Contact Report 150 Part 1-5 第150次接觸報告之一(5)
接觸日期: 1981 年 10 月 10 日,星期六,凌晨 3 時 15 分
這是第一部分第 5 小段,談論的重點包含:
■ 繼續 預測未來(自 1982 年 7 月後)的事件,包括一些天災地變與一些人為重大事件;
■ 談到人類在身處太空中的健康與安全問題;
■ 在 談到未來政治事件中,有關在伊朗最高領袖柯梅尼主政期間發生的一些虐殺婦女與女孩事件,被描寫的非常血腥與慘無人道;
■ 談到「自由和平作戰團體」( Free Peace Combat Community )的想法,類似 「 聯合國維和部隊 」 的功能;
■ 繼續談到許多未來( 1982 年底的)事件,其中包含摩納哥王妃葛麗絲.凱莉之死,還有涉及以色列前後任總理貝京與夏隆的政治謀殺與貝魯特大屠殺等醜聞,也談到蘇聯領導人的死亡與更替,在美國方面更將美國總統雷根描述為一個戰爭販子,甚至差點導致第三次世界大戰。
Exactly. My questions are now answered, so now you can go on and continue speaking of those things that relate to earthly affairs in the future. I interrupted you at the concerns about the nasty thunderstorms in 1982 as well as at the concerns of diseases and epidemics.
沒錯。我的問題現在回答了,所以現在你可以繼續下去並繼續說那些與地球未來的世俗事務有關的事。我打斷了你有關在 1982 年那討厭的雷暴以及疾病和流行病的關注。
252. That is correct, and exactly about these things, I still have to give some explanations:
253. Especially from the month of July of 1982, the heaviest thunderstorms will appear which will cause major damages in Europe.
特別是從 1982 年七月份起,最嚴重的雷雨會出現,在歐洲這將導致重大的損失。
254. Switzerland will also be affected by this, as well as Germany and Austria and various other European countries.
255. The destruction of houses and other buildings, roads, fields, vineyards, crops, railroads, and vehicles, etc. will appear, whereby also floods will arise, which will be triggered by torrent-like thunderstorms.
256. In many parts of Switzerland, immense damages will be caused by the thunderstorms, particularly in the Jura region, as well as in the area of Andelfingen.
在瑞士的許多地方,巨大的破壞將由雷雨引起,尤其是在 Jura 地區,以及在 Andelfingen 的區域。
257. Unfortunately, human lives will also be lamented over, both through lightning strikes and indirect causes of the flood thunderstorms.
258. From these torrential and flood thunderstorms your center will also not remain spared, which is also why I give the advice to secure the entire area as good as possible in view of the coming water ingresses, as well as everything else that needs to be done to avoid damage caused by these expected thunderstorms.
That is faster said than done because it will probably be like always, namely that the insight and commitment for this work only occurs when the damage has already been incurred. Unfortunately, before that, it doesn’t work out. I also know of exposed locations where damages may occur, especially landslides, etc., but one will only be able to fix these up when it’s too late or almost too late.
259. This is known to me.
260. It is indees so, that until now you still must supervise and arrange everything and also that the control is still with you, as well as the mastering that it is even being worked rapidly.
261. It can be said that a true and rapid work performance can only occur in less than four group members in the center, and a reasonable work performance only truly comes about if you yourself lend a hand, but then, if you do the work entirely, a greater performance appears than what is the case with three normally working men in a joint working method.
262. You actually replace, in connection with this, three strong and labor-conscious men.
You exaggerate a little, my son; better go on now with your predictions...
你誇張了一點,我的孩子;現在最好繼續你的預測 ......
263. As you wish:
264. On around August 15, 1982, South Italy will again be smitten by an earthquake because this part of Italy will not be coming to rest for some time.
在大約 1982 年 8 月 15 日,南義大利將再次發生地震,因為義大利這部分不會安寧太久。
265. But specifically, Switzerland and Germany must also endure a lot of unrest but in another area.
266. So as it concerns epidemics, especially in these two countries, there will be all kinds of unrest and suffering be spread by sexual offenders as well as through the stupid-audacious behavior and degeneracy of young girls.
267. The year 1982 will be for Switzerland and for Germany a year during which, particularly from about the middle of the year, many of the school girls and teenage girls, adventurously and without the knowledge of the parents, go away from home to travel like gypsies through the land and countries, while many others will be seduced by sexual offenders, will be raped and beaten, and will be brought to death.
1982 年將是瑞士和德國之年,在這期間,尤其是大約在年中,許多女學生和少女,冒險而且缺少了她們父母的知識,像吉普賽人般離家外出,越過大地與不同國度,而許多人會被性罪犯誘惑,會被強姦和毆打,並被帶到死亡。
268. Thus, the year 1982 will be a pretty bad time for Switzerland and Germany with respect to this, also in view of the further mass killings, whereby particularly family mass killings are to appear.
因此,就瑞士和德國而言, 1982 年將是一段非常糟糕的時間,同時鑑於進一步的大規模屠殺,其中尤其是家庭 / 家族大屠殺的出現。
269. Elsewhere, a new and dangerous epidemic appears which is triggered by the shamelessness and sexual greed and degeneration of the Earth people, who have already lost themselves in unbridled and animalistic satisfaction of sexual lust and in their degenerated impulses.
270. Animals are, in relation to this, truly much more developed than the Earth human because animals have their mating season according to nature, while the Earth human, in this regard, suffers from an abnormal degeneration and from thoughts produced by sexual greed, and also lives and acts accordingly.
271. This will, however, have its consequences because such violations against the laws of nature always bring bad consequences.
272. And so, it will be that a new epidemic sexually transmitted disease, which is already rife in the U.S., will be brought into Europe and be spread.
273. This is a very malignant form of immunodeficiency that can’t be fought against for the time being and, thus, will be incurable and will demand many human lives over decades.
The prospects are so nice for the people of this world. You have also told me back then, during my great voyage, about a serious illness that should be revealed in connection with space flight. You then said something about the fact that the people of the Earth would very soon, through their space flight experiments, find out that they could not pursue this primitive kind of space flight that is pursued by them without taking severe damage. If I remember correctly, you then told me that through this primitive earthly kind of space flight, the danger of an incurable illness exists for the would-be astronauts and that all those who had flown in space capsules above the Earth's ozone layer were already infected. You explained back then that something will happen with the brains of these people.
274. That is correct because at that time, we explained to you the dangers of space flight because the conquering of interstellar space isn't as simple, as the Earth people imagines it.
275. The free space hides many dangers in itself, which the Earth person is still in no way aware of.
276. In particular, the very dangerous kind of space-conquering, as is pursued by the Earth people, releases damage to the health in the person.
277. First and foremost, the Earth people have no knowledge about the hazardous, body-damaging, as well as organ-damaging radiations, which prevail in all of space and pass through it.
278. On the other hand, the realization also escapes them that the human body cannot cope with weightlessness on a permanent basis, which is why it already begins to take on physical and organic damage after seventy hours of a weightless state.
在另一方面,實現也離棄他們,人體無法長遠地應付失重狀態,就是為什麼它在 72 小時的失重狀態後,已經開始在身體和器官上出現損害 。
279. If the Earth person, as well as any other race to be classified as space mastering, wants to pursue space flight, then the spacecraft equipment must be adapted to the given conditions in all respects, as well as the space suits for the life forms themselves.
