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Contact Report 840/第840次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年04月10日,星期一,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin , Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2023年04月15日,星期六,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Ah, I see there are two of you and that you are no longer wearing a translation device, Greetings Florena and you, my friend. Your name is not familiar to me at the moment. Since I had the stroke, I am afraid I have had a hard time with names.
My name – Neefos is what I am called, and it is understandable to me that you cannot pronounce it already. Greetings, though.
You have learnt some things quickly, I mean regarding German, it reminds me that I also learnt languages quickly, but forgot them just as quickly.
Greetings also to you, dear father-friend. Today I am accompanying Neefos, for he is not yet so proficient in German that he can communicate with you flawlessly.
That is not a problem, because I will simply formulate correctly when recalling and writing down the conversation.
Yes, that is certainly good, and about the languages, I was told that by Ptaah. But with me personally, learning the language quickly has another reason, which is based on the fact that we Plejaren have the possibility of …
是的,這當然很好,關於語言的學習,是 Ptaah教我的。但就我個人而言,快速學習語言還有另一個原因,那就是基於我們Plejaren有可能 ...
… Excuse me, but I know that. But you come here quite early; what is it that you have to report at such an early hour? Also, I have some questions here that should be passed on to the Gremium [Plejaren committee/board], which I should have answers to quickly again.
... 抱歉,但這我知道。而你們來的很早,有什麼事需要在這麼早的時候過來?另外,我這裡有一些問題應該轉交給Gremium[Plejaren高級理事會],我應該很快就會得到答案。
I will gladly do that, but I come here because I have the following to bring to you, which relates to the renewals that are coming up regarding …
我很樂意這麼做,但我來這裡是因為我有以下內容要帶給你,這涉及到關於 ... 的續約問題。
This is indeed necessary, because my time …
這確實是必要的,因為我的時間 ...
We know that from Ptaah, so everything shall also be settled.
Then I will begin with the remarks that …
那我就先說說 ...
… one moment, because I want to put everything immediately in the computer in place where the itemisations belong. One moment, please … yes here … now you just have to tell me in which article [articles of the statutes] what is to be written. That is the easiest thing to do, if I insert what is supposed to be in the corresponding article.
... 請稍等,因為我想馬上把所有的東西放在電腦裡,放到所屬的項目。請稍等 ... 是的,在這裡 ... 現在你只需要告訴我在哪篇文章中要寫什麼。如果我在相應的文章中插入應該包含的內容,這就簡單多了。
You can handle it thus, that is good. Then I want to start and address the following first: …
你能這樣處理,那就好了。那麼我想先談談以下的問題: ...
The whole thing took 1½ hours. But now, if you will allow me, I would like to show you something I wrote two years ago, but which has now fallen into my hands again and which I have 'spruced up' in a few places, but which is also up-to-date today.
If you want to, I would love to.
Here, this is it:
Whatever Happens in the World:
Calling All Those Who Really Want Peace!
FIGU Core-group Members and FIGU Passive Members
FIGU Friends and Like-minded FIGU Members
Remain permanently neutral in what is your opinion, what you say, represent and otherwise express.
Do not politicise when you put forward your opinion, but say in a neutral wise what is right and what is wrong; but do not be in the form of a personal FOR or AGAINST concerning a thing or an event, etc., to be thought or done, but be neutral in expressing yourself, for it is wrong to take the side of one or the other, for only what is right or wrong can and must ever be said, and this regardless of whether it is a matter of thought or deed, for that makes no relevant difference to quarrel and argue about.
Evidence and Attacks
Why do you adversaries, critics, know-it-alls, and complainers cry out for proof, overlooking the truth and your own inadequacy, your ignorance and lowly intelligence and dimwittedness?
Why do you rise up in enmity against the truth and wander about with attacks in a world of all that is evil and negative, making yourselves greater in delusion than you really are? Why, antagonists, are you troublemakers, know-it-alls and dumb critics, why do you indulge in enmity against effective truth; why do you defile ethics and morals? You adversaries as well as know-it-alls, complainers and antagonists, who only indulge in lies as well as deceit, when you see yourselves so greater than you really are! Let yourselves be lifted to the level of the normal and honest, for this is the way that never produces anger and enmity, but peace, friendship, love as well as harmony!
These values alone grant life.
6th March 2022, 19:13 hrs, Billy
I will assess that as very good, indeed. However, what you said earlier: It all takes so long to be done. But if you allow, I still have something to ask personally?
With what Neefos says, I agree.
Of course, you do not have to constrain yourself, Neefos, so just ask.
Thank you. – How do you personally feel about the war that is currently being waged?
You mean the Ukraine war, I take it?
Yes, I am referring to that.
I see it as sheer idiocy, as war always is and contradicts all logic, reason and rationality, as it effectively always is with regard to every war. Every war also contradicts all ethics and morals, as I have been instructed by the committee to write a paper on, which I am currently working on. However, as far as the war in Ukraine is concerned, it was probably started by Putin, the President of Russia, but America, in its delusion of hegemony, has done everything to ensure that it has come to such a pass that Putin has gone berserk. However, this also shows that he is no better than the American leaders, because the hostility comes from both sides. Basically, the blame for the whole thing is that America wants to make a pig out of Russia, ultimately with the help of NATO, which is what America is hoping for. This murderous organisation, which is called the world's 'protecting power', is supposed to protect its member states.
In reality, however, it is an international army of murderers, made up of military officers, adventurers and professional murderers from various countries. This NATO was founded by America in 1949, with the then US President Harry S. Truman as the originator of the idea. As Sfath found out at the time when he was present at the founding – without being noticed, of course – was that it was all for the purpose of gradually securing world domination for America. Truman's idea, according to Sfath's statement, was – as it had also been openly revealed at the founding, but then put down in writing in a completely different and falsified form, as well as the whole thing being concealed from the public and the world – that by founding NATO with this murderous organisation, in time America was to dominate the countries of the world under the guise of 'creating security' and 'war security assistance' in wars. The world domination, which had been aspired to for a long time, was to be realised in the course of time, whereby it was decided that the countries of the world should gradually be secretly harassed, but also as a result of manipulation by rulers who were and who continue to be of a mind to create enmity with neighbouring countries and between their own people, and thus to cause states of war, for which reason the murderous organisation NATO could then be called in to help or simply invade the country in a warlike 'security-creating' manner. For this reason, it was also decided to form and fraudulently expand NATO – which is really a world conquering organisation – in such a wise that countries foreign to America were to be – and were – included and become members. So this was pushed through and happened, as a result of which 30 countries have so far joined America's now world-conquering murderous organisation as NATO members, with all the various dumb-lowly intelligent rulers of the world still not having grasped what game is actually being played with regard to NATO. This is what Sfath explained to me, and he certainly did not lie to me, because he was the most honourable man I have ever met in my life so far.
這個所謂的北約,實際上是由來自不同國家的軍人、冒險家和職業殺手組成的國際殺手部隊。北約是美國在1949年建立的,當時的美國總統杜魯門(Harry S. Truman)是這個想法的發起人。正如Sfath當時發現的那樣 —— 當然是在不被注意的情況下 —— 這一切都只是為了逐漸確保美國的世界統治地位。根據Sfath的說法,杜魯門的想法是通過創建北約和這個殺手組織,逐漸控制世界各國,採用“創造安全”和“提供戰爭安全幫助”的假象。這一想法在創建時公開宣布,然後被完全改變和偽造了,同時對外隱瞞了整個計劃,使世界公眾不知道北約實際上是什麼。這樣長期以來一直追求的世界統治地位就可以在時間的推移中實現,並決定逐步暗中騷擾世界各國,同時通過被有利於這一計劃的統治者操縱,創造與鄰國的敵對關係和內部民族之間的敵意,從而引發戰爭狀態,以便北約殺手組織能夠被召集或者直接發動戰爭“創造安全”。因此,他們決定以這種方式形成和擴大北約 —— 這實際上是一個征服世界的組織 —— 以便將美國以外的國家納入並成為成員。因此,這一切就這樣被推動並發生了,其結果是,到目前為止,已有30個國家加入了北約,成為美國的世界征服殺手組織的成員,而世界上所有愚蠢的政治領袖仍然沒有意識到北約實際上是什麼。這就是Sfath告訴我的內容,他絕對不會欺騙我,因為他是我生命中遇到過的最值得尊敬的人。
NATO is – contrary to all claims to the contrary – under America's secret patronage and is also, in truth, nothing other than truly a worldwide, legitimised multi-genocidal organisation to which 30 countries currently belong, but which Finland and Sweden also want to join. In the 1990s, a treaty was agreed and signed that there would be no NATO expansion eastwards across the German border, which was promised to Russia on high. Shortly afterwards, however, America and NATO broke this treaty and expanded further eastwards country by country, cutting Russia off from the West. Now Ukraine was to be added to this, which Russia of course resisted, and that is why it finally started the war. Thus began the idiotic war, which has now lasted for over a year, with further idiots from various foreign states supplying weapons of all kinds to Ukraine, whereby the whole thing goes on and on and Selensky, the name of the war-addicted leader of Ukraine, is able to continue this war. Both sides, Ukraine and Russia, are committing many monstrous war crimes, but the Ukrainians are worse, because they simply murder their own military if they are pro-Russian, just as they not only rape the country's own women, but then shoot them in order to blame these outrages on the Russians, as I myself have seen, together with Bermunda. War is simply dirty, mean and criminal, with the military being nothing but murderers, and that too when they call the whole of a war national defence. Killing is always murder, one way or the other and no matter what it is called, be it capital punishment or self-defence in war and the like.
But what I want to say is that in various armies, not all the top brass in the military agree with the military leadership and the national government on everything that is done and dealt with and that is usually just intelligence, political or partisan machinations. This is proven for example with this article that was leaked to me, as well as this one. If you, Florena, might want to copy this one, which you can read later in its entirety, so I have to read it out or explain it in bits and pieces now?
