑一樣,今天就已經在使用了。

307. But we have already spoken of this in detail, at least with regard to the executions of women and girls in pregnant states, etc.


308. In truth, however, the world should know which kind of horror is actually going on in Iran.


309. As one example among thousands, I can report on events that I myself have observed on my monitors and which have driven up naked horror in me.


310. In a dimly lit dwelling I saw how a girl of less than 11 years of age put to death in the cruellest wise.

在昏暗的屋子裡,我看到一個不到 11 歲的女孩是如何以最殘忍的方式處死的

311. Already physically developed as a woman, the child was stretched out on her hands and feet and tied to a hard couch, on which nine men raped her in the most brutal form.


312. While the last of the criminal and dehumanised creatures was still having his way with the girl, another suddenly drew a knife and hacked the child's young breasts to pieces, while the rapist cried out lustfully and bathed lustfully in the spurting blood.


313. This, however, was only the prelude to the even more terrible end, for now the rest of the beastly creatures fell upon the child, with another knife penetrating the child's vagina and slashing it open, jerking it up to the abdomen so that the intestines spilled out.


314. Another cut off the child's ears, and yet another went on a rampage of murder and bloodlust with a knife against the girl's thighs.


315. The hell of a truly gruesome bloodlust played itself out before finally one of the beastly men put his gun to the child's temple and carried out the final execution.


316. From this you see that things are truly going on in Iran under the dirty alias of religion through which the rest of the unknowledgeable world could learn the horror.


317. But still, for a long time, Earth humanity will have no knowledge of these horrific operations, and when it should someday be the case, nevertheless, the Earth-humans, on the one hand, are so far removed from the places of these events, and on the other hand, it does not concern them, while their senses are already so jaded against murder, rape, death, cruelty, and bestial killings of human beings that they simply cannot be deeply affected by these facts and events but simply superficially take note of them, not worrying about it further, and they indulge cheerfully living high on the hog and in the blinking of an eye of their daily lives, because what the heck, so they think, it does not concern them - and the dead suffer no more pain.

然而,地球人類在很長一段時間內將不會知曉這些可怕的事件,即使將來有一天他們知道了,地球人類一方面距離這些事件的發生地很遙遠,另一方面這些事情也與他們無關。此外,他們的感官已經對謀殺、強暴、死亡、殘酷和野蠻的殺戮變得如此麻木,以至於這些事實和事件無法更深地觸動他們。他們只是表面地了解這些事情,不再關心,並繼續快樂地享受他們的日常生活,沉浸在歡樂、榮耀和放縱中。因為他們認為,這與他們無關 —— 而且死者也不會再感到痛苦。


Damn it once more, because the living persons who are brought to death, they lived before that, and before their death they had to suffer these inhumane atrocities.



318. That is of correctness.



I find that in this regard, it also does not change anything that those, those who have been killed and will still be killed in Iran, that before that they exulted this mass killer Khomeini up to heaven and considering him as God and saviour.



319. That is correct because it does not alter the fact that these murders, rapes, cruelties and inhumanities should have never been committed.



And those who do it anyway, they are a thousand times worse than ordinary murderers. For such creatures there is not even a name in any language. Nor also for those murderous henchmen who simply carry out death sentences passed by judges. These on command killers are also much worse than any killer executed by them.



320. You speak a very true word.



I wish I could change all this madness, there must be a possibility.



321. Unfortunately, there is not, at least not in the sense that a sudden end could be set for these murders and other inhumane atrocities.


322. There would be only one solution in the long run, and that would be through a transnational party, therefore an international peace combat force and a union with enough members in every country of the Earth, which would have ascendance over every other party.


323. This peace-keeping force and party, however, I use this term for better understanding, should be apolitical in every form and relation and be uniformly aimed, through spiritual leadership and fight for peace, to steer the population of each country into the life-correct courses and into the necessary knowledge.


324. In truth, such a peace-combat force and party would have to be a uniformly oriented 'Free Peace Combat Community', whereby the framework of the UNO and NATO in this modified sense would be exactly the correct one.

說實話,這樣的和平作戰部隊和團體必須是一個統一導向的「自由和平戰鬥共同體」(德文:Freie Friedenskampfgemeinschaft),而聯合國和北約的框架在這種改變後的意義上將是恰當的。

325. But it cannot be avoided that these organisations and the community would have a top spiritual leadership with sub-leaderships well-informed in the spiritual teaching, after which everything could be truly steered in a creationally-given form through these leading forces.

但不可避免的是,這些組織和團體都要有一個在靈性教導(spiritual teaching)上了解透徹的最高精神領導層,並配備精通靈性教導的下屬領導層,通過這些領導者,一切將真正以造物賦予(creationally-given)的形式加以引導。

326. There should therefore arise no political machinations in the sense as they are common on Earth and which lead to war, murder and manslaughter and revolutions.


327. Terrorism and anarchism, criminality, riots and demonstrations, etc., would also have to be prevented by this, in that all Earth-humans would have to be treated uniformly and placed under a uniform order and legislation.



That is easily said because again and again crazy extremists of terroristic character appear in the smallest groups, who organise kidnappings, storm and occupy embassies and schools and state buildings, murder human beings, and then collect millions in extorted money for it, so that they can then make a joyful and pleasant life for themselves with it. And the responsible ones of the countries even help this riff-raff in that they, on the one hand, yield to the blackmailing, and on the other hand, even carry out similar actions, whereby it is still given to them that they have and exercise the damned power to provoke wars, whereby, in this regard, they can even engage the damned religions in this, in particular the Christian churches, who themselves really do not want to have peace, but by all means seek and advocate that the countries of the Earth produce war armies and war material, accumulate and stockpile these, in order to be able to wage war, always under the guise of the strange and crazy shouting that, indeed, peace according to God’s order, and additionally, love must prevail on Earth. If one then addresses these idiots and power mongers about this fact, then they say as a response that each country needs an army with adequate weapons in order to be able to ward off an invading enemy. This is an idiocy beyond compare, because if all states have uniformly peaceful intentions and act accordingly, then no country needs armies and weapons of war. A regular security army with corresponding weapons would then suffice to be prepared for contingencies, e.g. if inhumane life-forms from outer space were to attempt conquest, etc. Nevertheless, I must say that your idea of a worldwide 'Free Peace Combat Community' would be very good within the framework mentioned and indeed, should also be striven for, but which alone would not be enough in today's world. All the crazy warmongers and terrorists, anarchists and demonstrators, etc. could not, for the time being, be subdued and brought to their senses with words and the spiritual teaching. It would require, in this case, a special armed army that would have to comprise millions of men and which would intervene immediately in every single country and create peace and order where any rebellions, terrorist acts, and wars, etc. begin to threaten or erupt. Also this army would then have to be responsible for immediately and mercilessly segregating for life all participants in such acts of hostility to peace, within the framework of how you have done it for millennia, that the wrongdoers are taken to special guarded and lonely islands, etc., male and female separated, from where they could never return to society.

這說起來容易,因為總是有一些瘋狂的極端分子在小團體中出現,他們具有恐怖主義性質,進行綁架、襲擊和占領大使館、學校和政府建築,謀殺人們,然後以此勒索數百萬的金錢,以便他們能夠過上快樂和舒適的生活。而那些國家負責人還在幫助這些敗類,一方面他們接受了勒索,另一方面他們自己也進行了類似的行動,而且他們還擁有並行使該死的權力來發動戰爭,在這方面他們甚至還能利用該死的宗教,特別是基督教會Christian churches),這些教會本身確實不想要和平,而是竭盡全力並主張地球上的國家製造、積累和囤積戰爭軍隊和戰爭物資,以便能夠發動戰爭,始終披著一種奇特而瘋狂叫喊的外衣,聲稱根據上帝的秩序,地球上必須有和平,還必須有愛。當人們向這些白痴和權力狂人指出這一事實時,他們卻回答說,每個國家都需要一支擁有適當武器的軍隊,以抵禦入侵的敵人。這是一種無與倫比的愚蠢,因為如果所有國家都一致擁有和平的意圖並據此行動,那麼沒有任何國家需要戰爭軍隊和戰爭武器。這樣的話,一支常規的安全軍隊和相應的武器就足夠了,以應對可能發生的意外情況,例如當來自外太空的非人道生命形式嘗試進行征服等。儘管如此,我必須說,你所提出的「全球自由和平戰鬥共同體」的想法在這種框架下是非常好的,並且也應該被追求,但在當今世界中,這還遠遠不夠。所有那些瘋狂的戰爭煽動者、恐怖分子、無政府主義者和示威者等,目前無法通過言語和靈性教導來約束並使他們恢復理智。這方面需要一支武裝的特殊軍隊,這支軍隊必須由數百萬人組成,並且能夠在任何國家立即介入,以平息任何可能爆發的叛亂、恐怖主義行為和戰爭等,並恢復秩序。這支軍隊還必須負責將所有參與這些敵對和平行為的人立即且無情地終身隔離,就像你們幾千年來所處理的那樣,將這些犯錯者送到特定的、守衛森嚴且孤立的島嶼等地方,男女分開,使他們永遠無法再回到社會中。


328. That is of correctness.


329. I would have given you this explanation in addition with the reference to the peacekeeping force.


330. However, you also spoke of terrorism in your remarks, and it is precisely on this topic that I would like to give you a prediction that relates to your home country, Switzerland.