280. Space flight equipment and space suits must be safeguarded and made resistent by a special insulation shielding layer with regard to the various body-damaging and organ-damaging space radiations and space vibrations.
太空飛行設備和太空衣必須得到保障,而且要有一層特殊的絕緣屏蔽層,對各種身體損害和器官損害的太空輻射和太空振動產生抵抗性 。
281. This is the most important factor for the preservation of life in space for the human, and so it is also the most important factor for the conservation of organic and physical health of the people who move through space with space-competent missiles or in protective suits.
282. The second and equally important factor in this regard is based on gravity and is to be observed with equally great importance as with the shielding against the space radiations and space vibrations.
283. If these factors are not taken into account, and thus, the spacecraft and protective suits of the people are not prepared accordingly in a way that the missiles and protective suits are made resistant against the outside influences of the radiations and vibrations by special insulation shields and that the spacecraft and protective suits are equipped with their own gravitational fields, then the body and all organs and bones of the space traveling people will take damage to the health.
284. Radiations, vibrations and the sorts, unprotected flying objects and also such overalls, as well as the weightlessness of interstellar space lead, in the very first place, to health damages in the brain and in the bones of humans and many other life forms.
285. These, together with many other forms of injury to health, which spread to the whole body and to all organs.
286. Thus, if the human life form is not protected in space by special shields and by artificial gravitational fields against the space radiations and space vibrations and against the weightlessness, then he will suffer health damage, which, in a stark case, usually leads to death.
287. The first severe reaction of the brain injury that I mentioned, for example, leads to barely detectable brain swelling in very minor cases, which will, after some time, lead to thought and action uncertainty and then inevitably result in reaction loss, such as, for example, the sudden loss of control of a vehicle or aircraft or the appearance of completely faulty actions against all reason.
288. These kinds of minor cases already occur with those people who, even on the Earth, linger in containers where weightlessness is produced, but on the other hand, they also appear in all those Earth people who leave the Earth for only a very short duration and get out above the earthly ozone layer.
這些類型的輕微個案已經出現在那些人身上,甚至在地球,他們徘徊在那些容器內,那裡沒有重力,但另一方面,它們也會出現在所有那些離開地球只為了一段很短的時間以及擺脫地球的大氣層的 地球 人身上。
289. Truly, all of that may only be done then, when the necessary precautions are sufficient enough; otherwise, the health damages are inevitable.
誠然,所有這一切只有在必要的預防措施 足夠 充分之時才能夠那麼做;否則,健康損害是不可避免的。
290. However, if a human or any other life form lingers for a very long time, such as many months or years, unprotected in weightlessness in space, then the initially developing brain swelling of an inflamed form will suddenly develop in reverse sequence, by which brain atrophy then develops, as with weak-thinking and elderly people.
291. Even the brain substance itself suffers a loss; thus, the entire brain mass passes through this phenomenon of a pathological nature.
292. This symptom of illness, and it evidently deals with such, is caused on the one hand by the uninhibited influence of space vibrations and space radiations of various kinds, as well as by weightlessness.
293. The illness originating from these factors inflames the brain substances and the brain itself, after which a new illness factor rapidly arises, which expresses itself as a decrease of brain activity, through a kind of palsy of cerebral substance, which then leads to the general shrinkage of total brain mass, which can no longer be stopped by human and medical and other similar means.
該疾病源於這些因素使大腦物質以及大腦本身發炎,之後,一種新的疾病因素迅速產生,其呈現為一種降低大腦的活動,透過 一種 腦物質的麻痺,然後導致大腦總質量的總體收縮,這不能再被人類和醫學和其他類似的方式被停止。
294. If the person lingers long enough unprotected and weightlessly in space, then the brain contraction ultimately leads to the point where the person loses the absolute control over himself, his thinking, and actions and life.
295. The ultimate end, then, is insanity and death.
Exactly; that is what you explained to me back then, but how long will it still take before the people of the Earth recognize the first facts of these matters?
296. It will be the time around the middle of 1982.
這將是大約 1982 年年中的時間。
297. But in truth, only a few facts will be fathomed initially, while the final or, at least, the further scope of the effective space threats will be recognised only much later, after the initial space flights have already claimed the lives of Earth people.
A question regarding this – but no, I better leave it.
關於這方面的一個問題 —— 但是,我還是不提了。
298. Then I will give further explanations regarding the events to be anticipated on Earth.
299. I explained to you that Israel will pursue a very sinister game of a political character, with regard to the Palestinians as well as with respect to the ambitions for territorial rule.
300. So after the Israeli expulsion of the Palestinians from Beirut the next step will be that for the first time, Israel will officially stand against the demands and ordinances of those that have, until then, given all the determinant assistance to this country, so that Israel, under the leadership of Begin, could even carry out its criminal and murderous actions to the time of the Palestinian expulsion from Beirut.
301. Thus, after the expulsion of Palestinians, Israel will set themselves against the Americans in an open form, because by then, the Begin's leadership will recognize that they will have in the meantime already safeguarded their murderous political power on Earth so far that this step can be dared.
302. When this event occurs, it will concern the demands of the American President Reagan towards Israel, at which Israel will gloatingly turn a deaf ear because its murderous political power will have actually reached a point which allows it to justify these action before those who are blind and ignorant.
303. But America and the rest of the world will nevertheless continue to stand by Israel, still not recognizing what evil game of murderous plans for territorial reign Israel actually conceives.
And in Iran - how do things go on over there, at this point in time? Abomination is going on over there, which scoffs at each humaneness and at every Menschsein. As I reckened years ago, not only that pregnant women and children are executed there, but also raping of women will take place before these are shot.
而在伊朗 —— 在那邊如何繼續發展下去,在這個時刻? 憎恨正在那邊進行著,它在嘲笑每個人性以及每個存在。正如我幾年前測算過,不僅孕婦和兒童在那被處決,而且在這些女性被槍殺之前都會被強姦。
304. That, too, will become known in about the month of July of 1982 or else during the month of August of 1982.
那也會變得眾所周知,大約在 1982 年七月份或者八月期間。
305. Thereby, it will certainly be concealed for the time being, that these women and girls will not only be raped and then murdered, but that they must suffer agonizing torture before, during, and after the rapes, whereby also their marks of femininity will be slit or chopped up and cut off with knives.
. Translator's Note:
the following lines through line #317 are very graphic and further describe the subject that has just been introduced. If the reader decides to read these lines, he or she should know that a proper warning has been given. If the reader does not wish to read more details about this, then he or she should resume reading at Meier’s comment after line #317.
接下來的行句至 #317 都是非常形象,並進一步描述剛剛介紹過的主題,如果讀者決定閱讀這幾行,他或她應該知道,一個適當的警告已發出。如果讀者不希望閱讀有關這方面的詳細信息,那麼他或她應該繼續閱讀 Meier 之後的評論。
Cruel pigs - they even maltreat the breasts and genitals of these moribunds with knives. Damn pigs.