Yes, your idea is good, and I think Neefos is also okay with it?
I can agree with that.
Good, then listen to what I am reading from these articles: … This is actually by and large the main thing that is all written here. (The articles are attached to the contact report.) I guess that is all there is to it.
很好,那麼請聽我從這些文章中讀到的內容: ... 這其實大體上是所有寫在這裡的主要內容(這些文章附在本篇接觸報告之後)。我想這就是全部內容了。
That will also suffice, but I want to read these articles straight away.
Good, then I have the following, which actually belongs to the whole, just for example why wars are started. In addition, via Bermunda and Ptaah, I was commissioned by the Board to write something about why the Earth-humans disregard ethics and morals in such a wise that there is constant discord between the peoples and everything else goes so wrong ethically and morally. Unfortunately, our earthly science of psychology – which should actually work on ethics and morals and teach the earthlings in this respect – is more than just lowly intelligent and dumb, because what this really is and contains, it does not know. For this reason, the majority of human beings is also ethically and morally uneducated and tolerates the military and thus its mass murder in war, etc., as well as torture and the death penalty. Of the whole of ethics and morality, which should actually constitute the human being as a true human being, only a few percent of the effective ethical-moral values are known to psychology. That is why – with very few exceptions – the human beings of Earth immediately freak out when a louse crawls over their liver …
好的,那我還有以下這些,其實都是整體的一部分,比如說為什麼會發動戰爭等等。此外,通過Bermunda和Ptaah,我受理事會委託,寫一些關於為什麼地球人如此輕視地球倫理和道德的原因,以至於各族之間經常存在不和平和其他倫理道德方面的失調。不幸的是,我們地球上的心理學科學 —— 本應處理倫理和道德並對地球人在這方面進行教育 —— 卻非常愚蠢,因為它實際上並不知道自己是什麼以及包含了什麼。正因為如此,大多數人在倫理道德方面沒有受過教育,容忍軍隊和在戰爭中的集體屠殺以及酷刑和死刑。事實上,心理學所知道的有效倫理道德價值只佔整體倫理道德的極少部分。因此,除了很少的例外,地球上的人在遇到困難時就會立即情緒失控 ...
… what are you saying? What you said, I do not understand.
... 你在說什麼?我不明白你在說什麼。
Simply that the human being immediately reacts out of himself/herself with hatred, anger or revenge, slander, lies and deceit, suicide, persecution, enmity, murder and manslaughter and in the worst case with war, when something is said that is contrary to his/her view or opinion or pointed out to him/her what they have done wrong or have handled contrary to what is correct. This, however, is ethically and morally completely wrong and does not correspond to what the true and very comprehensive values of ethics and morals contain, the totality of which are in fact much more than what psychology proclaims and has no idea of what ethics and morals really are, consequently they cannot psychologically explain the full and comprehensive values either.
I do not understand that.
If you have learned the German Strache [language?] better, then it is certainly good for you to read what I have in works and writing regarding ethics and morals, which the clever ones of psychology separate from each other and think that they have eaten wisdom with shovel diggers with that and their stupid and insufficient 'explanations'.
Ptaah already spoke of the fact that Earth's scientists obviously fancy themselves more knowledgeable than they really are and in many cases they only call their theories knowledge.
That can certainly be said, besides they do not allow themselves to be taught and are of the opinion that they are demigods or gods – they usually are addicted believers anyway and in their delusion they put themselves on the same chair as their imaginary god. But this is the same with 'intelligent' ones, because the majority of the earthly humanity is afflicted with delusions of godliness, as is probably also the case with that idiot – there is no other way to put it – who is not even letting his name and e-mail address be given, but makes stupid comments on the internet because I said something to Bermunda about the drone that was circling around our house and watching Mark and Hartmut at work. The stupid guy, who does not even know what it is all about, stupidly opens his mouth and does not realise how lowly intelligently and dumbly he's spouting off. By the way, Brigitt wrote this article about it:
這樣說當然沒問題,此外,他們也不會被教導,並認為自己是半神或神 —— 反正他們通常是沉迷於信仰,在他們的妄想中,他們讓自己坐在與他們想像的神一樣的椅子上。但這也是在智者中普遍存在的問題,因為地球人類的大多數都受到了崇拜神明的狂熱影響,就像那個甚至不能說出自己的名字和電子郵件地址,但卻在網絡上講些無聊的話的笨蛋一樣,因為我對Bermunda說了一些關於無人機在我們房子周圍盤旋並監視Mark和Hartmut工作的事情。他不明白發生了什麼事情,卻在無知的情況下胡言亂語,並沒有意識到自己多麼愚蠢。順便提一下,Brigitt還為此寫了這篇文章:
Foreign 'Drone' over Hinterschmidrüti
On the afternoon of Monday, the 20th of March 2023, I was in the Center's kitchen, busy cooking dinner for the crew of the Hinterschmidrüti: Suddenly, and like a flash of lightning, Billy darted across the kitchen to leave through the rear exit. After less than a minute, he came back in through this very door. It may have been around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
At my questioning glance, Billy motioned me to follow him into the office, where he drew my attention to something on one of the surveillance monitors that explicitly showed the area between the house and Guido's trailer. He pointed out to me an object that was incessantly circling around above the construction site there, where Mark and Hartmut were present to give the path a bit more width. They did not see or hear the object, which was inaudible and invisible to the eyes. It must have been some kind of 'drone', which had the shape of a small but bright rectangular object, about 30 cm long and about 15 cm wide, bright yellow, without a propeller and completely silent, so quite different from the 'drones' we know. That was why Billy had rushed to the 'scene' to see what was happening there! The good thing was that although the object was very visible on the monitor, it was invisible and silent outside. After we had watched the spectacle for a while, we got Mark and Hartmut in front of the monitor so that they could also confirm the presence of the 'drone' and what they had seen. For my part, I hurriedly fetched my mobile phone in the kitchen in order to shoot a 'a film clip' of this process on the screen. Unfortunately, however, the object disappeared the moment I switched on my mobile phone; consequently, we could only see the dim shadow of the 'drone' for a while, then the episode was over.
According to Billy, the 'drone' was obviously not of terrestrial and especially not of Plejaren origin, which Bermunda also confirmed later during a conversation with Billy. So once again the object could only belong to a group of 'foreigners' who were once again poking their noses into our affairs.
Billy can observe such and similar occurrences on his surveillance monitors, which now make the Center's surroundings visible everywhere for safety's sake, because he always has the monitors in front of him when he is sitting at his desk writing. In the same process, a tall male person also recently materialised outside his office window, dressed in a long grey cloak. Despite an immediate check outside, the being suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth, only to reappear in a different place. Of course, this human being was also invisible outside this time, although Billy ran outside almost at the same time to see what this suddenly materialised figure wanted.
Here at Hinterschmidrüti many such or similar 'strange' occurrences are the order of the day. Often one or more of us FIGU members witness them, even if unfortunately only rarely does anyone take the trouble to take up a pen to bear witness to what had unexpectedly come before their eyes. So there is no question of Billy making up such stories to make himself important or any such nonsense. Billy is integrity personified; anyone who knows him would blush with shame to accuse him of fibbing. It is also to be said that 'UFOs' have been seen or are being seen in Schmidrüti or in the nearer and wider surroundings, but the observers are usually silent or keep quiet about it, so that only rarely does anyone contact us about it.
In order to give this stupid and impudent guy another stupid thing to complain about, I want to answer a question here, even though I am not particularly educated in the matters asked: The fact is that DNA and DNS are the same thing twice, so in German the spiral-shaped thing is called DNA, which is called deoxyribonucleic acid, and the English spelled DNS means the same thing, moreover the DNA is the carrier of the hereditary information. The hereditary factors are called hereditary material or genome, whereby a gene is a section on the DNA that creates the ribonucleic acid resp. the RNA, which, based on information from the DNA, consists of a longer chain of nucleotides and these in turn consist of an organic base as well as a phosphate residue and a sugar molecule. This is what I can say, because I am not an expert in this regard that I could give a more precise answer. The further question about the 'dear God', why the delusional believers are addicted to such a one, this delusional belief is nothing but sheer idiocy, for if the religionists and the philosophers of both sexes, etc. claim that a super-intelligent, unknown, creational force in the form of a God is the only good explanation of the origin of life and the intricacies of nature, then it can only be said that a human being who claims such a thing must be sick and completely stupid in the head. Where is this God supposed to have come from, how is he supposed to have come into being, and that he is supposed to have been eternal, this is answered so flimsily that the stupidity and idiocy of the answer shouts high to heaven. No God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, not the Almighty and not the Comforter, as He is also not the Eternal, not the Immovable, Unchangeable, and not the Ruler of the Universe. There is also no indescribable, uncreated and eternally dwelling one in heaven who observes his creatures, with whom human beings cannot make contact because he is supposedly too exalted, etc., but who is to be worshipped. In truth, the imaginary God is not a higher being that stands above nature, life and the universe, for no living being is capable of this, not even the human being who, in his/her delusions of grandeur, believe that they can do this and destroys everything with their imbecilic thinking and actions.