331. Namely, in Berne, so my calculations showed, in the year 1982, the Polish Embassy will be taken by terrorists, whereby a smaller number of hostages will fall into their hands.


332. This event will take place around the 6th of September 1982, whereby this terrorist game will not cause any damage to human lives and will already on the 9th of September in the course of the 10th to the 11th hour of the morning, it will find its end.


333. Through a smaller detonation of an explosive by the police forces of a Bernese special command, which is carried out under the name 'Stern' ['Star], the police forces gain entrance into the embassy and, first of all, the four extremists, the terrorists, will be taken into custody, after which then, in the second place, also the hostages will be released.


334. Since these events concern an incident in the capital of your home country, I made an effort, using a time bypass, to monitor closely the upcoming events, whereby I have made a very deplorable observation, which refers to the acting and thinking of the responsible and enforcing personnel.


335. The Swiss Federal Councillor Kurt Furgler will form a crisis committee, which he himself will chair.

瑞士聯邦委員Kurt Furgler將成立一個危機處理小組,並親自擔任主席。

336.Now on the one hand I determined that this responsible person is severely religiously entangled, and on the other hand, all of his actions paradoxically come from great insecurity, while another factor relating to this is that he is driven by an unusually strong craving for recognition in his actions and words.


337. At the time of the event, this peculiar combination will lead to the fact that at first there will be great perplexity in combating the terrorist act, after which a solution will only appear much too late.


338. If this person in charge were capable of logical thinking, then the whole event could be brought to an end barely one and a half hours after the hostage-taking and occupation, by the same process that will only be carried out on the 9th of September.


339. Furthermore, this Kurt Furgler is also very quickly afflicted with anxiety, also in this coming affair, which is why he is not exactly well placed in his post, if only for this reason.

此外,這位Kurt Furgler也會很快陷入恐懼狀態,即使在這次即將發生的事件中也是如此,因此他實際上並不適合擔任這個職位。

340. Regarding the policemen that will be deployed, similar negative characteristics are to be criticised because all parties involved only act because the commands are given to them, while fear blazes within them, combined with a peculiar urge for exercising power and violence.


341. In my observations, their movements and actions also testified to their fear and arrogance at the same time.



You want to say that they will behave like small young boys, who play Indianerlis [Swiss children's game] and who defeat their enemy in order then to place their foot into the necks of those defeated, while threatening the underdog with deadly weapons.That they will not beat themselves with their weapons across their proud-swollen chests like gorillas and give a Tarzan scream of victory will be like a miracle. But comfort yourself with this: I have already known these poses and practices with the Swiss police forces for 45 years because they do not differ one iota from all other megalomaniac weapon swingers of all other countries on the Earth. They all are small, megalomaniac, and illogical young boys, who have weapons in their hands to lift themselves up as gods, but they often behave worse than toddlers in their thinking and actions, who are able to think a thought for the first time and who get to play with a piece of wood for the first time. Small young boys with physically adult bodies who think they know who they are and what they can do.



342. For my part, I could not have explained these facts in so much detail, but you were capable of this with your vocabulary.



Thank you for the flowers, but after all, I speak with a vocabulary that belongs to my mother tongue.



343. That is of correctness.



Good, what other new things do you still have in store?



344. There is still a lot, but before I go on about that, I would like to finish the topic I started earlier.



You mean you want to explain some more regarding the worldwide 'Free Peace Combat Community'?



345. That is of correctness, I want to speak of it again because we began something with it and did not bring it to an end.



There really should not be anything more to say about that, we have gone through the main thing.



346. It was not mentioned what exact kind of highest leadership such a community would have to correspond to.


347. I think that it is important to say a few words about it.


348. It would thus have to be taken into consideration that such a leader would be free from material ambitions, but also from self-righteousness, selfishness, unlogic and all other faulty concerns which could lead to greed for power, arrogance, inequality and favouritism of one or the other, or to other occurrences and manifestations of a negative form, as is, unfortunately, the case today on Earth with all rulers without exception.


349. Furthermore, with regard to a necessary army, it is still to be explained that it would very well have to hold a position of power, that, however, in logical Gewalt,[1] which means that a gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit[1] would have to prevail, in accordance with the creational laws.

此外,關於必要的軍隊,還需要解釋的是,這樣的軍隊確實應該擁有權力地位,但這是一種合乎邏輯力量」(德文:logischer Gewalt的部隊,這意味著,按照造物法則creational laws),實行一種非暴力」(德文:gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit的武力統治


Yes, I understand, but this is probably a subject that, apart from our group members, no outsider human beings will grasp so quickly, because outsiders have no idea of what gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit or logical Gewalt means and how it works.

是的,我明白,但這可能是一個除了我們小組成員之外,外人不容易理解的話題,因為外人對於強制執行的「非暴力」(gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit)或者合乎「邏輯力量」(logischer Gewalt)的部隊是什麼意思以及如何運作一無所知。


350. That is of correctness, which is why we should also not dwell on it and return to the course of events in the future.


351. As an exception, I would like to talk about an event that is not of great importance to mention in and of itself, because too many such events are constantly occurring and cannot be stopped, because those responsible for them are not responsive to corresponding preventive measures, because their greed for money and irresponsibility is more pronounced and predominant than responsibility and the safety of their fellow human beings.


352. On the other hand, I would like to mention this event because it will take place where a core group member lives, so in Pfäffikon, where Hanna resides.


353. It will be the 12th of September 1982, exactly at 14:57 hrs, when a large passenger transportation vehicle from Germany with about 40 passengers from a seniors' association from Sindelfingen is hit by a train coming into Pfäffikon from Fehraltorf because the safety barriers have not been closed, and is torn to shreds like a rotten wooden box.


354. The sad result of this accident will be around 39 deaths, which are to be blamed on those responsible, money-grubbing and oblivious people who are responsible for railway road crossings.


355. But also responsible for this are all those who, as construction companies, accept and carry out contracts to create such railway-road crossings.


356. But also responsible for this are all those workers who are involved in the execution and construction of such projects, and also responsible for this are the architects who plan such railway-road crossings.


357. But also responsible are the engineers, planners, organisers and, first and foremost, those who, as those responsible for the railways, commission such life-threatening crossings for planning and execution.


358. For several decades now, and quite particularly at the present highly technical time, such railway road crossings in all forms and on all roads and paths have represented an unparalleled irresponsibility and a criminal machination, the likes of which cannot be found on Earth, if everything except warlike and similar acts are taken into consideration.


359. What those responsible for the railways and those in power do in this respect, and not only in Switzerland, corresponds to legalised murder, for which all those must be held responsible who have lifted or are lifting even one finger for such crossings, or who have put or are putting even one thought into power for them.


360. Already for decades, such crossings in small and large-scale should no longer exist, but ought to have been safeguarded by underpasses, by which no street or road would lead across a railroad track.


361. That this has not already been so for a long time, for this, no excuse can find validation.



While it is indeed unfortunate what will happen, perhaps it will help the SBB and other railway companies at home and abroad to become smarter.



362. Unfortunately, this will not be the case, also not for the car drivers themselves, who usually, like the driver of the Autocar, travel the roads at excessive speed without being in control of their vehicle.


363. If this circumstance were not also decisive on the 12th of September 1982, then the accident could be avoided just like the one in Monaco, in which, however, only a passenger car holding a few persons is thrown out of the lane in a hairpin bend, in which the Princess of Monaco then finds herself, namely the former film actress Grace Kelly, who suffers serious injuries as a result of the accident, so that she has to be taken to a clinic for care etc., where she then dies, however.

如果1982912日沒有這個關鍵因素,那麼這場災難本可以像摩納哥的事故一樣被避免。在摩納哥的事故中,一輛只能容納少數人的私家車將在一個髮夾彎中被甩出車道,而摩納哥王妃 —— 前電影女演員葛麗絲凱莉Grace Kelly—— 當時就在車內。她因事故受了重傷,必須被送往醫院接受治療等,但最終她還是不幸去世。


Death does not even make a stop before these greats, because with it there are no differences. That sounds a bit brutal, but it is true.



364. It sounds brutal, that corresponds to correctness, but what you said is also right.


365. Furthermore, I know very well what feelings dominate you in a sad form, even though you speak so coldly and seemingly impassively of death and of those who are killed through human fault alone.



Particularly in relation to this so-called human fault, I would like to speak for once. What do you think about it? Is it not the case that there is always human fault in such events, even if the technology fails? I think to myself, and this is how I actually see it, that a technical failure also corresponds to a human failure and thus to an error or a possible fault of a human being, because the technical maintenance is only carried out inadequately and because the necessary controls are also not carried out. For my part, I find, for example, that a car alone would have to be tested and checked from A-Z at least every 14 days if it is used very frequently.