殘酷的豬 —— 他們甚至用刀虐待這些垂死之人的乳房及陰部。 該死的豬。
306. This special kind of torture, as the Iranian Revolution Guards and the Khomeini henchmen call it, and which is legalized in such a way that the moribund women and girls, who are even of children's ages, are being massacred alive, will not only take place in the year 1982 alone, for already at present, they use this along with many other tortures.
這種特殊的酷刑,正如伊朗革命衛隊和柯梅尼的追隨者稱之一樣,並且這是合法的,以這樣一種方式,那垂死的婦女和女孩,她們甚至只是兒童的年紀,正在被活生生屠殺,不但會發生在 1982 年而已,目前,他們已經使用這以及其他許多酷刑。
307. But we have already spoken of this at length, at least in terms of the executions of women and girls in pregnant states, etc.
308. But the world should truthfully know what kind of horror is actually going on in Iran.
309. Among thousands of events relating to this, I can report examples that I observed myself over my monitors and that boosted within me the naked horror.
310. I saw a girl of less than 11 years of age put to death in a dim dwelling in the most horrific manner.
我看見一個不到 11 歲的女孩以最可怕的方式處死在一座昏暗的住所中。
311. Already physically developed as a woman, the child was outstretched by hands and feet and tied to a hard couch, after which nine men then assaulted her, raping her in the most brutal way.
312. While the last of these criminal and inhuman creatures assaulted the girl, another suddenly pulled out a knife and minced the child’s young breasts, while the rapist cried out voluptuously and lustfully bathed in the squirting blood.
313. However, that was only the prelude to an even more terrible end because now, the rest of the brutish creatures dropped onto the child, while another knife penetrated into the vagina of the child and jerked, slitting highly to the belly, so that the intestines poured out.
314. Another cut the child’s ears off, and another worked off his murder and blood intoxication rage with a knife to the thighs of the girl.
315. The hell of a truly ghastly blood intoxication took place, before ultimately, one of the brutish men put his pistol to the temple of the child and carried out the final execution.
316. From this you can see that in Iran, under the dirty cover of religion, things truly take place from which the rest of the ignorant world could learn the horror.
317. But still for a long time, Earth humanity will have no knowledge of these horrific operations, and when it should some day be the case, nevertheless, the Earth people, on the one hand, are so far removed from the places of these events, and on the other hand, it doesn’t concern them, while their senses are already so jaded against murder, rape, death, cruelty, and bestial killings of human beings that they simply cannot be deeply affected by these facts and events but simply superficially take note of them, not worrying about it further, and they indulge cheerfully in the joys and glories and in the blinking of an eye of their daily lives because they think: what the heck, it doesn’t concern them - and the dead suffer no more pain.
但仍然有很長一段時間,地球人類將不知道這些可怕行動,與某一天當它應該如此時,然而,地球人,一方面,迄今都遠離這些事件的地方,而在另一方面,這並沒有關係到他們,而他們的感官都已經如此厭倦於反對謀殺、強姦、死亡、虐待和人類殘忍的殺害,他們根本不能被深深地受到這些事實和事件影響,根本只是表面上注意到它們而已,不用擔心其更多,而他們沉溺於歡樂和輝煌,並在日常生活中隻眼開隻眼閉,因為他們想著:管它的,這 又不影響他們 —— 而且死者也不會再遭受痛苦。
Damn it once more, because the living persons who are brought to death, they lived before that, and before their death they had to suffer these inhuman atrocities.
318. That is correct.
I think that, in this regard, it doesn't change anything, that those who have been killed and will still be killed in Iran, that these have lifted up this mass killer Khomeini into the sky and have regarded him as a god and savior.
319. That is correct because it does not alter the fact that these murders, rapes, cruelties and inhumanities should have never been allowed to be committed.
And those who do it anyway, they are a thousand times worse than ordinary murderers. For such creatures, there isn’t even a designation in any language. Not even for those murderous henchmen, who simply execute death sentences through judges. These killers on command are also very much worse than any killer who is executed by them.
320. You speak a very true word.
I wish I could change all this madness; there ought to be a possibility.
321. Unfortunately there isn’t one; at least not in the sense that a sudden end could be set for these murders and other inhuman atrocities.
322. There would only be one solution in the long run, and in fact through a transnational party, therefore an international peace combat force and a union with enough members in every country of the Earth, which would have ascendance over every other party.
323. But this peace combat troop and party, I use this designation for better understanding, should be apolitical in every form and relation and be uniformly aimed, through spiritual leadership and peace combat, to steer the population of each country into the life-correct courses and into the necessary knowledge.
但這種和平作戰部隊和團體,我用這個名稱是為了能夠更好地理解,在任何形式和關係上都應該是政治中立的,以及是目標統一的,透過精神領袖與和平作戰,引導每一個國家的人民走進生命 正確 的路線,並且走進必要的知識裡。
324. Truthfully, such a peace combat troop and party would have to be a uniformly aligned “Free Peace Combat Community,” whereby the framework of the UN and NATO in this amended sense would be exactly right.
325. But it cannot be avoided that these organizations and the community would have a top spirit leadership with subleaderships well-informed in the spiritual teaching, after which everything could be truly steered in a creationally-given form through these leading forces.
326. Thus, no political machinations must arise in the sense as these are usual on Earth and which lead to wars, murders and manslaughter and revolutions.
327. Also, terrorism and anarchy, crime, riots, and demonstrations, etc. would have to be prevented by this, in that all Earth people would have to be treated uniformly and be incorporated into a uniform order and giving of rights.
That is easily said because again and again, crazy extremists of a terroristic character emerge in the smallest groups, who organize kidnappings, who storm and occupy embassies, schools, and government buildings, murdering people in order to cash in millions of amounts of extorted funds, so that they can make for themselves a happy and comfortable life. And the responsible of the countries even help this riff-raff in that they, on the one hand, yield to the blackmailing, and on the other hand, even carry out similar actions, whereby it is still given to them that they have and exercise the damned power to provoke wars, whereby, in this regard, they can even engage the damned religions in this, in particular – the Christian churches, who themselves really do not want to have peace, but by all means seek and advocate that the countries of the Earth produce war armies and war material, accumulate and stockpile these, in order to be able to wage war, always under the guise of the strange and crazy shouting that, indeed, peace according to God’s order, and additionally, love must prevail on Earth. If one then addresses these idiots and power twerps on this fact, then they say as a response that each country needs an army with adequate weapons in order to be able to ward off an invading enemy. This is a matchless idiocy, for if all countries uniformly have peaceful intentions and act accordingly, then no country needs armies and weapons of war.