為了讓那個愚蠢的傢伙有東西可以再抱怨,即使我在這方面的知識不是特別豐富,我還是想回答一個問題:DNA和DNS是相同的,它是一個螺旋形的分子,用德語稱為DNA,意思是去氧核醣核酸,而用英語寫作DNS,意思相同,此外,DNA是遺傳訊息的載體。遺傳因子被稱為基因組,基因是DNA上的一個區段,它創建核糖核酸(RNA),這些核糖核酸是基於DNA訊息的長鏈核苷酸nucleotides而創建的,這些核苷酸由有機鹼基、磷酸基和一個糖分子組成。這就是我能說的,因為我在這方面不是專家,無法提供更精確的答案。對於對“親愛的上帝”(dear God)的進一步問題,為什麼信仰狂熱者對這種妄想成癮,這種妄想信仰只不過是一種愚蠢的想法,因為如果宗教家和哲學家聲稱,一個超智能的、未知的、造物的力量以上帝(God)的形式是生命和自然的起源唯一的好解釋,那麼只能說,這樣說的人必須是瘋了,完全變傻了。這個上帝從哪裡來,他是如何產生的,他被稱為永恆的,這是如此蹊蹺的問題,以至於答案的愚蠢和愚蠢性高呼入雲。沒有上帝是天地的創造者,也不是全能者,也不是安慰者,他也不是永恆的,也不是不動的、不可變的和宇宙的統治者。也沒有不可描述、無法創造和永遠居於天堂的,觀察他的創造物,而人無法與之聯繫,因為他被認為是高尚的等等,但應該受到崇拜。事實上,虛構的上帝不是高於自然、生命和宇宙的更高存在。
Those lunatics who claim such nonsense about an existing God should think about this, but since they cannot really think, but only indulge in illusory thinking, it is probably impossible for logic, reason and rationality to break through and make the truth clear to them. How miserable a human being must be that he/she humbles themselves in such a manner and does not trust themselves, does not know how to direct their life well and correctly, does not determine everything connected with it himself/herself, takes it in hand and lives it. This, however, is to be discarded by the human being if he/she wants to live correctly, to lead and do everything himself/herself, so that they do not have to place an imaginary, fantasised God above themselves and are not delusionally addicted to a faith, but is himself/herself. This also answers this question, if I can still answer the last one, that the different variations of earthlings are due to the fact that not all of them are of earthly origin, as are not peculiarities that arise in them. But that is another subject, which would lead much too far and into pre-astronautics, of which, however, we shall not speak. And it should also be said that I only answer questions of this kind once in a while, as I have just done, because my profession is teaching in writing, but nothing more. Besides, I constantly lack the time to be able to answer personal questions at all.
Which is certainly to be understood.
That is really the case, except when I talk internally with the FIGU members or with you. I also have other things to do with you, as I did with Sfath, so I can also expose lies and frauds, such as the lie told by the 'Tages-Anzeiger' on 24.3.2023 that the Corona rampantly spreading disease epidemic in China was 'created' by martens and then spread worldwide. This is despite the fact that the rampantly spreading disease was created in China in laboratories through a secret deal between the Yank … and Mao to take revenge because … The fact that 3 laboratory accidents have occurred since then and that the disease has been released, mutated many times and also spread to animals and livestock was not actually taken into account when the Yank and Mao vindictively made the pact. But everything is done to conceal the truth and to lift the biggest criminal state on Earth, America, up into the sky. And this on the one hand because it has already incorporated many states in its hegemonic mania, and on the other hand because America's revenge with its NATO murder organisation is feared, of which Ptaah once said, as by the way did Quetzal and some others, that America is a 2nd NAZI empire.
這是真的,除非我在與FIGU成員或與你們內部交談。我也有其他事情要做,就像我之前與Sfath所做的那樣,因此我也可以揭露謊言和欺騙,例如2023年3月24日《Tages-Anzeiger》散佈的謊言,聲稱冠狀病毒大流行在中國是由貂屬(martens)動物“創造”的,然後傳播到全世界。實際上,這種疾病是在實驗室裡發生的,並且是由美國佬 ... 和毛澤東之間的秘密交易在中國的實驗室裡製造出來的,以進行報復,因為 ... 自那時以來,已經發生了3起實驗室事故,疾病被釋放了,並且在許多方面變異,也傳染給了動物和其他生物,但是美國佬和毛澤東報復性地訂立協議時,實際上並沒有考慮到這一事實。但是,一切都在努力掩蓋真相,並把地球上最大的罪犯國家,即美國,高高推到天上。這是因為它已經在其霸權狂態下吞併了許多國家,另一方面,因為人們懼怕美國的報復和其北約殺手組織,Ptaah曾經說過,同樣也是Quetzal和其他一些人所說的,美國是第二個納粹帝國。
We do indeed judge it in that process, for the drive for hegemony, according to our observations and findings, has been driven with evil since ancient times. We have witnessed all the horrors of slavery, such as also how tens of thousands of human beings were robbed in Africa and traded and sold as slaves in America, murdered in their thousands, beaten to death, shot, drowned and dragged to death, strangled and massacred, and so on. We have followed how the indigenous people were persecuted, wars were waged against them and they were tortured and murdered. And no state on Earth, according to our findings, has waged so many wars and interfered militarily in foreign states' affairs with dastardly murder and war, secret service murder and crime, as well as with racial hatred, in such a way and somehow blindly as America. And the way America, with its military and so-called 'security forces' and secret services, and in terms of all the intrigues and so forth, has been dedicated to its delusions of hegemony throughout the world since time immemorial, surpasses anything we know of in terms of evil.
The Swiss were also beneficiaries of slavery in America. And there were people who became rich from it and then founded big companies in Switzerland and had things built with which they created a monument for themselves with their blood money. It was also an idiotic Swiss person who caused hemp to be demonised as a drug in America and then worldwide, which has since caused many deaths, not through the hemp product hashish, but because of the smuggling and the associated death penalty. Hemp, from which bread was baked, as well as cords and ropes and fabrics, etc. were made, and which was also cultivated in large fields in my boyhood, where we played 'hide and seek'. So Switzerland cannot exactly boast of being only good. Not even with its neutrality, which was broken because idiots and pseudo-Swiss in the Federal Parliament took over sanctions from the European dictatorship EU and applied them against Russia. And not to mention that other pseudo-Swiss are flirting with the EU and want to betray and sell out Switzerland to this dictatorship, as well as to NATO, not to mention that the entire Swiss people would then be bogged down. But not only the Swiss are in danger if they give up neutrality, which is in any case badly tarnished because of idiots in Bern, but it looks quite bad and nasty for the future for the whole of the Earth's population, namely with regard to 'artificial intelligence', because this will, as I have seen with Sfath …
在美國,瑞士人也曾是奴隸制度的受益者。他們是那些因此致富,然後在瑞士建立大公司和建造建築物的人,以此用他們的血汗錢創造紀念碑。一個愚蠢的瑞士人也是導致大麻在美國和全球被貶低為毒品的罪魁禍首,這已經導致許多死亡,不是因為大麻產品(hashish),而是因為走私和相關死刑。大麻可以用來製作麵包,也用它來製作繩索和織物等,我小時候還有很多大片大麻田,我們在那裡玩“躲貓貓”。因此,瑞士不能自豪地說自己只是好的。這也不是因為瑞士的中立性被打破,因為白痴和偽瑞士人在聯邦大廈接受了歐洲獨裁政權歐盟的制裁並對俄羅斯實施制裁。更不用說其他偽瑞士人對歐盟虎視眈眈,想要出賣瑞士並出賣北約,更不用說這樣做將導致整個瑞士人民被背叛和出賣。但如果瑞士放棄中立,不僅瑞士人面臨危險,因為伯恩的白痴已經嚴重損害了中立性,而且對於整個地球人類來說,未來看起來相當不利,特別是涉及“人工智慧”(artificial intelligence),因為正如我和Sfath見過的那樣 ...
Surely that should be avoided.
Should, you are right, but the idiots of the earthlings, who have their equally idiotic opinion and their megalomania of technical progress, do not know that an opinion is always wrong, because such an opinion only corresponds to a wrong view, which will eternally remain only such a view and does not correspond to what reality and its truth is. The knuckleheads unfortunately do not understand that an opinion only corresponds to an unprovable assumption that can never be proven as reality. But the descendants and their offspring of these opinion acrobats and fanatical 'future developers', who are not only short-sighted in terms of logic, understanding and reason, but also stupid and dumb, will have to bear the consequences.
That will be so, for Sfath described it in his notes as early as 1946, also that you 2 together … as Ptaah informed us.
會是這樣的,因為Sfath早在1946年就在他的筆記中描述過,也是你們兩個人一起 ... 正如Ptaah告訴我們的。
That's true, but Sfath told me to think about it … I will stick to that, because pouring petrol on the fire of unreason would only make it flare up. Terror will also claim so many victims, which unfortunately cannot be avoided in the long run, because the earthlings do not become more clever by being told the truth. They always want to be cleverer than this themselves, and if you pour them clear wine, they are so blinded in their megalomania that they smash the glass.
這是正確的,但是Sfath告訴我不要去談論這件事 ... 我會遵從他的建議,因為加入非理性的爭論只會火上澆油,導致問題更加嚴重。恐怖主義將會造成許多受害者,這是無法避免的悲劇,因為地球人不會因為聽到真相而變得更加聰明。他們總是想比自己更聰明,如果你給他們倒清酒,他們就會被自大狂蒙蔽,以至於打碎杯子。
I do not understand, what does that mean, pour clear wine and smash the glass?
That is an earthly expression for when the truth is told and it is not accepted.
Something like that, yes. We say that we give someone 'clear wine' when we tell them what corresponds to the truth, for example, when we talk plainly [Tacheles] with someone and just tell them the truth with hard words. But if he/she does not take them seriously or does not accept them, as Florena said, then he/she theoretically breaks the glass of truth.
Now I understand. But I have a lot to learn if I am to understand what you are saying. But what does that word you used otherwise, the 'tacheles', mean?