366. Your assumption corresponds to correctness, in every point, also with the checking of the vehicles, because they would have to be subjected to a thorough check after any prolonged use, even if they were only used for one or two weeks.


367. That is also how it is handled with our flying apparatuses and other means of transportation, although we are, in technical terms, around 3,500 years ahead of terrestrial, still quite primitive technology.


368. Experience has taught us and our ancestors that such and also very precise controls are necessary after any prolonged use.


369. And since this rule became valid for us, there were never any more accidents, neither in air, at sea, on land, or in space, except when any security measures were ignored, which led the way to technical failure of the transportation devices, or when it came to foreign influences, of which the human skill and technology had not become masters.


370. However, such accidents have occurred very rarely in the last 2,000 years or so, whereby, up to the present hour, their number only amounts to 16.



Man, we should also have so few accidents on the Earth, but on the other hand, it is to be said that such controls are probably hardly feasible due to the costs and the countless vehicles.



371. It would be very feasible if such a pronounced materialism and egoism, etc. did not prevail among Earth-humans, along with the poverty of duty recognition, duty fulfilment and love for those next to us.



You bring ideas that the earth twits cannot yet understand in any wise.



372. Which they do not want to understand because their materialism and their personal welfare, etc., always come first.



My son, you speak to me from the heart.



373. The purest truth, it could not be purer.



Even with this, the human of the Earth are also not very precise.



374. This is also known to me, and for this, for this Earth-human activity, there is no excuse.



I also think so. I agree with your opinion.



375. Good, then I can now continue to report on the coming events, whereby I have to mention Israel, which will not rest after the expulsion of the Palestinians from Beirut, but already begins with new acts of war shortly afterwards, but this time against the Syrians stationed in Lebanon, whereby Syrian missile positions are destroyed by bombing, after which these bombings then expand again to the city of Beirut; and as always, the attacks are naturally triggered by Israel.


376. This criminal act constitutes only the prelude to another crime, which will be planned by Menachem Begin, the Israeli head of state.

然而,這種犯罪行為僅僅是另一個罪行的開端,這個罪行將由以色列國家領導人梅納罕.比金(Menaḥem Begin)策劃。

377. Similarly like the case of the assassination of the Egyptian President Sadat, he will set up the same intrigue another time and bring it to fruition.


378. Also in this case his criminal and murderous intrigue will be crowned with success, as in the case of the assassination of Sadat.


379. Namely, through Begin’s intrigue, and through treacherous, hired assassins, an approximately 200 kg heavy and portable bomb will be produced in order to deposit it in a house and cause an explosion, during which time the new head of state to-be, Beshir Gemayal, will be there.

透過比金的陰謀,並經由被收買的叛徒刺客,將製造一枚重約200公斤的可攜式重型炸彈,並將其安置在一棟房子中引爆,而當時新任的國家領導人巴希爾.傑馬耶勒Beshir Gemayal)將會在這棟房子裡。

380. Apart from this man, still another approximately 30 human beings will find death through these intrigues and murder attacks of Begin's.


381. The cause of this, to be anticipated, criminal act on around the 14th of September 1982 will be that this criminal to humankind and mass murderer will come up with the idea that he can, through this machination, let his army forces march into Lebanon officially as an alleged peace-maintaining troop and a security troop, which he will actually succeed in doing because no leader of the Earth and no citizen will come to the thought that this assassination, like with Sadat, will, solely through Begin’s initiative and will and in cooperation with treacherous, Arab-Lebanese elements come to materialisation.


382. Officially, as with Sadat’s assassination, on Begin’s behalf, the treasonous forces will not be recognised as the tools of Begin because the performers act in the belief that they would only serve their organisation alone, without knowing that their high-level personnel are in common cause with Begin in traitorous and intrigue-like manner.


383. This is how Menachem Begin will succeed in taking another step in relation to his plans of country conquest, without the leaders of the world, and the nations throughout it, having even the slightest idea of what truthly is being played out.



This Begin is probably the evilest son of a bitch walking this globe at present and for some time to come.



384. That is of correctness, because the next ones to equal Begin are not yet in office, whereas in later times the worst people's criminal and murderer will be Ariel Sharon, whose swearing-in as Prime Minister will take place on the 6th of February 2001.

是的,因為目前還沒有與比金相當的人上任,而在未來,最惡劣的人民罪犯和殺手將是艾里爾.夏隆Ariel Sharon,他將於200126日宣誓就任總理。


And the world's leaders above all are straw-stupid, for how else could they misjudge the real machinations and land-robbing plans and so on.



385. This is also of correctness because even after this new crime, the world leaders will continue to support Israel's and Begin's plans and assassinations, etc. without recognising the truth.


386. For this reason I will have to make many more predictions concerning Israel.



You will give your explanations chronologically about that.



387. That is of correctness.



Good, then I have another question that does not relate to this wannabe leader and criminal number one. You talked about the death of Grace Kelly, but you did not give any specific dates.



388. I omitted that, yes.


389. Her death occurs in the evening hours of the 14th of September 1982, although the accident will have happened the day before.

她死於 1982 9 14 日傍晚,儘管事故發生在前一天。

390. The reason for her death will be that there is damage to the brain which leads to a haemorrhage which is recognised too late.


391. This will become the main factor in her death, although two other life-threatening factors will come into play as a result of the accident.



So it is a failure of the doctors, so to speak.



392. Not directly, but only indirectly.



What am I supposed to understand by that?



393. The Princess will be hooked up to a life support machine, but it will soon be put out of action because the doctors come to the realisation after some time that Grace Grimaldi's life functions will be purely mechanical.

王妃將會被連接上生命維持系統,但不久後就會被關閉,因為醫生們在一段時間後會意識到,葛麗絲.格里馬爾迪(Grace Grimaldi)的生命機能將僅能依靠機器維持。


You mean that she will be dead but that the life support machine will still continue to keep the motor life mechanism going?



394. That is of correctness, but we should not dwell on that, because it is not of importance.


395. More important are other events that are taking place only one day after the death of the princess.


396. It will come to he…



I have another question about this: You said the name Grace Grimaldi. Is that the family name of Prince Rainier of Monaco?

我還有一個問題:你剛才提到的名字葛麗絲.格里馬爾迪(Grace Grimaldi)。這是摩納哥親王蘭尼埃(Rainier)的姓氏嗎?


397. That is of correctness, but now listen to what follows next:


398. Before the burial of the princess can take place, the insane Ayatollah Khomeiny in Iran will have his best friend and long-time comrade-in-arms, Sadeg Ghotbzadeh, executed by a firing squad of revolutionary troops, thus eliminating what was probably Khomeiny's most devout and obedient follower of the preceding period.

在王妃的葬禮舉行之前,伊朗的瘋狂阿亞圖拉何梅尼(Ayatollah Khomeiny)將命令革命部隊的射擊隊處決他最好的朋友兼長期戰友薩迪克.戈特布扎德(Sadeg Ghotbzadeh),從而消滅了何梅尼最虔誠且順從的追隨者之一。

399. His fate in this regard will result from his realising far too late that Khomeiny is addicted to madness and suffers from a pathological bloodlust and murderousness, coupled with cowardly fear, so that he unhesitatingly has everyone punished by death whom he considers dangerous to himself.


400. However, this criminal event is already overshadowed by a much worse event in Beirut on the 17th and 18th of September 1982.


401. Another time, in fact, Begin's intrigues orchestrate a mass murder that is intended to be and will be useful to his plans.


402. In further consequence, forces controlled by him undertake something which again will not be recognised by anyone as the work of the Israeli mass murderer and criminal of the state.


403. Through the state traitors loyal to Begin, the leaders of the Christian militias in Beirut will be caused to let their armed militia forces invade the refugee camps of the Palestinians in order to wreak an indescribable bloodbath and massacre among the Palestinians, seizing women, men, and children, and this will not find anything equal to it so quickly.


404. And all this will happen under the protection and supervision of Israel, which with its military forces in Beirut will even ensure that the murderous Christian militias of the Lebanese can march into the refugee camps, after which the massacre will claim more than six thousand human lives.


405. Only after the massacre is over will Israel officially intervene and pretend to stop this killing.


406. Truthly, however, the intervention will only occur to cover up Begin’s criminal actions and, thus, wash his hands before the world public in innocence.


407. The fact will be that this massacre and the entry of Begin's troops into Beirut will only serve the purpose of further expanding Begin's land domination plans in the first place, while the second reason will be to make this massacre possible.


408. The murder of Beshir Gemayal orchestrated by Begin will make it easy for this murderous criminal to win over the Lebanese Christian militias for himself and his plans, namely to murder and exterminate the Palestinians remaining in Lebanon.