這說起來容易,因為一次又一次,一個恐怖主義性質的瘋狂極端分子出現在最小的團體中,他們組織綁架,他們強攻和佔領大使館、學校和政府建築,殺人為了套取以百萬計的勒索金,因此他們可以給自己快樂和舒適的生活。而一些國家負責人甚至幫助這幫烏合之眾,因此,他們一方面,屈服於勒索,並在另一方面,甚至進行類似的行動,因此這仍然是給予了他們,他們擁有和行使該死的權力以挑起戰爭,因此,在這 方面,他們甚至可以在此搞該死的宗教,特別是 —— 基督教教會,他們自己真的不 希望有和平,而是通過各種手段尋求並鼓吹地球的各國產生戰爭的軍隊和戰爭物資,堆積和儲存這些,為了能夠發動戰爭,總是在陌生而瘋狂的呼喊下偽裝,確實,按照著神的命令和平,另外,愛一定在地球上占上風。之後如果有人在這事實上解決這些白痴和權力蠢蛋,那麼他們會說作為響應,每個國家都需要一支有足夠武器的軍隊為了足以抵擋進犯之敵。這是一個無與倫比的白痴行為,因為如果所有的國家都一致地有和平的意圖並採取相應的行動,那麼沒有一個國家需要戰爭的軍隊和武器。
Then, a regular safety army with appropriate weapons would be sufficient, in order to be prepared for contingencies, such as if inhumane life forms from outer space should undertake attempts toward world domination, etc. Nevertheless, I must say that your idea of a world-wide “Free Peace Combat Community” within the framework mentioned would be very good, and, indeed, should be pursued, but which alone would not suffice in today's world. All the crazy warmongers and terrorists, anarchists and protesters, etc. could not be restrained with words and spirit teachings for the time being and be brought to reason. It would require, in this case, a special armed army that would have to comprise millions of men and which would intervene immediately in every single country and create peace and order where any rebellions, terrorist acts, and wars, etc. begin to threaten or erupt. This army would also have to be responsible that all male and female participants of such acts hostile to peace would be immediately and mercilessly separated for life, within the scope of how it has been handled for thousands of years by you, that those who are guilty are moved to specially guarded and lonely islands, etc., men and women being separated, from where they could never return back to society.
328. That is correct.
329. I also would have given you this explanation in reference to the peace combat troop.
330. In your speech, you also spoke of terrorism, and precisely on this topic, I would like to make you a prediction, which refers to your home country, Switzerland.
331. In Berne, so my calculations showed, in the year 1982, the Polish Embassy will be taken by terrorists, whereby a smaller number of hostages will fall into their hands.
在 Berne ,我的計算如此顯示,在 1982 年,波蘭大使館將被恐怖分子佔領,由此小數人質會落入他們的手中。
332. This event will occur around September 6th of 1982, although, this terroristic game will cause no harm to human lives, and already on September 9th, in the course of the 10th to the 11th hour of the morning, it will find its end.
這件事將會發生在大約 1982 年 9 月 6 日,雖然,這個恐怖遊戲沒有導致人命傷亡,而且在 9 月 9 日早上 10 時到 11 時,它就會完結。
333. Through a smaller detonation of an explosive by the police forces of a Bernese special command, which is carried out under the name “Star,” the police forces gain entrance into the embassy and, first of all, the four extremists, the terrorists, will be taken into custody, after which then, in the second place, also the hostages will be released.
透過一個 Bernese 特殊命令的警隊的炸藥一次小型爆炸,其於名為「 Star 」的名義下進行,警察部隊得以進入大使館,並且,首先四個極端分子,那些恐怖分子將被拘留,之後,第二,人質也將會被釋放。
334. Because these events concern an incident in the capital of your home country, I made an effort, using a time bypass, to monitor closely the upcoming events, whereby I have made a very deplorable observation, which refers to the acting and thinking of the responsible and enforcing personnel.
335. The Swiss federal councilman, Kurt Furgler, will establish a crisis committee, over which he himself will preside.
瑞士聯邦議會議員, Kurt Furgler 會建立一個危機委員會,對此他將親自擔任主席。
336. Now on the one hand I determined that this responsible person is severely religiously entangled, and on the other hand, all of his actions paradoxically come from great insecurity, while another factor relating to this is that he is driven by an unusually strong craving for recognition in his actions and words.
337. This unique combination will lead at the time of the events to the fact that only great perplexity will prevail in the fight against the terrorist acts, after which a solution will then appear only much too late.
338. If this responsible person would be capable of logical thinking, then just one and a half hours after the taking of hostages and the occupation, all events could be terminated through the same process that is first brought to execution on September 9th.
如果這位負責人能夠邏輯思維,那麼僅僅在人質挾持以及佔領之後一個半小時,所有事都可以通過 9 月 9 日首次被執行的相同過程而結束。
339. In addition, this Kurt Furgler also suffers very quickly from states of anxiety, also in this upcoming event, which is why he, in truth, is already for this reason not exactly a good fit for his post.
此外,這個 Kurt Furgler 也很快地從焦慮狀態中受苦,同樣在此即將到來的事件中,這就是為什麼他,說實話,基於這個原因對於他的職位已經不完全合適。
340. Regarding the policemen that will be deployed, similar negative characteristics are to be criticized because all parties involved only act because the commands are given to them, while fear blazes within them, combined with a peculiar urge for exercising power and violence.
341. Their movements and their actions testified, in my observations, of their fear and arrogance at the same time.
I know what you mean. You want to say that they will behave like small young boys, who play Indianerlis[6] and who defeat their enemy in order then to place their foot into the necks of those defeated, while threatening the underdog with deadly weapons. That they won't beat themselves with their weapons across their proud-swollen chests like gorillas and give a Tarzan scream of victory will be like a miracle. But comfort yourself with this: I’ve already known these poses and practices with the Swiss police forces for 45 years because they differ from all other megalomaniac weapon swingers of all other countries in the world in no iota. They all are small, megalomaniac, and illogical young boys, who have weapons in their hands to lift themselves up as gods, but they often behave worse in their thinking and actions than toddlers, who are able to think a thought for the first time and who get to play with a piece of wood for the first time. Small young boys with physically adult bodies who think and who know who they are and what they can do.
我知道你的意思。你想說,他們會表現得像小男孩,他們玩著 Indianerlis (註:瑞士兒童遊戲),而且他們打敗他們的敵人是為了之後把他們的腳踩到那些戰敗的脖子上,同時以致命的武器威脅著失敗者。他們不會用他們驕傲自滿的胸前的武器擊敗自己,像大猩猩一樣,再來一個泰山式勝利的尖叫就像是一個奇蹟一樣。但用這個安慰一下自己:我已經知道這些姿勢和做法在瑞士警察部隊 45 年了,因為他們與世界上所有其他國家的所有其他妄自尊大的武器浪人沒有絲毫分別。他們全都是幼小、自大和不合邏輯的小男孩,他們手中持有武器就當自己是神,但他們往往在思想和行動上表現得比初學走路的孩子更糟,他們第一次能夠想到一個念頭,而且他們第一次去和一塊木頭玩。具有成人身體的小男孩他們想到而且他們知道他們是誰還有他們可以做什麼。
342. On my side, I could not have explained these facts in so much detail, but you were capable of this with your vocabulary.
Thanks for the flowers, but in the end, I speak with a vocabulary that belongs to my mother tongue.
343. That is correct.
Well, what other pieces of news do you have in stock?
344. There is still a lot, but before I speak further of this, I would like to bring the earlier initiated topic to an end.
You mean you still want to explain something with regard to the world-wide “Free Peace Combat Community?”
345. That is correct, I want to speak of it again because we began something with it and did not bring it to an end.
More shouldn’t really be said about it any more; we have chewed through the most important things.