It means plain speaking, actually, saying without long palaver what is necessary truth and purpose and aim and without consideration. Mostly this is done by shouting, because the earthling gets excited quickly when he/she speaks plainly and expresses openly and frankly what is to be said or shouted. Saying usually turns into shouting when the other party is not reasonable and simply refuses to accept the truth. That's why talking plainly often leads to quarrels and even murder and manslaughter. Talking plainly would be particularly important in politics, but although it is actually proclaimed in politics, people lie and cheat for all they are worth. This is then all the more so through the media, which very often only then engage in fraud, lies and deceit and lead the public around on a fool's rope. This means that you understand that the people or the readership of the media or listeners are being misled and deceived by false reports, etc. The expression comes from ancient times. The idiom originates from ancient times when – what is actually outdated – a human being was fooled with lies and deceit and made to believe falsely that what was lied about and deceived was correct and true. In ancient times it was even depicted figuratively, in such a manner that some human beings pulled a rope behind them, the so-called 'fool's rope', and various vices were attached to it, which were considered foolish, lying and deceitful.
So there is more to it than the words 'tacheles' and 'fool's rope' indicate.
所以,比起“tacheles”和“fool's rope”這兩個詞所表示的,還有更多的內容。
That is so.
But we have to go again now, because we still have various things to do, besides, I have the photographed …
但我們現在又得走了,因為我們還有各種事情要做,此外,我還有拍照的 ...
… yes, I would be glad if you could get it to the Gremium as soon as possible.
... 是的,如果你能儘快把它送到Gremium,我將很高興。
I will endeavour to do that. But now goodbye, dear father-friend.
Then likewise, goodbye.
Take care together, and … well then, …
一起照顧好自己,還有 ... 那麼好吧, …
A Major of the German Armed Forces Speaks Out and Was Dismissed
From the Army and Put Into a Psychiatric Institution!
Major (ret.) Florian Pfaff
Key Witness on the Ukraine War
Traunstein Demonstration and Parade 28.1.23
Public Speech in Front of an Audience
這是我的想法!Florian Pfaff少校(退役)
00;00;00;10 – 00;00;22;16
00;00;00;10 – 00;00;22;16
Yes, thank you very much for the kind words and for the invitation. But thank you also to all of you who are standing here, because it makes no sense for one person to stand here and talk. It might only make sense if the whole thing is retold. And I will have to tell some pretty terrible things here. Unfortunately. Why am I standing here? Because of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, of course.
00;00;22;16 – 00;00;48;29
00;00;22;16 - 00;00;48;29
And because I am against it. Because I am for peace. Not only against the war of aggression in Ukraine, but against all wars of aggression. And I will come to that. Why me? Quite simply because, as a key witness for the real causes, I can tell you a few things. Also internal information from the Bundeswehr. What others would be forbidden to report. I am allowed to publish this because I am the person concerned.
00;00;49;10 – 00;01;14;06
00;00;49;10 - 00;01;14;06
You know, we have censorship in Germany, even though the basic law says we don't have any. Censorship does not take place; it takes place every day, for example, in the way that employees are not allowed to say anything bad about their employers, because then they would be damaging them. This is true even in business. And since I am the person concerned, I can tell you a few things.
00;01;15;12 – 00;01;58;28
00;01;15;12 - 00;01;58;28
Then because of the so-called turn of the times I am here. I took the word right away because it is claimed that this is now something completely new. Now a great power, a nuclear power like Russia, would simply invade, illegally invade, such a small country as Ukraine. So that I am not misunderstood: It is true that Russia has started a war of aggression in Ukraine, because the atrocities committed by the Ukrainians in the areas where the Russians live, i.e. Donbass, Donetsk, Lugansk, have nothing to do with the Russians.
因此,我在這裡,是因為所謂的時代轉變(turn of the times)。我採用這個詞,因為有人聲稱這是全新的。現在,一個核大國如俄羅斯,就這樣襲擊了一個小國家,即烏克蘭,進行非法入侵。為了避免誤解:俄羅斯確實在烏克蘭發動了一場侵略戰爭,原因是烏克蘭人在俄羅斯人居住的地區,如頓巴斯(Donbass),東部的頓涅茨克(Donetsk)和盧甘斯克(Lugansk),這些地區與俄羅斯人沒有任何關聯,但卻對其犯下了暴行。
00;01;58;29 – 00;02;27;05
00;01;58;29 - 00;02;27;05
I say with Russia as a state. This is, so to speak, an internal affair of Ukraine. If it murders its own population, so does a boxer later, come to that. So Russia is not allowed to intervene, but it did. And there is the question, why is the war cry now as big as it has been since Goebbels times? Why was the war cry not big before?
00;02;27;15 – 00;02;58;01
00;02;27;15 - 00;02;58;01
Is it really a turning point? Did it really not exist before? The opposite is true. The initial situation was exactly the same 20 years ago, almost 20 years in the meantime. A nuclear power, in this case it was not the Russians, but the USA invaded an independent country that was not in any alliance, namely Iraq, and the development of history and the media treatment of it are now different.
這真的是一個轉捩點嗎?它以前真的不存在嗎?事實恰恰相反。當時的情況就是這樣,沒有人像現在一樣說這是一個新時代。 20年前的局勢,現在也是幾乎完全相同。當時,一個大核國,不是俄羅斯,而是美國,入侵了一個獨立的國家,該國家不屬於任何聯盟,那就是伊拉克,而歷史的發展和媒體的處理現在是不同的。
00;02;58;01 – 00;03;25;02
00;02;58;01 - 00;03;25;02
The development is quite simple. The USA did not only use the war in Ukraine to interfere, to incite the Europeans, also us, to supply weapons. The USA even brought about this war deliberately. That is something different. The Russians did not interfere directly in the Iraq war. Now they may not believe that the USA wanted this war.
00;03;25;02 – 00;03;46;28
00;03;25;02 - 00;03;46;28
I can't give a lecture here for an hour. If you want to, you can watch it on the internet. But I just want to take one point. This is what the Americans themselves are saying in Congress. These 66 billion US dollars that we have invested in the war in Ukraine, I say invested, he said, that is a good investment, because then the Ukrainians die and not us.
00;03;46;28 – 00;04;29;21
00;03;46;28 - 00;04;29;21
If Russia is weakened and if Germany is separated from Russia. These are the two main goals, which, by the way, are not kept secret. You can accuse the Americans of being completely immoral, of having made many wars of aggression of this kind. After all, the Iraq war was not the first and not the last. But you cannot accuse them of not saying loud and clear that they want hegemony, that they want to maintain autocracy, that they are prepared to kill for it, that they are prepared to let people kill for it and to spend 66 billion dollars for it, including, if you can believe the reports, that Mrs. Nuland is also very happy about the fact that the Iraq war was the first and not the last.
00;04;29;21 – 00;04;56;00
00;04;29;21 - 00;04;56;00
the coup, if she did not help to bring it about herself. The media, our media, of course, do not mention the real reasons. This brings me to the next point, namely the main reason why Putin is now waging this war, or Russia. This is the Astana Treaty, which is systematically hushed up in our media. You can read everything in this treaty on the internet.
我們的媒體當然不會提到真正的原因。這就是我們下一個要談論的重點,也就是為什麼普京現在在進行這場戰爭,或者說為什麼俄羅斯在進行這場戰爭的主要原因。這就是Astana Treaty(暫譯為《阿斯坦納條約》即Syrian peace process),而這個條約在我們的媒體中被系統地忽略了。你可以在網上找到這個條約的所有細節。
00;04;56;00 – 00;05;24;12
00;04;56;00 - 00;05;24;12
It is also available in German. Translated, it says that everyone is free to choose their alliance, so Ukraine can also make any treaties with Fiji, but not treaties or not an alliance so that it conflicts with the interests of the other side. And that's what Putin predicted, if NATO expands to Crimea, then of course it won't go any closer.
00;05;24;12 – 00;05;49;17
00;05;24;12 – 00;05;49;17
For all the talk, let's do it. So there is nothing in the Astana Treaty that contradicts the security interests of the others. And there you see again how our entire media world suppresses this. How even the Scientific Service of the German Bundestag claimed that it was only verbal. Baker and Genscher, they would have said it orally at the time, it can't be said orally anyway.
說歸說,做歸做。因此,在《阿斯坦納條約》(Astana Treaty)中沒有任何反對其他人的安全利益的條款。這顯示了我們整個媒體世界是如何壓制事實的。甚至德國聯邦議院(German Bundestag)的科學部門聲稱,這只是口頭承諾。貝克(Baker)和根舍(Genscher)當時可能是口頭承諾,但口頭承諾並不能算數。
00;05;49;17 – 00;06;26;29
00;05;49;17 - 00;06;26;29
And so on and so forth. Not true. It was also signed in writing in 2010. And of course Russia cannot accept that the Black Sea Fleet disappears and that a NATO base is then built in Sevastopol for it. Moreover, after the treaty is terminated – and it wasn't the evil Russians who terminated the treaty – US nuclear weapons could be placed on the border, as was planned for Cuba in 1962, which was then cancelled.
00;06;28;09 – 00;06;59;04
00;06;28;09 - 00;06;59;04
This brings me to my fourth point. Should Germany agree to NATO enlargement? Well, I have already said that it would be a breach of the Astana Treaty. Germany has signed and thus Germany has also broken the Astana Treaty by saying okay, we would agree to Ukraine being admitted to NATO after all. This is something that the Russians could not accept, even if they ask the head of the CIA today, who also wrote this in 2017, the Russians cannot put up with this.
00;06;59;04 – 00;07;24;20
00;06;59;04 - 00;07;24;20
Then there will be war. But that was the goal. Then it is also a breach of the Minsk Two Treaty. We know today that this treaty was meant seriously by the Russians. They thought it was about peace. They agreed to it. It was not that easy to reach an agreement. But the well-behaved West, the values West, of course said no, no, we're only pretending, that's not what we mean.
