【地球盟友】【柯博拉 Cobra 】 2016 年 5 月 13 日訊息
【 Rob Potter 主持的柯博拉 / 科里古德聯合訪談 第一部分】
資料轉載自: 準備轉變 Prepare for Change
Corey - That’s much newer technology, that’s not the oldest technology in stones, subterranean.
Corey – 地表之下得科技產品還算比較新的。最古老的科技產物是用石材做使用介面。
Rob - So there’s much more ancient technology, I’ve heard that as well.
Rob – 所以地球上還有年代更久遠的科技 ? 我是有聽說過啦。
Corey - Yes, hundreds of millions of years old.
Corey – 有的。有些科技可以追溯到數千萬年以前。
Rob - Thank you for that. Yes, let’s see, this is kind of another question that ’s come up. Simon parks has indicated that he has heard that this was a battle. This is a little closer to home and we don’t know for sure because the people that filmed it. There was several groups. It was area 51 had a large amount of smoke and it didn’t look like a brushfire because it kind of came from one source. Do either of you have intel on that giant smoke cloud that was reported at area 51. Was this underground base engaged in one of these battles or was this a brush fire, do either of you have intel.
Rob – 謝謝你的回答。 這是一個最近才發生的問題。 Simon Parks 說有傳聞 51 區發生戰爭。 雖然有民眾錄影,我們還不能確定。最近 51 區冒出大量濃煙,而且看起來不像森林大火。因為濃煙就只有從一個地方冒出來。請問兩位有沒有相關的情報 ? 這些濃煙究竟是地下基地發生戰鬥或是森林大火 ?
Corey - They was a large problem of getting rid of nuclear material from their testing and they've been burning nuclear material and it’s gotten away from them several several times out there. This is something that’s happened before.
Corey – 他們在試驗中處理放射性物質的方法有很大的問題。他們會用火燒放射性物質,而且有好幾次都冒出濃煙。這是以前就發生過的問題。
COBRA - According to my sources it was just a brush fire.
COBRA – 我的線人表示 : 那只是一場森林大火。
Corey - Yea. They have been burning and releasing some things that are out of control and the whole area catches on fire. It’s happened several times. They end of shutting off radiation detectors in area where the wind carries it. This is something that’s gone on several times.
Corey – 他們會放火然後加入一些讓火勢一發不可收拾的物質。這種火災發生過好幾次。有關單位最後還得關閉下風地帶的輻射偵測器。
Rob - Interesting. Both can be correct here. Cobra says it’s a brush fire. Corey . .
Rob – 有意思。 兩位的答案都是對的。柯博拉說是森林大火。科里 …
Corey - It was a brush fire. It was a brush fire.
Corey – 是森林大火沒錯。
Rob - Caused from burning, that’s just madness. These guys are really crazy there. Thank you for that. So we have here the question for both of you and I guess Corey, since you’re kind of new to the event information, the general theme of what you’ve heard from your various sources pretty intent in the liberation. the question is; as the global situation is improving on the planet, even if it seems to be slow, do we really need an Event or a watershed moment in order to continue to improve the situation like what is already happening in the last years. Could it just be a slow momentum or do you both believe like I believe that it’s going to require an Ah-ha moment and an epiphany and revelation through main stream media with a great focus of the world to create the Event.
Rob – 原來是火災造成的啊。真是糟糕。這些傢伙真的瘋了。我現在要再問兩位來賓一個問題。科里,雖然你對事件方面的訊息還很陌生,你從各方情報來源得知的消息基本上都和解放地球有關。我的問題是 : 既然世界局勢都已經在逐漸改善,就算改善的進度挺慢的,我們真的還需要一個大事件或一個決定性的時刻,好讓過去幾年內已經有改善的局勢繼續變好嗎 ? 亦或我們只要讓局勢慢慢演變 ?
又或許兩位跟我一樣相信將來需要發生一次驚天動地的變革;社會大眾的焦點都放在大眾媒體的揭露報導,進而促成事件 ?
Corey - Yea. It’s going to absolutely require a catalyzing event for everyone to be jerked awake. If we’re going to slowly expect everyone to trickle into this new reality of understanding about all these suppressed technologies let alone all this other stuff that Cobra and I talk about. We’re going to be waiting millennia.
Corey – 這個世界絕對需要一次促成全人類覺醒的大事件。如果我們慢慢等待每個人都逐漸了解所有被打壓的科技以及我和柯博拉一直在講的各種事情,我們就得等到天荒地老了。
So there’s going to be outside sources that are doing all they can but we have a part to play in this scenario. Every single one of us. Not one person is too small to take a part and to make a difference and we all. . . they’re waiting to stand up and take our part in this. None of us can say that we don’t have skin in the game.
So as each of us contributes and put our differences aside and start to work with full disclosure to get the information out there to the general public then the 100th monkey effect can occur. As more and more of them learn this information, you know, it’s going to become more acceptable and people are going to start asking the questions we want them to ask. When that catalyzing event occurs then they’re not going to be in as much in shock as they would prior.
原文: http://2012portal.blogspot.tw/2016/05/joint-cobra-corey-goode-interview-by.html
原創翻譯: Patrick Shih