346. It was not mentioned exactly what kind of highest leadership such a community would have to correspond.
347. I think that it is important to say a few words about it.
348. It would, thus, have to be taken into account that such a leader would be free from material ambitions, so also from self-righteousness, selfishness, illogic, and all other faulty concerns, which could lead to lust for power, arrogance, inequality, and preference for one over another or to other negative incidents and manifestations, as it is now the case, unfortunately, with all governments on Earth, without exception.
349. Furthermore, it is still to be explained regarding a necessary army, that this would very certainly have to hold a position of power, but in a logical force (logische Gewalt), which means that an enforced non-violence (gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit) would have to prevail, in accordance with the creational laws.
此外,關於一支必要的軍隊這點仍然需要解釋,這非常肯定必須擁有權力地位,但是作為一支邏輯的部隊( logische Gewalt ),這意味著,按照造物法則強制執行的非暴力( gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit )方式。
Yes, I understand, but this might be a subject that those aside from our group members won’t understand so fast because outsiders have no clue about what signifies an enforced non-violence (gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit) or a logical force (logische Gewalt) and how these work.
是的,我明白,但這也許是一個除了我們小組成員之外的那些人都不會那麼快理解的課題,因為關於什麼是強制執行的非暴力 (gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit) 或者一支邏輯的部隊 (logische Gewalt) 以及這些如何運作,外人根本毫無頭緒。
350. That is correct, which is why we should not render anymore about it and should pick up again with the course of the things of the future.
351. Thereby, I would like to talk, as an exception, about a coming event which is not of great importance in and of itself because too many such events continually appear and cannot be stopped because those responsible for these are not approachable about appropriate preventative measures, for their greed and irresponsibility are more pronounced and more overwhelming than the responsibility for and safety of their fellow men.
352. On the other hand, I would like to mention this event because it will take place where a core group member lives, so in Pfäffikon, where Hanna resides.
在另一方面,我想要提到這事件是因為這會發生在一個核心小組成員的生命當中,所以在 Pfäffikon , Hanna 所居之處。
353. It will be September 12th, 1982, at exactly 2:57 PM, when a large passenger transportation vehicle from Germany with about 40 passengers from a seniors’ association from Sindelfingen will crash, due to security barriers of a train coming into Pfäffikon from Fehraltorf not being closed, and it will be torn like a rotten wooden box.
這將會是 1982 年 9 月 12 日,確切時間是下午 2 時 57 分,當時一輛來自德國,載著大約 40 位來至 Sindelfingen 一個長者協會的大型客運車輛將會撞毀,由於一列從 Fehraltorf 駛往 Pfäffikon 的火車防撞欄沒有被關閉,它會像一個爛木箱一樣被撕裂。
354. The sad balance of this accident will be around 39 dead people, who are to be charged as debt victims to those money-greedy and derelict persons who bear the responsibility for the railroad crossings.
這起事故的悲慘結果是大約 39 人死亡,他們被指控為那些對鐵道平交道負責的貪婪金錢和玩忽職守之人的罪過犧牲者。
355. But also responsible for this are all those who accept assignments as construction firms and carry them out in order to create such railroad crossings.
356. But also responsible for this are all those workers involved in the execution and erection of such projects, and also responsible for this are the architects who plan such railroad crossings.
357. But also responsible are the engineers, planners, organizers, and primarily those who, as managers of the railroads, order the planning and execution of such life-threatening crossings.
358. Already for several decades, and especially for today’s high-tech time, such railroad crossings in every form and on all roads and paths constitute a matchless irresponsibility and a criminal machination, as they do not find their equals on Earth in a similar form, if everything is considered except warlike and similar actions.
359. What the railway officials and the railroad-powerful afford themselves in this count, and not just in Switzerland, corresponds to legalized murder, for which all those responsible have to sign, who lifted or are lifing just one finger for such crossings or who produced or are producing even one thought to bring them into effect.
360. Already for decades, such crossings in small and large-scale should not have been existent, but ought to have been safeguarded by underpasses, by which no street or road would lead across a railroad track.
361. That this has not already been so for a long time, for this, no excuse must be validated.
What will happen is unfortunate, but maybe it will help the fact that the SBB (Swiss Federal Railway) and other railway companies at home and abroad will become smarter.
會發生什麼是不幸的,但也許這會有助於一個事實,那就是 SBB (瑞士聯邦鐵路)以及其他在國內外的鐵路公司會變得更聰明。
362. Unfortunately, that will not be the case, not even for the drivers themselves who, like the driver of the coach, usually drive on the streets with excessive speeds, without having good control over their vehicle.
363. Were this circumstance not to prevail on September 12, 1982, then the accident might well be avoided, as well as the one in Monaco, where only a few people in a passenger car will be flung from the road in a hairpin curve, in which the princess of Monaco is then located, namely - the former movie actress Grace Kelly, who suffers serious injuries from the accident, so she must be placed into a hospital for care, etc., where she then dies, however.
如果這種情況在 1982 年 9 月 12 日並不盛行,那麼這意外很可能是可以避免的,還有在摩納哥那一次,在那裡一輛只有很少人的客車將會以一條發針形 曲線從 路面 甩出去,其中摩納哥的公主隨後被找到,也就是 —— 前電影女 演員葛麗絲·凱莉( Grace Kelly ),她因為該意外而遭受嚴重傷害,所以她必須被置於一所醫院之中接受治療等等,然而,她 隨後 在那裡死去。
Death doesn't even make a stop before these greats, because with him there are no differences. This sounds somewhat brutal, but it corresponds to the truth.
364. It is accurate that it sounds brutal, and what you said is equally true.
它聽起來很殘酷這點是準確的,而且你所說的 同樣 正確。
365. Furthermore, I know very well which feelings occupy you, in a sad form, even when you speak so coldly and seemingly apathetically of death and of those who are killed solely through human fault.
Particularly in relation to this so-called human fault, I would like to speak for once. What do you think about this: isn't it the case that a human fault always exists with such events, even if the technology fails? I think to myself, and that's actually also how I see it, is that a technical failure corresponds to a human failure and is, thus, an error or possible fault of a person because the technical maintenance is only poorly performed and also because the necessary checks are not fulfilled. On my side I think, for example, that even just for a car, that it would have to be tested and checked off from A to Z at least every 14 days if it is used very often.
特別是有關這個所謂的人為錯誤,我想只說一次。關於此這點你怎麼看:是不是這樣,一次人為的錯誤經常與這些事件並存,即使是技術故障?我自己想,這實際上也是我的看法,這是一次技術故障相當於一次人為的過失,因此,一個錯誤或一個人可能的錯誤,因為只有技術維護表現糟糕,也因為必要的檢查未能達成。我自己認為,舉例,即使只是一輛車,它也必須至少每 14 天進行測試並從 A 到 Z 檢查,如果它的使用非常頻繁的話。
366. Your assumption is correct, and actually in every point, also with the examination of vehicles because these would have to be subjected to a precise inspection after any longer use, even if they were only used for one or two weeks.
367. That is also how it is handled with our aerial vehicles and other means of transportation, although we are, in technical terms, around 3,500 years ahead of terrestrial, still quite primitive technology.
這也是我們的飛行器和其他交通工具的處理,雖然我們在技術方面,領先地球大約 3,500 年,但還是相當原始的科技。
368. The experience has taught us and our ancestors that such and moreover very precise checkups are needed for each and every longer use.