透過比金策劃的對巴希爾.傑馬耶勒(Bachir Gemayel)的謀殺,這個殺人罪犯將能夠輕易地通過背叛的手段贏得黎巴嫩基督教民兵的支持,以實現他的計畫,即殺害並消滅留在黎巴嫩的巴勒斯坦人。

409. The leaders of the Christian militias will go along with Begin's plans if he promises them that he will have the Israeli army enter Beirut for their protection for the massacre enterprise, which he will promise and have carried out.


410. Once this murderous enterprise is over, however, Begin will have his army withdraw from Beirut again because, after all, he will see his aims in this matter realised.



An unparalleled murder and intrigue racket. Who and what is this murderer actually?



411. He is the product of a marital disgrace and, moreover, a brother-in-arms of the criminal SHARON, who, in the most important army position, puts Begin's orders into practise.


412. Sharon is the real army leader, and this man standing as Begin's fighting brother, is in no wise inferior to Begin himself.


413. The fact of the reason of Begin's and Sharon's fighting brotherhood is, however, unknown everywhere else except to their parents, for only the parents of these two criminal and murderous elements know the secret of the … relations of the two with each other as well as their tendencies, which they often also do together, which is, however, publicly unknown.

然而,比金和夏隆成為戰友的原因除了他們的父母之外,其他地方無人知曉,因為只有這兩個罪犯和兇殘之人的父母才知道他們兩個之間 ... 關係的秘密以及他們的傾向,他們還經常在一起做一些事情,但公眾對此一無所知。

414. But enough of this, for these concerns are not of much importance, for what the future brings is more significant.


415. At the end of October or the beginning of November 1982, Begin and Sharon will be recognised as the perpetrators of the Beirut massacres, but unfortunately they will hardly be held accountable, even if many righteous Israelis intervene against the two criminals, thus, everything remains the same for the time being.


416. Around the 5th of November 1982, Switzerland, France, Andorra and Spain are hit by unusually large and severe foehn storms [warm, dry winds that blow down from the mountains].


417. Many human lives, animals and buildings, as well as nature itself, will suffer greatly and sustain damage amounting to billions of Swiss francs.


418. Many deaths will also have to be lamented, and not only in the countries mentioned.


419. America and the Hawaiian Islands will also suffer heavy damage and human lives will be lost in large numbers, whereby California, in particular, is to be mentioned, but this will be caused by violent high sea storms which will race over the land.


420. Smaller and medium-sized villages will be destroyed as if they had been razed to the ground by explosive bombs.


421. On the 10th of November 1982, Russia will fall into a state of national mourning, for on this day at 4:16 hrs the leader Leonid Brezhnev will end his life, but unlike others, he will meet his end peacefully in his sleep.

19821110日,俄羅斯將進入全國哀悼狀態,因為這一天凌晨416分,國家領導人列昂尼德.布里茲涅夫Leonid Brezhnev)將結束他的生命,但與其他人不同的是,他將在睡夢中平靜地離世。

422. His successor will be a certain Yuri Andropov.

他的繼任者將是尤里.安德洛波夫Juri Andropow)。

423. At about the same time in the Federal Republic of Germany, the vicious and murderous power of the RAF will break, for at that time the leading heads of this criminal organisation will fall into the hands of the police; first and foremost it concerns the gang members Adelheid Schultz and Brigitte Mohnhaupt, after which on the 16th of November the actual supreme head of the gang, Christian Klar, will also fall into a police trap and be arrested.

大約在同一時間,聯邦德國境內惡名昭彰且兇殘的紅軍派Rote Armee FraktionRAF)勢力將瓦解,因為此時該犯罪組織的主要頭目將落入警方手中;首先是幫派成員Adelheid SchultzBrigitte Mohnhaupt,隨後在1116日,該幫派的實際最高頭目Christian Klar也將落入警方的圈套並被逮捕。

424. With the months of October and November comes the time when the Italian, Swiss, Turkish, French, and German security and police forces finally recognise that the Pope's assassin was not a loner and did not just work for himself but that he belonged to a conspiracy and had accomplices.



I thought, according to your information, that he was working alone?



425. Then you misunderstood me, because my statements only referred to the facts of the event in the sense of what will be known to the earthly authorities and security forces at the time of the event and for some time afterwards.


426. It may well be that my explanations gave the strong impression that the assassin was a lone handler.



I also understood that to be the case, because you did say that he was actually ….

我也這樣理解,因為你說過,他確實 ...


427. That is of correctness, but my statement refers only to the initial facts which will be known at the time of the event and some time afterwards.



Then I misunderstood you. I was too inattentive. So go ahead and tell of things to come.



428. Sure.


429. The month of November and the month of December will put the Earth in a dangerous position and again into danger of nuclear war, to which we do not yet know whether we are allowed to take any countermeasures to avert this danger.


430. The reason for this danger, how could it be otherwise, will be provided by the American President Ronald Reagan, who is crazy enough as a warmonger to want to station new nuclear missiles in Europe, which will displease the Russians and drive them to station similar weapons of death on European territory themselves, should Reagan stick to his insane plan.

形成這種危險的原因,正如預料的那樣,將由美國總統隆納.雷根Ronald Reagan造成。他作為一個戰爭煽動者,已經瘋狂到想要在歐洲部署新的核導彈,如果雷根堅持他的瘋狂計畫,這將激怒俄羅斯人,並促使他們自己在歐洲領土上部署類似的致命武器。


The guy is out of his mind.



431. He is a very dangerous paranoiac, and with this also psychopathically heavily burdened.


432. Ronald Reagan is a great danger for the whole earthly humanity, because he is not only a very vicious and unpredictable warmonger, but the actual most important man for the rash point of a third threatening world conflagration, as I have already explained to you several times.


433. He actually embodies this origin, because through his warmongering he creates insane ideas in many earthly human heads, which could one day lead to the Third World conflagration, even if the wheel of death should no longer be set in motion by Ronald Reagan himself.


434. His malicious actions could thus create future waves that could become deadly breakers.


435. There have been still other like-minded people at work in this regard before him, as there are now and will be in his time, and their machinations are also significant in terms of an impending Third World conflagration, but never to the extent of Ronald Reagan's, except later with the Bushes.


436. As you well know, they are of the seven anti-logos who will stand guilty for the impending world conflagration, and Ronald Reagan is indeed one of them.


437. However, the anti-logos who will possibly still let loose the conflagration will only reach his great might in the coming time, which will enable him to carry out this work of destruction.


438. However, there should be no talk of this now, for the time until then still lasts, and the naming of the actualities of these facts is also not useful, for Earth-humans will not listen to the warnings.


439. For this reason, we can deal with matters of the future which are of some importance to Earth-humans and from which they may learn that we do know the future and are entitled to make prophetic statements, even if Earth-humans have not yet listened to us.



Unfortunately, I know. You are also probably right that it is useless to talk about these things that may come now. I also assume that the human beings on this planet will not change their minds even when they realise the truth of the prophecies and predictions. So go ahead with those things you wanted to mention.



440. I ended with my predictive explanations at the month of December, and for this month, I still have to give further explanations that relate to the weather and the disasters resulting from it.


441. As Europe will be without snow in this coming time, there will also be a privation of snow in many places in America, as a result of unusually warm air influences, and there will even be famine due to unemployment.


442. Other countries will be afflicted by the most severe storms and will not be spared from natural disasters.


443. Such natural storms will move around the Earth in the month of December 1982, spreading distress, misery and death.


444. To mention them all in detail or to enumerate the countries that will be damaged by them would be going too far, which is why I am only giving these details in a general form.


445. The turn of the year 1982/1983 itself does not bring much of importance, but it should be interesting for you to know that shortly after the turn of the year on the Hawaiian Islands a great natural spectacle will be imminent, because a volcano there will erupt again, and that in several and long-lasting eruptions.


446. Damage will not be great from this coming volcanic activity because human settlements are laid out at a sufficient distance so that they will not be affected.



It might be interesting to know where and what is happening in some cases, like e.g., the famine in America, which sounds a bit unbelievable.



447. It will be fact, because this famine will happen in DETROIT.


448. In the country of Yemen, near Sanaa, in Dhamar, there will be a moderate earthquake, but it will cause many human lives and more than half a million homeless.


449. Another example for December 1982 is also an expected large landslide due to torrential rains in ANCONA, causing immense damage.


450. At this time of December, however, something pleasant will also happen for a change, as Spain will reopen the border to the blockaded Gibraltar, which had been closed by Franco's might.


451. Is this information enough for you?



It is, because it offers something concrete. What or what will be the talk in people's mouths when the volcano in Hawaii has erupted?



452. It will be different things, especially politics, in relation to disarmament, which is not serious, because everybody wants to take advantage of each other.


453. At the same time, Earth-humans, startled by official reports, will once again become more frightened because at this time another Russian nuclear spy satellite will crash and move across the sky like a small comet.



Ah yes, good you speak of it, because apropos of the comet I would like to ask you a question. Years ago I spoke to Semjase several times about the Destroyer, which must be a gigantic comet. Semjase gave me a lot of information about this wanderer, but she was not quite sure about the exact dates of the real times of the orbit and the years of appearance, etc. She told me back then that she was not sure about the exact dates. She told me at the time that she was not very well oriented about everything and that it was therefore very possible that she might have made mistakes in her information.