接著就是戰爭了。但這就是目的。同時這也違反了《明斯克第二條約》(Minsk Two Treaty)。我們今天知道,俄羅斯人對這個條約是認真的,他們認為這是為了和平。他們同意了,達成協議是並不容易的。但是,這個勇敢的西方、這個價值觀的西方當然說了:「不,不,那只是表面的,我們並不是這麼想的。」
00;07;24;20 – 00;08;03;00
00;07;24;20 - 00;08;03;00
We just want to buy time to prepare for war. This is also not puffery. You can read about it, Dr Merkel has admitted it. And of course this is also a breach of international law. The former four-star general Harald Kujat, who was after all the highest-ranking soldier in NATO, was the chairman of the Military Committee. He said quite clearly, yes, this is a breach of international law. By the way, he didn't answer the last question in his last interview in any German magazine or newspaper, he had to go to Switzerland so that he could say it so loudly now in these days.
我們只是想爭取時間為戰爭做準備。這也不是說說而已。你可以讀到資料,梅克爾博士Dr Merkel已經承認了。當然,這也違反了國際法。前四星上將Harald Kujat(暫譯為哈拉爾德.庫查特),畢竟是北約最高級別的軍人,是軍事委員會的主席。他說得很清楚,這是對國際法的違反。關於最後一個問題,他在他的最後一次採訪中,也很清楚地表明了這一點。值得注意的是,這個採訪沒有在任何德國的雜誌或報紙上刊登,他不得不去瑞士,才能在最近這幾天這樣明確地表達出來。
00;08;04;11 – 00;08;32;20
00;08;04;11 - 00;08;32;20
I don't want to extend this so far. Just very briefly: It is of course also a breach of the Two Plus Four Treaty. If we now want a war against Russia, because that's where we signed that we would never do that. And it is also a violation of the UN Charter, because one is only allowed to intervene in a war, in the United Nations, if the Security Council gives a mandate, the same as in 2003, when the USA simply attacked Iraq even without a mandate.
00;08;33;16 – 00;08;52;05
00;08;33;16 - 00;08;52;05
I had promised them before that I would tell them something from the Bundeswehr. But I can do that briefly, because it is all on the internet, in a nice video also with Dr. Daniele Ganser. At the time of the Iraq war, I said that I would abide by the law, that I would not comply with your unlawful orders to participate indirectly in the Iraq war.
我之前承諾過要談談德國聯邦國防軍的事情。但這可以很快說,因為所有相關資訊都可以在網路上找到,也有一段漂亮的影片,其中還有丹尼勒.甘瑟(Daniele Ganser)博士。當時在伊拉克戰爭期間,我說過我會遵守法律,我不會遵從你們的非法命令,這些命令間接地使我參與了伊拉克戰爭。
00;08;52;05 – 00;09;15;25
00;08;52;05 - 00;09;15;25
I will not obey them, and it's just as good to say what the Bundeswehr did. First they put me in a psychiatric ward, because I actually had to know who might be in power. Then I had to explain to them that I knew who might be in power. But I didn't take the oath on the might of the USA and on the right for Germany.
00;09;16;11 – 00;09;43;21
00;09;16;11 - 00;09;43;21
Then you sent the prosecutor and similar things more. And after the Federal Administrative Court rehabilitated me, what did the Bundeswehr do? You will also not find that so clearly in the press. They didn't just say: We ordered you to break the law. Now we also have to state internally in written areas, password protected areas, that we will not implement this ruling.
00;09;43;21 – 00;10;19;03
00;09;43;21 - 00;10;19;03
We are still making a promotion, blocking these generals who do such things, who say please just please, they have to break the law now. They know that the Iraq war is a war of aggression. I don't call them generals, I call them publicly all together criminals, and again, so that no undertone is missed here: I have said that those who know this is an attack knew it was a war of aggression.
00;10;19;08 – 00;10;39;15
00;10;19;08 - 00;10;39;15
It was on television, the day before the war started. When the war starts, it is a clear case of a war of aggression against international law. There may be generals who don't watch TV. I have also switched off. There may be generals who also don't go on the internet or listen to the radio, so the fact that they didn't know is excused. But whether there are very many of them, I don't know.
00;10;41;05 – 00;10;55;06
00;10;41;05 – 00;10;55;06
So Russia and Ukraine are not NATO members, so it would be their business, and Germany has no right to intervene in this war, but the duty to ensure peaceful negotiations. That's what the UN Charter says.
00;10;59;21 – 00;11;28;19
00;10;59;21 - 00;11;28;19
Thank you for agreeing with this, because the media is asking us, but don't we also have to defend our democracy and freedom, like we did back then? Germany's freedom is also defended in the Hindu Kush. Well, that is quite simply the next war lie. Anyone who is even a little bit, but also only 5%, clever about what Ukraine actually wants will say, even if it succeeds, what seems abstruse.
00;11;28;26 – 00;11;56;24
00;11;28;26 - 00;11;56;24
But even if Ukraine succeeds in taking back these Russian territories, militarily, then Ukraine's Foreign Ministry has already announced what will happen, deportation. Then the Russians will be treated in the same way as the Russians in the Donbass. And anyone who now says we have to liberate Crimea means at most the terrain. But don't think that any of these Russians think they are being liberated.
00;11;57;11 – 00;12;22;03
00;11;57;11 - 00;12;22;03
This lie that we are fighting for democracy and freedom was not true even before the war. Ukraine was not a democracy then either, but was considered a hybrid regime. One place behind Myanmar in the democracy ranking. And to talk about freedom there, one would also have to talk about freedom and democracy in Myanmar. These are obvious war lies by either criminals or fools.
00;12;22;03 – 00;12;47;14
00;12;22;03 - 00;12;47;14
It is hard to say what is the reason why they are still talking about democracy in Ukraine. Where they know very well that there is no free press, there is no opposition party in Ukraine. The right to conscientious objection is suspended, even though it was signed. So to say that bloodshed is being prevented there is not even true, because the Ukrainians themselves are dying.
00;12;47;14 – 00;13;13;05
00;12;47;14 - 00;13;13;05
Even if you don't regard Russians as human beings and say that weapons should prevent bloodshed there. Good, if Russians are not human beings, then at least the Ukrainians will die. Russia won't put up with it, and I don't know, even if that weren't the case, whether it really makes sense to deport 1 million human beings of that size afterwards, to ban their language and culture?
00;13;13;05 – 00;13;42;03
00;13;13;05 - 00;13;42;03
Is this the freedom the EU wants? Is that what Germany wants? No. Fifth point: Can Ukraine have the territories back? Quite simply, it could have had them already. That has also been concealed in the media. We did hear about the negotiations in March, incidentally at Ukraine's suggestion, but they were not successful. Zielinski said: I want the Russians to withdraw from all territories and the Ukrainians to be able to have the land.
00;13;42;03 – 00;14;07;29
00;13;42;03 - 00;14;07;29
Because the Russians didn't say "Nyet", they said: "It's all the same. So in German: You can have your Ukraine, but the conditions, you are not allowed to join NATO, you have to remain neutral and in return you get the assurance, security guarantees from the UN, from NATO, from other states. Ukraine would have wanted that, but Boris Johnson flew to Kiev on 9 April and prevented peace.
因為俄羅斯人沒有說不,而是說:可以。換句話說,你可以擁有你的烏克蘭,但前提是,你不能加入北約,你必須保持中立,並獲得聯合國、北約和其他國家的安全保證。烏克蘭本來想要這樣做,但鮑里斯.強森(Boris Johnson)於4月9日飛往基輔,阻止了和平。
00;14;08;14 – 00;14;32;25
00;14;08;14 - 00;14;32;25
These are the values of the West. His reasoning was: the West is not yet ready for peace. Of course, this is becoming more difficult every day because the West is obviously still not ready for peace. And Putin will of course not say: I am ready to simply give up Crimea. You can now accept my surrender. That won't happen, he has too many supersonic missiles for that.
00;14;33;18 – 00;15;05;05
00;14;33;18 - 00;15;05;05
I am at the last point: all these things I have reported, including that the Bundeswehr no longer abides by law and order; these are of course rejected by the population. The population wants the Bundeswehr to be bound by law and order, as the court demanded afterwards; the population wants such court rulings to be respected. The population already wanted what the Defence Minister said at the time: I will shoot at the planes anyway. (?)
00;15;05;11 – 00;15;21;23
00;15;05;11 - 00;15;21;23
I'm not interested in the Constitutional Court. Did the people also want this minister to disappear? But we can't do that because the power is elsewhere. That's why we have to take back the might. That brings me to the last point.
00;15;25;23 – 00;16;08;17
00;15;25;23 – 00;16;08;17
If we already have such dear friends who blow up the Nordstream for us or announce in advance that they know how to cut the lines there. When we already see that the USA wants to achieve world hegemony in many such wars, that they even say that out loud. And when we see that the rest of the world – we're not talking about Europe and the USA, which together is about 5 or 10% of the rest of the world – that we don't want that, but multilateralism, something like democracy between nations, where one nation doesn't set the tone, where Germany doesn't become a leading nation and the French follow, but where we have one Europe and one world.
00;16;08;17 – 00;16;37;14
00;16;08;17 - 00;16;37;14
world in which all states have equal rights. That is multilateralism. A stupid idea is a Chinese or Russian idea that you hear in our media, but even silence is forbidden. Do we remember how broken our democracy has been made by these wars and propaganda and by the agitation about them? People like me don't keep silent, but when someone keeps silent, we think of Munich, the conductor, who said: I am a musician, not a politician.
在這個世界上,所有國家都享有平等的權利。這就是多邊主義。一個愚蠢的想法是你在我們的媒體中聽到中國或俄羅斯的想法,但即使沉默也是被禁止的。讓我們回想一下,我們的民主是如何被這些戰爭、宣傳和煽動摧毀的?像我這樣的人不會沉默,但如果有人沉默,我們會想到指揮家慕尼克(Munich, the conductor),他說:我是音樂家,不是政客。
00;16;37;14 – 00;17;08;22
00;16;37;14 - 00;17;08;22
I do not express myself. Then the thought police come and say: But we know what you think, and that's why you're being dismissed for your thoughts now. That is no longer democracy. When what the people detest is done, including internet blocking, censorship and incitement of the people. In Germany, after all, it was the Russians, then this is a typical sign of dictatorship, as no one less than the president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has said.