369. And since this rule became valid for us, there were never any more accidents, neither in air, at sea, on land, or in space, except when any security measures were ignored, which led the way to technical failure of the transportation devices, or when it came to foreign influences, of which the human skill and technology had not become masters.
370. But such accidents took place during the last past approximately 2,000 years very rarely, and up to the present hour, their number only amounts to 16.
但是,這樣的事故在過去約兩千年期間很少發生,而且直至目前為止,它們的數目僅為 16 宗。
Man, so few accidents we should also have on Earth, but on the other hand, it can be said that such checkups are hardly feasible due to the costs and countless vehicles.
371. It would be quite feasible, if such a pronounced materialism and egoism, etc. didn’t prevail with the Earth people, together with the poverty of recognising and fulfilling duty, and poverty of love for the next one (brotherly love).
You bring ideas which the Earthly twits can still in no way understand.
372. Which they do not want to understand because their materialism and their personal penefit, etc. always proceed them.
他們不想明白因為他們的物質主義和他們的個人利益 (註:英文版翻譯似乎將 benefit 打錯為 penefit ) 等總是繼續。
My son, you speak to me from the heart.
373. The purest truth, it can’t be any purer.
Even with this, the human of the Earth does not take it very seriously.
374. That is also known to me, and for that, for this Earth-human behavior, there is no excuse.
I think so, too. I agree with your opinion.
375. Good, then I can now probably report further of the coming events, and in this regard I must point out Israel one more time, that after the expulsion of the Palestinians from Beirut, there will be no peace but instead, shortly afterward, new acts of war will already begin, but this time against the Syrians stationed in Lebanon, where Syrian rocket stations will be destroyed by bomb attacks, after which these bombings then expand to the city of Beirut; and as always, the attacks will obviously be triggered by Israel.
376. This criminal act constitutes only the prelude to another crime, which will be planned by Menachem Begin, the Israeli head of state.
377. Similar to the case of the assassination of the Egyptian President Sadat, he intends to build up and execute the same intrigues once again.
類似埃及總統沙達特( Sadat )遇刺的情況,他打算再次建立並執行相同的陰謀。
378. Even in this case, his criminal and murderous intrigues will succeed, as with the assassination of Sadat.
即使在這種情況下,他的犯罪和謀殺 陰謀 仍會得逞,如同刺殺沙達特一樣。
379. Through Begin’s intrigue, and through treacherous, hired assassins, an approximately 200-kg heavy and portable bomb will be produced in order to deposit it in a house and cause an explosion, during which time the new to-be head of state, Beshir Gemayal, will be there.
透過貝京的陰謀,並經由詭譎、僱用的刺客,一個大約 200 公斤重而且便攜式的炸彈將會被制造以便將之存入一間房子當中並引起爆炸,在此期間,未來的新國家元首 Beshir Gemayal (註:刺殺當時已是黎巴嫩的總統當選人) 將會在那裡。
380. Apart from this man, there are still another approximately 30 people who will find death through these intriges of Begin and murder attacks.
除了這個男人,還是有其他約 30 人他們會透過這些貝京的陰謀和謀殺襲擊而死。
381. The cause of this, to be anticipated, criminal act on around September 14, 1982 will be that this criminal to humankind and mass murderer will come up with the idea that he can, through this machination, let his army forces march into Lebanon officially as an alleged peace-maintaining troop and a security troop, which he will actually succeed in doing because no leader of the Earth and no citizen will come to the thought that this assassination, like with Sadat, will, solely through Begin’s initiative and will and in cooperation with treacherous, Arab-Lebanese elements come to materialization.
可以預料,這次大約在 1982 年 9 月 14 日的犯罪行為箇中原因將會是這樣的,這個對人類而言的罪犯和大屠殺者將會想到這個主意,他就可以透過這個陰謀,讓他的軍隊勢力正式長驅直進黎巴嫩以一支所謂的維和部隊與安全部隊的身份,他實際上成功這樣做,因為沒有地球的領袖和市民會想到這是刺殺,就像沙達特一樣,將會單靠貝京的積極性和決心以及與詭譎的阿拉伯黎巴嫩一群人合作來實現。
382. Officially, as with Sadat’s assassination, on Begin’s behalf, the treasonous forces won’t be recognized as the tools of Begin because the performers act in the belief that they would only serve their organization alone, without knowing that their high-level personnel are in common cause with Begin in traitorous and intrigue-like ways.
383. Thus, Menachem Begin will succeed in performing a new step in relation to his plans of country conquest, without the leaders of the world and the nations throughout it having even the slightest idea of what is truly happening.
因此,貝京將會在執行有關其國家征服計劃新的一步取得成功,世界上和偏佈其中的各國領導人哪怕一丁點究竟發生了什麼事的 想法 都沒有。
This Begin is probably the worst dirty swine that strolls on this globe presently and still for some time.
384. That is correct because the next ones are still not in office, who are on a par with Begin, whereby later, the worst national criminal and murderer will be Ariel Sharon, whose swearing-in as Prime Minister will take place on February 6, 2001.
正確,因為下一位仍未在位,他和貝京一樣,因此之後,最糟糕的國家罪犯和兇手將會是艾里爾·夏隆( Ariel Sharon ),他將於 2001 年 2 月 6 日宣誓就職總理。
And the leaders of the world are, most notably, straw-dumb; because how else could they misjudge the actual machinations and plans for country conquest, etc.
385. That is also correct because even after this recent crime, the world leaders will further aid and abet the plans and assassination attempts, etc. of Israel and Begin, without recognizing the truth.
386. For this reason, I will still have a lot of predictions to make in connection with Israel.
You will deliver your explanations chronologically about that.
387. That is correct.
Well, then I still have another question, which is not based on this wannabe leader and numero one criminal. You have spoken about the death of Grace Kelly, however, you gave no further information.
388. I omitted that, yes.
389. Her death occurs in the evening hours of September 14, 1982, where the accident will have already happened one day earlier.
她的死亡發生在 1982 年 9 月 14 日傍晚時分,那裡的事故已經在一天之前發生了。
390. The reason of her death will be that an injury to the brain occurs, which leads to a hemorrhage, which will be recognized too late.
391. That will be the main factor of her death, although two further life-threatening factors will appear from the accident.
Billy Billy
A failure of the doctors, so to speak.
392. Not directly, but only indirectly.
What am I to understand by that?
393. The princess will be connected to a life support machine, but this will soon be turned off because the doctors will realize after some time that the vital functions of Grace Grimaldi are only of a purely mechanical nature.
公主將會被連接到一個生命維持機器,但這很快就會被關閉,因為醫生會在一段時間後意識到 Grace Grimaldi 的生命機能只是純機械性的。
You mean that she will be dead, but that the life support machine still further holds the motor life mechanism in course?
394. That is correct, but we should not speak about that further because it is not of importance.
395. More important are other events that occur only one day after the death of the princess.
396. It will be …
這將是 ......
I have another question about this: you mentioned earlier the name Grace Grimaldi. Is that the surname of Prince Rainier of Monaco?
我對此有另一個問題:你剛才提到的名字 Grace Grimaldi 。這是摩納哥的 Rainier 王子的姓?