454. That is of correctness, because these matters are not her field and she has never dealt with them in-depth.


455. She took up this information only in passing, which she then passed along to you in a friendly manner, but unfortunately, she somewhat intermingled some data of importance, particularly in issues of time, whereby she somewhat confusingly intertwined different time calculations into one another.


456. It is to be noted that four different and thoroughly divergent calculations of time appear, which Semjase probably mentioned in her explanations to you, but did not explain in detail, which would have been necessary for a full understanding of the issues.

這是因為需要注意,有四種完全不同且彼此差異很大的時間計算方式出現在這些解釋中,Semjase 可能在她的解釋中提到了這些,但並未進一步詳細說明,而這對於完全理解這些事務是必要的。

457. Correctly you should have turned to me for precise information on this matter, because the concerns about comets and similar phenomena fall within my learned field of work.


458. But now, this should not mean that you have been misinformed by Semjase because that is not the case.

然而,這並不意味著你從 Semjase 那裡得到了錯誤的資訊,因為事實並非如此。

459. Her statements reflect the given facts, but these were mixed with each other due to inexact knowledge.



That is reassuring, but can you at least give me the exact details now?



460. Our subject of conversation is of something quite different, but if it is so important for you, then I will gladly be ready to give you the exact dates.


461. It is necessary, however, that I go back very far and also put the times into a uniform calculation, that is, into the calculation of time which is usual on the Earth.


462. However, it must be explained at the outset that the present earthly calculation of time does not correspond to the truthful calculation of time, because at the beginning of this new time human beings made various transgressions of time which were never recorded.


463. As is known to you, the new calendar is calculated after Jmmanuel, although, this calendar already differs by six (6) years, in the form that six years too few have been calculated.


464. This is, by the way, a fact that is even known to those responsible for terrestrial time calculation, who know exactly, that according to the year 1981, that must already become calculated with the year 1987.

順帶一提,這是一個連地球上的時間計算負責人都知道的事實,他們清楚知道,根據這一點,1981 年實際上應該被計算為 1987 年。

465. Apart from this six-year break in time, however, another one comes to light, namely one of 40 years and four months, which also has to be set before the new calendar.


466. Thus, between the time before Jmmanuel, which is called 'before Christ' on Earth, and between the time 'after Christ', 46 years and four months are missing, which are not taken into account in the new calendar.

因此,在地球上稱為「公元前」(即以馬內利之前)的時間與「公元後」的時間之間,缺少了 46 年又 4 個月,這些時間在新的時間計算中並未被考慮進去。

467. These 46 years and 4 months were simply misappropriated by various changes of power at that time, whereby also the data concerning the rulers and their lives and reigns were changed and falsified by those who had to carry out chronistic work and record keeping.

46 年又 4 個月由於當時多次權力更迭而被簡單地忽略了,同時,那些負責編年工作和記錄的人還篡改和偽造了關於統治者及其生活和統治時期的資訊。

468. In many cases, such sources of error only appeared because the records were only made many years after an event, whereby miscalculations were bound to occur.


469. But through these false calculations, errors embedded themselves into the calendar, which do not want to be vouched for by the Earth-humans and do not want to be repaired.


470. But if we want to give the exact dates of the Destroyer, then we have to take into account these time misinterpretations and, in addition, start from the present time, whereby we then have to place the missing 46.4 years, which were suppressed by the chroniclers, between the post-Christian and the pre-Christian times, in such a wise that they practically appear as an extraordinary and forgotten time between the old and the new calendar, whereby we can then actually begin with the new calendar at the year one (1) Jmmanuel, alias post-Christ.

如果我們現在要提到有關毀滅者的確切日期,那麼我們必須將這些時間遺漏計算在內,並且從當前時間出發,這樣我們就必須將缺失的以及被編年史家遺漏的4 6年又4個月安排在公元前和公元後之間,具體來說,它們實際上應該作為舊曆和新曆之間的一段特殊且被遺忘的時間呈現,這樣我們就可以真正從以馬內利一年,即公元後(又稱後基督)一年開始計算新曆。

471. Thereby it is still to be noted by you, as I must explain, that all now following data are calculated according to usual earthly pre- and post-Jmmanuel time reckoning.



Good, then go right ahead, and best of all, starting from where the Destroyer originally came from. Concerning this, unfortunately, ambiguities also still exist.



472. The original point of origin of the Destroyer is unknown to us, which is why I can only give details on where it found its way into the SOL-system.


473. Its origin lies in the old Lyra System where, from time immemorial, the dark planet—called 'Wanderer' at that time wreaked system-wide destruction and had brought the earthly Moon on that course which led it to the SOL-system and to the Earth.

這個起源位於古老的天琴座系統(Lyra System),在遠古時期,當時還被稱為漫遊者」(Wanderer的黑暗行星在整個星系內造成了毀滅性的破壞,並將地球的月球推向了那條軌道,使其最終進入太陽系並來到地球的軌道上

474. A fact that may seem incredible, fantastic and an unusual coincidence to many Earth scientists, but which nevertheless corresponds to the truth.


475. The Earth's moon was torn loose by the Destroyer many millions of years ago as a fragment of a planet four million years older than Earth is, and thrown out into space, heading for the SOL-system, where it was then captured by the Earth as a satellite.


476. Meanwhile, the Destroyer, after colliding with the planet, followed the path of the planetary fragment much more slowly.


477. This, for reasons unknown to us and as a result of events, we have never been able to clarify.


478. In this connection, we can therefore only employ speculations with regard to similar events that are well-known to us, but which do not satisfy us regarding the Destroyer and its course to the SOL-system behind the planetary fragment, which is why I would not like to explain our relevant thesis more closely, although for us it seems to be the only possibility why the Destroyer also found its way to the SOL-system, so it cannot be spoken of as a coincidence anymore.


479. The moon, the former planetary fragment, already joined the Earth as a satellite a few million years ago, while the much slower Destroyer that followed it first entered the SOL-system about 970,000 years ago, causing a tremendous Earth catastrophe.


480. A large part of the Earth-humans at that time, however, found protection and survival because they had been warned by our ancestors regarding the coming of the Destroyer and the impending disasters, consequently, they built themselves structures like the Pyramids and also other shelters.


481. After this umpteenth appearance of the Destroyer, it entered an orbit about 75,000 years ago that carried it back to the SOL-system regularly every 714 years.


482. Around 87 times it passed through the SOL-system on its orbit, before it changed its orbit and orbital period for the first time in 12,943.5 B.C. due to circumstances unknown to us, namely to a constant of 575.5 years.


483. This took place by means of circumstances very strange and incomprehensible to us, whereby the first and second course and orbital period change did not fall on 575.5 years, but on 533 and 618 years.

再後來由於我們也無法理解的原因,它的軌道週期又從575.5年,變成了533 618年。

484. Burdened with a phenomenon inexplicable to us until a few months ago, the Destroyer had a constant orbital period of 575.5 years, which, however, it reached only every third time, with one major exception.


485. In between, there arose, and still are, regular variations of large orbital periods of years, with the lowest orbital period being 412 years and the highest orbital period over 670 years.


486. Here, look, these are the exact dates of the years of appearance of the Destroyer in the SOL-system as well as its respective exact orbital period, in addition to various data that give you other values, such as disturbances of the Earth by the Destroyer and by Venus, which was torn out of the solar system of Uranus by the Destroyer and brought onto Earth's course.


487. But there are also other important dates from these records, as you can see here.


488. So if you start here, you have the year 14,812 B.C., a time when the Destroyer still had a fixed constant orbital period of 714 years.


489. Now record these dates and you will have them available whenever you need them.



How is your time if I transcribe the data?



490. Do not worry about that, I will tell you when I have to go.



Thank you, I will be quick.


Year B.C.


Orbital Period Years


Special Event


- 14,812



- 14,098



- 13,384


Destroyer flies on collision course with Jupiter and disrupts its rotation, passing so close to the outer layers that a violent storm is created within, rotating and reaching into the innermost layers. Jupiter's mass tears at the Destroyer's matter and gathers a particle and moon ring around it that will continue for millions of years, along with the original particle and moon ring system that has already existed for about four billion (4,000,000,000) years, into which the new ring will be integrated. The gigantic whirlwind on the giant planet, already developed in primaeval times, has nothing to do with the Destroyer. – At the same time as the Destroyer passes through the Jupiter system, it tears an old small moon of about four kilometres in diameter out of its orbit, which flies out at tremendous speed on an unknown path into the SOL-system space, accompanied by some smaller asteroids. First, this moon loses itself in a very wide orbit, after which it reappears after a long time and moves through the SOL-system – again and again, until one day it will be recaptured by Jupiter and will almost certainly crash down on it, which according to our calculations will be close to the time of the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries AD.