00;17;09;29 – 00;17;38;00
00;17;09;29 - 00;17;38;00
And we have the consequences here in the supermarkets every day. We pay our industry, pay about five times what the US industry pays for the same gas. This is exactly what the US wants. Hurt Russia, separate Germany and Russia. Now I could conclude from this that I say, so we have to rethink and we have to see the Americans as enemies and the Russians as friends.
00;17;38;05 – 00;18;06;05
00;17;38;05 - 00;18;06;05
No, my dear friends of peace, we do not have to see anyone in the world as enemies and not even the Russians as friends. It is enough if we try to live in peace and friendship, in peaceful coexistence with all the rest of the world. I am not asking for friendship, I am only asking for respect for the law. And the law also means that we are allowed to say: The USA murdered 1 million human beings in the Iraq war.
00;18;06;14 – 00;18;32;03
00;18;06;14 - 00;18;32;03
Also as a nuclear power, also against a neutral state. That is at least as bad as what the Russians are doing. We don't want either, we must be allowed to say that. And demand an open, public conversation with the USA, as was possible here now. I thank you very much for your attention, and we have now reflected, because we have enough time.
00;18;32;03 – 00;19;07;08
00;18;32;03 - 00;19;07;08
Perhaps you still have questions? …
00;19;27;24 – 00;19;50;12
00;19;27;24 - 00;19;50;12
There was a video that unfortunately is no longer on the internet, but I recorded that so that anyone who wants that can have that from me. And as I said, it is now published on the internet, on this Swiss TV station. There is a video there that gives the Russians an alibi, because you know when these bodies were reported by the Ukrainians.
00;19;50;24 – 00;20;09;08
00;19;50;24 - 00;20;09;08
And that was not when the Russians were still there and also not one day after the withdrawal. There, the mayor, who is not a Russian, but a Ukrainian, publicly announced: Everything is fine, the Russians are gone and everything is in wonderful order here now. Long live Ukraine! And you can't see a single corpse on the video either.
00;20;09;14 – 00;20;35;21
00;20;09;14 - 00;20;35;21
There is a second video of the Ukrainian army driving through there, also without a single corpse. That means one day after the Russians left, there were no bodies there. But then, four days after the withdrawal, there are reports, for example from 'Der Spiegel', that everything is littered with corpses. Of course, the Russians believed that. Well, that is a fake, just like in the Yugoslavian war, when they said that the victims of Racak were a massacre.
有一段影片是拍攝烏克蘭軍隊開車通過那個地方,也沒有看到一具屍體。這意味著俄國人撤退後的第二天,那裡沒有屍體。但是在俄國人撤軍四天後,報導稱,例如德國新聞雜誌《明鏡》(Der Spiegel)報導指,到處都是屍體。當然,俄國人相信。嗯,這是假的,就像當時在南斯拉夫戰爭中所說的一樣,他們說Racak(暫譯為拉察克)的受害者是一場大屠殺。
00;20;36;10 – 00;20;58;07
00;20;36;10 – 00;20;58;07
But the bodies were only dumped. The Russians believed that and therefore said: it's not true, it's all fake. And of course the television reported that it was the evil Russians who did it, and now they are also lying. The Russians were just mistaken. They couldn't believe that the Ukrainians were killing their own people. But that these people are actually dead is now proven.
00;20;58;22 – 00;21;27;12
00;20;58;22 - 00;21;27;12
And you can also see from the white armbands that many wear. I saw a photo of someone with a white armband. Why the white armband? Was that neutrality? Obviously, in Ukraine, the sign and neutrality are high treason. At least in the Right Sector. There are no Nazis. Of course, that is not official either, because the neo-speak says yes, the ZDF has checked, there are no Nazis.
00;21;27;20 – 00;22;09;25
00;21;27;20 - 00;22;09;25
Not true, of course. There is enough evidence or proof that there is also a right-wing sector there, even if it is not the entire government. But at least there is a main street Bandera Prospekt. There is a birthday of Bandera as a holiday. Look at the many monuments to Bandera that are in western Ukraine. So, of course, he is adored, and if you put one and one together and say that the corpses were not there before and they were there afterwards, and then it is also explainable that these corpses were only those who did not want to take part in the war, then you don't have to draw very many conclusions to say that it is more likely to be
這當然是錯的。有足夠的證據或證明表明那裡也有右翼勢力,即使它們不是整個政府。但至少有一條主要道路被命名為Bandera Prospekt,還有Bandera的生日作為節日。看看西烏克蘭許多Bandera的紀念碑吧。所以當然會尊崇他,如果現在將一加一加起來,說這些屍體之前不在那裡,後來他們在那裡,而且還可以解釋這些屍體只是那些不想參加戰爭的人,那麼就不需要做太多的推論來說,這很可能是由右翼勢力所造成。
00;22;09;25 – 00;22;33;24
00;22;09;25 - 00;22;33;24
the Ukrainians. In court, an alibi counts. If someone is no longer there, then they cannot have done something. Watch the video and who wants to watch more videos. There is also a nice one with Dr. Daniele Ganser, where I prove these Bundeswehr things that I have just presented here. You only have to go to Dr. Daniele Ganser, that is Daniele Ganser, in one word, full stop, ch. That is not in Germany.
可能是烏克蘭人幹的。在法庭上,有不在場的證明很重要。如果有人不在現場,那麼他就無法做某些事情。看看這個視頻,想看更多視頻的人可以看一個很好的視頻,由丹尼勒.甘瑟(Daniele Ganser)博士講解,其中我論證了我在這裡提出的德國聯邦國防軍的問題。只需搜索“Daniele Ganser”,然後加上“ch”(瑞士功能變數名稱)。
00;22;34;09 – 00;23;02;26
00;22;34;09 - 00;23;02;26
Then at the top on videos and then scroll down, a year or so and then you're at Major a.D. on war of aggression. There is also evidence there. And a third piece of evidence, before anyone asks, I have also pointed out that the US says loud and clear that it wants to conquer the world, and not just cheaply, but right up to the most recent times, confirmed by professors like Seymour or indeed others who have promoted this quite specifically.
然後點選視頻,在大約一年的時間裡向下滑動,然後你就會找到一位退役上校的講座,講座主題是“侵略戰爭”(war of aggression)。那裡也有證據。還有第三個證據,在有人問之前,我還指出了美國明確表示他們想要征服世界,而且不僅僅是經濟上的征服,而是一直到現在,這方面已被西摩(Seymour)等教授證實,或其他有針對性地推動這種行為的人。
00;23;02;26 – 00;23;42;24
00;23;02;26 - 00;23;42;24
You can find this, for example, very nicely on the website https://darmstaedter-signal.de/. And there you simply go to the last seminar on the 105th seminar, and then you will find an audio case of Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Jürgen Rose. You can listen to it there. I think it's very good that soldiers in particular are currently standing up for peace, it makes it credible that a soldier doesn't have to be a murderer, but that soldiers say we want to defend ourselves.
你可以在 https://darmstaedter-signal.de/ 網站上找到這個非常好的資訊。點選最後一個研討會,也就是第105屆研討會,然後你會找到一個由退役上校Jürgen Rose講述的音頻案例。你可以聽聽看。我覺得目前特別是士兵站出來支援和平是非常好的,這讓人相信一個士兵不必是殺手,但士兵說我們要保護自己。
00;23;42;24 – 00;24;13;04
00;23;42;24 - 00;24;13;04
And in this sense, it is not only Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Jürgen Rose and myself, but also very, very high generals. I have already mentioned the youngest, in NATO back then. The next one would be, he has to think about what exactly he is. He was the highest Chief of Staff of the Americans at that time. You can also find him on the Internet, who now also says that it is completely irrelevant what weapons the Americans supply to the Ukrainians.
這樣看來,這不僅是退役上校Jürgen Rose和我這樣的人的想法,還有非常高級的將領們也是這樣想的。我已經提到了最年輕的那位,他曾在北約擔任職務。下一位可能需要考慮一下他確切的身份。所以來自美國的當時最高的參謀長也這樣說,現在說美國人向烏克蘭提供武器是完全沒有問題的。這些人的想法在網上也可以找到。
00;24;13;16 – 00;24;40;03
00;24;13;16 - 00;24;40;03
We have a stalemate at the moment. It's impossible for Ukraine to win, and he says it is also complete nonsense that the Russians will flatten Ukraine. He put the probability at 0%. You can also see that from this. I mentioned this earlier in the lecture, which the Russians offered. Yes, then we will go back. We just do not want you to convert Crimea into a NATO base.
Salome Billy
Salome 比利
Harmut sent me a good article from 'Rossiyskaya Gazeta', where Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian National Security Council, gave an interview for 'Gazeta'. The text is translated by Thomas Röper, who has lived in Russia, Saint Peterburg, for 15 years. Can you publish it in a special time stamp?
能否將這篇由Harmut發送給我的一篇來自《俄羅斯報》(Rossijskaja Gaseta)的好文章發布出來?在文章中,俄羅斯國家安全委員會秘書尼古拉.帕特魯舍夫(Nikolai Patrushev)接受了該報的採訪。該文章由在俄羅斯聖彼得堡居住了15年的Thomas Röper翻譯。能否在一個特別的時間點發布這篇文章?
Kind regards
Nikolai Patrushev on the 'Summit for Democracy',
which opens on Tuesday under the American flag.
Start of translation:
Have they lost all fear?
Ahead of the second 'Summit for Democracy' organised by the USA, a correspondent of 'Rossiyskaya Gazeta' spoke with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev.