397. That is correct, but now listen to what will further happen:
正確,但現在聽聽會進一步發生 什麼 :
398. Before the funeral of the princess can take place, in Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini, who has lapsed into insanity, will let his best friend and longtime fellow combatant, Sadeg Ghotbzadeh, be executed by a shooting command of revolutionary troops, whereby the probably most devout and most submissive follower of Khomeini’s previous time will be turned off.
在公主的葬禮可能發生之前,在伊朗,柯梅尼已經陷入瘋狂之中,會令他最好的朋友和長久以來同事的戰士 Sadeg Ghotbzadeh 由革命軍的射擊命令所處決,由此,大概是柯梅尼以前最虔誠和最 順從 的追隨者將會被幹掉。
399. His fate on this matter will arise from the fact that he recognizes much too late that Khomeini has lapsed to insanity and suffers from a pathological bloodlust and desire to murder, coupled with cowardly fear, so he unscrupulously allows all to be punished by death, whom he classifies for himself as dangerous.
400. Nevertheless, this criminal incident, already on the 17th and 18th of September of 1982, is overshadowed by a much worse event in Beirut.
然而,這一犯罪事件,在 1982 年九月 17 日和 18 日,已經由在貝魯特一件更糟糕的事所 掩蓋 。
401. Once again, a mass murder will be produced by Begin’s intrigues, which should be and will be useful towards his plans.
402. In a subsequent order, forces controlled by him will undertake something that again won’t be recognized by anyone as the work of the Israeli mass murderer and state criminal.
403. Through the state traitors loyal to Begin, the leaders of the Christian militias in Beirut will be caused to let their armed militia forces invade the refugee camps of the Palestinians in order to wreak an indescribable bloodbath and massacre among the Palestinians, seizing women, men, and children, and this will not find anything equal to it so quickly.
404. And all this will happen under the protection and under the supervision of Israel, which will even ensure with its military forces in Beirut that the murderous Christian militias of the Lebanese can invade the refugee camps, after which the massacre will then demand more than six thousand human lives.
而這一切都將發生在以色列的保護和監督之下,其中甚至得到其在貝魯特的軍隊擔保,那兇殘的黎巴嫩基督教民兵 可以 侵襲難民營,其後的屠殺將會奪去超過六千條人命。
405. Only after the end of the massacre will Israel officially intervene and pretend that it wanted to prevent these murders.
406. But in truth, the intervention will only occur to cover up Begin’s criminal actions and, thus, wash his hands before the world public in innocence.
但事實上,干預只會為了掩飾貝京的 犯罪行為 而發生,由此,清白地在全球公眾面前洗淨雙手。
407. The fact will be that this massacre and the invasion of Begin’s troops in Beirut will serve only for purposes, primarily for further developing Begin’s country domination plans, while the second reason will be to allow this massacre.
408. Through the murder of Beshir Gemayal orchestrated by Begin, it will be easy for this murderous criminal to win over the Lebanese Christian militias to himself on treacherous detours and accomplish his plans to murder and rub out the Palestinians remaining in Lebanon.
透過由貝京策劃的 Beshir Gemayal 的謀殺,在背叛的彎路上對於這兇殘的罪行會很容易為他自己拉攏到黎巴嫩的基督教民兵,並完成他的計劃以殺戮和抹殺掉在黎巴嫩剩餘的巴勒斯坦人。
409. The leaders of the Christian militias will enter into plans with Begin when he assures them that he will let the Israeli army march in for the massacre in Beirut for their protection, which he will promise and let it be carried out.
410. When this murderous undertaking is then finished, then Begin will allow his army to depart from Beirut again because he will see his goals in this matter realized.
A matchless murderer and intrigues-scoundrel. Who and what is this murderer, really?
411. He is the product of a marriage disgrace and also a combat-brother of the criminal SHARON who, in the main army position, converts Begin’s orders into reality.
他是一場婚姻恥辱的產物,而且也是罪犯夏隆( SHARON )的一個戰鬥兄弟( combat-brother ),他(夏隆)在軍隊的主要位置,轉化貝京的命令為現實。
412. Sharon is the actual army leader, and as Begin’s combat-brother, this man stands back in nothing behind himself.
413. The fact of the reason behind the combat brotherhood of Begin and Sharon, however, is unknown everywhere, except with their parents, because only the parents of these two criminal and murderous elements know the secret of the ________ relations between the two of them as well as their tendency, which they often pursue together, but which is publicly unknown.
然而,貝京和夏隆的戰鬥兄弟會背後的原因的事實,一切未知,除了他們的父母之外,因為只有這兩個罪犯和兇殘之人的父母才知道他們兩個之間的 ____ 關係的秘密以及他們的傾向,他們往往一起追求,但是公眾毫不知情。
414. But enough with that because these issues are not very important, because what the future brings is more significant.
415. At the end of October or early November of 1982 it will get so far, that Begin and Sharon will be recognized as the originators of the Beirut massacres, but unfortunately, they will barely be braught to justice, even when many upright Israelis will intervene against the two criminals; thus, everything remains the same for the time being.
在 1982 年 10 月底或 11 月初為止,貝京和夏隆將會被確認為貝魯特大屠殺的發起人,但很不幸,他們幾乎不會被繩之於法,即使當時很多正直的以色列人會介入反抗這兩名罪犯;因此,暫時一切依舊。
416. Then, from about the 5th of November of 1982, Switzerland, France, Andorra and Spain will be hit hard by unusually large and hard dry storms.
隨後,大約自 1982 年 11 月 5 日起,瑞士、法國、安道爾和西班牙將會受到非比尋常地巨大和猛烈的乾風暴猛擊。
417. Many human lives, animals, and buildings, as well as nature itself will suffer and sustain great harm, which amounts to billions of Swiss francs.
418. Many deaths will have to be deplored, and not just in those countries.
419. Even America and the Hawaiian Islands will suffer severe damage and human lives in larger numbers will have to be deplored, and in particular, California is to be mentioned specifically, where tremendeous palagic storms will race over the land.
420. Smaller and medium-sized villages will be destroyed as if they had been equalized to the ground by bombs.
421. On November 10, 1982, Russia will then enter into a national mourning because on this day, at 4:16 AM, the state leader, Leonid Brezhnev, will conclude his life, but unlike others, he will find his end peacefully in his sleep.
在 1982 年 11 月 10 日,俄羅斯將會隨後進入全國哀悼,因為在這天,上午 04 點 16 分,國家領導人布里茲涅夫( Leonid Brezhnev )將會結束他的生命,但跟其他人不同,他會在他的睡夢中平靜地結束。
422. His successor will be a certain Juri Andropow.
他的繼任者一定會是安德羅波夫( Juri Andropow )。
423. At about the same time, the evil and murderous power of the RAF in the Federal Republic of Germany will break, because at this time the leaders of this criminal organization will fall into the hands of the police; primarily, it concerns the gang members Adelheid Schultz and Brigitte Mohnhaupt, after which then on the 16th of November, also the actual supreme head of the gang, Christian Klar, will fall into a trap of the police and be arrested.