(Compare 248th Contact, Thursday 3rd February 1994, 17:04 hrs:
Conversation between Ptaah and Billy:
Billy: … But now to another question: In the 150th contact report of Saturday 10th October 1981, 3:15 hrs, Quetzal spoke of a small moon of about four kilometres in diameter having been torn loose from Jupiter by the Destroyer in 13,384 B.C. and set in motion, which was also followed by several smaller asteroids. The talk was then that this small moon would one day return to its place of origin, namely Jupiter, and then crash down on it. Now the following: Earthly scientists have discovered that a small planetoid about four kilometres in diameter is currently approaching Jupiter on a collision course, accompanied by several asteroids following it. According to scientific calculations, this small planetoid, called Shoemaker-Levy 9, should crash into Jupiter in mid-1994, just beyond the horizon visible from Earth. Now is this small planetoid the small moon mentioned by Quetzal, which set sail from Jupiter in 13,384 B.C. and which is now 'celebrating' its return to its place of origin, or is it another space projectile?
Ptaah: It is indeed the small moon mentioned by Quetzal, which will almost certainly return to Jupiter's gravitational pull).

(比較 1994 2 3 日,星期四 17 04 分《248次接觸報告》:
... 現在來談另一個問題:在19811010日星期六凌晨315分的第150次接觸報告中,Quetzal提到,公元前13,384年,「毀滅者」從木星上撕裂了一個直徑約四公里的小衛星並將其帶走,隨後還有一些小行星跟隨。當時提到,這顆小衛星有一天會返回其起源地,也就是木星,並最終墜落到木星上。對此,以下是進一步的解釋:地球上的科學家發現,目前有一顆直徑約四公里的小行星正以碰撞軌道接近木星,並伴隨著幾顆跟隨的小行星。根據科學計算,這顆名為舒梅克-李維九號彗星」(Shoemaker-Levy 9的小行星將於1994年年中墜落到木星上,位置在地球可見的地平線後方。那麼,這顆小行星是否就是Quetzal提到的、公元前13,384年從木星出發並現在“慶祝”其返回起源地的小衛星,還是另一個太空物體?



Destroyer henceforth changes its orbital period for unknown reasons, which henceforth is unpredictable.


– 12,137



– 11,519



– 11,503



(Maya) Destruction of the continent of Atlantis as a result of a war feud with MU, whereby MU scientists directed a minor planet (Adoonis = the ugly, as opposed to Aadonis = the beautiful) from the asteroid belt and steered it towards the Earth and onto Atlantis, causing it to sink into the sea and triggering a flood.

(瑪雅)由於與穆MU大陸的戰爭衝突,亞特蘭提斯Atlantis大陸被摧毀。穆的科學家從小行星帶中操控了一顆小行星(Adoonis = 醜陋的,與Aadonis = 美麗的相對),並將其引導至地球並撞擊亞特蘭提斯,導致亞特蘭提斯沉入海中並引發了一場大洪水

– 10,943.5



– 10,454.5



– 10,219



Large asteroid crashes into the Indian Ocean and triggers a deluge.


– 9,792.5


Destroyer rips seven large asteroids out of the asteroid belt, which are taking various dangerous paths and will endanger Earth in the coming time. One of them probably (in the year) 2014.


– 9,545



The seven large asteroids from the asteroid belt reach Earth's orbit and crash into the world's oceans; one into the North Sea, one into the Indian Ocean, one into the China Sea, one into the sea off the south-east coast of Australia, one into the Atlantic and one into the Pacific, creating a great flood of worldwide proportions. The last one continues on its path.


– 9,217



– 9,186


Halley's comet disrupts Earth's rotation and puts the planet in a 32-day particle tail.

哈雷彗星擾亂了地球的自轉,使地球陷入 32 天的粒子尾跡。

– 8,639



– 8,066



– 7,490.5



– 7,210


Halley's comet disturbs Earth's orbit as well as its rotation and places Earth in a particle tail lasting 19 days.


– 6,899.5



– 6,339.5


Destroyer tears Venus out of Uranus' orbit and drags it behind it towards Earth's orbit.


– 6,104

Small flood


Venus breaks into the Earth's orbit and disturbs its own rotation to such an extent that a new rotation time is created, combined with violent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and elemantary storms.


– 5,764



– 5,245



– 4,613

Flood biblical.



Destroyer invades Earth's orbit, disrupts its proper rotation and solar orbit, causing tremendous earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and elemental storms, the whole event giving rise to the biblical Flood (does not concern Noah's Ark Flood). The Earth's intrinsic rotation is changed and a polar collapse occurs.


(Compare: 248th Contact, Thursday 3rd February 1994, 17:04 hrs:
Conversation between Ptaah and Billy:
Billy: … Now I have something again concerning the Bible, namely concerning the so-called Noah's Ark, which was indeed once built, but at a completely different time than this is claimed in the Bible. The biblical Flood also did not take place at that time, as the Bible claims, but in 4613 B.C. caused by the Destroyer. … The biblical Flood is, therefore, true, even if it has been transferred to another time by the chroniclers etc., as is also the case with the construction and events surrounding Noah's Ark. This was actually built, but about 98,400 years earlier and thus calculated back from today about 100,000 years ago. Is that correct?
Ptaah: That is correct, but from which source does your knowledge come?
Billy: Of course from Quetzal. I was with him several times on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey or on the Russian-Turkish-Iranian border, precisely because I was interested in the history of the Ark. Quetzal explained these things to me. According to this, the ark did not land on the summit of the 5,165-metre-high Ararat about 100,000 years ago, but about 30 kilometres away and not at the height of the summit. The measure of the ark given in the Bible are also roughly correct. Many animals and only a few human beings had actually survived an earlier flood, which, like the biblical Flood, had been caused by a polar collapse.
Ptaah: That is not correct, because it was a giant tidal wave caused by a large comet that nearly collided with the Earth and caused tremendous disasters, including the gigantic tidal wave that lifted the Ark up Mount Ararat.
Billy: Excuse me, I must be confusing two events.
Ptaah: That will be so.
Billy: Thank you for your correction. Well – Noah was not alive at the time of the Ark event, nor was his family. Nevertheless, amazingly, the event took place approximately as reported in the Bible, except that the builder was a man named Noahkadnosser and he had contacts with an extraterrestrial named Zebalon, who explained to him the approaching danger from the comet and advised him to build the ark, which he then also did in community work with his family and thus survived the mighty Flood – together with his relatives and with many domestic and land animals. These real occurrences have been passed down orally ever since for some 98,000 years, with the name Noahkadnosser gradually being changed and forgotten, eventually ending up in the name Noah, while the extraterrestrial with whom Noahkadnosser was in contact was renamed and elevated to a god. After the biblical Flood, the actual Bible-Arche-Noah story was then created out of it, whereby the real origin of the events was finally lost.
Ptaah: This is also how it is recorded in our chronicles regarding important events on Earth. So your explanation is correct.)












謝謝你的澄清。所以,諾亞並沒有生活在方舟的時代,當然他的家人也不是。不過,這個事情與聖經只有一個部份非常接近,那就是方舟的建造者是一個叫Noahkadnosser的人,他和一個叫Zebalon的外星人有接觸,Zebalon告訴他有一顆危險的彗星接近地球,建議他建了方舟,後來他和他家人一起建好了船,後來他和家人以及一些家畜、動物得以存活了下來。這是發生在 98,000年前的事,後來Noahkadnosser的名字口耳相傳後,逐漸變成了Noah,而與他接觸的外星人就變成了上帝。再後來,就變成了聖經中的洪水及諾亞方舟,而真正事件的起源就逐漸被遺忘了。



– 4,037.5



– 4,006


Venus enters Earth's orbit and slightly disturbs Earth, but without causing major catastrophes.


– 3,551

Small Deluge





Destroyer runs again on Earth collision course and disturbs Earth's orbit and its own rotation, causing worldwide catastrophes as well as a small flood. Volcanic eruptions and their ash ejections eclipse the sun for 48 days.


– 3,545


Venus stabilises and fixes its own orbit around the Sun.


– 3,030


Halley's comet comes dangerously close to Earth and slightly disturbs the Earth's moon in its orbit.


– 2,886.5



– 2,470



– 2,058


Destroyer slightly disturbs Earth's orbit and Venus, causing the latter to suffer a polar collapse and acquire a new proper rotation time. Minor catastrophes occur on Earth, but they are not of great significance.


– 1,453


Destroyer gets dangerously close to the Earth and causes severe catastrophes. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, elemental storms and floods of enormous proportions are the result. Volcanic ash easily eclipses the sun, which lasts for several weeks. The Santorini volcano in the Hellenic Sea explodes, triggering a 180-metre-high tidal wave that rolls across the Mediterranean and far into the Nile country of Egypt, flooding everything. Not only do many human beings die as a result, but also countless animals whose carcasses decompose after the flood rolls back, causing much evil. This event triggers the 'seven biblical plagues' (Moses time/Moses), whereby the waters of the Nile also turn red through the blood of the countless life-forms killed and their torn and battered bodies. The flood that rolls back again pushes back across the Mediterranean and forward to the northeast, where it then floods Syria and causes tremendous terror and devastation.