在美國組織的第二屆“民主峰會”之前,一名《俄羅斯報》記者採訪了俄羅斯安全委員會秘書尼古拉.帕特魯舍夫(Nikolai Patrushev)。
Nikolai Platonovich, on Tuesday the USA will convene its second 'Summit for Democracy', which the US State Department says will lead to an acceleration of the so-called democratic renewal of the world. What do you think of this meeting of American vassals?
尼古拉.帕特魯舍夫,星期二美國將召開第二次“民主峰會”(Summit for Democracy),據美國國務院稱,這將加速所謂的全球民主變革。你對這次美國附庸的會議有何看法?
Nikolai Patrushev: The 'Summit for Democracy' organised by the current White House administration is certainly taking place within the framework of the US presidential race, which has already begun. It will be another meeting in favour of a world order in which Washington wants to play the central role forever.
Dissenters as expected will be labelled as 'non-democratic states'.
Once again, the US will declare itself the defender of international law while insisting that the world must live by its rules. Geopolitical adversaries will be knowingly accused of false charges such as war crimes and corruption, but as usual they will turn a blind eye to the actual genocides and financial frauds being committed with the approval of the White House. There will be promises to feed the hungry and free the wrongly convicted from prison. But not a word will be said about the fact that about one-fifth of all prisoners in the world, including those sentenced to multiple life terms, are in American prisons. They will be particularly eager to champion the rights of sexual minorities and to impose a 'green agenda' on the world that will exacerbate the energy crisis in their satellite states.
一如往常,美國將宣稱自己是國際法的捍衛者,同時堅持認為世界必須按照它的規則生活。美國會故意指控地緣政治對手犯下虛假的戰爭罪和腐敗行為,但像往常一樣,他們將對白宮批准的實際種族滅絕和財務詐騙視而不見。他們將承諾為饑餓的人提供食物,將被錯誤定罪的人從監獄中釋放出來。但是,對於世界上大約五分之一的囚犯,包括那些被判處多個終身監禁的人,都在美國的監獄裡,他們將隻字不提。他們將特別熱心於捍衛性少數人權利並強制推行一個「綠色議程」(green agenda),這將加劇其衛星國家的能源危機。
The US, which has proclaimed itself the world's leading dictator, will hypocritically speak of freedom of choice and in reality only mock countries where it tramples on sovereignty and the rule of the people.
"Washington wants to play the central role forever, while dissenters are to be labelled 'undemocratic states'."
Surely they will repeat that the US is a model democracy for all humanity, and they don't want to hear any criticism of themselves?
Nikolai Patrushev: Of course. After all, the main task of the political regime in the USA today is to mislead its own people in the systemic crisis in which it finds itself.
Democracy is only a façade for a government to disguise its disregard for the rights of ordinary Americans. Anyone who has carefully studied the legal and socio-political system of the US has no illusions about freedom of speech and expression in this country. What freedom of speech can one speak of when even the former president of the US is prevented from speaking out on social media and in the press on issues of public interest, and when the media are the mouthpieces of the largest corporations and elitist groups?
While American politicians used words to defend the competition, they have made the country's economy dependent on corruption and lobby connections that reach all the way to the White House and the Capitol.
The political process has become a clash of corporations that put their own people in key positions of might. They also determine foreign policy, strive for international domination and create global hotbeds of tension for their billions in profits from various contracts whose alleged transparency they themselves control.
While they proclaim democratic slogans everywhere, in reality Washington has long been the world champion in terms of the number of wars and conflicts triggered and in the brutal and illegal exploitation of the citizens of other countries.
We would welcome it if the USA actually decided to move towards democracy and stop humiliating its vassal allies.
At the summit we will also hear bombastic speeches about how Kiev, with the support of the 'good' NATO, is confronting the 'universal evil' represented by Russia?
Nikolai Patrushev: I am sure that this will be one of the main topics. In fact, NATO countries are parties to the conflict. They have turned Ukraine into a big military camp. They supply weapons and ammunition to Ukrainian troops and provide them with intelligence, including through a satellite constellation and a considerable number of drones. NATO instructors and advisors train the Ukrainian military, and mercenaries fight as part of neo-Nazi battalions. They are trying to prolong the military confrontation as long as possible and make no secret of their main goal: to defeat Russia on the battlefield and further dismember it.
"In early March, a US strategic bomber carried out a simulated nuclear strike against St. Petersburg from a distance of 200 kilometres."
This line of Washington is unchanged, after all, the American elites were never ready to come to terms with a strong and independent Russia?
Nikolai Patrushev: That is correct. At least since 1945, the source of every escalation of tensions at the global level is the US government's irrepressible desire to maintain its dominant role in the world. From their point of view, two great powers, Russia and China, prevent them from doing so. The Russian Federation not only pursues an independent policy of strengthening a multipolar world, but is in many ways intellectually and militarily superior to the US. China, on the other hand, is America's main economic competitor. After the attempts to 'suppress' Russia, Washington is taking on China.
Let me remind you that 75 years ago, in the famous US National Security Council directive 'Targets for Russia', concrete measures were adopted to destroy the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West was euphoric. However, this euphoria did not last long, because Russia has come to terms with its mistakes. Today, our country can ensure not only internal stability, but also the security of its people from external threats.
讓我提醒大家,75年前,美國國家安全委員會的著名指導方針「目標針對俄羅斯」(Targets for Russia)決定了具體的措施來摧毀蘇聯。蘇聯解體後,西方國家曾經欣喜若狂。然而,這種狂喜並沒有持續多久,因為俄羅斯已經檢討了自己的錯誤。今天,我們的國家不僅可以確保內部穩定,而且可以確保人民的安全不受外部威脅。
At the beginning of March, a US strategic bomber carried out a simulated nuclear strike against St. Petersburg from 200 kilometres away over the Baltic island of Gotland, deliberately provoking an escalation of tensions. Have they completely lost their fear?
Nikolai Patrushev: For some reason, US politicians, caught up in their own propaganda, remain convinced that in the event of a direct conflict with Russia, the US is capable of launching a pre-emptive missile strike to which Russia can no longer respond. This is short-sighted stupidity and it is very dangerous.
Some people in the West are already talking about a revenge that will lead to a military victory over Russia, forgetting the lessons of history. To this we can only say one thing: Russia is patient and does not intimidate anyone with its military advantage. But it has modern, unique weapons capable of destroying any adversary, including the US, if its existence is threatened.
However, the West is not only counting on military defeat, but also on Russia's economic emaciation …
然而,西方不僅押注於軍事上的失敗,還指望俄羅斯在經濟上的衰弱 ...
Nikolai Patrushev: Obviously. Under Washington's pressure, many Western companies have left the Russian market. But they were badly mistaken when they counted on the collapse of our economy and the growth of protest sentiment.
For a decade, the West has pursued the idea of creating a technological paradigm in which only it thrives, while the rest of the world is on the margins of social and economic development. That is why its politicians are furious about Russia's measured response to sanctions pressure. Our country angers the rulers in the USA and Europe with its economic independence, its independence of raw materials and its scientific thinking. Western countries are themselves completely dependent on transnational corporations and global economic chains. If sanctions were imposed on England or France, for example, at the same level as on our country, these states would quickly descend into chaos.
Russia, however, will not close its economy to the world. It will remain open and integrated with the economies of sovereign countries that are concerned about their own prosperity.
The undermining of the Russian economy and the emaciation of the Russian military are obviously two sides of the same strategy that the West has been trying for centuries?
Nikolai Patrushev: Of course. One should not naively believe that the methods of economic aggression are gentler and more humane. For example, European countries and Japan have stopped supplying Russia with a number of medicines, including vital ones. In this respect, the Western pharmaceutical companies are consistently continuing the 'traditions' of their predecessors. As is well known, most of these companies once collaborated in the development of Nazi Germany's poisonous gases. That is, they fully supported the ideology of genocide against the so-called 'superfluous' peoples.
Remember how the Anglo-Saxons sponsored the Nazis in the 1930s, hoping to steer them against the Soviet Union. Having reaped financial and geopolitical benefits from the Second World War, Washington and London are today again indulging in Nazism and fascism. They don't mind fomenting a pan-European or even global conflict with the help of Ukraine, and they think they can get away with it.
One gets the impression that the collective West has no intention in principle of learning lessons from the past.
人們的印象是,西方集體(collective West)原則上不打算從過去的經驗中吸取教訓。
Nikolai Patrushev: The Western 'International' has turned against our country more than once. Sometimes under the flags of the Poles and Swedes, sometimes with Napoleonic eagles, under the British flag or under Hitler's swastika. The result is the same – all attempts to crush Russia are in vain. Unwilling to learn lessons from this, the Western countries want to get their heads through the wall again.
尼古拉.帕特魯舍夫:西方“國際社會”不止一次對我國採取敵對行動。有時以波蘭和瑞典的名義,有時以拿破崙的老鷹、英國國旗或希特勒的納粹標誌為旗幟。結果是一樣的 —— 試圖分裂俄羅斯的企圖都是徒勞的。不願意吸取教訓,西方國家想再次碰壁。
Washington is also unenthusiastic about the stability in Asia resulting from the Second World War and the liberation movements. The Indo-Pacific strategy of the USA is an attempt to create an Asian NATO. The new alliance will be another aggressive bloc aimed at China and Russia while pacifying the now independent states.
The rearmament of the Australian navy under the new AUCUS alliance, including the delivery of nuclear-powered submarines, and the military support of Taiwan and South Korea have the long-term goal of establishing US and NATO dominance over Eurasia on its eastern flank.
"Even during the Cold War, the Pentagon was ready to turn Europe into a radioactive desert at the slightest threat from the USSR."
Washington has pushed Tokyo towards a new militarisation. The Japanese Self-Defence Forces are becoming a full-fledged army capable of offensive operations. This is already enshrined in Japanese law, in blatant violation of one of the most important outcomes of World War II. Prime Minister Kishida has stated that his country is buying 400 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the US and relying on offensive weapons.