大約在同一時間,紅軍派 (註: Rote Armee Fraktion ,簡稱 RAF ,是德國的一支左翼恐怖主義組織) 在德意志聯邦共和國邪惡和兇殘的權力將會被打破,因為此時該犯罪組織的領導人將會落入警察之手;首先,這涉及到幫派成員 Adelheid Schultz 和 Brigitte Mohnhaupt ,然後,隨後在 11 月 16 日,幫派實際上的最高首腦, Christian Klar ,也會落入警方的陷阱並被逮捕。
424. With the months of October and November comes the time when the Italian, Swiss, Turkish, French, and German security and police forces finally recognize that the Pope assassin was not a loner and did not just work for himself but that he belonged to a conspiracy and had accomplices.
I thought, in accordance with your information, that he would work alone?
425. Then you misunderstood me because my explanations only referred to the facts of the events in the sense of what becomes known to the earthly authorities and security forces at the time of the event and for some time afterward.
426. It may very well be that my explanations gave the strong impression that the assassin was an exclusive handler.
I understood it in such a way, because you said that he actually…
我以這樣的一種方式知道這點,因為你說過他其實 ……
427. That is correct, but my statement only refers to the initial facts, which will be known at the time of events and some time afterward.
Then I misunderstood you. I was too inattentive. But go ahead and narrate of the coming matters.
428. With pleasure.
429. The month of November and the month of December will bring the Earth into a dangerous situation and back into the danger of a nuclear war, for which we do not yet know whether we are allowed to take any counter measures to avert this danger.
430. The reason for this threat, how could it be otherwise, will be supplied by the American president Ronald Reagan, who, as a warmonger, is crazy enough to want to station new nuclear missiles in Europe, which will displease the Russians and will even drive them to station death weapons of the same kind in the European region if Reagan should stay with his insanity plan.
箇中原因,怎可能有他,將由美國總統雷根( Ronald Reagan )提供,他,作為一個好戰者,足以瘋狂到想要在歐洲安置新的核導彈,這將會得罪俄羅斯,更甚至會將導致他們在歐洲地區安置同類型死亡武器,如果雷根要繼續他的瘋狂計劃的話。
That guy is crazy.
431. He is a very dangerous paranoiac and with this also psychopathically heavily burdened.
432. Ronald Reagan is a great threat for the entire earthly humanity because he is not only a very vicious and unpredictable warmonger, but the actual, main man for the decisive point of a Third threatening World Conflagration, as I have already explained to you several times.
433. He actually embodies this origin because through his warmongering, he produces crazy ideas in the heads of many Earth people, which could one day lead to the Third World War, even if the wheel of death should no longer be set in motion by Ronald Reagan himself.
他實際上體現了這開端,因為透過他的好戰,他在很多地球人的腦海中產生瘋狂的想法,這可能有一天 導致 第三次世界大戰,即使死亡的巨輪不應再由雷根他自己滾動。
434. His evil behavior could hit future-waves, which could become deadly breakers.
他的邪惡行為有可能擊起 未來 的波浪,這很可能會變成致命的破壞者。
435. Still other like-minded individuals have been at work in this regard, as it presently is and also will be the case at the time, and also their machinations are of significance in regards to an impending Third World War, but never in the same measure as with Ronald Reagan, except later with the Bushs.
還有其他志同道合的人在這方面一直在工作,就像目前這樣,並且在那時候也會是這樣,而且他們的陰謀詭計對於即將發生的第三次世界大戰具有重要意義,但是與雷根同樣的 措施 永不同,除了後來的布希( Bushs )之外。
436. As is known to you, there are seven anti-logos who will be depicted guilty for the threatening World War, and Ronald Reagan is indeed one of them.
如你所知,有七個 anti-logos ,他們對於具威脅性的世界大戰將會被描述為有罪,而雷根確實是 其中之一 。
437. But the possible still incendiary anti-logo will only in a coming time reach his great power, which will enable him for this work of destruction.
但是仍然煽動性的 anti-logos 可能只會在未來的時間才取得他們巨大的權力,這將使他能現實這項破壞的工作。
438. But there should be no talk of this now because the time until then still takes a while, and also, the mentioning of these facts is not beneficial because the Earth human will not listen to the warnings.
439. For this reason, we can deal with the interests of the future, which are of some importance for the people of Earth, and from which he might learn that we indeed know the future and are entitled to prophetic statements, even if the Earth person has not listened to us thus far.
Unfortunately, I know. You are probably quite right that it is useless to talk now already about these coming things. I also suppose that the people on this planet can’t be taught better even when they recognize the truth of the prophecies and predictions. But go ahead and continue with those things that you wanted to mention.
440. I ended with my predictive explanations at the month of December, and for this month, I still have to give further explanations that relate to the weather and the, out of that, resulting disasters.
441. As Europe will be without snow in this coming time, there will also be a privation of snow in many places in America as a result of unusual warm air influences, and there will even be famine due to unemployment.
442. Other countries will be smitten with the heaviest thunderstorms and will not be preserved from natural disasters.
其他國家將會被最嚴重的雷暴摧毀, 而且 不會從自然災害中保存下來。
443. Such natural storms will move all around the Earth in December of 1982 and spread misery, distress, and death.
這樣的自然風暴在 1982 年的十二月將會在全球移動,並蔓延苦難、痛苦和死亡。
444. To mention everything in their details or to enumerate the harmed countries would lead too far, which is why I only give this information in general terms.
445. The turn of the year 1982/1983 brings not much of significance, but it might be interesting for you to know that shortly after the turn of the year, a great natural drama will be imminent on the Hawaiian Islands because there, a volcano again gets to outbreak in several and prolonged eruptions.
1982/1983 年之交帶來的意義就不大了,但是對你來說了解這點可能會很有趣,在歲末年初之際後不久,一場巨大的自然劇將會在夏威夷群島迫近,因為在那裡,一座火山再暴發數次和長時間噴發。
446. Not much damage will result from this coming volcanic activity because the human settlements were placed at sufficient distances; thus, these won’t be impaired.
It would, perhaps, be interesting to know in some cases where and what will take place, as for example the famine in America, which sounds a little unbelievable.
447. It will be a fact because this famine will arise in DETROIT.
448. In the country of Yemen, near Sanna, in Dhamar, a moderately severe earthquake will arise, which will demand many human lives and more than half a million homeless people.
449. As another example of the time of December of 1982 applies a large expected landslide by torrential rains in ANCONA, which will wreak tremendous damage.
同樣在 1982 年十二月時的另一個例子,由於在安科納的暴雨,一場預期的巨大山泥傾瀉將會造成嚴重損害。
450. But at this time of December, something pleasant will happen for a change because Spain will re-open the blocked border of Gibraltar, which had been closed by Franco’s power.
但在十二月這個時候,一些愉快的事將會為了一個轉變而發生,因為西班牙將會重新開放直布羅陀封鎖的邊境,那裡過去被 Franco 的權力所關閉。
451. Is this data sufficient for you?
這資料對你來說 足夠 嗎?
It is because it offers something concrete. What will, or about what will the talk in people’s mouths be when the volcano on Hawaii has erupted?
452. Different things will come from it, particularly with politics, in relation to disarmament, but which is not meant seriously because all only want to overreach one another.
453. At the same time, the Earth people, being jolted through official reports, will be frightened once again, because at this time, a new Russian atomic spy satellite will fall and move across the sky like a small comet.
Part I