– 877.5


Non-hazardous approach of the Destroyer to Earth, but slightly affecting the lunar orbit.


– 280.5



Year A.D.
+ 32


Crucifixion of Jmmanuel, accompanied by an unusual solar eclipse produced by a tremendous sandstorm. At the same time, a very strong earthquake occurred in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, which occurred with several earth tremors during the crucifixion.


+ 273.5



+ 749


Destroyer passes far from Earth's orbit.


+ 1,150


Halley's comet comes very close to the Earth and engulfs it in a tail that lasts for three weeks and shines golden through the sunlight.


+ 1,238



+ 1,680


Last pass of the Destroyer so far, which may not return as we (note: the Plejadians/Plejaren) strive to remove this wandering planet from the SOL-system.


+ 1,910


Passage of the Halley's comet. Next appearance of the comet in 1986, far outside the Earth's orbit and completely without danger.


So, I have these data. However, I have shortened the explanations a little and written them in my own words.



491. However, you have to make sure that they are reproduced according to their meaning.



Certainly, you should know that I do that. Say once, though, while we are on this Destroyer: According to the prophecies I have received, there are other comets and also meteors of enormous size that will have an influence on the Earth and the life of this world. I am particularly interested in the 'red Meteor'. Is this now the Destroyer, or is it another comet that keeps passing through our solar system?

當然,你該知道我會這麼做。不過,既然我們談到了這個「毀滅者」,我想問一下:曾經傳遞給我的預言談到,還有一些不同類型的彗星及巨大像幽靈一樣的漫遊者將會影響地球上的一切生靈。我尤其對那個「紅色流星」(red meteor)很感興趣,那麼這也會是個「毀滅者」或是其他彗星,它們會一次次經常穿越我們的太陽系嗎?


492. Neither, my friend.


493. The meteor mentioned in the prophecies, which will have an enormous size and will cause very vicious destruction on Earth, and which besides climatic also threatens to bring tectonic and other changes, will also threaten to split the Earth's crust, from today's North Sea to the Black Sea, which however does not have to be true with certainty, because today certain factors speak against it.


494. It is coming towards the SOL-system from the depths of space and is, so to speak, an alien.



You mean it is not a known comet that keeps making its orbit through our system?



495. That is of correctness, because this meteor is flying on an orbit that will lead it to the SOL-system for the first time.


496. It has never been to this area of space in earlier times.



And its journey is to end on Earth? Is there nothing you can do about it?



497. You know very well that it will be so and that we must not stop this happening.


498. The cosmic forces themselves have pre-programmed this event, which could only be stopped or averted by the Earth-humans themselves.


499. In their materialistic and misleading disunity and in their megalomania, however, they disregard all warnings and prophecies, so that the event will probably inevitably come to pass, as a reminder and a punishment, if you want to see it in that manner.


500. And since this must be a warning and a rebuke, we must also not take any steps to avert the event.


501. Earth-humans should listen to your words and admonitions, but that is precisely what they do not do.


502. You are standing on a lost post, as a caller in the wilderness, and only a few are and will be willing to hear your words, to grasp them, to think about them and to learn to act correctly.


503. The non-hearing will find many deaths for this, when the meteor begins its work of death and creates a new part of the Earth, through a vast rift of the Earth from the North Sea to the Black Sea, out of which the glowing lava will pour, if the prophecy should be fully fulfilled, which, however, is not yet determined to the last consequence.



You say that so dramatically and unscientifically. Incidentally, I would be interested to know where this rift in the Earth originates.



504. It is our way to remain human also in scientific explanations, without scientific language.


505. A scientific language predominates only among Earth-humans who believe that they have to distinguish themselves with this language.


506. This is a degeneration of callous megalomania, which also leads to the trivialisation of all dangers.


507. This is one of the reasons why we, and also any other intelligent and truthful thinking life-form, never enter into scientific language, but only use a human wise of speaking, which has to sound somewhat dramatic, because the drama of the monstrous actually exists.


508. A purely scientific form of expression is always wrong, because of the trivialisation and misjudgement of the dangers.


509. Regarding the expected Earth rift, I already told you that it will divide the land between the North Sea and the Black Sea.


510. Glowing lava masses and earth gases, etc. will then additionally create a deadly sulphur wall from this, which will drift westwards over the land and thus create an additional death zone, if the prophecy should actually be fully fulfilled, if the Earth-humans do not undertake something about it together.



Aha, that is also said in one of the prophecies. But is there really not the slightest possibility that you can still prevent something?



511. Your question is very illogical, my friend, but on the other hand, we do try to be helpful to Earth-humans by making the coming horrors and events visible to many sensitives through visions, and we also include you in these visions.


512. Unfortunately, however, all these sensitives and Earth-humans who have been processed by us with the corresponding vision impulses have in some wise always become slaves to false religions, so that they are unable to recognise anything and attribute our visions, which have been made visible to them, to any deities or cosmic world leaders, etc., although such figures and powers truly exist only in the religiously misguided senses of Earth-humans.


513. Unfortunately, this is also the case with our contact person on the Earth, whom we chose a long time ago in order to visualise the above-mentioned events in particular, which were then to be made manifest through this person, which has already partly happened, but unfortunately also under the aspect that he sees us as cosmic world leaders, divine forces and as an element of punishment, etc., through his religious and therefore lead into the delusionally false attitude.


514. A fact which will again lead to further confusion.


515. Nevertheless, for the time being, we shall continue to impulse this contact with visionary seeing and also transmit to him a picture of your personality, whereby he shall become aware of the real truth.


516. For your part, this shall also be the sign to you that this contact person really receives his visions only through our impulses, if we let the man see the visions in which your person stands in the left southern part of the land of the continent that has come to doom and you call out to him that this part of the continent has become very hot and that henceforth more or less the climate of Mexico will prevail in this area, but the climate will become even hotter.


517. Unfortunately, it is to be feared, which has already happened several times, that he will not recognise the situation of what is happening as well as your person and important details, if he is not able to grasp the exact connections.


518. His thinking and comprehension, unfortunately, do not correspond to higher values than are generally present in Earth-humans, and in addition, there are also delusional belief-based tendencies, springing from religious heresies, which make him overlook or misinterpret many facts, so also the fact of the origin of his visions.



You surprise me with this communication. May I at least know who this visionary is?



519. His first name is like yours, but spelled and spoken in a foreign language for you.


520. You should keep quiet about that though, namely regarding his name, by which he calls himself Edward K.?

但你應該對此保持沉默,特別是關於他的名字,他稱自己叫Edward K


Done. Silence is easy for me, because it always protects me from all sorts of mischief and nerve-racking questions. For this reason, I also do not want to ask you any more questions in this regard. I would now only be interested in the matter of further comets and the like, which will play a decisive role for the Earth, the SOL-system and for human beings in the coming time. Are there other such projectiles ghosting around?



521. That is of correctness, but the previous information should be sufficient for you for the time being, because my time is not sufficient to explain to you all the facts to be mentioned in this regard now.


522. My task today is that of future events-explanation in regard to coming events up to the month of March 1983.



Of course; more and more questions arise in me through the Destroyer and its dates. Go ahead then with your actual topic.



523. I shall be glad to answer further questions of the present form which interest you at a later date, but for today I should devote myself to the predictions, which I can only give you up to March 1983 anyway.


524. After that time I shall then endeavour, if you deem it necessary, to give you further predictions of the future.



On the one hand, I think they are good, on the other hand, I always wonder whether they serve any purpose at all because often I have to realise that they are of no avail.



525. Unfortunately, the sense of Earth-humans is still not oriented towards it and so far developed that they would be able to grasp the entire scope of such predictions even on a larger scale.


526. To begin with, only a few are capable of it.



Tell me about it, but now go on in your explanations.



527. In the month of February 1983, once again things begin to arouse the world's attention that find their origin in massacres.


528. For what will happen in Lebanon, through the fault of Sharon and Begin, will also happen in India, in the province of Assam, where the natives will carry out massacres among the Bengali immigrants, in which about 5,300 Bengali men, women and children will die horrible deaths.


529. However, this will not be the end of these massacres, the origin of which will be to be sought in new elections, because the fanatical locals will also murder Muslims living in Assam, whose number will be around 1,800, so that the total number of dead from the massacres will be over 7,000, a large part of whom will be buried and not found.


530. While these massacres are still being carried out to the highest degree, a similar event is taking place in Africa, in Zimbabwe, where there will also be very large numbers of dead, namely around 2,700, a part of which will also remain buried and untraced.


531. In Assam in particular, the massacres will not be confined to the month of February, for they will also continue to some extent in the month of March, while according to our calculations there will be peace in Zimbabwe, at least as far as the massacres are concerned.


532. After these events there will only be complaints worldwide about severe natural disasters, especially in Australia, where in southern parts of the country enormous and destructive forest fires will destroy much and also claim human lives, after which, when the fires have gone out, there will still be no calm, but new disasters will befall the country, this time through enormous masses of water which will fall from the sky as flash floods and inundate the country, causing further enormous destruction.