Besides arming Japan, Washington is also trying to revive the spirit of Japanese militarism, which seemed to have been eradicated in 1945. One gets the impression that the inhabitants of the island state want to be turned back into kamikaze fighters who die for the interests of others. Westerners do not want to remember and are studiously silent about how their aggressiveness was used against the Soviet Union and China at the beginning of the 20th century and that the Japanese eventually turned their weapons against the Americans, the British and their allies.
American and European politicians today not only 'forget' inconvenient facts from the past, but deliberately rewrite history, even disregarding common sense. This is evident in the hypocritical campaign to rehabilitate National Socialism. They have even made up that Europe was liberated from the Nazis by Ukrainians alone. They spread the myth of the Holodomorals an act of genocide.
Nikolai Patrushev: Those who know history and do not try to falsify it know very well that in the 1920s and 1930s access to food in the RSFSR was worse than in Ukraine. This is documented and there are many facts. One example is the biography of Grigory Boyarinov, a hero of the Soviet Union. His 100th birthday was celebrated at the end of last year. The well-known intelligence officer, who took part in the Great Patriotic War and a number of special operations, died during the storming of Amin's palace in Afghanistan. He was born in 1922 in the Smolensk region, his father was the chairman of a collective farm. In the 1930s, however, his family moved to Ukraine because it was easier to feed and survive there.
尼古拉.帕特魯舍夫:那些瞭解歷史並不試圖篡改歷史的人很清楚,在1920年代和1930年代,俄羅斯蘇維埃聯邦社會主義共和國的糧食供應比烏克蘭還要差。這是有文獻記錄和許多事實證明的。一個例子是蘇聯英雄Grigory Boyarinov(暫譯為格里戈里.博亞里諾夫)的傳記。他的100歲生日是去年年底慶祝的。這位著名的情報工作者參加了大祖國戰爭和一系列特種行動,在攻佔阿富汗阿明宮(Amin's palace;請參閱「333風暴行動」)時喪生。他於1922年出生於斯摩棱斯克(Smolensk)地區,他的父親是一個集體農莊的主席。然而,在1930年代,他的家人搬到烏克蘭,因為在那裡更容易糊口和生存。
By the way, today the Americans have adopted the famine slogans on a global scale and accuse our country of causing a global food crisis. I have no doubt that this issue will be debated at the Summit for Democracy. At the same time, Westerners themselves are blocking shipments of Russian grain and fertiliser abroad, while simply stealing Ukrainian supplies and selling them at three times the price to poorer countries, just as their ancestors did as colonisers.
Sometimes it seems that the West is digging a pit for itself by its actions. When you look at what is happening in the EU, you get the feeling that it has a very bleak future ahead of it.
Nikolai Patrushev: The collapse of the EU is not far off. Of course, the Europeans will not tolerate this supranational superstructure, which not only has not justified itself, but is driving the Old World into open conflict with our country. The USA is prepared to fight Russia not only to the last Ukrainian, but also to the last European. Even in the days of the Cold War, the Pentagon was ready to turn Europe into a radioactive desert at the slightest threat from the USSR. Little has changed in the minds of American strategists.
And how does this fit with the fact that the US and Europe call each other important allies?
Nikolai Patrushev: The paradox is that Washington has a direct interest in the break-up of the EU in order to eliminate its economic rival and prevent Europe from prospering through cooperation with Russia. The Americans have already made great efforts to deprive the Old World of its status as a powerful economic player. This is also why Washington has pushed the narrative of anti-Russia sanctions. The EU's economic model, based on a combination of cheap energy from Russia and advanced European technology, is undergoing a radical transformation before our eyes.
Europe will be equally hard hit by the implementation of joint plans with Washington to reduce its dependence on Beijing for raw materials and technology. Moreover, the EU is in a migration impasse. Many of the migrants are not only unwilling to integrate into the European family, but are establishing their own caliphates and forcing local authorities and populations to live by their laws. With them also come representatives of criminal and militant groups to Europe. The perpetrators of the sensational terrorist attacks of recent years in London, Brussels and Paris were EU citizens from national enclaves that already exist in Europe.
Considering that Al-Qaeda, the IS and other terrorist organisations were founded by the USA some time ago and that the terrorists in Syria and Iraq are trained by CIA trainers, it is not impossible that the same persons are behind the preparation of terrorist acts in Europe. Their aim is to destabilise the situation on the continent, whose future is indifferent to the USA.
The USA dominates Europe, ignoring the fact that the leading role on the continent has historically been assigned to Russia. In the 19th century it was the Russian Empire, in the 20th century it was the Soviet Union. So it will be in the 21st century.
Is the US convinced of its own solidity? Do they believe that everyone but themselves is threatened by disintegration? It seems to me that the USA can also be threatened by the danger of disintegration.
Nikolai Patrushev: The USA has achieved the status of a great power through economic achievements based on cynical actions to appropriate territories and raw materials, to exploit peoples and to profit from the military misery of other countries. At the same time, they have remained a patchwork quilt that can easily come apart at the seams. Let's say they are divided, as they used to be, into North and South. At the same time, no one can rule out that the South is moving towards Mexico, whose land the Americans conquered in 1848. And that is more than two million square kilometres. Moreover, Latin American leaders make no secret of the fact that they are aware of the destructive role of the USA. The establishment of the Guantanamo Bay base is seen as a direct theft of Cuban sovereignty. And this is only one of many examples of the systematic encroachment on Latin American independence. There is no doubt that the southern neighbours of the USA will sooner or later reclaim the territories stolen from them.
尼古拉.帕特魯舍夫:美國通過對領土和資源的獨佔行動、剝削各民族和利用其他國家軍事失誤等方式,取得了作為大國的地位。同時,他們也一直是一個可以很容易陷入混亂的拼湊。可以說,他們像以前一樣被北部和南部分開。沒有人能排除南部會向墨西哥方向發展的可能性,而美國在1848年征服了墨西哥,佔領了超過兩百萬平方公里的土地。此外,拉丁美洲國家的領袖們毫不掩飾地表示,他們意識到美國的破壞性角色。關塔那摩灣海軍基地(Guantanamo Bay base)的建立被視為對古巴主權的直接盜竊行為,而這僅僅是系統性侵犯拉丁美洲獨立的眾多例子之一。毫無疑問,美國的南方鄰居早晚會要求歸還被偷走的領土。
Moreover, there are many internal contradictions in the USA. Even within the American elite there is no unity.
Nikolai Patrushev: Correct. The antagonism between Republicans and Democrats is getting stronger. Tensions are increasing between the various financial institutions and multinational corporations that care only about their own capitalisation, not about America's well-being. The self-proclaimed 'untouchable' elites of the USA have never felt connected to the American people.
Projects like BLM, i.e. 'Black Lives Matter', and the indoctrination of transgender theories aim to mentally degrade an already apathetic population. The individualism and consumerism nurtured in Americans will play a cruel trick on their country. Ordinary citizens will not lift a finger to preserve the integrity of America because they know their government does not care about them. By not knowing what it is doing, the US government is destroying itself step by step.
America's problem is that it is too involved in geopolitical games, forgetting its own vital problems. While the US invents new viruses in its military-biology laboratories to destroy the human beings in undesirable countries, the once clean American cities are sinking into filth and rubbish.
The American financial pyramid, built with the help of the printing press, is failing more and more. The model of uncontrolled issuance, where all economic problems are literally flooded with money, cannot work forever. With more than $31.5 trillion in foreign debt, the US is increasingly heading for default. Declining confidence in the dollar, which is not backed by real goods, and the system of inflated stock market speculation will lead the US into a severe financial crisis.
As pathetic as it may sound, the Russians not only don't want war, they don't want the US or any other country to be destroyed.
Nikolai Patrushev: Absolutely agreed. Our centuries-old culture is based on spirituality, compassion and mercy. Russia is a historical defender of the sovereignty and statehood of all nations that have asked it for help. It has saved the US itself at least twice – during the War of Independence and during the Civil War. But I believe that this time it is not appropriate to help the US preserve its integrity.
尼古拉.帕特魯舍夫:我完全同意。我們的幾百年歷史的文化基礎建立在精神、同情和慈悲之上。俄羅斯是歷史上所有請求幫助的國家主權和國家地位的捍衛者。它自己至少兩次拯救了美國 —— 在獨立戰爭期間和內戰期間。但我認為,這一次幫助美國保持其完整性是不適當的。
End of translation
Patrushev: The USA has an interest in the break-up of the EU
The Secretary of the Russian National Security Council Nikolai Patrushev has once again given a long interview. Whether you agree with him or not, his geopolitical analyses are always very readable and well-founded.
29th March 2023, 06:00 hrs, Thomas Röper
2023年3月29日,06時00分,Thomas Röper
I have translated interviews with the Secretary of the Russian National Security Council Nikolai Patrushev before because I think his view on geopolitics is well worth reading. Even for those who disagree with the Russian view, his comments are interesting because they show the arguments and views of the Russian government. And if you want to understand a conflict, you have to listen to both sides. That is why I have translated the new interview with Patrushev.
Translator: Thomas Röper, born in 1971, is an expert for Eastern Europe and has held executive and supervisory board positions in financial services companies in Eastern Europe and Russia. Today he lives in St. Petersburg, his adopted home. He has lived in Russia for over 15 years and speaks fluent Russian. The focal points of his media-critical work are the (media) image of Russia in Germany, criticism of Western media reporting in general and the topics of (geo-)politics and economics.
譯者: Thomas Röper,生於1971年,是東歐問題專家,曾在東歐和俄羅斯的金融服務公司擔任執行和監事會職務。今天,他住在聖彼德堡,這是他收養的家園。他在俄羅斯生活了15年以上,能說一口流利的俄語。他的媒體批評工作的重點是俄羅斯在德國的(媒體)形象、對西方媒體報導的總體批評以及(地緣)政治和經濟的主題。
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