533. The same will also follow in America, in Los Angeles, where through storms and floods millions in damage arise and human lives will be lamented.


534. Only then will there be some calm again, before another natural event on the Hawaiian Islands will make itself known, namely when a volcano there erupts another time within a short period of time.


535. These, my friend, are the indications I have to give of coming events up to the month of March 1983.



Then perhaps I can ask two or three questions that occurred to me during your explanations. They would be regarding the Destroyer.



536. The time is still enough for me, if your questions are not too many.



There are only two or three. You have always talked about a gigantic comet in terms of the Destroyer, so I would be interested to know what the actual dimensions of this guy are.



537. Its volumetric mass corresponds to 1.72 times that of the planet Earth, but its specific gravity is different from the average mass of the Earth.


538. The total mass of the Destroyer matter is much more compressed than that of the Earth.


539. If the Earth has a volume of approx. 1083.3 billion cubic metres, with an average density of 5.516 grams per cubic centimetre, then in comparison the Destroyer is a giant, with a volume of 1694.2 billion cubic metres, with an average density of 7.18 grams per cubic centimetre, if I may give you these data according to earthly understanding.



Interesting – and does the Destroyer also have a self-rotation like, for example, the Earth?



540. That is of correctness, but it is less than the Earth, which has about 465 metres per second at the equator.


541. The Destroyer's own rotation is only 314.7 metres per second on the respective line.



So only about ¾ of the Earth's rotational speed.



542. That is of correctness.


543. However, this speed has been increased for some time, through our efforts, because we are striving to divert this wandering star from its orbit in order to guide it to areas far away from the SOL-system, where it can no longer do any damage.



Gigantic, then Earth-humans would also no longer have to fear that it will threaten Earth again – if you succeed in the endeavour.



544. That is of correctness, and we are quite confident.



But one question about this: why are you allowed to interfere with the Destroyer when, on the other hand, you are not allowed to do anything about other impending dangers, such as the expected 'Red Meteor'?



545. The Destroyer was partially interfered with in its natural orbit by very early ancestors of ours, vindictively, causing damage to the SOL-system that is not of natural cosmic origin.



But you did not say anything about that in all your explanations – Semjase did not talk about it either.



546. We do not know the exact circumstances of that time, which is why we cannot give any further details or explanations about that.



Then even not, but still, even though I think it is not right to not give us information about that. Nevertheless, one last question, and indeed concerning the Destroyer, Santorini and Moses: My time-travels with Asket have taught me the correctness of the dates and information you have given, but I have recently read in various writings that the time of Moses and the Santorini eruption are calculated in completely different time periods, these calculations and assertions run from the 1500 B.C. empires back to the 5th millennium B.C. Why is that?



547. It is because of the time falsifications of the chroniclers, whereby the Jewish chroniclers and other chroniclers influenced by them committed the worst evils in this respect, whereby time falsifications in the transmission of data up to several thousand years became apparent.


548. The Santorini erupted and exploded due to the powerful influence of the Destroyer exactly 3,453 years ago, calculated back from 2000, whereby Moses lived at the same time and prepared the Exodus for the Hebrew-Jewish people in Egypt at that time.


549. These dates are correct, as you could see for yourself from your travels with Asket into the past.


550. And Moses really lived and carried out the Exodus, even though it is later once claimed that this is not true.



So you are just confirming my own observation.



551. Anything else is not possible for me because we cannot simply falsify data like the Earth-humans do because with them, chronicles are not written down daily but often only after many centuries or even only after two thousand years according to oral tradition, as this was the case with the Jewish and various other national chronicles, by which dates and events have been so distorted that two or even three events that took place at the same time were torn apart into intervals of centuries or millenniums and were placed separately into different times, while two other events, which lay thousands of years apart, were assigned to the same time.


552. A very regrettable fact, which will unfortunately cause a great deal of confusion, irrationality and dispute among Earth-humans.



Which probably cannot be prevented.



553. Which again is of correctness.


554. Thus, the coming events probably cannot be prevented anymore, as I have mentioned this to you before, because the Earth-humans probably cannot be taught.



I know, and nevertheless, I simply cannot get away from the thought that one would have to drive it in through forceful logic, in order to hammer reason into the human beings and also the respect for life and for the laws and recommendations of the Creation. Unfortunately, however, one is not allowed to do that.



555. I also often have such thoughts, because perhaps something could be achieved through this.


556. But these are only unrealisable dreams.


557. In truth, it is very saddening.



You may calmly say that aloud. But I still have a question that was brought to me and that I would like you to answer, although I have already received the answer from Semjase. But maybe you can explain it again: Once again, it concerns the Bermuda Triangle, and this time, it is about the missing ships and aircraft, which are adjudged a mysterious and supernatural disappearance, such as, for example, with the bomb and torpedo aircraft that vanished in 1945 without a trace, and of those, Semjase said that these had hopelessly got lost in the fog and then crashed, on the one hand from lack of fuel, and on the other hand from reasons of navigational error.

你可以大聲說出來。不過我還有一個問題,這是我被問到的,雖然我已經從Semjase那裡得到了答案,但我還是希望你能再解釋一次。這是關於百慕達三角Bermuda Triangle)的問題,特別是關於那些神秘消失的船隻和飛機,比如1945年消失得無影無蹤的轟炸機和魚雷機。Semjase曾說,這些飛機在迷霧中迷失方向,最終因燃料耗盡和導航錯誤而墜毀。


558. That is of correctness.



You know that the most fantastic and craziest stories about the Bermuda Triangle are circulating on the Earth and that many imaginatively gifted writers earn enormous amounts of money with a plethora of books and that they still stupefy the human beings with these. Thus, extraterrestrials are blamed for all inexplicable Bermuda incidents, along with unexplainable supernatural or unearthly phenomena, all of which, of course, is outspoken nonsense because usually, the largest part of all incidents can be explained in a natural wise.



559. The Earth-humans allow themselves to be mesmerised only too gladly by fantastic lies and frauds because the given reality appears too commonplace to them in their dumb deluded belief in the supernatural.


560. But concerning the incidents in the Bermuda Triangle I would like to tell you the following, which, however, must remain a secret for the time being:


561. From around the month of April or May 1991, the fantasy stories surrounding the Bermuda Triangle incidents will take a turn in the direction that they can gradually be refuted.


562. At that time, treasure hunters will find the first missing planes that crashed and sank into the sea from 1940 onwards.


563. This, however, will only be the beginning of sporadic clarifications of seemingly mysterious occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle.


564. Much will be cleared up and it will lose the nimbus of the mysterious, but which does not mean that staunch misguided ones, fanatics, mystics, fantasists and know-it-alls will continue to cling to the stupidity of those delusionary explanations that speak of supernatural, unearthly or extraterrestrial forces that are supposed to be connected with the Bermuda Triangle events.


565. Such human beings will continue to exist.


566. And as I think, this is unfortunately not to be changed.


567. And now, unfortunately, I have to go again, while you also have to go back to sleep for a few more hours.


568. Unfortunately, there was also not enough time today to explain all the predictions to you, so I will make up for it later.



Of course, it really is a lot – and I have even more to cope with than before, because these things are particularly hard.

當然,事情確實很多 —— 我比以前要應付的還要多,因為這些事情都非常困難。


569. Then you will be back in your camp now just fifteen minutes later than you left it.



Okay, thank you. Thus, no one will know I was gone for two and a half hours. Well, take care, my son.



570. Goodbye.




  1. ↑ 移至:1.0 1.1 1.2 FIGU Dictionary Site: Gewalt Explanation from Ptaah: Gewalt has nothing to do with the terms ‹heftig› (violent) and ‹Heftigkeit› (violence), because the old Lyran term with regard to ‹Gewalt› means ‹Gewila›, and it is defined as using, with all the coercive means that are at one’s disposal, physical, psychical, mental, and consciousness-based powers, abilities and skills, in order to carry out and carry through terrible actions and deeds.

↑ 移至:1.0 1.1) 1.2 FIGU 詞典網站:Gewalt 來自 Ptaah 的解釋:“Gewalt”與“heftig”(暴力)和“Heftigkeit”(暴力)這兩個詞沒有任何關係,因為“Gewalt”在古老的天琴語中的意思是“Gewila”,它被定義為使用一切可以使用的強制手段,包括身體、心理、精神和基於意識的力量、能力和技能,以實施和完成可怕的行動和作為。

  1. ↑ 移至:2.0 2.1 FIGU Dictionary Site: Ausartung Explanation of the Plejaren language scientists, given to Billy on the 27th of August 2010: Ausartung means a very bad get-out of the control of the good human nature.

↑ 移至:2.0 2.1) FIGU Dictionary SiteAusartung 2010 8 27 日給比利的 Plejaren 語科學家解釋:“Ausartung”的意思是“非常糟糕地擺脫善良人性的控制”。




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